TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR: Local Items. AvEDNESDA ' Y,' APRIL 28, 1574. Nevi Advertisements Circus.. For Sale- , -B. Monroe. lneurance—W. D. Smith. House and Lot for sale.-41. 0. Derby Plants—M. B. Prline. Young Bertrand—E. A. Pleb. peeoration Day, May 80, will be ob c,etc4d in this County. Rev. N'V r tn. A . Delong, (truiverialist,) of Bingbatatop, preach in &filth c Dowoo's ball next unday, Aprll 30, at 3 , , 4. AI. Ingham & Co., successors to P. R. AV Wimp, have a new lot of good's, and are now preparod for businese. Adveftisoulent next week. In consequence of the press on our columns, Mr. Karcher considerately withdraws from the "church column," which ho has hitherto mainly occupied—until further notice. NEcl PARTY.—A great necktie patty gill take place at Binghamton on the 18th of next; month. Ruloff will have a prominent part in ho entertainment. Tho result— bonefit of the .rescnt century. BoR BLIND.—A little girl 7 years old, from Charleston, Pa., who has been blind from birth, was operated upon by' Dr. lipDe- Graff yesterday, for tbo formation of an artifi cial pupil, with the hope of affording her some vision.—Elm. Adv. - BASE BALL.—A match game of base ball took place bctwoon the Alerts, of tee State Normal School, and the Young Americas, of the borough of Mansfield ; resulting in a score of 20 runs for the Alerts, and five runs for the Young AIEIIO6OIIB. f - eN.>- Innings, 9. Alerts-9, 4,1, 0,3, 0, 0,1, 2-20. Young Americas-0, 0,2, 0,1, 0,0, 2, 0-5. Um pire, C. Blackrroli. Scorers, Edwards and Whit ney. Time of--gamo, two hours. F. E. W. A call for a State Temperance Con vention, to be held at Concert Sall, Philadel phia, May isth and 10th, has been issued.— Every Temperance organization in the State is invited to send two delegates. Important rques . noes will be discussed. PUBLIC SALE.—In another column, Lot W. Webb gives notice that he will sell, at his Ces.denco, in Charleston, on Monday, May:lste a spas of horses, cows, other cattle, hogs, farming tools, dairy utensils, &o. Six months' time giv en, with good security, on sums over five dollars. :isle to commence at ten A. M. • , - • WILL OPEN.—On Thursday, April W. J. Ilorton 3: Brothers will open for sale, a general assortment of goods, in store No. 1, \of Smith k Bowen'a block. The Messrs. Mertens are recent corners amg ; they are business like, gentlemanly appearing fellows. Their stock leem s well selected, their prices , reasonable. Give them a chewing. Their advertisement will ap pear next week. GOOD APOLOGY.—When a gentleman Mops on a lady's •trail, the lady should turn around and say politely, "I beg your pardon, sir,'• and the gentleman should bow and say, "I accept your apology, madaia."- A confidence man_ recently visited this village, carrying away with him a warrant sl pair of handcuffs, and a red not . We shall ex, pect to hear of some astounding developments soon, as ho is a brilliant,"expor " on whisky, and Ws everybody tloac all ho tioe. WELLSBORO AND MARSH CREEK &rest ROAD."—The House of Representatives at lluti:inburg, on the llth instant, passed "Ana ?t. repealing an act appointing commissioners to lay out and open a State road from the borough of Wellsboro to Marsh creek, by way of I. M. Bo dino'e, in the county of Tiogn, approved April IS7O, and the supplement thereto." It is now before the Senate. BOOK AGENT.—Mr. J. H. Peterson, of Pine Creek, has tho agency of this county for two very excellent books, -which should find a ready sale in every family. One itoritten by 801 l Z. Spencer, and entitled. "Triad and True, it Love and Loyalty," a story of the rebellion.— The other, the "Laws of Health," which should be read by everybody. Wo bespeak for our 3 oung friend a generous subscription to the above u-0r1:9.7-apr. The proposed Railroad route from Elmira to Tioga has been surveyed, and is said to he a very feaseblo route the whole distance of 25 miles. The- route is thickly settled, and the nal will pas:, through a number of business plices. and open up a portion of country that mill bo of vast importance to Elmira and also :the people along the route. On Friday the 21st instant, our Gra d School received a visit from Hon. R. G. 'bite sod other gentlemen who take a praice lrthy interest in the educational interests of 'Counts, Judge White delivered a well wor practical address to the school, which was stoned to with marked attention. The schniol a a uccess : and those having children to school, la hardly complain of the added school tax, '1( n their entire tax rate is less than their sehoul '37. ae➢ld cost under the old-regime. Bilßot - ou COUNCIL.—At . a regular ettin; of the Borough Council, Tuesday ere- April a petition was granted for a side on second Avenue,' from Robert Kelsey's ,rn , r to T ruman'e cinssing, and the clerk or 'r'd to notify ornetkz along the lino of said I,l t . At tho meeting. P. d: Van Gelder requested the .tri.rsl , .f the Pound from its present location, do ',ring atobe a public nuisance. Held for con. ieratlon The Clerk asked an order in favor of R. B. (4,.‘, kr the sum of 811),60. Laid on the table. TLe ..treet Commissioner was instructed to ex , ins the work in front of Ifoughton's premises. , i , .ornr,l for two weeks. THE UNSEATED LAND TAX !h..!. 12th instant, Mr. Strang offered in tho u,a the folloyclug, resolution. which was passed: Resolved, That the Senate be requested to urn Howe. bill No. ?.n6, entitled 'An act to lev)ing of taxes for school and town p lairpres op unseated land. Tioga noun tor the purpose of amendment," The 11111 hag been returned to the 'House. To FT EALTTI.—We are approach ti? sea•ron when epidemics and rumors of ‘/' w iv , ma) be expected. Lime and water are -it purifiers, and cannot be too freer employ satt\ta,ry agents. The purity of tho water dome.tie c , msutoption, is a matter or the - I t , t public importance. It is now well es. 'nbel that dy.entcry, typhoid fever, chelerit, and other fatal diseases, ufe caused by ant and vegetable substances dissolved in tbo ''r• therefore all supplies of water fur drink • colloary or bathing purposes tiiould h o 111 : 1 it‘Teeted. One point to be borne in that we may get accustomed to drinking Me water and not know it, unless other Pen le taq , 2 are consulted. tN1:1:1-: ESTERTAINMENT.—A reg llos.n Enst" Yabkeo , cbtertainment" - was E' 'by the Presbyterian society, on Wedn sday bersday evenings of last week, in Smith 4k t's bait The entertainment consist 1 of Nue, punning, representations of celebrated No, broad fun, comical tableaux-rand a 41 0 n. It was well managed, well acted, and , II amuelng. a itiir went Of to the satisfaction of all, ts a Fueceti.e, fpr which the society take this . lu nitY of returning sincere thanks to all 3 alio aided in the affair; and especitlly to P. C. Van Gelder, Jno. R.' Bowe and ..°Y, far the generous aid and assistance from them. We append a partial list of mtetentations an in 'White, Mermaid, Spring, Peasant oPss, Girl of the Regiment, Autumn, 4 -y and Firemen, Flower Girl, Maud Mut ruing, Gleaner, Turk, llaymakor, .N.Vth N•t'trient, Fruit and Vegetable Vendor, Wid kont, eto.) Ocaourras. tt by 44,0 1. t 1:10 go Otprr ~!Ij2l ,litststharC four dliorc# 4WW: #0,11141411.44.0"' tendon Sl' the 'rings (Pit:Yeonit 0 COM mon Pleas on the 29th of May. Witit'i therha ter, Van, is Tioga 'going book• ontheinion f You'd better have this Mang 441"ci' else come awtty: - -Painted Post Thnei: • —Wo propose to live where there is a faction ary work to do, and if our friend ,of Time 'will take a little pains, be will very. read* as certain that the larger portion of divorce., ap plied for here are refugees • from 'his.. Stattio-L. While we - nrairiningto adinit that this -13tatilsi somewhat notorious in the "divorce Hue," we would recommend those applying from Now York tate to apply to the "secret divorce /Meyers", of , .Y. Olt"; or go to;lndisiii,4 where, tai 9cand, divorces_ are granted on account or • "cold et." PerSoiri living In glass houses ihould'nk ' 4 lrorr stones., • ' ;L . TUE SEASON.—Th'e 'weather eather le al ays in order, but it is seldom so well ordered as ; is this leaser,.,The "oldest inhabitant" re= Memhe'rs nosprin when vegetation _was,tio,far advaneed at this time of year, and 'the weather is delightfully Mild and tropical. For the last three weeks, two little girls who.dun us for quo tidian pennies, have kept all the drinking glasses about the house well packed with wood flowers, and every morning wo awake to a musical con cert ,that makes us 'quite indifferent he to whe ther Nihison ever comes within earshot i of us or not. , Robin's, bluebirds, song-iparrows and phce bes have been keeping it,np for weeks, though it never does or can become monotonous to our ears : the more we hear •Of that musk the more we ,can't dispense with It: And better than all, a couple of hermit thrushes sing for us, morning and evening, songs. that no human voice can lhope to equatior sweet, clear toned melody.—. The hermit thrush seldoin singe in the woods hereabout before the tenth of May - :-this year he gave his opening ccncert a month earlier. As the swamp thrush and Wilson's thrush are also back to their old btinnts, and as they are all pretty correct Calculators of time and season, we predict an unusually warm spring and summer. TRAIN (G. I:.)—When we expresied (with due modest) our opinion of the great mo ral clack.mill,lfutnre President of these United States, ehiefd Center of United - Ireland, and Chief of 'theFrenoh, we confess we did not adequately understand that we—as a man—were rushing in where angels might tread with rever ence, (if so dispoged.) We had not duly appre ciate{) the situation, We did not knowAat that time that two of our most able 'and respectable fellow citizens, (J. W. and 11. —1) had joined the Train Liguo, and Were safe—the one for a " sit'-inlhe Custom House at New York, thelother for an as Minister to the Ha ue. Had we known this, wo should have said that a.. F. was the most remarkable lecturer we ever listened to, and no more insane than ei ther of our friends above ,mentioned—whom we congratulate on their superior penetration and consequent good fortune. P. B.—The cards they ordered, with the own er'i name printed on one side and €f G. F. Train for President in 18'72," on the othr, are now ready for delivery. We are hav ig our own printed in the same style. Though a little late, wo hope to be in time Tor a seoond rate consu late{ a poet office, or—something. .And we trust our friends will accept this apology_in the spirit in whichat is offered. OUR EXCHANGES.--:Va do not pro pose to follow the custom of country papers gen erally, of giving a largo amount of space to the re a d y furnished, stereotyped laudations of monthly and weekly exchanges which happen to have a larger circulation than our own. When - "fire say a thing editorially, wo mean it; and we have a word to say now, and here. We want to say that Harpers'-Magagine is the, best popular monthly published in the English language. It is the first called for at our post offices, the one most eagerly looked for and desired by tho peo ple at large, and the ono we like" best to read;— (not being an exclusive, or a classical sobolar, you know.) And of Harpers' Weekly, wo say that it Is the best literary weekly with which we are acquain ted. Though not a political paper, it has had the best, the most searching and comprehensive' loaders on politics—from the breaking out of the war until the present time 7 --that we have seen in print ;_ not even excepting our old favorite, the New 'York Tribune. As to Harpers' Basattr, we are not competent to spezik. , Wo think it good—the best of its kind —because the true Yankee woman who 'warms her feet by ours says so; but of our own know ledge we cannot speak; and we 'say this in no spirit of favoritsm, because the Harpers have not favored us in any respect: -- They appearto think it of mighty little consequence whether„ get get tho exchange or not; but their monthly and weakly aro the best of their kind, all the same. We will talk up the ex. business tf we ever meet the editor. ' - And 'another exobange deserves mention. The Elmira 'pally Advertiser is the best country daily_ of which we have editorial knowledge. Not less than 100,000 readers can get telegraphic news earlier by this paper than by the .Tribune, Herald or any seabtrd daily whatever. At least a dozen local papers (ours among the number) get their earliest news by way of the Advertiser. Moreo ver, it is well conducted, and, still better, the editors have a very good notion of what we con sider fun ; politely speaking, an appreciation of humor. 1f wo could have but one daily on our exchange list, it should come from Elmira. As the highest compliment we can pay it, let us ad mit that there is tone of our exchanges so badly matilated by the editorial ioissors as the Elmira IVlAlNsnuno.—After so long a time wo send you the following items :—Some time since, the I. 0. of 0. F. organized a lodge at this place which is prospering finely. The farmers have improved the fine weather this, spring as spring sowing is nearly all comple . ted. The roads aro in good condition, for- this season of the year. Chas. Rhinevault, a son of Eli). S. G. Rhinevault, died on the 16th inst. after a sickness of about three months. The Stone Quarry lately opened on the Carols of Mr. Rod Bartlet and G. Grandy, are proving to bo of con siderable value, and aro produeing some of the very best stones, for walks, &c. REPEATER. A ,LIVING RHINOCEROS coming to We!labor°. By the colossal advertisement In another column, it will be seen that _Sheldenber gees European Menagerie and Circus will exhi bit in Wollsboro, on Thursday, May 4th, Bless burg May 3d, and Vcrmilyea's on the sth. Among the many attractions of this mammoth establish ment,, will bo found the only full grown specimen of the genus rhinoceros that has over been cap tured alive. This monstrous animal, we are in formed, weighs over 8,000 lbs., 2,000 lbs. more than the' weight given by Goodrich, the natural ist, of a full grown rhinocero's... This animal will certainly create a sensation in our midst, as be is something that all should see. The,rhinoceros is supposed by many learned persons to be the ani mal mentioned in the .book of Job by inspired writers, to show the might of the Almighty Pow er. It certainly is a mighty and monstrous beast, The other features of ft le menagerie aro adver tised as perfect specimens of the various species, and spread in variety from the weighty elephant down to the merry and misthievous ape. The circus is rid to be a gopd one, introducing the great man serpent; Prince lalmi. The street procession is said to bo a glittering page ant, showing the golden Car of Aurora, the mam moth rhinoceros palace, the long lino of animal dens, etc ; the drivers and horses rat in holidity array, forming a grand farce pageant, well worth walking ten miles to see. :/lidli!RlA GE S. SIIO !IT SMITII—In Osceola, on the 16th insinat, by N. Strait, Ebq., Mr. Caleb C. Short, of Chatham, to Miss Susan Smith, of Woodhull, N. Y. _DEATHS. CATLIN—At theysijeneo of Dr. W. W. Webb; in this village, on the 24th instant, Mr. John %V. Catlin, aged 74 years. SEED POTATOES.—EarIy Rose for sale at :31,50 per bushti at TRUMAN BROS. April 2G, IS7l.—lf. PLANTS. A GENERAL assortment of Greenhouse „M. and Bedding Plante now ready. Cuphea, Coli ns, Geraniums, Roses, Petumias, Carnations, 10. • Vegetable plants in their' seasoi. Call for a price list. • M. B. PRINCE. April 26. 1871. Administrator's Notice. ir ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having j . .j been granted on the estate of Lilbttrn Al lou deceased, late of 'Malmo i township, all persons indebted to said estate nd those having claims againet the saute will se tle with 21212.1. LUDT, Admit Riohniond, April 25, 18714 • 1 44044 Aditigili tt, 426 ttoitt Eigh . th St., t fit ~_„, JJ I 0 0 I -4 ) . 1 . ) VEGETABLE A color .staciAressing that will not burn the hair . or injure 10 head. Its does not - prod4ee - :1 - :Oolg;: as Atm .poisenous ' , preparations do. It gradually rostols the tab to its orisood eitior 2 *Act lustre , kyAripplyb,ig new life and z' - - It causes a, luxuriant 'growth: - of soft, 'fine hair. • The ,best, and safest article ever offered. Clean anOure. .Noseditnetit. Sold 'everyivhere. ASK FOR DOBBIN S'. N o r. 26, 1 - - :NOTLOES: HERIMC LETURE COVASE. AT SMITH & now En's lAALL, , WELLSBOROVOZI, PA. , . ' The following ] eoturrre`have been engaged for this course: EON. Wbf. - PARSONS, of London, England. Friday evening Mar 12. Subject:—"Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the Statesman, Poet, ,Ora tor and Dramatist. • ' - - • , DENTTSTRY.— C. ; Dartt,..diinUst once in Wright & Bailey's Block, where he con.' tinnis to make teeth with the new improvement which gives better satisfaition than any thing , , 'else in nee. To be had at Darn's 6i:dye . —Aug. 24 1870.—tf. " 4 = • ' ' Hurt MAID SOCIETY. —Notice is here by given that the annual meeting of the Her nial) Society for the election of a, Board of Man agers for the ensuing year, ae..provided by char ter, will be hold at the Hormel') ball, on thefirst Monday of May next, at SP. M. By the Presi dent. 3 . H, BOSAIID, Sooty. April 26, 1871. 4dialiGtE VOLUME would tot contain the ' man of testimony 'with% has ar.onmulated in facor ofDr tars Balsam of Wad Merry its a safe, efficient and - ra ttails remedy in - Caring coughs, colds and pulmonary • disease, Many of the cures are truly itonderinl. , - °0 0 • 0 Lt. A 1 3 g• a Al E. tai oc " - e P'V c D : Pzt .to 011 $ll I:1 PD 104 tD Cd p.. • to 1 : 3 CS Pl+ KV CO , ,S a . , 0. 0 CD /at 0 cr. cp . 4 1• SZLI O 0 et. IT 0 fa, 0 I 0 c.a. r-1 d C D 0 0 In -0 07' amP• •0. It - • so 0 • u),. I . i . j O is O 0 o so or pc- E 3,. idg t-t-1-•• cr• so cg • . ck i • OR ?!..) 0 0- 8- n p C.P. Ca 0 CD Cie CD , B ra.. 2 CO • ti ~ CA • CD m 0 In . 51 f 3 O V.? 11+ GO trt4 14 1 4.1 Fj tij 0 4 ; • !L : .. 2 1 4r friP - 4 8 to I=3 • .., c, W .0 ~...... NI 1.-.;,A c-r. ••• e ti P E f t 0 m ~....i. coo Cr I:3 - , -t Q 5 CD s o 0 w ;o1 g nal °' g CI . 177 col c. co CI , 5 if I , P - I cr csi 41 1 ll> •-• tz 1 c° fa. -.., w c . - 21 •I , F 1 ' 1 • - t" 4 en 142 CO .4 U 2 0 O dji 0 ..a. • P I THE annual meeting of the •stOokholders• ofd the Tioga Improvement Company for oleo-, tion of President. Directors, Secretary and Tree- ' .surer, to serve the ensuing year, will be bold at; the office of the company, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of May, at We've o'eloolt. GEORGE lI:COLKET..Seey, April 4, 1871 bw Gen'l Insurance Agency KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO, PA Life, Fire, and Accidental. Assets over $24,000,000. iIF ABMS OF COMP. 8. be. CO. of North America, P . $3,050,535 00 Franklin Firelns. Co. of Pk! a, Pa, 3,087,452 35 North British it Alumnale,l a. Co. of London and Edinburg, .... .. . 10,000,000 North Amer. Fire Ins. CO. of N. Y. 600,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. ' 1,000,000 Farmers Mat. Fire Ins. Co.,York,Pn. 909,88316 Minix Mut. Life Ine. Co. oflliart ford, Conns t 1 081 070 50, - Penn'a Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottsville. 600,000 00 Total Insurance promptly effected by mail ot other wise, on all kinds of Property. All losies promptly adjusted and paid. Live stook- Thor. ad against death, fire or theft. All communications promptly- attended to Office on Main Street, 2d door above Church et., Knoxville, Pa. B. SMITH, April 2b, 1871-ti. Agent. House dr. Lot for Sale. -r WILL sell toy house and lot at a reasonable price, if applied to :MA. The lot ip large, bowie of convenient size ,and well arranged, in good repair, and altogether idesireble property. Apply to - the owner on the premise', foot of Crofton street. . 2571. - • G. Q s MISSY. EMM Ei 2 $24,229,80 84 FE= • - • - • W.'?"4-•-•=••••:‘,.."0 , ••• ' • ':•••X •-• A ' • 4 1 coBNING, n:= • • 1-' 1 ',T7t ;' • C ; : /I ' l . • .1 41: : al: ' 4: : WE WOULD Witzentiee to, the people of aborG.4l2dA baltri:4llllSAVe are receiving and lament* stook of , 'l s • - j, • _ (-1 • - • ;,•4 ~~~il f ~ f v•lri 1..1 • ~ i~ ii; S.? :.. t a ~~;~'.[~.: s, _... t.•./ • ‘; . .-.^ ,i;..:- (Fi 'if. ; : i ,16 i i 4a ME SPRING DRY =I j ' °,•;; i Y Seasonable Goods, at \ tynprec s,. 1, .: EMI • , , I There has just boon a 'great deollne In Domestic Cotton Goo less than at any - tingkiinee,lBl3p,,, We ilp not biller) levee , papers, but we mear!"At t life 414; .iyhete.,:we claim to Sell CiVoo town are sure to mike money by coming here to,buy goon. VP; P sirable Dress _ - DeLaines ' Penal Mohairs, Plaids, French a' nese Silks and Robes, Fancy Colored and B priees . iery much /op, tkan bet maim We eh ! - WANT eo Yankee Notions ; Boots GROCERIES,. CROCXER and many articles our space doer not permit u l e to speak of,.bug If lop. will call we will show you the LARGEST STOOK in town, and'at plootOtiet igeoanilabe Watt' anywhere. Corning, N. Y. April 19, 1870. _ • NEWELL & OWEN. No PEOPLES' ' S • y . • - Our Btock4s'nov#ery. large tatA cpmgeteilitid Beat Prints 10 cents per yard. 1000 yde Delaines, from 127} to he largest stook of C►..RPET in Southern New York, Including HEMS from 25 to 40 ots.; If best Tapestry Brussels $1,25; English Body Brussels $2,00 to $2,25 Rugs. Oil Cloth, Plain and Cheok Canton Matting, , We would call especial attention to our stook Cloths and Cassimeres, • which will bo made to order by SChinok or Soott, at very low prices. We invite a careful examination of our Stook and prices, and e pledge oursolves that we will not be unclereold, and whoa we say that we mean what we say. Come and sec vs and we will do you good. • Corning, April. 12, 1870. • 17.11 W ,ct . . A B. SEINE'S , Fancy Store & Hoop SkikFactory 1, : CORNING' N. Y. ` . , . . 1 In consequence of 11'44 arrangements in our business, and previous to the enlargement of ous Spring stock, %se commenced . - i • . ) - SELLING OFF' 1 , FilliDAY MARCH - 341, IS7I. . i 1 ' v.; I REGARDLESS-OF COST PRICES, 1 ' All our stock of .Millinery Goods, Hats, Feathers and Flowers. All our _Ribbons, Velvets, Satins and Laces. All our Dress trimmings, Ogm,ps I!ringes and Button All our Zephyrs, Yarns, Ottomans and Slippers. ' 1 All onr Needlework, Marseille; trimmings and Embroi All . our Lace Collars and Handkerhiefs. - , rAll'our .Fan4o - eipelry, parg, ? ,4049, Woiibdies an Also our Hosfeq i 'Viare'r 'garnigiti ior L'aiiies; and .. ~ i — • Your special attention is invited to our Ladie s ' KID GLOVES in all colors, er y brand, French and Domestic ones, and 1100 P STURTS,, ... i Lnisisting of tbitt34 Itnitember. thin this Le a *halm not often presented.' Corning, Unfelt 22,113T1,.. .; MMMIMM=MISS,2II EONS MINE ME ISE " , =ME 41 . i --:; i t .' , -; c P . : '' ' f.'‘ ' ": s : ::',. 't' ' : • ; MIMI Sp - ring_ AT THE 4 CORNING, N. Y., ME MEI M=M=EMIIEIIM:i2IM MIZE! lEEE GOONS, come vel,di , „ ideqted Prices . S ME p and lhatare no! selling for 10934 liertftilkes In news. us shetip../Pdopl6 from out of l e have a spledaid lutsortmoitt*Of MEM (: •s"' oods, id Irish Poplins, Japa ach Dress Silks, aiittll lide of 4i 19X, nd Shoes, EMI oods ORE, .? .. ' ode very cbeap. 5 ate. per yard. We have ngrabis from 50 to $1,25; also a fall line of Coir Matting, &c. Weries. kotions . ents: and Gents' CORSETS, ofev ck of our own snake ye' different styles all our st AIiNOLD B. ItEIRLP. T : l):k t wo_yt%,.w ,ERE , - ,_ - .,a C.% . 6 ..'":.; ' ;.,` 7' !.""g '-:;•.: j r - ;, -s e.,:' :.' , I r y i ~,, , itiiirflAMOUtitroutur ig s Vil Itild. 'noir% receiving direoOkouk N York, aNU arkci, g#lPStißW 4 lo4otileenti.er; 1:,...' -, : . ~, elf gm lllei 1 ,1 Spriing , o oda, • = .4 , , !, -• ; - ' ' 1 0:1 DRi P 'oool* " Notions Boots Shoes, 11A.T0 ) OAPS, CROICIICPY.* CLOTHS AND CLOTHI GI • / Laces,' Embro l ideri and White ' ', Goods eic • . , > are unusually full, hioh I propose to sell at the very lowest price for cash. I have tried lorrearid - shOrt time credit, and‘find it does not pay •iluo or my , customers. Hereafter, POSI TIVELY NO' BOOK ACCOUNT' WILL BE KEPT, so do not ask for credit: 1111 ME I=MI I am always glad to show Goods and not of. fended if you do not buy. So do not be afraid to Come and look. All goods marked in plain figures. One man's money is as good as annth era. So only one price. Please remember, you pay only for what you buy—no bad debts to pay for. April 19, 1811. I 0. S. KELLEY. =MN El - Buggieo, Sulkies, SLEIGHS AND 808 SLEDS. We are prepared to do anything in our line on short notice and in the best manner. Satis faction gnarranteed. W. W. WEBB, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, °ivies—Opening out of Hastings it CoWs Drug Store.--mar. 1, 1871. • Farm for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale his farm, ated is the town of Delmar, some eight toiles'from Wellsboro: Said farm contains 76 acres, some 30 'of which is improved; good frame barn 30a42, and a good log house, and_ some fruit trees thereon. Said farm is unsur passed for fertility of soil Fu this section. For particUlars Inquire of the aubsesiber at the office of G. W. Morriok, Esq., Weather., Pa. April 19, 1871—tf. • . REDFIELD. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted - on the estate of JohnA.l. Bernauer, deceased, late of Gana, township, all persons indebted to said estate and those having claims against the same Will'eettle with t • BULBAR A. BERNAUER, Gaines. April 12, 1871• ewe. - - Exec'.l. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted on the estate of Sam'l Kemp, deceased, late of Jackson township, ail persons indebted to said estate and thoso having claims against the same will settle with GEORGE W HUD SON, Jackson, April 12,1871 Owl , ' Adner. WHEREAS letters testamentary on the es tate of Benjamin Goodwin, lato of Mid• diebury, deceased, have been granted to the sub. scribe*, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, an those having claims or demands against th estate of the said decedent, will make known he stme without delay to JEREMIA WHITNEY. it 19, 11371-6 w. Executor. TO TILT WORKING CLASS.—Wo nro now prepared to Tarnish dB 'classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either, sex easily earn from 60c.t0.55 per evening, and a pro. portional sum by devoting their whole time to. tho business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as mem. That ail who see this notice May seed thelt address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, wo will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People's Literary Cbropattion—one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. Reader, if ypu want permanent, prollta iyle 'work, address E.O. ALLEN & CO-. /mom Me m. April 19,11371.-9 m. ,;: E $5 To $lO Per Day MBN. WOMEN, e bOYS and OIALS who engage in our new butanes make from st. to $lO per day In thulr own lo calities . Full partienlara and instructions - sent free 14 mall. Those in need of permanent, profitable work ' ebeuld address at-once. GEORGE STINSON CO., POrtlanol, Maine. . . April 19,1871.-Bm. EEO State Normal School. . ANNUAL ELE3TION. ' THE annual election of officers of - the State Normal Sotiool of the Eifth Distriot, will be held at the Normal School Building in Mane told. on the first Monday In ay next, between the hours of two and four o' oak. P. M. S. B. ELLIOTT, President. r ' ' l My stook of 'HOUGHTON, ORB & CO,, STONY FORK, 'PA. Manufacturers of Platform Spring, Truck and Lumber Wagons, CUTTERS, BOUGBTON, ORR & CO RASTINS-tt COLEB, Agte, Welleboro. St? , y_Eork. April 5,1871. Executrix's Notice. Administrator's. Notice. Executor's Notice. 0:12 0,000 Bushels. Stone Lime for sale by April 19, 1871.-m ; ; ; E. Is...SPERRY, • • easy. Mansfield, April 19,1871. ME • i 41111110111 Mir '' ,;4•••• (1!" • i , ~..- -;VerVirifi n i t • t 4 t‘z - f . • , '/ t• ', iv... ' I l ' i t: ' i THqs:sttt reittrtiedfrm / NeW Y o rk, and h' 2 nolo in stock the =pat copildete assort»: t of Mechanics _2' r. 9 and House Build; g Hardware ever - ?ought to the county. 2 1 e odds. being b ght direct from the mal : - I A . ladfirer• ' /can eel? 43$ from 20 to 25 p r , , :c titmice). nos.thandsalers who buy front sicOOd ' ' Afra4on • Iwo pm fortbi;ffoxt so ays: . B n°, o rtlOicite'i l2o o# o o ,boring machine, 1 .., It thil.s;for -, ~ • •'• , , • $8 50 g,nitkvlttnesilio. A. poi set, ; .. 4 ';45 /relioknisnet i B Irons, .- ; ' 740 Jecb rabbets, Akio 2 inches, : • ' 200 alit otavegterelttmere, per set,.(eocket) 3 7;4 Beit - oliclittlititivre'- , ii .-- -•• L " 666 Jennings's bits, 32} quarters, per set, 7 0 Bartbolomeir adjustable bit brace 1 0 Barber's . " silver plated, 2 5 Steel squares, 1 00 silver plated, St -75 to 3 2,5 Good Band saw, • 100 Beat files, 25 per cent discount. 0 1 Best drawing knife, . . .. 1 : . A No. 1 mahogany p lumb and level, tH..,,, 3 A oomplote asaortmnt of Disten's saws. hiThe above are but a small part of the 600, di - erent tools I keep; for mechanics ' use. Imi 1 %guarantee the prices and quality to satisfy the 1 1/10)Jecritical: • As for builders' hardware, I have on hanii .60',different kinds of locks, such as rim knob looks. mortice kn b looks, rim( dead locks, me - tree dead looks, ri and mortice catches, uprig 't and horizontal rl and dead looks, furnitur • and cottage locks. Night latches and lock , with combination_ work. Rabbeted looks and latehes for folding and eliding doors, all kinds' The celebrated tßrandford store doo; looks 600,000 changes, I Chest locks, all !kinds, inolUding Ya le's comi bination, the beat ' ,4 Till, drawer, cupboard and oronometer l ock —nonlickable. - . [ 1 dozen rim knob looks, knobs oompleto, s4 NI 1 dozen rim knob locks, with-knobs, bu tte and screWs complete for 12 doors, T'ho new Branch encased latch, the beat latch over oonatrdcted, per dozen, 2 001 Common house latches, per dozen, 801 I keep a complete assortment of the "National Batt," a perfect right and left butt. loose joint ed, worth more than all others put together.— Every door havinY this butt (in the buildings that I were burned in Tioga Februarl 9th) was saved. i " A dollar saved is a dollar made." Como'' and get the prices before you buy, and 1 will do ,[ you good., . , I Remember, all goods at from TEN to FIFTY PER CENT below manufacturers' prices. S. SCHEIFFELIN, SR., March , 22, 1871 tf VEGETABLE SICILIAN Sold by. all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine Price ono Dollar Per Bottle. R. P. HALL & CO., Proprietors. LABORATORY, NASEUA, N. tS7O-Iy.. iq r. CI ":V CO CO CO C, c ,-4 0 0 0 cfD cID 0 C 1 0 Lca ..ez co c. t r, Cit ico ci e. 6 CO I- - c.; .. t..." Ci •-,oi 0.) ••••• I-- ' O W 11.• = .r 3 CO , 1. - • IC 0) . .. p•• 1 0 1.0 CZ :CI .. ... Lc - cl c,„i' vc g 146 41) = • -,. bn ,i Et - a .1, 44 C. ) ....4 ~.._, ,2 a n z 5 0 , 1 0 , eoo 3, ...`, icNDcn = 4:4 .04 C 1 - .1 0 CO a a? 49 0:1ii; a 0 , = /1111 E School Directors of Delmar township • will meet at tho school house near the Del. mar cheese factory, on Saturday, the 22d of April, et 10 A. M., for the purpose if hiring teachers for the summer schools. Tea•hcrs arc requerted to bring their certificates. ty order of the Board. ROB'T CAMPBELL Sec'y. April 12, 1871 2wr • . • rfIOWANDA."—This higb-bred Stallion j_ was sired by Ah:wa-g Ohio ; grand sire, Hysdyk's "Hambletonian ; "darn, I Vertunbt• Black Hawk; grand dam, Messenger; tine white pastern bobind,-black points, dark bay,'ls bands and 3 inches high, 4 years old -In July. lie is ono of the most remarkable animals the country has produced. Ite is beautiful, kind, and blood like, acti:t perfect, possessing' groat strength. He is in cl se proximity to two of the most no table this nation : "Ilambletonian" and "Ethan Allen," a most fortunate cross. ' TERMS - tiooto insure, $2.5 at time of serviro, which will of be refunded in any event, and $75 when prov nin foal. Wo have fins stabling and pasture on reasonable terms. Best posSible care taken of Id res. All accidents and escapes at owners ris . Seadon, March 12th, to November lit, 1871. MIX & MONTANYE. March 22d, 1871.-3 m W. C... it RESS Application for - Cltarte OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha ; ; lowing applications for charters ! 3 1_ porotion hav been flied In my office, bo presented to the court of Common Tioga count , Monday May 2U, 1871: Applioatiu . of Gustavus A. Veil Foulkrod, RAC. Sebring, John Limb, o, der the name* the "Liberty Mutual Entrance Company." Applicatio6 of CI H. Verrill, J. C. al., under tho l .natue of the!' Presbyteria' and Congregation of Mansfield." , Applioaionlof Oliver Hamilton, J. risen Joh B. Everett, et. al., under of .4ho First Methodist Episcopal 0 Jackson Center, -Pa. April 19. 1871—Sw -. J. F. DONA IN DIVOROE.—To Sarah. Brill: hereby notified' that John M. Ila pile(' to the Court of Common Pleas county for a divorce from the bonds rriony, and that said Court has appoin air, the 29th day of May, 1871, for th of said applicant in _lthe;premiees ; occasion you may attentLif you think Apr 1112,1871 4w E. 4&. FISH, HALL'S HAIR RENEWER [ ls the only perfected. and Scientifically prepared. Preparation of its kind ever offered to the public, and has no Competitor in merit. By its use GRAY HAIR. is soon restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, which is so , much admired by ail; Persons 'whose hair is thin orfalling out will, by the use of our Renewer,soon-see its good effects, as, by its toizic and stimulating properties the hair glands will be incited and the hair grow !thick and'strongagain. Incases of Baldness it create a new growth unless the follicles are destroyed. It p is cooling, and allays all itching and , irritation of the scalp. W i foes uotstain the skin as do dyes, but makes , the scalp white and clean. As a' DRESSING it is the best and most economical preparation in the world, as its effects last so much longer. Send for our Treatise on the itiair, free to all, by mail. 1 , - 1- L 0 0 EL ==:lM - :11 I 4 PI 4 ,c 1 p:, c.) 2 03 §a2 Q Em •-• c; -- a :LI z..) c; _o 0) C.? 0 ., es 040 Es, tg 0 a? g , 0 0 6- 22 '4 l ct: "Z 0 124 C A P 4 S ci cs ~_. C 3 Go CO - 9 1 T., t, d v. a 0 o;) c z a", ••••-• cs $ 26 1 4., Ng 5 I Towanda GOOD TEENPLA4S MIITIJAII DENEJITZ LIRA INS. ISSOCIAT Chartered by Special, Act of the Leglelqure of 'Pentsylvanla, CILARTER PERPETU'L. FEMALES' ADMITTED ON EQOI4 TERUO: • ()moans : • rfon.E. B. °weft, President. L. A. Trzatn, Vice President. Azno • QOM Secretary. Ptatt—To secure a benefit of $2OOO at death, membership fee [payable in ad- vance,o 00 ad- Annual al due, (after first year,) $l2 10 Mortuary assessments, from $1 to $2 10, ac cording to age. , Persons Insured from 15 to 00 years of age. ' • Wanted, an active business man In every township, to work for the Good Templets Mutu al Benefit Association: E. T. BENTLEY, General Agent for Tloga Co. Tioga s .Yeb 8, 1871 tf FIRE INSURANCE. JNO: I. MITCHELL, Ag't, Issues PoMimi In Brat.claes Companiee at as • Lat:I•NNT Xtettesso 9 & 00{ Jan. 4, 1871.-Iy. DTSSOLVTION.—Tbe firm of B. B.Oarapbell .4 Co., of Nelson, is"this dey dissolved by mutual consent: 1. All _umlaute will be settled by E. B. Campbell. In B. CAMPBELL, HIRAM MERRITT. ' ap 12 SW Nelson, March 31, 1871, ' OTICE.—The business heretofore conduct: 1.11 ed by E t B, Campbell 4t Co, will be con.' tinued by me atthe old stand: . All persona in} debted to said firm are Pirtioulariy requested to make prompt payment. April 12, 1871 81? The Cheapest Place in the State For Photographs! .WOOD'S=GALLBRYI R CADS for 60 cents, Large pictures nd frames for $l. Old pictures copied, 6- iarged and finished in the finest style. Now style fr mes and everything kept in a gallery on and, o furnished to order. Li Ea LOWES Room Feb 1 is over Glard 11871 tf rp HOSE intending to purchase Musical ra il strutUonts will do well to call upon or ad dress the undersigned at Knoxville,. Pa. I will shit -tho celebrated Georgia and Brown for loss than you can buy ono of equal quality of s y one else. Call or write before purchasing e aewheru. I•also furnish the Estey- Organs, 'IOLINS, FLUTES, AcCORDEINS, GUI TARS, &c., &c.. I also keep' on band the ROWE IMPROVE Sevin rintenine „°' ich I 7will soil elleapor than any other first el, ss Mtichine. _Ma -Agents want d. B. F. DOWD, Feb. 1,1371-3 m. Knoxville, Pa. P. E. KNIFFEN,, ARDING'S EDIT I ONS OF FAMILY, PULPIT, Ss MG!! ' • 1, , 1 TOGR&PH BIBLES. liolesulo Dealers will find thejist to mbraee tb largest assortment of Bibles in the °Pantry. 'he p blisher has no hefsitation in p onounc in them more salable than any Bibles üblish el '111!,t various editions embrace all the vari- i ~u • sl3le-.. of binding and sizes of type, 'varying in price ern S. to $3O, for Fatally Bible, large qtl rto size , 11E LIFE OF CHRIST, 700 pages}, hand so sely bound in French and Turkey Morocco, - full gilt. Prtll E LIFE OF ',JOHN BUNYAN, (lilgrim's grese) about ?-700 pages, also handsomely i F boind, in rench and Turkey Morocco, fall gilt. _ LAM) TESTAMENTS, TESTAMENTS Oh note., Bible Dictionary and Webster'sgtlna br dged. An these publications will be sold ye y cheap, Address, • , .1 4 W CO • CV 0 LC7 C". " c 0 r 7 6 E '6l • : alb w • 2 rct Es .°) ct 14 a El 0 ge, p. 0 Feb. 15, 1071. I I F - A:31100D: ROW LbST,'ROW RESTOR ED. Just published by DR. LEWIS, 256 ptt es. Third Edition.' THE MEDICAL COM * s pa ANDSFUIDD TO IiBALTH, on the radical cure of SpermaZorrho3i, or Seminal Weak at, Involuntary Seminal 1,038e10, Impotency, lit ntal and Physical Incapacity, Impediments AO Nitirriage, etc., and the Venereal and Syphilitic splladics, with plain and clear directions for the evly cure of Secondary SyMptoms, Gonorrhoea, 01 , et., Strictures, and all diseases of the skin, su 4: as Scurvy, Scrofula', Ulcers, Boils, Blotches an Pimple: on the face and body. Consumption, EPilepsy, and Fits, indEdiiii jry solf-indulgenco ori sexual extravagan A. 'be celebrated author in this admirable Tran , ti- , clearly demonstrat s, from a forty years' , sit Nessful practice: tha the alarming CORSO quunee of sell abuse in y bo radically cured ;• 1 ,,, piing out a anode ofct re at once simple, eer-! tain, and effectual, by eans of which every' sufferer. no matter what tie condition may be, can be effects: ally cured, cheaply, privately, and radically - ;271 This IL,ok should bo'in the bands of av id y outb, and every 1114151 ill the laud. "'est under „.peal, in a plaib envelope. Price 50 arc abt A..1.1+5, Dit. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach St, New Ystlz. Atololi ii I 8 7 1.-sm, ' . 'LA STERN. PLASTER. It ILL he kept cookitnntly on hand at Tioga until the 15th of May next, a 50 per ton. J. 'AUSTIN. 51.irch f 5, 1871 2n-I ET,'PfitS (b ADMINISTRATION on the ~ sta to of Charles 11. Phelps, deceased, late Alanhfield, having been granted to the under. ..40,11, ait personi baring olaime against said e,iato and those - indebted to the Barna are nett 11A to call for settlement on C. 11. Seymour, at T oga, or Sarah A. Phelps, Man'sfield. SARA' A. PHELPS. C. 11 .SEYMOIJR, \ March 29, 1871 Admin'e. t the fel of ince:- and will Pleas 4.f 1 William . nt., un ,lome In- owe, et. Church cob Lar he name urch," of 11l AT, WESTFIELD, PA., KEEP ON ti AND AND MAKE TO ORDER 1 )1 VOGIES AV PLATFORM , „ . . Spring Wagons. odo not propose to sell cheaper than the oh apest, hat make as good as the BEST at re prices. . We also do palatine in the Li hest ant best style of the art. Any ono wa ting anything in our line will please CALL, 1 , A. BAKER it SON. Westfield, Mart& 22,-tf. !DSON i roth'y You are 1 has ap of Tioga ,f matri ed Mon hearlug On iyhieh roper. !miff. WELLSBORO, PA. as any RELIABLE COMPANY Hill grant Xneurance JNO. I. MITCHELL. E. B. CAMPBELL. PRICES AND THE DIE T WORK, or's grocery store. Wbllabor°, Pa. SI+C ! Piahos AGENT FOR P. E. ICNIFFEN, Agent for 'Dogs Co., Mainoburg, Pa Administrators' Notice. II ON