The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 26, 1871, Image 1

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C. A r an
eri `,l
Hun , (per Year),...l.
cs LisEi or MINION OR 1.293044.101'9:1
1 Hll, 131E10 4 Ins, Otos
0r . 41 . I $ l , OO I $ 2 . 1 ) 0 0 8 2 , I $ 5 , 00 $ 7 , 00 14 1 - 100
I _2,00 I 8,00 I 4,00 18,00 112,00
. i ioia'
.71 - ii),oo I
5,00 37,
..0) I 2&,00
di special 'Notices 16 cents pet Mac Editorial or
: Al `le ;el,ts par lino.
r4wleat advertising rum as paid for is advance.
InsWe 131ankee,
Notes, Marriag Certificatee, itc,,on band.
r,&rhliints l .
[Hui PAR/0300T. ULKIIIiND. PA.
\lay 31,1371-6 m
Seeley, Coates & Co.
Nla F. , Knoxville, Tioga, County,
itenivo money on deposit, discount notes,
and sellrom drafts on New
lan York gity y . Collect.
,ms pptly made.—
Mortomf BEELET-01CoOla. 1
DAt 1D Kmoxvillo, •
403 in Smith and Bolvon'a Block, woes ball
; n Agitator Moo up itaira, [iecond floor.] '
v;elb.boro Pa, Jan. 4,1871-Iy.
Juo. I. Mitchell
rr.ey and Counselor at taw, Claim, and "rn..
! cranco Agent. Pifice over Kreus'e Drng Store,
Wellsboto, Pa. 4 1 Jan.l, 1871—y
William A. Stone.
rney and Counselor at Law, first doer above
Averse & Osgood's store, on Plain street.
Wellsboro, January 1, 1871 y
W. Adams )
urney and Counselorat Lawillansfield,Tioga ,
l'a. O illcetlons ,promptly" attended
, btu 1, lea—y -; -
Wilson dt Niles,
urocyi and Counselor/ at Law. Will attend
romptly to bulineas entrusted to their care in
be counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on
he Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y
LI. B. Num
John W. Guernsey,
%may and Counselor at Law.• All business
Denis ted to him Will be promptly attended to.
,th'ca 2d door south of Razlett's Hotel, Tioga,
nogg County, Pa.—Jan, 1, 1871.
0 lirm. B. Smith )
Bounty and Insurance Agent. Cora
ainications sent to the above address will re
:tire prompt attention. Ternia — maerate,
Pa.- - --Jan. 1, IS7I.
Seymour & Horton,
12:n0y3 and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa.
111 business entrusted to their care *lll receive
iratapt attention.
Jan 1. ISTI y
Armstrong Eti Linn,
TIG 1, 1871—y.
4 : -;
W. D. Terbell & Co.,
.Jlealo Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper,
'croon° Lampe, Window Glass, Perlateary,
Oils, tir,e.—Corning, N.Y. Jana '7l.
D. Bacon, M.
!ician and Surgeon,lst door east of LI gher
Leslitin Street. Will attend prompt y to
, aIW. • Wellaboro.—Jan. 1, 1871.
A. N. Ingham, - M. - -
mlopathist, Office Int his Residence on the
hence,—Jan, 1, 1371.
t4eorge Wagner,
r,,t door north of-RobertF.L . Bail
re Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
promptly and ,well.—Jan.l, 1871
I Shop
I Ilardw
iring don
Smith's Hotel,
p. Pat, E. M. Smith, Proprietor. Nonce- in
oil con , lition to accommodate the traveling
Mk in qqperior mannor.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Farmers' Temperance. Hotel.
B MONROE, having purchased this house,
ntilluet in future us in purchased
past, strictly
tz..p.r.incu principals. Every Ueeolllll/0-
4.)3 fur man and beast. Charges reason-
January I, IS7I
Union Hotel. -
VIGI flora, Proprietor, Wellsboro, Pa.
:t ! souFoi:q plelsantly located, and has all
:mreraencer fur man and beast. Charges
'lcr3te,—,Jac I, 1871-Iy.
V. W. WEBB, N. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
lelet —Upeuitlg out of Hastings do Colists
Note —mar. 1, 1371.
, Ladies' Millinery
KS 'OFIELD has a complete assortment
' ih—t vyles Of
I frit(' G°ol.l'l,
uutt.tttally 10 pricot
.11mtption to suit everybody, and
LILT Ladies' Ready-Nude Drosses, a COM.
that Canuot fail to please the ladies.
t,e call and examino Goods and prices.
E , ppnLite Post Of9re, Main Street.
kt-lr.-r May 1; Ink tf
New Millinery !
RS. C. P. SMITH, has now on hand au ele
gant assortment of all the latest styles of
Bey Goods, Parasols, Gloves,
:t the is salting at very low prices. Dro1 cl
see the new goods.
"I , Ib7l-tf. Mrs. C. P. SMITH.
B ushels Stone Lime
fur sale by
'lt 119 18 - 1
• -M
w. C. IMES&
QI sobseriber offers for
1,409, pleasantly saint
leston, Tto count
'trot Wellsborga y,o and two
dtPot. School house, eh!
Im althla a toile. Term!
t/T ) bin u
$ 2 , 0 0.
nos I' Yr
00 1 00.( 100,00
ed end
who wi ,
Jan L
A. u
. 1
of thel test style and approved workmanship
and wi h dispatch, -•
He k eeps constantly on hand 'bc;th kinds of
Marble and will be able to emit all who may fa.
vor him; with their orders, on as reasonableterms
111$ cap
A L 1
Am.B ,
and eel
Plated I
Fruit ti
and re
A large;
N. B.
Offkeo o
Feb 2
And ha
their ea
four tho
Compan I
The Siger Manufacturing Company._
eold o fer the . Florerice Sewing , I
- Mach/ C 4 1 0 110;173 'Machines
Sold over the Wilcox & Oahe SeW:: ' •
ing Machine Co., 98,943 do,
Sold over the •Weed , Sewing Ma
chine Co., ' 92,831 do.
Sold one the Grover & Baker 1
-Lewin MackineVo., 70,431 do.
Sold over the Howe Machine Co., 52,677 do,
Sold over the Wheeler & Walton
Man4acturing Co.,
all of w,
of what
into eves
culars gi
finish, ti
work, 1
chines, si
ton, Oil,
had Agei
Office 111
J, d.
lorgort a l
lion of t
inebang l l
lJ bl .
tho best
tree I I
and Cat
refunde ,
Use 1:1
above art
I' l
ist l
public R
Greek tot
The P.
north en
the bill
Log roa
cation O 1
Mr. T.
had of IN
bo made
ale hie farm of .50
d In Catlin - Hollow,
within about four
Liles of Niles Val.
mills, shops,
e sy. Inquire on
-'`;P• ,_" n- '' .;bl.l....)fs7.Zoi*a' , :'-!- . :::•_" ,- F.Vri'lrf,'
. 1 \
i Af , k 1
, ' , V... ':' ,OA , '
,~_~::Y:; :~:;
• -THE OLD , !- i .
LA.TRLIf-known as the Townsend Ilopais
trill for s timb iiaoupled by D. D. Loll
/ay, has been thoroughly refitted, repair
peued. by°
I be -happy .to at!commodate„ the old
of the - honse at very reasonable rate's:
Tioga marble rorks ,
undersigned is now repined to ens
e allor e dere for Tomb Stones and Main f
e,o„btain9d In °°419 F117& ADAMS.
T iog
- Notice. •
persons indebted to D. P. itoberts by
ok account orliotos preregnested to call
tie and lave Costs, at G. W. Merrick's
1. 1871.41
. 30. 4=0133.e•3r,
„Tr BET'S constantly on hand, ELGIN
ES, Marine, Alarm It Calendar CLOCKS,
Spoons and Forks; Tahle, 'Butter au
Mies; Cups,,Castors and Cake Raeketsi
!Rine; Cream Salt Sugar and Mustard
Fine Gold and Agate Rings; Gold Pone
Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Fancy and
tatone Witch Guards and Chains, Am,
'stook of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and
Glasses, all at reduced prices.
Watohea and Jewelry neatly Repaired.
1, 1871.
.poeitnCone House, Wolieboro, Pa. All
13,1 neatly and carefully performed. Sat
. guaranteed•at.'live and let live Oleos.'
2, 1871 tf
Manufacturing Company.
stituted by the homes of the people—
owed the Great Award of the
e loft all rivals far behind them, for they
SOLD IN 1870
ore than forty thousand in .advance., of
es of the previous year, and over
sand more than ,the eatee of any other
for 187 U, as shown by the following
P rom- SW ORN _returns. of t. 40 -sales. of
kit is mainly owing to the popularity
a known as tho "NEW FAutt.r SEWING
," which'ia now fast finding its way
y well regulated household.—For Cir.
ving full particulars of Machines, their
Cases of
. many varieties of wood and
li!eir Attachments for numerous kinds of
hid', till recently, it was thought that
[ ngers alone could perform, as well as
ra about all articles used by their Ma
!nett as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot
, Ac., Au., apply to any of their Author
,nts, or to -
roadway, Now York. I ,Pkiladalpbta
16 Chestnut St.
22, 1871—tf.
Music Stori-
SENEA'S new Improved Iron Pram*
Soft Pedal .
Dealer in all kinds of- `
and Musical Merchan isO,
1, best seleetiou c.f . MUSIC in Wile no
-1 e Country. Pianos %yarrented li)r 20
erns and Cabinet Organs
th Oreteutr's Patent Foot Pedal.
ns of Instruments houghs or taken in
and to fini" MI orders for re
nd Tuning promptly attended to.
J. W. AfeiNTQII,-Agent.
Mare .
th ! Standard_ Medicines.
IDr. "HERRICK'S Seger Coated Vegeta
. Pills and Kid-Strengthening plaBterB—
arrell's Conditiwn Powders for Horsey
le—satisfietioL, guaranteed or money
F. Porrin's P.tmigator for Catarrab. The
rtlcles are for sale by W. C. Kress, Ag't,
ro, and the trade generally.
14, 1871-3 m.
litho Road Letting.
stbsoribers will receive orders until the
h of August, for the construction of a
cad in Morris Township, from Babbs
( Antrim: . ..
in to be now let, will commence at the
d of the bridge near the house of Wm.
, and runs along the western slope of
wo and a half miles to the Broughton
near the Antrim Coal Mines. The 10-1
1 tha t road will he pointedut to any one
Ito examine the ground y calling on
arrer nt Antrim or on W. W. Babb at
ek. Spe c ifications Of the ork may be
t .
lr. Ferrer or the subscribe B. Offers to
by the rod, and to includ bridges and
Wl!d.. BABB,
, •
' 4 1811044 Ocusiolisiouni.
m 7 1,
{ ~/; i
• ,
n411:06014 . 0- ". " 1421 . 11 fl
) — 7 - 771" iffsi
, • t
Tots 'T A z , ,
m . l : . .
-. -t ,
New and-Ira Providi Driirlik-1104011 ' finff)olleil6B-
Coaches, combining ;all-111oderti) isoProtemebts,- Ore
inn tbro o llo 0 0 all 21111011 bettereeh Buffalo, Misers
Palls, anspenilon - BildB6, 061 , 01uhl;
—D inOMMetl and
New York. :•• -. • .., ;-• - • :'. - „ -; s :, f f.; :I . .
, ~1 • ; _ - • t WIir2WAXD. , ' :-••'. • -. . : , :: - A :4
. „
STATIoniL • ... •: ' , No.l. t - '. P 0.8.; , ,clio. - .T.t , f : ~24 1 .47.;3.*, ,
N. Fork, Lore , 9,00 am .11,00 i m - 5,800 m ' 7,00'9 m •
Jer. City , 8 8. • . 9,15 ".. 11,15 " - . 6,45." -'.
, 7,20." •
Newark, '' l '' - ' 11,05 i. . 6,40 .. ,:,; '..„„;;-.'..'
Paterson 88 • 12,00 m , :629," - t .:. .... .
Turners ,if _ 10,18 -8.. , 1,85 Din.: 7,451km:9,108U .
Newbirg . 0 - .....,; ..... , 11,40 am. -5,609 Ur ,'
Veycorta' 1,69 pm kw A -,:- ..;.,
Goshen, --4 . '• , , , ' , '2,16 14 . 8,16-k • • '1:7'..,. - : , .. '
Miolern l it!- -i - • .".- RP:" - 8.86?!.. - '-' i:;.oePii4 .
1 1 1 Jerrie, 4rr, 11,56 .. 8 8,85 - !' .9,20 fc -• Ao,sop ta
110190'ffiton of - ' ' '8,62 pza 11,17 ."' ' '2181,101 0-_,T§aM.
glud ra i , 1 4, -7 B ops .. , Imo. ir •' 4.x o" .,.. i 4 .14 , ...1.)
Boibester, -,f . ," . 10,27 " . - 9,66. 4 .:,, - i - 9665 I: :1
Buffalo '• 10.50 " 8 20am 11.20 " -.'.11,20," , -
Nisg. Valle 88 11,58 " 70 " 12 , 16'0m 12;15 On
line. Bridge " 12.00 in 7, •-•"-- 1225 - of — l2 - a.5
Dunkirk •' 1,80 6111 - -.• 7,1*1 8 .• - 7,111 - 8 „ft" 1444 a
Meadville 1,25 - * i - -9,20 * B - -- ;-2,20•D1n r.Din.
Cleveland . " .8 8 --.:. 550 " 7 :,2.tup k in i golo ppv pm
7 0. -
Dayton, ."' '12,90 - On 1,20::1` . 4,05 ant' 9, g 0 5 - 00
Cluck/Usti il 8,45 - If 1 , .. 1 f.iqw.i. c'l6 0!! ti01548011n - 1
ADVM. 0 ..41.1 60 , '194... , -...' . 2 0' ''..: Offl.o
11.25 a m—LOlVlCcornitig, ,4114 Bans - 01 . 70101741 11 0. 4 0 .
10.20 a m.-448.11; Corttlng, 4iviraill, Vaal el
4 1 00 4 1 0914,1!. 809 ElißraisVi4:,l i- t - i
Li * P ) weivaLgt.74 8 ,! 111 .7. 1 *.i."... ~.. - ..
I-?:a,; IX Y. i 4.0 02 :„ .... -, ~ t . t ., . : ~. : . ...
I : .- - r
134,ti0r.5.- ' t .'
• -' , ;to.-Lit.': - ' 1t64. . - 14: I{;' '416. , ill 1 .
Cincinnati. flys .1944u1:• ,- '..:1..:'::1 - - .:1.:40: c 3-351211
Dayton, ~" . 12,08 sat • ~:,..... , „IMO 0.10 . 8. 28 r ..7 , -
ClevelatE" , •-•- 7.25" -" - '' ' --- 8,85 p tn"-10.00— -
Meadviile " 11.82 Din:: .4,„;: - .., . 8100093 2.05 6 ta
Dunkirk "7.25 n it .. ......... 10.001021 ..« .
tinir. Bridge . "' t f 1.48 - it , • '2x out - - . - ...a.t.: • -fa.4) A,-
Niaga 511114 P , -,, 1,48. 88 r . ,6,42": - -.,..:.,,,.,, t z 0.00;" • .
Buffalo ! , 0 ',- - IMO' _ 8.25 t' - 11.20 8 ! 111 Q "'
Rochester F-" 7 - 4.04:1 4, - • 15:10* '- • , .-_4/5/1 8 . , • .
Elmira' "- ; 8.10" . 12.28 a m 6.0411r6 3140 !' •
Dingbank'n ie '" 10:08 " • "2,28 " • 7.00 a 1.22 pm
Port Jervis .o.i. •. 2 53iim 4,95 " • : 11.40.". 1..0.280,2- - J
lffiddlet'wn P. 1 140 " ~00 a
Newburgh- -a"- '• • • 1, •' -11.40 i in '' , i ,, - ' , • 8.80: 4 r
turn ere g , • ... - a.;... - . •; 'l . it JAHR iri.2Din 6.48 Stip
Paterson "',I - 5:50 " - 1016 a ns . 210_,y ta
~ 7,88y40
Newark' - 3,- -:; - --' 4 - . 00 " 2 - lakii pm : -5,15 -1 ,-- 1.- ..
Jersey_ City " 6.88 ." 10.82.0. m ,, 2.65 "..., -.8.12 !* ,
New York " 7'.00 " 11.10'" 810' - ':8;0`9 - -
. .t•,•; r.. J- . :;, . I
ADD1T1QN4141006,T6.4.00;:,.. , . ~ ,
11.1.0 a m—Leave Corning Banda-is eiciPiei, 'for eviego
12.05 p m-.LeaveCsrming :tor BUSQUebrillriew ci ~ .• !,
2.05 p . m—Leave Corning for Ehoile:- - - -,
ila ,
4.25 y m —Leave Corning az . 181:kri t s tcl.Siiiqpban.
4 ' Catty.: '• - •,. . ilif?tta,3 l lqcerod•
/8* D. RUOML - '-:' :,--;:'': 1 '.:,-,., : :W.M; Venn. - '- '
Beni tiiipt. ' •.:' - :.'" ;,., '. - 0 413 ,,Pligitigl - • '
. .•• • • assi o is hiiiillll;: : ....i ... ... I ,
• „
Blostiburia•Corninw . l,lloga Lit ,
riPIET *OM **l.44lOillifiiiiiti!.,` 4 ''' T . I '
No 1-9.28 im ' Noi Fl i t pla t j ciiio ain i .
No 7-0.88 ain • Np ip*ti; 1 -..,N0,114,8151, in
N 011,8.30 km: . Not 3= If pUt t Itolr-1.86 are
DEPART YBOBI IT —Oolini 1427E4
No 24.12 p m ~ • No 4.5.42 a No 64.26 a to;
No 8-8.08 a m .Volo-10:40,11
No 14-12.07 pm No 16-1.86 : !NO104:18
No 20 1 43.60 p m No 22-11.12 p m No 24-12.86 avi
A; 11.4301VC0N, • = - 1, egATTvcir; - -;
Boptß. . it. 436p121001.11:11.,
NOrthern-Centkal gailrottit.
raou /ROM TBEIIO/1711.
Aro 11 00 ams
Elmira ....10 85 ppl Erming m
25,p m
• LEAVE - -
.•• • 1
warm troanr. —" - 64' saints.; • <
Morning Ace—. 616 a m Zlmita6lail 660 a m
tipreae, 1180 a m Kaplan/ —lO 26 p
Evontaii Ace 620 p la f V'maport Ace.. `6 to
45,625 do.
With mist other articles usually kept in such
eetablieb ment, which Ii eold lowfor
.:Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on
wort rorlen. A. FOLEY.
Jan. ary 1, 1871-y. •
Farm for Sale.
/TIRE Subscriber offers for wale ilitfeim,
sited the •-toit i si:l3f l D4dtaitr4enitkaight
miles from Wellabero: l 7Sald-ROM.-"emitateal7+s
acres, • some 80 of which is".lmpioved ; good
frame barn 30x42, ands good• log, house, -and
some fruit trees thereon. Sald_farm is unsmr.
passed for fertility of soil •in .this eoet a. -For
particulars intinire of the ertbstialber it tha•Olcir
of G. W. Merrick, Esia.; Wellshero Pa ." -
April 10, 1871-tf. A. REDFIELD.
PlanitigAnd liattlarig
W -I NE with noatnefa and dispatch:
mode from inch lumber Can plane 34 inches
wide. At Hamilton's eteam mill, on Hammend
creek, in Jackson town/hip, %logs Donn y: =
4 -•.
Jackson, June 7, 187 tf
j been granted - to ton on the estate of - Isther
Wilson, deceased,-late ¢f .Middlebnry, all those
indebted to or having elaims against said estate,
will settle with .* 'ROXANA A.' WILSON,: r - ,
Middlebury, June 21 1871-8 w ,
(VIE ilegant, new,
kj nice open bul
bone lumber wagon ;
June 21, 1871 11
rviE HUNT oti.A l
It., acres
tho State Rosidieouth ,
farm contains.,a., oroMf6,
barns and nlniiiii.frkit.
to dairying Ind agrinia'
quire of the , embstrritier
June 14, 187-14fP":',(1
D IBSOLUTtO*, .4- - . cake ja „, hereky 40 . esFi i r ; !
that tbego-Peittii ship, harelOlSTW;lnoirti •
as Tubbs, Erledley4VV 4has this day, June 28; -,
1871, been dissolved, b Juutinstenittent. . --,--'
Also, of Tubbs, • Bio bead ..A• Co-.3-Whiti .. ,
h•e.-; :
pired Match p, py.4-.. - :!..1101"T;TiJ1311.8;-.• .., ••• - .c.. I
• '_""- -1-2 •8 . . DEAL
• • _ --; .:.P. , ://ItnIDLtY, '_: *, .1
.. •_x! .1 ._: - ...1.;.N - : 13EtolillEAr). •
Tho business will jieureafterNgrtiarried. on. by
peasois, $ 4 13 ? o i l o 4-..4 w lcz ~:; ._ ..,..,...•:„., :i;
r 1„.; ;7 1)
gyp- 1
OUNG, Uen'l 1416:547t-;
ED. 8.
wEEt. - Bc; / R,0; -
ANnicpw, FOLEY,
who has long been
liehed in the an',inky:WWll•
nee* in Wolietiolo, 7:4; nl=
ways - on 800,7 -various
kinds and prices of
&a., ite„ &o.
C A S H.
Adminisir4n .
leather•ctop buggy ; one
;.cine two
good Rine,' kanien..
411'146:m1a near '
Mainebtox: Thigh ,ar
'fw'o! -go
is_wp,ll ,a4ptcal.
nin..:'l'rernin)enily-',i In..
'Maitielnarg, Pa.
•. '
. - \
Ilil 1 L
I i :._
l a i .11:41i;L ,"..,i ii ,
'12,0 1. jr-'
:3c ~'•i~
St :t„
( r , ..r. r , r 111 r. r
~Y 'rl , ,, ' . 1 trr —1 , s s ~ ,A,. 1,;rfer,5Z,11',14.1
;:: ''-
„ ,
- SBORO,.- TIOGA'"''00:011 1 gt - '
v 4411
f.h.,, , , 1., 'V,
jrs ll or - ~ .4 :t il.p 1 , -;•7...,,,vr , i it i cr.'. ,' i '—..-,,? 1 X, t...i.5v,..., 1 )I_,>;,. ,r:f7PT1',,,1,,,
1 POIITPA9 - =-00.n2ir.ER:"
'Whet s if w e
. met in in old tot - road
: -„ :"Wlieie the
,1, - eaf mould oinng to heir small here
') rj• • ' •;t , . . : •
Xiid initend.pPvi•nodland.dorert, her load' L
71 48 inT,E,N4 €f-rent, and silver eels.
~3 _
`HerOWn . titfragged and limp with dew,
:,Aiiit, Itipunao l t iiii of splendid hips;
A ifebt fe d torrent *as flashing through -
;'Per Startled fuTseelo cheeks and lips:" . ,
'.Tha Wholeiioirie troika of her inddy face
I lig* dike ripe fruit ' u
a bioker. of 0•1313 f , '
. iiind;the Wallted, th e wold With the easy grace -
;r4 Arid risto,fne step of a woodland:queen.
- ;
' l . oit]ri l' deir hadisnaleOned the jetty hair .- 4
v. , : This waved awdlloate - d abbut ter bead, •
I oat% a
) .f
il i trip so 4 - 4 i i f the, ,shoiddirs bare, • '
The ,13
arklin'g eyes, 'and the lips of red.
Only +limps() of the tattered gown
e disappeared in the leafy way
: 4 Menem of the shoulders plump and brown,
And 6 - leg—that haunted - Me:night and (ICY. - •
And I.lz -‘• :.-•
Wondered '
onby the yeasty stream •
iTe toi! the. 'tient .thai'werild 'not the;
Per rvraiked idl detyi itieMisty'dretuit = •'
:Oflllpfiniffhouldiiti;lnd - esith and eyes::
Aarl f1 . 1.: 7 •;: - ; z:
T tliOuglik - ore datusekoityibretit ,
Of narioiv ahoniders and doubtful spine •
With false hair frizzled about hei head,
_ •
ifalso life, beveled by Vele - el - 1d line.
':E •
linakil‘d and heedless in-wifely cares,
.EXpensiverviiporY, i worthleie.' When '• •
She *nether half hetet the she beara,
~Dbet l
ehett we go for,t6o .Nation's men ?
hate the lof fiat t Pa a,decree,
• And i my fancias'fail me, oneby one, '
Rut 'often dreemingain I See -
The Woodland Princess of Cedar Run.
-- . l ge-CL,Cd.47 O ,Vig•
- . Tortilla Tornado.
1%4 e, wrap cits
repo n noway es•" " "
'aileialted the tremendous force of the;
storm which recently devastated a por
tion of Nebraska. In the country near
pittaba• serious mischief Wes done.' A
111in:diet' a people *ere. killed' 'and a
:yank qu"antitrtof property deetroyed.—
liOttieof a farmer, `J. R.lester, was
lifteCulitedily , froin its foundation by a
blattil-Aind whirled thrOugh - the'
air rods or More, attuning and brut
'efiig the frlgliteited Aiitritit - is"." Ake
me torn nemly,,ty,emhonSetNtia._tint,
roofed,,the wind ; tearting the: rodf , off,
like pastehearch - - For • miles . , the fine
corn fields and wheat fields- have been
_ruined. The Omaha Berard says :
'`P: Al procession following the corpse of
LiiVvits B. !Thompson was overtaken by
the tempest . ahOtit - forit miles west of
this one of the
brat tki Es . ol lit Oldirlg, and, being a man
of gr6at
,ittr en gO4 be j Limped - otit, hop
ing to be "able tnheld the.earrlagetothe
gromid' ; "biit3iis eftorts 'were frilitlesS,
the vehield'lielligl - twisted :Out of his
grasp 'and'overturned; l‘T,pirly every
team;was liftedbetilly frimithegrounil-
A ctiribi t iiT:lll' *flick:ll'ra. peotr:4lol,
6t10::4 *ear - 1 : 0141Ves 'of' the 'deeodife'd .
werelitd.. ll le*att'etipsited:
Was 'Ain dOwri . into' a hollow Wherii
shelter was afforded. One, lady. was fig
ken tip
. from. the ground arid carried
distan eeof tiventy, feet in the air before,
she 6i - 111d - regain her feet. -The Men.
CoUld not stand up, but Were- thrown
about at the mercy of the wind. --
." The afternoon train on the - r u emont
and railroad was struck
by the , storm'' between Scribner 'and
7bo: thrid 'coaches' Were
lifted from: thfi 040kl - throWn.dOwii the
embrinkthent - , and'rtiirued upsidiridewif
in thh ditch." One side 'l3f 'the engine
was lifted eight inches frOm the- traak,
but the , couptiiagbroke, and it fell back
.Neatly every passenger was
more or less' injured. John M'Clary,
of Norfolli;*CePied a fractUred`.situll;
his wife was bruised beyond recogni
tion ;: their Sod had his skull fractured.
Several others.wereinjured. Some es
caped witlzelightbruises., •
" Butotiel intle:frota the wreck of tile
train; thebouse of linthan Austin was
picked'Up by', kVitid, ' carried about
100 feef,_ itpd'tOrti completely into pie
ces. jilt. Auetin 'was crushed to death
in the Vvrie l Uy felline r ginbeie. His
daUghter_eaeaped with her life,. though
she weeiseviiity injured:
rtittin'Tiiditle railroad express
train, whichlradAntwn up to the water
tank at •Lone Tree s. was backed away
from 'the bUliding when the approach
or theaternt,Wks noticed; and not a
qnent too. p . 013, fer the windmill. and
building fell immediately afterwaid
with i'learrul - crash. As the storm
swept shout the train, shaking - it tre- ,
mendously,, the Cinployes the- eotii
panyhurried through toward the sleep
ing dare,- which were considered the
safest, from' being the , heaviest, and
:they said thittAhepitissengers were near
ly all'ob theirlitites pritylnifer mercy;`
for not escape alive. -
" 'fell at ,tflia
point; and a dispatch received' , " friim
there said that none were smaller than
coffee cups:; One was found that actu
ally measured 12 inches
,in circumfer
ence. In theCiti 12 houses were bloWn
down and destroyed. 'The `roof =was
torn fram the:back side of , the 'depot ;
the telegraph r `pelesi Were torn from the.
ground ; alas freight oar standing on
a aide'track; was demolish ed ; the frame
was blown down an embankment, and .
the tint:lv - was taken - up by an- topposite
_curren t cdf :winita'ilf-thrown on , the
main trail ;' silee.ittlitinhei, *Milalse
.whirieddnevery direction. - 'l'he Opera
tots telegraphed - that a woman was
:picked - up by - the wind arid carried a
quarter of a mile, at the rate of 10 miles
a minute.'
A lao,
`-'" " A' gentleman named E. Pbelps,
liVing near Lone Tree, was killed, his
daughter fatally
• injured,• and every
member Of the family more or less in
jured. The storm there continued ten
minutest - and - its track was about ten
Miles iiiiwidth.'" Within that - limit `ev
,erY fleldof grain was entirely destroi--
ed. At Blair, the Sioux,City and Pacific
-roundliouge was , blown down; and • the
.watchmati with his - son narrowly e's
'caped from-the ruins with their lives.
7 A:house'aireut pile mile from the town
'was torn &pieces, but fortunately' no
person was , injured. -The loss in build
ings and -Crops, which is immense, can
, _Mit now be estimated, and it, is proba
ble that further loss of human life will
be reported.ll.'
I ‘A mother-in•law _ tiansinghurg, N.
York, is trying to rid her eyes of some
red pepper, which in some strange way
came through the keyhole of heedau4h
• : 1 - /I"
. • r ..
" ,r
... 1.
~ ~ :' . ' ,4 k',tl
1 4 /
, i) ' :ki: 4 , ' , :,..,,' i . 1 , 4,1 j ) i i
11 . r.a2 . i ir t 'h '74ol-r-4 1 ' 3 ''.-' li';'.!•;'
- .r „. 11 () t . : 1,):,.r:,.1 7-i 3 ...,....• ~... 5) 45-...;•,., .;5•.-
..(,'A , •ti1..);.- , ,:i; k • ..:. 1..r.',,•
Jr( =4'.l
~' 11/ ,
Catskit/ Recorder.
Id in. Crawford County, pa. ,1
: t 'e li-43,44W Virsi - Al.; . titei
, , ,
fok an c r cquot,of a strange natural phe
noinenioPoleiikied by lint yesterday.
'He says that while the ivind was blow=
ing-attanglYt . and with every appear
ance of anorning storm, henoticed that,
the tipper and -the - lower"clouds were,
wuvlog U. opposite directions. : 1 la'..a .
short - ,tlolo,the clouds began. ,to inter
raingle;,,,and: formed what-awns& an
falunfusterotp--Esoo it forte, ed ;0111
, colursickri:: - VlVer'; . tar,t delicouline,to,
the . eiop, 444 B **4lf,:pll9Ai!trtiiii;
(ii an: 4490 1 .441)10 , 'OW en terli* iiha
cloud fnalumni shape; and the whole:
*ovi if,ivlf. ll 'oOnSidSkableieelocliY in a
flue lithe north 'of 'east`::: c ::: '-, ,
Its *i_VA :4l 4 l 9***E l a lkiiilw*,
teVerUgAlbcr94lol, avib,ere; A t, , , , tittßai The,
hold, of Charles Morrison; "doing con- ,
siderabld•Oiate.',-. 7 1i) nitro crossed the
Stati liiiSluttYpi*tut ~tiiwiisuip. Ti}'
this county, jumailiat-Ali`AS:
It a, ,dva#9o% . gstlegt:weMAlß apt by,
the fatotsovud:carriodorith tqus,lof &ft
attailliettObaliNiktilligzsrotbil ;I#Doeti
tit ''!a t if.'W}SF A VVOMLA,li#ti.
TUMAQVIBO Atii*l4.49,ikt;
onelnileis#da half-With-of raftulldnor 1
lay dirk:ea:iv Iry itsteoutileSlitrkitrhdasci.7-
wa li ttintiiV OW), With alithiVfonddatliiii;
and substantially, bollt 1 ; but t it, was as a
buipli 4 .0' - OW: Yit'Abe, - .'lgagiO, ilia'
Av . 1i1,r 1 434Y0104i 04 1 * iti l .o4, tt'N ' *,#
it iprnrootlnCollar, learing.: at to aro
1 ,
oin , ;and qttre*lng i If.Ovot thnginuoth
for vieritY l kOds- I, l3lVillithi-c;ellay, walla;
abo, 44 jirOnnil • 'ilea . .tnrn r'down. The l
whiriWin,4 Oro, 011,...the, barn, and, tiNug 1
rook Ift4i:siding 4:4X.: •left the . timbers, /
standing'to 'every shape, and the build.;
lug a Oinplete , wreck. - Pasiing on, , it
unroofed•thnbaria of Charles Duncan,.
and,:at! , ,Steinbiliti desprOyed '6, ,house,
arta which it rose and passed Into the
clouds. _ , ,
%Its ;course was about five miles - in
length, and4be destruction of property
was sPrOup; 2 ihur!.the most ,to Aegret
led.,_;io theitijury to. the inmates , of.the,
Segel', house; , Oharies.pcger and •Wife,
Mrs, 4`.3igsoWM;;"
fatiaer'i r viiiroln tir
houttei4:P*ll4oe-'o'llo, deb - 4040:
We Oia,not.learii,Jo. what part of the
housti they:werwat the time,, but it is
supposed ithey were :at dinner.- They
wereitOvi fragments 0
ihilioo?,' goo tfitOui,U 0441`06-;
rop?t, 1 4119Ek. We, 134140:
with the: maeck-df their irbuser. r , Chain
Seger'e itift•lee was ko
that= ituipo
j ta tioA above, the • iineC,W4
fOund neceptutrY...-Mrs.Girepuweod Was
badly hurgisd by the stove, with which ,
she came in contact in some :way, Ands
kerreclivoS. - doutitfuL The others'
arebut slightly A) ured,, escaping with ;
nuCoMfOrtitbicitpough not serious brul
ses. Heir
escape from ,instant death is:
4114# . 44081111..0iPlie . nomeon l '
rciu. 0 ,#4.4 1 P4X,n4, -3 1 4P 0 *'7 4
` WO irqo;o#,C, 6 oo..kvibe#7.4.P ( l9l . ll4"nq4s
'yoo termed a: turnadu iu :Ulster, cou nty i
near leenterinliei , on 'Wednesday, It
*fie' nOWekl,o altaost an exact coati Lei- 4
'Part ef 11114018-04‘; , 4e4iat didnOt,
do so Inifc4lniuntise, Because. iti
passedoverAn Uncultivated country.=-.
An pire , WitneSsdeseribed the pbenow
enon 'as follows
" I saw he cloud coming from t h e
mountain's it looked dikea funnel turn
ed upside down. Then I heard' terri
•fte, sound, 0, if from a rushing . _ torrent.,
Next 'rails and limbs of trees were s oar.
Vied' into the air, and4ences were „pros
- The eloUd i ',Stknetinies laaked,
iniiy.l4aCk, then red; heii,hright - ,:attd:
he t avy . r :the . *143, fill e d igth
emolo, - ..4ot.thciughtthete was ala . ig:is
fire'in4oli B c 4 o- 111 9,:- . 0 8 • j a**
to , ho?a nolao,nS itfroti(aritcklingliaine..
The Okaid #LoveAsiVardus;cle*te,tlin
earth: if rolled :and _Over'. like' a
We i were all4reatlyttightenecl,
by stinti an' uuuSual sight; 'and t4O
memhera, Of the household left fOr an
lope& lot. David:Sanford thiew
self qn the ground, and grasped a berry
M ak% -. "The. eicriid. passed the hernia
and,. atriking itio"bajr , press,
ed‘itin au Instant, and-passing on bit
the barn, moving ittwo feet from its
. foundation. As the hitypiess fell; liy- •
Ingibilietiti-strUck Mr. Sanford ;on =ties ,
bead f i*tidetitig r -bitn -fincorniclens and
:InjUringlilth badly; noVitilowl-Y
-recciveringi. says- when the 'wind'
'first Stritiik"-blin:htociaapartiatly lifted
frointhoSigeoiiiid,"antrwmild have been!
carriell)aweSil'had it net been, for it 6-
berry stake-Igo:21e boys wird 'were "iti•
the brook: swimming heard, the. roar,
and•bastening out. of _ the waters, t bre , *
'themselves. on 'the'. ground; .and Were
only 'saved hYgrasping saplings.. .The
; track or the tornado:was about one bun.
dred feet% in - if i ttb. l and two miles-in
length. • • • • • •
' 1 "Strange to Ban , in:the wake' of 'the
cyclone -.there was scarcely , !any rain,
hut halt a-miletronrit, on. either side,
the rain dell': in torrents. The bail uf
cloud Beetne: have rolled • from, itbe
mountaintop through the valley, - and
then, after-howling. along the ground
for two miles, shot upward and disap
peared. About $l,OOO will cover the
Evils of Curiosity.
loslt dable 11
. 1 •, si:d • t, a:
done' iii;grjevons' injury to a Missour
eatratryn*,,., wlio,,,went' down ,to at,'
Louis `the other day to get a,,
from his wife. While walking to the
court room he espied a large sea turd , '
reposing upon its back fa front of a res
taurant, and allured by the sight stop
ped to examine it thoroughly. Mewl
while his wife was at work for herself,
and when . finalltha hurried on to the
court room, histlearbed, to his dismay,
that thUcase lied been 'decided against
trial, and his Wife bad obtained a di
vorce. He did'Uot care so much about
the loss of his Wife, as be had engages
tin - other in anticipation of getting a di-
vorce but, as:the wife had ob-,
.tainedli , debreelagainst Wm, heves 1`
the - la , preci ded ifrom taking
Imself another rib until the se of
lye years. He was almost.Oantic, as
e had his weddiug cloth,26eady, and ,
was to have been marl' the next day.
His lawyer made a ve — ion for a rehear
ng, and it was s: e"or argument iu tw
days. But thywornau was again too.
smart fOr bi ", for' she too had a bus
t and iu :Mug, aad as soon as the de
cree w "announced `she' webt, out and,
m ed her man, without stopping ,to
amine the anatomy of a turtle or any * I
oilier fish.
i Al'i'L '
o 4 c
IT . . r. )ilt
JULYf'26;;JIB7 , I , ; , -
Pree Negroes in Hai•ana.
. 7 1 . ' f* • ""-."-* ,
During the slitY the streets' present a
cditonspiccnr of all Phases tropleal
life ' Pioixittieht am ong the crowd are
the negroes, both Men and weineil.--=.
There are fall - kinds of negroes,la Ha
vaha,:ftom the young ones, who, run
tang ajoiost naked about"the stride,
.rernind'one Pf a herd' of Monkeys, 'to
the blii4;toOtbleis and dilapidated old
oreaturea whose early days were spent
aixi i ongihe wilds of Africa, and whose
Ty, frames I twinkle with an almost
;Ycitlithful , e ent when, on - Holy
Day, l'eome heathenish
4nelody,'eung by bands of ne hro'
the.atreet, reminds them of the faro
' 'There arotnany freenegroes in Ha
van_4-•••11Onie.wlio have received the gift
Oft , freOptri.. front their ,kind hearted
, nitiatersourci,Mtuly who, by skillful use
'cif 'AtieirloB,4r i e hairs, kave earned stiff
.oo4MpUrChitati-themselves a privi
lege altauet universally , granted to the
ihtNei liken , * We know one old free
'' ",, , Onatt about sixty, who
~, .-, ins i years ago Was bronght over
, ea aiiil'hattllved in Mayans
0 iC i. ltia r e.':fsitt; and capable,. Jose
Nem progb:Foxiieci himse : free, . and
Attar...Alyea:by himaelf, in an independ.
iiiftMatift eflaShiim, .working just en
ittifkii to stipplit .his simple necessities,
WO Sh l ,o!Pii' . 4.l the sun the remainder
'of tlyi time.
_lf anything is to be done
,:ittlotind - Otit,`Call s jose and lay the case
'before Win; "ite listens, and when the
leitaation :is 'fully appreciated, with a
knOWlig twist of his head be darts off,
AO no:messenger more sure, no a p y
,more onuping, His costume is the very
Ideal of eirapl city--linen pants, always
cleanaye' and holidays, and a
Shirt, ibuttoue geuerally at, the throat,
but:1100)&8$ pen at the bosom with a
i t
Coeloiryness pits enviable on a very
hot day. ~Jott never carries bundles in
his hande r , , their size. will admit of
their being , t r ust into his shirt, and
goes about:Wl h the piece of bread left
Over frOm his breakfast tucked in there
'eons to be ha dy for luncheon. It was
silvery well o - long as he ate the-breed
himself; but e recollect, on a certain
inorniti wh n our own servant was
11116113 , and e sent Jose for rolls for
Acakfit t, it, as quite another thing to
8, ..
craruh_the, r lls brought home in his
original pock t into our coffee, and we
'vi tared a gentle remonstrance. With
k•YirY or 6,
_countenance Jose accepted
t ourrkeproof, aid commenced vigorously
!wiphigthe rolls with a plaid blue and
'gretm'handkerehief, which hp untwist
lid Irani his w'polly head for that pur
pose. 1 We did not send Jose for bread
,ap tl y-itiOie;.b t for all that he remained
1 our lino *len • ; and no friend could be
l' truer or more steadfast than`old J 060.-
1 7.172 ,, r - pers' . ,
,ing (Washington) Chronicle.]
ration Proceeding with
: [Frore the Mor
•y General has issued a
to the 'United States Dis-
Ls in the Southern States,
to give special. attention
raordinary exertion in the
I I e recent act of Congress
Ouklux bill. It: directs
I en ev - er they' twat- - vf- 'rut
ed by the KukluX they
warrants, to he issued
ed States Commissioners,
es immediately arrested
er, or committed to prix•
at the ensuing.term of the
The Attorn
,ciroirlar letter
irlet A tto r ne:
_directing they
and'tilake eat
,eiOntic r on oft
k ac kv } ti:wa "IN
them, that w t
slain procure
from the Uni
have the part
and bound ON
on to answer
Federal court. _
• The .F itton ey General has appointed
. .
and comtruss oned Virgil S. Lusk, one
of the most r solute and active lawyers
iii,-.lsTnrth Car Una, a special assistant
:filifriaattor ey, charged with the exe-
CUtipii.of the uklux bill. Mr. Lusk
IS'instructed to open his office in Ra1)414,1
)414,1 put I+iiself in communication
W:ith 'the Un ted States Commissioners
anici_niarilial and local State author!-
~ ,
ttetrartall_sec ions.of the State, and to
,roeiverepOr from them of any Ku
,4liiili, -outrag s, collimated ; to have
*krill:as .im ediately issued for the
appychansio of the offenders and wit
tetisesi,,and to - -bold,immediate exami
' itittions, '
ott the o'atisais before the United
State's - Commissioners with 'a view of
- -
:/coitainiaing or binding the parties for
,Abolrlappearance at court ;, to search up
1 attifdOilato`the evidence for the United
;Statefiin each 'case, and. to take such
;Other, steps as they be necessary to se
iitie the conviction of the °Wenders.
lii it of the discharge of these duties
:United.Statewtroops will be furnished
whenever necessary, and all other re
quisite assistance afforded from the De•
part Men t.
4 :The appointment of Air. Lusk meets
, theil approbation of District Attor
ney. Wilma, of North Carolina.
Tbiiaction on the part of the Attor
, elierai .dis:Plays ;a . disposition to
o!,ecte theauklux law in earnest, and
Sho a tbat the' Administration • is evi
,den Y determined that it shall be rig•
idly executed to -the very letter.
, Mr., Henson , a; Newark ascronomer,
,whcse daily avocation is that of a r me
chanical and consulting engineer) has
written a book containing a theory that
the interior of ,the earth is by no means
uniform or hOmogeneons, but, like the
(nest,, is made up• of every variety of
metals ;`and
and he insists that "aggrega
tion" rathey,than " condensation" ex
plains the stiange phenomena the earth
presents.. Mereos:er, he eciares the
'phrenologists are all wron , anti that
the' not kn * one-half
so much as they think th , do; and,
further, that.the interior of the moon is
fit for habitation: But the worst
come. Mr. Henson holds t at the end
of our existing system is ne r at hand.
. of, that!, A great
l ar t of the
universe is already in. Same, and our
beautiful world Is fated soon to crackle
in the terribleheat, to pass through "a
fiery, ordeal"
,of'destriiction and reor.
genliation.--d.Exam. and Herald.
Tet,those. , Republicans who voted with
thy:Democracy last fall because, they
were opposed to pegro suffrage, says
Aho,.:Prm l kff7i Repository, we extend
oureincpresplipaty,and commiseration.
:They haire no longer any choice of
nor anY Oaee,t i o go,that is not pol.
luted by contamination with the ac
'cnrsed. race. The 'Democracy have o
pened their arnis•to take to their era
tirace the' , "man and brother." -
A. farmer recently forwarded x letter
to a peighthoring town, requesting the
pOsttnaster to deliver it to any respects- -
hie' attOrn ey,.. ; After ten days it was re
tOnod, with the endorse
ment, ~' s Dine izersi."
I ,
'• , •1t,',74';' , ',1/ - 1 11
(... •
Lt jii
i g
- - 1 ..
,- , : -
. - 4
The vicinity of Ritterslille, Lehigh
county, has been thrown ' into a fever
of excitement by the appearance there
of a monster • black snake, measuring
from 25 to SO feetin length, 'and of the
thickness of a' 'common stove pipe.—
Last. week she was come across by a
lightning; rod peddler. His horses sud
denly, made a stop, and, on looking for
the Cause, he saw in front of him across
the l'o2lo the huge reptile, its head in a
rye field, while ititail was juat leaving
the fence on the ether side , of I the road.
It followed Its bourse through' the rye,
which was seen to sway backward and
b '' ' das it moved onward through
the field. -.:.. an hurried on and in
formed thoneighbors, who followed the
snake with guns; but it took refuge be
tween some rocks and was lost to view.
Many other persons claim to have seen
the snake at various times and places
within the pat few, years. Last year
she-was chased through a clover field,
the path made•by her course looking as
it a heavy log had; been dragged along.
One of her favorite amusements was
coiling her tall about the limb of s tree
and siiingitig to,land fro , like a large
pendulnth,".datting her tongue o u t,
Stiapiing her - jaws, and emitting a.
Bound between a hiss and a groan. In
Septenaber last he was seen near the,
Lehigh, sloWly averring a field, with'
head erect, andeating in her mouth a
large rooster, wh ch she had 'captured ;
l i
and at another i me a i sportiman of S.
Bethlehem suddenly came upon her as
she was in the aCt of Crushing a cat in
her tightening g asp . The snake being
of such immense size, and manifesting
great rage, the young man became al
most palsied with fear, and immOiate
iy ran aWayJrom the terrible local ty,
not once thinking,of his gun, whid he
might have used in destro3 iiig the rn . li
ster. . A party to go in pursuit of he
reptile itis now been organised, w• en
it is to be hoped it will be killed or e p
tnred.—Alltentoten Dem.
Married Without Kuowiug it.
A gr. ThotnaS Cooper; an Eng -
man, has published an account of
travels in Thibei, which he visited dip
guised as a Chinaman. Among his s'tio
ries is the following:
He was just halting for brejakfast, :;tf
ter leaving the Thibetan town of 134- .
than, when a group" of young girl 4,
gayly, dressed , and decked with garland'
of flowers; came out of a grOve and sur
rounded him, some of theth holding his
mule, while others assisted him to alight
He was then Jed into a grove; where he
found a feast being prepared, and after
he had eaten and smoked his pipe, the
girls came up to him again, " pulling
along in their midst a p etty girl of six
teen, attired in a silk dr ss and adorned
with garlands of flowers. " I had al
reudy noticed," Mr. Cooper continues,
" this girl sitting apart from the others
during the meal, and was very much
astonished when she was reluctantly
dragged up to me, and made to seat her
self by my side;' and my astonishment
was considerably hightened when the
rest of the girls began to dance around
us in, a circle, singing and throwing
their 'garlands over myself and my com
panion:'' The meaning of this perfor
mance was, however, 6.004.1 mad 9 clear
to Mr. Cooper. He had been Married
without 10. towing it. .At first he tried
to 'eecape the liability entailed upon
him ; but such an outcry was made by
all thcipeop earound;that he was forced
to carry off his bride. Hel managed to
get rid of her before ver§long,,by trans
ferring her, to one of her relations, but
even that was not treated as a , dissolu--
Lion of the marriage. On his way back
he was joined one day "by a Thibetan
dame, Apia thirty years old, who an
nounced herself as his wife's mother,,
and said she had come, with the con
sent of her hutlband, to supply the place
of her daughter.---.C4roalc/c.
A New Swindling Game.
A gentleman residing in Tuckerton,
Muhlenberg township, Berks county
handed to the reporter of the Reading
Eagle, the following, which he receiv&l
through the mail.frorn New York
NEW YORE, May 15, 1871.
To Duryin, Elliott, t Co.
Impoiters and Manufacturers of
Watches, Jewelry and Silverware,
• No. 177 Broadway.
Wholesale Department, up Stairs.
For repairs on Hunting, Steda Wind
ing, Gold ehromometer, made by
Juggcrsoti, No. 15,021, viz :
1, balance wheel and hair spring $7 50
f. minspring and cleaning - 1 25
1 'Lle lever, regulating, &c., :' 500
1 fold cap, engraved, . 6OO
DEAR SlR:—The above watch, re
ceived (min you the 21st of Februarj',
is now ready for delivery. You were
correct when you stated that it could
not be repaired outside of this city.—
We lave had great difficulty with, if,
but i is now, in . thorough order, find we
warn ut, it to keep correct time4Or five
-Y•ti wrote that the watch was found,
and. , esired to know its worth. It is a
very valuable time piece, and, costs at
least $5OO in gold. It. is now worth
WO, and for.-teny one desiring a co r rect
time pier is really cheap_at first cest.
Pisso r remit the amount of the_above
bill by express, anc.l,ole watch will be
InSmediately forWaided.
Oblige by responding at once, as every
'day it remains with us in entails td
ditlouat trouble and' expense. Respect
Dur.virr, ELLIOTT, -Sr, Co.
198 Broadway, N. Y.
The,above is written on regular hill
bead pa'per, with a printed heading of
the firma thug attempting to blind the
victim. Tbelgentleman who- received
the above never sent a watch to New
York in bis life, and saw through the
attempted SW indle at once. Had be re
mitted the $l9 71c, lie would no doubt
have received 4 box of shavings or some.
other worthless trash for his money.—
Lot the people be on -the lookout for
this iiew swindling game. .
A letter front Camp McDoWell, dated
June 17th.. says that Lieut. Charles
Morgan, with twenty•nine men of ;the
2d Cavalry and a party of sixteen Citi
zens from Prescottand vicinity t -arrived
at, tlie front that day, after a most fine"
.ceafisfal scout, having killed fifty-aix
Indians - and recaptured one hundred
jlip3r, head of beet cattle stolen from'
jkivren's ranch. -,
NO. 30•
A Great Efnake.
The A tator
(11( -&
Job Plinth%
:11 supplied with Presses, and Tq es to ere.
all kinds of Job Work with math es and, '
dispatch. -
rge addlOons of all the late styles oft pa
have been added to this department!
re w
Loaatlon-•Bowen & Cone,s Blookad HOOP
THERE is an itching now tci know
upon what meats our Clesars feed, A.
few weeks ago the Herald of Hecelh
gave the public the dietary programme
of 'Wiliam Vullen Bryant. As was
most proper it went the rounds of the
press. Another ambitious magazine
man thought he would do something
for hie country, so he drew out Mr.
Greeley, who ftirniehed a short epistle
on ,his bablts and dietary, as follows :
May 31 , 1871—Dear Sir : I know of
nothing in my habits that deserves
pOblic attention. wag formerly. called
LO'Grahatnite ;" that is, I_ rarely ate
meat; and it is still my conviction that
meat should be eaten very sparingly.
at, however, like other folks, not
wing time to make Myself. dist:gree
,to everybody by insisting on spe
cial food wherever I go, since I travel
mich and eat in many places in the
co,rse of t a year.
I ceased to drink distilled liquors
January Ist, 1814, when I was not quite
liyears old. I occasionally drank beer
four or five years thereafter, when -I
abandoned that also. I canna remem
ber that I ever more than tasted wine.
I stopped 'drinking coffee about 1834,
b =cause it made my hand tremble. I
a I opposed to nerves.
did not drink tea for a quarter of a
ce tury, ending in 1861,- .when I had
brain fever and was very iii. My doc
tor insisted that I should drink either
claret or tea, and I chose the tea, which
(black). I have generally used since,
though not uniformily.
My favorite exercise is trimming up
Uses in a forest with an axe, Cutting
out 'underbrush, &c., he. I wish I
could take more of it, but my farm is
distant and my family scattered. I
sometime lift weights at the • Lifting
Ciire. I have only lifted 265 pounds
since I became sixty years old, Febru
ary 3d last.
J. A. BEECHER, ESQ., Trenton', N. J.
lowing is a copy of the law passed at
the late session of the Legislature for
t l e protection of Clergymen and Jas
ti es of the Peace, performii.g the mar
ri ge ceremony:
An act Relating to Cloadestine ?ilarriager.
ECTICIN 1. Be it enacted 4:b., that no
j +ice of the peace, clergymtn, minis
ter, or other Persons who shall take
upon himself to perform the marriage
ce emony, shall be liable for the penalty
fo joining in marriage persons Mader
th age of twenty-one years, as provi
de in the second section of an act, en
tit ed "An act to prevent clandestine
m rriages," approved February four-
Jte nth, .N.nno Domini one thousand
seven hundred, and twenty-nine, unless •
such justice of the peace, clergyman;
minister, or other persons performing
the, i tnar i riage . eremony, shall, at the
time of joining them in marriage,
knowingly or 1 wilfully perform such
i •
marriage, ceremony in disregard of the
pr ,visions of the first section of the act
lof resaid. 'Approvedjune 2, 1871.
2'.. PEA I WHITE MAN.—A ruling
prOudice l ay i be as strong in death as
a rifling passion. The hard, earnest way
in Which s we Wks hate "Diggers" af
fords really a curious subject for study..
The other day,l.Mr. J. S. White died,
leaving Si 0,11) to the University of
Vermont at urlington. This would
seem to show I'!r. White to, have been
a benevolent Man, for he'lbequeathed
thi . rnoney to aid indigent students;
NO yet this legacy was given upon. tho express conditiOn that no colored
student should ever receive a dollar of
it-{colored students, as matters now
arc h , being precisely the dais most like
ly to be indigent and to need pecuniary
asstistance. It's melancholy to think
of,lhu t there is every reason to suppoie
that Mr. White has gone to a place
where White folks have no special
privileges. ' . - •
4 A colored man amused himself in
pansville, Ind., the other day by
wllinging from a hook suspended in an
is house for the hoisting and lowering
of ice. Suddenly by some mishap, he
nig i eed his hold on ' the hook and fell
Intk:• the, deep ice cellar, a depth of some
'fifteen to twenty feet, and "lit" pn his
he e d arid shoulders. Of course i those
ho saw it expected to find him 'dead ;
bu t t when they looked in at the dbor he
scratching his head with a foolish
lo kon his face, first examining the
br keu ice where ho fell, and then mean
suing the distance with his eynupward
to, here he fell from. When he saw the
pr?prietor of the establishment he loo
ked very sorry and said : "Fo' de Lord,
boss, I'se sorry. I broke dat ice, I is, ear
.. •
A HARTFORD man Was taken sick a
feim days ago. His physician said it
wits a case of Measles, and-'gave him
medicine. The next 'day, dissatisfied,
he sent for doctor, number, two. He
said it' was typhoid fever, and gave him
Medicine. The third day, still discon
tented, be called doctor number three.
131 e sent him to the hospital, declaring
it was a case of small-pox. In three
days he was out, hunting for a lawyer
who would bring suit' for damages
a:ainst somebody, because it was only
a i attack o • erysipelas
$l9 75
A Philad • Iphia lady, who appeared
at the nava ball, Cape" May, on the4th
of July, enjoys the distinction of hay
tig a dress nade entirely of white lace,
4ieli was )urchased in Brussels at a
ei)st of about seven thousand dollars.—
It is kept in an air tight case, and the
nlight is never alloWed to fall upon it.
A highwayman in the western wilds.
asked his victim whether he would pre
fer to give up his money or his
The reply was that neither was prefer
-120 . The gentlemanly but abrupt rob
tier rald, " But, my dear sir, you are
4 , ttuderlag from the subject," and took
A child was born at Manchester, Vt.,
short time since, which.weighed only
2,4 (moves, but Was perfectly formed,
dud hopes are entertained of its living.
it's face can be almost. covered by an
cild fashioned cent, and a lady's finger
r inn be slipped ou the arm.
'OIIOOLBOYS in. Wisconsin fill their
pockets with locusts, and, at a given
siganl, each boy taps on his pocket,
causing the locust to give fourth their
deafening, doleful cry, as if forty chil
den had been *hipped.
Olive Logan rejoiceiv the masculine
heart by the declaration that she will re
move the mystery which surrounds the