The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 24, 1871, Image 3
TIOGA, COUNTY ABITA Local Items. WEDNESDAY," MAY,,24, 18 New Advertisements State Normal Sobool Hardware—J. Schleif°lin.. Jack —T. IL Bailey. Publio Salo-1411as Tipple. Sowing Maohine—Elias Plants &0.--M. D. Prince. Plenty of salt at Wickbam ez, Parr 's kst glop. 2w RELrarous.—The reception announ wl last Sabbath to ho given Ilev. N. L. 101- i necessarily postponer! to Wednesday eve ;lug, Nay 31, a his tesidenatt on the Avenue. J 1 friends are cordially invited. 1)r. UpDeGraff operated on a young toan from Penn Yen, on the 18th instant, for >roes•oyo. Also on a child for hare-lip.—Elmira .11tivrt leer. °UR N NEIW BAllMEii—at the C ilowee t is a sbaver—sniooth and pain his work in ag)3oothirigly barbarous manned ithout harberiiit4.,, Try bim. • NORMAL BeilooL.—We publish another column the proireinrif exorcise the Atanstleld Normal Behiyal. The public cordially invited to attend tisko cumin: they will no doubt be of unusual interest. We learn, that W. A. Stone, made a very acceptable speech before the 01 , Schools last week. Mr . 8. le capable of mai acme tall talk in that direction as helves teacher himself. ALMOST A FIRE,-011.1 Tueday of' pat week, the dwelling house of Wm. T. Mat.era ca ught fire in the roof, by the dropping of 94trke from the chimney. It catight on the lee and iside,hnd burned a hole through the shingles and roof bonnie before being discovered. LARGE EaoS.—Mr. T. Hastings, of Chatham, sent to this office two large eggs laid by a Creole hen, which measured respectively by ei inches. It is said this hen produces eggs of this size regularly. This being the fact, must certainly take the prize. LECTURE.—Mr. T. Morris Chester, the eloquent colored lawyer of London, England, hill lecture in the Bowen & Cone hall, on Tnee. by evening, May 30. Mi. Cheater cornea highly reetaninended by our exa'hangea. Let him have a largo bongo. The following persons were installed officere of We!labor° Lodge I. 0. of G. T.'s, on Monday, tho Sib instant; Dr. W. W. Webb, W C T; Mary Miner, W V T; Gco. W. Merriok, S ; Frances M Wright, WA S ; Josiah Bmo v, IV F S ; Ada Bush, W' T; J. 0. W. Bailey, PWCT; Clarence Wcbb, W M; Androw For qth, WDJI ; Susan Derby, W I 0 ; Hiram Dewey, W 0 0 ; A.\J. Ross, W C; Ada Wilcox, it 11 S Susie Parker, L HS. RUNAWAY.-011 Thursday, as Mr. English was deseending,'a steep hill in the routhwost part of the village, in a lumber wagon, the team became frightened and unman ageable, running down the hill furiously, tbrtiw leg Mr. English and a friend of his out of he wav,0,11 , ,,1 piling thernsel ves up promiscuously ;her n short run. Mr. English was stunned, and ,r.,;nitlilo when picked up, but his friend escaped :nitir . y. tie soup rdcovered, and is not seriously hurt I` iTATIoN ACCEPTED.—As this is hot leap year, and being a strong believer in Women's Bights—the proffered invitation of a iady, of course, was accepted—Und thus a small I, ,, rtion of tbe,49itator was gallanted down Main , uset M a "style" never before enjoyed. The runs were handled with grace, the, "little boss" managed with skill; and thus we were safely eon reye,l to our place of destination! Success to Women's Rights, Suffrage, and the sex generally. PF,ltsol L .— Miles Watptlß, of Del has sold his property, and rOmoved to Voke 7111e, Va , on the 26th hitt. —Our young friend, C. L, Peek, of Farming -13, who has given ono yanr - to the study of law, • no. completing, his course with M. F. Elliott, F. 4 . 1, of this village. —Wallace Moore of Charleston, left for the •• .t4ltrA Home, Milwaukio, on Monday last. The question was asked us the other lay if - ne believed all the Democrats wore Nu• We frankly ansiv'er, No.. But we would that it has been proven that all the Nuklux ,re Democrats. The Investigating Committee of he United States Senate make the Kuklux:about 0 , ,00.1 strong in 'North Carolina-,all of the Dem ',raja torsaaPioa. H'.npPßS' MAGAZINE FOR JUNE.— Wc are in receipt of advanced sheets from this most popular of all the monthlies. As usnalk the , abet matter is varied and attifictive. The au ztst of " Nothing to Wear" contributes , a poem tntitled " General Average." r.-n. Thorpe has mellent article, "The N. Y. Custom - House," with thirteen illustrations. Among other articlei tu, " Thc Hint of Dawn," " A: Bohemian House " Via American Baron," the" Horrors of 5 1 11 immingo," " That Placo Under Govern znt." " Tito Confessional," together with the records—scientiflo, historioal, literary—and ,reritable "Drawer." VISIT TO OUR\ I GRADEI) SCHOOL.-011 7:mtly, the lt;th i stant, school was visited Hon. William Parsons, member of the En- Parliament, ,and widely known in this coun- Fehril r and lecturer. Ile was secompa- Bache, Bowen, Dosard, Young, 15 ;rrick, Patter, Judge Williams, John IV. Dili br. W. W. Webb, Darius L. Deane, and I'7. N. L.-Ite3 nolds—the fatter an escollent tea himself. The Principal, Professor Winters, vietly explained his system, and put the differ- t 7.1 grades through short hut sharp exorcises in zeatat anthonotie, in which they showed a quick.- tss of reasoning and perception, only attain S systematic and judicious mental training. Se exercises in singing still farther showed the st or syst e m and di sciptine. And we think 'e "II ellihree.l rules of order which obtain at one rif its be st features. Th., really graM peninanslii p (if children from de; en years of age, did not surprise us, , rkei•ivin but it was highly oredita elicits• 1 remarks or surprise and admira - • r. from Mr, Parsons, wham we understood to that ho had seen nothing comparable to it in r'and among children of that age. Tho wri— .lone on •LiteS • which were handed to i,dors n ith a request that they ho examined illy = and an opinion given as to the two whete sa many were of nearly the same tff of extelionco, it was flifricalt, to decide; lho ebnla, the two by Masters Der:ming I Harry were, Von outiced beat. Two Ma , t;ro Etner and Spencer, wore near %. 474.1. he arithmetical demonstrations given by . 11th grade," no do not propose to speak Ay. We Thought the lower grades kept up title fairn,proil pie() in reckoning: the lligb -1 Niel left ue hopelessly astern. iko used to I , at least the !itople roles of lit matio, in ' 11 asp --stoic and sure. This new style of Et at fmir columns of figures, taking a gone ' 4 'i'rago of the Idaekbuard, letting an un -'t -ornething equal something else, getting t e s cmatie.o twist on the sum total, and pop— •ta (ha right answer liko an algobraic Tack t 4ns , hews our old•tinte notions of figures. Or know that these bright eyed girls got is right answers by some process, while we !iiinilPring in a state of mathematical itn 45"—and that Mr. Parsons, who understood hiad himself, was pleasel anti gratified to :all extent. - fie extended an invitation to 'too to attend his lecture in the evening on mbar, of which the scholars generally avail henssetree. e visit was a pleasant incident to the schol— •so lesa to the visitors. It is gratifying to nr beet citizen taking a lively, interest in if:10611E1a success of this school. Many 'of 4,4, 3 that it it the inatitution of the county. tt nli of 118 or about as will exercise so strong utoonee in drawing to our village a most nEIO class of citizens, who are seeking a of location. Even the railroad will not t4 " 4 t ° enhance:oe value of private redden tht borough ; and If the school progresses wriint rate, it is destined to be the best 4 nett moccasin' institution of learning in the sm Tier, 4 , Wells. born hiinetrei Troepe"-will peke their put .00; pearance %Tinian 4k Crino's bail, bnlfedunirtiy; and Thuraday evenings, May 3/ and June 1871. For particularap son bills. - , Olt MORE NEW Goons.- - T• L. Baldwin have just returned from New , York wlth lote more of new goede;irhieh make their stook eittenaive.and ootaplete, at the little store around the corner, at Tioga . ' 601281 P ON WEATHER, • CROP 'PRiler• 'panrs, 1170.—At this date, May 20, there is a let up in the 000lnesii with which the weather clerk has treated us for three weeks. Vila nu/10g that* in no frost, as there has been nearly ivory` morning during the pasti wo Weeks.. . '- s - ' The party warm weather that4revalled in ', ! April swelled the fruit buds almost 'to buretingt land the subsequent cold has led to s general im" pression that the fruit crop in tale region has (been spoiled. Thismill be found, to a great ex-2 :tent, erroneous. Some of the earliest blossoming 'trees we tled-to be badly blasted in blossom; tho‘ 'many of the embryo appl es are lively at tho oen• 'tor, oven on those. Early Harvest, B. T. Green ini and Golden Sweet are badly injured, though 't cy bid fair for a partial crop, yet, Veltman peating ii hardly injured, and Northern Spy, , ioh.blossoms some ton days later than inbet (varieties, is not hurt at all, at this time. Manylp flier varieties are:safe for a fair 'crop, unless we have a freeze after this .date. We shalt have op , leo enough. one oing but .8 in Mums will probably be a failure, for leveret =aeons: First, they were in blossom at the right tam to be killed by frost. Then, the few that escape frost aro aura, to be killed .by the ouroulle.. birdlyi we never have a ()rep of plums, anyhow' nor peaches. V~ sq., I do I. ;11C0 Grass, which is, after fill, our beat bold, never looked better. Oats and - potatoes never fail here; and corn, if it can be coaxed out of the • ground ear enough to be hoed in June, always " comes," By the way, it is an excellent plan to put enough Corn in a loose muslin bag for a second plantings and bury it in the ground about a week or ten days after planting the corn crop. It will sprout and be all ready Jo come up quickly, in case the first planting Should be out down by frost. And it is a capital way to sprout corn for , for warding the crop, in any catty. will make - cortz anion up quicker than anything we ever tried—except a flock of long-toed hens, with which we are ex perimenting the present season,—sucoesefully, so far; though the experiment—at the auggeation Of Our neighbers—rather takes the direction of Pet -pies, just at present. En peasant, our Waltonians have gone to the glens- and hollOws wherein, and adown which, the cool trout streams foam and dash. • We are of, but not with them. We sit here, hating our seltand all civilized notions of editorial duties and responsibilities, wishing all honest men might be rich enough to hunt or fish when they please; swearing inwardly to r shoot a deer and catch ton pounds of trout—" as occasion shall serve."— " Kite," " Charley," "Hi," the " Cap'en," and others, are doing it to the speckled ones this blessed minute. We could give a shrewd guess as to the flies they will find most taking this hot afternoon'and evening of the last Saturday that over was---brit we shall not be there: "The pity of it, jago, the pity of it." We saw them start off—the happy villi ans— with rods, baskets, ole clo'ea, anid—groecries, We bear no malice; we wish them success; and we will give them a neat local notice anent the splendid mess of trout which they— —are going to " lay on our table." P. S. Notice next week. A STONE-PLANK QUA.IIII.Y.—A curl ous and valuable quarry has recently been dis covered and opened on the farm of Mr.'llual Bartlett, some twtt hundred rods north of Mains burg. This may 'e literally described as an im mense deposit of 'stone plank. It covers some six acres, and the Stone aro found ready for uso— smooth, true, of uniform thicknOss, and in slabs of more than 20 feet long by 16 feet in width, told from ono to three or four inches in thickness ; etich stone, however, preserving its thickness as J neels/ as if sawed out by machinery. The stone• is very sound in texture, even in grain, and, wt i, , en first taken from the quarry, soft enough to ivbrk easily, though it soon becomeilike hard gray granite on exposure to the atmosphere. It is ti.'fliet bard to account for, that the edges of these large slabs are as true in most of the speci mens as though worked out: by-41._ekillfal atone el:liter. They aro easily reduced to any -desired ise, without brA.Ln....... -- + •• site without breakage ; and the stone indeed ' ap pear to be very tough ; a load of these stabs hay ini been brought to this village last week over tbk) rough mountain road between here and Mains, burg, without injury. They were twelve feet long by four in width, and one inch thick; al i: in st as smooth as though planed, and without v r i p or wind. They were quickly bought by our 11 ow townsman; F. K. Wright ; and any one y see how the thing works—for a walk—by ling at his residence. heritT Fish informs us that be examined this trry, at a point where these slabs were in lay twenirseren deep, large enough to square six feet, and of. a uniform thickness of two in- qu era ' toe lot of these slabs has been sent .to Corning, t an order from the George Washington bank, re they are to be used as flagging. And Ele i Pomeroy, of Troy, on seeing specimens from quarry, ordered $5OO worth of them. Iy . r. Bartlett has taken a skillful stonecutter intopartnership, (Mr. L. B. Austin,) and this stone-plank mine—for such it is—bids fair to be -a ftirtune for its owner. d6ubt if there be a similar quarry in the State. • SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Dr. Up- DAG rairs complete operating case of surgical in struments, manufactured expressly for him, and whiO cost twelve hundred dollars, has arrived,— It iP said to ho the most complete case, and the vainafle ono owned by any surgeon in the cd es.—El. Adv. moi Uni ENSUS RETURNS FOR TIOGA CO.+ POPULATION. 1860. 1870. 890 3,988 003 909 1,687 3,580 ,'.u.s. and Roro's kfiold ,barn.. oston ,gton... ,gton borough old rid borough ington :rook buro, taken f'm Wird vile ace...... ()bury ibtxrg. ITM 1,166 1,160 .. 247 270 .. 1,771 1,467 ~. 1,085 1,083 .. 443 440 1,320 • 1,105 .. 1,135 923 ta born, (from ‘Vestriold) 379 663 - 287 809 1,468 . borough EGO! AGENT.—Mr. J. H. Peterson, Creek, has the agency of this county for y excelle,w books, which should find a sate in every family. One is mitten by Spencer, and entitled. "Tried and True, r and Loyally," a story of the rebellion.— her, the "Laws of liCalth," which should by everybody. We bespoay for our riend a generous subscription to the above apr.2tl-st. BO of Pit LEM read v 11e11 Y. or Lo‘, Tho of Ilm re' ISEM MEE LA.nv'e lloo!c.—You ought to see good k umor our " better. halt" puts us i n places before tie one of those delicious ho mikes frorn GODEY'S receipts, and we , ink it would be pleasant to be sick awhile, ~nrao would follow (ilonir'a advice for the dm. GODEr tens you how to dress well, 11, be well, get well, eat well, drink well, I, and die well—we've not tried the lat- (BOA! ,what al when s dishes 4 often t if the sick ro. look w live we ter yet. ADY'B FRIEND, Won ;Jose, 1871.--This Tus is a apt , iondid number. The steel•plate, represen ting th meeting of Mary queen of Scots and Queen I . lizabeth, in the garden of Fotheringay Castle, s a picture of extraordinary interest and value. In the colored Fashion Plato wo seo a group o graceful ladies, attired in airy summer robes; and there is a wood-cut of the Rhine, that too t romantic of European riven. Music— the "Ite ter Gotop." A-quantity of illustration' of handling!, Rummer costumes, bathing dresses included, must be very acceptable to the ladies, and the ariey. work looks particularly captive -113 tin. P ice $2,50 a year (whioh also includes a large ste 1 engraving). Published by Deacon a retereo 31%111'012We. ItzustAtio. 4 rhe course of lectures 'given under - the, tWint of the IkersnOlofip `diety came to i Week, ivittkthree‘ fea tures on 'as Mani- auccesa,iyo evenings by the son: William; Pereon ' e. =Aa a; leohriii, song ranks high. ,We think him seeond to ,few who makelle irafirdikin; . eitherin matter or manner. _ Nis lecture on, Meade) , evening, "Richard BrimleY highlYerdartaintugand instructive, as was alth hialeettire on Columbus, T desday evening. But his. best effort was. ho closing le4nio'p'Ofn Wedunifleie:tive.o4B:":l‘ 1 9 1 , - 11 - mixed` , 4 6 4 1 ', 0 ;'n,e'entrast 'of ,Cite,t'f.;,, gP _speak.;,'the lecturer taking ,bflrei.fiCliiiiAtkio o ' genial 'the Yioar, of Wik‘fleid,s for ; the Arai half of his lecture, and finishing with the Bias of Satirists, William hfahepeace Thaoke ray. Naoh ono of these usnitflyforms the rub jeei of a distinct lecture ;:but,_request, Paisuna ociuseated to try his hand at mixing them; and we ,fanny his success - induce him to repeat that Mixed lecture morn than • once.---„ The feature • was ' not announcedao,n. °end° one; not s o intended or looked' for,,tre imagine; _hat, knowing something of thriftleas,,shiftless, mis• managing, improiident, though generous, genial and huMoious Goldsmith, we' had thought to , pi, anlnsed . by a aerie's of ithilniseenteiXoneerniog . 1 4 1 P) , lifer. Aolnolicfirr,io , Weri) 044 , 41/itAkPior-.. The idea of wit, humor, unreokoning .-,generosity and rare geniue i going to bekbungq, and ably: cring al:11140o ',34lslooVe',,i4b of London' "did aOiliritaie' oar' rleible;fultlis to any certain , extent: We involuntarily. thought of my lord;Torn.noddy, going from hie Albin' his own carriage, flush of all worldly advantages --aave brains, (which really his lordship bad 'strain reason to trouble about)—while such intellects as Johnsoraiind Goldsmith's were in sieloien t to, provide the possessor with fi,)*(ht's lodging or a square meal ; , wail too sad for . laughter. And wehadtawatitio 4011;1 prepare= den for CaohinitorY: eidioises on isnithirig that' might turn up concerning thetrasor-edged cynic, Thackeray. Bitter as fresh plaoked wormwood; cutting all the more deeply that ho cuts smooth ly ; we would have said that any satire of Thaok eray's was rather calculated to (mato s cynical smile than a genial laugh, in an Arne:loan wadience. And we were mistaken again. ' The lecturer was most happy in his Toy:A:ling of the satire which flows so smoothly throughout the works of Thaokeray. We never before folly appreciated Wiggles and Wiggles. Never be fore wore we so fearfully kuiprissed with the reck ioss criminality of eating green peas with a knife-rin good sooiety ; and never before rlikwe thoroughly realise the sublimely'ridlerthilis peal= Lion of the man who, wearing boold,'lonkiedevin on the man who wears shoes. As the lecturer, with a fine appreolation'ef his author, dilated on the notable phase of the sat ire, that the mast arrogant wearer of boots is the man who pulled them on for the first time but yesterday, we noticed the Hon.'s Miss Wiggles and Mrs. Waggles exchanging nudges and winks —induced, of course, by a keen appreciation - of the satirist's wit, and the leeturet'e rendering of. the same ;—because, here in the backwoods, where our richest village millionaire would scarcely out up into vest-pocket-change for an average gold broker in Wall street, we aro all equal,—except - the difference naturally arising from integrity, intellect and good behavior. Jim Fisk. Vanderbilt and Jay Gould are the men who pulled on boots for the first time, yesterday. Your real American aristocrats are the Knick erbockers of New York, •Huguenots of South Carolina, Mayflowers of Masisaolansetts; a n d Younger Sons of F. F.'s who ernigrated' to James town, Virginia, as the alternative of penal servi tude;—and the entire batch are enough to make a wooden Indian blush—these and their descen dants. But, sturdy, uncompromising republi cans, have Won the world's respect, from the days of Lyourgus down to the present hour; and a parvenue assumption of exolusivenessr In a re public, is worse than eating green peas with a 'knife, in any society. If the last of the Hermaio lectures, in the 'course, was not the beat, it was very near it. And now a ward about the proceedings of Tan Han- SIAIC SOC/lITY Of Wellaboro : The Society was organized in the fall of 1869, and started out by giving a free coarse of home lectures, delivered by volunteer speakers. It was our pleasure and privilege to bear most of ,the efforts of the various speakers, And it is no tlattery,when ,we, confeas,,to astonishment thst men of Intelligence, with a few weeks' desultory preparation, could come so Irery near the popular lecturers of the day. The Society is incorporated, is composed. of fifteen or twenty young men, and has,for its ob jects : improvement and eultivation of public taste in literature, innocent and profitable enter tainment for long winter evenings, and the estab lishment of a public library, so soon as the funds of the Society will warrant the attempt. During the lecture season just closed, there has been a course of leeturerdelivered here, that we do not believe another village of the same size in the State would, or could, support. This is mainly .due to the onerky and executive ability of the Harmaic committee, whose names we are reques ted not to mention ; but all our (Athena know to whose efforts the success is mainly dub. It is not uncommon for an inland city of eight or ten thousand inhabitants to find itself in debt for a leCture course, to the extent of two to five hundred dollars. Some forty-five of our leading citizens, having doubts as to the possibility-, of making a lecture course pay expenses, signed an agreement to make all pecuniary -delleiencies good at the end of the season. The expenses slightly exceed the receipts; but a dollar from each signer will cover the deficit. Ttukentire affair is highly to the credit of our modest' little village. The programme for next season will be an- , nounced in due time. Sohn& s of the War 1812, & their Widows I tak this opportunity to inform you. that on the 14t • day of February isn, Congress. passed an Act, which has become a law, granting Pen sions to the surviving Soldiers of said war, who had se •ed for a period of 60 days, and to the widows l a those who have died, who were mar ried prior to the treaty of Peace, (viz Dec, 14, 1814,) and have not again married. Also to,shch as have served Jess than 60 days, who haCheen personally named lastly , Resolution of Congress for any specific service of said war. The under-- signed has on band a fall supply of blanks, and can prepare and forward by mail the proper pa. pars with full instructions, by patties giving particulars of service, the name of wife before marriage, when and where married, and full Poet Office address. I have on band copies of complete rolls, and many hundred names, of said soldiers, and my experienee in the prosecution of such claims, for the past 14 years as agent, will insure to claimants, all the advantage which can be derived from the same, all communications promptly answered. 2,012 2,014 869 723 317 318 1,054 1,079 2,329 1,925 679 670 79 172 312 341 1,161 1,007 1,338 437 440 1,525 1,532 313 400 1,037 960 515 480 1,642 1,450 440 433 1,567 1,501 111 212 517 464 4-16 509 1,345 1,650 April 26, 1871.-6 w KINSEY—BARBER—In Covington April 29, 1871, by Rev. W. D. Taylor, Mr. Tames Kinsey of New York city, to Miss Mary Barber, of Cov ington Pa. BARNS--WEED,-Also by the same, May 3d, 1871,Mr. George A. Barnes of Richmond Pa:, to Miss Alice T. Weed, of Mansfield Pa. DUTTON—SHORT—At the Farmers Tom-. perance Hotel, in Wellsboro, on the 20th inet., by A. S. Brewster, Esq:, Mr. Chas. 8., Dutton to Miss Eliza Short, both of Tioga, Pa. , • • - SPECIAL NOTICES. Wall Paper, Window Paper, Decoration Paper, Borders, Cords, Tassels, Cloth Shades, Cloth Curtains, (gilt) Window Fixtures, Pictures, Picture Frames, Picture Glass, and every otbor article necessary to beautify Hons. The largest assortment of this line of goods ever brougbt into Tioga county.-_ Call at our NEW STORE Ng. 3 Smith & Bowen's Brick Block. May 1, 1871- tf. EIUGEI YOUNG Js CO. The Confessions of an Invalid, pIIBLI$11131) as a warning And for the benefit of young -men and others, who suffer from Norton*. nees, (Inland debUtty, &0., erapplying rRI ;tun 07 Ma CUR!. - Written by one who cured hitnael, and sent &pa on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Y . Address. Meerut = ?deviant, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 17,1871-41 m. • - •• - . Fine stock now ready,both 'adorers and A Vegetables, about thirty,vartoies of Ver benas, nineteen of Fuchsias, ton of Polio!, - and a general assortment of Bedding, Green Hones and Climbing plants. Early York, Wakefield and Feariought cab. bags, late varieties in their season. Bearthen flower pots, with end without saucers attached, Urns, Banging Baskets, and wooded plant lad ders, as cheap as the cheapest. Send for price list. W. B. PRINON. Wellsboro, tilay /1371-4. WM. B. SMITH, Agent. Knoxville, Tina Co., Pa DIAIZBIAGES. PLANTS:. New :.Store I NEW GOODS! Y 4 AND Nsw FIRM! • ; I W. J. Horton & Jiro: her, El i NO. SMITH it BOWENfEi BLOCK, ME ME , ;43114 T WFLLSBORO, PA. • HE citizens of k7elleboro and vicinity, will T please take notice, that the above store is now in full operation, and will at all times keep a general assortment of merchandise, and sell at the lowest prices. We sell Yard wide Factory for. 10 ots. Prints for Detainee for 20 ots. Fronoh Oinghame 25 chi. Queens' Own Alapaca, (epeolality) 31 to 750. Ladies' Dress Goods. ParcaAs't *hairs, : -.4*A 15-snelt and Irish .Poplins. fs • . Japnese Silks, Fanoy Colored and BLACK DRESS SILKS, all it prices mach less than have been sold for before. We keep a full line of FANCY GOODS. Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Hosioryfrom Boots from Mena' Shoes from VAS to $15,60. Boys' Shoes from $l,OO to Children!? Shoes from 30 eta. to $1,25. Bats from 75 els. to $3;50. Caps from SO eto. to $1,25, All Seasonable Goods at unprece- dented Low Prices, ' CROI6II GROUBRiIIS, &O. Teas from A Sugars Potterea Sugar at 121 ote. Coffees from Spices, all kinds. Soaps, all kinds. IN Out motto is, "fair dealing, low prices, and itriet attention to business" which Is always the key to success: , We invite every one in want of anything in our line, to drop in and take a look through our stook, as we are always pleased to show our, Goods. W. J. 110 W lON k CO. Welliboro, 4, nil. SEEM 11111 Eril loots EMI 10 to 50 ete. ...$2,50 to $5,50. .59 ctn. to $1,60. 25'to 80 ote ~ j S '~ i yp s • ADOPTED lEHE CASH, ItipiDY.PAY sure, la - now I , i - 104 00 1 4 the juges stook of GENERAL MERA.PHANpISE' .1 . ever brought into this market, whisk' he offer, to tbepublio at lirlies that esairuit fail to give entiresatisfaotion. . Carpets, Oilcloths, & #oilekecpers Goods, plothiftedc •GoikVijknorniehing Goods, will be fonnd very attractive. All aro invited to call and examine and see for themselves. ,- Wellabor°. May 1/, 1871. • • • '1 • r „ An Immense New , Ilattia' Pieelo , .., ' -Clis -:, Pa', ::- 1 !1, 11 1, 11 . 1 ),P lE H.,:. 3 k l , ~,.., ~.. i: '.::',.i.,-- - ...“.-„ 1 4. t.r,'..-..: , ~.. DRY GOODS! DOMBSTIO GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, PRINTS AND HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES A SPEOIALITY, HATS AND OAPS, Ready - Made CrAllOlO6 The Highest Market Price paid for Coll7lfry Produce.- TERMS-STRICTLY CASH. May 11, 1871. ar. R. .13„AL1UBL.11E1ILNES Cheap Cast Store! HAS A PULL ASSORTMENT OP NEW . GOODS, SUCH AS Foreign and Domestic!ry Goods, Which wilt be sold very oho p. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WHITE PIQUE. BUTTONS, ALL KINDS, %DT AND OA SSIMBRES, LINEN GOODS, 'POPLINS it WHITE GOODS, " Gloves, Hosiery, Knit Goods and Notions. Choice Groceries. Sugar, Soap, Tobacco, Syrup, Lice, Saleratus, Coffee, Tea, Crackers, Salt, Fish, Flour. Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, Crockery, Wooden Ware, &c. Cash. Paid for BUTTER, or shipped on Commission. Please call and look our Stook over. Yon will always dad 1111 read/ and willing to show goods. Wellsboro, May 10, 1871.-Iy. 1 .I. R. BAIII2F.EIt. Wickham_ Sr j Farr, TOGA, PA. HAVE just openedtheir Now Stook of SPRING GOODS and are selling 500 Pieces of the beat Prints at 10 cents pei yard. Deot yard 'wide standard Sheeting, at B, ' 9, 10, and 11 per yard. Our4tock of , . DIMON 6001919 litackAlpaca, Tapaitese" Poplins and Silks, Pure Mohair Granadiers, Percaler, Organdies, Lawns, Robe Patterns, Colored Al pacas, • - JUnens FOR LADIES SUITS, IX., AC. We have au ologant line of DRESS We have a good assortment of the best styles of Spring and Summer SHAWLS at norrou PRICES. We can show the ladies the largest assortment of White Goode, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and Ribbons, and a full Stock of 'Yankee Nationei and T.rinuningsig We have a largo quantity of BOOTS and SHOES, to snit the foot and puree of all who wilt favor as with a call. Oar 'stook of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, and Straw Goode -is entirely new', very extensive, and very cheap. GROCERIES \ and PROVISIONS, we have in abundance. ll Don't forget our immense Stook of WHITE GRANITE AND CHINA WARE ffair-juet drop in and you will see bow it is yourself. Tioga, May 8, 1871. George FMneis Train MONEY! MONEY! The Cheapest" Placein Town to Buy 3),our Orticeries, IN MMM Truman Brothers. OE Tor] XLE3 eitVl.atl3r C:lEteh ! April 0, 111/9. a apeolelity.! The Stook of the Dry GOODS, JUST Rucaninnk AT (Baobe's old Stand) Main Stioid,Weggitkio: DRESS GOODS! AND A FULL STOCK OF The potronago of rho public solicitod. le complete, including the best brands of and all atylea and colon of and Chinese Grass Cloth FROM 15 to 35 CENTS PER YARD. FOR PRESIDENT IN 1872. is at Mil THOMAS HARDEN. latest Styles or 111=1 Clothing, NO BOOKS KEPT. C. C. MATHERS. , GOODS, WICKHAM, & FARR L. N. TRU MAN, .. A.A. TR=AN. r - , ~.,,,,, In gnkruptcy, , s . Western .I:diarist f Pennsylvanle,' as. 'This le to give nodes, That on the 27th day of Aprif, A.D. 18,1,cawittrant in Bankruptcy was Joined against the estate of James Porter in w as amply of Tioge, land State of Ponnsylvanb, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on petition 4 0 . 1,19 creditors; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to snob BinkOtPC Co' him or for Ma ute;Untthe transfer of any property by Mgt are forbidden by law; that'a meeting of o orodltora of the said Book 'r apt, Co prove the debts, and to (loose one or more assignees of is estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt y, t 3 be holden at the office it of F. E. etratb, Re W, at Tlop, Penn ' *, in said D trio before R. . Smith, Lug., Register, on Lb' of May, A.D. 1871, at 10 o'clock ist A. M. A. MURDOCH, 7 17,1,871.-3w. 1 , U. 8. Marshal. =EI V' viable Town ' Properly • 1- FOR SALE. THE subseribar offers for sale the following property, iris: 20 village lots situated on State Street, 4 lots situated near Sheridan at., 9 &MN of land near the °mastery. This property will bo sold at mod ate woes and time given; also the house and I , t of Chas. Williams, near the If. B. . • animosities is also agent for the North Cato us Land Company. Par• ties deliring to vial that section can get Rem road tickets at redo • d prism, and also valuable information in refs on to the Company from May 10, 1871-tf. W: SHERWOOD. 13 BLOW will be to , ud a few of the 'late test- JILP impulse registerei Bastuupt's Dental Of fice. I 1 hi- r 1 9 . Wore Ito have teeth extraeted every day, should use the gas.—J. P. Higgins. After suffering severe pain_ by having teeth extraoted, I went to adman's, and took gas , bad flits teeth sensor • d withordealn. And would by all means use it a : . . Brisoo. Had eight teeth re eyed with the aid of gas, and one without. I refer the, gas by all odds. Wm. W. Bur oy. Perfect satisfactio no pain.—Arville Comp toO. i. =EI Sill & SqUir s, WHOLES . B DEALER IN Foreign it, Domestic iquors , c i - W 1 40., &O.; 4 , 0..... _ ‘ Agentalor Fi e Old Witisklea, i l erniti p. &tr., ". G. N. SqVzsgs,CORNING, N.. 7. May 71 17, 111. I VEO. HA &delly all Druggifte and Dealers in Medicine. Price one Dollar Per notille. R. P. HALL 154 CO., Proprietors. LABORATOET I NASHUA, N; Rs Aug. 3, 1870-Iy. 41 G. if 3 i l j , : i„ gir ,:-i - c ri: ;<=, ...f 1--- - 431 DO INA! I • A 4 C.) ).= - 1 [mu 74 as *4 zi as u 124 as lar ' 1 ss E Q i100?Q „ lk. ,oit 4 , ( r ) 17 .7 : 3 1 4 11) 11 3 , 2 bA r lUD 0 0:1 4 :1 cl 4 .01 a ra IV 03 a 2 w a Gen't Ins Life, Fire, Assets o rllB. CO. of North AO:mica, P 0,050,535 60 Franklin Firelns. Co. of Pbga, Pl 3,087,452 35 North British k Mercantile Ins. C of London and Edinburg,. 10,000,000 Nortrner. Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 500,000 Niagara \ Fire The. Co . of - N. Y 1,000,000 Farmoro‘slo. Fire Ins. Co.,York, Fa. 909,889 15 Pbcenis Mat. Life Ins. Co. of Hart- ford, Conn. 5,081,920 60 Penn's Cattle Ina. Co: of POttsville. 800,000 00 Total \ $24,229,842 64 Insurance promptly eiTeoted by mall or other wise, on all hinds of Property. All loeses promptly adjusted and paid, Live etook Insur ed against dentbfire or theft. All communications promptly attended to Otkeo on Main Street, 2d door above Church st., Knoxville, Pa. \ WM. B. SMITH, April 25, 1871-tf. Agent. STEREOSCOPES, . VIEWS, ' \ matrio, j , \ORIcOM F RAMES. 1 . M —:o: 1 \ E. dr, H. T. ANTHONY & CO., • 591 BROADWAY, NKW YORK, • Invite the attention of the Trade \to their eaten. sive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, manufacture and impo rtation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN 81.6118 'and _. . GRAPHOSOOPES. IIEW VIEWS OF *warn. B. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., a 1 ri 3 l 10ADWAY, Nnw Yolk,, pposite Mettopolltaalliitei, IMPORTIMS • HAIMPACTORORB OP PHOTOGRA IC MATIiRIALS. Me rob 1, 1811-1 . gozse an, Lot for Sale. A DESIRABLE HOUSE, - nearly new, and one-trrd of an acre of land, adjoining the driving pa Price reasonable; terms easy.— ire o L. 0. BENNET. "W l :Whore, D 4 3 ,17,1871 8w .: ''s , , , , I L L'S E SICILIAN TAB ENEVR B Is th scie prep lever and I only perfected and 1 ttficall . y prepared ration of ' its kind •ffered to the public, has no competitor erit. By its use ' HAIR is soon Jed to its 'original / ful color and bril !, which is so much all. Persons - hair is thin or falling ill, by the use of our vver,soon see its good ii, as, by its tonic and lating properties the 1 lands will, be incited and he hair grow thick and s rong again. In cases of 11 , ldness it will create a new growth unless the follicles are destroyed. It is cooling, and allays all itching and. irritation of the setdp. It does notatain the lkin as do dyes, but makes the scalp white and clea 1. As a DRESSING the best and most i mieal preparation in econ odd, as its effects the l o 'much longer. Send ur Treatise on the last for hair, free to all, by mail. tz. 0 0 0 'l2•-• Gr 3 1-4 0 cr c> t iq t- CI M 1.4 CO .41( c>i COo c) „ coo>o c> co 4:o ," • 0 .1, • 41> co. 4 9 co" c•i*§ c> CI) 'ACC 1LOP• LO +Cr bi) 0 of csi .44 : " Z l-13 . . : . . : • :ra" 0 P.t A ci s a•-• A t? 7l>' °.? CC/ g • 12 0 o 1 H 0,4 r= 4 ° " 0 ig 4 -% .1:;" -0 os pc •19 0 - -2. 6 o • o o (s) „co tai t t 4 cl j c> cs ca t:0 t:1 ° .D s l ° J. 4 aS ).; 6 F., 14 02 c;) sz to Ct .1 : 1 1 , : 4 tr. T-4 C? a• CD 1 " .4 El; 4) A , 41) o• • o ." c„) • „„ F ., CD %." W a) ca A I; 4 w H 1 ,4 t l a, cis 0 I- , 9) 2 a O 0 ° P" 0 tc' ° 03 ga., z Cy 3 P. a Cif E 4 L S rance Agency PE, TIOGA CO., PA and Accidental. er $24,000,000. KNOX VIL Assur 07 COSMANINS GOOD TEE/PEARS mintrAL serum= LIFE INS; MONITION. Chartered by Epeeist Aot of the LeglaWere of 1 Pennsylvania, [ CHARTER FEB-PET/3'lf. PEihfALES ADMITTED ON EQUAL TORMS. ' °motto, 2 Hon. Si B; Ouse*, yreettent. 'l.. A. TrLan, Vic, President. ' • Aram Gobs, Secretary. - PLAN—To secure a benefit ots2ooo at death, exemberahlp, fee (payable In ' ranoe3 ' $lO 00 Annual due, (after dratyear,) ' 210 Mortuary assessments , from $1 to $2 0, ao. cording to age. Persons Insured from 1 to 60 years of age. Wanted, an active baelneee matt in • .every towneblp, to work for the Good Templara Mutu al Beuellt Assoolation. E. T. BENTLEY. General Agent for Tioga Co. Tioga, Feb 8,1871 tf FIRE INSURANCE. .11'NO. I. ItILITGRELL, 4gl, WELLSBORO, PA. emu Policies Will - et-class Companies Mai __ A N , .Low.3E:Latl go, 4 , RELIABLE COMP se shy will grant Insurance. 1 San: 4, 1871.--ly. The Oheapest Place in the State . Foi.rhotographsl . _ AT WOOD'S GILLIIIII fj CARDS for 60 tents. Largepioturee and V frames for $t Old pictures copied, en larged and finished in the finest style. New style Wilkes and everything kept In a gallery on band, or furnished to order. • THE . LOWEST PRICES AND THE . REST WORK: Rooms over Gardner's groom store. fes 11871 tf Wellaboro, Pa. Application for Charter, NOTI,OE IB HEREBY GIVEN that the fol. lowing applications for charters Of incor poration' have been filed in my office, and will be presented to the court of Comm'pn Pleas of Tioga county, Monday May 29, 1871: Application of Oliver Hamilton, Jacob Lar 'risbn,John B. Everett, et. al, under the name of "he First Methodist Episcopal Chnroh," of Jaelcson Center, Pa. Application of Joel Culver, Litman Fenton. Jeremiah Block as others, to amend the char ter, of "The First Union Church of Charleston. Application of 39. Kingsley, Aaron Squire• Nelson E. Brace and others for charter of incor poration of "The Daily Creek Baptist Church of Rutland." May it. 1871-3 w J . P. pONALDSON I . Proth'y. IikirANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTOR- In ED. Just published by DR.BEWIS. 258 pages. Third Edition. THE MEDICAL COM- ' PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on the radical mire of Sperrnatorrhcea, or Seminal Weak ness,lnvoluntary Seminal !Mesa, Lppoteitey, Metal and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, eta., and the Venereal and Syphilitic , Maladies, with plain and clear directions far the T speedy cure ofSecondary Symptoms, Gionorrhma, Gleets, Strictures, find all diseases of the skin, inch as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotehes anvil Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by eelf.indulgence or sexual extravagance.' The celebrated author, in this admirable Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from a forty years' successful practice. that the alarming conse quence of self-abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode of cure at once sluiple, cer t tain, and e ff ectual, by means of wh oh every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, can be e ff ectually cured, cheaply, privy ely, aid radically. .ir•This Book should be in the bans of ev ery youth, and every, man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope Price 50 cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach St, New York. March, 8 1871.-6ra. R. BAKER &, SON AT WESTEIELD, PA+ " KEEP - ON HAND AND MAKE OKDEE 111JGG-11ES & P.I4TFORM Spring Wakons: • es= NY edo not propose to sell cheaper than the cheapest, but make- as good as the, BEST at reasonable prices. We also do painting in the highest and 'best style of the art. Any one wanting anything in our line will please CALL. H. BAKER 8 SON. *eattield, March 22,—tf. TO THE WORKING CLAI3B,—,We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole orate time or for the spare moments. Blisters* nrw, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50e. to $5 per erentag,and • pro portioual sum by devoting their wholo time to the Elena and girls earn nearly as mute as MM. That all who nee this notice may send theft address, ond 'test the business, We make this unparalleled offer: To such as nre not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Poll partienlans, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy erne I eopte's Literary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. Reader, If you want permanent, profita ble work, address E. 0. ALLEN & CON'Aerairszt, MAINE. Aplil 19,1871.-3 m. $5 To $lO Per. Day MIEN. WOMEN, • BOYS and Ofilf,S who engage in our uow hotlines make from 0 to $lO por day in their own localities. Pull particulars and Instructions sent,. free by mall. Those In need of permanent. profitable work, should address at once. GEOSO it STINSON & CO., Portland, klaino. Ap II 10, 1871 —Bm. PLASTER. PLASTER. WILL be kept constantly on band at Ttega Depot, watt' the 1.51140 May next, a 87 50 per ton. • • 7,1 DILLISTIN. March 15, 1871 2m APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE . —Notice 'is hereby given that the following' named persons have made application for tavern licett,..• sea and eating house licenses, and that the same wilt be presented to the Court of Quarter Ses sions of 'Nga county, thel2ilth day of May, in stant,• at info o'clock P.M.; when-all interested may attend if they think proper. JOHN P. DONALDSON, Pro'y. 1101111,9. , L. J. Kimble. Lawrenceville. ' L. Phillips, Fall Ilrook. James Patterson, Bioseburg. 3. Wilson, . '• D. W. Hibbard, Ruthenia. C. W. Wheeler, Union., Orson Edgeonnb, Geo. Close, Weslielde • James Kelley, Blot*. William Sage, if • R. W. Thomas, 44 ' R. L. Boynton, .Teekrobi 4 ' B. R 6BB , 931401% O. C. Phillips, Knoxville. ; William L.1%041118, Wird. ' Robert Trader, E lklan 1, Morgan Shaul, Deerfield. • Bugene 0. Martin, Osceola. Bites M. Smith, Wogs.* R. R. Bond, Lawrenceville. HAMM nousas. Burly I Hayes. Blessburg. Martin Scully, Steinberg. James S. Mitchell, Blass. Stephen Bowen, " • Robert Begat Barnard A. Murray, " May 3,18 n AN JRO. I. MII`OHILL.