TIOGft CO " NEIN 1051 MO Local 'ltems. ,SYEtPPAT'- , ATP' 6 ' 187/' . • ,• • " Nu* Now aSods atidiiiteitt-41 1 t B. letket4 Agents liitante4-4.2..Ppttor itt Co. • Notice—liarveyironitt., • • 2 Partition Noticar-12. L. Beano. 4 Divorce. ;.,4 1 • Carriage Mallioli4-.MoulthtonViDia . 4Lio itereone Tax Notice--John It Bowen. LARlit Playfoot, of haimardift Ole co fit ateillittgother day, the largest Ite,lieve seen We aoadoa.. 'lt measures 74 The Baptist Su dad Sehbbrarlll be held in the tfoodAeniplaiel' •leall; at 3 P. M., while the dhareh is`being repaired. A pleasant concert came off at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, April 2d. It was well conducted, and highly intereeting to old and young. • A AATEMENT,OF TA X E . S,-r-T lie PO U Lay Commlet/loom will meet op, Tneeday, April 25, at their office, to heir all perion'i aggrieved in the arresement of their propertf. , • REntovED.--The drug store, of W. C. Kress will hereafter be found in Smith : Bow: cilia WA, Kreis has iinice titer° and' a' hetry' stock of "goods, and • we' iredict for him a brit, tient trade this season. . f CALICO NECK-TIE SOCIABLE. —B y the request of mail.* fifends, the a neek•tie so ciable" connected with the:: Vaptiet ..Chtirelli will be repeated at the residence of Dr. Shearer, ,on Tuesday evening; Apill4,' ReGeehmentsaeived A general invitation extended. FIRST OF APRIL.—Wt) rerniusi our patrons who intend, tp.pkange their otttlen‘ext, the first of April; and= who " desi4l6 - have ihe direotion of Anti paper ohangell, that theyiabould inform us in time, and be cure to give the name of the post lace where now receliod, the one where they wish it to be'sient. CHEAP GROCERIAS.--4rainat era have a large and fresh supply ,of groom:lei, which they are selling verilon'far , They go on the principle • that the nimble eii. pence is better than the slow, shilling.) Drop in end Nee them. Bee new advertlsothentAn another • ~ column. Pomeroy Brothers, the well kuoive bankers at Troy, Pa., in connection with W. H. Smith, of Elmira, have made arrangements to open a bahk for a general boking_ business ...in Blokburg, About the 20kinat. There is a question ordeei, inieiest to hen merchants just at this time : Who steals the eggs? The solution , of. this question, 7,u4 cause a alight vibration' in the egg uksriel; a n some confusion among clandestine egg merchania I d immature years, but rapsoallionistie proclivi ties. PASSION *ERIC ANti : tketite.—At the Methodist church there will be special lett tom on Thursday and Friday evenings 'of. this week. The events of Thursday and Friday of the original Passion Week will be the subjects of discourse,• d • . On Sabbath morning `anti evening, the discour ses will relato to tho Resurrection of our Lord: NEW PAPER.—The second uumb e rof the Road County Record on our table, pub, 'jihad by Keeler d, Webster, at Owego, N. Y.— The paper is well printed, nicely arranged,• and is conducted with enterprise and ability. Sue. cm to the new concern, is our best wish, and long may it live to gladden the hearts of the people of Tioga county—provided. it don't get on the Demoeratic side _of, r the fence. Mahe a good Record, bon, for future Weil:me. We direct the especial attention of flamers apd horse hreedexatoAbe Ritortlearnerit' of Mist t. Montanyo, in to day's Reiser. Their 114mbletghtaDk Cat, ‘ t TOtikl l 44/tUit laid to be the finest and best borne i 4 Sq}te. .14F. Mu has,' at, gie4 elpprise ib.o4l;eif, riko eat to improve the -stock that hi - dud section, and it is due to biro that Others *hi; araS nomad' interested fp ,lis is 14711(l_SP.siiii.iP THE BisTotiEY.--srble excellent Mag azine, published by Dr. Up De Graff, to Elmira, is before ua. With the present number, it corn trances its seventh volume. 'lt is full of 'good common sense reading, and contains worlds of information - to every reader. Ws iniialtiablsilbr many reasons. It contains useful recipes for the poqsabold, medipal items and,nows .of interest to' the profession, so., .ko. piety family should take a copy. Terms only fifty cents per annum, in advance. PERSONAL.—p9v., W. :11:.ti4. eueihing, who has spent tho last winter with Prof. Winters, 1189, we regret to say, left us. During his stay bete, Ue 1/R0 en4841 1 4.4433/1 3 11.t4 evtil vtald . ta, the wheels. His efforts to intlucse tho children , to beautify and adorn their rooms, have already borne rich fruits., They will never , forget ,nor„ ewe to love the lirkteti, df " J ew 141!atfd • 4 i 3 OXlns;' by the Sea." * —We welcome Mr. P. W. Bigoney, recently riAlt D. L. liolden*c O. :Of ;Elmira; hie agalo become a resident of Welleboro. We learn that Mr. B. is to be ! astlestnata • the new dry gads etore soon to be opened by . 'Messrs.. W. J. Harlon • Co. in Smith &. gown's block. . -• CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKING• 111 another column will be found the advertise ment of lloughton, Orr Co., carriage and wag on makers, to which we would pall the nYention of our readers. Tirt4 Orin, which ctomfoaed of young men, who on dot afraid of work, and who .610 be believed in übything they.; rnay tell you, is doing on extensive business, field the work turned out will compare favorably with any in Northern Pennsylvania. Ttmi../qtvo a blttOk smith rims connected w!th the catablishruent, where all their ironing is.dturryby. most comps tent workmen; and a painter, also, who oanno l'P npr hsaed. 'limy are located at Stopy Fork, six miles south of 4treilsbrini. Give thorn a call! The repairs baling complotedi the Preityteriatt iburoh of I,lwrepecrille will be re-dedicated on Wednesday, April b. The servineg, et 101 A. - 31. : cud 7i P. M., will ho conciliated by the . Vet: Dr Niles, of Corning, Rev. Pr. Wakeman, of belltown, and other olergyinon. The friends .of the Churob are eepeeially invited ; and those from a distance will be cordially welcomed and entertained at our homes.—Enterpriee.‘ . Fogi t ylNO IifACIiiNE SALES FOR 1870. f r ' sl4 the iFferfl return' telideL tiaAter owners of the valuable sewing , unanqne Valetta, it. oppeays dal the tales of the 8100 Manafieturing fora- F fur the .year,.4 8 704` , 4te..- t'AO,Vartti excees those ?r4ertifttsatilkeDd thy claim tile 0 alli.ii*Torty fulat t hoozand'n4rOinsOinfe.', , 4k f i tt', 4 1 3 y ether company'. '';"lltirt "Ng34r FA ltl .A CIIINE" would seem to bolas great \:r . 1 1 azaitte hi Ninny aewlnig . Lia their planarian :tinC i inta- Oize litta log 15:teNilor nrilqes. e ., 74c,c York 4 eoiJ P°ll* CALICO Nrp:"TIF. Spc , (44 . , ,— Qn T ethy eventog teal, a filittnilit*llec""litaitt trod at the reiidedoe'Alainit; llowenrB4., to toioi fur (be OW time, a neck tie party in Chita village. The gathering was large, and all re :. 'hint being tt(iiiln )14(4 eve ßr f u• The' tit nee~tet titt est panted around, and esetkgentlemtui drily 4trefro m hia "oaliao tioket," tvlijoheorre.aponded rich acme isd)'s dress in ibe room, 44 01, .% •••••• • • iii ea ; hip the seareucouitqeneed, es eacit tad O ut P 3 obtain hie "priged,'_ .f.Here odmes SIM .ut of bravery;" said ti feeinTaint itearted_fellows, hilt 'echoed to beeittioiiti; while - the , I . t oted whO had lent braidd 'the 'ecotiffiliti4 A—lei the way amil shouts of laughter,- one Met enothtr followed: natilleaelsi found lfietei "iti for the ermine. I !Tato ott tt't IDI tinvi+riedi'tie woe t)insVollikfup, 4 . 1 ; it' 4ll :l\ ncivel ti tipre served with eirtiviii a • eats. 111,3 entertai n men t was pkwsaat 194 isanitteseti;a - tO the saalatp. Long N-fpia; gaiiteriogs survive, to . make sattiablett li ttgaitia4 end "the people the better for it." Pik*****_.4 i t .1y t o , Oirakairri . Egg * o fit i °V4' ~~l t, • The Courier replies thee: " We will endeavor to recollect herealbm Corning IE4 pipmieek-344.10.eibahlditiolhe pio tare, Dr. Pratt and # the widdee ought to la beled # Adam and Eve,' , with Skillet' In the baokground—raising Cain i" - A .IsTeprirE Altfilie—For the past week, or more, there has been much notice drawn ' to some specimens of painting and crayon sketcdr , $9.1001, 0 4 harlikt9l4. l o l l 3B4 Arifiiiitito&Knit 1. of Young A Co. These speelmeniudliptaylka. our thinking, a high degree of talent, and the Belt taught artist who produced them is deserv. ing of a wider field and better oppertunities than WWI &Malt Ada 311 la Itibtantaii.l 41 . 44 trite , ib,ir,l7, t v ir,,P°,r it tOttlfllll46*„ . B i otYr ult once, 'id 000 o oio noes aro - sato tar to most of our chitlins. , IliS3s ire Wilt itr kinglikeness .ee,_ and the artist-hang tbiatwt ught them should laave a broader field ind better showing than , he can expect here. We need hardly say that the 940 , 3 y T",,CtUaroll. Ell , i 0 yr B. Ft Doft; linskifille, is sellitig the Gefirskpif9,.4 wbia4 , 1 epplunl,?f :tOIIOW/ by Mr. Henry Wolf ? of 4e St l *Hobeies . Hotel, Lex ;peon, Mr. Geo. A. 0 gone: : Dear Sir: lam perfeotly Idelighted with my Plano. After two years', use it htd Pi imovill'wciadeitiiiy:ooy,tguists- 4 exPitele ;the hlgheskadiekratlon,p,,Ds eonstrnotion. Some of the `troupe Stopped at my hotetap . MqlglpitshilVlp MLitt:lly. They ispoke as fellows, with ,r,eger4 k to your Piano Vienxtempi; 'great' - Shilinlit," remarked "Th is is as tines Piano ay I ever played on." 13osini said : "This is a acct-class Piano!, §i.kid°„C Y 6 !4g O „T tfin.0 5 ,4",11 11 1 0 2 lainver They anthorised-thici tthe their names to that *treat. Accept my congratulations. • BASE BALL.—'file` eltivp 1 ' .B.() reb'yrdtclmtej3'tb meet af r"oa or,tte BooietY on- Wednesday evening, fi; at 'eight o'clock. A full attendance is desired. By order of the President. -F. A. DEANS, Bee'l. ''''. ' cii '''' i 1 ' :..; seems OUR B 00t..41 to be the 'Opinion of semil. that now - is' The ^critical - period "of our school. lii success, however, from the has been most 'rayked;,refteefinig gseat Credit uPpli ,the.'iliitem adoPeell:o hie I .llifectisrs, tho bad the courage, and the teachers, who had e ability and the energy, to carry it into caeca , lion. During the six months of its existence, it n 'are not aware, that a murmur ofccomplaint liaa been uttered. In this, "and in the progress if the pupils, a moat striking contrast has been exhibited. , to 3 the •experiettoo Alf-the `last *doz)n, ?ears.' 'A public feeling hair been'awakened,; and = an entineiaam on the part of both pujills and parents, such as Wellsboro has never peen before. : This we tlitnOs fa oligrattpirilMvirk (hi result of the experience and energy—of* Principal and the yaluablo assistance .rendered by I)XL i able Coiftor4riiiaaters; hilt` it hi du e " equally folfie . imcellence of tho system aid methods of teach. ing, so ably carried out .by the„ Faceltyrdcf 4 the, school. ; 'c'iv ' chi hlien ?Ira so ,defreitit**AlA:,. facilities, as not. to be able to become4ObtFic'hOW ars under the right kind of mental training.— This we think they have bad.during the pastirdx uldnitis...., t ..:,.... vi,l,t %.._ .-, , . , , ". , : The danger, in'ile opiikai a ilitait •...g.ta hi the incrensed taxation necessary ,to sustain and car 6 rip the Present sisterr.. - Unfortunately, the are porno ,v!lito,, ray p school ,tax reluctantly; especially if they have : oa chitilren to educate; not realizing that even in that case, they are hen. efitted.far beyond the small - .pittance they thus pay out, in the general good to.society, of which, they'sre con it it lien t .parts: '-., The, isnan , .nt Wealth certainly e.annef. tail ta - stiellitie his" property is Valuable, in part "at inesty in Proportion to the t ; ' eneral intelligence of the people by ahem be • surrptinde4.l - 4 . ;,: „.. , ..,! : , i 4 'l4,' The taxes this year, as based on the present valuation, - are just one 4 third = higher - than 'last year; Last yPar the Directors 'levied ten mills on the dollar s Ibis year fifteini but, the ameunt,rais-, ed this year, fro*, the same property.; is about double what it was last year, in consequence-of the increased valuation ,of the RForitr l 4%, . Aid ibis ineregie In taiiiitAi Cilaild; in pair; certainly, by the establieheeept of oar piradod 5ch001...- MEE . _. . _ t , We are educating, too, nearly three times as many pupils Be forAetty; and`takbirtlie 1:111/11.. l er awkdatty,isttendanch.of the pupils. into eon' deration, this is' the "cheapestichoolfrie Dave 4vir,bad.- Lost year, theramere not over i sere.nr, ty Ste; ii . ',440 bliakradtAhe roll tha,nt.24Stidint every day, while this year the attendance has been ninety-eight periandred , i a record which we may challenge the Silite 'or country to sur pass. The able Superintendent of the Oincia• nett schools, after remarking that the griatest evil, and the one which most injured Ilia cifiolafir ey bylieir school's, was the litegidarity 4:attei danCe, adds that lethe Habit et!:sittandicug school regularly and punctually from the age of six to 4g4olok.?aftla, la of•iksetf,a post; 11,1filddeindge °Wien eit kldileidn(elJenfittickillibeti Atili bi noticing a repori less fayoreble thcip that of our sebocll i ," Thep) Agar°. sap more In favor, of flai l high oharaoier of jho_Jilaebing done . in these schools, than any torurbf. Words could do." • In addition to this, we call attention to the re port of a conlialifee'sptilelcd . , ty" sbe Yrinolpal and Directors fo'ilxitinitieleferif grades at the commencement of the year and again at the end of ad:gist ttam.; from-"which It - uppearediai' published in 4hein ealartini, that it' grade\in which onlxone..l , .a in win 4 table. to lea! tit anlinatiatkiiiititilemilistattithPillil '-priiialpfeli, at the end of the term, under the charge of the .same teacher as the year bible, only one in sixty failed to pail a much More rigid amt extended examinatlidi4 ill f ,MtlitiOnt . feltlztitij 1;60 ,ti&lfie qt‘eritly vatedilie schold;reinarited In olirlistr his that-he " was satisfied his children had made greater progress in the past six Months than in three Y et 9 l Il!,vimit• t ' . , , - , ii s , , I While- there is this increased idilcileney aid gieaterntnnber of pupils, there is no increased °lineage per'Scholar u ttui Is it ,a. gi ato by 20 to so , per or:0: as in othor , pleeca white first else' sihoola bavo t been established..., The . espies" tot each scholar, per month, in the entire State, In eludingi sehOof., g IleXti I keimbith, Igaitt ;trio &Mare plr week and I" board round," la 98'eents. With ni it Ai pair 12i•,...nt5" Mote.% -,la '•PhilsiiiblpiiK „where they have:the great - iii;trafifiiist of an be- MOM number, the cost ,is $ l l 54 -- " per frAcillt4 for citepupil,' Inpitieinneii It lip.: 0b.,: 'ite cod of supervisii;g our school is also cOnsiderstbiy leaittitail that of fur neighbor' Till; "With ,fBOO., ..Scholars in sehor i vre,ll l 44 l lt i lDfli*oro're'r ibis pirpose itetn . lhe mit/44C ~,.. 4 ~ ,11!.. i ~,, i , . :Th. only -difficulty in: thidinaiferi is in t the levying of taxes. Our' - 'whole' . s4ttief eyeiein'ae". heel 6 P t _ li , , 111 Vfl ii V., , that lhe.:ProllfiXtrftf im l ° . Sk4iPitekll l l44o 6 ,tba children of the Statei ;:--that it is obeeper 4 to. :do ,iso , tban 'td iprovide alinehOutel mirk' jalbli " Thkin',lS ei - lotiat; . Viii, think,'ll9,,fifill,fitil i Of Pkoieilty:itiPtiseptitd, in ibis berensk t 4 tai nX . 'nee mita on the dollar-would raise 418,000; -verganaoh intire.than'tnififeleitt to pay all the expend. of , titir tieboel. ;'.' ' ' `' ' ft etrenChrherit - Ot'd riOrnfwarnost heartily be lieve in ; but iron,lAlt :nakjit hitter to retreneh• ehiewbere than in.,!116 matter of the education of our children 1 One-thiedo of .the Cost of a 61gtix pet day, for a year, will pay rer the'iddOriiion?if one chlict rot .thriiiiiiiiyeli;-Ali ; ilionsyleak in en'starieWth l l3o6lVninteithaliti4ine iii; dee expenses of e a f fe lr rs s ti ghoe t lii tiv t jp ilr en fini carit ai:: buildings. . /11ei t ci14 07 . ! tl'i 41.!14i i i.4:00..Aot inf i lt vor o f the E-IfilYstfin-Ofte4uOittitigThß.oll dren of ,ear rough .is„ amulet iiinaniestatt4 e s tidi wc:cenne .h elp thinkg thit-lhe Nit `vitniltleitt. ,74 ,8 i' fault R if ,f, ugopdaeAsmiatillUit' laid *OW tion fl' i , i rcl l tt r. 4 l #:ii.4l44a . ,W444 . ,.l4;l/.P4 , ,ileil Sebohl that soocessit so hall acute* diTr 1 , . „Sa,txtutorcrAt kiktakbting - L • ‘cl 9;•4 l. o*PliciPtql! P,r,ftliP4thiii4lo44,6 Wiletee,elerf ; _ • 0 ;1,5 _ lirbereaiki -4aa pleased ant ifpittepis i jia,* he We leafiniti_wilidem.ardisacidwfak - ' froin our . pnidit, oafa a ndletcr„,Milles7 4 Shereforeibli 4 ir 14,4• Mg -, *k 7 ,l'g' * Ri"ivatAbfit , tM(.l.Pltlift - 4 " 4641 1 , R7 160` 4 t 4 4 09,, 171'1 t Aisne reel pia' Chiweavii, loo) hf ir dilith l 2f. 1440 4 %snit ' x , .4;4 .ell4,oreildrinefS; *greet to og " e ;APfl' 2 4/#l ol kli iirebaracter, so h aye "(9.fitepplcan9w awlfai the beat inter. eetii of hfiiiii4ity,:,and-,‘T:IPMh fikket9Y &fulness are tueintifie our,i;lrdpro 1 / 4 01 - ko., iixpeatedly be taken away frcitil palniid of r 441 - triiir .. ,e Is di 'reJoioe in gap golebat'Utbe a Well A el hope in Christ; and we feel.' hlesafd that J 3 e!ree'ellO*4l4 - .r - 1111114 wOra inir.#l4; 'll•Atb ourioir 0 0 120. • j ; sAaV,—E.OI.I.4, II -; Y 1. if liiMl .-9i.. _•; i,t 12=11 r,PitT!frr.v - i fituUy I b!=4)l7 Ni me s Da Ittr 4 rZu gi to Truitt 4 Cbrigtan t;" serve the isilo*lorcioriiit of m4Ol ;or r4e dead tor•adVitikilF.34l4l. 4 :l itkitlf ' _ Reolvec! Tiara oopy :of • theses IlliOlUtiolll-14: 1 ioeit to the ' famili of tho - disoomOtt, sad_ that theft. is Pu b i l beaPA,44 AMOY f i r s .Wi l t l 4.ige.loWto 3 Tiogal . Marak3oll4l: L • , k s i 1!T0. 3 T , 0R,1Era110 3 .4. 410 4.ining in -ttic Wait 1 _ ljlic, - fi. #,,,W d1iab,4_,r004P91,4. 4 3fi45.. i , vif g\japi r kei, si ,Bwit44.4xsanz,-,ssime, Itaio &Bolas, re V BelldwiptAdlCCPlTlOlgs AU riintiett;'A,Ateher,:Tir a awn poLillali 'Campbell, Win Dawes, Win 'olailild, Jao min in's% Oandas Freeland, Afar ant Piinn, 'Muds Vox, Thomas Gay, a: asn, 0 L Grant, 'Ruth Gleason, Jim TO May J /Wier, Oeo Hunter, Mrs Pm - I dej, I .11 fillhir,‘ '..ois Hwy, Lyman Hancock, Blame Johnson, AMU* 8 P.4l l isiidiFsta KVA , * 238 HislUtdi lA - 3: 'it' uaiik,_, Pleb* zrumwst xalemb, 314finehlialboto,' L :8' radgett, ,L. M Pegg, Xanoy. Aiwa'', Adabilda Siosi t i Car 41440. Sods ingioa,Aloiten Bherm.n c 1 , Ain gimbal& ..ILW 1 1 •00a,$ ElisiTikili;golTPil~iiihdonr_ ~ 4;4 co 0 It Loditeo,Sagateet,ietk, 41100 iamit4 ,i3 . 44,11!pi45a d' To;110. ,NraAlLYeibilico Da lA, ea - Worm, Wiii, W,14144 fs, W 4 Week., ihintA 41 VbeePir,, 04 10,W fh,:ro4 lol oi r inlenli4lanso. Withey, _Onion ' c Melniti,l4.lfeet, fate Filison,4:lr "g0i1ag.2,44.4,019,:. - ,- i,ti FR cOrDE PifbkiikelfereimeeityeidietthatiL. ',.:,•; , i Virg larmsOillivoltAL, for pr Aeon ve a, , .. e .0... _.,,: ~ A ., i 1 r..•:411 Mid is as bright and attractive as ever. Among re articles worthy of spools' mention is "How tattles are made," lances B. Willard; 'Girls of the Par. Noribt y Susan Coolidge; 'Birds and their Wayr. Parisade B.Natlte rtY; and klories.b7 /Au* obAse ,ohyrt, B. B. rrentissaiAdidtherribliatoin iidt‘Wo.trin the tips at Nary, there are . 1 94211 ft t rersZ lit illt JOAO `llially Whithhitoteuttioi,_ *ma . 0 tautiriklan I Ahtatideltplioir Ow in 34 / 1 1 4P,', 3. ,* -t9 1 ..., Tin ii i ti".7*.ff , teaks Ear aitth.,jaaa th , t u ra r. a „,: i # s . : that shbs pr ilaatt it njr4 . 4 11 4 1.., --• hati-thatiah analc,"rialitgara alltay,l4, , , tolliiC Terme *Lao 'a; *oat. $ 1 40 0 .- 11 ,44 1 , 4 4 7ltti:Praailara larti*t. - A4dMI l ae Vel,,Ffl; Ohtt 11.11111.161Viktimigo';, ' ' MARRIAG4*, MEE MILLERLKNOWLTON—At the house of E. F. Knowlton, in /Happen, on the 28th inst., by Chu. Houghton ER., kir. Lorenzo Miller of Helmer, to Miss Pheler — A, Knowlton of Ship. pen. i i SUTTON —WATRODS.—Iu-' De!mak; on)thi 2ith nit, bylletrolk, Dodge, Mr.Arillii Hllattioti lo Mu - Moreno A Watrpueyall rif Delmar, -. „z: J ; 11 . IILLgill30011LIR.4Ie.liie11460; ' o,ri . the 24th' - Wag,' ki,lkis:3:: K. 49 r a 31 4iekt.: Fiedirlek - linnetl - pr MidillebiiiV,to illibe,4ll::. l el atfe'ptieklip,' Pf - the' fonder lAtso; ' ThO '4iJ ertini OF at Vie *donned' iii 9 thet ergPau'langrigtclA" thiltesernikot 11/1 oerpiait i este: ' : . - ROORA—VARDDRHOOF.,-4n .Heemdliept on'llin 6tkultioto, • by ,0. D.- Keeney, B 41fr., ;tied; Roosa to Mies - Rosanna ,Vanderhoo ~both of Middlebury. . BARRET—BROWN.—In Middlebury, by the same, Mr. L. Barret to Mtskilabra Brown, both .of Middlebury. WlLSON—HERNEi;:litlreeneyville, on the 19th ultimo, by the saw - , Mr. Luther Wiletm to Mies Roxi.viiieliugYilholig of Ireeildrillle. - .A MYER7HOLDEN.—On the. :2d- fug., .by. A, 8. Brewster, ' Dici.,..Mr. Wiliam .Myer to Mies ;lira Holden, both 'of Wellthorot '- ', ' ' DEATHS. •!----'1 ,IL S 0 -r•ln mar t on 4tik.,Of r ob , Bieddy J . 1 / 2 V Dar the, [a eon of Ire,,O i .apd Meg J. Wit sou; 4ed '7 l 9ntilo 80 4 4 . 41ay0.. , • BOWMAN:—=At. Hatboro, on the ` l9th instant, Susan 1., wife , zend daughter of Ihollge Otorget 461.40di" - • II:INTE1N REVIIM .1 M.• a, TAX 1" . MEE, TAXI ,NOTIEE. • , T will be at my °Wein Wellsboto,"Tiogo Co., I Penn's, en Mondsy,fTttbsday # , and Wednes day, the 24th o 26th and 26th days of Aprili ism for the purpese of bearititattraptaslithat May be made from the agues °fibs Atlisistent-Alstile lore relating to gla 414Laal Assessments. AU ap peals must be made and submitted in writing. 101/N R. BOWEN, 7:--Aliseaser 18th District. !I Wellaboro, Pa., April's,4B7l-2w. 1 1 ,0 Nebr ask'rEs a, California, ft and ,Kanaas,,and .t ..-tho • • -- , , 4. ~,..: i iani. ~1..,.1,,, .: ;.(... The "linqiniiton neate r .ari „tette& mem : ti„stit it tt'§',o444. 04 #l4r. OgAiliiiilm 4 toni almost: immediately-in thvoeuret ofthsgreativiatwerd; aieniiiiit 4f emigiatioi.a ereialeg "Miele r itid ' I wa, it strikes thehtitativi4iver at three Pfallt4; , - !.. 't , '' -au> • ! I l'heeeiltreopninflititiihniiier , ";i4i.it!ke. ttir4 giestA seettons,etthe_trano.4llssaurt zikion;,_ 4 The NerthUrn gate in Omaha, nherolhO' great f t • le" cificc•foid Will taki'you-tti_thelind oil gOId and 's 'Pies; euriiiii,ni enntiins; -total/044444iAitistiOt '4'.,k4i,._ilid4IP' ilikte -1 1: 11 )44 - moniti;ividcdt 1 ppeu. 1 1 1P.4 the SOUtit hilt of Nebraska, south' .of - the. tPlatte:river, a region untutpaistsi-on 'Oh 'Otitl. nent for agifoultire and l gialinef o liasehtire 'aie, ilia B. & M. Ithilided lands`,' othicerning' ivbloh Goo. S. Harris, the land officer at Burlington, I4wa, oan give you allArifniflation, and in the hi , art of them is Lincoln, the State Capital and present terminus of the road. . :The Southern gate leads to ganias, y equpeal tiimetwith illn:Stl Jon Itnild'liglltmlulirg,truna' itins div apt. to Bt,Je.e.und Kansa" tOitx., , , ..-- 0 . i • :The trains'of the ßtiiiin'gtcin :nu I o othly an airily, kuld'miikiall o'onneotions. It'iiiiii the hleit . _of 444 0 04 1 1(.P.iditnau Pa lace andiinllmin- dining ife,- and shotdd you - take . the journey - 10. - tho , joi4nerti lake alone; you will',be''rOild ; ' ; or 'Saki it td4tid 'a hem& iikiifftitn;*rid YouluitinUt.Tfind eliliiiir'hntter",than netting 'll4 ,13.',,i 41c lands,; white yeu.ein buy baler' pf• re inedit, and, at a loWs "dee.: ''' " . ... , , , ._ , „ . g'Fo ; 16th 18711, 7 1 y. ... i • • - - • 4e400 . Otriglit4 c ,*lliiVe:llleob,.w . bere he eon, titi, nip to make,tiethWith :the' Mita 4eiptovemeni which gives better satistaotion than riiny: *big °lee in -To be kto at Dettt's 42 OW Of 1 B. D ' OBBINS, `- , i 428 North. Eighth St., Philada. r - - Dobbius ‘.. VEGETABLE - - ' ‘ A color ands ditifsiiig ibit will 110 1butl/ - *z, kift"Pr . 1 404.YttP ' i 1 U .1 -41.413 ' id ' itiatide _ a ,COlor -.1 ' - iiftliculidallr 'as . ihii'polettiiioni ' iipreparOons do, . ,- , , '"t itlradrialli , redone. tile hair: ` , t , P l 'o. 4l _rigillVAl COW 4114.1.1j10.00,:: 'rpfilYirkg '1:ITO - life and,lisq. -1 IC aiisei 'a "luso — l ilatit Igrowtli - : oft' feia' 'kali •' a - '". ' - 1 - , i The -beat '.'arid'- s )ldefit article AC. ~ .3. i 0143:aipillivi.:\X•?,sediiiiiiif: - . soid .: 4lle — twlti o re . . ir k ... .... I l i r . ...1,„_„. 1 4 ~ + ...., - F . ^ , e.r. , i I''. MOBS AND TIMOTHY Maill i t - • J.ILDAR B . OAK BUI'TAR • tAILS—At . "ULM. BARKER'S. tc! TUBB AND naxras-At . :311 . !7411::..8 . it,!VE5P1A.: I ..... 4v, 4:710W.-4ShellobiotorDitiethiirof OfifirlMP,. • 101kitioillimbirpwilttaiiiiii Hit YotnisVehrot iiowEstairay. ApriLlFilit - ltedNeollielVAlt i 4 ,fat thilolooll of vOlittiottif for ilfiso — if tot . o,rattraiiiiimot hi the-liVinist fdltio tali.' i Atly•arfana mach° bleb ;Haab foi th 41 . 11- -gia! ternaw Hy or 4 ollthe 11011 M• '''Ds - ' `.SZ HARVEY , '-' 14 4404ig ,-,, ' -.'• 1 'to t. l ; AlikO YOUNG rsterxt" e; I 1 1 4 1 ,14q 1 4 Ml :One : ,fetWA Sienjted % and Dwarf 1 ebony trees of the Mack Tattarlen, Yellow. flip kflow Weak. ta„filo cAodeee k sed; ether: ,„,T_ . lt.4 lit 44 1 1141 1 111 , triewierealeTebc, rlhOlatiA4 mot °ltis.,:4l: 2, I" tfigulPgttll kid old, 1 , 444 as 1 . 7 4 2: Atfgsfm.34 ,0 .3 de ~ ...Arr. .3:4;(*ilyr. - r :? .i, .. - .:3 - tr:.N...';',l', r?:,...'. , -.<, i . Irarifig.l,7,i,:co , s: ,it::- i - Jilts.AslP4lllo/19%.„t tai Z 1.4'1!:,1 Pi kr - , -r 1 '/iSidl ii. lign. , , ,% - 4 ~ 2,. , 1ini ,- -ilb, - Utleyl,i. —, • i ' `.. m"i :: "4''A,' , e, ,, -. : 1,... -. . 4 J1 , i n_-kz .i- ffP t"op z':... :t: . • •A The folloidas *Od,n lava bten anwised foi; this lourpii 4loatta intottroza sic* witi tlas;P:rusdoui ifonsioby, sad Up with 'the trenob 4 0 4u 10 . 114 i# - Mash - i3PE0141.1. NOTIONS. DRaA AiIRINED tti,Dr I/4W - s if ; Wad Diary In *blond in dee& Uho hen not .losad Tit sank to oaring alidianiums *tanking. and throat, ountuiondili, and yolsonary aisatlons, sad ulna, WA tlnag - tr . Ooynnoplion Tho Oat art snared that gid % • ; i .,. liolg Ili irt titiiiii: 1, 4 . i . : 2 a Ct 0 • i - is ...,.; 1 o' ..,,,.; 046 „1!, ... ~,,..4,1„,,wict0: ... SO la 1 . itta -4 1111 . 11.allaiiik& I ,gui 0.1 i i is -m, tif..attot - Ne IS 0 r . w ....ii A/ . .., ‘, l <-•• I 42 . 0 I ' I:I Mai li t 4 _to-, , :,,:-.llti) , :t-, - 4 .7,, ,:- 'f-'-iii: iis tit ce i jrc• il l t' CD 0 4 4 , i , l i i • - i 0 ar. i • ey ', 0 r....:0); 4., ,_,,,,,,,,.•..,,,..... 7 1 :-..'; : . I:1 fit.,.. - 21"; '..„'.1 - 121; • ...s 0 . • _OO 1 _ _ca Gid ca -, _ r _ 4 !:••• • t, c.:' , ' —;) -4: • -f• ME The — ' l Cheitil Cash Store. William Wilson ;C: nA „ . •, ° CT y o , invE ., - ..f ilic l a Sr" 3f- I ri IMIMI GOODS! Nfarlie4immPvytt 'E •: Cask Prices, ;r:41% " 1 a NM 7 - 1 7 .191 -1 i' -II 1 ;.1. , To enumerate the arthate cafe al diiiii tiokt of the variety and vollty o goods, wo uld be MorAtiritu?irway, ll'eldrefere Levity all ir.s. t- • • DRS°' IN. -a-~ $ 4, , ,fr : thlißlislt•LitindAsksok t ilook= 1 1. ° 3 Rai1. 1 . 1 .9uk ItockAti-10011141113ii th i ;J~ ~ ~..` - • '' GOO • 85 .J.1 4LI - . • ....,,, i r....i .1...... .:-. 41 14. 7,r'h f i•- ' r_ ?., , -...4 , . 1" }gkri .1.1 t) :!! ii 1. t,l ?.. r• ' 1 1 : 7 ,, 1 • 1 , Low Prices 0 'l . - 1 7 ' " i. , .9 '71:1 i I ~ 74 :.24..-.." ..:`4.1 1 :4.-.vit itrOtillt9wittoothiqvimentifiiipilopisk•lloyl. . ~ nl4.lsl " l 6V 4l t il ftr i ktgr a n r .h 7 nr; losueirol :- -4 ' T'ii:, i ',IA. kirtll. tfitof;* a' r (...) 30 i:i 1 . . • • • • .1 k .!;;;: k i .~r»~sN = ~~ AND HAS : TO VERY LOW - /16 r; '1,m4.7741) ;La: , l_1; ra ... it -;.iit.. , : - •. i.: lA iii i'.' i 4,..i-',:4 •1:-.iiildi:,r3 ...,,Y14111,6.11 WILSON: 3, ',4,1 N _ ... 'Fa7,44 ,4. ~, ~, „ - 110. Y tore* Ho? . IslPrtritetOrty Mi Mkt • • ' Ia conseqUouee of sew anungementeln our bailout, arm pre our to Lee eutargeweet of our flpries,attuik, we oorniterieed Ad our stook of Millinery Goods, Avigii; Ad Our iiibbons, Vftvete, Bafips-fittildeei l • ' ' '"' " •"' • • • - 0.111 OPina4.94,'.94 l Mirs*Ait 44104 ' Uour *fp)i.yre, paw, Ottomans and I - 4 r- • Bego,.trinudg i giAnatlnbroideries .:Z kj i, Add our Pancy'Yezvelty,lYolls, Albumso l 2 76 rAtli*M4 - _*4fl9l*4, triNfer gannents:for;Vlo4 , outeenit',i .z • •„1.. =EI • • L .• ; " , ' - r-7001-4 14 , if igi r a t t ...b.z i o D. • (.435 t 70; -" $ Ili all '4ofilitie t L :l"i ft! OAS aa~• 521'14.# FA*l l7 -Ah R- 11 ^...." 1 "ti0 WWII, Ind '" , tp_:,,,,ou bur 'toy of.c.o.o** mike op , .sKIRTs 4i thirty-five 004'0444* ite* . iabar that this is a chinas aht aftiaitt - ;Mad. r itforalag,ll*oh 22,1871. 1 i.:`:z..#..~~ - _QsPrir - ' •h 7 t A g s '0:0 - Dv feAr'' 2 6 ~.~v [•, i ; • :G. , 2 4 " • , 'ti , , , • -44:1:11 C;f 4 o' , 3 IikiIEnZUSUB, Min! ",r4 1 . I A • i f 1..1.3. ''~. ~~~ MEI '~ .~ - • - D)'.: OIrE lIIIMENII ~{ _,E , _`§~~ .s! OE s t-a% : : -1 I 4r..11.4 ;' ME I JOk I. . ~, :~~ EMI ;,;r :'t. ,e* 41, k: Li.‘4A 41 a'.4 1 EMI Wint !NMI MEE I= : sr,l 41' MIMI J 4 : , e ';!.) (1',1.A.`611" a'. !!ZIMM ~, :~.,-~ ~; ..t.it ~. !!-.2i•t,=: , J.,. t; 1.t.'',1, , 1. /111 - i~ c T. f 1....<1 Lon bi!fl 1, EtrA - 2 , 2.'i,.,) 1 1 ric,..l , '- '4' ~ - 7 r, - • 14 V:, , .4tininiltf*ls a -1, Y,•,.1.6. t,:ij. 3 - ,,,1 t e, ,. - 10, - / - i, - ,V) ,Si -ii-,i ;fig ,candogi A 2. ;.,..416. .1-z, .1 „ ~-, 4:4: -,All,,,,iggellSet- - -Stook- of JUST BEOEIVED, BOTH NEW AND PAIHYOHABB, (Bache's old stand) Main Street, WelMoto. - • .. .1. _ ..... ... . . .. . 1,1 , ~ ~ .7: . .. ~.,,,, ... i ... 1 •;, t. ,-, , ~.), , y , , ; : i , ‘i, .4;-• • „tv•.- e . , A .1, ..,' . .. • : ..• . : :, ;- i . =NI ENE ' . . -.. _ ..ri- - ---, ? 4 . . .:" .. ~•, , : ‘ ,..; , _011 ‘;', i I , 01 • • - ,_ • , ~ silo GOODS, EBIBROIDEFES; - PRlNitt AND HOSIERY,' 1 .pooTis AND SHOE ' A.', SPEOLALITY, ' .- . ' - HATS AND OAFS;,, • . -‘. ' - .. . MIII9 Ready - Made Clothino, - AND A' PULL 'STOCK OP' lE' d:; ,, :. '‘ Ilacoloe CiliarackertOmi . . _ . , fk Ll,l' ,P,11;1 miry ' ;...,'_, ;' 0 !.!f erkalor minim ..rroauce. lir i 1 11 , 1 ) 11l' l f r° "; tt A,' '-' ff_ MS : -. 7 0, ~._: y ,9ASI . L NO .BOOKS KEPT. 1_!1.1. El a - viiiv the Tame,. jr . „ ; =I R „......•::, ~7...,, .:. ;_ . . , . 1.1 t i g i'•• , • ~: „.,,. , -% -ity ~r,„ i sy, 1 1 e Regulator* - ViNPAVIR4OAO - , i.' ittw ri i 1' t't lEEE 1 4.. I . to reduce our stook to make room for early Spring Goods, we e 110418 r,, r e we a. • =ME -Dress fzloods, J press MS loakings, Heavers, &c. 11E211M1 • ..81151 I t t . ... .... , . , . -,. -- . 1 -- r ~; _ raiGAXtPLISLI OT COST. 9,.. ,J 41 It . 3 S ii :,, sY. J: ~ ,:a.i ,M; 111L' .11 .1J:1r; ' '" •" 4' 4:44 y. t 4:1•' . • ,- • "1" .ikaedneedltr everrdepariinent. a c) sso V rtthent or.** • 1 r-r ii - i r t'''v • - "` si4T:y i l i - k -- 1 ----- . 4 .., ~.,. :•4•/ :':,;r ~.-:;....••• .. , .. , 1. , .j.1;•).A... ' . • ••:, • . !J • .. 1 .1 1' • Alm r..l '•l ' 111.4 .. .1711 1 V 'a Y. ' 419 1 . if . or , . _-l , 0 i.-13.$ ~ .4 ::: 91 ~ ..4 4.F 1 . . " 2. no:, I - I- Ore . 4 -.J. , • _f! _.... i•:. , • ..'t .! + ,Lt ,:", {-1:1:1 .2Li•-!..:T .1",i1 Ar-,S , - 4 l:•: ‘ ' ,i' . ~:-": ;, 7 ~tlflif ' goo A O ff) . 1 . ~,.1 -,.. le l '''2'.., : ? , toi , , A4.: , ;A''.: ,, z ,, wiu - ' .arc ,ii ~,,,. 1,4,, Nr" ,,,,,,„ • . ~,,,,,,,„...,_ ~..,._ ~.... i • . * :; ,, -...1T'-tt 3 ••.' K ,' ,..? •1 , >-; .1 4 ; • . '•4,1 - ' Ai: % '• !7 • 7 4, A :: :: ' . l j, d tif 1 . t .- ,:q. ; 4 4-t-7: P 1r': •; 6 1 1.1...,AC;'* . •-,\1a . , :1- - Til 3 ;__,AV. 1 t x,;• • :i' 1 1..,; 4' i' • 1 03 - • ''• I: 4 ‘. ;:il:f3l k. e.;* --- i :1 • • L i:,•,41 ••• 12V t,..t.1170',:::.: ,N1:-‘, - ,P,, , ;.rv? 1 ,::.,x,..;, ..,-.r..,:. ~,:.,„.... ,Vl' , -iv/Is:, .1 --.-. , :::,-)-:., p..i. ,, - , ... - , , ,, •,....-, .. ~.. v O: x witr„a„!,jl,.4 vrt,,, l 1-I.: ~t ~_..w... , ;i k 4t ci v,tl,i.!j.l3 ail3dl.f:•p2i)l4i --..K— -tat Pikagthat Iduthublialtiis ialon - hi Ticsi iounti,ioiiy 19041 of u and sine mopes. , 14. ,. i•, V, :Li ,1, .1: , ; , ,I.• • I :a/ 4 E1:i 1 0 r'.l•-.. Et'..lkl; &Ka , '-•,. .; , ''''''''''.'t ~ . i v? , ..i .r:;,it'Ot'A',l.l,-.;sA '.# r^b,'• 1 - ..; I,' , t)141 , •• 4'l irte ...4.,e..1 I -R- 4 ,14, , ,- . 4,.,:;i10::: , .-.; - v..;',.. , ..., ;, ) ....1 ~ ;..;1:4.1,-41. , .. a t 1.., ,‘, ,/,,,,, ) ~..., u: . ,z, • La. 1,:. ~.z.. t: „ ., I .r.i n , •; , - , ' , ....:5'..! .... -,2.r,..;.:2,.,&..:2_,,,..,..;:,t)...71.,2:.:.:t.....2_,...:1•1-.,.r. I. 6.1.•1‘ . 2 1 Ile ;ill. r , t ... .4: ''.. -\ /1 trUl: , ', i 1 ),:. -:. :r : • „:; i) -,''',. : 1,1,, i, 1 ,.., . 4 ,:,,,,,..., 11 :, .i . ”, !,_ lip t a i _ldo iiipm:. ,l• 1. , !:., rra,.. 1 . 7.' :145 i i ~i ,I ) Nrifinttttiii 3itighti r 3 , , , r17.7',: VA 5T.1.).;,....A' it 1 ~ , ,iii:„) -, ~ ~ I • -I': I, o; , t 4 4 .: ,i . ..!4`.' , i . :* -1 , I ,1.'.1 , ,:7i,..' , . , )'' it - '':,',l , ,3 :.; - . S' , ~/,',I ,t I : 1 -',.,11.'...4 1 ' +:l /*..1. -,4 :;- :i i.;-' 1 . ;3 ~ i t HEE EWE £l:2 f-.7 l keßstrFiFlßApfthltp.o. ll 9;eoliettl l l). - : . =I s I.; IN. ...._,,,, Will II Eli I Cloths, ithawb, • ME s ; .4- ;2,1 .1 ,Lll ‘,„;,114.4 , ad, r 1671, ;.? FIN 11111 ME ; hi " Ct C- 1 AYtEliitiii. -1 t - . . MEM 111161 1: , 4 . ti ," " r ', (..%IW.f.'"7.lri Merinos, MM _'3 ~ r .-i , , •; - . .. t' i 4": it ;I'l l'' 'l. 1.',.: Eu.tt... 111 RIM BEE 1'1,3 'T : .:..: iii(t 'i .1i ' : - .. l ':' , ' 21.1 -; , • 1 :).5 '..4,01i1K di :01 n~.r.di:~.l k>. • -4. _~., ,; ~• ',,!&`** "z - `:::: YX -- '''41-' - ;:;ON';' , „ I r , 4••••-,1 - V GRI I ABIin , SICI4IAN 1 -„ ~, 1, _ :# , t.,., 1 - q t - . 4 :.' a nd ~f )1 ,%-'' , 2 the,EAVAP4Of g , : lt A t. v .• 13e6n till 9 . 0177 prepared j pliCePartiddit".of its kind ever ofibrod to tho . puboo ) , .. 1 .',,,.', i.44 , -tai:l-*4o4attior 1 r''lllaTO 1 ,n,•M101 4., - --BY _ its: 4 14 ! if, .liti 04#:*v - -)4. - ig.,*-*liopn ,1 Fir.'‘,: : .,- '-,';,-:i 400eit' , 19, V4ii •l. ,AriginiCi ie. :.:-ji',-:',, - ;,1;,46441:'!a0i0r, and :bill- 1 : , k;i:firrLCJl lianey; *hi& is much ~' ;, tuft oie4ra • bi,l4 ll, r )0 1 1; 03 . 'r, i '''T'Oiteit ?-1 W444 t 14 0, 1 0 0 1 4 ,! I *fid l oB 1 '•.,;. „ 3 a64t i iiini :l *thii use- of our . ' )1 , , 0 I' ' fit; , ItanOtierseun lies Its good 1 ' effi" a 4 bYititiosit and , 1 min stimulating properties the i i i 'Wirt ll! hair glands will bit incited - 1 t AND ~ and tho hair , grow thick 1 "1 . ' • 1 1 I 2 A • and stron fifigrg again % t.M.4 In oases 1 1 gb a4 ' fil . ° P•F; k 1 PTi a ft t ei 1 . i IR Wimigu af 61ivriithi Vaiii tiilei - ---- , mut follicle are destrOyed. It i filY is cooing, and allays all j ,;.-Li a itv, i itching,: and ;of i 1 '' .-11 n Iv ': ' t4,4icalo'. '' o.44 B ilO f tiitidil x-f l skin as do dyes, but FOB the skin - - : makes the sealp.white and t6 l p's' ' !' clean ; s , Ati UDItIiSSING , -, I au/ a it is the best and most i i, , E),- - _ - - , eeptiolnie4 'preparatirin in ' mg, the world, as its erects F lasfso much longer. Send 1 ?BIN ' (or our Treatise,. on. the L 0 g 1 81 flair; free td all; bluish:' m I L E4i bs, 4 1 - Dimutp,. an4D ' im fii malicin: • . . •T puce “to isUar 'le fliitaitii - , fn. P. HALL ' &:'CO., Proprtetoree ' ulmanotT i a#Al44„4l:a, • I Au g , 8,1870--6. •'". P 1 :.-4 .. » ~-,r~ t Mini! 1111 ME =WA t~~ ai . 111 :~, ~ RIM r '! ME REIM = , ' 1- EMI ggsgitgisil l' ..9pc" I 1 I Eg S. ..1-5704§ ,Si .1 . in : § i : riCS 6I . i ! 0 1 i tjS :4) c; ,p , •U or 44 's i ‘ 2 4 4 4 i 8 A 43 " 1 tgligiig i lig. 4 gieg 1 x g 4 A@ il •=1 a) xl ...; -4 4 . : C.> ~ " 'l3 Z A I 1 1 6 jail = i'2l AQE / 81Pr:,'EgF," 4 ,, - " a l ; cgs 4:o o co 1.4 1 CI r - 0 1 .. o t ) P i P o il 4 i d A I le 451 4 ' -4 14 lig 11 i ill I to 1,144416',11.8igAZ 1 t p tlA NIOA FIRE EMI liEl , i NO. I. BUTGIIEtt, . • ele ties Policies in first-class companies,at as i taiCOW .11.exteisa, Jan. 4,1871.-3 y. MITOBELL. •I he PESilViaN;SYßUP.hatikes the weak strong, and expels disease by liapplytag the Mood wim NATURE'S OWN VITALIZING - AGUNT—]RUN.-• I • • '/ Catitictsi.—Be Sare_yOttsilt Pemvlaii.9yrtip Pamphlets free. J. P. DDISMORE, • Proprietor,. • • No.' Se Dey SL; New. York. „ Sold by Drazristagenerally. - L 1 • AOLIA, 1.829,4 r. • • . t z , 'IT. 111161 SINGER' g Manufactuiin Company,— , ikrt THEE; WORLD'S FAIR ! -;-conettt u ted by the'hOmee of the Peoillt)—: It*lired the Great Award of the' ,1 El .HIGEBST SLIEST: And have lefttarivalefarbebind them; for they 0414;0 l ei 160, "‘' On 4 HUMMED , AM I D WWZNIT.BEVIIN TEIOI3IIAND, HIISPIR.DAro TRISiTT-THIIRE httocuiteuct • I - being more thin forty thoueanti ,in advance of their plea of the previous ytiar l and .overiorty.: four lACittatid marl iharrahe !wail- Of day. other &wpm, for 187 b; as' shoint by . the follolitg* Apses froin 'rehaiine' of 'the Wes -or mous. . . i ; , -t Thi Binger 71deinufaoturing - ijoinpa4 s , • *old °o'er:Mei Florence - Sewing , . • r Jae il4 Co.. • 110.173 Machines .• • Sold oirer the Wilepca rt.. Gibbs Sets-\ iris Machine • 98,9f3 ' do. Sotd otter the Weed•Rewitl Mci; 7 : chine Co. I - 9i,8 1 31 do. &id over the Grover & Baker , I= , . , n Sewinij Machine Co., ' 70,431 ' • do ! . '3014 over fileHotoe :Machine Co., 52,677 cTi:. .. Sea over theififAeYarik Trilmii't ~._, tt ~ --‘ '7. ;1. ii,anufaetegniN - 1. ..... :....Ats . !i2e " ' do: all if wlifolibi iikalillY owing' to ti tiii itoidfarity of what is known as the,elfair.F.tartor flawing' hfaarnag," whiohlis now Jan finding its way intof,every well regulated bousehold,- E -Poy ,Cir. ella)rs giving fall p,aitionlars of Machines, their Bolding Oases of many varieties of wood and In their Attaehtnents fornanleront kinds of 144,0 woi i,4 (Hi **vb. it . was ! th falght, that del a lto Sowers alone botild iptefo*, ,al we ft _ all, 'p 1 oublre about aft articles used ki-thfil,i ' ill iil: chin's, soh as Twist; Linen Thuad, Spool ent-, ton,:01), do., do., apply to any of their Author fled Agenb, or to 1 .., - ..., , :', , par 81;t10111t IIIiANI4dP*IIIII.DTG s pg. f , '4' 45 . 0' ti -' '' i ,:tit's wah , ewz . - * Offlot 'll.o6,4oitant fit.. , ,:. ~ ~ MU 548.0 , aim - bl;st!ilillizt il book *Teri paNtalled,, A.OBNTB, orbol iron , our-now. wort. „ t;:_;,, tw , MON 1101111119E614* rAMIDIMEDrikie 0011011tok i 414113, :1 . 4 • Ravr PinapetltiOn. Then never was a boos Pub Arty body . *s sell It. - Every. bid Waaltt it Nair, rigout iirslfiore, from 94 404420 pat mouth. Mfiltruk Ook;.1 24 page Demripttie Oltetilai• seat oßtopplitatlom Waviat•goOd Ihro Atlanta' 'll9lO A alatlik, Appel:date thei unerlt& orths' Y.P.NKustAt. faat thatitmesta a !mistrial "Mile deifte to do good as' well as r ialto 1111146)Ft• _ , • • -. .• stamt .4,800 483 Broome Strait, New York Oh. t a • - M. 1( EOM INSURANCE. W/MLSBORO, PA. 88 any RELIABLE' COMPANY S Rili`Vaht Itteurance'; IRON IN THE BLOOD. =I .(“)(diP.i:NEMPLUI: MUTUALWart s LIFE INS 100111TION. Chartered by flptetil Aei.of teekdAta l e of •i!1ang7499114, 0134R,Talt Wit; nmeuts Ammar' ox 21417431. ' wirai .11140.; k . H0n.19. B. OrtAitiAnaddard. • L. A. Trim Viee,rmaid aa t.• Asa* NeoretAry.- PLAA-"To were a bands of SHOO it death, inwo'benldp . foe fpayoblo in ad. mega - —'" - ' • 91010 Anima due s , (afterlrstrea ) Mortuoty assessidento,lkelair I lei • to SS - 10 9 ao. :eardfas to ode . Perrone inittni from 19 to do jure of s W as'olio* badgers man in - story tonal , to work for the Good Timmins gam. el Ben t AssoodAtlon. , B. T. B/ 111114 T, General for Mori Cot ;lob 9,1371 tf 12!!! The 01 I upset Place is the State For Photographs! ODIAILLIIIII rin °ARDS for 00 oests fdageplotures sad .4 -‘ F frank" for 41: au' 7/144/011 Copied, in: Weed And Masked in the Inert itple. Neer stylafnunea and ever:thins kept , in a gallery 04 and,.or tarnished to order , . ', • ) • THE LOWEST PRIORS AND,THE . 1 . BEST WORK.' Rooms alailleel grogeW atone. " ; • :Beb 1 187/ t; WellebOre, DIU, , , C 1 • ISI I P'rßOsß intending to. purchase Musioalin. iltruments will do wen to call upon or &d -ress the undersigned at Knoxville, Pa. I will sell the Celebrated ' Georgia and Brown , • ianos for loss than'y - ou can buy one of equal quality 01 any one she. Call or write before purchasing ,ifisewhere. I also fiarnish the . EStey Organs, , vroLuio, FLUTES, AOoollpEttiii, TABS, Ate. &o. I also keep on band the 110,E IMPROVED Sewing Machine which I will sell cheaper than any other first elan Machine. , jtilisAgents wanted. B. P. DOWD, I n Feb.l, 1871-Sm. - ' ' Knoxville, Pa. • P. E. KNIFFEN I . I AGENT ROB EbITIONE4 12." FAMILY, PULPIT, & PHO, - I _ I TOGBAPEI BIBLES. Minimal° Dealers will flnd the list to embrace the fattest anortment'of Bibles in the country. lThe publisher has no hesitation in prenotmc. ing them more salable than any Bibles publish ed. The various editions embrace all the vari one styles of binding and elm of type, varying In prim from $2 to $3O„ for Aamily Bible, largo quarto size. TUB LIFE OP CHRIST, 200 pages, hand. comely bound in French and Turkey Mohan, tall'gllt. • TIM LINE OP JOHN BUNYAN, (Pilgrim's • Propels) about 'lOO paps, also • handsomely bound,ln Preach and Turkey Morocco, fall gilt. LABQB TESTAMENTS. TBSTASIENTO with notes, Bible Dictionary and Webster's tutia bridged. AU these publications will be-sold vary cheap. Address 4 P. B. ICNIPFBN, Feb. 15, 101. Agent for Vega 00., lifainsimrg, pa. • Titß undersigned, losers by the fire at' Vega s: on the 9th inst., and Insured respect iveli by the Franklin Ins.-Co. and the Lunar arm Company of North ' limeilea; of Philadel phia,and the ..fitna, and Hartford insnrsnee Oonipanies of Hartford, by P. B. Smith, their agent' at Vega 'Pa., state' that mix respective toe's amounting in the awegate to about 128008. were promptly, fairly, and honorably adjusted, and promptly paid, and we cheerfully rpoem. mendlhose Companies to public eonlldence,l A. O. - Bush, 'Wickham ilfarr, Golutsten & Lowell, • H. S. Johnston, 00. IV: Barlett., Van Ostlers Place, Bilas M. Smith, . C. H. Seymour, J. fi. Bash, Rev. 0. Otis Thatohet, F. E. sattai l 'Flop, March j 1 • t • • . WANTED. A Ootopetent dairyman to take charge of a la. small : dsktty' of ten cows. Good teniutt horse provided, and fifty acres of land flunished ! ! to work on shares. A good ohanoo for , competent, married man forterms .to apply to IL 0. De Poi, Tioga Doro, or at this &Deo Iguoh 29, 0. • . , MANI100D.:" HOW LOST, HOW BESTORT ED. Just published by DR. LEWIS. 258 mos. Third Edition. THE MEDICAL • COM PANION AND GUIDE TO IIEAI,TB, on the radical cure of Sperniatorrhoss, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Lossch, Impotene, Mental and Phydsal lacapasity, Impediments to Marriage, etc., and the Venereal and .Syphilitio Maladies, with pliin and clear directions for the . speedyeureoffiecoidat7 Symptoms, Conorrhui ~... Gleetii filwietures, and all diseases of the . ski , in ail. as Seim, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotch a an tholes oa the face and body. Consucuptie , Ep guy, and Pits, induced by , salf•indulgenSa._ . or Mad extravagance. The celebrated author, in this admirabliiTrea. Use, clearly demonstrates, from a feel! years', suceessfal practice, that the- alarming. eons°. quorum of Aelf.abnie may be radically - cured ; ' waiting out it mode of cutest once simple, ear tain, and. eillitotual, by means ,of which , every , sUfferer, no 'Matter what his boriditton may be, eanbe effectually cured, cheaply, - privately, and radically. figirThis peeke abould be in the hands of ev ,erylyouth,ind every man in the land.- _ _ __ • Bent under seal, in a plain envelope. Price 50, , oehla. Addreee, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach SA 10__, New rark. Marub, 8 1871.-Bm. [ . . — s '. . P"cLASTER. PLASTER,' .1 - 17 ILL b 6 kept constantly on hand at Tfoga Dopotoontil. -the ,15th of May next, $7 50 per ton., J. DILLISTIN. - March 15, 1871 20 Do i TAX.—The Burgess end Coon-. .1) oil of We ll sbere will holt a meeting at the engine house on ,Tuesday afternoon the 11th day bf 1871, between the hours of two and four; for , the purpose of bearing apPlleations for abatement and correction of the borough tax for 187 . 4 after which no application will be heard. .By order of Burgess and Concoct). • - " #3. w:BoLEr, Clothe March 29, 1871 2w - • I I of '' I L : 01 :::::::::::::::N to Notice.,, i t t o c l e t ... ... . ETTFItEi. OF ADMINIST RATION on ths estate' of Chides It Phelps, doosaroClato 'tinier:" alga It, all persona. baying claims ageing said L i, utata and those Indebted-to,tha earns are uott ' fled (o call foriFottlimeat on C. N. Seymour, at Vogl, or Aare A. Phelprott Mandist& ': • ~ I , BAZAR A.PHELIPS. , • I ' '. O. II .BSYMOUR, lifil , 4' oh 29,1921 eir,e ~ : . r , Admih's. - BAK.V.R,„& SON AT*l4l:PPlilliab e PA., HEAP ON,MANIi . AIp 11*i TO ORDER javOlitais )IMLATFORME Wigonif. Ell Iqo do not propose to- sell - - Abeam thou the 'cheapest,. but. make u.. goo& as the. BMW e t :tiseoeible prices. We ship do, titn thet i n y , chart and beat style , of the a t.' one ' latlngfrixtbll4 , 4lk,our Pao wilt me ALli: if. 17,4 74 411 T.)* Knott • - 103 A CARD.