MI couNItAiIITAT4 ..1" $ ; tri l t , 'lt INElir I.L.NLSDAY ?I()RNINg UY I~ETIO =TM Vl4ll. Gelder. I ) . C :CRIBTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, It OH OF SO nar )2At ~,,t/tLfli, l ika, ,i INM ES OE ADVERTISING. , M1N10,7( DaltltONE SQVISE MB (:::E9 Or I lin. t 3lns I 4105 138105 108105 11 Yr I E l , OO I $ 2,00 I $ 2 1 50 I £ 5 , 00 1 $ 7 ,00 I E 12•00 12,013 I 3,00 1 4,001 0,00 1 12,00 18,00 1 . 10,b0 115,00 li,oo I 22,00 135. i 25,00 Wcctta pct. line; Editorial or ptr line. ails+tlsing In'st LO paid for in airr.r.co , Clanks, Constable 131antta,DeocitOndg" s ; to. *. , l,trr logo Certificates, &c., on band. CA:L . ",tDS. ----J7l)iFiffilitST it CO:, BA:NICERS, JoLi . Liar -eley, Coates & Co, • lioga, County, I / ey on doposit, discount notes, ;ts on riaci York City. Collect y nude.---,Tan 1,1871-y - - ;LEY—Osceola. , h ihz, , , icc•Eive En) nd sell dra • pr6FIPt inF.O.IN SE, Darin COLT , CRAND, ' Nnoxville LL, 0., W. NERRICR, ! COUNSELOR at h and Bovren's Block, across ball G.:a up stairs, [second floor.l Jun. 1,1871-Iy.' 16 ft \itA .tT - ,:n in Smi Szitator tCellt ,, nro P 80. I. Plttchellf iouneelor at' Law, Claim, and In t. Onice over Kress's Drug Store, I pa. Jan. 1, 1871 —y ;Loy ALI r.0,.a Aga dIELcr. iliiain A. Stone, ounselor at Law, first door above isgood's store, on Main street, January 1 ) 1811. y - ; ECINI nvcrsa 1 - 'i,11:1 ,r ] • no, W. 'Adults, „ , onnselor at 'Law, Mant‘Eeld, Tioga Collections promptly attended I 57 1.-y ,lrJ Lt;, P , r 1 iVilson £ Nile 9, ::rcc.,-is Ccunselors at Law. Will attend tut:aptly to business entrusted to their eartin he counties l or Tioga and Potter. Office on to Avenue, Jan. 1, 1571 y F l'Fitsnt . [I 1.3. Nuts. Jonu W. Guernsey, „ to - and c}iunselor nt Law. All business Ltruted to him will bo promptly nitended to. dco 2d door south of liazlett's Hoke', Tiogn, Toga County, Pa.—Jan, 1,1871. )Yiu. B. Smith / - E..unty and Insurance Agent. Corn anni:atinn3 stant to the above addres.a will re, ,two prompt attention. Terms moderate, I'n.—Jan. 1, 15.71.; • Seymour k, Horton, rneys Counselors. 'at law, Toga Pa. I buitte,3s entfusted to their care 1011 receive inapt attention II .6: , ,Eyuccrz fan 1,1471 v C. k FINIVTP,NG Armstrong tr. Linu, ITOUNEYS - A T-LiAW; II.LIA6ISPORT, P ITN'A • I. lE7I-3 W. D. Tubeli S: Co., rr to Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, : eroseno L e al p, Window Glass, Perfumery, 'lists, Oils, So., &e.—Corning, 11. Y:Jan. I'7l. I): Bacon, 31. „an and Surgeon,let door ettet of Laugher .e—Ninit Street. 17ill attend promptly to ally Wellshoro.—Jan : 1, IST 1. A. M.: .4.pathAst, OffiCo ..nt his Itciiclonci pti the enue,.- I .lan. I, 1671. f;eortre Wagner, first (icor north of Roberts dr. nail. ..111.1t , 1waro Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re nrlng done promptly and well.—Jrin.l,lB7l. Hotel, ra , L. M. 9taith, Proprietor. lionFe in ,r..htlon to accomtnotlate the traveling —1".• o n , 2unerwr manner.--Jan. 1. 11.171. l'ormers' Hotel. WY ROE, Proprietor. This tiouse, formerly ,cuuto 11. l Follows, ie oonduoted on tem 7:z7P Every accuunwnlatiuu r man and beabt. Charges reasonable. January 1, 16,11 Union Hotel. - a. b. Van llo i rn, Proprietor, Wolieboro, Pa. iti±tease it 111 , 4'1.s:tatty located, and has all cletnveniences for man and beast. Charge* :oiletate,—.lan 1, 1871-Iy. W. W. WEBB, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. out of Hastings ct Cole's ifhz Sc , re —mar 1. 1971. Ladit c 8 1 Millinery acv URNUSHING STIME ! ko Si,FIELI) Las a ry;napletc aFicrtraent ti•e lae=t Vvlns of 1 1 ,11 01,7,1 n off Fil l - fil,qloNl tioads, c c l):r.g at unusually lon• prices. • ..dILLINEV,Y 't 1,•,, t -11. t evcrybrAy,land CrOODS, o 1.1.1‘.!4' Reativ•Madc Dre:-Fe4, a cern tt- n.tnnot - fAll to 'pleas° the Indies. lr. 1 caaminc Gor,cls 1 prig,._. Polt Office, Main Street. Mro A. J, r ft New iA\illinery I ia alley Good, Parasols, Gloves, TAUS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, ho., .:t.q,e to seail,i.g v,ry 1 7 prieea, the new gond?, ‘.14 74,1".1-rt 0. 1 04D° atishels Stone Lime t. r stale I,y E; 1, i5.1.-w F IL.II F 01? SA LE. TFIE sublzriber offers for sale' his f.irrn of 56 plosant,Fy rl C Hollow, • Th "Fon, Ttoga coninitultecA ,; win ithinabatlinoutioit 'lies of Welltboio and fwo 03116' of Mos j? depot. Echo(?) houte, church, mills, shops, viithin mile. Terms easy. IrAquiro on 4 4 11 fte, of 17 ) 1571 tf C. G. CATLIN. 49 ~.$2,00 '''''''..'--- 146,00 1 60,00 100,00 au OD ELKLANb. PA j C. II intros SAMUEL LTlftf. 1 . .' r 110EMME= Mrs. C. P. SMITH W. C. li.RE6ti BEE rA,„, ! ,,,.-L4,5.5 , • - ,w. - 4 - 0 , -- ,=, r ,,,,,,,u- -, - . 44, ---- -— p 7- 4 ,„,,,,,,, 4 „.• ,16..- 04 4. , „..we a t.,,,z,4204.40r,0,, , .., 44 0trefttit,, - -..... 44....YZMr:'31,- . : 1.k . „..„,..,• 7 4,,, , , , 7 4 .,:•,---A. , -,?.... f•••,._t , _,.. , ....:,.!.,•! , e-t:-• , .•:_:. ..,,• : ....-.,-.,..4..A.:,.,: q 7.,.....,.......,_..,,_:„,......„,,,,.,.. ~,...„ ,„..„ 2: ~ ..,: ~, _ ~_;„!!,,, . 2. ~......,"..„,,.:. „, , _ _ ~ 1 r, , • . , ___„ , , ••,, I - iie,tis ' I 1 I'i ' ' , - 1 ItO - 4 " 0 - _4'dt•littw. l,l t ,v1:• 4 1 , A , R• LAIU/10 4 11 . 4. ' 4 77 '. 1 ';: - 1 't l -;; "". l': ' ''' '''''' '' !' ''' 1 '''' ' • ''! !7 ' "---,....-' 6ki t":,.-. f / f+T i '}-1 / , 1 • • 1 P*,`............._,, .:=1 V;t 4. ' '' ... " . ......--"i.*S.lil .u. 71.: ~, . ..13c0.11, .a.... 4 I ' -,, : . -- -1 di - ..-, - = •, .. _ ..., — ( e-1 6 ,e. vp::44l :„.„ e- _ -,:.:.i.t ii . . . --.., --..., . - . , - . 1 ' • I\ \ \ ' , • -, I i / lilt , .' s ) ,41 •,, , i ~., li t , . • -, . t ~, • ,i, , ), , , -,• , kr.' , oi .),., L i.L ii!.• •,- • 1 • , , . ~ ,I, 1 w., , , 3• .., ~- • - : : 1- \ ,. ......._ 1 .... i : .2 C( .. ts 11 t . , ...... 0 4 L . • 1.4 , 1 .. . I “'. ' k •':. L• .' ' .- 1 , - ‘ 1---" U .! ?".".•••• - - .4' ;" - 7 . '! : "N . 1 - .. ... > . 1' :. Ci :, :tif.. l ‘.\ tf ~ I - xo . 1..; :i - ; , : - .. - 4 , a. - . - yo.,:i • -- t1 , 11:' -... - -ti7..2,i-q..1 , 1 1 ,ttc, 1 , ,•,, i„ .. - ' .••• ___ ~ - .- , 1;y; 2f:l,i fv. !.'• ~ t- ~ -it - - •"!-J,l --.., t t ..D112.2. cl iiiti . , - .5,1i •,,Ii : - .,a i , ... - 2 ki.tf,Tinalli: 7 ‘. ,q - o,tit 7, - ~ .' ''' ' • -- • '' 7 _ 9 ,- ..,...- =, , , J *.-,' , ' ,-, ' ."..... - ' c.,),, , !... 4it'.4.... c. 5 ...-`-' , 4P.AI - :-., '.:1.-ite. , `,l - ii 44Httll , ': A 4 'l4 ' l , :: ) . d! ",'..". --" -: " -!%! 2 f" ---- 41 - -.:.: '•- , 5.4 0„... ; . 1 1 1i ' 1 „, _ 1 , 1, 4 1, -. N.< 1; , ~ , , : 1, IT,. .. . .. • _,..._ 1 ~. - - ~,,-,,,;••.,..!!;) vhi UL % ..,,:•...4.....,, . 77; -!•• . 4, ;,, i „,;•,, .., . •,„ 4 . : . . . . 0 1 iiva pit! : I: g,it ..s. .. ~ , i " ' --,,4 •, ---- :- ti ~-,.. ,-,,i ,: , , , •'''• • i ' • ''•' ' V .4 =lll4l7r'' -:i., - : 1 1-t 4-2.-:, - -.Th iii:*. V i ~„ f.-1.44 i , , v .-- ,, , , 1), , A.:1:::.z. T .. , !, • I AT, X• V Vl - ,:• -. : ; ,:. • . : .-, !!! - ~ ~v 2 ! ! 1 .-, 4 ..X. '44:)4 4 4115 71 1",.51.. .- :/-.3.41 t sg- ' ~. O. lat.'.G . .. a 4 c. , ~ E. 41? , ; .., ` r. 1 " ' ' " ' . :r ''' ' l"l4l. " - 1 0 ' t•l liliaj l fkiif-'W '* "1 1 "0:V.T1:: (,ST' k , ,,,'0,.v... 4 , . .„ 5 3i ~ ., i 1 ''''. ' .' . 'L DU ••••:::‘,.-.:.. ~ ..1? L -., , ,_ 1_____„__,.........010111044 •A- 11.. ~..: •f - •, , ..• . 1!... , ~ -• + 1 •-- •:: ~,,...) .•,...L J.:. ;i` ','• 'k- • . , ZEIZI r ~~~ IT OL THE. OLD , . • . , 4 - .3 ViNNSYLYANIA HOUSE - J4ATEW known neli,itt-Tpwnsepd Home, '<and for 'a ttmdroodupled-hy =1) .. . -- - D.' Holi day, has been thoroughly refitted, repair s opened by ,,, ., 3._ .t. , ~. AN I Erk4 MONROE, ;ill be happy , to accommodate .the old a of the house at'vorireadorial)le rates. 1,1871 y DANIEL MONROE. rtp! ad an who frien Ja. • Tiriga Marble Works. . r undersigned is now prepared to exe. ute all orders for Tomb Stones and Mo:su. • of either LIAN OR •BUTLAND MARBLE, • lateatetyle and approved workmanship itb dispatch. le ee and COnstintlokhand both o Ipq will be ahle y suit all who may kind, fa. f .. With their orders, on as reaeonableterme be obtained in the - courary, FRAM; ADAMS. " Iga,Jan.l,lB7l-tf. • 0 merit. IT. of th • and .1 lie Marb Vor bi 1 8.13 Ca . Notice. ,E persons indebted to D. P. Roberts byy . took acociunt or Notes are requested to.dall !ottle and Novo Costs, at G.W.,Morriok's and 1 office. Fe 1, 1871.--te 7 ir*, . 3M. CarLevy_ ..... jElivEi jER, .. s , MANSFIELD, PA. 1 - 2 - EEPS constantly on hand, ELGIN IX WALTIIABI and SWISS WATCH . . ES, Mdtina, Alarm it Calendar CAOOKS, ~‘ s SILVER SPOONS; Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and Knives; Cups, Castors and Cake Baskets; I. Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and Mustard i ; Fine Gold and Agate Rings; Gold Pens ' 'oils; Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Fancy and Buttons; Watch Onards and Chains, &0., °stock of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and ld Glasses, all at reduced prices, —Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired. T hi s 1871. . . ' • AL, B. EASTMAN; plate I Fruit Napki Spoon, and P Plate. A. lar! Color N. 11 Mar, OPERATIVE AND 31ECRAIIICAL DENTIST. ipposife'Cone House, Welleboro, Pa. All ons neatly and carefully performed. eat .n guaranteed at 'live and let live prices.' 1 2 0 1871 tf • ' • Office operat, iefacti! Feb HE SINGER manufacturing Company, ,T THE WORLD'S FAIR, nstitnted by the homes of the people— Ell ceived the Great Award of the HIGHEST SALES ye left all rivals far behind th cm, for they And h SOLD IN 1870 11NDRED TWENTY-§ENIEN 11101154 VD, HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE MACIEUICES GliE QM more than forty thousand in advance of i ales of the previous year, and overforty ion-sand =tire tAan` thi - sales o f any...oper ny for 1870, as shown by the folloviing from-SWORN returns of. the .salei of being their four t - Comp figure Licene corripatik ' over the Florence &wing ifie Co 110,173 Mad/inea .er the Wilcox tit Gibbs Svc. ; ilnchine Co., m , r the Weed Sexing i e Co-., REM anld Mac' Sold fal 1179 Sold o 92,t31 do. er the Grover & Baker 1 .. rtg .11 . (whine Co., . 70,131 do. •er the Howe Machine Co., 52,677 do. L-er the IVhecter & Wilson t', Itfactltrifty Co, ... : ..... .....45,625 do, all ofhich is mainly owing to the popularity Iv of wh t is known as the "NEw 'FAMILY, finivivo Macuirtz," which is now fast finding its way into eery well reinlittod household.—For Cir. i ia, calor! giv ' g full particulars of Machines, their Foldl g C EO3 of many varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of work, hich, till recently, it was thought that dclioa4 fingers alone could perform, as well as particalar about all articles used by their Ma clainesl std h as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot. ton, Oil, AA., Ic. i , app,ly to any of their Anthor iicd. Akents, or to , , TII SINGER MANUFACTURING C?. 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 106 Chestnut St. Mar i o 22, 1871-tf. C in OSVd I SCIC l Sold o gold o I fit+ood • How Lost, How Restored. 1 , a , Jost published, new edition of Dr. 7-IR, .. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the ~, ' rad:cat cure (without , medicine) of tiper• -‘r -—• matorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, In }y Seminal Losses, Impotency) Mental and i, Incapacity, Impedimehts to Marriage, etc., gumption, Epilepsy, and fits,induced by sett. co or sexual extravagance. in a sealed envelope, only, 8 cents. telebrated author, in 'this admirable essay, demonstrates from a thirty years' successful , that the alarming consequences of self-abuse radically cured without the dangerous rise of medicine or the application of the knife; g out a Mod •3 q cure at once simple, certainltuitl. by means of which every sufferer, no '3 hat his condition may be, may cure himself 1.11 ilmely and radically. eturo shonld be in the hands of every, yogth v man in the land. finder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, ion receipt of six cents or two post stamps. )r. Culwerivtlre ..Marriage Onitlo," price 25 r,Address the Pitblishers, 0151 AS. I.C. KLINE & CO„ hreaday, Nets York .Poet-Office liox 4,585. 5,1571-Iy. tolunta; Physica, also Co , Indnlge Price, Tho clearly practice may by interns pointln and tffe matter cheaply Thiel I 'id eve Sent i 1 p9pfpaid Also. centis, 127 April J. P ---ER :7, now Improved Iron Frame ad Soft Pedal ANO FORTES, Dealer hi all I:iii(l3-'o}' Plan )s and Musical Merchandise, and best selection of MUSIC in this see the Country. Pianos warranted for 20 ycarF. odeons and Cabinet Organs With dreen'er's Ptti'ent obr.! Pedal.. lorgoE tlon o ETU inns of Instruments bought or taken in go and to lot. All orders for re. and Tuning promptly attended to. J. W. McINTOSIf, Agent. Martiti 274 1871. All excthq phirin I - lifalth.l 1 Standard .111edicines. I d. TTS Dr. HERRICK'S Sugar Coated Vegeta t.) b A Pills and Ktd.Strengthening plasters-- tile bos in use! !Ilse larvell's Condition Powders for Horses Mid- C. ttle—sat4faotiori , guaratileed or money 'atiftind '•_:`. _ .. ':.•, . ti_-_, Use r. Perrin's Fumigator for Catarrab. The above 'nicks arefor sale by W. C. Kress, AO, Welleb .re, and the trade 1;0=6117 1 June 14 1 18114 m .. :' ....1•:: ..., , . ~ .. 'inn TAIL; ADOVTAD MAT 115,1871. ;. • !,•4..i Now And linproved Bra Wing Boom to ..elertdag Coaches, combining all Modern Improvemente,4l7%. run tbrongh on alt Trains between Buffalo, AiliwiTa_ Falls,finspenelon Bridge, Cleveland,. Cincinpetr and New cork, • • '' • „ • WTSTNTABD. ' ,• r STATIQSA. Mo.i. M 0.5. ' N0.74' , N. York, L've, 9,00 am 1,0 a tri: ;kr • Jer. Olty " ' 11,16 •. 4 .t Newark," • .•• 0 4 0- r • 97 4 t-!1r, Paterron a 12,00 • ******** Turners " 10,49 '' '. 9?.0 7,147;mp,111 2 P Newb'rg ' t 11,40 a n , 6 , B aiiiia • --•—•••• Gr'yceurt" /ARP • zit ACIA " • - Goshen " ' ' 2,1.8 ~13;15 .Midlet'n 2,80 " ' P't Jervis, Arr. 11,66 44 13,85 ` c 0•20 aNßOtan Biz44'lotoo " • 8.69 pm 10,17 44 2,21 am ,B.lBs at, Elmira • •' ' 6 . ,4A * 11,80 `" * 4 . 40 "4, 16 4f Rochester 44 10,27 " 9,65 11* 9,66``-a' • Botha° 4 - 10,60 " 0 2,0 a m 11.20 " 11,20" Mag.:Fells 4 , , 11,68 " 12,16,111/ 161)14: Sus. Bridge" , 12,00 m 7, 4, 12.26." .;12 Danr • I* , I,Bo* a 7,2 Q I , 12,42 .4 . C. / ft Mead lite' `" 428 " ' 9,20." 2',20 Dirt Cleve " • 6,0 - 2,13015:m 7,10pU6t 48:tritt Deytdrc. 12,8011131. 1,26 " 4,03 •kr 10'01 • Clochlruitl O 2,46 -• . ..... ;$9 it *4 • : ADDITIONAL raCiOAL TALMO: j 11.25 a m—Leave Oorialng,' . for ir9F O 41 b 4 vfilo:' . 10.20 0u;--,Leave Corniiiit,. ea. Suu.s.foCuOr.B4llslirgh, - 4,60 a ma—Leave porning, for Mospellevil l o_ • • -2,06 p ra— Leave Corning , ex,Ettudapii . fOr Bunhlo BASTWAIIIt. ETATIONs. I , N 0.12. No t 4. Noi 8: : No., Cluownati. L're 9.45 p m z i/$l5l/ , Dayton, " /2,08 a m' . 645 a m 8,211 " Cleveland " "7.26 44 - 8:86p na Ideadillle ' 4 11.82 Din • 8.10 Sup' 1/.B6im Dunkirk !t_ 1 - .25 pta 10.00 p m Brldise.." _ 1.40 " 6,85 p m ... , 6910." NiagaFalfe" 1 .48 " 6;42 " - ''. ' - 0.20 a ' • Buffalo 240 , " ' 023". 11.201", ;79)0 P Roche ter " 4.00 ', 5.40,"- 0. B.loElmira . /2.2 a n 0 5.04 a m 11.20. ( '0. 815858'72'5" . 10.08'" - 228 " • 7:00 " I . l2Ptu Pert , TerviaAr. _2 63.1U8 7.06'.1. 11.90" 6.25.F.th 1111ddhit'yzn..." -4.63 .' " - •••-•:- • Newblgh' --44 11.40 ara " " - 111.au ' Turnei • " • - '0.0513 ft .1.18 Mu. 43.1188 up Pater n ". 5.50 " 10.15 ki m 2.20 p :9 T,88419 Newark 4 ' 7.00 " 2.03 p m 6.15 " JermoieitY " 8.83 10.63 a m 2.65 " 8.12 4 . 4New Y.or " 7 ; 0,0'• 11,10" .1310 A.DDITIONAL Lopep TlSdlxB. . • ~, 11.20 a m-Leave CorningSiindaye ex4eptiid, tor s Ore . go 12.05 p m••= 1 -Leave Corridni l'Orilunttehan - • -- 2.05 p m 7 4-Leato Corning for. Elmira.; - . • •,f 4 " 4.25 p Err-,Leave Corning ow. etuaqfor.i3u auettauna. , - BlopdaYP 5 1 .% 4 14.;‘ , ::.; •; L. D. RUCKER, - - .W . 4IE . :BAS-At" Ge . rOl Supt. , . . D. P. ROBERTB stomsburgAorop,g*Til,git,ll4'W !Dim . * :T. 14 4 1 4...-t' 0.0 1 2(4 No 14.88 a m :No 8-11:20 • r I No 74.88 a m No 942.07,pm.; 10,2311114.: Zicatt4A9iin, Not 6 1 ( 14f 0 :4 7 1* 4 fPf DR PAR; FROM 21011.1/...Q6UWACUItitc =s A NO 4-4.12 I? 11l IM 4-8;42 al N0 . 41-titetiqtr 7 ;• No 8-8.08. am:: .:No.lo4o.ooami 440 12‘43.1.1306:mq No 14-12.07 -N0104,82 it.gt - 111:138441t8,A0. No 2.0.80 A. a. (11011 TON; •L. 118 VIIICE;4 Eupt B. & 0. R. R. Supt Notthernelittallarsolid 7 ; ARRIVE AT ELllllitii. . _,. 14)011 THE 110IITH." , -11201ETTEE tron a. Expreqs 10 65 a m Morning Ac.... 1.0 10 ato Elmira Mai1....10 85 p m Evening Ace.; ••7.30 p m Exprem lolop m LEAVE ELMIRA. GOING NOSTR. • GOING BOVIG. Horning Ace...,. 815 a m 1411 '5 ¢O at M . Expreia 11 80 a m Express " 80 ,IpM; Broniog - Acc4' 8 p m tyi'msport ACC.: '5 51510 r, I • • 11D. 9. votrziO, JI4WELItit sVORE: x 11111 Z p jib 1 • 0 : c: ,4? C• \ /; 141. :iC • (64c 98,043 do, AMERICAN WATCHES; GOLD OR SILVER CLOCKS, JEWEL RY', GOLD CHAINS; HEYS4i4I4O6, PINS, PENCILS, ' CASES, GoLi & STEEL PENS,' SPOONS, RAZORS, PLA- ,• TED WARE, Wiih most other articles usually kelit in snob eettiblishm4t, whioh le sold low for port . .r411(031. Satinary 1 1 1871—y. t Farm for Sale. To Subscriber offers for sald'his farm, situ. aged in this town of Delmar, some eight miles from Wollsboro. Said farm containd 76 acres setae 30 of which - is improve4.;-,dgoP4 from barn 80x42;tand a good log" house; iitiet some fruit trees thereon. Said farm. Is augur.. pasted for fertility of soil lei this'aectian. -, Fof partiCulars inquire of the'srtbscsiber at the office; of G. W. Merrick, Efiq., Welhiboro Pa. April 19,1871—tf. ' ' ' A. REDFIELD. fastest trotting stallion in the county. gilt striptlAt , 4a151e4,1,0! tholfill# l 4 l pri in Wistlaßtiliil plOen . t. TAnoson,i,il Qilrktr ,or good trotting wares will do well to take a look at burn. For terms, ace posters at the different hotels and public places in the county. May 10 1871 , SOL BUNNELL. Pl - an - ing' and illiatching D ONE with neatness and dispatch. Also, BEVEL SIDING glade from inch lumber.' Can rine - 24 ittethea wide.! At Hamllton'e steam m 11, QII Bommond creeki in Jackson township, Tina county. 0.1 HAMILTON. Jackson, Juno 7, 1871 tf Execattots' ETTERS TESTAMENTARY baying been 1. 4 1 granted on the ()State of Samna' A - . Buck, deceased, late of Westfield towns ip, those in— debted to or having claims again t said estate will se ttle with H. N. A BRIM!, y RTTERSIOF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to me on the estate of Luther Wilson, deceased, late of Middlebury, all those indebted tb-or, having,elalins agairuttmaid estate, will settle With: ROXVIA A. - WILSON,- a.. Middlebury, June , Al,ll37l , fvw Adtraw- FOR SALE, CHEAP. ONE elegant, new, leather _top boggy ; one nice- open buggy, neatl y -new 3. one two horst:slumber wagon a good singly harness. • :WRIGHT SBA Milt:- JCilie 21,1871 - tf ;RAILWAY ERIE RAILWAY. WE1_41.,5130,1t0, - PA. ANDREW rowinr; x mho hoe long beon esteb llished in tho Jewelry busi ness; in Welleboio, Lae al. ways on sale, variont kinde.and p:Ocoe of ' SEWING MACHINES, &c., &c. C A S ilo ~ -~ Repairing done neatly, end pre'mptly, and on 701,,EX: EUSK;sIK A. DUCK, Westfield, June 7; 1871 ‘,4 4 i 4 - Exen're. , t -1 Adininistratr'ix,',B IV6tice. .":'J.:,..: BORO' ORDINA,NCE I l'way A enaotid by the Barges* and Mandl of Co Rottil: Weileboro, That from and after this 2,oth yof June, len, it shall beittnliesful to fire, cmcansa to be tired, orpledeor,canee o'6o exploded, any firestaciter.or litectardtenknOlika tetridor Boman candles, °rear kind, ofesplo , did ottrombustible material, ..wlthinsey, skeet,- • Mi 1 1 879 4110.Whistiablio,equare,i.or public Min within the limits •lt of the Boro, of Wells. 'bone and any.pnemx en pernee, who obeli be •gnilt of vio etittgl Milk ble ordinatced; shall ed inth ` sumo one dollar, for 'eachttitelk , &Olt" often a; as It shall be the duty-of fills Bei • gese , i , or an Jul* of the Peace, in the MOW of :Cr& • 'TO, on complidst , 4l4sing -itifidi r liiitist Cam .7 an y mon, of the violation et tiiii-er: I li dine . ce, to nue a caplas In the nariti of Boro of Welisbpro, returnable fothwith i for tber the': . tl:4ltto 4 offintdor':of offeadotit; - ',itnilllo , ll Nitta otory proof of tho offence , litoring'biten bem .. Itted by" -- AthAiirtroli tot iitiriebe,'‘.6barged with . a offecee, the Bergen or s daetics villa WO ,CO the offonder or °freedom seyerellyUP. • y he said flue of one dollar, and an 1 1004 '4, IPM4 ' ' '-' n Ati,MOIS I 9 O ,4 Q ref,a,al t or."oB,l(t offendor mo.; riders, to pay the samb forthwith, the a, , nrges's or Justioq ef tbotottgeffialt comet 1044 • }Unties : ate to die citionfori jail, of Tioga gent t, for St 'term not exceeding forty. eght ' 0 491* end the Bergen, Justice of the Peace; it • , ta stable . to be allowed the same fees, al ht, Is , low at by law for like service. By order of tiie Igtr. . • '.' A. REDFIELD, Clerk'. "! ,i W, t e liboro;JUl/O 28-Bw. a 1 , . o X L . ; • DM JO • E:, • r :f. i :,-, , y..- • 1 -s.: :, • - " f;-:. ;,• :::,.4 , - i ~•13.: i:1:7'.. , i • 14pliti.- wooolow#l, Bil ; _! • • , - aehnowledged to be the beet by the Hauliers: , tgPlloga county. Wright 81: Bailey . . , • , , • , fe,Vtbis Co., and propose to sell to all who wan i. Itlidqesr, lightest draft, easiest bundled, PAW 'aiiitib)e and the cheapest machine; one of Wocqrsi jqinteld bai mowers. We always OKAY 09.1. y=7, for rile roootahni kavo taCt ou liabd,: so-Alien( need - Imp no ; delay caused by breakage.. , a Or. oleo dell bg the - - - , Xtl:z.excla Ell th beat in the world. We een„fttraish the IMM AittRIGAN‘ 1116 ti; I*orse Hay Forks on hand, tho-very best improved, and latest style. Don't buy.* MOWER until you)nui ps ,and get our terms. ,No man that wawa a mower shalt go witbont—qf toe have to . give him one! • I Caliiiii•th - et4liiitatill'arifirtidte of Ddebii~e Efaatge & Cole, for' farther information.,'. ,1! T:F: SHOWS ARE ITHRE'I P , CFASE TARE NOTICE, that I am Amr ritootviug direct from Now Torlwa , fail arid complato aseortmpt of , Spring , . IP ' S tkoodsh ',',-:. . N4ti , 1/11 CLOTRS AND CLOTIONOt MI LaOeS, Embroideries apd:Ohit4 Goods, &0., ' • ,' are unainallrfull, which I propose to the veil lowbst prioe for', cash. I hail's tiloll long andAoft and ' lifiQ Itt doer Sp spay inii'de 'lreireifter; POf4IV 'TIVEIX NO BOOK ACCOUNT WILL It KEPT, est,-darsint-isekcinrAnnlit:---. - ED =EI . I am alwat .i glad to show Goode and ' opt ;of - fended if yondo not boy. Bo do not be Afraid: to come and look. All goods marked fa,trli4l". figureti. Ono: man's money le an gortdias,amt.k o ors. So, only one price. Pl.aase renietthsr,,,idn pay oily for what yon to pay pay for. i - April 19, 1871. C. - • 7 . : eaU t * Estate ForAfalle:-, _ .. _. .... IfiN HOtrflE AND LqT. cm Stati l thiSaiii; . 1 ri, ; t rely tolw,Viiiiiiimie fifes / 041160A 2 1 ; . 't I:lot4fga'style. Terms easy , . ,_ -- --- One lit on State street, upittASsblotr ilionte' is beingtidnitt:' , ‘-, • - Ten Jots on street, „ Pout Dnndt d aoren of timber land 113. -- biltaiik .Also, d eplekdld dal ' 3OO AI Eno , " farm lit eimaTlPou' V ' L:,-4,.tißt . il l 1811 it MOWING cf 2, MI EEO HAVE THE AGENCY, 1 .11. : 1;=31111111 Eli Wheel Rake, to thoao WRIGHT a BAILEY. DRY GOODS, ' - 7 $, JIATS, OAPS, cacipm!tvil,;,,,,,-_ My ktook 4?f ACIWSTirc. • v.anz io,r,rurn.) Bite&4, . • fer, iby youthful heart rejoice, to ffiis that Abu haft made the Lord tby bhdica; IfirneS, lid the buddinieroto that most we priie, , So yoUthful hearts are Eiod's best sacrifice.. • , Life'earae from God,'alt; aVis His' 'of right; , TiViiyirn thou Last commenoed - ,*e.nd not at night; , I htts develtip t i inthy' Youthful 'thiys, *- 50.441 4130 hppart Hp, in later ways ;_ wriys df iife Whereir;leiiinetborias' found, {beet Ifieitiree shall Maki thy joy's abound , Fairsistei-thou haft friends,who lrkkew• ,41 m. not, tinpatitoiia, Ufiliaptized,*Yet not,forgot ; Nevi 'to thy L6ra, • - (St oiff thai-thttilife wilt Make; theta , tby re' rd: t ' I ~ 4 1 - W I XSCE.L.LA.ZITEO US. ' • I i ,- "" .. .." - - -- r- - •-•--,----,,-,-- - —I , SiiioM3r,,flehre Secret—a. Rentarl _ f . ' - • ; - • ' Story: , 1 • b in i th‘ %Crain en Ni n ion 'of 'a''recent , diitet ti c kitire' the et gordinark:sit4o- 14r4 of OrtirEennidits• Parker, - Written'' ;b4f4e - lie death, and iving : V/hat = pur- Orte to be a true' accbunt "'Of hls'con. • 'xieetion - with 'th'e murder of tiregery• *unSnerfierd: ' The latter itidlividual has biailit:Ano,wn) for 'xnany years: •fta ',IT ail)fflß,Nll , h2 .thy ,SePret,'{: arid' he POt .44 ft - } h9rOble de#94 - fo.l• ll 4aga , af r e t, l , v,,,,,,,, 4Y. being P9 o ,tieg from. 1 1 ti i derni - Of a - train upon thikUnion "POI i ' rellroad„near . the north fork of ,tlitiAmerican river, at la ..place called Cape Horn. The ma fortunate " wretch was ;hurled downward a distance of ov . iirloile thousand feet upon' the brist=' 4grocks at the foot of. the declivity: - ,parker, Whb was upon the 'illatforni"at thEitittent_thexatastrophe,• Was twice ,ioEitiitt j aridtrisd for the allegsd,mur 4eri pant was on each occaelon.myiteri ously ab9alited, ' , once hy a Andres, and MO decond tithe by a grand jury. ' ' Irker was himself a distinguished Ilikiv us, nf flacramento, and was widely, tiuritte . 4. #1 aiways remained : sii,eut Cori Tg, the circumstances, 441 f alp Ifii, ige rine, 1:4 SliOilly "heinri4 hia, „ifsiath i l 14e'd" in - th e hands Of_ii Mend . 41966 ~u,;'tlifgist. of ivrblet"NVO,ilVgii, i ,fijirOisqitiii - entiro story taking ojiheiti. Ity l , 'O6 or the' Uhion. - Referring to George S um m erileld , the ixitirgel, -than, Mr. Parker "spettirs:',nt I ' 11 Nci ElklAVlrig'been one of the - deePeaki ,eke 04 atifdents'of the age, a , natural , . , .mut ematician, a profound'asironomer,• d a man of excellent general literary I ;At , itierils. Parirr had known . finin`-• ' . . tiler 141,"f0r over twenly, Years, ,their_ f iber having,been, formed In Te3tlu3; during the days of the republic. - "ntinning his account, Parker sass!-• • toward the cids,C6flaf, " ranic69 at,my: 1•11 NM ESE Eli .. off' on : , llerhter au ` 'o ..... .... _ _ 41tets7dtior, and on invitation,_.',::: : • ' . - tralitidvaneing called we by name; **diving that I at 'first did not-reoogi ) ili l eihinl, he introduced. himself, as tireiiii, :800 i 1 4410,14; ' ' ft. s v_„ l l" , ;itiiii - fan to a tail -Alserutinizsd his features more:' :olis lazsi 'and quickly identified' ihitif tie the ardy:il_Perilon' whom I had met .12 4:i : yea efiire. '.lle NV4 greatly 'altered .inspearahee, but there was the old iWcalm- he ; , intellectual superiority in ~I*e4 l rsictioh, and I weleoltied 'him tee taliforniu as art iniportarit additiod'Ao her ine*ltd. wertik: , ti was not many Minutes,before ,he repiesteil A_ private interview. He .foil ,loWitxue-ivito 'my back office; , carefully" _OOsed-the!ilotir after him and locked 'it. Veliadecaicely seated,OUrieyes before hip: *plied : of' me if I ,had ',noticed litikioC'erit , articles in the, newspapers. fiespleoting; the discovery of • the art of dep4Optieltig waterati as to qt it for use . as le.fo.e2'for Ordinapurposes.? . I kePlied thatl h [ohservecl`nothing . 1. 1 iieWi, iltkilf the sObje ' 'Siiitethe expeti;- I # o 4,atf. - 4** 3l %*riti . PrOfessor'Rextry,. oOdiakittest ;heti in-my opinion, the ex 4, pouldfo - Mode - • Of reduction would iti vitt9t?tiOlii:?4t Ittii 'die."' " OlikteNV'..ivoids, he then informed me that 'lfohad made the discovery that thetir,t . was extremely simple, and the eipense _attending the _decomposition saislight sato boinsignifitant., .` ' ' " rtitErtnxiinO, that the 'Object of his - 1 visit tO-'file,Wai to Proeure the necesia- - ry . forms' to get out a patent for , the. I rigIVT pengralulated him upp*..'hi l i good feituhe, - arid Wes aboui to branch, forth-with a dellcription of some of the grea:tebritiefits that must :ehette to' the tom**. ttOr:Nyhen : ' be "Suddenly , and [ liointrighat hrteivilly 'requsst.3d me to ~,b e itheritV 'tiAd listen - . to Wl r litit'he bad' 1 tOIi? y .;, .• .., , , , -_ ~ 1 '. . ' ~, `''' , 'l e' ' began with' some 7gerieralte , ' rn'arttfeabettt the inequality of firth-tie' attioniiitiharitirid and InStanced'hitn.', r:eVilf tii, tretriki rig eXaM pie of.l he late of Aliimia•trneirrivho - , -according to, 'all' the rule 4 - 0 Nig; ought to be near ;he top,' f r ' ll :Ottiakiciffii..the foot of the , ladder.-of. ;foist 'net •IYißtitit said he t 'springing , td' ihiis; . * ikh:hri i piilsieve energy,' • I baVe* 111 9. wit #4011 , 1110:ilik cebimend Of tie-. :14 Uperiollo ;to-fate , Or of- in fl tett ng . irt.l teal° *bre:lye 1 , 1 oil , the . ., whole IMMart 111 04 r , 2 ' . '.3 1 . 1 :-.. •.- .• • : I' , ; .,I. tegat third in ore closely , Itliol 10 ° PI itenettlla_;,pi? eye "Vie dikOli Of, I lk Au 4 'eki 110:1t:- x ;letpained , 'silent; . - end, I),:rol'eici turthet developm en ts. But my eerut a ignateletk Wilt WO,- had•beervile'! , - tEetAt,oll,i iIY ie.id4'd :kit once t o t. 4 0-, Pii4lehrittiiii „ti seer . 1 IsTo : sir,. :1 i am `ii 1t hor - a. pfutni;i3'thT- - airPin diep eitikleAi iti'all that': say; . . and I arn : 6 051 prepared, ~.b y.actual experiment, to ti` monetrote beyond all douht.the trttt Of all I claim.' • . 3 zi "". or I tie iliac tipae I noticed that he eaiii d a: small porttnamteau in hi el hind; this 'he 'placed upon ,the table, `ntiloelted 14 and took out two or three .6ma4 volumes, &pamphlet or two, and, asfnali, square, wide motithed phial,- 'hiargietically ,sealed., i;:lWatehed him with profound curl ,yityi and took note of his slightest lltiovemehts. .lil - '4:7VI n g arranged his book to suit hiiii r ladiplatisittile'fillial l in.fis. onspieuousspositioni-ber -drew up :bla c ai r .oioseiy - -t o myown, and utter-bk 1 'a .. r • half 'hissingtone : , ' - .`!,` demand one, mutton dollars_for th& iiiitertts;lof that .bottle, and you flie , sti raiser-it for me in the city of Fria letecolwithin'ori iridrith, Or scenes 'pit,' :tetriiiliO'OilifOr' the ipiagitqttiOO ti,:t'eee -1 7 1 0* will . ilireli;`,6'e Witheas - 0::hY : 6. 43 7 ry s liVing hurriari being on the faCe of • . the globe 2, „ ; 1 , •,' , 1 ' 4 -The tone, the l -manner , - and the ah. suxd extravagance of the demand, ex.' eked so faint smile upon inY lips, which 'fititbseried; 6tit dlsclained to notice. • - "iStt*iindWas 'fully - made urthat 1 had 4 • tiiiiithi - tti = deal With; 'and I' vv. I *64 tii'aiit iiii'ordiiiiiy. But / "asoott.' =EMI ES lIEli • MI MI E rss EffE fl. CQ-UNER )%f:1 • ;44pU114t OndeiVatmy intuoSt thought,sl Vr,ert , read by s itie remitiikabie Man be-' fore MO, and to be Pntlelpateti hylilin In adititiie of their expression. ' "Terhapel' &Mr. Summer yon would! oblige m by inform ing me -fully -of the grounds of your claim and the 'nature of your discovery. ' 2hat is the 'object of my visit,' he . replied.- 11. claim to have discovered the key which unlocks the constittient gaseo apt y lvatert, and frees, eauh from the embrace 94 thR 4ilter, at a singlet Mich ., " 1 ;YOu mean make I rejoined, that You'ean Make Water burn itself " ''Nethirig choker nor lota,' he respon ded,!' exisitrit - this-46 insist upon the ,eotisetitiericiaii of the secret, if my de mend:tie onee complied with.' y:Nciar, eupptise I fling the contents of thissinall phial into the P a ci fi c ocean'. What wmild be the result ? Dare you contemplate it • for an instant? I do notussert that the entire surface of the, sea- would instantaneously bubble insniferable flames ; no, but froM thenueleue of a circle, of which rtillghial would be the center, lurid ra 'rill Ortiz:4os wind& gradnally shoot out. Ward; Until the' blazing eirenmference w4trid 2'611' 111 ioaid idiluws of lire upon itheiUtterineat ebOres. Not all the drop. ping °lends of the deluge could estin— jgnish it; not all the tears of saints and angels could for an instant check its prokqess. Onward and onward it we'd etweup, with the , steady gait of destiny, until tite cmistittients would melt with ferVer4 heat, the atmosphere glare with the Orulhons,conflagration, and all liv ing Oreateres---in land, in sea, and air in one universal catastrophe.' • " %Wen adddenly starting to his feet, dt*isr bln3Bolf to his full hight; and rintrtnnied solemnly,. I feel like a God !' and recognize my fellow men as pigniies that I spurn beneath my feet." able ::At this, Parker-states that he atternp "ielt th•itigativith lEinintnerfield on the abSurditynt believing that he held in ;toe handalittwer so mighty ; at wh Jeri then latter retorted with quotations from .the §4tlittilre4 Humboldt's Cosmos, & ikielvorks„pf famous astronomical ,wri t9ro,ll3,XPYi.x.i_g:t4t,..it Was not only possi .se fpF:Ont , ltm pfitpete to be , destroyed 15Y .Ore, such terrible events 'hiedoccurred - . This answer 'Caiiclifil'eiV:he' handed Parker a small 'phhtl; requesting him to open it and sMell of its contents; the result being ;that , a strong odor of potassium was observed. At this Summerville contin ued : '" Of course47on are familiar with thell chief characteristic of that substance. IG.ignites instantaneously when bro't intoteetitact: With, water.. Within that globule of potassium I have lin lib'dliQdra TIM of My own con, pusition 4,n4 (Ilicovery.' The moment it ig,libe• frOni the potassium, it commences • I •ork of decomposing the 'fluid on '47 'The potassium at'Once `l. • -13 and the oa. 1, 41.1,iph it -,_ libethto i>f• 'this' mighty g ' Yea,' said I, begun, if you please, but your little pill soon evaporates. or Sinks; or melts in the surrounding seas, and your conflagration ends just where it began.' • B t ' • • . u • sneered .he, ' the elementary .iiib&ancds in that small phial re-create then:mei:yes; they are self generating, and when: once fairly under way, - ,must 'neeessarily sweep onward, until the w a ters in all the seas are exhausted.' "Rising from my seat, I went to the washstand in, the corier of the apart ment,:aod drawing a bowlful of Spring water,tturned to Sum midrtield ziddremarked, Words are empty, the oriestireldle--:but facts are thing4.' ' ~" f I take you at'yoUr word.' So say :ing, he approacbecrthe bowl, emptied i iiiibf 'nine-tenths 'of its contents, and lillentiidrcipped the potassium .coated ipill ' into' the' liqUid. The potassium da4ed around the edges of the vessel, fuming, hissing and blazing,' as -it al ways-does, and seemed on the point of 'etplring, when, to my astonishment :iiiid l ularrp . , 4 sharp explosion took place, attilliu aoccond of time the water was blaZingba a red, lurid coltimn half way l'io l , the ceiling. 0 For God's sake,' I cried, exiin i*uish the 'flame, or we shall set the buil dinen fire I.! sad. l. sad I dropped the potassium into 1 3 theetirlltartu prepared it,' he quietly - -iiiriakrifed; .4 the building would indeed : haviash&lielkoriitinied' • o''' " IlcitVer , atidikritiiit fell the flickering llArries, paler-and paler grew the bl i aze, .until.iltudly•the tire went out, and I idled up to,soe the ; , effeet of ;the loin :hustilon," ~ ; . ..‘ i ct i a drop of water remained iu the!vessel l . Astonished beyond mea .o4t4elit Whitt I had 'Witnessed, and teal :iliaßoost to the verge of insanity, I ^app ettObed Summerfleld and t r e th igh] Ty ' implied,. 'To whom, sir, is 41SItietrierideitni secret known ?' "ro mysigf itloiniq' heresponded; ' and now ' atolNierine a question-=-is it worth the 1 40'0 ' 0.4' 11. . .- ' "...ft bkentirely unnecessary to relate in detail the subsequent events eounee• .ted:With the transaction. I will only add it general statement, showing the results Of nni, xogOtiation., Haling fui liti•B9o,4e4,,rly q cictty ayp?Peraeld ictttyy neithlti.kis hands . thn,fato 01 the Vole worid t • With its millions of lini4iibeitigi, tittd,by experiment bay iiie'teited the - doiribustion of , it•fl water, withiequal facilityns fresh, I deemed it my neit:duty to Bail the attention-of a few Of the prinelpal men in San Fran cisco' to t h e extreme Importance of SuMtrierfield , s di acovery. „.. "A leadink hanker, a bishop; a che mist,! two State = University professors, a phisiciani it 'Judo, and two Protes tant diVineS; - wero:Selected by we to wituoss:the experiment on a large scale. This Wei done at a t istimil sandhi] I lake, near tlinsea`slinre, pli,•separated from it liy a ridgy cifciloftyr mountains, glisten t not morn-thantellialleiffrom Sin Fran cletb.l *Ati . ,` l tiliikte'!drOP Of water in tbepool was burnt up in less than fl i tem niftititeb.' • • , ' 1 ‘,." NSilext.dici:all we could to pacify Sutinterfield, and endeavored to indtice liiiti' o"loWer his price and bring it ,Wititin the bounds of a reasonable pos :sibilitlyi, 13dt1itbotit'avail: i lie began . it; gid.ei , ' iirolit'.' in .hlti demands'. 'l' he sub 7cklt nate.; soon. ‘,ctoinmenCeti work ktwor*st the Vealtbiest citizens of San Franch)co, - atid liyaPpealing to the ter rnesof Atcrew arid thUsyrapathiell of all, - 15u'eceeded :in raising one-half the tiFtvo ) t 'W.lttilo" tlui:.ptes6ilboo Peritid. I shall lieViiti lforge't -the', Woikekone, faces pf t e nllfqrnia.street during the month of 013144.1 C: The - 06146 . ' 4 4 , 414 . tkild the ee- . . , newapaperespoke .inost learnedly of a *Mar panic—la pressure in business, -and the disturbances In the New York gold.roona. But to the initiated there was an easier solution of the enigma.— .Thelpale specter, of death looked down upon them, and pointed with his bony finger, to the fiery tomb of the whole race, already looming up in the dis tance before them. Day after day I could see the dreadful ravages of tips secret horror; doubly terrible, because they dared not divulge it. Still, do all that we'could, theinoney could not be obtained. The'day preceding the last one giVen, Stinamerfield 'was summon ed the committee, and full infor= mation given him of the State of at-. - fairs. Obdurate, bard and cruel, he still continued. Finally, a proposition was started that an attempt should be made to raise the other half of the mo ney in the city of New York. To this proposition Summerfield ultimately yielded, but with extreme reluctance. It was agreed in committee that Isho'd accompany him thither, and take with me, in my own possession, evidences of the Sums subscribed here; that a prop er appeal should be made to the lead ing capitalists, scholars and'clergymen of the metropolis; and that when the whole amount was raised, it should be paid over to Sumrnerfield, and a bond taken from him- never to divulge his awful.secret to any human being. " • this he seemed to be satisfied, and left us to prepare for hiagoing the next morning. " As soon ai he bad left the apart ment, the bishop arose, find 'depreca ted the action that had been taken,' and characterized it as 111dIsh end ab surd. He 'declared tha no man was safe ens moment whilst that diaboli cal wretch' still lived ; that the only security for us all was in his immediate extirpation from the face of the earth, nod that no amount of money could seal his lips or close his hands. It wo'd be no crime, he said, to deprive him of the means of assassinating the whole htiman family,' and that, as for'himself, he - Was for dooming him to immediate death. I " WitliTan unanimity that was extra ordinary, ,t he entire committee coinci ded. " A great many plans were proposed, discussed and rejected, having in view the extermination of SumM,prfleld. In them all, there was the want of that proper caution which would lull the apprehension of an enemy ; for should, he for an instant suspect treachery, we tknew his nature.well enough to be sat isfied that would waive all ceremo nies and carry Os threats into imme diate execution. " It was finally resolved that the trip to :New York 161.10U1d not be abandoned, apparently ; but that we were to start out in aecordanee with the original pro granme ; that, during the Journey, some proper means should be Resorted to by me to carry out the final inten tions of the committee, and that what eve •( would besanctioned by the I all, and full pro conscience, atlOrded me= tbo proceedingid. " Nothing was wanting but my own consent. I asked the privilege of med itation for one hour, at the hands of the committee, before I would rendera de cision, either way. Daring that recess, the above argumentation occupied my thoughti4. The time expired, and I again presented myseif•before them. I did not deem it requisite to state the grounds of my decision ;*T briefly sig nified my assent, and made instant pro- Turittiong to carry the plan into execu tion. Having passed ou the - line of the Pacific railway more than once, I was perfectly familiar with Xll of its wind ings, gorges and 'priciPices. I selected Cape Horn as the best adapted to the purpo.qe, and the public, knows the rest. " Having been fully committed by two tribunals of the law, I make this final 'appeal to my fellow men through out the' State, and ask them confidently not to reverse the judgment already pronounced." Tioga County Medical Society. •The annual meeting of the Tioga Co. Medical Society was held in Bowen & Cone'S hail, in Wellsboro, June 21. 'Meeting called to order it one P. M., President N. Packer in the ebair. The fbilowling Members witi represent: Drs. l Packer, Borden, Robbins, Webb, Masten, H. A. Phillips, Thompson, El liott, Blatchley, Phillips, Bacon and Smith. The delegates to the State Medical Society reported that they had attend ed its last session at Williamsport., and gage a full account of the proceedings of that body. An invitation from the county Com missioners to visit the county alms' house, was received and accepted. The report of the Treasurer was re ceived, showing a balance of $lB 50 in his hands. A resolution was 'introduced a n d unanimously adopted, that the Treasu rer be directed to.nOtifyi those members who are more than one year in arrears, of the ,amount of their indebtedness, and On failing to make payment, that their natiies be stricken from the-rolls. Dr. H. A. Phillips presented a care of chronic catarrh, resulting iu necrosis of the Wheal hones extending to the supe rior axilifiry. Dr. Robbins present ed aevere care of varix of both legs. Dr.. mith presented a case of paralysis. c f The•ares elicited much instructive (Bs cussiOn, and plans of treatment were 1 ;, reco ium n ded . TI e - election of otlicers ror the ensu ing year resulted in the choice of Dr. Masten for President; Dr. Thompson, Vice President; Dr. Borden, Treasu rer; ! Dr. Smith, Secretary ; and Dr. Robbins, Corresponding Secretary.— Des. Pucker, Phillips and Smith were chosen Censors. - .. • At 5 P. M. Commissioners Van Ness and Wetherbee appeared at the door with carriages to , convey the members of the sohiety to the county infirmary. After being severally introduced to the Superintendent, Mr. Robinson, a coin plete Inspeetion of the building, from basement to' glirret, was wade. The rooms were, clean and well yeritilated. The halls free litter or refuse, .and everything abotit the buildingllvore an air of comfort and contentment: The inmates were cleanly andi comfortably 'clad. In some instances attempts at fashion had teen made, tho Ugh the so ciety failed to recognize that \the Gre cian Bend lead as Yet;ptit in an appear- Mee; t -.. The AgTittor & Job Piloting House, Is lellsu pplled with Pressee and Types to ere.. enta all h inds of Job Work with noatnoss ow; dispatch. I ; Litge addition l e of all the late litylaS dine have been added to this depaittment. El 0: = 27. Location—Bowen & Oone,s Block, 2d Floor Passing to the basement, where s up per. was being' served, the bountiful sup ply ;Of food by the Commissioners,' and its neat preparation by the Superinten.- dent, were too apparent lo need com ment. Piles of nice wheat bread, plates of good yellow butter, huge platters of fried potatoes, and pint cups IA tea, were disappearing down the throats of those who, previous to the establish ment of 'this institution, must often ° have felt' the pangs.of hunger and ex perienced that " Poverty is a Weary thing." Every one was convinced that the . humane act of the county In . provir ding for the poor, was being ably car ried; out by the executive officers of the building. In the evening an address on tit " Piogress of Medical Sojence," espe cially during the last thirty years, was deliVered i in Bowen d;, Cone ' s hall, by Proilesser Allen, of Bradford county.— The Address was replete with facts and flgutes, evincing much study and re sear6b showing that 'the science of medicine has ,kept even pace with the other progressiveilelenees of our day._ After, the leture, the dining room oi the Cone House was visited, and the members of the socety, in company with their friends, d i d ample Justice to the Well filled tables. Th 411 t this i of it: Th ter's Wed, Th , basest fraud on earth is agricul ture. The deadliest ignis fates that ev er glittered to - beguile, and dazzled to betray is agrichlture. I speal with. feeling on' this subject, for I've been. glittered and beguiled, and dazzled and destroyed by this ,same arch deceiver. She has made ] m a thousand 'prom ises, i r uid broken e ery one of them. Sl4 has promise. me early potatoes, and the mitt has 4 rowned them ; late potatoes, arrl the' i s rought has withered them, ! She!has promise me summer squash es, and the worms have eaten them ; winter squashas, and the bugs have devoured them. She has pronois ed cherries, and the curctilio,has stun~ them, and contain living things, uncomely to the eye and unsavory to the taste. 'Sho:has promised iitlrawberries;and the young chickens have enveloped them, and the eye cannot See them. Shehas promised tomatoes, and the old hens have encor4aseed them, and the hand cannot reach them. I arose before dawn to set out sweet potatoes the ague seized me I had ~tbirty chills and three peck's of potatoes. I toiled in the heaLof the day to culti vate ; cabbages ; I raised twenty-two blisters, but nothing more. I labored• with the latest twilight to hoe my mel one. I lost the melons, but found the etiniatism. • both in law and e of NO wo. He was a tiller - 473 -- wonder is that he didn't kill hiliffr. and ;then weep because, he hadn't a grandfather to kill. No doubt his Early it Rose, potatoes, for which 'l's paid Adam seven dollars a barrel, j ad been cut clow 1 by bugs, from the h ad waters of the EupbrateS. His ennsylvania whe it had been winte killed, and was 't worth cutting. is Norway oats had gone to straw, an would not yiel five pecks per acre, and his black Spanish Watermelons had been stolen by boys, who had pulled up the vines, broken down his paten picket fence, aud; written scurrilous doggerel all over his back gate. No wonder he felt mad wi:lii be saw Abel - whistling along with his fine French merit:Coes, worth eiglit dollars a head and wool going up every day. No wonder he wanted to kill; some body, and thoughl he'd prac tice on Abel. ° ~ - - - N - N . And Noah's getting drunk was not at rill surprising. He had become an hutibandnian. He had 'thrown away ma4nificent opportunities.- He might hale had a monopoly of any profession or business. Had he 'studied medicine Were would not have been another doc torlwithin a thensand miles tonsil ludin "Quack ;" and every family would have bought a bottle bf "Noah's Com pound Extract, of GiDpher Wood and Ar tl-Deluge Syrup.' As a politician, he nilight have carried his' own ward solid, and controlled two-thirds of the delegates in Every convention. As a lai , yer, he Would have 'been retained inievery case tried at the Ararat Qnar tei Sessions, or the old Ark High Court of ,A!dnii.ralitY. But he thre* away all these advantages and ; teak to agricul ture. For a long time the ground was so i.vet be could raise nothing but sweet flag and bullrushes, and these at last became a drudge in the market. What wonder that when at last he did get half a peek of grapes that were not stung CO death by .Tiiphet's honey bees, he should h l tve made wine and drowned his sor rows in a "flowing bOwl." , the tact is, agriculture would demor alize a saint. 1 1 was almost a saint when I went in to 'it. Pin a demon now. I'm at war with everything, I tight inybelf out of bed at four o'clock, When ail my better nature tells me to lie still till seven. I tight myself into the. gii - rden to work, like a brute, when rear] and instinct tell me to 'stay 'in the house and enjoy myself like a man. I fight the pigs, the chh tens, the moles, 1 the f o rds, the begs, thei worms—every ti,ing in which is the Leath of life. I fight the docks, the burdeeks, the mut ltite the thistles, thci grapes, the weeds, tl e roots—the whole vegetable king. d iw. I tight tto heat, the frost, the , rain, the hail—in short, I fight the uni verse, and get hipped in every battle. I have no morel-admiration to waste on the father of George 'Washington for forgiving the destruction of his cherry tree. A cherry tree is only a cureulo nimery, an d the grandfather of his cOuntry knew it. I have half a dozen cherry trees, and the day thy young 'George Washington is six‘y , ears old I'll rgT'e 'him a hatchet and ttlll him to down iwith every cherry tree on the . 0 I,•e. . Lotke, Miss.; rejoices in an in fant prodigy—a eolOred girl three years oltt who has graSr, hairs and prodigious Memory. 'Without 'the least education be instruction, she can spell any word she' has ever beard spelled, and theso she has not heard she masters phonste. MI thanks of the society are due to e frlerids who contributed to make heating nne of the most pleasant sessions. s next meeting will be held atria , hotel, In Middlebtay, the third \a:Way in !September. tfil I m the Cincinnati Times and Chreniolo. AGRICULTURE A FRAUD. NOT BY U. G. ain killed his 'brother. ound.'The
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers