The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 17, 1871, Image 1

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P. 0: Van Gelder.
6utiscriptiou,(pOr yertr) $2,00
. -
T N I.IN E,3 *P MINION OR .1.133;11.1Alilt ONII SQUABS.
lin. 3lns I 4los'i.l3lloi I #74pi 0:10
t Squ.tre, $l.OOO I $2.00 I s2,bo I $ 5 , 00 I 5750.3.1
"12,00 1 .
half 115,Y11 .
nui'm I —.A . iS.OTIT
---- ----- ~ , .
eir SpecinUioticea 15 cents par line; ildt(oCiafor
f.:,cal 20 ccate pc line. -
tranlient tuicentising MUST be pall for la advance.
a-R-Jaqi ice Blanks, Constable Wanks, Deeds o llidii
.I.c at Notes, Marriage Certificated, Se., on band. .
Office in Smith and Bowen's Block, across
from Agitator OMeo pp , stairs, [second floor.] .
Wellsboro Pa, Jan. 4, 1871-Iy.
Juo.. I. Mitoilik-
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
surance Agent. Office ovor Kress'a Drug Store,
Wellsboro, Pa. Jan.l, 1871-7
William A. Stone. 'f
Attornoy and Counsolor,at Law, first door 'above
Converse 4. Oagoad'a store, on Main etrOet.
Wellabor°, January 1,1871 y
Seeley / Coates & Co.
BANKERS, Knoxville, Tioga; County, Pa.—
Reoeivi money on deposit, disconntlnotos,
and soli drafts on -New York City. Collect
ions promptly made.—Jan 4 1 1871-y 1
MonoAN tint:LET—Osceola.
.3no. W. Adams;
Attornoy and Counselor at Law; Mansfield, Tioga
oounty, Pa. Collections promptly ' rtonded
to. Jan. 1, :1871—y
Wilson & Niles / , •
Attornoys and (lounsoloin at Laws Will ittend
promptly to business entrusted to their care in
tho counties of Tioga died Potter. Office on
the Avonuo. Jan. 1,13711 y
9, F. WiLson.]
Julut W. Otter - 1184,
Attornoy and Counselor at Law. \All business
entrusted to blru will bo promptlylnatled to.
01lico 2d door south of.llazlett's Ho el, Tioga,
Tioga County, Pa.—Jatt. N,
• \
WIII. B. Smith,
Pension, Bounty and Insurance Agent: L Am ,
munieations sent to tho above address wll s re
cave prompt attention.' Terme modf2lefs re,
Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, STI.
Seymour & Horton, i - .
Attorneys and Counselors at law,: Tioga 'Pa.
All business entrusted to their care wilircieeive
prompt attention.
O. 11. SzYstoun ,1
San 1,1871 y
Armstrong & Linn,
Ja❑ I,lBll—y. •
W. 1). to ben. &
nolesale Druggists, cold dealers in Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lampe, Wirtdow' Glass, Perfumery,
Paints, Oils, bi.; e.—Corning, N. Y. Jan.lll.
D. Biwon, N. D.,
Physician and Surgeon, st door east of Laiugher
Baebo—Main Street. Will attond promptly to
all calls. Wollsboro.—Jan. 1, MI.
A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
Homoeopathist, Office at his 'Residence on the
Avenuo.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Ueox•ge Wagner,
tailor. Shop first door north of Roberts dr Bail
ey's Hardware Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
pairing done promptly and well.—Jan.l,l97l,
SinttlOg Ilotel,
Pioga, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in
good condition to accommodato the travolii g
public in a superior Manner.—Jan. 1, 1871. i
Farmers' Hotel.
B. MONROE, Proprietor. This house, formerly
occupied by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem
per-me° principles. very accommodation
for man and beast. Charges reasondble.
January 1, 1511
Crt. C. Van llo . rn, Proprietor, WeHaber°, Pa„
Tail nousel4 pleaz.nutly located, sad has all
the conveniences for tnan and beast. Charges
modernte,--itiu I, 1871-Iy.
Ladies! IVJilJinery
MRS. EOPIELD has a complete a",sortment
1.11, of tho latest styles of
, 1
Milliner!' and Parnishiny Goods,
which she is felling n't unusually fon -iriney.
of every dis4ription to suit everybody, nod
including Ladies' Ready -Made Dresses, a±corn;
plate outfit, that cannot fall to please the ladles.
Please call and examine Goods and prices.
STORE opposite Poet °Moo, Main Street.
Wefleboro May 4, 11.870. a
New Millinery !
MRS. C. P.SMiTII, hoR now on hand an oie
gaat assorttotnt of nit the bawl styles of
Fancy Goods, Parasols, Gloves,
whist, sin) is sealling at verl , low takes, Drop
to and see the now goods.
Hay 4, 1871-4 f
Oxardian's Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Tioga county. bearing date February 10,
18 11,1 the undersigned. guardian of Albert Tay
lor, Man Taylor, Martha Taylor, George Tay
lor and Edgar Taylor, minor children of Daniel
Taylor, decoiped, tate of Chatham township, in
raid county, will expose to sale at public yen
he, at the Court Ilona° in Wellsboro, on Mon.
day, the 29th clfiy of May, 1871,'Itt half past one
P. M., the following describe i 'real .esta tar, tho
Property of raid minors, to wit
The undivided ono half of all that certain
lot of land situate in Chatham township, Tioga
comity, Pa, bounded on the north by tho high
way, on the east by Jacob Ham and .Tos.
oo the south by .7n mos and E. Davis, and on the
watt by E. Davis an &Harrison Smith; contain=
lag thirty. soven Awl one half *ores. Terms of
tale made known at time and place of sale.. '• -
May 3, IS7 I '3w Guardian.
Executors Notice.
y BITERS of Administrations on the estate
jJ of John W. Catlin , deceased, late of Charles
ton having been granted to the undersigned,
dl Persons having claims against said estate,
and those indebted to the same, are notified to ,
all for settlement on Israel Stone of Delmar.' - •
11.7, eti, 1871,
[12,001 ,18,001
' - ‘30,00 . 1 VOA?'
J. q. HoßtoN„
Mrs. C. P. BM
• Extieston---
j 1
s - ------ --: L.' ' ~ ,
.---------, - :,...'.. - -;',-?..',,v.
, i lfe7
,',-,:,,,, ,: t 7 .- . ;•=xt- \ :,...
i...,; 1( .... " . , , , ,
• ,
__ • ---4 i. 4 • ,
• , .2 - • - - •-'--I.'
- -, • THE OLD
n :I i ATELY known as the Townsend House,
;.:,Mail tor a time ocnnpled by D. D. 801 -
- 114; has been thoroughly refitted, riPair
en and:opened by
who -,
will be happy to accommodate the old
friends of the house at very reasonable rates.
Jan 1,1871 y . DANIEL MONBOE.
Tioga Marble Works.
"undersigned is now prepared to exe
cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Mow
n:Lents of either
-- • . r . •
of iholitest style and app , rved`woirkmanship
and with dispatch. - •
He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa•
vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms
as can be obtained in the country.
:portions indebted to D. P. Roberta by
Book account or Notes are requested to call
and , settle and lave Posts, at .(1,. IV. MenloWs
once. . .
. ,
1871.—tf D. P. ROBERTS
R.. Xi. 0133.e3r 7
: •3
e - • .17 EEPS constantly on handaLOlN
Eli, Marine, Alarm A Calendar CLOCKS,
614 . V . .1E44 SPOOIVS
Plated Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and
Fruit Knives; Caps, Castors and Cake Ilaskets;
Napkin stings; Cream Salt Sugar and justard
Spoons; Tine Gold-and Agate Ittugs,. Gol Pens
andlPeneils;. Solid Gold Sets; Pearl r aa uop and,
Plated Buttons; Watch Gisa - rs'and Clialia#4o4`
A large Stook of SPEOTACLES;'OLASSES,And'
Colered Glasses, all at reduced prices.
N. R.-Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired.
-March I, 1871.
A ,_,13... EASTMAN,.
_,, _ •.. - .
...----..:-,.. . oinninva itm sioisititc,si. ;-
Ili •
Co osa 'DENTIST.*
\ 1 - ~
WU opposite Cone House, Wollsboro, Pa. All
oper flans neatly and carefully performed. Sat
isfaction guaranteed at give and lot live prices.'
Feb 22, 1811 tf
I .
Manufacturing Company,
• —Constituted by the homes of the people—
/ Received the Great Award of the
And have left all grata far be nd them, for they
SOLD IN 1 70
- I
being more than forty thousand in advance of
their sales,ofthe provious year, and, over forty
()frt. th:ointanct more than The Imam of any; other
Company for 1870, as shown by the following
figures faun SWORN returns of the sales of
The' Sieger Manufacturing Company
sold over the Florence Seining
Machine Co - It.l73.Machinee
Sold over the Wilcox & Gab,' Seto- •
"ing Machine Co., 98,943 do.
Sold over the Weed Sewing Ma-
, chine Co., 92,851.
Sold over the Grover el; Baker
Sewing Machine-Co., 70,431 do.
Sold over the Home,..ffilachine Co., 52,677 ,_ do.
Sold over the ;nester:cf. , Wilson ~. : • ' .
Monofacturi4 Co., 1 4 , 62 4 do •
all of which is mainly owing to! the, popula r
of what is known as the "Neli:PAiltnt• SEW 40
MACunsa," which is now fast ';Sfujini,- its , ' day
into every well regulated
s h,ottielreldror ey
eliners, giving fullyarticulars4iPiehirtes, 'their
kolping Cases of Many, varieties-of :wliodz-and .
finish, their AttaChments fOrtutnercitis kinds of
work, which, till c iecently, it was I.llOught , that
delicate fingers alone could.perform, as well as
partionlart about all articles used, by their Ma
chines, Such as !Twist, Linen Thread, Spool cot
ton, 011,4 c., .I:c., apply to any of their Anthoi.
',zed Agents, or tv _ - .
1 1 458 - Broad4vay, New York. Philadelphia
Office 1108 Medi:int St; -
' March 22, •
, .
Manhood : HOW--= \ Lost' - ' How Restored:
4 1 3iitr - 'l,Thbday'',4 ruo - ql - dittopx of Dr.
-0471. OttlifeliffiNteatetortited zThisity - on the
-=, 4.
.. -- ir.;r,;i radkat cunr(Widiaiit nieciicineyOkiper•
- --- intitmitt, or iffninal Weakness, Int
olu.tary Skala! Losses, Impotency) Mental and
hYllicallneapacity;XXWedimeltait 7 9, 7Vi,-,:.rrtalgrilltlli
leo Consumpttotii whim, Aatti i t 4 i,i l :4 f..h,y. 141 , ',
ndulgence or sexual eitravaganCe.<
Price, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cent <_,
The celebrated author, in this-idniirabia - eIsAY:
learly demonstrates from a thirty -yo,re successful
ractice, that the alarming ocusegoortgeli,of satitnti
may bo radically cnred without the dangerous use of
internal medicine-di--the application! of Ihn hotter
canting out - a mode of ciinLat once pimple, :certain
and effifftual,hy means - of Whioh_every sufferer, no
matter what his condition may be, may _curehimself.
cheaply, privately and radically. ----'-- \ .
33.10 lecture should be in the hands of. every • 3' , oulh'
laud every swan in the laud. • . . --. x
Bent under seal,"in a plain'euvelope, to nut addreett,
postpaid on receipt of six eente or two poet stamps. \
Also. De.CalverwelPe ".ilitrrlage Gulde,!' price 2.6\
ents, Address the Publishers.
• - C11,19.J.1); KLlttff lc CO..
- ' 127 Broadasty,- New_Tork Moat-Office Ebx 4,586. • -
April 4, 1871-Iy, ,- 1:. ' , , ,
Nod,::,Diutic'. Sto r e 1.1
bpro4TF CONE norm
. agyt. Podal
Dealer in all kinds of
Pianos and lliasical itlerthandhe,.
lergett afhthest selection of MUSIC in this see
tion iof the Country. Plan e s warranted" for 20
Iffidodegne „and Ca bi net Organa'
- . •
• r with broouer'a Patent FOO - t
Ail kingsof Ipetr,urpouts bought takenexaange and
. to ::,,g43_*• All orders for'
iusittrig arid Tuning promptlya.,itendes,tio' ' '
•• • , J. W.•2llotri'lSll,„Ageo.:, -
._l4latch,22, 18:71. * •
Adminigratoi.'s -IY-ptice.
'atate, of Lafayette Down; deceased; late of
botanic tewniblp,:baribg been - granted to the
undersigned; eit pareope having claims 'against
avid estate and _those,:indebted to -the sante are
dotifted tovall for settleinant of:the same, i r
t '''l.olll3l , lZo "'
• B. W.:IA(111184e
' . 514,14) - 18 1 4.4%:.:17 Admen.-
__ Y,_2 ~ 3
ri".. Jr_
--- • -
, :,
ON ~ et id - efter.,blO.NDAY A -Dec, 6, -,. 1870, Trains
wt4lowivObraltig,atthettill'atiliig libure,vilin 1':
i - -- GOING W 287,
5,46 A.M., MOAT EXPRESS (2tlonildij! okte ' OP
foriDolyeter,Nokitket4ihe ;pm . /4:,,,---e: . ._
6,06 At 11,, MORT EXPRESS doh y,(0,16A,1ii ler
RoOtteeter, Sundays excepted)tcr BelfeJo , l2 iCt
-, kirk, spa
, W
A; 11.11 V, -W
6.00 r iltitallT l'orititiliemiteir: :' ti *'
. dot, excepted.
~ i
10,25 4 . M., MAIL TRAIN, Siatidt+Weiii.blitia Rif'
_ Buttelo and' JOnekttlt,...,l l
12,05 i'.111., W AVIANIGiIt,IStRIA ail itaD te. `
2,00 At M„ - BALTUISORE REP; DoodafefiXotittetl,
or RocboOtor end 8uffe1e.,116:4•,04.. -s
15,30 P.ID., EILLGRAWPTP.A.IifideIIj, fat tbdWest.
7,35 Pal., DAY EXPARBEl,Btiohtyx.ekeeptigt,,(7,4lo
~ ..22.,M.i tox.Rotbeater.) IetIAPIP49, II P.CIAAM4O. I ..?
; 12.13 1 4: - M,,41.1CPRE135,11.1114.:8P11440 ,1(4904 1 4.4.,
t O 4 40 1 141 2 ., Pil 0. 1 4:/6.14.14 3 1: 1,.i 4 Vrtt.% 4 odt =0..•,-.
".•-' ,;:t,. , •:lT'r••• - • ztt'' fr! v; ,noi:.:` io
1 r: i 0 0 MR4 ..... ,.....! 124 3.._.z,:4 - 4 t - - i
12,13 A. Iii. J .N.LORT. EXP,tutia, Benue'!" exceptiO t .
coonectlegat Kew York rwitk ellentoOt troyle ,
end steae:ore fox the New Bliklia4DtDee:
4,40 Al Bl.;;DflOitikel i ,ll, DikittzliqliOsislidri ixt
coiled, cOO oeet Ins ,et . lieirletiley ,itttli I Willi
for Philtideaeltimore end -Weeldnigttoi; s'. , -' =,--- --' (' 5 '
2,07 P' 3,4:, At 00,11.111PDATKOt :PRAlN,ltirfklbitki4
au f idut exce. piv ot- -3,1:-:.
~ ,: - ..-1 , T.. --:-?.... :I' , Z-'3 ri ti - J.::
11,20 .4.',:if4 Ileirmpiligits - , coniuutitsa, -
. cool/oath* at Jersey OltY-41311) 4101thtlit 7/
prise tratuldc Pb4d,elp,l4.ol* - :' __.,'4. : - .1.,:1-..1
12,15 Z.; OUIKIIIKHADVA .WAIG,4 I 4A.thr. - ,
)11,44) A. M.,, WAY•l23l4=',snaditywozoeptisi.
4.30 P. rd.; utvnitoir MAIL, &simulacra:4*c ~
7,44 g rd. LlKlMillie ElPaltitDidtdluesmisE .
tai at Jersey OR" i_vOrk saeratesi , Kmpt
Pa Da 1 tilnere Mad wegatigttrei- - --.i _'t x','
r. , • • ;„ .4 4.*:gtiiiiiiii.jr ~ i . ..` i-r ,i,,.'
ci4l► „ . , ti ~„ i ...
i Aliir. A k avis ell owl 9481iPiotet , kiit gthykyijoetiA r .
Passenger -YrOu ii, oßthelsrle ROJI"". anti z s i o2reg
Mimi ,huis recently beeirPitlArehlid A eettattloi WO
ed on apietcetton to-tkel t ilektif, 4 . o4Atiftki fiW
Wbi. It 4 DARR, ' ''`, '- 4 ""- . '14:41: : Rtaralv,
(Foie' Pees Alligityi. - I' - '' - 0 e it - 'l4 a li.-1
T 41,1,461 11 ruit 'as folloioV -t iAttiE:lariiir ikottia:
GOING NORTH.TROWTHMI...„-•: . ..:: •,;
. ,
I No. 2;2.35. N 0.4, 9,28. No.O, 6,84. No. 8, 8,22.
N 0.10,11,36. No. 12,;2,12. , 6
,io. 0,60.,,P0. 16;
0,20, Nd. /414.;; - • : c '"
GOING' 60Uni a laio111 .
—No.-1, 9,28. No. 3, 4.55, No. 8, 8 4 01. No. 7, 1,15
No. 9, 7,20. no. 11, 10,18. No. 1a;1,t2: ),:.
• • --.I4.II.BIIATTV.CH, 8,9 p' t.
NaLliors Central
• R.R.
'Tlf..11118:1F031 7 T11Z 210Br8 . • - • -
-,Tralaa forOanandagula leave Elmira as follow as.. .
Accomo4tippot l2 t ig :
lixproaatfastost _ _ .
••• A tt
(Min% altar .Dao. 5, 1870, train 01,111 0
&pail frbm Troy, as follows; , :
1 LE AV II •N 0 RT •
924 p.*.-;-Daili(exceptgandays).for..llllnbuitgit,
Bunisio,via Stio i'roaxiithnitaircrs,-,
10 14 a. I)2.4i)t)ll.7(axeopt
I o,oanandaiaue), Rochagir,
• • Canada!). • ..:
2,„ L ,11 .U) •
• 1 ABAVit BOttTitWia:.l`..t
96e 7 A. Ine:4aily(exoept Sundays) 'for Baltithilki;
Wastilngton,Fbiladelphitqao. ; , :,•••
7 07 P. da.:=DallY (eXcePt .
Washington and Philadelphia: , ;:, -. 1 , •
ED.I9.YOUNiI7' 7,
• ..:,,,r ..7 u -.
- Arr !vat - and .DePatiurp '',Of:iStaglisp,
rillitOtitk - i3il'ittipti:tk ' e
.JL .the ditterent ' 4 f add
. -1 2 -- ' —, l „ — 4 Welleliora, will Vittait SW&
_ ..';•" 1 "'-':: " - -- 1 % arrive as follows from the
1' ; 4 4 ' ,1 !_•- 111 - ai Lis -- WeitebolßYP#OfAcr.::z.---.',
Wstseno o& Tritaci:-Dopattl 4;10 o a. ilk dArriTio 113 i:
-`% '''',' t ~{ Vaill• f ralackp.lll.. , - .I ~.1;;;;1.•:Q1
Wsuse4oolAttet'gPkr. 4 o t a.m., arrive a p. - M,
WICLIODOR9 & Commie vowriv—Dap. Mos. 4 Thur.* R. 5 , ....
a rriye Akiri..taidtrltititeday at 121 u. - " ' -
Wztt ; a c; &Jana Tfluosie—Depart Illon.e Thur. 9a m'
..±' • " . L - .1 - 7-PFAvetji.Ps.. 41'70 1, 1 , 1- _,LfjP7./il--_
..... .... ,•,,
Wiiietio o & STONT so B L — pep. • 2llolC.T.- 'Xis4l4,2at a ll - ,
',.' p r m„ r arr, mflp... k_Ariday At 72 tn. .. ...............,„,
. * ~ Avhct his-10ii Lbten,-.. aostabT
i: ‘‘ r- ,,-• \\ " 9 Lisboa:, pi2ker .. .1,470r? bFei.
,al i c ,
~, 97,c,upr in_ t rif etippprp,ps_ii
~ alt.
-. 'y,) . ::;- *aye 'oh 'stile ; ' ' tridrAg
,l. , - ;-___ . .4. ---_-,.. 'dial. iiiia iiikeiiiir 1 .r.:1 , .. - :
Amt_i4 - ,o1:::::::*,..:0 - ,
'' ,RAZtthb;c l ;l4l/1: 7 ;:•c57. ' .2
~. SEIIYWC : i:I ‘ *AtiiINKS, 7,j
. .
With 6 '
°stabil ihment; w 1 foh is sOleloir'r for
. i . i:
, 1
_ f
C. -A-- S r.. , --,-.-::,-
~3-, - ! 1
Repairing done • neatlyian d promptly;-and -on
r • „ y
liCitt \ NA xr
TION. • -: . POLE,
dir•- , lotiror Bye:
- I
NIILL sell. my banal) and,lot atieftateonahla:
pfiee, itapid led, to: The telb.rge,•-;
- house Of.convenient,siso and Nwell - atra'ogadi la •
ItiOci r e pair; and Altogether a desirable :properly::
AitliVto the oiiiiei the premieee; foot of
- > qtaftilti street. \ ,
Tz . ;
• • *-zr, a:•?.‘
.„:. 411 ;I'
I\l'OtlCE is hereby given, tliatthiEwetateteP
11l 'Administrators and Guktdian - , htun'ed bey
low have filed their accounts ih the Registees: •
Officoifor .Tioga county; and that, said am:muter
will be presented to the Orpbanst , CourtfOreald
eounty, at a session of said court to, be held &t:
Wellebore,-osrAfebdayi•Abe 29th: days Afay4i
1874 at two 9!clttek.P. - M., ..fot.'•allowAuce- and
cendrmatiow: 37!
I - Accounts of 'John W. Guernsey,_Ouardian Of
Sylvester ' .- I , llins if - Singefie
BerakNlithi, lato4p l ,-
Account of Satnuel:Swimlar, .wauzitiutrator
of the estate ef 'tieeePtl S.win4lorP, late ot. M r - 1 1 #
held,:deetased--- ' : •
, •Acceuit 9f Samuel - Samuel - If.PevtigooAsi,nd 1509241,4, -
Iteht or.TAR
••• 4; toj ,;•„I:'`i 4 .
t'Aceatiiii.4:lll;4l , 4l4iighOopAdm.fiillo4}Ori
'ditto tosiiiio'poto,on;
.loic_t or do 0 .0ohq?:-' 3 ,0 0 . 3 ,61'
3ngham ; fate ot
Ado 6,40,4 Paiwin:Tikoiap44o•A:l4.4ll-15tP4,-
'of ilia ; estatcii 410• e fi, pl . o4oktigor,•f.4o- , 3 0l
ahailegtOßOOC4; r
.=: - Attoottnt,""teGeorgks Phelps Staid
!tont Of V..Q.4tfitTpsdiiie`or Opearigi,Tdeoot t ilifrdtt
Accoint Illtirtbd 3: - 'Stages; aia;utet i=
trivet' theldtate of Jiteob• Cotklei;late4 of-Chat—
lutut;detedaildl: I -I,.:L•_zr
Mitoboltr , Admittisirator;ll
tabonWookonfoi testaiiiootoOrnexo-iotathoisoo
tato - of, 1146blitutitio Oa r of
t T io
~..WO/libotiAtii. : l;ieri 4w ' 11", n
• &a.; itcr:
7 ~, ." . ,
7 --''' I ...7.55al -1.(14 , _.1..:7.iz1if ').f4i Irfkliv. 7,: - ,:r.i,A,1
' T Y- 1 I .N.Rg7; ,i0.9441Y:474.4.
- ' , -.IIITAIRStOES r , ' • -- ' - ,
Ihr e f tipitih,itic, glia'del',iiiii,,e44,6
ta 1,14 -- , 4.
eThey Toieiotir poet ; i, helkiiitte d'eartyo;'
They aro iiiidatiieto nie; sitici 'so' -," ''''' '.--- '''''' ", 4-
43 JO qeshintisie , ind Judie '6l' thetavelsirlYil
!Their n/rtteL4:4lny'hit4s s;iitJfiil'ease'; - 1 -: i'
`finoir tlidift.6l-Ornas,•.nadi XireesSi - - and ! drags 1
~,,....,_ -I- .... -.;.•;„.:,.......,- ,-..
Si - Slinging' a 'ship tltt, IGlcai(e , the fiCst
~ „
',As ovpilinoVeli nritnitereibioltdeed ; I '. - -""
4)111 in4liiii l iiiiiiiiiilitit litingiViiiid'thh , st ' '-
- Forni Dial' oftif/s eYe'froniGridatliefiddead; -..
And m ykurfiht prhie,Wtender? iibrdi -'v i ,- :::t
1 l'r,ein t t
etatiqbent MO front (hese the Nbird.i
Grace t x e i iiii.4'3i.inaipgiyAiV^', " ' -
API- - r .c ieti S 'dliii - ' l ''''. l "a =.'
1 . -, . _II y en,l9k
~,a_ siw,oinaa ...„,
.'xgu'd t Jig' r th r i.akidiOld iiViltli t ef tier tide ;:.
. Att,"e Nfarrii i 4digtfilitgithheihnlit'''''
'OW -3 Sititi ii id ohisitidtkilifhaft, thti i %ft . ; u , .
't? °gather, she lovesgliiiiitlfk 04 S' \ 'in - --
...,. t. t.
AP „
rk) e second r t,sdn . rhmlmtte , , , topiclPl 4, 1
; ,*4l her terepeifj•ltlYet 'tholl - seatt - Ay di' , that'
1 0.1;044n loner, tistte j 7ith, ft fon'sliTellae,bmiiii, t ,
'•• And riitaltir*l4 falitfii. ,yon:4' S'fiti;nol,ff.:
And iiit.a'ialillitit iVonniiiifiiikiiit 4k4.:" ``.
---'. i
.Pitt7ii,e pa at better tbe t hilti kiiiiniilielk l: C q. " "
:: -.!.,.. i i.lcicsGvi - A-_. • i yyle - li'i .J.I. J. 1..:;--,t , :._ - ,C.,z) . :.)
titi,‘lt ') nik'd late ft' fan ithaP : sliOna) ji.i'li 1.1,,:
). L ..'.;.14it1Y PtegliteitoP l 2 eAttlingtkitlbantifY4 :.;
.011rn ffrimmontantlypoes 4
0i,t;‘,:,,,:i 1.,
(-- , ''irtit; otißokmpiutionkt‘fi ,411:::, ed.i, 1r
~ ifftk - t4Yrgie OPVI f . 4 4Mltkti i 1
AO a i '1 1 : ",± o t r yimi u qPlM M. -;-°4 'lltW w f,,
41 . * 11 ;22 (Mist. - •''''' - ' -' ' ' ''' '
- :,,,tt _„thillittik-ibleii; da, I , 1 , ..k : 1,1 , d
'!'JGPACt bit 136RdiffittAtii ,, inti4'6 iiiiritoirr
'ffilitif,tbed2l:lllll2i Wier eh& 41 - je .f.-. .::..:.. .. 7
r ' l litistohattsealtritTiviiikint sit' ofil . ,-`
71(84 -11rpkbass4Viirixihyted'Ale,. - w 5 ,•,-) I": l i ij i.
Whi le i ir keil)ee...e l l4fkrfZfrietA43 pll ttirll/itabr,
----- i -trq.: ;)f.t.nw.l;)li v, - ,7-,Atri's,--Ticlit.,Yr,
jgr .cf
-11[Pianrtho'Itirfateld..ttuil Enruu•li:
I ,r -"ILY:PIRSTIVOIer; ~.1 f . "f,,
::111.12 - ,'2 , *1 :: ~' c;ii
11l elklLlA4l4it 0 1 :1M011 Moz,t(X::tho,gW.•
11 Moll MP. 1 ,4440 Asts,fo. l o.A4Etb 0, Most. ata
trtioti • PaPPS#9• l 4rMf gr.ftzcap K winte_f col;
aPin lag:a (CYr - reekaff ne,:itimatia:
.2111 e iver h,erp,m9,t farbelowiltssorce e
is a most beautiful Eiresum„aLtimes a
ic@Jlttt I . I PP.AMMI 3IO 4 iftf.49a4. 1 , 1 141, 1 0;"
4 c 1 .5 11 - qn,4- 1
.14, 1 3F.e 11 1 1 444 1 N ;, AOl4ll-4RT
,plmte 43 4P--t )*L igr d Ai
1. ,4. 1 4 4 ,: f1: 1 41 ,1, 1 7 ;; ,14f1 d t , , ,, , w ei5i:
#O4 l filPkitilig. s AIIPP Of i .8*4.,1740,1m i
Eidifxr ikeSnteffto4 4 „tocdar ALLT. SOAR%
4,tri l ie 9,44. 4 frcaPak49,9tittilliqr,
:and,` t r ltaPiri3/1 1 c140,4 11 kkgp 1 :141 . ;tb
,9EIPEIPPACIO4-:- - .:,;,..-.:
8 0 ulgicMll4F.A9 3 9 4.P 5 1Ti11g-itirßlA'
, bligA tßztt 3 e-,91cYn0,4% IPPovvliiiigAtt
the` •b LITEkOL 0f.;949;CAA4 0,P0, 1 ,111 -1 : 4 0.
brook Nhietukra OW ..,s9 AtlOß4lailktr)
TWO, ounkshaped4.9o4kWitit Po PPP:
likt*lrth9Ql): I. 4l ,r9PgkiNvtki•Ph Mi 11,4,
TtIO i11,144.1..441,1115 4,494 PP 0110 ‘
'turithigitzlflad4beitt-13900, Winqct! RP
#l-',40, 11M11 1 1.- ; §.Wit!II, :in inY;ztlOgie 1.X.1
notlee 4rgftgray,ruptiniatnyiplfiktp:al.
c t
0 .14,9 0i.44194.0n ~ .tho.)..yelle.34.elest,
' ands 1 AW.grcli izm Biliming *O4
": 1 4.4 r§Pckst99.4.4olo '.41031 IA POtb.
, 'iretillgnyile/c tong , waiOd. for hytii Wt.
:Isl4i 0-Uti3t.SlaPOlngto the leftivavildra,
standing; /001fInglik-lue.-: Puttirigiruls ,
11 / 11 6.4 •tp_ In.YEre'vollePt be. inotieed4bit,
, rove tf ikii 4 int; Land balhg - ,taile - ip
A. ot atspurleyill." dyli mot ....)tirel Ale
's a, , etkmay Imam And insteadof enniki •
fly-' ough the pass, had gone round
ev!r•lue of the peaks: into
the 7all - 6Y' iigaiti; l' saNi`tiv inore enter
gitigLirote "-the. tiame-ihieket Leading,
Tidy 4.icfrioriii . Clic; blykifde;YO''ilibtel lie'
ifekld;iiti otit 'efisik , ht, ' I- faiteined'illiti'
tu i a Ariariebliah orifid .'orePt"iii? tAi. tiiii
summit 43f. itft'd 1111; 4 here zt 'ebtzki sgii
the' iheilliyUlbtiviiiid ilia` , hi i're l aeli" ;re;
•Siiatat 4 1 'Wfild'"•Sithii. 'cowl lig ifnetigh
the p"sW.foi r t,OlbgtiWyOutilt.' '''tlie . tioei i .
wolie tarii6'etaiidiKsiuii;iiiiif titi•p•piiig
to ikla f i tin ei'- , atti thteliq %Sittig ilfmn 'pco
~` tiiii dull-till iiitialbai* Teeikeelf
ebilld kihitiniffigh liel 'rani; ti4vbrilq pair
other t o uld:,; it; tuili ?Pit, "ssfligil I) if' fig
• tail as f - -1- nvitirig - its - eobapanion to — cOn2ii"
'Mi t ' Anil again- priie r eatAtliiiiiiit ler
10rd. I Soon -I;moticed another and an
:541,0i, s,intiltife ie ivieriS thirteen fa sight;
•sever4if,:ttifq&ere ) cniA hardly, haft
*4li : ,4. ; arf r•isYrKdoiv*•tbiiiiiliside to
Augti i . Wilda:W.4 Vie a lietter pasition
and:slielteltd:ine-Tron:Fview ,, we:Milli - le
'their troceedi ng4, vittlEffulkiiiterest,
IliTe 9 be were very playful and Maki
44 Pielln ea:tali:Ater; ; but the dam;naw
inil iiieit!*euld go -beer. Wild' li if r 1.30'
them. TAVlct9klld K9rl3,lPic,all.•zp7,
- -lie iii; o - g liVtiiirfreTikr - h t isNirig
'thou tiihtittlial,chinkritOile,iiiN
-thee ie:al:
a t
e sharp4'a iiirEP:ai3d full&
ilia e a .t,IXP__ ,_, 4 1 1 -e.ratMelitraXlCPCni#o- I #4
-me'--to :AlRSTRlR.:.,iftig .4.klk Pa Iwlletini,r;the,
shephelo4.4.9lc. r kkito:kg9.tteeittstrigieally,
-donlestleateddramAte . - .lvall i ,..ory the
indlicipte.aof Of set EA ,Togue. t o 1 oa teho a „
ecigi,ol I should- have enjoyed watch
-044ent4ery: muck puit, - for , 11,10 , fi*,
that r couhrovaie , iiii'lli)l44Witti,auf,
• iaisi niiiii; liiidliiMrig'iiiicip - a,:atiaip
watch kik,' f iViifi Ykitiii iiiiiiin,istithg the
wolvis,.veiiiiiii;oNittiok,eo..g:ii: vi 4,,,
sfalk . 44, 4iiii vAr., - ,Witklidliupr.6';i-,,
Not veropteakant ihati :watehihg:g"me
:;with bitlgy 6 1 40 yieicibefs;it'4ldifir#'
L il . ...ol'4 l gik; ‘.Y,digtc ) o44, tkg ~J4fterw
.fith mtb;eare-,.., ~,--iR, -, , -1.--; zi, , -
~, ;d:a .t,k s
, zb4 vaiiiiii'thildi3 96 l,iiti*:44*
g1ix?021)3404, opt mt.:lvm:4e cues:
.liig., -, thetothentattigglliM:atiAertesol;
1101Y. 1 , I 4etcla„4,lW:#4.°ll9tt.#!igsk
li t tit f
i taithvg.i4v; ~Q;. . .- d ieuirgounif..3zEir,
ti yi onetiicit.tbiini. 1 the ' , f , br'emeeViind
lth "DY' lrit # e- A : 400 e0 'i' oof* , .
tilinF4444/ I : l 9lv4:44 ,l llfiPePeA4P ' s
Acme ! and rtralth att .xi nil E.r,-..mai. I TOro. br
three: others cii - efe:V,ltblte...a',",lninititi d` ,
yards', and the reiiiilOl s e - otuti . - cou:
Tam,: birtillifroilk - 41 glii4firi3Erfeei
gotbo ; butleai :they gharitanitweloir:
ftirthitr, , I tocdt'airsteady:artlith; 71th,
ii 3 Odivolver 'af biditiother lieiiiion) , aa
1, could, command,' at --, Ole ' .i.l,:!it --):ylißt•
d4tyti. At the ..craiik,i2t.ilie , pistel, lit .
itiftied a summersault ;40in . , 411;r44 1 4;
.: I , i . r.t oltaroun ' thesillitilde - .::- jithff i
:ping my fe511,,i'.,4 ' - ipltitiitt'iy:CUniellk
my-hand, but Ince eft-Was:Op atidzet
atirot at a cub abo t,;:aphunclred - iyardlE
ilk, *lasing him. 1 7he 1 ,!,10,21y . Ca, Pelt,:
.spattered and retreiittA.liomp..oUthexn ;
r e iiiiii * ping occasion:My:4o gaie.:,l4l'xhic.
4gkcine saucy fellow eataiipOn'hiehatin .
•_., Ye minutes.
a safe dlatii. r itkig'3o44 )iti*ledc;for
',‘fienie minutes. I looked - fur the welt'
Ail ii red at, but could i:l'Oefinti ifo gi 4 1,
contuded•lniust , have-mleeed-it-,--tho? ,
}kisik iri,tiblic9ltitbllle'Ve !pilit , lralfieeittlic'
" tbigliti* 4 *§: o o l 4 .-) .,w , 40_4
eP4d *.e. ilt.;3, * CaViiii ilearly,atightT
:and ekotnevihitkelhAn tly-li turned triy-:
Lhoreel'e iiiiiiit#iiineivaid f
ti t;leing-baeir4?-the•epot4be next :i , r . -
Ailitgi I noticed the litzarde' , ltyltig
.'overhead, and iiv;,:a feWiniltiUnEsistiiod
ift,tlio ifelild.*Fil f.AVair and-tr,Us if fiat"
:444,41r - rfAeNifst,Viiireiiiiiiiii, ' the' lit.
wing clear - thinalli•i: • - Fbody,, isinli ite'
1 lr
9i t 1;
L 4
- --- -` i•ii,k. ,KrAeitliQ r sir i'',-' 4 ' ' ' 19 ,, s::l‘. - ,t.i . :o;_if; ' , ii.6.lfi4 - JO.: i.i il'i:",i.itt s i;-"q"..i 4 i;..'i - ,, , , • 4 ~
' ' ?Ali —. '''
. ,y) ,:: , ~.. 4 1,0 4 ., yi. „,,„1.871,-4..... , .., 1,4 'Ol .t -. 'i A; rc' .r -:, z , i 1 - 1 +.'"'' ''' ' -
it !th y
, , , , , , . , , ~ ~ .. ,
• 8,. 4175•
, f.,,
~,•,, 4 , '....„.., , . 1„: -,,,, , „ ~.I ~,,,, :',f 4 ..,, t., :tr•Veir 0 "' •
, c:j.;C:,.. .•
- .1198 TA 1 ,,, - - 4 s't , t...V,W -1•.'..?4, 4c:111:7:501
4: 4:4IIRNIPPrfri:VEW_JiIA“IA-Rgii
Ilpt4-4 19ftylif.a . * Iiiii i wtiike,I 8, #
3. poA :g 'or tli'eT tiji , Olt's' iiilo!'
ull n
AtuidO4l4 A lto* AiOit - tinAilf-listni*;'
NilfiAl . A l eiiiioii iftilit'Ai AO! aq.iiiiition'
i c i t,,i, i -- ty . . „ , t ; ,,
I. I A t) 1 MOtil n titlitiwol r ' is = iiitith t bite.
ttikiklibiiieisiieeles thaveievent};
lit,iger 'qv on tlitiii tnel)lookAolkis Iviolti.
tat I#'obtoisitintrolvresembleti 31 - Implitm
SA? 'l4• rig' eaybte.i ,, They, goneraliy 'Unfit
Irii: l `,',* ,Packs t riand . IqtearctobonOlin
AtOVI 0 u1t14104 Isiaaiwikte - onoptalut
'l, ;! l P i ir l i f Ek - q9WPAIIYAImfgrAhRPOINPr.
! !i3,4 'w,i 44-Irgiy.9Avfig. ihruqn#l, 41
91 ,
lOttie .411) 1'i.t:4 1 4.9e0,4(it AR ;„
: 4flAci itti :the - 's aVage bettltt. r .i. , . e x ,
,eyco destructive on floc k s ofd` 'imp,:
antv t ' liiiti v oWnelitlikil*iiiklindit (?'
",,"•..,ii,d3.4.4„,.,•,,,,,i2.0,..1.01 SI , IV - iis
' l 4 i t Ci‘+tW'' ' '' '
~,..,.. ~c i ril - ;:t.t.;ip011.;.i.,,i4d ,2, avotiat i.t.;i.ltw
i;..*,. i Dlst i nteglieotionAtiNnuot , ~ i
k l O B ttenTting to.:Awiachai DelActkvatily
419tri t optio,q e#11,1;010 hen 40,Aft
APS3S filpOiellaVgilt - -itifsi**
*iihais th ovimoit vitnii
,c . tiK i , ft t 1.:1119-1
i :je j f{ itd-gave aolibrittiilaiiirlz ' . .5 - w
::„ -, ,.,,T t i*siiiititrtiitutifibiteitzts . c. , :;lT. , El
li I i l O it taloutee to ildt below
” ' pollittio ibeldbitt*.aptillittk
Rclpst ablothprort tolda:eyttplaranu,.'
0 1 ittuilitatdown if totidl) , meek=
r by alluatbutollimieltAitujage the
I • •
11py l if) 3 0 bectheLbilttitttionzw0lotni,a**1!
mo d * it . writ tlfti*attiefKohOot,tizutideltOil
i sik t f ; lenes,l alining Itinr, ilderbitvOr'.
ip ostli
„135 , • et bitd'nt bfl teer 1 gck -- anttlitrtratit:
lcint i, °into r 1 •ir. l ! ,-.' ,_ i 3 3 ' 1 ,r, _ l ,' ;••,.,-' r -
. l Azy as with Julius Ctesar when' he
pme. the Rubicon. He beld a good
hand,l:nd Ilold Min hellici bilitteitor;
s cig It, p , ,, but he passed. - 1 17 be result is
w . oll,inwri't he 16,st iha`gairie:' ' '
,:; Akaitinder Old brelii end'iliiieleweie
friebpeiniliteV"." l - tr . () Were' broughiligit .
Alt [AitlVoliii.Stiler. ' lie•• rilaildotolitatisio`
tijimiltf-tiemroimber;) by Etinssiiintriip -
pil l th -10040 h -ere *ere In thdleoliao4r
and .skrattdown enflorrboautailieut
',Fe .ozmoget Norbilitit.PAßAnquer%fel
. p • 1 . eittctketpith NM Mutrt Afbc.44[
At! : e [;r4 l * - .4 , I IO LvPIaPYi-OW s 4ff4 ,
,t t yleAvi Vain to do it. it was " knot tot
, S iirt Aleok came alonearid cu,
giike Pr'Fiiva, iiii 4E , , witil-2 1 4a0
, rje a s ei: ,,,,,,„ . ...,, ~,/,-,,..,,„ f
-i• i ode , .- :VI• -' ,
:7 gil
_lliad (Of the i mest:Aefisitivg
:organ zAteViis t ifyei k)2evr,' and liiefily
Syrup thlieit Nifth Ininien woiii; ligiVik
sem.. im sit in the amphitheater aii
Mottle and weep bitterly-when-captives
STAlrcAri Pieces-by zw ild ; hangs. ,it
is alb 0 ilander to-say. lie fiddletiViddlui
[ 80*p *ilk burning:. lie belonsiid4.64x:
litAttingineildempariy; and; I sanr-bitnr
,workititlie4hOmbrakes anyieltc.:Some
iormioclifialtig he belpedf , trubniakter
. ...
- 1 k
siriditt the e*olte - metit of:ilwano
frottglitle-'Was ltddliniptlatt 20'
t 4 70 r,' ' fil,;:ri? •
ew Shikstoetie' a ' loni'ege as
when . a tended atom forthe - Merehaut
of.;Ve , let; and - aold.the PrlntitionDtur.;,
Mark . y the yard. .He; weal a/Rib:meat
_lstftv , h. the, ardstiek, giving Alessi:ire
-ftristeailticeila ._. . .alrf.! Iv:1w
Stirll l 3 r, and was perpetually quoting
:Shake ektilblpiiitottietk. l ::Pecirikti 4 tietic
to leer ta t iltin foi' 10' I' litivii le7len4bodi
the Kiql.leUi." ShakStioai:El only langbV
ed, - and •sidd; they were ' iy4khigeltudli
'AdO:abOntNclthing: adding, "you clan
'hkiiirit atoAstiMilfel It." Ale Wittifinid'.
Ot 4 tiko iltidies, , ail& potiulateefiud l"vow.'
;6441 `'.lllsintime - scrlth leertainxerry *',
"li,Vli4 of Windsor, big employermidad ,
itielica Totailest about his' , esti) that its ,
iiiirk ist and 3oined. a Ninietkoenifor ,
nYcol- e Made his debut 'as i first Stitt-a
'Oder itlf Othello: .1 O. '., 11.c.i ,c; , .: 'ii •
'.:lffti eiiii 40i8"iibes - ,of 114 1:1201k dCteliji
,Mein tiper-kriew, - , , : HismotherWat
VOl etitottillut)EttlidileiliVed &herr)
l ta, -f re lseisvisnsiktriAd*s i liilietilbei
hattio ufielltitehinikelalivltiefOrilhito.t l
Altho glitiotgattl afinodrdeiP.ofidtedlt
•nowza dikys f:tot-haAri rig llisidlti titlttbio
,ite:dld fitattheati me of-it.- i rT,banelgte.l
, &L td eall5llM , a , lazy,.. shift's:4i
fallow tolling faroli nd in a into; :talking (
iihil ' pliy tolia,ilot -of-other, gOdifoiNa 1
niStlif i
id deal hawbeeticilaldifidiohti
13,e otteete,:of
644140 , Matt. I nAviaNirk,
.110 MaKktfditQlfilkdtAx ,
it4p4 Brest =j Mamma._
Mtglisie tiny-14mm
Inv:, at ;Selotol... !Whew
, PlPSingOmomeald'i4
)a174. ._flyer
laps ,of the period.—
Rtoethlog was,w,aut l : •
, iki#4oeo AY4,6 l X,4 l )Ecitin
t. l letJ . l ll 4cil,• l 4ilvas3PArr
IR l . l3 .*Aigtb? l ,%:toii.P ,
Li alliWtery eAkr. 4 3o94oin
( 1ik1.4 1 1@.r.,414E - gto:pn ilwot
.. (s.
. ..4) W . --tak 79, were "! sito4tl,l
,14:04t g, somewhere, and that when he.
690? me:tough heAftant: Whin avvity;
ftispi Noi,:gut Quakiimuol. agdadlogot.
; . **Jl;ii4 l ;4 WO VAX 00)440,1
g(ite gokiplOgewismild i yet gilt Alt
vani s tsqlgisAteiSnitfil igt-PhiThi y,SIIII
' 1 . 1 t all traces .. sacc,l34sgoßkonm#l,
ati* gterpit, when tile OlpgrAph'
I,brop ItfiV *iiiiiiVaeWiiio, fditlirs , ,lialti.'
itiwo 66' 1 / 4 , iiii! - Miliqca,"Whicii"iiilo
11k# eittiCiiiihteikitilik Wail ,pli;
:mit i i-awn-y-uffica6 , di , al, beiii: dip:
dovereci?‘ ll , 7 % - ; -;q 7 .. 2 f-1 - -- , :n .. ialct:t 1
1 , ~ i , r, tl i. 1 , , ,,-, : t 1,•; , .. , ..:.-h , =ti , '. •
,' Ili nie I .lo3:l4n 4 l,fintiiif.'.4nri the'
•tiretiDlinsioii,‘SeVOnd Otiipc,lN'y're+liiid as l
'niul hotidifor; - >his l-4 0orolettur Waits'
pow raziolnAotc-lie'viiis*tready 16:-giVe
_nen kick. npini idleoccieknie:= -On=
theliaulli•-ritichniiind; , ha-eot ' , 'hia leg,
jirokiliitilitinTidge;inzid oiris Wins out tit 4
. ,the tenth li fi d WON: aid [ 'VAS to - iri' , iipt=
Tearatida deEd, - -ritihtoi; a sOldietvienilifi,
aeizeiftlin nitdiThy - the dal and altididta- ,
'.ed : i'lloWli.lok;taiti siktil . 114Viidllii,
:inuki, having just one kick left i lkit hitie
;pave itAiraaking:the cOldierlailiw ' mut
sendingixinirrpliisigein the .fillich.' -The.
aoldietneverti,hlitifi '.the; kit 'of, belpg
, ; lkiiilitdibri'degutlfiajeitc!.l;lfi': , ;';iit' '', , e 'I -
I "rA',,Cti?,::%; - .2r,ff5_ . .4 I fl_tfLke,:kl ,1,;“ t . . 1 j : ; 1
It-, ......,...,3,....ppy ..0-,..u.,,
, ~ IvgbigibYaggvitoriceimot 80.cb§64 , '
ititrlitfYl,PrPetre,44 tlift qiiliOrfidAY - e
:He lialilfbeQn dilatbg on Op inbargalcil
sail Careeg of Lylwarch Hen, the: iFflrp
1-44egiallarifir,%-endfrimorited ; B ii/rAtill;
read 39069,ritaegliulams•r-,,*014‘
61 1 411 gIii n gMORPIRAQWS49X.II / IfftW tW
1 ,thil,, te at titikr3o4944 sfircAßAtikttle
1 Ole o 9/ 1 4 1 5'"wa* in a SiMllitte.f. 10 1 3ak*, ,
. 4 440140. 1 19r1. 1 1W.r.bia Joke.
,-, . 4 ' . .)74:1. - 4..V...4
i i ;
. .I,'''
.''' r f_';• 'i,i - I,:ilii
f , : ....., 'l,7!i" :1
, 11 - I.:iiiii
1 1 ' :il 4;1 141
'; .::) ' I ' 0.; 1 0 1 14 '
~ -.- ,r.
' - - ' Jit: - , :ii,cal
-2,. , Vti . 0 " ... " -.
4 . - L .44 . , 77. •:1 li
- !st ~;i rfh
its-rlYlnlanAt'lltai MANINM- , IP , k i n,'
- tefiroPtskt l ROM Mg t PR°, 11r4Pe.
ta t
-at , JA*4.4,O.KUuRd kUsaUfli out flu
tliii:io trary he learns to be remerliably,
lotll'l pc ,P,it, cqurt Icnade t i r g b K b "
tiqii . Opp ~i4t he, should iie ednott
tell , ...F.,,R tfti . r. - Pc:,l 4l 4 o Be:PfXiing
' ll t-tan liitTr.. qrtloo,d,,, h to:AY
Intit ti e - fo t4,' pro eso r i btitlinere 'pi
4k4% . lei =the, eigitAiirriation of,
4 fie Alreuoliaqiik iihjeiet,
smci, bbliiiiiteilileWeittanleiviiii
Ale , dip and the District Attorney'.
edit' e up, Ipgr._ati e ndir ifiltep . , 40 41 4 3
pith '
lm: -I Theie, we suppiett, We is
111413 , 10 May until, %heather ge; Omen
111 24 prptelit Ntabuit: 0.0,,tie esirePlP
fillAito4ll4l fteL WAS ,diglierdtift
° k i -v I ffinrte l Y ',4)lnatle lA, hiro!, lB e
ti % %)70Fir 9, refer to itlfive to the
1 1 At lt,ter _ 0.. proSeenting offiCer.—
,thePillikisliment` of murder were to
lepArpetual imprisonment instead of
itie`pihAfreiisie (presume ) them, would
be ilbhogriefithis en2barrassmeet. The
man is lbelieved:to, be responoible , for
his aCtionsi Audithere is he question
that 1 1 04,4*,,the tuerdOTOUs blows.--
14§0 1 10 , (4,k4P(Act§ w ould . not deter a
ittiSk frMn„let4f4g him ,to jail, and
LW' ,14 44, , fest11* depriVe him nf a fair
.tr ;wroth t ie al 'of intelligent court
, ,Tl'here i luft ce to place him at the
i -- "' likirfothir4bli the' likatincitive hor
t2 itielidin r # ),tinmen Wood, whiph
del ' et 'it Ol f 1 441te of laWs
ITI;( 7 15 t iaia kinik: . ,
11, , any) ...t lt3 - 71 r' 'l,.'f' 1 . . 1 1, :i 1,7 ~ 1 i
Jape sure - withtlitiguwa ita Snakes,
The Dement of Man." , 15 , ,1i. Dar
*in 4 , voa this account Of som e of his
Vlrlier 49110'4 , - 11“
' 7C4i rtakiti eti;trelteed ociiied. p snake
ii " ll o 4l 44:§igidnen Itt tluia -t-riclUlit
113 r4einiretid the excitement- thus
taus - ,Was;one ! of- the , most leuflous
SPecta litil l Ailikr:beheld'.. Thei eaks
f ami,
ufltler plgusCile ...were most Oa e nd.,
they' :about•their cages and Ast,-
*mat lilitti'sigtial cries of dange .;:that:
lyercminderts,by the atlier pao ltf.tys.
A:few svangznoilheys and:meal Au
tibia habnierltinne too] no pones f the
snake., 4:0 1 .41 1 4teed 'the stuffed 'sped/.
memo ground In one of 'the larger
eturt tments. ~,I, A fter a time all ; the
menkivV_!?? .ftio4.4- - arOthid 4P, -adatact
ciAde,lentuaterlng inteuttlyi produeed'a:
if9l 33 k# 4l :ao 90e0tuee• '"r4eY; be
came Witten . * ttervous ; 'sn'thatighen
o , lutikiwith,which.they-were
'fain 11 t+ adliaqpiaything,, was Oceiden
:tally rniqeki l ltka i "-tittat, Under, WhiCh
Itwaajoirify,bV lien', they all instantly
s t ar t - aw a y i • 11 'hese raonkeYs behaved
velltaiii n fAr4 ' i hera'deadl fish, mouse
,orsoine p,ther, emr, ()Meet *as placed in
, theirenge - ; for thengh at first frightena
it_diftheY,'4 ool i A 'Preached, handled and
eXaM 84 1 ii.,:r then Placed a live 4913ake
lip ,a,,p p er with the mouth loosely
0( 1 10 P 'ohe"of the larger convert
,reentii 'One a the monkeys approach- ,
,ed; ea tiously -Opened the 1 bag a little,
IMRE@ irrand'initantly dashed away. ,
T -1 18 1 .4i '444 Otir c091410y,-I,VlthAeo
- g bilk: and:zturned lon , one , ..sid4
9: 4 0,-,14 n'aot fiat, taking inetnebtary - ,
RPM / 4 0A0).4 3 440"bliatIO,14:0*Wit- ,
iffd,ohJl)4tilytulkquieeltt,,:the ;bottom-1'• r
r a
AtAsodarknopo 1. as Lif , tnonkeys
' 4 1 1 4.184R., : 1 . 1' 0; lkvit'ifne ol 44 l , 4 f- ,
.41/4, 81 Ai , . , - eit at his .plice4ic. '
,Akbjt,,ed zi, strange; though mistaken, in- ,
4 0 ,
- (0 4,4:g.4 i lu b ooit ii zn ' Yd a and
Angt u.nranglnis'also - ,_been,kenwn
ifhl4t, uchalarmedat the first sight of
1) 1WI 'Aiementere ilia Magnanimous
I p_ it • T
-- r • •
rT rathataworacn)lcinlfoivilized ' 4
sast l 3, „flif#tigifto,3,initti: - : gen. a
;bigtcmuo.o.kre. 11944tPtl.k:d1 ;taPPiAnt- , ,
, ed;whentithezf Alai this lack of ;the mit,
. i ttaiti ous revealing itieltinh"the char
cßP 1110 wo m a n - 15 7 6 0 1 : 4: - 11 7', 4 1 ?
seat= r a 1i0t0.,,.,144,i74p-sol,
mimeo iiii iiirei*p'.giaii,ofio-khp.e4
Math( Ilia 010 naodow*oyo:
moo rikiiiio - aii*keid4 r pit,,igoi,
v i init 4Jiii4e of y ilintat iinpossibie
Atte "*SiV in l'ilicii i hrii.'it kvnixien' are
juithEili r dheeitabunstViaYs the coal.'
flgt/P 1 4 Riikot,: -. gOiletitib r .? Pk 'there - iki
IsimetbtiliterWilgthon'that: 'l'llC 'Whole'
Apo vt*.iiiiiiii&proa:4..diiitted,t6,
,443p19 itiiKiiiiiiiil. r 4f ' , 6fie i;iitii. " it is"
i,l*4 amoniiii6ii) Or 'aven , necessary- to
dil4 , 4o‘fireliiitisSi l aiiir repute" ti1at,..6136
Ili; ldiSectritliiitild dr g ;Arndt; ' rbe
) 8 ~1 , , e 2 , P be.
tt,Dbr bfitVii..e She has no need or
da Vieiitrto titililinte 7 0ii r 'niagtitinia.'
* ri t r,9 t 4 41 . 61 ,* 2 ' 1 W1*4 : 0n1Y tisVvr'her
,tn i be &WW I Jif Wu *Hi Wirittvilie , hilt
'6)34' chow,lisiv caikiftsoailvd*Aarieirp.
,inAiiii6i4dleoin'irtitttivti, l
alnahVall•Mity oath - 14'mi io be -blivio
qiiiir fituilup-416 ,fiklittie iiiiitsTeinclous
-laid 44intithiAls It'iluk chosei-4herefOre
. 'itief IomMOU . vices' were faMeity.'siad
filth ittiel•iii& el' ii { are` corn iiipA ty,
ttiathof,t WA 1 ifikv,i ' tbilielieVe• diet to
long kofteiiiifeAiliiitiono." it Is not
treqt4sitei itiarthiVrishall 'lie sincere Mid
mogndilitiliitilkit theiefoietheir'elAutniUt,
defeCtiltfeellisliikeriti a'nd' meanness.-
I 'l' - • P ' '
1, ,s t 9!", I i 9 '7•4 iiii• '.; ' <
lA' =of caiSitai = pnnishnien t , has
leallne* -, Alforethan•ainear ago
opromedLevl Bodlpe,
erp - alaniet , liastirouolr; a, :rich
441V 1041 ,9 1 Y Arrested ikkt4.. 1 (47,
4Al,llTherfiy;wgis , ,no
f thfq"...44.14 1 .Ja l
sppßo#o,4 1 , 110, 0,1 10i 1 t 4
8 14 03118
. ',.i7,; le deafand duirth.'—;
n i ,e2*.;er teat* the dinnh`
e tdinself
v ;44 WO litbitrary: , elgis~ lie'
counsel.-- it he
trikt ,- orii , liteAndlettnent for
r ribe!Avdtlid not) haveu.sfair• op
ity for defense, and.-,the Judge
4.141 '
NEN'iloiri4+A. man ',ka ,- .Nashi
Yfrg i a e l is invented:lm artificial :enlnb far .
bon _beds irsebiernci doubt :will, save.
Ipe lrileturittimenie`aniount.
Agt ImUlavillehhimrattaya,LA,'.We bait
.0.19 n3Genftlonr Ititlo.the 1011feet-bale:l
,I:49,tiini;ehaschttlougleltAbit ttbe ordfr
071 bcaleyeolarslEc Wholly. unlit for the,
c ,, ft aveti"nch iubti= at- the'-bees. in,
*thin opt Untilihni4lB
- it Vreielaftli4lk - pbit'ned tb emj
! is .cnt
_O4 the trip ofi'irs: LlroWeinci,V heel',
itigh t to the interiorot-San-Dornirwo,
ft.hi:lealdtiforailittleArillage balled .on
ttiOrtuid si3eitigi: at Jttaveling Atm* in
1 1#. ifilhaelrtgbitlif pocket, jnyi to diem
&21ilisponcI ,- ,Mice,4lolU. ,k ~,-_ wi 0 1
.J hirf). - tt
4V l vOtikt tiItOISIRVA:h!):PrIid4COVE4 I 7,
:a0 alilikl37.l4RT) , AP,4_,Arli t#Rlll l lg the
49 t ili9,9,Akii i ißr!Ohirf tl in l NFer i K?
lifts 1 1 e t t . 1 42tii4 4 4_301 1 , 4 1* * I F
a roin`wl . e Alma°. -- - ii . - " '
'''ff,'` - ' . 1 . 1 ' . .'? I ,-,.„--_•',,, 1, 1 '.',
,-.., .. I
..•, .
i ,• .4. ~:
-1: ,
4-4 I 4::
7 's
• .
' • A
• ~ Vt.
... .
'The-folloWing a i.ry is told .in a' letter
'froeil4eW epa. :, 11‘.in. the : province
. ef ..'ii* : :43 named , Cuttoolim;
-- .Wheke._ the ma , nis of • Fronteira, of
rortufial)., fields 'an extensive imicied
PiPPertY, 1 4 1 4, i t_ is bounded on too 04qa PA , t4tek/3" - *Ueded hills, *here
on tigers, - leoPardti," 1" WIT waives
hyenas, Mid" other:wild beasts reign .
tai Keine. - 15iit eVaningOint long elide,
ti full•grown tiger entered the littleitil
-jageiat the' faot Orthehilii Mid withont
eereinqiy' Walked. into , a 'poor instils
cottage; at thefts:int. - en the members ' 1 4:4
`the faMilY• happened .to he abaent at
theikdaily-voca.tink in:the field, with
the.exception of4.7yery old - woma+.
iiihei Poor creatUrei. 330 , sooner realized
i lhe situation.than she Screamed lust ly
.04 , PQCAufallY Tenough: vto ' art** tite
; I §l . 4o l .'sv,sqr. frqm,the place. , : The . p
',W, 9410 1 u, ( 94, ,i4ci t 9, effect _ her,
from' 3, Kttige, 1:4,1A, infirmity proved
I ,,i‘ bat Ito, liter mall:2'log her witihea in this
*Mit: ,-,•• •TJ I :l?, - ..,. 1 4 6 0.dthiritY't anflPftip
thererors, jelchteiy . , appr o ached and.
thade 'oho:if work ' jig his ' victim:lie
tiger, Who had entered the cottage y
- theOftvnt , Aboty me* quietly walked
"iiiii*ehvatitsby4he - baok •door. whiCh
1":444 - Sieil inteataildf the frequented
,lanes '-: or ,Ithe .tvillsge. 1 There .he : per ,
' inilve4ritiltheMmt.tosethez, wecore nriao
. of inep t ef ell pges, acme with
in, theanda,,othara with. swords and
,abtrps cpag.:ettt* / kit, the majority
therpf.Witti 'thick, heavy oudgctis, and
/40nisei r gte, l 0 410_4 of 6nerat obserVa-
Lion' addle Mark:" To @ear a road 'for
himielf, the lik,er tipiang and caught
a/20' of the oridgel-men by the thritt.
Shed had been the oudgel-man's sh rift,
had nhte valiant Mussulman, peroed
on the roof of the old woman's cotta re,
sent bullet.through the tiger's ri ht
thigh. -.This rendered the beast furiobs,
and, perceiving the man froth wh4m
he had received. such unkindly trelat
went,' be, , with
..a tremendous roar.
:sprangetene bound on the housef r op
hesidd tbe Mnitenirean, who dropped
his gull,, end. shrieked . for aid. The
tige; sett litru' with 'one bound de
ekeenOict.ic7iiik_ him in his jaws,; and
Speedily 'Made an end' of him. The
friends , - Or th a deceased, by t-h i s
time else turionsi% and bent '. n van
geanim, *ith butttends, swords, .. udgels,
acid , staves, :brought, -the beast to the
ground, and sto belaboredhimtb , t, with
"a mighty howl, he expired."
Indians' \ Treatinent 'of Trovelers.
The, Aurora<lll.) Bacon says :' on the
Ist - of March" last a young man, named
Beck, left:Plano, 111., en route
'foii..T-I3*.aßi via Denver. , He left a eta
tion-near Denver March 27, on horse
laik6kl f He had only - gene about twenty
itaiies when he was -attacked and sur
+anointed lay , Blum Indians, about fifty
Ire nunaber. ,-I,lenhot two -of them be.
fOre;heing. takeni -: . 'Ms horse was shOt
down,' land, lig received a
,hullet in his
:The Indifnanthe* threw: a leer
&Voila's:awoken d Started fortheir camp;
bi at sy,ith" the, , lasso., After
takenpilto !revolver; =water,: and $3OO
1114414111.4i1 I fall_ against - the
,110664orking . hinaL doWnunen hie face,'
anii;ot t itci*lle_Opieo treating . tay
strlkinwhina with their guns &o.
wittanhio struck in the face with a *tAnn
aliaWkoatittirig a gash three and a half
Inches iii . length. He reqdested the
iehiettiinut tothehi cruelty. lie
replied •, that he could not. 'Let nee
looSe.yeplied Gtilbert, 'and l will st o p
'thern.' the night of April 1 he was
tied td a - tree okvihieh three men were .
hangini.:2T,ho' chief, Slapped him on
!the an 4 said,
.','You will hang
tneie io-morrow."'Gilbert thought:not.
bathe, evening they built a large fire
elose larhim and-had a war . .tiance.4--
ThSY placed . two . of' their number' to
guard'.him ; -Vut they fell asleep, when
4ie , inanaged to loosen the ropes , and es
-6041)y taking one of their. horses. As
fie,-Wns leaving ,thet dogs were, aroused,
arvd*2 their -kiarking awakened the In
wheohaeed hini,into, the swamp and
ran':*i4 i ,hi x i+: They -discovered their
:raistake ti torne4„;inCi kept up the chase
bUt he suoceed
eic4,syniarlyer, and saw his pur
suers On'thadatiposite bank. He made
thik all itaiion on the• Kansas
I... 4 .43ll,lctiiciliatitt, disposed of his lac+
Platio,' where: he arrived
Wechaeitia:V''Aiiiii- B.' l ' •
„ .
;..;„4-404E -Q. 34 ,
. 4.14
c ,-,”. SPEPS. !•,..-.. The Keno
l re
-Citi Wqtqe., .§ll.Ycq.7l";4.'worran wen t
through on ,the Icansas Pacifte, train
fa evOliiiii,',EilOCk,' ‘ whn,Was, points
riiniTtO niAijene i of the 'celebrateil re
4itili iiii•!:l4aulOrs,Of`Pentrer. - .She w e ,
41 - 40411 . taStily' enit'qUietly •in a gia •
'nlailltea traveling suit, with gloves an 1
trltnintiigtio`f hat.tO match; was 'oftn 1
i :dint& it4ture; ' Well- I termed; and ' n t ,
I n
I tbore l iban '-thirty-rour or thirty.fivel—
Her'fa'ce was not at , all an unpleas nt
One; Must have been very pretty, so e
tirne t lere so 'many.tell.tale lines w re
'draw, - :upon it; •and.. what is , most n
, : ,- 136‘lat itilfieta i ell of{ Pier_ class, the cohl,
7 •pleirSou l , was
,good: : ' She was on her
sway heels,:Lactie,, Where she
:w.etle le 530 kiifeitikut suited, to place
4 , youhglioY iliiqhbol Their faro-bank
- atiA3riier bee - b'e : o4l in full blest for'
010Plel, tithe . , 'and:the two propriet6ra lire
ireapintn ~ .r.lett, : harvest., .No _tights or
Aliateliiinerie of :any. kind , have ever oo
vouredatAheir , rooms, •arid ttie women
:oull'uctithegatzte wadi all the suavity
~ , o,r, ex perleneed, ;- precession ate. ' Several
lighta ofithe :gamblingifratbruity were
Tat thO - deiefiaiiil seemed much interest
ed o tn Inquiiiiietifivilier welfare.
-:: r:...1
- - BitibiretiqaliMerals.
The; fie l re r ,eloWara'9ter of . those nations,
ililiteh--Olio r tr,,-;an'd', subjugated lai r
ItOne; may , be judged from , the char
antei of - the burials - of" Alarie, King of
the iGet4,:!hhdo,A,ttila,- King of the
iiiins T S, -- ,Thejor#4o.:died in 4to, A. ID.
li t
kilinnber;ol;,`4pyiree were se to work
I tik,-t, rif:frain : itsiconrse the B sentinns,
a-Sr' a ll river:that washes the 'walls. of
"Coilfientin. l', The sepulcher was exeava- -
f tett inihe . e'p,ii'l4 bekond was adorned ,
-with :finh..tr61541:4.2", 'The Waters were'
then iiiiFAno..tii.AhOr natural Ohne;
"pad,; in- order.tii htde.,forever the place
or blerburfai, ,, ap - "*hol 'bed* 'assisted at
cthe interment were":eitiellir,mailiaered:,
Some 48 years later;lhei'uneral - boners
paid to Attlift, the terrible King of the
Hutiti**4o : tio lest hOrrible. ' His body
•ii ii ' laZitf in iii4S s tilirSliin 'three coffins
tifieitlifFet , iiifV6r; : nnli '-of iron." The
Solt:114a" , 'gitsliai" their.,!aces, mourning
ite..vOneieinntrtit the di ath Of a warrior.
atith itiarixof:blond;: Aifter *liiii, burial,
' , ii!,ll.+Wtpri ;Nem'', coneerked.'.in ,preparlpg
14100 igraYle -WeAkkiliodc.l4 erfler i fik,ne!
,ftei to oonixail forever the L4ore:4-epot.-:
. •
•- " :
• .11:4*- A.irittc* • •• •
- 4k ' P
r •
• iv ,,, _
• •
re' , - 7 - ,:44
trait otiietekivith presses sia
out. ids of' ZOb Wderl*lth %%tarn
.. , Large additions of all ,the .1.411- style. of tom '
;I,lloro boon ad* to s thii doputpling.
Blook, 2d nogi,
The Fattiliittir llpa Tree
.When Marco Polo, Mango-Park and
the. , peat navigators . Teturee4
hems fr6ln the strange rouutrieswhloli•
they, m
hadvisited,, they carne with 1)201k:
aryetous stories _of things that they
hitd,seen. The Inquiring andlgnorint t .
popuitir mind was glad- enough to se
opptoiritliont hesitation, , the. mythical.
narratives 'of these :old worthies, and
the'reore dreadful the stories * , the more
3ii,gerls , they were seized upon and
transferred to the literature of the day.
Ligendit'and tiaditione becanie so Inez ,
triCably", mixed'' up , with lacts, that it
*its id3lXigablOtO discriminate between
the trim and the, false.' Among ,these
mythS of centuries,vas ono which held
out longer than the Others, ,and .which
indeed may-still besaicito,have
,Its be.
lievere.': , MIAs is the, famous df.tath;tl,_ is*
n d
tributing Upas tree of Java, uer
whase spreading hrenches the lively
imagination often pie - tired - the bone,'
and siteletons albs countlemi victline
whohad-fallen beneath deadlyir
, •
A ;water who' h as'visited a similar
tie* fq BOrtiee, gives some account of
the tie fontid - it. Instead of
seeing', it surrounded by an arid plain,
the - approach that led to it was grassy
end green with :verdure, rind bright
with flowers; The trunk of the -Me
was girded round with , creeping vines ,
and - Many colored parasites, that wound
their way from the, ground :to the top- ,
most branches. , Tbis writer states that
the people, of the island bury their dead
near these trees, a fact which probably
accounts for the wonderful stories of
the'eti;rly travelers. .As , a; work of nit.
tare, the tipas tree is deserving of re
ic4nitieu. Its girth of trunk is itrt.
mense, and its branches' are lofty and
spreading. But here its wonders cease,
and es a phenomenon it must be con
entned to that cabinet of exploded sa
ne stitions which already contains the
kMaken, - fhe mielstron3, and the mer •
maids with their goiden-haips.
;i ,
.Yowig America at tha lied.
'A well knoWn oiergyinan was Oros--
lug lake Erie some yeariii upon one
of the lake steamers, arid See ng a small
lad et the wheel steering the vessel, as.
oosted him as follows :
, 'My -son you appear to be a small
boy to steer so lari a boat.'
' Yes,' sir,' was be reply; but you
see I can do It, though.'
Do you thinix , yqu 'understand your
business, my son?'' '
Yes; ill%l think:l do.J
• daitYou box the compass?'
'Yes; sir.'
'Let me hear you box it.'
The boy did as he was : requested,
when the minister said :
Well, really, you can do it! Can
you bmt its backward ?'
'-Let ma hear you; •
The: boy did again as reqUested, When
my'yob do seem tO '
u> derafaud your business.' - -
The: Oen tioOkils turn- at ques
tion,askilik, • -
• Pray, sir, what might be your busi
ness 2 1 -
I am a minister of the Gospel.'
' Do you understand your business?'
think I do, my son.'
`Can you say the Lord's Prayer?'
• Yes.'
Say it.' •
The clergyaftin did so, repeating the
words in a very fervent manner, as tho'
trying to make- an • impression on the
' Well, really,' said the boy, upon ita
conclusion, you do know it, don't you?
Now say it backward.' . 1
Oh, I can't do such a thing as that.
Of course!"
You can't do it, eh!' returned the
boy. ' - Well, then, you see I understand
my busineas a great deal better than
you do yours. , ,
Minufacturing Viyfes.
A man of peoperty and, utopian Pro"
olivities,, at Oshkosh, -VVis., took it into
his bead sometime since to adopt and
edUcate a young girl, with the special
view of, making her his wife. But it
Was not to be., Shortly before the fixea
wedding day 'a Simla, eloped with the
sylph, and the twain are now one, lea
ving the utopian; lover-lamenting.—
More than a, bundrectleara - se this
crotchet of ina.nufacturing-a wife was
tried by the eccentric litbatits:Day; the
autltor , uf-" Sandford. _and.c..Mertan.!!..7- •
,Hetook from a foundling, nespitai two
young damsels, each nbotit I.2._years of
age. One waa a lovSly
sweet , blue eyes, and lierhe iiitined.Ln
cretia. The other was . brillfaikbru
netts, with dark auburn hair a.ini - haiel,
eyes whipped into frenu,byratiOnsand
Inky lashes, and to her did T. accord
the luseiCuS.'of Sabrina.—
Conditions in writing were entered In
to_ for the future welfare and disposal of
the - girls. Day took them 10 France,
and be was a dark Day frOra,that hour.
The girls p - roved rebellious.: They even
went so far as to contract the small pox,
aud, us Day would not allow any atten
dant to approach them, he was obliged
to nurse them himself.' Eventually
One of, .the girls married' a linen draper,
and Day continued to amuse himself
by isiuouting the other. This he did
by :dropping 'hot sealing wax on. her
shoulders' and Bring of pistols at her
ankles, he couldint get to like-this
disclpline, and so at length her amiable ,
tutor gavt her up in disgust, and ob
tained a situation of some kind foi her.
Av at Ole unreasonable Mr. Day wan
ted in the'way ; Of a wife was one "sim
ple as a mountain maid In her dress,
her diet and her manners; fearless and
intrepid, as the Spartan wives' and 'Be
nign& heroines.ii : .
,'.Freddy, a fair haired youngster of four
..timmers„, the other 'day; . after being
sonic , t,lme , lost, in: thonght, broke out
titue addressing his father: ‘ :
' Pa, . eau God de anything?'
', ' Yes, dear.' ,
*_Can he make a. two year old colt in
two, mintites V.. : , .. ,-, ' - ,
--* Why,' I said the astonished parenti
' he would "'not wiSh to OQ that, Fre' dY.'.
`'lltif. tr c he'did'',Waiat to,. Could he?'
Insisted - Freddy—, . i
• Yes,. certainly, ,if-h i wishd t o :
I I' What`!
hi 'two minutes?' ' ' : -
Yes, in two minutes.' :
Well; then; he WOuldint be two yearti
I .
old, Would-Wit' . ' ' '
, - •
i --The old in, col lapsed. ' ;II ~ . _
he . e beep,
, 41.aeisibied lib 'bit iribripbts'otkiitzi; • 7'• '
; ;