The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 31, 1871, Image 2

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4- z
P. i ., 111 ELDitii, idnor ' and Proprietor.
' --
Wednesday, Map 31 , 1871.
,• • -
o ' 6 C-1)AV115"811%101iii,--'
•-• or nthibfin:
0434'; 'RoI3ERT,- AB. BE APR,
• `.' • . ' •
italoifia body has burled in the
cemetery lot of a : lpi r;Ciltirr, tiho gave it
a (lecent'ehriAtinn hnriat "" 'in the inter-'
est s cif Rulciftl:geented
take gneli deep': interest in' prornbtingl" ‘
:;o Fay's filo' r ‘ tixt was
a kind thing tlir, flip" doctor .to .coo;,
the fact, thatbrAcqtained head
as a rorneip l it t rque9;•,,pppaltAysklllMe9 for
his goplinef4s ,of-boart. „That Itead;has
a truirW, vakup,:,ll,(ty,; dpißtyg ,Nirere
fered.for,itibeforo,itivas fairls7 eofd.
. • 1 t!'.... '.. --.: - 7 -, .• -. •
'F here , was Il i . itir,,,_row,in,Corning, on
May.:;:ist,,b4lv 4 mn,a : gang. of Corning
rougns,nd ill!! nmplpy'es !l ,o,f,n,R , Irons
enmitany,, c itil,a,,, litones, J knives and.
pistols w,ero mtk,t,silln. tharnost careless'
manner, opti Antr or five worn• stabbed,
two 'of them. dangerously. , The t , row
was tinaugarated by.. the:ronkhs, who
went in to r " chum. ont," i tli
e.olietts,- - A
few rritrlitti before this .nt lir, two' inel
were datigeronsly stabbed, cin'tl strhunx
affrays arr fi•t;6nent enrsfit.ll' t- maze
the town 01:iy. Corning will *oon he
~n titled tft city ettarfe...r. , ' , , .
... _:
l'il,F. cON_ , fENTION,
• ' _ -
1 \Yr plao. -,- pit the head of our paper
this week the Stl 'nnninces for Alall
tor tieneral nil prveyor '(7eneral.--,
Theseiiomlnatiion arc hailed with unl-
verHal catisfaetion hro ighout the State.
We shall:say wore Rh tit these then. in
1 Mitre, as they' have a rocqrd
,that will
toll for the ltepublieat a ih,:thc coming
/401 ttißt.
.. . ~
Both men have served their country
..v-ell, and one of them (Col. Beath) has
fort a leg on the battle field as a vouch
er The / 1 77.8.4 says, speaking of the
I'OlM - intim) : .
The 0:0 rAndirlatee. thou are ail that could
he .I...;ircti. Ruth posseed in an eMinent degree
tit" ultunents of popularity, and will poll a full
next 1011. The unanimity with whleh they
worn newt will ho repeated by the people.
The 1. tenant!) ..f the C.:invention endorsing
p (I. •01)11i administration, and pledging
rho :ripport et the state to him in 1g72, will moot
slob a'irerty r. sponse In the hearts of the loyal
people \ No other man commands so much the
estcom of the 'weld°, and none has ever ntimin
r torod their affair-4 more Satisfactorily."
it may not he a mttfter of importance!
niost qf us, personalty, whether Mr.
: 4 tantoti be elected Auditor General anti'
Col. Beath Surveyor General, or not.—
But let no Republican excuse . himself
for not votiogo4 that ground.. It is of
the first inipoitance that we carry the
election next that we be able-to
, lironit•le a Republican victory. The
prinligc of such a victory will help ma
to.l tally - iu currying the State for a Re
publican Pretittent in 1879, and no true
Republican r. excusable for neglecting
a political ditty that will tend to bring
about that evi.sitt.
Hon. John Cessna addressed the Con
vtstition in an eloquent speech, in which
he said
" The recces: , of the Republican party in the
suction, as in times pact, depends
moth upon the action of us ia the Keystone
t•ztate The cause is doing its best, after fail
tng in the, battle held, to sl i vered at' the ballot
box. Let the Ittpublicans )0 united and solid
for the great principles for which thousands of
patrietq 10 , 4 their lives, and for which Abraham
Lincoln died L.•t nr begin the fight right in
' All eye, , , Rant, West, North and south, aro
, cotcred apon the Republican party of Pennsyl
vania that it will proieht proper
eindelittee, apt in honest, straightforvwci radb
nrl riatf ,, rtri. Pennsylvania cannot turn her
hark upon thn greet cause for which so much
and traltutim have been spent. The DemO
craoy tiro united in favor of 'wiping out the:thir
teenth, fourteceth anti fifteenth amendments, al-
though thoY aro oftiticl to avow it before on eke
tion. If the Republicans win this frtil', they Wtl
have an easy conquest in 1872.."
In his remarks responding to the no
minati2n, Mr. Stanton remarked :
"Inasmuch as the Stato elections of this fit
wilt Thout the politioal drift, as they 'tail) fore
shadon• those of I 572, they eon scarcely beideent
cd of less importance. Our victory this fell will
secure the re-election of President Grant.
" It IS true the war is ovcr, and the armies of
the South arc crushed and ecatterod. The prod
igal Fens have returned to their father's mansion,
and are partaking of their share of the fattened
call ; hut, unlike the prodigal of old, they still
cherish their old feelings of animosity and rebel:
lion. The party illaioh crushed the rebellion
shoitid remain inrpower until the spirit et trea
son i. dead; until the gond work i thoroughly
and completely accomplished beyond the possl•
hility of being undone; until at leak our gone-
ration of rebels hair gono; until the youngest
Fnltli or'r. orphan whom our Stitt° i 3 (idurating has
grown old - enough to vindicate. et the ballot box
the principles for which his father died; until
our wasted commerce is restorod, and the last
cent of tho nation's War debt paid until tho last
t , lavolmbler or his heir who might claim pay from
the Governmont for an emancipated ;any', rani
the In”: speculator in Confederate bends, have
eons where they may, justly present heir elaitnr
In the, vreat paymnster of iniquity."'
Captain filmfeldt arrived at Wash- .
ington on the 24thinstant, baying com
pleted a survey of the Tehuantepec
route. 'Pile route has Inion thoroughly
surveyed,-&. Capt. S. says that an inter
oceanic canal can be made across that
isthmus at a cost which the importance
of the work will justify.
We ore not so sure f it. We have
same`heard ' that before; and a
ship c nal—ono that will pass our full
rigged, largo, deep, draught cl ip per
ships, from oeean to ocean—is a bigger
institution than most landsmen are
nware of. Such a canal calls cor condi
tions and capabilities quite 'unfiebessary
in an ordinary canal capable Of passing
vessels of 200 tons.' And why doea no•
body sugh'est an ordinary canal? Such
a canal could lie ! finished ' and turned
over to the use Of . commerce for a tenth
of what a canal would coat Capable of
passing a Cape Hornclipppr through ! ,
and, what is of more,e,onsequenco, wo'd
be perfectly feasible in a country where
the other would be practiCally impossi
The commercial capacity, even it no
larger than the Erio canal before itit en
larp;er6nt, would far tMnseendanr, call
likely to he made on it within the lext
fifty years ; if it wore of, the
make and model of the enlarged
centuries would pass before ,commerce
wo;jld find it " insuftclent. One of thp
requisites for a canal anywhere, isure
and sufficient 'supply of water At the
summit. Th'e supply wldeh must be
hag gel
nal wh
;I?eing 1
e . ha
big, on(
need - fi
- 14. 1 0 g
ports t
on •thk
Luting! an - kbe,Aielli - e,attlili .IWla
a rea
4 1 1'sVeY91'1 , 0/. 1 t0 5 79 411 , ir gfi Pr.:44o9lNYeart
ing party. •,qr;e
four men. and mk,-,Pilicer ,being able :to
,reaph theAumtnit. ?If this be "triievthe
canal can be made only at a fearful ex.
Poliso ,415 lifQl.urucmg •Avorklur
shiprimiters , ,,TvilLuot be gre
voii of' lonte which (Beattie
ntrLiitee"tvhpdtirelt:'Perbnp r
is feneihie, ihtt hew Pie ships(
• ? ' heti , Yeti talk
a m'etintriiri through ( vhi
lofty shipfi, - yon talk nopsen ,
never be cleric:
, ~.
• '
Xs neither' head nor ,aloe]. - , . . .
past tcyci wpelcs,liayq,en r
Oat' li3 wlili them. _ Bikootin
. . .
tolerably good in soveral l fij
whipping . and ",W arming ..1
every : day .r.oceurrence. -s-S1
been rather more exalting 1
'owing to the-fact-that some
tedlJntoniste have got 'tit'
Shooting bathe:,"'' .
' ' p, 4 •
011441%61r - 4y, May 13, 0
kldx, numbering rihout - 9)21'
"'Visited" Simeon Voting,
ry, , fio,ilth Carpiina,.and a ,!1
respontiont . gives Abu follow
of tile visit :,
A. ... . ..
"Thirty of the gang entered the yard - and snr
rotinded the hoese; the. others r ins t inct' in the
mid. '.'hope about the bro o that sash of
t h e w i e dh l y of -Mr. Young's bedro m, and throw
in n lighted turponting ball, that they might see
'Co Ahont Young Fprang out o bed, and ,had
presence of mind enough-to smot er the Minnie
at once with a blanket. Thre More blazing
balls were thrown in, aniln volley Wallfired thro'
the windOw and tho deer. Mrs. v r oung was hit
in the-back, and a child,Wa s in bed with
her, was wounded in both logs.l -.Mrs. Young's
wound is honeyed .to fie fatal. The assassins
then' broke We "door down., A they entered,
'Young shot the foreniqt,' and instantly aprons
through the window. Illosran thtetigh the batik
yard and leaped the Once, }lmply rig two re s volver
shots in the leg; but ho • sumps to the woods,
where he lay coneciffed MIDI Mnday, when ho
returned to town and took the t ain for Colum
bia. Thn Kuklux left Yining' house immedi
ately, and made a descent upo tho houses of
David Harlstook, another 'count Commissioner,
and also upon that of a tri Justice, named
. Long.; but these men, warned y the - firing at
ri ? ,
'Youhg's made their escape. The ICuklux then
loft he i.own, impressing a her o and buggy to
enrr off the wounded man, wh m they le ft , rhow
ever at a house four miles aw y. On Monday
the iTheriff took a posse ' eaptu ed the wounded
desperado, who. was found to b a gambler and
tavern loafer well knciwn in New erry, and lodged'
him in jail. Ills wound is rove o, and ono of his
legs :will have to be amputated, If he does not.
dle, and be can be brenght to t ial, it is hoped
ho will,impliiiate the other elm era of the gang."
The following rerrinika on these vil=
lains; by the same eorr spondent, ap
pear to us sound and reas nable. Also,
they are in accordance 'w th the general
sentiment 'of the hatter p rt of theBou
v them press :
, -
"Already in sumo districts tt
are as ofeabl of the iCultlux as
grecs.. The:editor of in ifp=tio
paper said, the other day, that
to denounce the Klan in his. co
dare to do so for fear they Nil
against • him. The same fee
adoption of any efficient meal
1 and punishment of ruffians, of
mon in the communities they I
glad to be rid'. Tho perfect in.
luuns enjoy, leads theta to' co
with no other , reotlve than to
appetite for, cruelty, which i
the ammeter of the lower
We have preserved al
rages for the past three
ing to condense end pub l
they are too numerous,
cupy some two columns
give the attack on Mr
of the worst specirhens
the INt. There are ni
bad, • In Winnsboro,
two old men nearly to
down and (shotthe coi
besides other outrages.
of 'Newberry, speaking
that visited, Young an
sevoroly, Frt :
" The entire CornmLniiy de lore the committal
of thin net, and partieulacir
at this juncture;
when the county rested in I
. ofound peace, an
the hope was entertained; in, spite 'of the ugly
occurrences taking place eiseithere that nothing
of the kind would or could conspire to. disturb
its quiet
We close OAS nieage
outrages in, South earn
extracts from the Tribz!
ent, premising that he
respondent whom tho
quoted, and lauded, fo
pose. Ho says':
" Thorn i a condition of
ono Who has niwaysi lived w
toil, to comprehend. livery
weapon carrits ono, and
sleep without placing a gun!
n,r, if ho is tno poor to buy
from Ma he&
"1 wag ar , imred by a ma
oially and politically, that
late Convention in Co lumbi
and when it i.; considered t 1
most pari'gravo old mon, w
pose of devising moans for
this fact vielt illnatrates th,
fooling ei - uncaainces and a!
"The hotter eltinses hate , nd despise the State
government; the poor whites, ignorant and cow
ardly, hut cruel and revongefal, detest the no
grocs as their rivals in labor and polities; the
timid, superstitions and ig orant nogroes distrust
the whites, anti always fee that an attempt will
bo made to remand them to slavery; incompe
tent and dishonest men hada been placed in a
fice by the well-meaning nogroos; mysterious
and murderous Kuhlux gangs go about the coun
try ; the State government is we k and vasoilla—
ting; and many of its Mllep s are ore intent on
filling their pockets than u on on arcing the laws
and protecting the citizens '
Not the sort of corn try t encourage
innJgration, we 8/10 Id imagine.
"- Our exchanges coin laden with gos
sip and opinions con erning the' Sea
atesa action regarding the 7Wbune cOr
respondents who pro ured the .text of
the treaty, and furnished the same to
the Tribune, in seed e manner to the
Senate unknown, 'l3 it assumed to be
or, at least, highly dishonor
able. ' ' '
: •
The press throughout the country—
with few excePtionsk-sides 'With the
7Vibuno, and the leading Senators are.
posed to the investigation ; Messrs.
Sumner and Wilson both moving that
the prisoners be diacharged from custo
dy ; but Conkling; Carpenter and nth- -
ers,were riot tote Put i dovin.• ' Both trio-'
tione were defeated lunder the rules;
and in the evening,( ay 22) tbe . lnyes z
tigtitlng Corndiittee eld a stormy-ses-
Alon, in which. the,: ibune says OW
"syrpassed - all pre lona attemp t at
supporting' their,dlg ity. ,, , Meantime,
the reporters are hay ng a i r riice time of
it, b eing well fed, w; I likoPiZed, and ha"
r j....r; 14 r t
hers nearly as
they whipped
eath, knocked
nty Treasurer,
The local paper
of the party
his family so
a9count of the
Initi with:a' few
nets correspond
, s the same con.
World recently
his " candid ex-,
1 society difficult for
ere lam are respec•
ody who can buy a
'obody lies down to
or rovolvor, or an
• rearms, within reach
of prominence, Bo
vc.ry member of thel
carried a reOlver;
!at these wore for the
lie met for the pur
securing tranquility,
extent to which .the
'prehension prevails.
likl,l4lM-kPX,P,agtg,,,if 1t 4 14:41,YA
POsSdasion . If lifeihfng Wald be made
imprisonment for life, or even -,forty
years," their Itirtunes would *rattier
envleklei; i ' * --, , ,
, ;erkea44y is t A, higie s i t
ahiferkise4entlhat 4 jell
te i thii lot of
4 (140,"naw,e14eq,„4 - 4P i sii: an lga"
Wheel , . 'ills - n finslindf rearingmat
ter, a full of celehfity,,Aud laughter for
a month. The treaty itself occupies
---- ' ----- much - less sp - iie - elnliii — co - in — m — ris 011 — clui
exchanges. A few editors—who didint
get the " advance sheets" of the treaty
ecimpare te edllora ofithellrlbtineto
i i
receivers of tolen goods, who are mov.
T ing heaven and/earth in defense of the •
pieves. It is high moral groUnd ;—but
:yi'e are a trifle In-doubt abont• the posi.
Aleh, while' Having no doubt as to what
these 'same 'editors wouild belie - done
could they have' procured'the treaty by
eimilar 'melina--__whatever the means
may hale been. ----------_.
The press generally fayers :the Adop
tion a the yeat,y, l aud it is` ilitely,'the
Bentde may ratify' it, l)ef•;ro wego to 1
Prees• • 4 01
._e9410t 11 .1 4 91ne /01 3 00,tion•
heswev9E.-..' uen-pu,tier , 0111) 08 e 4 Itt/Yehe -
then tki, 7 4 x O
He coplaine thatthe hshery
cOnc,essions are/worth next to nothing,
compared to the privileges we are °ail
, ,
eq ?wit) concede, and eeems to think
the/ treaty a tricky deieuruent, gOtten up
for, the purpose of 'heating'us in 'the
game of diploinacyt ‘'llirolij cote to
" leaving it out" to Dan Pedro, of Bra
zit,, claiming that the 'Emperor is lnint
lea' tathe United States: • He, objects,
also,to the other arbitrators, 6000se
their subjects May have claims, against
us. , 1
Is a
0; And
'tiy in fa
two 'out
- tfuit iolitn
to kiithto',
f tunnel-'
li to pas's
e. 10411
tier bpay
has been
tes, ,while
I are :of
outing -has
han / usu al,ul.
it the - hun
the 'way Of
The ,Tribaaocalle the treaty !‘ frank
And cardial agrearnent, between
groat nations." ,In Canada .opinion .fa
divided, and. in the New... Dominion
there is a .bitter feeling against the trer
ty". The Halifak - (Nova"Seotla) chron
icle is furious: It says:
" N'Ve entertain no doubt that'it will be ratified
at Ottawa. The Globe and sintie . of the opposi
tion will protest against it,; but .thp empty trea
sury of Canada and the immense field for jobbe
ry and patronage, which' the money will place at
the disposal of the corrupt Macdonald-Cartier
government, will be suf fi cient to insure Its ratifi
cation. Nova Scotia will haie to look on and
bear the loss, unless driven by thislait end crow
ning injury to take the law into her own hands
and assffit her own rights to her, own property.—
Ncit - one-v is said in the protocol about the
renewal of reciprocal fide trade with the' United
States. , When the Americans are willing to
grant us that privilege, then we shall be willing ,
to allow them free access tri our fishing growids.
But Sir , John A. Macdonald' and the Ottawa . Gov
ernment roust be made clearly to understand that
this province will never agree to sell out the fish
eries to the Americans'for Allred sum of money.
We ioill,not give them op without violence."-
_ Since the above was written, the trea
ty' has been ratified bya heavy major
ity—five to one. The English an d
American presses unite in commending
-o 4undre'd,,
In ZTimberr
ing account
The Red Man is in Washington again,
begging, as usual, for presents, and,
this time, for green )asks. The Red
Man is represented b " several chiefs of
different nations, nn . their names are
" Little Raveb," " Fowder Face" and
" Chief Bird," of the Arapahoes; "Lit
tle Robe" and "Stone Calf," of the
Cheyennes ; and " Buffalo -Good," of
the Wachitas. • -
Wis the old story of presents, .beg
ging, speech-making and Indian prom,
lees which mean nothing.
Buffalo Good said , he had a white
man's coat and pants on, but. had no
greenbacks In his pocket, and would
like some to take home and show his
friends. That's our case, exactly ; we
want some greenbacks to a h o w our'
friends; and we are just as "good In
dian" es Buffalo Good; let alone that
We never amused our leisure hours by
scalping Uncle Samtiel's children, or
stampeding government mules. Also,
we have " been cheated by traders ;"
though we think we have done less
cheating ourself than any red skinned
scalpist of them all.
o lending citizens
,ro pm poor, no
nintry 'Democratic
#3 would be glad
utnns, but did not
ula use ylolenee
ing prevents the
tires for the arrest
whom all honest
r/prosent would be
linunitY these vil
i mit many crimes
;rattly that brutal
a leading trait In
pass of Southern
st of * these out
eeks, , intend
ish them ; bu
nd would ()e
a space. We
Young, as one
f brutality on
Seriously, are not these muscular,
feather-legged savages about as well
able to earn the% own subsistence as
the working men of our country are to
earn it for them? And is there any
reason why the law of "work or starve"
should not apply to them as well as to
thousands of white laborers?
The upper strata of New York society
is moved to its foundations, by a very
common event—and a sensible o n e,
withal. This is nothing more than the
marriage of an ayer a g e, well-to-do
yoimg man with a plump, good looking
young. woman. Ah 1 but the young
woman's name is Dynehart ; her father
" works a farm on shares," we are told ;
while the name of the-bridegroom is
Astor—Henry Astor, son of William
D., who is a New York millionaire.—
Aye, there's the rub. And the father
hastens to Rhinebeck Just In time to
not prevent the wedding, which op
posed to the best of his ability s—and
all Now York is agog, because a young
man has married a fine young woman
on whom he had set his heart. The
young man has a heart, evidently,
which is an extra hazardous thing for
an Astor, and quite unbushaess-like, as
the father thought, and said, in effect.
Fortunately, the young man is rich, In
dependent, and may , do as he pleases.—
That-he did not choose to tie himself to
a weak-spined bundle of milliner's fix
ings and a brown stone front on Fifth
avenue, rather inclines us to think him
the wisest Astor of them all.
The Washington Chronicle has the
following notice of a new temperance
"The Temperance Monitor, a' miniature sheet
just started in New York, argues that drunken
ness is a crime, and should be punished by 'not
loss than" thirty daye' imprlionment and hard la
bor for the first offense, Sixty for the second, and
one year, either in prison or an inebriate asylum,
for the third.'" t
That. Monitor ought t have .100,000
subscribers. It is sailhig on'the right
tack : it goes for punishi(ng: . the crimi
nal, instead of offering im syMpathy
as a " poor inebriate," 4 victim 'of un
controllable 'appetite," " rittneeller's ,
prey," etc. We never hapPened to see
a man drunk on whisky. poured down
his throat by any one - but himself;, and
in nine cases out of ten, the rowdy gets
himself up deliberately on.. whisky,
simply to increase his normal capacity
for - cussedness. He wishes to do an
amount of deviltry that transcends his
natural powers of meanness, and he
knoWS that nothing-will give so much
btiescdness to the square inch as ben
zine whisky. He goes in E,Lcoordingly ;
—and when he has bruta lly murdered
a wife, child, or neighbor,. we are trea
ted to a dismal dissertation on the evils
of rumselling. It always seemed toms
that the fault Was rather in rum.drink.
log, In the pariah fltatee, the 3321411
tb jatratir trttnutesa - viar , -
ho next appears among Ids fellow men,
it is with a ohasiened air of having
been un4ar,dlsplpitikf, t9tl le,cereFul,
about a oioir.,oftiSgi:'-'-'1'34.,, pi4e,*
try the iiiirtfice 4 , l4 - ith 4.,19 31 k,s cre
have a notion; thet the, tpinii4-4 , 0
work well in this Seatfnit. - -
_____ _ • I._- , ;
, - Which , con traryv to all ; predictLi
ns, f
,has held out for'ntoriths,isatiest - wied '
out - -hy,- superior - ‘numben3,-_-Jt . wawa.
wicked Commune ;;
. but net sn atrocious
fls the old, long establised and fearfUlly
oppressiVe line of rulerS whichopiniess
ed the 'people loithe duet for in ny Wea-'
.ry centuries. - It lias Wrestled O its / fall,
however l'iind noielet-us
'thehai 'tile'
Will . effeet niward ea=
tabliiiiinent of 'nsfable riikUblic. ' Iri`ha
21-ibune of May 2 4
, `says .:' . , ,
" Paris is once mare in
,the handi of
France. The national army,
,to, the
nainber, it is stated, , of 89,00p,,biii 00-,
oupiod,the entire iv estern,sh4, southern
Hne 0 4 - 09!ises, and has•taken pOsSess-.
lon of the olty,from,t46'l•Te.ailly, pate
to the Boulevgd . datiittalisni: , TIM re
volt has clhnhed the 13111 of Montmartre .
'and still struggles in Belleville, init ths.
left bank of the §eine, the hoine,Of for
nier emeutes, is lathe handspf the gov.l
.. eriimenti and,the,E,splanade of the In
valides is ocoupled,by tbeitroops4mer_,
sallies. The government feels 0 owt
ough to indulge, in eongratulaticuie in
the Assembly, and bills have , been in
troduced to, rebuild, the demolished chtt
piii and monuments.','
MI 24.—Greatliires are
raging in. Paris ih all direptions. r
The have,Tuilleries, 140 n ohtirely
burned &rash. ,
14. r, Dvaugs,, May 24.--4,-After 4 bride ,
hilt the fighting In Parts re-comme nced
yesterday, continuing paightl', The
troops of Ge,herals Donal and N inoy
surrounded the Tuillerics, Louvre and
Place Vendome. Desperate fighting
followed, the federals slieputing every
inch of ground. At daylight these po
sitions still remained in .the hands of
the federals. A,combined aSsault of all
the troops is now going on.. : 1
"Evening.—This has been the most i
terrible day for Paris. The city is bur-,
Wing in many places, and the destruc
tion of a great part. of the, cenral and
eastern districts is inevitable' The , '
Communists still hold the districts be
tween Place Vendome,44 Ttillieries
and Belleville. Tho tro,opa are !Mowed
down by fire from windews„barricades
and mitrailleuse, but are steadily gain
ing ground. The slaughter is awful.
VERSAILLES, Miiy 25.—Dufing the
last few days ten thousand Prisoners
were marched through Versailles, in
cluding a company of the Aninzons of
the Seine and a battalion of atriotic
ST. DENNIS, May 25.--Fighting has
ceased. The Versaillists have Complete
possession of the city. The conflagra
tions are nearly all extin g uish ed; they
in all cases were the shells of
the Versaillists. Most of the! precious
works are safe in the vaults.
Last.night and to-day, the troops re-"
fused te; give quarter, and hint' all who
fell into their hands.
VERSAILLES, May 25, Night.—Arch
bishop Darboy, ten hasttiges and nearly
fifty priests were murdered ocild
blood at the Mazas prison on e Tueiday
night. Several leaders of
mune were shot to-day, after hi
by a drumhead court ma'rtial.
Since noon a strong' . son
wind has prevailed, threatent
tire city of Paris with destruct .
inio riAanknoratin elonventi • n inert at
Harrisburg on the 24th iof Bilay. The
Convention paskied a set of cautious res
olutions, abd:nominated G.0n... William
111'Candless for Auditor General; and.
Captain John H. Cooper foil Surveyor
GeneraLlThe resolutions contain about
the average amount of Democratic bun
combe on "bayonet-force bills," " cor
rur registry laws" and "centraliza
ti, n.r The resolution referring to la
bor And capital has an excellent clause .
'WIC to our thinking, and we reprint it
in'part. The clause to which we refer
reads as follows :
"We are unutterably opposed toitho Importa
tion of a 'Servile race.for the purpose of degra
ding the standard and lowering the • position of
the laboring men of the nation."
This is sound doctrine, hough the
wording is bad.. J:ohriCiiinsman is not
introduced " for the purposecif degrad
ing the standard and lowering, etc."—
He is imported by 'greedy capitalists,
that he may add to theirains. But!
the " lowering"land "deg rading" ele
ments are inberents lof the miserable
plan, which is but a vile enbstitute f 0
slavery—and peonagelat best. It sho'd
be put down for all time.l We utterli
fail, however, to appreeiate the consist.'
envy of a party which advocates the'
exclusion of the cheap labo er, while it
favors the admission of hiti work in the
shape of manufactured a 'cies, duty
free. It strikes us, that if e must have
him inccompetition with our better paid
artisans, we might as well have him to
help consume and pay f t r our, bullEY
producte that will not bear traesportai
tion to distant ports. 13u we do not
want him or his produc onfq, to anY
great extent. 1 We are' a nation of and
by ourselves;--suilicient unto enrselvei,
too, if we would but so deelde.L Amer
ica is and should be a preeddent (et the
nations—not a follewei 0* precedents.
Democratic views, of the 4 1 nendments-1- 1
Opinktps of the Editors - oil .two Done
erotic Papers.
The Cleveland /:, , /ciin haler speaks
as follows. ' '
However much frand, .t.rce and cor
ruption were practiced in procuring the
adoption of these amendments, they
are now apart and parcel Of the consti
tution, and the Damocratip' State Con
vention, we have no doubt, will have
the wisdom to confine its iwork to the
living issues before the people. There
is no use frittering away the life and
strength of the Democretio party in
endeavoring to accomplish what is be
yond the range of perasth Wes of suc
cess for the accornModati nef its j ene 7
And that is what the IC Fitucky Dem
oeratic State Central Committee said,
and the Democratic State Central Con
vention applauded to theiecho :
The Democratic party does not pro
pose to disturb the Thirteenth Amend
ment, but the party does oppose the
Fourteenth and Pifteentfi c endrnents.
they are' not issues settle by . the' war.
They are measures forco on the States
by fraud and coercion on the part of the
dominant party, and are not binding,
whether accepted by the Dernoartie
party or.not.
And this is what the edalia (*o.)‘
Demborat says of the same amendments
and 'the_ Democratic altitude toward
them: • : " •
"To say that the Denweisep Intend
, WARrklir
Balt' nn .s• - aisert• - w - every
well informed DemoCrat knows to be
false. lAre ; intend to purify the en
preme 349W* , of the country, and
cattFtsitOd have then set 1044 k
Thislettheitym)94 of the Dement/0y(
Andithere is tio`iked to disguise it- 'and
it ie right
Jeft-Davis =ow oThe loot Cause."-'
3 •
`The Nefinct (410 PiplEt'tsito a PAO&
complete account of the recent
Of Marion Davis ' Pace than
that which • Wei serit,' , Nerth:' Aele-
graph. It seems that he did not, as
the dispatchatated,,decline to express
himself .on public affairs; bnt, em.
boldened under the inspiring influence'
'of the New Hanipshire' , election, pro
claimed not only, his unchanged Rebel,
feelings, but his eingUirii, hopes fora
resuscitation of the "lost l eanse." - Th
Press says : ' '
"About 11 o'cleek a, brass band appear,.
ed on Alabama at., in front of the hotel;
accompanied by a crowd of two or three
hundred people.. . I _lll6-band discoursed
"The Bonny Blue. Flag. Wand 'on the
cessation of the Oleic,' loud calls were
made for "Davis," ,"Davis."
,In answer
to the call, the chief of, the failen Con
federacy appeared on the balcony, and
addressed the crowd for about. 10. min
utes in a strain of impulsive.eloquencei
,which told with powerful effect upon
hie hearers. He con/mended by corn
plimenting, in general Wins; the people
of Alabama. He said iod always
loved them, and now felt that he could
rest in peace with then/ forever. They
were bone of hiaboneand flesh .of his
. fiesh. Alabama and 'hie own State of
Mississippi were yet 'one' in principle;
as they once had been one in territory.,
Their people had sent forth their sons
to battle on the same fields for their
rights and , E4ates., „But,' asked, the
speaker with bitteremphasis, are they
states now ? . - ket.proceeding in an' ex
ulent tone, he declared that State sov;
ereignty, although defeated in the late .
struggle, will ultimately triumph'; its
day of success might not come in his
time, but he would live and die in the
' belief that it would surely -triumph.—
He declared that no people one earth
had ever Ea/flexed as bad- the' Southern
people since, the surrender of the South::
ern armies,.and he loved them for the
fortitude with which they had, borne
the oppresSion heaped tipon - theni. He
had always been willing to give his life
for his people, and - now, if any Yankee
power wanted hie blood to attone for
any action of the Southern people, they
could take it. On UM the Government
had done its worst, and for himself he
did not care, but for the sake of the
people whom he loved, he- , would for
bear to express more fully the feelings of
his heart. He never had asked pardon
for what he had done, and he nerer
would, for he felt that he had done no
wrong. Mr. Davis concluded amid t he
applause of the crowd, which had loud
ly cheered the salient points of his
speech. As he retired, the band struck
up "Dixie." ,
Among the captives taken at Moulin .
Saquet, outside Paris, was an interes
ting looking young woman, in the uni
iorm,Of a can tiniere. Her story is that
some months ago she became the wife
of a young man, who after the breaking
out of the fcivil war was forced to serve
in the ranks of the insurgents. For
eight days she was without any tidings
of him: and in her despair she adop
ted the uniforni in which she was
wounded and captured, in order that
she might visit all the, outposts in
search of her husband. She had not
suneenriarl In finding him, mud she does
not know whether he is living. Had
she been successful she would have
died by, his side rather than 'have been
separated from himagain. The wound
this heroine received is only slight, and
everything is being done to promote
her recovery.
he Com
eing tried
ng the en
' •
AVONDALE.—Another terrible 041=4 ,
has, happened at the coal mines—the
Pittston this time. The west Pittston
shaft caught fire, and the miners were
cut off from all supplies of wholesome
air. Eighteen dead bodies have been
brought to the surface, and the end is
not yet. A Pittston despatch says
The shaft of one of the mines is on fire,
and all the miners are inside, none can
escape. Eighteen have escaped, more
may be saved. '
,An 'advertisement was sent to the
_Cleveland Herald office, on a recent oc
casion, in which • occurred the words,
" The - Christian's Dreain : No Cross,
No Crown." 'The compositor made it
read, "The Christian's' Dream :' N o
Cows, No Cream."
We clip the following', frOm the N. Y
:Tribune of May 23d :
The Erie mystery ' still perplexes
Wall et. The prevalent impression ap
pears to be that Thomas A. Scott of the
Pennsyldania Central is negotiating
with Gould and Fisk, and that the lat
ter, being forced nearly to the wall, are
•simply etruggl ing - for the best obtain
able terms, hefore relaxing their hold
upon the road. Meanwhile it would
seem that Commodore Vanderbilt is
actively engaged In manceuversladverse
to Gould and Fisk, and some say it is
about an even chance as to whether
Erie will finally be absorbed by: the
Pennsylvania Central or the New-York
Centr 1 monopoly. At all events, the
mere rospect that Gould and Fisk are
about o lose the power of, manipula
ting rle stock as may suit their pur
poses gives it a buoyancy In the mar
det such as it has not known for a long
COURT.--Th 6 regular session of the
May term of Court commenced here on Monday
last, and will continue two weeks.. The attend
ance oo far is moderate, although the trial and
argument lists are larger than usual.
TRZI LITTLE CORPORAL for done clone volume
twelve of this valuable JuVenlle. The nextounn
ber begins a new volume, slnd also a new story,
by that best of writers for children, Emily Bunt
lust= Miller, entitled, "Bummer Days at Kirk
wood." All new subscribers beginning with the
new volume Will receivialte June number free.
Terms, 81,50 a year, or 76 cents for six months.
Address John E. Miller, Publisher, Ohiengo, IIL
Tas NottasnY—for June, is on our table, and
Ls adellghtful numbei. ' It le 'one of the beet
ohildiens' ?devalues published, - and is earnestly
inquired after by the little folks: It is hand
somely illustrated, and printed in large type.
Yearly subscription $1,50, Published by J. L.
Bhorey, Boston, Mass.
bright specimen ever vigorous, Lively, and a
breast of the times; it contains sketches,
John Oft/linens , Pounder of the ' Woman's Col
lege; Pursuits requiring strength ; •How my fu=
tare wa revealed to me; Man, his Origin and
Develo ement ; Equal Pay for Equal Labor;
Miz.l47}Marriages—Jews and Christians; The
man about Town ; Taste and Economy in Dress;
Rood for Thinkers and Workers; In : the Mam
moth C 490 ; J. N. Hutchings, of :Yosemite Rai
ley ; Criminals, how to Treat and Reform Them ;
The means and the object of Education; My
Captivity among the Indians; ' The Traveller.
With portraits and other illustration-Price 80
pts. The July Number Comment:mita new vol.
unto, so that the present is the'timc to subscribe,
$8 a year.
Address S. B. 'Warm, 889 Brosdwsy, N. T.
, •
; R , ...NOWARlatlightlaVianli.,-Mui!uw,ad ,
'' - ---. - the - 8;4 it 11. R. Lan&
1 i
The "Burlington Ratite," lIQ VOW, lies right
in the path of the Star of Emplie. lii runs almost
inunediately Litim ‘ cointei.of t i lfelimit .westward
movementof itipigrution.:' , prosilng Illinois and
lonia, Oh :strikes
,Alie iiiispurl -tiVoi. -at three
peintefi ' 1:-.:': '-- : .'` ' ! '•:‘.1:, - -
'.. -12 h (4 0 4 ,Ittre*POItifs ariAie gateways into three
great miot k one oeihe trans-Missouri region.
'Theati - ithorn gate is Omaha, where the great
..reolfluzoad-suilLtaltigusu to ritaiand_otsold and,
grapes, sunny cun' -- 11.41ii, diiiiiinitiaTiiii - mu:
Tee middle g to is Plattemouth, 'which opens
1 upon the south elf of Nebraska, south of the
Platte river, a eglon unsurpassed on the cant!-
' lient fdragtflOtt tare and gracing,: ~ Tuschere --are
the B. ii. M. Broad `lands, concerning which
Geo. B. Hariii, tveund 'bilker at . Burlington,
Bi l bt
lowa, can give you all information, and in the
heart of them i -Lincoln, the State Capital and
present terrain. prof Abe road, • _ '
' - The Southern gatelpida in Naume, by sonnet,-
Alois with the St. Jon Bead; at liainburg, run
ning direct to St:: osi and Kansas City.
The inins of the Burlingtoniun smoothly and
•safely, ankinike.o44mikectiondill runs the best
of coaehes, - pullinsti:Piilads and Philmdm„dining
cars, and should yeti 'fake - the journey fOr the
journey's sake alone, yon,wili be repaid; or take
it top find a home ors farm, and yon cannot find
either better than..urnott& th e 11 . d:, I\i, lands,
where you can !My, on ten years' credit, and at a
/ow' price.. Mfirthi loth .. ,
... , .
1 V. &Internal . Revenue Tax.
N.OTRIE is hereby giVen, that tho Annual
,List of Tax - Oiler 1871 are now due. All
persiiii owing thelJnitid States for Taxes in
Tioga CoPuty, are requested to call at my oflioe
over Wm. Adams's'Otore, in Mansfield, on or be
fore the 16th day of June -next; and pay their
ladebtedriaes, of chats will be made.'
Owing ii:the radubtion Of theiTaxOs, I shall
noebapt differout itlaces in the :lEfolitify to rocoiva
ps heretofore, as_the amount to, collect is
smith •;-';• ; .e' Win. E. ADAMS,
Matisflold, May 28, 1871-3 w. 1/... Co
[Ail persons esindinitaiineY by' distil, must en
elose.atticesOent•poetage stamp , tor, return re
/ '
w a i / 41V d r, . 7
• „.41.0e:
Itas now in stook, and will keop constantly
j 111: on hand, at tho lowest market quotations.
Wo"ol TOnn, 2 44, 4 ply cotton & jutetwine.,
Marlin 2, 3 do 4 strand.
Knowla pat. Step Laddor,,frOm 3 to S ft.
for gumming ouvro.
A fall aesortment of Lake. Huron , & Berea
Canal Wheel Barrows
its any,Ontlt#y.
from 1 inch down.
No 1 4t no 1 extra engine pit:
A complete assortment.of
House Builders and
H_ ausehold Hard
constantly on band.
Bottom pions on
Come in and take a look, get tho figures a.d
see how it is yourself, and oblige
Yours Truly
Ma y 24, 1871.—tf
The Singer
Singer at the Head.
127,833 sold in 1870:-,
86,781 sold in 1869.
Woman's best "filiend.
59'629 Isola in 1868.
It never Tires Out.
43,053 eold in 1870
TT is the best abused machine, and the beet
machine abused in the wide world. Try it
and you will like it, It never disappoints. Tho
above facts speak louder :than words of praise
by us.
E. W. 110GABOQM,
. (long Agent for Tioga county.
N. B.—Machines delivered to purchasers free
of charge.
Mansfield, May 24, 1871 y
THE subscriber offers for sale his farm of 56
acres, pleasantly situated in Catlin Hollow,
Charleston, Ttoga county, Pa.; within about four
miles of WeHobos° and two miles of Niles Val
ley depot. School house, church, mills, shops,
&0., within a mile. Terms easy. Inquire on
the premises, of C. Q. CATLIN.
May 17, 1871. tf
F 51 I
P 1 '
LB BB TAKB NOTICE, that I am , new
- reo tying direct from New York, a fan hall
oomple assortment of - 1
• ,
Spring Goods,
Notions, Boots, Shoes,
My stook of
Laces, Embivideries and White
goods, (Ice,
are unusually full, which I propose to sell at
the very lowest price for cash. I have tried
long and abort time credit, and find it does not
pay me or my customers. Hereatter,, POSI
KEPT, so do not ask for oredtt.
I •
am always glad to show. gods and not of
fended if yon do not buy. So de' not be afraid
to come and look. All goods askedp in , plain
figures. - One man's 1111311py is al good as anot
'ere. So only one price. Plosec remember, fit
pay °DIY for 'what you buy--no bad debts to
pay for.
11. it/1444M
April 19,1811. 0.
'Neil( Store .) New . '
NO. 1 BO *EN
W03,11.D say to the citizens Of Welleboro and vicinity, that they - JkkavO their store now in
lull operation, and will at ail times koer a general assortment of 'morehaidise, a a d sell nt
the lowest prises. We sell ' • -
, .
Yard wide Paotory for - .` ,
neatness fur
;Ipar4Nass Nrclicalcf/Losi, •
Parpq(e,4, Nohairs, Plaids, Prenc,h, and Irish - P4lins "Japanese Silk%
Fancy colored and Black Dress Silks, r
all at prices much logs thuu have beau sold thr.befuro. We keep a full litiC of
Pitney Goods, Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and ;Caps.
Hosiery fromlo to 40 cts.,
. ,
Boots from $2,50 to $5,50.'
Mons' Shoes from $t,25 to $5,60.
Boys' Shoes fitom` i; • $l,OO to 5 1,50, I
All.. Seasonable Goods at unprecedented Low Prices. ,
Choice Groceries, Eter
'ff;aa frima• .........,
A Sugars
Poltaroa Su'gar
. , ,
Our motto 'is, "fair dealing i low priees: r and strict attention to business," which Is always
the' key to success.
• 1
We invite every one .in want of anything in our line, to drop in and takte to ii through out.
Stoqk, as we are always pleased to show our floods.
Pk!labor°, May 4,1871
New Spring (+oods
Our Stock is Hor d very large and complete, and Goods very cheap
Best Mate 10 cents per yard. 1000 yds Detainee, from 127 to, 15 ate. per yard. WO
the largest stock of
in Southern New York, Inoluding REMPS from 26 to 40 ate.; Ingrains from 60 to $1,2
best Tapestry Dimwit; $1,25 ; English Body Brum& $2,00 to $2,25; also a full ;line of
Rug Oil Cloth, Plain and Check Canton Matting, Coir Matting; &c
Cloths and Cassimeres,
which will bo made to order by Schlock or Scott; at very loni prices
We invite a careful examination of our Stock and prices, and we pledge ourselves that
will not bo undersold, and when wo say that we mean what wo say. Como and see us and
will do yon good.
Corning, April. 12, 1870. SMITH ec WAITE
NiONV 40(-04101DS A..7r
J. A. Parsons & C
The subseriber invites all in need of Early Spring Goods, to call and examine their now btoc
We intend'to keep a still larger assortment of DRY GOODS and Roots and kihoes
than lad season, and aleo some finer grades than SP o have kept for sardrel y cur* pant.
These goods are so much cheaper than for eereral years past, that we have felt warranted
patting in a fall line of prices, and think we can suit any one. We have them in Taffeta a
,411res-Oratn at $l, $1,26, $1.87,11,60, $1,62, $1,76, $2, $2,25, $2. 0, $2,75, $3.
E* I.)iTe) $-0 or, t*.: . POPLINS.
- 11
Those goods are also much lower in price, and we shall' keep a good aiortinent of 1
kw a
medium priced Silks and Poplins, and a fair assortment of the'better qualities.
Wo have a firat.olase assortment, in reguTar andortra sizes, white and colored, et very 1(
pripee. German Quiße very Cheap.
S ' 1
Wo have a very fine stock, from the lowest prices upwards, as fine as needed. ' 51,76, $2, 1,2,5
$3, $4, $6, $6, ST, $B, StO, $l2 and st 6 per pair. These prices kept in sleek, and fine; g o o
sold on order.
DRAPERY AI USLINS, in all gradcs%
TABLE LINENS, in all grades, very cheap.
NAPKINS, white and colored borders, from $1 to $5,50 pr. dot.
TOWELS, Ruckabuck, Dice Damask, bordered,
.froni 12s to $9 pr. do
DRESS GOODS, in. new styles for early sdinitrade.
PRINTS,. GINGHAM - 8 j•c., choicest patterns of the scan)
ICID G.LO YES. A full stock of Black, White and colored Glovt
in our regular make (the JosePhene seamlessylettrranted equal
to any in the market.
We invite attention to our new stock of striped and plain Japanese Nigs
,l striped and plain French Silks, Black Taffeta and Gros- Grain`
Silks, Black Alpacas, Black Pure iliohairs in all Wos..
. Black and White. Plaids, Black and White
Stripes, Fancy Plaids, Sliit . tGoodsi . I
"as well as an entire, new stock of
Domestics at the lowest
' - cash prices of
• a - the season. , . 1-
March 15,
tools. 1711, '" 41: I Firm .
Horton Brother,
IO ets. French Ginghams -25 eta.
- /OWL Quesue-Own Alapoca, (speciality) 31 to 75e,
20 ote.
60 eta. to $1,50, Coffees from
121 ots. Spines, all kinde.
'ln eta. Soaps. all k Indy.
Wes , would call especial. attontion to our stock of
, _i,
Marseilles Quilts.
Lace Curtains.
LtOR 0, l'A.
Childrens' Shoes from
Hats from -
Caps from
25:t0 itl) ot2
W. J. 11016 . 0 N CO
.30 di. to ia,26
.76 Cis. to 0,50
60 ate. to $1,26
i ,1