GOOD NIGHT. BY HEST A. nesznicr. • A- o od.n ight de dririely.l:—l - ray topiee Across the Eloina)natitii,baginlour arkd'white,. Bridging all oriaeii iiefweeri ni it iney be: • Lean low, sweet friend ? iti the Instgood night: For, lying t inute upon my couch, and atill, The fevli•ttnahp vanlahaPFo4 toy_ fit . ee; - I heard them whisper (softly, ("Tie Ilia will ; Angels will give herbapplerresting-plece r' And so, from sight of tears that fall like rain, And sound of sobbing smothered close and low, I turn my whiteface to the window-pane, To say Good• Night to thee bofore I go. . . flood-night, ietir-ilight! mit fear lhd" end, The conflict with the billows dark and high; And yet, if I could touch thy hand, my friend, I think it would he easier to die; If I could feel, through'all the quiet waves Of my deep hixtr, thy tender breath atbrill, could go down unto the place of graves : Wiih eyes °shine and pale lips smiling siill; Or it may be that if, through all the strife And pain of parting, I should hear thy call,- - I should Came surging back to - Sweet, sweet life, And know no mistary of death at all. It may not he, 0 ood-night, dear friend, good night! And when you see the violets again, And bear, through boughs with swollen buds awhite, - - The gentle falling of the April rain, Remember ber wboke young life held thy name, With all ; tbings holy, in its outward Sight, And turnlvimetimes from busy haunte of men To bear again tier low Good-nighl,Good•nlght! —Terre Route )Incl.) Mail, AGRICULTU.RE. THE POTATO-AREIWE TO LOSE IT From hairlY : all parts of the West we have dioOuraging acconats of the Col orado potato, tug. For years he has been quietly but irresistibly working his way'eastward,•and•this year is re-. ported as far east as Erie county, Ohio, and Monroe, Michigan. At this rate, the pest will he hero in three years, or iess, and when he comes there Is an end Of the potato, which is one- of our beat and most reliable crops. - • There is no use of tryingito beat him hy poison, hot water, or flocks of chick ,i,inn. These may bother his skirmish line a little at first; but when he ar rives in - farce, good bye to the potato, for a time. Perhaps, after he has had his day, be will disappear, though it rather looks now as if he were It) like Master aul Dombey, - , bel „ come, "a permanency." In his moral, physical and political aspects—for he has these —the bug. is --a - little mixed. - Morally, ho is i n disCouraging and Naurmounta ble fact to the agrfeulturist. Physical ly, he is a nasty, poisonous, singgish pest. Top scald 'celled .him ,by the bushel,' and scald or burg Win to death; nut, if you . inhale the fumes of the roasting or steaming insect, you' are poisoned dangerously, perhaps fatally. Politically, We are hot so sure. Every evil has something in the way of com pensation ; and a trend Writes ti's from Hutchinson, M'Leod emMty, Minneso• to--a county largely settled by Irish immigrants—that the advent of the po tto bug and a local liquor law have re duced the Democratic vote over thirty per cent, in the last two years, in that county. . '1 THE POTATO ONION.—TIhs singular plant is a variety of the common onion, and produces neither Hower stalks nor seeds. Its bulbs grow just below the surface of the ground, somewhat after the manner of the potato, and from this peculiarity it derives it name, po tato onion. The place of its origla is not known. It, is said, by some an t:inns, to have originated in Egypt, but it is first known to have been culti vated' in the : , .nuth of Scotland. The preparation of the soil, mode of culture, and storing both the small and the mature bulbs are the 'same as has been described for other onions. When a full-grown or mature bulb is set in the ground in the spring, it grows and divides tumidly into five or six, some times even twelve, small bulbs,,, which at the close of the season commonly at tain the size of hazel nuts, or one-half or three-fort he of an inch in diameter. In very rich alluvial soils some fre quently grow qui* large, and may be sold in the Market, or used for the ta ble. The small tubers are' preserved through the winter and reset the next spring. In southern latitudes, where they are not Injured by the frost, they are sometimes reset in October. At the end of theiettedn they arrive at their full size,i which is about the same as the common varieties, from two and a half to three inches in diameter. These onions are more hardy than those rats'ed from the seeds, and are rarely attacked by the onion fly. They are, therefore, well adapted to cold cli mates with dhort seasons, and to places infested with the onion Ify. They are easily raised, a very sure crop, and well tilted for garden culture and family n:e. Peter Henderson says : Mr. Hayward, of Rochester, .N York, who has cultivated them ext, sively, says: They are an excellent variety for ' a ble use, good keepers, and, what is still better, a very profitable crop. In some parts .of the country they ace cultivated largely as the best onion for the early market. In Bristol, Rhode Island, 20,000 bushels were•raised this year for that purpose, 400 bushels being sometimes grown upon an acre. The small bulbs for resetting are fre quently sold in the market, and are worth $5 to $lO per bushel. REMEDY FOR POISON.--A correspon dent of the London Literary Gazette, alluding to the numerous cases of death From accidental poisoning, adds : "I venture to affirm there is scarce even a cottage in this ountry that does not contain an Invaluable, certain, im mediate remedy for such events—noth ing more than a dessert spoonful of made mustard, mixed in a tumbler of warm water, and drank immediately. It acts as au emetic, is always ready, and may be used in any case where one is required. may making this simple antidote, you way be the means of sav ing many a fellow creature from an un timely end." _ ACTION pF f i oTASH ON FRUIT TREES. —Dr. Cieerges B. Wood, in a late com munication to the American Philoso phical Society, in Philadelphia, pre sented Atte result of cevtain experiments' made by him upon the effect of salts of potassa when applied to grain and fruit producing soils. In his view, the de preciation of the productiveness of ap ple, peach, and quince orchards tine is to the exhaustion of potash from the soil. Several of such orchards, formerly very valuable, but which had within a few ears ceased to bear much fruit, on being treated With an application of wood ashes to the roote of the trees, be came completely revived, producing full crops the Mowing year. LORMORE BROS. CO. VkiElOt—yaSALE GROCE N: WIL. J• L011.31011E, JT. 3. LOASIORIC, L fitOPRIETORO OF • ' '-• '' ' --, -' - 3 STEAM COffil. t SPICE y °AMORE BROS. h CO., would tentlon the Trade in the' eon Southern Tier allow York and *to il i y lvania, to the large and ftil GROCERIES Si PROV con l etantly On ftand at theiretttensli- 1 and Stares, No. 81 alailfr Carroll B and offered for sale =the :most 11 satisfaction in all eases guaranteed. Our Strain In for the Roasting of Coffee and the Coffee and Spices, ,are of the poi proved construction, and not axes in the country. TEAS' 110 have a full stock of choice Te direct from Importers in New York soil as cheap as any house in the tr: Sugars, Molasses & from the heat Refiners, and sold a lowest New York quotations. FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, • KINDS OF NUTS, FitslliamMisY & Pi We buy from first bands in the afford a better article at a lector pr firm In Western New York. WOODEN WARE, Cordage and full line of goods. LIQUORS We call the attention of the Trade stook of Wines and Liquors, which f I fineness are unsurpassed. IMPORTED ALE —Scotch, lasi glish, and of the best brands et:instil, FOREIGN AND DOMESITC TUTORS— Wo specially invite purchasers to call and ex. amine our stock of Foreign an Domecoto Liquors before buying elsewhere. MEDICINAL WHISKEY— We pit up forthe i especial benfitof the sick, a pure ar fele of Old Bourbon Whiskey for the Driaggist rade. Sole Agents in Elmira, of the Era naWineCo. In brief, we invite a close scrutinylof mirgoods and their prices, the whole assortment being too numerous to mention in detail. LORMORE BROS. (N0.37E1. 39 0 arroll St, Sept. 21, 1870.-Iy. - ..L. Albemarle Land A ELIZABETH CITY, NORT C LARGE AND SMALL FARMS At prices ringing from 48 t 6 on reasonable term oC•pnyment. Timber La covered with Pine, Juniper, Cyp - ri Poplar Timber, close to navlgatl. to SW . per acro. Village Property, Stores, Wood and Brick Dwell 4 Lots and Wharvee, excellent ()Meat friendly people, navigable water markets, favor this locality. Inqui SMITH et SAW, Attf May 3, 1871. Elisabeth, Welisboro H •rn CUR. MATS ST. 4L- THE' to WELLSBORO, SOL. GUNNEL, PR! MI is a popular Hotel lately k Holiday. The Proprietor will spa make it a tirst.olass bons°. All t'_ rive and depart from this house. 4. in attendance. ;ID - Livery attache Jan 1, 18;1-ly For Sale or Ren A GOOD dairy farm in Tioga ownship, Ti di. oga county, Pa., about 2} miles west of the Borough of Tioga. about 100 ac as improved, / and 46 unimproved. lies on it three barns, three dwelling houses, an apple and peach orch ard, andother fruit trees. Terms easy. Also ad• joining on the west, a farm and timber lands from 40 to 200 acres as desired, pith 80 sores improved, with a good barn, a good house and apple orchard. Good fora dairying farm. Jan 1, 1871-tf. 0. 11. SEYMOUR, Tioga, Pa. Wellsboro B: kery. y J. BURGIN would• say to t el • Wolleboro and vicinity th parecl to supply them with BREAD, PIES AND ICAKES, of tho l beet quality. We also nerve meals and and Fiesh OYSTERS to tbozewho lab. Call at the ola Steven? stand. J.' . BERGIN. Nov. 23 , 1871-Iy. _ . Sumac Want • AY ER A, GERARD, of Tioga per pound, if gathered befo eoorect red, for the leaves and terl thereof. They must be kept free 5 . moisture, and cured in a lihady dry, pick out the sticks, it there pack the leaves and tendrils, or ate bags for delivery. The higb.est, paid f6r Teal Sifts. Tioga, Aura; Insurance Insurlincol: MUTUAL. INSURAtiertiMiPANY I= S ; a - Offlee, No. 112 lA. 4th Mt.:, Chart'd Capital $6OO 000. Asset - a — aver ' $1,000;0** = Stock and hltituitl,"oothhining MteSte. Suppose your aro already insured in a Mit t -class company,'And from any cause what '4,lter, (say after ten yearly payment) you do not of - rittnnot•pay longer and 'die—your ittapranee to gone and your monoy waged. , -;;•Not' , SP -itk l the "Band-IN-RAND," all Pollute* lull . .N0N..F0111 , 2 . Thiti 4omp!my . which ranks • amoug the, most popular trireeessfall Life•insitiknoo; Co' pri; nice, gratits pollciei onitlf dellilblir r alr, both .with and witlibit'prallts. - • TraciehurPriveleges unrestricted. Ail policies are ineontestible after one year from any of thamdiaatlmiPtiWt;- - -- - v Look to your Life Insurance. Please a;dmtua .the following Comparative gable,, jtii7Aionta , times alleged by Agents of OthitOblitpiethit,t the Company they represent le safer than others. While we unhesitatingly assert our belief in _the scogidness and stability of all companies, we' sitelo present the following for the inspection of those desiring to Insure: , The following oomOvilifiii4fO r Nerfabrf%''' ' • - Frei:oh:Me charged by each•for'inv tifirtfraiiorhir life at the age of 30 years, payable at death: ats call the at• JAW of the hern Penn- Aortment of SIONS liVarellotute est, N. nal terms; lls e finding of t recant Ira by any st. We tiny or cub, and : de. yrups t latest and ND ALL kled st, and can ce tban any Brooms—A 0 to our large r purity and and En i tly on hand CO., mum M 1331 jency OLIN 4. OR SALE 5 per gore, ds s, Qum and n. Price $8 viz: ngs, Vacant te, fertile soil, and good ,re of ye at Law, City, N. C. tel, AVENUE, A. rzl spt by B. B. •e no pains to le stager ar good bootie? td. a citizens o t be is pre pay one cent e the berries drtle, or stems Orem rain and place. When be any, •nd me thereof, in market price 28, '7l 124 Annual premium Ten annual for .- Travelers' $16,84 $88.21 AEtna, 22,13.42,80 Home, . • 28,80 7 . Equitable, 22,70.—.. • 837_ Washiugtop,.... 22,70 40,0 • Sand in -Hand, 16,60 32,60 Sot already insured take a polfoy with the "HANP-I*-AND:" the best Mutual Company In the United States': March, 1, 1871.-ly. A. 3f, INQII4II Agetit. YOUNG BERTRAND. THIS well known •Siock- lONS wiltatandler Mares during the season at the subsoriber's Stable in Wellsboro. His stook is so well known there is no necessity of remarks. It issafiloient to say, for roadsters they are not surpassed, or for power of endurance. The said horse is a coal black, weighs loop Ibis t , pospund, And kind in harness, his foals pinViigte*Weetvicekhli. of any. horse in this -purpoJum. At the request of numerous patrons, I haver de termined to stand him where he can be found at all tittles by those that wish for his services. E. A. PlB4, Proprietor, . Welishoro, April 26, 11311.-Sar Livery Stable: im Mt" ATKiNa KETOkald respootfully 4forsegie pub lto t it they hive otabllob ed a ' Livery. Iftre.liire,_... / • ~, /. 44 ,..," 7 := i) At their Stabl e on Peariße..oplpicis tea wyiejefa. wagon shop. Single or:d,onlild rig farnislfedlo r order. They aim to keePSOlid tidrObl licadirk" gone, and !intend to please. Fetileszesisonible. WATKINS t KETCHAM. Jan. 4,1871-Iy. SALE. THE undersigned, owners of a Portable Bri gine, with a -Carding Machine, two Lathes and a run of From% Burr Stones attached, are prepared to fill orders in their business at- Bast Charleston, Pa. The above property is higood rimultag - order, and will be sold at a fait price, attd tin,reaion able time. For particulars, inquire of Geo. W. Merrick, Wellabor°, or ALONZO: iv filT4Blr, on the pte„intsee.:- May 4, 1871-tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla years, with a con stantly growing t ryk, utation, base onits intrinsic yirtues, and sustained by its , re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to _effectually purge out the great qv.. ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofblotis and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diieases that have lurked in the system for-years, soon yield to this powerful .anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wpnderful . cures, many of which - are publiely:,knoWn, of Scrofula, and all .60rofulouS•diiesses, Ulcers, Eruptions, . and eviiptite' dis orders of . the skin, Tumoo, BiOcheS, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. AntnonY's Fire, Rose. or' Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt .Rhetimri,' Scald Head, Ringworm, and cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It als44 cures other com plaints, to which it would-not seen, especi ally adapted, such as 1)..r0057 f 0311PeP" sit, Fits, lieuralgiaaleartill Female Weakness, Dchility s , and Leueorrho3a, when they are - maiifeeta dons of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing 40 appetite and vigor of the Idigestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life'.. • PBEPARED BY Dr. L C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYW - I=ll June 14,11-Iy. W.. 0. KRESS, Agt. Wellsboro. Vhe Singer SEWING MACHINE,; Singer at the Head. 127,833 fold In 1870. UNPARALLELED gbreCES 86,781 sold in 1869. Woman's best Friend. 69 1 629 sold in 1868. It never Tires Out. 48,053 mold in 1870. TT is the best abused machine, and the best. JL machine abused in the wide World. Try it and you will like it, It never disappoints. The above facts speak louder than words of praise by us. E% W. HOGABOOM, Genii Agent for Tioga county. N. B.—Machines doliirerad to purobaoere frac of charge. Mansfield, May 24, 1871 y WERAS my wife ilinetattaillbhlUrring I% my-bed and.board vvithOnt just • cause -Or provocation. Ido hereby forbid all pOrsons harboring or trusting her on Zur 11 0 0 0tMti as I will pay no debts of her transacting after this date. 111411 a,1871.-Bt' TRODIAS )I a. 1 1 • ;' - g; /EMI . r;~~'^i AILT4XQULD kulneduo,..tor-itto_pople of Welloboro and . yloloity,'tlutt` We at 6 rocolrfpg and Immense otoolt of 'i''? ~ z -,;;;;;,- - n - MOArthleee473fkitunly,:jaityrhe re,a,ty aotql? pith ' M=E .y.-7:_r - ,_-,:. i less has just bun a great deoitze tre,l4apaatio Ootsolvaeodii i ‘ MA lat mispoitidasig tot : ',,, . , t , . less that anyticea ihst . - w4116.0;,; ,- 191 do Itat' boilers faligatlittS,b hiztka, t o iii.,40,1„_0, 1 0.. imorro.tiotioo,adt.ii..:,,,o...*tomirooloim to asu Gejiall shii4i, SI, Ie t, t. town are aura to make money by coming here to buy go?ds. We have a'sp a 0 assiinstral di, , ..... ..,. _ .. , , Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cletussitik . the ark; tern and Purifying' the blood. It. has stood iho - test of MirlIMM =EI nctri7 . ••t .7 • -fir:W. : Seasonable Goods, at unprecedented Prices. - ' f ‘ , l r. 4 ME Ell • ,toetc4les; , 'chairs,'ids, French and Irish - Pop Java ‘2noo-:olPria and' R bee, Fancy Colored and :Black , .; at prices very much less than last season. We also keep a fall line of riavieft,lr tt ti) oq; Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, CR9P.K.ERY, • and many articles our space does not permit ne to speak of, but if you will call we will eho'W you the LARGEST STOOK in town, and at prices that "cannot e beat" anywhere. Corning, N. Y. April 19, 1870. The Largest Establishment in Northern Pa. VV. CI. 3E5.14-1331161161, . w ILTAVING for buying and handling large quantities of Goods enables him to offer JUL them at the lowa's! Jobbing prioes4 In our retail departmsat Griodi are sold at a smug ad • vanes oVeeltlapissalepriced: -- klitge steel of MU, GLASS, ALL exile, BINOLI6 ANDDOUni.t. Ta PAINTS, - .SLIAEttne asp Oozono, VARNISHES AND VARNISH BAUSHES, s TALL *To . Transfer Ornaments, Stripeing P netts and Brushes ter Carriage and Cutter Ornautenthig6 fuU liae of all classes of Goods appertaining to our business kept in stock. W. C. RIMS. • -- Feb.'l, 1871-Iy. 'II' SHOVELS, SPA„DES,natio?, iika.cfs. SCREWS,. HANOfIiGS, -- a new thing, and made for me. Theseare but a few °fibs many artlaltiaentuptialagthe ateek of Hardware. I Invite the pnblleto call and examine for theinselveg:•A alni ksspthe bast quality of goods In utyllne; and all work to order done promptly ands welt. - - SASH, DOORS, BLINI)S, FACTORY PRICES Walla or o Feb. 1,1 871-1 y • 19/1440,116108ERT5. • H. C. BAILEY, =I STOVES, IRON, NAILS, eARRIAGE BOLTS, HORSE Clirarzoexkterst A geztoral atook of Builders Materials. LOOLS,AIMS, LATCHES, HINGES , so.; Ales. Al WRAPPING PAPER a. shotuteropriose., JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. o."'Terms Calk and prime iv:amble. lint door above Cone Roue. Weibbero, Jas. 4,1571.17.. COillqil4o,-11. , =I Ell IMMO EMS =3 • • mile__ Dress - Gonda, - 4 aitoomysa,. =EI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RIM BLIND (Suoootior to D. P. ROBERTS) DEALER IN TIN 1110 HARDWARE, r , - iii ENE/ , , t El Mil IMMO ME I= NEWELL dy OWEN. 1 IND WITBR LIMB, , StO•Vt4 l e:: iHaviiig on hand tin, Stoves ifastarare, the underalgures pleasure to announce that he has at a eat dallay, ad ded to the usual stook of the o stand on MAIN STREET/ WELLSBORO, a complete assortment of 'Shelf 'Hardware, of which he enumerate the following articles s _ . NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MELD; HAND - AND BUCK SAWS, Mut fi HINGES. CARPENTE/PIeTOCILV, PUMPS, AKES,..AUOERS, BITTS,BITT- STOOKS, IfAiTOEMTS, 01triEZ.4:2 v. SHOES, AND HOWE NAILS, 'Toole, 8.0. MUM 11 0 7 NJ fil ~. 40; )0 GO ' . i s" - Dal =II El .~~ ~t~:~ ~~ I , `: ~ ~.~ OE tz) Pi ~- N I M . !~ Jf ~ El 04: F: H i 7 1:1 El 3 4 ME X 2 6- 0 411eg g li it r, gig ts- til I Ts .5' ftp goo re.' tID gib p, - cif O cw 1 wa til cw 0 , 0 a ~.t. ca C4.. ,4 W 11 ' 4 L EI ......,. F. _ 5. . ... . i-z,,g• At so 1 n • ~,,,,P , _ui l a S - ' . My ifiv sr:4 2, • 16 , 4-... ~:f. . A I 11 ` g t cn OD 45 6e. R h IZl'° • E -8- ..z_ f. f. . ii,di a 4 . , , .1:1 1 : 1 • 43 , 4 4441 ,.= ,gt., v i CS • g . Z . ep IVA ' l O 1 - r-; AIL 0 0 ii . wp n 4 a lk # 0 P 4 a b l i W l VP $ VI E r • a 0 0 o Itt C .. ra of 41 — 0 1 • -CD PI I g ? 0 CD .44. ..-. fl 1 2 Ilt to . • fr , ct , ' 4 zi ! ri ,e , i 11110LBSALB DUG STORB. OORNINGI, N. Y. Digr4l4, D MEDICINES. PAINTS 113 THADpEU§ INKS,'KE4TS • CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, •- IREDELL'S Ft,tilD, EX- TRACTS, BURNETTIOOCGAINE, FLAVORING ENTRACTE, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY. AND FLAVORING 4 tXTRACT WALL PApER, WINDOW GLA 9, - - • WEITRWASII LIMB & DYE, COLORS, A.GENTS , FOR MARVIN & 00'S RE FINED On. Sola at Wholesale Prices, Buyere arerequested to Oalland get quotations before going further Bait. 'W. D.-TERBELL Bc CO.! Corning, /LT., Jan.', /671-7 Furniture ! Furniture 1 B. T. VAN HORN, • AVING completed his new Cabinet Ware- II house on Main street, Welisboro, has stock it with If large and superior ,assorted stock of FURNITURE. Ohamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple, &0., &0., ' & Cm from ii)1.60 down, and. as cheap as the same goods eau be bet is the cities, freight added. • ; Parlor Suite, Walnut, Cherry, and Reps or Hair Cloth, from $l2O down. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, FETE- A-TETES, with Upholstery to euit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets IPa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and , Retail. I am manufaoturing as usual, arid intend to keep a tall stock of ware, home and city made at &names. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain - the largest, costliest and , beet stook of Purnitire ever • brought into-the county: Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING &111OULDING, done to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1871-tf Ingham's Woolen Miilsl DEERFIELD, PA. T HE ettbacribera will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimerea, Flannels, &0., &0., for Wool, T HE manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRRS to aultoustoraera. All work warranted aarep resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof CAS SIMERES, which ere warranted in every;rerpeet. , Partin I arattention given to ROLL - ,CA.FdDING AND I - CLOTH DRESSING. • INGHAM'S largekook of Caacirnerea, o per cent leis than an* competitors, and warrant. ed as rtpte:i_ented. ING.II/LidB manufacture to order, and do all kinds of )1,011-Cardlng and .to Droning, and defy competition. have as good an assortment of Full Cloths, Cassimereo, gm, and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment; Try them and satisfy your. selves. • INGHAM wholesale and retail at the Cow. anesvieldlila, 2 miles below KnOxville. • Our Cl are warranted, and sold by - the follovtln icons': • ', KELLEY, Wellaboro, Pa. T. ' BALDWIN 1 90., Tioga, Pa. 3. 0. BENSETT,Covington, Pa. • Deerfield, :Tan 1; 1.871-ti WILLLSHORO AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE. lrr‘ ...g.... THE undersigned, proprsetor of ..--: Qr."-, '..:;-•'..- this line takes this method of in forming the public „that the abovo Stage runs (tally tenndays exeopted,) between the two pla. ceiai, follows: ..LeavetWeUsboto at 8 a. m., aad arrives at M'airs#eld at 10.80 a. m. Lea's' es Mansfield at 2.80 p. m., and arrive. at Wel)sboro at 5 p.m. Fat - Fare $1,25, janl 1, 1871—tf W. B, VAN HORN. '1 TO FARMERS. 11 4 , VING purchased the famous horse Ca.- 1 sins M. Clay, who is a eon of old Henry CIO; nd a half brother of the noted •trotters Otorge M. Patchin and Judy Thorn, I will standihim- the present season qt Welleboro, with the e x ception of Tuesday nu l l Wednesday of 1 1l ever , second week, when he will-be at Vega, at Smit 's hotel: Terms : $25 to insure, $4O per spin. . Soo posters for particulars. ' 0. J- WHEELER . . Wellsboro, May 3, 1871 3m THE BEST HOTEL in the COUNTY, THE " COM HMV • NEW. Rooms large and well ventila lptea. Accommodations not eurpassed`by any first class hotel in the "Northern Tier."' BILLS no higher than at second and third i nte hotels. Location, corner of Main and Walnut streets, Wellsboro. `A good table, good liquors, good order, and a goodtostler. A. B. GRAVES, Prop'r. March 8,1871. Bash Paid for WOOL, A T kIERRY & FISHLER'S SHOE IS ORE, 9N MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO. Juival, 1871 tf Auditor's Notice. tI• - , , 'RE undersigned appoipted an Auditor by ;the Orphan's Cort of Tioga county, to tribute tho fund in the hands of the Admin istrator of the - ostate of Ira Bullock, deceased, will attend to - the duties of his appointment at his office in Welleboro, on Batarday,:the 29th day of July next, at 2 o'clock P. :hi. And all persons having an Interest in the distribution of said ItUnd, are requested to present; their:claims befo e the said Auditor , or be debarred from 00 gis for a share of the fund.. 3 + V). W. MUIt/QE, July li t 857104 w. • I Mditor, BOOT AND SITUP, T0.11.t.: _ 'E.ItBY Lire j_l now on bind a latge iiook ab l ig n e - of Boole and Shoop, add propose continuing the manufacture or the name, at the shop latetyl oc cupied by Fidler it Randolph. They' alsoipur pope reducing prices on all goods and telling etrlctly warranted to:fit any fool from No. 0, elusive. FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP. PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININHiI, BINDING, MO • ROCCO, &C,, ' B. T. VAN UORN. FOR - C AMIE We keep a gond aelortmeat flats and . Ca' BOOTS, BALMORALS, GA BOOTEES, BROGANS A GALUGASKINS •Our Btcok of will be kept up so berctoFoie On Bindings we shall be found at home a!• ways, and we shall endeavor to sell. , at prices satisfactory to the trade. We won't be under. sold. CASH PAID FOR RIDES CUSTOM WORTi! • . Done promptly and i well. ' Rep airing done l i on short notice. Drop in and be convinced. D REY lc MUER. Dec, 14, 1810.—ly TO THE FARMERS Or TIOGA COUNTY. 1A4.1 now building at toy ntanufactory,in . Lawrence vllle,a superior FANNING MILL, whichpossesies the followingadvautag4over al loib Et millet I.ltseparatesrys,cate,rat litter.androulseeds,and ohessand sookle,from wheat. 2. It cleans flan seed,takssout yeilowl seed , e d all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleanstimothy seed. a . A. It &meal! othermaratingrequired of mi I This mill is built ofthe best and most durabl tim• bar,in isucolatyle i ma it amid claoap 14 vanilla, y pro duZe. ; /will fit a patent sieve, for separating oat ,from wheat,to othermills,onreasonabletenne. • J P.. Lawraticavil I ejan.l,lB7o—t t cv I 1 WAUKEE & LATIETOP, ;i DEALERS IN ' 7 . RDWARF I , IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIIV- WARE, . I ELTING, SIWS,reETLERV 7 1 WATER 14i i 4E;; . - AGRICULTURAL IMPLE:II4INTB, Claniage and IlarnasiTOuraitge, TIARNESSES, &ADDE I S, Ac. earviog,N.Y., Jan.l, 1871 -g 1 . ROSABALIS ----T -rn. it .. ' --" : . I.IIE INGREDIENTS THAT :1: 1 ..4: . ; 1. I • S ' 1 li l / 4 .7, . . ::. A A . „.. .8 COMPOSE ROS 4DALIS are published on every package, there fore it is V:1 a secrct! !reparation, consequently r PIITSICLINS PinzACIIIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its foi . ms, Rheuma tism, Skin Delea',eq, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Blood. 011 E D0T.17.01.1 OFf ILOSADALIS will do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE,UNDIitI.iGNE:b PHYSICIANS I - have, the.i their practice for the past thrze ycare and freely andorFa 't as a reli:hlo Alterative Blood P.urilicr . T. C. PUGH. rf Laiti note. ..T. J. BOYKIN, . R. W. CARR. •°. P. O.II)ANNEI.LY, .3. S. ' , PARKS, of Nichelasville, IZ!3-. DR. J. L MeCARtITA, Columbia, C. an • DR DR DR DR DR DR A. 13. NOr.LES, t r.dgccomb, N. C. USLD AI•TD EIiDORSED T i. l iU. ii Ei)NS., Fall River, . Mich. A. F.Lima, Ohio 13. 11A LI, Lim i. Qi CRAVEN a - CO., Gnrdonsc - ille, Va. SAM L. G. Ict'ADPEN, Murfrees boro, is an. Our .sraeo v.•ill not 'allow of any es tended4roma- ks in i relation to tbo vit Ines 01 Ro' , atizii' , .; T othe Iledical Professica we guatantee a Fluld at tract:Alpo:lc; to any they hav ever F it used in the treatment of d eased Blood; and to the afilicted we y try Rosatlaiis. and you n will be r stored to health. I Resedalis is sold by an Druggists, price $1.50 per bottle. Address DR, CLEMENTS 84 CO; ilfar.efacturing Chunift,i, WaTIMOTSB, 111).' I July 19, 871.-19 New,Nusic_ Store. NOW ib opened in Smith Bowen's block, acci and floor, a music rpom i where will 1)e kep, on exhibition, and for sale, Steinway and other:Pianos, Cabinet Organs, ant( a choice selection of Slaeo l Music, New music 'received every montb.—l Lessons on Piano and Organ, and in hinging will be given. Opportunity for practice afforded to those who may desiro it. 1 ll' W. TODD. Wellvbero,Feb. New Tobacco Store 1 MAE subscriber has fitted up i the Store tit st j door east Thomas Harden's dry goods store, for the manufacture and sale of CIGARS,(aII grades), Fancy and Common SMOSING TOBAGO o,liii4fgan Fine Cut CHEWING, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES', and the choi- cest Brand of CIGARS all and,see for your•elgas. Ram 7. PIT /161+1, ro, Jan. 1, 1871—tf. Wellsb' A - WHO TM I BORDEN keeps constantly on hand: Pure Drugs 'and Medicines,. gatetaloals, Paints and Oils, Lamps IL- Stationery, Yankee Notions &c. Pats ant Pricats CAREFULLY I COMPOUNDYR• r 11. 11, BORDEN. Tioga, Jan. 1, 1871.-1 y. a I • Gen'l Irurance Agency KNOTS ILLS, TIOGA i CO , PA Life, Fire, and Accidental . Assets ) over $24,000,000 As 3.ET4 or COMPANIES. Ins. Co. of North Amerloa,lPa.; $3,050,535 GO Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Philo, Pa, 3,087,452 35 North British (it Mercantile Ins. Co. of London and Edinburg, 10,000,00 0 North Amer. Fire Ins. CO, of N. 'Y. 500,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co.of N. Y 1,000,000 Farmers Mut. Fire Ins. Co., York, Pa. 900,860 15 Phmnix Mut. Lite Ins. Co. of Hart ford, Conn 5,061,970 60 Penn'a Cattle Ina. Co. of Potterille. 600,000 00 Total Insurance promptly effected by mail or other wise, on Jill kinds of Proporty. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. Live stook loser ea against death, fire or theft. All oommunioations promptly attonded to Wilco on Main Street, 2d door above Church st., Manville, Pa. W3l. B.Rd/TB , 441112 6 , 1871•tt Amt. 9 121 TERS, 11%, to 13 io TORE $24,229,847 84