The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, June 14, 1871, Image 2

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    g i tater,..
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4 ; l * -11 ..0.9SLDER htiltow luq,rroprelOT.
'June . 14 1871.
' • -1, it •
, orr,pEAVETt
Cob. 11013ETk B. 'BEATH,
OF sprtuittarn,L.
PorOguese 30P, who ktinrdsred Miss
M.'Daniel because she woulgnet , rnerry
hinr,to California, has been huntedout
of hie hiding place _"in the mountains,
shot, anthhis body burned to ashes ; by
the:1001 , 100 Aitinns4
There . tinstienti a groat fteo!l tit 'l`ew
OrleanS,`etitlHc by an ov . erflOw,..o „bike
Pontehart eat eovarlng au ayes of. Iltve
cr. ass - Sqtra'p miles, ineltidtng„ithbut
three huullred,squarea ift
of persons Mina In
single iy iptiseis_ were Tereeil.
out, while ~those living 4n two stpry
houses rervicweif their effects to the tip
per storivs. The di/image has been lm-.
• The Ohio Btate Journal prints a car
toon " The Democratic Sick Man
and Dr.' Vallundightn,"
_which is full
of significance. The floor and table of
a most uninviting sick chamber ; aye
covered with vials and other medical
appfirtenaneeli, labeled, "General Or
ders NC. ,".," Nos._ 88 , ' 39 ," " XVth
Amendment," 4e,, The Democracy;'
represented' as much out at the eI4OW
and' looking very sick indeed; draws:
back' in' agony as the doctor proffers 'a'
small negro, with the reinfirlt, Swal
-iirMlthis now, there's a good felfow,
,and you'll feel better."
The Springfield (Illinois) Journal
says: " The Democracy aro down on
their marrow' bones making all sorts of
penitential promises, and particularly
to accept the situation ; but if they
have been wrong all the time, it would
be folly to trust them with the affairs
of the country simply because t key
owa it up. It would be a much more
sensible thing to retain in power those
they admit to - have been always right:"
"We publish below the letter of "In
quirer," and answer it in accordance
with our understanding of the system :
Mr. Van Gelder MB a. rase
. tation passed by our last County Convention that
the " Crawford County System" of voting she'd
be adopted in future at our primary elections.—
This being the ease, mysolf with hundreds of
others would be glad to know the programme
which governs such elections. Can you or some.
member of our County Committee give naafi ex
planation ? - -
The time for bolding our primary meetings is
close at hand, and we would he glad to have this
matter fully discussed, so that no man entitled
4 0 vote at rilfh election jnay not fully understand
the workings of this, to us, new system, previous
to eastinglds ballot. Let us have light.
Anen4r: Tici gist of the Crawford
county ystem q, that every voter casts
his ballot directly for his candidate, in
stead of voting for delegates with—or
without—instructions. A board, con
sisting of three men, is appointed for
each election precinct by the County.
committee, to receive and count the
-votes, which are to be carefully regis
tered and certified. One of the three
N,s deputed to attend the County Con
1, ration ; with a correct register of the y
vot cast e :and the candidates having
the in t N .N.o!es on count are the non-il
l-lees. .
Thesyste)u N lias worked well for years
in Crawford county, Where it emana
ted, and is founile N d on tho sound, re
publican principle ; that the people shall
speaLby ballot, in tlicxsimplest, most
qtraightferward way. Thk objections
to the system are all, so far as„we have
seen, or heard, from wire-pulli‘fig poli
Sometime' ago there was an effort
made in this county to establish this
system, and it was opposed by ambi
tious politicians of the county, who saw
that their wire-pulling schemes were
being interfered with - by the people, for
whom, with all their pretensions, they
have very little respect. In carrying
out this system, it is only necessary to
see first, that the board is all right.—
Second, concentrate. Don't run too
many aspirants for the same •office, re
membering that it is the plurally of
votes that nomina es.
If ono town wit' two hundred voters
were to split up or four candidates, giv
ing each fifty vo es, a smaller town
with only ono h mired voters might
east them all for o e man, and in this
way a minority e ique might secure a
oandidate by unity and concentration,
We mention this, because we limit)
heard it named as an objection to the
system ; but His not valid as an °Wee
/Von. A majority can truffle as well as
a minority, and any party can beat it
self by dissonsions'and Indifference.
Select good men, vote directly for
them, see thatthere is no illegal voting,
and lot every man who cares for self
government and thinks it worth hav
ing, go to the polls every time ho has a
chance, though he goes on foot through
a heavy rain ten miles to vote for a town
constable whom he does not care a brass
button about electing. The correct
principle is, always cast a vote when
you have a chance. You may cast it
wrong, but east it honestly—only cast it.
And when any politician tries to ex
plain away the Crawford county sys
tem of diree voting, just sot it: dosfn
that he is wire pulling. We have sent
Per a pamphlet containing all the mi
nuthe of that System, and when it
comes we will give a synopsis of it in
our columns. ,
The Treaty .of Washington.
Lox vox, June 5, 1871.—1 n the House
of Lords to-day Earl de Gray, who had
Just returned from his mission to the
United States tts'a member of the Joint
High Commission, appeared and re=
sumed his seat. - He received a pleasant
welcome from his fellow members, and
was warmly felicitated upon the eon;
elusion of the treaty l with the United
In the House of Coinmons, Mr. Glad
stone declared that the existing laws
were ample to enable the Government
to fulfill the conditions of the Treaty
of Washington.
WASHINGTON, June s .—Private let
ters, received_ In this City from Eng
land, state that -Mr. Disraeli will post
support the Treaty of Washing
ton. His influence, added to that of
Sir Stafford Northcote in - the Hd(u3e of
Commons, fa - expected to carry a ma-
Jprity of the Tory party.
We are, Wei
earned professi
emn conviotil
getting to be a
idenee. We ar4
every year., Ii
is a volcanic Loa,) .
wldeh is a gig, tealcu
labin2caloric:, Alanl4
chimney t for RI Um of
iiniternal . '72omi 'curies
sti:uwaViYoTaalk... ,IgF l i,' B ,
Ilia Pry ;,,nnif lute if" illitbat feeds
this triteriiii",lll:9:L 1110 . 1iO3 , :!erfitel•
seems . fice3shriftilife' ..„ . ',S . ElOlikititervals
4 g9te,ef149 , 1, k)PP, VP.l.49dA"),r,lif?ys.j
.river.,41 3 . 1 980 1 4 Pt eq94 StPtl,3l .lows
d 9 1 5; .o ° . f n °! I PM I P .Pl9ltP ° ‘2rit.Pg °i'cr , 1
1 4 1 . 1 0:0,1M lata 4 1 9 ,CPP, 1 t71!1 ,A,Foar•
of boiling wateTAA ~B.4tAra..A. a *range
t teries of. explosion anti iitgdng, that
maybe heard.-for= ho 'distance •of ten
inilee. All the , fish or leagues around
float on the Surface• of the water, dead.
Velisids,large;and's all, fly from the
niighberheod,:ii . illa eq are crisped to a
'9', liniCliii i.eri ininuf
,s' notice, and the
r.i . atiVi , s - liii aitnind oese perfectly 'de
ffibiallz6d;i,in,d Witt Seitrcely Writ left,
to get out of tho wa , whcin• threatened
by thatylyer of pie ten . lavn.
Buell is Afauntt L r i. On the Paciflo
cone't;' , 'eafthqualces, volcanic' eruptions
arid tidal waves aStroyjo d, well built
cities in !five ininetes ;, the strongest
works crumble • before,. these
fearful powers at n minute's notice ; and
it begins to be und:
fearful burnings,
splitting operation
action of internal,
We recollect aslci g in Para, a Peru
vian "merchant,, !;r in Meyabccinbit, to
give,us the particu are of a great earth
quoko ~ ,which, had occurred a year or.
,two,previously,, in which he was un
derstood to - have beep..o heavy.leser.—
Woinever.shall for of the tearful, earn
est, eloquent manner in which ho tried,
with his imperfect tEnglish, ,to convey
an impression of the fearful scenes that
were , enacted nwa l v- up in the lonely
'mountains of Peru When he desert:
bed the way in which the village was
destroyed' where he hied left a lovely
young Spanish wif , a' child of twelve
months, and all 11114 Worldly possessions,
but three days bef ro the event, we felt
as though the wl ole concern might
burst up in any c unrter of the globe,
on the shortest no lice.
We forgot the n;
village where he h
—for life, as he
tho way it was d
this : The earth 1
previoui3 warning
Cordilleras at abot
in two minutes, 1
hills and monntai
and, as it passed
towns among thos
tains, the.towns la l
less - complete. T 1
our friend, Don :
he northeast slope of a moun
on a plateau. When the dust
that obscured the sun had
'ay, all hat was left on the
e was a b re scup of rock and
avel ;—n t a atone or stick of
; not a estige of the inhab-
built on t
taln, and
and mur
passed a
village si
barren fp
the villa '1
Hants. A few wt
distance from the
ers were swallowe
huge crevices, w
fearful terrestrial
closed on them for
And over since t
that village have 1
lat year, vestiges of
een exhumed from
,opposite mountain,
lie distant, thus cor
ount given , by eye
aster, who unite in
village, with the
ground on which i stood, was tossed in
bulk across the val ey by that horrible
The freaks of .41; ainl Vesuvius are
the hillside Olii MC
something oven 5).
roborating the ac
witnesses of the til
declaring that th
ton well known to
the convulsions of
of the ocean, while
to throw up island
a Thousand feet d ep, tossing pp cin
ders, large red hot stones and melted
lava through 'sue] a body of water,
may give Some n tlon of the untold
force .of fire whici is, and for thou
sands of years has )een,at work under
the green, fertilel
crust on which we
build our hens -s and speculate inor
ner lots and ra Iroad stocks.
And what le ds us to these 'remarks,
is the recent earti quake in Chin a,
which destroyed hbusands of inhabi
tants, and dovasta ed 20,000 squai' o
miles of fertile, hi hly cultivated land.
Flames burst fort} from the earth, hills
were sunk into alleys, large,ilssures
opened in the rol
denly arose from
tire performance
Ive4l calculated to
landed property,
Below we give
reports of the grea
Summing it nil
oceanic. -earth,cinal
Vestivliii4, the -r
an inland erupt
with the recent C
the earth, we a
professor, that ti
Wo also publisi
the Tribune's nee ,
which recently p
Illinois ; and w-11
years ago a simil
over \ a portion of
furrow in the tot
six to ten inches deep, and withering
every green thin: in its path. We be
lieve, had either, of these phenomena
struck a strong man fairly, it would
have killed hini , . quickly as a cannon
ball. Perhaps o r readers will agree
with us that "s orm," or " cyclone,"
very inadequate! describes such a dis
pensation of electric wrath as these
, •
fearful visitation I
tlevp. .
The followi li ng s a' 'cat account of
'the earthqua
,e i C hina :
"The eartbutike c - ionded from Bathing east
ward to Pang•Chahe uh, westward to Nantun ;
on the south to Lints lashib, and on the north to
tho salt wells of Atli tsz, a circuit of over 400
miles. It occurred si ult ' ancously over the whole
of this region. In-s me places steep hills split
and sunk into deev'p tu ; in others , hills on level
spots became precipit us cliffs, and the roads and
highways were rends rende re d impaseablo by obstruc
tions. The people w re beggared and scattered
like autumn leaves , and this calamity to the
peoplo of /latticing a d vicinity was really-one of
the most deetructiv and distressing that has
over happened in thi country. •
" The grain oolitir at Itathang says that for
several days before t e earthquake the water bad
overflowed the dyke, but after it the earth crack
ed in many places, a d black, fetid water spur
ted out in a furious manner. If ono poked *the
earth, the spurting i staidly followed, just i s
the case with the sal wells and fire wells in the
eastern part of the rovince ; and -this explains
how it happened the fire followed the earthquake
in Bathang.
.retool that ap,theso
heavals and earth
proceed from the
, ___,,.
me of tne Spanish
d driven his stakes
ndly thought,—but
'stroYed was briefly
lake. came without
it moved along the
the rate of a mile
tang rocks, ledges
peaks as It came on
the few scattering
• tremendous moun
i►• in ruins, more or
o village to which
!brie', belonged, was
were at work at a
Huge, escaped; otli
by dropping into
iah opened as the
ave passed, and then
teed mention ; and
ire beneath l lhe bed
I aro strong enough
where the water is
ng earth, hills sud
alleys, and the en
as, we should_ say,
lestroy conNene - ein
! s a permapent invest-
a low extracts from
Chinese earthquake.
0 : Mauna Loa, the and tidal wives,
' coast and Peruvi-
I ns and earthquakes,
i'lliese convulsions of
r¢o with the learned
s 'earth is an unsafe
in another column
untofa cyclone
seed over a portion of
add, that lout or five
r phenomenon passed
Viseonein, cutting a
. h prairie sward from
..! . . , ,fitiiitiiirliWila - 18*t14410N3s7titietfliteat , ..
ed two large temPles,lhtatliees - of thi oollwitor ,
f( 1
of. grain tax, the local magis
. site And the *ela
nd; the Tiuslin temple, and T eiiiii 700 fathoms
of wall around it, and .3, 1,..'1 . 510ran insid_ ,e• six
Smaller temples, numbering-221, rooms, beside
1,840 rooms and houses/ of: cOnambn
: people.
The:number cif .people eoldhira and lamas killed
by -Me crash, MU) 2 , 08. .
;h the
is eel-
it +NAB.
of Tea-_
of this
Laura Fair is•to be hung-012'We 28th
1:1f - Julyz ziaAhe - ,Califoruttk.
murderess, who had a penchant : fox:
winning desirable men with plenty 'of
moriay„ vaarin& titaak„,u44, tired
their company, when, having depleted
their purses, she wenld dil3pose of thein
by a well direct shot.from a raiolvei;
',in the most spirited ;z n
th It
awhile _.,113 m e as e suc
cessful, and Laura disposed of two' or
three husbands' :with; perfect impunity
and much eclat. • •
But the thing became monotonous :•
No men on earth will stand so much
shooting as Californians, and their gal
lantry is proverbial; but, When a hand
some, dashing woman, assumes to make
herself a dashing widow at will, in
such - Mode , andinanner,,it.begins to' be
serious ; and eni t hought.the jury in the
cOe of Mra. Fair,.-,;
The possihility o woman—,-a bright,
handsome wpm an- 7 being serionslyicon
_vieted of, and sentenced for, i nint•dpr in
the first degree,,seems not to haye en
tered into I t aura'a head at all,, And so,
having married and _tired of Alexandet
Crittenden, sheo proceeded to dispose of
him in the usual manner. -She did' it
once too often; The men who are finite
ready with the revolver when; there is
a chance to shoot backolon' t like being
shot at under the protection of pettl-
coats, and Mr. Crittenden was a well
known citizen of wealth and talent.
So they tried Ltiura Fair and Benton-
Cod her, after a fair trial, to be hanged
on the 28th. proximo. It , is a fearfully
sad thing to hang a terrified, shrinking
woman by, the neck in the presence of
men, who cannot hilt. shrink from the
horrible sight with creeping flesh.. But
bat would you have? There-was not
the slightest reason to suppose that this
_woman had any notion of relinquish
ing her bold, murderous pursuit of self
gratification and notoriety. Two mur
ders, that would have hanged the best
man in the State, she had - already com
mitted, and she was a stickler for the
doctrine that the woman has the same
rights as the man. We agree with her.
Let her have them.
And the other murderer who launder
sentence of the law, is Foster, the mur
derer of Putnahl. Being educated, a
politician of the dominant party, hav
ing influential friends and relatives in
New York, and knowing that more
than one homicide bad been committed
by men of less note' and 'influence, he
did not even attempt to escape, but
trusted - to the usual modes of beating
• -
He, too, tried it once too often. Bu
siness men in the oily suddenly, awoke
to the fact that the merchant -who took
a car for a square or two with his wife
and daughter, did so at the risk of his
life ;—and this thing must stop.
Business men in the city have very
little time to spare for the enforcement
of law or justice; but when they do
spend their time on such trifles, it is
utfially to some purpose : and Foster,
lypite of the evident desire of .the ma
gistrate to screen him ; spite of the best
legal efforts that could be made In his
behalf, finds himself /3 tAildonly in a fat
on's cell, under sentence of death at no
distant day. -He, like Mrs. Fair, is
stunned and utterly' amazed at the re
sult, no less than its suddenness. He
comes out in a long protest,' which the
Tribune publishes, for the purpose of
demolishing it in an editorial.
The two oases have a moral, and one
which criminals, at least, will not be
likely to ignore. It is this, that while
woman or a rough may slay up to a
certain point, almost with impunity,
beyond that point the public will de
cree death, and see its decree enforced.
And the two executions which are very
likely to come off, wilfmake N. York
street cars and California wedlock
much safer institutions.
Foster, the man who brutally mur
dered a respectable'citizen in N. York,
publicly, and without interference from
any one, has been sentenced to death,
and will probably be hung. - This will
be anomalous : for Foster le a politician,
on a small scale—a Foster child of Tam
many—and had so little fear of the law,
that he made no effort to escape, rely
ing on his political friends for aid in
" beating" the law. And at first sight
it looked very much as though Foster
knew what he was about. The magis
trate before whom he was taken on his
arrest, almost apologized for the pain
ful necessity that obliged him to incar
cerate his political friend and ally.
There was a strong disposition shown
to discharge the murderer on straw ball,
and for a feW dayS it was dollars to six
pences that Foster, like his illustrious
predecessors, was to go free after a short,
detention and it few law quibbles. But
this time the public waked up to the
fact that a man could no longer travel
with safety to life and limb on a New
York street car ; and, as most business
men are to some extent obliged to use
that mode of conveyance, the affair
was thought worth looking after. The
Tribune took up the case savagely, and
it really began to look a little serious
for the man who had killed an unoffen
ding citizen,,,with a car hook, in the
public streets of our largest city. Fos
ter was no worse—only more &ducky
—than a score of homicides who walk
the streets °Mew York with impunity.
Ho had chosen his time and place bad
ly. The public happened just then to
take the,ir'iotion that an example was in
order, and Fber was put on trial seri
ously, for his life. Then came the farce
of selecting twelve good and true men
who had not formed any opinion as to
the merits of the case, the guilt or in
nocence of the prisoner, or, in fact, on
any subject whatever that might have
the most remote bearing on this or any
other murder trial. As there is not an
intelligent man, who can read and
write, within fifty miles of New York,
but must have some opinion in a mat
ter of this kind, the wonderis—not that
live or six hundred were summoned be
fore a * j ry was iniparineled—but that a
jury was ever 'obtained at all; or, that
being, impanneled, they ever attained
to any opinion on anything. Bat pub
lic opinion and, the press - combined car
ry a pressure that the thickest skulls
can feel, and , Foster is found 'guilty ;
will probably hang. Even the Tribune
—always opposed to capital puuish•
=menu-is foriumthigin 7 .l.T. --- -41,17
could be managed to bangenii wenty
or thirty 'New York roughs, including
a fair proportion of aldeimen, at the'
time, .and •I:'M the „saran:gallows,
theoffeet - wimid he gocid;and more last
ing. •
As to the fatO of twice; in'' , aggiaya'•
ted cases like the'above, we 'haVe beak'
dead sink of that any time these ten
gawps,. rff•poriers 914 idi ot
wittitlioa '4it- , nian..,113 , .ti.:.w44ii,
rlousiropenr erimeolova- nOtior/4.80m0-
sort of opinion?. Notthe man for a ju
ror, it roust be admitted. The truth' Is,
our jury eysteauletes4,quite as, ,often
as it-fulfils the ends .of ;The
only 'lineation that 'shorsid hQ ,asked_ on
this point is, " Have 'you any,opinjon
or prejudice in , this cage, that will inilu
once your verdien" ' -
Nor siiuld,unanithity of opinion . be
imperative. Tett out ortivelVa 'should
convict, or acquit. Under:the present
system, one numskull, or
,a confederate
in crimc . ),,fan.defy the opinions
of ,elevonintolligent Sur,orii:. 'And that
confederate hcoften,f 4 wiredJuq ,- lo the
jury 'box the defense—while -the
numskull - may', be • pronounced a con
stunt gnantitY:
Of Parhi Are prettyeffectuallyanuffed
ont,'arigt journaliktio ingenuity is being
exhausted abnaing the Reds. Their
horrible ordelties are dilated on, their
brutality is exaggerated, and all 'men
are called on to rejoice that the wild
beast—the horrible Conilniune—has'per
ished as Raved, in
,fire and
The equally cruel atrocities' of the
Versaillists are smoothed over or justi
fied, on the grounds of retaliation,
military neoessiti, or righteous punish
ment. We are no apologist for the ex
treme and lawless acts of the Reds ;,but
the Prince'of DarknesS is not so black
as he is painted, and there 'were ele
inents of true republicanism among the
leaders of the Commune that are not
likely to crop out in the Thiers govern
ment. It is not strange that
,the Com
munist leaders were ,unable to epntrol
the tiger-like habitues of the _Parisian
slums. A strange, fierce element of hu
manity, that, keeping the tradition of
its wrongs with a tenacity that has our
prised historians, is always ready •to
avenge the wrongs of centuries, on the
innocent and guilty alike. And now
we have the Thiers government again,
for—how long ? Not for long, we ven
ture to predict. It is all to end in a
Bourbon or a Bonaparte. And all the
devastation, moral and physical, of this
fearful national and civil tear, will on
ly have blocked the wheels of progress,
and nearly destroyed a nation.
A Startling Phenomenon.
Onto/Lao, June 5.—A terrible cyclone
devastated a narrow' strip of country
near Mason City, 111., last Friday mor
ning. The storm cloud was first ob
served gathering on an open prairie,
six miles from 'Mason City, and from
this cloud soon shot out three narrower
and spire -like cloud columns, which
continued to ascend rapidly, until they
reaohed and seemed to amalgamate
with a passing cloud above. This start
ling phenomenon then moved slowly
toward Mason City, but finally changed
its course, much to the relief of the
people of that place. A mile from , -its
track, an odor, much like that of hum
ing sulphur, was inhaled. by several
persons. • A gentleman, who was with
in. a hundred yards of the cyclone wheii
it pttanod, Rasa that small flashes of ielec-
Welty were cunrganti,y, tho
storm column, passing 'from
to the clouds above, and that rapid
crackling reports were heard, remind
ing 'him most forcibly of volleys\ of
musketry. Thnpathwayof the oyolpne
was nearly three miles in length, and
from 20 to 80 feet in width, and in that
pathway not a spear of grass, not one
of corn or wheat, not a shrub, and not
a particle of vegetation was left alive.—
For some distance the earth was.liter
ally plowed up to the depth of six in
ches. The column of whirling air must
have been intensely hot as every green
thing in its path was dried to a crisp.—,
Another feature of the cyclone was
that, while its rotary motion must have _
been of inconceivably great velocity, ,
its-forward motion was only. about six
miles an hour. The outlines ofits path
way were so well defined that, five feet
from the*outer line of total destruction
of vegetation of every kind, not a ves
tige of its effects could be seen. For
tunately no house stood in the line of
the tornado.— Tribune.
MANSFrELD L Jnne 0,187 i.
Hon. S. 23. Elliott—Dear Sir:--As tho., Mai le
near at hand when we shall again be called upon
to select from our ()Wiens one to represent us in
the State Legislature, we, ask the privilege of
again presenting your name to the people of this
Your nomination by the people of this county
last year, was a source of much gratification to
those who watched ' your unwavering Course in\
the Legislature a few years since. Your subse
quent defeat at the meeting of conferees, served
only to impress: the Moro forcibly upon us the
importanctuot putting such mon, and such only,
into office as aro fully known and nndersteod,
and who will not only carry out tho expressed but
the imptied wishes of a constituency.
In view of the manly and unselfish course pur
sued by you at the time of your defeat, and the
Integrity you have always manifested in , all 'of
our political struggles, we are impelled, as an not
of justice to present your name to tho people of
this district.
In times like them:, when corruption and fraud,
bargain and sale, a the ;Ida and not the excep
tion, we diem it all I mportant,to select true and
tried men, 'nerd': as of , location or personal
claims. In faot, w • held that the only claim any
than has to officio is, that thapppie want him.
By yielding to o this matter, you
will confer, not out • upon Mut favor, but we feel
certain that the ma: s - of -voters in .this district
will most heartily endorse our Itespeot
fully yours.
F. A. Allen, • A. J. BOA • - ,
VI. H. Baynes, . A.. M. Spencer,
L. IL Brewster, Lyman Beach, Jr.,
11. J. Ripley, 0. B: Lowell,
J. Seheitiblin, Jr., 11. 11. Borden,
Frank Green, P. H. Adams,
Philo Taller, . E. A. Smead,
T. L. Baldwin, VI. 0. Purr, -
Thomas Middaugh, Il.llumpbrey,
Bateman Monroe, • P. W. Van Ness.
_ Mansrlizn, Juno 8, 1871.
Gentlemen :--Yours'Of the Bth indent is an
knoveledged, in which yen ask that my name may
bead as a candidate for nomination by the,lie
publican party of this county as member of As
sembly the coming term.
If the people of Tioga county desire me to
servo them in that capacity, I shall not decline;
but the only promise I can make in, that in the
discharge of the duties of the office, if nomina
ted and elected, I shall endeavor to bring an ear
nest desire to , do right, and a fall faith and con
fidence in the prinoiples :of the Republican par
ty, an bumble member of which Rep ublican
since its organization.
I trust that in accepting your invitation I
shall not be required or eltpeoted to devote t ime
and labor (for I hive none to spare) to thb disa
greeable business of electioneering, too prevalent
at the present day.
Permit me to °sprees to you my deep appreoi
ration of this evidence of your regard and omit
deuce. Sincerely yonre. S. B. Ewen.
\ To F. A. Allen, A. J. Ron, A. M. Spencer,
Hon. T. L. Baldwin, and Othere.
AXE NOTICE.—TIie attention of merchant'
and' others liable to a license, is respectfully
called to the act of April 11,: 1862, partithlet
laws, page 492,
~regulating the collection 'and
payment, of licenses, which are payable at _the
Treasurer's 'Office on the first day of May in each
and every year. -And by said act, tall licenses
remaining unpaid on the first day of July, the
Treasurer is required to sue and press to judg
ment, and collect:as soon as
,practicable thereaf
ter, and in default thereof to be personally lia
ble. Those liable for a license are therefore re•
quested to be prompt in making their payments
before that date, - thereby avoiding any trouble
to themsellies and mach-perplexity to the 'rms.
surer. _ - O. 00;
Jane 14,1871 8w
A LL PERSONS Indebted to Tritain it Bow
-441„ Co for Sawing Lumber axe requested to
piy og without dent.
Jime 18 'lB7l. TRUMAN & BOWEN.
. , .. • ,
In this Dir. Court °Ph U. S. for :AG: Mill"
„Diaries of ronnici:
• ,
lrn this Matter of James Porter Bankrupt—To
' whom It may concern : The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as -ea;
i 1 otter ..ot, Ward„ in the county.
of bogs, La the Stift, of Penneyiraidgi within
saidltholot, - who been: adjudged -- ;Bank
rupt °U./Creditors petition; hy:the'Distriot Court
of said District.
Junplik/EITWIL -, • ,
- - oowanesque Valley Railroad ,
OTIOEde 6erebjglven , that the Staipkh
ere of the Howaneurn Valley arilroad (I rn
piny, will meet at tlie Hotel _of L: Dagget in
Lawrenceville Po.i on Weduesday.,.Tiine 28,1:71,
at 10 o'clock- A. H., for ; the purpose of elect • ga
President and twelve Directors of said comp ny.
• .111INJ. - DORRANO
G. 11. BAXTER,
Elk land, June 14,1874.-2 w.
A"-able,junEed *Hirano of WeSaber°, Eel•
mar and,vieiniq p intomated in the organ
ization of a military oompany; are requested to
meet at the Chrt Hein* ou Saturday evening;
June 17th. - 7 MANY CITIZENS.
Healh 1 Standard Itledictines.
. ,
SE Dr. DERRICK'S Sugar Coated Vegeta
bla Plili and iChilitiengttioning plasters— .
I •
the beet in '
Use ThirvelPs Condition Powders for Horses,
and Cattle—satlefaetion. , guaranteed or money
refunded. . .
Use Dr. Perrin's EzipAgator for, Catarrah. The
above artiolie are for eala by W.O. Knee, Ag't,
We!Moro, and the trade' generally.
June 14, 1871-thn.
Ia acknowledged to be the best by the Farmers
of Tioga County.
Wright & Bailey
for this Co., and propose to sell to all who wan
the boot—Light draft, easiest handled, mos
durable and cheapest
Machine !
Have them on hand, ao there need be ao delay
caused by breakage. We • are also selling the
Wheel Mower,
the best in tho world. We can furnish the
Horse Hay Forks
If d, M . ; ;cry best improved, and latest style
on ha,
Don't,buy a MOWER until you see as and ge
our terms. No man that wants a mower shat
go without—if too have to give him otte
Cali at the celebrated Drug Store of ➢were
Hastings dr, Cole, for further information.
Jane 14, 1871-4 t.
Farm for ' , Sale
scree improved, and situated near
the State Road, south of Mainsburg. This.
farm contains a-comfortable house, itwo goo
barns and nine frnit I trees. It is well adapted
to dairying and agriculture. Terms buy. In
quire of the subscriber at Mainsburg, Pa,
June 14,1871-If. ..1. A. BOYCE.
S. REYNOLDS of Vega wishes to In.
form the farmers of Tioga, Middlebury
and Farmington, that he is agent for • the' Kirby
mower, also Reaper combined, and would advise
all intending to purchase a machine this year to
inspect the Kirby before making their purchase.
June 14,1871-3 t. Tioga,
JIA boon granted to the undersigned, on the
*Auto of Simeon Austin, deoeased,late of Union
township, their) interestel will settle with
Union, June 7, 1871 6wo
, IN ONE.,
Agents - Wanted
The jitbrary of Poetry and Song
Being Choice Selections from the Beet Poets,
English, Scotch. Irish and Americria,
With an Introduction
Under whose critical supervision it was compiled.
The handsomest and cheapest subscription
book extant. Over 800 page', beautifully prin.
ted, choicely illustrated, handsomely bound. ' A
library of over 500 volumes in one book, whose
contents, of• no ephemeral nature 'or interest,
will never g'ow old or stale. It can be, and
will be, read and re-read with pleasure by , old
and young, as long as its leaves hold together.
"A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything at all
a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is nog
looted. It is a book for every household."—N. Y.
"We know of no'siotitar collection in else En
languabomilick in copioutness and felicity
of election and arrangonent, can at ail compare
u.”—N: Y. Time,
Terme liberal Sailing very rapidly. Send for
circular and Toms to J. B. FORD l► 00., 27
Park Place, N. Y. May alstr4t.
In Bankruptcy.
Militivry, Notice.
to those that want—cheap.
Administratrix's Notice.
Tellek!se e kot, ;i4ifor_sle, *lt .11211,1", .f t ! 1 1 1
th & M. R. R. Lands.
Tito !'Burlin g ton Routs, so called, lies right
in the path of the Stir of Empire. It runs alitost
immediately to the cents of , the great westward
mosament'of emigration., , Crossing Illinois id ,
lowa it *hikes the Missouri door at t roil
Yointi., :_• • ' - - ' -
, • , -
This* threes pants aro thigateways Into three
great reotiona of the trans. Missouri region.
'The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great
,Puoilio road•will take : laud of gold and.
grapes, sunny mountains, iaaporpetual suirimer.
The middle gate is Plattsmoutb, whioh opens
upon the south halt of Nebraska, south of the
Platte river, a region unsurpassed on tho conti
nent for iiaticidinitiiiii.griaing.-_. Tisk hare are
the 41,4,24. Raltroad. lands, ,concerning which
(Sao: p: Hirrisi - the land „alder- at Burlington,
kiss, can give you ail information, and in the
bettrtottham is Linooln, the -Mate' Capital and
present lenohtim ofilto road. '
The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connec
tions with ibel3f.'doli Road at Hamburg, ruu
ning.direet to St.ltia And Kansas. City. -
; ' The trails of the Thirlingtori run smoothly and
safely, and 'make all connections. It runs the best
ofkuntotmi, Pullman Palace and Pullman dining
oars, and should you take the 'journey for the
journey's sake' alone, yciu will be repaid; or tako
it to Bid a home or a farm, and you cannot find
either better than among t he B. it M. lands,
where you inn' buy on ten years' credit, and at a
low price., March; 15th 1871.-ly. •
U..S.'internal Revenue Tax.
I\TOTIOII is hereby given, that the Annual
IA AAA of Taxes for 1871 are now duo. All
‘pereone 'owing the UnitiUl 'States foi Taxes in
Tioga County, are'requested to call at my Office
over's - I/tore, in Mansfield, on or be
fore thelf4 Atty of Juno next, and pay' their
Indebtedneas, or coats will be made.
wlnito the redact /en of the
DTaxes, I shall
not be at different places in the County to receive
Taxes, ae heretofore; as the amount to collect 'ifs
• ' ' Wm. E. ADAMS,
Mansfield, May 20,1871-Bw. D. Collector.{
[Aliperions sending money by mail, must on
oboe a three vent postage stamp for return
°apt.] ; , .
Has now in stook, and wilt keep constantly
on hand, at the lowest market quotations.
Wool Twine, 2 it 4 ply cotton 4t jutotwine.
Marlin 2, 8 4 4 strand.
Know's pat. stop 74adder, from 3 to 8 ft.
.wutp cogain*ik WIRE GOODS
for gumming mu:.
A fell assortment of Lake Enron, & Berea
Canal Wheel Barrows
in any quantity.
from 1 inoh down.
No Fit no 1 extra engine oil
A complete aseottment of
Houie Builders and
Household Hard
constantly on band.
Bottom prices on
Come in and take a look, get the figures and
see how it is yourself, and oblige -
Yours Truly
Ma y 24, 1871.-tf.
Singer' at the Head.
127,838 aold in 1870.
86,781 sold in 1869
Woman's best Friend.
59'629 sold in 1868.
It never Tires Out.
48,083 sold in 1870
TT is the best abused machine, and the best
machine abused in the wide word , Try it
and you will like . it, It never disappo ints. The
above facts speak louder than word of praise
by us.
Gen'l Agent for Tioga county.
N. B.—Maohines delivered to purohasere free
of ()harp.
Mansfield, May 24, 1871 y
receiving 'direct from New York, a full and
complete assortment of
/. Spring Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes,
My stook of
Laces, Embroideries and White
Goods, &c.,
are tumidly full, which I propose to sell at
the very lowest price for oath. I have tried
long and short time credit, and find it does not
pay me or my customers. Hereafter,
IMT,,so do not ask for credit.
I am always glad to show Goods and not of
fended .if you do not buy. So do not be afraid
to'come and look. All goods marked in plain
figures. One man's money / is-lis good as anoth
ere." So only one price. Please remember, gilt
pay only for what you buy—no bad' debts to
pay for.
April 19, 1871. 0. B. /OXLEY.
Cash Paid for WOOL,
Juno 7,1671 tt
. ;
New Store 1 New . Goods I i N'w Firm .
1 1 ,
NO..I.BOWEN it CONE ' S BLOCK, WEi iaS 01?0, PA .
4) , 1 ,
Horton ilit‘ Br ! thor n i
. , . ,
WOULD say, to , the citizens of Wellsboro and vici n ity, that they have their, eters now i
- IfY fultoPeration, and will it all times keep a general assortment of In i erchandise) and " II :,
the lowest prices. •We sell -,
Yard wide Factory for ' • 1 - 0 ate.
Palliator...—. ............... i,...... ......... /0 etc
Detainee for - - 20 'eta,
11117 g
Parcales, Mohairs . Plaids, French and Irish Poplins i Japanese
• 3 1
ncy Colored and Black Dress ,Silks,
all at prices much loss than havo boon siold for WON
, . 1 ,
Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, ia 'Cts and Shoes, .1 ts and p.
Hoslory from 10 to 50 ots.l ChiWrens' Shoea from i -3U eta to $ ,2;
Boots from $2,50 to $6,50,1 Hots frOm ' 75 old. tu1, : , 0
Mena' Shoes from $4,25 to $5,50. I Caps frhm • ..I
80 eta. tog 2: 4
Boys' Shoes from 00 to $1,60.
,_, i ,
All Seasquable, Goods_ at onprededentod LOw Prices.
Choice Giroteres, Etc.
Teas from
Porterea Bogor at .
Our motto is, "fair dealing, low prices, and strict attention to' linsiaess," which ie
he key to success.
Wo invite ovary one in want of anything in our /i — e, to drop in and take a look through nu?
stook, as we ate, always pleased I to show our floods.
.Vire!labor°, Moil it, 1871
New Spring saoOds
Our Stock is now very large and complete, arld — deods very cheap
Best Prints 10 tents per yard. 1000 yds Deluines, from 12¢ to 15 cts. per yard. We L'avi
be largest stock of
. _
in Southern New York, inolud i ing HEWS from '25 to 90 ots.; Ingrains from 50 to sl,n
beat Tapestry Brussels $ 1,25; E glish Body Brussels $2,00 to $2,25; also a full line of
Rugs, Oil Cloth, Plain a n d Check Canton Matting, Coir Matting, &c.
Cloths and _ Cassirnerps,
which will be made to order by Schiack or Scott, at verylow prices
. I
We invite a careful examination of our Stock and prices, and we i pledge ourselves that et
will not be undersold, and when wo say that we mean what we say. Come and see us and et
will do you good.
Corning, April. 12, 1870.
INEnv 4131L000171S
J. A. Parsons & Co 's
The subscriber invites all in need of Early Spring Goods,
to call and examine their new !t
We intend to keep a still larger assortment of DRY GOODS and Boots and Shoes
than last season, and also some fines grades than we have kept for several years past
These goods are so much cheapey than for sexeral years past, that wo have, felt NTaTtatted it
putting-in a full line of prices, and think we can ,suit any ono. We have them in Tall'etA aD4
Gros-grain at $l, $1,26, $1.37, $1,50 ,5 182, $1 76 $,25 $2.50, $?,75, $3.
These goods are also much lowCr in price, and wo shall keep a good assortine
medium priced Silks and Poplins, and a fair assortment of the better frailties.
We have a firstilass assortment, in regnlar and extra 81,Z09, white and colore
prices. German Quilts very cheap.
We have a very fine stock, from the lowest prices upwards, as,fine as l needed.
$43, $4, $5, $6, SI, $B, $l.O, $1.2 and $1.6 per pair. These prices, kept in ,toek, an
sold- on order.
DRAPERY MUSLIATS, in. all grades.
TABLE LINENS, in all grwles, very cheap.
NAPKINS, white and colored borders,' from $1 to $5,50
TO WELS, kluckabuck, Diced. Damask, bordered, ftoml2s tL ,
DRESS GOODS, in new styles for early spring trace.
PRINTS, GINGHAM'S d , c., choicest patterns of the sumo
KID GLOVES. A full stock of Black, Whit, and Colo)
in our regular make (the Josephene seamless) tharranted i
to any in the market.
We invite attention to our new stock of striped and plain_Japc
striped and plain French Silks, Black 7'a/'eta old Gros-
Silks, Black Alpacas, Black Pt re llohairS in all _No
Black and White Plaids, Black and I White
Stripes, Fancy Plaids, Suit Goods
as well as an entire new stock of
Domestics at the lowest
cash prices of
the tre ason.
March 15, 1871.
rOreesos CA•cmit)claii
60 ota. to $1,50, Coffooe from
12} ote. I Sploos, all Made.
1 , 12} ote. Soaps, all kinile.
We would call especial attention to our stock
13]Li_As._401:it SIT_A]rK.S.
blarscillO! Quilt a
Lame Curtains.' ,
____ j.
French Oinghamer.-A 25 0,
Qcteenes °int Alaptioa,(opeciality) 31 to 76c
We ke4) a full line of
-- 1_ '
J. A.
25 to 7,0 ct
tot I c, I
, at very I
9 pi - . ( 1,
«l Ulores
lift. 1/4,11