ANNOUNCEMENTS. TLo followfng•named persons -offer - thesseselres Coud'dates for the Offices named below—subject t 0 'the , decision of She Republican County Convention : •, . . . Vott Assonant Janos, ' -...- GEO. H. BAXTER, Nelson! ISRAEL STONE, Delmar.* W. 0. RIPLEY, Richmond.* A. K. BOSARD, Osceola* L. B . SMITH, Blossburg. OLA.REND E. TE.BENTLY; T N RATHBONIE, it Blosbbrtrg, Fort COUNTT Comba t ssiogeri, T. 0. HOLLIS, Ward. • CHARLES OOPESTICE, of Delmar. • , •Fca Thermos Arrormr, - J. 0. STRANG, Westfield.* J. W, ADAMS, Alansfleid., J. 0. HORTON,Bloesburg: •-• ' J uu e 14, 1671. TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR Local Items. \V EDNEgDAY, MY New Advertie Dairy Farm for eale—A. P. Cone. i Caution-D. Wardle, Dumber 'lmth & bioglea--L. 0. Bednet Magic P ala Itemedy—M. L.Bacon. _ , . "sales Slippers chedp at 'Hart9n's Rev. Mary J. De Long (Universalist) will preach in Bowen & Cone's hall, Sunday, Ju ly Its, at half poet ten A. M. and:tbreo P. M. PrasoNAL—Joseph Barker, fdrmerly of. this county, but now a resident of Chicago, is Ca a visit to this place. Srookeing Tobacco at Horton's. CARD OF THANKS.—The ,Baptist ,iety of Welishoro extend their thanks to the fermiers of this vicinity for their liberality in do uuting material for the recent festival; rt,lso to the citizens generally for their very liberal pat ronage. Proceeds of the festival, $134 Ladies Dress Goods cheap at Horton' STILT, RuNsisa.—An impreaslbu ha ,mg gone abroad that M. W. Wetherbeet is not to the fteld . as a candidate for Commissioner, .he wishes to remark that he is to bo counted in for that race. Believing himself well adapted for.a of that kind, ho will not resign on anything short of l a decision by the Convention. a rojeries cheap at Horton & Brother. GRAND MOWING MACHINE TRIAL.— AO. Reynolds,; of Tioga, agent for the Ktrby wirer, challenges all agents of other machines Tioga county, to a trial to take place at Tioga ~ a tt 18th of July, in the meadow of Portet Willcox, just above the depot: Judges: Allen Taylor, R. F. Baker, of Sullivan ; William Law ran, Aaron Squires, of Rutland; A. Westbrook, D. Aiken, of Tioga; N. Whitney, of Charleston. Ready made Clothing at tfOrton's In our notice of " A Young Gentle man," printed in our issue of Jima 28, we made a mistake in localities. It should have been Knoxville instead of Westfield. And a friond from the latter place assures us that Tire put the ease too strongly ;- that it was -a rather trifling matter. We got our information from the officer Rho arrested the young man, and. told the tale as we heard U. If it is not as bad as seprdseated, we are the better pleased. Boots & Shoes cheap at Horton dr. Bro. PERSONAL.—Wm. M. Whiting, for merly with Bache & Co., in this village, and now with Underhill, Beaumont & I Co, N, York city, is spending a few days in this place and tilong the trout streams, by way of recreation. Whe ther he is really fishing for trout, or the heart of some fair young lady, we will not mention for the present. Iloweier, we will state that our young friend's services arc so highly appreciated by his employers, that htis salary bas been consi derably increased of late. We do not anew:lnce this for the special interest of the fait ono, but for the gratification 'of his numerous friends in the locality. Buy Goode at iiorton Sc Brother. FANNINQ. MILL.—Mr. J. H., Mather, of Lawrenoevillo, has tho thanks of the Wells boro Baptist Society for veil* generous dona tioncof a fanning mill, of his own manufacture. The Society offer the abort) mentioned mill for sale, and warrant it to thoroughly so4irate tho wheat froni tares and chaff, with just sufficient blowing to eliminate all impurities. These gills have been thoroughly tested, and In all cases have given the best satisfaction. Who bids for the isffi ? A church guaranty will be given. P. S. An irreverent friend suggests that we set up the mill es a church institution, t'wlth • refer ence, probably, to• -wheat and tare' alitioly. (.ier friend forgets that theirs is a Baptist Society, teheving rather in the " washing away" than the winnowing of impurities ; also, that the ear liest mode of cleaning wheat was by washing, in lerge vessels—essentially, immersion. New Goods at Horton & Brother DIED—In this place, on the morning ,t July 4th, Mrs. Sally Lindsay, aged 80 years. Mrs Lindsay waS the widow of David Lindsay. ;rho came to Wellslioro in 1808, and died in 18. .!Z. At the time he came here, there were _but three or tour houses where Wellabor° now stands, eel these were, as a matter of course, log boa . line of these, a large log house, stood near the site now occupied by F. D. Bunnell ;_anoth- Li-, end smaller ime, just back of the hotel now kept by Sol. Bunnell, one near the prese4 resi— dence of Dr. Packer, nod another, partly built, neat lohn Bache's. These, witli fi log' meeting bouqs, standing where Monroe's hoteltram now !tends, comprised the village in 1808.' There is, We believe, but ono log dwelling remaining in Avcikle.eo. In the pear 1808 the. county was .organized, ta the first meeting of the Commissieners was held in the log meeting house. The Inext and BlaWcquent meetings were held at the house of 1.4%ia Lindsay, who wqs for many years Coln tni,sioners' Clerk. Ho also kept the - first store eves kept in Wollsboro. Mrs. Lindsay was the last survivor of those who came here so early es TITAT MARSH CREEK. ROAD.—III the Tinter of '69-70, a bill passed the Pennsylvania Legislature appropriating certain taxes of Del mar and Shippen townships for the consiruction of a road from Wellsboro to. Pine Creek. Now, as there aro already two roads from the borough L. Pine creek, the taxpayers of these two town 'hips did not see any pressing necessity for this third road, save in the interest of a few individ uals who owned land along the route of this mid land road. We say midland, because the pro jected now road lies between the two other reads; and these two, already constructed and in fair ,working order, aro about three miles asurrder at the starting point, running nearly parallel, anti debouching on Pine creek Within one mile. The land between them is broken and very hilly, not to say mountainous. Over this rough ground\ it I was proposed to build the new road: Under the law, as it was framed, the 'Road Commissioners atild not got hold of any money until 1873. But management is everything,—and the thing vas managed so that the Commissioneis got - hold the money during the summer of MO, amoun ting to about $l5OOl--(money received for taxes that were assessed prior, ,to the passage of the I.le above referred to. and which had been appro priated by the Supervisors of the- respectiro townships to pay debts / already contracted ) The Auditors refus‘d to audit the account, and further legislation became necessary, 'in the way .1 an enabling Ca. This, too, was managed, and' tae account was at length audited., But the eiti , :eni, of Delmar and Shippen were Almost unani• elnuAly opposed to thci road, and aclongth, being • fairly waked up, went to work in. earnest for tbd, repeal of the bill and its supplement :' . As Viral, t he I eople,.when they took hold in earnest, pre• Tailed ; and the result is, the repeal of the bill, lIS supplement, and all acts authorizing the buil ding of the rend, witlen most satisfactory refun a'tlz of the tax money—minus a retainer of $lOO y. attorney fees; (Query, whose attorney We state the case as we understand it, from the Ino.t reliable account wo oan get. If we err in "Y particular, our columns are open to short, bosinest-like rejoinders end explanations. W e `peak the thing we know, however, when we say Qat the taxpayers of the two townships are al most urtmluvrall,y oppowl to tb 6 "16111. ittr.lL. A. Scare requests us to say to those per sons riho , Ntoleiv.lloirerrabfroia.''hiii yard - the other night,ithat they forgot to abu t th e gate. A sow AfiJobict ` •f3mlth,f Dorhingi while on a That at Morrie Run, Wail run oval by the oars, so crashing his,arm that it became ne cessary to amputate it. The opeirietted,waa per formed by Dr. M. L. Bacon, assieted by Di. Bar ton, of Fall Brook. - The case is doing well. • 'STONY FORK SALT WORKS.—We are ,requested, to, say that those, who have antosmibed, for stook in thia compdriy nth iegaired it) 14);_nt: immediately, to J. S. Coles, Treasurer; WellshOrot of to Thomas Allen, Collector, Stony Fork.— Those neg , !ootiog thie wllt,ha called e , Z hy l a s otnear , atilt; "the entlitratiog- ioalie• - • • : 12,1' . _ 8. 8. PlCNlC.—The:Slll2darßehool , of the M. Church of this village , expect to have their annual Plant" on 'Wednesday of this week in Mr. P. D. Dormers grove. All are , invited to meet at the -Chrtich‘ in} this tilllagek at' 10 o'clock. If the weatiter,shoulttbe tho Picnic will lie fostiioned twilit the first fair day. _ THE WEATamtDuring past ten days we have been al ost tempted into going back on our platform of ig a summer every year." We!stpqd, the hegvy,kdtl;lepq iiitittiled - MaiiTot liffni with equable foFtitede, though we lino* our favorite applia;44 4einettinked. at the drought ant cold of June, and ; ,9nly re marked that it iviii'hardi on tlio striped bug and the grasshopper crop.. E'vcifi when 'the weather grew colder, and a pretty fair frost—for the sea sonvisited us about the 20th of Juno, we re marked, emilingly,•that that was the wind-up= and hoed our tutors, and ate our lettuce in peace and with a thankful But when, on the very last day - of-June, there came a froat that made'petatees look like - balled' pigweeds and corn like * strips 'Of broWn iaper; we began to lose faith; and when this was.fol lowed, on the third of July, by a furious hail storm, that gava porni . potatoes. and oabbage patches the appearance of having been enfiladed'. with tenponny nails, we gave it up, and subsided in a fit of horticultural sulks. We-derive some; consolation from the fact that the grasshopper's; which averaged about ono to each head of timothy—mainly, had their legs broken by the hail. And now the only solid comfort wo derive front our garden, is in watch ing our games and "stabrights as they go for crip pled grasshoppers. Iu portiOns of Charleston • township, the hail fell in jagged, irregular cakes of ice, abd was se vere enough to cut the corn into ribbons and ut terlY ruin many fields of smalkgrain. Fortu nately, it was more severe than ,egebtfivel , 1 ! THE FOURTH—Was. ,generally ob lerved throughodt the country after what is pop ularly styled the "old fashioned way." Our ex changes are laden with particulars of parades, speeches; dinners, dances, and a general:9*e) of spread-eagledom. Just why the -anniietsary of Independence should be devoted to noise, fuss, feathera, music and general detonation, never was so very clear tons; and wu note - with plea sure that in some localities there was no "regu- lar" celebration, but the day was observed as a holiday, in a quiet, sensible manner, by little parties of friends, picnics, quiet reunions, and a general relaxation from rho carps that too strong ly press upon our hard working people. The day ;was kept in this way threighout Westobes tor county, New York, and in a few other loesli ties. At I'qughkeepsie they bid a balloon race, in which noliody wen;beestuse/ono balloon went off rapidly in a horizontal dirt:A:Alen, while the other ascended perpendicularly to the height of four milps- In Now York the day was devoted to noise, parade,' •sileeches and display, in which Young America, armed with unlimited powere of deto nation., took a prominent part. The accidents in the metropolis were rather under the anbnal average. The Tribune reports 37, of which a ,large number ,wero of shattered left hands—ow 7 ing to the fact that right hands held shooting ironts less steadily than usual. - . In our village the celebration was rather of the old fashioned sort. A gathering on the green, for the purpose of making and listening to spee ches, was broken up by a qpaart shower, which; being snore . needed: :thin the; ipeecheN :we, are; glad to record. ' ThA Crowd adjotieneti to the Court House, however, and listened attentively to a couple of really good talks,by Hon. Henry Sherwood and Rev. N. L. Reynolds. There was a lively hop and' good faro at the Cono House, and in the evening, fireworks, which were toned down to a considerable extent by g supplemen tary shower. The anticipated base ball match ) between the - ociale, of Elmira, and Actives, of Wellahoro, did hot come utl;.the Socials neglecting 65 Win in appearailefor reasons - Reticle - it to them- Tho day was one, on the whole, of _real enjoyment, iind, - we are happy to say, produc tive of no serious aceident„___ GRADED SCHOpLIB7).-2.—The-DireCt .rs of the Wellsbfaro - Graded 'School, Aosfro to F all attention to the advantages offered for' the next year. Thus far theirlmost sanguine expec tations have boon more than realized. Tho sac bcsslacta-mpd during the past year, has, been tso groat and 4o universally acknowledged, that Ms emir freely' conceded that not even the R. R. is so pmpOrtant to Wellaboro, or excites so much Am 'west as her Schools . • Ono of our most wealthy citizens, who- has no: hildren to educate, was so impressed with the Work tho schools were doing and the groat bene fit they wore to Wellsboro, that he requested the. rohectors—if they needed it, to double hie soiledax, ax, whioh was already one of the very largest. A,careful examination shows that already men, eprosenting more than $150,000 have moved in the place, or signified their intention to do so I his 'summer—to give their families the superior advantages offered by our school. It is safe to say, that there are within .a radius, of.l l to 20 lodes, 100 families ; who, for the next five years, loanst.provide for their song and daughters an ed. : ircation better and higher than that now within heir reach. To give ono daughter even an,ordi-, ary academic education at tho minimum sum f $250 per year for a series of years, is very ex neive. The'inducement to move to the county eat will bo very groat, provided as good facilities re found hero as elsewhere. - ' • ,Tbesn considerations have in(hibeirk the deter mination on tiro part not only of 'the Directors, i:;ut also of ,the, most influential and intelligent citizens, to make Wellsboro a prominent Educa— !fours/ Center—whose advantages shall he second 0 none in all departments and grades preceding 6. College course. Under the wise system of traded Schools wn aye our endowment of all tber — proportY in the 1 orough=at least $3 L -000,000an endowment .reater than that of any Academy or College in he State, or'ln-the United States. • 11,en,ce the advantages offered need only be mitea' by the demand and en lightiMed ty of our people. , - The prinelp"a.i; , Pri,i.iii C. Wintoii, has had drantageS of liduoation, experience and travel, 'bleb especially qualify him for , his_ position.—,—, rs. Hart has ieeently been tendered the position f preceptress in two of the oldest and best Scpl naries of New York, at a salary twice thaLlthic,h ; he redeives berg. Prof. Chas. O. Thompson will have ohargo of he department of Fine arm. State Superintend. nt Wickersham at tho last examination of Prof hompson's class at Mansfield, used the follow ng langnago : `This bas been beyondix doubt 'bo bos t examination in Drawing in the State.— am pleased to see Such a.. growing interest in his Behobi, for It is, I deem it, of as much im portance as any branch taught. In Music, we have several accomplished teseh ers—one of whom did credit to .horselt at -the Female College. , The Prinoipta: is iinalifted to enable the Pupil speak and nntrstand when spoken,- 'French, Orman and Italian: From having visited many Of the place celOrpted' in History, iii inptruo i ion in this dei)arttneill wilt - be of especial' Jn:every department it is 'the aim of the Dl icctors to , secure;first AlaglKotructpra, ea,: ct all to that vigorous and intelligent ariperii.: don which can alone accomplish results in- tiny iJnterprise. : • Wellabor°, like Troy, proposes to educate her children at borne, and save an expense of several t ousands of dollars per ,year, which heretofore .aS assisted to build up`'and enrich other tea.• For further particulars, or for board-1010h con be had fot frothls3,oo to s3,so'iefiigek; dreas the Principal or J.NO I. MITCHELL, : Eleo`y MANSPIELD.—.Firiend Agitator : Who 4suilotaesteleturapa*thwidth in-thelittitiV BtmtmehtlitiT • e &Rini w o could oall up the spirit of the lost "A00i.," and ibn the "Regular" lights that did.shine like the Spitted plated? Oh, t a ltirs in What path his Wayward orbit cloth lie: '1.;" - mSeen, but for a fleeting breath, WhithertVard does he fly l° By special reluctantly, dip my pen to notice the events of the laid week, i . the (iom- Mencement Week of the Mansfield- State;Normel Sehool." I would molt haie preferred that that new light, hid in darkness, from 'mortal Aldan-by a mystic, aloud b soubriquet, .had been detailed to throw the in k) and witty'lmords of flattery; but, mayhap,though a ?hewer of me- Moro fall, a little star ne4.lwinkle whiere greater enee shine. -Before the work had yerbegart.,_ strangers gun {to gather under the - hospitatde4halles of the biich on the hill ;" everihera.. - thereishe bustle andtpreparation.• The pr smnip optilid With a grand musical conceit on,. ueschiy evening, 27th given by Prdfessor Hoyt; and 'his class' graduating in music. Tha chapel was F . fietefully festooned in evergreens; on the ( Walle were hung - groUped pictures of the several climes that have graduated at this school, all gotten up by Prank Spencer, of this place, and of some photographic notoriety; the group of the clasi:of 1871, 91 in number, 22 by 28 inches in else.: and framed in heady carved walnut, with embossed gilt, and presented by Mr. Spencer, was hung bank of the center of the Stage; in a oolossalyreath of ever greens. The body of the chapel-Was filled with ~ qektil,- w hieb would comflittablyiloat about 600 persbne ; and every seat and may chairs were filled by the time the concert ripened. The se lections were from the chbicestompositions of the {pastors of the art. 4 Every .tileee was well rendered. All the conceited meal° was praise. Worthy. Beside Professor Hoyt, there were eight per forators, all young ladies,: beautiful, accomplish ed, and tastefully and nobly dressed; winning the hearts of the andieneef not laps with their mule than by their pora6nal charms. The con cert Must be recorded as dui very-best ever given to an audience in Northern Pennsylvania, and hediles Professor Eoyt as a vary% plittofeat tea cher: of music. • ELKLAND. Itte.'Editgr :—Ae per egrei3ment, I send you a lbw items from this be , 'rough, although our town'Ati so quiet and moral, ' there is not much transpiring that Is very excl.' ting. The railroad question is absorbing the minds of the most - of our (Athens, although we have a few men who have 'no Interest, as far as taking stook is concerned, but are waiting for the live men to build them up,.„ But perhaps we are not worse off than other communities in that re spect, for " all hives haveAheir drones." The stookholders of the Cowinetique Valley railroad met at Laivrenetstrille last Wednesday, and `organised their company by electing Joel Parkhurst President, and John :Parkhurst, P. Tubbs, B. Dorranoe, C. Ryon, 11.,Tubbs, G. H. Maxtor, B. P. Branob, C.O. B. Walker, John N. llingerford, S. T.'lloyti A; H. Gorton and G. B. Bradley, Directors.— The above 'gentlemen were unatiimoualy elected. The utmost good feeling prevailed ; every one seethed well satisfied. So much for railroad. , • Professor C. C. Ward, I understand, is Intend. inn to open his. High School hereon the - 21st of Angast. Having taughtlere for-several, terms, we have no fears but he will succeed. I) Levi Skinner k, Co. have sold _their sash and -blind factory to William Mead, who is now a •oitizen among us, and a gentleman in every c eense, although we are sorry to lose our friend and neighbor, Mr. Huriburt, who we believe is to go book to the factory at Cowanesque Valley. The crops are looking very well about bare at present, although " Jack Frost" visited some of the cornfields a short time ago. •, Many of our friends have commenced their haying. The crop is fair on the flats, but rather poor:on the hills, owing to the drat weather. Mem WEST. FARMINGTON.--The reason for' the non-appearance of local Homo from West Farmington for some time past, Ist • that I had no thing to communicate. it bas :been very dry hero - until recently, when wo have had lino rains. Crops look well generally; Hay is very-light on the hills, but good in the valleys. Winter wheat promises a very heavy yield. Taking all things `into consideration, the farmers Mire ought not to complain. Improvementiti still on the march hero. J. E. Peters has erected a fine barn for hay arid grain. Charles H. Starr is building a horse .and wagon barn, which improves the looks of the .1411 very much. The old tumble-down and much abused building used as a school house in the Cady dis trict; in this part of the town, is soon to be re placed by a nice, commodious ono. The farmers hero'have built considerable of the P. Davis pat ent wire and picket fence, on trial. it is as durable as said to be, the old rail fence will soon be a thing of the past. There aro a third more cows kept in this part of Farmington than there wore' one year ago. It has been most too dry here for dairying purposes; feed being very short In the pastures. ;., GEN. Joan. 311A17.1t1A.G.E S. TAYLOR—FULIAR-1n Delmar July CO, by Rev. A. Dodge, Mr. George Taylor to Mies Ada , FullIr; both`df Ctiatheria, -'" - GLEAtION—MAYNARD—In Nelson, on the 3d inst., Ifs , Rev. S. A. Rawsoil, Mr. Henry Glea son Of FaTmington, and Miss Mary Maynard of Nelston. I ,HTHGHER—GLEASOIT—In Delmar, July 2d, Ity A. S. I3rewater Esq., Mr. John Blgle to Mies Amelia Cileasork. To Nebraska, California, and; Kansas, and the B, & M. R. R.; Landis'. The "Burlington liente," so - called,,lies right inl the path of the Sttir:of Empire: It rune almo t immediately in the center of the great weatwar movement of emigration. 'Crossing Illinois an lowa, it strikes the• Missouri river at threie, paints. - ' ~. , • . , . .. ?: t 4 ' These three polatsiare the gateways j into thre great sections of the trans-Missouil region. ii The Northern gate Is Omaha, where the gre t Pacific road will take - the land of gold and grapes, sunny mountai a, and perpetual summer. The middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska; ninth of the Platte river, a reglon'uneurpasied on the conti nent for agriculture arid grazing.. Just here are .the H. & M. Railroad; Janda, concerning which Geoo3. Hartle, the land officer at .Burlington, lowa, can giro you all information t jand in the heart them Is Lincoln, the State Capital and present terminus of the'rOad. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by conneo- Atone with - the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, run ning' direct to St.JoenndHansas ; City. The trains of the Harlington run smoothly and safely, and make all connections. It runs the best of coaches, Pullman palace and Pullman dining oars, and should you :take,the. journey for the journey's sake alone, you gill be repaid; or take It to find a home or a farm, - and you cannot find 'either better than among the . B.- it M. lands, whore you can buy on ton years' arid% and at a low price. March, ISM 1871.—1 y, ANNOUNCEMENT.. W. WEVIERiikE, disliking hard work, fearing to steal, and'Aegdaing beggary, will take his chances with his neighborie, as a candi date for Commissioner,.subjegY,to the decision of the Republican Cotiventiort. • Dr:D. MlintrorrroN, of-Wastfield borough, will be a candidate for the office of Jndge, subject to the decision of the Repubtkan County Convention. * •'-.JOSIAII EMERY, of , tfolltbotii, will be a condi. dato for the Logislatnre r sobject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. SPEC3I.AIJ.NOTICES. THE SALE OE PATTENT MEDICINES: Ilan in no other country reached the onortuous proportions it has assumed in the United States. This is owning to the:vaskeztent of territory and tho comparative thinness,-of population, which ,creatos the pecessityjor _some reliabl remedy, Y,tbut!can be applied At,- ; "‘onoe in the absence of ,Profcssional medic/ `aid.'s Hann 'BlrrEns bas for over ten Tema been regarded*, '.The Great Hatisehold Remedy, find is relied on in every emergency by thousands of families in every section of the country. It is not a fancy drink,' imposed of bad whisky, flavored with aromatics, to tickle the palate and minister to a depraved appetite, but is a carefully and scientifically prepared• compound extract of Roots, Herbs and Harks, possissing great medi cinal virtue. Its rate combination presents ({the most effectual remedy yet discovered for all Ms. Meet of , the Stomaolti Liver, Kidneys and Bow old. every where f lit One Dollar per Bottle. _duly 12,1871.-1 m • Wall Papiii,,-,Window Paper, Da'ooration Paper, Borders, Cords, Tassels, Cloth Shades, Cloth Curtain' (gist) ,Window Fixtures, Pictares, Picture Frames; Pietare Glass, and every other article noi . tisstiry 46 beautify He l m Tho largest assortme* of this - line of goods ever brOught into Tiogaae*ty ! Call at our NEW STOBE No. 3 Smith,ii s ,liolven!! Brick Block. May 1, 1871-tf. TWOHIOUNG & CO. The Confessaniotaklnvalid. 1011LIBLISIIED as a warning and for_ the benefit of young men and lothiis, who suffer , from Nervous debility, &0,, supplying.tuirmairts Grams Com • Written by one who chiedhlmsel, and sent free on receiving a post-paid &tided envoldiie. Address, NATHANIEL bifFAlß,lll:ooklyn, N. Y. -, i hfay 17,1871-6 m. , , • :DENTisTRY.-0. ,±)iiitt, dentist aloe in Wright & Bai / ley's Blook i lhere he oon- Alnites to make teeth tth ihe'nerti improvement which gives better Sabtifaption than any thing else ln use. To be hniftet Darttle only.—Aug. 24 .1871/.—tf. larinltlUo my wW Renereo.4l4olllrinit - a.W.A.Baintsbeeettaltddel ' her oring or trusting lk_q. on tor 'aeoonnt, SO wilt . pay no debte oritiox kinisethigi: l fter Ada date. - =.O ...U% -V • July 15, 1871.-80 . TflOßtAft 14, 0. IVOTIOR.—I hereby forbid all persona put- Alt chasing a note given by me to P. 4, Pow, en, Tor ono hundred 'and fifty 'dollar" Flyable "twelve mOntha from date, dated Kioxvi l le, Tune 8, 1871. Said note was fraudulently obtained. I have received no value therefor, and shall not pay it. PRANK P. ' . BABOOOK. Rnenvllle, dune 28, 1871 Elw BORO' ORDINANCE. Le it enacted by the Burgess and Council o€ the 'Bat*? of prsMbar°, That frogs and after this Roth day 4# June, 1871,11 - shall be unlawful to fire: er.9 1 011111 0 .101)reda 4 1 4/14449C11000:•1-4 0 ill exploded, My firecracker or tbreirackers, Roman candle or Roman candles, or any kind of explo sive:or combustible material, within any street, highway, alley, lane, public square, or public groye, within the li mits of the Boro, of Wells bore ; and any person or persons who shall be iara l guilty of violating this OX , Painr. ' h hi fined in the sum of one dollar, (o d eery offence; and it than beAbli yi liileas or any Insilco of the -Peke., Int tbh.,ll of Vireßaboro, upon complaint being made under oath} by any person, of the violation of this or. Maputo, to issue a °aphis in the name of the Bor ' orWellsboro, returnable forthwi th , for the the nest of the offender or offenders, and upon satisfactory proof of the offinurtaving ben! co fitted by the person or persons, charged with the offense, the Burgess or Justice shall sentence the offender or offenders severally to payi tho said fine of one dollar; and all costs ; and;npon the neglect or refusal of said offender or offenders,• to ppy the same forthwith, the said, Burges ; Or i f tnitge itittetlit,Vra' such dellikEien to the ' '"' n t j : i kiC County, for a term, not exceeding forty eight hours, and the Burgess, Justice of the Peace, and oonstables to be allowed the Same fees, as is allowed by law for like service. By order of the Board. 41.11ADBIELD, Clerk. Bt,ellsbore, June aB-8i ' MOWING . MACHINES! ' , THE WW•i!MIEI ULM 4. WOOD MOWER, Is acknowledged to be the best by the Farmers of Ti t ega county. Wright & Bailey HAVE THE •AEEN9Y, for this Co., and proppsoito sell to all who.tiant, the bast, lighicilit -- .d&ft, , cetaiesC Itindled,` durable and' the cheapest machine; one of Wood's jointed bar meteors. We always supply the Fixtures r+ , ~ . $ 's" =EI . . for the machine; have them on hand, so there need, be.A9 itelaY.ooooll by;brea!Cageo, We-are. also glellitig the ' - - --' - : , lCtiliit t . ' f Wheel Rake, he beat in the world. We can fuznieh the AMERICAN RAY TEppm • „•••,•:,, • to thosiPttli-t,w4t---APIIIT: Iforse Hay Forks on band, the very beet Improved, and latest etyle. .4i . : i 7 " ' 0 N , k .. ' ! 1 -; '•ili : f. ‘t,.-.':'.' Don't buy a MOWER until you see us and 'gel our terms. No man that wants a mower shall go without—if too 4 . ave,ro give him my WRIGHT & BAILEY Dtklg :Ewe , :..of,Pfolurts Hastings do Colo, for further information Jtine 14, 1871-41.4 THE SHOWS ,m,,p4,Tai IDIAEASRVAKE NOTICE, that I am now receiytng,girent from New York, a tall and oomi)le'te " , , 'Sprizig 'Goods; DRY GOODS, Nark's, Boots, Shoes, NM v*tobs..tier,' .1 dLotHB':-A*b.:- . CLOTHIN6 My, stook of Laces, Embroideries - and •White , . thiode, &c., ' , .! 4 %.L. • are tinuanally propose to soli at the 'Very 'loweatiffiee.,ash, I have tried long e L n4 r ehert.iiiamjsredit, And AO itAioes-riat: pay.' me or anseconers. 'Hereafter, POSI TIVSLY NO BOOK- ALOCOU-N,T •REPT, so do not ask foll'ortfditei 1, I 'am always glad to show Gooda anf; not of fended if you do not buy. So do nut-be 'afraid' to ocimo and look. All goods . marked In plain fignies. One man's money is as good as anoth er& 7 So onlykope psion- rPlgtaffeiTontembqr, Yeti' pay.bnly tritaizettr i bk-ini) bip Its fio pay:for. ri 1111 r si April ; • I ' Relit ': State ' For f • NE HOUSE AND LOT. on State,street, 9n - kl, till:11y new, linlibinllinibidyaltiinigliont.4F Cottage u style. Terms easy. 4i 0 a lot on State street, upon which a house is ng built. i• /ota iiii bituititaraat: .1 . 1 ":: . --: ~ •-• ' 4:our hundred acres otiltabalsiiii in' Denial.: • Also, a splendid dairy farm in Delmar, con— taining 876 acrgs. • LIA*O Of : ,: •.; -, .:- - June 21, 1871' tf 'WRIGHT AtBALLEIG. sTocK, OF . Just received.' When they. have more,iinte,.thetwill pot in a'n , this place to all their old customers, together-with Lthe l neW, f lava a Arst-rato stock of Goods at bottOm prices.. %Yoga, July 8 187 i . , . i. v - r ;!, 10 dortn,Shamls at prices from $1,50 to ake4" - Rarcool§fil l prices from 84 'to 85,00. 20 pieces white .Dress Goods, well adapted, to this season, at prices' from 15 cents per yard to 6 shillings. 26 pieces new and popular Dress Goods, some of which h4ve not been be offered in this ptarket, at prices from 25c to $1 per, yard. „ 5 pieces:Black I Silks; at prices front $1 to $3 . per yard: .1 10 _pieces Black Alpacas, at - prices from 2s6d,to 81,00 per yard. 100 dozen Ladies' Cotton Rose, at prices from 10c to 6s _per pair. 25 dozen Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs at prices from 6c to 75cts. ,-4rt..endless variety of .Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, , And also a full and complete stock of Prints, GirighaW, Lawns, Deming's, Tickings, j• Sheetings, at prices to suit • the trade. JULY 5,_1871. - . THOMAS HARDEN. I= 41 • k2U,JitiA64:.ilfdtkOt Price paid for Country Pioduce. is '4.4,.t.Z4 TERMS—STRICTLY CASH. NO BOOKS KEPT. ME ..a::ti: ~k ~: 1111 MEI NE ME I • - , WifiartwA 4 44.-b. , ..N344.6-',...t,N44;:::::-• - . 4 - - P :?!'.~-, ROE EC:EI MOM Tiit track is laid, and the Cars are running, to the long bridge which thiy. are: putting up mug-the .titileuni near Tioga,. but it would tftke a grits& deal - longer's . pan than 'that tb bridge the continually increasing 4, 5 , , 1 1 v- 41 ISi ;OF _CllsiroljEk • ^1 " 21. 2- Wickham ‘,,-,VaL.rle ME ME JUST RECEIVED AT 'HARDEN'S DRESS GOOItS EMPORIUM. An Immense Stock of New -- - - 7 , 7.5"; 'I • i• !!. • Cf. C:J. 141E-41..EZ°11-163ELIEBy MIN GOODS! DOMESTIC GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, _ PRINTS AND HOSIERY; B 0'4 1 4 AND SHOES. A SPECIALITY, 1:11ATS AND CAPS, MECO= Ready - Made el6thing, Mil Ghoioe 1" CO el e e• 0. En ,11, 1671,8; '43,13.1EL1EC.1121:1.719 , heap Cash Store! trAs A PULL ASSORTMENT OF NEW ILIOODfi, SUOR AS Foreign and Domestie Dry -Goods) Wilk* will be eottivery''ehritip. ''LADIES' 'DRESS doOti8; ' r ` WHITE ' BUTTONS, ALL KINDS, OLOTHS ::AND OASSIMERES, ",:i«r AIN QOrtklj PoPTANS' & WHITE GOODS, O 4- h ' o" - ice G - roceries.• • . ,Edgar,'': , . Soap, - ;Tobacco, t Syrup, Rice, ' SalerAtus, Come, Tea, Orac/cere, , Halt, ' Fish, Flour. _.•l. _ „. - 1101,4_,Capa,,Zeota &,,Shoes,---11abbens; Crockery, ; ,Wooden Ware, dm. e . . Cub Paid fiii BUTTER, or shipped on. Commission. Pleat oil/ f.ndloo)i oisr_Stoeir - ever. lou will always find us ready goods. • Wel/aboro, May 10, 1871.—is George Franeis t TraTrain I s - I= ~. • .?-• :\ - •«; . „ ' . y - 4 - =2MMI Ell r liffl MOE 'T,he Cheapest riti'co - in Town to Buy yolii MOM • • EMMEN - 4 • it HEM 4 " 11.0 r• ;HI ill 191.„ , ; 1;1 j 1 1-4 •. ,! irn ivi N i Truman . 'f t it r i eft**o 18**2oUlair Clamsh .A 1 - , °. Yhila • To look at the. new BEI = the Dry : G....001),,5; JUST REORTVD, AT (Baoho's old Stand) Mainlitteet, DRESS GOODS! AND A FULL STOCK OF The patronage of the:publio solicited. Gloves, Hosiery, Knit Goodi and Notions. FOR PRESIDENTi IN 1872. =I ~•i 111 ~ij'lL'l! i ME is at 4 ' I3rothers. REI ME =NZ rr, -, EMI „ .51 ~ : MEI =EI GOOD WIQEHAM ac West Styles of 0., C. MATHERB. J. R. MoclEvT! U ":, 1- • '":: r: ,r .. .. v• - - "_., ; A L. V.• TRUMAN, A. A. TRUMAN. t yi.,NE:.t:, ,FIRM. MEI rics pleasure OM DRUGS AND MEDICINES forme* Owned twit': B. Williams, and are ad ding to the stook a One line of Goode, Opnalot iniof . Pure Drugs, Patent (Afedioines, Yankee Notion,, Paints.. Oils; Tarnishes, Tarnishi Brushes, paint Paint Brushes, S ° - , Fishing Tackle, .and in fact everything usually kept in , a Ant-. olasa DOE? In'the line of Hl'' , 3 .91 Wall Paper, Window Shades andAnxlurel etiee in at they *e Cannot be' undersold. Oall and examine (toods and prises before purchasing elsewhere. Paitieular attention paid to Physicians Prescrip t ons;and compounded at all hours. The patronage of the public Is solicited. PARR. A. M. livanam:= V. Ktoca. May 4, 1871. Sill Jig Squires, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign . Dotestie Liquors Wines, 'c., _ Agents for Fine Old Wtiskies, Or nus D. SILL, , G. N. SQuznEs, J : CORNING, N. Y. Dilay 11, 1871. 4 , 7 , 9, x:-- v - "" i i -.' '- VEGETABLE SICILIAN m a ,/,- "' vi m ''F'"'‘ l4 ‘':lo o : 4 ziAIR f ri, ~,;_,....; ,1,: , .2..:V.: '''-'-' --1.,7,-, 1 "Bi. RENEWER. L. , . , Every year incr ases the popularity of - this valuable air Preparation; which is due to in rit alone. We can aa...:tre our old patrons that it is kept full ttp to its high standard;), and it is the only reliable, and perfected prep aratioa for restoring GRAY OR. FADED 'HAIR to its youthful color, MalsAng it soli, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. lt, remove., .All eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair froni fidling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. 13y its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores_the capillary glands to their 'normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical HAIR IItiESSIIiG ever used, as it .requires fewer applica . 068, and gives the hair a splendid,, lossy ap peariiance. A. A. Hayes; - D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, s ys,. "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent qt2ali y; and I consider it the BEST PRE ARATION fOr its intended purposes.',' Sold 6v,01L. .Thvggiaisi and Dealers n Medicines. Prim. One_,Dollar. Buckingham' by",e FOR THE WEIS RS. 1 As our Renewer in man cases re ,quires too long a time, and too much care,-to restore gray or faded- Whisk= era, we, have prepared this dye, in one preparation;, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which 'will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty • I t - ,Cells. , Mabbfactured by R. p. HALL 00., .NABEMA, N.H. Aug, 8,1870-Iy. •cti c. g 4 I , - r- ba e) go ,;- t C.. 0 09 CD C 3 ri CD OP I. 1 42) , 'V)3 8 % 8 r -4, 4 ... 5 aaz ac. .co c, i 0 4 n Bcnrz a sg - a i.,-,. 2 .-- 5 T, - -1 3. a% 4 e g,',' 0 ca ...- 0 0 :. r t : ; :F: 4.. n e• ci 7,3. k k 44 .... ,:, 0.1 GO Cgi $: l4 .." I N , 0 f: l 4 Al xi " -0 : ca w r" .ka M ' 4) i l -c i t M .l' 'U V 'VD C 4 I C >i gVI IA $ 0 ;' .4 O. fl i 0 1 5, 1 12 i Pk 0 11„ z 4 E ,,t.c'oA:iN4 l .g r :•4 = . - 4 . ill c i . .-.4 .C.) M 0 3 Z 7-: A Ci -0 .4 ;T. frl D; ..0 111 . .) 6 6:10X gior Ogi I>a la 6 t; o „ b c.) CD CD ,ra to. .6.• izi 03 (.) 1. Z 6 6> MI 03 14—.2 aa,r to al pa-8 0 0 , w , iz a v 1 41 4 -.4 - 1:I li 0 AI 1.1, 0 4 ce , 0 4- . ll° C. a = C.) g 0 co $4 „co ( 4 0 VI 8 ill q' T S:2l a) 4: 1 1 TI ft? ' I:D lED I - I C al 13 ~. 0 44, 2 ca ~.9 0 . t) 2 22, 6; tr, r . 2 .1 N 4 0 :5 0 . tip A 1 ., Z1 41 CD . 4L. CD ec 0 721 c ° XI 11 ,A 0 CI _ $. ..... I, 6> CI "!It ',.;,1 —el - 1 0 ..... ...-s Po 0 I .... 1.4 P 3 IQ )1 C" Ai .-4 I 0 4) CD •,-. Ctl • 0 3 i r , 4 f.. 4.) = P. a g a 0 0 g pi 2 ›. 0 i cis 0 1 , - 0 .0 . 8 *. 2 DI LI at 3 a., PLi -* trl - a, rk m ,-, A Cm, FA E-( ; 2 nd willing to show ni I A HOUSE AND LOT in Wel!shore ? Or a desirable lot? •Or a farm within j twenty minutes walk of Ng onshore ? * I hold, for sale, on "reasonable terms, the following property : A well finished, new two story dwelling house, containing ten good rooms ; with a half acre lot, good barn, good well of water; and every way desirable as a residence. Location, corner of Walnut and • Meade streets, adjoining the Clymer - grounds. Also, a large village lot; containing about one acre, and in good shape for dividing into three building lots. Location, corner of Meade and Grant streets. And a desirable farm in Delmar, containing 10.5 acres (known as the Whelan lot.) bald farm comprises .a twenty acre meadow newly seeded, a fine field of winter wheat, and about 60 acres of excellent timber, consisting of ash, hickory, oak, basswood, whitewood and hem lock. The farm iswell watered, and abuts on two roads—the new Stony Fork road and the road leading from Samuel Dickinson's to Wm. Eberenes place. Likewitie, ten fine yearlings. All on reasona ble terms', Inquire of BARKER Hoot, Shoe, Leather and HE subscribers trould notify their Monde T lend onatomora that they Aro . doing a.' level boot and shoe business on Wenewts" greet; op. po*jte the lite Smith hotel. They keep boots of all kiads, and shoes,losait evotybody, both for ladies and gents; also any kind of, children wear. Drop in and see. E. SMITH & 501. a ~i A. M. Ingham ac I Co., WM MINTS TO BUY WILLIAM CARROLL WeMoro. Juno 7, 1871 tt - FinAtag Store. H., E. 'SMITH & SON, Tioga, Tog Co., Pa. MI June 7, 1871 tf JNO. I. MTOIIiEL WOOD'S VILLBRY! CARDS for 60 cents. Large pictures and M. frames for $l. Old pleb/rem copied, en larged and finished In the finest style. Now style frames and everything kept in a gallery on band, or furnished to order. 1 , Rooms over Gardner's grCoogy store. Fob 1 1871 If , Wellsboro, Pa. ; 1 1111ANHOOD: ;HOW LOST, HOW IiSTOR IXL ED. Just published by DR. LEI IS. 266 ;pages. Third Edition. THE MEDIOAL COM PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on the 'radical ears of Sperm atorrhons, or Bemirt al Weak mess, Involuntary Seminal Losses Lipoteney r ;Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pedimentai to Marriage, eta:, and the Venereal and' Syphilitic 'Maladies, witkplain and clear directions for the speedy cure offiecondary Symptoms, lionorrhosa, Gloms, Striotures, and all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotches and Pimples 9n the face d body. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, indu ed by self-indulgence ,or sexual extravagance.. The celebrated antbor, n this admirable Trea al: Itise, clearly ,demonstrate , from a forty years' successful practice, Otat the alarming conse quence of self-abuse may be' radically cured; pointing out a mode f care at once simple, oar ,tain, and effectual, y Means of which every sufferer, no matter what 'his condition may be, icanibe effectually curd, cheaply, privately, and radically. ~.o p his Book should be in the hands of ev , erilyoutb, and every man in the land. S• nt udder seal, in *plain envelope. Price 50 'can a. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach St, Ns. York. I , , ; ~ arch, 8 1871.-6 m. INGHAM it CO. H. BAKER & SON WESTFrELD, PA., KEEP ON AND AND MAKE TO ORDER UGGIES t PLATFORM Spring Wagons. We do not propose to Nell cheaper-than the' !cheapest, but make as good as the BEST at ;reasonable prices. We also do painting in the highest and best style of the art. Any one 7nting anything in our line will please CALL. H. BAKER d SON. Westfield, March 22,—tf. Valuoble-Town Property FOR SALE. TEE subscriber offers for sale the following IX property, via : 20 village lots situated on' plate Street, 4 lots situated near Sheridan at., 9 pores of land near the oemetery. ' This property, will be sold at moderato prices and time given illao the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near he M. E. Church. The subscriber is also agent for the North Carolina Land Company. Par ties desiring to visit that section can get Rail road tickets at reduced prices, and also valuable nformation in reference to th e Company from Hay 10, 1871—tf. i NV; SHERWOOD. i • FIRE INSURAN WEILSBORO, PA. . . • Issues 7. 11 olos in iirst-olass Companies at as -Xlic*NA7 Retteas Al any RELTABLE. COMPANY wilYgrant luguratioe. Jan. 4, 1871.-17. JNO. I. Ikt/TOBBLL. e Oheapeat Place in . the State For. Photographs! AT , THE LOWEST PRIORS AND I ,I I HE BEST WORK. Photograph Gallery ! HOUGHTON, STONY F Manufaot i 7 . 1 Dugg !To:4mi PlatfQrm Sprit Lumber CUTT SLEIGHS AND We are prepared to d on abort notice and in t faction guarranteed. HO UG HABTINS OOLES, Stony Fork. April 5, 1 Farm f 1 1 ONE RUNDRED'AC ' acres improved, an the State Road, south of farm contains a eomfor barns and ninety fruit t to dairying and agrioul quire of the subscriber a June 14, 1871—tf. DISSOLIITION. 2 -, otice is. hereby given that the eo.partneribip hbretofore existing between Lath, Brown ,t Kohler, has been this day dissolved by mutual I cons nt, Mr. Brown ha ving retired from the firm. ' I?RANK KOHLER, .F: G. LUTZ, ; ; PO. H. BROWN. W.Q. t i l dw an ar d ep t i l.;llB ll r. be continued by Mansfield, Jutie l l9,lZl • June 28 4w IN DIVORCE-4o Sjily F. Whiting : You are hereby notified hat Isaac N. Whiting bas applied to the Cour of. Coltimon Pleas of Tiogs county for a dlv roe from the bonds of matrimony, ind that sal Court has appointed Friday, tbe, 28th slay of uly, 1871, for the hear 4-; ing of said applicant in 'a premises ; ' on. which. occasion you may atten; if you think proper. July 5,1871,-4st E. A. sisn, Sheriff. ; I 1411 1 Art, =I RR & CO., I RIC, ,P 4. , rare of es, Sulkies, ' l g, Truck and Wagons, En 808 SLEDS. anything in our lino best manner. Satin. TON, ORR & 00. Agte, Welleboro. r Sale: j ES with eighty ._ d situated near pill aineburg. This ble house, two gee. l ees. It ie well adapted re. arras easy. In ,' Mai . sburg, Pa. J. A. BOYCE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers