II .:ZASHFULIANFARa' 4 11 7:4 ;.; fit Ak• 40, 11 54 48 4 DASY9I.I_•4 Ab, well I John came to-night, and stood For full an hour beside thebars; Andwe two watched, between the trees, The &Trim& of the moon and stern- John acted very strange, I think— Iwish I know tho reason why; I really thought ho meant to say Something to-night besides good-by. John's owning here quite often now; I'm enro I don't know why he should— Although ray. ulster Jontrisays - It's talked about the neighborhood That ho is making love lo mc— Thu strangest thing I ever heard ; For if it's true, how queer it is That John has never raid a word. _ Ab, well! I shouldn't carp so much If John himself had told me so.; For then ho might have said it all, Upon-his own account, you know. lint he's so bashful, I believe It never dare to`speak out plaits; I hope he'll muster courage up, pd,1,71t) t vf hen ho 00MaS again. It cannot be that I'm to blame— I'm sure Fre helped him all I could; I've always mot him at the bars„ And talkedad any woman would That hod a lov'er whom she liked, , And 'waited, 4vlth her heart aglow,, For lain toteak the subject first, And thent• ow quick she'd let him know But John, he keeps a-coming still, Just as ho fps for twelve months past I've thought somotimee it looked as though I'd hive to Speak myself at last. I'm bound that ho shall know the truth, And-now, rosolvadj cannot wait :For him to find it out himself: fit‘ -- !tnd so, next timo, Fit try my late. —Adv. AGRICULTURE. Pot An Fen—The Pot on the Fire. There is one mode of preparing food in ,general use in many parts of Eorope, which we should do very well more - generally to adopt, that is, "gentle simmering." In every, or almost ever.y, French household there is. the pet cm feu, This "pot on the lire," after the manner of the old-fashioned "digester," occupies a quiet little corner of the stove or fire -place. It can hardly be said to boll, but it simmers on gently, very gently, for hours. There it is the re ceptacle of many a little bane, wilether the trimmings of poultry or butcher's meat. It matters not, every little stray fragment of wholesome meat finds its way, there. A hit of liver is considered a great improvement, and any vegeta bles that happen to be about add 'to its pleasant flavor, whether the tops of cel ery, JerusaleM artichokes—which, par ezettlence, make it delicious—or other wise carrots, turnips, leaks, etc. But, Supposing it werci-to be made altogether of fresh materials`—which; indeed, in France it rarely would be the proper recipe: Put a gallon of water into a pot; put into this either three or four pounds of shin of beef, or any sim ilar thing ; 'add to this an onion or two, or some leeks, carrots or other vegetable, three or four teaspoonsful of salt, one of black pepper, three cloves; give it one boil up; skim \ carefully. Now cover the pot and let it cook gently for four hours at the least. About every hour throw a wineglassful of cold water into it to make it elear. Taste; it may re quire a little more salt or pepper, aeeor ding to taste. l'nur this soup over toast ed crusts of bread. Both soup and meat will be found delicious. The whole se cret of this lies in the gentle simmering in a covered vessel whereby the flavor is wholly preserved, and nothing is lost. ---Seientl me Antcrican. - A VElil* Goo]) WAY.—In Answer to a correspondent in Southern Illinois, who wants to knot "bow to keep hens from setting," a Western editor thus rises and. explains: There-nre several very good ways. One plai? is to make them.into pot-pies about seVenteen days before they exhib it any such evidence of chicken-heart edness. Another good way is to watch the hen when she begins that peculiar clucking, indicative of a desire to ma triculate, wash her in sweet milk, put mustard poultices on her feet, and hang her up by the neck in a' dark clothes press for niner9-three or ninety-four hours. Should the demoralized biddy. be cut down before the time for setting she will probably set out for some other locality. Another good way would be to read the fiat act, when; if they will not disperse, (wallop theth gently over the head with a brick, sled-shoe, chunk of stone 4 or a horse-hoof.with' the shoe on. Aft:r all these devices and contri vances h ve been applied and fail, if the old h n wont behave 'herself, why —let her •et ! HONV I -T COOT{ ,GREEN CORN.—Corn fihoultlibe allowed to boil, (says the Ohio Farmer,) in clear soft water, and by its self alone. Not in salt and water, for the salt hardens the corn ; and not, on any account, boat; the cars of corn with potatoes, as so many do, for this greatly injures the taste and goodness of the corn, - and also hardens it. It is well known that the akin of the potato, holds a poison which is freely given to water, rendering It unfit that corn should be boiled in it. Perhaps you will think this unimportant and unnecessary, but I have eaten in hun dreds of families whore corn was cooked in no other way except with the pota toes, and very much impaired in qual ity and wholesomeness. I have also seen corn cooked on the cob where meat and vegetables were boiled, and , ' think thdt very few are guilty of such a ,bar baristri as that,\ TOMMY AND TARDY TALI{.-if a cat cloth meet a cat on a garden wall, and if a eat (loth greet a eat,-oh, why need they both squall? Every Tommy has his Tabby waiting on the, wall, and yet he welcomes her approach by au un earthly yawl. And if a litter wish to court tlpon the garden wall, why don't he sit and sweetly smile, and net stand up and bawl, and lift his Precious back up high, and show his tech and moan, as if 'twere colic more than love, that made that fellow groan. Lose vs. SHORT LAMP WICICS.-A correspondent of the Scientific Ameri can says :—"Allow Inc to give your nu merous readers . the benefit of my expe rience with long wicks. I cram all the wick that I possibly can into the lamp, fill tip the interstices with sponge, and saturate the whole thoroughly with kerosene. I have always found the sup ply sufficient for the longest winter's night ; as long as any oil remains in the wick, the lamp keeps burning. I have had this fairly tested. One drily little ones—a two - year-old—Contrived to up set a small table supporting a lamp. With the exception of breaking the glass, no further damage was done, r not even soiling the carpet. In fact, my plan was brought about front a similar accident, and a narrow escape from se rious damage. As the wick burns away I keep filing up with sponge, and I plink I have the nearest approach to a Safety lamp.”—Ahirca New I"4rker. 4ORMOREAIR , 11'4 WHOLE. GROG lie= ' T. 3.tOtt •PROPRIET STEAM COFFEE & LORMORE BROS. & C 1., would call the at tendon of the Trade I. the counties of the Southern Tier of New Yorit and" Northern Penn sylvania, to the large a .'d full, assortment of GROCERIES* 'RONTSIONS constantly oultand at thoi extensive Warehtiase and Stores, No. 37 and 39 Carroll 'Street, N. Y., and offorod for sale on the most liberal terms, satisfaction in all oases gudranteed. Our Steal, for tho Roasting of Cone Coffee and Spices, are ri proved construction, and in the country. TEAS. . . . We haven full stock of oholoo Teas. We buy diroot from Importers in Now York - for cash, and soil as cheap no any house in the trade. SUFars, Molasses & Syrups from the best Refiners, ald told at latest and lolvast Now York quotations. , FOREION DRIED FKUIT, AND ALL KINDS 0 NUTS, Fisia—Dry Wo'buy from first hand afiord a better article at firm in Western New for WOODEN WARE, Cor' full line of goods. LIEQURS. Wo call ale attention of stook of Wines and Liquor finenoss aro nasurpassod. IMPORTED ALTS---S OA, and of the bast bran FOR ON AND DOM No sp9cially invitopurch; amino our stock of Fo l Liquors before buying els) MEDICINAL WHISK especial ben fit of the sick, Bourbon Whiskey for thol Sole Agents in Elmira, In brief, we invite a ale and their prices, the w hot numerous to mention in-d! LORMORE 11T0,37& 39 Carroll Sept. 21, 1870.-Iy. Albemarle L ELIZABETH CITY, LARON AND SMAL at prices ranging fr on reasonable terms of Tiinbei covered with Pine, Jun Poplar Timber, close t to $lO per acre. V iiage Pr Stores, Wood and Br Lots and Wharves, exc friendly people, navio i markets, Favor this lout MEM May 3, 1371 Welisbo ~.„, COR. MAIN Si tit ' k WELL; SOL. 11U — Nls . EL, PROPER. Thi is a popular Ilotta lately kept by B. B. Holiday: Tho Propriotor will spare no pains to make it e first-class house. All the stage! ar rive and depart from this house. A good hostler in attendanoo. very attached, Jan 1,1871-1 y For Sal or Rent. A GOOD dairy far4l in Tioga township, Ti ll oga county, Pa., about 21- miles west of the Borough of f Tioga. abut 100 acres improved, and 46 unimproved. 'las on it three barns, three dwelling houses, n apple and peach era. erd, andother fruit trees. Terms easy. Also ads joining on the west, d farm and timber lands from 40 to 200 acres as desired, with 80 acres improved, with a goo. barn, a good house and apple orchard. Good or a dairying farm. Jan 1, 1871-tf. 0. 11. SEYMOUR, Tioga,Pa. Wellsborb Bakery. T J iv ll e Trl or lN woul d ja nay say to tho oititens of i that ho is pre- ° and para . (' to supply thotnith BREAD, PIES AND CARES, of the best quality ' . We also servo meals and and Fresh OYSTERS t. those who wish. Call at the_ old Stevens' stand. J. J. 112RGIN. Nov. 23,18704 v. Sumac BAYER & GptAltlls, of Tioga, pay one Dent per pound, if gathered before the berries become rod, for the lea l ves and tendrils, or stems thereof. They must bi kept free from rain rind moisture, and cured I a shady place. When dry, pick out 'the sticks, if there be any, and pack the loaves and tendrils, or stems thereof, in bags for delivery. The highest market price paid for Teal skin. ioga, Jiice 28, ql 12t ae~ -.._ -Tai=:C~ EMI 'al , RS, ~ . Y.~ ' LI t ODE, , L. CALDWELL RS OF SPICE MILLS it Mills arid the Grinding 14 the most recent im. not excelled by any Pickled in the East, and can lesser price than any dage and Brooms—A the Trade to our large s, which for purity and °tab, Irish and En s constantly on hand ESITC LIQUORS— asors to call and ea ,'reign and Domoectc , svhoro. . ~ Y-. Wo put up forth a pure artiolo of Old li ruggist Trade. f the Urbana Wine Co. scrutiny of ourgoods . assortment being -too •tail. ,ROS. & CO., St., Elmira, N, Y nd Agency ORT CAROLINA. FARMS FOR SALE on $6 to $75 per acre, ayment. Lands --- er, Cypress, Gum and navigation. Price $3 perty, viz: ck Dwellings, Vacant llont climate, fertile soil, able waters, and good ity. Inquire of HAW, Att'ys at Law, Elizabeth City, N. C: o Hotel, I. 6; THE AVENUE BORO, PA. Wanted. ~;411,watm...ranatt.,011414r,alme 9 ••7„. •-•,••... • 414.iv0 HAIND„ MUTUAL LIFE_ INSURANCE COMPANY officp, No. 112 t3.,4th - 4. 4 1...1.,' Incorporated Feb'y 2 3 , !EP.. • CfiariNl $ o o oio o. Aisets over - $1,000,000 00 MIS Stook and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppose your are alroady insured in a first-class company, and from any cause what ever, (say after ton yearly payment) you do not or cannot pay longer and die—your insurance is gone and your monoy wasted. Not so in the ailand-IN-BAND,'? all - Policies are I , IOA-Folt. WEMBLEY • This company whichranks among the moot _popular and suocessfull Life Insurance Compa nies;grants policies on all desirable plans, both with and without profits. -• WavelingcPriveloges - =restricted.- _- All policies are lnceritestible after one year from any of tfaiiirtiiimiy (Ukases. Look to your Life Insurance; Please examine the following Comparative Table. It is some times alleged by Agents of other Companies that the Company they represent is safer than'others. While we unhesitatingly assert our belief in the sou n d tea atatatabl WY"! g all caraPs4 l4 , l o , we del sire to resent' thertillowingllwthe inspection of those desiring to Insure: Tho following companies, Compare the annual premiums charged by each for an insurance on life at the age of 30 years, i payabie at death: Annual pkiemium Ten annual !Or - - pep:menu,- Travelarat $16,84, - $83.21 ' /Etna,. 22,73 - 42,80 " Home, - 28,80 50,00 . Equitable, 22,70 48,97 Washingtop,...•. - 22,70 48, 87 16,60 :32,60 If not already insured take a policy With the "lIAND-IN.HAND." the best Mutttal Company in the Itni,te4; States. March, I, .1871.-Iy. A . M. INQIIAM, Agent. -- Livery • • Stable-2 • , ATKINS A KETCHAM 6 .• • Wrespeotfally inform the pub %4iiiisomell Ho that they have established a " • •Lj.v,ery4or Hire, 7 -, 7 • ' At their Stable on Pea'l"St., opposite Wheeler's I wagon shop . Single o double rigs furnished to order. They aim to eep good horses and wa gone, and intend to please. Rrioea reasonable. WATKINS it IiETOHAIId. Jan. 4,187i-ly. - . . SALE. THE underaigned,,ownerS of a Portable En. gine, with a Carding Mtiebineitwo Lathes and a run of Frenoh Burr Stones attached, are prepared to fill orders - in their business at East Charleston, Pa: tl , The aborn 'o°ol4 ip good running order; and will be sold - at sQ'fitir prioti, and on reason able time, For particulars, - inquire of Gee. W. Merrick, We'labor°, or ALONZO WHITNEY, on the premises: May 4,1871-tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual ,remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem am? purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as -- to_effectually purge out the great cor7- ruptionS - ofthe blood, such as the scrofulous n and syphilitic contamination. Impuritiee4 or; diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many - of which are publicly known, of Seroffila, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, ,and eruptive Ills orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples,Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's i - Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Rinkworm, and internal Ul certtions Of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver: It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy; Dyspep. si a, Fi ts, Neural giajleart DiSe-ase, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leueorrheea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent, restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the , blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass, Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD 3W ALL DRUGGISTS LVERTWHI.RE. June 14, '11-Iy. W. C. KRESS, Agt. Wellaboro. The Singer SEWING MACHINE. Singer at the Head. 127,833 sold-in 1870. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS 86,781 Bold in 1869 Woman's best Frien44:43 59'629 sold in 1868. It never Tires Out. 3,053 vld in 1870. IT. is the heat abused machine, and the best machine abused in the wide world. Try it and you will like it, It never disappoints. The above facts speak louder than words of praise by us. E. W. HOGABOOM, Gen'l Agent for Tioga county. N. 13.—:Maelainee delivered to purehasere free of charge. Mansfield, May 24, 1871 y Boot, Shoe, Leather and Finding Store. H. E. SMITH do SON, Tioga, Voga Co., Pa. THE subsoribers would notify their friends and customers that they are doing a level boot and shoe business on WeHeber° street, op posite the late Smith hotel. They keep boots of all kinds, and oboes, to:suit everybody, both for ladies and gents; also any kind of children's wear. Drop in and see. Juno 7,15 34 E. SMITH £ n - - , MMEI •.; •- Effil IBM -117 5;. e.~.-.; _ - :: :....... LD announce to the people of Welleboro and vt lying and irgraopoo stook of WE WO are roe SPRING DRY GOOODS . - = — :,;.= l and are ready to oupply all who may come with noble Goods t unprecedented Seas a — et been a great decline in . Pomestip Uotton enads, and that a y time since 18.80. We do got believe in parading a long lid mean tyAutt.sta say, when we claim to sell Goode cheap. P faiiiiiika:monetby coming hero to buy goods. We-have a epic* There has lase than at a papers, but w, town arniihial Bearable Dress' Good Percales, Mohairs, Plaids, French and Irish ilks and. Robes, Faney,Qolored and Blaph Dr DeLain es, 111380 1 , at prices very much lees than last season. We.also keep a wAarale cooolei kee Notions, Boots and Ya and many articles our spaoe does not permit ua to speak of, but if y yon• the LARGEST STOOK in ton, and at . prlooLtbat "oanuot be be • Corning N. Y. April 19, 1870. The Largest EstOlishment in Nd !bruggi JILLAVIIG : foilitiee for buying and handling large quantities of Oo them at [ the lowest Jobbing prices. In our retail department Goo vance over whaesale prices. A large stock of STOND, RHODE ISLAND AND WET . OLASS, ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE TRICK. PAINTS, ADL KINDS AND COLORS, VARNISHES AND VARNISH BRUSHES, A Transfer Orni!nients, Stripe,g Pencils and Brushes for Carriag l and Cutter Ornanientin . A full lino of all classes of Goode appertaining to our business kept in stook. W. C. KREBB. Feb. 1, 1871-Iy. f"; . t EIHOVEL_S; 13PAD" -- • sont* . s, BAR a new thing, and mauler use. Theseare but a few ofthe many arid ) i of Hardware. I invite the public to call and examine for thems,Ol best quality ' d goods rn my line ; and all work to 0* lon. frnil SASH,, DOORS, BLINDS, ATi'AtI)TI Welieborn,Veb. 1,1871-Iy. C. BAIL ST VES, IRON, 'AILS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, HORSE SHOES, 413.a-r•exiterts , or el Gr= al stook of Builders Materials. LOOKS, BUTS, LAT Also. WRAPPING PAPER at mannfaeturora 30BBING PROMPTLY ATTE c i. ler4s a c a a n ol i sati l or reasonable. First door above Cone . -,6"44.1• =ENE 8:s I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, • NA7`.. 0. 1r..X1.31311161 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (Successor to D. P. ROBERTS) DEALER I TIN AND HA' MEN Effl OEM EMIEU ..~.. __ linl . NEW ECM Sto Haviig'rrifiand a I: rge stook of Tin, atovet and Har dware, the tin °reigned takes pleasure to anriOnnee that he as at a great outlay, ad ded to the usual atook of the old stand on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a gcntrOston aseortra4at.• of Shelf Hard Ware, orwhlelkieenatuerat l tithi) following articles : NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, t AND AND BUM SAW B— , UTS, STRAP HINGES, CIASPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AWE STOCKS • 7 -2 • • •:. -- , 0111, 1 4s • , EN lIEMIE=AI El pity, that we Prices. e sow selling for f priisee in news lople from out ? , of did assortment of =I 'oplitte, Japa U nue of Shoes, INIMI will call we will show I t" anywhere. LL & OWEN. horn Pa. to ds enables bins to offer e are sold at a small ad. R LIMB, A VLL STOCK. es i • S, BITTS,BITT 11IATOHETS, - S, FORS% BENOIT DOOR HANGINGS, .1455 oomposingthe stook veg. I aim to koeilthe ptizokad well. RY PRICES lILIAM ROBRBTEL `V, MARE, ND HORSE NAILS, colos, I HES, 'MTGE% .to.; rim. DEO TO. EMI Le, ),;14111M • • , Effl ME y.J .~...',: . -~ ~~ I I= 101 E N El 0 0 A+, p + - I Ai ti 4 ri 1 tk. o O c, O . ff: El g° a2O w c " .. o 21 CD 11 4, tt. cad •••• m t".. 1 ' l ' pq t i rs in tzi •"'" t 0 i a eri ce O t e CD al V d 0 bd a ta P o co a Filo tel . I CS CD It It • C) _4v _ P h i S . al 1 cm lAN R" la' tn 0 0 ,1 r ts FL • §.L: - ,1 • 5 a . Er °: ME Cb CD m7l. B . (.4 4 11 iq• r-01 1 02 ti to L l ' cn 0 ber m - • - Pt iq IMIIIII ki, S r P e+ i Cli cs v a o it ad 1 tr_ o lil cr) ii m 0a ' c i In g hd 0 131 0 ig eh (Kt 11 4 fj FP: . orti " 1 * / ‘g! gi ck ma,. o o bd r t" O " g e , • 5:60 VHOLOSALB DUO CORNING, N. TIMMS AND MEDICINE &sr AND OILS, 01- THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S • OONOENTHATED MEDiOINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX- • TRACIV, BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS; KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW , GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE- FINED OIL. Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequosted to oall and get quotations before going further EEO W. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N.Y., .I;an. 1,1871-y Furniture 1 Furniture ! B. T. VAN HORN, BITING Completed his new Cabinet Ware . house on Main street, Wellsboro, has stook it with a large and superior assorted stook of FURNITURE. Oliamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, &0., &0., &0., from $l5O down,' and as Oheap as the same goods can be bo't in the cities, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Rep 4 or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Alai), SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE- A-TETES, with Upholstery to ,suit Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets . Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I 6031 manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a lull stook of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county. , Planing and Matching, BOROLL SAWING dt:IVIOULDING, Bono to order at the Vaotory Jan. I, 1871-tf Ingham's Woolen Mills ! DEERFIELD, PA. MIRE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Casslmeres, Flannels, &e., &0., for Wool.— Theyaleo manufacture ae usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRES, to anitottetomera. All work warranted asrep resented. They invite particular attention to -their Water Proof CASSIMERESf which are Warranted in every respect. Partiou la rattennon given to ROLL - CARDING CLOTH MUSSING. INGHAM'S large stock of Cassimeres, &o ~26 per cent leas than any competitors, and warrant ed as represented. - INGHAMS manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy competition. Mil - AM have as good an assortment of Full Cloths, Oasslmeros, &c,, 1 and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your. selves. ,LINGHA?dB wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Clotho are warranted, and sold by tho following persons 0.11 . KELLEY, Wellsbore, Pa. T. L• BALDWIN 00., Tioga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. Doortleld. Jan 1. 1871—t f WELLSBORO AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE. ,;rt, THE undersigned, proprsetor of this line takes this method of in forming the public that the above Stage runs daily (Sandays excepted,) between tbo two pla ces as follows: Leaves Wellsboro at 8 a. m., and arrives at Mansfield at 10.30 a. m. Leaves Mansfield at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Wellsboro at bp. m. jar -Pare $1,25, Jan 1, 1871—tf , W. R. VAN HORN. THE BEST HOTEL in the COUNTY, TOR, " (ONO 110!S11." NEW.. Rooms large an well vanilla ted. Accommodations not surpassed by any first class hotel in tho " Northern Tier." BILLS no • higher than at second and third rate hotels. Location, corner of Main and Walnut streets, Wellsboro. A good talle,•good liquors, good order, and a good-hostlei. A. B. GRAVES, Prop'r. March 8,1871, Cash Paid for WOOL, AT DERBY & FISHLER'S SHOE STORE, ON AIAINi !MEET, WELLSBORO. Jane 7, 1871 tt Administratrix' s Sate. BY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphan's fourt of Vega County, bearing date May 29, 1 71, the undersigned Administratrix of the estat of Chester Partridge, late of Charleston, in said county deceased, will expose to sale at public vendue at the Court Home in Wellsboro, on Sat and y, the 12th. day of. August, 1871, at ten o'clooklA. M. the following desoribed real ) 3 estate to wt : SituatO in Charleston Township, in said con ty, beginning at the center of the Lamb's Cr ek road, at a point where it is inter s noted by he line dividing the lands of Elmer Ingreok, I m lands of the estate of the late Chester P tridge, thence along said road North a degrees ip East, 44,8 perches to the center of the Hills Creek road, thence along the center of the last mentioned road, North 71 degrees Hist, 6 perches to a post in the / Center of said road, I thence by lands of he late Chester Partridge, South 40 degrees E at 32,0 perches to a stake in the Lamb's cr ek road, thence along the center of said roe , South 271 degrees West, 7,45 perches to . 643 1 Northeast end of a bridge over a small run„ t arum along the center and along the Northwest side of the Lamb's Creek, South 58i degree", West 32.7 perches to the place of beginning An the-center of the Lamb's Creek road. Oonta i ining five acres and twenty live square perches of land. ' Terms cash. RAOHARL PARTRIDGE. Oarleaton, July th /87/-41. • AWL 1 1 • „ . TORO. ni , PAINTS B. T. VAN BORN. AND 13007,'-'AND? 8110 E, V s . . VARY & 'l' ,novr On hen, mho _ ma o Boots and Bh, ` llo " ll ,oontinnin# the the same, Int the oupied by beisbler & Randolph. pore rednoing prides on all go, strictly • 1 ' ' l' FOR? - ,OAS. fire keep a goo(i l assor Hats and BOOTS, BALMO4LSI GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGAIiS AM) GALLIGASKINS warranted to fit any foot ,from No. U, to 13 in elueve. -' Our §ok of FRENCH CALF, ,'FRENCH r IP, up PER,SOLE,IMMON 't i A LP, ' LIMNOS, BI DING, IV 0- Roood, &C., , , will be kept upraa borderer() On Findings we shall Ibe found at home ways, and we shall endeavor, to sell at price ! satiafaetory to the trade. We won't be under. eold. CASH PAID FOR HIDES , CUSTOM i WORK! ; , Dona promptly and Wall. Re p airing done on alma notice. Drop in and bo convinced. bEittY & FISBLEIt Dec. 14, 1870,1 y. TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COVNTY. Inowbnilding at my Mannfactory,in Lawrenct vllle.a impeder FANNING MILL , Whichpossessesthefollowingadvantageeover allotkin mills: I.lt eeparatesrye,oats,ratlitter.andfoulae e k ete abeesand coekle,from wheat. 2. It cleans dale geed, takes out yellow peed, and all other seeds, perfectly. a, It cleanstimothy seed. - 4 : • , 4. It does all otherseparat'ingrequired of a rani This mill is built ofthe beet and moat dureideur 'ber, in goodstyle,and is sold cheap for caeh, or pro. dace. - I will fit a patent sieve, for separating onttfron wheat ,to othermills,onreaseinabletertes. MA.TnyA Colwrencevil lejan. 1, 1 : 87 . 0:t f WALE= & LATHROP, DEar;rts IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS STOVES, TIN- WARE, BEATING, SAWS, CETLllitt WATEI3, LIME, 'AGRICULTURAL I PLEMENTS, ' Carriage and Sarn i 0 Trimminp= ' HARNES.SES, S • DI.ES, &o. . Carping, N. Y., Jati. 1, ROSA BEE sl A D r T LIE Mil COMPOSE publisho ,foro it id nol consequinntl . PHYSICI A 3 It is a. cer Sy philiS in tiSITI, Skin plaint tan Blood. ONE BO will do :ino, of tlio• :31 THE UHII3I have used tosadalis in their practice for tlie pad t hree years and freely endorse i as a reliable Alleratiro and 1310 or Purifier. Dll. T. I C. rf Dapimcro DR. T. 3. OY KIN, " DR. R. W CARL " Dli r.o. AN N ELLV, DR. J. S. 'PARKS, of Nicholasrille, A là I S K y:. DR. J. L McCARTIIA. 8: C. DR. A. B. i NOI3I;ES, Edgecomb, N.C. llStb AND ENDORSED BY I. D. ' FRENCII ez. SONS, Fall Ricer, F. W SMITH, iacksen, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN it CO., Gordonsville, VA • SAMIL. G. IiiIcFADDEN, Murfrses• boVoi Tenn. Our ,spaco will not allow of any ax. tended remarks In relation to tbr virtues of Rosadalls. Tothe Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Ell• tract superior to any they have ever used ; in the treatment of disease' Rlood; and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalis, and you will be testutei to hettltti. , ) ' Roeadalis is sold by all Draggistsi price $1.ro:o per bottle. l Address AB, CLEMENTS & CO, ManufacturingC=4th BALTINOSS, XD,! July 19, wie- Music Store. NOW9pened in Smith .h Bovivon's wf entroor, a music room whore will be kg: 'on eXhil) tiou,,and for sale, Steinviay And other Pianos, Cabinet Organs, and a choice selection of sbe Music. New muslo received every month. — Lessons on Plane r and Organ, and 5 i" I " will be given . Op 'portnalty for practice al!erJr: to those who mayldesiro itt. 11. W. TODD. Wellsboro,Feb. ;15-3ino. New Tobacco - Store RE subscriber has .fitted up the Store T L-t, door east Thomas Harden's dry goods n,t: for the manufacture and sale of CIGAR 2,(a1l Oades), Fancy and C6niriti SMOKING TOSACO o,lfichiga la Fine a. OREFFqG, and ail hinds PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and threh.l vest Brand of CIGARS. eo for yourselves. ,JOHN W. PURSEI , 1, 1871—tf. -C Wellabo DRUG STORE! TIUL BORDEN koeps constantly I hand Purii Drugs and Medicine!. ohemdcals, Paints' and Oils, Latg' 111 — StatiUnery,lYankee Notions it c. PREIBORIPTIONS CIIRIEPU LLY COM POUNI , t 1 H. H, BORDEN Tinge, Jan. 1,1871.-4 y. Gen'l Insurance Agencli KNOXVILLE,', TIOGA CO, PA Life, Fire, and Accidental Asseta l over $21,000,000. ASSXTS or COMPANthit Ins. Co. of North America, Pa ° $3,050, 53 r'''' Franklin Fire Ine.k C0.,4 Phila, Pa, 3, 07, 1 52 North British A Mercantile Ins. CO. of London and; dinburg, 10,010,0 u North Amer. Fire rte. Co. of N. Y. 6 ti, '.; ° ,') Niagara Fire Ins. o•of N. 1.,..... 1 0 k 11v `' ; ' Farmers Mn. Fite' Ins. Co., York, Pa. 9ill'q's 9 ' Ptmenix Mut:LBO d'ns. Co. of Bart- 6,a5i, 970 5c \. ford, Conn. 'l. IV Pinn'a Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottsville. 000, 00 t 1 - ...---- Total . 524,229,847 Al fasurance prompt]' effected by mail or otber' wise, on all kinds. of Property. All lotto promptly adjusted and paid. Live stock loo t ' ed against death; fire or theft. All eomtnunioationspromptly attended to Office on Main Street, 2d 400 r above ()Welt st.l Ellolvil/o, Pa. WM. B. WITH 46125, 187/4f. , Algot. STORE. at& Sad: ai L a t n i g l: s have 8, and prop oo .. anufacture op lately o t They ' ° Per. rnent of l aps, MEI ALIS Tll.ll' B.Og ADA LIS :u: every paelq.ge, peervt prtparatO , PRESCILITE n yore for Serniula, 11115 forms, Rheum. Diseases, Liver Cow 1, all diseases ITLE.pr ItOSADALIS o good than ten Lottio •rup3 4..1 " Sarsai)anlla FiSIIGNED PHYSICIANSI