The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 19, 1871, Image 1

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F. 0. Van Geier
It,rlpllJU, (per year)
yev LVES 01 MiNIoN Oa UM, 1511 M Oltl. OWARI
1 Hu. I Blns Ins I 8 3los I 61Ios I 1 Yr
1 3 1 , 00 112.00 I .2,60 I $5,00 $7, 00 $12.11
2,00 8,00 4,00
I 10,00 I 18.00 17 e.
4 uartl
0 Col_
,~:~I ~• Ilb.oo 25,
,3- Special i'otlces 15 cents per line; Ealtortalnr
..LI ':,O coats per line. .
'ktniient advestleing ewT be paid for in advance.
• leittee Blanks, Constable Blanks, Deods,Judg•
be Notes, Marriage Certificates, air.,ort band..
13 U SINESS CA-1113S.
ffice in Smith and Bowen't Block, acroge
m Agitator Office up stairs [second floorl
ellsboro Pa, Jan. 4, 1571-Iy.
Jno. I. Mitchell,
orney and Counselor at Lew, Claim, and In
uranco Agent. Office overFress's Drug Store,
Welleboro, Pa. 1871—y
William A. Stone.
toraey and Counselor at Law, first doer above
Cuoverse & Osgood's store, on Main street.
Wellsboro,-January 1, 1871 y
Seeley, Coates & Co.
NKERS, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.—
ltuelve money on deposit, discount notes,
ad sell drafts on New York City. Collect
-1,,u3 promptly made.—Jan 1, 1871-y •
SEELEY- - Osceola.
lmvio Co.sys, Knoxville,
Jno. W. Adam )
torney and Counselor at Law, Mina& TiOka
runty, Pa. Collections promptly attended
i Jan. 1, 1871—y
Wilson & Niles )
taneys and Counselors at Law. Will attend
romptly to business,entrueled.
ne counties of Tioga axkd Pot*. ;o,ffiee%on
he Avenue. Jan. 1, 1 187 k. y
F NF)Lqcol NfLES..'
John W. Quensey,
aney and Cilunselor at Law. All business
tarusted to him will be promptly attended to.
rhea 2d door south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tioga,
toga County, Pa.—Jan. 1,1871.
Wm; B. Smith, •
4tion, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Corn
unicatiou3 sent to the above address will re.
oiro prpmpt attention. Teri= moderate,
" n oxvillo,ya.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Seymour Hor ton, .
Alleys and Counsclorti : ; i l ol'44 l ,_ : iiftl.
.11 business entruatoci to. titfiffiti.atitri#l,l3ol3(fniVe
rompt attention.
L 1111.1871 y
Armstrong gt Linn,
5D 1, 1371-y
W. D. Tprbell & Co.,
ies al o Druggists, load dealers in Wall Paper s
eroseno Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery,
,unts, uils, .to.—Corning, N.Y. Jan. 1 '7l.
D. Bacon, M. D.,
k eician and Sur . geon,lst door east of Laugher
he—Main Street. Will attend kropptly to
A. N. Ingham, 11. D.,
moeopatbist, Office' at his 'Residence on the
.renue.—Jan. 1, 1871.
- • - -
George Wegner,
I,T. Shop first door north of Rohorts.t Bail.
y'l hardware Store. Cutting, Plttiagind Re:
,ring done promptly and well.---3an.1,1871
Smith's Hotel,
p, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor, lionbe in
,o 1 condition to aocommsakete the traveling
tittle in a supertoir mqnnpf.—Jan. 1, 18 t
Furniers' Hotel.
MONROE, Proprietor. This house, formerly
ccupied by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem-,
erases principles. Every accommodatiori
Jr man and beast. Charges reasonable.
January 1, IST
roion Hotel.
. G. Van Horn, Proprietor, Wellsboro, Pa.
house is pleasantly located, and has all
es nnveniorm3 for man and boast. Charges
Berate,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy.
New Tobacco Store ! •
lIG subscriber has fitted up the / Store taflit
east Thomas Irlardo2M's dry goods store;
the manufacture arld . sale of
c.tllS,(all grades), Fancy and Common
, IKI,VG TOJJACCo,lllichfgan Fine Cut
CITE WING, 9u2 all lcindsbt
ronAcco, PIPES, and thechoi
ce.,l Brand of , CIGARS. - •
C- Call and FCC for yourselves. '
e'ld , oro, Jan. 1, 1871—tf.
1 1WARD S.A..DT FDA R17%4
6 OblAYlii "'•
• the lithef anii.Core of the Erring and Unfortunate,
on Principles of Chi Istian Philanthropy.
.4 . Ago. in relittiim to 31 ARRIAGE and SOCIAL EVILA
iiinitstry aid fur the afflicted. Sent free, In sealed
Box P. Philadelphia,
BORDEN keeps constantly on
hand: Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Chemicals, Paints and Oils., leattips,
Stationery, Yankee Notions
1.00, Jan. 1,1871.-1 y
• TIDE undersigned ' proproator of
belle ? " (his lino takes this teethed of in
wng thu patlie. that -tbb above 'Stage rune
':(111.111y, IVeiSveci) the avd pia.
• o•
iV,1610,r.) at 8 a. al., and arrives at
a•field at 10 30 a tn. (
',ayes hlansfiela at 2 30 p. m., and arrive at
:;kb,n, at p s.
-111 I. 1571--If W. 11; \!N
New Music-Stoir6.:
'OW opened in Smith t Butven's block, scc
otd tb.or, a music room tvbeie Rill be -kepi
thltinion, and for sale,
Steinway and other Pianos,
itittt Organs, and a °hole() seisction of Sheet
"le. New music rebettred every
on Piano and Organ, and, in Singing
I te given. Opportunity for practice afforded
. tbcr e
who may desire it. 11. W. TODD.
T elliborn,Feb. 15-3mn.
Administrator's _Notice.
~ estate of T. H. Whiting, • doonased.i late .1:11
township, havincl?cieil t .griinted, o the:
. 3- rtignefl, all those" indebted 'to of having
ti ms against raid e'stato," will cell and settle'
Sillivan, March 29, 1871 tiw" , Admin'r.
N DIVORCE.—To Margaret A. ilydO;' too
*re hereby notified that Franklin A. Hyde
1 9plied to the Court of Common Pleas of
11 comity for a divorce from the bonds ,et
usy. and that said Court hus, appointed
tedly, the 29th day of May, 1871. for the
- tisz of said applicant in the premises; on
ho ccasion yog attelAr
APril 6, /871 A'
'THE OLD . , c
LATELY known 16
o s oath°T end House,
and fop a time oecupiedliy;:"D,J , . Holi
'" day, has been thi‘ughlyrsattfd, repair
ed and opened by
who will bo happy to accoraniodate• the old
friends of thehonse at very reasowible - rates.
San 1,1871 y DANIEL.-MONROE.
Tioga marble.. Works.
fiE undersigned is now prepared to axe
]. cute ail Orders for Tomb Stones and Moan
meats of either
of thelatest style and appfoved workmanship
and with dispatch.
He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa
vor him with their orders, turas reasonableterms
as can be obtained in the country.
8,00 12,00 u-18,00
PO 160,00
Rs. SMITH, on Main Street, has just
openedia very large assortment of
SIND eta 1:40
, Which eh .is Selling at C9ST,
HATS, EONNETS, 81.1tAvir GooDsi
&C., &C., -
lam the only a 64 in. i this place for, 11
OAPS tDIV , . , SItSFF , A.
Emilia that have - not totiiedllese Mfrs will he'
astonished at their ,cheapness, beauty and com
all of which will be sold much below former prl.
cos. All work done promptly, and to please.
Wellsboro, Nov. 7, 1670-tf.
ALE persons indebted to D. P. Roberts by
Book account or Notes arerequestod to call
and settle and save Costs, at G. W. Merrick's
- Feb. 1, 1871.—tf D. P. 1408ER'44
EEPS constantly on hand, ELGIN
.SMS.A. ES, Marine, Alarm & Calendar CLOCKS,-
• '
- •
Plated , Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and
.Knivesk Cups; Castors and Cake Baskets;
Napkin Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and Mustard
Spoons; Fine Gold and Agato Rings • Gold Pens
and Pencils; Solid Gold, Sets • Pear l Fancy and
Plitttd Battelo,4-1171itcb Onards.anci,-Ghairie, &o.,
A latg e CIA k SPIGOT A CDR ff:k (MA SBES;
Colored Gtesses, all at reduced prices.
N. B.—Watchos and Jewelry neatly Repaired.
March 1, 1871.
11.8. F. 1. EASTAIAN,
~91111 coukinues to
%at 41o:1611* jd music; en d:ifp is , prepared
to - furnfih her pupils with instruction books and
new music, as cheap as can be found elsewhere,
Lessons given on the
Piano, Organ It• Melodeon,
instruments, furnisbed forirOtiee. Alsoinstrue
tings kiv,en7iiriolieel music. flaying fot many
years been engaged in teaching, will guarntee
Satisfaction to all.
March. 1,1871.—tf
! a•
Office opposite Cone house, Wollsboro, Pa. All
operations neatly and carefully performed. Sat
isfaction guaranteed at 'live nod let live prices.'
Feb 22, 1871 tf
_2 been granted oat the oestate 'of Riehlird
illulli.dOceased, late of3loga stoWrialtip, tltobe
indebted to said estativill Make itnetfediate
,ment, and those having claims against the same,
will present them to MARY 81 BULL,
Tioga, Marcb.,22, 1871 Adm'rs.
, ,
IN DIVORCE(,—To Henry J. Mowery: You
are hereby nbtified that Harriet E. Mowery,
by her next friend, Plc ses Smith,.hati' applied fo
ihp Court of Commou NlPnalof Tlogn cchility for
f a divorce .from the lands 'of 'nuitrinitiny, l and
that said Court has ap .ointed Monday, the 29th
day pf May, 1871, for the hearing of said ap
plicant in the premise.; on which occasion you
can attend if you thin proper.
44.74r4w.-- 4 , A-411p4,41itri
1;1,... ',az L't"
—Constituted by the homes of the people—
ocgiyA!l the , Agoitt . ,4ja;liiiii of tho
And have left all xlvals far behind tbernyfoi they
being : more that forty thoueon4, in vaLce of
Z.etb44rdiiiiithiTiti;'and over for y
four thousand more than the sales of any other
Company for 1870, as shown by the following
figures trove SWORN returns of the Sales of
The ff3inger.llianufadu4ng Company'
sold+over•the Fiore, ce Sewing
MathiHe •
Sold ores the Wilcox f• Gibbs Sew-
isig Ca 98,943 do.
Sold Otier`ihA Wee(PSvanst'lia-- I'
Solrl over the drover tki ~•
. Sewing .41 - och :70,431 Z ckit;
'Sold over the Ilmoe 4htehine Co., 52,677 - do.
Sold over the Wheeler Wilson
41(tretiforrpir,bij - ~,„45 625 T
• ' ..i.
411 of which is mini f yoisrkm toiho pop,ukatilft
of what in known us thl3:aliliN'y `F.WAY "Sawhiti
MAculse," which is now lust finding its way
into eyery
.well regulated househohL-1-For_Cir
ciaarPgiviiig full'parlionlais - of Maeb.iiieg
Folding 'Oases of Mani varieties :of '' , WO - 0d • a nd
hnisb,,tbeiVA.ttachmenta for numerous kinds of
work, which, till recently, it Was thought that
delicate fingers alone could perform : as well as
particulars about all - articles used by their Ma
chines, such as TwiEt, Linen Thread, Spool Cot:
ton, Oil, 4c., &c., apply to any of their Author
lied Agent ' s:"th !!'• "• ,% '‘‘
TICE . :Eillidklt6lSlA - NITFICTUALiNki. COo
i.-458::11rAdsis4„ New, •=.,l:l".brk. t. ' , 1411110911;Iiiik" ,
.0 11 441, 1 1 01.001 P 14-404-
z— o oft - 1 en : You are
11)herebylitati8iidttthei:Adella Allen, by her
neat frloest, 474 . , 11..41cyp01d5, has applied to the
f Z
Court oouituon - Pleas.of Tioga county for a
diverce MAU : the bonds of matrimony, and that
said Courts has appointed Monday, the 29th day
of May, 1871, for the hearing of said applicant
in the premises; on which occasion you may
iktfpnd if you think proper. r v 3,; r
April 12,1871 4w E. A, FM, Atria: 6`
- - ', ,-,..,.., ~,,,. ...,, ,, ...21:., . 4•, , ,, t.....- - 4 - A.:-it' Cot-ck 4.040 ~, := - Attok ,,, z - i“,:......f..41, , ,,:-.1-•.
t ~ ..4.1i, . ;,,,f 1 4W1:.11 ' - ' ';• - --' -: - ''.' ::1- - r - ',,.-' ,01 , i: if{)•ii I- "'• ,
, .
iIT 1-* :- -IA aViafiti anT 1 ,r , ... , `_ . !, 4 " 3-4 " .. laii'l ...,-;),.iu‘e.• - • -4s• qfy...- - , , ,;.., 4 , 41 ' - (rr4vl tttr
. ri - 1,.,.1., ~,q , ,,,
( (rj - .
IX \
( 1 --- .
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. 1 13107, 41—: - .tia ': , .4;4t. ' - :i.1 1 .,"1: , : - J';,14::.1.„ .1;
„. _
.i . , 1 _., , , ~ ,
1•i .---,,..--, 1-4.w..+L.i.,..,, -, 4, - + Ci- 1i ri ,-,z,l`t ; it . .. 1 i 1 ti(tin.i.tet. , .s, ~,.
: 1
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I a irliiiAtjr-Y;i; iliT-1471 1 I i - t - C.0.1 - '2 , :i 004t,i ~...4 4 .' . ''..
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Ei.1,44 1 / 1 .1,111.' I I v.; ril ' • .. :1; 4
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, u= -,- - 7"- - -. - ' "it " rti''' ' ''
'"'"" i"/ '' ' t-'; '' ''ili" -_, - ,'•', - ,1 ' .- , -- - -AT P • .: - r i 3 ' - ---'
-', ( ii " ‹... ' • , ;iii. - ;,.., , ~-, T ;111riLt.' , t I
i - 7 ;3 ' ..,i) t.iiU Oi.i: , ili .V 4 ri..VA, ,Atte. -- ti <.,,,,,= “•. , :,-o. r' tlt - tis.. 3 ..131:Y: ai tili'n - ,P-t "" : '"'"'" fl ' --' . ''. 1. ._ I '' lt t_ -" . - - - '
New Millinery !
Administrator's Notice:
lanufftoturjng pon?pany t ; 1 ,,,..
SOLD IN 1870
0 N and after , MONDAY, Rae, 6, 113,70, TraNs,
will loftv eCort dike folioithig
5,46 A. M., NIGHT EXPRESS (Mondays excepted)
for Buffalo, Dunkirk and the weft.,,
6,06 A. NIGHT EXPRESS daili,(6,± A.M. for
Rochester, Sundays excepted) to Buffalo, Dun
kirk, and the west.
6.00 A.for, Itoehesyr, ,
10,25 AIM., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays exceited for
Buffillo and Dunkirk.
12,05 Pi M., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excel,. ted,for
2,00 A. il.',l3lLTlßlOßEßXr.,`Enizd4re °tooted,.
or RPchelite rant/HM . 40,11a 1.;.1
6,30 P. M.; EMIGRANT TRA.I.N,dgIPi-fortbilYeet.
7,35 P. M. t l)AVEXPlLESSiEundogrcesoopted;i7Aft ,
P. DOOkell'erapr_Duffniik aAd tho:w cat,:
12.13 A M,, EXPRESS MAIL, eundtiO.ncopked,
lur uffalo, Dunkirk and the west.
• ''% .IC' ( I &Ma , EA r liT:4'.. t i .e 01 i'..E:11.1 il ~ : t., s V.:
12,13 N. Ig - .;•ND:aLi' IClX:PRESltiStindait oweeittAt,
conno etinkat It inr Ilfork with nfthrhootarelna •
and iltegintetit ft% lim Alin( guegpll_9l,o4l4,u t, : l,_
js f
cept s pottpopging l at Apw_illrye,y,lrialtptiith
for Hada. Baltimore Ind Washington.
2,07 P. ~ ACOCAIMODARION TRAIN, for Elmira,
Sun ye exse . ntl4.-3 : - 1 . ~,,. i " tli '
11 4 28 A 11., 'DAY EXPRES S, Sundays excsited;
contloctiug- at Jersey-4)IV- witte-miduight Sac,.
preset train for Philadelphia. „.., . . ,
12,15 P?I, susQuigiiiike ) wiY;O:thil 2 ?' ::-'.:`-
11,40 A U., WAY , F4E 11344114P1!;471!,,tfent0d. ,4
:440 P-4,JAVigiartAto4. l k sPRaMI!,PAC.PPAOI t. -
7.44 H. El.killakinillitr.BYßAßßl, gaAly,cppn trr
lug a 4 Jersey 9kty._ with InorritztgAvrela tan
for Ilattmor 6 andlYikelltikgioq,, :
• --- •i IA i' % , if :r ,
..—.......::: ,
it?..det,Ogo.o4ll,Eii TOMidt*. :*•,`'
'tilir A r 0 figitWa'akillbbhiblA6l.l.P4l, A fini; .4146"04 - .
l c
Pabeenger &hitt Ott th'e trietalliiiy and connecting
Lines,haer ently been publiehed,and can be peo - difr.
ed on a pplic titratollii T.faket Agent cifttib r .o6inklawsi.
wm.R . BAiItR; , - ' - 1 - !? :.: -..1. - . - ,D . ..RUCKER!, :0. ? .f;
Gen'l ase.Agent . . ;., .- -.ool3tiaug!t.:
Slosablirg &VOrning, &Tioga 12. II
Tnilns will run ne followq ntll farther notice ,
QOING NOlthein.6ll
No. 2,2.80. No. 4, 0,20. • prol 0, OA4. 8,22 i.
N 0.10,11,84. No. 12, 12,12. No.J4, 0,00, No
6,20. No:18,
11 1 PING 4Q/R11:R49.M.,T10QA., „
No.l, 9,2§.x.N.0. o,# 4400, ,No., b, , 13,q., No. 7, 1,15
No. 9, 7,20. No,ll, 10,18. N0,141i1;42.
T •ARATTU:Otio 4130.-
;;,.. pc.
Nor tliciriL"Cpntrat-it . ,-
TRA'INE4DtiIirE NORTH . 1 : `
Trainafor i panandagnialeai l e Elmira asfollow e :
Accomodationat 7 12 p m
itxpreas[faeteet train on road] *ll fi'm
:Accoramodatoii 615 pm
Onand 04°i:hie. 5 r 1470, tlifiVe L a,nd
departfrom:Troy t*o
9' t
924 p. afidi
Buff/ 110 0.4 Ri! ) . 1 44/w_ /! Eimifa%. •
1013 a. m.-4DailY(except Bandays)foißicalra,Butff.- :
lo,Oanfindalfoa,lictclietder ! ettep . .yridgeand the;
955 A. m.-L-Dally(exeept Bundaya) for Baltimore,
707 P. m. Daily (except Si:neaps) for -Baltinilort;
Washin i gt o l l .l4W.E:htla.4 6l P4. l f , 21:
Den'JSuf:4,llArrilblArgi. d2..:lo,en'ißeseaket • .1.. r
Arrivsit awi ~Deloarture. of iStagg's.
" - • •-- i Rakes running:- oriel' ,
....,.,,._ :. „..,., tha different sniteatr . am.
, ~.._.....,, , anatkore, , will depart_kni,
-",!----..- • - Slr : ;; , c'••"--- ~. art:i;s ; na, felMwa - from .the
.'''i*!'"-Aw! -- . 2 ' " II "' *el " borq"Poet °Mae ;•is . .
WELiettort Ey& Tina A. 7 .-NpArt $l4 AO, a. in., arrive 1%
i di -,i 407 5e9 1 .9. 1 4 14 ,Pt m•
WartBBollo lc BlaMmiltn.-,-Depnit Ba. m., arrive 8 p. m
Wam.BlloEo "C
Connna2ans.,-_,Dap.jdon.l4 Thnr.2 p.m.
aqivo al c nda_y&Thuradax . at 12m.
WE m., BB Oa 4 JELlniii tinßit,-litePi&f,tinie-,a s PhVr'}oic ni •
~, is,rxkvaTueadv,itßrlAß.ml,
VirEmanono=4lr.SlOni , roar — rep: T0g 0 ,,, 4 1¢ ',Milan, ... .: o
a M., tirr. Tnea,ef r yriga7 7; l4.l2,,m. ,,,,
..,!• .Isl .., z.:J , ,. , .. „ .. , .• ~•,,
JvwE'Lgy ,setoßE:
, • • .-4
.; ;."
1q 4411;113LE5,. ,
g/ i PONS ,
'TF4D WAlit .;"
r a limiikt m:o4oNits,
With molit , other articka altialliicept in such
es tabli ' '
„Repairidg, ono neatlyyand.promptlyi and ou
port NOTllig: • 12. A..' FOLEY.
January l :l:, 18114:: . t .
ANY qtiantitY: on hand Run Plaster
Mill, 'milelafratn 94tnep',!:'Xillet, $5 , 00 per,
ton. /7 ZS ,
IritlitTX.Y RA '.l4' )1E11.413.ER'.
Jan. 25th, 1e:71.-itlnt' •' " •
110.173 Machines
i , .. •
Farrti 4THl,Tinkliegkiti Side. ~,,
<l' i f .- ....0. , ..' it 11 , -:: • ..0 , t , a
ISOIB tinersigood offer's;for sulevher ifarrnio
Middl Var y tf
ornashlo, , Tierriii:e i, keown as
the Ezra 13 eVenit'farai, containing 'ode bandrod
gores, with „apple orebaidi."„tve4raule`ba_rps,_
one large 4100,1:Louse all , IttA ge_ed; candid - on,,
,farm under state-of gocheultisratim4 beat (ptty
sty of flat Elindi ea Crooked CrifekiTellread de
pot near. t Also' adjolnhietl'rhtieti lot' pf trO,
hundred tkores,:bontfleirig • ,largp 4uaiatity 4,t7
t\ ili .. flak, a bard woode..miltht.grlite It large
t a „tit of ine. , ,-.. ,:, i..':i I. i. PI ;I.t; t
A. dress,' .' , A. STONE Esit; L lVelleboro Pa.
i.; ",HAERIVT.Ii. SWEVET4.,,
" elleboroi:Eeli:ls. 18144", , _ . , i ,
-!-; I
.3Z •F s — ,`E 1, L' . tl. 7
DlV(tfliCkli—ao L, Iticharil filuth: Yonvaso
.ereby btitled - that Bilin 'lll Ansh4by liei
ae frionit.balild P Roberta ;' bag 'iipplied' til:
the . qttOppnai'Pleai:Ot 4114teopply tor`
al dtviitio Vrom,:tjai .I;qinda'armatilmony, and:
,tikat said (loort has appointed iitini4ay, the 29th
day of Ma , 187li, for the henting4llF,eard appli
cant In th iremites ; oli:yilifett
_o:geasf?n you
may talon If Ytki W.5 1 1C - li ib Att: l iil : A - 1
April 5, 4ZI 4w . ' 2;44 ,- FViicheriff. '
- -
TN DIV t • (MeLl'o'llarrint , Wilted t Ton•lite
J. hereby , Oiffelf*,,,.t Gariti . ,r,il',.'fi:liiofr•
plied to th ta4:,.0 ,yeglie ol l,:,! . .lit, s ' 6
minty for garitfiroat the ba de„f,..inatytta9
ziy, and th t-saiiiriClotire liasiappnintedwon - day o r
the 29th d :orllttlyi,r7l',,f for: thal , hearide !of
geld appii if*thri;pAiOli:Pli,f ......... A ( 14 2 :
Qt oa# attOtia 4' ypE tidnitiiiettpr._. t . i ~ ,
April 6, 1871 4* E. A. Vt3/I, sheritt''
2. t
lo liteti'loh'g been. estab;:
ihect,in,the::Jewelry bust-,
41 1Ate,* 41 : 1 10 6° i ha4
kys ow !'sitti, various
Os an Oleo's of 3.31
. :+`•;“
r ,f ! • .
, ~ i
n,f.L.t 0 J . , 1!1 ij 113C-4.C"IT' ,
BORG,w TIOGAy. -0 c 1 1 ,44`,"" . "' Mtt Iriti7l - ' 1 1
Ofti t
‘7dl *Z:-) atr-itilta:AAu
,it rit ii:Viiik.Wki . iii ,Llll. i ". , ',fi
1 1 1 ' , ' , ',1 • ..h
-4;1‘:5 irji n is • , ' .., - ,•,,,i.. 2
There's a ioa Ilttleillnnanlives..oree tile iwayi . , ~.
Who efts hy Ilomindoiv moot ttf,tho dtvi ‘-, ,'• -
And I n eVor , Woft*.l 3 .9)rs4P4lo4 IA fkw_ifP-,, .' ~,3'
i vy lio
, jed het! an easy bydolentlik
"Who is lle,/ What is eller" toftenhhitestaidi.'
"Who gilie l it6: kin. cloth hndNiho 'gt ezi• her ,
b re ta? i ..',,P, - ,...7.
Pray what Itiiialiirfned d4Sifebe ;sto'fily devour
Prom thehoikk she Wgazink at hour - efte honi?! 1
~......., i
If one froinhtir fluty4s i tm4 to? , sh!yk, , , ~_ ' •,-
There's al:wsayiattpther WI? 'OULU P, Iv • "4 j'. ; f
d i
And this I bait; fontnils the A& Of thol ' .1 , 1, 1 ,
1 ' In thnt qniet listabLitd9nent,ever the-way.
1 P 4 4 , Fi'epti theitoiVtir bitter and bread s
gikindles tlki litiiirntinalida up the' bid, .: !-, •
:JieLWaditer •thettilibes,And led:them astav,...? ~,
•Atidt; iiiiikr.iiite ii IninvAr.tho'wholkof the .dayil ;,, -,
I • 1.011 , 4 ‘lj t, . ' I' vee' f " i.... il
Oh,bidtell fhan apy inyantign Men ) . " „
' 4,g,s_topinitikiii,, ditifeConiihnidinatiaine-Lt -1 "
:Tbbt le.noiii'thitiiibetitY tilhnieoi aril:din,' 'CV: ,
And , 3B.iieirei4'ohica ligilisee it-nerthr inns a OW tr.:
, a . 1 •/"I r ;.7- - k , : - .0 r iir,lal, n,
fhweiti'l , 41 1 8 Y04 1 .1RT,01/.,9;ft'A 3i4 10 •
. 1 . 7 K*0:) , 11a
Mid instill w 2 ipi:n!ltp, pe.lhine Pc Iffo i3'
L A t i Miz: l , l : an§2py e 4 $ f,surg ft,o9 l 4 l .!, l l3: Lt , • -
That a Wiman'i'lligliti woman 'Hied' over "the'
wi l*.m ::-)1," -
, 1.1 „t 12. ;,
..., , t `,,' rebr'r'e il a pilideilee' O;tbliakitaior. - 1 - ` :1 •
,n i itizAinit erriAlsr.o4 April 6, 1871.
l' 7. `l:l4'fletder—D t ,e6 . tii•q4-i's4, 7
i t jy,'a,slo:ir 441%1V Wili14 1 :10 3 olion a
•copptry fillSrli l ot 'l:te unlit,eirestilii it,l'
- sotne 7 j , ,reur readers: If lihistake
Atiet, I 1 , onitile&Yoti te66,mmutil&tion'i
if sit.. F e_Rrornile i wlll be herewith re- t `
r. )
r ,
, t ,lt is quite, natural
so3l,ety,"!tnd imin'neis and 68630; of
the PhPVter. 9 ,_9T:7 , str ilM° , loCAlitil cb?"
fore g °ll) 4s,li9t° ig C tifa xethe i9n ,of ,its
1 / 1 4014 4 1 1t r's?u.rbes•-_ he' latter Mai be
,ever .an r reei g ;Li ft ,t 4 9,f93 111 . er, 01p
i eetionah-R, would w,lO ° 1 44 0 1 3 t
It "i linEne',l;cM,e is TVextA o 9 l4 FlY,ftrue.,
of, the leibutl?. , PViinito At-4 f eCoilt etitus
toward the government anclAgivard the
people cif
,tke,Nprthern ptritps. i :`
• I have been here long s e neugh to
spealf ef?inawhat, advisedly • upon hoth
points. i A. n actnal,eettlement of, some
trirO'hcillitiold Di - Weller/3 PenSe in this
ennatiirMl.t,hiAthP Aslit tWn...Years• ar
gue4-fayskyat)ly for the, ; native, citizens,
Their if, 9A19 1 ,4V-in I P4K liki iliV,,foVOr of
thef Cotinesi, 4. l 4.PaftgrkanltnitiJof the
Souther!). people. 1 In this regard 4 have,
• been very,agNealily disappointed sinus
settlinglinphiabeth ply, yin), ,my . , fa-,
inily,:i - 114 km ?UV!? -that : thg 41 - 9rthern
peofie Would have nothing to-boast,Of
*4 4 3 l tAie All MUM Staneea reversed. Lean,
'assert with ,no little positivenetts that
there it'ren inn ACUk/UX ins this Congres
sion4,oletrietf, clcdellht not that there
isles, pi.iiti,efil.excltement be than in
tinr 7 ftheoJ B 4 l ot Pelttho and AM as lit t
fle'iftd. any;Ni4rtAlt, I Mili ,, Kka argq°
ltliiiotti? ileS4uPilitAbs 0iCtri915,134 1 10 45€44
ItePiiicaratuAnliPiTitYlill IP6B,rind Arollo
in 1870. The fao,til ,being, atMedwariy
one Is at libc# , Y.A9 draw tila own., info*
F,X . :t 4 R i suit nWI ij Ail S. ,', ' 'l,l i
• le p p 99ntatils.020.0 2 1i0 0 . 1 t4hah7
-24- " ._.:x."
ries; sto e i s i „schools, clkuroas aml pre.
taikalli4 illeirtntt< is sadly deficient in
I,het . elsi ,It usedlt9- 1 61ipport four hotels
beferiiUs W, ftr,,,elipf t which have, been ,
d6trhtkid, ,:o-,,,that. pow it ,haslreally
nOne. , Irchigi a le jj: , espital option:44l,W
sa4io r C. k neFPlll4 l ll?l , ,Nortllern land lerd.
__We Il e ahept)4,s miles south , from
WeVelir Y irginta4, hetvfeen which place
a / I ,4, P t h s i ,•W e have a daili liee.of liteatit-,
fi t
moats, 11, earry ~60 passengers
Alliitak°PfP Aonalfreigh4. ,Dther t ur d
/larger 1 140athk9Atti 009A0t0,11411i +10; OAt 0
.40) 00 0 44) J 3 fti ft
tlia. cre-Pfc,nverAoo ~tona
h„,nr,,0,„0." . Tfil se fraattentlY are inereas,
edi whqi ilia hualnees demands it. .‘.
e t l i lili;colinty , .with several others her
4er'ingLtipon AlbemarlelSound, Is corn.
tnonty, krinwnlia.s the ,h. Albemarle re
gibri:u, rThe, genial climate and fertile
solin i fthis region obaliengelite admi
ration of every, one who has paid it a
visit/ f. doubt if there are any locali
-IWlTOltwhich nature ha:l.4lone more.--
Thli t oxVoinithans from, 0135,, than •800,-
,000 "acre& tAnlded imone)year,before the
rebellibit,rabcittrofifteemmillion ,dellars,
in eash,jand this•teo,undeir the old re.
`02)64 largt(plariitattons and , searce la
bor. ,i 1 -1 r,_ l .11 , . ~ I
There fare hew: Wvlthin the; Albemarle
14ilOi T Al i v:ei one' tillilion< acres of pine,
jiinipev andleYprestr forests, , ahl urge
share ollwrltieh liPfinvertßl w th Vikeln'
timber; i -This: tiixtber ought wit ;J. lid
doubt w illi•Sffiniiilifa r eturetit ere I'o - 5
gre1,3404446a. In ean ,, be eaii iy towed
br , stieft ' ,rings' ILO , ItOrfolli - lad 'other
milleiffi that PurPoSel . with° ,t any of
i llii i
tfit f,osk I'3'oi:tent' tci 'the r finitig
-18gaanittl'iniVer'i4 the rough MAI rEll44 j i
isttg l itiß Itoisiiie fife! moifiltaini'df Pe'ritii i
sylvanii i . .E - r. , ~, ) - Ltitx 0 2 . ,• 1 , ,
Tinaitifaaliti to'lmt'ell 'croM,int i lly? I
or this pfitere rpNittiie j !uk; dniirel:y of
vorthern•hfeli Vtli ItiCesiiiiao(l clif,-, I
ital; lido at if lii` I.'etai' Vaate,` t at i Aim t
,$80q,000. 1 , "ilA?PliiiioSiiiffkokorii?Aup f ,
.li - '4li - eiej Aiidl e lifill tleelq!'ffi . :r,eolfi, t 2 ' l , ~,
Tile bnililiqaTiOtileilmsjihiven'ts
i alai• ". 6 't ii (6 ~- ~,,, , i<„ ,
,are 1 * ilingi , L .? AlYcf u thi.e A97% 11
11;killii tag li f i li t 4, l o3f::outtusytk 10111;or,
MS . sizalthia I WO° )fil`4n in doll Siaerfibi r 4'
travel thro'n lahliillAtifti, 'South"Caid=
linaandCig igia t ' 11 " '" °
The h•iriiiii and elan fislierlei3ef. the
*- /h et hir k 9 A .e k i i i li e f v9 sPe°ll• Ellen 7
ti°n * T h 444/ .? n ow <4 l l fPA;qal , <P l i d,
. aro pP l er4to.4ertepk, , ?min i at;ont the
iOth of - ki : rah t i e - che,godii ,, ,pr Atkt,
aild hi' i3o,.:( h itilispit, i ces - st6 . '•th,,iot_h qr
J v ne: It j p , said o be and no donee pi,
fa very , - Piltiiii i ihk'n,o9Fqt s .l AI! tr, fi ' 6
N'ray trifl pFul td.,,0n6 hoOreit 96 - 960 i Li
fiel..! at!ef i calikii j atevetyliaull ng , of t . :tifi
a(ixe , 'Asi4lP4;*. itiqPh, s vl:4 l ' a iwiPtrwA r
, 33 Y41 3 k. .s'es ° e!"-4t.eifiliq1 1 3.,Be,s qit ',Oar;
ger i fiatiellts- , 1 1.4%T irsPflnJilt)M
-1,19- 441OneilikberY oP ,tlh9 )ovPri fiklut
II's; yip !bile's from' Elisabeth City. Seve.
ral thLusari, d ?lards of ithereeimi artveell- , ,
.kti 4.1 1 1,3ti1,a.r0tw i hOatiialicie epough ito I
ready frontlite surface of thn,avater ito
the,. like 'nil 4-This )boate Nvlt4 several!
Weil Li Imr1 mr s , fawn - Atha ,abeath,- , going, di
ireetry, o tit - rite; the, stream dr sound ;t
, ith *elf tpErning4 at right.angles down
.tlie.-Streatil 4 nait agaiixtutningand clean-
Ing.itu ahore,centinnally uneollingami
14<qpit0 theneintlis dhey g < 'When
,k ) iit 4 ,i'm 401XLIViiiitoa tire:., iyilonle,
ti f roMAS astened(to ettlinr. cl d of :the
v i i
.iehol.niedent anti! it stanch
p , r43,.tv r ith, cork uponi thn , ortetttedge,
and, a, Vie) gh t ons fth q - lower .4dgo suffi
tlenttlii I take 4t. 1 te)the . Witten' ,r , , The
1 2 , e li k e4s then drawn--and-wound-up,
'lAl4[oo6 l Bll' tii6litili iiithin the , chg.:
' onmferen&Of thereeille:f l - 1 -) 1 {:'3: < 1
itteiringi faitati,g)Mk ifah,r(s&Okled
i.... 1 1 7 ,1
lita7Ntpielig i tit tin# , Ritin.y 3 9
ti 3l . Oi. f ile, 'r P'Alr,TI r)?, t / i4°4 Y:a
• t titittli*.i 5 ,,i1e, Altr;l,pg t iire,ls)l4i Ftt. 'lB
Vet ihb aff9 2 .4.;Mbagttle:g 4o 444 4
7iieirOtzLtilY.i (I)lii9d.'.iiryri4l4ol:4.4ll.?;
`Niiriiie'reaini 10,6,1,19 k -in ninirk:4B;lsto - y,
' ot,iiiiikritsiterieitanie 'knight foi rea,'
11 0 4 : 1 # 0 -11'• c . .: ; • . :..
4 .s :pelighi;piy?o,l".iilas . - li 7 iti'll4rtii ,
,i6 vi n ik. pi fii.t:g9iiiy f ul a iit4:ti ? lalln ir ::
_Xlki l iv,t ieye3WiWilliai .4ap."645a20)
os , Aliare within thnlYniteif'sSlatis;fs'
'Oft pkilbe grown here. -Two-crops of
4 . 010 1 - ,;OA anretalfltisli and: ,sweeb von
`t,44'n'ea,,.gaii.lbe raisedzeasilsr nfroin - . t lie
4,Lur iiltitidinufekaisOn:. - Vo'rhireettola,.,
t, 'ate Ennl-heani3 are some lotthei
0. - apleL tielesp. <Theo corm oft.lnisineer;
tikT Jwi gva,l/ighetEprice • titan:Mot
=lltliflCAl alith)N.:and . eiM; -.huogilmea:
4rqulke , etcyAlew,lrgrii fer,ab?ut teed
. gonhspor N0ti01.•,.. , Who North c.oxolttao,
ibmgo,tto orott4iseaboyevar f and atis cull: ,
OiLf#,l lo ifliMufliclesabla eatent4Lin-IVliin
.1m1Vq.,911) alikkilkin.4ance etilalgn wheat
lieldkin. iitJlerit averaging; olikilt bow,
Atnilfik a , bout 18 inches hign.,;l4'onaid7.
;ellakiP• d9PAlc4B,noisy 4 garriett on. I
:FffuO. 47, , ,,9r.tgi1arg94414 .9t: BRO.:4449Jan
that an 3 thktakt itithpi 3 ol4l:-c Nut i ItOtahatt4l
~1 1 1 : 041.Jettp/PtqatitV.e.state oEad'
yageolimin, .46; Wh htio motto, a JvAry,f, prott,
itxthietalmAmso,: l ;woßelliting o.t_itly:.
PN° Lilie ll tft Willl9ll 3 :antio:nthPri. 1 114*.
tag% io
_f: , y-,:,lit
~c The aige.s PC'irill:teaclL.P.4ll. l av CtiV4T.Yi .
5-Midi filtl gr9W:,PrO"o. l '4o2,442thiit.AUMitaq
4.*:Yel ittio.oPOoihno.xtoolvockloos ottonti
'mimic thEi l 4l;.4llY At1Atf1 , 441.4.: Qtsfrultorm
• WiPeti34 l lt tkar 4 4.4.aPickE4.7 ,- r Aikfti ; ,
'dilreren4 varietleaateaultivateckexteriv
alVely:: 'The Scuppernong Is monopa
412td,by;eastern l'cßt,b Vii!Fel l ina . i- it is,
jai Minim (it'Aht*Aihpmarie. xe,wiiirb i Oil,
-11Lotliiiiwi i;lieVni,ilo*-64.it0,tranaphint
atil .:. iA )494 , tea :pla,ntS,:will, cover fgr
' it ' ere i..' l4s i oao )'')g - Ou t t R:0 11 Pliiiii, .K'7,.
iitire i d'forthati)nfp,kise, t,lyf, feat . .high.,
' t .liiie Wine made fmni the, Eileupperneag l
is fAtiia 'fp
he q tiaa
n excellent
'AA-theea:, ~qu
. sI lty ,
re eprie parties in 11ga*a
`enuO'flmn iOti4l'lfniiledg. i
'''OrPi9 of all 's i zes 9#l49t9ukjit
f 4.
I,t,htifinill adjoining counties upon r,ea
i 'goat*, teriiiii,"'litirde,ititiots'`Litljaceit i
to '61194; other-could' , biai n filirehaseil 'MA:
fliiiicirVided'into 'thilall fittraiii, to sitititbizi
i,thliarii i3f-the'severarsettlers:' lit this
-.. B , 4'Whiaiift ribletificirliiiblls 'ettifliii bilo---.',
' - '',.411 -E tiartlea'cotiee s niii . ititlng '' . Li' 000 1
I 1 4 - 4itde4ifsliCritidVabie' toio • auie see
1 4'4'&l. 4 o:ol+l;efiii:Odefitiiig 'elgdtvtictie:`,.
• 'The itiMlitOio' far T ilS' mY • eii)i.WeLi`a"
goe4tia ;very desirable. There has been
`l44i#lo4lesichere 'sines I. became:aeiti
-1 44, ' lianki!ever.. knew .in the s a m e'
utiti , a at .) 5... ..
Je Time a Tongan equal number
0.1-leMeiiiiii '. i- , . .-_,;
:.,Iheitrisy. nua elienaiwater . comniuni-il
*jula liith - 1111 paits,•renders -the Abbe.',
it very. desirable location
',iii',lA 14nds of busiaesi.?. ,The track; of
. ftittli with the West-Indies is very
:V. 14 .).1 1 : e ; 4 0.10iPP,X11110h,niore #0; Is
eft:4.A i IV . Avip ogpf,xtl44%.e,lqq i nnd
- 6 0,4iterfrtiPSIT4FIAL**NbuS 4 / 9 -":
411*1t...9MT1944 0t i - sf specula
1 ~. Irl
arqOPOPLW eMPPeq49. 1 1 01 °4ti4PLA
4r9icgfrfßPqi 490:eypt,oIktko q.:Y74A4. ifiriii9elcnEVWl -,4 )0.90149k15/ rr ITTY ) I I O rf l lM Pg. ' t c: e9 47 al P,TWr:
Will rq94l.yea -hearty welcerne., -It'very,
- I r,e*P!/ 1 ? 1( ?:* 013 401449.4..P 11 4.:1 1 a0 1 43',
will i'ne ex,t9nded il l ° pjl c etrangsrsi ~, %he
,liectpla,En•e_all sociable, : ai'ld
,friendly in
their In teNe,onise 7iOA . ! i ` l. 9rt..iler ners, ' '
,acid the
'44* :4(.4 behind. in' knowpag
li4w:ipi ,i 4 ynteh way to, make them
selves agresable.; I:
if 4 1 13 4 ,),94Y-Waiits. ktkOWADY more,
ab9u4li( l ),coAu4try, l , let Ahem icpun t an 4
spetp , f:t, prpfTlyeti,gp others are (i•t4t4i r
;soljtixe ri;l .New ; York.
fll-t*Altegoftk r• Tquil43l-v, APA4-,
elpF t e t t Lipyrypiti,oh
*f. , :t l . i_..4 .- * '. l:4t, lip)4 to:tfliefe .- 11OWin li g : let- -
ter:rt•opac, Iyilinortt Clam, E.sq., :via o was
iliP.,"-Raca c4PF.P!'' , ',Pf lOW .1441 sum-,
Te,r....,.. ,T 19 4 8., a ,P))rclc4t Leo, ll l6l9lck sense
\ A-liser4aus iwig? :kpowa what .he sees,
,and Can,tol , what j he knows; ]En4' •
, ~ . , ~, i i ~ , , - 0.41t JAKE; %Mar h ,24; ' '7l, : -
fipqrAir, , ;t-Youis: :the •pt I instant
4.eachod'in!e!safely!: a ,few,•;d ys:ago. , _ , 4I
at,u, fi,0xr4 , 11,6103 lot: have. A e ipleaapre;
9f seeing. yon-" up tere'' .t. is: ;3prinki:
indee,4; . hy;tiot corning here a d. , ,. 1 ..1i0rne-
Aeroiind'lilo9 _aerCs.urider,the new, tßol
dicnejihriaestead' bill, _I think you will
14:139, such 4noppolfufi,J;ty an, cannot, or-".,
en r ; i mill iii`cou plitqako. '.Xtllo:thOiuSgliti
-fla ttiPici, vaie.: , ,,r,e tii i - 4 . ,ifif'4, 1, 04!..,," 3 ,:it,i'rixt,
f4R - .91141:!*'$:01' ti...gie p Ilict:tif . o - ptyt)a`
i isAds,..,tliat fir4*
. .ii:4 40,1 for pie-:
: tion map( hii*eit' feii'd claim ilii4Weeti this'
~ , Jvi‘A§cl
, c r„,lOfej 4 tlqsiiY,`i)/ 1 `,0112 ! - -PA
4 oNi PSI ;; -.4' ..t*,t10,95-.41 .8 2N444)
• kattlYz4ooll'*,_.,ilV,74,,..l.'''ete:':64,,ittitei'
,t.Q.b oi ha4 eve :r y.w 4 4.4, ~y)..,:t t Ol io - 4: .4=,
I ,tskoop tc:l l, 64ilanled; te . fg - ,:n?y , ::#iiii. id-:
11,psolopjfilii, tt6sBVti6l6)l}S' 6441:09
tille:eq.ol,l6iliteo-*liio,ll4ll*f • 4.6 0 4 ' •
,iyii). Ilto;p•'es4.26gie l o , ,yc,i'' river
ttleyiNos;liid f:#e l rf, f ClitiM, *lfkiii fS:1), CT'
4cypAys,olll4=B;6o6*:raPioifill', ~::: , ',"
igiVa9Pit LI, 4 6 ,,, la, t, 41g.',OiaaE!" ! 'll'' ? 'Ni?:-:
yeu; k pe, R , i tef we:ikfiihrr . O l ixr:lttitc A s'itir,-,
!(I bet ,iweptiSt' s t:lAle.; - 1,01 NViitci.,,coiiii
have heenxiiiffirkV i f Spn ic,04,0(:1u . .;
_Apeortl9ol t4l ,i i reiorne T 4 s u ati t sfYeki l w . :4?pi i
tlown.toici3Or tiqbit kp *of o! i- PP4 • Fs' 4 .
varry,oo.oll.o ‘ v g h' o l o: l 4e." 11 ?##: :4 * -
10410 ) t °l #l4 4 4 l : l Pg .: * 4B ' 1 19 , i V 0 1 4'•
.in fell - rail 00Stfiiiii, ei l g'; A
ottliekilsty)op3,ll6(l,llo4l c#€V,throiigh.. j : t tie iuforrned ra A) tin4'
,Elettl9rlt i-a, erelii ' .'e'feii found 'eli ery' re W
1 . plies. i lay this you will perceive that
Ip i ,the L facet-btEridithi:WlifiVri iicfe'itthei . ,'
Ahja e,9.11, fry leirapidlyi , iii ifnielip 'real'
tlinro./A bat ithE):l4tinblidO6btlbtiOlint the
Inn 4 AssOlnkiolniinimiaiskiihencitonlas`
brill gis 4 odd ifetthot , i' , ThoSiikT f
' . B PrAng„ g ' • ' 0
,9!grn i rivalfre , rallietaP edillisitilyi hikii
eetapllep:ed z=i-tivi a I thitilinitien it bifie'dir,"
*file'4_llok.4l43;iiiiittfitaetiVe!S , ;ai,4clrli l
.fof,t6cptigli tho; that/mit gtalkkbaititan
I ' pild Ar9pe.'l'--; SOnitit al dridredficlofi kinitli
t wi,4, ace alreadyj afloat, on Abeii way
,- 490 •ilt o l l l9,llkPAi•MYßklicql , ,Aff.. l 4fitert!;
1 44 1 .4flArelIMPaYIP# - it9 . 44 3 9Y(L1F, 149.2 qt.
In nftefigaii9AW:4 l A o,44icfbit , „l
5 20.140 i.
Ar P9Ml4 l s4s°Yhtlii.PO: > l l .t.M3Writ
444404 '9 , OP 1 3 b , . PM ~lif? AcMis4, Pc,
#-R ab niPSY IVrfr.llsull- 4Pmfg9,SP9#4.. ;
qr-- ---Y:P l t -3 P:},99,..i. .7k - 1 , 1 5 , -- i,;;:,1 imill:.!
.:il.,Thincounkl,y 9ffe i m groit4ildiitleimp44
i to - the tainlgrxyrtligniiii.AlßlP.D . NnoPic#r
iciaSilii fete
, n l ,l4.4,lagat,l?elpgiun,l3plqwc. f ,
'bxecipt ( a tiNn,,pEiongliit::Any,o,,frngt,,nlore,
-nboth • rn partib ßa yyufkr , nnd timtier iu I
~ suffiroteric abundance. Ticiusuji is',_ fi rst
-elassaviT e distance from nere,fvia tin
-luthprolotiratiiitgrii indiliefOil butit : o
tie. -it.larifrtetefie 7 Waii IfikitililiiVillikit -
field, Illipte ,qiitilthibithotLAt ll l6 , 'aga.
estimated iiiii*, eliii ii B iirl4t bniitinP 0'
itiokitiit frerifiiiiii4;6 l t4eViciiili; eii niiiitri•
4 a ontik Vnuld!iaaidiiiihimilikittfrtiiii Pittk--
4 btiitUltiat place, watetiarriaige.being.
••,,tel'•' ; 1i., , i.,•+ - a ,, .11)J ~ ,t . • 'F.,. -4.:“==it •i
"%MIA ° 1 ' I 4e lF9l4 4r t i llit'Afi a il l .aPt
4 1 4 , 1 i .:
. - .1j4 e tewlere, tli general
kibAis• ' *.,14t: khiMixte l ik iieVe*Vii-:
firmkgatol: diiit'oiiiit "of eltOliid.gbia.;
1 i •y, ,exile leiiiki' i ldilieiti ilarbir.'lii 'net,
I . ,gre4, pa, 4Jtieti-itsfit te; 1 fiku iiiwsviikteel
abl.y.lfsi , politted if I 'etienti helliekiiic-
Piffi l le ` 'be ithnestirozen tO death, , butll
! 9analtc • OS , say thatli fourtd . the weft.
rthet`,. vi_lt lrt beet of, a few days,
• delikh,oo 4 q "Nh4;l! meg kbiroX et Oh rtatmas.
; the ther i, ometer,varied, front .4,. At 26
degiiiii 1 low,„zero i ?Ante . then ~it, has,
/lever go' a la5VAt: tlfau JO, degeee . he
.Jorzero. ,Pti an :average, one , olild,
.aay„Wtb , - Nii,ikte.**94o4oiLoteity, calm,
splci 4.$ biaelq. - s'Wheiliihe theilno
, spotgr„ . pt 2 iiilk 'in' iiiii'vfoliiitS;: 'of 'zern,
; say Sp ;)M ii itHiV44 1 tcii "vili?O'co*; 'the air
ithvery,t3t,l iltild peonl taffy inVignfatitig.-
,cne.dßys ) ckfeertbe•eoldjintt the 'exi
,,49mittca et zeftilildli:' Itie• necessary
,t l 9,lsaaik e , rsphaitdahlidleet' vielinco`v
:mi.,,ancl . he , nabal orgarti.lequik4a:lfre4
AtAentaqd)vigorousLtubbings..i We have:
ny),qevo..ral tbawtt,, i'llilai mornJimi the;
tbe;/???4, 1 40. iPtiloatad.lB degrees above,
zero. APi#9.9I I, MAIr PIT , f9t 3 e, 441.4,,Vg
t3P.14P e9.E01',9 I ._,4APPMS' 1 141 0 4 e.i. Vie
~1 . 9.4 f r9 MA a P444i tS . 48, 4PgrfeP:
•0 41T V'N#87, •i , - i - • - .i.u..: ~.•-:1' ; ' ;f:.
- ) V- 1114. APPin d 44i.Pk i 'ii r T 4 !; l li‘Nii i 7hl.,
73 4 :1 5: 119710i1 4 . 1 9 :'" n tiptl i t i n u TTin k s1 1 # 4 t 8 ;
i iber„ginfth'' are ' fOnkla - 'inOroS .- Or 'leg's'
n.tniantiheiNitekelenga;iiereli,: buf
-10,,,tre1t.;• lift elieri, - btililiettds; eat; . etc.'
'ame•,lo liy`ottsirt-.6iiii'ditiii. . De'64 dif=-:
- tileJititiimlt'andiirst part' of -win
xi Lwet i f cr''VerY'rfiledtiful. - ' ,, Duting the
pwinte4 f A-number :Or`elktwere shotln -
this neightterheod -11 Pexed I are, elnin,
,giant, Wolveatungnks, rats, ~ rahbits,,
See., are fount tap.ra or less 'atkundant..
Mi.l44l3elcl.geesei e n fiTetl and PO'
Acane,ahonnd in spring and fall; grai l - ,
tle i thigens and ruipcdgronseAdtheir
li!easeri-1 . :T ' ' „ 1 '
Wheat ,le' ,th e
great e ; tro • y', h
e -
r' e • i, as
1 1 68,,1,6,128, 7p' sl i -l a. were produced ,
av,eragAngllf6l4feli te"the,acres','ln
:theltd! titer' ialiay; Whfrlittle
liasheebfitketesolelded from 'Bs' - to 48
it )
buSheis et acre: 'ln 1868; I nith I s State,
1.15,170 acres were in corn,. yielding on
tinave4ge,4o bushels to the acre. Po-,
ititneS grow:here 09.1 have never-seen
,elsewhere. Cabbage and beans
i de 406:Widly. =Melons and winter and:
`ant:inner; s uashes. are . said to. ,come,to,
•greAt . '-'loe eOtt9p, -.Que . impOre4, ;: miles, - ' f this, on account, of; the new
'll 6s6i iir the countfy i ,,suell ItpuriFFl have,
'id hiitili` O r 4 I hiltirged' id.
'Preicisidne" of all kinds are'''pretti
high, add Will' he , 36' until'' the •Ya iliCuld
gets tlireugti:' lifY"advlde 'tn . any 'per
.sons :that - think of tenting and 'bettllit&
near - the NertheirirPecitlc line,, :is that
- 1
thererisl he 'time to Rise, hilt corn's as Abe' froadsatie • passable in the,
spring ;'for should they wait, until the
ears are 'ronitieg; they wili.tled all , the
No. 1 claims ,hail, t heen, ; taken months
previotictly ; and if they can, get No. 3
claims,, ;they will be more fortunate
thlmt, I think' for.
417 , 11:, •', ; •
- 1 : 1 4 TOWNIOF AyR
l ilUazotitsit atiderflaii-; -the 11 anis of
:I:dare; - Txl4
bebwolanged tolhat of Ayer: • A't•- the
Inangurittion,:lDoetor J.: CI: Ayer, the
gieati medicine mans," was cuffed up
on- and 'road°, tha !following speech
• -
Ladies alad,genflemera, F- 7 9p,the wea • - -
.tern cinist t of Scotland , where it slopes
-into the:Xiistr. Sea, a river, rising on the
waters cifihe'inner s land, winds. down
amdrig•the hills' and' 'eniptiee''into - the'
Frith oti, Clyde. ', FronflemOte' Ai ole 'it
• has Ilem CalledAYi, froth air hid
word,!-', AirY;'''rneitrang alleilgle'lille4t
- , -,'4beiriVei l bf the ed , gliOdneSi.'" N'eiiiit'S
MouthAridti; thnitiglilifis 'ha'rbiii.i long'
stood • a; hamlet'whioh bectithe a' royal
• hurgor itown, named, from the river,
and .xtoiv: • about one-third• as large as
, Lowell `the city of •Ayr. - For more,
than ,a, thousand years -it has been no
"tetlitt,tie historyof Scotland. During
the, wan? of Robert ifirnee it , Arith' (Wel of )
kis resoits, and was especially,, far Fed
by him becauselie,Was 'there Cured of
L.leprosy." Oliyerj.Fomwell made it one
,of the - ,depbts•_alut, headquarters of; his •
,army in",:hia_uttnelE•irpon Scotland,• and
, onoinf,his•ohl forts is; now the,Otadel
.9f Ayr. i [-; • ~ • ••:, •. .! , :si, ..,, •
But,,u))oVe,:a,l•l; lts , diatiPaiionsi, Ayr.
was the , birthplace :of, the •poet ~l3nrns.
An,dfw, h t ta a poet ! What ,a,,yeice.haß
la!Pii'Vel,,t9 ',nil -the_ -endearments •01 ,.
' liiiin`e 142 wAI iIS . ; lie; ! l ikniksiV'e d ' ilie - f''F'cl,,-
''4v4 i tidd, ,:ii. it, 4 9 ,7.iii-,.Ni7E . 1 I) fi MA wiff;
ii a tefciti and poy9l:o,'l4oiin - t;', tl'irie'y','xile,
Ira,riletilP 'Md 'the pofir*taa' ,; iaiii... 11(4_
1 4# Wrg)ii *Ail tenderness ' A/A:6 7 By `he
)140lie§,t4v'otliig'•*ak',',16ligtie Of 1` as=
1 Oi l ,O`Tqici titilttbfelid,'l4;'frit,itiiv, .pi el
ifitfihiii biii6"kg'"l"iiitd:;' utt6e; itim, Ws'
'fi*Flie'it;lier . . L 'il l ie':flonnY'Dollu; 'it:aril'.
LA:a : del:a : oV' '4134', Jo'', ''.liih n,' 'Ail I tl" ',LAg -
Sfin a 'thidlligplaiiii'lfaiy, ' 'pill( i'ouiitl
the iio4ctlif 'bv'ei''rinkft3g.ey raphOily
'iVitlfil;ll4-1 heAt'iiiiii . iitliesilii'lliiniali'
rintiire'. : 1 His' songs Wba'all if meli . tilYO
lieiii" /A l e f youth aria Mitde'ilS,'llil4'46'-'''
lide`tif 'the sorrow ing'irrferltiiitek to t,lili,
't.:,y•Srbifilien r adi6 , theft loi,; 4 ' His ' iliiiii-=
'iaiiditilati.4 iteictlaMrhtliii i i 'id itiust it)
' 46lW:lW:tha t arii; iiiihioital t ."' ' 1 J.'s' . ' l l 1 .
1441 r titlier:pn9 plan pyr qiitiie ttiiii-'
'',giiirge`Octitile—bilt iiii:ha i s'iendelekitiitd
. )(41k4iihSetch a DOOdialeCC:Ot fake..
, ,the i tiiiirle -Of hiS liOirie Wild Iris . ilcieVed i
Iliiii'AS,Waa lifted, on the' Whigs of
- tile
TiTiVateit r'ai.'ns - to icifieh'the,''s`pot'liO‘el l '
fillusl has 'aitildtiiiedl . " - '' , ' ''' ' ''- -- "'
" '•''
'Aldng , the . iirdeid'bf"Ntiik sea. , lii"i t
ii)aftitteihg:iiiiil'aici ' aiii.roti!i ail,e, i t,' ilf ii
tawii,ls a county of 'the ''sitMe nato44-,
Asrra _ hir 4 . ...,,y :,9 • ,•,.. .1.,:.•,, , ' • ,t,:,
'1:. It„wolild 'V;TitrAilotiiptitienlle i lii' hea tl
r'-tho'-tdstiOry of my ancestors,. from -one
5 anblent,tolau of Ayr, _then .011 i Ayr,
• Alokonathrotrgli the eentui l l'es tt? t 1,9 A r t:
eriticiy,'Ll3fprO idn,; - .thytti!igri lli ,! i
Bittli/EtSl4l l ll , oVerk:y ,liil#„Vre,lit i y . ..!) ! i. , - 6>, , i';-' ,. I
,iii:i4fotiirie;',...hosy' - t lici'fiirts - : ' 1
I . ,nlempFriel V4ilk:Elikliiii i d:' je,iiiiid; I
'iiixo'ffi,F,Otiiil, ikialcitey, \4O PIC:A.44V
crxr,, t) who tri•e en' el6clielit s - niiletilie , ' - 41.f
14 1: 1., •, .. ••••„' ••,, .. iI:,I, ~ • "I
`hams. Oct:OS A, yBit' have- . chbacn tlie',.
'[,in herlt Ottoe '‘yailliitii 6 Witfitili
"e :ti;4;frOlnary unanimity, and h a V" e
1 e:reb:ji,, )ciniferfeildan'tionill : ' Upon tile;
~, irriPeti-ackiii4l6ilimeili WI -wh'ielP
-1 iTo' , :iicit lieffuliy ibliito bit in•6ii!l f ,Titit i
T tigeSNici to be assured that lefOrilpre'-'
t eiatii;liatittibat iezikiif be'' tittefulirtw
membered =' , Witli'l it liVitigointiireikilitl
.I -4iitirx" , ..pr6eperity while life retrial's-4n
anh,-:.and, I: - :trust, beiyOnd!„ that, i - by:my.
• children - after me. .1 ;-', •;il ir) " , :i'
"' 11 ilia "mune hasibecdmelnoteditniougi
' i hii; lin an y ithat are *or thier arou n diy o 6 ~
• tlitd-ls', greatly 'due 'thiJitalpilblicity...
' Ifirl ,be permitted to state whence
•1 IttP3
I • 9).1
t • t •
Lt i•i --ic.; } 1... Until .,., •:, ~4 t , .. ),
thah ilatne ?, within a fe, contd.
Ail' all illi; '0411,0 "nations ` oi the
gMbe W.ex6'ileiit nii OW MO eastern con-
Linen t.. " titrelor' three' haitdred ) year,
ago th§y.letiked over into this;` fe‘i'illid
ftiarfiillyet'first; then more aft& more,'
hut alWaya in their settionients timidly
hugging; the : Atlantic:coast, '.Within
the 1118$ tW C ) . pr.tutee ge, nerations; they ,
have biirst gut, as it Nvqe, and overrun
tiaese!..vaat ,continents of the West.-7-
Nnw , ttleY. arp, scattered, 4.ere,' and pos
sex, t t hesii, ;meant:y.9ler stretches of val
leys,an,dtriountains, Mils, plains, for-,
epta and il l airies,' 'With' the boundless
bainpsis @nd "i'etnitain ranged Of South'
AnaeriCa. Former ithieiationi lived in .
vitge4 grid towns,- thick ly settled'to
get e'r,'Where Phyelelaiis were plenty'
and near tit i latid. ''Now, tlie peciple are
widely'' ,tittered in many sections of
these-hid ynountrles,- - For great punt-'
beitillie, imelyi treatment of physicians'
cannoti4 „hack; .. over. large. tracts, of
eotintry,i oed, or competent physiciara
cannot l' had at a 11.,.., -They, cannot( syl
@it pane 4:
~110 1 ,101., many ,441:e41 apart, i t ,
lolive,b thebr pro,feesion, nor can they
carry, ra dial es enough with them on
hersehac fe,r, thei g.'requirements:'--
Hei,leAulifia'arlieg; r 'in thelle'.' inodorh -
Wines, a .neceSeity for ten:lei:lies readfat
,wltii direetion's - 'Mr 'their use--la
_.4 - ,
Areeent,reteurse for relief in'the-exigen
clesa 13icknei9; wheninol'Other hid is
near: Icisa Tlew neeessity, consequent
'upon the changed conditions of• human
life=-La 'Want I have spent many , years
in'inikdS'ing ; end Iyeill tell yen some
thing of ,ics extent, Our laboratory
xnakes every clay, some 609,
(y) potions,
or doses ot ) our preparations: These are hi
all taken so,niebodY. ,He is a num
ber equa)" to the popnlatio' 'Or fifteen
cities Asifi.rge as', Lowell to ing them
ev&ry day;'(for sickness keels no Sab
baths,) ,norsfor once only, but/ again and
again, Year 'after year, through nearly
ene 7 third of ,a century. We all join in
the, Joke& ,about medicines ' as we do
about 'the doctor's mission to kill, the
clergyinan's insincerity and the' law
yer's- cheating.
.Yet each of these la
bors. among the most serious realities of
life., Sickness and its attendant sutrerr,
ing,are no joke, neither is the„treat
moat of them. litil system of trans
portable relief, to be made available to,
the people,'muet keep.its riirnedies fresh
In their u mernories. ' 'This s done by acl
yertising: ".Mark its extent: An` ad
vertisenlent, taking the run of the news ?
,papers with which we contract, (settle
1.906 annually,) is 'struck off in , siicti
fiurnhers, that when piled upon each
Other flatwise, like the leaves of 'a book,
the thickness through. them . is sixteen•
inlieS: ' In add'tion, .it takes some sev
en' millions opamphlets and, twelve
millions of cir niers. to meet the`public
demand for th s kind of information.
Our and* is no of pamphlets alone,
laid solid upon each'other, make' a pile
eight and On
circulars measured
uarter miles high. The
endwise reach 1.894,
,miles. And ! theSe assertions 'are mat
ters of mathematical certainty. What
'ever the estimation in which thepub
licationa May be held here, 'they reach
the firesidea of miliions :upon: millions
'of Men,'who do, treasure and regard
them, - ',their, trials do heed
the counsel they bring— ' . )
'Not only over these great Western
continents, but . throughout that other
land iio little known to you, under our
feet, the Australian continent, there are
few v,illages as large as this, which are
not familiar , with the Inatne you have
chOsen', Mid' empleying •the remedies
that bear it. • ‘ • . . _.
gentienieu, have striven 'in
my luitcitile spher6 to '•ender some
vientomy felinw tneiOind to deserve
among, the afflicted' •atitl' unfortunate
;Some regard for the nett iour
kind partiality hangs n these walls
around 'me. We may look , forward
'with confident hope to thnreno wnyo,it
will 'gather under it, tuati the prosperity'
w hich , there is reason to• trust the future
has in store for you. Situated as you
'are here on.On,e themain'arteries be 7
tween the West and East; between the
great industries of the plough: and the
spindle, you tuna Aid in their 'exchan
,geS and thrive with them. Soon these
ichannels *Ol be Opened' wide, and pn
fing.throagLi your precincas streams of
men and" merchandise' 'that will' need
your,furtherance; end must contribute
to your( growth. , • • • -
L6citted her intherCenter of N. Eng
land,' to what-dearer spot can you turn•
that xneri ; inhabit/I Beginning life rich
with thti honor§ of. your .mother, town,
!whoso ilal;lnefi9e
,tlArough her scheoil
and :134r scholars is jot' itself an inheri- :
: twice, with such examples as Lawrence,
Aoutw,ell, ''Hotir;' what m_ ay you not
.h9l)oll),ooruseftilness 'in the c uncilS
flfcgift Staiwitild itatieh ? " • •
-•;Contrast our Candi - moil ; With hitt of
the ;European , Millet's:, 'alternately
and impirvetlehiid•With Wars; 'Credit
las you,may,! , to the;• better education of
the people, and you: OM realize the nva-;
que - pt the example old . mother (Ireton
•hae•set tico w,orthy 9f your ambition,
:Enild-Clkoo,ls for your, chi 1 •
&en iand find, talent, to teach then',
then Intll i kr,e j nee And integrity in prps
perode ith - 1,1.191Ry biipies , will be y4.14.1r,
':'As'soeitited, as you hayet:nade Me Syttli
tiottr weal tk'rid,we, .I[i 4 might be
allowed 'to biidriiiut4s .' - 66 m 'mY means!,
such 'as they efe, something toward thhe
i tfetaii'Aed you too
'Opptt.esed with i'thb fear that' l'
()esterNie the' Ili§ithetion-3ieu -be
tAiray ockletf to Matto worthier,
cruel to e,relle•uppnlyou.with H perpet
ual' t h•Npstegs; ;
!' , l-7:: ~.. . .. '. ,' ,' • :1 , ,
,A, young man. o f the - dame,of Joseph,
xecently !Lick led:A - young lady in church
ku .0.4j9) : !Kb 4 htdy , irqupalaf. - I,,atmli the,
preacherlb_lrs.(4,hls arias and,sailed into,
4he wprtilijiers l `,!,Rolyripi s 'L Tie 'said
wpmcni and Mien should
t -- ir no , more s '
togetim'under ~tie''"droppings s or i•
Sll949Afy'''Wl.!?;!AiF with, the",izisi
,hllty befoik iti6ireyes Of'being tickled,"
theAiViyeS fail (4644o'be'''eeparlateel, "gild'
riri :tli e, $
ery: Vex ',Wailing -all sat o'o-
,thei;.* The'r pher ' ;was • 4fidignant;
fie4 , ' j?,sooght , th nude . ..Tortion - "of th le,r9gatlonrb - forez arjuetlee of tlie
Rfasp l ,,,Asjury. b - deblarided,,and nu
Tiffrpho t ultl . be:a l ml)er - of the ehu re il.,
lir.e , !•ItSifiAt/ t bill lat)tedibut , at. lout
Vlet4 - 44reeeed. ehti free , awl now if
elitirali'they tickle each other as Of
' r03 . i.',1', 1 to 'keep, awpke in „an
. 1113.1.15 i Itg,
finitlit6i. 1 ' : - ' • ' ' ,i - • '.
lecoaid , that tea-party Thud fate in
'the forth Woman'lilestroyed 'Bret
Bartell, iireepede In Chios4cro
fl.r ;
{ 1 i ~1
. ,
FlcA' . ) 0,44
10. :.
._ 1
'" '"c - 4, 4 l '+' i); V : sit• f , ik - 4 1. , -^ " ' "
. ,
Boo' . o i',, flotior: o se,
Book .
.s ielistipplied. , with•Presscs azutnpla 4to axe. • -I
onto alt. kinds of Job Fork_ withal:44oos and
i• .'
f dispatch;
le additions 'of all the lato styles of type
avo been added' o thielepiiitment,;-:-.1 1, 1- ,
Location—Smith &Bowen's Floor
. • 071' Or THE IR' karrilft "
If there•eould,only ' be some. concert, : , •
of falsehood among the people Who de- ,
ny thie*Uklux, outrages, JtVouldhe
better fof their cause. ,The 15orthern''
apelegists of these ruffians, as a general
thing; agree in the statement that 'the
Smith Is as tranqnft and law-abiding a , ,
colo n unity as exists anywhere in thee '
world ; that the , Knilux lea pure ores
of the brain of den. "Chant, Inven
ted for the purpose of Making himself
a (114404' . There iviitlia be 'some 'hope
of making their reit:dere believe this, if'
they did; not occasionally commit the
indiscretion of allowing some , outspo
ken 'brutality of these criminals to fiud
a pia e in their columns. : For initanoe,
a Debcratic r W
of this W 1 w hich
i i
edito *illy denies the existence of any
.abne . _ coal genditiOp t or sentiment at the
, lsOtti , , publiehedon ‘ Siturdaylak, with
long en d
~,endatory headings , a
very 'exril lei f latter Yrom i : ;r g i a , which
con tics: all 'the hassecin Bind in regaid
to tii 'riihrileroue Intents and eats of the
ex-rebels of thetState. The eointnunl- •
eatiols'a'very elngular one in its at):
Pare t innocence 'and earnestness, and
Seem InCapable Of tinder Standing why
i ll
any , rit. should Objeato the barbar o us '
and rutal•feeling it acknowledges and
vaunts. , In fact, the , Writer begins by
Betio ineing as a political slander the
statement sometimes made in the North ;
that here is in the South a hostile feel- -
Ing against Nortlieinnien: 'lre says
theni is ; none whatever-:-With the' ex . - '
eeptiOn of the'Very'preiper and reason
able hate 'Which; all true Southerners
bear to Northern pen, who were in fa- .
vor cf the late was; and: of 'recent legis
; •
latiop. These,•lie admits, "will never
be tiblete huckster their ri e far i o us
sehemes,irLour down-trodden , and op
pressed poultry." Ele proceeds with
the Same winning
_frankness; ~" It is .
our belief that no member of the Clasi
we have dese r, safe in the South,
save while clinging to some federalgar
risen, and *oven forbbl'iinblie nenti
ment should so change that' danger '
shoqld cease to . exist. • 4 *, We bate,
des ice and lea he them, arid rather
tha stiffer forced felloWship,'ln default
of betteT protection; in every neighbor
hood in the South there are restlessepi
'rits who will remorselessly haunt them,
and; cruel as the win* may' be, a silent
em munity; will defy detection." But
lestbe should he Suspected' Of closing
the door of hop'el and mercy On the
North,, lie'couclt deahy stating his pro
foureOnvictio that if Northern men
wit, come Sout h adopt Southern views
and principles, do in all things as their
native, neighbors require, and give np
all their Free , State;nonsense, theirper
sens 'and lives Vrill heepared. This
stye of emigration is even invited, if
o , e mill:-nosed sympathizers bring a
plenty of money with them.
r 'kelp•seems to be no sense of shame
leeency lett In those Northern pa
which sym athized- with. the re
. and now defend its mean and
cowardly ghost V7ich still haunts, the
rural distriets•of be South. They ut
tel . , knowingly, day, after day, their
fa se i denials of t e outrages which are
patc tit t elle WOllld, and they'iluppress
the p roceedings Of • Southern Courts,
• ; , I •
the messages of Southern Governors,
in the i ndependent statements of Sou
t tie rn Dernoeratie newspapers, in whiCh
these infamies are acknowledged and
denounced. But in their hearts these
craven apologists for crime approve of
They see no harm in the murder of
innocent men by their Southern ac
complices. And what proves this, is
the publication from time to time in •
these very newspapers, of a trocious let
t+;!:i from their:Southern correspond- .
ents expounding theniendish -gespel of
hate and violence, which• they adopt
and glory in. The moral sense of these
journals is so blinked, by constant false
4od, that, they have , ceased to, care for
theirown - eonsistency. In ono column
they say "There, is no Kukiux," and
in the adjoining one n'Georgia eontrib7
ut or 61 ' 1 yti . ' '1 IV e will kill 1 any hell-de-,
serving.; Yankee who''Oys the . XVth
Amend Ment is ii part'of the Constitu
sion."--4ibune. - ` : , - '. •
, Stealing a Lady's Thunder.
According to a Sall Francised,•cOrFeS
pen deiti of the N. Y.' citotie i l3 - ret Hart«)
`'i p
himself addicted to " . Wayil'tbat are
dark anil:trickS that are vain'' i thitt`lS
'to say, he 'is a plagiarist :--- A literary
lady sent ha the • ;Overland. Molithly an'
Lillie)° descriptive oLcertain sceneryin
the golden State, . accompanied; i by - lu.-
`tere Sting historical • facts., awl enclosed ;
s amps IWit . kl NY ili p h bile.tie.4lod the ed. 1 .7.
ter, M r.i Efate, in ray - the!
,Restage on
1 , thoq‘ :rein Fa it to - . l , ie i r, ,it lie did
not 2itteepV it for - pulhilatiiiill' N:0 - yi tb t,
0-ter, this lady . sii.V(7 ' iii !iii . `'eti2s s tetri Jifib, s ,
1 lieation pi'l 'article trcnn tiof, 'dinned '
" I ,Tourneyings Around Caligtiiin,' lit
,which she found a portion' iieliei Ovin
aqiele , copied vertnaltii. ' - With ', this
piinhiettiowitt titiLidt- . 1 3 4 1)0 POlK:ftt Ate:
fsverlan4l oth,:.. and .u.s.ked,tor..lifir pum4r,
useript. 1 Bret pui.d'ut And Jt..,,
ddlibt,!: Failshe,
,", considey4,*orthy
0' publieution ?" "I We'll,
, ne 7 at least
Alin. .without etinsiderable - revlsinn."—_
t...Altni yot;holliiiiks parts . of it't4tegood
ettougli - io send East as his civil: o 'l,o°lc
at this,"; said slie r produeing this paper.
"Itead thut , deseription• 3 ef.Arrowhead
springs in ,San I3ernadine 'county., I
I,o,roie,fifat - pu the spotr 7 i the dining
reoniol':theproprietoT, of the.,_spriugs.
Bret Tartu never, was. the Aft. When
`3,liii ii int: ley ininieseri pp, y i eti,_. will see
iyiel e"iie„got, the Iplifegfa ?, , *Ow I
la n e.'t he ,arc i leie before ,y. ti ste'at, the
st; of 4. ' You . alight have _re . tnyneil,
e sienti, if you did not want the:art:l-,
lA.; -for tatuilips, tire sOaree' With 48z?' , ,
M promise the lad that if
wiluo beiii the
•ke , tliilyi, she siAeel have her. ruanu-
ef ript, . • She etdled, and found that the
.., truthful , James ' 1, over thee hours'
pieviously, had takew i tlie train' for the
li.,'ltst,, where he hi' * nom? t
-- -;_•_ — ‘ o 4 • ' •- I . .7' ' 1 ‘''
' I. iiA.Si:.`A:A..s.,iNyEemtF44Al f r7Tt is
1i4 1 ,i a th o Koapects A...t.l ot 4 Ifts)ia,ge ge,ttlug
'I itioll t I Ili I IS; ' inifillpr.,. Ni The :Co4t . et:;its
o(icuoittlon byClieLgoernMeiiii4 .:of,
sll,ooc •ti toinitti. The 1 t•roduCtS - last
~v far( eii neiiat ed of.about sl4 t ooo kvtitth ote
';.4.10 moo,: 1 5:3,40Q: worth: of 'field 'And do g .
t-,4h tal, tp.i it a , inaterl ally, decreased -fur ,
'trade. ; : lli, Id is, the:real lestate 1 tratisae
' lion Wille4) irotititkliner.WaaßOallXlOUS
Ix eoustunp ate c ,and, whigh:,,XeqUired
sfivpn nii)l,) e?s, l it:4 AQ)4,,f9r purchase Tao
, 4y,.
over, tiii:!, i•ettiltfi',9lS thV kfiTgi,ilp. ties prep,
Siiiieed s hi hi
c iVetl A411 1 114i - , ,Ile 14134:kiwi,.
•6 r pi.O4u 9 like,
,ilyroperty 0t a ley! ,tlglaxe. ,
*- 1 -Dad. i .-= : , .