= AI\NOIINCE3II2:NTS; r t.llituSitt: nowt] pernotte offer thenteelvee tte L.,e.ll.hitts tot the vftVees tanned Itelow—itobject to the ,h,hh.o of the Republican County Convention • FOR ASSOCIATE JUDOS, BAXTER, Nelson.* 1 'ISRAEL STONE, Delmar.* W. 0, RIPLEY, Richmond.* 1. K. DOSARD, Os c eola* 11 .SMlTlT,Bloaatiorg. • , GEAR MIEN RATHRONE; Blossburg, Pon detr*rs Commisslotrre," T: 0: HOLT.4"9, Ward. - OIIARLES COPESTIOK, of Delmar _ -FOR DISTRICT knonsore, J. C. STRAND, Westfield.* J. W, ADAIR'S, Mansfield. J. 0. lIORTON, Juno 11 . , 1871. TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1871. New Advertisements. An i tor's Notice—a. mr, morriek • Sohoq—Chas. Vorrill. L.ft—Thomas Hills. • • 'lots 000i1p—Wickham of Farr. 1 , .1 Thos. Harden. - . The Wellsbero Baptist Ch arch have adopted the free rent system. Persons at t) T intling that church need have no fears of getting the ,eat of any one else. It . f: UREA.—There will be a 1 )leas ant and informal meeting of the Baptist eiety . , id the Court House on July 4th , coral:none ng sit 'lO A. q. roe cretin' will be served. Friends are invited to attend: Our young friend, Mr. 0. Robinson, deputy postmaster at Corning, has recently i pur- LhuEed tho toy, nut and candy etoro in the post cffica building. Persons desiring anything in his line, will Lo accommodated at, low priced and to sure to get good goods. He deals extensively Is treStrork. There is a Welsh •adage which our frie i r D. G. interprets for us as follows: To ma e good farmer, take one pound of indus try, a pound and a half of economy, and two rands of care. PF.RSONAL.—On Thursday last we re aired a pleasant visit from A. E. Barnes,'Es - ci., 01 Bath, accompanied by our old friend Enos Barnes, editor of tbo Stenben Courier: —Will Emt,ry is nt home on a visit from Wit- lirosport What the Taxpaytrs convention in south Carolina was composed of: tour ex-GoN;- ernoro. two ex-Lieutenant Governors, three ex- United States Senators, five ex-Congressmen, qno ex•Chanceilor, ono ex-Secretary of the Confede rate Treasury, forty-three ex-member's of the Rouse of Representatives, Sixteen State Sena tors, eleven Generals of tho rebel army, and five bankers—each and all ex•robels, or rebels with cot the ex. HORSE THIEF CAUGHT. Eleazer Pomeroy, of Troy, detected a horse thief in that Tillage on the 25th ult. As he has caught sev eral of that fraternity on previous occasions, and bas the courage and good sense to appreciate and perform the duties of a citizen and a nmo, rvo would suggest to peripatetic dealers in surrepti tious horse flesh,•that they leave Troy ont of their route. They can try Wellsboro, where they gen erally get detected—about three days after they have whittled the sprout. THE NEW FACTOY.—On Thursday last we visited the sash and blind factory of Ben -stain Austin, which we found In working order, with steam up, and excellent machinery running with littlo less jar and noise than an old fasb :oned sinning wheel. In addition to,atteb, blind and door making, , tivi factory does planing, groo ving and matching, with other work pertaining to the getting up of a house, more cheaply and with greater accuracy than the same .work can he done by band: We trust the owner may,find the enterprise as profitable as it is creditable to ztho projector. Music.—Miss Todd will commence a Lew term of Music lipst. week, July c . tti: -Those who wish for lessons will—please . npilli - Soon.- 2 Miss Todd has recently organized a thorough Course of Music, 'both vocal and instrumental, which will enable pupils to graduate, if they wish. The Course is divided into three Parts, and certificates will bo given at the compLition of aCh part of the Course. One evening in each week will be devoted to Readings on Musical subjects, biographies - of the ski Masters, and general musical literature, Iwith advanced pupils and others who may be interes ted. ie2S 2w Till. \V LATHEI?., Chet'S, ETC.—The, leather has not been favorable for fruit or grant] n this region. The warm days in April were tdlowed Lv sharp frosts in May that injured the and the cold, dry weather in Juno has ten-. id to shorten the grass crop. But we stick to :hold larrner'e platform. "there is always a tiothier every year." 'There is the usual amount of grumbling and , trnous prophecy, which always break out in &tack , localities at this season of the year; but Se to no reason for especial complaint as re prlg most of the crops in this county. Corn ptatocs, oats and rye nro looking and doing (Irmo will probably ho not more than two th4ile the weal yield ; bts there is much old bay the count), and we thin t few or none will be ithgc.l to EOll cattle for laCk of loader to winter theta. But let every farmer make the most of hese haulm, straw nod cornstalks ; for hay tete to fetch more than the usual price next And there is one crop here that we think will o.a.lpßill favorably with the like orop in any lo ,afty. We allude t 4 the unusually large crop of . candy dates, which io hatter grct.en and more for -3ar.l th's qe10.,.» than wa remeiLhar to have seen nln previeos years—also, more numerous. -Al atop pretty certain to ho nipped Il HIA we feel confident of being able gather - in the tieull number, with more than tte a‘er,tgo weight. C9ItI:ESPONDENTS. " Ciltbird" , cads us some verse on " Juno," and wants our :pinion as to whither it 19 poetry or not. •Deei dedly nat—nalther poetry nor rhyme. Wo give uCaple of speeirnen 61 1 04 ' " Sweet music fills the air From throats of winged warblers; Street scents, from flowers fair, From fields and leafy arbors. " put all these *wanes must fade : Though beautiful to-day, ' tpey soon will be decayed, And passed forayer artgy•" Catbird" says he " bad'nt thought of those nes two hour? ago." Tako our advico, and tink two monle on the next attempt. —" Acton" nVo sends ue some rhyme, and asks, flow is this Oar original poetry ?” Tho lines :mmonoo as follows - i " There is a llnd, of every lend the prid e , Beloved by 1 oaten o'er all the world beside.; Where brie' or anns.dispense serener light, And milder moons omparadise tho night." A :k , ft it la good, as poetry ; and ire are not aware 'az its originality, since James Montgomery f:;te it, about one hundred years ago, bee-over E'en doubted. (Of course you did not' mean to etimato that it was original with yoursplf 1) Tha "UR are contained in Montgomery's "nome." —" Mph Blivins," who wroto up a moral dog itht—or a dog fight with a moral—for us last 1 P g, eerids us a graphic letter from the lumber "lop where be " chops and peels?' Bohm some nigh rhyme to offer on Bret Barth and his ver ill, likich we may publiph, when we have room. And hero we wish to reark, for the blinefit of At rtadera and ourself, th t we are always glad t t to bear from our correspon lents in any part of its county, when thCro is anything worth 11 , 6- ; 1 4 about. Don't try your handi fine writing, 1 Rot look to make yoUrself an truth r. Just 'give 14 the main facts of anY interesting matter, etrid ken us to put them in shape. What happens in lest part of the county,. will bo of interned to "her neighborhoods; and if ail will make it a Piet to apprise us of whatever ()Coors • in-their Articular localities, all will bo posted on every i fa kt of the county, so far as regards-local Alf ; I tii and ours is, like every, paper of • the kid, ital . lily a local sheet. Don't attempt looney wri _l4.i, in the Cambyses vein ;• talk business, snd C try to keep all 'pits of the coplqen. . F • iiiilNATAYiti- til lsp 3 1 ,9 , 141' 1191E4084 Therelavelleen three riialvay's in tWilst few days in this village and vicinity. A wandering wool gatherer wee runaway with.in Delmar.,Re eult—a bruised peddler, add etiddliit decline in wool. r A',l4r; Park was run away with on the Avenue i read last Friday. lieturit, smash-up, and a driver; thought to 1* badlY inured at • first, but ha's•glit"lialte livelY. ' ' '• • On the evening of the 30th, a team _ ran away in the village, dishing foul of a wagon loaded with flour. 'tomtit, another ompelt, with f apnelderable fluctuation in breed 'etuffo.! Xliteh i yoni lioree9. Editorial Correspondence. MMO NO. II - . IV,/1.1,161113P0RT, Pa., Juin, 24, 1871: NOTES BY MI WtY.—The Glen le really a lace of wender,taid is visited by people from ar and near. , No one can form anything of a correct idea frorna written deioription as he oo'd o visit it and enjoy. the scenery.personally. We oturned to Watkins byway of prespeet HIE, which affords a grand view of the lake, village, 1 and surrounding country. From this point we descended c to the village where a generottssupier Was provided at the Jefferson; Fall Erook; Lang don, and Waverly_ Rouses ,for . the ,party,—the landlords sparing no pains to make everything eonkortable, and cordially greeting the' visiting tran g era . After the repast was over.„,tbe 'party repaired to the wharf to enjoy a ride on the splen did steamer "Magee," which so proudly floated on the waters of tho Seneca. The sunup along either side‘of the lake is unsurpassed for variety and beauty, and all seemed to enjoy it hugely. After returning to - tho wharf , the party dispersed for the night, the larger portion, remaining in Tiatkins,, while a few aooopted the, generous in vitations from the Delevan and Rathbone Hone as of Elmira, and ethers extended their ride to 1 roy, Pa., to enjoy \ the elegant accommodations Judge Long. I ,- ' • - At Elmira, we the the - generous hospitality 9f Mr. R. Runt, the popular landlord of the Dele ion. This house is located near the depot, and as every comfit and nonvenience for giests.L.— Ls - tables are viral supplied, and the beds and. ocUns aro neat' and clean. -- 1 Awaiting atihis point the southwar bound tw t ain, o dropped into the Institute of Dr. Up hle Graff. After a pleasant chat with Smelters, Dr. o proposal an investigation of our Smelters, Which resultd in an operation, . totaliyittestroy i Il i t ig our social qualities for the day. I I justice the Dr, however, we will State - that h did the j b up handsomely as be usually does , on similar o casions. ',lle institute is doing a brisk business, bleb is the beet guarantee of the Dr's success. Diddineadien to Elmira, we placed ourselves i I charge of Jeff. Wisner, a capital conductor, a Id after about one and a half hour's ride, we Inca tbo party again at Min nequa springs, who. h i ad spent the night at this place. The scenery a ound Minnequa is rather tame and monotonous, a though the air is very salubrious' and delight fl. Many people visit here in the summer sea sin on account of the rare and peculiar proper ties of its mineral water. The party reached Williamsport about 9.50 A. ~ all feeling that they had enjoyed .. three days o uninternapted pleasiii; is nothing iriniapired t mar the feelings of any one daring the entire. . trip, and separated for their respective homes. ate this b souema so grand morm a recces, eetingoft we the press Bother year we may meet again, wit: ho t s li p e e m o- a f a thi o s to hasthat gnial friends; as such meefing . cannot but be ..1 p eductive of the greatest advantage'io all par. ti ipants. • The following is the report of the committee appointed to draft resolutions expressing the thanks of the Pennsylvania Editorial Association, fo' hospitalities received during the first Sum• m r Meeting and Excursion: • The Editorial Association of Penn'a desires to record 10 sense of obligation, to the various gentlemen to whom it is indebted for the great pleasure that has at tended its first summer meeting and excursion : To the; Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, the NOrthern Central Railroad Company, the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, the Reading Railroad CoMpany, the Catawissa Railroad Company and the Cnmberiand Valley and Bald Eagle Valley Railroad CoMpany, we offer 'our hearty acknowledgments for their kindness in extending the use of their respective roads to the members of this Association, and the la dikis accompanying them on the excursion. • -.-, To Messrs. lien* W. Gwinuer, of the Pennsilvaida Ce tral Railroad, Ed. S. Young, of the Northern COll. tr IRailroad, and Wm. A. Baldwin, of the Philadelphia ani i 1 Erie Railroad, wo return our 'tkanks for their pri mpnesa and courtesy in malting all necessary ar. ra gements for our accommodation and comfortwhile pa sing over the sevcaal roads with which they aro connected. To Arr. Geo. W. I. Ball, Second Ass't Gen. Pass. Ag't ofhe Pennsylvania Central, who had charge of issuing th excursion tickets, special thanks are' due for the eill lent . co-operation he gave the Secretary of this As (l.. sokytion in arranging the 'routes, and for the great pai s he was at in performing that service in the most ET sfactory manner. . 'I 4 o the Mayor and citizens' of Williamsport, for their cordial reception ; to Meskiitt-Scholleld & Barry, of the Herdic House and Mieneqtut, foilheir entertainment; to Messrs. E. W. Capron and J. B. below, for their acvo co-operation and kind attentions ; -- t02.1r. Peter el He die, for a most agreeable excursion on thusque• ha na, and Many other considerate attentions ; to Mr. W. G. Elliott, proprietor of the Academy of Music, for tlickusesrf his beautiful building in which to hold the me ting of this Association, we also return our warm est thanks. 7 :r Messrs. John J. Van Allen, Frederick Davis, Jr., W Baldwin, G. A. Wicks B. G. Hurd, of Watkins, li. V.; and to Mr. L. Gans', of Watkins' E_xpress for the opthearted hospitality with which they welcomed us to eir beautiful village, for the generous provision freely made fop our entertainment, and for the delight fullexcursion on Seneca - Like., Their friendly .Wet , co e will long be greatfully remembered. Tie Messrs. Baker & Sons, of the Fall Brook House ; to Messrs. Gamble & Richardson, of the Jefferson Ifoiec, Mr. L. 0. Wilcox of the Langdon House, and Mr. Calvin Barthie, of the Waverly, we are indebted for m I usual attention to our comfort while in their re ape live hotels during our stay in Watkins. ' 'Lathe proprietors of the Delevan House and Rath bone House, at Elmira N. Y., and to V, M. Long & Son, of the Troy House, Troy, Pa., and also to the citizens of Troy, our thanks aro due and are' hereby tendered for their many courtesies, Wcordially thank Mr. E. B. Parsons, proprietor of the Wat ins' Glen, Mr. Joshua Jones, lesaeemf the' Moun tain Heine, and Mr. M. Ella, manager of the Glen; for their unremitted attention, and' for the elegant enter taininent provided for us. At the came time lee we'd express our indebtedness to the Pleasant Valley - Wine Co., for their liberal and opportune supply of their spar ding product. The pleasure of our visit to Wat kins Glen, and our appreciatiOn of its marvellous beat ty, which excited our wopder and admiration, were much enhanced by the kindness of all connected will that charming resort. I . the conductors and attaches of the various roads which we passed, we are indebted for courtecitfa . , lion to all our wants. Their affability has con , ted largely to the enjoyment of our trip, and we of too warmly commend the ability with which haVe dis Charged the duties of their trying pesit- T. Over atte. tribti calm! , they lona. nally, 'our thanks are eminently due_ to Mr. li. B. imin, Secretary of the Association, for his tact in uiiing this excursion,. for the ability ho has (Us ed in its management, and'ifOr his , ceaseless and riefill endeavors to promote the Pleasure of all .pants iu this delightful social - re-union Of the sylvania press. Respectfully submitted, IL J. STABLE. Gettysburg Compiler, 111R.4.31 YOUNG, York True.Democra4. D. P. DEALT, Phila. Eveniag Herald, - MINIS, Doylestown Desiocrui r . . ME MI QM ICE WM EUGENE IL. lIIMDAY, Phila. Proof-Shut, ComarrEE. L i emaining a week in Williamsport, we, can from knowledge of the rapid growth of the for tho past seven years. Daring that the ohango has been so great wo could bard cognize the place in passing the streets.— and magnificent residences have been t i ed in all parts of the city„plegint new brick Its 'have, been built v manufacturing establish -41, church es;jiiii, balls,,] soh - Oaf occupy their pluocs in inalting,up , ,Teat growth of the new city. Its population early doubled since 1860. ively business seems to too carried on in the us branches of trade, and the streets are with people from morning till 'night.. - o lumbering mills in the upper part of the ire in full operation cutting out lumber--, triple product which has made Williamsport ty of to-day. We spent the most of two aeons visiting these mule, and were highly Jc.l to witness the rapidity with- which logs were cut into boards and hurled out thelargo piles of lumber krhich line the • formites. Some hovel:nide ottunei iti 66;7 eying business, others aret on the road to while a few have failed in the attempt! ong the lino of prosperou ,business i rnen ie rill mention Mr. E. Andreae -saw,mexiufao tures ; D. S. Andrus, music dealo ; D: 'et Son, batters, and S. A. Borman, jevreler: Mr. Do through industry and iiii'sieveratsee, his built up a larg l e business, and is n0v11,1144 30 kid i n that - 'department of trade: spea' Otto, thno ly re La% orect blool, mend housil the ,.. has vart aliv. , MD Th l e.Baltetin ann gasette we understand hes just passed the crisis is establishing a daily pa.., poi, which is now-beginning to remunerate its' proprietors. The paper is conducted with abiliti; and we are glad to leayn r that it is now one pay= ing b l asis. Th l a , ' ' U. 13: Colift was in seeision; - taid persona were theio from ill varione parts of ilia country.---. The rand Jury (of which wo Were a member) a largo number of bills against.doalere is y and' tobacco - for , defrauding the Eletre,rw- - Other bills were forind,airiotie, wltioh fours whPs men , no against an "old offender" in tho ounterfeiting business, The prisoner plead before the court, and was tined $5,000, and -14070 sale guilt .are itnElsonmeut ors sash bill, and Costs of . ' • net attorney Swope deserves mnek-oredit rking up tbeve oves_flojudioiously tlie 1 .ment,. and dispatching the same before d Jury. • t. C; Y. ten y. conrt DI in w. i the oil 'itititi'OßTY 9 rpm Etha en ..1" -7 . 2.L.1 • ' ~..... _ t ,:-.1 a ,14,1 =a - p* 03. - ~,-, • . .z.. 1 :,...• ....,...,...„,..„,..„ : I, 3. m At : , ,cit . ',l,, . : ti. , ;:i.i g - fii i iz w .0.1. .• 0 . • c t _pi do ,j B :: ta. 11 4 . as iii f ir c k3 ,"lll , - -.tz ..:-:-. S r. Z: : A lile . . leg litraga ' . g cc, g 7', ''', : 0 t›.4:lll:# . :- - 7 . • • ''...' I ~..., - ~ ...1 r :.1 11:,-.1 :7 A 11. a ..,..., ~.,,,, : ..,,,p, cd 3,,D,i:.;..-0 .:,.,..,: 1 ~,.....,:.), i ~., . ..-....0.., * ''':'' I ,' l. :.ij•'"*. ii. c574'.. , il fig i :?ittf• t.l ,:',„.-',•.. 1 r - ,j,:i'TTZL 01114— 'lrillijii ‘ ,T,l;.:;;`:. ,%, ~ rt..: c' f.l. .:;. 14fi, t R1...;,:j'.:.--; MEI FNEE Mina -.. ~~•, ME , • 'l'l • Ell ~. W bat Ak. „. V, ;!,-a ~..s•.:„0 IL upg:3:ol.i.-:-..-, • =':;?-:.,1 , .,..1_ m5, c) ,,,,-,..,.. % . f • e 46,7 .. ' I, . ....., ._ ~._ , - 1 dit ', . :...; , ..1 --,l=l, , 1 ,i:. - ", ‘ ' , 4 - ,Int';.*=.lrlt - ' , ":%: • ..,.7-7,r,:-77::::::::= , o ._ ir----c-,-,- -,r---, 441 SO • - •_ ir i -,.., .-,.,....,,,.... ‘ -,e,-n' 1 i' ' " ' ' 4 • I • f. ' l3 _I •I ,1 i 1 „1 il, i., '''.4 ' I-r !al 1 !if I , ifi tt , 1 - , , MIES MEM= • =IN ME =II f. .3 f` ISE BIZ IM!I is _ • ••- 14- :.,Yi '~ II - ' • -rl.i.r. VP - al - V ao . ' It: i . irp N ln 0 , tts . 1 t , . F' i LI. .; r.tu. NI MSS al g 11 el 1 X-, v J,;...- - . . ii ..,1 %......--:, ....:,.i..", • 11 MEE £:: ,: 11 J-f - i ':t . _ -. ...... - ,i't ESE MEI .1' , :. 1 2 lir' „I„ BEM= .~_~~:.~ :6; - j -,+ .01,, ..; 1 • . ;: j el , .0 =I EZIIE ;(- The track the' Care are running , t'd,-the ng bridge . which they er_e putting , up across the stream near Tioo, but , it would ,tako, a groat longer span than that to bridgel*e,:eontinually increasing 61 -, Wickham , , . . Just received. When they have more tim gag placuto.all their old customers, toget have Orstate stock of Goods at bottom'p) gaols, My 6, 1871. =Ea 1111 , ' 4 • JUST. RECEIVED AT H 1 RDEN'S DREW,GOODS EMPOR _ 10 dozen Sheiwls at prices from $1,50 tos2s. 5 den Parasols at prises from $4 to SS,OQ. s• 20, , pieces vihite Dress Goods, well adeipted this season, at prices - frtmv 15 - Cents per yard to C - 125 Fleas new and popular Dteer-Goods, some 'qf which have not been be fore offered in this market, at prfeei . front' 25c to $1; per :yard. 5 pieces Black Silks, at prides from $1 to .$3 per yard. . 10 picas Slack Alpacas, at prices from 286e/0 $1;00 per yard. 'lOO dote# Cottbii Rose, at priaea fretib:loO - to 6s:per yard. 25 dozen Ladiest=lkien Handkerchiefs;#tlrket from Bc'to 75cts. API' endless Variety of Ribbons, L4del,• , , ,, broieicities; And - also a full and complete, stock ,of Trellis, Gingfiams, .Lawns, - Demings, nckings, ,kleoings; at prices to, suit • - . the trade. JVLY 5, 1871.. ' TIIO3 , IAS 11.A.RDEN:- An - ,:iinniOtiso:.,stook of HIS r New Dry • a ODS 9, 5 • • JUST RECEIVED, AT E ' ' •.. 7 11 ~. ; ~.. : 1 .A1)7,;;r: , -- - 3 ; ::::::::," , 1.. ..., ,• - -: - -, ,- -,,, ; -. , ' 1 ii'R"o -- ipEi - p - BiliTs A - - 4/liESTki - GOODS,- E , , .__ A ND HOSIERY, .._._ __. _ • BOOTS AN SHOES A sPEca4,r;Ty, .". . .... ..„.. FATS-.AND CAPS'ii.,-- _, - .4.rtfy ~, c -o - , 7 ,T '• ' ';': , `Readir - Made "_--• , . . . , v ,-,.:1,„. 4 .,C13..c•i ,„.icisT: , ;iezeot3eritiss: . 'qqacio sl- ~.!-:‘ -:: ,, i„ 1 .6..,i..-,,,,) --,,. .3 1:: , , , ~i ....:„:,,,,„, ~,,,„ Yom{. , fi „-y 0 .. A .--,4„,,.....3,,„:-:,- „ c ---:-...:____ , , , ~.t e. 4 . „,. 16 , 1 . A OI . -iA .4 The Highest : Market Price paid for Country Pr&luce TERMS-STRICTLY CASIEL ;NO:BOOKS KEPT. EMI ISE t My4l 1811. tt • ... 7 • 1 . . MI Wt.! laahaßaEragnEVES - r Ch env.lt p. c as h • ore - 'l - Foreign. , and,::-, , Domesti,6 'ppy. 4 , ; • Which will be sold - very 'cheap. , i k ... p',„.,;:. '-!;,- `:',l` P.. ~ '•.;,- .-.-',.-.-4 :t • .r: il i ~, A -- , . - tAblifi li bliES Eloo . l4§; — ' WHITE ~.PIQIM: •:j , ; ' HUTTON% ALL KINDS, CLOTHS AND CASSIBIERES, i-ki , OREN GOODS f .. 4 '... ''. - -. l g POPLINS ) ,19, WH ITE T GOODS, . , • ,t -Gloves, Eleslevy, lf nit Go ds tind IlittAiks,, ~/ 11,, , - -, , „,,- ~1 .tio - lee. ,Ul - , obeibles. - , ~,,.„,,Stle i lay.z ..... - Asospi:=,...-:...-Fackbaccoi - ,- - :-4=- - ~ yrupi, '-. , • mice, , • - Saleratue, • ( ..,. -- Comae,l Tea, praekers, I Salt; ~ - :- Fish, Flcutr. i ~,,..;..t f I i':,'..-7 - -Etats &iettplo3oots iSr;Slioeefltnbbers, Croeliery, Wooden Ware, '&e. Is 7; 1 - i _,.,- --:::,-,--.1,hish - Ptild for BUTTER, or shipped o n Oinionission. , • .`,l._ ; 4 4 2iiSitie 0111.ifetd'Inokiiiq 'Wok .over . Yon will 'alwaSts'iliad •ns iroo t dy and willing to show ;itetia‘ ' ' ~';'; .I" t ir''' . -•;':',Z..:', '.W.1140."4**0084:1.‘4472 .--. ' 3. p,:, BARKER. - - `Pg•-:-,' '• P `'''''''' ' =MEE '.-- , ~ e ,-;7, . k, , t, : :,, , , 4 ;: dr - ': . , ? 52,1 -p:4 a .-, .-,.,ltinL'Jl-02,n,,„„,,,,,, •tt , • :,, i r k / /4 ,V= l 4 r 4 wirief f s Tr azn • .11„.. il -1.4t-,1,F244.; „-,-„, ~5 . .., . 74 ,50, - 4.:_.,,,11,2 „ , _,,,, . ,ID _ I,vit , 7 .im.-t. - . 7,-;,,e1.-,..414 i ,;: i5-..„ - ..ig. --- i i i ~ -, t. _ , ~ ~.. r,N. 5 : t ; sztikt,'....:4-• csx ~:i 41 v ~". ..rt 4 1 7.4N4VW., _ 1612. `' '- • ' JA'' " '"f 1 :! - N" •'l'.' ' '': ;';' 1 .- f'q ''' ll.-- L i i ' i. . _ ' l . ' , ,-- _ _ .:c -:./ ‘ 4 ::titz , Zi. ; . :'.4 . . 1 Th-"!: r f .. ...V1 -1 f' : t' f, -;:`;:' :•,;-,3::,fi11r.,"..""4 ,- ' ' e, : • - ' : F 4.,.'.e,- -a , ; , ~.. '..,.f :`,-, P'% 1i.,-,P:' - ',, 7 c MY - r, t 'e: 01,1 t..4i.i;'.- -, , . 73' 1 t ,Sl, c.,;14 - ;:.. ... .. ;.„44-: 1 ~. 4 -.4:.,.., 4, , .A -, '''i-",,t , - - The ,Olt WiestCPla6El4'n'lTO*ti • to , Buy rout . : - : • F ii A- -- ......! t . i.- . 4 ;4 • ....a..._...- .„ Ku , _. , f~ DME EEL i;.,1 Cr` fi • .7111..., 'if 1- 100.1 d ••• J• •I ; . 11 tIA at t!I i ' j, • ' ' .-ET,i , .. , ,,. 0i.,..;.:1.ri. , ;.:.: t .-,.-i' MI Truman 13toothers. mrsit °UV :, • ;• - t , 1 2 !!;: r',ll a7P , ` ; 11, 11171). E RAILROAD To look at the 14* r ~~ ~ f Alttike l r i ttittlirgaii . ci - ' i 7. : : 7 : : •,. , _ ,: g_ o;fitebOr t!lit . ii4aiid) . :MOzi Strite:4*kbai ; . . c:s. WM Mil AND A BULL BTOCEI oi`,l - - 'The-patrotiage of-the 'Patina solicited. . HAS A FULL ASSORTMUNT OF NlT'iy„ coops, 81/011rA8 ES ~~ ~v ESE Ell ,-\, 4 ,k. 1 .! . 1 •, ; ,: - ;. t0,..7... - .11:. , ; . .',;:c•4 ~., h ,, ,r i x ; , ,it , .:‘f,,, 1 ,-, ' .- ,fl} - ‘ll f l ?.; , `,lt 1;3 fi'i .f?' , .;;;;.'• it .! 1 '''A ilt il•"-"i1 • i Y 4'l, Si S COMING = `ii3 , 4:. : 1:7 . - f% ,- .1 , V--(.. ::''. 2 t., CUSTOMIRS ;~;~: z t t.....~_ ~ ' AT Brf,4;-7 : . F.:):-.t,i39.-- lIIIME GOODS, they. will put in a notice in her:with the new, that they rices. ME 'lat4t, Stiles of the ME DRESS GOODS! Clothing, ME ME 1 ‘ ... , I e RE `,,, S 1 i EMI IME =I = _,.a:-. ,' i , ,:,.. 4 WICIMIABI & PARR. C. O. MA.THERS. Goods, 11=1 c4).rH. TRITW t A. d. TRUEL&N. , I-' , NEW -FIRM A.. 111. ,lughankiar, Co:, greICE plOistire.p2.6 - itounding to the oltisetir ,01Wollebotwoad viOinity_that they have! pn °haled the entire stook of • = DRUGS AND MEDICINES formerly owned by P.ll. Williams, and are ad ding to the stook a One line of Gocale consist lug of .- Pare .?rugs, Alight" Medioinei, Yankee Notions, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, • Varnish Brushes, Paine Paint Brushes, FiMhing, 'Tackle, and in fact everything usually kept in a first class Drug Store. In the-line of Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures:. we cannot be undersold. Oall , and, exam . ins GO`ods and prises before purohasir elsewhere. Particular attention paid toPhysio ans Prescrip tions, and compounded at all hours:, The patronage of the pubito is solicited. A M., - /NOUAT.C. V. KLOCK. - May 4, 1871. . Sill & Squires, ,WROLESALE.DEALERS IN' Forogn Domostic'Llquors Wines, f tc., Agents for Fine Old Whiskies, CY alio D. SILL, 1 G. N. SQUIRES, j CORN/#O, N. 7 * May 17, 1871. t - ... .1-7 - .. -- -, Th r -15C4LUS '" • N ‘ i.l_-.- ` , , .. •'- ' ' - . . 7 1. 2 ,.,-,I - -.:. ., „ V EGETABLE SICILIAN ,:.,;I‘,.),\!\lSE HAIR ;:x_-- , - RENEWER. Every ,y.iar increases the popularity 'Qt . : titii valuable , Hair, Preparation; . N ifi l i e h i; ;kik! to merit alone. We can a.sure on rlob I patrons that it is kept fti!!:, , ul, to its hill standard; and it i:) the wdy reliable and peffected prep aration lin- YeApring GrRAY OR FADED 11Ain i o it_dyotttlilid color, making' it soft, in -.tr0,&., and silken. The scalp, 1 i . r. ii,, , ,,,becimics white and clean. it reino , Q, Mi eruptions and dandruff, 1 and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair yro it billing out, as it stimu lates and ihourishes the hair-glands. By its u,(-, the hair grows thicker and strong(.,. In baldness, it restores the capillary gi:lnds to their normal i vigor, and will create a new growth, 4xcept ill'extreme old' age. It is the most economical HAIR bRESS;NG ever used, as it. -requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a 'splendid,- glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, RD., State Assayer of Massachusetts, days, "The constituents . are pure, and carefully selected for excellent uality; and consider it - the BEST PREPAIIATION -fot its intended purposes." ' So?d by ail Driiggisis, and Dealers in Afedicinas Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. _ ciar Renewer in many cases re quires too long a t i irce, and' too much care, to - restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparatiOn; which will quickly and effectually jaccomplish this result. It is easily applied, and Produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold- by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Mapqtactured by R. P. HALL. 00., NASHUA, N.U. Ang.3, 1870-Iy. .44 0 0 L- L 0 0 d 4 Cs 0 0 0 0 r 4 0 0 CC. a l C , lg en 60 Oi g 82.0 o, c. V. ..1 0 4 M6 - oc tz ccr c 5. pi o r- es, v-1 SO [4.. I.CI 40 tr, V co L'-• A. Cr) r-. 1 LCJ C• 1 c t p. . 1:13 2 o ,=... 13 co 1 an ea! 0 li g 4 es. 0 1 la y, A sc; 1 . 4 bo 0 .it II: 4 : i - 0 0 Z 0..! •F - cd 0 0 -... ° ' • 1:::1 4 ~ 0 .gi . .44 01l es 0 NPi -",., la ' (1) 0 aa ' .4 C.) r.... ~. 4) _., ila ' ./. ar 14 PS V 171 ''.° I• C Ili ® . c a ) *W 4 3 O3 14 c) 0 0) 2 1 :11 ,T ,_,P4 0 i x z-3. 0 F p x = cti gi 01 ,"" a) r, C,) .c 4 vi or 4 -4 v 4 04 '2:3 - 11 674 0 0 .. . P. C; : C.) *a 1). PI . 42 t) 0 g 1 0 li-g O 0 4- , 0 C.) a) a) .0 mi ea C.) ~,,L4 Z , c. , 0 MI al Ac) •••• 0 ;e.) zl3 a) E 3 a.) i-1 ". a 3 plo A , 0 0 ^ ° '-' . el -4 -- El 6 P's g`4 iz' ® I s ' 0 (1) 0 .) g a , :g 44, I co O c..) al c. , p i ,--t f;:i 0 : p.; ,-.1 O ,0 0 C) ii A. Q 1.4 CD 0 - gl as 0 , p., .cp t. 4- 4. 1) as ''' w •,.. , i , cis - 0 %.,.. .. - - r'l s. = I_, 1 ,, 0 PT.4 ••-• r - I F 4 01 1. • c 0 .. = fr.( 0 .." 0) ria 0 czt t o CS) t 43 cr, ,cp .M C 2 " 0c? E E 1:1 s- .(3). E ,--' JA E s-i „„ 14 J =iss, .0 0 a) .. ad c e i:, ti All t. ,a> 7:1 . . D. E 3 si; 4 5 sp .0 se; 51 4 1, , , p- 0 1 0 s: , .0 0 ;f. - :; r : , p., J., 0 Es, P.l .. 4 PO 13-, a 4 ni 1-4 A fri P E-1 V. WHO WINTS TO BEY i ; A HOUSE AND LOT in Welleboro? Or a IV desirable lot? s Or a farm within two 0 .. : minutes walk of W ollsboto ? I hold for 8 le, on reasonable terms, the following property : A. well finished, new two story dwelling ho so; containing ten good rooms ; with a half acre lot, gOod barn, good well of water ; and every way desirable as a residence. Location ; corner of Walnut and Meade streets, adjoining. tbe 1 Clyiuor grounds. Also, a large village lot, containing about one acre, and in good shape for dividing into three 'building lots. , Location, corner of :Meade and Grant' etroots. And a desirable fatm in Delmar, containing 105 acres (known as the Whelan lot) Said farm comprises - n twenty acre meadow newly seeded, a tine field of winter wheat, and about 60 acres of excelleol timber, consisting Of ash, hickory, oak, basswood, whitewoOd and hem lock. The farm is Well watered. and abuts on two roads—the new tony Fork road and the road leading from amuel Dickinson's to Wrb. Eberena's place. • . I , '. Likewise, ten tine yearlings. All 04 reasona ble-tarins. Inquire of , 1 WILLIAM kARROLL. Wallah*, June 7, 1871 tf I • Boot,' Aiiipe, Leather Finding Store. H. E. SMITH Qc SON, Tioga,, Tic& Co., Pa„ THE subscribers would notify their friends and customers that they are doing a level soot and shoe busineds on Welloboro street, op petite the late_ Smith bototi They keep boots of altitinds, and shoes, to.'sdit everybody, both for Indies ,and gents;, also any kind of children's wear: Drbp Iti au& see. " _ . , • li, - 8.1111 1 1. & 13014::, XJiite 7,1871 tf EMO INGHAM & CO nd Fink IiiSURANC - ..' . 31VO. I. MI SHELL,Ag't, WEL SBORO, PA. • qsenes Policies in rat-clans Compani XmcbN')V R.Elit 1 as any RELIABLE 00.14PANY will grant Insurance. 1871.-1 1 Jan. 4, The Oheapeit dace In the State' For Photographs! WOOD'S GUMP 1 ?r A am n rfo f r o sl 6 '3 0 1 1 1 1%1° 14 :Z P o l O t ire e d fi , aeana larged and finished in. tho finest style. New stili;framos and ever • thing kept In a gallery on hand, or furnished to order. `THE LOT EST PRICES AND THE BEST WORK Rooms over Gardner's grooorly store. Fiis 1 1871 tf ' Wellsbore, Pa, MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTOR.,, ED. Jusfpublished by DR. LEWIS. 266 pliges. Third Edition. THE-MEDICAL COM PANION AND GDIDHTO HEALTH, on the radical cure of Siaermatorrhosa,or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary _ _ Seminal Losses Impoteney, Mental and Physic 1 Incapacity, I m pediments to Marriage, eta., an the Venereal - and - --Syphllitio d i: Maladies, with plan and clear directions for th* speedy ours of Secondary Symptoms, 0 o norrh at s ' Gloats, Strictures , and all diseases of the skin, each as Sourvy, Scrofula, Ulcer's, Boils, Blotches and Pimples on the face and body. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. The celebrated authorn this admirable Trea tise, clearly deracin tratel:, from a forty years' s ucc essful practice. that the alarming ' conse quence of selt . abi s may be radically cured; pointing out a Mod of cure at once simple, cer tain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter hat his condition may be, can be effectuall c red, cheaply, privately, and radically. , 'This 800 sl ery youth, and 'e, er Sent undertisfl, i cents. Address Di Now York - L . ould bo in the hands of ev . nian in the land. a plain envelope. Price 60 LEWIS, No. 7 Beach Bt. *arch, 8 187 ~ i 'f ~_ & SON AT WESTFIELD, PA., KEEP ON HAND AND MAKE 'TO ORDER BUGGIES & PLATFORM Spring Wag Ons. • We do not propose to sell cheaper than the cheapest, but make as good as the BEST at reasonable prices.' We also do painting in the highest and best style of the art. Any one wanting anything in our line will please CALL. H. BAKER SON. (Westfield, March 22,—tf. Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. rpHE subscriber offers for sale the following property, via ; 20 village lots situated on State Street, 4 lots situated near Sheridan et., 0 aeres of land negr the cemetery. This property will be sold at moderate prices and time given; alsO the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near the iii . E. Church. The subscriber is also agent for the North; Carolina Land Company. Par ties desiring tb visit that section can get Rail road tickets at reduced prices, and also valuable information in reference to the Company from May 10, 1871—tf. W: SHERWOOD: Photi - !HOUGHTON, ORB & CO., STONY PORE, PA Manufacturers of Buggies, Sulkies, Platform Spring, Truck and j9mber Wagons, 1 1 CUTTERS, SLEIGHS.I AND Bei SLEDS 11Ve are prepared to do anything •in our line on abort notice and in the best manner. Satis. ti:etion guarrantoed. HOUGHTON, lORR cb CO. HASTINS k OOZES, Agtf,'Welleboro. Stony Fork. April 5, 1871. • , Farm for Sale lP op OnRUNDRED ACRES with eighty aoreb improved, and situated neur k , ‘ , s the State Road, south of Maivaburg . This At 4 farm contains a comfortable house, two goo barns and ninety fruit trees. It is well adapted th dairying and agriculture. Terms . easy, In.- quit+ of the subscriber at Mainsburg, Pa. Julie 14, 1871-tf. . J. A. BOYCE. ------ To Bridge Build4s. COUNTY BRIDGE across the North Pork, 1 - 1 near Gardner's mill, in the township of Brookfield, wilt be lot by the CoMmissionere of *hogs obunty, for the buildihg of the same, to the lowest and best bidder, on the ' premises, (as by plan to be exhibited,) on Tuesday, the 11th pf July next, at one o'clock P. M, IC W. WETHERBEE, P. V. VAN NESS, JOB RM:POBD, r June 28,18i1 2w Commissioners. D . ISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the co.partnership heretofore existing between Lutz, Brown it Kohler, has, been this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Brown ha ying refired from the firm, i PRAIIK. KOHLER, 1 1 W. Q. LUTZ, 11' GEO. B. .IpROWN: , r) The hardware business Ayill be do:dinned - by W. G. Ltitz'and Prank Kohler. ' Manstihid, June 18;1871 ' ' June 28 4w 5 at as !!! MITONELL. h G