The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 26, 1871, Image 2

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    ght gitittor.
CIRCULATION'_ —:':%•:t.5.;:1,960;
P. C. VAN 0801314/Eilitor and Proprietor.
14; : 44 : 1101 ki
Wednesday, April 28, 1871.
The. surviving members of the old
Massachusetts Sixth Regiment recently
celebrated at Boston the anniversary
their march through Baltimore ten
years ago, by-a re-union,, public parade
and dinner.
Congress adjourned on i.he 20th inst.
The Kuklux and deficiency bills, as
agreed upon by the conference commit
tees, passed both Houses. They were
promptly - signed by the President; sup
are' therefore laws. The Senate w
conve,ne (At the IQth of May, 12y request
of the Preilident.
he Kuklux Congressmen are very
in 1
be ignant at the South Carolina mem
-2111okt,; not en much because he \is
Week, as because he excels all of than
in debate. To' be a negro is bad enough
in the Sonth ;' but to be able at the same
time, is absolutely unpardonable.:-Tri.
The President yesterday issued his
proclamation calling the Senate togeth
eritr extra session on the 10th of May.
It is thought the Joint:High Commis
sion will have concluded its labors by
that time, and the Senate is called to
gether specially to consider its action.
A friend-met us on the street today
and asked us, " When are you going to
let this Kuklux matter rest'and attend
to affairs of general interest?"
Answer : When these lawless scoun
drels lot Union men rest, and attend to
pursuitsl—not before. So long
as a Northern man cannot go South to
seek a home, without being brought
under a system of terrorism that would
disgrace the worst days of Norman feu
dalism ; so long as an organization ex
ists that is bitterly opposed to the first
elements of Ulna democracy it professes ;
so long as blatant, uowhipped traitors,
aro rampant, while loyal men are sup
pressed, mobbed, shot and hung—so
long we shall not ]et this matter rest.—
So long as the South cherishes a hope
of re•enslaving—by peonage iAr the ap
prentice system--t h e freed en, w e
shall klep this matter before our read
ers. .When the South -shall have dis
solved her lawless organizations ; when
a eitiAtn of the United States is as free
and safe in a Southern as in a Northern
State; when free schools South are up
held and supported, while the, teachers
are respected and.protected,—then we
will let the matter rest—and not before.
, And if civil and political equality is
not a matter of "general interest"• to
tin. people 'of this country, will o u r
friend please indicate something that
We kike common sense, in, a speech
or elsewhere. We like reason and me
deration;and, in common w i th all
thinking men, we like to know all the
whys and wherefores of any important
measure that affects the national wel
fare ; consequently we like the speech
of John Pool in the Senate of the Uni
ted States. -
We have learned something from that
speech ; and believing there is far more
in it than in anything we can write, we
will give such extracts from it as We
have room for. On Mr. Sherman's res
olution directing tie Committee on the
Judiciary to report a bill for the pur
poso of authorizing the President and.
courts to execute the laws and protect
life and property, Senator Pool, of N.
Carolina, said
Mr. President, the gnestson before the Senate
now is caw that involves the peace of the coun
try as well at its material prosperity. It is ono
as to which every person who Brea in the South
and who has an interest in the Southern people,
must feel deeply-and keenly and must bo deeply
solloitious about. The condition of things there
was not brought about entirely by our own peo
ple, though they were the occasion , of it. Per
haps in ninny respects the condition llis a natural
ono; piirhaps in most respects it is oplo that might
have been foreseen; but whether it courd have
been in aSbance provided against, is altogether a
different question.
If the Government of the United States means
to have the fourteenth amendment, which embra
ces, as I understand it, the whole reconstruction
pdcy in substance, practically executed, tho time
has comp when the Government must say so, or
the Government must. remove the bone of con
tentwn and abandon that polioy, in order that
they way see what those people will then do.. f`
After referring to the testimony of
fered by the Investigating Committee,
and mentioning facts that he knew to
be correct as regards the existence and
lawlessness of the Kukiux Klan, Mr.
P; referitd to the charges in the minor
ity report, I. e., that negroes, in Ku
klux disguises, had committed 'Outra
ges, etc. Concerning these charges ho
Quid :
But, sir, there is another difficulty and another
trouble upon us in our local interests and in our
local safety, that must grow out of these disgui
sed, masked bands of marauders. That too has
occurred in one instance, and it has been seized
upon by every Kuklux, and every friend of the
Kuklux, and over partisan whose seal and
blindness has led him into palliation of their
etilnPS, for the purpose of throwing dust, cover
ing up and confusing tho truth as it is. I have
reteronce to what I may denominate bogus Ku
klux. That is to say, men who do not belong to
the roguhir order, and are not connected with it
in any respect, seeing that other men can put on
their disguises and whip and murder whomsoever
they pleazo and no punishment follow, may sup
pose that they, too, may pot on disguiser, and
,with itlipunity wreak their privato vengeance, or
stoat, or rob. Is anything more natural ?
' Why, sir, no matter who lives in a community
where these outrages aro perpetrated by the Klan,
what reetirity has hs ? Though he be in league
with the order himself, what security has be that
some villain, desiring his money or his life, may
not imitate the genuine Knklux, by going to his
house in the dead hours of the night in disguise,
supposing Unit the disguise carries with it impu
titv, tatid commit any crime? ' I have boon BUr• that more of this Ms it ot already occur
red, and I feel the most serious apprehension
that We shall soon see It multiplied a thousand
fold. In the county of Orange, one instance oc
curred which is proved before tho committee—it
Is the only one I know of' in the State—where a
band of colored men six in number, disguised
themselves by putting their shirts over their
heads, instead of the regular Kuklux disguise,
and, mimicking tho Kuklux - , went out and corn
witted depredations upon other colored men.
1V hat then occurred? That is the very tr% to
this whole subject. What occurred? The com
munity rose up. They had not done it when five
or six men had been hung in the county by gen
uine Knklux, and fifty og sixty scourged, and
whipped, and maimed. Then there had been no
rising up ; but when it was told around the neigh
borhund that six Kuklux had gone to a certain
locality and taken a colored' man out and whip
ped him- and taken sole of his property, of
course all the Kuklux knew that it was none of
their doings, that they hanot had such an or
der in their camp, that a mothing was wrong,
that somebody else was 'shimming to act in their
name, and the whole Klan rose up at once, and
thetNoor colored men found that not the dis
guiseut the organisation was 'the protection
agailis punishment. They aro now serving their
time n the penitentiary. There was no difficulty
in the world in convicting them. I
Regarding the political tenets of the
members of the Ruklux Mr. Pool re-
I do not believe Mutton will insist that any
others than Democrats belong to it, when they
save heard rho oath, which no man disputes,
produced in evidence before at least one court in
my State last summer, and bet9ro the oOmiuittee
bore. A MAII bas te pl►QAr`--
"The ou t L ..p 'ells ne
gr,oes in . t
• . , epu. ,can go intake that oath ?
"and that should any Radical or. negro ,impose
aaiist in punishing him In any
manner the camp may direct."
It Is not very likely that a Republican would
join an association and swear that ho would ;an
dertako to punish, any : , Repthlican
took to Impose upon a.monaber of-the ordat, iti
any manner the camp might direct, !Ann te;nauf ,
der. But, sir, they ate 'Very:44o4d tigalnit
getting in anybody bittinocrats. that
another article ' Ye'
" And that you - will-nefer assist in initiating,
or allow to bd initiated; if you, can prevent it,
any one belonging to the Rod String Order, tTn
ion League, Heroes of America, - Grand Arml . of
the Republic, or any one holding Radical views
or opinions.". ,
It eounded'atrange to me that a Senator should
rise and show feeling, when,it was said that this
organization was composed of Democrats alone.
It warsomething so novel to me that I was sur
prised. Sir, It is a Democratic organisation, in
the interests of the Democratic party. It has
mind In it; . I might almost say statesmanship in,
its organizaion. They swear:, that they never
'will reveal who initiated them, that they never
will tell any of the secret's, that they will never
let it be known that they are min:gibers them
selves, that they will carry out the o rders of the
camp, that they will obey Atte cora ands of their
leaders, that they, will 'Finial; by order of the
camp, anyone who imposes, upon a member.—
That shows that there it system in this organiza
tion, that it was notignollant men who originat
.Now, air, , l ask !in all "candor what is to be
done? I come now es peeially to North arolitia
affairs; with which I 'desire to,deal. It was per!.
featly plain:that - there had b'een no conviction in
this State courts; Bbd set ;at first I doubted the
existence of the order. I did not think it possi
ble that such an order could exist. Afterward,
from men of respectability and 'Character, upon
whom I relied, I found _that I could no • longer
doubt the existence of it; and when the details
of these horrid crimes came in, I asked, very
naturally, "Where are' your judges, Where are
your solicitors, where are your sheriffs ?" I was
answered, "Tho sheriffs in Ajamance end some
other counties aro in the order;
the judges can
do nothing; the Pities are in the way
,; i _ve can
make no convictions."
Speaking of Gov. Hold_ en's. impeachment,' ho
stated that the Governor was not charged with
corruption. They did not dare to charge that.
He was charged only with the use of the military
and his , manner of using it in putting down the
Ku Klux, the arrest of certain men, and the re
fusal to obey the writ'of habeas corpus. And who
were they who so voted to disfratichise the Gov
ernor of North Carolina ? Eight of them certainly,
if not thirteen, were mon uho hold their seats
avowedly and withoOt denial in direct violation
of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution
of the united States, which they have taken an
oath to support. No man will deny that eight
of those senators are under disability, and they
confess that they are. I know some myself who
were members of the Legislature before the war,
who were cloths of coutts before the war, men of
my acquaintance, and who were confederate
officers during the war, and who have never belin
relieved, and yet are now holding their seats in
the State senate, and it was by their votes that
tho Governor of State was deposed.
The most damaging part of the
so 'far as it affected the great democratic
party was where the speaker solemnly
charged that the gieat rebellion would
never have been e,Lered into, but for
the reiterated assurances of northern
democratic sympathy and ail. When
the war flagged at the south, and the
rebels were sorely pressed on all sides,
the most potent means that the south
ern leaders could use to keep the people
up to their bloody and ruinous work,
was the continued assurance of l the confederate
leaders that they had sympathy Irons the north
ern Democracy. I have files of their papers now
which I could show, but I will not take up the
time of the Senate t o do it, for no mein will deny
it. They teemed with promises that the groat
Northwest would rise up and, put down the
cursed Yankees in their °fro to overthrow the
South; that the Mississippi Ivor was the great
outlet to the Northwest, an that they would
never be willing to see that r vor in the bands of
an unfriendly power, and he co they were ready
to make favor with the c nfoderaoy. Names
were given—l do not know t at it would he im
proper to mention Mr. Vall ndigham and oth
ers—to encourage the ide that there was a
northern element that favore the rebellion, and
they turned upon southern }ion men and said,
"you hero are opposed to he independence of
tho confederacy nod your section, while these
northern men, as you see, 9 o rising to our sup.
port." That, too, was held up to the very last
hour. lam mentioning these things, Mr. Pres
ident, to thew you and to impress upon the Sen
ate what appliances were used through the war
and with what power they dperated.
After the war came reconstruition_
and the reconstruction acts.
But then came the first reconstruction not.
That did not produce the desired effect, it seems.
It was said in the Southern States—l have not
examined the record—that every Democrat in
Congress voted against it. We were told that
there was a great party being raised in tho
North ; that no :Tatter for the reconstruction
acts, there was to N!onorthern aid; the northern
Democrats were to coma to the rescue and save
us from tbo reconstruction policy.
On the 23d of ii arch 1867, the first supple
mentary reconstrudtion act was passed, Congress
still increasing In its stringency. It was passed
finally over tho veto of the President, with every
Democrat in both Houses, as I nap then assured
and believe now, voting against it.. That was
repeated encouragement to resistanke. I wish
Democratic Senators and Democrats everywhere
to see the wrong that they are doing to the
southern people, if they do not mean in the last
emergency to stand by them even if they should
again raise the flag of rebellion in order to resist
tho elevation of the nolored man to political ; and
civil equality as provided in the neonstriation
policy of Congress. • -
Again, sir, on the 19th of July, 18,67, there
was a second supplementary 'reconstruction act,
rd that, too, passed over the veto of the Presi
ent, and with every Democratic Senator and
member voting against it, as I was informed;
And if it is not so, I should like to be corrected.
The great body of Democratic party certainly
were held up to thd Southern people as being op.
nosed to it:
Again, on the 21st of January, 1868, a third
supplementary reconstruction act was passed.—
Every one could see the determination of Con
gress to put theis reconstruction policy upon the
Southern States. I looked upon it as madness
to undertake, to resist it. But, sir, the Democrats
i i
of the Southern States believed, from the act
of every Democratic member and Senator ot
lag against the measures, and from the assum ce
that the thin President of the United State as
on' their side and had the Northern Demodr cy
at his hack, that they could save the Southern .
country from them. That is the foundation of
all the hopes, of all the undertakings, of all the
combinations that have been raised or now exist
to prevent the practical operation of the four
teenth amendment and the reconstruction acts in
the Southern States. If there has been a murder
committed, if there has been a man or a woman
scourged, it can be traced to that very action and
to the encouragement that was given to resist by
force, if necessary, the operation of the recon
struction nat.,.
I understood the Senator from Delaware to
giro a slight
,iutimatinn of what was proposed by
his party. Ido not know , whether ho spoke by
authority of his party, but his declaration rang oa rs , and I road it afterward. no said,
" Why not leave thesn colored men freo to go hack
under tho ecallrel of tl_ir natural leaders, pho
have been kind to them?" I may not use bis
exact language, hut that is the substance of his
remark. Is that a plank in the Democratic plat.
form ? Is that what we are to understand as
being the object of rill this 7, Is that to . be the
issue in 1572? If it is, let us know it. " Left
free to go back !" What does "go back" moan?
It-may have to POMO ears a most unpleasant ring
of old slavery. "Go back under the control!"
What sort of control? They were "under the
control of their natural lenders" before the war.
I will not believe that the Senator moans that.—
But what sort of control does he mean ? I will
be liberal enough to believe that he means only
political control. The context would seem to
point to that as his meaning; but I do not like
the expression "go back." But be says "leave
thorn froo." That is the saving clause. Bat, sir,
"freo to go back." The Kuklux will shop with
what freedom they exercise the right "to go back
under the control of their natural leaders."
" Let them go back under the Control of their
natural loaders," and I imagine those "natural
leaders" will not quarrel with the fifteenth amend
ment. The land owners and old slave owners of
the South will .not quarrel with the fifteenth
amendment, if, in the place of casting one vote,
as they formerly did, they can march 'their hun—
dred colored men to the polls, to vote "under the
control of their natural leaders."
The question. that is now upon this nation, is
whether it will permit local violence to bo sub
stituted in the place of the Constitution and laws
of thii country'. And if the nation-4°es not
mean to proventit, if the nation does not mean
to have the amendinent enforced, in common hu
manity I want the nation to-say so. Do not de
ceive the colored men longer. Do not longer do-,
ceire those white men who have been standing
up to the laovetument, and standing up to the
rights of all American citizens, as declared in
the fourteenth amendment. But; air, if tho Go
vernment of the United States means to abandon
its policy, it ought to look well to the consequen
ces that must follow.. I shall not go into them.
I am not arguing that question ; but I warn Sen
ators that they may look well to the_ consequen
ces that aro to come.
If the Democrats do not mean to nullify the
"fourteenth amendment, if they do- not mean in
good faith to oppose the political and civil ele—
ivatlen of the colored race to equal rights with
the 'Whites, if they do not believe amyl haver the
power 19 (19 It, I w991(1 appeal to QOM latit to
- tt lib' outhern men to ruin and destruo
n,hy hol tang snob hopes,
During tho speed), the
_speaker was_
IteqiielitlY . lntertlibteeti -' M saxa; ti- -
yard, Blair, Vickers, and 9the,ya, who
asked many questions, au !>u
way pettifogged the Rukt4, -- ,eit it se,
'inile4,nftertheletelklon of - iegall law
y9r, IWhokloo . l4, hio f rollent has no
itenahle ems , to e9 butfpr, jpltating
San di'lnVie:4itiiiiffil a ' ifienytin s ilbut,
take notice, that , riot, one 'of, then de
nied a single chifigq,made by the aReA"
keri -Bad denial been possible, they
won dfhave denied everything, and iii-.
sist on proof. But the charges were
all ustained 'by - proof; and ille . Proof
was on the speaker's desk. i Under these
circumstances, little was to bo"'gained
by denial ;. even Mr. Blair knew that;
and the speech will Stand unanswered;
because. unanswerable. ''Let it be put
on file with the' kindred:alieeChes of
Sherman and Scott: , They will do for
reference in the future. 1
. .
The Kuklux bill is'still under collat.;
deration. After passing the Souse, it
was amended by the Senate in. a man 7
ner to - ,Make it far more severe.,. Quo
amendment prohibited. any man, from"
acting as a juror who, conld not—or
would , not—take. • the ironclad oath.—
This amendment the House,would .not
agree to, and the Senate 'receded. The
other objectionable amendment wa s
that of Mr. Sherman, making the coun
ties wherein Kuklux outrages occur re
sponsible for all consequent damages
and this the 'Senate insists on, while
the House is divided on it. A confer
ence committee is at, work remodeling
the bill, so as to make it acceptable to
both branches of Congress; but up to
this date, April 20th, nothing definite
has been decided on. However, the
bill is pretty certain to become a law in
some shape—vie do not care what,' so
that it be effective and effectively en
forced. If we must take our choice be
tween military interference and Ku.
Wax. rule, we prefer the military ; and
we can stand a suspension of the babe- -
as corpus more philosophically than the
suspension of Republicans and freed
men from trees.
LONDON, April 17,—The Times of to
day has a leading editorial upon the re
port as to the result of the labors of the
High Commission. It says :
"The case of the Alabama has always
created a feeling of Insecurity in Eng
land, and has demoralized American
politics. We hail the possible settle
ment, and think that the arbitrators
will acquit England of responsibility
for the deeds of the Alabama."
The Times adds that the Alabama
was partially fitted out at . N'the Azores,
and hence Portugal is liable to our ex
perience. The Times' is, 4vidently not
sanguine of an immediate settlement of
the question, for it warps the British
public thatilt is very uncertain whether
a treaty will be ratified by the American
The demonstration in Hyde Park, yes
terday, in favor of the Paris Insurgents
was a failure.
special correspondent in Parla r in a tele
gram dated yesterday evening, states
that there has been severe fighting since
day break at Neullly, Levallois, and
Asnieres. It is believed that the Paris
ians have been defeated. Many wound
ed are • The shells from Fort
burst bet*een the
and the Place de la
du Mt
-Arc di
Con )
Lox: 4--.9.,p).lBth.—The ‘Misembly
has passed a decree ordering municipal
elections in Paris on the 30th inst.
It is reported that a sharp engage
ment took place this morning near As
nieres, and that the Government troops
carried,the Chateau Beckon, command
ing the village.
Dispatches jnst received from Paris
states that cannonading and rifle firing
is going on at geuilly and the Porte des
Ternes, and the sound seems to be near
ing the city, Neuilly is still warmly
A rumor is afloat that the represen
tatives of the United States, England,
and Italy are jointly urging the Com
mune to agree to a truce.
LONDON,' April 19.—The Shipping
Gazette of to-day editorially expresses
the belief that counter claims for the
seizure of British vessels will be consi
dered by the High Commission at
Washington, along with the claims for
,property destroyed by the Alabama,
and quotes from the works of Montague
Bernard, now a member of the Joint
High Commission, and from President
Woolsey, of Yale College, and from
former treaties and commissions, for
PARIS, April 21,—Another revolution
is imminent. The Commune have ar
rested the Central Committee, accusing
the members of negotiating with Thiers
to betray Paris. The National Guards
threaten to arrest the Commune, unless
the Comm itee be released. Complete
anarchy reigns.
[Correspondence of the Agitator.]
Hnnntsnuno, April 18, 1371.
The conference committeea of the
two branches on the apportionment
bill, have finallyagreed, and the amend
ments will be reported at once for final
action ; and although" some members
claim that injustice has been done their
districts, yet for the WO of proceeding
to business, and for the good' of the
country, it were better that they over
look small grievances and submit with
an easy grace to the will of the .major
ity. The next question is for a final ad
journment of the Legislature; and we
are now looking to, about the 4th of
May as the .hoped for period. X-27.
Mrs. A. 3. Sofield has established her
businees in the store formerly °coupled as a post
office and bookstore. She asserts her readiness
and ability to furnish ladies 9f any age or con
dition. with an entire outfit — from chignon to
hose;—alwaysexcepting gaiters and shoestrings.
Advertisement neitz'week.!
AT44,OGY.—Much good residing mat
ter is crowded—out this week by the pressure on
our advertisingcolumns. Next week wo shall
issue an extra.
THIS well known Stock Horse will stand for
Mares during the season at the subscriber's
Stable in 117eIlaboro. His stock is so well known
there is no necessity of remarks. It is sufficient
to say, for roadsters they are not surpassed, or
for power of endurance. The raid horse is a
coal black. weigbs 1000 lbs., is sound, and kind
in harness, his foals provo the most- serviceable
army horse in this section for all purposes.
At the request of numerous patrons, I have de
termined to stand him where he can-be found at
all times by•those that wish for his services.
E. A. FISH, Proprietor.
Wellsboro, April 26, 1821.-3 m. '
WOE SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale
ono,three year old cow and calf, of extra
breed, large and very fine; one horse. colt, 11
months o,d, tho beet in the county; one mare
colt, one hog, weighing nearly 200 lbs., and ono
cook stove, with furniture, nearly new.
Wellibm, AM' 26, 1671 lt
liredneaday Mayi
tie) Afternoon only, Friday May 62 . ' •
• - SiiiietiDENl3' URGER'S
-: :; . EUROPEAN •:''ll EN AG E RIE
< < :The Graiidest Coricentration of Novelties
That has ever hgen presented to the American Public,
; ;; , Y
_Of thfelkft.n. moth Aggregation. Mr. Eugene Sheldeh
. , purger for the past 12 veers, proprietor of tho Euro.
peen Menagerie , and Circus, has confined his Travel-
Dag Toura exchisively 'to the Old World, where his
,•wit x reputation as a caterer tone amusement loving pot,-
. nlac stands im u
o. visit tgoille:to2l l =l . ;;MPTlO'
American Public that his Exhibitions ' ,
0 Firat".Class in all its Departments
s Sontalping as it does all the great features Of
A ilamilioth Menagerie & Faultless Circus;
FOremest among_ the many novelties of the Grand
XisologlealOo•lectlon s.. Only Fall Alrouva
r•-<1). lAvlnst
,••—• .
_ •
' That has ever been captured.. s This Leviathan who
Was captured in the Jungles of India by Mr. George
Scovell, the Agent of Mr. - Sheldenbtirger, and cost hy
the titno he /andedin'New York on March Ist of the
present year, Over $21,000 In Gold. The greav
est difficulty occurrett in getting a Den built strong
enough to hold the monster, and yet so arranged no
to be readily transported through the country. Tho
cage that contains him is a magnificent specimen of
mechanism, and watt built by Castor, Carriage and
Wagon Bui lder of Philadelphia. It requires to trans.
port this lingo Beast and Den
.. ~.........„,
Especial Note. -
, •i.
.t.. ....,.-
-...... / d i , li 4 :::;1. The Mcnageriel a entirely distinct from the cirens., f?„ : 4,-fi, ,- ! .,..L 7- f
' l . - I:rhitO, '
' .. • giving those parties who wish to Ivltness the Rhino. , • 1 ;i ,-.., - •`,,
cores and I%lennaerte, and not the Circus, ample time :- • 'i•'sv - ....1•••
...._ , t,,., to do no and retire before the Eqmstrlau Exercises ''; .'t..i
''' -rt 't_,_' • - ...`.! - r - -' -... begin. !11.- , , ~
- 7 ...
I THE EQUESTRIAN MELANGE I • -- •.--- - --------- - 4 --
--- Of the greatEuropeanComblnation willbe both
'N •
resentinc a Host of Novelties by a COT? PS OP , '
.RTISTS imecotaled In their several spi.daltlea,,
lth 01 whom bos been engaged on th c ip.: , . , , of ,tbility 'lt:.
• •.,
lone, regardless of c:N:pcn , ,e. "A
ISl.4o.saciL -t33.42) .
_......1 --
_ . .-• j
-rt.,N /
'lons of the EQuostriattostollation ! , r 4 " -.
—r. WM.AYMAR, Mr. JAMES WARD, ..,,,,.-4,•rj=.::...:
----" LITTLE MARY 13R(.)WN. . -. 4-''' . ..•,'....• - •....-1
' Tho mosT remarkable Equestrienne °tarty a•ge. Thie Th, .• ...• • • \,-.:Si
Little Lady, but Nine leers_ of Atte,_ surpasses any '.: ; •
~'': 4 NV Equestrienne in point of Grano and Daring now be• --- ..4ya
r.-•;,:' •, / 0 torethe public. by
le ,
; v„ .b: ...... ,
.'!.., ,10i.. "io 31ADAI+In mow N . t M'LLE JOSEPHINE. ~,,,
.. -, ~.• • ,:.„„.„•-
• ' •:,Ily .: iol l i. v BARRE L I BROTHERS, .' Mr. JAS. DE mollEsT. - oiklai
.‘, .. • ',.;•:;%!,.',. fi r . f • Imo s. LA CLERQ, Mr. MORRIS CONNER,
_, 4 .litr. RICHARD BALL, MONS. LA 3101.•.:E..„
..iiiic 4,,... ,. .' ),fr.EUOE.NE LA TORT, SIGNIOR PALLETIER
• And a Rost of Auxilliariesk.
i: ,iltri 4 : l7 7"•r6 '
- ---2.--_-_-.4,-- THE GRAND STREET PARADE
• -
Will take place daily at 10 41.31.,1icada1 by the Car
of Aurora, containing
The European Military Brass Band,
N 1,0• (A Mueleal Organization that standain thcfront rank
, V'
<•.: ID fintigicdi abilitv,) followed by the Elephant In hto
- . - -,. - s: - Royal TrapPluirs• the Cornelis,
lgilk, The 'Massive Rhinoceros Den i
- "mtaiz.x. -- • All the Performing Tiorees and Pordo4, and a lonF 'I 7' r • .-- • • .
------.4e al . lino of gorgeously decorated Animal Deno. Don t ,n ,,,, ..11.. 1,, , ,
fall to ace this Great Street Display, It will give you -.41!,,bi0 "Fmr. t
nn Men of the solidity of the Eutoblislneut. Take
• —;;.: ilk . ' •
Out word for it, 1t will pay. - : —*\
" ,4 `!:•' - ---.,„1, -,
4 ,0 Exhibitions Each Day , '' - ''':%'''.... -"--''
Doors open at 1 and') P .14. Circua perfortnance be
gins one hour. 1 uter. s .
ADMISSION. .. . ... . 50 CENTS
CIIILDREN under 0....23 CENTS
The Pahibitionswillho given under n Nlarnmoth Pa
-1•111en capable of accommodating 4.000 spectatol a.
Tho Pavilion will be brilliantly illuminated in the
k; venial; .
Alt added the services of the , lAN OF MYSTERY I
The man. Sterpecat
Prince Sadi Jaiznix
The most marvelous Perforiner of modern. timea,
.who eau be
seen at each Exhibition without extra charge.
and prepare to see the greatest of Anfinals,
The Living Full Grown Rhinoceros.
Aprll 28, 1871.-2 w
Next, in importance to this Great Marvell*, the
Elephant? " Pair of littetrian
Cornelia, A Gnu, or Horned Horse, A 'Royal
Bengal Ter.
Den of Performing Animals
..11-2 Is=io 33. ISt .a, aim 9C I 1 g x• se,
NchtelL ww. bet entered at each Exhibition by this Ur
. ; trepidl,lon King.
Asiatic and African Lions, African Lioness, Brazilian
Tigers, Senegal Leopards, Chetah Leopard, Water
13utfalo, Striped Hyena, Spotted Hyena, Black Bear,
Cinnamon Bear African Ostrich, South American
Puma, African Panther, Grey Wolf, Black Wolf, Oce
lot, Porcuplue; , l3potted 1/33 Deer, African Stein
Bock, South American Ibex, Peruvian Lams, Nyl
Ghau, Civit Cat, Opossum, South American sloth,
Sacred Cow; over m different species o fthe Monkey
Tribe; Birds of every clime, such as Golden and Si-
N pr Pheasants, Birds of Paradise, - Macaws, Parrots,
White Peacock, African Pelicans, South American
Cranes,Paroguettsi etc., etc., besides a host oflmaller
Ahltuals too numerous to particularize.
oentiemanly irsttors and Animal Eccpcts constantly
In attendance.
Loop your op° out t, and wait i or Out Colossal Euro
Dena Aggregation.
11717 - 11 - i. M. chibit cLt
MAY 4th,
; rt i k eeNt.f.
1871. c
, ••,„_,;••
,' •
. •
, ,
C 4 •
i... 4
Of Vogt% County jor to
Rehab. Ely & Co, 14 $7
Jacob 84111er, 11 16
H W Holden, 14 7
Puller & Horton, 14 7
J L Bolden, drugs 14 7
A R Hale 14 7
J P Taylor &
14 7
Drake & James 8 80
J Van Ordu, reotifier
Wm Sago, eating /I 8 6
James Kelley 14 7
B A. Murray,R H 8 6
8 R Caldwell , E II 8 6
Morris Tuck • 14 7
J A Morley, E H 8 6
Joseph Maxwell 14 7
B Smith , FA 7
James Trobey . 14 7
Jatob Redlick 14 7
Hayes & Hurley 14 7
Morris Run ()Co 6 00
M L Bacon, drugs 14 7
Bowen & Oo /4 7
EWMoore,EH 8 6
Robert Hagar, E H 8 6
Bergen & Cushing 14 7
13loss C, & R Oo 8 80
Rathbun & Vawn 14 7
J S Mitchell 14 7
W Rookeabergn, B'y 14 7
O W Phelps, billiard
2 tables 40
Thos Bambaty, B H 8 6
Lisa* Smith 14 7
11 W Thomas,B 11 8 6
James Patteson, E H 8 6
James Donelly 14 7
L B Moore 14 7
Patrick, Costello 14 7
Wm Simmons 14 7
Stanbury is Wood 14 7
E H Stebbins a Bro'r 14 7
D A Tooker 14 7
Rushmore & Beach 14 7
B B Goodell 14 7
John 8 hlowroy 14 7
El Guile 14 7
W 0 Stubbs 14 7
John Short 14 7
BtiMpsoll • Howell 14 7
Ocerrtno DonoTlCiii.
J 0 Bennett 13 10
Packard 14 7
E Eger 14 7
J Hartman , E EI 8 0
L Clark 14 7
V Smith 14 7
AI Barber 14 7
H Brown - 14 7
JnoWillienis,Brew'y 0
TE nummey
Ell Etalth
E Tipple
EI Marvin
0 k °aria
Purple & Dumau 14 7
J B Payne 14 7
J W /Listings 14 7
W li Horton d: Co 14 7
Parkhurst & Co 14 7
Dorranae & Dunbar 14 7
A J Millman 14 7
Daztor, billiards 20
*rattails Preston 14 ' 7
A 7 Fick 14 7
PALL Ditool.
Sall Brook Coal Oo 5 CO
Sono Look
D Et Marsh
S X Billings
301110 N.
PA Bryant 14 7
Retan & Miller 14 .7
Mlt /Wan , 14 7
Seth Corwin 14 7
D B Lane 14 7
TII Native •/4 7
01161, Roberts & Co 14 7
COMB & Crandall 14 7
)larlott 14 7
.7 Dearman 14 7
J Goodspeed 14 7
0 P Hopkini,2 11 8 6
L B Reynolds 14 7
T QUbert, dregs 14 7
J Stoddard" 14 7
A Dearman 14 7
Cone & Balkley 14 7
0 H Wood* Bon 18 10
T L Boovlll 14 7
OP Leonard 14 7
J R /dills 14 7
Merchant & Sweet
land 14 7
Wm Pollock 14 7
Phippen, Jr 14 7
D J Murdock, E H 8 6
It Thornton, B H 8 6
Mather & Radlker 11 16
Joseph Guile 14 7
8 Mittman 14 7
D R Werline 14 7'
W Childs 14 7'
David Messner 14 7,
Nadia d Moore 12 12/‘
G Shaffer ' 14
- 7
B P Wer/Ine • 14 7
Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at
the Commissioners" office in Wellsboro, on the 7th day
of June, 1871 between the hours of ten A, Land ten
P.M., at which time and place all persons aggrieved
by the foregoing appraleement will be beard , and such
abatements or exonerationt will be made as seem pro.
per and just. And all persons failing to appear at
said time and place, must expect to pay the amount
charged In the said appraisement. G. H. BAXTIIB,'
Welleboro, April 19,187/ 4w per. App'r.
FOR BALIL—A young bone, and a buggy
and balsam Enquiro at Plodder A Rant
titolPleff 132t90 latatay...aPt 20, 1871.
4 4 p .
4: I
4 0 •
Ps .
i. O , . , .
( 1 ,
rear 1871,.cis jakios
Sebring & Miller 12 /234
Luta & Brother 14 - V
B Selman 14 7
F Thomas 14 7
Fleury Wolhaf
Job Doane 14
Wm Blackwell 14
B Parkhurst 14 7
RIL Bond 14 7
Jkt Clark 14 7
O D Mein, drugs 14 7
Baron Dodge 14 7
Pitts Brothers 18 10
O W Snyder 14 7
Do billiards, 8 tables , 60
IR 0 Olney 14 7
1 J W Jaquhh 14 7
N Kingsley 14 7
0 V Elliott, drugs 14 7
Wesley Pitts 14 7
J W Wlilholm 14 7
Wm Aden it 18 10
R N EL ol d e it 14 7
EL Ripley ' 14 7
J D Webster 14 7
Brown dc Kohler 14 7
I Elliott 46 Hunt 14 7
Vll nollday. E H 8 6
D&AI a White 14 7
J P Purvis 14 7
LCI Bennett 14 7
A W Potter 14 7
9 Staples & Boa 14 7
td 0 Potter 14 7
RDI Keeney 14 7
Seely & Crandall 18 10
E B Campbell IS 10
Parks Brothers 14 7
Crandall Brotbars) 14 7
Clark Kimball 14 7
N Strap 14 7
Martin it Bosworth 14 7
Seely, Crandall •Co 14 7
It Hammond &Co 14 7
T J Jellltf 14 7
J Smyth l4 7
L L Flower 14 ►
Myron Mille 14 7
E R Backer --18 10
0 143tratt 13 10
H D Harkass
11 Mitchell 14 7
Bat Hader 14 7
A Large , Brewer 8 8
Wickham & Parr 11 16
G W Bweatland 14 7
ti 11 Borden, drawl 14 7
Philo Taller, drugs 14 7
.7 Ptah 18 10
H E Smith • Son 14 7
T L Baldwin '& Co 11 16
T troll 14 7
A Humphrey & Co 14 7
P 8 Tuttle 13 10
BaboitTelln • 14 7
14 7
14 7
14 7
14 7
14 7
88 & D Irwin 14 T
JB*B1) Murdock 14 7
11 Hunter ' 14 7
Scovill Pllllllo,dr'sl4 7
L Plank 14 7
Martin It Bosworth 14 7
Thomson 14 7
Sanders a Colegroce 19
W 0 Bristol/ 13 10
Bliss & Plank 14 7
16 7
14 7
/3 10
D M M'Naughton,d's 14 7
Osborn & Pottor 14 7
A 11 P Clots 14 7
T Patmater, billiard
2 table. 40
J lichwarreabab, B'r 8 4
0.• 4 .N;1a,f frvil
R It Skinner
Geo Hastings 18 10
Hastings* Oolo,dre4lB 10
E H Hastings 14 7
M Watkins ,14 7
Willcox £ Wheeler 14 7
Thos Harden 11 16
Wm Roberts 14 7
Id M Bears 14 7
E R Kimball 14 7
Bush & Randolph 14 7
0 II
0 0 blathers
1 11 151 1236
W 0 Ere's, drugs ' 18 10
A Foley 14 7
L A Gardner 14 T
H J Elliott, billiards
8 tables6o
Hugh Young &Co 14 7
Wm T Blathers 12 1214
J R Barker ' 13-10
J W Parcel/ 14 - 7
J J Bergen, EII 8 6
0 Bcheiffer, Brewer 8 6
R R Wil liams, drugs 1 14 7
4 T
0 ey
Converse & Osgood 12 12X
Rarlmese & Riley 14 - 7
Conyers 4081;004,R 14
7 7
I Truman Brothers 14
Wm Wilton 13 10
1 0 L Willcox 15 10
' TVan Ilorn ' 14 7
[ IA Welch, billiards,
8 tables 60
Trunian Brotih.ers.
1 1
. ,
- Terme .fiStialcetlyr 1 1 ' iamb. 2
April 5, 1870
J. A. Parsons 4
The subscriber invites all in need of Early Spring Goods '
to call and examine
We intend to keep a still larger assortment of DRY GOODS and Boots
than last season, and also some linerigrades than we have kept for several
These,goods are to mach cheaper than for sexeral years past, that we have f,
putting in a full line of prices, and think we can suit 'any one. We have the.
Gros-tiraia at $l, $1,25, $1.37, $1,60, $1,02, $1,75, $2, $2,25, $2.50, $2,75, $3.
These good. are also much lower In price, and we shall keep a good assort
medium priced Silks and Poplins, and a fair assortment of the bettor qualities.
We have a firet-olass assortment, in regular and extra 'sizes, white and coin
prices. German Quilts very cheap.
We have a very flee stook, from a
$ 4 , $6, $O, $7, $B, $lO, $l2 and $
NAPKINS, white and .colored
TOWELS, Iluckabuck, Dice t f. Da'
DRESS GOODS, in new styles for early spring trade.
PRINTS, GINGHAM ff. c., choicfs't patterns of the season.
KID GLOVES. A full stock of Black, White and Colored Gloves,
in our regular make (the Jos . ephene seamless) warranted equal
to any in the market.
. .
We:invite attention to our new at - ck of striped and plain Japanese Silks
striped and plain Prench a ks, Black Ta f feta • and Gros-Grain
Silks, Black Alpaca; lack Pure Mohairs in all IYos.,
1 Black and White 1 laids, Black and White t(
I , Stripes, .Fan Plaids,' Suit Goods I'
• as well as n entire new stock of 1
Domestics at the lowest ,
cash prices prices of
the season. - • . ,
March 15, 1871.
George Fratieis Train
; , I
The Cheapest' Place in Town to Buy yonr
to •
0 "4 -
E 3
e- •
. in to, I}.
t• t a k::
t 3
.0r400 4 1013S
131.4.A.C1K SILKS-
Marseilles Quilts,
Lace Curtains.
lowest prices upwards, as fine as needed.
6 per pair. These prices kept. in stook,
sold on order.
is at
~ I
E 0
ctl f.
t 3
Li I t
sr „I-
Zsi , 6
g g
INS, in all grades.
all'grades, very, cheap.-,'
orders, from $l, Ito $5,59 pr. doz.
ask, bordered, from 12s (o $9 pr. doz
L. li'. TRUMAN,
b Ij new stock
d Shoes
e rs past.
t warranted in
In Taffota and
'ent of low an'fi
d, at very low
$1.70, $2, $2,50,
,iid finer goods