Vai e fftia BY TUE AUTHOR OF "A VlMitlit's POEMS." tiWest, Poink?" Ye tp#lrris tlier:oue Ir • ma Pa- % t s$ gamonE 4:16r ilt . long .At the capital, I remember now, In our far back battbAliye'r);l`.l3 If the bones groat Leader blundered and war, therefore, went wrong, _ West Point would gave a subtle 'faith in that - groat Leader's rays. west Tr.? doi'atA. they' Clis uate generals there, Why, I wonder they do tiotAnd them out, plumed. sworded, and ready-seared, And just hecauife,iiticr"Allen:n boy. 2iae iliiPtiened somehow to wear The uniform of their cadets, let his shoulders be splendidly 13 tarr',A, r And if he in such _ strylight_ehould grope! on a MHO ithend F -." Of thnilithires or twe - Tir - thre,cntkeyi ... ”11.Et)1 4 1. aa Does thet go to prove that not onetivi the ansty diva Jegipii,A t ' i" Could give him hie orders in secret and, point him the way to your grace ? Oh, you fanny_ Tycil berm . -where polio! -if. 49 , 3 7 Ilut I. fill ; :1 C t 5 0 You may shako the hand that finished your • is t the that planned; Itillat 'l?l'eai . ,:Poittiiat one 'rvh`o• studied - . . • I mence,c Brew, ;, . ;„,„ In the nanielcr4_name of a Priiate con:unsettled his chief to command! If I eay that heliaiseki; thvinkti a oretin4 his breast, up the 11114; And lies buried where grave•marks by thous ands at Arlington . whiten the.air- 7 Why—you will.go on and believe that our very first warrior still- -- - • Sitson:joking hia.-pipinf Pelee in the Presik dentiat'ettsj.,ehOelk - ; . 7 ; ;. aillo VIL T UR E. Fruit and Vegetables by Weight. Wm clip from the -Amerfccor' grocer the folloW Ing just, and timely ructidle on the: , subject .of soiling vegetables and fruits-by weight. It cannot fail to Com mend itself_to the good SenSe of both producer ainl.copsumer.: • „ , "We hope •id t see accomplished the reform of selling by weight 'vegetables, frulis, 'eggs and nearly every edible ar ticle sold by measure. Boxes in which fruits are sent are of all sizes and shapes, filled in all sorts of ways; cases of the same 'number of boxes from difibrent producers will differ from three to six pounds in weight of fruit, though the ituality may be the same, and the fami ly who buys from one consignment gets more for the money than those who buy from another; the producer who is most honest gets least. , A piemium is thus paid for deeeption,.and the worst of it is the consumer, in nine cases out of ten, does not know that he has been cheated. A man who buys a barrel of apples does not know whether he is get ting two or three bushels. FON people litop to think about it. There is no law i)xing the standard of a barrel of apples or other fruit that we know of. If a producer is honest enough to send his apples in barrels containing two and a holf to..three.bushole, there are pienty of dealers it iShiniek enotigh "to transfer them to baryels• that contowlaut, two bushels; and a barrel of apples is a bar rel of apples, no matter what size. Ei ther there should be a barrel standard fixed, or the fruit should be sold by weight."----Er. We append the following remedy for ;:mall pox, because this fearful disease is getting rather common, and because many are opposed to vaccination on ac count of the many fearful Jlisenses there by transmitted.—Rd. A SM A LL PDX RFIMEDY.—A corres pondent of the Stockton (Cal.) Hemid writes as follows : I herewith append g recipe which I►as bee►► used to my knowledge in hun dreds of eases. It will prevent or cure the small pox though the - pittings are tilling. When - .Telmer discovered cow pox in England, the world of science buried air avalanche,npon►his head, bpt when the most scientific school of med icine in the world— that of Paris—pub lished this recipe as a panacea for small Pox, it passed unheeded. It is as un failing as fate, and conquers in every instance. It is harmless4-when taken by a well person. It will also cure scarlet fever. Here is the irecipe as I have used it, and cured my,chlldren of scarlet fever; here it is as I have used it to cure small pox; when learned physicians said the patient must die, it cured. Sulphate of zinc, one grain ; fox glove (digitalis.) one grain; half a teaspoon ful of sugar ; mix with two tidde spoon fuls of water. When theruughly mixed, add four ounces of water. Take a spoon. ful every hour. Either disease will dis appear in twelve hours. For a child smaller (loses according t 4 age. If coun tries would compel their; physicians to use this, there would Wit's: , need of pest houses. If you wade 'advice and ex perience, use this for that terrible' dis ease. 'rho Rural New Yorker has the fol lowing : Chickens are very often seen in \ the poultry yard drooping and mop ing about, and finally die before any attention is paid them, and the breeders nre profuse in their queries as to what killed their fowls. One reason is Abet . the chickens are either too highly fed or become lousy. Iu the former case , the fond should be chopped eggs, bread i and meat scraps fro the table chopped t fine, and let them aye plenty of fresh mold and. road sand or gravel. In the latter case,..pht.:Serne ..w.Orrowood in their water 'ptptgiease the head thor oughly with . lard or butter. In our - youthful d'ays the first 'thing we did af ter the (thicken was out of the shell was saturatelts head well with fresh but ter. This preeautlen, in our opinion, has saved many a brood. Cu LT V ATE THE Colt's:. Constant cultivation can not be too strongly urged_ fn. the corn crop. As soon as theblade appears above ground, pass through the rows with a harrow made for the purpoNe, or with the cultivator. Con- Ftant stirring of the soil will destroy the' young weeds and push- the corn ahead. A week thus gained ; may save the crop from an injurious frost when near 'ripening. An. excellent imple ment for this purposeis Shares home hoe ; with it. a,careful ,hand may cut out the . weeds to within an inch of the growing corn. By going twice in a row thecrop may be effectually hoed, and much hand-weeding saved. The -soil does not need Stirring deeply; one inch is sullicien . t ; deeper would injure the corn roots, which love to spread near the surfaed. For this reason all deep cultivation should be avoided.— The surface should be kept level; the crop will thrive better than by bury ing the roots under a ridge of soil ; there- fore, keep*ie plow out of thO cornfield. This crop requires heat and moisture, and a level, mellow, porous Aurface will secure these. A soil peeked with rain and baked by the hot sun, 'cannot be endured ; therefore, If u heavy rain should occur, followed by Airy weatbe4 rn tu ha at, onee to the exeluttam air sin also, stud busk Op tbis (,:rtikt; L • uismoittlititss: :1 WHOLESALE cyr r 3. " . ' 51 7 4 GRI I': -1; ELMIRA,_N. Y. PROPRIETORS OF !‘ %flit COFFEE & spic y oiIMORETROS.4. CO4'wout , oall the at.' Jj!tention of the Trade in the eo, , nties of the Southern Tier of New York and'Ndrthern Penn sy Iva ON , : = the' large and fall' assortment of .GRO cEnrEs& PRO 11 1 IKONS oonetantly oil hand At their extend aficoStoros, No. 37 and 38 Carroll and;offored for sale on the most iatitfaction 'Rail oases guaranteed Our' Stetiin 'for the , Roasting of Wee and th Coffee Siiicea, ity.of .the' i.royed consttuctlon, and not e in the country. TEAS. Ire have a full stock of choice dirge t from Importers in Now Yor e Belles cheap as any house in, the Strr I int t z , ..,lasMV.s " froiSi the; best, Itefliteis';.dnA - e lowest New Xotic quotations, FORP ! ION . ‘DRIEp 3 ‘%:, - : KIND .6v NUT, riisirrik..-!1 We buy froth Drat hands afford a fierier article at n lerseer firm in Western;Alerr York. WOODEN WARE, Cordage rug ne, of' geode, LitIVOR Wo - calf the attention of the,T stock of Winos and Ligriers, whi fineness aro unsurpassed. TM P,ORTEQ_ALES—SerAcIi, glish, and hf thohost hrands'con FORMICIWIAND • DOM ESIT Wo epecially.ipvitm34rehaFep t amino. ) qw 4t)plt,, of Korc!ilia, Liquors `bk3 P6r6 hujring'olkowhot: M EDWINA% .W II ISKEY— espoolu.l bentit of theslok, a Our , Bourbon W fur the Drugg Solo Agents ettlre fu britt - f; woinvilo ti dlosti mint and their prices, the whole anti numerous to mention in detail. 1,OR11()RE 1.1 t(), No. 37 'a 39 . Carroll St. Sept-21, 1470.-ry. "". Albemarle Land = ELIZAWETWOTY, NORT LARGE AND SMALL FA at prices ranging from $8 on reasonable terms of payme Timber L covered with Pine, Juniper, Poplar Timber, close to Day to $lO per acre. Village Prope Stores, Wood and Brick D Lots and Wharves, excellent o friondly people, navigable markets, favor this looality: SMITII & SLIAW May 3, 1371 •Wellsbord . „ COR. MAIN ST.St, 111 WELLSBO I= ! SOL. RUNNEL, Thi is a popular WWI lat Holiday. The Propriotor wi make it a first-elass house. rive and depart from this Lou . 1 i inAttendanco. _AO_ 'Livery a Jan 1,1871-1 y ' For Sale. or AGOOD dairy farm in 1 1 oga county, Pa., about • Ilorough of Tioga. about 10 and AG unimproved. Has throo‘dwelling houses, an ap erd, andother fruit twos._ To joining on the west, a far .4! from 40 to 200 acres as depi improOd; with a SgGoda..batri :apple, orchard. Good fora Jan 1, 1871—tf.C. 1 -4,1 Wellsboro T J. BURGIN would 'fia -1 0 • Wellaboro and •to;nit pared to supply tlaom with • , BREAD, PIES A D 'CAKES, of the best quality. We al .43 verve meals and and Fresh OYSTERS to thos cwbo wish. Call at the old Stevens' stand. J. J. BERGIN. Nov. 23,1870-IY. T EtTERB 01 /11)1MIThili becn granted to the undi tat* of ilraereus W. Niles, deli dishury tOwnihlp, those ind si,N.sjosis clatter against sat solAa VATBARIN 144041niq 1471 tin U. .fir: ~ _#?' 1V 1, v, .~ ~ ~L Mill El NM Witillhollllo : treat, N. Y., terrasy nis 1. Grinding of oserecant n i ceilled by any eas. We buy . for dash, and rade, Syrups St•~8t~8~.tyill~ AND ALL EMI itekle,d . East -and can price than any nd BnYome—A de to ou i r largo h for purity and rich and En tahtly on knrid ',call 'and. wc an('lento 'o put up forth° • OElolo of Old at Tuttle.. I rbarin Wine Co. ny or our goods ment being too. ; tic . (JO., Y Agency AItOLINA =I MS FOR BALE to 575 per nem nds ypraza, Gum and i gation. Price $3 y, -ellings, Vacant imato, fertile soil, ateo and , good nquire of -" Att'yB at Law, Eli both City, N. C Hotel, . lIE AVENUE, 0, PA. . PROP / R. tiy kept by B. B. spare no pains to • II the stages sr o. A good hostler Cached. I. ioga township, Ti miles west of the I acres improved, .11 it three barns, le and peach oroh ratrestcy. Mooed*. and timber lands ad, with• 80 acres cgdOd' hula and irying farm. . SEYMOUR, ;'R,. ;,; "Tloga,Pa. akery. to the citizens o that he le pre ' .Notice. , RATION baying Vereigned on the ea. iceased, late of Mid. bted to and those estate, will settle Ow. NTlinfi, Atifer. Insuranc - ;.. I 1 Tal"111 HAND IN lIAND MUTUAL LIFE 7 INSURANCE COOMY office, No. 112 S. 4th Mt., Philadelphia., IneOrporated Feb'y 23,1567. Chart'll Capliakssoo,oooi - " '1.14)6604* Stock and Mutual): cembinipg- - Aeourity Profits. SuppoSit yourlarelfdieady first=class company, and from any ciuse what. ioy - firi (say after ten yearly payment) you do not 'or , c4nnO t, pay I o, die—your inwrance Is gone and your monoY - Wistid';' se' 3n -tfia "Ifand-IN : JAND:',aII Policies are NON-Foa iairArr.r..l :7,1, t t '''This company which ranks among the most nies, grants polieles on all desirable plans, both ,itLtll and without tro T fitsi,: ' --- Thqr_4 Traveling Priveleges'anresilloted. All policies are inoontestible after one year front any of It tijxordlit4y mtillse, i r . -- '"* -- n- Lrk to t leitijdt, Istsattik ,ncer leasii'aitaniitt the ollowing - Compaiiitlite Table. l Isiroz4e times alleged by Agents of other Companies,f,hat the Company they represent Is safer than others. While we unhesitatingly assert our belietin the' , ` „soundness and stability of all companies, we de sire Ito present the following for the inspection of thole desiring to Insurer-. , ","--,-,- z The following compinieilfrdurratelneltuncuw Wilhite') charged by each for an insurance on, life at the age of 80 years, payable at death: i Annual premium :: „Ten anneal • i for life. payments. !travelers' $143,84 : $83.21 Ho ne, 0 , .41..4.. : 22,73, -42 1 80 r7 1 • 110 It I. t 1,81 , .. t 1 . e i (40,01 'l* gqui 1)143, 7 .1. i. 12 10 Wasitipgtion,t .? 421, 0; 46,a7 f If and-iii-Etaind, I'6, .0 32,60 ' I(not already.inslired take .a policy_ with the ' 6 1111411-INliiA6."; ' 't, ' " ..- r: , ._ t 1;, . ,! r i 11 . the best Mutual Company In the wattle 13tIttek,„ , „. " March, 1, ISM-Iy. 4 A. M. INGHAM, Agent. AGENTS *.W.gD:' A RICH F,1191D !! A NOBLE WORK 1 !..1 THE NEW PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE,- WITH OVER 1000 ILLUSTRATIONS, 50,000 REFERENCES, A FAMILY RECORD, & 'FAMILY ALBUM*. THE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE contains A stbrehouse of infortnation thatean only -reach Abe mind through the eye. Its illustrations car ry - oneback to the Mk ( important era of the ita ate of themselves a comprehensive review of Hid - Scriptures, representing the most interesting Yiewiii - Characters, Symbols, Histor ical Events, 'Landscape Scenes, Antiquities, Costumes, Beasts, Birds, Insects, Plants, -Min erals; Coins, Medals, InscriPtintis andThoidents referred to throughout the Saga Tait . . .." - T by attract the eye, correct erroleenti impressions, awaken , new thoughts, and furnish clearer views of i)lvine Truth. Ad a.lielp to Parents; Miiisters, and Sabbath-sohool Teachers in ful filling the duties of their separate and high vo tes Hens—and to all others to whom immortal mils aro intrusted-,-this _splendid Pictorial, • Vdlume IcAnyfot b¢ ,overestfmated.i It iS Most Suitable for the Family, -, Most Valuable for the Student, Most Instructive for thi3 Teacher,' •Most Appropriate for the Child, Most Useful for theAlinister, - Most Interesting for the Farmer,, Most Elegant for the Parlor, " "" Most Profitable for the Study. TIIE proToniAL:Wol/ 1 4Y - ) 3 P 1 74, addition to the reattires alfeadY allisdedlo, con tains tho Apeeryptka,- , , Concordance, Psalm_ in 'Metro, a summary - of theySaexed Truths! is 'taught in the Inspired reek, together with numerous and comprehensivel'ables ,and other Historical and Explanatory Matter, embodying the labors-of many of tho 'meat eminent Bibli cal scholars. It is printed on the finest Wen—, dined paper, from clear and open typo, In' one largo and handsome quarto volume, and is bound in the most durable air attractive man ner, while the prices are suffi lently low to place it ithin nVerybody's reach ^ • EXPERIENCED AGENTS are wanted .throughout the country for itt i sale, with whom - liberal arrangementi will be ade. An -oppor "amity of equal promise is rarely or never pre sented. Its sale will not be limited to any period, brit will continue for a lifetime, pennon ,tly increasing with the growth and Intelligence of the country. It is therefore desirable that those who engage with us, shall do so with a •viow to making the business a permanent one. MINISTERS, TEACHERS, STUDENTS, FARMERS, YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN— those who would meet with the most profitable of all employments—are invited to , correspond With us with a view to an agency. Not few such are now averaging froth:MOO' to V7OOO annnarprotits in its sale. There is a great want for the book and a rich field offeredi while it will elevatenhe spiritual condition , by con stant contact with and conversations upon Its beautiful and eternal truths: AGENTS ON TUE ZNSTALLifENT PLAN will he furnished the work In line bindings. This plan la quite popular and profitable in cities and large towns. We have an edition of the book, superbly bound, with massive pannoled sides, which bee been everywhere received with marked favor. Subscriptions for the Pictorial Bible, In this style and in this way, can be obtained to an almost unlimited extent, aii there Is no outlay of money Ant , tip Inbli::tekder Aels. mStEo a which will yield him - so tich 'a-return. • oWe aro also the Publishers of .POTTBR N 871,ND1 SAD EDITIONS of Family, Pulpit; Tooke and Pho. tograph Bibles and Testaments—nearly 8 0 different styles—so well known everywhere for th:accuracy of text, beauty of finish , f Always ask for POTTRRINIFINNTIO 13DITIO g and get tho best. Catalogues ;containing styles ; nd 13TICe, furl:dished on application. - - For Circulars containing full description of Tat /9ctoszet. FRAME BIBLE, With sample sheot,,And ternitit AO Agents, address, 'TOTTER'S BTANDARD BIBLE AND TESTAMENT HOLISE," JOHN E. 'POTTER &. C 0.,•, PUBLISHERS, 614 and 617 Baneom Ltreeti PIXILAD.T.AVELIA. YOUNG BERTRBD. rrims well known Stock Horse will stand for Blares during the season at the subscriber's Stable in Weßebore. His stook is so well known thote is no necessity of remarks. It is sufficient to say, for roadsters they aro. not surpassed, or for power of endurance. The said horse is, a coal blank, weighs 1000' lbk., is sound, and ' kind in harness, his foals prove the most serviceable of any horse in this section for all purposes. At the request of numerous patrons, I have de termined to stand him where he can be found at all times by those that wish: er his services. B.A. FISH, Proprietor. Wollsboro, April 280871.-3 m; .. 13 a04 1 4 . 13 I cY • In the Dee. Court of the U. S. for the Western District of Penta'a. n the matter of James Porter Bankrupt-4o whom it may concern : The undersign I hereby gives notice of his appointment as as signee of James Porter of Ward, in the county of Tioga, in the State' of4'Penrsylvtini4 within said District, who has been adjudgod it,. Bank_ rupt ore Creditors Petition c hrtheiDlittrietCottrt. of_said-District. H. N. WILLIAMS, Assignee. June 14; 1871-3 t. Cowanesque Valley Railroad. itTOTICE is hereby given that the Stookhold ers of the Cowanesque Valley Rrilroad.Com piny, will meet at the Hotel of L. Dagget, in Lawrenceville Pa., on Wednesday, June 28,[1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing n President and twelve Directors of said comPany. J EL PARKHURST, B NJ. DORRANCE, J HN PARKHURST, •- - P. IP TUlsl3k.:l: ,- „4 114.1*XTBle;if. - . :4;Yr Chii salOte Elkland, jtine 1 - 4;fBT : * ir • Livery WATKINS & LOUDEN ro. spectrally inform the pub lio that they have established a Livery for Hire, tr At their Stable on Peiri oPpeelteiVlieelaeli wagon shop.? Single or doable rigs furnished fo Ardor. They aim to keep good kerne and wa. gone, and intend to please. Prices reasonable. WATKINS A LOUDEN. Jan. ,1871-IY. 3Psia;Sr. 1r...713 A L PERSOliSiriaehted t‘cil l ittnian - & e for Sawing Lumber aro requested to ray without May. 1Tt111044, 1811. TRUMAN th DOWEN. - 10 )1 3 •au, E WOULD A N wititAce ,the,peeple pf Welieboro auctlrictetty, that we TIT ire!picoivtog filiok t% lelpiepje 4.94-hif ME ME ~i~t ~~~ ~.~± s, In ME Seasonable Goods at unprecedented Prices. . - . ,• . ... , , ..' : .-- "'• • . I I ,1: r , „, ; ,f t l f H : . , I 1 i 1 4 :1CLt.. ,.. ,) it i 1 I h • — , - Thera ~4as jut beqng. i pitat,deqll P.ri .M 7 -14omeitio ilotton Goode, :And they ern pow pelllag for lestithintakiini tline:sf o -11311(l.' 'Wit &b lot believe in parading-it long list of 'prices in news -pitintiOnit Ewa , in's:tat:lila we say, when we elaitd to sell Goode *heap„ People from out of it,ciWn a$ infrCto make money by coming here to buy goods. We have a tyPlendld assortment of ; , 1 1 DeLaines, Percales, 4oliOrs, Plaids, , French and Irish Poplins, Japa nese Silks and Robes, Fancy Colored and Blach Dress Silks, and many articles our ispa,oe does not permit us to speak of, but if yori will call we will show you the LARGEST STOOK in town, and, at priced that "cannot be beat". anywhere Corning, N. Y. Apri,l,39, 3870. The Largest HAVING hieilities for buying and handling large quantities of Goods enables him to offer them at the lowest Jobbing prices. In our retail department Goode are sold at a small ad. vance over wholesale prices. A large stock of , TranOfer prame;:its; Stripelng, Pencils A full line of all classes of Goods appertaining to our boldness kept in stock, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH &MEWS, BAHNDOOR HANGINGS, a new thing, and made for use. These are bat a felwfolthe many skidoo nomposing the stook oflfardware. ' I invite the public to call and eiamine for themselves. aim to keep the beet quality of goods in my line; and all work to {order done pronotly_aad well. SASti, DOORS, BLINDS, AT FACTORY PRICES Wellsboro,Feb. 1.1871-Iy. WILLIAM ROBERTS. - - 1-44 1 AIL, 11, 1 ri - Y 9 • ,•.•- 4 • roileccalittilia. P. ROBERTS) DEALER'' , N - table 2 STOVES, IRON, NAILS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, HORSE SHOES,.:AND HORSE NAILS, lazeirrpomaterfav ••Terins Cash, and pHs& realifkblo.,,girst door above Cone House. WeUsbQro, ;an. 4, 187147. •• • • . I i it-iMdr i 1 a 4. ' '- ' - . - ][... I A . A . T l O, : ii a ... • i - 1 i 4 .. • CORNING, r. Y - ME , . 1,1 itig it%. • GOOODS --- - _ „, :, ' .1_ r-, • 4 (4 , 11-4-rttn.'fri' 1 7 4 . 4 _ A ttn..; c,1t.14!..ti.U.,114 t. .11.41 all 4 are,- 1 4adito r Apply all who may come with'. - 4 . i ; I- -5 : , - e- ... Desirable Dress Goods, (to., at prices very much lees than last season. We also keep a full line of 111 = 111111 WANVIX 600 M, Yan4e, Notions, Boots and Sho(3§, vcr. BENI • r 1011 ME ~,,.,_ '''S'iolll;'::lloolltiglANHAND Watfsll - LIMB, GLAM, ,„ A:I63IKiiii i i[SII , TOLE AND DOUBLE THICK. IS,INOS AHD CALOR% VAR iSHES--:AND VARNISH BRUSHES, A PULL STOCK and Brushes for earriake and Ell y -,. 16'uttei Ornanaenth!tg. -. , J. '-'' Feb. 1,1871-1 y; ►Moves ! , . .. ' - ' -•• Agoueralidoek of Builders Materiels. .LOOKS, BUTS, LATCHES, HINGES, &o.; Also. 'WRAPPING PAPER at msunfaeturersprloes. -- - . , , . :: - 303381NG:',1)-ROSIIPTLY A.TTENBED TO. liffill - •,; • BM ME .e: ~.,~ ;XI kr ,•: , _ , , , -.5. i i. , . , 00CE*th . S, CROCKERY, stabrishmiont in Northern Pa. WROLESALB AND RETAIL 1111 .~ ~ Having on hand tti large stock of Tin, Moves and Hardware, the undersigned takes pleasure to announce that he has at a great outlay, ad ded to the ueuat stook of the old stand on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete assortment ,of Shelf Hardware, of which he enumerate the following artioles NAILS, SPIRES; CROWBARS, K OUT, MILLi HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTS, STRAP HINGES,` CARPENTEEkIi . TOOLS, PUMPS, • AXES, AUOERS,BITTS,BITT STOOK* HATCHETS, OMISELS, TIN AND fillialn 1 1 , , I I NEWELL & OWEN. r~~ 1 i-' W. C. KRESS. Stoves 9VC;PC)IfiIp , arr 1 1 ." fielinbolh—ki leo _ , .. . lib', :1i... , -,..i 4 !,.-.... ._ 4..c li i ikiiiii) titiOge Ifiiikiik t i A r a', 10 i 1•,,,, ,- „. 1 r,ll frilin% rii..,4.11 i:1",!": Ur,-', '' r`, j: I.;' liiloilePiWii .: 4lilkiliiii i iiCi ittitiliartiiiill t VI iild " 1 -In7 iiiiiiii*Ei;hhiCliiiiiiiijitfeir: %, iIr c -' :.:1 For! ' ififer - , p f4 i n • ii , : Ta us t c e . c & ione AireariOni;',V,KikFifirikiiiiixii- aclie;Veitiarieisii„'" , ete.; , Ptioetkirvve-• iabte,'"afitainfing sto - fglitu rthiry; Aline. ?car orlYeleteribuiltnigk::%! ,- Comp uliare pgjeatra l tievoetwlleirtfully pleaaaat. Purgative, Amperaadfas s .eetdor sk l a eaite,_ ream eta, eta. %%Oa A ribtbliSk. ed teitadeptalde tik the tdoifiadlV-4fiefilVe tohiTifid eitiseueldiet nausea' ithrlriphigAmitta: :': Virejr:areAlzomPoriedl of thbArmaktevede..ktfttigt434:lo9i , of th6.4„.....,,,Tm0zi,,,,,,,,,, ~3„.„,47. tea u411"4 4 9 , ,ag-4,9l, fi tritp il IWO th_e maga after Valet the •iii m lesi prudaude 6W dreetighcllkt.Aliti tdtaireca pottudifltildAztettefflatahvbraiaturaillicafe pot ettag - 9 01 KtfultfaAnt 00401h#AMIMIO,10 1 pills dot dtssolyei,l44, pees mougulhe 'dank , aoh livitheardisi3olviag, volittequimii 16 net I prod oe the deeked etieqt. The Gatawba Grape Title bolas ple;usaut is elate and odor, do not note sitaitt t heifl3 eld 00 gar is 6 atod ; 1 Tridefili.v contort+ 4 . )):# : r. :::.. .....::,.t, . , ..:';.:i i • .1 - ..1 . EMI Hroir,.o, l) .o)VEliArpt r:gb Dili fadiaja r ' :- 10,104itte' tbr 401,, will iraillaallY aztahnlaiite*iiii tba ayai...,,,,14,y -shille,°ooiref*A. rts*•'.l4reg, Uloqos Baia BOY, I lt ore 14 0 g#, 13:04 4 . * tir,—*WizeOrifilaticibit* Skininisaawiai , liOitil' p*liii?ei"Riititiinfip from Militia; 4 iiiiiiio;,Taiiiiliit, titiWiatf= rona!AffeetiOng - ir6 st - ittikiti 'Night - Eittiatii," Glaidulat extelliaxa,,Atar, ~,a3,,or# of all killtlPNltrtilti; Teitiitaid:aFlld all diii.l4, a ':il'ailo?' is,k( ` i eetell,l , l rt . 'hi liiii systirii`fieyaiirs: , ' "•- ' - li " 1 •• - • Being prepared expreeely for the • above com plaints; its blood pvirliyingpropertiels arc eater t i. 4 than any, other praperation of earsaperll ti. It glves •thn eititiipioulou ti l olear and healthy color, and reeterealliepairezit to'i.ettite of . heat • and purity.; -For4brifyitig tkoble6d;'rornoiing all ohrotinUenititritlonni-diaitiiiiie arising front" an impu re' kite lof the-blood; and . lite only -reliable and uffeotnal known remedy for the cure of pains, and' !Availing_ 'of the bones, nioeratione of the, throat and lege o lilotoherf piteplee on - the. farm,' eryalPeiatifiitid , all Mealy eruption!! of the skin, and beentlfying'tlin eomplezion. , enry T. Itelmboldls - • p r - ,_ 00XEIVT,142;RD B • Clll4 THE GREAT'DIVERTIO, • hue cured, every, visa of Dinbeteti in which it has been given,, irritation of dui- neck of the bladder stxtdinilaceniation of the kidneye,..uleer atiolf:nf wik#f4oy# OiCiffitader, retention" of nrine4inetteep of the:prostrate ;gtend; atone in the I)4,4iter o ,noPitt, ,grayel;btiokddst deposit; andumeoas m ilky dicohnripts; find for enfee. bled and delioate constiEntfens,of both sexes; attended With the 'following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, loss of power, loss of mem-, ory,, difficulty of breathing, weak nerves,. trem bling, horror of disease, wakefulries, dimnesi of vision, pain in the back; hot hands, flushing or the body, dryness of the akin, eruption on the face, pailid countanance i universal lassitude ,of the muscular system, etc, Used by,personelr,pm the ages of eighteen to twellVAlres tilidiroin , 3s:l4 0, :4 the:decline 'or Change of life; ,tifter cunfinfdient or !abet plans; for bed -wetting In children. _._ • _ Helmbold's Extract , Buohu is diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all diseases arising _tro l l habits of, slissipatiort and excesses and int. pn OnoeLlivilloplitiporil M ies or el blows; oto., 'au raiding eapalbolnaffeetions for which it it need. and syphilitic) affeotions—in these diseases need is connection with Halatbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar tO 'adios, the Ex tract Dacha is unequaled by any othet renrly— as in' ehloroithr or retention, irregularity, pa ntal nese or suppression of customary; evakuations, ulcerated or salami state of the uterus, letzeorr hula or whitesioterilityi , and - for._ 1 complaints incident to the serf witetherartslnrisom indis cretion or habit's Of - dinitlitton: lt'ie preliOribed the most emineit ohyszcians and raidstlted for_ infOribled 'ankdOileate cointita tionsi, dflothions and alivitgos, (attefide'd*ith any of the'above'dbieuefor symptomq IL T. Iliehnbolti's. Xxtract arnasirs 4*R,4 ARLyzzth JiOlf IMP NUDENOES, DISSIPATION, £2 0., in 11l their siages;at little eiponen, or no ehinge in diet, no ineenveriienee, and no expo sure, It causes a frequent .esiire, and gives strength to-urinate, thereby.. ronuming .obstrnoa, dons, preventing ; aud. ouringitriotureis of the nrOrai allaying pain'andinfiatamation, so fre• Tent lnthlo olaes.of.diseases, and expelling all poieoaou9 niatfeiv;* =, - ai t Thousands, who bay° been he victims of in competent persons, and .who haVa paid heavy l en fees to be cured in a short ti have found they had beendeoolved, and " that ' he 4 poisbn' has, by the use of ‘tiowerfilitstrit . ts,! been dried up Inthe System, to:break out in a more.aggra. vatbdiertn, and perhaps after: marriage. , Use fleltaboid'epttraottu._ g ,for all affec t:lou and db.:mama firtlia-,usin ry imam,. Whi ther (talking in'zifaXe'oi'fisi from whatever cense originagng, endue me ' ter of how long statiding., 'ee, oils. doliur , end fifth dent. per bottle. S. T. HE4MI§O.I,D'S IMPROVED .ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed'as a face wash, and will e , found the only epeolfie remedy in every speoi e 'of cutaneous affeotion. It speedily eradioat a pimples, spots, Scorbutic dryness, indurations of the cutaneous membrane, etc., , dispels redness and incipient inflammation, hives, rash, moth patches, dryness of scalp or skin, frost bites,. and all purposes for which salves of ointments aroused; restores the skin'te a state of purity and softness acid insures continued healthy ao tio'utic the tissue of its yeesels, on which depends the agreeable clearness and-vivacity of:complex iort so much Sought and iiiimired. But' however valuable as a remedy;for 'milling defects of the skin, H. T, ilelmbold's Rose -Wash' has long sus= tabled its principal claim to unbounded patron , ago, by ponieeing qualities which render it a toilet appendage _of the moat Imporlative and oon genial.ohareattir,,conibiningin as .elegant for mula those prominent requipitep, safety and effi caiw—the invariableaboonipaninients of its use —as A preserative and refresher of the complexr ion. It is an excellent lotion for diseases of n syphilitic nature, and as an injection for disea sett of the urinary orgnns,..ariting from habits of di iwip ati on, usid4n noiwieetiontvitli the Extracts Bitohn, Sarsaparilla and Catawba Grape Pills, in , euoh disetuteli aCreicipareentled, cannot be passed. , • . „ Fall and explieit (Mentions I aolompany ,the medicines. Evidenec„oLthe.-most , reeponeibie and reliable okarotOlt 1= 1 41 4 4 "01 1 EV0414140, witb.bnikdredaefAketicande,of -living witilesi4pgr and npward of ,111409 *soli • ited c ertilleates and, recomnieudato rylettere rue yof whioh are from the higheat sources,„ iaola , rig. eminent. Alit-, Oisitll), elergynieniltatcentim eta. The proprie tor hismerer.reseeted. t air - pkahlidectionl in thenewipaperk*-;.11e dbeell • t'do this, front the fact that hic'ertieles rank a: etandard prepura- Non*, and da not need to be' • ropped up by cer tificates: • • • Scary, iretObaits ,9frailine Prep' q riir:tonB delieored,to any,a4driss, lopgre trim observe, tion. ifetablioAcd upword of tesseAy yaqrs. Idold druggists overrrheris Address letters for Infor mation, confided /00,, to ife47, rf..ftelrabold, druggist Otiediet. Only depots: ifenry,,T. Itatubold's drug and 'chemical ,warrhouss, WM Broadway, R. rat, oiltd H. T. Hoinibold's medical depot, 104 South Tenth stroet,.Phiiadol. pleia, Pa. . Artiore coupiefoito. , .40 for Hon -21 k itgiinwil „rake so**. ' Nit 8 IL O. RUM, .`.!:ll ‘ l , ` !_ ! MEM • =II Trio•••:# 11111 =NEI= 111 „ ~t •., • . , : ; CIORDLIAO.O: ; s.,ts . i 1 1,11643 AND IIIEDIOINES ; PAINTS Aar, ANDi OILS,- - • - -•- ..• • 111 Ell O,IADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S OONCENTRATED MEDWINES,. : IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRA.CTS,. ME ISl= pqriNETT , '§ cop,oAlN* FLAVORING EXTRAOTS, KEOSENE LAMPS, • ' ' • .q, ,•• ri I PATENT ME ESTER PERFUMERY . f. AID FLAVORING,IXTRAOTP, WALL ji PAPERi.WINDOW GLA,BS h LiDIE AND-Dif 00L0*19;‘,,,, sAkinNTs FOR MARVIN it 000,8 RE FINED OIL. . • MINE likild i nt Wholesale Prie4. Buyers areretiuested tnoalliind 'get quotayai bokie going farther, , . Net. • „ W. D. TERBELL it 00. 1' acirOug, N. Y., , Furnituf; 1 Furniture I B. T. VAN HORN, lIIIii • 11011jA.VING completed Me newt Cabinet Ware JUL hones on Mainetreet, Wellaboro, has stook ed it with a large and enperior aeeorted etock o FURNITURE. Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple iommt• from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be bo't , In the aide's, freight added. Parlor ,Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, itil from $125 down. Also, SOFAS. LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, Center Tablett, Walnut or Marble Tope Looking lasses; Brackets Pa per Ra Its, Booking Chairs, all kinds, Wholetiale and Retail. I 'am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms aro simoious and float, and now contain the largest, cestlielt and hest stock of Furniture" ever brought into the o,6nUty. • , , Planing and Matching, SCROLL; SAWING i - MOULDIN(I, done to order at ,the Factory. • _ Jan. 1," 1871—tf B. T. VAN BORN. Ingham's Woolen Mills! MIRE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, I,* Oarsimam, llamas, au., ho., for Wool.— Thoreau manufacture se usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES to snit cniitomois. All work, warranted aerep resented. They invite particular attention to whfoh are warranted in every respect. Partin lar attention given to ROLL CARDING CLOTH 'BRESSINGI, INGHAWB large stook of Casalmeres, .to ~2$ percent less than any competitore, and wartant ed as represented. ANGHAIIit3 manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Droning, and defy competition. ICTGRAPJS have as goad an assortment of Filll Cloths, Cassimeres, and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your- INGHAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow *mosque btilla,2 lollop below Knoxville., Out Clothe are warranted, and sold by_ tho following persona: 0, B .ICELLEir, Wolleboro, Pa. T. L• BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, Pa. J. O. BENNETT, Oovington,Pa. , Doer:Iola, Jan 1, 1871—tf WELLSBOItO AND MANBFELD STAGE :LINE. ifiNge THE undersigned, proprietor of this line takes this method of in forming the public that the above Stage runs daily (Sundays excepted,) between the two pia r eesas follows,: Leaves Wellsboro at 8 a. m. , aad arrives at Mansfield at 10,30 a, m.' L aver Mansfield at 2.30 p. m.,andArriveS a Wel shoro at 5 p.m. ^NP-Parel,2s. J n 1, 1871-0 W. B. VAN HORN TO FARMERS• AVING purchased the famous horse Cos sins M. Clay, who is a son of old !If enry Oltty, and a half brother of the noted trotters George M. Patchin and Judy Thorn, I wiil stand him the present season at WeHaber°, with the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday of every second week. when he will be at Tioga, at Smith's hotel. Terms $25 to iusure, $lO per span. See posters for particulars. C. J-.WEIEELER. Wellsboro, May 3, 1871 3m Administrators' Notice ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having JA been granted to the undersigned on the es• tate of George M. Atherton, deceased, late of Charleston township, those indebted to and those haviig claims against said estate, will settle with MARY ATHERTON, DEXTER G. ATHERTON, Charleston, May 31, 1871 6w Adm'ra. THE BEST HOTEL in the COUNTY, , THE "10N1111011SE" NEW. Roadie large and well ventila ted, Aeeomraodations not surpassed by any Brat claes hotel in the " Northern. Tier." ,Bu.La no higher than at ,seeond and third : rata hotels. Vocation; bonier of Malit and Walntratreets, Wellaboro. • • ' A good table,good liquors, good order, and a good hostler. A. 13. GRAVES, Prop'r.;; : ,: March 8,1871. VCR BALE.—A house and lot, altuated'in WeHaber°. Inquire at It. C. Bailey's hard ware store. D. 11. BELCHER. June 14,1871 4w , . Cash Paid for WOOL? T DERBY & FISHLER'S SHOE ASTORE, ON MAIN BTIVEtTi WELLI3bORO. . Jun. tr o tf . _ STOW EMI= MN 11=1 =1 &a, & , 0., CM with Upholstery to suit. DEERFIELD, PA. their Water Proof CA,S I SIMERES, =. 4 trip 10Q7 AM SHOT ;STORE. I . rifillitY, , ,,A . FI#IILEB. bare If rtortAnt.ltaiii a large "stock of Boots and lithocti, find propose lIII* I ' litid continuing the'ltirittatificture of • ‘ the same; et the Shop ,. 'lately oc cupied by Fishier it Randolph... They also pur pose,reducing prides on: nit 'goods Ond selling strictly 1 t FOR CASill.' • We keep a good aesortmeni of - slat and Caps, BOOTS,' i3ALucirtAis; GAITERS, ' BOOTEES, BROGANS AND GAle.,l94sllll,lS' Warranted to fit any foot (rpm_ No. 10, to 13 in • 'elusive. • ' • .06t Stock of';. FRENCH CALF, 'FREgeff ;' KIP, UP. PER, 'BOLE, - With* CALF, LININGI*I4I,IANO; ;MO; ROCCO, id,-1- ,- . will be kept up as beretdfore. On Fludingewe Isbell: be found; at home al- [ wain, and we shall endeavor to ;sell at prices' satlataistory to the trade. We won't bo under. sold. ' CASH PAID FOR HIDES. 1 CUSTOM WORN .Done prong* and , well. RoitAring done on short notice. Drop in.and be convinced. DERBY 18111. ER.". I Dec. 14 , 87V.—/y TO THE, FARM TIOGA COO lAM now building at my mannfeeto l r yille.a superior PANNING 111XLL, whichpossesseethe followingadvantageeover al lather mills: separates rye,oats,rat aIJ chessand cockle, from wheat. 2. I t cleans flax seed,takesout yellow seed, and 4) other seeds; perfectly.' • 8, , 1t cleanettutothy seed. i , 1 , I 4. St does all otherseparatlogretphlredUf a ralll This mill to built ofthe beet and' tneet durable tim• ber,ingoodetyle.and is sold ch'eap tor cash, or pro duce. 'will fit a patent sieve, for separating eatsfreat wheat,tO othermills,onreasoifableterins. r .11 ?SATHER . ' liawrencovllle,Jaa.l,lB7o-t f . • • I • W4LUER & LETIROP, DILSLEREV, IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STO VES, TIIV-;WARE, BEM, SAWS , ;CUTLER , ; , ' WATER LAME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Bargee* Trimmings HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ac Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1871-y TUE GOLO ING MACHINE SE - THIS MACHINE has I no superior, and adapted to all kinds of work. It only needs a trial to be apprebiated. It will hem, fell, seam, tuck, bind, quilt, braid, embroider, cord, gather-and ruffle, and is the boat and chew pest machine for t fa l Mily use ever offered to he public. The DOODLE Loon: ELASIIC STI7Cn MACIiINE is superior to p.ll others, for the reason that it sews direct from the sppols and requites no winding of thread. It is 'easily adjusted, l end not liable to get out of order. Persons wishing to purChase n machine, sbo'S by all means try this one, before buying :any other. Call on, or addrepe • Store. -k-T I OW.oponed in Smith & Bowen's block, ve il( end floor, a music room where will bo kept on exhibition, and 4)r sale' 'Steinway and other Pianos, Cabinet Organs, and a ebcdce selection ? of Skeet Mnsic. New music received every month.— Lessons on Piano and 9igan, and in Sinicing will be given. Opportunity for practice afforded to those who may desire it; 11. W. TODD: Wellsbero,Feb. 13-3 mo. Jan 4,'11 y New TobacCo 'store ' T"(subscriber has fitted up tho Stbr'e first door oast Thomas Ifardon's dry goods store, forthe manufadture and sale of CIGARS, (allgradei), _fancy and Conmou SMOKING TOBA CC o,Mich igan Pine Cut CHEWING, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the ;Itot cent Brand of clGiiß S. XiEt' OalLau 1 eee for yourselvee. JOHN W. PIIRSi:L Wellsboro, Jaii. 1,1871-4 f. TIUGA DRUG STORE I ' / 1130 ADEN keeps constant)) , on hand: Pure ..liruge anti Medici:a:, • Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lamp Stationary, Yarikee Notions Sr ' PitIiSCRIYTION3 eAREFIIiLLY COli ll.tlt, BORD;EN Tioga, Jan. 1, 1571.-ly.; 1 Gen'l Insurance Age icy KNOXVILLE, TIOGA. CO., PA Life, Fire, and Accideno. Assets over $24,000,000. ASSETS OP 0611IPANIES: Ins. Co. of North America, Pa $3,060,536 60 Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Phila,Pa, 3,087,452 37 North British & Mercantile Ins. Co. of London and Edinburg, 10,600,0 00 North Amer. Fire Ins.' Co; of N. Y. , 500,000 Niagara Fire Ms. Co. of N. Y 1;000, 000 Farmers Mut. Fire Ins. Co.iYork, Pa_ 909,889 15 Phcenix Mut. Life Ins. Cu. of Hart- ' ford, Conn 5,08,1,97 0 5 0 Penn'a Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottsville. 600,000 00 $2.4,929,847 64 Insurance p r romptlyoted by mail or other' wise, on all kinds of Property. All Imo promptly adjusted and paid. Livo stook insur ed against death, tire ortheft. AU communications promptly attended to Office on Main Street, 2d; door above Chervil st., Knoxville ' Pa. WM. B. SMITH, 'April 215, ; Agent. Administraiiies "Voila. LETTER/3 OF ADMiNTSTRAfION havicg been granted to , the undersigned on the estate of Simeon Austinoleeeased,late of Union township, those interstate I _will settle with • ;AMY AUSTIN, Adto'x• ITUIPOs /MN 7,187], B'7*, • , 11111 MI IRS OF TY. ' ,in Lawrence E. R. HAIGHT, Lambe Creak, Pa In