The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 17, 1871, Image 4
Tirrf MAIV:411.111,1040:'• There same to port last BASELY flight, The queerest littlo t craft, Without an 1/1414114iiidenH I it wits eo shittde!ttbet,,e,he, --, Should crow the tilknoire miter, And moor herself right in iny_room7-- daughtir t ,A,M.Viianghter t 'J. Yet by theibilgiati . tiiinCiaall, ; Oho's velcome Any times, And comes cionsitined to Repo imil4ove, j And common oire rltYluoit. • .5' She bee no manifest but this.; - • No rag floats c4,r the water; • tihe,s too new for, tholltitistililoyds—' My dituOtir;iiii, my daughter ! Ring out utiti 6Elll;S—end tame (milt ton Ring onlAlf . h / lOv'er'g moon, . Ring out tlat l i k ittlu,yorstcil soehs, Ring spew' • Ring out the iiiiirVirlUg in'jhe niirPoi • Ring in .water; Away with p a per, pens and My daughter,oh s. AGRICULTUR.E. This ; worth. Beadink. There is no greater mistake . made than getting more land. than' one 'dlin possibly cultivate well, A little land \ well cultivated. ia !.v.ortif . hundreds of broad acres badly tilled. • •An acro of land is larg9.stiongh : for-.4 inenhanio's , portion. rtillilflatigitaticif the word in the Greek language, -it signifies a field of any size, hut we may now limit it to 'as much land as, most mechanics , need. . . , it is not the exteanfsurface water' that Always constitutes an acre, so far as the profits or the capabilities of the land are • concerned. It is the most we can make i l , out of it that coustitutesits rea size and, Value. An Here of land will s metimes be so ma, - nageff*•to support, A fam .y. tiometinies a crop of cranberries or of hops to the veldt) of more tium it 4.. u• tiand dollars has - been realized in a ',Mi ke seasan. Forty tons of roots have • holm harvested from a single acre. Ap ples and pears have been baiveited by the hundred barrels, and a orop of some t thing els,e besl(pa t from one a re. We 4eern it climate importance to a young Meohauiet;? ,secure an acre (1 'I an d, I theu a vAte - ialiorse, or a watch. We epeak now of our young men In the smaller villages 4 where an acre of land can be obtained. We do not here mean Precisely one hundued' and sixty square rods, because In some positions a quarter of an acre is:As - valuable as a whole,acre ' in others. -The idea le-that a young me ehanie should secure a foothold of some land that he• can oall_his own as soon as possible: .. We , remember visiting a Mend in' i ohe of our large • towns sobae years slice, whose whole farm consisted of his doorr•yard ;• yet in this unpromis ing place,'he'.ecnitlived to raise, a large lot of cherries, while beneath them were the pear trees laden with fruit, and be lieath these garden vegetables. His walls were covered with grapes. He has something for his table from-his dooryard'id'SASons of the year. INTe felt. ashame d of ourselves as we contrast.: cid his spot With our own. ' The truly successful mechanic sots eomething:bise to work besides his two - hands toinhtain a living. He sets out a tree, an4illa . t:Avinks along till it brings him in at'Lineope at a time of life when : it is most needed.. fits garden vegeta bles are I.loy,at . ,Wicirk while he is sleep ing. TheY,giow as fastias they can from the littleitee.ds he has planted, -to be come larg•kinetables, which he will Sitve mirth the labor of his hands to Vur i chase another winter. The etcpefienee of forty years past in the histoyy,of ourBtate goes to show that It ;salmi to find a mechanic who hae accutritdated property when he has not ainnid, in own real Mate, while the young mail with a little land of his own can cluster around him a;thousand cm foils which will 'IA • conducive to his hdppiness as: i he advances in years. .ArpLy.s. -- The State Horticultural Sbelety of Kansas publishes the follow ing list of apples as especially valuable for that region. Some of them are new tb us, but among the early bearers we notice three that ought to be in culti vation here, though we do not know if any of th 1 1 m are. Thew are:the ."Ben Pavis" 4 andsoinel)koductite - Bvintei apple. Tetofsky, '.'s line early apple. Sweet June, very - early and tine sweet apple. We doubt if our nurserymen have these varieties, but they can be obtained at Beebe-sten—Tin. • Standint`Bed Colored Appeles—Red Astrachan, William's Favorite, Kansas Queen, Sops of Wine, Famouse, Smoke house Wine. Sap Stark (Kansas Keep er.) Gllpt&. --- Standa i rd Light :Colored Apples— Early 'Harvest, Early Ripe, Cole's Quince, 'Maiden Blush, Yellow Bell flower, Autumn Swear, Fulton, Ortley, W. W. Pearmain, Grimes Golden. Red COlOred Dwarfjlabit—RedJune, Early Joe, Oldenburg, Lowell, Bum mer Pippin, A. S. Peatmain, Mother, 'Wegener, Jonathan, Bed Canada. Very Early Bearers White June, Tetotaki, Gruverts Early, Irawthorden, Sweet June, Early White, Red Proli fi c, Riu3sas pippin; Bert . Davis, Missouri Pippin. , - A WORti 'tit) Weer, GROWERS—The Washington,, Reporter says:- As the the season for preparing wool for mar ket is almost at hand, it is Important that growers should give 'attention to the matter of caring for their wool in order that it Should command the high est marketprice: All have noticed that those farmers, Fhb wash their wool the cleanest, and-put it up the•neatest have oommanded the best prices, for several years pest. There is a growing dispo ) anion on part of manufacturers to dia -1 criminate in regard to the condition as 1 1 well as qualify pf wool, and this feeling 1 is likely to hav an important ,bearing upon the 'rates this , season. There- is also another re on why farmers she'd be more careful in getting up their 6110: For several; years Washington county , has been rapidly losing its position as a 1111 A-class wool growing district. This IS in consequence of the disposition to breed heavy greasy sheep, and negli gence in 'washing. This condition of things has materially reduced the aver , age price of our wool, and will contin ue to do so without it is speedily cor rected. This is a question ;in which growers are Mutually interested, is by improving or lowering the general character of their wools they can ole rate or depress prices. This affects all not only those that neglect their wools bat also those that are' more careful.—' ' Washington county wool growers;' If they would regain the high character tor that staple that they had yew ago, must adopt a better mode:Of preparing their clips. Their county produces as good wool as any other region, and if we do not get as good prices it is the Sinn of the growers themselves. .. , 'Dr. Chapin wittily remarked that in trying to gain two seconds in getting on and oft' trains many men had secured WiSlows Orals thirds. mcia INMNI LORMO4 I W HOI.JES*O ~ ' s, R . •. OE Wit. Or TAO 1: NI 0 11,0410,1111 i 111"!.,0-4.0?-#44,11, StEgVt , 4Flf.(A,;fl;(li.l,l4;‘ "- „ 4 •••• s • --.• =1 Etbitß4, :a. ,-a _L J -I TritOPRIIII I ORS 0 T ott AIWA B. lrovll La ten lion !et the .44:1-'204 Southern.."l!tero£N AtildA ifylvanio,' to the largo end .full GROCERMS & PRO constantly on habil at theirektens and Stem; N 6. 37 and 39 Carioltl and offortid for sale on. the • mos ; satisfactiOn ortseagnarantes. • O.u • r-Ste - amu!.. for the Roasting otOoffee and t Coffee and Bplcee r . areof the proved oenstrnetion,.. and_ nOt:.e in the'conntry. TEAS,. We have a fail goo* of choice direct from Importers in /low:YO sell as cheap ai any house in the Sugars, .Molasses from the.beat Refiners, and so loarApt Navy YOrk quotatiote. FOREIGN DRIED FM RINDS OF NII Flskai!ll),r - i7 & Wo buy freM Bret kande to th' allot a better article at aloes. firm In Western' New York. WOODEN WARE, Cordage full Ilno of goodk. LIQUO We call thi attention of the T stook of Wines and Liguori, fineness aro unsurpassed. INIPOUTED ALES—Scotch,' glish, and of the best brands co FOREIGN AND DONIEBV Wo specially invite purchaser amine our stock of Foreign Liquors before buying elsewhero. ; _ MEDICINAL WHISKEY— We put up fortbe especial ben& of the sick, a pure artiole 'of Old r : Bourbon Whiskey for the Drug Ist Trade. Sole Agents In Elmira. the ErrbanaWineCo.' "In brief , we invite a closes° tiny ofourgoods and their prices, the whole assortment being tag numerous to mention in detail. • . LORMORE BRO oil St, ' No. 37& 39 Oar Sept. st, 3870.-ly - 'The . • , .• • • . • SEWING - MACHINE' .1 PIGITRES, FACTS AN ! 'FANCIES. .. , I' - -- - , , --, • , The Sieger manufacturing ruarip.ity in 1 5 869 sold 85,781 machines : Those gitres;; and'theie given below, are from ' -- sworn returns .-( to, which: any one can leave (dam) mado,lto the reoeyor * appointed by the owners of valuable • sewing. machine patents, who license moat of the comps., nies of lessor importance. ' In 1869 the Singer Manufacturing Company Sold over the Leavitt O. M. Co: 88,010 machines, Sold over tho Parham -.," .l 85,849 . .r' .. Sold over the Atria .M ,---:"-- 182,288 - u Sold over the Empire "....:"% ..! 78,081 " Sold over the TlerenClo: "-- " '‘-78,120 ''', 'I Sold over tho Wce - d " 1 87,094 - " Soleover the Howe ' " ' 141,781 " -.. Sold overtheWheider A: Wilson, 7,915 , '.r Sold' over the, 'Grover A :Baker, 51,593 5 " Bold over the Finklo ,ic Lynn,) 85,442 ' " Sold over the Wilieog. A Gibbs, 69,580 " - Sold over the AMerioanD. 1I.; 78,989 - " It is a foot, and•the figures Ishoiw it' ? that tho 11 sales of 1660 far oxcood those of oaf rivals ill trade. It is also a fact, that We sold lattices over 'FORTY THOUSAND - more mac {nett than wo did two yoSts eglii, -It •Is- Who, an der-fact, that these increasod sales are Oirtnglo the"great and growing:popularity of rt.- Now -Faintly Sowing Machine. • Itivetill anther. faet,.that % ninety of every hundred , m Ohms ' made_ and sold by us are forrAtiffirn O. -But 06 stran gest fact of all is, that some d silletv;:knOwitlgii would be vain to attack. the spluatiori of our manufacturing machines, and rt o are-free to- ad. mit all that can be said in the flavor; th us bop= ing to secure t h e -b uyer ' s co Aden,* have the boldless to say that we have:Welaticli 'Wag machine, whereas oniiiew imohlne ferthat pnr+ pose is capable ora range atd,varietigi of end. , site sewing, which amazes even. those who are familiar with th e best workirof other family ma chines. , . . ' • - ' . . . Now it is mere fancy to sup , ose, falba face of the above figures and facts, th : t such sayings as • the ono spoken of can have •ny weight. ..In stead of giving . ear to such fancies, moat people, before buying, (*ha levet Mayl be claimed; about Paris txbibitloni-d-or, Fairs, where we' tilde= exhibit machines,) examine at d Judge forage selves, and become' tn• doing so they find our - New Fainity Sowing Machine as tittperior to oth er family sewing maetanipias buernenafieturing machines' are for their Peroses. ' The 'true world's. Fair, held in every c ity, - hamlet and w home, has aorJed us the 'pre ium of the bigh , eat sales. . . _ . These niaebines are left On one to bey, unletis perfect! anobias is all it is represents' , - E. Vir. • Oen'l Agent f Mansfield, San 4,197 J WellsbWo Colt. *AU . ST. & ;4 1Z • ,WELLSBO BUNNEL, M:=.l Thi Is a popular Hotel lat Holiday: , The Proprietor wi make it n.firat-elnas house: rive and depart from this hon in - attendance. Viiif'LiVery - • Jan 1,1871-11 y For Sale or pint." j AA GOOD dairy farm in Tioga tignottipl, oga county, Pa„ about n mil - if:wee of the Borough of Tiovi. about 30p, acr es - itayraved, and 40 unimproYed. Hit t:011 it' three barns, three dvrelling honsWanlippWalltt glisch_otulP: erd, andotherriittti trees.Tnrins easy. Itlacqtd. Joining on the hest; , from 90 to 200 acres a* deailed, with 13.4, neLres improved, with a goad birti; a good hould and apple orchard. Good for a dairying farm, Jan 1,1871.-tf. a. Foauthrotritl • • Tioga,Pa. Wells1b!!4• : , T J. BUR 4/N notsl4. say the ,citireas of It/ • Wellaboro artd ,vicinity -that he is : pre. pared to supply then; !Hy. ' BREAD, 'I4ES' - A Of the but quality: Sye el tad Fresh OYEITErt* to 1140 the old Otairene'litaxids Ii941:11811579-17. Enna Insurance tl i n g kilarb : HAD-IN .4 4 V4714:111 m t ;Ffial 14/F.V. - INSURANCE3OIant U . ail s 112 6. '40,14ti, Plllloolo*. t< w . :,110; S. iii*:whiaiffinAllgvittSWAOSlL tgooessfull Life T Orilitam4 e Compa olloiea on 11l dp i latP4' lout prolili: vy f:f - - ig Priveleges unrestricted. .4 policies ag(l4ciirdeOlbriff i etrankylar fFoCtany, of the'!OADlntyS e inek p ji L A.:,, if -- Tr yodi nu Ins:lrina& lease inamtne theftolloiring Comparative Table.. It is some timeanlbiged by Agents of other Companies that l ttni;giiii any they represent is safer than othem ~,W.Plel unhesitatingly assort our belief in the liftlati, and stability of all companies, we de; Siteir4iesent the followinaa-thjtilingrA thOsa'4,oslring to Insure: fa•-• , R. , ,,,,0 -: • - 2 1136i:0)10,ring companies, Compare the anneal tpismituna charged by each for an Insurance on .t. IlfeCttbe .. ago of 30 years, payable ai.410 1 1b71 - -- ...1. - .. ,-, ._ , ..i : : , Annual prentinm - Ten annual ,- , p-, - -= .e - for life. • •payments. • - Tfitvolere' ." ...**, 4. t..A $83.g1 , --lE t nI II• •1• 13 i• 1 122, tir 1 1 42 , 8 0 I) 1 -Rome, • .. /.. r. 4. , 1 2$, 01 , I. i 50,00 f ' , Equitab e i4.1 : 1 0, 0 li 46," - ' 'Hand-in-Hand , 16 00 82,60 1 : .If no; iiremait iiiiik twoillioiioo'N.fir r ille r , • ,-, 1 "RAND-IN-NAND." t I:5 ''' - ' 7 52. .. : .- I t,biOnsi M utual Company in th e United Otatet.' ,I Mercb; I, 1871.-Iy. 4........ticr Od call the Ottlo plitttlea A. 0 1 ,b 4m rtherni".At assortment of .s ~- , ‘,_ .. ISIONS ME r Warehons trie4gllC' liberal terms; r Lots for Sa "qa . MOE tW i v7 A.OTS for mate Tlo borough t bi : H. N. 8 E-1 SOL iI,IIIII tf e Grinding:: Qi Ott moue iw otilha Ay sny AGENTS "ANTBD I A ,1 3 ICia THE NEW PICTORIAL Teas. ' We Say k for o - as , and, trade. rtipp at t ND ALL FAMILY. 131 RE - mrtii; t,OVER /000 ILLUSTR"AqiOc)NO: ateat and Ti ' 00,000 REFERZNOgISVI 01 . - /A. FAMILY RECORD, & FAMILY ALBUM. ,TILE PICTORIAL FAMILY BlBLrectell4Mid a .• *Muse of Information that can only teach the Mintthromottlmcf.iips iljustritione on o One biolac the est - Impoitant 'era of the .World, Maurer° b , • .. ' • .; Tailor of the Scrip VI, reyo, ,• . • ... • ~1 iiiterwtieg Views, CharlicteMPO •,, ~.,• •• • - - ... leal"Rvents, Landscape Scenes, tiquitiei , Costumes, Beilits,Birds,,Boaeotslr. nn: 6 ..,..., XedlilliaMmObjitmi o i d .. ‘, referred to throughout - the Sacred They 1 attract the eye, _coned ettolieWiSh — npriaidensi awaken i new thoughts, and furnish clearer views of Divine4rutheall a baltoo ate, Ministers, and of Teliclialtin ita Ailing the datiee of their separate add high vo oations--4md to all others to whom immortal' , souls,: are intrusted—this splendid Pictorial. Volume ,cannot be overestimated.'. t'.) thi. Edition. i --.'< rt:117 1 ;4--,,,„,.," 0 (i;,11.. !_:',ll . ~ . Moat BuitablkPg:itkiwittalxilly.i, ~ r, ~ .,T, - L , Moat Valuable foithe izittident, ~ : - 'Most Instructive for the Tettelitit; ~. AloSt Appropriate for the Child ..L. 1 - • - Most Useful forQ4:*l,,nll*.r;p4‹: , . Most Interestibtforrthe -- Nrattiri - - _ Mot Elegant forjhe Parier, ~,, , .. Mo Profitolog th4gtudy. ". THE PICTORIAL _,FAMILY, BIBLE, .in addition ito .thifeaWres dteadrillidedtdotrOW - Mini the ApooryPha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, a summary of the Saoredv,Trathe as taught in,tthe inapirecu Baok,4:tagatizer 41111 r numerous and comprehensive Tables and other liintorloal and Eaplailatenadaiter,lembodYing the lebori of many of the • most eminent . Bibli cal seholare. it lEprinted on the fltieltt 910vAr., dared paperiTrisnrel oaf iifinitiiiiiifiiii - lir - one - large and, handsome quarto volume, and is bound ini the most durable and elirlietlve m , • , ner, while the prices tiiiisielrintlrfew to plao ; , ItmitbOreverybodylrrestif: ----- . ickled East, and clan psis° than any nd Brooms--A S. ride to our large oh for purity and Irlish and En aant!y on hand. O 'LIQUORS - 1 o call and ex and Dement° . 456 . CO., Imira, N. W , EILIENCED AGENTS are wanted throughout the country for its sale, with whoni liberal arrangements will be made. An oppor tunity of 'nqual promise is rarely or never pre tinted. Its sale will not be limited to any period, but will continue for a lifetime,conatan tly increasing with thhgroirthatid•: intellipici (,_ Of tke,.cotintrp.. It is s herefora,Aesisitblbt that , thole who engage with s, shall do so with a View 'to making the lau iness a permanent one. EiINIBTERS, TR CHEE(B,) allakENT: ' PARBIERS, YOUNG 31E* AND 170BIEN— those-/the would meet ith the most, proPtable Of altemploymente—a e invited to oortellibind :with us with a view t an agency. Not a few mph are now averaging_ from sso.9o2.4eAti l is I v simnel p oitte : lli'litiittello faiite,wai • t visiffor he book alist*UnkfeAotinin,yrbut it will el ate the epitifttal oonditien by , con stant contact with and convenations upon Its beantitul,and eternal truths. AENIINTS ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN will be furnished the work in fine , indings. • This p I t t S• eaultipopular min n tisaikujZ o in Wo haveg editiop i e to undid, es, o as been everywhere race ad th marked favor. Subscriptions for the Platte* Bible, in this style Mid botthia.wayit can am; - Obtained tb an almost unlimited extent, as there is no outlay of Money that the Bible reader can mato, ,which.7lll yield him so riclkeletpu f. r ire are also the Ptiblisherillekli, ' t ßil 8 t ItItIYBDITIONI3 of Family, 'alpha he an o. togrAph Bibles and Testantenteazn WA' ff •• . tityleske—s - o' i well known everywhere for their @agorae, of teXt, beauty of finish and durability of blisdlpg. `Alwaysturk for POlll3l STANDARD Igniezona: and. tee the belt. Catalogues containing styles and gnaw ,furnished bn application. „ - 15:.4 Po}'Circulars containing a tall!dettllPANDAtrzUti =midis Sum licass, with sample aheet,and terms 10 Amite, address, "Pornst's ATIZIDAAD Duca .INV a I TA* B3II :4 4II/ " r ZD' - .IOIM E. h POTTzli - ti "/ co:, 114.1 t at ituwa rinnasamil, • • . -- -'OIINO 'BEitTRAMig.;:: - , HIB weilknown , l36ckliofifit wili , litandfO li TMar,es during the seapCltyliAlkilsub We Stable in Wellsboro;" 'flis — alUkleto.we own there is no necessity of remarkKilliThilitt daft to say, foy roadsters tbey are not amass 0, _or let potyjor' of enduritioe.• i TbSV kin =lb, ' lie. - iv coarblack; weighs 1000 lbs., Is sound, an kind in harness, his foals proyeAie.;l49o eery! able ,of any horse in 'this 'seatfon' 'for all pu o se.. At the retotest:tdrnumertrillos -3115.:7 tormined to ,stand him where can he,ft a ind at all times by those that wish W= E. A. r r. WellsbOro, April 28, 1871.-3 m. 6 froWANDA."—This high-bred . BtalllOn' 'was sired by Ah-wa-$ a Chief; grand sirecliyadyk's "Rambletonian;" dam, Vermont Black Hank; grand dam, Messenger;_ one white pastern behind, blatik pololl„Valitbrgi-/b and flinches high, *yearn $lO. one of the most remarkable azdtso ll 4 llo !tiT has, produced. Eels beintiftthithte, and lo d like,.action perfect, possessing great Strength. lie is in elm proximity to two of the most no table stallions in this nation : "liambletoulan" and "Ethan Allen," a most fortunate cross. TEIt6A--$lOO to insure, $26 at time of service, which rill not be refunded in any event, and $ l l whetiproVen in foal. We have fine stabling and pasture; 0)1 reasonable terms. Best possible, 9 ra, takeri,:of,Maroa. All aecidente/ind '.escap4lS. at` (mufti ties. Season, March 12th, to November 114;1E11. - 1 MIX a MONTANYE. Towanda, Mardi 22d, 1871.-3 m Itrial. Wo ask no • satisited that the 1: OGABOOM, Tioga comity. Hotel, HE AVENUE, 0, PA. PROP / R. •ly kept by B. B. 1 spare no pains to 1,911 the stager at , - .e. A good hostler - - LJve y .2,,,q-a.kaL • .; . . 14tt- spectrally inform thepub. •4041.-..7.' Hot they have establialred y for Hire, It theiretable on 'earl St., opposite Wheeler's "wagon ahcip. Sing, eor double rigs farnlibed to order, l / 4 They aim to keep good hones and was, gans,and !intend o please. Prices reasonable. 'l .l l 1 WATKINS & L UplitN. Jan. 4, 811-Iy. 1 ,7,4-1-7-N. 7,, AlkippST In in tfie - 001INTIT. TDB " ONII 11011SL" W Ro!oins large and well ventila ted.{ .deboratnodatlons not surpassed by Ora t class hotel In the " Northern tbri,v i a 4 ei of l ° tr . rain_ at,enaand anst -!'..+014111112 lant ' 11 : 43 : 12 ts, We shore. • 1....2/ 0 / 800 ,11,q,1911: gllOthrdeZ and * w• ::iz , Al:23 lifitti fir ..:,.17R-# riorre D CAS,; go - serve meal " and pint'', wish. - 'OlllO MIZ! ineAm , pflttelieWAßnr . : a 9 - $1,000,000 MY Atutuni, oombWur c iqu i Za pore your area %porky, and , from any cause what= sr toayoarly.pernetyou r longer - didopi it money wasti3d. Not, so is the ANar all nolial434iero Nom-Fort- mot• ' At 4. X._. OrlarSati N 6- '7. 5 0 40. V ,_ An „t.,..,_,,.,t, ‘..):2'i „1i:.3 . ,.."; 7 ) giil'o ft:i ' '2l,r, 0:-f.f.. ' fl.: -.9.7 ALI • -' . , . • , •-1,..) 4.e.r,1—, • . . . . . • , ~ , ni . , - • 51 . 4 K-It:dget,BlN/NO, 're t:44- 3jl"jf _ 'l 7 -1 firA. szt,_e ItfX • • I -•-• -- .~ a,fir, t4.f: r,-11,1 11 Iz4 Z 6 Jl4l , 4eAt . . ;Vp•:.... 3- , 0W1 1 0012 . 0 n ton w oho and vicinity, that we Teiaolik l eg2=Wil of P I o he so 10 of V • - 2 171 4Vick,ll • -4, . - j'..11114 ?;i1 fat • L BSI . . .cr - i ,- ;-„- ---,--- 1 --- x - A-4.....-1„,, ....1 , 4 , - . 4 -4.- -_,N......... , .4.__ and 'aralstedy4awappliall who may come with ;« ~ 4, ' 1 1 4.1 . 4 - 4 1 1 Ss'..):::+ 51. 'i,-e.1.1;-,, "'lSlOlistabitlooditt - at f unpiecedented Prises. :M". if.:':.':L:. , stj: i i 111 i . tI " ji j '.-., -4 , : ..„..,...,„:„ ..4„ , . t• . ••• ~..„,„:v a,„, ..,...A . ,t . , ...„,,,,,,,,,, ~,, , .......,,k• ,4 1 samiskd a solins -italoilestto Co Goods, and they ariiliblriolibts fot .tosiletis - shaltird6 .'We do not boilers la szadbig a Wag li st of pious Wawa. t o o it what we 1 11 1 Yrifile14 110.0141111 01 1 Goods cheap. Poo& from oat of toitti ban re to make Money by comiatiosre to boy go s. We bare a splendid SISOMMIIIi of WrT g frx ":41 v.', v., , ~,.• ` 4 4 , it'; c• Ar: f,: , ‘:' , l? ‘'...;fl'!, - , •_ 1-. t .' ": , 4, 0.; ' '::::'; 4 ', - ~.; '-'c'..4). t'-. =•"' - .r=vii':* - - P. 4 ._JI ir A ' - 4 ,,, ' - ' , '."' „,' ',."" sl'j , , . 1 `,4 t,'" — , ,•r' ' - - il i ftil Desirable Orli d - -,,, .t-.. DeLaitei, reioaTee; a 4; • k' nese Silks stz Robes, Fancy Colored , ' • a•• • ,' ' Tificilffity reliefilsits thitilistliiuTai We also keep a Wiling of MIMI , la _ ", : - 4.1, . • 10....1e , t ~ ... :L 'r l l' .01j ; : " T.; • .1 ~-.`.),.' , MIN Min ME ' I --YaniciObilotiOtlt : Rot4s and Shoes, INEII ,•;.; • I Easu y st u o i skst i n - 00 4 4 1 . " 0 , 4 4. 44 4 parmik,ao„taleak p of, but if yew vlllO6ll you tbe LAlieDifT TOON in tows, and at prioetake t t 4 leannot be but" aaywil:: will show v ; Corning, 1 .441149 - 1870 . ' i " j4 NEWELL dr. OWEN. I • the-cLailtist; Stab men in 'NeetilditmPaj Eilel, ii:, - '; .:',- ~ ::- =I . „ - 4 . g 11111 ! V5l ; !:' • i;11, - .71 .e ^;,:,_ t v_; ;~;, Itt [LING ikollitier for buyirag arid !manias latige qnS ar tith en so_facad i i s ga s s o bps .bi a l i r_ogra a them at the lowest Jobbing &; 11e loehlis 4;n‘fetall dkp tea at 11 a 6 " TIMIS 9vittilitilipleFli**,„ A olF,fo t g sre f ritiSAN,Y t. - Ai .111,,,M2-tt FM D WIC; 'IIIMIOTO-11 oiket A2tDDO TRICK. 4 6 Z• - 47 Comm VARNISHES AND VARNISH BUSHES, 4 TIILOITOCE. STONA i BEM BLIND y - T : NEM g i Transfer Ornamentisi S ROMi hl , peings;t Cti."l. EL. , .. J V.:: it —lv ~• ...Oa i T . _ and BrushatiorsA Triage and „-....--:...:._ :,,-. z . OntellriblNlL lattag• A Vali Us* dial camel of 4040 oppetailisto ktet SU kaiiit to stalk. •W. O. 10131013. HUI Wellsboro;reb. 1,1871-Iy. • 4 6 :4 449-4' , A :117 ; .'41: 4 1 L 7 r . _ ?: .3 ".•;$ flog tA A . • (Sttactossot isaIBERTB) ))ItAtitti „ s ;;;.:4 STOVES, ,IRGN, NAIL7,SI S, CARRIAOII7-1.5-3 GE 1303/tIIORBE 'POE% AND HORSE NAILS, .f..: 6 1 • • Clamipeaatersair - • A general stook of Builders Materiels. Li3OEB, glarA, o l4l4" Also. WRAPPING PAPER at up* tflietoftl • •I • 1 10 4 1 1 Milli l rfAY OTENBER TO ,9Z--4 ' Cril repi tshe u latrr litbli.A l iptira Pm Rom. JUT. t ia _ . , 1 1 • a.oparislat ',. ;t1 -.: d t I'4 ••• Bil ~ s'';~ _ • , , .GROOARIEIEV, ~CIIOOIEgItY, -vv. NROLEOL BM TIN AND HARDWARE, 12~ f 3 ~~`~ .~ 4 .~ mZ~F'Y~~t3f'4 e~s fi l -..~ wes i+i'~F ;~,¢r, $. IRE ; - .1 1 , ' eG t , IBM =goo 'A ,ci" OMETAIL _ _ ',.7:;:rf: 4 :1/ i 4 1 ' , fa'. 4 3f2i V"1) A larthatook-otalta r Stoves: utuleratipied taints plums has at a great °mash ad . of the old stand on WELLEO3O2O, - It of Shalt Itardwara l the tallotiltrirattlalu EIA FE= r k ~' . ~ .V; 4i - - i. -, 7•: ., ... ,:.;., v. ) ' . .: - -,k'l V) . :>,::. '; i. f • "&i" ibill ME =MI BIM -47101. Tiz , 2l.f . ±s • k ..... !MEI S. CROWBARS, HAND AMID BUCK ,STRAZPAUXONOw ItiLTOBINS, lIELS, at, EOM; BENCH DOOR 'HANGINGS, (es oomposiagthe stook res. I aim tokooptbs trs j WIIIILLtIf ROBERTO. MEM ld' . 6 fx Ir 0 - • ~ r 47,41 Ipoinponattb. ellnidt - I.Extract . Grape:44lk. l ' l P P2 Velkto e rf*A l A9 k A V/10 . ,Ille,79.lelMlllVailkt..4facti• I ffi Ibr Vim AfeiTictiain‘ammil; l o o „11?- - ietia • i," cd ' ' ': • f149&.„9#14,30r gQicf, 7l l ac h e vir , ..., .. t .Fc il ..,aii k 4 fir table: On ' " ' ~.' 7 ~ilkjiter#* I, .lf' raft &it Deleterious , t ivritjs;' - . - • - A., --..,r ME L - ,, These Plug tie doziest" delightfully pleasant purgative; angersedins oltetet.Olteitlte, Inagua. 1 eta, ete. Tbievn o lp &Ohl g e posg,aeoftptalolo to the stomacq. .it.v,i4lae 01:1111 414 CaUliet oelther UR12110% nor i hlititpaili . " 1- Ti4l3ilre:YoniPased, of the fine aVbgslileaS Scher a fors de's" nee of them, t uiratid‘tlipmattlowni" alio maim nye, Aeul,ttifo, "11)8~ 1 ftaPPoltisiptostiumJ9 the lat i l ? WEAK "dil l 444001011111 Ansing from 141- prudence lor Emile, ,IL 'T liolinVold'a Com pound SiSid i itiiion,ittitiv s' Clialto' Ping `ore ,not animr } obstbdbilltit , tnita Ithit Iniir'oonted , • villa do Tillantivaightt * throughthastomi. soh with 1441p u tiv Am ao Pillskuliy ilo llot produce t s dna ost.- bp Catawba Gaspe Pala, hohltiterli Ltifit4 o aid odor. do not asoisottatoll'ofiSiii irittio idalcid. ' Price lifty arnte per Wawa .tCOO,4l(r, r 7/ .r ~ . ... 7 , ? Tf-; -,• • ' • • Hoot illaMlir -42947,421afif10t,i5TP FLUiP. , EIVIOXITz BetiISAPARILLi Jr, ,- to Byer, Vika (ameiteibr lrfipsve :in thic', BE Eli "B tag yr#or" -aspen y torthe- abovit porn- Ittlieweguslytigrivimeoitiophiee Aultw*DY ighvgiatior-4asnaparlilit , stangmthe nompludon clear an4AW.thz_poloh, • 4 . 1 4 4 - .• tit !• 7:;106141141141,461114' skin& Oil , ' •*. • • ii Wom da W e s "111"114C11144114414( thikElintyo 400•:01141igehateabAriffatt4eoutotpains. I wobytteiElly.4ol ll 4#ol of.* ist i s to es, p mplis Ate 'fioe, Vela softly pruptionoirthei'sicin, bean hg ~blil~lb*lon. " - ' • • EOM NM ii_ 1 • - , J1.; ... :.• , 1 ,:-.:7.-1 --; 1 1 . 4 1 111 4.: A...".... 1 1 0 .1 6 6_ told's TRLoT B U . •—r , 44lticiii - niikeimiOsliii; '-'-"' ii:iicliiti4woup4ossiovflAtatistssApwhlO it, has been *sang WWII* ofible•als*: - -Of the bladder akttliaglidittrat etehakbintoltiabairu Mien of thelllddintythitdislidditiv4ateallen - :of urine, dletssentdf theopiestiateglaidjt atone:in - . the bladderieslcatherchtenatigoelt; and moon& Ortalflt litendloreatie.t bled . anti dellailfp &Ail tlittotlf •;zotei, Ittimded 4,llesfblieiringitefratinaies-lizatit-: padtion • Plonabliteoll44l69o .4E44E11- ;74i ho 4 1 0 4 . :OmilkAgir4ofterdgiLtreti : dt®i o f ' Mori, P mi Atlllitok;l4, , ltabdielloihinr or the body ' , Se althivr.ekli, atlitaltinl:ilii thi hoe, pal lid - teinittatiAuffte4sviat , laititnde of the mee t reh t e jaw, 4,loisnaz oil•-• .1.: a :-. , r , •.: .s. Used WI - diTtiatittlaiitgnil a ilithteen:lo tweatrilleei ilfghtl l o!OD - poi The deollotecir lelliPP of linollifttlenrMelltlli'leher paint' ' tor ted-wettimplvehploil .--- I. ' • Ir , ' ••:- . ' MEI Helnatiold'ilfilr:i4 ;Baehr; is dtprotio and Npud i pirkifyine aid-Advt. elf diseases • arising from hatdifblWainWiiiia.b"Yeeisisiou2d Im ,prudence" fiViiirimputiraiFfif dui Vied, kw, • ereedingllapnitatentforowidch a is treed. and tip 40Q alrectirowAritheettiliseares used in cennea4cr9rAtkge*oldr,OkopoMraelt. ~- LADIES.", ,- In maninifeitioini ibineliar to tidier, the Ex trao t Hoehn le inbillefed Ji* ,l boy other - 40Di° dy... tie in ohlorostetatetenthni,frregultirity;nainfah en or roPProfflt9rt Pton.fttmanorootuithm, aerated' or eihintuudate_ofiltexterne.lencorr gee or whitee t pioend loolkßoplainte identotheli ethei trfefrs M Mill: netion or bstsitiFfif cii4iffitaii*ltrliffiefterihea' egtenely4 Y WW it Aligt 01111014140440024: tnitnives: for 'enfeelireit inti tfilloste`oonititn: tient, of !nth sexeitandtaltagui (attended with' any of the above direeres'or , eyteptoree ).----. . . H.'l!. Milaiboidtm stet •Brraarra snrs,iLi,.q . 4' . lßlWß,l! QM IifM7DENOES. DISSIPATION, 870., in all their stagesot little Ciijiiii, c: little or no ehange in dletilio , incontetilenokiiiidtub expo sure.ri Iti. causes a frequent desire and gives strength to urinate, thereby irtlitivi" tObstrus= tient, p venting and curineitifti reit ct the. urethra, Haying pain and inadpints dp;' SC fter-• gaunt in his class of disetismOnt kiptilling ail pelsonou matter. ~ , :,1 , 1, ,3.' 1--- I, . Thousands, whofittve beenthe,yloilini'of_iti: - , competent persibil -and= whollisokr-pidl henry feet to WI cured in a short time, hare founpher bleu 'deceived, and that tilegioblii4n 4 ;hl6 l by the usn CM pcitifiiii adithigtsPiiiSECi &rid' up in the s ystem, to break out in a more..aggllt., grated 6*, aut t rrhaPf 11 =A Tiei t i l o * ' i' '' '' the lielabO iflikWitbl `-feth !OW an* sad dlsauas of the uriktifiref#o6.4o.;p thar labile fa sale or haat% Ift !blame awn M iablasilles. ma ma so Mat t - PNat, en ettAltii dotter MEI - ZP 14 2 1 . OEL.M.BOZD , S, IMPROVED ''''''''''''' 1 Q.* AV • „ LOcntiot be surpassed es since wask;ltiad will -"- found tit+ onlyrale =ternedy in: vier, , , speci e of =tenuous a ection. It speedily oredicat 4 pimples, spots, scorbutic drynesGinditrutions of the cutanatinividatitbratiejeledierls redness: and laolPientitilltdonatiot4: l lo44 , , VishiitiOth pitches, ;dryness of raeaßotni , iiirin,: fiostilites, i l , and all purpassactoroultlih,inihel' or ruin ments ire usedll restores the skin to a state of 'ashy' and tennis's and insures continued- heals y-ao tion to th e tissue of its Ireasslefonialth d ponds - the agreettble eleminsie aid tligetfy -*too plex , I& punch son Mita iiitattid. l "- Bit h roti filuaTill ' *Whir ettilditlidefects tthe akin, R. P. lielmbold's MiSiWiiiit hUblung ens tatted IN peistiipitilthibi tilisibettided patron age, by possessing qualities which render it a toilet Gyp's:lPS/OW theindit etipirilli lite and eon genial character, combining n a n . elegant for mula those pliouilytentAfe4nie teiti - 4 • -• cacy—thi ~alltralfOoMpanitniintdActitalure —as a preserative and refresher Of tbikuomplex lon. It is an excellent lotion fbr dl3p,ajelj=4f a syphilitio nature, and as an injeetitiftqb r rlisea. sea of the urinary organs, arising - from habits of alien, used in aornontibnicittsthollitracts• 7 , Eisruparilla and:Vatarba lamps Pills, . 7. 0 h diseases as recommended, cannot be sur4 paned. D "11 and explicit direotions accompany the sodiaissa. Evidence 'of the most, responsible ankrellable character furnished cirlication,, idthirandreda of _thousands oillsju vtititesie - s, and npwiat'of WOO inasblieltiaoti OtOi • lina recommendatory lettexs,mattXtstAtfijaretroili the highest epetes4ll,lnAndhltAtkine4oiiii: clans, cleranielvitaiesmaiiiipto he : tondo, tor has never resorteds their: Ithiloatienlic: the newspapers._, He 4o spot:do. et; iron: trio riot th at hie irtia - les ra sae - stdiridirrd - pigara. dans, and do not need to be propped, up by corf, abates. 3 • 7 1/4?n,y ,T. Helmbold's Cife:nitinO_Prepa., rations ;: h delivered to any address,--ssouro-froM.ohnerva tion. - ,iistabiiiihcd upward of - reaty years. - Bold by lets everptheree , ,:kidrees letters ierinfore, Keniy: Helmbeidg 1 1 414 1 14•1 a 014 Y. ,depota s ,lienri nen ' 1 4 11 1 droCii , lftheMlo4 , worth °use; asa Broxdsse,y; li maul depotiAllitonth,,Weatisstreetplihiladel€: f=t4f comiterArtS. MA; for 1 1.1 11 1 0 F: Wake se aim la WHOLUiti IWO STOIIII. n; _..» BEE =I =Mg nRUGS, AND MEDICINES; PAINTO mato ohs, TiIAiiDEUS AVIDS'INKS, KEITH'S ' 00146 EN RATED MEDICINES, 'RED FLUID, Ex.' TRACT4S,, 1 , i . . jll:4l49'PrT'S CIOCOAINE,FLAVORINQ .; PATENT MEDICINES, RQCII ESTE 'PERVIMERY - ' I AND FLAVORING EMAOTS, WAIL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & 10'S RE- ilioldat Wholesale Prices.' .6uyers a:equeited to opll and _ get' u'otatloska before g on g further q. W. TEIIBELL & 00. 'l3,orrring,N. T., Xfirt. I, 1871—y . t!-- 17E1 Furniture ! Furniture;! HAVING tampleteti hie new Cabinet Ware; • kenewon lifainstreet, Wellsboro, has stock. ,1,14 q;r4th &large and superior assorted stack of Vhimber Sults, Walnut, Ash, Maple, ME CORNING, N. Y. PAPER, WINDOW GLAS S , RITEWASH LIME & - AND DYE COLORS, =II FINED OIL. B. T. VAN HORN, f'URNI.TUREe &0., &0., to., from $l5O down,, and as obeap • se the came goods Gan be be% lin the °Wee, freight oddest. Parlor l 'sl4i,a,,_Walut, Cherry, and Ma"ganYvitepo or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Alao, 130EAS, LOUNGES, ' COUCHES, TETE ' A-TETES, . ' with Upholstery to suit. • defter Tables, WalSlut or Marble Tops ;•,:. Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Booking Chairs, all kinds, ,Wholesale and Retail. aria manufacturing as usual, and intend to kiiep aMI stook , of ware, home and city made it all Ores. My' Ware -Roome are spacious and 'naafi:and near contain the largest, costlieit and 'be4stoolt •of Furniture ever brought' into the ooutityi ; Planing_ and Matching, SCROLL SAWING A:MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1871-0 Ingham's Woolen Mills! DitIERFIELD, PA. 7 HE subsoribers will pay, Cash, Full-Cloth, °animus, Flannels, Jto., Jto., for Wool.— heyabo manufacture 'as uSual— • lOARDBR., OR . ON . SHARDS to Cult customers: All work warranted as rep. -*Ratted. They invite particular attention to - their Water Proof CASSIMERES, which aro warranted in every respect. Partin I ar attention given to ROLL o CARDING AND CLOTH _DRESSING. ,INGINABIT largo stock of Casaimeres, ~ 23 peietint less than any competitors, and warrant ed Ketsprosented. 013HABI8 manufacture to order; and do all Made of Roll-Carding and- Cloth Dressing, and defy competition. ;',. ; p:Guo.g.s have as good an assortment of ~ t 7 P IIII Oiothai cassimeres;&c., sililshoe more foi Wool in exchange than any othOisettblielintent. Try thim and satisfy your. iiV .I _ . HMS wholesale and retail at the Cow. 4t - . Ile MIII., 2 miles below Knoxville., ..:q.Olialothcare Warranted, and Bold by the folloWin* prom: • 0. 8., KELLEY, Wellaboro, Pa. T. L• BALDWIN 90., Tloga, Pa. T. 0. BENNETT,Covington,Pa. Deerfield. Jan 1, 18 1-tf The. Thorough Bred %fir AMMOTH JAM BenrylClay, Jr., will -In. stand on the farm of the subscriber, in Wellsboro,.Tloga county; Pa., the present sea- PirrirairEn.r-HenrY Clay, Jr., is five years old, randl4 hatuAs high. His sire was imported fro .; .Malta, to Kentucky, from there to 'Atis `said, at an enpeese of sb,ooo. BM dam is) a Alierciugh brea jennet, of the } Andrew , Jaalmon :stook, and hole s; surefoal-getter. Many of his colts-aro fr6to;lB to 17 hands high. • Then; who wish to raise large, fine nudes, will do well to look at this animal before goin. farther. ; Vita& ; reasonable. Pasturage fur nished when desired. Alto, on. the:same farm, a full blooded , Devon bull, of , thesbeit breed. F. D. BUNNELL. • - May 8, 1871, 3m IUIOR SALE.—A choke lot of pure Choicer '.lVbite'plgs ;I also:four breediu_g sows, three Withpig by tie, boar "Young Amorloa.l— two. :Alderney bulls—ork imported—and four cows. Prituis reasonable. L. C. .i3ENNET - Welloboro, May 3, 1871 at ' 1' WELLSBOtO AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE: THE- undersigned, propreetor of this line takes this method of In forming the public that the :above Stage rune daily (kinndays . excepted,) bet Ween the two 'de cease follo'we Leaves Wellaboro at): .a. m,, aad arrives at Mansfield at'lo.Bo a. ra: • Leaves Mansfield at 4.30 p. m., and arrives a Wenature at 6p. M. jFaresl,29. Jan 1, 1811--,if 4 W. B. VAN 11011 N. 3. :i i , 7 . • •;TA iiministrators'ilVotice, ; :v.TTE;RIEI OP ADMINISTRATION on the • ' estate of Charles H. Phelps, deceased, late l i 'Of- s ansiteld, baying been granted to the under signed;allpersons having claims against said estate and those indebted to the lame are noti fied Co call 'for settlement on C. H. Seymour, 'at Tioga, or Sarah A. Phelps, at Mansfield. • _- , SARAH A.PHRLPS... C. H.SEYMOUR, March 29,1871 evr. . Admires. Admin : Lstratrix' s Notice. ETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION haying been granted on the'estato of Elieha Eon% ',4aGastad, late of &rutin gton ;township, all those cadebte4l said estate; and thosci hay . ing;olalm)s aa:n n i a t l t S h i e tNoaniitol,4 * 7 le P 4 sget4tllae Oiw JL' E # Adex.7:. 800 AND SHOE STORE. FIBULER• 44, ANDOLPH I have , pureband the Mt.( and Shoo fltore of Nemo. Bears li d Derby , and prqose to dentin: ue the business—reducing the prices ein . aft goods - and selling airfoil), warranted, tet fii any foot froto No 0, to 18 fn. FRENCH CALF', FREW:O KIP, UP. PER, SOLE, , COMMON ()ALP, , LININGS, BINDING MO. ROOOO, &C., On Findings we eh II be found at homcal ways, and we shall ':ndeavor to sell at prices satisfactory to the trade. We won't be under sold. -- 1 B. T. VAN BORN. FOR CASIL We Deep o good oegortinentof • LI data Mild Caps, • BOOTS, BALAtORALS, AITEI BOOTEES, BROGAN'S AND GALLIGASKIN 4•10.4 0 Our -Stock of will be keprup ee heret;)fore. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. . CUSTOM WORX. I Done promptly - and well. Repairing done on short notice. Drop in and be convinced. FLSHLER Al RANDOLPH. Deo. 14, 1870.—1 y. • TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA CdUNTY. lr Alf noWbutidlugatmyrnanufactory,in Lawrence ?Weal superior - 1 .FANNING MILL • whichpossesees the follewtngadvantageeoyer allotbOl Lit separates rye t oate,,rat I l tter.andfouleeede,arid oheesand cockle, from wheat. 2. it clean' flax seed,takesont yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly, I - • 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It deep all other eeparatingrequiredef a mill . This mill 15 built ache beet and most durable Om bar, in good style,and ie sold ohehp tor cash, or pro. duce. I WI/ tlt a patent stove, ter separating oats from Wheat,toothermille,onreasorlaDleterme, J MATHER. Lawrenc'eville,Jan.l,lB7o—tf HARNESS SHOP. TIINDERSIGNEp would say to tho (MI- L sou of Welleboro and vicinity that he hen recently moved over Truman Brothers Grocery Store with his Harness iShop_ ri full operation on ,Crafon Street, between Mein and Water sts.,Whoro ho is prepared to mar faoturo all kinds ,of • Double di, Single;. Harnesses, In tbo hest style, and of the best material. 9EPAIRINg DONE On shoit notice and goed. I employ the bast workmen, and use none hilt the best material, and am therefore prepared to please all who want anything in my line. WALKE & L:IiTHROP, • • D ALERSi/21 .1.110p1;' STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, IVIV- • WARE, MILTING, SAWN, CETURY, WATER LIME, - AGRICULTURAL TMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, ctn.; Corning, N. T., Jan. 1, 1,871-y Nov. 9, 1870. THE GOLD MEDAL SEWING MACIpNE 1 TTHIS MACHINE has no superior, and i adapted to all kinds of work. It only needs a trial to be appriciated. It will ben, fell, seam, tuck, bind, quilt, braid, embroider, cord, gather and ruffle, and is the best and chee ped machine for family nee ever offered to the public. The DOUBLE LOCK ELAOIIC STITCH MAXIMS le superior to all others, lor the reason that It sews direct from the syeols and" requires no winding of thread. It is easily adjusted, and not liable to get out of °rider. Persons wishing to r a rohase a machine, sho'd by all moans try this boforo buying any other. Call on, or add rss Jan 4, '7 I y . ' New - Hust Store. . NOW opened in Smith & Dowen's block, sec- AA and floor, a music room whore will be keo on exhibition, and Tor sale, Steinway and other Pianos, I . Cabinet Organs, and chpice selection of Sheet Music. New music , reoeirod every month.— Lessons on Plano uml Organ, and in Singing will be given. Oppartuo its. for prnetieo afforded to tbose whn may ribslie it .11 W TODD. Wellsboro,Veb, 15--thao.! A clminislralor's LETTERS DAIIt:ISTRATION having been granted on the emtio I,illsorn Al len, deceased,. late of B.iehmond township, all persons indebted to said estate and thoso baring claims tvainst the same Will settle w ith ZINIRI ALLEN, itdm'r Richmond, ApHl 28,1871-Bw.• New Tobacco Store 1 THE subscriber has fitted up the Store first door east Thomas Harden's dry goods atom fbr the manufacture and sale of f CIGAR S,(ailgrleles); Fancy and Common SMOKING TCBACCo,4Vichigan Fine Cut CHEWING, arid all kind& of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi- cest Brand of Clad R S ilgt" Call and see for yourselves. JOHN W. PURSEI4 WeLisbon), Jan. 1, 1871r—tf. TIOGA BUG STORE! DORDVNI keeps constantly oa X hand: Pure ;Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lamps, • "2_ Stationery, Yankee Notions /to. ~PaFsonrprzoss CATIEVIMLY COMPOUPD S D. •H. H. BORDEN. Tiori f Jut. 2, 1871oblyr II El W. A. NEWCOMB. E. R . . lIAIOIIT, Latutia Creek, Po