Last,ni,pticwolgnot l ,,quilewreityled - tont , citt4atitlih lb porp zeal And that sad spirit wo oall doubt: Madb the go6a nought bosido tho iti. wtps,Tlpt!til3g, Ayjien trai • n I triiigalitt thii'solf-isiniV theme, ' ,Tl33wltol2hattered, and I fintl • The baTline turned to 'good supreme.' tittla•sloeN a I,rotif Has cbangt4 tho look of all that ! Snro nny creed T. hold At lictit Toctla lintnhio holding after this. ' • tehrotli,y's Jotirwa • AG .R . ILLZURE. t • Coffee as a Disialeetam. • • ~, .cotree is one of thehei-it'disloil , etants known. While chloride of lime, and, ;similar substanceP, protincen smell that , is utmost' RE; 'tit:l;4,i' re EMI its : the • stench sought to he destroyed, collbels jiist as efficacious, and leaveS'a Smell that is delightful to all.. Tlxp en erim'ts;ivith, it sho*, i&one - (isc',illat foom'ill meat hi an advanced state of decompu- sition liad.been !mit for time, was instantly deprived. of all 4niell on an open coffee rooster being,,earrieiLthro' it; epittitiiiing ain Pt! ilf;Hfrdti: roasted: In another room', exposed to the eflinvinn oceasioneWby the cleitt ing-ent of a "manur:e•pii,.so that &ttl- phuretted hydrogen • and nrni,i - ninitOn great quantities could! be• chemicallY detected; the stench was,corppilitely, te- LT)) ov ed in half a minute, on the employ mdut of three'ennees of fresh roasted 'coffee', while the °Weep:Last& the house were permanently cleared of the sale smell by being simply traversed with the coffee roasters althOtigh.? the el wr ing of the pit continued for sev rql itclurs after... The ,best - ,inethed re paring and using the coffee fort Is purpose l to dry the raw bean; poi ltd' n mortar, and then - rpAst.tito p( \V iler on a Moderately heated iron plate, - -- , with it assumes n dark 'hraw tint,. w hen it is tit Om use. ' Then 'sprinkle. it in sitls or eesspools, or lay it on a' plate in the roam whleh yell wish to have purified. Coffee acid or coffee oil acts more readily iu minute quanti ties. k WILL 3E:Es WonK TII E lAO irr They NV I have two glass hives which_7l two QXpori ramto „with - for three seasons: The bees ‘yericed Well, hut I multi not sue.eessfully, t willter them in the glass hives. - The first season, 1 (dosed the hives with Hilllttels, to Ow light hntil they had built. comb. 1.. then, opened the shutters, malt ink the hiVei as light as day. The bees worl i ied will, and 'stored plenty of hon i eyv About .the Ist of october I closed the shutters. In iq . ovember,Ltu exnined the hives again, I and found the hoes had:conformed al most enough honey to liawr, wintered theta in a wooden hive. Since that limo I always Transferred the lows Into a wooden hive, as cool weather ap proaches, and keep theta there till spring, when I 'dove them in the glass hives again, Keeping them darkened for. three or fun r weeks. Last spring I placed one of tile' hives where the irtm shone on it 'Ole pees initnediatebi ceased work. I I;etirned them and set the hive in The shade, but left it open to the light, when the bees commenced to work as usual. 11. E. SALT FOR THE THROAT.—In these days, when disease of .-the throat are so universally prevalent, ittid in so many cases fatal, we feel it Din' duty to say a word in behalf of a simple, and What has been with us a most effeetnal if not a positive cure for sore throat. For many years east,. indeed we may any during the whole of a life of more than• forty ) years - , we have been subject to sore throat, and more partscularlkto a iiry, honking noirgh, Which was not only distressing to ourselves, but to out . friends and those with whom we were brought into business contact. Last. fall we were induced to try what virtue there was in commo4 salt, We com ment-P(1 by using' it three times a day --morning, noon and night. We Ins solved a huge tablespoonful of pure ta ble. salt in about half a small tumbler full of cold water. With this we gar gled the throat most thoroughly just before meal-time.' The result has been that during the entire winter we have 'been not only free from coughs and colds, but the dry, hacking cough, has antirely disappeared. \Vel attribute' these satisfactory results soleiy to the use of the salt gargle, and most cordially, ree9mmend a trial of it to these who are subject to diseases of the .01'644 Many persons who have near tried - The salt gargle have the impression thatit is unpleasant. finelfiS hot the ease.— On the 4..ontrary, it is pleaslint, ,and af ter a few day4' use nn person who !Oyes a mice, clean mouth, and a nOt-rate sharpener of the appetite, will ahandon it.—Religious Herald. From monthly report of Dope •trnent of Agriculture, Seth S. Barnes, o Olean, Illinois, writes that, "On the !oth of May last, •I planted a peek of Peerless Potato. By diMing the eyes, I. made 460 lulls, but oh account of the drought not more than 300 grew. These were planted on about 11 square rods. The land was very rich, and was worked to' the depth of fifteen ho.hel, mid thor oughly put veii7ed. Om) handful of manure was used to the hill, 'composed of two-thirds hen-droppings' and one third leached ashes., The' crop was worked three titnes,, With...hand-hoe, and was dug the middle of October.— Yield 421 bushels, or cqual . to 583 bush els per acre. round seeded at the rate of 3 13-20 bushels per acre, with, a fail ure of over one-third of the seed to grow. I have twenty potatoes which weigh between three and a-liglf• and' four potinds. One, when AO', weighed over six pounds. These potatoes are solid to the center, cook up mealy, and of betterrinality thaw the.- Peach-blow; as the Peach-blow in this region grows hollow and the center of the 'potato does not cook well. For the Now York Market "pure Orange County mill'' Is thus prepared: The• dealers receive forty cans of, milk a day, twenty-seven or twenty-eight of which they skim, and_ then mix the whole together. This they color with sort of tasteless refuse from the sagar refining, which gives the mixture a thick, creamy appearance. It is then sent to New York, and sold for pure milk. They get six eansl of cream, worth Ma can, from the forty cans of milk. Horses are expensive to raise and keep, and are uncertain propei.ty at beat.— And we feed too highly. That's what's the matter. Too many o 4 s. /Half the amount of oats and the rest in corn wonl6l, no doubt, work an improvement in h i qn. We have found out that horses should•not-be fed entirely with oats for provinder. ' Trey peed something else. Qiy their corn or corn-meal part of ale fln4e, or a rnixtti% of oat# and corn Aug fin f tloy do rtoricuptoye, 'ORMOREBROSAVCIr , FIOLESALIE, _ .., ~ .. . .1 G E i ~; ~~ W}t. j • LORMOIIIig T. d. Lon)ionr, L • CA,VD ELI °J : 0 I " STEAM COFFEE & SPICE MIUS. LPRMORE 111104.41CO.,.wanld'callth0at tention of tho Trade in the oounilea of the Southern Tier of Now York and NorthernPenn aylvanla, to-the large and 1'1;4 . aseort!nent of , GROCEIIES SL:PROVISIcIINS I • . 4 1 constantly on hid at their extensive Waiihonse and . 6tores, I / and 39 ariell Street; pi; IV./ and offered for sale' on the most liberal term's, satisfaction In all oases guaranteed. • , . One Steam Mill s . forAlio Roasting of Coffee and the :Grinding of Coffee and 13pieee, are-of Idle -most'reeent proved construction, and not excelled by ,any in the etinntry. lEEE We hay.e.o full stook of chtifSe Teas'. 'We buy direct from Importers in Now. York for cash, and !mil as cheap as any house in the trade, , Sugars, Molaises -& Syrups from tko'bost Refiners, and sold at latest and loriest Nnw York quotations. FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, AND . ALL KINDS OF -NUTS, Fish--Dry & Pickled We buy from first hands in the East, and can afford a better artlele" at a lesser price than any firm in Western New ,York. WOODEN WARE, Cordage and Creoes—A full line of goods, LIQUORS. We call the attention of the Trade to our large stock of Winos and Liquors, which for purity and fineness aro unsurpassed. • IMPORTED ALES—Scotch, Irish and - En glish, arida the, best brands constantly on hand. L FOREIGN AND DOMESITC ,'LIQUORS— We specially nyltopurobasers to call .and ex }, ritnine our s oak of Foreign and Domenic Liquors befor baying elsewhere. ' ' = . . • . , .• MEDICINALViISiCEY We put' iii for'the especial benfit of the sick, a pure article of Old Bourbon W hiskey for tho - Draggist Tra do. Sole Agents in Elmira, of the Urbana Wino Co. In brief, we invite a dose sorutirky of ourgoode and their prices, the wbble assortment being too nfimeroug to mention in detail. LORMORE BRO. & CO., No. 3 1 781 39 Garroll St,, Elmira, N, Y Sept. 21, 1870.-Iy. I The Singer SEWING MACHINE. FIGURES, FACTS AND FANCIES The Singer manufacturing company in 1869 sold 86, 1 181 machines.. These figures, and those given below, aro from sworn returns (to which any one can have access) made to the receiver, Appointed by the owners of valuable sewing machine patents, who license most of the compa nies of lesser importance. In 1869 the Sinn, Manufacturing Company Sold over the LeavitfS. M. Co., 86,010 machines. Sold eve the Parham " 85,640 4, Sold over the Atna_ " 82,233 . Sold over the Hmpire " 78,081 4 , Sotd over the Florence " 73,120 4, Bold over the Weed " 67,094 ~ Sole over the Howe " 41,781 4, Sold over the Wheeler do Wilson, 7,915 ~4 , Sold over the Grover do Baker, 51,593 " 'l3old over the Finkle A Lyon, 85,442 , Hold over the Willcox .4 Gibbs, 69,580 ." Odd over the American B:11., 78,989 - ' It is a fact, and the figures show it, that the tiles of 1811,91ar exceed those of our , rivals in tirade. It is also a fact, that we sold 'last year ever FORTY THOUSAND more machines than !re did two years ago. It is also another fact, Chat thefse increased sales are owtng 'to the groat and growing popularity of our New Family Sewing Machine. It is still another fact, that ninety ef.:every hupdreil machines Ansi% and sold by ttifitreibe FAMILY use. But the stran gest fact of all Is, that some stealers, knowing it would bo vain to attack the reputation of our manufacturing ntachinef!tik l /41Slie.are'frie to mit all that can be said in their favor, thus hop taste secure the buyer's, eenthlence i have the boldness to say that we. have no family sowing machinp„whereas our new machine for that pur pose is capable of a rangdand variety of exqui site sowingovhich arnaiblv'ettn those who are famiAar with the best work of other family ma chines. ' i Now it is mere fancy to sttppcise; ih' the far of the above figures and facts, that such sayings as, the ono spoken of can have any weight. n stead of giving,ear to such fancies, most peo le, Vetere buying, (whatever may be claimed a ut Paris Exhibitions—or Fairs, where , we' iel mu exhibit machines ,) examine and judge for th - selves, and because in doing so they find' ur New, Family Sewing Machine as superior to. th er family sewing Machines ai our manufacturing machines are for their purposes. The true world's Fair, held in every t city, hamlet and bomb, has awarded us tho , premi,utp of the high estsales. Those machines aro left on trial. We ask no ono to buy, unless perfectly satisfied that the machine is all it is represented. E. W. HOGABOOM, Gon'l Agent for, Tioga county ijansfield, Jan 4, 1871 y Wellsboro Hotel, COR. MAIN T. & THE AVENUE, iffi WELLSBORO, PA. SOL. RUNNEL, PROPER. Val Is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. B. iloliday. • Tho Proprietor will spare no pains to ake it a first-olass house. All the stages ar • Ire and depirt from this house. A good hostler in attsndanco. fili-Livory attached. ' Yen 1, 1871-ly For Sale or Rent. • k GOOD dairy farm in Tioga township, Ti oga county, Pa., about n miles west of the Borotigh of Tioga. about 100 acres improved, and:4o unimproved. lies on It three barns, threo dWelling houses, an apple and peach orch ard, atidother fruit trees. Terms easy. Also ad joining on the west, a farm and timber lands fr,Ont 40 to 200 acres as desired, with 80 acres impioved, with a good barn,t goad - hatisO and' apple orchard. Good for a dairying farm: ' ' Jan 1871—tf. O. 11. SEYMOITR, - Tioga, pa, 4 MOE , Administrairtx s , we O. . ETTERS Or ADMINISTRATION on tha Akestatepof Stephan t 7. Alford, deceased, late of Vega, having been granted to. the undersign. ed, all persons Indebted to said estate, and those having claims against the seine, are notified to tallier settlement on John W. Guernsey, of Ti oga, °fon the undersigned at the same place. . Tin sfitich isn o R t AITII AIFORD, ELMIRA, N. Y. FAOPRIETORS 9Ft MEI TEAS. --- - 7- - 111[41/1113- 'HAND " „ 4 - Li r MuavAL LIFE" INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, No. 112 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. 0.0 /4887, fd chArt......ktaidta omo Assets over - - $1,000,000 00 Stock and Mutual, combining Security with Profits. Suppose your are already insured in a first-class company, and from any cause-what. Over, (say after ton yearly payment) you do not or cannot pay longer and die—your insurance is gone and your monoy wasted. Not so. in the "Nand-IN4IAND," all PoMei' hre rEITABLIE. . _ This company which ranks among the most popular, and zuocessfull Life Insurance Couepa:. 'nies, grants pOliolei on all - desirable plans, both with and without profits: Traveling Privelegos unrestricted. All policies are IncontestibfelftWan4 yea,' from any of the ordinaricansesj, Look to your Life Insurance. Please examine the following Comptirative Table. It is some times alleged by Agents of other Companies that the Compikny they represent Is safer Xhan others. While we unttgiltatingly,essert , ,our,belleftukthu sonndnelisfarid stability of all companies, we de sire to present the following for the inspection of those desiring to Insure:. T.lO - follow,imoomPtplics, , Pßipputelhe.anital , premiimis each fo'r an insurance on life at the age of 80 years, payable at death: Annual Kempiun Ten annual for life. payments. Travelers' $16,84 $83.21 .Etna, 22,73 42,80,. Home, ~..13 0 i,fil, Washington, .... 22,70 46,97 Hand-in Hand, 16,50 32,60 If not already Insured tike a polloy"with - the `BAND-IN-HAND." al Company in the United States. - ~ 1 ~ ~'~ the beet Mut March, 1, 'Livery - Stable ATKINB le LOUDEN re , .: k.-. - = r epeotfully, inform the pyb -.4 itirAlLZ.' , 110 t I 9 th.l4,l4*(iAgte,bll,6o4, 'o'4, • - ,-' Livery for Hire; i '..., i,•:,tA. =a 'At their Stable on Pearl St.; opposite Wheeler's wagon . shop. Single or doublerltsfßrnished to order.; gileY 014,t 0 .41 1 eP EWA Mrkes ailaiww; gone, and intend, to please. Peen reasodable. WATKINS it LOUDEN. ; Jan. 4,1871-Iy. Wellsboro Bakery. T J. BURGII Weald say te,tbe cltiren:o of U • Wellsboro and vicinity- that he le pre': pared to supply them with 11 ' BREAD, PIES AND 'CAKES - •,) of the best quality. We also serve meals and and Fresh - OYSTERS to thosewhovfisli. the old Stevens' stand. 3..1. BERGIN: Nov. 23, 1870-Iy. Home Shuttle Sewing, Machine. Il4faChine is the ladies faiorite, and J. possesses all the advantages of other ma ohlnes,And la furnished much lash in price than other treddle machines. Any one desiring a machine will call'on, or address vorarcP.n Crooked Creek, General Agent for Tioga Co. Jim 4,1871-Bm. 1 / 4 WICKIIAM & FARR y i v, r" ,¢ f Invite the attefitionif the public to; the coin ., plete and well selected etc.,* of Pall Goods which•they have just received. More earnest efforts than s ever before wil) be put forth to please and further enlarge their steadily Increasing trade. An attempt to name the VIEW RTICLILS kept would Ito useless, but suffice it to say, the stock embraces .l Goods to ,Nuit r .•''• • CALL & SEE POWYOUROmXES, Jan 1,1871 y STEREOSCOPES, - VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOB, FRAMES. E. & H. T..ANTHONY dr Co., •_ '691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their exten eive assortment of tho above goods of theA own rblication, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and . GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, OppOsiteAfotropolitan Hotel, IMPORTERS AND , MANUFACTDRERS OF PHOTOORAPETC MATERIALS. 'March 1, 1871--ry; - - ' • IN'PARTITIO —ln matter of the estate of Allen; Dewey, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of I Tloga county. No. 18, May Term) 1870. • The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Wm. W. Dewey, George Dawey,.Dolly Ann Pow , ler, Albert Dewey,, Louisa Sperry,4lman Dewey, Walter D4py Q,recin,filpiittr i Wary Puller,_ Ruth, 5 :0484 1 100 c itzla114 '3-:ftowt lineal descendants of Allen- Dewey, late of • • Tioga county, Pa., deceased; and to all other , persona interested, Greeting.: Tioga County, ss: You ,are hereby tilted to be and appear I?efbre theJwdelsof:4r °mho* court, at.sin ipluire'cOtirt Who holitat Wells. boro, ip said county, on Mondayy, the 29th day of, May, 1871, at two o'clock then and there to aecept or refuse to take lhe real estate of said Allen Dewey, deeeased, situate in Built ,van township, in said county, at the appraised value put upon it by en Inquest; duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by the Sheriff on i the2Bth day of November, 1870, to wit, at the valuation of one thousand nine hundred and twelvei and 50-100 the dollars; or, show cause why the same shall not bo ordered t 6 be sold. ,Witness the Hon. IL G. White, President Judge - of our said..cleurt at.Welishere, this 10th day of Pelitiary; 1871. April 5, 1871 Ow D. L. MUNE, Clerk. . , . - . Lots for Sale. OWN 144413 for sale in /logo borough, by $• B. SMITH ilt SON. 1 ) Prii. tf I j Tioga, Pa., MEM all dames of trade WIOKHAM itiEktßß. ..• 7 t 7 ~, ,-; 7., .___. —.-....—.......,..-.., _I4Y:42'W:: '.::--14'''All--?'!-1 • ..1 1- +.•-• *zr it n 'TOMOS° .9,0.100 ,:). - 91),-.4 ''''''' v., - ; 4 ..._. 1 4 CA '4 elf ', --: 4 , i , 1 '-", dZ . I . Spring Dr 1 y• ‘....... 0 e ' EiSi 1 , _ : Wilt i ' ....1.1 . • ....' 01.ifl • j„ •! - JUST RECEIVED, BOTII NEW AND DASIFIORADE,JAT "r 1. - 0 CV - WICAMIXII/1 2 4,1eha - DRY GOODS! 4.; DOMESTIC GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, PRINTS AND HOSIERY, B9CTS AND' SUOES A SPECIALITY, EATS AND CAM tk. 'f - -- - •' - e -: $ • ' ' ' ' ' Ready - Made };., ~,, =ME ;11 'Fhe IYzy ff hest .Market Price p=aid fo7 0 untry Pro-cptee. ; • At: TERMS-STRICTLY CASH The patronage Of tilte.,publio solicited: March 8, 1870. The Largest Establishment ti 403.1.- ??:i; Th!3, 334.10E51E5. 'li' 4116tral 1110111.1 "11°1114' E ... . . , . Z. ii. 4 , • ME .; :J.Lt lIAVING faollitiea for buying and handling large quantities of Goods enables him t them at the lowest Jobbing prices. In our retail department Goods are sold at aem yanoe over wholesale prices. A large stook of - STONE, RHODE ISLIND 4)10.ii-VT...p4,:ii,j,,N#,,' Transfer OrnamentS, Stripping Pen A fullll4n - Ooois 4 ap i ertai itag o our in s :Leineas kept in stock. Fah. 1:1971-1y._ IVelinrCl twat tuerLe4;L-1 C24c)cscis--i - V• I \ L _J J. Foreign and Domestic Dry Aoods4„, ;,.4 ..,, 'Which will be sold very cheap. • , , 4 .. r \ ,,,.:-.. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, 0: E OL TH F li OLOAI BEAV"*"" b BUTTONS, ALL KINDS, CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES, LINEN 000DS, ; VELVETEENS & WHITE 001 Gloves, Hosiery, Knit Goode and Notione. Choice Groceries. sugar, Soap, Coffee, Tea, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, Crockery, Wooden Ware, - - ,r; • - ~._44.t ~? ? . ..._, i „-, fVaeli PO l .o l ooMktir chiped 4). / 1 4 Please call and look our - Stook ovei. on will= "map lin , s t oodO. , tWellsbor.9,,Jan.- ),7.., -1571.1 y. -.• f.:?; ; - vs.:4 0 ._-• :;.. q-;}- e, c & cv t , a fit. o‘, • STOVES, IRON, NAps, OARRIAGE BOLTS, HORSE SHOES, AND HORSE NA A general stock of Builders Materials. LOCKS, BUTS, LATCHES, HINGES, As Also. WRAPPING PIAPER at manufaeturersprlees. • • JOBBING PII43IVIEVLT' ATTENBEB Tl 3. 2M2:`Terrns Cash, and prices reasonable. First dlor above Cone Howie. WeHobos°, Jan, 4, 1871-Iy. Xffil 1 1 11 4316Z3AM1NT4- MIRE GERMANS VIOTORIOUS, and peace proclaimed timughout the United States: ertheless death, with remorseless stride is on the track 4f every eon and daughter, an the old folks too; whioh is sufficient reason why &Grit ihonid h no delaylv gulag to 4 , 5 TRAITS ON IR lq PAPER OR PORCELAIN _t the smallest fook or up to Igo alto. Vignette, Cartes do Visite; Ciertnan and4tadallion heeds 4 0 oni reto,43,' atives, neVil Viotori size, Cabinet `size, • and all popular sizes made and put up in neater atyle than has .heretofore been offered by , any Photographer In this section of country. It Is the only gallery in Tioga County retouching its negatives In the true Berlin style. Large assortment 4f FRAMES.:,AND ;, FRAME .- MATERIAtti. cIOPYING AND FINISHING ; /N •• ; INE, WATER, CRAYON OR OM COLORS - r.• . done at moderate rates, and in first class style My piece are as low. as the towalt, &fg equally as good work, and terms oash when the oftting,is made. All work gnarranteed to give eattataotion without extra charge. Those, who come first will be first served. Call and examine specimens before going elsewhere ~r 1;;; , r 17 - „jj:li - 71 -1 :lt MaPticid. JIM 11, /.87/-4* P . itukton; N , P. A., Artlo and bopflator. ";t (Bache's oid Stanal ND A FULL SMOK OF ffE it . Cliacolcsa) 431-I•l:)cserless. =I WHOLESALE! AND RETAIL 111 ALL GLASS, ALL BMW, BINGLII AN , D DOVV ,‘, A:O IOI E. PAINTS, AbL'ItINDEI AND COLORII;.% , ',:, - VARNISHES AND VARNISILILIWIHES, A 'ULL BiOCH. and Washes, OA , Carriage and • Cutter OrUitituOnting. ~Y' _ ~ KZ R. BARER, 4iIAS A !FULL ASSORTMENT OF FM 'To&teto, Crackers, (Successor to D. P. ROBE T3 l ) DRitVit TIN AND HARDWAR a;tasrbe.xitarteo Cams, !. • .7..:,;* •, - '• - •:•;i• - .',:, ' , 7 ,' ••; • •.• 1 , -;!! -, - ! ~ R ,!, - -.•:, ? -....... ~,,,,,.: L ' - ' . ' , . 1. : 1 I= Clothing, 1 NO BOOKS KEPT:' I= Eli Syrup, Salt. BAILEY, '*fig 433 . rt- ler FOR lskl3r ISM MEEK IMO WEB C. C. vIifAT4.ER Northern =I • , MEI ~._.__~_.._w_.a_ ~8. oinmtealon. Us "lowly toj - 1. R. BARKER : R C BAIL • .3'75.4.:'-1;4;,4 Helmbol .1 :To, .f :/g ry:;- 40. tnl L If It I . , Cat.;s: • • . awba 0#80010111s.:- f~ t •' .jr S Ip Id t xtract, Slwborb nud rluid Tits l Oatawba (14; POD Liver': conip;ainifi;, .Taututlpo, or:Areaways llead :aohereostivepessi etor. • , •Porelg Vega tablei- Ciliittiini,ng;`, '44 - rezi, 7 !4/...0 1 0, 13- ! rale or Pe181671014 =NM ME MEM These pills are the most delightfully pleaboot purgative, superseding easter oll,.ealts; magne sia; eta.' • There ienothing seetilleahle,to the stomach. They give -tone, nod cause neither nausea norgriping4mins.:.:'Phey.are cob:loosed. of thefinest ingredients.' After , a few days' use of them, such.t n invigorition of the 'entire sys tem thited'plac - p, as'to,aiipear miraculous- to the weak and - enervated, Whether arising from im prudence or disease. 11. T.- Ifelmbold's Qom pound.fluldExtract , Catawba Wage; Pills are hot quoit , ceated,-froni the fact - that sugar boated Villa Ale notditofolve k bat pass-through the stom sal with out' ,dtasolving,-oOttenquently 'do not roe:140811hp desired effect. The OatawbarGrape Pills, beine,pleasaitt in , taste and oder, 'do not nacessitate.theirleing sugar-touted. Price fifty*:.l4 . • ' .. 44 , starlit it ,SEtnibotiEs . ~ . . affpnr : :l9loEl M47WD' COXPOVWD ~t1:17.11): . 071i.44.0T. , 5.41?5APAR1ZLA will redioally exterminate from the syateih, Sy philis, Sorefulk, PeOr Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth,' Sore tread, Bionehitio, Skip Diseases, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear,' White Swellings, ,Tutnors ' 'Cando ( TOLL" Affeetionsibid ii,-Riokets;' Night Rweais, Eilandutarfibiellin si Rash/totter, Minors 'of 611kinde, Chief:Ade httinatissa, Dyspepsia, and alt . diseaseg:that tuive beem"establishod in the system for years. ' • ,' - OE • Being prepared expressly for the a,b ve cons. plaints, its bhiod purifying properties ar greater than anvother preparation of sareapa Ma. It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color, and restores the patient to a state of health and purity, gor purifying_ the bloody removing all chronic nonstitutlonal disekees• arising from , an laipnie scats of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual knotvn remedy for the Cure of pains and swelling of the bones ulderatione of the throat analogs, blotches , pimples on .the face, erysipelas; add all scaly eruptions of the ekin, and beautifying the complexion. Henry T. Hehubold's CONCENTRATED FL UID 'EXTRACT BU- , CHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has boon given, irritation of the nook of the' bladder edit inflammation of the kidneys, ulcer ation of tho kidneys and bladder, retention of urine, diseases of the prostrate gland, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel, briokdust deposit, and mucous or milky discharges; and for enfee bled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms : Indis position to exertion, loss of power, lose of mem ory, difficulty of brothing, weak nerves, tram- Ming, horror of disease, ivakeftanes, dimness of vision, pain In the back, hot baptis t , flushing or the body, dryness of the skin, eruption on the face, pallid countenance, universal lassitude of the muscular system, eta. Used 'by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty -Ova l and from 85 to U; or the decline or change of life; after conflntffiaent or labor pains; for bid-wetting in children.. offer 11 ad- !MI Helmbold's Extract Buohu is diurotio and blood ptirifying, and cares all diseases arising from habits of dissipation and excesses and im prudences in life; Impurities of the blood, etc., supOrseutag copsanu - tu - Artbutuns-rut- rehluh It le used, and syphilltio affeotions—inthese diseases Used in connection with Helmbolirs, Rood' Wash. In many affeotlone Peculiar to tattlers, the Ex lead Bohn is Antiquated by any other reinedy— al In chlorosis or retention, irregularity, painful. Delia or suppression of customary evacuations, ulcerated or sohirrus state of the uterus, leucorr- Wei or whites, sterility, and for all 'complaints incident to the sex; whether, arising Prom indis oretfon or habits of disitipation. It ia.preacribed extensively by the most etainent phystolane and midffives, for enfeebled and delicate constitu tion-a, of both sexes and all ages, (attended [with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) • • ' H. T. ficimbold's . Extract BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARI,SING k'R OM Ea lIIIPRUDBNOES, DISSIPATION, MO., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in di@ti ho incionvenienoe and no expo ewe: •it causeit , a' frequent " desire, • and gives strenothlo urinale, • thcr e by:eMoving obstruo tionsi- preyentini and' Crying atrlotares of, the hrothre,.4l . 9l4,s,pain and inflammation, so fre quent:in title plass of tliseases,.,and expe ll ing all poisonous matter. . Thontatticift,itho'iittie been'the 'victims of in competentleriens, and who have paid heavy fees who ourici,in a Short time, have found they had been deactived, t ;and that the 6 poison' -has, by 'the use of 'powerful astringents,' been dried up in the epten2, to break out in a more aggra, t , atod form, - and after marriage. , Uselleimbold'e txtradt Btiohu 'for all affec tions and . diseasess i of ihe P urinary organs. whe ther eitisting in mare or finale, from whatever cause originating, -and no matter of how long standing. Price, one dollar and fifty mite per bottle. EMI ahow H. T. HELMBOLD'S .IMPB ROSE 'WASH cannot be surpassed as a face wash, and will ee found the only, specific remedy in every speci e s of cutaireous affeetion. It speedily °radical 13 pimples, spots, aeorbutio dryness, induration a of the. cuisine/ins membrane, etc., dispels redness and ineiplent inflammation, hives, rash, moth patches,' dryness of scalp or skin: frost bites, and all purposes for whioh, salves or ointments are use di restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and insures continued healthy no tion to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable aloarnese and vi vacity of complex ion so much sought and admired.. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defeats of the skin, H. T. Ilelmbold'e Rose Wash hail long %us tallied its principal claim to unbounded patron age;;" by possessing qualities which rend r it a toil4tappendage•of the most superlative an con., genial cbaraoter , combining in an °lege t for mula those prominent requisites, safety and esi— cac.9--the invariable accompaniments of its use —as a proserative.and refresher of the complex ion., It le an' eficellent lotion for diseases of a eyphilitio nature, and as an injection for disea ses of the urinary organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used, in connection with the Extracts. Buohd, Sarsaparilla and Oatawba Grape Pills, in Binh diseases as recmmended, cannot bo Bur p; sae d. " : DO I : e . v oi = Full and explicit directions accompany the megoines. Evidence of the ost responsible and reliable character furnisht. on application, with hundreds of thousands of living witnesses, and upward of 90,000 unsolicited certificates and recommendatory letters; many of which are from the highest sources, including eminent physi cians, olergymen,atateimen, otm The proprie tor has iie:ver• rektibid their' publication in the neiveparierk dein; net do this; from the fact that hie artioles rilnh as stand' rd prepara tions' and do not need to be proppe4 up by car • • • Heinty T. Helmbold'a Gent peg' .ratione delivered to any address, secure f ttou.' • '''EsObliefa.tiyward of twenty ye , druggists everywhere. Address le =am in eonfideuse, to •Healy draggist'aud'eltesidit: • Only 'depp la's t diveituethenileal wa Z 94 Broadway, 111.,Iterk„ or to. 4'4 ; tuedicial depot, 104 south Torah etr 43.1 ware of • otitifpffeitit. Wcritiken 11M=MI F ` .r.. F IA 1 'M LADIES. . n , e Pr67;la. om observal re.: Sold by era fer infer ' Ifebitbulji, Libgicy T. Ileum, NO. IXelLOoldre c at, Pbtlidel.: r "Henry T, Feb 8 bm ~; ,giliousiLg: , D REG? sl u g. t,l es! s oTiNIk(3I-" „ • Yr "nßucis AND MEDICINES , PAINTS 4 - 0 AND OILS, • I MEM TIJA.I4DEUS DAVIDS!.INKS, KEITH'S • 'CONCENTRATED MEDICPIES ? [REDFLL'S FLUID, EX TdI4.CTS, BURNEIPS COCOAINE, FLAYORINO EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ESTER PERFDMERI. AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALK PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND , DYE COLORS, I AGENTS, FOR. MARVIN & 00'S BE. B°l4 at Whole . salo Prices. Buyers arerequested: Dail and get quotations before going further, Eagt :W. D. TERBELai & CO. Corning, N.Y., Jnn. 1, 1871-11 Furniture ! Furniture ! ,B. T. VAN HORN, HAVING completed his new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wells t boro, lute elock ed It with a largo and superior assorted stock of FURNITURE. Ohamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, liaploh from $l6O down, and as cheap ae the same goods can be bo't in the cities, froight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth; from $125 down. 4%.180, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TE E- A-TETES, with yphoistery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble T,lps, Looking Glasses;qlriu3kets Pa , per Rucks, Booking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full at.* of wore, home and city made at all timea. My Ware Rooms are apaoioua and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best Moir of Furniture ever brought into the County. Planing and Matching, • SCROLL SAWING A:MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. 1, 'lB7l-tf B. T.. VAN llOltN Ingllam's Woolen Mills I► - gERF.IELD, PA. THE subscribers will pay Cub, Fall-Cloth, .1; °animates, Flannels, /co., ko., for Wool.— Theyalso manufacturb as usual— TO OMR, OR 'ON SHIRRS, to suitcuitomera. All work warranted aarep resented. They invite particular attention to • their Water Proof CASSIIVIERES, Which are warranted in every respect. Partin lar attention gtvop to ROLL a CARDING AND ` 4 ''' CLOTH DRESSING. - iNG HAM'S large stock of Oas s imeres, /to ~25 per cent less than•any competitors, and warrant. ed as represented. INGRAMS manufacturo to order, and do all kitide of Roll-Carding and Cloth Craning, and defy 'competition. •,'_ IN4HAMB.bepp,ea good an assortment of • • MIII Cloths, Oassimeres, • , and give snore for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them andiatiefy your eolvee.- liNQUAllikl wholesale aatl retail at the COW anesque Mille, 2 miles below linolgville: • ' • Oar Cloths are warranted, and sold by tbe following - persons : 0. B . KELLEY, Wellaboro, Pa. T. L• BALDWIN & 00., Tioga, Pa. J. 0. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. Deerfield. Jan L 1871-tf VED I\TOTICE is'horoby given, that ,the Commis -111 siOners of Tioga county will hold a Gen eral Appeal for those who aro aggrieved by their armaments and militia enrollments for the year 1671, as by set of Miserably in such case made andprovided, for aesesomenti, collection of tax es,, Ai., at the Ocinimieoloters' office in Welfsbo ro, on the 25th, 28th, 1 27th A•2Bth days of April next, commencing at 9 A. M, each day. M. W. WEVIERBEE, P. V. VANNUSS, - JOB REXFORD, • • - Dommissioners. Attest : Tuos. ALLEN, Clerk. • March 15.1871. 8w THE BEST HOTEL in the 0 I UNTIr. TOR " CONB HUSH." 7 ; NEW. Rooms large and woll-vontila ted. Accommodations not surpassed by ' 1 . any first class hetet in the " Northern Tier." Bats no higher- than at "second and third rate hotels.-- tocation, corner of Main and Walnut streets, Wellaboro. . Algood table, good liquors, good odder, and a good hostler. A. B. Gt/AVE.S,,Prop'r.: Marsh 8,1871. • . , IN PAIVKITIQN---in natter of. ,the..eattoa, of Davi4"Huli clor,-41ewd: tfi.9.4il phana' Court of:Tioga mount,#.'llo.' 8, nglia!' T erm, 1870. , 1 , The Coufmonwealth of Penneylsanta to LuoY A. Hulalarider, John S.. Huislander . Sagan E. E. Freeman, Ezekiel K. Thilolander, ' Earriet Vanvaloalnear, David J. Iluislandor, Julia A. Lamont, and Eunice Edgeton, :guardian of Lucy Fermata 'fluielander, :Clara S. Eulslander and Thomas Itulsian der, Altioal tleseozidatito of David Bulsla n der, late of Tioga county, Pa., dem:mood ' s and to all other persona interested, Giictingf 1 1 0 114 . 0,9Unty, so: You _aro hereby Atari to bo aid appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court, at-ea Orphane court to beheld-at Wolla boro+ in and for :said county, on Monday, the 29th daiidtMai,lB7l,'at - 2 o'clock : P:lW., then and theta accept ov rofuse:to,take the reales+ tate Of Wald Vivid ifulelander, deceased. situate in Charleston township, in said "oanntyi 'at 64' appraised valuation 1,114,, upon:. it,,by an Inquest, duly avAidedhy the-said Court; and returned by the ,Sheriff on the 28th day of, Novetnber, 1870,' to wit, at the valuation of three tha'usand. three 11004 iii4E./9r.tir 14. • dollars ;, or ; thaw oattaa why the seine shall not be orclored to bo 301/.1. Witness the lion. D. (1.,. Whito,,Fresident Judge of our said cOnit;ll4Walleb - otte, this:loth day of February,lB7l. A. L. LEA/a Olerk4 April 5,1871 6w FINED OIL. :to., &0., &0., OD- gu t F• Masora ha' and Bhoi tb• I & Derby, ue the prices on all goode ondl .FOR Wo keep a ,good au Hats and BOOTS BALMORA .800 E'SS, GROG EtALLIGAS ~,,, warranted t. fit any foot fro elusive. Our Stook FRENCH CALF, FRE PER, SOLE, ,COM • LININGS, 'BIND • ROCCO, willipe kept up as On Findings we shall! be ways,`abd•36e Ana . enfietce .satiefnotory to the trad'o. eold. CASH P FOR HID OTJSTObI. Dono promptly and 'wel on short notice. Drop hi a . t LqiERILER, Deo: 14, 1870.-11 y. • • TO TUE IPA TitiaA 0 lAM new building at mrman ,011 e. q 91perior PANIVINGII whicbpossossee the follgwinga mine: 1. It separates rya,oate,rat It hesaand cockle, from wheat. ; 8. It chain; flax eopd,talreeo ther seeds, perfectly. 8, Itcleanstlntotlay decd. 4. It doee all othereoparatin This mill is built orate beet bet, In good etyle.aud le sold duce. I VII Sts patent sieve, f. etheat,toothermillaionrease Lswrencoville;Jan.l,lB7o HARNESS THE UNDERSIGNEDi tens of We!labor° an recently moved over Trn Store with his HornOs, In full operation e Orafto and Water ete.; re he faeture all kinds o Doublet lug In tbo best style, and 41* the hosi ruaterlat. -• R EPAIRIN I .O- 'D ONE On'sholt notice and good. I employ the but workmen and use none but the hest material, and am therefore pt•opaYed to, plesso all wile want anything in my I)nilL Nov. 9, 1870 WAS;ZOR & itakreagoe, bRiLEIr nt iIARDWARE, IRON STEEL, NAILS„ STOVES, TIN-TVAI4E, BUTING, SPA'S; fiITiIERV, ,V^A TER AGRICULTURAL ;IMPLEMENTS, lar*ltirk 414 Xcregg I TTitilminga; I HARNESSES, SADDLES, a.b. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 4 18i1-y Grocery and Provision Store, CORNI)74 N . . Y -1 • tea, i, WHOLESALE AND in all kinds of GROCHRIES I Wines, Liq Clga FOREIGN tt DOME DRIED F CANNED FR VEGETA WOQP i' , 4 WILLOW CROCKERY CHILDREN'S CARR', PERAMBULATORS, A full and complete aaa, mentioned goods of the bee: hand •( Particular attention paid to Fine !Groceries Dent -d Cr -ill find I' • L their in t3rer 'SEWING M THIS ,M4CHINE. bas adapted to all kinds; needs atrial to be approci foil, Boom, tuck, bind, quilt cord, gather and ruffle, end' poet machine for family to' publio. Tho DOUBLE LOCK ELAB is suporior to ull °there, to sews direct from'the epo winding of thread. It is = . norliablo to get out df ord Per-ons wiebing to prize by al means try this one, : other Call on, or address , . '• • • . "0.. R. RAIORT, 4, 7 • @ Alba arsoiq FA. STORE, IMMI tt RAN DOLPIi rebored tho Boot o of bluets. Sekr i propose to conlin. °Bi--reducing th e g strictly .11U o p Hto an. .usi olli IA . =ant of Caps, IS, OAITEIts 4. NS\ ANI) ;INS • No :0, to 1;3 MI TIP lON CALF, MO- ; ereto i o IT ound iat home al. IT' to sail at ptiLt i ' e nr.o r n'the untie/. ID ‘,Clitri 1I I . -Bcpthips d o p e bo convinced, it •RANDOLPI} ItIERS OF UNTY. . factory,i a Lawrent: lilliL , yaptageeover gjlotjas, Ater ,aodfo plea elJp.ll, o t yellow good, cea alt required of a will nd moat durable ttr cheap for comb, or pro • 1 r eepara l tlng oatefrorb abltterias. 4".1 hI4IIIER SHOP. puid say to the sin • icinity that be hai r r , Brotbors Ornee7 Shop rest, between, G PFPparq N mann• e Harnesses, W. A. NEWCOIII3 IL.. AIL I DEA LEh i ON`, ors and 01 eIfIFE : N PITS, U.ITSI AND LES,I ARE, GLASS Jc, WARE, • GES, CABS TOYS, &0., &c 4rtimplat of the above t quality always op CHINE T 0 eupprlpr, and of work. it opY ated, It will hci, , braid, embroider, his like`best and chea over offered to the I r IC STIICEI MACHINE, ' the r:'ason that it la and requires DO aailq n.juttod, and Dr. Rae a mtiohino, Eb o'd before bu,i1 3 /4 anY