L'HOIiI~E,.~,:,~, 13 Too oft I listened to Me ties, Toitesaaer(l4lls l .lo44 4 iiii But now I say In righteous pride, That which dividet#—:= ' Shall standtottldeti'liiVithi And even on the other side. My wYotigB , 9l9 ad a uk . %uit' "ti ; 7:1 "1 And this haierowned the towering pile, Ary.t9091.4.1tV0y 4 44 bitteklitilr And o'6oo he in the dust should lie, ' And say, " Foigiver ycl„ only Emile, And answer him, "Too late, too late !" lie called me tiMitais:eitied:me And mocked me by the tender name— Forgot Me honor, broke his faith. For "Man," he saiditAmuld Moot And sin for him is not a shame; IN.t.:Nql/41FilaYatktilo till 44".1)•':- And tkieijrttiiitiTuAcdp - eree - 4,3 figithisatitedies , And looks Jett. Heaven oeki?,:riawartl:: l is He thinks birSkiltfiiiiKlP . l,l li' And, closing on o'fisith his eyes, Says, "I'have kept tlielaith, 0 Lord !".. 3 "•;,," genpiryt (IRE; :; ' ll a - - 1 / 67 ,: 1 0. fir:( 3 E: 71/ ; t;'-‘7.1fr,1 " 17Y:AtriNiligirtieltrinIA! The Philadelphia dairymen find no difflonitYTtrinldiltir iai4;tiftela winter., One, win.ll4o4,inti z 6rte dollar pei•pound, keeps the temperature of hie milk-ptukto qtaaxicartb",kfae. prae .leablki .13littefEomes harder las sows are tittirtamedirrefitAtteirctilithli - Ilkeit, to (k ik E1V,4; 1 4 ' tUeir 1 sprhig.prin nuusitlOilef bacy; out And , ' with meal' iti,d wh'tk 4. 1 0,014 16 :04 '( 41;0 1; 44.448',. choice: eilltterc, r,h. 6 , !food , given makeslatrehrditntrer_l6e . " II !no . , Ylayb y of thiScriA 6 : lo 4lo 3 l 3 or4PC (OW- no` , weeds.l3.oll 7te"4. , thinkenlover inferlOr to timothy OratiS?' other and he dose not Oab= bagee or turnipe.oflAPCOUXlt cot tlia avor, CoWs ditrpr greatly in their qualltlei• as buter - 4talr'erg l. tktig i3eli3etitig, finds 0 13 it .ne.lai3;, l tii :Piany ani t nials thap would he valuable in a milk or elni.etedhlry: •''' , • ME PS E k W9F454 1 41P,.:4 1 1 7 ; ,/ TYT T OP. -- niversal testimonyv otigo o u.- bnttei7 • makersiiiitalglm4es-tbejrid that the least worliing of butter eifOistent: Wity - tile' expulsion of buttermilk,-anti-,the, tßigt. ough-ineorporation of salti - tire the req uisites for superior quality, • It is noto rious that a large proportronnfthe mar ket supply is overworkedAhe'grain in jured, lealing the mass greasy rather than granular. 4ivttig -of the finest possible quality isOften•le4need to an inferior grade, iii 'excessive :manipula tion. TheronreeOveral kinds of butter workers; one Much iii use in the -best Orange County dairies, of which a cut is herewith given, is described- by—Mr. Willard as a slab four -; feet jlong an 4 twenfy=five inches wide rit, the bibadesi part, apering down to fotir - Or five in chest the lower-end, where an open i tig - oiltpsgti4lio.eseape of the - bUttinglikk; and a slat into which a long wooden lever fits loosely allows its" Wee move naer)t over the entire surface of the slab. It;ims - beveled sides, the lever is either square or eight-aided, ' the bUtter is pitiOd u • Don'hert slab and worked by pressing the lever down upon the suc cessive portions of it till the whOle is worked. lt is not patented and may be ti . easily made, the size varied suit the convenience of different `dair es. It is rinsed with Cold water until 'he water runs off clear. It Is then 'O . ogled to gather it't*ther,-- the wrote 7pressed ii out, ien,Kis Baited:: Thelext,day It is worked aver a nd' -'packed II ke other butter.• .- A. PROPOSED DOG LAW IN lirxNore.—A bill itrtroduced , in 'the legislature of Ill inois, provides stringent regulations concerning dogs. It declares that ev ery owner - of a dog shall, ox .or before the Ist of . Septeraber, PrOclure.frota the town oleric, L and, Cause to be worn, a col lar for - eachdog he may own ; the clerk to keep a record and description of, all dogs for which collars are obtained, with - the framesof their owners. For each dog-regiitered'he fa' to be ttaid: fee of $l. Any dog.not,wearing a col lar and registered is to be considered as abandoned, and it shall be lawful for any person e to slay such dog as he would a' wild animal. The assessors shall pro cure lista of. all registered digs, and shall also make return of all abandoned dogs, Withthe names of persone who harbor shall be paid for, each. registered male dog, and a tax, of $2l r 'each registered female dog. Owners of dogs are made liable for all injuries, the `latter may inflict. Any petsoninay kill a dog which makes • a sudden assault upon , him outside the inclosure of his owner or keeper, and any person may a dog 'found out side the inclosurefirlntinediate . care of its keeper -..wor•t3' r < lng, wounding, or killingfiny domestWatiLmal. ° If otir' legislators had spent the :time it tookAo vote themselves ten dollars a day in passing a law similar to the a bovd,,it would have - been quite ag well for the agriou ltural interest of this state. r • I • _Bran Tea—lnvaluable for softening thotbioat, and most nourishing for the sieklinskaged." Take two or thite table spoonfulti -- of-middle-sized bran (not coarsest, as thlit, Is grAiity, _put it into a jgg,(dlmatif:o it ontt'quart of boil ing Ignitiiil-Aet - ntll4ltillikalxitit a quar ter. of aillionic..suia=th'en,ibour off the water frotn'the bran. The tea May be Sweetened Ny Ith white sugar or fine hon ey. .-,0114311 wine Is gotitl tot; the liatient it Maybe added,.Or a little leinoii juice. It is, however, not unpleasant without either of these additions.. wine-glass ful of this tea maybetakcn many times in the day. Several persons in France have b kept, alive_ with no other nourisi eep tMent for kept, ' - II PRUI.A:RIVISF-SIMAC:TOP. MARTiET.— Mr, Aldrieh,•of Rhode Island, gave the following as the New England method of .iiroll4i* : iituxiao O ; A' ci fl• The 'growth of stalk which has fo r me d since spring is cut before the leaves have turned, and placed in the sun with its adhering leaves, care being taken to `Proteti it fitm`aews - And rains, as fiat. tang wet injures the-value. When per fectly, dry it fit passed through ft hay. `nutter, and•ea(intOidloit pteceq, and, is then 'read y for market. The pritle varies 1rj441 $2O to $5O per ton., Dr. Smith re marked that In Sielly the leaves are discarded, but both the twigri and bark, are used, being ground like medicine, by as opothecar~. %Xarrail iiivalyx.24P.Mr+.l of Tridituik,'Ocir4rlhoo4ke - .1 1 i4i6*ho preCiate the sacoharjnaprouucte of the reek•gitiple t" 'To imersts the' tine fie „vc;it tokkei4yruP nimte of Bret run Of sap, MI good, sweet, sound jugs, cork tightly, With shOrt corks, eeal'and cover -the corks aosety,witli wax; then bUiy the jugs in the ground three or forir feet deep, and ttt a ahady place. MMM LORMORE BRAS: 1 w-1) -_,, 4 T. 4 s • — 4 cl tc" , _ , ,Lt h i lacia vl WHOL, , -.:.m:::::. 0,4 tOl -,,, , ic , :. , ii• - •cstle. L: , 1 IL ,. Z ., ~ .r .:.,t , •, - i-J._;3,. - .'„i•:.:,-,, -, '1 vt- • : r -, t'...- 4 ... ' Ir . 'iii;i;'.e. , ,,li:• =1.44Z; -1 LOBISORV., T. J. tonlitym, :i.1 . 1. , . PROPRIETO <OP COfftf &ffiC EMI ia ................,. ', H , bpi/try 43.4174,& CO,•J 7,9 fkoai.l the at.' • Ctilit tii?,:prth ' ra;tio in i1f9214. Alia aff-tli fiordheiri g neeof T Vi r lilift MIN Alftiffill zyliarifii,'--fd'Atlin''fattictiftialfalt... inoWtmetit al - . .?..Ip-A Ho 13 b-ab. limpotv: bru.s, .', i •,..,*it,,....... ..,-..,, -, _ ile VittOCO , t , TESi ce ?I. ••• • -gi.cv-,;:.,r..... ,eonatantly on hand at their extern ve Witeltduset -and Storea r -No,3Z-auct..3ll—Csuroll trentli..,--Ls *id offered for salt! oIA the mo f k.ber9te rme, satisfaction in4llooestuatintik :4fi 'i, 0 . ,”) - J,, c.1,' , 1i it ( : !to 1 1 3 r 111 , - - 1,, Our Stetin Ilis-- , for: this, li . oastipg of Coffee road the Grinding of Coffee and 00,leee,;"ar,O of 'tiiil'' 'oat kliiiiiit Mill' .Picoaedeozietruotielf,,"'and - TiOt'''e ,eette'd' h .an'y in theeinotty., ~., . . : . ' •, - •',. 0 . ,„. : ;, ......" • We have a full kook o f choice cad; "'we buy dlieet from finpoitiiefittikie ward k fciroaah, and soil as cheap aeany,house in the trade. . 1.... ;,..'' -1 , r•t...,, , ~., ~,i , ,,, , , 411 Ntigari, Itioltitsiges - Syria** frem the beet R1311110T9, arid iol at latest and loiceet Nea: yorit,tnot9tion?. di ~.•,„ .,. . [.. i r - • • I' • - 1 4 •1. ..'..P- - :', FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, AND' ALL .. .. RIB KiNijSIOF. • 1 . • : !Oiled Wo buy frouilirat bands in_tho.East, and can afford a.baLtor?articlo at a laener price than an•, firm in Western New York. WOODEN WARE' Cordage Coll lino of goods. - • LIQUO We call tho Mtontion of the stock of WirieB and Liquors, wb fineneed aro unsurpassed. IMPORTED ALES—Scotch glisb; and of the hit brands no FOREIGN AND DOMES/ We specially invitepurchasers amine our stock of Foreig ' Liquors before buying eisewhe MEDICINAL WHlSKEY— especial bontt of thcksiek, a pu Bourbon W bis 4 key for the Drug Bole Agents in Elmira. of th \, In brief, we invite a olorise ace and their prices, the whole ass , numerous to mention in detail. Loßmarit, No, 37 & 39 Clarrolll3t"' Sept. 21, 1870. -I.y, Albemarle Lan ELIZABETH CITY ; NOR LARGE AND SMALL at prices ranging from S, on reaennablo terms of payml Timber covered with Pine, Juniper, Poplar Timber, close to n to $lO per acre. Villag Prop Stores, Wood' and Brick Dwellings, Vacant Lots and Wharves, excelle t climate, fertile sell, friendly peoplo,, navigabl waters: and goad markets, favor this locality Inquire of SMITH Er SHAW; Att'ye Elisabeth City, N. May 3, 1871. Wel!shall) Hotel, COR. MAIN EIT.-fe THE AVENUE, WgLLSBNEO, PA. ' I soL. RUNN.e. Thi is a popular Hotel ately kept by B. B. Holiday. The Proprietor. 111 spare no , palns to make it a first-class ,houee , All the 'etagere ar rive and depart frornthis h I rise. A good hostler in attendance. _Mir Lifer • attaohe4. Jan 1, 1871—ly - • • - -For Sale A GOOD dairy- farm 141 6 ; 'oga county, ra n ; abo 13.0Veugh of Tioga. about and 40 unimproved. - lli three dwelling houses, an erd, andother fruit trace. joining on the weal, a f 'from 90' to 200 }wee as d improved, with a good b aptdborobard. Good for Jan 1 1871-tf. Wellsiioro TT J. 1113RGIN • wield - Vellsboro and Tit pared to supply the-- BREAD, fAr 9t.thiCbeatt quail WI sroatj (113 1 %) the old filAiroillif•ef I.Tov. 28116.70-1 Admin; ETTERS .14: beak grp2ted, tate ErassiiutOW disbitry townihip, having claims al with, r 0. miAmouri s 141 linuaurantil *OWN , itAND'IN HANIVe e„, NIUTU -• .4 141 INSuRANC 'NY GP• I 1, ~I:ti, , S 1 C :, - U 1 1 . 4.44 Ornoe, No. 112 S. ,1% 4th lit., Vhit mild Capital $500,000. is over - - . $1,000,000 00 . ... —rrt - ii ai-20 '401611A ffn it and Mutual,. combining Sirourity with :. Suppose your are already insured in a lam eompanyi Wilton:l3 lbw eakineenflietx :say after ten yearly payment) you do not inot-pfionfgerisyour insurance Is and your theiaolcifeiten: Not so in the. uttiItviWWW,INJAW tknilr f ax - r"- iLlit. I company Which ve.nitc.tinnons the Most it and eneceiisfullidtii44ll ll 44 - e-qi*Pl :rants policies on alt desirable plaiie,both 1 1 and without oßts. Traveling v eO6B - tmoreUieteid:l , leiwiere tibit VW Ail pole: t g olgli k agair fro ,any of the ordinary causes._ Li:ok to your Life Insurance. Please examine the renewing Comparative Table. It la- eomft . timls alleged by Agents of other Pampa:Ain that the company they represent is safer than others. !While we unhesitating; se din ...4 = h° soutdness and stabili 4 6 ... 17 a te d p ea r i e r s i e n n g i t t o b l e n f s o u ll r or n ing fort e napes on — Yo T e following companies, Cosesvok. annual pre rums charged by each for liiitibithaitrol6ii * ll. 1 life t the age of 80 years, payable at death: . CAtAWILL :: s. S k Min • , )0 n An nal remit= Ten annual 11 . I k*l r ~ 1:.. rider r failf .I. ..i. e. 8 •: y ~ lia,f... I. ./. 'WI • 1,10 : onae r ot. ,Jr..... • dr• 30 .1 v s quitable, 22,70 44 0,97 - 7 " aab l Ue to U) rt.- 24.7 4 ) --.„ , .ft e r ' :: and/In4lana, L 18;50;:" 4 . t 0,, , , W,1 1. ~ TliLi .i i -ff not already insured takd a poitoi vvlit'whw' 1. g6IIAND-IN-11ANI)." ~ . t...t.t bci but Matnal Company In thtUplted, illatee. i._ March, 1, 1871.-1 y. 9ilL"Vicii_e" A. Mt ell'Air,kAitterit. nd"Brootne4-hA 21 rade to 'otirldrge ch for,Fity and liish and- ' iin atintly on hand. C LIQUORS— Ito call and ex .. And Dozpeacto e put up forthe o article , of (Did :Ist Trade. • ' Urbana Witte 00; I tiny of out goods rtment lA)ing too & C 9., Elmira, N. Y. =I Agency AROLINA • RlSl$ F.OR ts to $75 per acre. et , ' ands Cypress, Gum and vigation. Price $3 riy, viz: ' ) Tter4...: . i tiOga township; Ti i tk 5 t. 21 miles weatof the t 100 stores intptosod, as on it-three barns, apple and peaoh oroh- Terms - easy. dims& arm and timber lands eared; with .80 sores rn, a good house and dairying farm: . twkmouit, Bak®ryy. laity to As aittrezia:Ol -- that he to Pro. D CAKES, iu siirt_elnisitie-gua WIT irgll4 . ball it '44; BA4OW-. =II .Notice. ITRATIO/4 baying milgned °nib*. es_ ceased, late of kW. ibted to and those lodate; Athex. Ow* Lots for Sale. rpOWN LOTS for onto in Tioga boroigh,b* 0 ji H. E. SMITH a SON. March 1,1871 tf AGENTeAEtti : A RICH FIELD I I A NOBLE THE lygm,,F4cm!**L,,,,,-, .. • FAMILY BjBLE, ....,,,..„..,.. ~„....‘,.., •, WITH OVER 1000 ILLUSTRATIONS, 50,000 REPERENOES “,, -, , AFA.3ILy it . F. r coltp, & FAMILY ALBVI. THE Vi L aTOVIATA'VAiiLir'BIBLE contains a starehnuire . ofitifl -I' - • the mind thtough thesze, InAl strati . las car ry one book to th e laid.: T'l. . .I world, and are of themselves a compre • ens ve review of the 4a4pkolea_ging the test _ InterestOt View's, Chkietr 4 ymbols,li Wr. teal Eventi, Landscape dates, Anttut al; Costumes, Boasts, Birditiltiseelsti.,Plentsi fialir4 etals, Coins, Medals, Insoriptions and Incidents referred toti thro4h - qut the, yeefell Test hey hey attract 24illifilt,Pertect ettotinkts imp es ip awaken new thoughts, tine fulnish e eater views of Divine 'Truth. As a help to, Parente, Ministers, and Sabbath-school Teachers in ful filling the duties of their separate sad 34114 i 141- cation s—ankto All ethero j tpi ghost -, immortal souls are lutitikted4filti. spleridid.',:ritorial Volume etitifibt - lie ov‘reitilialild.':' , ltt-TO litre Edition. - . .:'.1,. r' :-. :-... s l .. c Most Suitable for t eFamily, Most Valuabi : .- t e tu4eut t . . ' Most DAV o .41 A tiA toiettei.3. I Most Appropriate Or t e Child, Most`Us'erol for firer later, -•-- i Most Iritdiestinglo the Fernier; Most Elegant fort e Parlor, Most profittbblti for thefitiidy. / - THE PICTORIAL FAIILILY-BIBLE, in addition to the, features:eke - tidy alluded to..cun= tains the'APOoryPhi, 'Coriedidance, PsalMS id N o t r e, cy ,Au salary of , the, Sacred Truths as taught in - tldi Inspired - Book, together with numerous and comprehensive Tables and other Historical - and Raplanatery.ildattertzembedying, the labors of many of the most eminent Bibli cal scholars. It is printed-op-the finest ,calen dored paper, from-clear . &tope's typtc„ta, one large and Jiandioniii:lpi volumno.Atuil is bound in the most durable and attractive man ner, while the prices are sufficientlYlow,tciplace It ithin everybody's reach. EXPERIENCED AGENTS are .wanted throughout the country for its sale, with whom liberal arrangements will be made. An oppor tu.ll47:of equal promlsels rarely or never ,pst. merited. Its isle :will r ifotleil4ior:.,o,:".ati , - * period, but will o°4llb:isle rot iillreutaik; obnitaix tly increasing with the growth and intelligence of the country. It is .-Sheie{oFo, desirable that those who engage with - mi.:shall fall! , led • *UV 'a. Slew! to making the...biliftwei i'perinaitint one. • MINISTERS, TEACHERS,T.ST,UDENTS, FARMERS, YOUNG MEN" AND NP OMEN- those who would meet with the most profitable of all employmente 7 =r-are, inVited,-to::norreapend with us with a Tint to as 44ep0y,.. , NZ$ , a jaw 1 such are now' avers ging 'from' $5001:'-tO' WOO ' annual profits in its sale. There is a great, want for the book and a rich field offered, while it will elevate the spiritual eendiiiett by _oori;-, stunt contact with and conversations upon its beautiful and eternal truths. AGENT Wt. .., NS tiN 4. , llis' 6.11'1 ail '" . 'ali r :Aij '';'' furnished the work in fine bin ngs- his plan a -quite popular and profitable in cities and large towns. W 0 - -have an edition of the book,' enparbly bound,'with maeslie - panneled sides, which has been everywhere received witlr-marked favor. Subscriptions for the Pictorial Bible, in4hie rift is can,pe obtained to an al tuntst rn at a 6ls no outlay of money en, el 4 r c 4 k'ce„ tie which will yield lin.larkric a weta n' ir 4 sc ~...... , ....,./...1., i. `,. . We are also the Publishers of POTTER'S STAND ARD EDITIONS of Family, Pulpit, ; Po:l,aq slto4 Elio tograph Bibles and Teetainents—nottlyiggo ‘rdWorelof styles—so well known everywhere for their accuracy of text,,beauty of anlsh. and durability of binding. AlwaVs ask (or Pdarten'e St agnate !Eniwetok' and get the best. Catalogue's. containbag laytekAnd., prices ; furnished on application. For Circalnn containfugn fail destriptfort , of, Tart Picriistes Vssitratists; with Fisin`ple'slteet,atid terms' to Agents, address, , Torrart's 2TANDARD BIDUI AND Tsersusar Hover," JOI:II4""E".II)OTTERA:C.P.,..I. runu:tans, 814 and VI glaneom &root ! , PHILADEWHIA; 6 6 pOWANDA."—This high-bre( J. was sired by Ah-wa-ga Chi sire, Ityedyk's 7 1 11anibletonlan;" dam, Black Hawk 'grand.dani, /ifestenger; pastern bebihd, blatkpointej diirk ba7 and 3 inches high,4•Yeais old one of the most remarkable animals ti has produced. Ile is beautiful, kind, like, action perfect, posseaking gram Ile is in close proximity to two of the table stallions in this nation: "Bad.. and "Ethan Allen," a most fortunate (Wows. TERMS—SIOO to insure,s2s at time of service, which will not be refunded ip, : any,event and $76 when proven in foil.' Violate tide shilling and pasture, on 'reasonable terms. Best possible care taken of Mares. Ail aeoidents and escapee at owners risk. Beason, March 12th, to November let, 1871. MIXMONTANYE. Towanda, Mart* 2241871/4Elf, Itiery-S . -ATKINS' A LOUDEN re ." speotfully inform the pub viu"..areill',i Ho that they have established a Livery for Hire, At their stable on Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double riga furnished to order. They aim to keep good hopes and wa gong, and Intend to please., Psioel reasonable. ':-----)Crit4-9111-aaqqintri. THE BEST HOTEL in the COUNTY. THE " CONE 11011811." NEW. Rooms large and well ventila ted. Accommodations not surpassed by Afars) .410e1SMa 4 47; r 7 . 40 r 41 30 11 " Tier." itilibirblps an a ifinninr Sfild third rate hotels. Location, corner of Main and IYabintestdj Wiallaboro. A gdOoktald4 pOdliqutors, pod order, and a good hostler, 11. GRAVE% Propt. Malta 8,1871. R,- ATI I • 1 Oa ~~5 ~~ (i ~,r ? . _ g q t, • • Itt I - g•ADourTINO, ~'f~ A~Y~ ~~x ,:‘,1,, ~.,) L - :. t _-. .. , ,i,'; ;.;,; ;,;zid ,-, ; I. - :,-- il - .q.5 . ,!,., ,, ,':',::: ',tZ/,1.7. -..IIIA'Q t . '4,0 44 , 1' 1 ' , ..,, iWiiirilligaikAti -I to the people e f Welleboro ana'N idtaty, ate recetvinf and immenae stock of , ' i . ; ...... e , ill ED 4 ; r , *V1'4664;10 Goods !of. 11%, 1 n r rs n n i :f i f lilt 15 1. .] ! o,i, Pit) M If (' P 2 CW)11- 0 ii. r .:i .P- 4 100;,.: 1 "..il ;.I'.talj Cr 1 ... ,A re l , . , al.rflA TT htcreikailinit Matra great deolinik iti - Domes ( t totton Goodi, and they ase.now selling for lase that ny time since 1860. We:do not bell ye.bi paradiniba ionwilet orprioes in news papers, but we mean what we lay; wbenlilbla to sell Gooolgobeati People from out of torn arampre to make morkey.,by iominibere to bjr gooks. Wo;bave a t jplenitid assortment of res.:fht ~, Pi"' q . • -. 1,..!-..1 ".: . , • er -, , 4 .4, TA, --t, BEI Oesirable „AA- DeLaines, Percales, MohairS, Plaidsi French and li4Oh Nplins, eTapa '''' l''.'necatiSilics and Robes, Ftin6 , Colored and Blach , (Press" Silks, - &o., at Flees very-much le ' • s i'f . ,-"k& • , ,P.4‘, Mt? ;- Yan oh 1111 •, • and many articles out space does n4t permit - -ue e to speak of, but if You will call Iwo hilt show you the LARGEST 'tiliqvg 113 , temp, E34 - at piiCthat "cannot be beat" anywhere. ,V9rning, N. Y. Aprill9, 1870. • NEWELL & 'OWEIs7. ii'T'a j ittiok i te•Va l blis4ent in Northern Pa.! MEI =I a ' , , t- / ' liit 7 - I WWI; a r„. ~. ~....:. , \ • 1. \ i . _, G facilities or .uying :nd handling large quantities,af Goode enables him to offi P . I Pictln 44be,kqwest jnthingßifeelfg In our retail department Goode are nold at a email al 43Ver wiiiitiltsdit prittra . 2l.:Uiftlittkok of b•:.; . - ITOII/11"'"HtioDit ISLIN . D AND 9 r ,;, ,- 1 ot • -). ai I L ILB, BINGLN AND DOUBLE THIOIL: --. PAINTS, ALL KINDS AND COLORS, I. ‘ - . . 1, . , : .y,ONISHES AND VARNISH BRUSHNO, 4 . KULL WOLK. .'"• ' , ' - , . I• Transfer Om *Pent% Stirivieing• - -Peneil; , - ~• • ~ .„. ~ -,- ' .• 41444141 n I hesiter Carriage and __ • . . . •:-.,- ~...,....,„, 7 ,-,,,..„.....-,, : i • ~.. r'Oriantentings -4 1 ,A full line Of all °lanes of Goods aPpertalullig to our Witness kept tu,stoOlt. ,F~ba113.714. y. !.„ Vir. C. KRE:. SHOVELS, , SPADES, FORKS,BENCH; SCREWS, 4)ARNDOOR HANGINGS; a now thing, and made for nee. I These aro bect is few ofthe nt,d4**tioles composing the stook 1 3 TEARY of Ilardware. / Invite the publie to call and examine for_ emeoftes. I aim' to keep the lieltiqiuiliqbf:koSdicitti,my I ide ; and all work to order *onrptly and well. PA. •-• ,-- SASH, DOORS,IBLI.NIiS, AT FA' PAICES Welleboro,Feb. 1,1871-ly. ! ,-. IFILLIA/k1 RoillIBTO. - ' ' lit (Saco l Dior to D. P. ROBERTS) DEALER IN lii STOVES, IRON, NAILS; ;f 0 Attli#li BOLTS, HORSE SHOES, AND- HORSE *NAILS, ,IClaarl;perct.erelP ""Z" cools , . .. .. , _. A general stock of Builders Materials.: LGORB, BIITIOi4ATGBER, HINGES, Au.; "•;• 7 Aleo. WRAPPING PAPER at manufaettirerft pricier, * . -. . ).•,-:,,:: ITARINO PROMPTLY ATTENBEEI TO. • '-Terzos Climb, and psi* reaspible. Birsideor above Cone House. . Wellsboro, / en. 1871434 LC. VATigg• .-I , ii 1...at.:;:i MM=I ?iii}7 ' 4 1 i 6 13 1 ..i supply all who may come witli7 , --; Id are ready at uOprecedented Prices. f.',l 1 ii t -1 . MI Dress ' F r i - sr , SE 14 than last season. Wo also ;nSep a fall:line of •. ' .i .. ..,,f _. gni 1 ; 00 BC ns t Boots a d. Shdes, 1, 4 ' =I jl.. , MEI GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ~- ~~ ~. OLESALE AND RETAIL B „, A . T . „.9 TIN AND HARDWARE, e"' GOOdkr- : ?llt tiLIMB, Stdv-:os Having on hiiitd7il4:ise stook of Tin, to and Hardware, the f isudersigned takes pl as to announce HMlhi has at a great mid y, dad to the nentil'stak of the old stand o MAIN BA I REEIk, WELLOBOR a coniplate aiiiorliae'at of Shalt Hardware,, of which he eyininarati . lhe folloWing articles NAILS, iSTICES, o OROWBiRS, X CUT, ti/ILL, RAN AND IJOKI, SAWS, Mr, HlNjdEB,i OARPEIi 11 ) ,S --TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES GERS,BITTS,BITT ST66IO, RATCHETS, • CHISELS, that we '`;?' Sri lIEI if I RO lQi 7:tic, )61 i tir; 11:-:;1; Wil;f: tr " , j 7 :„ r) P, , %,-,,„., ,„1-::,.7..:,: dro l k , , jg ..... Lartfi -tetipeit'Ad I,4itigisfiiit • 73 1Tigirztim tz,i: ~.x 1. ,!'n: '... C4 ******ol ) Fritl i '?:; ,I•':,',- -,;, sod Comikintetit l itaii64 agthe. i t t iri, . ibr, 13 Bit- - - 1 dowitulf4fti696, Sialtstittliertoutatilaclei aoAticßitritliAinveripete; ll 14tirel*: Yege-0 table; , Colittiiningorior , ' liferotry v rats ok De/eterious Drugs. ,L,i.-., ~.•.!) 1:-...:1 tl,l - I,- ..:J2.: ..,a, , .. - , r : . its'lnici, ni r:37..1Y.,1 tt'''',.'' -, ' a ,k, i' • - Thep p*Osisiedalfgtittisdi,psis*nrs, pariOst#9, etstiqa iii Otittnynif; bane, cnirign,i , *is, ate/VIVI g 14 'kidote flainitiPlableAciz the Wilk Whispfglve tend, and eineenetttkee, nallaSsa*FTOPlStillati**sl I. l ),VirAikl*P.9llodl of tio.filkopttweAlroats ; p . .441A im,p,a3,f • 34,0, of t ern, Ella an iniliptinnu r t 4 05titilt9 OS= tens akee place, ae to atifiar' liddisrondliiihil weak Via eintirigsfddahatheti arliiiirifrons gni- , pradeneislin, , abosaw.iilla. tfidpdx9Jd!fi :Qctin.l Roma iFicibilEaftiMigatawP"44. l lo‘.:PAl are, love no t . nistr or i l, imp' iko c t,4 tna r tlnsFaf , ons t tosl i pill do n4l s 01VAIINi ti ,t 4to tt# the ktbnes . soh filAid eqiiittilviinzei issiiiirientlf 'do Inet pro Ida tliiildiditetecit:r This' astorb a kirape.. l Pill ,clialnipsplettaantfirt .taste , and odor, do, net nee silfdi*Ajtellibtillgiffugar,P9S94- , ; Pricolo,Y - . , - „.• .c.- - ;'d .;;,- • - r:. ,,,, - 7i: ,!, re.„... , 1 , . ....t . ',73 I,FerTo t..r:.7;., . i •, , ',JJ,, h V -"f . 1 ' 11. 7 .1 cill tt''.. sol - ,: i ti. -.T15 nz I.:* 1 .." - . 14 ''' a tiV) inii'lt •.:IC:ntaliilf4t7 e: . ..71' 1,:•,-; .011ENRIFArialiEldilt104103 , A. tri ingeirf 'EPPii_f,Wittitilfihr tWatpdeuvli' C,3 Lie Y Ir:r ,;:0.3e..: i WI kik . • • ' ciatintithutike4wAiropmfrk3y-, p ~ F ..., „ 0 , toc ; 9; w . plpeivogre Byiii,.. 13 tf l it. A . li,„ tibla'll4fl, •11rdioliltli,' ski i riP , ; hiSinh difiikeit,citiirtningsi fro ofligiNitlintftiawaltlitgai,Taurogeptilattee.: ro Affections, Nodes, Rictiteteolijg4t e tigrqnts,„ Gi rSrl a tiAi t 'Atte i n , A u l t aq ii at i all iv, toßif on4tiegi i :,D.yesetlale; &a& all lie rent h i Wan' eetibllehed hirthe systairilheliaie". ll ' f; !' ' 7. - ,!. „ - • , 14,y Py --- :,, , i1:' , --7,1-:2.- :,‘ 4 ;., - •p. ME Ifelngpmprekexpretralrforthe - above com po intaiitiNW"dpruiffingpriPektleanzagritatar" th W.sthlNathazPlaPtirAtiPillfirml!traaNitiPa• X; or gi %It% R.,91 . tal apil l itealtby , oolOi,, an {0)74 ..p tiAlfraiit,ja,a tibite_,otlealtl_i and , p ity x, r urityingotte c bfootOomatintall o o'itt3 3 B lltcetilfl'alietitea *Mat: frtun an: " rdi? admit tea 1100)1g tpttltalafil3C:rfaßahle,. a fftlidiffilkuir dar.42 Alrig4aAara!acialma. a L. Ine l i ips,,,o Ae, ,opflp, 14 imatlona o lye, t traf - tindlits, Ulcilollee; plitplea'oni di!) taot4; er sipelaa and all qonly ernplions of the' ekln a d i bitanilfetqf tlis complexin. M MEI t ir.t• ! •_ - tn__ g; 90 CZ 'II I L E; 1:l i i:1 1 D ill 'E l t:R id .:410 1 ' .; V••• G I ti'OIE'OREXTDIFIRETid has ours every case of Diabatea' In 'irlifoli it hen boon given, Irritatiop L 'orthii_zieok" of the bladder *id intlarputatiOu .0 1 the ...iti#tieys,,uloer aititi itf:thilithitiii arid' bladder,' retention of atliiitAleihittia brtheilreittnte:lhs - nd, stone in tl elitaddariziarotibta"graVele,htiakdazt deposit, a 41110=0111E0:A0Y 4.49l4l ll rEesi,prid foreefee; b 8 4 . , : aptivielieq,e !ctualititp . tim.,of ; both' Vexes, a 4,1144 - vlth:the failimnig eynititbiah:' India ii p littlofrib ifiterfliiiillaffi'ol . power,geife orment•- 0 3';'difilialty kir bresAlltrik.lwoak nerves, - trera b itorren of aliseasinitaktifttinoo f , dimness of v to n; petbassAbe L bgtqf ot•hemo9 4 ttuehipg of 6 ilie:b#,lyltifyiesiiro!Ah I iitirp, _eiuptien on the We; ,Palll4,4zenittepap , ttiilverlat lassitude of 4 0 11 the Lila:tit& iiiyitiOn;Te 6 1 : - ' ' • Mod by pfilidtiictiiihi the agei of eighteen to tireistymiliromuktroirt 96 lb bk, or the decline or obange of,life3 shop cientlnetent or labor pains; for bed-wetting in children. _, ifelmliold'a' Extract. Buellu -le diuretic and . blotid tuldfying;, and cufes..all, dLseases arising (rods ifebitii.oolAsolgatiwatt.d.excasses and ha tl=3VetitlVlV:Ot'itt3:4 b w l liTo d li N c il zed, and syphliftitilfilictiiiiial4rl these 4:Minie sed in connection witirßelmoold's Rose Wash. - .... - •- - , . 1 ---.: 77i:T.:4 44441, ~.0 4.,;5,..; .:, ' 1 XIIIMpIy .: iiaiiiiiki4 iadies, the Ex ract thialtu is unequaled bir any othei remedy-- as in chlo4 ot• getootioo, r irregulsolty,RaitiXut. FOor fiesittit' iit iteitotutiryliyttonettono, aerated OTlRSiftutstefolot ttittottis;laucarr a czr-sthiter4lbah4Aststior ,sll,:tompleteta tootdent to the sex, ottisraglies*lra: -Judie. Cretin or hajapi of difo OtTad.lst 1if.1 01 40 1 4 11 ztolisivelYji . 7..tbAiiiilit initient I)l6isioittuit and ldwfirif "for =ordttablearatui 'dentate constitu tions, of both sexes and all ages, (attended with any of the above' diseases or symptunis.) i IL T. iteinlUold's Extra l et d. IBIFOPUVURES RIMS= :ARISING FR QM • • • o*,trigs PAV4 ~.P. I RRIP,AI7OI4 I , ETU. lin.ailLtiMik.stages;at Jatterexponee ; IliAle• or no lehangezin dietaUt:ll3.o.42Wellifn _Ot and no expo 1 - JinSof-a'AtiClPAolt frarlN:D4,-d c olairo , end; giVe B strehgth o urinate, ere 'Y At:miring' obetruo timb UterMtl i ft i and oaring xtriotnres, °VOA uttithitalhiY lhflamMition, ao 4110 1 filliftliteclaa dlitesesitind expelling all poisonous matter. AliemA4KNAMhavp beelLthe victims of in- COMpltAjdrpereons, azid"ithOciaeve paid heavy tinzei , havo hued they kilts-bleb dgeokithlpaild- , thatf* the -kpoisar? has; 8 by,the.Xmaxatt pew gOttiegeAtV-.13901k dried uPinAPA:ASACI*,,rIAk..94 I _ 3l g!JOArc! aggro" vAina-tozglil r aftf p t *iikriage, • reci r ite'll4o Ypiorttitui att'affee ttoirtidinl diees 6t h 8 uflflar brganie., whe ther eXtotillif, dentale,;. frmm. whatever cause orlgitlai.Mg,,, mut no:matter- of how long standing. Price, one doltar and fifty cents per bottle. IL T. SEMIBOLD'S .IMPROVED .ROSENTAS.II catino;,,beggri*fseci ne a lookwash, and will es forind spaoitio temedyin,overy of cutaneous affesition. It speedily enitlizat 8 liiMPlOll, spots r soorboticr.dryness ' indayAttone of the. °ablutions. :membrane, eta., dispels iednesß anil..kiciplentk illammation, hives, rash, moth; ,p,atehes, :41ry.ness of 'scalp or !akin, frost blte *Udall piii-P6Sis for which salves •or ointments, iettaitia-the'skin to , a .state of parity' taid,s6ftniaaBi sinitinmires "continued • healthy ac-; .tion,te the tistaltltit its voneffr Clkivhich depends the agreftable:elearnessUu &vivacity of. complex fon so iaaah:pog,l4'rinil admired. Mit however iiduable'lista`romedyfoi existing defects of the skin, li. T. Ilelmbold's'ltostiVash has long ens .tainea ittiprlnejpal claim-to unbounded patron-, age, by possessing qualities *Lich render it a toilet apperjdA9l of the most saperlatiVe and (ion senial'ohartictei,4bnitiining in an elegant tor -MOM thotni-proMlnOnt requisites; pfety and effl tacro-thalpvaritible aocOMPO--Pixtionto of its use —i - 51 5 .0+1401telOye anrk refresher of .tbe comPlex- Acta., 3t.ls.sltt eqcoillent - tOirea,tar disease. of a . syphllitibliaArtioiniid as bir injection for dhoti- Ses of ilialiiriluirjeoiglins;:erisinglrom habits of -111saltilitioni.asaiVirreonneation with the Extracts •Snehu,:flarsapari)la and. Oatairba _Grape Pills, ; iu inch-4.iiteases _reeommended; cannot be sur passed: es; rot d-i 1 . Pull andimxpliett directions accompany the i t xneitieip i eh -- Evidence . of t:be most r a lip oneibio . -VCRs 40 . ,bitiadov ierinstied oti.applicatlor,k, "iil INV ededf - tbinisson de' tit. Ifitin gwi tnesses, - nitfitptr & of:80,000 ninselioitelciertittoittos and iiiiiimittinTiniditairintterap psanyot whialk -are from 7//t/ tlfithighastenePSOM: inoluding. mutant Physt olf+PkOlO747fooktotot,esmsn, om. . - Tbo . ,Propii - tor has never readied - to tticar'piibliontion n the newspaperetitiiiiiordp Ms, fro the the hisAtitales•intat 4i - sioadard - pr aro tionsvimd'do not need to bet propped np y ctn. , tifinstos. Jirenni -. :2 1, .:Helmb old's, ; Gpnui Prepa _, • ratio* - a eikkoreid'ci i 4ny nddresi t isonip , .....4ilyab(iffi Rd t ailiwisvii4 tioancy Fctarli.., Sold by 4131261441191 1: 4 0t , t 1 40 4 r oklotropicsi,infor -MOOll.Ol-4311Pt IM);(,A9 --,. oiiTt T.;Holmbofd; ~,, ,4 „ 5,. Ilraglittlkod illsprolpt t , li t ,) . , I dOpitr i s'• llonry T. 'Um OW ,ltd oni..muirriionip.,2%To. 6944 1PrAMsXs Alor k 0A0 1 114. - Hlmb.old's nava._ loot, 94 119,41431 . 044 st#94 Philade ,poNto Ro4eTtnrolrehr•fl `) : • ,' ' ' ' ' r ' /w imp 17. ~,,,,nueg i ii.,:o 4 .4 for . Erdnri Zd Ho inbotre t Tigki iiiiitAir; rib 85m DIMITOR .CORNING," . N. Y. , IIiRUGS - AND . MEDICINES, PAINTS •::..”. , ..i., ; , , . ii ) 4 1 44DDE DAMS' INK'S;'KEITIPS • . CON° NTRATED MEDICINES; THE ' ' 'EL . E.,'S . '":ELUID, Ex- . - i . ' AI • =1 NEM i - ,71 . 1 , om o:b!Krvii.; IM =I II TRACTS, .BURNETT;S COOOAINE, FLAVORING :,,EXTRAOTS; KEROSENE LAMPS,.. PATENTI'MEDIOMES, ROOTI ESTER PERFUMERY •1 L AND g.LAVO/lING EXTRACTS, WALL 1- PAPER, 'WINDOW GLASS, *IIITEWASH LIME & - 4 AND D' 'catsoßs, OE 140k$.TS •FO i AT4ltyi,l 4 T c 0 ,6 • i isc.z ;BQtdatWS»lbeate Buyers arerequested tOall Ord 'got quotations lieforo going further' Jgaat, , D.VEtcIIELI 4 86‘cci. g, •• Corp! t• !furniture I B. T. VAN HORN, lairinTlNG oompletedbls"netv Cabinet Ware hbuse on Main street, Wellsboro, Las stock od it with a large and superior assorted stock o =I FURNITURE. Chamber Suits, Waleut, Ash, Ma &0., &0.,' dm; ilmifrom $l5O down, and as or 14t. ,to Dame goods can be bo' in the cities. freight added. ISM • Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany; Reps or ill[air Cloth, from $125 down, Aleo, SOVAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, ring Upholetery to snit. Center TAles Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking 3lasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. lam manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full 'stock of ware, home and city made ,at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now eontain the largest, costlieit and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county, Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING, A:MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1871-tf Ingham's Woolen Mills ! IJEERFIELD, P.A. .11E subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimeres, Flannels, &a., &0., for Wool.— heysla o manufacture as usual— TO ORDBR., OR ON SHIRRS to snit customers. All work warranted asrep. resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, which are warran Tara ed in every respect. Portion tontion Riven to 1, a CARDING ROLL CLOT INGHAM'S largo stock of Casimeres, &o ~26 ;per cent less than any competitors, and warran' ed as represented. INGHAM; manufacture to order, and do nil 4indsof Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy competition. =GRAMS have as good an assortment of Full Cloths, omM:tem, Sco an& give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your aolves. INGHAM'S wholesale and retail at the Cow enema*, Mills, 2 piles below Knoxville. Our Cloths are Warranted, and ;,sold by the following persons: C. B . KELLEY, Wollsboro, Pa. T. L• BALDWIN A 00., Tioga, Pa. J. O. BENNETT, Covington . , Pa. Deerfield. Jan 1, 1871-tf WELLSBORO AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE. • THE undersigned, proprsetior of ,this line takes this Inethed of in forming the publio that the above Stage runs daily (Sundays exeopted,) between the two pin cies as follows: - Leaves Wellsboro at 8 a. in., and arrives a Mansfield at 10.30 a. in: Loaves Mansfield at 2.30 p. in., and .. , J 7 e B a Wellsboro at sp. m. RAss-•Fe.re 81,25. Jan 1, 1811—tf. . W. B, VAN 11011N.4 liiAdministratrix's Notice. - ETTER'S OF ADMINISTRATION . been granted on the estate of Elisbi i • eneased, late of Farmington township, i debted to said estate, and those hav; gainst the same, will settle with MOLLY SOU V Farmington, lifay 3, 1871 Ort• „, Executors , iv lice. LETTERS. of Administra ons on the estate of John W. entlin, de eased, late ofeharles. ton having been grante to the undersigned, all persons having ela us against said estate, and those indebted to a samo, are notified to call for settlement o Israel Stone of Delmar. ISRAEL STONE. May, 6th, 1.871. Executor. Actn nistrator's Notice. ir" ETTER: OP ADMINISTRATION on the I_ 4 l estate .f Harvey Root, late of Liberty, Ti oga. Conn y, deceased, having been granted to the and- signed, all persons owing or baying claims gainst eald , ostate, will call on GEORGE ROOT, M. • 14, "11-6w*- I JACOB M. LOVE, TO 'AR i ERS. HIVING purchased th famous horse Cas sius M. Clay, who i a son of old Henry Clay, and a half brother o the noted trotters George M. Patchin and udy Thorn, I will stand him the present seas • n at Wellaboro, with the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday of every second week. when he will be at 'Bogs, at Smith's hotel. Terms : $25 to insure, $4O per span., Bee posters ,for particulars. .0. J- WHEELER. WelleVinvn Mae !I 11171 gm • Administrators' ,6'oticc ETTERB 01' ADMINISTRATION baying ilk been gran t ed to t the undo/lined on the es tate of George M. 'Atherton, deceased, late of 'Charleston tow isbip, those Indebted to and those claims} against said estate, will sett!le *Wi r e , MARY ATRDRTON. , DATER ATIIEIVION, 0 a:lesion, 1t0y,31, /871 Ow liato!ro. NM =EMI IMEMII Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN El= AND DRESSING mg Sonic, all thole g claims r E, Adrn'x BOOT , AND SHOE STORE. ) ' rikERRY .i . FISRLER 'UM 13 now on hand a ,large )) stock 1606. edit• '. ' of Boots ' and Shoes, and rd•opose containing the infiOnfacinre of . '.... the sawn, at the shop lately oc copied by Fishier it. Randolph. They also pur poSe reducing prices on all goods 'and selling strictly , FOR CASIL, We keep a good assortment of 4 1 flats and Cops, ,BOOTS, BALMORALS, BOOTEES, BROGAN:: AI 1) • GALLIOA SK SI vrarrantedto flt any foot from NJ°, to 13 in ' elusive ' _ Cur Stook 01 FRENCH CALF,. FRENCH PER, SOI E , COMMON • LININGS, BINDING, • ROCCO, ,&C., will be kept np as -hereto , , On Find i ngs we Shall be foendi ways, and` 'we shall' endeavor tol eatisfaotory to I the' trade. Wo ,sold. 7.51-1 PAID , FOR HIDES. I •' cusrOm WORK I Done' ,promptly and well. Re:pairing done on dhoti notice. Drop in and he donvinced. ; ; • Dec. 14, 1870 —ly TO TUE "FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY.{ TAU now Wing at my manMfactory n Lawrenci: a superior • FANNING MILL ) Whichpossesliestfiti , folloWhigadvantagesover allothei I,ltseparaiesryo,oats',rat litter.audfoulseeds . mis chessand cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed,takes out yellow seed, and 41. other seeds, perfectly. f 3, It cleanatimothy seed . - 4. It does all othereeparatingrequired of a mill This mill IS built ela) beet and nioet durable tin, bar, In goodlstyle,and is sold cheap formai, or pro. duce. . ' I I will It t a patent stove, far eeparatUg Da tefrus, wheat,to othernifils,onressotfableterros. al AiAT.llEit Gawrenceville,Jal.l,lB7o-t f HARNESS SHOP. TIM UNDEIi , -ICtNED would Bay to the citi zone of Well:boro and vicinity that he hot , recently moved ovor Truman Brothertt Grocery Store with his Harness Shop In full operation on Crafter! Street;, between M i tti n and Water sts., where he is prefared to Drina 'facture all kinds of 1 Vr Double & Single ulrnesses ) In the beet style, and of the', b4st material • REPAIRING : DONE 'On'ilioit notice and good. employ the beet workmen, and use none but the best material, and am therefore prepared tp please all iNto want anything in my line. Nov. 9, 1370. WALKER & LATHROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS '( STOVES, TIN-:,WARE, BEATING, SIM, fiILEIVIi - WATER TAME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trirnings. HARNESSES, SADDLES, &F. I Oo ~._.- needs a Crial gs . be st.ppr crated. It will hem, fell, 80111111 tuck, bind, hilt, braid, embroider cord, gather and roll' and is the best nod elieg post machine for fan ly use ever offered to tLe public. The DOUBLE L CK ELAEPIEII STETCII .IklAl'llllh is superior ton others, for; the reason that ti sews direct fr la the spools anti TOEIlli fat 1:" winding of t end. It i/3 efielly Ittl.lUEled, and not liable t got out of orcle:.r. RM.'., / PETS s IYiSbing t ito I.IIITIIIIIIO a mart- I , •.`k , - - by all eons try his ono, iltcr-tu IA 311-g at otl e . Call oit, or uilil---,6 .a 4.'71 y New ilusie;Stare. - NT OW opened in Smith !Bowen's Meek, onti floor, n unisbarm.ffi where be hey on exhibition, and for :in 10, Steinway and oth6r Pianos, Cabinet Organ-, !ilia 1. ,•boia•t i ivetion Atusie. Now tou s io reevitfnl eve) t y to, , ath Lessons on Pia'. and Org.ro, and tor , ine:ar will bo givon oppos too tl): r praetieo atladol to kili..-o wtio to:t3 if : IV Toll D - iyolkboroj'ob t J .1111,1 . A ainmestralor's iVotioe. LETTEIiS OF ALNII,N,I'IItATtqN luf boon granted on the estate of Lit bat lon deroascd, hito or ttio,moi.d, tol,i,A,1 1 ., persons indebted to said ostato and tho,o bat lU claims against tbo Mall° Will Mit' ALLEN, A dw'r Richmond, April 26, 1 87:1 New Tobacco Store ! frilEl subscriber has fated up the Store tir.l I. door oast Thomas Ilarden , s dry goods stern for the manufacture and side of 610 20 1 S,(allgraqes),; Fancy and Gianior SMOKING TOBAccp,illich iganle' CHEWING, - acid all kind,l PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and cent Brand of CIO RS • !NT- Call and see for Yoursol es. JOHN W.1'1111:3E 1 Wollsboro, Jan'. 1, 1871—tf. TIUGA 111111 G STORE! EMMERT keeps constantly -1 hand: Purcii Drugs a neiticdici nes, Ohemioals, Paints and pils,Lang i, 0 _ Stationery, l'ankoo Notions .te• PRIIROBIPTIONS CAREFULLY' COMPOVNDED. BORDENBOBDE Vega, Mu 1,1871.- Iy. ICIP , UP CALF, EITM at home a 1• soil at prim n't to odcr• DERBY FIBBLER. W. ik. NEWCoNE 111 R. llAlllnl' Lambe Cretsh. i', MOE Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers