THE TINA COUNTY AGITATOR N PUBLISHED MAT virrimEBDAII mouznito RI P. C. 'V r: iEnilS •, OF SURMA LOMELI' Ili AMIN!. .$2,013, u tdcription, (per year) RATES OE ADVERTISING. T jsr.sor Munoz( on MS, IL= 34treas. 1 In, I 3'415 . 1 , illns °Aloe I 1 $l,OOl $2.00 I $2,641 $5,001 $l,OO I sl2'oo MILS .1 Squares,— 2,00 8,00 4,00 1 ,ht , Lii - n-z - . - --. . c;? special Notices 16 canto per line; z Editorialbr , t‘i '2O rents per tine. . ! . Aniieut advection:lg Kure be paid for in advance, - 4i-Justice Blanks, Constable Blanks, Dee „Judi/. , t.t Notes, Marriage Certificates, &c.,on ban 1 -1 121,USIN-E.SS CARDS GEO. W. MERRICK, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR at LAW. Office in Smith and Bowen'a Block, scion hall from A gitatbr Office up stairs, [second floor.) Wellsboro Jan. 4, 1811-Iy. Jno. 1. Mitchell, . Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In , urance Agent. Office over Kress's D rug Store, Wellsboro, Pa. Jan.], 1871—y William A—Stone, - Attorney and Counselor at Lard, first door above Converse .t Osgood's store, on Main street. WeUsher°, January 1, 1871 y Seeley, Coates & Co. '..`; KERS, -Knoxville, Tioga, Cottnty, Pa.:— ite;eive money on deposit, discount notes, Indsoll drafts on New York City. Collect tons promptly made.—Jan 1, 1871-y gottGAN SEELEY-090 0013 . DtVID COATS, .11 , ;E: dRANDALL, } Knoxville, 0 Jno. W. Adams, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Mansfield, 'T ioga ,-,iinty, Pa. Collections promptly atttinded t Jan. I, 1871—y Wilson Sz . Niles Incys and Counselors at Law. Will attend promptly to business entrusted to their care in tic counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on :he Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y • F.ltin.9ol .B. NnEs. Jelin W. -Guernsey, A Etorcoy and Counselor at Law. All buSiness erdrosted to him will be promptly attenddd to. otEcb 2d door south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tioga, Tioga County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871. . Win. B. Smith, Pension, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Coin !nucleations scut to the above address will re. •sire prompt attention. Terms moderate, Knoxville, Pa.—Jan, 1, 1371. Seymour & Horton, ,Attorney; and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa. AU business entrusted ft their care Will receive prompt attention, C. 11. S. grArourt Jan I. IS7I y WV: 11. AIIMSTRONG A.rmstrong &, Linn, -I.I"I I ORNEYS - AT-L'AW, \V[LLIAMSPORT, PENN'A muE 1371-y W. D. Terbell & Co., '•Vtialesalo Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumerx, Paints, Oils, Se., kt c.—Cornitig, N.Y. Jan. 1 '7 1.. 1). Bacon, M. D., Ph ) .li,iali and Burgeon,lst door east of Laugher 13aehe---Main Street. Will attend promptly to uncoils. Welle_ o lro.—Jan. 1, 1871. A." M. lllglilinly M. H. ) _ ticteoeopathiet, nt his Residen a cn the A veolo.--Tan. 1, 1871. Creorge Wagner, Shop first door north of Roberts & Bail , y',4 Haidwore Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re- Airing done promptly and woll.—Jan. 1,1871, Smith's Hotel, 1,5g.t, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. How.° in god condition to aceomModate the traveling public in a superior manner.—Jan. 1, IS7I. Farmers' Hotel. B. MONROE, Proprietor. This house, formerly ..;ccupicd by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem pcmce principles. Every accommodation fur man and beast. Charges reasonable. JSnuary 1,1371 Union Hotel. vCm. B. Van Horn, ProVrietor, Wellsboro, Pa. Thi3 house 1, pleasantly located, an'd has all the conveniences for man and beast. Charges moderate,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy. New Toliacco Store ! THE sab , criber has fitted up the Store first door ea:4 Thomas Harden's dry goods store, a the totinufarture and sale of CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common `' If )11: ING ,TOB ACC o,Michiga' n Fine Cut CITE WING, and all kinds of TbBACCO, PIPES, and thechoi cest Brand of CIGARS. - Th Call and sec) for yonr'selves. JOHN W. PURSEL. \Volizburo, Jan. 1, 1871-1.1. HOWARD SANITARY - AID AS- SOCIATION, •r tl., R, iwt.ind Cure of the Erringand thifortunliitc, n Pc inciples of Christun Philanthropy. ON TILE ERRORS OP YOETII,and thel Fol •IV 4 6( .{re. In relation to 11111CRIAGIE and SOCIAL EYII IL ;Ith S Lit.try aid for the afflicted. sent free. in ecitled addre•oi, HOWARD ASSOCIATICN, , • ir Box P Philadelphia, 1 1 ). 1 TitIGA lIRUG STORE T • / 'BORDEN keeps ennkantly on /P hand • Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chetmenl9, Paints and Oils, Lamps, s.tationery, Yankee Notions &c. PrlgSCri.linlONC C ‘ilErri,LT COMPOUNDED. H H, BORDEN. Jan I, 1571.-ly WELLSBORO AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE. ' Tl([ undersigned , undersigned, proprsetor of 'merd" •". thii lino takes this methcd of in t,ranng tee pahlie that the above Stage runs i thy~nnd,ty•Lteepted,) between the two pla. 'e. .1$ I.'ll Jws • IVdi,b,ra at m lad rirriveg at oqfiel i ,it 10 30 a m I•.'acr, %in:field , at 2 30 . p!'m , and arrivee at =il•born at p Fare K 2 : ). It❑ I, IS7I--tf IV. B. V- AN HORN,/ New Music Store. NOW opened in Smith S: Bowen's block, and floor, a amain roam where till be kept ~LoLiiion, and for gala, • Steinway and other Pianos, C.l,met Organs, und a choice selection of Shoet /1 ' 1 •1c. New music received every month.— Piann and Organ, and in Singing will be given. Opportunity for practice afforded thoie'whc, tn.ty degile it 11. W. TODD. 15-3rn0.., - Adininistrator's _Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of J. li . Whiting,' do-ceased, hito of 'ultiran township, having been granted to the ° " , r B igned, all those indebted to or having claims against said estate, will call and settle %,th NATHAN S. WHITING, Z . : 3 llivati, March 29, 1871 Bw 4 Admin'r. N DIVORCE —To -- Margaret A. Hyde : Yon I aro hereby notified that Franklin A. Hyde ~4 3a 9plied to the Court of Common Pleas of ` l "ga county for a divorce from tho' bonds of tai trimony. and that said Court had appointed Monday, tho 29th dayof May, 1871 , for the Tarin g of said applicant in the premises; on th ithoccatilen you can attend if you think pro ler, April 1 , ,1871 4ir E t i A.F1E311,13h11. - 12,00 I 18,00 4.,00 I 60,00 I iool oal J. C. IiORTON SAMUEL Lirts, ...-----___ . ...._. .., .----__ . 1 CAI -- : 1_ , , MEI VOL.. XVIII. l' THE OLD "PENNSYLVANIA, HOUSE", LATELY briown : aittbicTiiiend Hous tit and, fora time 0 0.euDie& ItY, Boll e, EFi day,.ltitit 'men th'oronithlyrAtted, repair ed and' pened by DANIEL MONROE, who will be happy to accommodate the old friends o f the honse at very reasonable rates. Jan 1,1971 y DANIEL MONROE. Tioga Marble Works. /11HE undersigned is now prepared to exe 1, ontesll , orders for Tomb Stones and Mows moots Of -)- - - - - ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of tho latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. se" keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa. vor him with their orders, on as reasonableterms as can.he obtaineskiu.the country. • —•-• FRANS ADAMS. Tiogn,Jan.l,lB7l—tf. w Milli S ITII, on Mal . Street, bas just opened a very large assortment of TlNtou avazoo MILLINERY GOODS, Which she is Selling at COST, such aa HATS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, LACES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, H'DKERCIPFS, &C., &C., I am the v my agent in this place for ,GAS'' PATENT MUFF. Ladies that have not noticed those Muffs will be astonishes at - their cheapness, beauty and com fort. all of which will be sold much below former pri ces. All work done promptly, and to please. MRS. CAR9I,INE SMITH. Wellsboro, Nov. 7, 1870—tf. Noticei . ALE persons indebted to D. P. Roberts by , Book account or Notes - arerequested to call and settle and save Costs, at G. W. Merrick's office. Feb. 1,1871,41 ... E. 4:20,......-yr, JEwELI , R, MANSFIELD, PA. Tr EEPS U constantly on hand, ELGIN M `. IS. WALTHAM and SWISS WATCH ,: ES, Marine, Alarm A Calendar CLOCKS, SILVER SPO.OIVS, Plated Spoons ar --- ;e - Fetks; Table, Butter and Fruit Knives; Cups, Caslars_and Cako Baskets; Napkin Rings ; Cream Salt Sliga and Mustard Spoons; Fine Gold and Agate Rings, old Pens r a cy and ,11 and Pencils; Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Plated Buttons ; Watch Guards and Chains, Ac., A large stock of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices. N. B.—Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired. March 1, 1871. -- ~ A. B. EASTMAN, OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. • Office opposite Cone House, Wollsboro, Pa. All opeaations neatly, and carefully performed. Sat isfaction guaranteed at 'live and let live prices. FPI3 22, 1871 tf TN DIVORCE.—To Henry J. Mowery: You are hereby notified that Harriet E. Mowery, by her next friend, Moses Smith, has applied to the CCurt of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of_matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, the 29th day of A l it?, 1871, for the hearing of said ap plicant i he promises; on which occasion you can atten if you think proper. April 5, 187 L4w E. A. PIM, Sheriff. THE SINGER Manufacturing Company, AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, —Constituted by the homes of the people— Received the Great Award of tho HIGHEST SALES ! And have left all rivals far behind them, for they SOLD IN 1870 ONE HUNDRUD AND TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND, EIGHT ITUNDP.ED AND THIRTY THREE MACHINES! being more than forty tholze9nd in advance of. their - sales of the previous year, and °vet forty - four hou'sandpore than the sales of any lother Company forB7o, as shown by the following figures from t. WORN rettirns of the sales of Licenses. _, I The Singer Elanufaetnring•Company sold over the,Florencle Seising 4 --Ma ch i 7) e Co Sold over the Wilcox- & Gibbs Sew- ing Jfachine,Co., 98,943 do, Sold ondr the Weed Setcing.3fa- chine Co., Sold over the Grover & linker Sewing Machine Co., • 10,431 do . Sold over the/low Machine CO., 52,677 do. Sold over the Whce/or cf--- Wilson Nanofacturing Co., all of which id main') owing to the popularity of what is known as tho "NEW FAMILY SEWING- MeCtingE,'Lwhich is norr• fast finding its way into every well regulated household.—For Cir culars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding Cases of many varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform, as well as particulars about all articles used by their Ma chines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot ton, Oil, ke., kc , apply to any of their Author ized Agents, or to TRE SINGER . MANUFACTURING CO. . , 458 • Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1101 Chestnut St. March 22, 1871-U. IN DIVORCE.I—To Noah Allen : You aro hereby notified that. Adana Allep, , by her next frichd, .f. B Reynolds, has appiiod to the Court of Comtm,n Fleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, the 29th day of May, 1871, for the hearing of said , applicant in the promises; on which occasion you may attend if you think proper. April 12, 1571 E. A. FISH, Sheriff. Manhood : How' Lost, How Restored. La. j I T Just published , a new edition of Dr. 41 1 ! kr Cuiverwell s Celebrated Essay on the ...f.,- t 2- radical cure (without medicine) of Sper v matorrheea, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses, Impotency) Mental and Physical /ncapacityf Impedimenta to Marriage, etc., also Consumption, Epilepsy, and fits,lnduced by sell I ndulgence or sexual extravagance. • _ _ . Price, in a sealed envelope, only ° cents. - The celebrated author, In this. admirable essa7, clearly demo'nstrates from a thirty, years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous n6O of internal riledfefue or the application of the knife; pointing out a mod )Of cure at once simple, certain. and etfertual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what big condition'may be, may cure himself cheaply, Privately and radically. This lecture should be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land. Font under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of six °outs or two post etarisper Also. Or. Cul verwelPs "Marriage Guide," prlc6 - 26 cents, Address the Publishers, OH AB. J.C. KLINE & CO, 127 Broadway, Now York,Poet•Ol2ce_Box 41,680. April 6,1871-Iy. I ery D. P. ROBERTS 110,173 Machines 92,831 do 45,625 do ej( l - 1 RAILWAY TIM E T4BLEI3. $ -., ERIE. RAIMAY. ON and after hiOIDAYi . -Dee. 6, Zto, Trains will loaveoorning, at the following h nrs,vlz : Goma Wier 5,44 A. M., NIGHT' EXPRESS (Mondays excepted) for Buffalo, Dunkirk and the West. 6,06 A..l4„linitlT =ROBS doily, (B,lb A. M. for Rochester, Sundays excepted) fcr Buffalo, Dna- kirk, and the west. 6.00 A. M., WAY PRRIGUT for Rochester, SAW days excepted. 10,25 A.M., MAIL TRAIN ; Sundays excepted for Buffalo and Dunlsirk.: 12,05 P. M. ; WAY PBBROBT, Sundays °seep t ed,for Liornellsvillo. ' - 2,00 A.M., BALTIMORE REP., Sundays excepted, or Roohatiter and Biffalo,via Avon. 45,30 P. M., EIMIGRANID TRAIN, daily, for the West. 7,35 F. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, (7,45 P. hI., fox Rochester,) for Buffalo and the west. 12.13 A. M„ EXPRESS MAIL,' Sundays excepted, for Buffalo; Dunkirk. and the West. 12,13 A. M., NIGHT BXPRIF.SS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Neiv.York'with afternoon trains and steamers for the New England Cities. 4,45 A. M., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex. cepted, connecting at New Jereey with train° for Philade. Baltimore and:Waehington. 2,07 P. M., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, for Elmira, Sundays exCepted. 11,28 A. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting - .at Jersey City ;with midnight Ex - press trail:ller Philadelphia, . 12,15 P M., STISCIIIEILSNPA WAY, daily, 11,40 A. AL, WAY PEEIGHT,Snadays excepted. 4.30 P- id., DIVISION MAU, - Sundays excepted. 7.44 11. M.. LIGHTNING EYPRESS, daily, can . ing at Jersey City 'swirl' morning Express train for Baltimbtoaud Waehtngton. BAGOIAGE Cliptolilin-THROUGII. 0^- A revised and complete"PecketTircie Tnblo"of Phssenger Trains on the grie Railway and connecting Lines,has recently been published ,and can be procnr• ed onapplication ;to the Ticket Agent of the Clinnpany WM .It . ii ARlt, ! L. D. RUCKER , Gen'l Pass.AgenthGen'lStip't. : Illoosburg & Corning, &Tioga 8. 11 Tialna will run as follows - tinpl further notice GOING NORTH FROM TIOGA. No. 2, 2.85. N 0.4, 9,28. N 0.6, 5,34. No. 8, 8,22 No.lo, 11,85. No. 12, 12,12. No. 14, 5,50. No. 16. 13,20. No. 18, 11,12. GOING EOM' FROM TIOGA No.l, 0,28.1 % N0. 3,4,66,'N0. 6; 6,01. No. 7, 1,15 No. '4, 7,20. No:11, 10,18. N0.18 ; 1,42. • L.U.SItATTIICK,Supg. Northam Centrain.R. M!=l TRAINS FOR THR NORTH. TrainsforCanandagnialewre Elmira as follows : Accomodation at 712 p m Exprose[fastest train oil road] " *ll 8 65 am Mall 'lO OPm ' Accommodation 1 " 615 pm I I On and after Dec. +5, 1870, trains wilkarriv e and depart from Troy, as follows; 1 ,, LEAVE NORTHWARD.. 024 p. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira and Bnffalo,Via Etio Railway from Elmira; 10 14 a. m.--Dally(except Stindaya)for Elmira ,Bnffa lo,Canandalgua,Boolietter, Snap .Bridgeand the Canadas. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 966',A. m.—Dally(except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington,Pbiladelphia,&c. 7 07 P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. isIiiILFRED A. FISKE ED . B .YOUNG Betel Sup tilarrisburg , • Gon'lPass.Ag't Baltimore,Bld Arrival and Departure of Stiges. HE Stages running over the different routes from "T - 11 - tie depart anti . TO. • .e.`:‘' ~ follows tom tire e..•....~. w t, owes: . . 3 0/0 03 WittLepolto h Tiotie.—Depart & a 10, a. tn., arrive 1M and 7 o'clock p i • WELLEInoao & litexerzyn.—Depart Ba. m., arrive 6 p,m WELLSBOII.O k Counsmalowx.—Dep. Mon. & Thur. 2 p; in: , arrive Idenday,&niursday at 12. m,,, . . WEL CD DOR o & JET= IrSninia.—Dopart Mon.! Thur. OR m errivoTumdayes kti.s p.m WELLBDOTIO & STONT F22.2.--Dep. Tram & Friday at p. m., arr. Thee. & Friday:at 12 in, • 1 JEWELRY STORE! WELLSB6RO, PA. mr.404 . AND/21297 volmr, .fair • :•. , . who hes logs been esigh 0, ' ; sl i t !lobed ' in the Jeweirtbnii; ~,, A•q c o .. e, , ) ?cne3 5 . i n :Wellaboyo; ban egl aft \ . A r... 74 ways .on male, varlone W-- „ _.,. _...---_:-- kinds and prices of AMERICAN WATCOES, GOLD OR SILVER' CLOCKS, JEWEL RY, GOLD .CHAINS,•KEYS, RINGS, ;PINS, PENCILS, CASES, GOLD & STEEL PENS, 'THIMBLES, SPOONS, RAZORS, .PLA- , TED WARE, • SEWINC MACIINES, a., £c„ &a._ With most other articles usually kept in such establishment, which is sold low for C A S "H. Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on hurt ,NOTICE. A. FOLEY. January 1, 1871-y. ATTENTION FARMERS . ! PLASTER ANY quantity on hand atthe Elk Run Plaster Mill, 4 miles from Gaines. 'Price 15'00 per ton. VERMILYEA 3c BENAUER. Jan. 25tb, 1871.-3 m . TN DIVORCIS.--To Richard Bush: Ton are hereby notified that Ellon ,81. - ilusb, by her next friend, David P Roberts, has applied to the Court of Common Pleattof Tioita county for a divorce from the bonds' of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed.llionday, the 29th day of May, 1871, for the hooting of said appli cant in the premises; on which' occasion you may attend if you think proper. - , April 5, 1871 4w E. A. FISH, Sheriff. N DlVORCE.—Tollarriet 'Wilson : You are I hereby notified that George Wilson has ap ; plied to the Court ,Qf Comme.n Pleas .ofaiogii county for a 41'w:roe-from the bonds of matrimo ny, and that said Court has appointed Monday, the 29th day of Slay; 1871, .for the hoaring of said applicant In the premises on which occa slot you can attend if yon think proper. April 5,1871 4w E. A. FISH, Sheriff. Administrator's Notice. N OTICE is hereby giien that the Adminis trators bf the estate of Chao. B. Phelps, deceased, will soll, 14iblio van due, at the late residence of.decedent in the Borough of Maria= Said, on Thursday, dUrril 2Ti1871, 'the following personal property, belonging to said estate ' to wit : 1 cow, 1 heifer, 1 pig, about 28 cords of stove wood, about 28-yards of carpet, a quantity of Oil C10th;.2.. - 3 ,tables,-2.4airrom clock, several trunks, 2 bedsteads.- cookatove, pipe and furolture,_a lot ofmiseellateotui Books; ,wgittpg desk arid book case, and; several other demesne utensils too numerous-to mention. April 15, 1871-2 w. B. A. U. PUBLPOIIB, 0. 13=11R, Admialstrators. i' , ,;, 2 f'.,140,t,i}-,'l Vr4IISBORO, ,POET'S COINER. , We prim' me few will • agree with no in Pro nouncing this the best short poem 'that-Ansa Cary ever. wrote, thoughill•will agree that ft is' good, every. way. NO RING. BY ALICE Clearr,. What is it that both spoil the fair adorning Withiw,hioh her body ahe would dignify, When from her bed ahe rhea in the morning To comb, and pia% and tie Her hair with ribbons colored like the sky ? Wbat is it that her pleasure digoonsposes When she would sit and sing the - sin Uwa3y•-• Making her see dead roses in red roses, And. jn the dewfall gray A blight that seecrui the world to overlay . . . . What is it makes the tretabling look of trouble About her tender month and eyelids fair? Ah me ah me I she fools her heart beat double, Without the mother's prayer, And her wild fears are more than she can bear, ' To tho poor'sightless lark now powers are given, Not only with a golden tongue to sing, But still to make her wavering way toward heaven With lindiscerning wing; But what to her doth her sick sorrow bring ? Her daYajhe turns, and yet kebps overturning,. And her flesh; shrinks, as if she felt the rod ; For, !gainst.her will, she thinks hard things con cerning . The everlasting sod, An. ,n ato be inconsate, like the clod. , Sweet Heaven, The saintly charities Oil Sho was so poor in everything bit ho she loved much—loved much! Would, Lord, sho bad thy garment's hem to touch. Haply, it Wae the hungry-heart within her, The woman's heart, denied its natural right, That made her be the thing men calla slow, Even in her own despite. .• Lord, that her•jadgea might receive their sight ! —Atlantic Monthly 31 - iscELE,A.N.Eo us. [Correspondence of the Agitator.] Hnnassnuno, April 12, 1871. A. Trip via Pine Grove to Pottsville: Having occasion to visit some friends in Pottsville, I determined to take a new line of travel, as the old route by way of Reading had become too monot onous for my active imagination; there fore I selected the above route as the one most likely to meet the demands. Leaving 'Harrisburg at 3:90 P. M., we proceed up the Philtufelphia-and Er/e' road to Dauphin, and turn - thence to the right, through a gorge in the moon tains. We were whirled rapidly. thro'- their sinuosities and short curvinge, at the great 'risk of being - thrown from the track, or colliding with some pro jecting rocks that almost overhung the road bed. For a distance of twenty miles, the country is a mountainous, barren wilderness, houseless and home lest+, save some small stations erected 7 by the company, which bear the eupho nious names of " The Forge," " The Tank," " Roush Gap"—but I could not seplthe gap—" Cold Spring" and "Bear ,aap," until we emerge into an .open country, and are suddenly greeted with' .a !view of Pine Grove, situated at the junction of two streams in a glen of the mountains, presenting a thriving, business like appearance, with many fine residences, and large stone church es; with spires pointing heavenward. The afternoon was one of the most disagreeable that Could be imagined, the rain pouring down in torrents, spat tering against the windows and rat tling on the roof; and a person must baie been in a very happy frame of 'mind, to enjoy the surrounding scene ryor note many of the peculiarities of the region ; consequently I determined to return by the same route,, and, wea ther, perm itt to make dottings by the wayside. thriving at Pottsville, I became the guest of Hon. James Ryon, President Judge of that district, and a more entertaining, hospitable• family it would be hard to find this side of the chivalrous South. ,Refreshed by a night's rest and tlio good things provided at the table, I prepared myself for an earl departure, and with pencil and paper, a flask of Schuylkill's classic Water, reduced in the pioportion o one water to twelve "old rye," (as I prefer weak drinks,) • and with the goo -byes and Well-wish es of my friends, I stepped aboard the eight o'clock mo ning train for Harris burg. For the fl t thirty or forty miles there is nothing unusually attractive, not until we pass the limits of Pine Gtrove, and then, " Welcome, ye des erts and ye caves ; my native land good night." The weather was most delight ful—a• bright sun overhead, and the balmy breath of an April morning to exhilarate the spirits; everything in happy contrast with the day previous; I entered into the spirit of the occasion, with all the vim of a connoisseur.— Mountains on the right, and mountains on the left, the narrow gorge through, which our road lay, beside a meander ing - stream, was one vast surface of rocks, boulders in forra, piled one upon another, and 'Wedged together as if by some great convulsion of nature. Stun ted.trees, and some of larger growth, were thickly standing along the entire route, and thn great mystery to me was, Where , couldi they spring from, and 'what supported their growth? as not a particle of soil was perceivable to 'the naked eye, and the roots wormed and twisted around the rocks, and delved between • their crevices in search Of some small particle of mother- earth upon which to feed their Blunted and shriv •oiledi branches. The 'mountains rose abruptly upon either side, to the height of a thousand feet or more, their sides completely cov ered with boulders and stunted trees and laurel,—a fit place for serpents and vile creeping things to hold high car nival' in. Upon two of the highest peaks are huge masses of rocks, - piled high above the mountain's range,' and at a distance present an appearance that strongly reminds one of apclent castles and donjon keeps. With a very small stretch of the imagination, (and I had already prepared , mile with 'frequent libations from my flask of Schuylkill water,) I could picture the outlines of some_ old baronial castle, with tower. and, minaret, bastion and parapet, port califs, moat and drawbridge, with war der at the call, and walls with bristling 'culverins. I become enchanted with the scene-:-I renew my acquaintance with my flask— . l quote poetry,, again wet ,my lips, and become jubilant ; I .eee th . eold baron in his hall, his knights and squires around him, his armor hanging on the wall y and dew, in leash es baying for the call. I see the ancient , :* f • y i, , 4 -.;... 7. v t-:1 , : ., ‘_,-- - 7 ' 7 ' : = - •r 4 • 11 rain down upon her for such;— :- e- . , ""\. "N \ d ,l I r k • • , . _ . , t-A-4:-.4PR1L , 26, 187 L EIII REEN 1 1.;k:,•`- . I .4 l rPClikehelllll:ioo4eSt music to the hie*s - hold, and 'courtly m a. trop icktinking'in hertspestried boudoir, surranadot I by throng.— 34olirldng this enchanting scene would hainheld thuicentranced, lam un nble eitY.:_ Mj* mind was completely abOrbtd in this one , contemplation ; was oblivious to all around I reckoned not the flight of time, the shriek of the engine, or the cars rattling - along over their stony bed ; I no longer saw the stunted shrubbery or rugged boulders along the gorga,—but with eyes- intent upon the fast receding moniktikin peak, the land of fanny and Hof dream's, lonce more placed my magic/task to my lips, with one desperate effort to bring:My self:ha* to the realities of my Eiurroun when,;oh, horror of horrors ! the flask Was empty ! E 3 omi a traveling mountebank; taking advantage ofany entire absorption in nature's wonders, bad robbed me of my brightest jewel. I now replaced the empty, useless' cas ket, and with a look of withering con tempt upon the most adjacent passen gers, I sank into a land of dreams. T la ,4 BcALEVABBt i n uE. ' ), To your - readers who have never at tended a masked ball, X propose to give a Short chapter of my experience. The citizens of Harrisburg, not to be out done by Philadelphia, determined to give a ball that should outrival any like occasion of ancient or modern times. he selection of masks and apparel was ma otn all the cities around us, and represents elapses from the middle ages to the present time. I had no in tention of joining in the festivities of the occasion, but simply to be a looker on ; consequently about ten o'clock in the evening I wended forth, solitary and alone, to the place of rendezvous. A fee of •one dollar gave admission, to the hall, or the gallery of the hall, as spectators were not allowed to commin gle with the masked revelers( Fo r some time .I enjoyed the burlesque/the quaint features and wild antics of the performers with some- degree of satis faction; but after the first novelty of the scene has passed, a person wishes to come into closer juitaposition to the phantasmagoria, or, as "A. W a r d" says, becbme one of them ; and I being one of those that constitutionally re quire exercise, was not long in deter mining a line of action. Proceeding, to the dressing room, I inquired the rent o f a suit for the evening, and being sliewn several of different callings, learned that I could be completely met amorphosed for- the small pittance of five dollars. Being of a romantic turn of mind, I wished to appear before the audience as•" Don Quixotte," that fa mous knight of chivalry, in , search of his lost Dulcinea ; but in my haste and excitement I mistook the knight for the squire, and jumped into the habili ments of " Sancho Palma." Accou- 1 tred was, with all the lofty pride of the ancient knight, and determined to outriVal my_ worthy ancestor for the price; leas ushered into the hall and introdtteett-nk the name, style and title represented in my regalia. Then com menced the labors of the evening. I was to succor the oppressed, couch my lance in defense of the right, avenge fanciednr committed Injury to females, in fact to make their cause my own and fight therefor, upon my honor's pawn and spur of kingly knighthood. My first experience was the protecto rate of ancient "Queen Bess," who, judging from her squeaking, piping tones, must at least have passed her fif ty brief summers in " Afric's sunny clime." I don't speak positively, but in defending her from the assaults of a lawless banditti, I was getting the worst of the bargain, until my laggard squire opportunely, for once, came to the res cue. I had had enough of " Queen Bess," and, in a homely phrase, "shook her," and sought honors in other fields. A tall and queenly demoiselle, habited in the somber costume of a nuu, atten ded by a Francis Can monk, who was constantly counting her beads and say ing her " Ave Marian," seemed to me an object worthy of my chivalry, and I sought the opportunity of freeing her from the meshes of the Romish Church and restoring her again to her family and friends. With all the eloquence of an ardent admirer, I poured into her ears an impassionate tale of never-end ing love, a beautiful home in some se questered nook, gladdened and beauti fied by her presence, the singing of birds, the sweet odor of fragrant flow ers, the ripple of tiny fountains, the echo of heavenly music, and, to con- I elude the picture, the prattle of Juno cent children, that would in time glad , den our home and make merry the kive longl day. This was 'too much ; I had overdone the thing, and by her unmis takable exhibitions of anger, I was forced to beat a hasty retreat and seek safety amid the crowd that thronged the ball. My next encounter was with `in Italian Countess, one who seemed - to be more reserved and alone than the great majority in attendance; and hav ing learned by experience that discre • tion was the b etter part of valor, I pro ceeded to reconnoiter' the situation.— My advances Were well timed, and , met with reciprocatton. I could recall some Latin sentences, learned in my school days, which Were readily understood by heil and we soon became the Romeo and Juliet ofi the occasion. All was bliss; and in, my,gladness I cried "Eu reka.), We; anced together and waltz ed in true Italian style, (I am a grace ful dancer,) and all went merry as a marriage bell. When wearied with ex ercise, we promenaded on the piazza of the hall. She was intelligent, and I was literary. The moon was shining in all the splendor of a full grown orb, and the myriad of stars glimmered' in the arched firmament. I gave her a history of thoSe far off worlds of light; (I had learned, it in Peter Parley's ge ography,) and, the settled theory that thpy were p pled like • our earth ; of the Aurora Bo ealis, as an incandescent light, Caused. b a rush of electricity to the north pole and of the deep, dark blue of illimi , ble space, as a halo of i , rarefied atmosphere surrounding those millions of worlds. Wrapped in these ponderous reflections, she was a silent listener to my abstruse theories. Be lieving the ice to i 'behroken, I besought her to tell me her history, parentage, place of residence and future,prospects. the answered , rue in`;some' :vague ex pressions, not suitable, as ',thought; for the solemnity pf the occasion, and soon resumed her inexplicable reticence. I could not endure the suspense ; the Ru bicon had been crossed, the El Dorado 11 1111 . , •,-,•-:. , J;:„.; • I.; '..',.- ',:.,.. , . , , ve , - . '• c' •14 •;“ ' ~ _ . ...., , -.- ; I ,' • ;-1. ) ,':' •k - ' ( . • ..... . ~..... ~......• '.._ .... -..,_ MIN MS of poninlAal bliss. was _photographed befOre me, I had forgotten :Don Otte, and all the world, save tloikoVelyt being 6S,Side too; I wa l e pouring in hp_r willing ar a tale of - never-ending love, vows which, if ev e r brOken, should ,make mos, wandering vagabond in the earth ; and in my delirium of joy had seized her hand, which sent an electric thrill through Out my frame; the moon shone brighter; and every star seemed to'be of the' first magnitude; my, cup of - haPPinesti run over, earth bad no brighter Apot, heaven no . higher hope; thnpast, present and future were cen tered-1w the one word, pow ;—When, alas r shall I say it? the nectar-W.lin ined'ehpfwas dashed froth my lips. waS'eonfronted by a Mons r, who claimed' my lovely Dulcinea as his wife, or4cT,ed 4er. within, and turned - all hie pent up fury, upon my innocent head. His mask thrown off, 1 saw at once that the green eyed monster,, jealousy, had poSsesSion of him. I apologized atone tithe,-showed signs Of anger aanother, but all of no avail: He bad teen a ei., • lent Witnetis of the scene, and demand= ed iixinsiediate satisfaction,: Here Wila a dilernnia; an unexpected' denotiment, and only remedy was to' compro mise:. I cursed my ill luck;atid wiahed Don Quikotte and all masked' balls 'in France; and , to close the matter, pro posed _a .private conference. We. de scended;-and-after having removed my borrowed p are I, I demanded his terms. ,They were exorbitant and Ml reaonOle, tufd.watching my opportu nity I jumped through a window; lau ded in the middle of an onion bed, tum bled over a fence, and made direct for my hotel. I have - had enmigh Of mask ed balls ; I'm not at home there. Let thosOviiholike them - attend, but here after I giVOthem' a wide beith. "So eudeth the chapter."' X-27. [For .the rgitator.] THE SHIRT OF NESSUS, &C. At?. VanGelder :—.I will try to answer youk correspondent " L. A. D.," aitbo' I cannet - Vonclx for the - truth of all the stories we raid, of ancient gods, heroes and other mythological personages. Nessus was one of the ancient cen taurs, a race of giants, ,who inhabited mOstly , mount Pelion, Thesialy. Nes hOweVer,"was said tO 'save resided on the hanks of the river Evenus, and acted as - a kind of boatlessi ferryman, carrying paSsengerB across the river on his shoulders. This is about all that is known of Nessus, except that he was a very good natured giant, but unscru pulouSly fond of the women, and ex cept as Connected, with Hercules and the famous shirt. " t.. A. D."' doubtless ktuiws that Hercules was a' giant also; but giants are as apt to fall in love as small folks, and so he fell , in: love with Deiatara, the daughterof Bite - ohm, the jolly hod, and Althtea, the daughter of an jiEtolian king. I But aiDeianira was a very love ly young maiden, Hercules had a rival in the person'of Achelous, the god of a river of the same name, and, of course, in accordance with the custom of those, early days, they fought; Achelous was whipped, Hercules married the girl, the defeated rival changed himself into a mad bull, came at Hercules with his horns, and was again most unmerciful -IST whipped. The marriage, however, was most un• fortunate for Hercules; for having ac cidentally killed a young boy, named Eunomous, he went voluntarily into exile, in accerdatiee with the custom of the country. Barefoot and alone, they two, Hercules and his lovely wife, star ted fora foreign land. Canting, in their journey, to the river Evenus, Hercules, like a good husband, as he was, hired the centaur Nessus to take his wife up on his and carry_ her across, while he, with his bow and quiver and other traps, waded across also. Nessus having the longest legs got over first; and fiom the verdant shore toward which he was slowly wending, and while still in the Middle , of the stream, Hercules heard a hrill Scream, which he knew to be that of his wife. Drop ping his other traps,' he seized a poison ed arrow, drew his bow, and shot Nes sus through the body. Nessus, as some atonement for the attempted outrage, told Deianira that if she would save his blood as'it ran fro his body, it would ever after preserve the love of her hus band, which, of eo rse, beluga woman, she believed. After this tiercu es achieyed a great many victories, an among them took - CEchalia, killed Etirytus, the king, and his sons, and carried off his daughter role. After a while, Delanirti began to think there was a snake in the potato hole, or, td speak more classically, - she smelt a rat. About this time her hus band erected an altar to Jupiter, on the promontory of Hubcea, and sent home to his'wife for a clean white shirt to wear during sadrifice. Dolan ira t the shirt of Nessus, whiCh she had stripped off him - when he died, thinking this would preserve him' from the love of tole. Hercules put on the sh irt furnished him by his wife, went to work will? will at the sacrifice, sweat profusely, and 'when the shirt became warm upon him, the poison penetrated all his limbsi and caused him the most excruciating agony. ' He seized by the feet Lichas, who had brought Mtn the shirt, and threw him headlong into the sea. He wrenched off the garment, but it stuck to his flesh, and with it he tore away great pieces of his body. In this con dition he was carried home, and his wife, seeing what she had unwittingly done, went and hung herself with her apron strings. Poor Hercules! He was carried up to the top' of - mountCEta by - his own command, where a great' funeral pyre was built, hiixiself laid 'upon it, the pile set on, fire, and, amid peals of thunder and flashes of lightning, he was carried up, mid clouds of smoke, to "h i g h Olympus," where be was honored with imniortality, became reconciled to the goddess Juno, with whom he = had for therly quarrelled, Married her daughter Hebe, became the father-of a nice fam ily of children, bad sacrifices offered to him as a great hero, and was worshiped throughout all Greeeei as a god. That's all there is about it. Recol lect, I don't vouch for the truth of all this. MonAL.—Be careful to know that the shirt is your own before you put it on, - and don't always rely on the women for the selection of your small clCibei, I have known them to be mistaken, though not often., Yours, (to. ,J. E. 'p.. S. I'll tell - your ' corres pondent about Nemesis next week. RBI ... ; , • , .1 7 I, ,ElAtoi. of Agitator: --I was requested iby several of the inhabitants of Tloga .county to write to them concerning the Western cil'untry, and I don't know o 1 any easier way to do so than to trans mit aletter to them through your col umns. I will commence by giving a description of the country west °kin- Chiliad. We took passage for St. Louis from Cincinnati via of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad. We soon struck the southern portion of Indiana!, and I must,sa3r it looked everything but invi ting. Imagine to yourself a vast ex -panse of country; interspewith recky Wire - and wet, ma b y prairie , i rd lands, which fairly make a p piton shake with the fever and ague, ju t to look at it ;'and Yon will have soil) just con ception of that portion of I dianathro' which we'passed. In orderuto give you some Insight in the character of the people who inhabit this section, I would cite your attention to the fol lOWing conversation, which love r heard, in regard to a village, or rather a station, called Seymour, whiCh 'we were rapidly approaching. The parties who were discussing the question, were -two gentlemen,, one of them a citizen -of Seymour, and the, ther agentleman who was making some inquiries about the place, with a view of stopping there a few diva. The interrogator opened (Tut on him in this manner : " I understand You are a citizen of Seymour ?" " WoII, yes, I reckon I um." " Whdt kind of a place is Seymour ?" " Woll, stranger, it,ks a pietty rough town ; money is scarce; there was a man knocked down and robbed of five cents recently." - At this point in the conversation the interrogator seemed satisfied, for he re lapsed into a state of gloomy abstract edness, which even the cry of Seymour, as we brought up to the station, failed to arouse him from. We crossed the line of demarcation between Illinois and Indiana, some where In the vicinity of Vincennes.— From this point to St. Louis the coun try' was better for agricultural. and gra zing purposes than any we had discov ,ered after tf _leaving Cincinnati.. B ,t there is just Ode . evil lurking through ,thii section of the Western country, •and that's this: there is too much wet and marshy prairie land to 'insure a healthy atmosphere. At last we arrived at •St. Louis, the grand metropolis of th e southwest, where we stayed over night, and in the morning proceeded on our westward journey,• by the' Missouri and Pacific railroad. On our right lay'the bread •and' tranquil waters of the Missouri, winding its way along to join_ the ther of Waters, the Mississippi ; while, on Mir left loomed up high and rocky cliffs. Here we are in a tunnel ; eve rybody looks alike now for a, few. min utes. Out of that, and away we go again. This portion of Mistiouri is ill ther unprepossessing, and remains so until we arrive at Jefferson City. Af te4 leaving 'Jefferson City we passed over one hundred miles of as nice far ming country as I ever saw, and the soil is unsurp - assed l in fertility. If the readers of the Agitator can find any thing interesting inr my letter, why all right; and you may! ; expect to hear from me again soon. - 4 It. T. MARKS. Mr. Editor :—The birds were flying north ; so I followed them. But I was sorry to leave so early. I wanted to see your beautiful village when it had put on its "spring fashions." It• seems nestled down so cozily anyong the green hills, I imagine it must IA a 'very plea • sant place in the summer. When I left, the robins and bluebirds were filling your Streets with music a great deal richer and sweeter than any that the " Swiss Bell Ringers" could produce. (By the way, I stood out of doolls for an hour, waiting to hear their !bells when they came into town, but did,not hear them.) Ij On our way out in the stage, We pass ed along by the track of the new rail road that is soon to be. I could seem to see the old -iron horse, with his big, sharp-eye peering around among your hills. This says " progress." But one thing I want to knov, before I agree to stay long in Wellsboro: F an you raise grapes? I can't liye without grapes and the beautiful vine ;4ey are to me the emblem of all grace / a n d beauty. There were two things I wanted to take with me when I left Wellsboro : a pair of tame pigeons, that came down every day to the door of the post office, and Somebody's blessed " baby boy," But I suppose the latter " could , ut tee had," anyhow. I want to say to you privately; that I like your paper, andi have said so to others,`a good Many times. I ike the tone of it. But I don't like a patter that is too much like Mr. Beecher's dinnetr. Yon know he could'nt see 'whether Jt. was flesh, fish, or fowl ; dog, cat, horse, or mutton. [Gerrespondence of the Agitator.] ArOrpoi, (Eatgae,) Aprlll2, 1871. [CorrovoiAtinco of tho Agitator.] TRU3I+NSIIIIRG, (N. Y.,) April 18,1871 , The best thing in Wel labor°, after the Agitator, is the Graded School. I have for years visited the schools, both East and West, and I know how to appre ciate a good school. /have never seen any better schools than you- have i'n Wellsboro. The facia of the children are dear to roe; and they will not. soon be forgotten. • Greater than your rail; roads, or your coal mines, or your sil ver mines, if you had them, are the in terests of your children. In theth lies your greatness, or your downfall. God bless the Children.. NV; O. C. " Now, vntleinen," said a peripatet ic lecturer to a somewhat noisy crowd, who had gathered at one of his seances, " how would you like a good black guard story All In favpr will raise their, hands." Nine-tenthslof the hands present went up, and there was a hush of all noisy demonstration. The lectu rer went on with his original subject for a few ininutes i ,wheti some individ al broke out, "Wherels the story?"— " Bless you,"_was the reply, " I did not intend to tell any such story. I only wanted to know how many blackguards are present." You might have heard a pin drop any time durinQbe lecture after that. A lady who , had great horror • for to bacco, got Into a - railroad carriage the other day, and inquired ()ramie neigh bor ; "Do you chew tobaoco air ?" "No,! niadaxix, I don't," wan the reply, "but I cant get you a chew if you want one." - 1 -74 e . Agitatpr llookBi,lobiltinthig -•llposet . , .. To well soli')lied with Prostioki And Typo to exec; Onto all hi - n(11 - 0176h Work with neatmiss ana . ..diapatoh. - - 1 Large additions of all the MO styles ,of type have been added t 0 this dexartment. NO. 17• Location—Smith ikihnifeles3 Blookad Floor y First Experience in Solirralism. BB , 1 '4 1 4C TWAXN. I was - a Very smart child at the age of thi teen—an unusually smart child, tho ght at the time. It was the ir -- that did 'my first newspaper sorili ling and, most unexpectedly - to me, it stir ed up a fine sen§ation In thaUomB Muni y. It did, indeed, and I was - very proud of it, too. I w, hadhad n flan 11 in ad ance—M subscribers, and they paid cord-wood,_-Calkages, and - un mark ble turnips,) and on a lucky iuninaer's day he left town tube gone a week, and asked , me if I thought I dauld edit one issue of the paper 'Judi . iously. Ah, didn!t. I . want 'to try 1 t i. futon was the.editor of 'the rival pa er. He I l iad lately, been Jilted, and ode night a frlEind found an open note an the p or fellow's bed; in which he stated tat he-could no longer endure 1 fe and ad drowned : himself in Bear ii Creek. 1 The friend ran down there and diSOOvered Hinton wading baok to shore! He had conclu ded he wouldn't. The villitge was ful l of it for several days, bu Hinton did not suspect it. I tostit this was a fine Opportunity. I rote an 'elaborately wretched account or the whole matter, and then illuatra ttd it with vilainous cuts engraved, on t i le bottom of wooden type with ajack nife—one of them a picture of Hinton 14 , ading out into the creek in his .shirt, with a lantern, sounding' the depth of t e water with a walking-stick., I t iought it was desperately funny, and anydensely u . nconclope that there was moral obliquity about such a pub; qication: Being satisfied with this effort, -I-looked about for other worlds to conquer, and It struck me that it would make good interesting matters to c aarge the editor of'a neighboring coun■ ty paper with a piece of gratuitous ras cality and "see him squirm 1" I did it - pntting,the article into the form of a i p . e r n o d t t he outrageously-not Burial of‘ 1 A oore "— an d a pretty crude parody it as, too. Then I lampooned two prom- Y cit o iz n en i ll because t ey had done Inything to deserve it, but merely becausE I thought Awes My -duty to make the paper lively. Next I i gently touched up the newest stranger the lion of the day, the gorgeous..jour- De l ;Titian tailor from Quincy. He was a simpering coxcomb Of the- first water .. a ad the "loudest" dressed man in.P.he Start.' He was an in ve t era t e woman )• kpler. Every week he wrote lus h "poetry" for the "Journal" about h 9 newest conquest. His rhymes for my week were headed "MARY IN 121.—L," meaning Mary in Cannibal, of course. _But while setting up, the piece I was nidetily riven from head to heel by s 4 hat I regard as a perfect thunderbolt of humor, and ,I compressed it into a simony foot-note at the bottom, thus: " I re will let this thing, pail',' just this o ice ; but we wish Mr. J. Gordon 10rinels Ito understand distinctly that Ni , e have a character to sustain, and from this time forth, when he wants to ciminiune with his friends in h—l, he tr`lust select some other medium than file columns of this journal!" 4 The paper came out, 'and I never knew a )y little thing attract so.much atten tion as those playful, trifles of mine.— Ilor once thb Hannibal "Journal" was it i r demand—a novelty it had rot ex pbrienced before. - The whole town 44 as stirred. Hinton dropped in with a double-barreled' shot-gun early in the tirettoon. When he found that it was a i lazuli, (as be called me) that had dntie him the damage, he simply pulled tio ears and went away ; but he threw tq, his sit nation, that night and left town fOr .good. The tailor tame with his, goose and a pair of shears; but he des pised we, too, and departed for the', that night. The two itimpooned t citizens came with threats of libel, and Went away incensed at my insignia (lance. The.countrY editor pranced in )v it li a war-whoop next day, suffering Fur blood to drink • but he ended by "orgivillg me cordially and inviting me I(Twit to the drug store to wash away II animosity in a friendly bumper of 'Fah nestock's Vermifuge." It was his ittle joke. My uncle was very angry when he lot back—unreasonably so, I thought, -onsidering what an impetus 'I had riven the paper, and considering also that gratitude for his preservation O ught to have been uppermost in his Immind, inanmuch as by hie delay he had I , 0 N. ontlerfully escaped diasectim4 tom lallita king, libel, and getting his _head 'shot ott But he softened when he imilc.i at the accounts and sa*. that I had ;10'11111y booked the unparalleled iitiniber of thirty-three new subscribers, awl had the vegetables to shoW for it, cord wood, cabbages, beans, and ankle able turnips enough to run the family for two years! —Galaxy . " Discretion is the Better Part," Eto The editor of the San Franolsco News Letter is a sensible man. He is'nt go ing to'be shot for fooling around ano ther man's wife—not if he knows him self., Somebody having - been shot for that same offense, he publishes the fol lowing notice, editorially : All men's wives who have hith4to enjoyed the advantage of our acquain- 1 twice, are hereby notified tha this cea ses to day, never to be renew d. It is with deep grief that we-disrur the so cial relations which promised so much, but we feel impelled thereto by the first law of nature.,-, Our lady friends who are married to'other and inferior men, will please stick 'like leeches Ito their legal protectors, and' not recognize tis in the street. We have taken conside rable pleasure in their society—a plea sure which we flatter ourselves ha s i been mutual—but this thing can no longer be permitted to goon. We trust ;that our motive—which is pute cowar dice—will not be misconstrued. Some !body perishes every day for being upon' ;speaking terms with married :women, land we do not care to 'have ~Our turn !come round. ,Deeply grateful for thS, past,forbearance,of aggrieved husbandsi, tro we make our vi and retire. ereaf ter our nods and smiles will be lavished : upon girls- s and: widows exclusively;— no others need apply: Whosoever shall attempt to introduce us to his,OwU yife, or that_ of another man, willharegard ed as a,conspirator against our:precious life, and 'subject to abuse inthe columns of this journal., Nature is strong in us, and we do not wish to die. Whenever we feel a desire that way, weshall treat somebody's wife with common courtal ey, get shot, and go to otir.reward.", .V , j Ls a printers "devil," and a pro ve, and aspiring one. My unole e" on his. paper (the "Weekly bal jouroca,") two dollan3 a year ME