The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 12, 1871, Image 2
II ii Zitt Agitator. =MEMO CULATION 1,900., CM VAN' IiELDEIi, Editor and liroprietor. • WoilF3borontryh.* 'Wednesday, July 12, 1871 r „ REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. TOR AirDITOTt GENERALI COL' DAVID STANTON, oP onAvnTl FOR SWIM:YOU GEWERAL; - Cu - L. ROBERT B; BEATH, Ofi SCIIUYLKII.L• THE ERENCH ,ELECTIONS. 'ln France the electio i ns have resulted in n triumph for the Phiers , Republi ea n. 9 ver ! heal otiapart ,ftstl ,Royal; IStti. It . l 3 reportetr,by telegraph that ,from 80 to 90 out of4be . llilpeptitifs,are Republican. flambetta is the only Ra dical fleeted. The Tribmw of july 4 says : " There is raw no doubt that, with the former large working ma t iority in the Arsclobly, the Republic in cer tain of :t decided triumph in that body. The hopes of the, Rotations, in both branclie:., have been disappointed, and the I mpeßialistq have scarcely !made . , any ;Amu whatever. The result is all, the more gratifying on account of filet loud assertions of the probability of a different bsue." ITALY We do not hitow,tliat Rome is the of tieial capital of Italy ; but t4t it is so to all praetienl intents and purposes, is pretty evident.. Ministers of 1-ltate, for- oign plenipotentiaries, and the Italian King; himself, Ilave iietaken themselves .t., the A !wield - Pity; and that in spite the threats toid . cajoleries of his Ho liness, the Pope : . :It was time. Rome has heen hanging at the heelsrof eivill- I f% 40 „,s7ation for centuries— • - lsroleen lumber oar, elrrigging in the t ain of 'Progress; Mating e‘,•ery thing rim. on bare suspi cion of innovation ; oils - mil/1g any and everything free, on principle; teaching only ignorance and sufierstition to the masses,—for an odneated people was in oomplaible with the Flpirltual Throne, not to Mention the Temporal Power, of the (lonian rennin Through many v. en ry contisticse, Rome has mouldered and gathered' (list; always In an un wholesome , NIN ) morn:fly and physi cally. At iss I late in the nineteenth century--a loivllter day seents dawning for her ; and it loopy fIH though Italy, quickened and rejuvenated, were to ai.3- Hulot, it I...,rplalseili 1106100 n ninOng the nations of the earth—with . Rome ,for her capital. . THE TREANY. 11;1!' Y'ribitpr, hat; the following in tit f I litorial twit " , .A Wat bimoon dispatelt notes the eignilleant I tot that rnlilieitti6no of the Treaty of liln4dting too %ti , l,(ol,:thiyed on the 17th of Juno—the ann'vereary tho battle of Bunker (bat tho treaty t. 14 ,be formally proclaimed by the PrelAdent to the anniversary of the 11u faratien of A IneiliNan Independence." ' The treaty met with some sharp op position in the British to make it breezy teresting ; and the eonsequent.tiii3cus sion hail the effect of placing before the British piddle all that could he advan ced for and against its ratification. The tOO to It comes from Um British Provinces, and is based On the ipiestion of the fisheries. The histrtic tiOna to .fr je9ty'm niival officers on tit ia point are roost liberal. The ground liken is, that though " they continue to hold the opinion that under the trea ty of 1815 thud:United States. fishermen aro prohibited from frequenting pole nial ports and harbors for any other pit rpc,,o than for shelter, repairing da mages, purelitiMng wood and obtaining water, such prohibition will not be en-, tore ed during the; present season ; and `hat they will 1 , 6 - allowed to enter Ca n't...dart ports for the purposes of trade o-.d of trio:dapping fish and procuring opplir,o; that they will not ho proven -1,•,1 from iishing (*aside of tho• three toile limit within bays, , the mouths of which are; more than six 'Miles wide." We look upon the ratification of the Washington Treaty as n Most fortunate adjuqment of an ugly misunderstand ing. INDIAN MitTTERS. - Tlie Apaello ii(11801.1, which commenced in-May, has been a lively one, thus far. The " Quaker Policy," which was - alignrated under the pressure of East ern:philanthropists—Whose ideas of In dian aftitirs do more credi( to their hearts than heads—has been siurprising ly favorable to such enterprising Rod Men as " Kicking Bird," "Lone Wolf" and " Satanta," who luiVe .managed to ... pick up a comfortable living under, Lb is policy—by murder, rapine • and' child stealing, It was , these chiefs at the bend of 100 warriors who attacked the , train of Warren, killingseven mon and stealing forty mules. More than two' years since a kind hearted Quaker was put in charge of the post which under took the civilization of these Indians, by tettchin them to read, work, and, in a general way, get an honest and much more comfortable living,' after the liianner of those 'who earn the broad the eat. ' The Quaker gentleman was' i ntel?igent, phi lan thropic, and sanguine that the Indians ,could be induced to leave ph/tide/jog for agriculture, by a consistent course of kindness. Ho has heenjwo his post, and here is his testimony, as given in-the official report of Gen.l Sherman and Inspector Ueneral Maio).- : . . . " The !went the Comanches and Metres at this poet, Tatem a most benevolent and consci entious Quaker entlernan, brie hie'ageney near the fori. Ile call'ed on the General soon after our arrival, and the first remark be made was that ho had been able to accomplish nothing in civilizing the Indians. They paid no attention to his injunctions, and continued going to Texas, "where they committed murders and lawless dep redations upon the whites of that section, while at the Fame time they were being fed from week to week by the United States. A school had been established for these Indians, but ho had been unable to persuade them - to, send *a, single child to it. Ono Comanche had beCn in theischeol for a Ibis days, but his - entire •fainily'encaniped near the reboot house nilthe,l.lmo,. and, .they.voen took him sway, for fear, prphably,Abat he would bo contaminated by contact with our people. The ' agent does. nofpreatime to go to-'the of nip of those savages without a strong guard, and ho be gins to realize the rmeessity l ot a morn rigorous policy tow rd them. ° They must, he thinks, be strong Anna° to feel the Edng arm of the ficiternMent,. and be punish° whenever they perpetrate atm: il cities. It is u safe to olive miles ,from gm fort, without an tee it. • Les rummer the mer'oileii miscreants Murdered:o r men in bile dap *Rhin three miles of; the fort(. I Tabun - has btal Awn years' experiende at thie mt.- . 1: 't The . benevolent; 61 lilting peace. policy, so urgently - ailvocated.bY a class in the VantOrn States, has received al i tong and file experimental trial with the Indiaae i • They have been regular ' - . .. ly fed, anti the hin4pt treat them for two yesirchy our anthi not had'this'sllgliteit conception of gratitude than and they have continually he anti mules, murdering men, and enslaVing children. Bash only openly aeknowledged,,boi these atrocities. There WO hti our trip through the frontier tt as, that we did not' hear t;if bad salTered from Indbin - ritidt to be no prospect of their cat? has resolved itself into this, th tiers of Texas must nil ann (lions c . hastised Ftn4, ipBnrtk havetho - befurudennata7: to use theira, well, which has dence in their.abiQty to cope tattle. Ikey kW the buffalo j arrow, andiliO3 - ..a4ut. tho hunt. They reserve all thei war purposes, and it is a wel they wilt sacrifice almost-any' nition." . . , • It is generally. believed in Texas that the hand of Satanbv in ended ,to, cap ture Gen. Sherman, viliom they j surc posed to be in command of. the trein--, They had knowledge lof his coralng-„, and when the attack.wit a made, oho of th,o chiefs was heard to ondiy ord/ir his braves to .4 .,`-tako-Capt.- fill Lerman alive.' 0 : Three lit the.. ehiefEil :``:Big : Tree,". f .' ,4- 8a , 4 tarrie•P• an d .-•kSittsinta,"- lave been taken aud - sont‘tof the aiitho ities ih'Teiiiti; and , concerning the disPosal '4sf .thest.; . the Quaker ageiit, •TateM, 'adviiiiiee 'as follows iil a:letter to El c)i.. Sherinan, un der date of Atay'f2A: Prinit'me to urgo, lade selentioue views ngninst mph matter of policy it would be tants of Texas , ,tbat they some' tithe' o 'ntedprobabey net that if they aro kept as p will hope to have them retell restraining influence oa they are executed, the MOW to'seek revenge in a whoW white people,' Please eon, wiihes,.as above expressed, f in 'Texas in whose charge ti are placed : The lletter'ol: agent 'V 141 Oen: Sherman in tl cinl nit " Port Will; 11:fay`2W : Littl to 'Gen. firiersnii, post coma, liver thb Within learned. pri g who may -t I P. Feat lrotn Tex with ,:ti copy of may ni 410 rerket may be paid to , diem Agent'till the •orders receiveti."- We give- this • spa question, because it one, and because roan. j net , people think th, been chested; abused by the whites, until, d tion, they have made of their homes and col ter of this article kr speaks, when he soya titan will take it as speak to him of his lu', that he has no home: home is on the prairie corn—that is " squaw bravek. The number belt decides his title to can relish herses,—ond them from the pale fa lug eheated, T he' is ional cheat, aild rinay his pride, and the g And We only wish tl icy, at - the head of on ern philanthropists, 't% under the gentle in raids for a few years, know something of —without knowledg • speak so dogmatical! . We' could say iinie . hmore on this bend, but have`rint tt i e firi'ace. "But this ,we can say,,and do k low : give an jndian his ohoice,betWeen honest labor and starvation, and ho- will draw his blanket:about, him4nd aktivc, with a stoicism worthy of a i)etter cause. . 1 N As to his title to nbover which ne ranges in common with the wolf—for prey—there might be two opinkins on that. A nil we conclude by suggesting that the whole India question might he advantageously le. t to the frontiers men, w 11.4 better and rstarid the-entire matter, aikd how to ti al with it, than ail the Hendo phila thropists east of the Mississippi, wit) the Indian Bu ren throoi in. - FitEEOO3l.O We copy the follcA Army Ipurnal, and evidently true : " It is reported that th to the extent.ef $10,00t) f tho Popo . ; all the, '4 , NA 1 hone taken off tho public: finhnols:" Now,'why were all 'which the Harpers' 1 lists of the New Yei The answer is a ml that city than all th crimp that goei3 . un therein. lt was the tholicism ; the!decn met of that ancient' perstition,, the 'h fa leader of the Tenni; " boss" to the sixth cares a nail-pairin mish Church; yet. move at, the Crack and that whip was pers. Of course tht on the track, and,l, of the I'ope, huntet books out of the p Harpers can stand There is not a nor() able or outspo ken weekly in the ountry than Har pers', and'the . understand very 'ell the moral. e Sects of prodding a painted bladder wi h the spear of ridi cule ; hence the car catures of Nast, the indignation of the Romish Church', and consequent elirUination of the Ha rper school hooks. The lamentable fea ture of the ease is the fact that educa ted, ri t igen t 'eitl l 4'6ld IVeW York, who are entrusted cith the supervision and direction of pu die schools, arerea'l dy to cringe and s oop to any paltry meanness at the tia of - au ecclesiastical Obi. ' THE CORE We are sorry to r•.cord it, but it is a fact,,that, no power ul nation, so - poorly protects its citizens in foreign lands as the United States. Let the commander of a frigate get into trouble by extend ing protection to a American citizen; and the entire pres l • of the Country is after him; briolteli, )res - etitly, by ari inquiry frOm Washington ; and he is forttiOte':ie kfi - . Eiscape disgrace, and dismissal by a court of iygliji4, land; 06 tot _treatlier, subjects t in this W .), §1i.044.Y . -441YA , At.49t4. t ) . l .4 r qh •bitt. Y sbe will nokaliciw,-foreign ,nations to oppress them. , • Not many years sines; an English man,-who was out shooting in the Sul tan's dominions, - was so unfortunate tts to pepper one ',(it tile talthif , al, charge of snipe 5i114,, 1.:‘01' this he 'with set upon, heaten,• aid compelled to ride? . through,the main: treat of, a Turkish towti on a donkey, JrckWard.; The ram ributiott" was sndd n and lauffielant.— The Turkish Clove ;mut, which bad ant extended to • ep - baite 136 tbeie so manylwolyes, ~n stealing hot . ses acislaing - e, they have ittOt „have boastekoF rdly*Aay - ,Aurtng :ttlementsOf Tel. 4 ornet-41eranri 1410 and !her* spomo at the border set--• 'Misted, or the In- Many_of them ditteirtYdriliow given them confi ith' the whites in With the bow Mid -only,anisnat_they . ,r ammunthon for I known fact that ,hing to gal mum- , • .endent of, my con. tat runishMent, as a eat for the inhabi, o not executed for all, for the reason the Indiana and thus have a air actions; but, if s will be very likely • Sale murder of tho !coy my views and to the proper officers o Indian prisoners , , atom Is endotsed le - folyming pect(ally forwarded antler, who will do loners to any officer fie to receive there, d. endorsement, that ho rivishes of the In f;the President are 1 1 . el to the Indian 9 1 , an important really kind and e Indians have ml downtrodden I riven to despera- stand in defense nitry. The wri lows Whereof he that a prairie In an insult if you 7/2e His boast is he la a wolf; his . ; he does not hoe work" ;—ho is a of scalps at -his nobility. Squaws • a bravo can steal co. As to his be imself a profess owed thief ;—it is 1 ory of his .life.— at Horace Gree e hundred. East -11 as obliged to .live luence of Indian that, they might matter on Which - 7 ,th,e , y. write and ratl2l frig from the • •' i oil add that t is Harpers have suffered .r Nast's caricatures of ooks they issue having efl in the New York the school books issue, tfiken ofrthe irk public sehools — ? damning blot on daily and weekly whipped of justice fiat of Roman Ca :l‘, more or less di [petrifaction ofsu f kiqc Pope., Not a ny ring, from the [ward whipper-in, for the entire Re they are' ready to of the Papal whip, „racked at the Ear 'Party hounds went keTaitlifaservante • the [ Harper school iblic schools. life his : can the city? N AFFAIR. failed . to protect him, was compelled to Makea bumble I,OgYAIO'IP,r O V*F- 1 pretty', decent fort ne to the abused En glishinauf tfail he been an 4tuerleab, th e rdwoUld have been no itt4 . oity, 40 payment l , - And, hadlie complained-io hlS.own ,Govern Men Ole would proba.- 40,4vii.beettedmOygliefl,Riethe must ',4 - Me*lspet.itto ing Turks with hUi)tnitti .'s We ore led to theee remarkO bithe critical-tone of `the preBs3ri bows qusrr tens in regard to the light of Coramot. dere Rodgers with the Coreana. 'We .lie_Ver,had a doubt-bnlhe had abundant: qatiße. The eoreans .aro essentially a nation of lawless PliatO, and they_ are by no means Ciespicable as to numbers, comprising as they do' an aggregate of about ten million's. puring the rebel- lion, an Ai:nor - Imin, ivree4nd on -the coast of Corea, , and the . natives -sated her crew very much as-, , tiv the Afarqueswer the Fejee Ist. ands'inig -- Lkave d'one,--they. plundeti , 'ed, beat; mattin - atedii and finally niur dOrKild-part-httAlinrn IS Hi in 1110' etiilet tom ~n Coma; antritild'high ti ins 'ther .. were tatiglit a'leason ` tlihE ' thejf Will op ly learn, froni'euperbirr sk fill , thn Matter' Of fighting. • i =•''' • • . theipmediate cause of - the fight, Was a treacheroui attach made on Airie ricana ou Junp;,lotb; Having hundreds of cannon ih 'position 'and thousands of men ready for , poop. Cereal's scen4d of.apologi zing or paying for the. insult and daps-. age, and Commodore Rodgers proceed ed to exact the respect due his flag ,and nation, as became his profession; and in the only manner by which, he was likely to make his power understood or respected. Wenre proud to hear of the very dedided impression he was able to mole against such an overwhelming force, and have 0n1Y,4 add that a feW such commanders in powerful frigates could do - the nation brave service iq other than Chinese waters. . The Massachusetts:Woman.; I3uffrage 'Association.does not have. the emoOthr est of sailing: On the 4th they , held a large meeting, at which they. denoun ced the Judges of the Supreme Court 1 f the State, and exhausted the vocab4' Olary of severe names—always politely —for the benefit of Said Judges. • • The immediate and Moving cause of this was, that the Judge's had ekplairied that female Justices of the Peace were not known to the State Constitution. And they—the ladies=had just inaug4-. rated an era of feminine magistratesh only to see their judicial heads knocked off by supreme and tyrannous' ermi e. I ) Of course they were wroth, and, bei g wriith, - vituperative.• -. •' • ' . • • V(orse than this, a lading Fourth of July orator, at the very llub, held forth after the following disrespectful 'man ner , " There would seem to be no safety to sooiety in impotent suffrage, and no profit in arraying the women of one seotioa against the women of another;—except to the 'milliners. That politi cian is unwotthy who can be made, by a gentle white-gloved pressure, or a smile, to surrender from the gauntleted hand of strength the iron scepter of a and arm-bearing nation, until those sweet millennial days ; when ovary woman is a shepherdess, and every man— a sheep." KEROSENE. Do our readers'ever refieet,on thefiaet, that just about one humiul being, each' day, dies ahorrible ,deatb. - through be ing burned by keroseue Tilted through carelessness? Such is the fact. Some oil is dangerous under any circumstances, when the lamp is lighted ; but more than two-thirds of all the accidents 'm ight be prevented by obeying a few si mple rides. Never fill a lamp (pine ; • takeoff the bur ner daily and clean the entire Upper works of the lamp ; cut the wick in a slightly, rounding form, apd cut it every day ; —and never, never fill a lamp when it'is lighted, or when there is lire near it. Always set your lamp on a 'solid foundation, and where it will be least liable to be knocked over by chihiren playing about. We might mention .the oil test; but nobody ever: tests all: at least we never knew any one to do it. .And 'here we are reminded of a re mark we once heard 'a lady make in re gard to the use of kero - sene : " She thott it agood thing for' humanity, bedauso it would salfe . so . pany poor sailors 'Vont a watery grave." She 'had a notion that whale-catching was fearfully dan;- gerous: She . was a littl; incredulous we informed her th tat the time our whaling fleet was moisp 'numerous, the yearly less of life by accidents and ocean vloissitudes ; was iino rhething i like one-tenth as great as at"pxesent by,bur ning to death through fillip use ;of kero sene—let alone that btrning, is more, painful than drowning. • ' • '„- TUT NEW CANCER CUR'E: Of all diseases to - whieh humanity is liable, perhaps cancer 'may `be consid ered the most hOrrible. To feefan in-, sidious enemy eating silently at Your life, day and night, sleeping or 'waking, under all phases and circumstances, never letting up for an instant, and ut terly incurable, must be worse than a score of deaths. And there is no mar vel that the new pure for cancer has at tracted universal attention and excited intense interest. We are not sure that a certain cure for consumption would be bailed with more grateful feelings by suffering humanity. This cure is foundln a plant which groWs - on moun tainous ground in the tropics. In Ec uador it has' been found an infallible cure c:ases'orcancer, and no one fears tha i t,disease . ,Who can obtainaSup ply of cundura4o, r )3ven in the tropics, where cancerous,sokes quiclfly assume a malignant form. ! • The history of its . introduction into this 'ountry is thus given by the New York Tribune: "About three months ago the State Depart ment at Washington received a few pounds of the cundurango from the. Government of Ecua dor, through its Minister to this country, 'with a communication describing it. But little impor tance was attached to the matter at first, and It might have been neglected •altegether, bad not Dr. Bliss been given a , small qoantlty of the plant by the Ecuadorian Minister, who happened to bo under his care.", Thotigh skeptical as, to its virtues; lei began to use it-in prietioe;•and obtained snob surprising results,lhat fhb limited' supply ,ktva,r,eknetly ja,;WOo ll kintlYnciro g 1.441 t_divided'aniong eager. liiii)leanti., , ,,?kbout fifteen epee havirlieen - l - riaM'vritli it In' Wl' "country, and in all-rte nee figs been: attended by a - wonderful improvement of the. patient..though the neoessarilysmall doses given, have been in stifiieient to produce its full dictate. Mrs:"Mat thews, ,the mother-of Tioe'President Colfax„, has bean nearly cured of a cancer which it Wes feared would end her life within the year, although 'she haditakon less than!iive onneee - Of the,etuiddran go when-the suppiy, gape. out., (fbliwifoipf, Goo. 0. Gorham, Secretory of lho Senate,. and a lady” Sa Iftleifi id *horn 'sonikrisf the retedi ,wad 'sent by Sebretaryßishotre the 'othei r safilirers Wheln nfew minces tim' adarly:ourat. Thaltnede, of iidnilniatering the plant is very simple, It be ing inertly steeped in boiling water, and the in futon taken internally, • " As the news of the discovery gained:el/cuts- AlanFAArelks•Alcsiblrrrttit - ettplloskieua,for the.:rsta.7.^ Nfitif toilligten — frofti:4ll , 4lWrts O F the country, twenty or thirty letters a day being received by Dr. Bliss; and an equal number by the State Department 4; Many venous, refusing to believe that. the sittply was exhausted, went themselves „tt Nlitishirigton trutu' , Alitu4t_ volute ' , in the fruitless of toslobtaitt tkalireilaits thug:. Dr. Bliss, when ilonvin4ed titat ;the ednduraugo; was a specific for,cauu!#i seg.l4; ! ordetifeMfOilk pounds__ Itio itTPUellOgiboo3B,l4 , , lie soon leai'ned-Itikweivef thit; asp i t was 'not an' article of commerce, it was impossible to obtain it by ordinary_:nommercial -methods. -Lie there-. fore dispatched his . Partner, Dr, Keene,, as an_ 'agent to procure a - supply: ` - tolitailitatetia fiPit Pr. felne •TrABlll, l Y.a an °41 „:1 1 / 4 1 aberao.,kerr niakappoiutment i ur cif .wsp,sitoherao,t4e Government of Reuador, and^ wee supplied with JettArs of,rweemtnendation: by, Dnuhltnt. l Gralitts Mr. Colfax', Ur. Fish, and other prilniiient per sons." !i ; d "i% Wa give considerable, space „to new cure; because We'haVe faith in it, and know something I;ast Leer, while 'on the A . frOczon t iiielleard of it from. several intelligent and educated people, some: of whem,,had resided in the tropics for more than twenty years. One of these, a Prussian doctor,, occu pying a prominent pOsitioain the pus hous4i,iit Para, tola US ;that cancer ,oduldlie as' certainly cared ifs'the'agtie, grid idag hombre deadly under proper treatment. ' 'Arid 'tile- leathielly was 'univerhal tliat' , .with-rthe'Priiper use of Plant, fibro'ld tumar,itecarieer, was not: even dangerous ' , The mode of using it, .frOM Para to Iquitos; is by using a strong iniUsion of the plant:, as a and a still stronger awe wash. tvilo daY. , It is claimed there, also, to'beacertala cure, When used in this way, for fever, sores. The Augusta (Arkansas) Ifstlletfn Gaya: " There are some things' au people do aid de rare,to learn—and among them ; Yankee T ask'. , c azi s m. Wo send no office huntino,to the North; have no wish tOlAterTero with 'theli aoh6ols or reboot booko—:th'eir ohnrohos or their preachers. Just bit tie alone." Exactly. And there are about flve hundred thieves and pickpockets in N. York city who are 'l . ll the wane lix.— TheY'could get along rigl4 'comfortably . were only . 410ne,”, We have atiint recollection of' hearing that Same cry about ten,yeam,ago. ,We .bad an open chance to .leaVe - rebels alone while they disrupted tit" ; ; "11ninn and founded a separate governinent,,,lased on , 4 ,‘ the sum of all , villanies)! We atuok to them until that little plan was a thing of the past, and .beyond hope. Now we are going to wipe out the ig norance and barbarism born and nur lured of the slave system : and we shall ,' l not let alone any portion of this land, until free schools are' established for all, and school teachers are - not only safe bUt respected in every State of the Un ion. The perpetuity of republican in stitutions demands this much at our hands ;—"awzi suipose, ilhe,nsim time, you in Arkansas " letalone".the teaoh ers and tbe schools, uhtgyou have time to fairly judge of their , influence on your—slightly irregular population. THE KUKLUX OUTRACiE Committee in Waehingten iseliciting in amount of damning evidence-reven from the Klan itself—that must forever close the mouths of those who have coolly and impudently denied the very existence of the Kuklux Klan. Our readers have probably read the exatnitiatforinf N. B: Forest, the Fort Pillow murderer,. and , befi,4 l ilifig*ed :With bk . ; (W01 . 610'0;1 Wi a lt";*itapt per- The ,Cniv 14 't,s,+t , l ll lo.l3Y, 'Worth noting - was; Ihrit''.iifter" he had sworn positively thafthere,iverepO Ku ktux, the Committee drew the truth out of him against his will, to the effect that,the organization did exist, and he (Forest) had been a member of it, wor king under the name of " The Order of Pale Faces." The Mowing testimony before the Committee lisufficiently explicit: "J. S. Justice, of Rutherford county, North Carolina,,a prominent native Reptiblimn mem ber of the'Legislature of•that State,' was exam. hied' at great length, and give very direct testi mony in relation to the affairs in his . secUon. He testified that some, five weeks ago a party of forty or fifty 'armed and difignised men came to his house, took him out of. Nadi and in' the presence of his family,beat-himlearfelly , with (dabs , and pistols. " They then carried , him into the woods, midi :threatening his life, Made ibirn ',Premise not to come to Washington tb testify before the com mittee concerning the various outrages wnich had bean previously committed in that vicinity: They then left him, and he managed to get home; where ho was confined, to his bed for three weeks from the effects of. the severe, internal inipries Caused by his beating . /Sir. Yoitioe tiwore - that he believed this and similar 'outragia'were apart of a regular system of political intimidation; and were not merely nelitthorhoodguarrels. He be Raved 'in the existence of the KukiuxKlan in N. Carolina. • • "Essex Harris, a representative than of the colored race, from Chatham county, North Caro lina, bad a lengthy examination -before the In vestigating Committee. This witness is repre sented by citizen's of both parties in the• State as a person of unexceptionable character, a quiet and nnoffendiug citizen, and his-statements are entitled to the highest consideration. " Harris stated that he had received two Visits from the -Katrina Klan—one Wednesday night Wore Christmas, whenalody of disguised men visited his house,. marched ;the premises - , and robbed him of his gun; preparatory to a sec- Owing to - Ws et.otion,•erid. the fact of his being an earnest ,Republician, be had been leave the county, but would not do so. SeorUy after Christmas ' the - Huldrix• made ano ther raid on his, ,neighborhood, near Pittsbore, and called upon arrlk ; after midnight, and; custom;ibe dodf 'Of his' log Cabin was strongly barred,und'the berid, - -tifter )an'un. -successful attempt to enter i -rpoure4, ii,tyellay of fifty grins into the house., Harris was wounded in nine different Ortega, and thii' Elan thinking they had killed him fiedj'afirris`fired ttro , thots and seriously wounded oral of; the 'number, and put out the eye of another -of the r iClite* , Sines" then, the witness reportii, , lies' been in constant dread of his life, •and . 'peace and little sleep., He reported e. , nuaber of outrages, that had occurred in his own county, and represented, that the colored people in a mass were *rifled and distracted. Ths - had ;vs i n their homes at nigh Os at labor by day they t •i • , • Goy. Holden, Republican,: wee p,gachtd, and•beink iron the gubernatorial chair,. was replaced '.l3y Todd R. • 'Caldwall„•Deniocrat; who is now Governor of North Carolina. This gentleman finds .it necessary to issue the following proclamation, which, In view of the democratic fact that there are no Kuklux in that state, reads ant tle strangely. Re,adlhis PrOclatuation, and Elbow it to your neighboria`: "Whereas, reiSnatedndinPlain ' • ts have beets niade to' me; and are , rit* 'z being made, almost daily, by privati3oltieens, by judges, by solicitors,- autl.sbiC other officers whose province It Is to tee the civil law faithfully executed, that arm ed bands of disguised ineh,haVe, been and still are, prowling about' iri inomefof "the counties of our filtataand 'ln ;the night! time;•committing outrages the most at.. rociOnkupotweaktanittefenceless t ,4ena 1 ,wh1 1 5 8 . 4 . 4 ‘ 0 3 19 . -0 441 . 5149• 14. "; 4 4 1 4r inale'and °Malt' and Who, .90 tbe - biti F utboritits' have' thds fatten Unable to`• detectand bring to justice Ilia •coward:' ly perpetrators of these fiendish and in human,outragest.the Judges aoknowl. edging theruselvgs poiyerlesidaiippreee the evil,. orineesitint i;if, th e Elearec y e ' diit- 2 guises,'''and peijuiw (with tha guilty,parties'eoveruP their iniquities, the victims, knowing: their ~qppressorni. afraid to eopaplain f ,les 9 -theY!ttsepal4 , • . *Kos ar even Plat 16'. death,. and "Whereas . lide horrid - state of affairs intuit have au' end, peace and harmony restored, crime repressed, life, liberty, and , property proteotedrAboAnimbitc.;,the - 4 ,p00r-cand, lhohelplesCes - Well - as' the - rielf and powerful, made to feel secure if) every sectioilorps State, the good name of vindicated, and law and ordeetireiMil In all her borderd. 0 . " . PT - ow ' therefOre, in view of the 43121:-. Ise!, 1,1 lit -Todd-A:Caldwell, Governot'Uf .tli*State;:"do 'make this my solemiLit,W. Nal to thal*Ple, more especiPlli,,ip those virlinbave-heretofore held 'places of honor and trust, to assist the consti tuteu authorities of the State in main tainlng‘the supremacy of the law,-and invoke the ministers of the ,gospel, of every denOillination, tO'give!thele l pow,4. cilia aid,' frora their r respective pulpits and j!*. esof ~ , ,worsh.ip, -.,to , .put-downii - crime and build Up s a feeling, of frater nal love and forbearance te our - Suffer., ing State. And- now In - due -time, I i warn an secret, •unlawfulsocieties -and .comb naticinW, to dissolve their organiza tions, to cease from their gruel and ille gal m i ctragea, and to devote themselves ii , to th peaceful and-useful avocations of • life;,, lid,l notify all offenders ., that if .this a peal he not heeded,, and; it , they perelit in setting "all'law anddeceney at defiance, and will have no mercy an their heiples6 victims, that theday may not be far distant when they themselves will entreat for„,AReKOY,_ AJ,I4 y.113.-,...4 ' ..I:9Dp iIAX,DIT'ELL. i--7, „ i( Further partionlarii' Cif the frightful accident on the Nashville and North- Eastern = Railroad,. at Sarpeth river, Tenn., on the night of the - 13d inst., have reached us. TWO coaches and - a sleep ing car fell down a distance of twenty feet into a deph of eight feet of water. Seventeen persons were- killed and tsiventy , slx. wounded.—Adv. SPIitITUALISAI.—There was—and tmr 4apa le—apiper printed in New York called the Spiritual Hatipgsr,' - or, vido the editor, in a highfalutin lit of milk'ind Water inipiri►tion, in dulged in the following 'sublime burst": " In the twelfth hour of the glory of 09d, the life of God, the Lord in God, the Holy Proce dure shall crown the Triune ' Creator with the disolosive illumination. Then shall the creation, In its effulgence above the divine seraphim, arise into the disolosure, in one comprehensive revolv ing galaxy of supreme created beatitude." To this the Cayuga Chief learnedly responded: "Then shall_ blookheadlsm--the. jaokassioal dome of disolosive prooodure—above the all-Bred great leather fungus" of Peter Nipniniygo, the great gooseberry grinder, rise into, the dome disolosive, until co-equal, 00-extensive and con glomerated lumuaes, in ono *grand, comprehen sive max, shall assimilate into , nothing, and re volve like a bob-tailed pussy-eat after the space where her tail was." Meeting of the County Committee. In pursuance of prior notice, the Republican County Committee met at the Court House in Welleboro,and appointed the following Com mittees oVigilanee for the several townships and boroughs in the county of Tioga, who shall compose the boards of pleotion for the several districts in which they reside : COMMITTEES Or VIGILANCE Blocs—Stephen Bowen, John Evans; Jr., Jan:marlins. more. Brookfield—S 11 Murdock, Wesley William Guernsey. Chatham-0 VIM Daum, Sydney Beach, S w Love. Charloston—Otis L Atherton , Wm Jones, Gillis Dartt. Covington-8 F Richards, Marlin Butler, John Lewis. , , Covington Borough—lra Patches, Isaac Berry, Ja. 'Cob Hartman. - Clymer-0 0 Ackley, ELi Stebbins. B W Skinner. • Delmar—Edwin:Campbell, Robert Roland, Simeon Bacon. Deerfield-3E Ingham, W W Gilbert, 1,1 V Purple, Elk—John Maynardaames Barley, Loren Wetmore. Miami—Benjamin Dor ranee, J a Parkhurst, Wm B bleed. • Parmington—James Peters, Oliver Blanchard, 3 R Weeks. 'Pall Drook—D W Knight, M Strattga, A Pollock, Jr. Gaines—D K Marsh, Wm Vormilyea, Nathan Strait, Jackson—M K Ratan; Ed Kinney, James Doty. - Knoxvillo—V M Crandall. D W- Reynolds, Jerre Stoddard. - - - • Lawrence-0 cargo Hu rlbut t, Henry Oolegrov a, I. n clan Smith.t . , Lawrenceville—James Stewart, 0 B Mather, Henry Wheeler. Liberty-Bonjamin Normal, John E Ault, John Morris—Job Doane, Wm Babb, Enoch Blackwell. Middlebury—Daniol G ritoTons, 6/ , D Keeney, John Diamond. Mansfield—Wm Boßands, Phil Williams, 4ohn Hol ddn Ma. insburg—Ci D hlAln, Vaughn W Smith, Henry Dewey. ,Nelson—Philip Tubbs, John M. Bolt, ‘ Tossie Howe. Osceola-0 A Taylor', 4 lloni•Y Tubbs, Di Haggle. Earnaa_,Thon Bailey, D P Sba 'Entland—Peter V Von Vets, E BeiliernAWm Law} rence. Mit lk Shipp on—. hack. - Sullivan—Elliott Rose, R P Baker Chas Pahnor. T loge- - D L Aiken; E A Niles, Daniel Dewey. , Tioga tor ough—D B Lowell, T L Baldwin, John Ste vens. CCM Unlon-0 B Ellie, J,ll Whitcomb, 0 9 Rundell.l Westflo ld—B B. Buckley, H N Aldrich, G D Walter. Westfield Borough—N W M'Neughton, SD Phillips, Albert Weatherby. Ward—Wallace Obese, Da'l Sparks,' Andrew Hnlillu. ' Welleboro—John Dickinson, OEt Osgood o l B Potter. i The Committee passed the tettotting resoln tone. let. That voters belonging to the Republican party, in each township and borough, shall meet. , on the 12th day of August next, at the usual places of holding elections, at 2 o'clock P. M., and proceed to vote, for one person for President Judge, two persons - for AssoblatelJudges, one parson for Senator, one person for Representa tive' ono person for Commissioner, and - one per .ronfor county Auditor. 2d. That the poncho , opened • at two o'clock P. M., and olosed-at;7 o'clock. ,The voting shall be by ballot, written or printed ; and the name of each person voting shall be written on a list at the time of voting; and no person shall be allowed to vote more than once for each office. After the polislare - 010 - sed, the Board shall pro ceed to count the votes that each 'candidate hat received, and make out the returns, accordingly, to be certified by the Board. 3d. One of the Board of each district, who shall be selected by a majority of each Board, shall meet at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Tuesday, the 15th day of August next, at one o'clock P. M., having the certified returns and a list of the voters, together with the votes oast for each oandidato; and the person who shall have the highest number of votes for any office, shall bo declared the regular .nominee of the Republican 040.. 4th. Any two or more persons having an equal number of votes for the same office, the return judges stall proceed to ballot for a choice; the -person having the highest number of votes to be the nominee. • fith. The return judges shall be competent to reject, by a majority vote, the returns of any idietnet where there is evidence of fraud, either In the returns or otherwise. And the return judges shall buve power to appoint coferees— ,l3enatoriacand ardiidal,. Or 'either as 'the ease ;rutty require—whcilhall bB instructed to support the person who enelthave.recolved the highest , number of votes cast for - that office in the coun ty. And tlr - rettident-brity at - their meeting change the mode o . t 40h:it:Ong. candidatee, -if,they are satisfied that-a4hinfe -in. 'netiessary. ' And the return judges shall appoint a Standing Com =mittee fir the county. fox_the ensuing, year. Bth. In ease of vairatiCy'iti any board at the time fixed for opening the , polls. the vacancy :shall be supplied by any member or members of • the vignette° committee who - shah be present or 'in attendance. • . Ch'n. AtTOUSTUS ALII4 SePv 4F7 ViriB°N° Juno 23, 1871.—" rt. . T I , Wonders Will Never Cease. HAVE you tried the iatest and greatest med foal .diseov . er,r ) af I,4,e_ago , , . Dr. .51.—L.Illacon's Magic Pain - : • • • ,Remed.9. • • '• • It cities aids; diptherin; oranips Und"pains the stoinach, indigcstion, 'diarrhea, .dyssentery, summer , complaints,l eho,lora .morlaus, cholera, ' Ise. as magic. As an external application for frost bites 1)110141ns; ' sPrains, biases, fel ons, rheuniattrawsick keadaehe, tiothaohe, neu ralgia, pains in the side 4 book- , and loins, in a praotioe,of six years, it ims ,been .found to be second to no preparation' over offered to the public. The proprietor - of this, medicine feels warran ted in, guaranteeing it te.bes the best remedy , for 'the above discates in the market. Manufactured arta put ,up ottlY by Dr. M. L. Bacon, Blossburg. Pa: ' ; ; Wholesale agents-Hallett,Bearor A. Burbank, 149 Chamber street, New York • W. D. Terbell Co.; Corning;" • 'Jab% 1.2;11 iy -1.10 • -A - LECTURE - rx(),YOIS,i3k MEN. .t,ist 'Published, in a - Envoßpt, Price six 'cents . to I{;eOtiire oti' lfat4f,:treliiiiiiiitiV arid 4:14r0 SimrisliitchlrhMa, orleialtilircireakcisis; litvolput ay . Egrosioirs.finzlits l 4 ) ..9)4/ L-Y,s 1 1 .-APP O4I / 1 gelebilly ; Nervousnfisit gonsinthp ion ,Rpilepsy, and Vita' Mental and' wartdiv. tln,g tronkßeilrAimso,l4.- , -By4loßEßril, -,SMJPVER.W E Lb; M: lit, Author '"Greekt 11001," &c: t;•—• ' • The world renowned author, In this admirahle 'Lec ture, clearly proves him his Own eiPeriCrice 'that the awful consequences of Soll'-Abuse may be etrectup4y, ramped without medicines, and without dangerous Anrgteal; operations; tiougiely instruments/ 'Mum , or cordiale, pointing - opts modo,of cure at ',ortce certain and - ithistrial by alike( every suireier, aO Matter 4 hat `Ws cunititlon may ba t imay cure, himielf clitaplyJ • lately, ancl radirellyn„Vilii, tib 4BoTlMEl Wll4.pliOttt tockEtr'titottpAAFA'nfOlALWW ,', Bent tinlOr'seal, rOlny 'involute; onitbe receipt 6Vil3 Ur' two . ; nustitie stmnyow •earuillell!s*.tblonisip 4uide,i' Plc! 00 Publishers • WAS. *CO., ; 127 ligoadway. New Tort ,lcit-0/100 Bo; 01011 ;4 ;ell = - . - • ; , y IST Or LETTERS remaining in the Wells •-• " nny7 Austiiirlrate - L AIWon, Harvey Adams, !drat B Blair, Mary B Blair, Etta Bum), Wn Berylcdr,Dr. A P Bissell, Ohs Brooks, Braikaviay;.llaldwln 1 Bbtekman, .lobn Canny, ERsi 4 Digtlisteter, Wm MelvinaPartel,Altulitah Hugh, : P:0-1Iolg, Ed, I liartliell.',WinAlurti;Dlovia . .Tottel,' 011 iCeoler, bn.4l, Aditoyaffka 14044 TitOl Ditto!, Davila! .111Onstaty;',VW,IfilIzititsh liiPhols„ Betsy lit‘n:jfemboillttediaotoi, - of cistern Carding Ptitee - Pdben;4l Ohstiniril Rotter, R W Roberts, Timothy Splan, Annie Sampson, Mar tizßooltans, Otto Swasts, Leroy • Tyler, James Tait, Michael Taller!, A B Yo}itey,/1,0 Vautton, Jemia Viiiiffolisoff; - Allati • Vitilluiwiaii; 36141 Willard, T L Woodruff. , - In calling for any of the filmic' say advertised. G. W. MERRICK, A GREAT 'OFFER: 0131i$Voi71$11:iii Value. Until the first of Ndiretnbor n ext, the beautiful and artistic Phrorne, ;. , , .. • • . 4 _`l,s# 4 e may - . yh size, 13m-17 after. raillie M. igpinio'r, retail price, $8,00; will be sent by mail securely done. up, post free, as a premium to *wetly yearly subscri bor to ,Deinacirest'aillti=traied Majazine 'MIRROR aokno*ledged.tha mOst practical, us eful, rigi 7 nal Parlor Magnin°. "Itat't She Pretty," is a peautiful Chromo, • a splendid Parlor Plotur° ana a valuable work •:of ad; It is highly,finished, mtuuted and varnished, and worth more than doubt the , cost of subssrip,- don, and tegethoi with Diuoustri'a bionrutor, affords ant opportunity for the Investmeht of Three Dollars. such as may 'lever • occur agate. Do irk fairto , tinbaaribeforl"Dlniontir!s KAG- Azni,°' 'yea wilt never be willing to do with out 14- xi will'ilet;only teach yea how to - dross, how to cook, hof.tto,make over year r,ebildren's clothes. But it will make you better-wiser, hap pier. ~`Wonien, eviiityhere Pm/ it exactly, • what they Want. In-fac 4ft is ,the mostvompleto La diet; Magazine now .published--Husbands, Pa there, Brothers and Lovers subscribe for it, and present It with the beautiful Chrome, "Isn't She Pretty." It will make eyes sparkle with delight and satisfaction; and prove a..monthly reminder of your good , tas te and kind feeling. Address, 'W, - JENNINGS DEMORDST, ~ 838 Broadway, N. Y., Speoimen Copies of the Latest Nos. of the Magazine mailed free'on receipt of 23 cents. DAIRY. FARM, FOR SILL WWI farm born as 'the Chester Cady farm iniltirmington - Township, containing one hundred and fifteen alma, is:now offered for sale on reasonable terms: Bald farm le' now In the possession of Chester Cady and others—apply to A. P. CONE, July 12, la7l.—tr Wellsboro. , , OAIITION.—AII persona are hereby cautioned against purobailag a note of Thirty-Eight , dol lars against Albert Baker, of Westfield, dated April 11, 1811, as said note was loot by me on or about the 3d day of June last. July 12, 1871.-3 w Lumber Lath and Shingles OF the best quality. Also bill timber and dry liemlook.flooring to bir bad at the Niles Vtill(4r Ptesl4 - 00.a , Mills. Ptiois.reastinable. . • , • L. O:.BENNET ) , July 12 Niles Valley. PENNSYLVANIA State Norm -School: 1fA.t8F1111,1), TIOGA CO. TBE fall :rerra.*ill• commence Wednesday, 'Aug 80, 1871. •. , For Catalciitie'r admission apply to Charles • CHAS.' It VERRILL, A. M. Principal. Jelly o, 1871.4itt. • - Dr as not , in etpolciand j w,ill keep constantly JUL on'haltd, - at the lowest mtirkdreinotations. Wool Twine, 2 tt. 4 ply cotton jutetwino. Marlin 2,8& 4 strand. „ . knowlel pat. Step Ladder, from 3 to 8 ft. JACK SCREWS, TACKLE BLOCKS, WIRE CLOTH & WIRE GOODS, O D Leib Min Elm lltiase Builders And Household Hard. li t :Bottoin_ rim. on 4GRIO LTURAL. IMPLEMENTS. 'Come in nd to , ke a look, get the figures and see how F. le youreell, and oblige Yours Truly I ' J. SOREIFFELIN, JR. ' `Ma iL • 1871. - -tr. - " TERMS TO CLUBS. • THE DOLLAR WEEKLY Fire' copies, one a year, sepaiately_addreised. • - " • Four Dollar*. Tea cortieS, one-year, setntiatelyaddreased (and • an_oturs parry scribe getter up of olubl. Eight Dollars. Tweity Copies, one year, separately addreiieti • • (and an extra copy to the getter up of- Club). Fifteen Dollars. Ziftsr copies. one year, to one address (sad the Semi-Weekly one year to getter up of club), lis t •• • v ' T bre e-D olln rs. L.; gitY ooalubte..Year. AParatelyeadreased (and' 1 % t a•flemVw nlyoneyearto setter uorcloti); • -cl o sod t= - $:f..P,:;.•: 7 0/liirty4lArekDol,lairso -p" iOnOr: bandied' oo l piekorte,Year. -to :one" adarw., , ,,; ( an d the Dally 2 ono; year to the get*r t h 1 . 14:1 f ) • ; , , rift Y 13°1 ‘‘ One benaec, eoples;'ene year, separately ad. . drooled taint Dallyfor one year to the -getter up up °felon), • Sixty Donors. =l=:a ' 1 generally. 'EMERY WHEELS for gumming awa. A full itasortniont of Lak Huron & Ham GRINDSTONES, , , Canal ,Wheel :Barrows , iri Ong qmintity:, IIIANILLA ROIIE trOm 1 inoh down. No 1 no 1 extra engine oil I IA complete aseortukent'of MECHANICS TOOLS, ware constantly on hand. .►, . ~ w hit ~.. CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. ?ate fain attothig ffium A Nostepaper'ot the Present Timer. Intondod for People liievivoix.Eartk.; Inelatteig•Parmers. , li&lioniesiaterettauts, Prat fessional Men, Workete, Thinkers; and all •Men%i tier of.HonestPollcs,ond the Wives, Bons, and Daughters of • ' ONLY 'ONE pOLLA:7It; A YEAR ONE ITUNDEED COPIES FOR S5O, Or less than One - Cent a COT. - Let there be 'a -4HlSfikelphil'avort;Post .eks CZZBJ 8,8.111-WEILLY i SUN, 82 A. YEAR, , Of.'tho .pamo sine and general, character as 113 E WERRLT. but with a greater variety of mleeellaueous reading, and : finishing the news toiiiimbpMlborserith greater greateriroahness,pecanse it comes mica a;week instead of once only. , TAE DAILY SUN, 66 A YEAR.. A praminently readable nowinaper. with tne largest circulation in the world. Free, inde pendent, and feadese In politics. AIL the news trom everywhere. Two cents a copy bg GO cents a month, or $6 a year. THE, SEMI - -WEEKLY OIIN. Vivo conies. onO,yrai,•,,sepnratelzaddroseed,„ rz • •• *- - • • • • night Dollarii. Ten conies, one Tear. separately 'alarmed coon an n3Ftsn;opy tiyt "[DOI:kr up 0( dab): „ _ . r. BEND Votral , MONEY - • = Post deka ordia. ohmic" or dra ft s on New York. Trarever ocorresiont., , uot, twat rogletcr We letters ocautedop money, 403:00 • I. M. XX4144.134 , P0iNi0r: Un0410301, - ~P.-63; D. DURD/O, Weatfiald rm New Store I • New r Goods 1 New Firm. NO.I BOiVEN CONE ,S BLOak, WE LSBOIIO, PA. ME tVit Horton a Brother, WOULD say to the citizens of Weltaboro and vicinity, that they have their More now'. . tall operation, and will at alirthntis keep, a general aseOrtment of merchandise, and 0014 the lowest prices. 1 We sell ••. , Yard wide Factory for "' -, ' lO2'ote. French Giughatos - - " 25 etc Printafor 10 ate. 1 Queens' Own Alapace, (speciality) 31 to The. !Mathes for . , ..,...20 eta, _- 1 - 414311 : 114510 ' CA-c,c)clesl . . . , . . , . Pareales, lilohairs; :Plaids, french and irish..Poplins Japanese Silks, • Pan% Colored and Black Dress Silks, all at prlcee talteh lees than have been eold for before. We keep a hill line of Fan 4 Goods, Hosiery. from 10 to 50 ots. Boots from 0 $2,50 to $5,60.,' Mehs",'ShOes froni - " - $1,25 to $5 - J 5(l ' , Boys' Shoes from - $l,OO to $1,50. i , . '-All• Seasonable Goods at rinipreeedeated 'Low Prices. Choice Groceries, Etc. • 60 eta. to $1,60. ! Coffo'es from 121 ots. Spioee, all kinds. 12} ate. Soaps, all kinds. Toas from A Sugars Porterea Sugar at Our motto is, 'lair dealing, low prices, and elicit attention to business,"' which is 'alive be key to success. • We invite every ono in want of anything in our line, to drop in I.nd tako a look through o stook, as we are always pleased to allow our Goode. I We!labor°, May 4, 1871. New PEOPLES' STORE, Our Stock la now very largo and complete, and Goods very ottani) Bet Prints 10 cents poi yard, be largest stock of ' • A.IIPETIS 9 • in Southern New Yet. beet Tapestry Brussels Rugs, Oil Cloth, Plain and Check Canton Matting, Coir Matting, &c. Cloths and Cassimeres which will be mado to order by 6chinok or Scott, at very low pricy We invite a - careful examination of our Stook and prices, and wo ple'dgo ourselves that toil/ not bo undersold ) and when wo say that wo mean what we say. Come and see us and will do you good. Corning, AprlL.l2, 1870. SUMMER GOODS Now 18 the time to select goods needed for Summer Suits, as our stock is unusually large, an bought at lower prices than ever before. Believing that the trade in WHITE _GOODS Will very large, we have put in the largeit assortment of such goods we have ever_kept • White, Piques, .strired and ft' ured at 25e„ worth 28c, White Piques; str4ed and figured at 3 1c., worth 56e, White Piques, sh l iped.and,figured at 37c., worth U 2 1-2 White Organdiea'cll 50e., worth 75c Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, and Swisses in all the Desirable - styles:, ey ally ch-eap. Black Grenadines at 31c.3 worth 60e. 1 Black Grenadines at. 50e., 2v4th 75c. ! Colored Grenadines inpldin and striped goods at-31.e., worth, 40c. _ , _ Sumn - mr Dress Goods at 25c. milk 31 c. Summer Dress Goods at 31c., worth 35c. Summer Dre s s Goo4s at 37 1-2 c., worth 50c. Parasols very cheap. ' Summer Shawls cheaper than ever. ,'1 1 _ ( A:11 the best 'makes in Prints 10e. J'i _ . ~ i _ ... 1 • Yard wide - fine Bleached' l' Muslin at 12 1-2 c., the 45.,5t bargain in the cot try. H BOOTS Sr, 8110 ES. WE SHALL CONTINUE TO SELL DIMINO THE B I ALA.NCE OF - • ~; •- SEASON, OFR WIRD STOCK OF BOOTS AND SOBS, C~a.` -~'.~. 11=11 AT UTE LOW PRICES MADE ABOUT 3Q DAYS a 0 J. A. .PARSONS °et). Wellabor°, June.2l. Mil Yankee tions, Boots and Shoes, .11at.cincl caps pring Goods AT THE CORNING,' N. Y., 1006' yde Detainee, from 12/ to 15 cta. per yard. V including HEMPS from 25 to 40 ct 4; Ingrains from 50 to $1,2 11,25; English Bddy Brussels $2,00 to $2,25; also a full line of Wo would call ospectal,attontion to our stock of i , , , Mil . , Childrene Moos from gars from • Citya from ( NV. J , ".. MORTON S•CO SMITH & WAITE. ....30 cts. to $426. ."7594.1,..a $3,60. ...80 etc to $t,25. 45 10 go Cl 2 c he