The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 17, 1871, Image 2

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m g "it's •••••••••••_—
$ •
r. O. VA
-vvvni.itsorqx44 l 4 ,- PA•L;
17, `-.187E
?.:Itipoledb`lll; b tke been. offered'Aionai
'df $150,000- by.: ail aify - c..:Thetioandort
Court JOu'rual sa ys 110 : fan • e asily
row $1,.00,000.
A ima ti vibtbilled
gen Oral 'order to
kliir,ariests' r litive ,
... o prOvlslcinti tit die
., , = :-• • , •.:.:k •Z '' ~.!.
. r our Oblidre tht•Outtagattly.egkinlyi
INlsoontsili; weio.lately:Tiolsonad by ea-
ling wild Tkrati6ps, - antl- throb olltbem
tied. ' " .•4 ' - ' , Z ~
. ..
ar Dapartmp
the Enl . fitii hill ;Ilk
army Ofitt*:.'' lr tii
been miitle . nnil,ei
1 ill, •
definitive treaty .of veace . between
Franoe.i had 13erniany waa pign?4,l3y.
Bismarck:and Favre.,t last Week,- at t h e
city of Ffaiiisfort.
chestd of Etiticvlierrkq
ft Erlied - tit 7.
Ban 144tturdity;
were 'art; retailipiat'totir - to Ala
voile p'jir:p6tiiiri. .'; • •- .
) lAd kl-'ll. were, burned to death
Atohday . Arta.;
noon, - white lit • *play .iu fci otithottse .
\' here 45..
'gay vigis Low . ,AUckeked ~by .th.e haTTIN „
tight, tiAset ettp !Peg ;
* AtJep . - o'eh>eh t the
same exclothg;
Califarnjalls ! , not In r AYKuPothYr with
t roustendontaliam. ' Emerson has der,
livered troOnrife Of lectures in San Frau•
to'gbnd audiences . , but the news
plows theie,linsbls to 'understand :the
discouries, are v:onderintrwhy he 'does
not. sayArhat he meatus In 'plain En.
- •
A oesisuottve the occurred in' Waver
ly, li. Y., on the 11th Instant s , 'causing
n loss of thirty' housand dollars, about
11 roif of tihieh wascovered by insurance.
The fire broke . ouCin'ttio store of-War
ner fi Watrou , i, who are losers 'to the
extent of seven or eight 4,66Usand dOl
- The fire stippOsed to Yallb been
th work of au incendiary - : ,'"
fellow feyi
r and - black vomit prevail
op the South ruericaucliset. Advices
from Bueno4 . 'yips gate . that:Abe ave
tiige of;tlie_ilerithratefrOm - the'voimito
d' ll . Bo . daily. % Fly° 0191'18104 . persona d
in live weeks. .Sixty. poipipo
_had fled from the city.. The yomito is
tvlso making frightfill.iavages in Irtilpa-_
1.41 the Maesaehnsetts House of Rep
-1,.-,.,,entati es, i themajority of the. cora-.
mittee -ot the petitithis and memorials
asking for woman's suffrage, have re
quested leave to withdraw from' said
Tim cn(otnittee to investigats •;the
(1,4,,ti0n framl.4 in Connecticut have reo
poled t t e House that Marshall Jew
ei I was elected Governor by 86 majori
ty ; all Lite Republican State 'officers
also elected. • Resolutions to that
eteect paysed the • House,' after an
mated debate, by a 1 vote of 123 to 100,
Tbe,Y will be adopted by thej6enate', ,
awl Gov. Jewell will be duly. inaugu
r.tted. • -
it the Petioulvanla Senate, May 4;
t: trill wa, passed securing to
,a married
woman all " her separate earnings, sal
ary, property; or profits acc.rulng from
t , o:altress, to be under her control, and
hubto for the debts, or subjec
to the dontrot of her husband."
A It o c co ti rred in _Scranton on the
and on the morning of the . 10th
three dead bodies were found near a
.swamp,- where the laborers fled after
heiNg routed by the miners, 'who fol
lowed and beat them to death. The
trigs miners and laborers have since
held a meeting and passed resolutibias
declaring that theitttaekW - siiiicithing
short of a premeditated assassination of
Irishmen, - condenining the action , of
the not 'sending them nesist
°nob when attacked, and announcing
their intention to hUld themielvta aloof
from tbeAVelshmen in future, t band
together and
. go to work, prepared to
reAst any, further assaults.
At this date, May - llth, we have not
rcixi'ved intelligence of any decision
by the Connecticut Legislature on the
gubernatorial question ; but we judge,
\ from the"nervous' energy with which
our Democratic cotemporuries 'are beg
ging the question, and the eagerness
with which the DemoCratic* branch of
the Legislature opposed all investiga
tion of_ the palpable frauds in New Ha
ven, that they at least believe Jewell to
have a legal majority of the votes on a
'fair hearing—as we certainly do, - aftei
watchibg the case for weeks. As the
result, be it what it may, is
_sure to be
largely agitate,ci and the causes misun
derstood, we reprint the Tribune's ex
planation of the= New Haven frauds,
because, from the best information we
can get, it is a slinnie statement'of facts
and fair inferences:
' At the dace of the polls in New Haven Wt .
month, the votes of the 4th ward were duly coon;
re.l and returned as follows : Governor—Jewell,
Republican, 579; English, Democrat, 718. For
eprosentative —Repplican, 579; Democrat, 005,.
Here were 113 m ro votes returned for Gov.'
(=or than for Representatives-100 more than
th, fall number polled.• The votes for Represen
tatives tallied with the record of votes polled—
those for Governor did not. The Detnocrntio
lnajority fur Governor was considerably heavier
than ever before, though In the whole city it watt
less than-le'6B or '7O. In short, the evidence
shows that the tally for English - and his Emma
t-t.s on the State ticket'was just 100 votes more
than were east for them—their real vote, ranging.
from English's 018 (the highest, be being a resi
dent of New Haven) downward. •
"The error soon attracted notice, and the Re
publicans determined ort l exposing it. The Leg
i.tatere, being" Republican, ordered - en investiga
tion,overruling the desperate clothier the Dem
erratio lenderi to defeat It. Accordingly the
boxes (simply locked;•and left unsealed in:Dera
osratie °unruly) . are opened; when lo! two.hun•
dies of joweiVe votes,each counted and labeled
100 at the original canvass, exit found to contain
but fifty each, while English's votes are found to
bo 715, as originally canvassed. .
" The dinning of this is plain. The vote for.
English had been returned 718 by mistake, when
be received exactly 618. A mere comparison
with the-poll list and the vote for Representatives
proved the error. In order
,to save English, it
became necessary that some one should clandes
tinely open the box and steal out 100 of Jewell's .
ballet, and that would leave no more ballots in
all than the polijist required; bet English had'
100 more,Jewell 100 less, than were actually
cast, and English's majority—never before' but
79—was swelled to 282. • • •
4 ' Perhaps a Governor may bo. seemed by nob
Tahiti% and .perhaps James 2 English is the
roan to hold the Moe won for him hr nob , psi.
1:1 ablo We "104 wait and '
: I f3ettui one—wo mistrust air
3slkt,ter i ested in Southern pu n ,'
2-1 as sent us a copy oft ‘-
TITAN - published at Danvllhiit,
vaptn9s fairly etlited>iititq
Simthern In tone. It eit*irt`
several articles marked': dw
ell havlngrreferenc,o•taltteltn
question.. The editor is de,
iiVor 7 {d` " geed, bab'. tide set
..Nortli,!!- , awl ; deelarek •1 :
who come to his sect ip,S, ,, AR.'
theneseives," wilrbe teepee
treated .7r- 1.. t ix: kiimbie4B,-.1 i
in:waver? that - 4•':•the it i udtiti
throws iiiiiistilf , iight ae i resst. ,
bannet e*p6titto-tiaie easy ,`•
ne`itiatitS'North'ern ‘v.:tlfl.eri •
t.b' ti ihm e' on fate',, f t Ileyilti
ifieenitree_ei'ilme thel "pref
;1 1,
be reinoved, 'and, likei_elq:e
tiers beinie'the - war e thfi, W
aa w,e are, nr;o43 Pe. WU•• 11.- ,
- . , . .
Novi the:Nqrtbern-- nen • ho could
g° ig: - 9uiliffito 11V.e; there, in ! pap V,be7.
fol:C,ititieCwar,',,,was_altieti;tll. t few woid,
gare.tO Sttern,ntter; ts'4 - e w: : ,f?reekto
becomes* sort hi , hatiM lick- • pittlei opt!
heroding _tiered lul his, cieve . ion to 84v.
very, jOining In'-with Igner. nt,•coneei. l
[ ted,.serol-barlariana; o ens .• 'Meehan
he had served by leave ig it~; , PrhEifitinth'
knew lit tie' or noth in - Ttif 'g 1 i nine Nit';
thorn men: These : tit illit gel licintli;t
they could riot. ii4ll6lt,''hn "
i triot 'otifi,
get; of PkrSo'hcit * tihnset t , ' i Tres' 'fiiitni'
will i!aref?'l l ifhloi , `se,ttle 'I ... a pnuntr,
whoVe•hemlay,:nOt:lfOlk 4,'1 - 4(1110 1 19p , .
est=opiniOit eifi4fitiiijeet,
; The editcmei the gyineiktl.e k ootlieny,
tttiAt . thertii areserlotts _d let thmlectuttf
the-'4llth;A3bubl'qttotes We :BlabniOnd',
:Rngintrer.: .1: el/ ttilm der f •th • liiet thitt fir
mime ilortkma,UlArirg tile', 14 , ;N:-VitE..
olina Northern •'aittl. lill'a "'Sitcl:''enil
that theyj.W?Uld'firobatiti el? all'aVer
the Stintli,"funtierSiiiiiiar` ,Ir l 'eliiiiitith.:
,ces.P 1.V6 haVi3ne''lt s ii tailit :Ci s' 00
Oaks iil":s9l,:!.lieiii Men . I, ii:l4 bar
line as' an'lkubran t' and If ;F
ace, v - t : i% !In(teotijii,it 4i ,.ppyAt:cil yl
'aild'4sf 4 . eirt *. I t ee„ne ‘.' he 13reeteet
rnan'whiCh;this,egantry h s ever pro
duced." - ...
~ , _ . - _
We have always, inict 4x,- - • s
Bitten .to b•un;t. :Info Jia i'i;9l
South here & nation Ohs ,
like the clitiite,' - ‘and' i caul
better there, in Sotneisin'
- the whele; iv e' . Wlll..fclYege ,
vantageS intber Ahad lig
where the arch, fret ter' 4
, Lee, }s, accounted r the, gr
, Amerie4 ., • lias,?yeA: precluc
.be AS to tliag e r:o with 9t!
And, atisVe notice that ~ N
aregrising , :d riven front th
' larinyparte-df -the Scidth,
-the oneness of Ireetlik-for
leriger. • I.•F'
L'o 0
Atnong ! t•he bills recent
the Pennsylvabia Legislat
Inwing, , whichi luit,itg ree
ficial eanction 'of Oc; era.'
becomosa , lai, 1 ' , ::•-1, '
i t ,
BEc. 1. That fronr,end a ter the' pass
age Of this net, it shall no belawful fOr
any person in this; Coinnwealth,:t6
sell liquors, .orgive.away. o be. need as
a drink, any spirituous or alt liquors,
wine or eider, or, any other, iinbettinee
containing alcolibl; on - anYptirt of any
day set apart or to he set, Tki,y art' for any
general or speclatelectlen the citi
zens in or within any , of t the ipiecincts,
wards, townships, counties, ,or other
election divisions .or districts in the
Commonwealth ;_, Provided,,, that the
provisions of.this hill shall ot' be en
forced after the election' polls are !closed
in the evening, or the sale,ofliquor rito
hibited after that time. f! t . , _ . .
SEC, 1 Any person violating the pro-
ViSiOtIS of. the' first 'section of this act,'
shall be dpeined guilty of a misdemea
nor, and 'shaft • be fiubjeet to imprison-'
tent in the proper Jail of the proper
county for a ternarof.not 'lens than ten
days uor more than one hhniiredsdays,
In the discretion of the court ; and shall
also in additlen'to the above, be subject
to a tine efluit, ItiisAliani, s2lk and not
more than' $5OO, in the dirretion of the
court, • • -
The Joint High... Comm
eluded its • 3abors,._and.l t
signed on th© Bth Instant
ment of State. ‘ 1- - ; ..-., _. ~..- ..
. There are to hatc o -130: rde of Arbi.. •
trition i one of .whi 11, wil decide onall
national questions , nch : s the , Alabama
ma and - other chit s owing ant of
neglect to prevent' ebel crnisere -from
being dispatched from E glish ports to
prey onnur commerce : h ef "o ther
board will he've'crignilan 'Sof Miocene:.
neou's claims, Britigh an :.A:nierietiii:--:
To the aithit t ramentlof 11
will be sutitnittekthe cla mil of •Arlts l ,
subjects for cotton destroyed during the
late war, the damagezarleing-from the
St, - Albane raid/and an '4uestiona.of •
similar natures It has' 4 b i. e'On -leported-
, . --
that the' cotton' chili:l3s ' cnotild• amount
to sonie, fourteen nillltcnp. oi'dcillar.el
but a 'generel,press ,11speteittn - the . -tri•
buns says they Will not yrobablY t itinik
to one million., ~ ',
The saltpeter purchased by pur,gov
ernrnent in the East Indies and seized
by the British, will be the basis of one
Claina to-he- considered• by the second
. „
The dispatch' states t• at ",the.•San,
Juan question NV ill-be eferred -to the
arbitration or a -filend sovereign.--
probably the Edt ier'oro Erazil. from
the cliaracier of th4lo9'CuMents" aCcotiai;
pan ,lug' the treaty it is inferred that
the- decision cannot (5i, ) ,.tc);1 30 ;0 1 fa 74
of •the .I"nited .States; {The 4 treaty ppo ,
Vides for the free navigation of the lit.
Lawrence river by. the !easels of the ll
States, and for the use of.the - Canadian
canal the phytnent i of the regular
tolls. There' are irbvlsions r e i c u.
lating the privilege to i -h in Canadian
waters, but these. have •of been obtain
ed'lvith sufficient accur • cy, to. justify,
statement of them."
We confess to, havin:' eluired in the
general bitterness up:lllst ii an d
when the Alabama, S • enandoatk and
other rebel privateers ere destroying
our commercei—tn the'
- at satisfaction .
of England,- lig th. tight and = still
think ;—",lint time at I steets all things
even," and we sincerel • pope that the
, mado,by,•ill4
the .3 , High-Cain
mission may, prove hail:fiddly to' both
nations, "We dislike t ides of Aiiglo
Saxons cutting each' o hers': throats in'
any• event, and ;we d• not wish3o sea
England go down fromher • high place
among the,nations, 08'= bearing andfiu-.
percillous as she is • d eygr; has been
in her intercofirse Wit • lOtiser &Atli;
=as she would beNOtti to-day,'Only it
happens that we are no the lessetpow.
er, and, In the present - peet of..EuXo
peans affairs, England :eau hardly 'af
ford to risk a war with us. •
The ,treaty oft
mission,stbe nlal;!4'a!
given In the flail pa
whole, general eatlsfao
like to present th:e ma) '
treaty in ortr'columns
*ant of space.
cpudense the the . tie .1
lid our 'nazi binie
sion has COli",
e treaty viras
: t the Depurt
int High' cOna
Xst gives, on the
ion.. • IVe would
fersturelo of the
but .cannot for
111::eudetwor to
of it:
''.; -.. i ::: ' . .);I:: - ) f P.)
U. S. SWUM 41, „. , ... 0 . ,
The Senateassembled at noon
th Of' 041
l tiKt
10 'nat. the 'l"" ) ; ; 4 , lon
'4-oint * * o h
iiiatirifiTailit '4l t o*l
dop l ifrilpattp.! kV!, ./ '' i ,:' o rreti
ti l o: 4 Xt.qii W e ° ~,..,
mid the senate e
~..,f ecutive
session. The Mot th gotiCa ive"te
readhwaf , the treaty,tl_tbejoint, nigh_
Commission, which occupied about an
hour. Mr. Cameron, Chairmen of the
Colualifte en.Faretgnl_tehttlePth,tettde
ii bait etatemencto — tbe etreit,
.t initthe
treaty was honortifile tO bah te6tries,
audlitiegotiated ,in,the interest of peace.
ae hoped therefore that lheireatY Wo'd
wifely° the approval ef..thitSenate,.and
4uggeated 'that It be glyea ito‘the press thb oitintry ; but , tothfitievesid Sen.
ittors • in torpesed lobjeelliltiie f ae tliii 5r
tou 111 see no`reason fdr - dipiithigfrcn
the -1111 W= P l fEteti 60 br Olei tAhlEtte. " " 1
' Mr. SUIXIIIIT Is reported 119 11141 pg that
he iJid not approve of sonnOpotilotuf of
thpxeatY.. eitA_tit?:93glit:t44:4°4o4 to
Po, itieeTle 4 A‘l.4e. 'the ,h...A,Ve1?1,
110, 4,41
said , .the Puhtte ViheutOnn %1*9.1 1
with the pm teltCof n10411444 1 0 1 4 1 '
that they might fully , Understand tie
pro Visions 113 advaneFd of the. ilmiLne- -
tion'of the Senate.' '‘, '-, b 7 . 2 1 - 4 i
The question et removing thralnitlna.
Oen of secrioy, en aittipnalojti the probe
to publish the full' text, 'wha lietbiduitit
t o ti i ota : il 'T ' .1 , 1 i i 9,,.1 :, , - i ,)' •_€. i ; 5:"s ;
Mr. tguinis'er, I,i' i orilie dlnicn Alta
tile olairkifi'o s i Brikfat'siii; etti'24onidl
,1 1 4 Ji i i av° ) le n AlOi r lV°.W it t l t /I l i i t!P a "
,ty, mi thei grow it or iicykittnicgi* tti;
iTthiktehke.o,fitrAktgr#4. - .5
. 11 7i40. 1 .754 1-
Pot.4avt.ine4 admitifA, A 4 1 PRIW
PNitl.4" ha4...troitikftigikretiff4A3lMlTAFt4:
--Commie 49Tifii* ,- ;.t.'. -La 44 .:4111.1 . 1 bua zs.ur
fie *AI
end who
' rfkt
~:4011 , 1 0 4j.
• ~
ii: .:;,-!.•
is ::1
e articles
ide igration"'
dly in
lera from
Li.!t - Ak l nie.
- `4li* ave
11Cithil - find
i! - r4.lailt4 I
1 ~.
:itillfig.n- 1 - ,
1 yolethiaell
Egret .-- in 1
',i iiiia *lll'
I ttipi a
ii sk-:
fl . 'become
as ,11iiittlION . TS. ' EE.THA.FE.
-1r- ~,..:-..) ; so. mil - 41a Iv .....z..1:.1- - g._!.,.:(
- --t4ro mark 4he:- 41a
- his vowel
Ile oiii hittroiliii;litotoiri§46tythewan ,
bigititoilitiiiiiidiitigatotiat poi4erteir
akt 3 / 4 6e 'of - fide" t'relp e 'o6i:tali, Ye iiiilia
fiiio'xirLa64-ii'tjiec'AAui,iag Nit iyi.
~4-.13 a ruinck.s'con,.. 011, Tip a
. ili" . .a' ' . ' ' ." is ."I lifir " ff ." 'of II -
And cdMinerciall3'. • •
, :Tlierels:nothini to be,:gtriped,i4 -the
_long, run .13y.. distfirting or •perverting
runts. • Itruay serve. party - purposes to
deny the.multiplicatiomtable and insist
that the price of an article IS _enhanced
in e x actxc proportionto the - duly Ithposed
on it; - but the- mo re intelligent'knOw
better, - - - , , . - .
b arid the *twilit:4k iiiw - rapidly,
learning;" - , ; *-- --i..):0.i. L, i.. 1 ,t -4f ,:,,
Aft. .13:," A.' Welhi'lately delivered a
• • , . • 1 „ .- ;•• zii.,• , .-q&i.,- , t •.,
1 most lugithrlous :talk 1)12' Vittotrmat! AL
mat .0
00.PiniT . ciali,Sffke. A 11), yrApr,f3,fi !.,
, - the'Hen. ..t. D. Menet:ph! yipo.d out, , s.
Mots, figures and Inter by a erush=
ing 0 PkYil4 - :pa;P ..C1t.. 1 1141 9 / 1 1' - rPgardlPS'
the. tariff mainly, ' we copy from the i 1
Tribune of-
rMay 8' -th ' " '' - - , I.—i', tvi r ,
t '''.` ' -
, 1 - 1. Vie ask Niliat hi' oar' ezperienei under, our,
resent 'tariff F Has it injured industry, obstrtiewi
ted 001eleirtop, oppressed.• 'layman or :any inter, l
est ? , Let us itiOk at it fairly. The. simple.trtia
is that no act bf legislation' in dqt
ioatritiin''of -
America, under 'Pitt ' "er:` , Peel,:uarider Hamilton,
Madison or ;Tacsitson, , hes ever been 09,. , signally
offioient in promoting revenue, industry and post!
meme t as the tariff of 1851'end its revisions.
life gentlemen, who;
'with `a moat tradeitsl
miinomeri -sall , thems elves za linvenue' , Reform.-
.ers,". say they want a revenneteriff., , This . te,elk:
!lolly s revenue tariff: . Liiole,at li:"'. '. ' ' .
• Increase of revenue :' -In 'lB4O, ' $58;090;000 i
in 1884, $105.000.000; in• 18547,44-$194,000,0110;,
in' 1870-72,4210,0,09,990,.,.Tw0-thirds msouglkto
oarry, on the gevernment, - pnblie, del4 - and inter
est, and not one dollar' of it toiled"' tin dinderican
prodnotions. It is;the most( stukoistfalfinanoittl
measure over adopted in any country. ~„ II , a7'-''
2. What e ffe ct on „commerce ? .14xpoits and
imports, in 1859, $700,000 . ,060; ht . 1864; (Midst
war,) 8660,000,000; in 1869.70,. $750,000,000; `
in 1810.71, $960,000,000.: Thne the aggregate
commerce of 1870-11 Is $2150,000,090.bey0nd bat
of'. 1859. •'- ' ' ' " ' • 'c ' "
rong dispo
sues in : the
'WS should
, ebjey life
its: But;on
1017eriatie , ad!.
' land
F. - ate at - , pi "ti'
W o , ol l9'd
igtheria meLf
•hoines iu
L.,e mill stake
a year ot two
;9 . ,N 7 1,1AN.
• y, Passed by
e is the fol•
lited the of
Gesr3%, , has
S. Whet_is share/tat C;2l
labor; .- of the country ? The. ,toannfieterisa of
einoinnati have doubled In ..ten pant; and we
haTereasOn to believe - the whole" manuftratrming
'nflustry 'of Ohio has 'doubled. ••• • livezt -that
firan'oh of industry: which is represented as an
•Inneh' depreolated- 7 ship„ building-the number
of vessels bee increased CO per cent., and Ora
,tonnage 84 per Cent. 'The Prirdilitleit of coal has
doubled, and the pig iron made has ,dearly dou
tled—goips from.B9moo tuna to 1,7.0 0 , 00 0. The.
premiurn gold le j zititv but 11 yer'eent.,lint the
wa g es of laborers are 'llo'Per cent . in• advance Of
what they were ten yearrago. These facts Show
that the industry. of, the country ; is ; pow On the
tieing tide of Suceessful 'fl ogross. . Why should
we turnit back? ' ' , •
4. The exports of the country. are thought to'
be one of the testa, of prosperity. Well our 017
ports have' been rapidly increasing, and in . the
present current year will - reach $420 4 1100,000:—;
Qur agriccdtural•exports bassi largely increased
in the last two years,,and as the agita,ti on of gut
- Tope continues they will pioliabfy be greater..
.18.T1lotfle leWitli wealth?' The' destructlen of
slave property took from'Onideskiniment (nob for
the °reality) $8,000,0001009..- -But. the assemments.
lot-1810 ebow,only,a loss.of td 4 000,000,000..,Cep ? ,
sequin:4ly' them hal beaten largeer notual lnerettiti
of property, even' in 'the' , Bouth. ,, ln the-Whet°
country assessed, . the, increase •of Vilpttion- is
15,000,00,0,000, and that, after.eifour,years' war,
in whichirelost 800,000 inenirid"s4,lloo,ooo,ob O.
.the Increase of Wealth, considered in: this light,
is enormous. - -• •. • .• • _.;.- •..
'lliew,here we have the effect of the actual tar
iff, taken as a whole, on the revenwindustry,
commerce and wealth otthe' — ebialifiy. What is,
It ? The customs:Montag been:quadrtip' led
i frotiissl3,ooo,ooo to $210,000,0001-foreign coup
merce; Inmate of.nU the:onterpahont rAMBKOSII
lhipping, increased 29,_yer cent.; • American man
nfactures 'lncreased so*.eir cent.;the wealth of
the countiy:inortnised '55,000,000,000 I is -there.'
'al inan rvho.would °hang...a:State: of things:like
this for, nOrled erperilp *cr.;
. .
!The /04' acision o ',.COrigress,Wl . ll ie
Inaricable fOr,the ins here; iaiid=giant ,
bills,that ,Were firk , t:ht'beffire:, it, and
especiallY.,f4thi* t atjuil&d . f.o4fantii,
to „facilitate " the; to=.
ward the rich'lnetiii l'orons andnimaiug
country of" Wilco.: At' leastfonr
- such bills, coyerinidiffeiSnt lines, have
been pressed vigorouslybYtheir friends,,
each party beg auxions lObS,t4i) Ara
to. penetrate4kcountry so prondeingluid
productive.. *idle ;aid Jh
le flips. being
• sought horn Qpng,*. 0 1 4 Pfnv,er ,and ;
. 1410, Gl i . i nde , ratixO114- 1 48. bastMalik
.:TA1 71 1194 olAlkaPketkog
'tho 7 goY.ctettcßon4n,, , lldiAs. Pt1:04 1 . 1 2;,
placing the' first eightypllles ,ftlt r ood
in 4 6 : l oitiMkt o ",r_qaPlP t*, which-
Will be ; 7aid
bY AuPO neat. -, T hisroar.
lai l ie l .7 P 11 844 by; Pk401 1 1 114 • Pik ,
`teribriee,' -eaP l4 4l 411 ,14 03, 8uce,e00_4
1 8 . -
matter of some 1000.prylIN ..P.Yen,iv.' 'NM
tlioes•worit ,itself_nct a dir s ect „fesileT : of
our local indOtries. „ „, r •
the TtNtigkrhit44l9
has'-placedthey ; free th great P 010
hi. hwayson aneq44f9Pting,and . done
partial justice ivholePPiolftyr
the feelinghoth among „the; t legislators
and the peoplosets, inatrOgly against
any further governmental aid
-to rail ?
; ways, more particularly-as-there-is no
rule or , prineiplec-cc which 'At.cair he
equitably applied, ttr - special casethi
Is therefore gratifying that Ahitt roadhas
establish ed the; • fact that, a :US:made
railroad enter Prise, E. through\ a:Country
already. laterally 'opened' `up; needs - no
assistance from ttWnation:oiAlter - stiek
ai demonatration, it Is'Only natural that
.Vongress &chid darliaa triirant subsl-
Alice 'where,privatelospitaltifinds ample
inducement Win:1110 the PaecilestifYitneei
and that Governutent:attoßld refuse to
step In as a competitor lb-private ener.
gy, caigtaliitidokill;u-Preaf.
In the late city election ID.Villisuas
port, the Demoonftwelectedi, their .can
didate for Mayor; The IRepublittans
elected - the'. ClitY ReOtileiV ?rieamt e r i
and twe of the threnAdditAirmi . i They
alai) electedliintimenibeindf the 'Crottik•i
, cli o and t4ii
Wire of the 13o1iciol
lotsbo five.
." * "71. 5 51 5 17 , Mtigget. 1 ;' 1 9` 416 !"..—t1t . 7. 7 1 ,1
f;lnind_about Paris lllVlag las been
ttl. Order fortiyoukor *A*. >fAiy,
was captured : 4 '7tifililf
and held at ~lc wanes;
ma also lake ' flotOzT_Sal
trOmmunlit ft; 'see tiMiV
their ow~i itre(o'44 . L coptititertilg tiow
utter,44l4nellFoO. 7*
letqtal ttyligetily ~
OnlY,ead 10:-.1he 44.
feat -or. tile_ Oo nagni Wats' -..--- a, defeat _that
the Prueasiaris seem tadhipctaed to eetl;:
'ouslY Prus sia
i1f 1, 4 11 7,
8 7441 0WM,1*Pr.:_: s 1 ! 3 gdi„ to
end, - tio - pan can predict. If wera
4 h4 P eci,uxitrY-IkutkrEtuPqi.lo4., 1330,rwt:
16 1 . 7 iingagerriaitin.,:ottk-,,thidi
filed; Jo . .talte - Our
.;314444 attongthfellurnerone newspaper,
liirtiOte of tha day, ha-agues/cat thfift,
4/6 . 1 . ; 1 iAttho,elulo. Mande - , lit wwlirese
galie 'lmi , tcrexpteas ItWopiaton tis•to the
eindlt,ig of W eieilftearflutkitiftlnotrod:
: *0 .i PiOellti The .
otiaMotiSVOiliaafialbr.o from faPlit
, aPkiii,ffr;io§ 4 K
411311 Y i ,
" J} P:rlr(oa . S4), F4 l ; aaal?arf.CP# I hP tail z
iiii* l theyough to pay the Sid bun.
,dii:Aifilllions of dollars-of *the- indern.
fiayi ttiejr vanuoz even ylO , trio
,eAkone of • nji . iilotitintnOlie German '
.tro443', which amounts to $240,000 per
y tif liellerileaThiOthe - Gerttiatie are
to frerktliti Parlitorin
- kt; t;
FranoQ !lard Par704 11 " 13 - 6 '''Pr'
, P.• -
tfrilealein the. paitt 4 „
11444 we reFFao:e. 110 higat*:4 0 Jes,
it* neareithe)fallatilile. time timin
cineenefore. ItOke,f PA P.l nt'ub T 11'
flat Ettiv ,
44erttl3ltatatir1tigfidk eslateirk the - ,
rpt ; South . klanlina.ifevenue 7filatrlet.
"0,i1ffir41.,". - oilloera 'heves been .*antonly
raprdered; and %ghetto , hate bean threat”
t,hat, unless. `they._ leave - .th e 'State
ti:till'beidmibuly , dealt.witli.
leek .tie . ..ttivernment:•siion; Interferes,
the:revenue °Moen have - to re
sign find leave the State to save :their
Wee. •
-As *a go to press in an hour, we
(haveaye only timeto Ante that nearly all
the leading papers 0, both parties are
istiillediwith , : the „tern* of the joint
"treatY. The Senate , . are, nattoh , hettor
satisfied ndth the treatylhan with the
fast that thelsTilir. 'Tribune knettu and
ppljalieditwptemattireoy , '1 t e )text,
w 41e 1014ritilbWkiktli?men 'Weiedho
oasaiug' its `fs`rairlaiiiinii :in -Merit l'odri;
fl t
carsti44o4l:9iale c tire '4lvlilol,
toot, on the 41;ole, rattier favorable, to
theireaVs -P3cPePt . I •TeW Bruns**
where flenOnneeti: *the
J ool o. l, 9B l oaiiire, as well inllol°
"It is an agreeable. eight to witness
the , unparalleled "embarrassment, of a
harnessedpsdlar attempting to gauge
.the symmetryof a peeled onion, whieh
.a sibyl has stabbed with a poniard re. ,
gardless of: the Innuendoes of the, lilies
of; the ooznelian hue." Thirty-eight
teachers competed for' Prize of $lO to
the one who should correct the above,
but not cne.wassuccessfol.
The 'eoallroubles at , t3oranton are re 7
ported; as nearly at an end.
The following priyateletter from Gen. .
Jackson, while he was President, to
Rev. Andrew J. .Crawford, was fur
• nished to a paper published in Lynn,
Mass:, by a gentleman of that-city,
, who ;says It haft not, before been printed.
WAemaiairoN, May I. 1833--/ify Dear
p.Slr-: • I have just received your letter of
the 6th ult., , and•hays only time n re
ply to say that General Coffee , arcl un
derstood Mr. Shackleford, and urged
your nomination'-in his stead. I had
nominated you, but upon the lotions
importunity of Col. King, your Senator
With General ,Coffeei .the , change wels
addpted,- and yew:nominated:Or the
office you Dow,Sll. Bow* the..recopt
:of Yeti!, filen. P 0,444 Paftjwritten
and*useted.PleMilaPPutOt you to the
'take' vacated bylliir; Shachleford. If
we •had 'a
Senate, In - whose prinoiples
we could rely,. this would have been
done; but I-de not believe it would be
prudent to.bring your name before the
'Senate again, and am; happy you are
Contented where you.are.
The Senate cannot remove you, , and
I am aureydulfalthfolness and honesty;
:will never *milt you to do an aot that
will givagood cause:ft:4 'removal ; andlf
Atooie and' Poindentee discovered :that
you that would: be
suilloient.danieWrthent lejeor Yob:-
Therefore it is that I let well' enbtigh
alone,,altherighS know `it, would bo; a
con'sieniime*ln youfta be ;located where
yoti are ; still &rejection by the. Senate
night prey's , a , greater IneonVeniense,
and for thareasons assigned was not
dotio. - • ' "
• ,
- I ,Ilave - had a laborious • task - here.'
. .
bugnitilification is dead; and Its actors
and cptiftlersViltonly be remembered
by the lieople-te be eketrated ' for' f their
wielied' deEdgn'to serve and destroy the
only " good tgo Orti
tuent'On' the'glcilkil
AMlthat the Osperity and :hippiniUss
'We' enjoy over., every ',portion of Me
. I kOiloililf , , ~ , , F .,,t-;, / ~... ' , 1:4 - s., ~...:., !...--...,-...•:, ;:,1,-
'"liiiirimihr CialloWal ;ought' to :I be' the
lictic of -la "abc4 anibititinh i, , roeis :Who'
would '-fitioive; their' tionnfty lit, Ufa
-*4 Thii
; :did pi - Eiviiktivits - aan;;:tht
they may reign Und c ridd'on- - lte' Wliirl:
. .Wi L nd# ; 44l:id i dliee'filie : 'hierixi..-' - ; 9c a l -j_ il- t' :-
21. 1 41-vr,.q . .. 1 L), i / rt. .0;4 ) 44: 4 ,
11 1 e , - qP,e9P 9 9 !.. 9°, - -4 • jj
have 7 OpokiAi t ; • Anif • ' consigned '. ,Mille'
- • 'CI,, ,)f 1111: , .4".; -, i heir , proper, , •-• *_ ea i j a eMPEPPM ,-'?, ' 1
.09oni. ' Take carp, - of your_ Milliiii
yowhaVe tiiiin Among - Yon ; ' let,' tilein;
meet, with the lridignant frownEilkf
.. _ .
every paßlfilickkilrefk hb 420 4 1 4 1 1?.
, - The tariff,. J4.* nowilieinuipwo c you 3,:
`a iera pretext ; vita burden was owyonr
ooars,e woolens.. - _, By- the ~ law, OtJuly i ,
'1882,; coarse . was. reduced , to five
-Per - Cent, for,the ; benefit , of the.. Batith;, - 2 .,
c . l - - Istt . i:gluy, , B KU 41406 ltnpand chow=
`lt'iilkweoleAs et-.ll(ty 4 eper.,,ce44.,pr
Allies At-grAdually ;dovin to, twenty, -: peg
-6311441414, -,it 1 ts: to IreinairAl and;
If i fi; csboun.Andall-,nullifiers : agree _ to
411 4 0 04 01 80;,1"-F i ' ~--, - , •.;i :il . T-' t
I'llii4 au& duliesnandrtne lonic ivaluam.
ilon!wilibe_iequat:iro ilfteeit ,perreent:
ithie enttilfter the year 1842 !you- pay.
On' coarse woolens thirtpilve pert cent;
If tins is not protection' cannot under
Utand , ,?d'Therefore-tiwAterAfr-itas:'Only
ifikpretettean'd dhituilourand‘wilatitlitt
- ern Contedaraty•thii 'real - Objecf.;' , Alhe
iteit pretext'iallike `the' negro or sia
verly ireition: .-•-, - . ,' t l -1- ~ -=-1.
My~li~aifh' is _riot good, ..butlequiw
preient me' icindlyild
' Youi Maid; ; 01411 1*
happy tOlieailFOin:yiite.
1111 E
Mi -
*The Commissioners in the ease of
Ruioft have:**o„Mak ,Is
enough for4l4olllft'OurPoies.
;. • - t "
in ens itilk . which the itspret
elntilt,iy* . 'of till '.:`State voted thenii , ,
liataneVed d9patti per day, from April.
'7th-to tbe,flosarot the session is only'
equaled in - the. doings of the Albany
4. 4 eghdaturei. —These
t. 40
serge, t. 4 - peop led ,,, 4 4 4.1 one.
*l 4,taifilduld-dolbiri,Ve the % tend
phort t but:Once - lu.m o wer. It -onofinn-
IhOugh t hey oftie'd. for n onetit; Olein
iejlies. True, Most of them that
seven dollars per day le more than they
can y e arn at home, and :we suppose go
oitrthh pripcipiii Of "making hay while
the sun ' • The ;action. TlUirts
de*,,lohltiverY Winch llke adjourn-•
znetof 4 .4 l 4lo 4 Onarable :body 'till- mid
r4iitagner: ' The peoplaohjeot decidedly.
f 4 ioj#Bo gentietnen voting from $20,000
to 00,000 Out of the"Treasufy into their
own' pockets, am) the 'feet !Ant it,psised
un'aviva eoca :vete shows conclusively,
tbit,they were afraid to go,On the rec
ord 'ln favor ot thislswindle. True,
BO:Josephs was 'ln. the. -chair, wbioh
was all that was wanted to rush Spell
bale through, but Speaker:Webb. knew ,
ilraytily weU what he** diing.;liiien
Vs - called 90 0 S‘lnno,-4. 0 *wade, and
ihotild be held;, meoeuatable for this
nation.--Pittsburg ;matte.
Thy Lato ' Collector of the Eighteenth
Pennsylvania Dhiftiot DefeelteT in
Amount of "1131;000: :
"Yesterday District Attorney Swoops
Initituted proceedings' 4w the - United
iiitate% Court against =the sl aural* Per
EE enrY A Guernseyilabli*vetiadb pat;
looter :of the eiglikeentlipolliSt* DX
Vita in the I,ElUtg. - •• Mr" - Gifei*Sy / M
da'ire ft bond for one hUndrildTstheWid
"dollars for the foithf4. performance 4 4
fila duties, Messrs.. H.; L...-Digenbaahi,
keale, A. O. Noyes, Robert Cur*.
&id, and Theodore= -Wright ;becoming .
14i bondsmen. , The lOwilitsren se ale*
tittrelog agent was for ten thousand dol
lars; uponylkickSam*Mamir,
Keller, and E. BlEpappfrqb.eAtuSlea t
`Guernsey's dieciitibevieretietitiiWititt-'
ington, and when they were examined
itVas found that lifeAlollectorle !ac
count shoNied a defaultofaiVutsP,Qoo, ,,
and" the disbursing agents' account
about $B,OOO, nialting'a ttitardefakition
of $81,000: The suits mite instituted
against the Collector, - and =his 'sureties
on this official bond held •by the Gov,
ernmonto==Pittsburi'y CorrimeeciciVl
t. - • (4:0.11-..-, I 30:
'Wite*atie Alaiiii.(l4l
yo potreaOlddenCei'ooVlk4Oßifet
oerat 'gap& the' iiilli*iniehiehleht:
It illustrates the great' power '6f:of da:
termined wbinen 'NO hon . baok
On the evening of the ad ins*cf.fril
Lockingtori; a woman of extraoidinaty
physical is trength; paid' Male fo'the
'Kremlin Saloon,' wiiere'oird
and drinking were beirig carried ori.—'
After rescuing' her son, a Young Mari
about 21, and administering • punish
went to him with no gentle hand; she
Overturned the table, breaking bottles,
glasses and tables into fragments,. and
frightening oat 'the occupants' of the
room. The proprietor' of- the
Lori liotsford, fortiiriately eluded
her fraii-like 'grasp, aniffron2' the win
dow of the hotel opposite watched the
crowd gathered about the: entrance of
his saloon, and the • impr e ssion made
upon them by , Mrs. Lockington i "who
came out upon the walk with the cards
in her hand, ; and scattering them in
4 3:VAT•fidirectiou,orted.._±.11eriOs sr.e_n_r
gemming house.' Our 'citizens are re
joicing over the cleaning out of a plat*
frourstrhioh such evil influences ema
Aped story is.told of, a late college
president, near INNton„On n .gne„n,soa-
,the 4 students substituted large
dictionary In the.lace of the Bibb), at
the morning devotions. On opening
the book he at onde saw the situation;
but he said nothing, and proceeded to
the prayer, which he prolonged for- an
hour. ' The students got out of all pa
tience; but they appreciated the sly re
mark of the y,enerahle president on his
retiring, thut,he "fuund nil the words
he `needed inr theyolume ; they, had
placedni Irls 40810 77,,Efusfra, 404
GRAVES—GEE—In Middlebury ' , Monday,
May Ist,' at the bride's house, by the Rev.
Graves, Mr. Riobard - Graves of t riage; Youngest
son ofi the off:fisting olergyrairti, ,, to Mary. E.
fiee, l daughter of Daniel Gee, of-Middlebuty,,a.
April 27; : 1874 Mi.
Dean Dutton,, in ; scgenSY-assi!, of•, his
Iraska,,,paiironlkkoin .;...
1 .4,11,1%.,04.40 , 1 ;:,,;;.., •
Vie "Burlingt on Mite," ise called; lies if&
In the pattil or the Star of 11 1 C2p1io. It rani iilmoit
immediately' the - center - of the 'great irenttrird
movement \of emigration. : Ott:43114'1111nel. and
lowa, it Strikes • the Missouri ,river at three
~.These three panto are the gateways into throe
firgia.Seotions of tho trima.Missoori region.,
The Northern sate is Omaha, .where, the. greet
Pacific road will take you to the land of gold And
grains, sunny mountains, and perpetual grimmer.
The middle gate to Plattsinouth,"Whiah ' 'Opens
inpon,the south half of Nebraska, south' of 'the
.Platte river, a region unsurpassed an the. Conti
nent:fa agriculture and grating.: 4stiumn, are
the V. dK' Railroad kinds, concerning Ithiali
,4350. EL Harris, the laud °Matt at ititifiliOtti
lowa, can give you'all information, and: in 'Our
hiarrof them *Lincoln, tile i iliatt?. „ 04 09 1 044
Printout telinitiew of the - , • ,
The Southern' gate Nide o Karim; b y ionziaci4
lane, w ith•thetit,4o4 amid_ !at .;,Harribtirg;:ruri.f
ntdirect rit..roarama Kansas ,
The trains of ifie - litirlington run smoethly and
safely, undulate' all oennoctions. It rani the bat
,ofposehes; Pullman Releee and .Pitibbari•dining
carp, and should yeti Jake,. the joinney , for the
jorotriereialle *lone, you will beftepaidj or take
It by BIWA' home ors farm; and You cannot 'Wad
,altherletter•than -among the ,11.1 4 1: :ML l .jahgei
where on can buy on ten Plats' credit, and at a
low, 'price. March, Ott 1871.-IY. , • :
• Trial list for; May Tana 1871;
Samuel Lon oven vs .7Ohn R. I•Ofirldl: . ; :
Samuel Longwell vs rJ. D. Longvu I, et, al. , ...!
:- " Thos. Maiden vs °slit) Butlir.t • 3 .- •
-1., ,W. /I.oaßok vs IflosaToWnehlp. •,.,• ,„ -,- . -
'• ' - • lientietiTsykir vs NansylLifialr., - •
- •
' , •••Lobdell, andth A LM. S u 4 .71 Putnam: - • 1 '
,- -,2. Demon vs 4.,0..T0 neon. •. .. • . „
'- ' "John Wo3aernmy v - 'O.W. giver. '3 -
:. Wood „ Christie-Olin Danielatigell *COI'
t s
, 0. W. D.)Matosn vs lindnywOrow, L ,
-,-, iq lappli t it Aldridi 'A wgiVvit LIT Brewster it al; -
7 4" . &LC'. ' , • • . -.4 'Nv5"1143. Rellir - et si. , .
, (Leo. Imes vs Geo .l . Short,
1, 1 , :`: W'ViOspe Benallt-Willisme. • "' , • '
~ tedaKco., vs Leonerd Itmor.
' • kolidti Plank vs 0 . Ohembers.
3 Ammsnas Elhbwryt vs es. &harm. •-• • ' • '
Manson Itor vs R an d renßiner. ~ ,• . ~ , •
%• • ' 'Willi Blocs ve . 3 h Whitt -'`' l ' • ' • • I.
.. ., - ,7 ilasteNstoderhbot vs s OglegroVe:i - I , t, , , ,-
Alvah •W, Ridge n m. Hoagland'. - . •
6111 T =
• ' i- , . Northrbp 13161tti 'vs 7•lkfieritiatiorn
. • gmos , vs. ;Rama, 3 •' 1 , -
Batie ' vs sama. ,
. l lday.3.Tiliffl. :' , • •-' ',', i' - ' ..;,. -, • tI I. -;
01336 , Betellea-Wellsboro A ,Ortemiltalth's,
10;1:173 i stosa ibis*/ te, Rine, week, on the
"12Want,' * new poeltat • oentataing
$l2O. The Ender will binklbetally rewarded) on
'leaving the beak and money at the Agfeztor,
4 06 0, W. R. MALAN.
Gaines May 17 1771
Ifolge and , Lot for . - Sale:
,v-psentAtra NOUS% nearly
lAte twtbird of ap Apro imijoinizig the.
drtYPßP,ark.:-IP* TrAf*AblOLOngul' - saps,
4 1 10,0 t ' - Vi -
16 firabbetsag i fin rt „
, .
orkto 3' is\ zionwo r
ti it , ,, 4
~r 4 • -,
A ' 4 ".
,$)r.,?,04 - - dressin& the will
aot brirli.the.hitit or lo,ittro:the
4 ea d. -
-I' It , does not rirocluee , a color
preptrationte , ,(l6: , 7, ,
It , gradually rfotilres` the near
to ;its original!' calor 'and itiette,
eupplying . new lite and
Zt ;caiLties
of sOfti APP
The 'best" initl4oketit
ever 'offered,
010attAnd Ewe. - No taadiitlent,
, Boldeverywhere.
Nov, 20, 48102.74in.r.,
' a
*sitars OlitrlsrofPentssylvania,4s.
This is fOifl*Withifdliattat esi the 21th day of
4_ fr ill LANlSlVititatinttEßinilniptcl viss
UMW 14,111111 the sdiehiorJaratei Potter •in the
etinatikp 'of Vega, and,Btate of - Pennsylvanla,
Whcilaa been adjudged a Bankrupt on petition
ef his ,oreilitrs' :that:the pa*uient of any debts
rind delivery ' danlPAPerty - bileiging't.o suet
Bankrtipt to,him:or.fir,hli use, aid the 14i:infer
Of any properfOiji Ws: ere'. forbidden by law;
that a meeting ottlysorediteiii,of tbeimid Bank.;
PPkvtarProffiAbitif dektsi apd•to oboese one or
Atoro assignees of hie estate, will bik. held: at a
;lend' of Barthrnptoy, .ta,bebolden at:the Okla
of P.A . ; Braithifitsqg ate 'toga
_Panes, in said
Bletdot•bell:ire P. IL finsishitlsq.o/tegieter-, on
day obidkotA:M..!ll37.l4 at4e.• - oPolook
Ana : .41.11 ,, ,rara T.T.l. ,, n;:t r Avmulspoinf,
• 0)1
-" tYcbire
ET liotAPltlaiklaon the te.o 6 m L oir , ot Td i,T
41°1°447 • Iri - having
" derfeaket hiving been granted to
tbAn*ttevt a t* . ckoitik,'peraons
Will call on
11111 m. ""*
''bfaif 44, 174, -, * ') .! ' ‘':;t .TA° I3 B 31. P?xL,
~e , ...-% ." — _:s.. ~.i.
'::-.nIMIlli- 41,,:iA11, VITO,
It. _ „
,•,' I WllOl.-BBM,girtTAVERS , IN
Foreign--% a t
. - :: winAterp., , .i,.e.
~ ,
A g ents for - Fine 'OA Whiskies,
. , CMS D. SILL S - , --- _
O. N. 1344trznzs,...- ' CORNING ' N. Y.
t * skyill , 4.0 7 ,. !ti
, v ... 1 . ,..t , ,
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. ._ .... . .... _ . .„ „ ~.,
t intia
tifirili boiliTrlWOlf TiII`PERST' NATIONAL
: .11 at WilllboretighiPar.i at the ,cloesur bad.
2136)1011 , 1811.
1111301111015...: - -.- .J. L 7 ' ... L. .
'Laidiant ` - - a".:...-. • • - - , 158,406 81,
.D v. said to secure eirrelatlon. ' - • , 100,000 00
11. ILO:edit 130011111168 on h 4 / 1 0,‘ '' 1101000 0 0
Mit Roe /tosti#, end Idortgagoe...: ' ' 6,00000
Due from r ming" end Reserve Agents " 18,627 66
d from ether Nettouslbenke „ 1,60279
-De* tem Banks.* Beakere. .: -
' —:: :-... . . - .....,....7:% 14
689 8346 62
41‘epe ld trertrexpe . npee.
~ "
- * ~ , . , .220 69
',.„."' '
Audi mph (inclnalegSteugle,). 1-. • ,••• 8,88710
Bilis of ther Nanoiral 4 nuke - - - —.:,..,.. - 870 00
:1 Carrencygineluditli Mateo)" ; 780.00
foil Tender Noteriik,i ' • 1 ... ;i 17,884 00
. ,
~ I tllintrrias.
Capital Stick iiittflii -7 -••-"- - xOO,OOOOO
Stlsplus Nand.
.. • ' 60,584 87
Discount, Interest andlitzchange 0412 ea Undivided Profit* On ea
NU. Bikaik auralatlon (autetenalaB) 89 0 113 °°
Individual Deposits - 6042291
Due to liatloolo,l*Ony ' ' ; .. : : Mar 07
$ 3 6 4 ;866 eCr
oTin OD Planes, AioCiao./011$114 ee. *. . 1 .
4.7. L. Robinson, Cashier of Thelirst Rational Bank
of Welblborough, Pa., do- solemnly swear that the
above statement le true to the beet of my knowledge
and - • J. L. ROBINSON, Cashier.
Bubscrihed and' sworu heforo 'Me this tenth day of
Kay 1871. • , • Rome Sumo',
• -• ' - • - - • Rotary Public.
Attest—aohn W. Wittimul. Cagan
SLOW will be hand a few of the late test,
acEtiettaatra Dental Of.
Were Ile Italia' (with extracted every day, I
should use the gas.—.T. F. Higgins.
After suffering severe pain by having teeth .
marketed, I went to Easknan's ' and took gas ,
hattitte teeth *Moved without pain. And ; would,
by gni:nano die it •
• Had eight teeth removed with the aid of gas,
and One without. I prefer the gas by, all odds,
—Hrk. Vm. W. Burley.
Perfect satisfaction, no,pain.—Oiville Comp
ton. ,
WhelOsale Dealers will And the list to embrace
the largest actortment of Bibles in the country.
The;pnblieher'has'no hvitation in pronounc
ing them more salable than any Bibles publish
ed, •Ttie various editions embrace all the vari
ous styles of binding and sizes of type, varying
in prleelrauf $2 O. $BO, for Family, Bible, large
quarto size. ,
THE • LIFE OF -01IRIBli, 700 pages; hand.
Somely bound , i n- F r e nch and Turkey Morocco,
to gut. .
LIFE MAO= BE NYAN;.(Pilgrim's
Progress) about 700 pages, also handsomely
tonna, in Fretted:l4la Turkeykoickloo, full''gilt.
with iota, Bible Dictionary and Webster's nna
bibigid. All' these publications will be sold
4m:cheap. Address,
Feb. 41.1 rx xikinizEN,
44, 4 Agtut Eft Tioga ,
Mainsburg, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
been granted on the estate of Sam'l Hemp,
(Wooled, late of Jackson township, all p_ereone
Indebted to said estate and those, having claims
'against the'saine'llyill settle 'with •
, 4:siolcaon, April 12;1871 dir. 'Adm'r.
' W. W. WEBB Y M. D.,
-- :Physician FSurgeon;
.._,,Or.ilCE—Opeuing out of Hastings & Colo's
TC*-50 AIitMERS,
111 W ING purchased the famous,-horse Cu. nt M. elay e atho le a son of old Henry
mai tnd — a gaff broMMe — iiiireirlieffe - re
,9 1 41 0 ,._ 31 . Pad* OlOrtfuitSt) , MhoTik, milt
thin MLR the present season at Wellaboro;with
the'licePtiorr otTnesday and •We dneaday of.
iefiett Seeralaitiek - bl.whed he wilt boat Tiogai
hbtilW , Termii: $26 to insure r $4O per
,sprh :the posters! for particulars.- - • -
:_>. :- , fl - '• ' J., WHEELER.
":I#4lhborit i litay 30.871 3m
... . , . , ... .
1 , .]
~ it andioWgittid,e,cierzters of 'a POrtahle Ea.
n 1 tine, lath - a !Cirding Machine, feed Lathes
.o,a_ 'a pitkotProfibh 'Burr Stoats attached, - are'
proiared - tbliVoiders in their business at East
Vhatiestoni;Pa.-:!, , ; ;.' • ~- - •• - • • . • •
-.'" Th'e 'abovii propitty la in good running order,
and trill be sold at it fair price, and on realOn•
able tinstr• 4;' ' '-' ' '
_. •
Portartfonlaraditquire °talons° Whitney on
the' premises, or ',--G. W. htERRIOE, , . •
0 f May 4, 1871-tf Wellaboro, Pa.
ItAtittittiles:TOwn Proerty
ri. -
, , ! Following
. ItirPartl," via : 21l - village_ lota alinateli On
tate'litieetittotealtuatidireirliteriem at:,- 8'
Ataxia Oniiilintra - '' ithailmiel_etery. I Thlr *etty
Atli ho tetillit . moderate prices *ratline Even;
iiiscithe house and lot nt Chas. ,Willman,, near
'the M. IlkOhgrate:" .The aubiteribei it alim age 4
for to North • Carolina Land Company. ' •Per.
des desiring to - visit, thit :Mellon oaniger 'Rail:
ieittleheta atietineed Prloes, and'also 'reliable
inforinstionititreterenoe to the Company from , '
' liMay 10,-1871-tf 4 •W. SBEIVWCOD.
--awl"; tomtit'
AL, • - .1,111 trtiiittrat," the stables of the subscriber,-
'in ~ Wellsbere,. I the 'presterti.: season: L chre ere of
good, trotting mares, will do:well-14 hike. • loor
At 1 - Par,_tetms, fait %poster 4 :Ott iliffatititt
lib - tin 4 ril4lo plipsoff aklittY•l
ier 10,1 5 71 :NOV rp •
-00,1E0 -
Ts,herekieg tbat;,foo-V6O-41(104.14.41)'
'pointed by act-of Aseembl,yi;•,APPk'ovedluth
of kfarob, J87,...1 ? for tbel,,Owanesnue Valley, rail.
rOadoompanyiltill Moot:: 4it tho hotel : formerly .
kept:by IL Slatson.ll4 an
TburSday, J 46,0 J, L'7l; at that bilking of or
J. Ptirhatirat,A P 0.., in Elkland, Pl4llly. June 2,
and SaturdaYVJ • uno froinlen o'clock
A. IL till (oar P, Af; et each day, for the purpose
g t
, of openin he beaks and receiving sucseriptions
for the stock;of . tho sejd stomParlY! - -
' 11; BAXTRIti
Jay 10, Uommite,
tit priode rtfigiag from $8 to 06 per sort,
ort roa,ontibliitoirms of payment.
Timber Lands ;
novered wit'h'Pine , Jitniper,.
Poplar fTiEnbee,,cstnee to nave
;441.0 vier ' .;
Village Propei vii` :
Storee, :Wood and Brick Dwellings Valiant
Lots and Wharves, excellent elirnate, , Dwellings,
friendly people, navigable waters •and - good
markets, favor ibis locality. Inquire of
" • "SMITH t SIiAIV„ /iteya at Law,
May 3,1871. • Elizabeth City, N. C.,
M. Ingham ifk L Co; -
rriAßkploaikuie - in oitfzens
I„, of Welleboto and vioinity,..thet they base
tratejuplid the entire etpoh of"
48134,198 90
formerly owned by P. and are ad
ding to the stock a fine lino of Goode, consist
ing of
Pure Drugs, .iPatent Medioines, Yankee
Notions, Paints: Oils, Varnishes,
Varnish Brushes, Paint
Paint Brushes.,
and in fact everything usually kept in , a firat.
class Drug Store. In the line of ,
Walt Paper, 'Window Shades and Fixtures!
we cannot be undersold. Call and examine
Goode and prices before piarohaeing elsewhere.
Particular attention paid to Physigkpos Presorip.
tlormand compounded at all bonft
The pationage of the public is solicited.
A M. Newel!
V. Kunz.
May 4, 1871.
Photograph Gallery
BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fieri Facies,
Levari Violas and Veuditioni Expones,. issued
oat of the Court of Conimon Pleas' of .Tioga
county, and to me directed, I will expose to pub
lic-sale; td the highest and best bidder, at the
Court House in Vlellsboro, on Monday, the 29th
day of May, 187/, at one o'clock P. M., the fol.
lowing described property:
A lot of land in Liberty township ; bounded
en the north by Thomas Foucht and Michael
Desmond, on the east by Ed. Ostrom, on the
south by George Hart and Wm Rillpatrick, and
on the west by Alfred -Fulkerson; .containing
100 acres, more or less, 90 acres Improved, with
a Diem house, frame and log barn, frame hay
bath, frame hogund tool house,, and other
buildings, fn apple 4rilidrci and other fruit trees
thereon. ; •' •
- ;
beginning at a stake 14 perches .west..,from the
nortirqest corner of lot No 43 of . liingham lands;
thence: north 134 perches; thence meet 01.14
pero4ei; thencestonth 134 perches; thence east
0 1 Poithes• to, Phtoo-01-beginning; containing
48.5 a cres, tatire or leSit. . • .
auci—Another „piece of land In - sairtotin.
ship; hounded on - the wont; by the Wiliiameon
road, on thiaonth by Henry - Ditehbrirn, on the
eaet' by. Daniel saftnock, and on - ,, the • north by.
Jacob containing i• of, an acre. To
beeold as the property of P. B. • Field, Spit of
Abizer Field.
ALI3O-4, lot of land In the township of Dior=
ris; - beginning_ afa stone hoop; the• southwest
corner of land 'formerly of John F. Harrison
ileoased,;tbenee. west 128 perches to a post;
thence north 80 perches to a stone heap; thende
s esstl2B perches to a post; thence south' 80 per=
elms to the phwe of beginning ;, containing 68 - 4,
tierce, 20 wires Iteproved, with a frame bouts;
frame bard, a apple orchard owl other Trutt
i J \
trees thereon. To be sold as the property ilf
Richard Vampbell;-suit of.Benry S. Archer.
• AI.EIO--A lot of land 'ln Rutland*township;
. bounded on the west by the highway leading
north through Roseville, on the north by lands
•of,Jaaob - Vedder andJefferaon'f3herman, on the
,enstby Jefferson Sharman, and on the south by
.P - . 11. Whitti;_opnto.ining,two acres, more or less,
Wlth tive - Tranie 'houses, one frame barn, frame
ehop, and outbuildings and fruit trees thereon.
To be'sold as the property - of Wm `Benson, suit
of,Obarles Sherman. . , , \..
. D elmar'
Al+so-A.,.. lot ofrliind in. a tobrnehip;
bounded 'on the north by Alvin Webster and O.
-Borden, east by N. Mattison, swath by, C. et J.
, L; Robinson, and west by Patrick Boanhin; eon.
tabling Clio - eras, more or less, about 20 \ sores
tteprotedi wlttra log barn, log bowie and an
apple brahard thereon. • To ho , sold as the trep
orty • of Abram Johnson, Suit cif.' J. Burrows.
~,A1050.4 4 lot oi land in' *ltrilon townahlp;
bounded , on the north by lands of Bulgy Thomh
4103114 by Abram Doty,. south by. O. B. lath,
.buts, and west' by Nathan Spencer : eontateing
71Laeres, , moro or less, 30 sores improved; with'
a tube house, Mime barn andlntlt trees there,
be sold as, the property-of G. W. Open
ger, troft of Edwerci,Q . ,:
ALLSOii.k. — lovot land la 10111 1 1 . 91 irk
nd, A
arle Land Agency
TA (4 , TY,110,R,TH. CA ROIfUTA.;
Fishing Tackle,
• -
Kar, lovs
Fronts ,
Pictures mut,
Old VWto spy :otos copied a 1& ett.
104A1AJ4 olio.
14; AVltiOrao
%rVI Meet,
okr. 11.01110.
land ; bonadedoklatt north and oast, by J. W.
'Ryan, coati )tribta nletritekang.:Wiat : by
Parkhurst ; emital hag! ono•foutifi. of • 'an acre,
more or leas, with a frame housn,, frame •barn
and a few fruit trees.theieon.- To ho sold as the
property• of Oscar P. Marsh,, salt of W. A. j,
Richardson, for Uso of °A.dolphue D. Denison.
Al,BO—A lot of land in'the toSvnalifil of Un
ion ;.. bounded on the north by lands, of Margo.
retie Dan,' Nataon Wilber, A. 4. Griswold and
Samuel Morgan; east kr - Samuel' Morgan end
James Maddock, south by binds of Mortimer
Stone and Thomas Stull, and west by C. 8. N ow
allicontaining 43 Rents, more miler's, about 20
acres intproToe, with, two frame &welling 'imam
two frame barns, one ,rylniall' frame , store house,
g one frame gristmill, One sew mill ' outhaildfuge,
awapple orottard and other fruit ltreen thereon.
To be sold ao the :property of T. 8.. Griswold,
suit of Wtiliom Braine.
ALSO—A:lO'ot iarid in fibip l
beginning at the .northwest cor;
Deano's iot; , thence north' eoli
rant lino;: thenCo east . 100 .rods'
coiner_of the !Arabi)" lot",
04rods; thence west 100 mid I
beginning; containing 53 now,
about one aoro improved. To, 1
property ,of Abram.lif. Sherman ,
. ALSO—Two /alai of land inis townshipl,
in the village of Blossburg, on tic west side o
the Williamson road; they being lots Nos on
and two of block No I, as nppc.aks by the ma
of the said.'village, upon which :is a ono story
building; known as the Academy of Musks, 35
feet front and 81 feet,deep, with WI outbuilding
thereon: To be.sold as the property of Valen
tine Love,suit of Perry Nettronler..
- ALSO 7 -A lot of land' in IVestlield township ;
bounded on the eastby Brownson and the
publio highway, south ky Henry Travers, west:
by Bingham lands, and north' by John Cralg,)
SimmonsAldnso ' and Oreille Simmons; contain
tag 104.9 acres,
more, or less. none ,improved . -- ,
To-ho sold as. the property of Samuel Pierce,
suit of Bingham Trusteea. •
.• ALSO 7 -A • lot of land in Clymer township;
bounded on the north by A. B. Trowbridge and
Rufus Sebtt, east by the Barber estate and M.
X. Beaeh,amith by James
.Smith and the Samuel
Nicer estate, and west by the Snniuel Nicer ea..
tato aid Omar • Trowbridgo; containing,-170
wine, more or.less, 150 acres imprOved, with one
frame house, - three frame 'lmmo and ;- apple
orokards there n. To ,be sold ea the Property of
Patrick (lankly, silt of H.- n. , Dent.
ALSO—A . Iot of land' in DClmar township;
.begianiag lit the sontheaat comer of-Lucius Sa
grt the road loading from !Dan - Orborres to
meeellawtonse; thence east along the line of
• Osborn 24 perches, to. sugar - maple;
tbeneosouth 23 probes, to - a pos t ; "thence along
the said, road s , ti erthwestr34.perehes,. to the place
of begindiug; containing-Awe acres, more or
less, all improved, with a frame saw mill, frame
house, frame shop or barn and fruit trees Maro
on. To be sold as the property of Edward Os.
born, snit . of Robert Campbell, Administrator of
estate of D. V. Miller, deceased. -
ALSO, -A lot of land in Sullivan township;
bounded on the north byftarcimod Hill, east by
estate' of dmbon Palmer, boutb • by. Aaron Oaf
ford'i estate, and west by lands of Lyman Dew
ey; eontaining 50 acres, 45 ;improved, with a
frame house, frame barn, an apple orchard and
other fruittrees thereon. -To ;be sold as the pro.
perty of Richard Gafford, suit of - John Benson.
ALSO -A lot of land in „Clymer township;
bounded on the north by highway leading from
Pine creek•to Westfield, east by highway lead
ing to Crooked creek, south' by land of S. B.
Goodell. and west by lands of d. B. Goodell, Bo
Stebbins and George Roberts; containing about
2 of an'acre, with a frame hotel, frame barn, out
buildings and a low fruit trees thereon. To bo
sold as the property of D.A. Tooker, snit of R.
B. Tooker.
I ,
pressilOnm and.
talon. Price SR
: .:r' i t' -...0
- ALSO—A-lot of land in Charleston township;
beginnieg at a post in the east line of-Joel Cul-
Yea land, the northweet , oormer orti lot con .Tobn Hart to E.• Hart; thence by the
Said B. Hart's lot, 70.1 degrees east, 34.6 rods to
thaeenter of a public road leading past said E.
Hart's dwelling;, thenoo along the center of.said
road north,-13i degrees went, 31.6 rode; thence
north, 284 degrees east, 4.rrods ; thence north;
431 degrees east, 12 rods; thence north, 2sa,
degrees east, 16 rods, to tbo center of a sma I
stream; thanee by the • said 'stream, southwes
terly, to the ehst line of :Joel Culver's land;
thenceby the said Culver's east lino south, fiv
degrees east, 39 rods,' to the iilace of beginning
containing nine acres, moreph• less, with a fram,
grist mill, mill race and appnitenances, a frade
house, frame barn, other :ciutbuildings, and •ti
few fruit trees thereon. Tolho sold as the prop
erty of Ephraim Hart and Charles M. Hart, as t
of Wright & Bailey.
ALSO—A 'lot of land in Covington township •
bounded on the north by the Copp Hollow roa
anci lands of William Parr, oast by the Wlllia
son road and lands of C. F. King, south 14
lands of W. J. Evans,
Henry Kilburn and Ram
sey Watkins, and west by lanais of Samuel Ken
drick and Phinley Rogers; containing 350 acres,
more or less, 225 acres improved, with a frame
house, frame' barn, granary, cornhouse '
outbuildings, three apple orchards and other
fruit trees thereon, To bo sold as the property
of Richard Videun, snit of A..j:lWatkins.
ALSO-4 lot of land in Jaolison township;
bounded north by, highway and Silas Hall, east
by lands in possession of S. W. Reynolds, Chae„
Buiguson and T. B. Sturdevant, south by lands
In postession" of Banitzel Reypblds, 'N. D. Mid
daugh ti.nd Noah Dunn, and west by lands cf
the estate of Waterman M'lntyre, deceased;
containing 10 acres, or thereabouts, 60 acres or
more Improved, with two frame barns, one old
frame house, frame corn house and apple orch
ard thereon. To be sold as 'the property of El
len Searles et al, snit of Tuthill, Brooks .1.• Co.
ALSO—A lot of land In Delmar township;
bounded on the north by E.•Matson, east by
Robert Steele, Gleason and William Car
roll, and on the west and sOutlt by . T. P. Heath;
containing 95 acres, 30 acres improved, with a
frame house, log barn, outbuildings nod fruit
trees thereon. To *be sold as the property of
Mary Ann Hardin and William Hardin, suit of
Wellington A. Pierce.! .
ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township;
bounded oni the north by lands of John State,
west by lands of Daniel Fisher and tho high
way, south by lands of Vine Baldwin, and east
by lands of 'Lorenzo Nobles; containing 51
acres, 38 acres improved, with one frame house,
frame barn, ontbuildinge, an apple °MAO and
other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the pro
perty of William English, , suit of John English.
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township •;
bounded north by J. D. Vedder, -Myron Mills
and Jefferson Sherman, cast by Jefferson Sher:
man, south by byre. P. H. White and E. Rose,
and west by Myron Mills and E. Rose; contain
ing three acres, more or legs, all imprortd, with
two frame houses, one frame blacksmith shop,
one frame wagon shop, one frame barn, other
outbuildings, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Also—Another lot in said township; bound
ed north by lots Nos 32, 33 and 34 'of the allot
ment of Bingham lands in said township, east
by lands of the:estate of Harlan Baker and L.
M. Palmer, south by Harlan Baker, and west by
D. IV. Hawn, B. If. Vance and lot No 34 of the
allotment aforesaid, and tieing lot No 67 of said
allotment and part of waerlints Nos 1872 and
1405; containing 148.9 acres, about ton acres'
improved. To be,sold as the property of
lam Benson, suit of Trustees of Bingham estate.
ALSO-41. lot of land in Chatham township;
bounded on the north by lot No 28 of the al
lotment of Bingham labds in said township,
formerly under' contract to John D. Perry ; test
by lot Ne 869, contraotod'to be sold to John W.
Bailey, and lot No 367, contracted to he sold to
David Short; south by the south lines of, war
rants Nos 1336 and 1841; and west by lot No
198 ; containing 66.7 aorcs, with allowance; it
being lot No 192 of allotment of Bingham lands
in Chatham towbship ; about 15 stores iniprovede
with a log-houso and a few fruit trees thereon,
To be sold as the property; of William A. Close,
snit of Bingham 'lrustees. .
ALSO—A lot of land, in Liberty township;
bounded on ill() north by lands of George Hor
ning, west and south by, Bingham lands, and
east by T.-Kohler ; containing 37 acres, more or.
loss, With about free acres' improved. To be told
as the property of Reuben R. Stewart, suit of
Bingham Trustees.
ALSO—A lot of land in Shippen township;
beimded on the north by, lands surveyed to Da
vid Sherman and 4obert Englis - h, on the °aft
by Simeon Bacon,' south by William Elwell's:
and Spencer Newberry, and west by J. N. Bach('
containing 1211 acres, 15 fteres improved, with r.
frame house; frame IrllKn;apd fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the proper y of Elias iieunedy,
suit of I. M. Bodine.
-- ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township ;
beginning et a post, the . nuthwest corner of tho
:Simon A. Butler lot; tho by said Butler lot,
east, 32/ perches to a po•t ; thonee by land for
merly of HenryA. Seam i n, south, 110 porches
to post, in line formerlY of Stowell .4, Dickin
son; thence bs' the landS formerly of Stowell
.Dickinson, West; WTI perehes to a post; thence
by landsAformerly of Stowell & Dickinson, north,
111 perches to a beech; tree • thenocf east 55i
perches to a pat in the lino of said Butter lot;
thence south four percheS to the place of bevin
sing ; containing 60 acres, being part of war
rant No 1545, James Wilson warrantee, 25 acres
improved, with a log house, outbuildings and
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property
of John Lookarby, suit of l Jerome B. Niles.
ALBO.-.--A lot of WO in Delmar township;
bounded On 'the north by Milan Wilson, oast by
William Hennedy, south by Lewis Hastings, and
west by Adiram Tomb and Samuel Navel; con
taining 61/ acres, more! or lora, 35 acres im
proved, with a log house', frame house, log barn,
flame shed, corn house, other ontbuildings, and
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of Smith: Wilson and L.
B. Hastings, suit of JerOmo B. Niles.
•ALSO—A lot of land in the borough of Wells.-
borough ; bounded on the southeast by Pearl
Street, southrtest by Lincoln street, northwest
by let in possession of Jaeob Stjoklio ' and north
east by John Etper • being 160 feet by 100 feet.
Attio—Oneolherlot ;' bounded on the south
east by the Odra described lot,. southwest by
Lincoln street, horthwest by Main street, and
northeast by , J.Ohn Ether; being 100 feet on
/141;tift_Stroot and 60 feet on Lincoln street ; wilt)
a taco o;tory fraw o dwelling house, a threo story
frame cabinet shop. outbuildings and a few fruit
trees thereon. To-be 80.1*as the propphy 05. i•
Je Sticklin - John Dobler and Simon Finite, suit
of Wrightlt,
184 1 , A. FISH, Sheriff.
Ten township;
per of William
.4.18 to the war.
to .4 pest, the
!; thence; out
Ito tho place o
more or -less
ho bid as th
'snit of Mark