LS II Piasziltaav cm, . _ . Hooked underneath steer iiittrthatiiiiiit - tac * Tier upon! t iti lkr . Aiwp o , 'I hequsint o it ~-,-, sem4 4 , t ee, tr 4 'h* *ll5l A ding, e a, e.l Ipg bey, . Oman orutt►ag,eta!t:+%b9Rt;the Ilarixm Bode,;- , :,- 1 Mete chips of coats, each adth.lite.. One I hrlght 1 " 16'01.4 t Night 31a the gol d" ett g w ven I ,otang the 114111 latativlutt. -•;.te wee YftdW 4 1 4 0 /1' Shows pn thelhuth seailtte, and grows and grows, mow 'bedewing ship-shape;' I/data to` westward far, 7;/ s' Outlined in the low-tying1 ow-tying nat, rail sinks with the #7. : I : l lfitelmset most I._ Procured of peaeeirpvidial folding In one wideisone of rest, Meows the gray oven ' ' a t • - :LI z . at gta , ; • AGlitillOcaraTVßE. ASPARAGUS. An eploureithe l mrk p ctemp, discover ies in prepariiiiriefOitlie - table that be wishes the yorld to know about. Be deneunces the practice' that _some ,people have of cutting it into small pie ces, and: - Pretionnitieffiiiiiii warranted Mutilation." He says the stalk should have growrk ( irk ; tyro %lays ; it will then be exquisitely, tender, of a deep green, with a purple head, glisten ing in theann,Vitti Me color of therrelie of ap ancient . Roman Consul ; it will break as equatrittr4ittiVind scriLtekelt tla* arid far more eaiiiiithan a %mail en's hbatt at the losit,other first lover; its perfume is pungent and agreeable; its emerald tively,itud v as it is . : one of the earii4W one of the most grateful . productions of the garden. Cut in die early morning s -it is to be washed in cold water, kept in it shady place pn tQ near the•dinrket hour, lben put 2into a emalLquantity of water and boiled un-, til it is about halt done; theh the Water' should be poured : offend milk, put in, and allowed to cOoknfittl a fciiir canNe ~ trust through it e asily; ' take it up so as not to break a stalk, and dish it on toasted bread, season, and you have a dish often asked fot,' but seldom eedu We' alp the. following article from " Turf Field and Farm,". '. " ,_' , THE , EZOWSLT. 04.7iROW.—We t o not wish to detract in the- elighteat de gree from the merits of the sober feath ered little ifellow now. sw-plentiful in , our parks and streets'.: ; l;tl our city he has about rid us of that pest, die hang ing worm, which preyed upon the fo liage qtoUr trees so that in Midsum mer, i n ste-ad ofyielding a grateful shade, they taped limbs bilreft of leaves to the winds; and • had as Well a "sere and win try" look.. But o f re we citizens are carried away With too great , admira tion, it would be W Ito /dok little on the other :side. F it ouiturists and farmers' have somet fug to , say, as re gards'our wee friends. We to the opidion of one of the former to check in some measure' the tendency , we all are leaning .towar4,.'inat , la, of becoming optimists regarding England and' all things'Eri'glielki 'l' ' ' ' - ' "I called qn the best amateur garden er I know:.•i He had a large walled-in - . arden 10he t:pWn,, and a lot of spar- ova iota ,Up from". SO* choice dwarf ars. : He said, 'There are those spar-. rows; they , are- qter mrPear buds'— And ...stirely enough, on °Kan:ding them, twiny of the best fruit buds, he . Sizo of a nibert, - were 'ehten 'away. I said, 'What call You do?. You cannot shoot, thee; surrounded as you are with . houses.' ,!Oh, I- must' poison them ; 'it is not legal, but one Cannot (stand for' that always' I net my strawberries, put pea guards over my peas, , i vehetieown, and net or, proteet everything else I can, thus pay=, ing : for the produce .before ,I get it, or even sow' it. But It le impossible - 6 net trees - by, thousautis; and if It were done it - would raise the cost of production to a prohibitive market price. lam glad to say the farmers here have a voluntary rate to catch sparrows. I . wish they would also pay for all in jurious birds, as I should share the cost with still greater pleasure. I think farmers may very well be left to look • after their own interests either in catch ing birds or letting them'./lye. When we destroy hawks, carrion - crows, and every enemy to small birds, on-account of the injuty they do to game, We must also destroy a large proportlon—l do not say all—of the small birds, Or they will peat man in the race of life. l i inay say that I had a neighbor with many curraht budhes close to my fence. He in ahouVeight years never gathered sufficient currimts to make a tart, and, his firat iAie was gathered after my ar rival dud raid on the , sinall_birds. , only wish any one ~whnadvocates still further legal restrlbilons d to be put on the destruction of small birds, was compelled to try theapacUce of his prin ciples in 'ariohngarden as mine, L i with the gonditicin that )10 could get no other fruit or vegetables but what he thus produced. !Irish &market gardener with a larger' ut similar garden to have to live fr 1 itr Mild be to wish :him to starve, ".mtuse, ,Enus." NEW A new method of treating the email pox le just now attracting the attention' of thernedical fraternity, and hasimorclk speolal Intesgat to the public , at large front the Piet that the utility of vaccin ation is being'shasply questioned, The new remedy ie the {lse of the drug -hy drastie_canadensis, which has been em ployed in the treatment o f _Various die eases, both litiocalsand internal admia istrittion, and which is said to.,exert ex tfaordlnary power river small-poi, 'ln modifying the disease, abolishing its distressing symptoms, shortening its con rse,lessela ing its danger, and greatly mitigating its Consequences. The plant' named llydrastis eanadenels is foungln many part i3 of the United States, audits tineure is made • and sold for medical put*ses. The plant is popularly called orange rook.aud semetlMea called yel low puccoon, put it meat not be eon fnunded.With another plant commonly_ called pnecoon.--.4.. -, • , In Scotland they esteem the Ayrshire cow as the beat for the dairy. But bar,- : EMAN says, the most productive cow in butter which fie has found, was ablorth Devon, which for k eveiai Weeks in sue cassioh, without ef o tra feed, produced 21 lbs. of kJ:ater per week. • To 114s.upErz ZIUTTER IN EfttillMEß.- A simple mode of making butter hard in warm weather, where ice Is .not ban k, dy, Is to invert li coMmon flower pot over the butter, with somelvater in the dish in whicsh the butter is laid. The vrifice at the bettem 'tray be Corked or not. • It-Nlll atilt be cooler •if doe cork be wrapped "WI it wet clop. The rapid aubetraotion Of heat b*eiternal evapora tion causes the batter to licorne hard. There appears to be-a spontaneous outburst on the part of Mr. Train to - e lect himself Predient , - I v „,, - - : . -.,•-'k---- ~...--, ,t., ; 4 , ---. 1 i , • ~ UM •WM. I. LOIIIIORE, T. LORI[ PROVILIFt'iO I AO) rr.77l' ,• ,sTEA Et .:13. ( -)••rrX.0: y on ottrxtitcki3;Aitio .ten:tion :Of the Traslir,lll Sontheftifr NOON*, sylv ant r , to fie ; fhb; lingo.. igin4 ZR4ICIERIES:B4k •1:••:f. constantly on band at their and Storii, No. nand Jig C and offered for 'sale ~ o tt the satisfatition in all oases via Our Sten - • -I.Ar:•4 0 , sr - for - the, Roasting of Ocdfoo Qoffio and" proved ; oonotrnotioni. and in the ootintiy. ' EZI fro Lava a fail ftopk of-ro direct from Importer's irate Sell as (Amp aD acky_lousAjl Sugars, 1401148 g from`the loweet:New York'quotatiOn FOREIGN -IMMO F' 'RINDS OF Fish■-Dry -We buifiern,first hap& aficnd a better artiel6` at a firm in Western New York 'WOODEN WARE, Cord &Mine of•goode: We call the attention' of t • rade to onrJerge stook of Wines and Liquors' w loh for purliyand fineness are unsurpassed, • IMPORTED ALES—Be. to, Irish and., En glish,`and of tho beat brand un hand: FOREIGN AND _;poht. We speoially invite amine our - sinek'' of Port Minors briforebnying else < . MEDIOINAI; WEISER put up foithe es pedal beniit.of thestoki puro article of - Old 13ourbon W hiskey for the Druggist Trade:: • ' ; Sole Agents in Elmira; oil the Urbana Wirieflo. Id brief, we invite a olosa F l i terutiny of our goedii their prices , the cyhele saortment being too • numerous to mention in detail. . ". LORMORE B ' OS. & CO., No. 37& 39 0 orroll : t., Elmira, N.. Y. Sept. 1870.-ly. , The SEWING' AI FIG 114119; FACTS The Singer manufactnri, 8014 .6,181 inaehinobArilh: given below, are from swot any ono can hive acme) appointa:;l4".o ere machine patents, , who linen niee of /timer importanci;" In 1889 the Singer Ma Sold over the Leavitt SI M. Sold over the Parham Sold over the'/Eins - : " Sold over deEmplre Sold over thell.Oreneo Sold over tha ifeed z - -_ ; , f - -,, qi7,094 ";:- ‘,.f .. Sole over the llow° ". - - 41,781 :: i f 'SoldOver tip - Wheeler &•Wi sohi 7,015 '. , , 44 -;"-- Gold over,tha Grover & Briker, 51,593' .! . i >..:. Sold"over the Finkle & Lyon, 85,441 Sold over the.Willeex & tLbbs, 89,580" " Soltlever the Atierioan IL IL>. 78,989 ‘ 1 ..',. It Is a fact; and the figuree 7 alibw :it; that Mil sales . of 1809 far.etteed„ t oeir of oar ,rixals in' trade.. It is also a WI, th t 'we solll last year over.FORTXTHOUSAN Dion.) ma - ohines„thai we did two:years aga. i l't . , ii"-=ahro isiother - fae,t,_ that theseinoteasaeales re:pwing.tiithe great and , growing. popularity f.:our liew' Faml# Sewing Idaehlue. It is at 11 another laot, that ninety of.every hundred maohliten , Made and sold by ue are for FAMIL nee., Bet the strati. goat fact of all it s that no e dealers, knowing it would be vela to • attar& e reputation of our mantifacturiaP machines, - d Who are free to itil milt 11l that can be said in' hatrlavia, thus hop ing to secure the bUyer's eaOldenea, have the bdidness to say that - we hye ne family flawing machine, whereas our new (Whine for-that pin • pose is capable of a range nd vskrliiiy..of exqiii• alto sewing, which atitates even": these= who are firaillar with the best iier - of otherfainlly ma, chines. . - . - - - ... Now it is niererfanoylo_ niiposo,fn the face of the above figures and facts, th'at'imoh sayings as the one spoken of 'ea* babe -any weight, In— stead of giving ear' to attahfaueles,most people, before buying, (whatever may.beLelaimed about . Paris Exhibitions—or Pairs, where we i seldom exhibit:Meet fee*, ); iecaialn b lip ft jiajeor tb,enPi' selves,bid beisanse in ng ao"they grid our New Fatally Sewing Macb aetae eapertoilo oth er family eewing machine. as our manufaoturbig maohinos are for' ;heti., , nsposes.r,-. The ,true world's Fair, held in. or ry , pity, hamlet - and home, has awarded be the , remtuafof the high'. °steaks. L-Pox: Thede maainos are left'' n to buy, unless perfe machine is all It is repress. • ' • 8. , • OW/ Age Mansfield, Jan 4,1871 WellsbOrt COB. balk. at WELLS : soL. tuNN Thi is a, popular Hotel I Holiday. ; The Tropriet4ir make it s'ileet l olaes liras rive altd.depaytfromihii inattendatroe: jita-Live 4sll - 1, - 1,871-.47. ":„ Sale: For ; GOOD dairy' 'farm oga conntriPa:;ll4li Borough of Ttoga. about and '46 unimproved./11 three dwelling houses,lesv ere, andother fruit Erase. joining on Gas 'welt,' a, from 40 to 200 ,otoroo as d Improved, with • good' b apple orchard; Good for Tan 1, 1871-tf. Wellsboro y 3. strt.enai . Well4bore and' tto poreil to ouppl3 themivt BREAD;, ;" of the belt Wilily: W:I and l'resit OYSTERS to the oldAtaknestend; MT SatietOn l 7- - • 112, L. CALDWAW .op. - -... - -'.. - : 1(7.14:. - s .r, 1 , ;.1 'rill. ti'r ',it 1 • . —.-,• , T :, I i .plcilyilit,S ii -,,--?,,i tic-wd 4 littu :I va ' q gall .Z-z wauld ga h4i4,1 1 bloutuntiNistt Ahok pdliorthw.DAVA, :, 1 Iran. miaor4PAl qA:: 4 1.; , 1£:11"L' tS" OYISIONS E=2=M tenidve Warchouss, ITOLOtteet f N: N., flatlet 11bOraltexvp, nteid. . 1 .1 . ,Militiiii:2, 4,.' rr`P.,",:, '-, t.l' - ',7 1 t. , .•'• ft • ud the,,Orinalpg, of. . Wet rooeit IM- F ob. , extf ell'!) a ,by • any. MIE TEA oleo Pas: We buy br York for cash, and the trade: • 8 Syriaps sOd I,test.ande VIP,' AND .ALL TIP; Pickled the East, and can mei price than Aar ago and Brbomv:-:A ►~"~ Unr, L/QUORB-' ere to oall ~. 44, 1 1 .igia and , 'Pomade here. nger ,' "ii • . it ilkiL: .T.;,. • ::, ; - . ~1 I Nto I'AN 'VS: :,' ,• -•-• r_.; • •‘ 1 g oompa y in . 1889 ; gel figurer), and thogo i rotu7 ( , to which . a do td receiver, 1.,0f. vain iti.Jl6rringt .0 moAt,of.thepompa . factoring Company 0., 88,010 maChiner. 86,640 a• 82,283 78,081, 178)120 .11 WS ask no .tly,-satistled that the .nted! t• HOGABOOM)i • t for Tioga eounty.,,, Hotel,: & I`llB AVRNVE, 010, PA. PROPIR. , 1.. aiely kepi by" B. li. will !pare Lo peine . 'All the stage! er, ouee., At seed post* y atacked . . - PRIOiSI 7 • - Rent. r Tiog;i: township, Ti- 2} miles west of the 1100 • acres improved, is • on 41 three barns,' ppin,and peach omit l'Orma easy, "Alsnads rani Arid thabir ands sized, !Rh 110 nor. s a good 'boil* and dairying farm. u.sElktotrit; ' , , . Bakery. 1 117L;•`1 day, to the eittleai it alty - that he Is pro. 4‘i" also air!. meals', sail` o• who irbk: Call at -IZ,d.DHMO, it r onwprobliml wguilmc-tonLIFE.-rar INSURANCE aMPANY" 6 10 -4, To. 112 S. Ulf 4lidifit l B(itit s lY 4 24 - r 6 r, &capon' w *zoo 0. Ot Mutual,. oolubligitg tiooltriii with )poae your are already Insured ins opau,y, and froidekkagyiut )r ten yearliptiMidt ye 9 116 'o longer and die—y . it ritouo i ywoettet. Npt )4 thee' l'ollottiftarrNoA-so*- tljrf.wltiet: sw.nikealmoiig the most luceessfull Life Insurance tamps folfele-:',7"- :''• ,'-- - 1r ••. .. .7 :bout profits. . ~ 1 , ... ding Privileges:34V.* ,(6 i All•poilloies are inoontestible after one year lio'ireten* of the ordinamcauses.' ' ' 'leak to youii4fir lisisutigi. — P,lssfa enpuilltie , tlie'folloiwing-.4VMAppktly 741 e. / Itlai.ii:4l - o othinompaidee Ma't' the ttlettipany they represent is safer than others. 17bilore unhesitatingly assert our belief In the itetindiaiss and stability of all companies, we de 'Miele Present the following for the inspection of 041:'desiring to Insure: AU following companicro :1.. -: k , -, 4 ~ ~ .... .. , . ,50 vf...., AL.LP , lireiniurns charged by each . c. ~ , o . . 'llfelitibe age of Bayous, payable at death: IC , tl 5 iiTht I /Lupus! premium 'Ten szAtial for We. . :7 Viyintitibig , ;) s:irt.ort 1 4 40ratelers' $16,84 $88.21 . ' v9iSt a, 22,78 42,80" „._. it ~,. 7 , 142 , ~,,5 a:442 : : rgi 4 . 71 r i ..,-,„,- , , It t,ot already insured take a_polioy with the '. ! 1. 1 .4 1 i1kg1. - . ll 4 l 5P$"; • A' 'l'l 7,-i't rthe'litusl Mutual Company in the. ThilleltAtitlit7' ~.... . , m _liLiglih, 1, 1871.-4:- i •.! ~ ~~ . BM N :PARTITION—In matter of the estate o • I Allen Dewey, deceased. l in t_tiA= Court of Tioga ' county. H e im Ai 1870: • The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Was. • t .-;W: Dewey, George Dewey, Dolly Ann xfpw... •• 1.• lef, Albert Dewey, Louise Sperry, LO,lll Dewey,' Walter Dewey, Orson Smith, Mary Filler, i Ruth Johnson and Penny Snow, lineal descendants 0f:414w FeWri t illta Tina county, Pa. d persons interested, Greeting: Tioga County, se: You aro hereby cited to. be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' .ourt, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Wells • oro, in said county, on Alaudijy•Atft %n th 44i1 '4 4 3lay, 1871, at two o'cl o ck Pad.' then and here to acceptor refuse to take ihe , real estate • I f said Allen Dewey,decenseCnitnato - 4 1k14111- van township, in'sitid cOtinty,"fit apprailed value put upon it by an Inquest, duly awarded y the said Oent, and returned by the, fiberiff •n the:2Bth day of November, 1870, to wit, at • e valuation of one thousand nine hundred and else and ; 'tit show cause .11911: same shall not be el Wh le; l" :4le 2 s i ltiiii udge of our said Court,,t3Va p it is day of February, 1871. •••.•. ' April 5, 1.071 Ow D. L.,DEAN • , Clerk. OW =I 4 : . -' iedSY:6l' ; `,Seire 7 . l : l TOWN LOTS for salcdrilliogabototrisb,by H. E. SMITH & SON.. • trf,TlT Pdaioh 1, ley WAN'.' . A RIDE FIELD 11 A NOBLEIVOIti 11,1 AMP THE 111E1V : 11 4 1 7RW11 1 . -:' FAMILY BIBL E; WITH OVER OVER 1,0,90d142 ,USTRIF, I S I n 60,00010FONitt: 116 .1) A FAMILY RF99ItD, & FA2fILY ALBIM„. THE PIOTORIALYAMILY BIBLE oontatha a storehouse of.inforMatipnlthattdan - onlyi *mull 'thi) mind through the eye. Its illustrations oar ry!one book to the moat important era) of • th e , •wOrld, and are of,themdelvea. comprehensive review of the Scriptures, representing the moat interesting Viewa,,Clusraoteri; Symbols, Sister ical wants, Landscape Scenes, Antiquities, , Costimes, Deader, Bird)", Insects, Plante, Min-_,l - orals; coins, Medals, Inscriptions and /Oddest° aeferted to throughout the Sacred Text. They }argot the eye, cornet errolifourimpresaillzio. awaken new ..thonithla, ;and tfiirnish dearer; viewa of Divine Truth: - As a helrto Pareiti, klioliters, and Sabbath-school Teachers in hi 'tigingi the duties of their separate and high cations—and to all others to whom immortal souls are intrusted—this splendid Pictorial Volume cannot be overestimated. It is the. Edition. Most Suitable for the Family, Mod Valuable' for the Student Meet Inetruothfe for the Tettober; Most Appropriate for the Child, Most Useful for theMiniater,„ Most Tnteresting for the Farmer, , Most Elegant for the Parlor; ' 1 - Most Profitable for the Study. THE PIOTOEIAL FAMILY BIBLE, 'in addition to the features already alluded to. con- tains 'the Apoorypha,. Obncordsoip, ,EBI4II. inr Metre, a "summary of the Blond - Truths' O' taught in the_ Inspired , Dook,:together 'with numerous and oomprehensifb Tables and other Historical and Explanatory Matter, embodying the labors of many of the most eminent Bibli. cal scholars. It is printed on the finest oblei‘ -Alttred paper, from clear and open type, in one largo and ltrAdsowyrituarto volttmeirlaud is bound in th04044-iffa*b iitiaTXo'lAlllo-9' Or, *bile the prices 1111;1111Z3161261 , 1071 to place o:wlthin, everybody's reach:, : , •r • : I RTPERIENOED AGENTS are wanted throughout the country for WI e -wlth,w i r i filierel arrangements ilk d Igir al n r 1 Lunlty of equal promise - 0 rare 0 nil r -1 .anted. Its sale will .noi‘b i um 1 9 Agik i 4rted, but will continue for a lifetime, constan , 'amusing with the growth and intelligence, o the corintry. It is therefore desitible 'that ' those who en age with ns, shall do so with a view, to making the ,blp4llll ajpri4Rout,ppo. 1- :-._ PEINEEITERB, THAVEliiiii", -7 'fiIIiDIINTEI, 34fiRBIEREI, YOUNG MEN ArD -WOMEN— those who would meet mostiiroitiable to( all employments—are invited to correspond iiitlius with a view to an agetioy. Not a few snob aro now,averagdiEVA'Orkl4 l sootrif $O4O • *lndal profits' It( "Its ' ittle: "There'l' a gitisit want for the book and a rich A'ld offered, while it• Will elevate the spiritual . a ditlon ,by cot: I, titnt contact with and cony ationl upon• its 'beautiful and eternal truths. I , - ACINNTit ON bbiIINSTALLAINFIT PLAN Nil be furnished the wOrk•itt , quite popular and profitable in ci andlartie towns., We have an edition of the beiilircsu libound, With p aa d v e p l i t meded eider, which bee been everywhere vses p ot a with Ater - hal tette. ithababilptlaite 'Or".,the Pk:torte' Bible, in this style and in this way,' can; be obtained to an almost unlimited extent, as there' is no outlsir of money that: the Bible reader can mato, which will yield him so rich a return. .w 4 are the Publishers of POTTER'S STAND ARD, IiIATIONS of Family, Pulpit, Pagtst, and Pho- tograph Bibles and TestatinUtAelikAy'.Boo diffarejel; styles—so well known erirAliertilar thialr aconiabr of tent ,beauty of finish and durability of binding. Alivays ask for Parrza'a 2rdIiDARD EDITIONS; 114 gc4 the best. Catalognea containkur styles and 'prides tarnished on application. ' Poi•Olrenlare containing a fall disieriptlma of Tam Pwrouu. Burn Bram with sample sheet, itakterma to 'Agents, address, "PIA'S' woe; •Tarrastsar Hoses," .. ,4 - 1 ' i e .. t!e: ..'"7. , - • f:.:i i.i.,i.: ~.,.,, 'JOHN E.' POTWEIt WCC i P , . punusErae, ii 614 and 617 Baneom Street, ' , PHILADELPHIA. _YOUNG- BERTRAND. HIS well known Stook' Horse will stand for !Mares during the seascr, at thtfaubscribluok Stable in Wellobos°. Hisitock le so well known there is no necessity of remarks. It le sufficient to say, for roadsters they are not surpassed, or for power of endurance. The said horse is a , coel black, weighs 1000 lbs., is sound, and kind In harness, his foals prove the mostMervleeable efany horse in • , !ffillpstplgtei At the request ofii •; ‘. - fitmrrie,„-46., !ermined to attladjk r'toutfitt all times by tdoisiffiliffieas • , • B. A. FISH, P ro prietor. Wellaboro, April 26, Ifll,e4m. • MM 6 6 iroWANDA."—ThIe . high-bred Stallion , was sired by Ah.wa-ir Chief; grand - .lre, , lly.dyles “Hambletonlan; dam, Vermont 'pack Hawk; grand dam, Messenger; one white pastern behind, black points, dark bay, /6 hands and 13 Inches high, d years old .1n July. He is one Of the most remarkable animals the counter, has 'produced. Unit Joeratite4inir like; action peyfeef,'A trigrilkiLAhrnoh; Be Is in close prciximity t 471 two of dm most no. table stallions in this nation: I "Hambletonien" and isEthan Allen; a most fortunate cross. Ticams—sloo to insure,s2s l at time of s ii 7 r y *MO *lll not be refunded in 4037 event, au 6 when proven in foal. -We have tine stabl and Patil#2o, on reasonable terms. Beet possible owe tilren or Mares. M 1 sealants and escape. at Owning risk.. saaagu i t ea * t a r 0 NVIIMP* Mt, ?.67/. r,s • MIX MONTANTE. - -airtabridlM2Bl4 allotist • ~.r IMIIM , . - * - toi f,. 1,4,1! 4 . 1{ 9 e It. COItNINGPL garb JAHlllav , 0 4; 4 _ 4 ,15,cdvf jr4 avow:4ll:i. •. _ - 1, 1 4 , 4 °DAaniol3lio , t 6 tiviraAvouLD annqnnoe to - the people of v ar,o receiving and sense stook 0f.:. ; , 01.113 T. ;14 - n 4, i ..--- and are ready to oupp i lrall w!lo may some wsth -‘14;1.‘, • 'A' _! . l - C 2 ':i -,,f, 1:i." - i; r. Seasonable ;Goods at un 7;.',7": (f.7zl=l rf I f nil , u There has just been a great deolinaiiii Tioineitio Co l ton Goode, and they are now, calling for 1 1 1 1- 01kliii4: 411 .75.1 1 zne 411/9104140r.Arf**Mbelieire parading a long list of prices in new*. pprara t iontWil...rai:onWhaAwa lay, when we claim t 4 Bell Goods oheap. People Stem out of tawfrarVente laskainottef-by coming here to bay goods. We havo a splendid assortment of eivt r.> t • A tr. , ;, , ;9 Z`' ' 1.,i i - , .. , ,• - ''..,yil'i,-",;-,i?-; , - :''..•-::•,-"?'„'. .. : • • ~ ..,....., ~•„..,.....4„, , :;-,•1„,,,, „,z, .",.... te 1..,:.•:-. ,'-'l. 1 ?: :: : -'-' l '.- •. :::•- , , ', ~,:,,,,..,,,,..,.. 1 ~,,,J0 , ,,,,,N 4 1, , . _ . ...„. ; „,,,,,:,: q .,,,gt-it,-,g,, 1! :: , ~,f. ~, 07,, ~,,'".-e."±,'l . ' / DeLaines, Percales, Mohairs, Plaids, Vreneh.a*Ar s iikr,.oo/44, Jffipar . i i..?ii6i3e Bi ll ricinidrßobe'ff,' =Taney Colored 4tkVP1aW,4401:15iiii..0,'::,: , .. 4 ...-/..'i.,- 1 ,*, • ',•—•...1 - :4'',,-,.: , ..;;1:...:. --,, ,- - ..... , •;.-- , .•1- - : . :* • ~.,,, , -_, ..• . MI ..~~-° I &0., at prices Teo, lottcohlifo.thau Iliet-4tvairen. We also keep full 1 LJ"4.. • . ' '•i. • - •-.—r---- ..!:'!;,-.... s)i.:.-,--.- - -t_i• ' 7 ..•<- I. ;t: •,,, ',..., i ',r;".l. • v •"...',-. ~ ; :..; L, 0 ~fir :~~y.,..... _ Mil ME -RAE CT 0001E4a 9 ,Ar c 7. - A C i t t Bil Eli .-•'• - f .-.! /.', 'Yankee ' ' No t i on s, ,Bcpts and , Shitec. , cv 3_. t.....,:_. %„,„ i , , . ...7. i i , ft/ • , - GR CERIEFii , ' CIi;OCIKERY,i.- I: . , ,-,, ~ ,/, . , . , ~, ~,,, , Th , t ,, i ,, 1 ~6:.:!.., ! ;-• 11 . 14 mini irtiotei our iiiie'ii e zia itrtiiit- ii i to epeak of, but if you will call we will 'how you 41241 AROBER : inutolE In town ' and at niioee t at "cannot be beat" anywhere. . - l torning, N. liiAirillt), 1870: ' /- . ' : , NEWELL & OWEN. OE The Lar k k..~._ . £y_ ~, . FEE ~ ••• - :- - -- v .- , ~ 1.-H,,,,-,-:i., 1 ,,,,•:(r., n . . . / •,,...‘,,,..,.....i...,‘,,,,,,......,......,i....,„,„ 1 ~... ‘. :. , . . ~ . . ,„.,.. . ~ , . . Mil . • Iti trAVING hollitioifor buying and handling largl i gnantitios of Goods 'enables him to offer 1141„ them at the lowest Jobbing prices. In o rota department department Goods are sold at a small ad. vance over wholesale prime. A large stook of , '.,. « " . ` - A- - -.'IgTiNt3IIOIIII I ISLINII AND WITBIL LIU 9 fs' i 1 FERIA O,LA wizzsii,, farina AND DCIITILLS TIC K . _ ► _ PAIN 4112.1 AND Ceuta , -'-' lir O r ' 40T0 VARNISH! BRUSHES, A VAL STOCK. AB N , ) ~ Tkiinstek - Ornaments, !Stripeing, Pencils 9 sintivilrushes for Carriage aft II 1 'Cutter Orn alistenting. A ). fibedikiteitelitng to our buelneee kept In stook. Feb. laid•V~nw7 -J~" / (HOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH JOREWS, I . BARNDOO/1.- HANGINGS, igt4 took of Hardware . I invite the publioto earn: f etim e t h e e f m or7 " t i t. ° te k e e:pthe beat quality of goods in my line; and all work tei order done promptly and well. ' . • pAISI4, pocats, pLINDS,FoIkwwc FILIN4 , 5, 5,, I vultorßOßasi‘s! , .. R. C B . ' ILi.VAN 7 7 --- . . N. ' '4rl, -3.4,- - 4. 4 • •9 4 .-, - 7 1 • .- " •'. - .1 4.' .4i ' . .,' , V 4 e.. ,_, '.. 1 5 ;.. , ige>"o-IPA fZ l ' , l r tal 144 -' 1$ , 9 .4- • -•‘' ~:,..*;' '',' :;filkt - ( ... P IP-,Jki; • ROBERTO-I;IE4LBR' IN A.,... i a . -,, .t..-, .. 7 ,', • :.:7-.1-;; 3 1.1..-- . 1 . , i ~; :. , ,1 STOVES, IRON, NAILS, OARRIAGB BOLTS, HOIiSE SHOES, RAND HOBO, NAILS, OM 4 ictil.l% -r' 1 =k110 41 513114331rfi5 , -,PClaalki 'A guard etoolc, of Duthie* Materials. LOOEB, BUTS, LATOBES, EXEGNO, Li.; _ _ Also. WRAPPING PAPER of 414440 1,010 _ i 1,2- . 4;: - T.. , - f: :56:,,:'..•.; .?...-... 4 ,1....: - . 7 .- :: ,-; - , ..1 ,I• -.7-, . , . , . illitißiti - 0 . *ROMIPTIIt .4,TAL I ENtittiIL4. 7 !' 7,;..k.v..177 ., :ze.5. lert:o4:c4.;@•::. pipTergliCesh l and Pride' roasistols. First dim sktlitte:Voilelt9uoo. Walb9ro, 01111 ifs /8 7 / 4 y. • EIN ~,.:._ ;.; EMEIII J.ll, MEE blishmet in itiorthirn Pat! LESALE AND RETAIL ERZ El iligi -, „7. Ma t itl- we' 15; • '7l. 4./ oro and thit wa Wellab GO c -' II I'3SMINE=EI recedefitett PriCet. • i t ..., t . Saes " - . ,„ Havilited haid littge'see . ok Tln, tovtel kndliartwaiv,:the widasigned takes pleasttre ;o o'lmill:ice that :he 's has at a great outlayiiid=, ted;to the usual stook of the old stand on IMAIN STREW, WELLSBOHO, i'o'porplete amortment of Shelf Hardware, )I w hieh he enumerate the following articles NAILS, SPIKES; • .OROWRA,S, X 'OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUM SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, dARPENTER'S TOOLS, RUMPS, AXER,AITGERS;BITTSiDITV' • s STOOKS,:HATOHETS,. OHISELS.• - IMIEI ~,~~~ s ODS, MEIN ME no of 1 MERE W. C. KRESS MZEIMMiI A.Vg.RM:i4!I,I4, Jo.. •-- , n.5y5.4.4,--- 44110: 'l,"' Itioul - sett) ixii;rl6-01 . .L, toilimitgrOlattlitlitriat i - ,utt - P4t t . ,.strnp'scrialp (IT .i . rosi, vzil:t. it iitpitit Oili n Oiferlillti 47e • 1 •,-. • ,Or - 0 - ; . - 1 ,100.-; ftr..l ,, 'I .: ', ''''' liitlit,Attet t;.' i ,y 31 1 4., VY c `4 ., 11114 'di Oomporiezit-.Ysrbet sigililmld‘ 1 ye i ,wakiaiimitivpiikpaautor..4.,4-z Ti 4, . "roe- i• Oil ~ , T F“*.fittif, 111 yr ii:: il:t - i "- - L 4 d . : For. LiiitiAblitiolttfriti;"jcitittdith i lit , into &Ad_ 1 _WS litoltinthAriniiiiintlieati*. I ache; MMl,l.lollCo.inaiitivelstpareger: table i t asitictirsfiwettetagetsturyf.gins - . rats Or:LlVlttlelotto Pltirk.,-.; , t1.1r. , ,: , -,, ~.:• <1 Jr'J.l . .. ilni) 'O/0 • ;:114.'31:r :,1 ZI , , C:3-'.. , :; 1 ~,J,.! ,71 ,t.. 4' .! :,, 51 , Er I li :11v.i ---;,,1,-517 ; 4 rnazl,4l. -c,i, r+- l ie: ii -I 17, Ines., Jsz !mat ite tt _,,,y s eau 1 06 passati %LW ifitinatei% iaillii-tbliglits. ll eta, eto. trheatattalnettilialgiiiieseiileesfitahhrW; the ate -ffitiaftilitatisigaisatuasatedgear t Ileum 0 414 RIPtiIif7;4 IO PIPQP94I / of the fl Item i n o tter a fair, , idea ' loa, e . of them Win „ sett;Ottliti eCs*s• tau talc le florii#l6l4atiabnlimus-tiiihe weak a thilliselaaharialsineiftem bit - , . 14 1 0.6.1 4 stWArAtak41 9 M ' IVCAPMI ' Dif iln ", , 4,l l 4lstrgoinwlttt_ Ontgo ff it It pp I net nig _Ooknonitrotiz thstkoCituttsugiloosttot i tivrar 14He de :ertifilielitgliiitiiiiitttfatigltthiialhm 4 1 sok w oat dissolving , coniliVimitifiiloaiot• pods*, thadsetiallatrask , atat nataltita.elliP4 Pins, b tit4a, !alto and•odor,,de not neessaititte, , t :lo , aeget• rated: ,PriciA/9/ ost/4w tiii44 - '• '"- , - -,J- - - , i. , ,,, , !,,...1,1 . , ~ S ..'., tC; Uri; .!,,IrsPf..) ... • ' , . 11 ,;;LI; i' t:',,,'" 4Resu v.t tts I= • 41-- 4 Being Pie_;paiegtenresid7 . tor the liclaiOdpingpropertresird greater then snY-otliett - riiparitlon; of etirialtarlfla;',i it ttselftat sdencaiolesuAii'd bealthr, color, 10 4 redßenAltAlNlM* l l , 4 ll l. flt4tirtith and &it,* *WM:prod , reree*l.o ahead co Attie es ariateti tioni `an WOO tea t uft ' bl ir; aria the ttte only effeitidd retnedie for theenteorpgins and snellingld the-hones shatraldo4ll-of the throat 3 topes , EinAplea, On _ the face, erysipelas and ail „ oftly,eriptions of the. Ain,' anal beautiiYiea,to ornplirxibii4 M ME L ' M He tj T. 111 c bold% . _• oplfiraorritAraD VID''EXTRAOT SU -O,IU, which it has been' ;firYen;' tiritirtfon 'of the 'neck of the bladder lord• Intinitirarlon of the kidarrye, Won tit-the irldniyassid , ,bladder, retention of urine, dhow; ettlio prof:rate_ grand, : . , .otone in • the ble•tdeknitkordrr Ai arelipire*dnit deposit ) , and rarreone_ 1400 onfee. bled aritraEAtierrelistituMneUth, attend/18'4411Mb; fidtrovelhalierniitorne 3 biau , poettldnieerkettkkinambilroweri lees xf 411 401 1 7124bAki1l gtitffiese b kr ' trams o arseaute aT te eat n ll e;dtgineee at vtdorr; Oliihiditilireati hot - Mimi% flashing - or 'the boil Friftittoli"On. the; face, OHM ebruiteninelAnitvievelf Isielinde' of the mrieeriteir aystamgebari ) li TAi l li t eltiA ° ,Sl i r l 'A L -er t°4 tWont 4 41.1,4a,WQMAK1 k or the collie or chin - Orlife '' abler elekild ent orla arpalnei for 14-ifettitiglfi hll3fen.• OE I i ... „ . • Heinabold's,, NAtraot Buohn, is,,dlurtio and blood i t s tultssw ii4.`otiios .11 dij.eases slide/ from btte_ordfnelpntiOn sad ateeasse and tm. pada ast s h y l ph 7 bar itarditel• of the bloods eto., supereedlng co in ladlitiots for srldeh It is used. s sad Itte affeationsh-I.lltthese &seam used to oartaeottenwitk./140.04.4950 Wash. .. 7 . -. .., - • - . • In many at one f lietilliti tei'ladiee, , the Mt tract ptiouotti,ostresbj:iiily oilier re-moldy— as in ehlOrodeVirrittetierlarstigulaalty t rantl-' no or, itallpiedlobinativeateinary.!evaettatione, ? uleertit4 axe* fta.fesfAhtzterfte,lenctorr hcea z a irhiteN a V Pg, „all eonipithita bold I 'bribe' t,"w 8 ' drising ir j Orn indjit, ereti ' &lath Of ' iiiiii.clit hilireitiiiiia extenidirtly ty:the Aso " =intuit Iphyslolans said midwOree for i - enfeebled : and. delloatenstitu idone;of botiLseate and all , ogee, (attended with any og the abovefileessee or eymptoine;) • . , 'l't - Extract • 8401UM711.14 DifikASZO ARMING PR 011 DiPRU.I4I47IO. P.MIPATION, In Wreak 13404, if llttlaiiiinntstr, Mk or no *hangs in dist; no insen#eultm_oa, and no savi ours., it osilues A: Await tiktAttgre 41,n4 gives strength k) wat), ttuitraby, , removiiig ohstrue tlonN preventlng.,mit outing strieturti of urethra, allaying pilwatid - Indaraniatlen; So fre. quart In this elan of &Wei, and Impelling all polsonoria =Wk. ThinuandiriwtO havOlineligif),AqUme.; heavy competent parsons, and who Itaya pai fees to be cased in a shorethiiii" have fontld they had been deooived, Mit - that ute 'poison' has, by thentalst Volfertarastrinplatelsrinrsidd up in, the; systems-to Itrolt; 0ni:114,0.1490991)141k*, Tato form, and perhaps after marriage, Us Helmbold's lixtraot Bagiti"fine • silt &No tions Mul diseases of, the urinary organs, wile-. then et - fenitild `, from' whatever onus origlinsingiqnltitatinudeiDorlioir ltrig sta,ading. Pries, km. dollar and My . Otis per betttde. . , ~ 17. 0.- ZEMULEIO-ZD , S . IIifP.ROVRD oapsi ot be surpassed as a face *mak and will es found the onlyirpeciflO remedy in every speci e . of Oswiecim,' ift,otion. - qt - speedily, - eradiont 1 ., pitntlet, spati,issortMliti*yueiii; inticirations 0 1 the butaneoneJEWitratkiete.; dispels redness and incipient inflainikaticM,Alves rash, moth patches, dryness -of itealp4krAikt4, frost bites, and ellpu r pesesiorlitiali" actives or ointments ' *revised) restores Omsk& to - - IC state "Of purity' i o and Mese, suidinerntet continued -.healthy no tion o the ilium cif its remelt; on which depends i the Erectable electrneeliandllvaelty of complex- I ion i10,zeueb49,9414.11nd admired. 'But bowever,i yaluhbla'ae.ti'renibOy fot"oxlettil'g ached . , of the , ;BMW; L V. - IfeltitiMid'i Resti Wash' , haa tang Sus= tallied its piiiielPal Olitith to' Unbounded patron a,go,iby possessing qualities, which , wider it a toiler appendage ckithemost imParlistive and con genial 6araoter, combining in all _elegant for mula those prominent requisites, airily and eji- , ' cuci—the Invarneobt atllitilette - of its nee —ail aogratiefiditelnal sittdf ion. 1 Is is an excellent lotiewfor diseases of' a iyptilltidtuiturtrOurdlis ix/ infortiunNfor dhoti sea of - tho - nrititteragantijiktisingthiicebabits of dim Whin, usid' hr. couneetionirith the Extracts. Suave; flareavaiilla iintriltteitba - iirape Pitts, In sach diretilewas reeWitkendedicannot be sur- MEE Fun ,nkeiOlifii, direatiqvi, aioomfloy, itti.' mull i foloop: 47144405i,'0f 64.1a* ielptindb . "sand rigible,o4im - • ter. ftTh lithid on "opp aittloO, • Sri . gpidpogii if •th ori4ilds Of 114,4 g w thaws,' an 4PwArCif ginci ißsotrare,l loll 4 le zuo/0z1004..4, 3 31 , '0f,Mi1p, .111'0703111 t h e Stalt 1 0 ,/ 4 96 111 4A4P/i : jure a tkPOlt• °A° ..07i0eRtitrucilaq.":' be- PlNTaii.: ter Aliilivtr:49:4 ol :futL otr,istfbltpOog ins the wilkarAl•- 4., '4961 not do pti4 tiow,the i fao . UM hie artilian raiik iko'itoncOrs privaic4.: a • 404.1** not P.OlukiP,lm.PrOPPed up by uer-; all tell. • * •_, 2 ^- 11., 'V- -, -1 . . , 1/nry T. .ffettnbotd'a Genuine Prepa f ; -,:,....-,---,,,--,,......,,,,,,..: :digiveiii:, titAir*lPth, Miura, trP# 044ift i- ' tbo 7 Ifil44l#lol sOptylii4-4iiiiiii4iiitio: - .., Bold 14; leoul!itaiitorntoQ vat ddrizaeiteriiir tutor.: „nuitiole itithilfldenbbi• i)) Ellen* T. Helmbold, : fillorateliatT O nly .deliatttlienr7 T. 1 0 /4- dnroltorpio4l -ItakThquao, N?.. ikg Biros evil, .)ror,k, onto 0 1 T. Holoitiohl El. egoS 04 pltilk•Toia tor, 1 4 111114(1. jimmylt poilitliticito.:. 744 for 'Homy Z . it limitlep i ' ram otter.. ;-, i'- , . , lob iOm., i EMI DM ~~~. -, FIEMZEM MOO .4* - 111),A141.1 1 41R: : :' 1, OOMPO Uplll 1 _zit?, :. 1•-•...,,r, „line 40467 - 7. ; - trfel etilBfrii Byei••1 'list zrtirenehithri 4 rriaiouttusor, 1 A 111 1 ='_ tt. , :Thimeis' pt " ePhitelit; %Mr' i a Itelect in the = 2=2 MEM :,J4 -r OM =I IMMIINWSTORIt i 17 -. .e177,17q 1 .71 ,7 7± 7,7 i: . 4 r,.!4:1:511,N1ii143.• , =;.pN ' l ll3^ - v . e.# f7lo4—ii;-;;. -':L: 1-, -=:=:;', .., r t • ~' , '-'.: Jrc = r , INRIIIII3' AND MEDIOINpfiIi PAINII 4.O'AID 014; . • • ,lil,r ~., fr =„,r , ' -.,• -r/".=•=- ' >i• :' ~.- .'•,• i , 1, ....g=i` THADVWEirDAVIDEP INKS; KEITH'S' , . • A o'o CENTRATED -MEDICINES, , ::;,I':!iitEli 4 1 0 " PiltliV• 7; iX':''' ~ ~ ,Lt -- 2 1.(.. , '": 4( v l l'' : ti 10 •' . , ''. ', i •,.. i ",. ) TRAM3O. ' .f -if,' " 4/ 1- ''''''' I ,-.. , :tx -•[•. 1.;.:,44,'. , - .',Yry ;",rt-il -9, .-' , ll — •';'; ' i-J •m; AR . Riorrs o,4;loiymq OpAV9RINtif 1 }411013.413T0• ***514N,F4 . 4444Ri.; , ,• I'ENT r MEDlOlNkg; , ittobit,. - T \.i.3,i,,, : i ESTER Pititill*E.AY • ;; ::: , :1 c;,' - , k r...1 c,:, .': +.f i ,, -.1 1), . 4 .'1l ' P:1 . ' I a , ,•,i.... , -, 'AND gLAVORING'EXTRACTS; WALL i,4, L: li .; . , FAPE „ W INDOW GLASS , , ' '" it - , 1 , WHITEWASH LIME Alb 'OE coitals ' ' RE AgENTS, FOR 00'8 RE ~.~f~ .. i ... Idpldat 7' • Ituy,riv§krox , eques,Ut4 4°4114; 4#%iT i°41 1!.?!:-!f° ,l o - 4,?!. 1 : 1 A01 4 q 1 !! t , W ., W.,D. TERBET4II & CO. - Jan.1,4.6714 - ' • - urmture ! Furniture I B. T. VAN HORN, . ~, . 4t JIVING completed his new (Yakima' Ware knit° on Main street, Wellsb ore, has stook-' dd Itlth a largo and stymie: assorted stook of FiURNITURE. amber Salta, Walnut, Ask Staple, &0., &0., &0., iT A • • . P • Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 • down. Also, , SOFAS, LOUNGES, CIOUOHES, TETE A-TETES, • with Upholstery to suit. ' Center Tablea,l Walnut or Marble Tope _ Looking lellasees, Brackets Pa- , . per Ranks Booking Chairs, all kinds Whcilesale . ' 'avid Itelail. " lam mannfitotaring 'as usual; and intend to ri lull stook of ways, bane and city made at allHuttle • .My Wave Rooms are spacious and neat, Sid now contain this largest, costliest and beets rk of Furniture ever brought into the ()punt . - Planing and Matching, 80ROLL SAWING it - MOULDING ' done to order at the Factory. ' V Jan; 1, 1871-tf B. T: VAN HORN. lig - haul's Woolen Mills i D.R.ERFIELD, PA. Full-Cloth,Hg subscribers will. pay Cash , - Cassluteres, Flannel!, so., aiv., for Wnnli 7, heyelse manufacture 88 usual-- i .„' .- I __.,--* I I'OIOIDR OR , ON SiIiRES• r. to snit owitinnera. All work warrented aerei 'seeontedlThey invite particular attention to their Water Proof • ICASSIMIRES, Widoh are !tenanted in every respect. Partici: , larattentlon given to ROLL le CARDING LOTD nESSING. '''II.74.IIAWEI large stook of Oassimeres, &o ~25 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant edateropresented. ,• - i ~. • 1 - , .- INGRAMI3 manufacture .to order, and do all ilndt of Roll-Carding and OlothDreetting, and ilifY ompetition. .-,- ... IrrtalfAblfiliave, as, good an, assortment ,of - .. . ~., -• Full Moths, Oassimirei s Sic, - . --,, ,-• ,-.-• • i and ve.more for Wo r ol in exohangfl than any otho establishment.l Try them and satisfy year -Selvs. • GEA2IB . Wholesale and retail at the'CoW *Mu uti Mills , 2 miles below Knoxville. t i Our Cloths are warranted, and . sold by the followi:ien i ne:L 0. 3 . ey, Welleboro, Pa. * T. I • BALDWIN it CO., Tioga, Pa. J. f. BENNETT, oovington,Pa. . Dena , ld. Jan 1, 1871-tf , THE II ST HOTEL in the COUNTY "CONS 1101M1." 11:.,;.. NEW: Rooms large and well vanilla-. ted. Accommodations not surpassed by any first , class . hots} in the '.' Northern Ti r.'". Bix.f.s no :higher than at seoond and third rate lioOls. Looation,'oorner of Main and yirallant Streeta, Wellsboro. ' A good table, gotid liquors, good order, and a gooi hostler. A. 8., GRAV/48, Prop'r. , Marob 8,1871. " • ITN PARTITION:—In Metter of the' estate of 4.1 David Huislander, deSeased. In • tho Or .phana'Court of Tioga county. No. 8, Auguit Term, 1870. The Commonwealth of' Pennsylvania to Lucy A. Balslander, John S. Hulslander, Susan.. t ' -,;2. Freeman, isekiel R. Hulslander, Harriet I'M; Vahvaloalnear, David J. Rulelander, ;Julia, A. Lamont, and Eunice Edge ton, gnardiaa of Lucy Perraelta Huislander, 'Claia S. Huislandor and, Thomas Hulshin i 'der,' lineal deSoendants of David Rulsian , i der; late of Tioga county, Pa., deceased, all other persons interested, Grating: . ',Tioga County, se: You are hereby oiled; to .b 0 and appear before the Judges of our Orplians'?, ,Court, at an Orpliarie' Court to beheld at Wells ,bore, in and for said county, on Monday, the 29th day of May,lB7l; at 2 o'cloolt P. M.„thon Anditbere to accept or refute to take the reales , tata °CPO Davidßultilandm deceased, situate in Oharlestaii township, in aaid comity at•the I appinited valitatfbn put upbn it by an:lnqnest ' dui* nalided-by the said 'Court; and darned by the - Sheriff, on the , 28th. dad of - Nclvember.- 1870 1 t0 wit, at the valuation of three thousand tbtee hundred and forty.sia dollars; or show cause wby,tlie same shall not ha ordered to be -sold:' ... ~,*itness the Hon. R. 0. White, President &Klatt of ono Odd Court, at Wellsboro, this 10th illsY4Bahruary,l B 7 l . %.1): L. DEANE, Clerk. : , • :;,April 5, 1871 flw ~ =EI Livery stal!de: 'ATKINS 4 -- LOUDEN re . • speettialli 'Moroi the puh r • . Ito t at they have ea tabltehed a •:—, Livery for 9 . .e.t their Stable op posite Wheeler's, wagon phop.• Single or doulgo rig" fen:abed tb order. They aim to keep good horns and wk. gone, and intend tAt . pleare, P,rioes reasonable, - -NYATEIIIIO do LOVEIBit. T JO. 4,137/47. 3ei rf iiris. f ~" `!f~ MIMI Al =NI F;NED:OiL I ENIII . from down,' and as oheap ,ae, the , same goods can he bo"!' 'in the eitiee, freight added:. AND MEI 100 t 'N- - D.lllo4 h k ORE ; - • •-v,i 41311LBRi- f s RANDOM% jvhtiVa- purchased ;the" ' acid Shoe Stoke of Meseta B 4 ° I 7 r 7 0 .... mow Derby, and,prepose to ionthi l . ?• - •tte.: the liaeitteee—redooleg the .Ortges on - all trod') and aollipgattlet'ly - FOIL' 'CASH, =NM t • - We keep a, rood eirrtment of " ats and Caps, 'BOOTEES. BROGANS AND i empfo i4KM,S „f:af t. •• irtirritnied• vitt atiy Toot from. No• O to la i n . -, • , °waive: MEI FRENCH_OALP, FRKNOII KIP, UP. ' t!Ellts, BOLA/.c0*4 1. 0. C I A l'F) "LaINIIOO, BINDIN G?, *O - - ,wlll be kept up as iheretorktre. , • On Finding.' we eball be; found , at home el• wap,4rift . we shall endeavor to 80 at prices intlefaetory to the trade.' wo,n't be undor. EOM. CASH 7.1 - D FOR /fib - 4117 TOM • 1 qtip:airirig d o " on ebbtynotbre, toropiti as be convinced, - • , • FISHLEIt:RANDOLPH. Poo: 14, 100.—ly. , , .. TO i 'T . ME' ' FARMERS or TIO6A , CJOTJNTY. , _.;......--1.- , i .ir AM : pots bitiltilug at guy rosimfactory,in Lawrence J. V1110:6 superior , , _ i , , i I ' FANNIN . S ILL , l 1 • _ j whichp,ossessesthe followingadrantageouve al lotber tells: -, •• separates rie,oats,rat lit ter.andfou 14ed e,and ohessaud cockle.from wbeat4 l • ' 1 2.1 U Olitutitila* seed,bikesout yeller! seed, and all 'etberseiede2Perfictly.! ' -". 1 :., ~ -, 8, It trleaustlmotby seed. ' ' 6. It floes all ottoirsePitratlngrequired of a mill . `This toill is built ofthe beet and most durable tin. ber, in good style.and is sold oheap for cash, or pro. duce. , . . • ~ 1 r - Intl! It 1 'paterif sieve, tot eeparatin g,, oat strois wheat,to otheratills,onreasoniableterms. . . • , ' + J.ll itilTliEll . • L aarreUct ev illefai.l,lB7ot-t f •i—- • i . ' HARNESS' SHOP. HE lI,NDERSIGNBD would say to the eat. 1.• sons of WeSaber° and 'vicinity that be hae recently moved over Truman Brothers grocery Store with his 'Harness Shop In fullaperation on Crofton Street; between Main and Watereta., where ho le prepared to main faottire all kinds of Double do Single Harnesses, In the-beet style, and of the beet material , i R:Ef"AIRIN DONE Onaholt nOtioo and :good. I employ the beet ,workmen, and use none but the beet material, and am thbrefore prepared to please all—who *ant anything law line: • .1 • • W. A. NEW 6111.13. - Nov. 9, 1870. WALKER & LATHROP • MUNRO In • HARDWARE, IRO, STEEL, STOVES, 2 4 ,1:IV-WAR BIiIiTING, Sin CM WATER• LIME, 'AGAIOVLTI*AL, IMPLEMEI4TS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, • HARNESSES, SADDLES, de. Corning; Ij, Y., Jan. 1 1871-7 Gio64#l and ,\ CORNIN ro. xmax.. AN / D RETAIL MaLER TV , I 11111C15 . 0f • GROCERIE, ;PROVISIONS, wines; Liquors and FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN CANNED , I,'IZ ' U:iTS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & ORO9KEIY .W.A.RE. OHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS. & PERAMBULATORS, TOS, &0., &o A full and complete a l soortment of the above mentioned goods of the !boot quality always on • hand.. Particular attention ;paid to Pine Groceries Dealers and Consumers ,will Lind it to their in terest to examine his Steck before having . , ;Corning, N. Y. , Jan. .4, 1871 THE GOLD MEDAL SEWING ;MACHINE Raidsapo MAQHINE tt basie Of w n noo super i or, T I node a trial to, be' appreolated. It ail feil,•seam, tuck, bind, quilt, ,braid, emb cord, gather andiruffie' and is the best an f pasta:mot inn for amity use ever offered public. . ; .' - 1 The DorintiwL eir BLASI= STITCIi MiClina is superior to all' others, for the reason that it sews direct from the ,spoole and requires no winding of thread. It le easily adjusted, and not liablebto get Out of order. Persona wishing to inrobaae a machine, 'she by,r4ll means try this one, before buying i'DY other; ' Call on', or Address ' 1 . Jia 411 r OLY ' r.6oli. " . I rovisiq4 Ei tore; , N. '3t. Cl~ars, DRIED FRUITS, VEGETA : I4ES, B. B. UAIGHTI bombs Map 04 OE t AILS, WI od i eel! bumf eider, obea. o the