brAirS '' Tit - • \ B y 4 vq- i• Wri checked our pat.e—tho. red_ road sharply rounding; . We beard 9 1tfeAbleAsawd - , Of the dark oliNeifiltpfilcilitiotorlyudiA A thousarid - fiet below; . : • Above the tumult of the enuoupllftedi i • ,: The grey haw*.j , rolLP?. l 9l r 5 - Or cin the hillais t rinkotestfactisr art tea . r 7 s , \ Where ftirm!nAtlrrßtbitsh.elupgrr 1,1:1;1 Or where, half-way, the mountain. bide •wu fur _ rowed With many a searamsdaear, ,, . r Or some abandoned tunnel diddy" bur:Sited A mole hill seen ao faft';; : : ' • We looked iMsilonee down across the distant Unfatlioniablo reach, A silence brakes bq the 2,4de's j 4Wetont, And realiatic - akecti . : " 'Welker, ofCoin thiengfi k 'Peters _For telling him ha Lied, • , • ' Then'np A and dusted out of south Ifortatosi lbss the long Pivide. " "We ran him out o jik ug iirb • Eden, And 'cross the ford below, And up this mountain (Peters' brOther leadin'), And me aud Clark and jot, fqu't us game; how, somel ditremetaher Jest how the Wing konkroun4;‘;i_.: ' Some say 'twai traddrng, some a scattered ember From fires on the ground. "But in one minute all tbe i bill belo IYas just one sheet of flume ;, Guardin' the erest;;;Struiltiltiliiiii ala•I'l called •to him, And—weld, the dog was game. "Hit made no sign—the fires of hell were round The pit of hell below. We sat and waited, but we. never found him, And then we turned to' go. ' "And then—you see that rook i thut's grown E 80 bristly With chappae,til and ,Otn .-7 , ,; - • . , Suthin' crop out—it miglit h - ev . .beeda grizzly, ~ It ;night her been anits,— , . . ..... "SutbiA' that, bowled, wad_gaaebed its teeth and shouted c , • ' In arnoila , anti i dfleit'ati cT - flame— • "Suthin' that hprang iutp,tin3 depths about it, Grizily nr mart—Ant gatne ! "That's all. Nell, yes, it does look rather risky, And kinder mikes one citicer And dikry looking s down. A drop of . whisky Ain't a bed taing , right hero !" _ ' — , Rhicago Art Beriirto. • AG:RIGULTURE. BOYS AND P EARS. . I l''? The power of alroy fa,. to. me, some thing. featful..' Consider:what he can do. You buy aiia set out a choice pear tree; you enrich the earth for It; . you train and trirri It, and vanquish the borer, and watch Us slow, .growth. 'A length it rewards your care by prbdu eing two or threepears, which you cut up and divide In tie family, ,declaring the flavor of the bit YOU eat to" be siinie% thipt extraordinary. ,The next year, the 14fle tree blossoms foll i and sets well; -and in-the autumn hks on its slender, drooping limbs half a bushel of fruit, daily growing , more delicious -in , the sun. You show it to your friends, reading to t4ena the French !name, which you can never remernber,"on the label; and yop; take an' . honest pride in the Suecefisful fruit of long care.— That night onr pearssliall be,recofird of you by a boy ; Along 'Conies an irre sponsible urchin, who has not been growing much longer than the tree, with not twenty-five cents worth of clothing ou hiniond,,in five minutes takes off every per* and 'retirei - :Into safe obscurity. In five minutes, the remorseless boy has undone your work of years, and with the easy nonchal ancy, I doiibt not, of any agent of fate in whose path nothing , issapred ormife. And it is not of rim& 'Consequence. The boy goes on his way,—to Congress or to state prison ; in either place, he will be accused of stealing, perhaps wrongfully. 'Yort learn, in' time, that it is better to have had Pen and lost th4un, 'than not to have had pears at ail. You come to know that the least (and racest) part of the pleasur of raising fruit is the vulgar eating I. - Yon recall your delight,' 140 conVers g ;with tie i t il nurseryman, and - looking _4, his illus trated catalogues, where all the pears are drawn perfect in form, and of extra size, and at thatexnct moment between ripeness and•Clecay which it is so im possible to hit in practice. Fruit can not be raised on this , earth, to taste as you imagine those pears 'would taste. For years you have this pleasure, ,un alloyed by any disenchanting reality.., How you watch the , tender , twigs hi spring, and the freslily-forming bark, hovering about the ,healthy growing tree with your pruningdthife ?• many' a sunny morning! rrh# IS bf9apiness'.—„ Then, if yott knOvlt.; you ate Oink- lug the very Nine. of, ; and when the sweet juices ofthe darth"litootit the limbs, and flit don 010,0:alder stem, ripening and \ reddening the pendant fruit, you,feel•that'yOu somehow 'stand at the source of things, and have ,no unimportant share, in the processes of Nature. Enter, at this moment, 'boy the destroyer;"Wholfe office. is that of preserver as well; for though he re moves the fruit from your sight; it re mains in. your memory immortally ripe and desirable. The gardener needs all the consolations of high losophy.—My i.S'i47n s in4t in cl,Pcnifen• BREErgica.--The Agriculturist gives the following infprmatiou on this Subject : "A great deal has been writ-- ten, rather indefinitely, however, Tout the breeding of Antnk.:lSo far We, can learn, the .lAdta , nie; biieliy, that mink will do well and breed in confine ment, providing they have plenty of. water and enough to. eat. During the breeding season they are itept in pairs, and- in families after tie young are brought forth, until they are nearly grown. A. - 6a minks; Rip ,ahnost un tamable, but young oneareadilysubmit to handling; and arneasily l domestiea , ted. The tithe to se inn% young .minlca s in May and June, when they , begin o run with their dams; ' The' Streams must be quietly watched for Mink trails, and these tracked to the nest. -When they leave the hole the bid one may be shot, and the young ones secured, they may be dug out. Those - who own a breeding stock of minks A sk: high prices for them ; but trapperd )?3,lavent to us that it is an easy,ruattei, With a little patience, to get - the" wild young . ones. DURING the sear 1869, 1,900 patents upon agriculturarsubjects were issued from the. United States Patent Office. The more promijtent matterg'.-0w5376 closed as follows: Plows arid' t httiiiir: ments to plows 225; hartiesterS i and at tachments, 1951' planters,' X6O ;cultiva tors, 150 ; elitittliaBo;; . iahe73;llo keit. ing and sowing machines , 80; .harrows and pulveriztri, 80 ; tide .fives; 62 ; sep arators and ethut /machines, 50. _ . A loud and , unliterrupted cannonade Prom tbia timetutp fall;' !earth for tiho arttle treio tx•tei: '; : i:., ' , " - oRmoRE BIM . 0. , • .1 W#9,-1:r0-X-4 - ,, ti,, dt. ,4 " : , . .. ,-„.44-,,, g:, :,i,.._., :.,,:i?; av.i. •E•taflix.o.-1.: I. +. L . r '911.1. LOIMORE, T. T,ripRMORC, Li CAT . D{VBLL PROPItiEtOiiS OP ITIAMCOff4A,VOI4III,S. T 0 R31011 , E BROS, Coi,.‘Qould esol the at teotion•.of Tratidin tho' countlei thi Setithern Tier of Now YorleailiAtstorthorirouti oplvania, to thp • large ne4 folic aesqrSloppt i . . GROCFARIO'STTROVItiON t S •All vf ~st 4 constantly on band at taeir,oxtensive Warebotsse. and stores, No. 87-Atid Sa 'Cairoll , inn*, N. Y.; and offered 'for ,sala,-,0ntt4 )4 1- I x l PP! t b eo/I '° l4ll / 1 satisfaction In all *casos'guarantee i 4 ' Oui steaml!iiig :; Grt 'dt" ( for Mc 11,oasting bf Coffee an 4 tht n ng , 15i Coffee. *Ad 'Spices, ,aro of the mopt recent proved boustructibtf;•arid not 'eit'cell'od by aiy in the eatintry. • - t I 1 4 E Ag We hays a full stock of cholco Teas. We buy direct fo'C4. Importers in Now York for cash, and soil as cheap as any house in thetrade. • Sugars, Molasses .4c Syrups from tbeailis i tli'efineis, and sold' at latest and lowest New York quotations. FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, AND ALL RINDS OF NUTS, lie=l & flekled - • We buy from first hands In the : East, and can afford a bettor article at a lessor price than any firin in Western Now York: ; WOODEN; WARE, Coida - ge 'and Broome—A A full lino of gbods. LIQUORS. . • . We call the attention of tho Trade to our large stook of Wines and Liquors, which for purityand ... fineness aro unsurpassed.' IMPORTED ALES-Scotch, Irish and En glish, and of the best biands conetantly on hand. FOREIGN AND DOMESITC LIQUORS— We specially ,invito purchasers to call 'and ex. amino our stock of Foreign and Domenico Liquors before buying elsewhere. , , • MEDICINAL :WHISKEY— We put up forth° especial beat of the sick, a pure article of Old Bourbon W hiskey.for the Druggist Trade. Sole Agent!! in Elmira. of the Urbana Wine Co. In brief, we invite a close scrutiny of our goods and their prices, the whole assortment being too numerous to mention in detail. LORMORE qp„, N 6, 37 & 39 Carroll 3t,, Elmira, N. V, Sept. 21, 1870.-ly. The Sing-ex- SEWING MACHINE. FIGURES, FACTS AND FANCIES The Singer manufacturing company in 1889 sold 136 e 781 machines. These figures, and,those given bele', arc from sworn returns (to•thich any ono can haze aver) made - to receiver, appointed by 411° 4 owner f 7 Zyaluable Spring. machine 'Mena, wtto licen tripst of the qeppa: , ' ales of lesser lasportapoo. , Li 1880 the Singer/, Manufacturing Company Sold over the Leavitt S. M. Co., 86,010 machin T 4 Y , Sold over, the , Parham " 85,840 Sold orcr tho /Etna " 82,23$ " Sold over the Empire " 78,681 . 0 Sold olieritlie4loren&o " 79,120 " Sold over the. Weed " • 87,094 44 Soloover the 'Howe " 41,781 " Sold over the Wheeler dr. N e ilson 7,915 ".; Sold over the Ortiys42423alterktalsllB.,l - 4 r;" Bold over the Finkle A Lyon, 85,442 " l3old ovep the Willcox & Gibbs, 89,580 44 Sold Over the American B. 11., 78,989 " It is a fact, and the figures show it, that the sales of 1889 far exceed those'rof bur rivals in Ptrado. "It is also a fact, that wo sold last year over FORTY •THOUSAND there machines than we did two years'ago. It is also another fact, that those incleased sales are owing to the great and' graving , popularity, of our ; i9eVE Family Sewing Machine. It beitilltmliother sleet, 'that ninety of every hundred machines made and sold by ui are for FAMILY use. Bat the stran gest-faet of all is, that some dealers, knowing it would herald to attack the reputation of our manufacturing machinesiatill-Whe are free to ad mit all that can be said in their fever, thini hop ing to secure the buyer's Confidence, have the boldness to say that we have no family sewing machine, whereas our new machine for that pur pose is'Cdpable of a range and variety of exqui site sewing, Wbich'amdzes 'moan 'thole *lre 'are familiar with the best work of:other family ma= chines. : Now it is mere fancy to suppose, in the face of the above figures and facts, that such sayings as the one spoken of can have silly weight. In stead of giving ear to such fancies, molt before buying, (whatever may be claimea Paris Exhibitions—or Fairs, where we seldom exhibit machines,) examine and judge for them selves, and because in doing so they find our New , Famlly Sowing Machine as superior to oth er family sewing machines as our manufacturing maohinos are for their , purposes. . The • true world's Fair, held in every city, hamlet and home, has awarded us the premium of the high est sales. • • - These machines aro left On trial. , We ask no one a to ;buy, unless perfecpfs ihkeefiked th 4041 molibin)) ip all it is repreethited;_ • . E. - Gong Agen Afansfiialan 4, 1871 y Welisboro COR.• MAIN 5T..,, bbh • ' t iwELLsi3i $bL: BUNNE . •4• - • — 7 - 71 — 1 d ep t .. , • , • Thi I ' pdpular /Total S: T i!e y by B. B. Holiday. Tho Propriotor ill spare no pains to niaka,it a fi rat-class liaise'. iAll - ,the 'stages' ar rive and depart from this house. A good hostler in attendance. MET-Livery attached. Jan 1,1871-1 y FOr Stile or Rent , A GOOD dairy farm in Tiogs township, A oga county, Pa., about 2* miles west-OJAar Borough of Tioga,' about - 1 00 sores, improvedi and 46 unimproved'. Ifas on it three barn., three dwelling houseat.nn,appirdrWitotoh. erd, and other frbitt tear: 'TS ealy, A so nag' joining on the west, a from 40 to 200 acres , as desired,, witb.lBo.norpi, improved, with s go o d .barn;; good lam e apple orchard. tiodd,fo radairying.farin. q '- Jan 1, 187L-q'.' • R. silk/Quit, WalshOrg, • would pay, to thu. °Wawa; 4 , Wellabor() and vicinitythat - he 15 pro, - pared to supply them with - - . _ BREAD, PIES AND CAFES,. of the: best quelliy. 2We alio serve Aneals 'and and Fresh PYSTERS to those who wish. Call at the old Stevens' stead: J. J.SEROJN. NOY. 23, 1870-4. INM Wl=l ME i • HOGABOOM, fer Tioga county. Hotel, „,/rip , ,A7•ENUgv RO, PA. , PROPIR, ,x 6 w1~~%... - liisuiance .: 4n - ism HAN", s ANN Tar. YOSURANCE COMP' -4 ix a • Of9ce No. 112 0040i:it, gblifsq 't,' ; , `,. ' incOrporitted 10eb , i280.13E3! Napt'd Capital 11)50( Iti f iover Risifj- C 4 WI I• -L- ick an 4 Mutual, conablningcBat t 94 Suppose your are already in crass company ? and from any cal , (say afterAfefryeairly phYnient).. tntiot pay longer and die—youri And your monoy wasted. Not • Lid -IN-NAND," all ,Policies are •Psin. • <• hikibmpasy-which ranks •amoni Air and successful' Life Insurani Motantspolicies on all desirable A l lifitdd;without Protitsi.. - •••••... •-= (i,„; aveling Privelegeri unrtattiltd. il u: , CA pellet's are Ineentestible after pun ; yens, frfln_stnyofoe ordinary causes,. , - J tb your Life Insurance. Weesneltamlne tWowing Comparatlati-Tabld.wlt tit eDiAe alleged by Agents ca„q.trar., e zatr ,tb Corn theyrdegeSSillataf While :we unhesitatingly - assert our belief in the, ilikundwa and stability rd - te'tresent the following for the luspalinha' ese4pairing to Insure: - - Tice fidloWing companies ? Comparitgannuai charged nt* * nolit4) l litokaf the ago of - 30"yeare, payables/ with: r; is •'! t Annual premium Teaseannat for 111 e. naymente. a •avelers' 3 516,84 $83.21 1t1a,22,73 „ 42,80 m e , 23,30 Y tlE4uittable, 22,70 46,97 -$ r;Wwittinkton, • • t ,-,-2,2q70- t_llakid-iti-iland; 16;50' • ' not already insured take a pelloy with, the ' ' flintiest Mutual Company in tb" , United, States. 18 , 11.4 :.,,., • " " MEI El =TO .: .: OM Home Shuille.Seiling*hitie. 111111$,, Machine tbe i , ladies liivaritsi t pOsiesses all the advantageelet' other- rata chines, nn'd is furnished much less id Woe thin other treadle machines. Any entr,Aesiring a machine: will call on, or address EZRA POTTRR, Crooked Creek,' — eneral Agent for , lan. 4,4871-3 m. TN - PARTITION—In matter , of the estate of 1 Allen , Dowey; deceased. In lhe'Orphins' Court of Tioga county. No. 16, May 'Term, 1870. : • -'.T , The Q,Oinnionwealth of Pennsylvenlat,o,,, . ; w.Pewpy, George Dewey , Dolly Ann Pow ler,94bert Dewey, Louisa Sperry, Iginati - Dewey, Walter DeweyNrisiiii'lsMitlollo, ' Puller; Ruth Johnson ilia" Fenny lineht dMicendante of, APen Dewey, late of • Tiott4outity,'PO:, desetind, and tballnthst pencils inlefe4ed,'ol44g4 : , Tioga Cou n ty, 'lll3 tao heiety (Atm' Vi be and appear before the Judges of onr Orphans' Court, at an Orphans' Court' to 14 held at MAW )oro, in said county, on Mondak the 29th, day of May, 1871 , at two O'olook" . 314 'then and there to accept or refuse to take, the real estate of eaid Allen Dewey, deeeaod, situate in, Suitt; van township, , in said county, at the appraised . value put upon it by an Inquest, duly. ,awardtl_ by the said CpurT; and returned by the She= on the 28th day of November, 1870, To wll, at the valuation of one thousand nine hundred and twelve and 50-100 the dollars; or •chow .catntq . why the same shall not be 'ordered to be 'sold. Witness the lion. R. G. White, President Judge of our; said Court, at Welleboro, thislOth day of FuLriaturn 1871. ),; 'April 5, 1871 Ow D. I.:DEANE, iLols Jor bale. • • TOWN lA'S for sale In /logs bercragliiby SMITH a SON. • r. March 1,187 E .tf, Noicje. ;.' AA LL persons indebtod liezeileh' f it t oWeil • either Book !or note aceouut, ueite'd' to pay up at once, or ottimi *Me ;vilthc lisquire Brewster for immediate collection; ~„1,,1,10,ii• ENE April 12,1871-3 w. l'l AGENTS WA TED t'''' ' A RlCll,nElop I,! - A' , lo L1494041e1 t I •`. ' .l 'IA' NEW 14 ORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, WITH 09R; 1000 lI 4 LUS,TR4TIONS, 50,000 REFERENOES, A FAMILY iwtitvary &L r &MIMI: Allittilii. ~TRH.PI9TORIAL FAMlLYDlDLE'ciiintain's a staketfonee of information that can only reach the mind throngh the bye.- Its illustrations - nar.V ry one back tq the most-, important" era .!0U the' world, and are of themselves a comprehensive - review of the Scriptures, representing the most (interesting Views; Chltra'cters; Symbols, Histor ical Events, .; Landscape Scenes, Antiquities, Costumes, Beasts, Birds, Insects, Plaits, - %Ifni orals, Coins, Medals, Inscriptions and Inaba: refeyred to throughout the'Stiered . Text ;111 - #3,!. attritet the eye, ebrrect"'el l ionpolialinpraitdons l awaken new; thoughts, and ftt . vic clearer . , 'views of Divine Truth.- Al'i hbiti' o l 'Viltnitti, rni t Ministers, and Sabtiath4e,hooslTead aiil4ot. tilling the duties of their separate arid •liirth iir'ef', cations—and to' all others tniiihein tinniOrtel" souls are intrusted-:4.ithis!'spl,indid Plifterlit Volume cannot be ••otioreitininted, 'lt is 'dal Edition. 1,..,„ ) ~• ~ - , ~,•",, -.-4,5„,,...' Most Suitable fOr 'the Pinautig,, •,-: , Most Viduablefor the ;Student!: .. -”,: Most Instructive for the Teaebet, -.: ' 1 ' 'MostAtpropriate for the Childi•v 4 = . '"Most - trsefttl for the Mitisteti • - ;',"- Most Intistestineor the F:inrlnek,it ' • Most Elegantforthe:Parlor,:, --. ..- ,' Most Profitable for`theSttnly - ': 4 ,:. 1,..!.. 1 THE PICTORIAL .FAMILY ,BIBLE , + in addition to the features already alluded to. con.' tains the Apoctrypha, Concordance, pp a h no in. Metro, a summary of the Sabred Truths 'es' taught in the Inspired Booic h logethaz . vitt numerous and Talslets and other Historical ;gut Explanatory Metter, embe43dtlit. the labors of many, of the meet eminent •Bitili, cal scholars. Ais printed on theliapat. so g en ,,, ;bred paper, from cleat. and open. type s Lin,;,orie largo and handsome quarto volume,i , jandis bound in the Most durable and attractive man : miss, while the 'prices are sufficiently low to place it within everybody's reach. EXPERIENCED 'ApEztT.5:, are ,tranle4 throughout this country for RA sale, ; Thera liberal arranments will be'inade; Ate.oppor, 7 , tunity of equ al promise is Tartify,;or ntiver. pre aentod. Its gale will not ' be' 1113240 AO any period, but will continue fors llfetinte, batman, •try increasing matt the growth and hatelligence of the country. tia .41erefOis dealtelgeNtlip those who enimeNrlthialp. o ihall dolt . view to makiqg the business a Rer i ationt.oiie.„. „••• s MISTES TE„ACHERtk O,T_ FAR IN MERS, YO UN G MEN AND - WA - EN=PDHNTSI, those who would meet trEOL - AgtriAititit - 01)1W of all employilients 7 iarejtigtglpir wltli its with vie ... sat-"._ such are now aver .t ; annual profits; in ' • ; wantfor the book r .,ft ,• it will elevate the .Iritigii . giant contact , wit .. nik.attiersatione i* its) beautiful and-Stern" ittitbs. , =•-•. AO 1 TB ON,T =ENVPLA w irill be - fstrubdied the ork bindings. This plan is quiti - isopnlat a d profitable in cities end large towns: : Issrpmegi ign , of the book, shipliblybentid;wlth' massive parineltal aides, which has been ever,yarhard ',received with 'harked favor. Subscriptions for the Pictorial Bible; I n thfellt4lr and 1 1.*P caw, obtained toad almost VI ltge ex‘ne,ms re o . •., \t/ 4 i • eitlealeiliral, 11 tp.0k,r,0fftP 11 1370 , 4,4 11 #14 NAQ,OHIS, BUTS, LATOriES, TIPISGEB, AO.; Atm. Mt P - PAPER at' maniqat.aratapricat,t,, if , , A i:,; s3 - J , , f1,31*-1. l',l lit: i , ) t.41-,,sfix ti7io "11 , 0 7:3:1 , ` . .. tri:ilt. -4 11114 lb.' ,-...„,.....46 , ... it, .. rrgonizotwa-_, I ~„. ; „....„, f ,,, z ,, X9[l.1 1 4,13Erft,04.,,t enalliYaltgeglifritairreOfitbk4 Sint 441 Alava:Gong Moose. - ; -,,... , -1., •h 1 €' hit 1,1,#t Naisionos fan. 4, /8 1-Iy. 1 1 ~z ~. ~, J-1,,,L,.. , R. 0 ., 44144W4,74, flf.+ • An I , lk, 14-4 T1:11-, 7A, JUST REOETV e NEW . AND' ASHIONABB; '' 2101431, 1 X 1 PEMIEWLEfi s (ached oid etto4) . C 3. ME r IBM GOODS' Readt - .1.ade,:.:, - ..ClothiOg. i - ',l AND A FULL STOCK OF ' •k• - • • C:lllll6lii3iii rC-. itS •e -r eViets. TERMS---STRiCTLit } ''NO BOOKS 'KEPT: The patronage Qf the pnblio solicited. • i_ 1 - ,' 'fft WHuLEBA V I , _---- V ,_ ,AggUllitirt,,, • f) , , 0,1• t . :II.YS = . •+ F :A .1: ) ' 41;1 ;A - GLASS, ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND no I PAINTS, ADL KINDS AND COLONS :VABNISITESIAND NARlgge ,t - BIM and Bruslr t ftWifi CIE (15accegeop to D. P. RoßratiO'D ALEt IN . ‘ f': , - '''.• ,- • :'-‘• LI ..• -.,\ -,, 5•:, - .;...,..• --- ,` • • - , sn ~ , . ;,: i . ._ ~., ~ ~ ..‘ . ~,.)._..., A. '-: • •' ' ~_ • ' ',l' 01 . 1 71, 13 5. 0 1 . itkvit a - a argli - stable , 'of - ul Ear viare, the undersigned takes pleasure announce that be bas at a great outlay, ad. Id to the usual stock of the old stand on , WELLSBORO, complete issortsaeut of Shelf Hardware, ',which be enumerate the folloWlag articles (AILS, , SPIKES, CROWBARS, OUT; -s-MILL,-HAND AND BUOK AWS, 'BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS,BITT-: STOOKS,• HATCHETS; ", s 0 CHISELS; : .!. t. , i.". --,T ,; I , 1 .., ,r Y •-• : a • f 1 HOVEL;S, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH !CREWS, BARNDOOB RAISOTIKIEF, few ofthe maniArtielesoo :oting,the 4,10 f k paminVoirtsolveff. Our lell4tbe t orde db 5 omptty 0 o_ll, / it 111. lit,S WILLIAM ROBERTS. burnouse Dry GOODS, DRESS GOODS! I= ; ~~y ii t in Northern Pa. rim AND RETAIL INEIMII MCI BLE TRICK. l A,PagEtt.,Arikinx awoot,i• t .tripeinat 'Pencils 1 , 7:{ lEEE took of , • C. C. MATHERS. MEI !MEI tt. .;. r El Uc it t 2. . , • ..txiitsgsa9,4Joi 3 ~ a w.:. -:LaMiils' Hen Heim Ala 1/1:4 j 1li: 41; iC;', CitmpOund o . =rack rip aCatalts "Al. i g i t Corrip *neat rart&-IF ; • '!4irac oVAr ran Flu! .Flor l Liver G mp a3fs, aun 1f stow Aleotiona, Sick or Nervoue aohe, clostkvencea„,etpi li pirptv Veggt able, a/AM . / Arne' 4edtky, rale or pefelevioui..l),?ivij 211 ;:118D I I - I - i`P • r Thew pllta *mins stusatid purgative, Superseding caste etc. Therit{firiktfhlni the stomach: They give ton nausea nor griping pains. of I the finest: ingrios#ooo. of 'them, finish an'invtgoratt tem takes place, as to appe m weak and enervated i lyketln prudence or ditieitSeP •11..1 ponna Fluid Extract Cattiv not sugar coated, fr theft pills do not{ soh withoni produce the Pills, being , necessitate certepp, boat, 11) =bag HENRY T.: 0#4.57111 1 FLUID EXTRACT will radically exterminate_ philia, Elarifiallt r yaraA s Bore Legs, /Sore Muth, Skin Disearift,lialt l ßlEMl Egqi Whibaftaral inualiifeetions,4pde,„R ObillettleteirMilnga i , alitinda; ehrentalthiiina an Megan, that have_ be. 'year' for seacare. Being prepardd exiiess plaints, ifs( bloodpnayin: than any ot te r prepakat i . ives the ooplezion , i , ol and restoreshe:l:meant t purity. For, purifying. , chronic constitutions() . I , impure state of this blood' Sind effectuaL known:renta l and swelling oof.thcolso ~ throat and , logs, blOtoties,l aryaipalse,land all so ly and,beantifying the o PEI 0 i 11 4 "' ' - ii iiii ' ''' Henry -,,, , eLin 0 s' - : . coxammaktkb . : I • EXTRACT 1317 i . CHU, :THE 04 ~ . - ,T,1g .. 0it2:10; has cared ()Very case o •Diabetei"in which it has been • given,irritation„of the neck .of the , bladder and Inflammation of the kidneys, ulcer- ] ition of the kidneys ana...bladder, .retention -of twine, discales oli . the,proidzate-glapd, :JlOO In 'the bladder, otacrelas,heeval, bileldthstlacifesif,4 and meow; or pliky ditchargea I: end for'erifee:F i bled and delicatst]is ottstitiltiOns,o - 11olh 0445: attended with tho feliciWOkesP,4l!*o 3 './ Indiffin. 'position to exertien; losii Of_powor,loes of memo. ory, diffi c ult y oflbreathi g, weak nerves, trem bling, horror of disease; 1 , akeralnes, dimnenislpf vtak9e, pain in the bitek i l..zdt;:htende;.; tirailiiiii: or ,thejleody, dryness of tire - skin,,, , oroptien on Atte face, pallid' countenance; universal Taseitude of the nAusedller systedn,"etoi. ' '-'-',:- : • . Used by perste:le fioinithe ekes 'of 040406 to i twenty -Ivo, end Min' RI to 4 -afel`r the decline .ot I . ,change of lifer' a ft erlioeilitaiet or laborpaine;' for bed-wettleg In child ty,' , ~ '', - ' - - ij is ! , IMI .~ y. ~ 3 •=-Ill'adasbold'e tratei XT . no diu retic and • blood purifying, eind spir4:All,dilikijsieta tattling ot_diMi s litionlend eciaetueal arid ins prsdanni in life, impukitisis of theciblood, eta., stiperseding offiwtinna fur whioh it is used. and syphilitio affections- -lathese diseases need in conneetionwitk Histeabold'Afßose Wash. ZADIRS; In many affections ileduliar to ladies, the Ex tract Buohu is unequaled by any other renni4i— as in ohlorosii or.retentihti, Irregularity, pahlini - minion suppreuton , of - ,mistomary evacuations, idealists!! or sithirrue iststs of , theintplus,lermorr hcealor whites, Storni*, and tot all eomplente Inoident to the sex, whether arising from 'Adis'. oration or habits of dissipation, 41t, prescribed extensively by the mosA,cmiinint physicians and midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitu tions, of both'sexes and all ages, (attended with any of the ablive,iliseases or symptoms.) • M2I H. T. litelynl!rolli's EOract, B eiRVOORRS .OLVEARRS ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES. DISSIPATION E 1 C., 1 • in all their stages, at little expense, .little or• no change in diet, no Inconvenience, and_no expo sure. /i causes, a frequent desire,.and gives strength to urinate, thereby, ,removisg obstruct. dons, preventing and curing strictures of the urethra, allayfing,pain and inflatemation, soften Oink n thli elassiof diseases,: and expelling all PaildnOineriatter. ; Thousands, WU. have beattthe viotlm9 of in competent perions, , ,and who. li've , 4iald. heavy fees to be,qured inn short timtiphave found they iiad beeliAbcolveci, and . that the (potion'. has;. by the use of !powerful astringents,..binin dried up in the system, to break out in a mote.tigigraw vatod form, aid perhaps after marriage. I • 17se Helmboldrs Nixtrecti.Busht. , :for all ace— dons and diseases. of the urinary organs: , whe ther existing in male or iteandei...from Whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long. standing, Price, one doll4r until/fly ! cento , yier bottte. • • . . • • ~ Ef. T. • HELII.OIOI..P r . .1,16 ) .01 7 :ED • • `.ROS.k", • cannot be surpassed as a - face oath, and will ' e l l found.t4only specific remedy:4le every'speci e of cutaneous affection. It speedily eradioat s pimples, spat4ifierbUtio dOnassiindurationS of , the outaneotui membrane, etc,,, dispels redness and incipient irdlarianatiori,•hiviibj- rash, moth patches, dryriess of scalp or skin, frost bites, and all purposes for which-salves - or - ointments, are used ; reicatei thasitin ltd a state of parity' and softvaird instares'continued .healthS• id= ~ ,tiflfti,p.4.M of its :Mate% dapeadk f thirittee e!clearness and vivabity of odmpli3x. ion so much doughtand'adialred. naehowevier' valuable as a ismedy'fcir witiaritt &foil? af..the skin, H. T. Ifilmbold's Robe' Weak' hue long ens tainsd.itsTrlialipal claim to unbounded patroa- Age, by .p,Oczeldng , - qtrtdyterwhich , :ren4er it, a toilet appeaddge of thatiulikintaikbitlifecistakaii genial obaractori combining la -an alegaat for mula those prominent requisites, A afsty find effi .oacy—the invariable acconiitatiManta of its use .--as a praserstiVe arid' refieshO:ar, oonip)ex ion. It is an!eiiallait_ sea ; w£- a syphilitic nattire k and as au dejection Tor disea ses of the urinary organs, arising froth haidtk dissipation, Used in conneetfati with Oa E' 'Ytgotq Buohn, Sarsaps4lli 4Y clatawba'„iikape in such diseacps as. raeogameaded, cannot•be sur passed. .., Fall an4,.enplieit , ,dlreotions. accompany. the - Medidinee, .4videnoe. of they °MOM iesPanalb.l* and.rellable phi:auto! Initiate& On ttiipliotititifl; `with hiniarede of tbouviNilt.PP li.viigyvitijeiseat atkdolliwarii, of 80,000 ungolleitedcertilicates and. renommendatnry letters, many of which are from Ow he* ion:zees, ,includipo - eminent Oust., °lane, gyiatinkiditean4OVetola_Tho troptlel. .tot hat let ter: tesciateCUP theitlifeldeatibl Illy theAew psieiLl iltdoei iidtait I thf4tinht th . fact t he hi iittletiftank ail; iiilifilitrq ",ikelliat# , lion* am i d do ot toed. to 10 pi6vited' IV' , by •Oer... 11 i T lniciit "0404 i°. Henry T. ~,, , , ~ . , , . , .epfp. ; li 1 1* $ 2 4 1 1811 - :', -4 ,:- • ~7 I I -!-. &Weil to itny,att, „ cap, e atopli, frog; ,9111eiva.,, b k;4 : a t - f , “.,.. 1 , ' , iii” ai - : f:++ , :na ,i,13 ,J,r 5 tiVkilioar4 ,o .Atiseatitsatwit., ..,13,01 , 4 .b3l & I nge' eta evehrwiwa, t,,AdArem let_tertfee infer !PPM% in egittlidilace, An. Z. 17 a434103b01d ' 'COI._ keit'i. tie giii*-101:,100.R.:4411.1114 i Henry ' UMW 1 r a0441.r944g0t /wAighoulley -0/o.z ; a t te 0 1 %0.2 o:Th r or te,H TAllelmbold's t, 5 0.4 South Tenth il eet,Thiladal. Rhin, Pa. f Ar 1 co.onfifititsfic , A , * ,for Went* 2' 010 (Ai Take no ohm —1 , •it ' ..! • - v i .. ES c - A) • i ~f ~: , .11gliifaltyv , leaaatif, r tab s Opp ' Ecidgpe l , table fe• e, vied esio t te..seither , I hey are demposeZ 0,4 1 .• n or the entire ilye mtratulouo to the' r.. 4 ariaing .frotarim. 7 , ''t's °W') fP.Alierare. , . -t that auger °hated the stip-- 3Y 'at; not' wba lawirrnorl PltViltr >. t „ ~~s . ~... F,f3d DVP.+I LMBOLD'S ktße; 6 10.4 1 00 Rf • RSAPARiIiL4;![':I !from the 4y.atem;:ay • , ; I.lloerei Berp_Bleme re Beac' I,_,Jlrerlehitte Gehnititaiaiineo: Aets —NUM pliweate r TittiFif ANYWAIJ Of i tem, 'Dyepepeia, and Astabliehed In the ill= -I cow : Propifitlt!tr are greater n of sarsaparilla. It at and healthy color, ti , atatec'of health and I e;ifiloodi•lemoving all : BO' arising -.from an and tbeenly reliable p for the dare of pains i , -nloerations- of-the pimples ori; the face, eruptions of the akin, •Iwzion.- =EI 0 En i~ ~~ ~L 11 :... .f .. s I`~~~ ME WHOLgUtill STORII, Ell i'•, 11 • iil( CORSI/Nab N 4 Y. 4 I f‘ I - • , r,RUIGS AND, MEDICINES; PAINTS 44111L1a, - 11. .. -e VliikiiiiEUS DAVIDS' /NIL?, =TIPS ' - boIIiCENTRATEO*IOWiS, : , IREDELL'S , TRACTS, ME i 1 ' ~. EI:T.2%IEI7'S COCOAINE; p . „4.lrojuNfi AtXTRO'i'§, , gEROSENE ;'-');i4TENT MEDICINES; ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY .11Nt FLAVORING :EXTRACTS, - 'TALL PAF *INDOW.,GLASS;:. =EN 40:UTE - VASA LIME,Bp AND. DYE COLORS, TOR ' 14 : ARVIN sao 4 ,s 4 - • FINED ME 'o°l4o Byyera arorpriested ,g'ot urthe* ~iBll L a. W .D , TERDELL .4% CO. Jan. 1, Furniture ! Furititure I 'r`.~?a'.. , B T. VAN BORN, •-i• • s 41ViNG oompleteitbis new Cabinet Ware house on Main strbet, Wellsboro, has stook edit,witb a lhrge And stiperior assorted stook of FURNITURE. Ohambey Oultsj Walnut, Ash, • &a., &0., &0., i, [ • from $l5O down, and as cheap „as : the same •goods can be bo't in the cities, freight added. • Parlor Suits, - Walnut, .Cherry, and - Manditiny, Reps or Hair Cloth; SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, banter'Aldus, Walnut or Marb:leVorls, Lookirig Glasses, Bracket Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, • . all kinds, • • Wkolcsale and Re ail. am manufacturing as usual, andl i !atend:to keep a full stook of ware, home 'and city made et all timeg. My Ware Rooms arc spacious and . u,eat,4nd G ott contain the largest, costliest and bestApok - rof : Furniture ever brought Into the 09 1 Mit.Y. ••• • Planing and Matching,. SCROLL SAWING A:MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 18117tf EOM Ingham's Woolen Mills I MBE' stibserlbers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth Casaimsrep, Flannels, so., &c., for Wool. tfheyalao manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRRS to kuitottetomers. All work warranted aarep rdseated. They invite particular attention to which eyerarranted in every respect. Pardon ',llarattention given to • It L OLL,.• CARDIN AND CLOTH DRESSING. large stock of Oassimerea, @to 45 per cantles!, than /my competitors, and warrant. ad daYepiessnted. • INGHA11113; manufacture to order; and do all kinds df Ifell;Carding rind. Cloth - Drasaing, and disfSt'oomPetftion. 1 ,. „ I3IIMA,MBI have as pod. an assortment of kali Moths, Oassimeres, a4~d give more for Wool -in exohange than any other mitahlishment. Try them and satisfy your s btleis ,"INGHAMSI wholesale and retail at the Cow atesionMilli 2 miles helow,Knoxville. flli4hs are warranted, and sold collowiagpereons: - • B .KELLEY, Whligheo, , L• ,BALDWIN A- CO„Tloga, Pa. BENNETT, 064itigtenpPa, ,Deerfield, Jan 41871-0 , A " , , . THE BEST HOTEL in ;he COUNTY. , ..: .: ' Tilt ''''CONIIIIO.IISE . " .. NBA/. Rooms large atill'irell' ventila . E. ted;.:. ' Accommodations 'not surpassed by any first class 'hotel in ,the " Northern Tier,",.,Dru,4 no higher thati at second and third:ra hotels. ' locatiori;porner of Main and Walnut, kects, Wellsbore. • • -' •• • • '•'• Agog & thble, good liquors, MI order, and' a good hostler. A. B. GRAVES, Prop'r: March p, XB7l l • '•' • . • • • iry PAR' ITlON—ln.matter of the estate of A D,1073A tiololarider, deceased. lln the Or phone' Nail of Tioga county, •No'. 3, August Teri:loB7o. ! . .•.• , . • • . •• . ~, 'l.gommOnwealth of Pennsylvania to Luoy ' - ' !- A: Hulslander, John S. Huislander, Susan •• ; .: ,E, freeman) Ezekiel K. Ilnlelander, Harriet • ••?,,,, '• ,M. rarivalealnear, David ,J 1 Ilnislander,• `•V, .tulia,,• : ,4. Lament, and Eunice 'Edgeten,• ,: ,gnardian of-,Lucy. Permellw Huislander, • Clara 8: Huislander and Thomas Huislan '‘!' der; Ducal descendants of Davidllulslan -• ' der !! "'late' of Tioge county,. Pa dec eased, , , •••• , • tin .tp all other persons igterestedifirMAg: • •Tioga. County, es: You aro hereby cited to :he and appear before the Judos of onrfOrphanaf ' oo nrt, nt• an OrPhiiiiCC,Unrt teliehild,at Wellat berb;lll and for said county, on Monday, the 20th day of May,lB7l, at 2 o'clock P, M., then and there to accept or refuse to take the real es tate ofi said David Hulslander, deceased, situate in Charleston township, in said' county, at the appraioedvalnatiomput upon it by an Inquest duty awarded by the _Bald Court, ,and returned :,byff:O the' Sheri n - tie 15thi 'day: of N . Overober, 1870; to - Wit; atibieval4tiOn• at three' di 41i o and three hundred itid. fortY;sii", dollars ; 'or show ,oeuse Why, the samOoliall not be (Aar ri d to be sold. , • ' , . 1 i, .%•.`lititybos' the Hon. R. G. White, Preiident Judge Of our said Court, at Wellsbore, this 10th day ofFebruarY,'ll37l. 'D;L: DEAN Clerk. .: , -April fliilB7l - ilii' • ~.16. 1 v.ery ~.; =I arre ; averyl.for Hire, •:': , , • • et.t.t/aileNtaPle on Pear/ Bt.; opposite Wheeler's wagoll.1110p; double rigs Kurnisbali to order. ~They aim to kaapgood.horses,and, slap gousiand intend to please. Prites reasonable. vox. . "a VATkiil l f3 - * tO 44871-Iy. g 'e.'•' IME from $125 down. Alio, with Upholstery to oni!. B. T. VAN HORN. DEERFIELD; PA. 'their Tatar Proof ,33IMERES I - 1, - Vr•TAT ATKINS It LOUDEN re. • speCtrallyinform the pub. j lie that they have established a BOOT ANDir ,311,4) I, .. • -- • , Vressra: * BUßll & R NDOLPII Ti , I'l have purchase d the Boot and Shoo More ;al hi tra4 Saari law 4 0 6 .it Derby, andlreposO to contin ue tho business—reducing the prices on all goods and selling strictly . — , , Eli ,a 2:; • . WO keep a good assortmentaf. , "fats and Ga s • itoOTS, GAIITEVS, ,BOta'EES, BROGANS AND OALLIGASKINS itirranted to et Soy foot, from: VG, Q ,Tto =I FRENCH, CALF, FRENCH FJPi PER; SOLE, COMMON CALF; :... LININOS BINDING", 11 0- - • - ROCCOI '&O., will be kept tip,as hereiofole. ".'.,(ln Findings . we ilia!' bojeilnd , qt ; hoioe • al war, and., we Shall' eideitifor 'to sot' iit'irricee l iefecOry i te , the trader.' 'We 'wait be wider . CASH . PAIIY, '- J ',.1 - - mi L. 3 ,i •-/ ,o`, : _ : Etait liriii , •., ~,ir--., 1 . , , • CU§TONP , , OiK, sl , D'ohe, pr, kept& . and 'well." 144,:1if leg :, done '6ifelibiindce. Drpp in tied ,beconvinceil. - 1 ' ~, , - ,': infilliLEß *•11)1XIDOLPIt. - • Dew 14, , 1870.-I.f, ' : - I• ' ,'I 'TO: ~- . P .ItUE FARNIES OF : ' !" - rlo(3i.A . ` COVlsTrit.l - JAlId noW brllldlngeti my Inuitinfactritzln Law l rence villa a eupector• .• - • I - • I ' : •,.', FON/NG iffIZL, wkilcbpinieeiluistbei u ll Twingadvhsitage ver 111 lotb er mills:•: - •• , , , 1, I.ltsaparatesiya,oatsorntlltter.and °niece l de,and cbedeand cockle,frora wheat. • . I 2, It cleans flat seed, takes outl. yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly, - - , , 8, It eleantstimothy,iseed: - • . .. . I 4. It does all otherseparatingi equlre of a mill . . Thls minis built 011ie best a d most durable tin,• bar, la goodatyle,and is sold cheap fo cash, or pro , drico. , t I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oatefrom wheat,toothermllls,onreasdnableter .. s. I , - .•• - - - J.- : MATHER . Lawrencevilleolan.l,lB7o-t 1 . HARNESS ..4, THE UNDERSIGNED would's y to the citi• rens of Wellsboro an& vicinity that he has recently med,od over Truman Brothers Grocery Store with hie . I 1 • 'Harne s s S ho p . .: lafull operation on Crofton Street, between Main a and Water 'eta, whore ,he i propaied to Imann _ facture all kinds of : I Double & Single Harnesses, •In the best style, and of the best material. ZONEREPAIRING On shot notice and ,good. I emplOy the beat workmen, and uso'notto but the beet material, an 4 am tlerefore prepared to please .all• who want anything in my line. Nov. 9;1870. WALIECIIR & LATH OP.' --:-- nua.Litan In .. HARDWARE, IRON; STE3L, NAILS, ,31 1 ,01 YES, TIN-WARE, I IiELTING,IIIII,',CETLERY 9 , . WATER LIME,' : AGRIRLTURAL 1MPi..07:13, .! 11 Carriage' and Haman limn:dugs, • HARNESSES, SADD49, /to. 1 . Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1.8711 i, Grocery and Proviei C. D. ELIE W il in oL a r l S k A jn lt c r RE GROCERIES PROVISIONS , Liquprs anti C ;pax FOREIGN & DGMESTI6, GREEN & DRIED FRUIT'S, • Q:ANNID woos & WILLOW viv4tp, GLASS & ORaCRERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0., &o A full and complete assortnient the above mentioned lioode of the beet quality always OD Farticulat 'attention 'paid to Fino Giroceries Dealers and Consumers will' tind It to 'their in West to examine tits Stock befre buying. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 4, 187 ;THE, GO'LD N SEWING MA • ITIIIIEOMACHINE ,haa . no adapted' to all hinde,o . needefa"trlitl:to 'bo hoproeiat seirmittiolt, binds quilt, oord; gather and raffle s and ia pest maellne tor u,cia e • • - The DOUBLIti Loon BLASIIC I is superior to alh , others, for t sews direct-from tho spools I winding:of thread. It is ,0 1 41/ not liable to get out oforder! op ..:I;iv\l A ,t,, I 'Persona wishing to.purobas', 'by all means try,,thikedle n ,b: Call on, or addfeas 4atf4, 4 11 OE FOR CANS ~'.., Ou;—Stook of W. A. VEWCOMB. ,on Store, CORNING, N. ,AIL DEALER PEGETAB.LES, EDAL I=l • ,superior, and work. It ,only , It will Lem, raid, embroider, he beet and chez er *offered to the ( STITCH MACIIME he reason tbat it Isud• require, In° adjusted, and a waybill°, 00'1 fore: buying ail • "'gnarl 114 Oise, 1 ORF4. EE UP- OP■G BINE 1