The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, June 21, 1871, Image 3

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    rki r
ifitiOVAZ 1001.5:C z
Thr) following named persons offer themselves as
Candidates for the offices named below—subject to the
duislon of the RepublWan County Convention -
Fos Assoetess. Areas,
ORO. 11: HAXTER,HeIsok*
W. 0. RIPLEY, Richmond -0
A. K. BOSARD, oseolola*
L. 13, Suipx, Bleselre.rg.,
T. 0. , Ward. •
J. 0. STRANG, Westfield.*
J. W, ADAMS, IJansfield.
- J. 0. HORTON, Bloseturg.
-Moe 14, 1871.
Local Iteria6.
WEDNESDAY, .TUNE 21, 1871.
New Advertisements.
The Capital—E. X. Jenkins.
Bank Report—J. L. Robinson.
Military Notice—R.o;oos, '
Administrates's Notioe—.Roxatia,A. Wilson
For Salo Cheap—Wright .k Bailey.
Beal Estate for sale—Wright Bailey.
For latest styles of parasols, for good
(Waives at 16c., and best styles of prints at
and 12 cents, call on Horton Brothers, No. /
Bowen Cono'a block.
On the morning of the 16th instant
t hero was a alight frost in this vicinity. It did
no damage, ao far as we have aeon, bat we don't
liko tha principle. What is the Judge about?
There will be a quarterly meeting of
the Christian Church is Charleston, on Saturday
and Bentley, June 24 and 25. Rev. A, G. Ham
mond will be present. Alt are invited to attend.
Rev. Mary J. Ole Long, will preach
to Bowen ct Cone's Sail, next Sunday, Juno 25,
.t half past 10, A. hi. and at, 3 o'clook P. M.
A general attendance Is retipeotfully imitated,
Monroe, iisq , has purchased the renown hotel,
which he has been conducting for some time,
sea pupa ses to make it a permanent temperance
"institution." Success to it.
Two important surgical operations
were performed yesterday by Dr. UpDeGraff. A
gentleman bad his entire lip removed for a can
cerous affection, and an aged lady hada soirrhus
brean mnputated.—EL Ade. 4
The Northern Tier Gazette prints in
full our article on the Mainsburg atone-plank
quarry, and credits it to the Wollsboro Democrat.
And we wish to observe that It seems only fair,
when yea quote from our looal, the same to de
clare and du nut go look-log our thunder,
when we have no thunder to spare.
THE CORNER STONE of the tiret M.
E. Church of Chatham, will be laid at Chatham
Coracre, on the 28th. of Joao, at 2, P. M.
Services by the Presiding Elder of thi; Troy
th.trict, assisted by other Ministers. iormer
Pastors and Ministers, also members and friends
are invited to be present. idy l order of the Trus
tees. -
The fiteuben Courier states that a
trout weighing eleven pounds and eleven ounces
ass taken In °rooked lakb.—Cor•niny Jour.
We differ with our friends, in the above, as
the trout was taken." out" of the lake, and
served on our table. We trust yon will enjoy
chit " blowing," gentlemen, as well as wo did the
.acing—only we hope the Dr. and Barnes won't
get by the cars over it.
ACCIDENT.-o.n. the 10th Instant, In
Nelson, a young wan named Nelson Eiliter was
at work with a spirited team, when tho ,horses
became frightened and started fur a rnnaway.—
Being unable to control them, ho juinped from
the wagon, bat got entangles with the lines, and
was dragged some distance. Ms arm was bro
ken, and ho was badly but not fatally injured
otherwise. -
BASE BALL.—The return and final
game between the Alerts, of Mansfield, and the
Act ices, of Welleboro, was played on the grounds
of the latter club, on the 17th instant, resultlkg
in fairor of the Ac tires. The game was a very
interesting one.
Scone nY INNINGS!: Alerts—l, 4, I, 2, I, 4,4,
2, 3-27.
Aetivos-5. 6,0, 4,6, 13, 13, 9, 3-59. o
lost we received a beautiful insurance card from
Young .t Merrick, who representknine of the best
companies in the United States, with aggregate
capital and assets of $27,000,000.: Insurance ef
fected in any of these companies, at low rates,
and losses promptly adjusted. As delays are
dangerous, everybody should get , an insurance
on their lives and property at once.. Call on 11.
Young, Esq., in roar of Wollsboro bookstore.
RECEPTION 1-Tep.—There will be a
" reception hop" at tile Cone House, in Wellabo-o
ro, on Tuesday evening, July 4th. All that care,
good cookery and good music, with clean, airy
rooms and good attendance can do to make the
uoraeiou a pleasant one, is assured to guests by
the proprietor, A. B. Graves. A '
The public aro invited, coidlitily, to attend.—
Moore and Wetmore's bawl will be in \ attend
, loIITNING.-011 the 30th
ultimo, the corn house of Mr. P. West, near Kee
nAyville, was struck by lightning, which passed
through the earn house to the dwelling house,
Nine torty yards distant, passed through that,
and ended by plunging into the ground at the
roots "of an apple tree, where it made a ho,le
which it took two wagon loads of earth to fl
was a powerful bolt, tearing its way through
teasoned timber with tho force of a cannon ball.
There wenn FRO persons in the corn house, and
°he, a child of throe years, wee stunned, but the
rut escaped injury. The child was standing
within three feet of a barrel which was shivered
by the ilui i.
GRADED ScHooL.—Professor Horton,
cur able tiaperiniendent of schools, says of our
tirsdel S,hool : " You cannot praise it too
highly. A butter graded, bettor attended, or
a Were progressive school, I no not know of in
the State. And I have seen none where tho Soho.
).ire were more wide awake and apt to learn, or
where_the parents took a more lively interest."
These be good words; and Professor IL ought
to know whereof he speaks, speaking as be doss
from actual experience and personal observation.
—And B. T. Van Horn, who sells a good , deal
at furniture, and a deal of good furniture, says
the effects of the Oradell School in his affairs has
been, directly and tndireotly, to increase his sales
InOre than fire hundred dollars.
hies Olen and the" Olen Mountain House" con.
netted with this attractive and popular Bummer
resort, are open for the season of 1871, and al
ready, thronged with visitors. The Mountain
House, ander the superintendence of Joshua
Jones, formerly for many years proprietor of the
celebrated Arbor hotel, at slmira, has boon re
fitted-and newly furnished, and is in complete
order for the reception of guests, and the furnish
ing of unlimited refreshments to transient par
ties. The principal visitation months aro June,
July, August, September aad October.' Horace
Greeley says, " Watkins has a rare natural at
traction. We judge it among the finest success
ion of cataracts in our State."
A NEW DODGE.—A gang of N. York
sharpers are practicing a new dodge In the cast
earn part of the State ; and as the press shows
thew up here, los doubt not they will soon change
the locality o their operations to this section of
tho State. We therefore give the modus operan
di of the now dodge. They go around by twos,
;rid upon coming to a house ono goes in arid of
fers fur sale a piece of Cloth, at a very low price.
If he sell the cloth thorC, his pal enters tho house
soon after, and asks the inmates whether a man
has sold them any cloth. NVlen the cloth Is
shown to the second corner, he instantly claims
it, saying that it has been stoleit frOm him . ; and
the purchasers, to avoid being implioated in any
trouble, surrender the cloth, and lose what they .
p4itl for it.—El. Adv.
As regards the above 4401 e, we have a .piece of advice to give: When t e dire! feiloq <writes
40 D3 with the olotb i buy it of him ) it you oni
Tget,lt oblinp/glue Vs' it 4 . 1 14e0t r
t';LN . u
all you'iniri, -- lr agree at Aeoldid
Then load your musket with five drachms of
powder and half a gill of oranborTboana. When
tho teeond folio* crania foolldg isrOund,coolvthi
musket, lot him look into the shooting - end, and
tell him to "git I" If he don't git at once—gat
him. We aro looking for a chance to make our
summer clothes on that dodgo.
CORRESPONDENTS.—" Alone - iwrites
us a modest note, and sends 118 some verses,
which she begs us not to print, unless they seem
creditable. to :author - and. printer.:, We'are not
certain t h at it is pßory, bpt It isyery good verse;
fair to middling, we should say; better than we
usually get. "Mona"•basbeen reared in the city,
but is in love with the country, flowers, birds,
dirt-roads, and all. • We print a part of her po
em, and shall bo glad• - to hear from her again
. .
" I Watch the moonlight ct
i i
Upon the ineontain'e'drow
And feel that quiet life is,
The Misty shadows sae the
Change and retoharigo wi - shifting : light,
As fleecy clouds obscure t e sight. 1 '
The feverish life that once I led,
Thugs& Jightellaring.ov head ; ~. ;• , r
The, weary limbs and soh! g head,
Are now, thank heaven; forever Ilea. -
And in their stead I have. the blue
Of mountain skies and, we4with dew,
Fresh woodland flowers of ovehesttbuo,"
It is smooth verse, and quite up to Byron's
" Hours of Idleness.!' Try again.
—" Obarley" writes us, from Pirie• Creek; a
very pleasant letter. ' He say's: , ~., )-.!
"Why are'nt you out on the streams, with rod
and rifle, as you used to be when, I first knew
you? I fel:de - mbar the time when - Yon ' Were 'the"
first to try if they world bite. They bite now.
L— and I have caught twenty pounds, and
hav'nt half flailed. We could have caught more,
but I brokfra 444 tirid'L' , ...-:-L 2 ...rati shalt on whis
ky. As he can't fish - vilth an empty flask, and I'
can't fish with a broken rod, we concluded to
quit and hoof it down to ;f ermilyea's, fer supper
and a night'i cdgitilt 1 : ; iti ) • ': •
v , "'On the road we met an old man, who would
d lighe your soul. His name is Judson; he is
1 3 years old, and is rather spry for his ago; has
planted an acre of oorn:and half an acre 'of po
tatoes this season;
has hoed them, and says
'they are looking light Well.' Has also a patch
of cabbages, beans, peas„ete. He 'had beenat
work in the garden . during the fornenootr, but
had ''
got kinder tired and went down to ' Hod's . '
to get the news and a little aumthir.'• to drhaW—
Also; he was ' out of terbaekei, and - fild'ut fliel as
though he could get along without it: We ask
ed him if he did'ot think tobacco injured his
nervous system, and he thought it did'nt. He
said, ' I have used terbacker more'n eighty year,
an' I don't know as it ever hurt me;—it hurts,
mo to go without it. As for whisky, I hi:ma:11180
a little when I could get it : dare say it's pisen,
but I stand it pooty well/ Yes, I s'frose it'll kill
me off after awhile. but I'm about (Id enough,.
"Why will every old leathery hunter who has
lived hunting up to ninety,' insist on it that ho
has; been slowly killing himself with narootio
and, alcoholic poisons for mord than three snore
years, thereby confusing -the 'hgglenio statistics
of our best physiologists, and going back on
chemical analysis, after it has been olearly pro
von that he is, to all intents and purposes, dead—
poisoned to death ?
" The fishing on tbo creek is good, but fisher
men have been plenty, and the trout begin to
run light. The quarters are good and the hotels
are-at convenient distances for fishing. Above
the Meadows, George Ilerrington's house —quiet,
friendly, sylvan, and good, wholesome ,fare.—
Then lied Vermilyea's, with fare and cookery
that would do credit to a eiby hotel, with mod's-,
rate bills. Next, Kilburn's, handy to the fish
ing grounds, modest prices, and fate.—
Above this, much like ilburn's, and
right on the ground for fishing or door hunting.
And last, but not worst, sweet, shady hemlock
thiakets for those who like to - camp out,--with
such water, such beds of browse, and such glori
ous fires at night. I advise camping out as a
sanitary measure, but must admit that the pun
kies and mosquitos 'are a littlo rough on thin
skins; but you know how that is.
.t P. S. There is a Rochester party hero, which
has been a successful and satisfactory party to
themselves and those who bavo been thrown in
contact with them. They hero tried other local
ities for sport, but give the preference to Pine,
(Creek. But this is long enough. , CHARLEY." ,
Editorial Correspondence.
ELMIRA, June l¢, 1871.
NOTES or tau WAY.—To the office-prisoner of
ny kind, there is but little recreation ,or enjoy
,. eat. Td - be shut up from day to day is really
distressing—both to the moral and physical con
stitution of the prisoner. Realizing this fact,
nd carefully deliberating ogee the,same, we ac
opted the proffered invitation of an editorial ex
minion, and governed ourself accordingly. Wed,
esday morning last, we (oarself and better half)
id adieu to our native village at the early hour
of five 4.; M., took the old stage coach, (Thick
ythe way, will soon be numbered ambng the
things that wore,) and slowly .passed along the
mountains, greatly enjoying tho green fields of
grain and grass, the variegated blossoms, and
naffing up thri pure air—a pleasure not often
• ouchred to a disciple of Faust. Two hours
.nd a i alf ride brought us to tho village of de
.lructi n ; or rather the village recently destroy
•d by fire. Wo are glad to state however, that
be people are now busily engaged in resureoting
ho place, with substantial structures which will
.e an honor to themselves and the next genera-
After a little rest from our tiresome ride in the
.tage, and a warm meal at Smith's hotel, a thing
:lways relished by his numerous guests, we took
a seat in the oar, raised the window, gazed out
upon the broad expansO of nature, then settled
peek in our seat, determined to take our obanoes
f i the 000 lest way possible. All aboard ! Fizzle--
Isqueak—ding-dong, and away we go, puffing and
oiling onward 'down the valley, bowing right
nd left with the bonding stream, our noses scent
he incense-ladon breath of th'e country, which
catty revives the drooping spirits of a pent-up,
are•worn editor. As we glided smoothly along
ho well onndocted thoroughfare, it was enjoya
le as an opium dream, to wai l ih how each van
shing picture was replaced b another equally
harming ore ono had time to ,egret its passage.
It was indeed quite equal to standing on the pi
: zza of the Cone House on a pleasant afternoon,
ith a full stream of Wollsboro beauties flowing
() g the sidewalks.
W 4; 'a
- ached Corning, rested, and rejuvenated,
the place whore Brick Pomeroy (the loader of
he Democracy) used to say when a boy, that the
' ideas would sometimes strike him to forcibly as
o nearly lift him out of his boots." We spent a
hurt time very pleasantly here, calling upon
riends, then passed on to Elmira, whore we en
nyod the generous hospitality of warm friends„
nd a certain sense of relief when Mother Night
indly drew her (mania ofer the pictures.
Alter a nigitt'iiirerd, and a Fond breakfaet, we
.trolled through the city, calling on many old
riends until tho arrival of tho train from Wit=
iameport, bearing the Editorial Esourtlonists
ram that place, en route for the Watkins Glen.
or we joined the party, and after a general ro
eption, Were made welcome guests to share the
.lousores of the trip. With a jolly merry party
.1" pen end seiAsers," numbering about two bun•
red and filly, we were burledalong over the
orthern Central road, - which is really one of the
titconducted adueted " institutions" in the country.—
ts officers are popular, and have won golden
pinions for their judgment and energy. They
ave made it the great highway from north to
oath, and have so systemized its management
t at the trains are not only rim with rogrtlartiy,
Out the road Is paying the company handsoniely.
T he employee, from brakeman to conductor, ere
always obliging and accommodating to their pai
s nvirs.
At 12 M. we were safely landed at Watkins,
( ormerly Jefferson,) and marched to the entrance
o the Glen, a distance of half a mile. Here we
fund a great obstacle in the way—a lack of cu
e y, and an indisposition to work our passage
o Atbe towering heights before us. Reluctantly
ascended with the crowd, the limpid waters
d slung Merrily over the moss grown rocks be.'
n•ath\us. Ascending the long flight of stake,
sleep but secure, we reached tie elevation above,
which is really charming to the beholder. The
p cturesque and romantio scenery, and the cool
b •atzethat sweeps, through the Glen, makes one
fo get the \ scorching beat of a noonday sun.
J st above, we en Bredthe Mountain House, and
w re agreeably an rind to grasp by the hand
o r old friend "Brekie Slow," or better known
M. ne t Rh' nag dose more to bring ate• ro:
44 s tfoP koe 11 )
0,77 rs thi , aa
)- tz,4
The nnornoemont of
,dinner f (which
way was iftif 4eCnitablii *beat
brought, wolf ettlt , 4 o 1 11 5 41 —# #TA-.4 1 4 1 4"1
which fairly groaned Unlade this elided
Withrint ceremony, all went in to do justice to the
requirements : a nature. desire being .sat.,
isttedi the sparkling wine from.the Plessantyal-
. iey i Nf l ito Co., was generously placed at the dis
posal ofnach,gaest, 7 ,l:Xhe wine bolted beautiful :
and was said - to lied sriPorior article. Tr, s would.
not forget to mention that this stunptricusreiait
Was gottennp by josh .YOUO . O, and' fur.;
Prebed free to the party, by lir. E. B.: li l / 4 11110118,
Esq., the proprietor of the Glen.
After dinner; a largo portion of the party wont
beyond War Cathedral where(risei; a succession
of exquisite pools and caseadie - which time and
apace, prbid us to enumerate. The RalnboUr
Tall isn' miracle of beauty. The 'path winds
under and - era hanging,' sheirinr• rock, - 'over
wblob a *le {venni eperidingiseter tricklearons
ledge' RI ledge, and at last flings itself intp. the
gorge below , at font •feet, bridging the ravine; iris
th e 4:Kinistii *ale 1s with', iv 110
, MI,
rainboirL; gaS4lOO-Mord,)7,7*-!l4lqtlit:?W'
Arcadia,'_';Plat° Ifalls, ere y et, to, be ell
plored, but we tunal. berry through thew, rithout,
attempting the,antibitioni triskof 'painting
thing liko alai*, *or ;?1 , 3.turt.,;:..4 Pki) fairy
tinily 'rest'
ay breast,
night '
MANSPIRLDO.-Ii bee been a long time siMie
any cif the improv melds of Mansfield, hue been
mentioned in the 'columns of the Agitator.
'suppose "Acct." b s been thrown from the path
of duty, and "Regular," Woofing mired in the
mud for want of encouragement from "Ace!."
ie why the cause cif the ante:lithe of our place is
,neglected. I have therefore gem:laded to, give
you part of Whit WI heels Vac:J*lll4 la--the
way of inaproviNig the appearance of our yillage,
for the past Month or two. 'Your - readers will
remember the large Manufaiduring establhib-'
mint of Mart. Ring, Wadi was Alestroyed, by
fire last ft:d",',l4 a greet lOss..teAti:
witl say
,they,imed net 'he lurptilliadio learn' that'
Mr. Rlnglas rebuilt; got new 'Otaebleittry, and
is in running order. The Aeir preithies are lar—
ger, and mo re cenuOdlocceilf:not quite so _gor
geous,., , , - • _
Prof. B`: A. ! llan has added another story" to .
the Orphan' flolioo, and repiiinted and'Atted:oo
- grounds around the building,' which 'is; one
of the greatest improvements I can speak" of.
The building now is one of the best looking
wooden buildings in. the County. Prof. Allen
not being satisfied with itaproVing • one corner
on main Street, went across the road, and with
shovel, ito., in hand, went to digging up
recite, cutting down trees, tearing down fences
and npheaving the earth in ,ineh a, way to
make a eplendickgarden, where Wore was noth
ing but grass and weeds. The seeds, put, into
the ground , by the Itolentifio 14114 of the Pref
essor,wre all growing nicely, wept the Peas,
and those ho says be thinks are_ growing the'
wrong way, and will be apt to spring out. on the
other side.
I am sorry ,to say that we have had ,more
drunken men in our Village for the past two
weeks, than for months before. The reason
why I - oan not tell. We have no Housed houses
to sell liquors. However, the watoh are on the
track, and tho offenders wilt be brought to justice.
7 , ,
TROUT Rtia,'Jtram 15th. 1871.
Friend Agitator: An aeOident occurred in this
place last Saturday that will be remembered by
the citizens for a leng;. time. At 5,10 P.M.
Juni) 10th., the, building of the bark extract
works, was discovered to be on 'fire ; -every poss
ible means was tisekby the • men employed in
the Werkb to extinguish the fire, but it spread
with surapidity t hat all their, efforts 'were - of
no offea ' In twenty, initiates after breaking . Out
of theft e, the entire building - was . 00psamed-t
but it di not stop here; the fire continued its'
work, ' d g
reying dwelling houses, barns,' black-'
smith s o ps dm., until fourteen buildings Were
burned. 'Among those destroyed' is our new
church. At the cry of fire; men and women came
rushing in to render any assistance In their
Mr. L. Backer agont for tho Ext. Co. and for
mor resident of Tioga County, while trying to
assist others, lost his own house and all his
The fire Originated in the Engine room of the
oxtraot. .-
The entire loss trill reach . over $143,000„ a.
bout one fifth of which is covered by insurance.
G. 31. AUSTIN.-
NOTICE.— The Republican county
Standing Committtee, viz: Messrs. Henry Hol
lands, C. S. Mather, Augustus Alba, J. E. Cleve
land, E. Backer and L. 0. Beach, aro requested
to meet at the Court House in Wellsboro, on /
Friday, the 23d day of Juno, instant, at 1 o'clock
P. M., for the purpose of appointing Committees
of Vigilance in the several , townships and bo
roughs of this copnty. oust for the transaction of
other important business..., I carnestly,reauest a
full attendance. S. F. Winsorr, Cba'n.
June 14, 1871 2w -
DENTISTRY. —C. N. Tiartt, dentist
,office in Wright do Bailey's DlOck, - where he con
tinues to make teeth with the new improvement
whiph gives better satisfaction than any thing
else in use. To be had at Dartt's only.—Ang. 24
HAII.T=D:OHST-Lln this_ village, 'Sane 'l3,
1871, by Hai'. D. D. Dpok, D. D., Mr. liavicl
Hart, of WeMoto, to Mrs. Mary Borst, of Mares
RAND—In West Berlin, Worcester Co. Mass.
Monday, May 22d, of tuberculous consumptien,
R. wife'of ReiriFratfois Rand, and
daughter of John C, and Susan Robb, formerly
of Farmington, Pa., aged 34 years, the mother of
four little ones.
GILBERT—At his Residence in Deerfield, on
Saturday the 10,th t Ind !
. after a abort illness }
Hiram Gilbert, aged 75 years:
SW - Wall Paper, Window Paper,
Decoration Paper, Borders, Cords, Tassels, Oloth
Shades, Oloth Ourtaine, (gilt) Window Fixtures,
Pictures, Picture Frames, Picture Glass, and
every other artiole necessary to beautify HOME.
The largest assortment of this line of Igoe& ever
brought into Tioga county. NU et our , NEW
STORE No. 3 Smith & BOWAN Brick Block.
May I, 1871-tf. HUGH YOUNG &'OO-.-
The Oonfessions :of an Invalid.
PUBLISHED as a warning and for tho benefit of
young men and others, who suffer from Nervous
debility, &c., supplying TRH UELNS OP OILY 01.111 E.
Written by ono who cured Maisel, and sent true on
receiving a poet-paid directed envelope.
Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y.
May 17, 1871-om.
When a.disooverer as any solentiflo subject,
asks the op operation of the learned in science,
to test the merit and truth of this discovery by
severe teat and practical results, and then to in
dorse an& recommend it, It is fair to presume it
is valuable for the purpose intended. Suoh has
been the course pursued by Messrs: Hall A Co.,
prciprieters of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair
Renewer. And all those who have tested it
(among whom wo may mention Dr. A. A. Hayes
and S. Dana Hayes, Chemists, and State Assay
ers of Massachusetts ; Walter Burnham, M. D.,
Prof. of surgery in Penn. University Philadel
phia ; Geo. Gray, M. D., Professor of An. temp
and Physiology) assert it is the best prep. • lion
in :use for all cutaneous diseases of the scalp.
Restores gray hair to its original color , pr -vents
the hair from falling out, creates a now g owth.
It is certainly worthy of a trial.
Nesoburyport Herald of Gospel Jibe ly.
END will beginn the publication of a new lit
erary weekly to be called
at the City of Waabinfiton, March 12, 1871.
A handsome folio Newspaper of thirty-two
columns, printed in new type, with a new en
graved title-head, and occasional illustrations.
The entire contents are to be original and writ
ten by the acntest obseivpre end most trenchant
writers of the day.
GIES 1 but adapted to the intelleetual require.:
meats Of our period bkthe'oonsideratiori of pub
lics men and qhettions, aggressively isideptintl
oatianfliawayt seeking out the quaint, ttielterer,
Ahe'indbridnal,iand the literary aspects of poll
It will contain the ,Aseoeiated Press telegrams
up to the hour 'of going to press, and the latest_
public and local items. Special features will be
original stories upon ,episodes, localities, and
phenomena at the National Capital, society top.,
tea at Washington, keen and trenchant corresp on
.deuce from the largo cities and the State Capi-1,
tals, absolutely independent notes, editoriabi
, and biographies, stirring to the - tient, and fiesh'
'ballads end poems. During the year Tlifl CAr•
rtiiL will contain'vivid'descriptions of every na
onal institution and biireat in the United States,'
!noting the idiosnyorasies and - imperfections of
(the same. ItWill endeavor, diligently to J, the
private cattiest's reporter at the seat of goverq. ,
'merit Price, $3 a year in advance. Subscript
advertitgmtnts, end cOtinnnnioatiOni
be addressed to, . E. J. JENKINS Pub'r.
Office of the Capital, No. 4sB Eleventh:ear*,
agar Peantritaai aviarie s Waiblagtoa l D. Co-
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including a full line of all the latest . styles .of dress and f ancy .
GOO 8, 811 8 ) , LAOES .I 'IIIIIBONS, 811 ALLS, 85 -,
4 " '
the entire list of which, in styles and prices, will compare favorably with'
a4lfitilck, thiS lige ' 4iti4.irork• June 21 ; 1671.
- ~,, ~,•;,. -, ~ r • •
1 ,
An Immenie
C, '-'llmlC:t2l. 1 3E1,1E9ICIO13EILESI,
7 ,
• - 7ATS AND OAPS, -
Ready - Made Clogiing,
CMcolae• Garcocsoilrlessi.
/. .
/•• .
;-- -
The Highest Market Price paid for Gauntry Produce.
sT . PL. 313.4 12 1.1=1:ZEJE31E1- 7 15
Cheap Ca s h Store
Foreign _ and Domestic Dry . Goods,
. ,Which will be sold very cheap. ' •
, . Gloves, „Hosiery, Knit Goods and Notions.
-- - : - ..,' • .
Choice G - roceries.'
Sugar, Soap, 'Tobacco, 'l3*mi, Rios, 'Saleratus,
Coffee, Tea, Crackers, Salt 'Flsk,. 'Flour.
Hats & Caps, Roots & Shoes, Rubbers, Crockery, Wooden Ware, &c.
_ . Cash Paid for BUTTER, or shipped on Commission.
Please call and look oar Stock over. 1 ott will always And us ready and willing to show
Wellaboro, May 10, 1871.-Iy. ' J. It. 'HARKER.
May 11, i 1871.
H .
AVE just opened their Now Stook of SPRING GOODS 4d are selling 500 Pi.Oces of t
best Printer, at 10 coots per yard. Beet yard wido staridt9d
,Sheeting, at 8, 9,10, and
per yard. Our etooklof . _
, .
loam aEt , roOiDel 9 '
.-.1, , ,
~,?.._,, r ~i,,,: WOO We* including t o best brands or - -
Pack Alpaca} Japanese .Poplins and Silks, Pure Mohair Granadiers 2
Perealer; Organdies, Lawns, Robe Patterns,
,Colored Al
, pacas, .
Linenl and Chinese Grass Cloth
FOR' LAtIIHI3 . . /60., &O. We have an elegant line of
We ilaie 'a good asiortment o
White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and Ril+ons, and a full Stock of
liranlioto Notions and 'trimmings
We have a large quantity of BOOTS and MOBS, to suit the feet and purse of all
who will favor us with stall. Our stook of
READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hate, Caps, and Straw Goods is
entirely new, very extensive, and very cheap. GROCERIES
and PROVISIONS, we have in abundance.
Don't forgot our immoneo /Hook of WHITE GRANITE AND OHINA WARN
Piiii"Juet drop inand.yon will see how it le yottrsolf.
Tioga, May 8,
George Francis Train
The Cheapest Place in Town to Bay your
Truthan 13ibothers.
l oVerraties. lsltricnl37 - gasfia. I
Aptll b, 1870.
Stock of the
Pry 10,.0pp,
(Bache's old Stand) Main Street, Welleboro.
The patronage of the. pull° solicited
and all styles and Colors of
16 to 86 OENTB PER YAtD•
the beat styles of 13pring and Bummer SHAWLS at BOTTOM
n show the ladies the largest assortment of
is at
latf)st Styles of
NO . • BO9KS
f'NEW ' 2 - FIRM. :
A. N. Yngham & C 0.,,
fornietty owned by P. B. William , and two ad
ding to the stook s nutlike of 0 ode, cowl*
is 4t"
te Drage, Patent Media**, Yankee
tNotions, Paints. pile, Vgenishes,
Trarniskilnakes, .P6int
Paint Brushes,
Flo g Tackle,
and'in fact everstk ug' initially kept in a that
ches Drug Store. la tba Hue of
Wall Paper, Window Shades and _Miura!
we cannel be undersold. Call and examine
Goode and prices before piirchasing elsewhere.
Particular attention paid to Physiolmss Presorip
%ions, and compounded at all hours. • , •
. The patronage of the public is soliCited.
A' DC !Namur. • t INGHAM dO/.
V. Kaocis.
May 4, 1871. , .
Sin & Squires,
Poreigiik Domestic, Liquors
Wines, 'e., t f.a.
Agents for Fine Old Whiskies,
,G. N. Sptartzs, 5 (TIRING, N. Y.
May 17, 1871. •
Every year increases tlie popularity
of this valuable Hair reparation;
which is due to merit alo e. We can
assure our old patrons t at it is kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring GRAY on FADED:
HAm to its youthful color, making iti
soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimu
lates- and nourishes the hair-glands.
By it use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
economicatHenr, DREssiNG ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Hayes, 11. D., State ,
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected 4-for exceltent quality; and I
consider it' the BEST - PREPARATION
for its intended purposes."
Said by at/ Druayitds, and Dealers in Medicines
Buckingham's Dye
As our Renewer in - many cases re
quires to == long a time, and too much
care, to r store gray or faded Whisk
ers, we hive prepared this dye, in one
prepares on; which will quickly and
effectuall accomplish this result. It
is easily =pplied, and prodaces a color
which will neither rub nor wash ofE
Sold by all Druggists rice Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. HAiL & COn
Aug. 3, 1870-Iy.
f c ,
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0:1 00. a .1 /..4 M-1 Pi Fri E-4 V.
. ,
A DOUSE Ai D LOT In Wollsboro ? Or a
Jr • desirable lot? Or a farm within twenty
minutes walk of NI ellsboro ? I' hold for sale,
on reasonable terms, the following property : ,
A well finished, now two story dwelling house,
containing ten good. rooms ; with a half acre
lot, good barn, good well of water; and every
way desirable as a residence. Looatlon, corner
of Walnut and Meade streets, adjoining the
Clymer ground:. ,
Also, a largo village lot, containing about ono
acre, and in go .d•shape for dividing into throe
building lots. Location, corner of Meado and
Grant streets.
And a desire le farm in Delmar, 'containing
106 acres (kn. wn as the Whelan lot) Said
farm! comprise: a twenty acre meadow newly
seeded, a fine eld of winter wheat, and about
60 acres of exoellenl timber,.oonsisting of ash,
hickory, oak, basswood, whitewood and hem
lock. The farm in well watered, and abuts on
two roads—the new Stony Fork road and• tho
road leading from Samuel Dickinson's to Win
Eberens's place.
Likewise, ten Mir
—"flew se, ten 410 year]
ble terms. Inquire of
Webber°, June 7, 1871 tf
Boot, Shoe, Leather .and
Finding Store.
H. E.
lai Tioga Co., Pa
/PHD snbieti. ere would notify their Mends
and•Onsto.. era that they are dofing a level
boot and shoe business on Wellsboro street, op
posite the late Smith hotel. They keep boots of
- all kinds,and shoes, to salt everybody, both for
ladies and gents; also any kind• of ohildren's
wear. Drop in and see.
dune • H, E, aktrrA .1. SON.
11 7, 1871 if
OWO .I:, = c:.
0:. ,z, ~-. c, c,
8 8 g) 3 2 8
1 Z) IN. CI OO Q
1/10 14)
k CS . Cl t
on reasons-
JAM I. 11111 TCRELEi t Ag 4,
l 'ainiaa Pa'plies in firat•olas i s Compan ies at as
CrINT nett
1 - ;-
as any
Igr t insane..
Thellheapest Naos the State
For' Photographs!
AT 0
1 .
0 0.6.1013 for 60 cents. Large pictures and
frames for $l. Old pictures copied, en
larged and finished in the finest style. New ,
style frames and everything kept in a gallery on
hand, or furnished to order. • ,
I; ' L 1 g I
i 1 i
er Gardner's greatly store.
1 tf Wellaboro, Pa.
, .
D / • Just published by DR. um& 266
pages. . ird Edition. THE MEDICAL 00M
radical . . re of Spermatorrhout, or Seminal Weak
nese, I 'voluntary Seminal Louis, Impotency,
Mental nd Ph3rsictil Incapacity, Impedimenta to
Mania it, oto., and the Venereal and Syphilitic.
Maladi s„ with , plain and olear directions for the
speedy (lure of SOcondary Symptoms, Gonorrhcea,
Glints, Strieturis, and all diseases of the skin,
such as Scurvy, ' Scrofula , Ulcers, Boils, Blob:boa
dud Pimples on the face and body. Consumption,
•Epilepsy, and Site, Indicted 'by self-indulgenao
dr sexual extraveganee. l .
1 The celebrated author, in this admirable Trea
tise, Clearly demcinstrates, from a forty years'
successful practice. that the alarming conse
quence of self.ubpse may be radically cured;
pointing out a mode of cure at simple, cer
tain; and effectual, by means of which every
Sufferer, no matter what his condition may 'be,
can be effectually eered, cheaply, privately, and
, fitßThis 800 should be in the hands of ev
ery. youth, and every man in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope. Price 50
cents. Address; DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach St,
ow York.
Mardi 8 18711.-Bm.
I.'' ,
Spring Wagons
"We do net propose to sell cheaper ] than the
cheapest, but make as good as the BEST at
'reasonable priceS. We also do painting in the
highest and bea r style of - the art. ' Any • one
wanting anything in our line will please CALL.
• I H. BAKER 45c BON.
Westfield, March 22,—tf.
TO TITS WORKING CLASS.—Wo aro now prepared
to all classes with constant employment at
;home, the whole of the time or for the spare momenta.
!Business new, light anti 'profitable. Persons of either
IfieX easily earn from 500. to $5 per evening, and a pro
•iportional sum by devoting their whole time to the
I, , USillefei. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as nrb.m.
That all who see this notice may send theft address,
lond tent the basin e s, we make this.unpatallided ottbr :
No such as are not .ell satisfied, we will send $1 to pay
Tor the trouble .if writing. Fullparticulars, a valuable
sample which will !do to commence work 'Mt, and a
copy of The 1 eopter Literary Ompanion—ano° of the
largest and beet family nowspaP6rs publisped—all sent
free by 11141 . Reader, if you want permanent, profits•
ble work, address
E.C. ALLEN A CO-, Aim:us, Alum
i April 19,1g71.-3M.
$5 To $lO Per D ay.
BOYS and
GIRLS win, engage`, in our now bualneo make from $5
Co $lO per day in their own localities. Full particulars
and instructions eeht (roe by mail. Those in need of
permanent, profitable work, should address at ones.
GEORGE 8T1.N8014 A CO., Portiand,'Maine.
April 19, 1871.-3 in.
Valuable Town Property
THE subtler ibe r o ff ers for sale the following
property, viS: 20 village lots situated on
State Street, 4 lots situated near Sheridan st., to
acres of land neir, the cemetery. This property
will be sold at Laoderate prices and time given;
Oleo the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near
the M. E. Church. The subscriber is also agent
for the North Orolina Land Company. Par
ties desiring to visit that section can get Rail
road' tickets at reduced prices, and also valuable
information in reference to the Company from
May 10, letlitf. W. SHERWOOD.
aph Gallery.!
Manufacturers of
Buggies, Sulkies,
.m Spring, Track a d
Wago s)
• AND 808 SLEDS.
We are pre
io n short noti•
faction guarri
pared to do anything in our lino
a and in the beet manner. Bath.
'it, COLES, As% Welletioro,
Stony For
April 5, 1871.
I gine, wi ,
and a run ofd
prepared to
•reigned, owners of a Portable En
h a Carding Machine, two Lathes
French Burr Stones attached, are
it orders in their business at East
The above', property is in good running order,
and wilt be told, at a fair price, and on reason
able time: 1 1 •
For partiottlare. inquire of Geo. W. Herrick,
Wellsboro, or ALONZO WHITNEY,
May 4, 18
171-tf • int.. the premises..