altglittiii:' CIRCOLATION• • i•'•• • • ~•.:1, 9 00. P. o. VAN GELDER; Editor and Proprietor. Wp4iipadv t *87,24, 1871. On the 18th instant a boat containing hree young;men went 4:oier Hose einee .(141agara) „ On the 12th instant, near Attica, N. I Y,, on the Erie rallroa . , a freight train with an emigrant, car a tacked; was run into by an extra freigh train, and live children were killedn d fifteen adults wounded. TIOGA COrTY T. 'On the 9th instant, Mr. Olmstead in. troduced in the Senate the House bili to extend the term of office of the Tree• surer of Tinge, county..' Mr. Billing&11 said ho would not votelor such legisia• tion. Mr. Olmstead said this was not a job in the interest of the present Trea. surer or Tioga minty." It originated with the county Commissioners, 'who are In favor of it irrespective of party. The bill NVCIS opposed by M - eilsrs. Bil lingfelt, White, Bnekalew, \Wallace and others, awl was defeated by . a vote of 20 to 12, Pending the vote, Mr. Wal lace Inatle . the following remarks, which appear._ to us so apt that we give place to thorn : This bill proposes to do for Tioga county the very thing that the Treasurer and Commissioners' asked me to de for my county, and I told them I was opposi;d to the prinoiple of legislating a man into' office one year more than ho was elected for by the people; that if they would prlide in the bill that the term of the man next elep ed should he three years, I would vote for thtf bill.. We have the in'oonvenienee suggested by the Senator from Potter; wo have not a great pito. , tical Inconvenience. We have quite ag much un seated land as the Senator from Potter, and wo, find that the Treasurer can get along pretty well, although he comes into office the same year the taxes are paid. You aro making an exceptional case out of Tioga ; you aro violating the sound rule tO which this side of the chamber has tinetly committed itself—that we should hot leg• islate a man auto office. I, for one, cannot con sent to this bill. If the Senator from Potter can pass this hill, my pedple will ask the question, • Why could you not pass a bill of this charac ter?' Therefore, upon principle, upon policy, in the want of serious inconvenience, it seems to me the bill ought not. tunas. If it oes, it will, re turn to plague us in time to come." Now it would hardly be supposed that this bill stood a capital chance of be coming a law, after its very decided re• jection by the Senate, coupled with grave doubts as tai its constitutionality. Yet, on the 11th, the Senate reconsid ered and passed the bill by a vote of 17 to 12. We are personally and politically on friendly terths with the present Treasu rer, and Welke are reasons why we sho'd be in favor Of the,extended term in this case, if it Were certain to be accepted as an exceptional case by all parties. -But thel)reeedent is a bad one, and legisla ting men into county offices is of doubt ful Constitutionality. We can only hope it wilt ,rock well,--as an exception —and not " come bank to plague us." THE JUDICIARY OF THIS STATE AND THE LEGISLATURE. Legislatures are heavy bothee heavy ()miles move slowly ; ergo, the move ments 'of legislative bodies are distin guished for dignity and momentum , ) ra ther than rapidity. This is the rule.— The exception to it is when there IS a motion beitire the house to increase the pay of merfabra. I,Vo haw----We always had—a respee for a ' 1 member." almost amounting to a wi v , "it Is a fine thing to be a " jin tienitan,ll says dandy Andy. It is a fine thing to be a member, say we: to be able to fix Sour own salary at a year ly figure glide beyond anything you e 'illii ever hope to win 'by any sort of h mest labor of brain at home, (owing ti limited e tpital,) and then to vote .yourself seven dollars a day in add i t ion , on the plea of extra labor, is hav ing a - pretty soft thing of it. I.Ve are tilled with admiration of the parliamentary dignity and shrewd ness of ,such a proceeding, that we scorn to wilt whose Pockets this extra money Is to ('oo o ' ont of. It is well known that the Legislatures of States (tint to mention Congress) are very largely eoillposed of lawyers. We have an abiding respect for lawyers: we think them exceptionally faithful to the interests of their clients—and themselvog. We know that the judi ciary is almost exclusively recruited front their ranks Ohat a largo majority of them leek forward to the—woolsack, is it ?—as the ill)!) za Mule of their aspi rations.; and, hth Ing the law-ranking power in their hands, we might expect them to give much attention t 6 title stuffing of that same woolsack, in anti cipation of possible future relations.- 1n this we should not be disappointed. Referring to the record, we, find that when the Hon. R. Q. White first at tained his judicial position, the salary of a President Judge was $l5OO per an num. It has advanced until at the pre sent time it is $4,000. This is not all: a bill was introduced in the Legislature to raise the pay of a Judge holding court outside of his own district to $l2 per day, over and above his regular sal ary. It passed, and, if we are not mis taken, is the law of the State to-day.— One would think this made a tolerably good thing of it, *considering : but not so though our assembled wisdom in the legislative halls•at Harrisburg, for, on April 26 of the present session the fol lowing bill was introduCed - :. Sac. I. That any law judge of any court of this Commonwealth who, having held his com mission as such at least ten years, shall, after having attained to the age of seventy years, re sign his office, Shall thereafter, during the residue of his natural life, receive the same salary which wa s by law payable to him at the time of hie re signation. t;lic. 2. Any law judge of any court of this Commonwealth who, having held his commission and acted as such for at least ten years, shall be, come so far broken down in health as to be un fitted to perform itho duties of hie office, may, on resigning his commission, be entitled to receive ono-half tho amount of salary paid him at the timo of his resignation, for such period of time as by such disability ho shall be un fi tted to fol low his prCfessional pursuits. - The bill was defeated in the Senate by a vote,of 19 to i 4; but the fact that a change' of three votes would have passed such a bill through the Senate is significant. We do not think the law judges of this State asked or de sired the passage of such a bill. Wo have thirty-one judicial districts, and pensioning ofrjudgea for holding a high posi tion of honor andemolument which it has been the object of their lives to attain, is, in the vernacular, " cutting it too fat." But our judges have all been lawyers our lawyers hope to be judges : and . it is wise to cushion the bench on which ,you expect to sit. It is a ,very pretty arrangement—for the bar: " Veels vith ill 'feels," as Sam Weller remarked. But the people stand it will stairtal Moat any th ng, beat the trouble of 'giving study and' work each year to important matter of, seitgo, seeming quite content th lea ter lit the hands ofacitent clans, -who, having it pretty own way, take about- what I end, at the - end of a success career; - one .of theSezgent say with . Warren Haltinge consider my Opportunities that I took so , Tito time approa9lg man Ivilo taken an intrest of liir:O...otintr . sr extent, absorbed in a pelitie that win dead° in tvgkont I EASURER. policy Of the goverhuient •fl of four yeare, - Tho - (i'Ue4lo in the corning tarn - pa*n . ar than ordinary itigiiirt4nee, not the tittle itidiebus4 the but Ave may: intimate;' eentt:adietton, that:l - 14 - clues thiportance than thatlef pry 'arise, an far as th`e' State' of 'nia is concerned.' There m reason with, INt t eater ern nian for-orposlng , a big, tariff, even while sound re • i remove the gloss of logical' But the Penneylvanian W trade advocate cannot bni ho le working against thn his State. Wei think it at ble :condition of nationa that our producing el ssee tected against comp itio 41 manufactured article prod ?, tries where labor is very , than with - us. ' i. Free trade ' or a , mated it, would be linanel: best interestii of Peinitlylv manatteturltig States ge out the Uniot4 No doubt Were are farm :rs in every section who think free tra•e would add greatly to their annual say ngs, or les sen their expenses materi:llyi by giv ing them cheaper cloth, tea -coffee, farm implements, etc. a Perhapz some of these farmers are old !enoulh to remem ber the tariffs of 184'4 and 840, and can recollect a time when, b der a- - tariff that.was little more t i l tan ominal, pri ces along the westein p station, of the Erie canal ranged about t • follows: corn fed `pork, $2 to $2 0 per cwt. ; white wheat, 62 to 75c. per bushel.— These are given as 'samples,, because they were almost the only articles—ex cepting hides and wool—that had a cash value and ready sale in tho l e markets.— Beef, eggS, butter, and ether articles of food, were quite as low' in proportion ; and all mechanical labor, loths, groce ries, etc., were eorrespondigly low: We have frequently bee opposed by anti-tariff men with the talgument that a working man could llve as easily then as now ; Mlat, prices being equalized, it makes no difference whether you get one dollar or three for a day's work.— We always admitted that, o far as the necessaries of life were oncerned, a man could sypport a fam ly as easily then as now lbut most mewill agree that it is wise to look an nch or two beyond one's nose. „tet ti adroit that, sit if a workman receive three shillings for a day's work, and can keel up his .cur rent expenses on two affi l ings a day, he may save a third of his. wages; and if .he receive three dolla ß a day, of which it costs him two fora living, be still only saves a third of tile aysuraci But suppose the man is in debt to the amount of a thousand dollrs, how long would it take him to pay t, principal and interest, on a saving of one shilling per day ? At a clear savin Pof one dol-, lar per day, it might be tiore in a few years; at a shilling a day, not - in a life time. And this fairly ill Position as a uatiki. We Our immense debt, if high tlush money market are rule ; with low-prices and ey market, never, And, if we were a freetr: under ordinary conditions hardly care to see our cony on under the present etre It would not add to the w agriculturist to bring dow of manufactured articles. Wages and productions o are low in price, farm pro walla low in proportimi, as should know who-iald e member the campaign or Dallas and the tariff of '4 South it was " Polk, and the tariff of '4:i."l 1 3 But the tariff question I ms been ar gued to the bottom s / eque ce, by such pen as Horace Greeley,Henry Carey, and others of equal ability. Those who run may read, and all shou d read; but many will not. They wll :y4ste, how ever ; and' how any iutelli ent Repub lican, who is in' favor of su porting the government and paying o ' the nation- al debt, can favor a loxV rlvenue tariff, is one of the conundrums we give up. Still less do we understand how a Pena -1 sylvanian of any party e n favor free trade. But the ways of liticians are past fi nding out ; and one f thestrong est party cries in the comi g campaign is to be TAXES, including, f course, all import duties. All we ask f that party on this point is, that; it g before the people on a fair, outspoke platform.— ,i If the party really mean fee trade, let us understand it, as well i Pennsylva nia as in lowa ; in Massachusetts and New Htimpshire, no less than in Ken tucky and South Carolinai r We mean Republica and protection to home industry epublicanlsM that ou agric pro s( teeth every man in tie sae e lse of equal civil and political rights, tinder the amended Constitution ; reteetion to home Industry, by he ir duty on goods of foreign man fact r , and also en such raw materiallas a i y come In i i, competition wall 'Aural pro ductions. And we r er ott Democra tic friends who are fo I d of eulogi zing General Jackso nand homes Jef ferson, to the fact th i t the Democratic party in Jacksim'l3 Imo the high tariff Party ; and Ja kson was a stiff kneed protectionist, ever a ' d always. P. S. See JacksotSs - let Crawford, published in las gator. I - THE SENATE AT WASH'S WASLE I KY What our \ 1 ! most poten reverend seignors" at Was to know, Is how arAl w what means the Tribune that treaty, almost b, fore themsetves knew the y text. to Ilp,d out Who is le.. PROTECTION 14. specCialetsaton , Aark Abe. nth, (1.41 r 1.11 1. r which .'White, chief of the 2tibune correspe &iota, was brought. befere the Senate and questioned as ti?,:the - hOw and where he "got the copy of the trea ty, but he declined: to: ;tell.- The Trib oat, oorrespOdeote are under 'arrest, and tha.ohlef. blisinees 4.the Benate Just now to 'FairriP the leak out of them. The sueeess:Orthat 'honorable body in, this _attempt 41 not marked.- - Some of the Senators have sense 'en ough to see that they are likely to make asses of themselves, .and Hone of the arrieted tOrrespdpilents - ," atid fa" r vor ,of letting the thing - d r o.p; Mr. Sumner offered an amendment to; the rules I celf—they. 1. ther than I few days the vilely krernment a the mat- ,uoh their hey please ul political may-Artily ".When I I wonder TItA'DE `` I ,• I f . , ;V/104,0Vitry I the . ►if 1 i a ftiv be, tos ome I 1 campaign i easurlthe ir a P fled ns inv ived : of fay More and this is i at length i out liar 'Of linrof more i tectOn will , PE:nnSylva-, y be 4 0411.: or: klouth 7 f Pro4ictivo zoning wo'd I laueibility. to is a tree know that ',interests of indispensa prosperity, hall be pro with all ced in coun uch cheaper '!That all treaties with foreign powers be eon. sidored in open and public, session, unless, sub mitted in special confidence by the President, or ordered otherwise by a epeeist vote of the Sen ate." • The best men in the Sennte—such men ns Sumner, Wilson and Sehurz •are disposed to let the atlnii dmin east. '137 1 But 11r. Carpenter was in favor of detaining' the lucky eorrespOdente !A Li, itheOtr,ippos4l4l l !'fm..oiy:.y4 r e t rp,oll4; tfLthey aupwqred;,, fr. pilandffir Ited the compnitte9 : eputinue4..,unttl the , witnesses would answer. As the Tribune proposes to double the pay, of its correspondents -while they are held in durance, this might- turn out a 'long-suffering committee. - . • - Mr. Carpenter offered• a resolution that Mr. White be detained in custody until he signified his readiness to an= si.ei t . The resolution was carried by a . hel majority ; and also a similar one in the case of Mr. Ramsdell, formerly on the Agitator. The most impprtant part of the session, to our thinking, was the short speech of Senator Wilson:— He said : "I have been hero sixteen years, during which . time the proceedings of the exeontive sessions lave found their way into the , press more ,or less aconrate. The papors employ as correspondents man of intelligence, capacity and character.-- They are men who know the proceedings 41 . -this• government as well as the; Senators do. :They, utdorstand what is being done nil the time, and know something of the history . of the country. They are employed to find out what is done, and - to-give the people the news, even before it takes place:Senators know. that Senators talk about what is dine in 'scored session. I talk with these correspondents in the presence of other persons. Ii is no use for Senators to put on snob virtue here, and pretend to be what they are not. The truth is, Senators talk too much." at appro)d-` Irvin to the nia, and the orally tbro'- That sounds like common sense. As for our old friend " Tip" Ramsdell, we always thought he would bring jail ; always told him so. Now—while the kero s ene holds out—let him repent, —of that rifle business at Camp Curtin. Nearly six months ago the employee of the largest coal companies in the State " struck"—not for a rise in wages, but against a seri* reduction. The companies, which had been paying $1 81 cents per ton for mining, docked the price down to 80 cents. They knew the men would not work for that price, and did not desire that they should. They had made the usual cool, long-headed calculations, for which they (the com panies) are so famous, and were pre pared, - nrit - orily for along strike, with the usual commit - Rants of riot, mayhem and homicide, but for a de . ad horn-and horn-lock with the great transportation compan-iesand heavy coal operators.— As for the mine* they could be got to work whenever it became really desi .rous that ntore coal should be mined. The winter has been a memorable one for the great anthracite mines of the State. All winter an army :of rugged, obstinte men has been lying idle about Soren o t i n and other mining towns. eat. ro b a., ...rugs or other days, wherever therei' ere savings to fall back on, and being upported by the Working Men's Benev t lent Association in oases of t des titution. All winter the miners have been growing poorer and more despe rate; and all through the long strike they have held out with the indomita ble obstinacy of their races, (Welsh and English.) Riots have occurred when ever the companies have attempted to Introduce other and cheaper laborers; men have been killed in the most bru tal manner ; and still the troubles con tinue. The companies are determined on a heavy reduction in the cost of mi ning coal, and all attempts at cOmpro mise have so far failed, the highest price offered by the companies being 93} cents per car, with clauses Ignoring the "ba sis principle" entirely. The miners will accept_this, and they lir e strengthened by the, fact that in Le high, Wyoming and Schuylkill the mi ners have resumed work. The Wilkes barre coal and iron company are work -14-double their ordinary force, and the lesser cOinpanies have accepted the " basis," 1. e., when coal is high, the labor of the miner • is correspondingly enhanced in price. But the three great companies, the Pennsylvania, t• e 1 a ware and HUdson, and Lackawana and Western, repudiate the " basis," and the fight goes on. Every paper from the coal regions comes to us redolent of coal troubles, and each has its own view of the case: some of them agree ing with the Tribune, that the laborer has a right to put his own price on his labor, while the employer has just as good a right to buy labor where it can be purchased most cheaply. This is the stand .invariably taken by the N. Y. Tribune in all collisions between la bor and capital; but we fail to 'see where or how Mr. Greeley reconciles this withhis well known,:and—as we think—sound doctrines, on the tariff question. We are a Protectionist from conviction, strengthened by years of observation and experience. We believe it to bathe interest of every producing American, who produces anything of real value to his country, ninth° be not brought into competition with the fab -1 ries produced by the pauper labor of Europe. And we also believe—as Mr. Greeley evidently does not—that it is equally his duty and his pflvileged right to protect himself from that pau per labor when the tariff has changed the location of that 111-paid laborer to our own soil, where he has no natural right that be bad not on European soil. If protection means anything, it means just this : that the men in our republio who produce' all the real wealth of the 1 country,—who are its strength, in peace as well'as in war,—shall not be reduced to the beggarly life of the European la borer ; that their pay shall be such that 1 they may.dress decently and live well, even to the great Inconvenience of un productive idlers, who creep through lifein - a._channel of sluggish respecta bility, on meager incomes and small salaries. And we confess that our sym pathies, as a rule, are with the strikers for better wages; and ; that we - believe in the right of our producers, all over the land, to protect themselves from a system of pauper labor, whether Re:o' rue . , .ustratee our can pay off rices and a I%ermitted to tight mon- de advocate we should ctions acted mstan . ees.— :altla of the the prices > When the the artisan nets are al 'any farmer lough to re of "Polk - , [At the down with :r to A. J. week's Ag. TON- HO grave and ington want ere and by got hold lof he Senators They want hey held a THE COAL TROUBLES. thetnlkario ready4a94o-,:ekiths and steel rails, or in the laborers who pro duce them ; always preferring the latter ass choice of °vita, however, while dep reoating both. We have kt own - strikes 4iiii:l7hich we had no sYmPathy.;,s4,llres ei where, men who _were enrning ndeliar f.hour became gieed - Yi went oil' their Lipids al together, and ended by settling down to work at half their previous._wages ; „Which was but, Just, and learned them a useful lekisom. .ilut these were ems)* Must . cases, well paid workmen 'do not etiike. If "Aniericart` Caidtallste . think it for their'interestrtii . l6Prort bhiner labor ers into kassadhetts fOr the purpose of cheapening the making of boots and shoes, and can make a success of the thing, we Shall watch the experiment with some interest. We know the Chi naman can live on a sum and Ina man ner that the editor of the Tribune wo'd hardly like to; adopt. Does he deny that the American workman will be compelled to - Approximate - ChineSe frocidels'aiiki; or . .1404 be think it desirable tha",this State of 'things skouid Otaln't Andif,not. are "the woririnenisicicth, juitified In applying , the principles of "protec tion to American InchistrY,!' to protect ,thernselvps froPM a. 1 3 Yete.n.,04% labor which a Chines finds rather desirable, ,by comparison; butivhich would sink an American to the dust? tt? l 11,091N0 OP RULOFF. All Worth for pardon, reprieve or commutation' having failed, the son. tence of Ruloff was carried out on the 18th, by hanging. The Elmira , ddver- User ,the 19th deyotee over three col t . mina .to the, 430Ject, from which we make a few- extracts : / ; . BINGRAMTONe-May 17,1871. ' Abont nine o'clock this morning G. Becker, Esq., who has in all things con ducted the defense'of Ruloff in a. most lawyer-like and masterly manner, re ceived from Mr. Freeman, editor of the `Binghamton Leader, who was in , New York for the purpose of making a last effort in behalf et the condemned the following dispAtch : • " Nsw-Yonx., MAY 17,1871.—T0 Geo. Becker :—Ruloff cannot be saved. All efibrts will prove useless. I thank God I have done my duty as I understood It, regardless of consequences. • • E. H. FREEMAN." At the time of the receipt of this dis patch, Mr. Becker was at the jail in conversation with Ruloff. He opened it and read it, and handed it to Ruloff without any remark. Ruloff read'it, and his manner, which previously had been e a 1 m and earnest, immediately changed. Until that time he had indulged a faint hope that something would occur, and that his life would be saved. Now the last link was broken, and he knew that he must die. With an expression of countenance the most' fiendish, And oaths the most fearful, that was ever witnessed or heard, he denounced and - abused all living and moving beings He cursed the officers that arrested him, the jury that Convicted him, the court that sentenced him, and the Governor that refused him pardon. He abused and cursed Mr. Beaker, his counsel, de claring that he had not donehis full duty, and that he might have saved him. To such a length did he carry his abuse of Mr. Becker, that the latter left the jail without replying. After Mr. Becker had gone, Ruloff apologized to Mr. Whitney, Mr. Beaker's clerk who had brought in the dispatch, for his language and conduct to Mr. Becker, and admitted that the latter had done all within his power, and all that any lawyer could have done, to defend rand save him. - - • • - - - • The gallows after it was, completed, was repeatel h tested, - a bag of sau cy weighing near y two undred pounds being used instead of the body of a hu man being. It was found to work sat drairalkii to guaait until the arri;al of the hour for Its work of death. We have never seen a gallows that could be considered an attractive piece of workmanship, but we. have never seen one that ponessed such meager at tractions as this. From its construc tion, and its workings at the time of its preliminary trial, we have reason to an ticipate that the execution will not .be attended with that speedy death, to the victim which is always desirable, espe cially to spectators. MAY I.B.—This morning Mr. Becker said to Ruloff: " You. profess to be, a philosopher, and place your reliance upon that, and not upon religion. Can you die like a stoic?" Ruloif said— " Yes, leave me alone for that. Socra tes took the hemlock, Cicero was mur dered on the sea shore, Seneca commit ted suicide. I shall endeavor in my humble way to meet death with the same fortitude." Becker said, " There are some clergymen who have tendered their services; they have . fixpwed a desire to administer any spiritual corn fort that you may think needful, or de& sire." Ruloff said, " - I thank you; I •am a man of strong convictions, awl cannot change my mind in a day °Can hour on a subject of so great importance; never alter my mind without reason ; and I see no reason to change _it'apon that subject." In reply to the Sheriff as to whether ha wanted a minister present at the ex ecution, he replied that, he did'nt care a d—d about a minister. It would be his choice not to have one, but if the Sher iff wanted any praying done at the time, he should not object, At 11:37 the signal was given, and the most noted criminal of the time was\ noon dangling In the air, lifeless. He died the same firm, materialistic scoff er he had lived; cynical, matter of fact and stoical to a degree. His last wish, expressed to the Sheriff, was, " You wont have any prayer or any d—d non sense down. there, will you?" The Sheriff assured him that his wishes in that respect should be gratified._ • No man was ever more. justly execu ted, and yet few will readiof his death without a feeling of sad regret. As a comment' on 'the continued re ports that the , Communists - 40 , 4;m - their last legs, we Print" the follow ing from the last dailies on our table : Lowboy, May 19.-411 epeolal dispatches to. the London journals concur in representing thet a reign of terror prevails in Paris. Many emi net ethane are daily imprisoned, and the lives of those held as hostages are despaired of. Twen ty-one members of the Commune no longer at tend Its sittings, bat remain in their respective arrondissements. Four hundred Versaillists are said to have de serted yesterday. Batteries have been estab*hed at the Dau phine gate, which has been strongly fortified with earthworks and new barricades. We accede to the general belief, that the Communists are to succumb ;* but they are not so easily subdued as many have supposed. And, fail as they may and must, they will have brought France a long ateP nearer to a genuine republic. The reign of terror was the reaction of 500 years of the most intol erable oppression, and its mad nuts were prop9rtionately fearful. The revolution of to-day is the reac tion of two or three decades of Caesar lain, and less fearful, But it has its uses and its lessons:- "Methinks I bear a little bird that sings, The people by by will be the stronger I"' The Red element may be—doubtless is—bad and cruel enough. But Is it worse than the feudal element which instructed, practically, that it was high FRANCE. -, ll .g#Orfor - thethmlgliter . of:a `Pea449o- ar mtichanie to be seduc ed by a nobleman's son? Or that forbade the tenant to put manure on his lands, because it injured the flavor of his lordship's game?-- . These ate historical facts. Let us study history. •., Since 'writing the above, a dispatah , from Versailles says " the Versaillist forces entered Paris at fourn'efook this afternoon. (May 21.) , The entrance was etrepted pimpltaneously at two points. The ineurkeniti have abandoned `‘ the larg/Parts.", , , - , A circular from Thiele centime the MI above. i Horace G reeley in New . Orleans. NEW ORTLEANS, May 18.—The Amer ican Union Club entertained Horace Greele last night. Mr. Greeley made a speeh , in which he said : " This is my fl t visit to the South. I come hero with a heart devoted to the good of the people. They are -not my ene mies now, who were six or eight years ago. I bear hatred to no man." He believed the best`fineT4phoio occupy the beet places; vilthont.,.any, reference to bygones, for the peril which necessi tated the exclusion of some men from thp ballot box no looker exists, Ileop posed disfranchisement as no longer a `necessity, and said there would not lie a Kuklux in the land now If there had been a general amnesty. live years ago. It would have united the people and healed the wounds produced by the war. For that" he had struggled, and the time was not far distant when eve ry American would have his fair chance at the ballot box, and the maj or ity would rule.—El. Adv. • Misa SUSAN B ANTHONY was lobby ing at Lansing last week. She conver ted the legislative reporter of the De troit Free Press, and the ingenuous young man tells how it was done, as follows : Susan—". Are you the Free Press reporter ?" (booking to see if she had a club.) "Ism" Susan—" Then let me introduce myecif to-you Miss Susan Bertha ~Authony, of Idassaohu setts," (Blushing-very red.) "I h-hope you have—have podesignii against my— my oharac—against me." Busan-"None whatever, I assure - You." Both extend right hands. Both squeeze. Both blush and squeeze harder. Both enter into conversation, during which the fact is developed that I always favored woman's rights, and always shall. The Congregationalist ridicules the idea of amending the constitution so that it shall directly recognize God. It says : "The effort is sure to fail, as it ought to fail. If the thing could be done, and the whole A.thrmasian creed were made a part of the instrument of government, there would not be an ounce weight more of christianity in the nation. No Christianity in the constitution because the words are not there! Is, there no salt in the sea? There are no lumps of salt visible. Go to, now ; let us form a national soolety to put salt into the Atlantic ocean." It is a question between a couple of teamsters in the vicinity of Shelburne, which is the stronger, the force of habit or that of imagination. 'louring the late cold snap John suffered intensely from a slit in the back ofl his coat, which gave him the rheumatism in the shoul der, and kept him in la chronic state of shivei, Be went home at night, half frozen and *holly. okees.te And, the "glide wife" had pit a patch on the offending hole the night before. And Awry enlarged to one of his compan ions on the warmth of a red flannel ricuLloA losciaintsu..4 Isla 4..44.= lint had been making for him said he "had just as ',Hove be out as in, for he didn't feel the cold at all," and got home at night to find the much lauded dread naught had been hanging behind the kitchen stove all day.—Er. "SOUND ON THE 43001311. 4 -A pious negro woman was once caught by her master stealing a goose, and the next Sunday partook of the communion, after which her master accosted her as follows: "W4y, Hannah, I saw you to day at the communion table." "Yes, tank de Lord, massa, I was 'lowed to be dere, wid de rest ob His !tunny." "Bat, Hannah, I was surprised to see you there," he said. "How is it about the goose ?" • She looked a little surprised, as if she did not understand the question, but, catching the meaning, exclaimed. Praise de Lord—l isn't 'gwine to gib up my bressed mas'r for no ole goose. A NEW YORK PARTNERSHIP.—One of the pesteringe to which the good na tured business men and bankers and lawyers of New York are subjected is the persistence with which lady can vassers with new books urge the pur chase of their works. One of these peripatetic ladies, having overtaxed th• patience of a gentleman, was effectually disposed of as per dialogue following : "Madam, the partnership of which I am a, member has lately been so impru: dent as to issue a new work of their own which, in consequence of the enor mous expense attending its illustra tions, embellishments, etc., has com pletely crippled us." "Then, perhaps," replied the lady canvasser, "we could procure you some eubscribrys. What do you call yOur work ?" "Well, we have not yet determined ; but I guess I'll let my wife have her own way, and call it after me—Charles Henry. THE MARKET VALUE Of the shares of stook in the N. Y. Tribune and Times is $B,OOO per share. In each of these newspapers establishments, by their articles of associations, the stockhold ers have the right to purchase 'the in terest of any shareholder desiring to sell, 4. e., at the market price. Thus, if A. B. an outsider, bids $lO,OOO a share for Tribune stook, the present share holders would have the option of taking it at that figure. RECOGNITION ON EARTH—The fol lowing is suggestive of an evil 'which exists in certain city churches : "A Boston minister says he once preached on 'The Recognition of Friends in the Future,' and was told after church by a hearer that it would be more to the point to preach about the recognition of friends here, as he bad been in the church twenty years and didn't know any of ita members. N. timisT: Boys playing, in the road way. clergyman —' an d so you are building a mud village, are you, and that's the church ? But why haven't you. made the parson ?" Boy—"We hadn't dirt enough." Parson continues his:ramble. The State of New Hampshire borders on Canada for a distance of thirty or forty miles, and yet there is not a road of any kind across the line. It is a wild region on both sides, little fre quented except by butters. - 11k-linblnfte;':.eidifornla 'and Kaisaa, and the B, &M. R. Lands. Tho,"Burlington Route," fie called, lies right in the path of the Star of Empire. It runs almost imitedlately in the venter of the great westward tiereftient AO emigration. Croising Illinois and PT's : 4 strikes the' Missouri river at three three points Are the gateways into .three igreat . " . ,*tions of the trans.rdissourl region.. — .The Northern gate is Omaha, whore the great tfielaallof *ad and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. . Toe middle, gate is Plattatnouth, which opens upon the eolith half of Nebraska,Booth of the .Plattazirerva regieil unsurpasse d on ,the f cond. Went for agriculture and gracing: - Just heir) are - the B. 'd: 111.11allroad , lands, concerning' which Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Burlington, lowa, can all Information, and in the heart of them is Lincoln, the State Capital and present terminus of the road. ' The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by conneo- Rona with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, run ning direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains of the Burlington run smoothly and safely, andmeke all oonnections. It runs the best of coaches, Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, and.ehould you take, the journey for the journey'reake alone, yon.will be repaid; or take it to little home or a farm, and you cannot find either better than amongthe .B. M. lands, where you can buy on ten s6ars' credit, and at u lorr Ilith'lB7lAy. laru now in stook, and will keep constantly JUL, on hand, at the loWest market quotations. Wool, Twine , 2 & 4 ply cotton &-jutetwine. Marlin 2, 8 & 4 strand. , Mnowle pat. Step Ladder, from 13 to 8 ft. ~ . - JACK •SCREWS, TACKLE BLOCKS, WIRE T OLOTH & WIRE GOODS generally. EMERY WHEELS for gumming saws A full assortment of Lake Heron A, Berea GRINDSTONES, 'Canal Wheel Barrows hi any quantity. MANILLA ROPE from 1 inch down. No 1 t no 1 extra engine oiL A complete assortment of MINILINICS TOOLS, Houie Builders and Household. Hard= ware constantly on hand. Bottoinpriooo on AGRIOULTIMAL IMPLEMENTS Come in and take a look, get the _figures and see how it is yourself, and oblige Yours Truly J. BOREIFFELIN, JR Ma y 24, 11371.-tt The singer SEWING MACHINE. 'Singer at the Head. 127,883 sold in 1870. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS 80,781 sold ill:1869 Woman's best Friend. • 59'829 sold in 1868 It never Tires Out 43,053 sold in 1870 IT is the best abused machine, and the best mabbine abused in the wide world. Try it and yott will like it, It never.disappoiet4. The above facts speak louder than words of praise byns. • E. W. HOGABOOM, Gong Agent for Tioga county. N. B.—Maohines delivered to purchaser° free of oharge. Manatleld, May 24, 1871 y STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 11.111ISPIVLD, TIOGA CO., PAi- June 12, 18 and 14—Monday, Tuesday and Wed: needay—Final examination of Senior class. June 25—Sunday evening—Annual sermon be. fore the etudenta. Juno 28 and 27—Monday and Tuesday-LExam . ination of the olaesee. June 27—Tuesday oven in g—Commeneemen °Owen,. Juno 28—Wednesday evening—Oration and po eon before the literary societies; June L29—Thursday-Commencement. 0. H. VERRILL, Principal. May 24,1871 4w YIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMA TION. Whereas , the Hon. Robert G. White resident Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and E. T. Denny and C. P. Veil, Esq's, Associate Judges in Tioga County, have issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of May. 1871, and to me directed, for the holding of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the sth Monday of May, (being tho 29th day,) 1871, and to continue two weeks. , Notice le therefore hereby given, to the Coro ner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do tbose things which of their offices and in their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses and oth er persons prosecuting in behalf of the Common. wealth against tiny parson or persons, are re quired to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jfirors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time, agreeably to notice. 1 Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's office, in Wellsboro, the 17th day of May, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundeed and seventy-one. The Imported Maltese Jack Napoleon ! 'STILL i stand during the present season at BAILEY'S MILLS, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. Ntipoleon is a large, powerful Jack, and owners of brood mares aro invited to examine him before deciding to go elsewhere. Terms—slo,oo to insure. Owners parting with their mares before foaling will be held re sponsible for services of the Jack. May 24, 1871-4 w. r T. 11. BAILEY. Public Sale. . . TRH substriber will sell M Palk? Auotion, Auction, in East Chatleston his remaining Stock of Goods, Commencing on Thursday, June 1, 1871. and continua until the goods aro disposed of. Sale to commence at 10 a. m. May 24. 1871-2 w. ELIAS TIPPLE. FARM FOR SALE. TSH eubscriber offers for sale hie farm of 56 sores, pleasantly situated in Catlin Hollow, Charleston, Ttoga county, Pa.;•within about tour miles of Wellsboro and two miles of Niles Val ley depot. School house, church, mills, silepiti" &c., within a mile. Terms easy. Inquire/6n the promisee, of C. a. 8167 /7, 1871 tf E. A.'FlSHifiberiff. Office Of J. D. DOBMW , - 428 north Eighth t.„ Philada. D Obbi 118 _, • • 'ea CP.:4 ITVEGETABLEi ET v A Color and dressing that will not burn the hair or injure the head. It does not produce a color mechanically, as the .poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores the hair to its original color and lustre, by supplying new life and vi#or.' It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, flue hair. The best and safest article ever offered. Olean and Pure. No - sediment r Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. Nov. 28,1870.-6 m. 0,C104:10 Bushels Stone Lime fur gale 'by Aprll 19, 1871.-m T A OST—Between Weßebore lc Green Smith's, on the road leading to Pine creek, on the 12th instant, a new pookot book, containing $l2O. The tinder will be liberally rewarded, on leaving the book and money at the Agitator of fice. I W. R. FURMAN. Gattee, May 17, /771 aw NOUItOM ,TS hereby given that the Commsesioners sap -1t pointed by act of Assembly, approved, 29th of March, 1871, for the Cotranesque•Valle rail road compaey, wilLipeet i at the hotel formerly kept by H. 11. Wesson. in Lawrenceville, on Thursday, June 1,1 i 71, at the banking office or J. Parkhurst dc Co., in Elkland, Friday, June 2, and Saturday, Juno 8, 1871, from ten o'clock A. M. till four P. M. of P itch day, for the purpose of opening the books anreoelving suceoriptions for the stock of the said ompany. I , JOEL PARKHURST. BENJ. D ORR AN OE, PHILIP TUBBS, JOHN PARKHURST, G. H. BAXTER, Elkland, May - 10,1871 3w &inners. NEW FIRM. A. NI. Ingham & Co., TA" pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Welisboro and vicinity that they have purchased the entire stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES formerly owned by P. R. Williame,,and are ad ding to the stook a fine line of Goode, eoneiet log of Pure Drugs, Patent Medioines, Yankee .. i Notions, Pallas. Oils, I rnishes, Varnish, Brushes, int Paity Brushes, Fishing Tac lc, and in fact everything usually'kept in a tire elate Drug Store. In the line.of Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fistureq we cannot be undersold. Call and examine Goods and prices' before purchasing elsewhcre l Particular attention paid to Physicians Proscrip tions, and compounded at all hours. The patronage of the public is solicited. A M. I - NI - melt V. KLOCK. May 4, 1871. Photograph Gallery (vrtd, Fr 01(1 'Pictures Copied road on large& to /sup 4117.0. ALL 421-ItU. Vir KI4TP,'D Na • 13 :stem Street; • • 1110135 P., °SITE May 11, 1 1 , 1113t11414im - Y, 1 ro DI BY VIRTUE - of sundry writs of Fieri Fades, Levari Facies and Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, and to me directed, I will expose tdpub lio sale, to the highest and best bidder, at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Monday, the 29th day of May, 1871, at one o'clock P. m., the fol lowing described property: A lot of land in Liberty township bounded en the north by Thomas Fouoht and Michael Desmond, on tho east by Ed: ()strum, on the south by George Hart and Wm Rillpatrick, and on the west by Alfred Fulkerson; containing 100 acres, more or less, 98 acres improved, with a frame ouse, frame and log barn, frame bay barn, frame hog and tool house, and other out— buildings, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Arse—Ono other lot of land in said township; beginning at a stake 14 perches west from the northwest corner of lot No 43 of Bingham lands; thence north 134 perches; thence west 61.14 perches; thence south 134 perches; thence east 61 perches, to place' of beginning; containing 48.5 acres, more or less. ALso—Another piece of land in said town ship; bounded on the west by tho Williamson road, on the south by Henry Ditehburn, on the east by Daniel Eartspok; and on the north by Jacob Beck—; containing of an aoro. To be sold as tho property of P. B. Field, suit of Abizer Field. ALSO-4 lot of land in the township of Mor ris; beginning at a stone heap, the southwest corner of land formerly of John F. Harrison, deceased; thence west 128 perches to a'post; thence north 80 perches to a stone heap ; thence east 128 perches to a post; thence south 80 per ohos to the place of beginning; containing 68.2 acres, 20 acres improved, with a frame bongo, frame barn, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Richard Campbell, snit of Henry S. Archer. ALSO—A lot of laud in Rutland township; bounded on the west by the highway loading north through Roseville, on the north by lauds of Jacob Vedder and Jefferson Sherman, on the east by Jefferson Sherman, and on the south by F. H. White; containing two acres, more or lose, with two frame houses, one frame barn, frame, ,shop, and outbuildings and fruit trees - thereon. To be sold as the property of Wm Benson, suit Of Charlei Sherman. .. 1 ALSO—A lot of land in Do/msw rownehip; bounded on the north by Alvin Pp:floater and 0. Borden. east by E. Mattison,,,th by C. dr. J. L. Robinson, and west by ',or lek Scanlan; 001- taining 48.1 acres, more je` less, about 20 wares improved, with a 10, "(ern, , log house ritiorian apple orchard the;4.n. To be sold as tho prep: ertY of Abram,Johnsort ) q uit of J. BurroWs. ALSO-4,14 of land I Union township ; bohndedrf the north by la ds of Emery Them es, ea , rbY Abram Doty, so uth by C. E. Rath bunitnd west by Nathan Bpenoor : containing "acres, more or less, 30 acres improved, With a frame house, frame barn and, fruit troos tioire • on. To be sold as the property of G. %V. Spen cer, snit of Edward C. Cole. V ALSO—A lot of laud lu the village of lonsivlionuded on thelloith an omit by J.' W. Ryon, oottth by Main street, and west by J. (1. Parkbtfratt; containing :oho-fourth ,of ail acre, more or We,: With a ;frame house, framo barn, and a few frdit trees that:eon., To bo sold os Go: property of Oscar,P. Marsh, suit' or W. Richardson, for use of Adolphus D. Heroism.. ALSO—A lot of land In the township of Un ion ; bounded on the north by landS of Merg e . relict Dan, Nelson Wilber, A, A. Griswold ohd Samuel Morgan, east by Samuel Morgan and James Maddock, south by. Of Mortimer Stono and Thomas Stull, and west by C. S. Islew ell ; containing 43 acres, more or less, about 2e acres improved, with two frame dwelling hooter, two frame barns, ono small frame 'store house, ono frame grist mill, one saw mill, outbuildings, an apple prohatd and other fruit trees thercoo. !I'o be sold as the property of T. Si Griswold, suit of Willittin Braino " ; ALSO—A lot of lan lin • Shippon township, ' ' beginning at the nort most corneir, of. William Doano'a lot; tbenco nt rth 84A rode: to the war rant lino; 'thence east 00 rods to . a post, the '. corner of the Webb & lloig! lot; thence south ; 1 844 rods; thence west 100 rods to; tho pier() of beginning;, containin., 53 mires, more or less, about one acre impro ed. To bo; sold as th e Property of Abram M. Sherman, suit of Charles G. Osgood. i • • ALSO—Two lots of land tin Jibes township, in the village of Blossburg, '43n the : west side of the Williamson road; thoy,,being lids Nos one ' and two of Monk No 1, as a-Ppears' by the map of4tio said village, upon which is a ono story building, known as the Academy pr Musio, 35 feet front and 81 feet deep, with an outbuilding thereon. To be sold as the property -of Valen tine /tore, suit of 'Perry Nettrower.'' ALSO—A lot! of land in , Wettlield Winship ; bounded,on theoast bi.:---- Browneon and the ' public highwaY; south by Henry Travers, west ' by Bingham lands, and north by John Craig, Alonzo Simmons and Orville Simmons; contain ing 104.9 aerea', more or less, none improved.— To be sold as ;the property of, Satnuel Pierce, snit of Bingham Trustees. •; ALSO—A Int of land in Clymer township ; -- bounded on the north by A. B. Tronbridge and Rufus Scott, east by the Barber canto and M. ' K. Beach, south by James Smith and the Samuel Niver estate, tOd west by tho Samitel.Niver es tate and Omar Trowbridge; containing 170 acres, more or ;less, 150 acres improved, with one frame house, Ithree frame barns i and apple orchards thk.rtion. To ho sold as the property of Patrick GanlO 4 y, snit of 11. 11. Dent. ALSO—AI t of land in Delmar township; . beginning at Ihe southeast corner of Luclus,Sa bin, on the road leading from Dan Osborn's to Russel Lawton's; thence east along the line of Dan Osborn 124 perches, to a sugar /Maple; thence south 23 perches, to a post ;!.thenee along i the said road, northwest, 4 perches, to the place of 'beginding; containin . two acme, more or lees, all improved, with a same sew mill, frame house, frame shop or barn and fruit trees teere on. To be sold as the pr party of Edward Os born, suit of Robert Campbell, Administrator of estate of D. V. Miller, deceased. ALSO —A lot of land in Sullivan township ; bounded on tho north by Garwood; 11111, east-by ' eetate of Anson Palmer, smith . by Aaron Gaf ford's estate, and west by lands of .Lyman Dew. ey; containing 50 acres, 45 improved, with a frame house, frame barn, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. - To be sold as the pro perty of Richard Gafford, snit of ,Tohn Benson. A. l ALSO—ot of land in 'Glyn= township ; bounded on this 'north by highwaY leading from i Pine creek o Westfield, east by highway lead- - fog to Croo ed creek, south by land of S. B. Goodell. an west by lands of S.p. Goodell, EP / Stebbins an George Roberts; containing about i of an acre with a frame hotel, frame barn, out. buildings a d a few fruit trees thereon. To ho ' sold as the Property of D.A. Tooker, suit of R. B. Tooker. i . ik ALSO— lot of land in Charleston township; I beginning t a post in the east lino of Joel Cul ' ver's land, he northwest oorner :of a lot con veyed by Jelin „Hart to E. Hart; !thence by the said E. Hart's lot, 702 degrees ea4t, 34.6 rods to the center of a public road leading past said E. . Hart's dwelling; thence along the center of said - road north, 131 degrees west, 31.6 rods; thence north, 23& degrees east, 4.7 rods ;! thence north, 431 degrees east; 12 ~rods ; thence north, 28/ degrees east, 16A . ods; to the center 'of a small stream; thence by the said stream ' southwes terly, to the 'east line of Joel! Culver's land; thence by the said Culver's east line south, five (agrees east, 39-rods, to the place of beginning ; containing nine { acres, more or less, with a frame grist mill, mill face and appurtenances, a frame holism, frame barn, other outbuildings, and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the prop erty of Ephraim Hart and Charles M. Hart, suit of Wright & Bailey. ALSO—A lot of land in Covington tdwnship; bounded on the north by the Copp Hollow road and - lande of William Farr, east by the William son road and lands of C. F. King, south by lands of W. J. Evans,Henry Kilburn and Rum• soy Watkins, and west by lands kif Samuel Ken drick and Phinley Rogers; containing 350 aores, more or less, 225 acres Improved, with a frame house, frame barn, granary, Cornhouse ' other , outbuildings, three apple orchards and other ' fruit trees thertion, To be sold he the property of Richard Videan, Butt of A. T. Watkins. ALSO]—A lot of land in JaCksain township ; bounded north by highway and, Silas Hall, east by land • in poshosslon of S. W. Reynolds, Chas. Furgtison and T. B. Sturdovant, south by lands in possession of Samuel Reynolde, , N. D. Mid daugh and Noah Dunn, and west by lands of the estate of Watorthan M'lntyre, deceased ; containing 70 nores, or thereabouts; _6O acres or more improved, with two frame barns; ono old frame hints°, frame corn house and apple orch ard thereon. To ho sold as tho, property of El len Searles of al, suit of Tnthill, Brooks & Co. AL SO—A lot ; of land in Delmar township ; bounded on the north by E. Matson, oast by Robert Steele, Gleason and William Car. roll, and on the westand south!by T. P. Heath , containing 95 acres, 30 acres improved, with a frame house, log barn, outbuildings and fruit trees l thereon. To be sold as the property of Mary Ann Hardin and Winial Hardin, suit of Wellington A. Pierce. AT..IO—A lot of land in Delmar township; bounded on the north by lands of .Tohn Stats, West bylands of Daniel Fisher and the high way, s nth by lands of Vine Baldwin, and east by la ds of Lorenzo Noble; containing 51 adres, .138 acres improved, with lone fratio house, frame 3arn, outbuildings, an aPplo orchard and other fruit troes thereon. To be sold as the pro perty of William English, suitt of John English. ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township bounded north by J. D. - Vedder, Myron Mills and Jefferson Sherman, cast by Jefferson Sher man, south by Mrs. F. H. White and E. Rose, and west by Myron Mills and p. Rose; contain, ing three acres, more or less, till improved, with two frame houses, ono frame blacksmith shop, one frame wagon shop, ono frame barn, other outbuildings, and a few fruit trees thereon. Also—Another lot in said township ; bound. ed north by lots Nos 32, 33 and 34 of the allot. ment Of Bingham lands in said township, east by lands of the estate of Harlan Baker and L, M. Palmer, south by Harlan Baker, anti west by D. W, Hawn, B. IL Vance and lot No 34 of the allotment aforesaid, and being' lot No 67 of• said allotment and part of warrants Nos 1372 and 1405; containing 148.9 acres,' about ten acres improved. To bo sold as the property. of Will iam Benson, suit of Trustees of Bingham estate. ALSO-N-A lot of land in Chatham township; bounded on the north by lot No 285 of the al lotment of Bingham lands in said township, formerly under contract to, John D. Perry ; cast by lot No 309, contracted to be sold to John W. Bailey; and lot No 387, contrated to be sold to David Short; south by the south lines of war rants Nos /330 and 1851 ; , - and west by lot No 193; containing 86.7 acres; with allowance; it being lot'No 192 of allotment of Bingham lands in Chatham township; about 15 acres Improved, with a log house and a few fruit ,trees thereon. To be Sold as the property of William A. Close, Suit oflß Ingham Trustees. ._ . . W. 0. KRESS INOHAM ,k, CO ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty township; bounded on the north by 'andel of 'George lior. . Ring, west and south by Bingham lands, and east byl. Kohler; containing 37 acres, more or less, with about five acres Improved. To be sold as tho property of Reuben R. t Stewart, suit of Bingham Trustees. ALSO—A lot of land in Shippen township ; bounded on the north by lands surveyed to Da vid Sherinan and Robert English,- on the eaq by Simeon Bacon, south by William Eberentg and Spencer Newberry, and watt by J. N. Bache; containing 120 acres, 15 acres improved, with .1 framo house, frame barn, and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the propetty Of Blias Kennedy, • suit of I. M. Bodine. ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township ; beginning at a post, the southwest corner of the • Simon IL Butler lot; thence by eaid Butler lot, east, 321 perches to a post; thence by land for- i merly 4 Henry A. Seaman, south, 110 porches to a post, in line formerly of Stowell & Dickin son; thence by the lands formerly of Stowell Dickinson, west, 873 porches to a post; the co by lands formerly of Stowell & Dickinson, north, 111, perches to a beeoh tree,;' thence - east 554 perches to a post in the lirie of r said Butler lot, thence south four porches to this place of beviL ning;_,eontaining 60 acres, being part of war rant No 1545, JameS Wilson warrantee, 25 acres - improved, with a log house, outbuildings and fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of John Lookarby, suit of Jeroine B. Niles. ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township ; bounded on the north by Milan Wilson, east by William Kennedy, south by Lewis Hastings, sod west by Hiram Tomb and Samuel Nnvel; con taining 613 acres, more or- lets, 35 !acres im proved, with ato house, frame houso, log bore, frame shed, corn house, other entbuildings, and apple orchard and other fruit Ostia thereon. To be sold as the property of Smith Wilson pad L. B. Hastings, snit of Jerome B.:Niles. ALSO—A lot of land in the borough of Wells borough ; bounded on the ecintheast by Pearl street, southwest by Lincoln; street; northwest by lot In possession of Jacob Stlchlin, and north esst by John Btner ; being 1 . 60 feet by 190 feet. ALso—One other lot ; bounded on the south watt by the above described lot, southwest 1.7 Lincoln street, northwest by fitain street, and northeast by John EU:tor; being 160 feot on Main street and 60 feet on Lincoln street ; with a two story frame dwelling house, a three story frame cabinet shop, outbuildings (inci t e few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of J. S. Stbsklin; John Debtor and Simon Fleitg, salt ' of Wright t Bailey. E. A. FISH, Sheriff. Wellelmo i May W I 187/. ' ~ II