Or:- • -,,--.., 0 ;; ; ; ' iltrorn 10 - -:- - ._,' ' tiii -1 , '.' ~-. ,'“ '.; ' - 3 41- k :;-!-- 3, ---- . .L.. .--..--:-......--.......-**, giN••10;••• f••190Q I Cf ll= =I ; 171? - fu 0T 013 0,.. - rat r Wednesday; March 29, 1871. =I rnmerfd that Itnioir. Is to be refused anew triid, and re4azdk tented..., • We trust 10.1 that ease Abe , Ow en that 4,10 111 49t. 13 1. 1 0E e ti# l l4 l in/S take Of auspaidtrifithO sent . ence instead' Of the eulprlt.l Hen. Wm. H. Armstrong, of Wil• lianisport j has accepted an invitation' to deliver the annual address before the literary, sy.mieties of Waellington and Jefferson ()college, at , Washingtoni at the Commencement th e' entitling summer' • 0. •• • , • Hon. El I Ie late Chief ' .lnstice of the Supreme Court of PennsylVania, and a-former resident of this coOnt.y t 'died 'at ?bpatiolpht*On jjirotabt, aged 74. ,1 LOW /NA a, practical -prin,tei 4 ,•and Ihe editor! 'oft thp first paper ever published in 'Nff\'eotiu ty, the Pioneer. MIMI .LLOYD IMIMN HUM-1,,t IME Britton,"eddvloted' otintirder-' Dec 'tuber last;' dvvss hung at Williattispart'on 'the 221 i4ot. He asserted his Innpeeu'oe''of the *Ur.' der to the bist. ttie' treidtbld, when told if I#4 h'ad anything to pay= to step forward and say lA, 'be qiune, for*ard and said': " ClOttlenien 'aro abtsuti to be hung.l did 'not kill Yoke Bay.; I had' nothing to kill Joke Bay for: That is'all'l have to say." — ' . ' The following is a supplement to the law authorizing the eleetion:ef On 10- 'ilittonal Law Judge , hi this Wet.' •lintiare in 4 Is now before the Senate , : • 't • t • ' - Ste. 1. 'Be it enacted, That 'wheneve} Buy t ,vaoanoy shall occur in the office•of "Additional •,.11.11,a Judge in the,feurth judicial district, IT : re f signatioo, expiration of term of office r Fr.cokter wh!e, a SuecereOr 'be ei.pcinti , d'awl'UTected • , in the sumo mannei ai is prey ided• Air the, appointment andielentioo, nt Prosidept Judge in said Wasitimmyri,•D.C. l , Jam P. 'Nolan, aged '22 years,. and A 'printer .hy profeSs ion , having been ttb sent from his home in , 'l3allefonte, near two years, , and• nothing hiving been heard Of him by his , - mother: du- ring that time, has' caused hetgmit mildness, Last heard finin lie' was: ink Corry, Pa. you Can give me any ha; • - _ formation concerning him, you Wit much oblige his mother and myself. T.. 8. NOLAN, Adj. (den's Office. Hrs., Hess, the Wayland,Murderfss. Mrs. *ea, Wii?, it will be recol lee*, shot and . lcillo two , respectahle,citieris in Way land,'N. Y., has lately been un der examination as to her, present san ity., The trial s ocexankination, excited intense.interest, and the feeling toward the prisoner was not friendly. Doctor Gray, of Utica, was the principal wit _flees, he having treated•some 20,000 (?) cases of insanity.' Dr: Hovey, of no.< cheater, was another %fitness, and both these gentlemen testified une4ulVccally to the present itietteitYof r the Prls'ener. Tt Was'understood that the , deciSion Wife not to affect the titivation. ,of sanity at the time of, er,prlor to, the,homicides committed by, dire. Hess—and-the jui4 decided-thai she was insane. I , ,likte gees,. therefore, to the State asylum, fertile present., and is itt: very little danger of hanging, ultimately. After a carefhl . perusal of the_ testimony, -we are in. dined to think the 'verdict , of the Jury correct: the woman undoubtedly is In sane. Whether ?VW :90 at thetithe she conimitted:the double murder, is pot so clear. ' • " We underritand that a bill has Paw d Raise the of 'Representatives at . , Ft r rishurg repealing the law enlarging i e borough of Wellsborn. The petitions s far the repeal, We understand, are mo t ly within the present fruits of Delmar, though some are from that part which• has been added to the borough: One' of the arguments in favor of repeal, - ii that Delmar is largely in debt, arid that, by cutting oft' a part of the 'towiraliiir; the burden of the remaining part is made heavier. This is not ti . ~ a lll.l arL' gument., for, if we' inlitake not, the Su preme Conk have decitie'd that vvirere a part of a township le cut off ta enlarge , an adjoining . toWn, or to . cre ate riAreW one, the new township or the enlarged °hole liable to payment of an equitable share of the debt of the. old .one.. 'We, .41 0 not know that that , decision. would passage in this , Gave; but ' wntbirik the passage Of a law Imposing t his ilibli ItT,. and the appointment 'of. two Ccirornis.' sioners, one from Delmar and the otter from Washer°, to adjust the amount,. would Obviate all dift)cUitiis. 1 : , , . . 'The lutyreat of the added papt l and of the borough is against ,e, rg peal ,o4' the law. The law wstk passed concurrently with a law catahlishlng ['graded school of a high character., till Wellskairo mid' authorizing thsTrastesa of the Wells horo Academy ,ta transfer• all the real and personal estate of the academy to the tichool , dlstriet• of Wellsboro. This, has been substantially done; a n d;a moat excellent graded school, probably the best in Northern Pennsylvania ; Is now in operailou. We thitik it would be very unjust to disturb this .rnost - ea. cellent arrangement. . , We published last week tbe , mpg ca' a bill having ,reference to Tioga. min only p i which had passed tho , lilouse .Representatives, diseritainating in lay ing taxis, in fe.vat ot the holdereof seated lands. We propose now tO sa something More in relation to' sa . fil 01) The first section rookie it UnlaWfu for the S upervisors of' the several town ships Tioga county to levyfor roail anti, othsr purposes,, or for, ttio SehoO DireOtora tO levy for school or hoildio purpose, a_greater rate of assessrnen .on:the valuation of _the unseated.lands of, said county, in anyyear,. than abet be levied by the Couoty Commission , ers for county .pn,rposee 'fey" ihe earn year. ' Our rimless will &peen% that le only thorz4nseated lands tbat ;Ire din!! Itltrileged: Upon:the farm lands_thero IA no limitation to the . amount of tax 4 that may be levied. The general law reistilroo that schools shall, besustained; owl that reads shalt be , laid auk , bnilt soul kept /VW p and thaPthe school' dimstors *Mt etiperek4ore *ball lay Oaf. Oita, Wes for those purpotoeo. The general la-W oit the Siete does not disk Ohnletaie AVOir thoae who own WAS ( MA 6E4 Eite tifiiit 10 hold Of/ it, tifvjAithkiirkf plkido' t 611 : had iftf)**Sf e /14 (tOeS I fkr,Lll/12i1:04..ocmpitbAheB.,,u ii(WgueiroVoill'A r t larger tax on the landaud perrtuil pro petty of our farmers; ,mechatiles' and laborhts um capiw . large amour at cheap rat at least, re(aise fsrmors eal Ve fil'lnSl.lfY "theicttlirni4 eVta n" au, and 'e'v.- tur is the reiddefitiffiiiiiefidadjaboringnUtui c'NET I PO e d PPaYA44.eo fr.ow,4,lPh for 1b 6Ci{ltiveiio ed e* . some if - Wit; li f eattlatriftrit#lMWpt. l enjnYtheiiifiikeeffit, t t ciyp "Ake*. Ipart of-sirhat - `Jtaitrileifiefimfidtir'l,37,ol Mid 1871. The sent . ' that the leVi ilreatiy Made On' the'. tin- seated iiridis of Tiogit'nonnt'Y'l4 I)(frvistlris and i39111191' directors' of said corityiiirthe',Ve'ars'lB7o' and 1871: ,l'erebs 1 61 4 tar of eatd ialhatiOn," :and:tha i s r shall 0 . 4 t , c)(o6itnilei the i tke4o4# Tingri'totiptY.W.iseileot a.greatei Ott of . assel‘u s tent for the purpoies of , schoola or Toads from tile; ; Owners:'of*loisecite4 liku`ds,, far tilos° yOrs.! , t:Whatever may ,hav&been the expenditures , of the l appellilioreandfichoOl dire4cirfi', in an-, tieipation of this taX 7 , : whiolrthey . have levied,, ; or ':Wicite'Or" inay' . "hilie' been thelecentacts, they are, so far, excess, prohibitedfroin collection le con tero4l, oritOr.liclinilinmeans of pay 'Vas Aliethird iindi the '14 °,4, extraordinary of the three, attemptete help the °Toe* of tyor by iiiii3Using them fiomfulfilling contracts, or rather s by2eislattn the -- Means. 'out,' Ot their ,hands, It ,00tote that the courts of the 'said -counki.Of Tioga shall nothave Wirer s to dire s o the 'levy of a tax of more .than one-half pf one per cent. on the mapped Valuation 'of 0.6 rdal s and per - sepal proPertY or Aho, neveial townships-of said county]of ;Ti.: oga'-fin-the payintintnt thedebte of any or ay of the said several ,lownships•cifs said icounty, in uny one year. Manyof the townships are , deeply in debt, and : this bill, it , may be said, in , effeet c f finds' the debt f of t os 6 tevinships• for in` some ofi these, this one , balf of , one Per cent; , willide'but little tnotie thad i paq the Internet, after taking ont,thecost of collecting and disbursing the tax. : . • Our readeni Will observe s that the 114 ,sectionprobibita the supervisors from levying for - road and 'to6lr `purpottea ,more than what is ;levied for county purposes. Of course, if the county tax is only five Collis on the dollar, and - that nmount,ii`levieden unseated lands by the 'supervisors also, the court cannot cannel them to lay an additional tai to •paythe debts:of the township. The unseated_ lands, therefore, escape any tax for the payment of ;the debts of the township, even if contracted, as they often are, to open roads through these, lands to enable the owners to get off the timber. The same observations ap- . ply also to the school diree,toul a n d school, debts. OM EME The Met section was, not' intended for a blind, of.cOuree ; and ,yet a cursoryi , reading of the act would convey the! itopreseionthat thenns4ted let* Were alioliable to this additional tax _of five wills on' the dollar to pay debts. ' An act of the Legislature extending - thutime of paying a debt beyond ,the contract time paymeht, is held un constitutional,.because; in the words; of the Constitution, it impairs contracts. Why is not this last section a law of the same character? Is a township debtor to be placed on a footing different from . that Of , an individhal debtor? 'phis 111), we understand,' was gotten op at the Instance of a firm of unseated landownerti not kesiditig,in this county, probably in ,COnnectien with another great lumber itiid derporation;'af r ; ter hailing,. in Vain; vendeivered Idade the ComitY CemmlEisionera to 'rez: dace the valuatiOn'of their lands to loss than iine=fifth of 'their true valife:' But, in its 3 general effects it benefits all the great land , and Wilber companies; as well as 'individuals owning unseated lands, many of whim reside out of the county, and' are. taking 'nway all the trueivalue 6ernel:ly erthese lands, 'to enrich otherncanities, and 1e a v g scarcely money,enough in the county to buy sufficient manure for a garden pilot on.eacktthousand,acres. And now comes before the Legislature this com pany, orcemPanieS, as the case makbe, and aye sneakingly t endeavorinsr to gob ble up even thAt small pittance, • In the name of the 'fauna's, Mechan ics, laborers and business nienof TiOgit 60111 4, We 'Protest against euoh regiega tion.. Will ourmembers of the lower house inform-the people bow' and why it passed that brfxrioh of_the Legislaturt, before hardly a man in the oonnt y knew or slispected such a leis Was tended ? I We,are notgoing intoalong disserta tion on the cussedness of feudal times, when the will of . ene man was Sinn cleat to-seclude Me weaker neighbor in, an 4 underground dungeon, where t h e' light of sun or mom never again glad!: cloned hie eyes, leaving him to rot dovin to physical and mental degeneracy; unT ill the earthen floor of MB cell 'became his grave. Nor are wa_ disposed to de scant on the cussedness 'Of the 'flings :when Inez Were inirned at the Stake for, VenturitietO differ from the 'lRcinnitt. Pontifi''on a religiousdogina... f *or On the "good old times" when 04 Saxon ancestors wori collars on which were inscribed the,i;yiamesof their ]Norman owners. What we are after,AUSt now 'and just here, is the cussednesicl of the , Kuklux. Klan, and their 'Copperhead apologists, Worth and South. The man who Is passably 4 well posted in the cnr yent':Perlodical litendure Of the day, knOVl9,,if fie knows anything,,,t hat therela4x lar a c,OO, of, Men a , t South Rho `have . never . "accepted accepted the situation," who are atimsent organized in a secret combination, which calls Self •theilnkltizAtlan, 'whoipt;iitti•- .13Olie:te'lhe,Aelbat of the 15th amend:- went, vrimexily ; then, the ellminationi of thaltepublican element south, pn: der the. Orst i :ilf . - cluiet43Oggenii and mainly„ , i the election of a " DemstN: . cretin" Preeldent In - 18711. • 'rheas fade are:tulo plain and as me-, ' 41. ._4 411 4 at proofs , as that other , fact; of INHlOffigalit which the -Northern people Mid kettily belle, after* bottnne an 0/440144b441 foug. whith r : sVai7 .~,~ _, c: tiENERAL ;CUSSEDI4ES9:.=-L-THE Mit man dtb = NOW, otk 2 1 , Ovine y • - - -ena• yi eittinse tltat paper gives the fat :eohes and atdeifee, more fairly f that' nur /-; es tA b ;134 ' a 4 r , bitages without ' - u 4 A 4- .ll • u . • Ir r c ompelsus. to , t tn 1 - I . .1, 7 rarwer tells, Arr .9844/418 the,e- Demoorattif(o*ROlu,),p,4tralies tf giontb. Wit:*,4aro tac. iiirainistiang of *iv foilowlug facts, wbloh every 44* I kaow Who-ttada. ia7 be 2 4 s I . , • . _:. - --,,,...--r--- Itlitniiratif nig Ihis intatiliailleb. (thallEAL.)terakediesinorti - thatot)l oo4 memhere ; ,that thpy :have_,Committt more than 'CopoHniaedeyr4foi, which 443 t One itiarderer .11 . 4 lici: i n,OriCakhe Ebion.,e t9,Jus4o, mpAek,,t*P.P.,retlePi i 4it*o ! ( I t affatrikat_ the -,61471Ath - ; Witt jr9opo4 ay . f; ;peen, called for , by. the authoriti. a .4f, Southvn-States,i 3 aid authoritiel• tid . lug themselves unable to preserve or,der;. of administer the"lawel • that' nothaW have been and ate being posted' . iip in 'Varicititi loeiditie:s ; S'ciutte, l of '*-hiob ;the' lolloiiin`, Po: ted ' Ol' - at the aiklital ht' 'Biz arollna;',le4kiiie r einferi: ' -' -' i' 7: r,; ' ' i gr ., - ' ' ;‘...tiesigaerte - " re - Mini Di.; . 0r),1,,,i401_ , 'Otters, No:s K. K. K..i-n: , Owe ale kW °aria' edit God: ..g' „, ........ , - , ..,:z4 . 1-:,,i. .i„i, -- 1 ! -,,•,, )i - f' 8 1 4 4 Ah, la teagoo) Ira art ileteriota44. !Ai a i, memsers of the Le: ~.. , the 00131 01 0 . 002,006 1 ‘ stoners' and the 'Cosh ; oidMilisloilefi'• - 6f tilivr 4 ..., shill; aci Iciroger '. .; " . 3 ' -; .e- - - I ~ . ',',l .re Fift e e lk days' nt#, ,, . " not at Atielt, aid' if 'they,. one and , a ; 9 at p1:1011 a 5 'to - ever resign 'their - preSent' inhuman; AlligraCeful and .outrageoue' , ndeii um' retribiniee injuotioa. MIA as 80F0 1 7 be ; ned 54 eig4t, tal!ayrs day,„, - „ "Altio.—Au honed mauls t'ke n oblest work o f 'Oa. ' - 1. • ' 'L. - • - • -i ._:iikPor. this reason, if 'the Clerk of 4be 414. Board:of goaßty,Commieelepoge and B 6# 6 p,i, bannalsolanera doei not , immediately renounce fr andlelingniih his presentliesitionithen harehirr measur.sa than this will most assuredly , and 'ioes...i 410 1 391 e mils , ~FPX; oPAgrzallll o 9u facitela o , o P. : the orders heretofore utilished,,in , the Upson' Wiekli IMES add Yor k ville 'Negiiireir wilt more fully, and ..cpmpletp, ly I show our , intention. 1 By order of lgrand Olief.. A, Q. Qaasu, 85,e7 t ,:j , ', "Idareh 9, lciTt," _ . ~, i The _ above notice, wtr,,_ o , - ' - ittiin_the building on whic h it wae, tag: ted,in,Columbla S. C. , and, forwarded , ?- - . 1 F) 4 04 11 8t9,i i t; - Ot4eTiA) , Angre'l bkfia . and denunciatory, have been forwarded. , likewiSe i but this, will serve sea aped- ~ men;of , the manner in which ; our Sou. : thern brethren accept the 1 sitnation.— ! 'On: ll'uesday, the 14th instant,' theljOVl' drheillt Sod th''arolinn held 4 . confer.' 'eats , Atii lendliiiineil 'of 'tho'i3tate' fOr :the'pai:Pose of devising Mende' for thr 1 eappresalca .of lawlessness nn d vio hince. in consequence; the '4lOVernor '' With., some of the, principal officers of ; . , „• • the ; State, :tate Week war,ned,(9 leave.—. We regret our want of „room AP pl.lbllo4'. 1/1 full the. well authenticated reportoof. . Southern outrages -that lie on ouritahle ; but we, will only use space to say, what . all !ought to know, that •no tio.called Democratic , paper ' needle expected to. givtrany account wliateitti of any aide' cbasedness fee' is.daily transpiring at the: South,' so loiaj, as lte' editor:know:9l4l;d the, .14uktO Ilridn;,..crii'664' depended on to .. 'vote iicilid for the neat Dernocraiie.ehh7 : !didate for the Presidency,',, ., .. FRANCE. -L -THE SITUATION. 1 We are of those , who do not forget that, in the .fltilt year of our national existenca,`France was thennik ' nation in Europe that vouchsafed us 'recogni tion, or had a word "of encouragOmenti for the rebellious colonies WhO Wile de 4ing' the triletiesis" Of the Belie;. We hi've, in' cOininein with k oiCat""44ibri- Oini, a warm aide for our Old 'sni p ~ and 'it is with pain that we read of the scenes' emoted In pare Oo soon as the Germana left the city. I 9 ' • - ' i '3 coins The fteie9,, ea i itable olemen ~ prising all upualldetggnated ae " the ,Retfit 3 t"wfts:W.Atli; lilleulty kept from a ) disastrous attack n the German troops during their mar h through and °cow.' ,pation of the city. And no sooner have they gone, than the Reds break out—of' course, in the direction of " Liberty; Equality,.Fraternity." The I roops " fraternize" with the people, as French troops are . apt 'to do, ''acid -this Reds, . or , Nationals, Nationais, tei their call theMielies, are making . it (. iiiiiii -- f9rll9naleai Thiers and his , - so*Onnent,.,Ril tAe Minribers a :ithich'intVe. One aVersaillea ; and our. Minister, telegraphs ; th(tt he, with, the whole diplomatic corps; its about to follow them. „Evidently, . gr.. Wash borne and the " corps" . have a , notion` that it is getting hot in Paris. ',1.1 The Nationtilenre masters of the sit nation, at least in the arty.: They have appointed a " Central Republican Com mittee," land the . Commltteepered the National Guard' to tali.", poesession:of theulty,,Which was done rather quiet 4, ly, little resistance tieing offered. Or dere were issued for communal (deo tions to be held at the various Voting , . places,, one representative to be ehosen • for eery 20 i t100'voters. 'rho:, orders were being carried °uteri the 20th inet.;' with no serious opposition', the Ger mans refusing to interfere. • The government of Monsieur , Thelis is fairly routed-from Paris ; but the smaller cities and in the provinces it is still supported and recognised , - Us the government of France. It calls Oil all who have regaru for the bonier and 'in terest 'Of France, to separate from the insurgents and " rally around'thb Re public and the Assembly." tll e other hand, the Nationals issue such proclamations as the following, through' their Central Pornmittee ,•f4...T.; the People , h 1" Pare: Iron have intrusted erwlththe defense of the ,righta of Paris. • We have driven out the government which betrayed us. Our mission is faltilled,and we now'report to you. Prepare for- the communal eleotiona-- eive us as our only recompense the establish ment of a real Republio.' s It is far from certain that the ; horiori of the " hundred days", will not, be re 'peited,,unleas the Germans step in to , reatore—as, At Is rumored, , they have threatened,to do but that would hardly lessen the chances of bloodalled.. Al ready the Nationals have murdered three -French Oenerale--Vinoy, Thom* and Le Cornier ; and it is reported that they have mobbed and killed General Chanzy, also. On the whole, wO,la,ee very little pros- j , &et of Immediate'peace in the new .Re-' public. We gather items of news from telegrams in the dailies that Incline yr , rather to the belief that Paris iiiripefor rapine run mad. Tlgendearmeshave, fixed on the Natio n s who , returned, the fire with erect. hci mob is iii pos itessiort the - city. 'Only wine'shopot are open. Drunkenness 19 rainpailter- All, even the,womeni . are. armed land the Officig; .79umat -say!. that ,40,000, good troops ate at Versailles, ready, to - march on the Insurgents. t, a The Altuatica is .very, deplorable and -7-very !mob. ' l ollkniztinOw, S. Ctilidareli 4 28.--Vhe' TkinneiSee,irith the San DomLngoCOM rdiaßion 'on board, airiTed off the bar at daylight this nuirning: ' The Mimosa ion'eks and all - ths party 'except - Scientific COrpa nano ashore and titir• hid 'at once for' Washington, 'at which Place'lhey will' 'duo to4norroW at 4149 Ogisck. . . . My prognocticittions niirlast becoming i '`orified 48 ton dead look lie- . twern t o *min ,es the Ile lela t • 441 ti - r r ; t To I , tire inite • • t‘ • f &oldie kilithe Atrifinthliedidaz reHea• ;tiortailwhitlikitive -aeoidlintittainiproli rlit4ltiringthei Oa:Brant of' Ow Alain inste l kuor tha•solondi -111 reiluirei no, + ptiblks intpreedion of-snyiontty 40.'4n:eke any ;position tknowit Opt:4Mo sub eot. fl'hat Clen.leoz harm beep , as voinpe nt officar mist performed h i s dutleSin oh a manner pa t° receiVe) tha approbation Ofl - 4,11) ;who itaviii takifiellated•Atial en With him; la butgaienf th akda • Alit belies tipda ithelPioPle ..0•T '': fAxaktylimuSbyttdieloire 1 .•• ~4 .13 ! I We' aro , ha sotabishigtuit fin ' _. l' i and abilitseotawathrpliutstiO:; ‘; , , r• i-Ttuflegbilaticinisiluireittirthe i • w-, -anesquenVilllel saltroluVeampanyt , . is - conipletoidoindLtunkmainad thee , * *k la•idready aubdbribedlaslihn ';.. ; ; ; . a tiottof A narroVidoplosidlitraL w rerle,evi Ile; Jo. EBlltlandl -, 4aldi iveostaay soon expect.to heart the 4,315e0h , ,0f ',the .locomotiveiwbiatlalieverberating fiem hill to hillukuminur hithertOkpliet had secluded valley.i Worth° last bit thou Sand. years, we have midti;ont egress and ingress by, the old fmtdonsittlyOpf. single or doubicteamail oil, Amts; 1141 horsebaokiiin :smishitMand. in.ato m; ; a nd ands, tol,Sadleattohangesails**' Sonternplated e .tnay *ell 041:11 'fie , ' Oil to pause and , dotibt, and Wonderlf siioh things-danibe au& not AtovercomS us like a slimmer oloatt r without inur•speT offal observation."l - Let ;the - itineraut peddler and , elOw -.teainaiil toca,c-livOor thuloemnotivewhile the bell r ing" "The bOrder,taid, bliUl Thie fie Ithe ' title of Übill that hangs like an 14 004 ' .bus.upon the body polltio,andfor three orfoursessions has, Amen t praised, with such persists:may asulawatto.proselYte ;the very 'elect. ,They•have intheir dif ferent .bills 'varied, their folaima-, from half a million to two ;millions, ; and all intermediate: points:.: They ask, o u r ,State to pay thedarnageathey l auslained by the rebels,' and,that Ave look; in the general, government 'los its , zetUrn.— Should our : Legislature lake :that view of it and graulthe,relle4 wexan .look to " Uncle time , until. wet are f ealled hence, ardthen •trmietnit .the gUrlous -legacy to 'after generations. - • That the oniony were injured In , property, and elfesi reputation, no one Willileny; but thAttkey were; Irdtieed; in person is a burlesqUe_, of no common, character.— .1104 !they taken _arms and defended their. firesides and property, instead of fleeing to, iiarriebtig ?to be protected by the_ few soldiers -in '' Camp • ‘ Curtin," they might now. have been enjoying that property for which they areolaim ing restitution from the State Treasury. . We pity their Misfortune, but darenot pay a premiuM. for r neglectaud coward .loo_,•• • .:,, , • ' • , , • , 1 ,l• i ' , Both houses , adjourn, fromte.day, un- AI! nest MooM's*Osneelifl94oo of ha ving rpn out of billilyel ll l. • ( 1 9000 1 1tleb" '., x .. 141 4 adjourrAft II: • I .-..i , A11 1 1'. " ADLovmi siniiirltitepti ritiln)l44' '! . 3 , . : .:.:. ..... : t" .1 t I ~.trjr,, R . : S attga. 1? Viii i ii r ii*Mtii*lig li C l P 10 i -T _ •j: 1: . f ......,'• .' jr:B. • A 4 it . 11 1 41 A rip - - ttt115 . 44 AC -- ij' l l -'-. # - I.lt:lll.BBgßiti. ~ B elkßit pa i d fOr batter, or lid ato imam!' - . pi ik P.. oci Oil:Willi' - ' '*-' ' '`" ' J. is: AKIOIII. .• Maroh• 29,5/871 ' ~ -, • . :Ji , - . t l• ~. I:, :I. - ' • LAST . PLASTER 1,4 : TILT, bOl/014 , opriatantly ottitiatta at Tio l ga depot, ngEil the ,145tt of May a sr SO'rfir tau. ' Blarah 1:6;1S71: Sat " • • ; • ;'•• • ).- • . : IttOROID'EIHi,TAX--The Burgers, Mid Areit• 4311 eflrellsimp, ttl/1,4914 A At4estlilit si 'Po en ha hone. on . Tuesday afternoon the 11th cm of April, 1871, between the haute '• of [We 'ant fear, for the putriklif bearing applleittonsfir abatement anticorrection of the borough tar* 1871, after which ncrapplleation will be hem!. 117 order of Bargee and Connell.• • ; • [x : ' - , • • • „ , 341.1. W. itiaLgr,i pi. 44. --; . 'ZiarOh '29, - 1870 w , ,'• 'RIIIPPO2OI , I • • •,-, ' ; ,•;.;• ; . „ na TIED CONDITION OP iYIROT ,NATIONA - 4/ BANK of Welleborongb,Pi!:;.lit the of htiel noes Much 18,' 1871 Air. ;, eA:t L ! . ; - ADINUKOEII. ;. - Loans and Discounts _, ~! : ;149,99 97 U. B. Bonds to encore .oiroulation ~ • 1' , ,I ' 00, V. 8. Bonds and Bandsithia oil haatL ' - hi.:. 186 ,: : 00, Other Mocks,. Bonds, and Mortgages. I. , 6,000 . 00' 'Dos boat rWeeniftig and Balers* Agents • 94,468 69, 'nut *9Ol other tzptlinitti:Danite ', -I --, 909 itn 'Dee 7roni Banks! ilsoka r t • „,„. .. , ...... ( , 64419: :thirrent atipsneek.: '• ' • ''' "• ' ' •'• '' ''•• ‘ 67 44- Taxe..) 42 - , ........rt--12. - .it - • fi...'4..i0.i. i. _t.;_ , 68108 Cash stems; (includiag attimps,) 2,046 fdl Dills of other: Rantoul , Blinks '' :' ' ' '- ' "• ‘ 1 180 00 iractionalearrspog ,4iiisluding dials),,tfi -- 98000• Legal Tenaer'Notea '' '7,46.0 OQ _-- ••:.. -• ' ' -,- .: IT,, , i • 1., ;' ' : ;. : -•-; a........t4.4., - • I' -, 8628,719 fa , 1 ' ' '' ' ' -I" i " ' ' LtilllitrißlQ ' • -' ' '• ' ' - Capital Brook psid in •ii " " ' 100,006 00 Surplus: FinuL i . . ,i ; . t 80,684 87' INsiconfitilotarest and bias" 8,648 41 ,llndlyl4l4lProlltri...:.: , - , 44ri....‘ " ' -: 2,191288 Nat. Dank Circulation (clatatordiag) . , 418,120 00' Individtuil Digaisiti ' ' l _ 88,881119 :Das i tzit National' Banks,. ........: ...... '. ........ : .... .-.- i 18110' Brasios Piron'a, Toga COOT, as., •- • , • 4 L L. Robto sob, Outdo of nta First Natioaal sink. of , Wallibotansabi Pa:,' ,do astsmitly • irinar 'ibis' alms Aye. Ammo& la tilts , to Mit best • of injknoirlplo sad ballet - SA. / 10 MXPON,CasNats • ; galaidribed and strorzeliiefo'ro,sia Oda' Slant, tortll,l da'gv of Ifaitli1871:: , :it . 2'. - I Sonia Brassort, , Notarzyildio. Attest—Oassrsa Roarsson, J. R:lloWss,' li:•19. Wi., ' UAW) Directors. i . I. I, , 1 . • ' - - • ' " .; • ' • 'illiaolution - ." 1 - rras 'oo-Pirtperstifp heridofoii he. L . imam thii sntistsibois, midst th6 14121'n/until of It. 11,4 1 .1'44D. Cansphldl itrtiorvat Nilson is this dardissolvpd matnalmonsoot, The: /fa stness *lll hit oontinued ands; the nains of E. B. Oszoibill Co., isho-1,111 . foals's' book, accounts; notes, d'o.;!and *lll jpix alibi/nand. 11 40 1 , 1 0 I d. gr.= - ; VAMPB.Rik , ; _.5 . , u n tAir Ritp ez : Nolso , n, Fob 1 , 1811 _ tl : 116; ‘ 14 i 0Tt . ; i6X-A l iti= ti i i :7;l:oi;!s s o l ql4l - 10t0a 11111)4 Z . 00104 , titia n ? doted - byli Quetbelt lad di WOW' al ,the 911 All:person* indebted. tC are tutlntsrly requited to make proppt pays went and pm costs. r_ - *, • D.VAMPIEIit le *larch 29,1871 8w ..1 - • ' r `-` Adm in'l.9' ir.TTEAB.OR . on the JU ciliate' of Charlesdeeidead, Idle of Mansfield, bevies heerigranted to the Erader 7 signed, all mons - flaming alalta!_ against add' estattkand those indebted to the sprint are npti.o Sid to oall'foi settlement onqpit: - fhiprionr,. at Tibga,;iie _ •-• ~ •u s''_:- - .. RADAR A. PUBLIPIS.'i .4 , • , • • ,O. •., hfitOb 2e, 1871 , _til• BMUS OS ( Aletnanaintolik ja estate it 3:ll,:lnitrajg; . detteased, late of tiellitwat toWittildsi,lMlTllVW`inittitkt - to the' all thimiltYAuMbid., hitAig - dams *pint IDA ti4i ill' I trighild with TiALITISSA t_ Ounive9b /*a 21 4. 1 4Zker.).Er 1:4840. bet 4 =II -•• • 7=l . ‘l-1- PLANTSii iN • • a , Bat of phiats now ready, dadelbi," K 14$,Iiiita1,y AR14910 a alto oat atiaaw, • - ; 4 / think lay Ito*** *kin Inn !agar h 441, 4witZ .. aid 'tayiYyloailoitMittigli 1a,01,1f saW., y vagatabli phiati tre corning •ti . : all' I Will be ready: in.goad Heaton. • , • jPain hatiplanta fat' 911.10 f MI lambi iiortiky -Ofinddiratlosi • I Mob AIIJApn, • • BIM ME o depo.ok disimittiqtratiee 3 rotie - 0 . 1( .. .! .1., - arlfteito 4- Zti,nfZMggftfftrtktrifr") . , 2 1nUlakftlii aaa itirtta u f fl t9l l- V. ? 1, 12 31 " b 1 plat" per set, 44 4 0 N rit ,'• i B e Best eosiolassitoss'"" " Jeot►togge9 bits tiitirtars, per rot, liattbo mew sittistable bit brace, Bittbreti ' 44'::''!tier Ilia Steel comes, • - . " iiiver,pinted; 321(47i Good handsaw -, _•• • , ' , .; But Mei, 26 plr ooetAao494- ,„ Ewa drawing kola, ' • • 80 A NB. r evpilad.",..,,si t o, .100 Acorn ewrwit.of,Dizt•2ll'BeWß: & The wietowlint a Medi' itrfof 6ock! U dif erszaf nit Eiresp lot nun 3 swill ipzereoftlimirktetntdAtoulity Ltd latleiY the molt 14. ,_-As , blafttrfillardWOM i .14 have, ,ittr; kind' 00 different kinds of bets, sopk h as rim knoll, lode, mortice knob look", 4m demilliwkr, Oa t!oe dukdbUdiii,ifin InotOwi r oiliihes, up t , and torliontal slm dt •disdAdokti , ,farnpure and ootiege itightidatobet end looks, with combination work. • Itsbbete4 bioohiliaWA Welt*" foe folding anaiithozgi &ors, sirkindm. , The celebrated ffartgerk k ekrikdoiir 500,000 elmeges. ~. t • -• Chest laksodi 49m., bloatlon j the beet niedek' -" • '•='" • Till,drawer, cupboard and orenometer km .k • La , o-• 11 - ' • - - L dozen riot knob litokliktiobetompleti, 14 lb 1 _doetilita knob look* witiLlumbs, butt and Boum complete for 12,d00ra,.1. 001 ;now new Prenoh cleated latch, tie but —l)etott Oonlatitala, PSI dolts, 2 : 21 porateowhonse Woke", per dozen 1 80 I keep a complete assortment of dozen, "Nagonal Batt," nperreotitot nid t hft 1:64, lay ether.--,, I ~-worth= more •tUn alt'othiwer pit to Inkez.--." , Every .door dating Ate/Owl& the bed Inge that,i were blamed is Vora February 9th) waisaved.: save& Is a= dollar made."l Come and get Unkrioles, kaforeTon ; boy, and 1 will do you good. , ^ Remember, - goodeit from TEN tO PIETY w PER CENT belief ati oetarerepriekt. - . BOURIP)EI4N, st, et ;-) tt " ' 0 - • • i• ' ' 4 9POWANDA."-z4bis bign:brid ta lion i. 'welted kr-A.1141-ga- Chlif; grand_ sire, Ityadyk'e ullambletonlan;" dam,' yermont Black Hawk grand.dam, Messenger; onawhite; pastern behind, black points, dark. bay, lo bands itud 3 inches high, 41 years old July. He is one of the most remarkable initials the , conhtly hat' prodieed. bea'utifal, kind; itid blood like, action pitfeet, , pthiessing-lteatl strength. He is in close proximity to two of the , wait; no l table stallions inthis I 'nation- i fillitabletonian" and "Bann Allen," a most fortnnito cross. j , TER3IB-400.toininre,133 at tinitkof service, which will not be refonts& an 4 $75 'whin proven hi foal. We have Ana atnbling and pastare,,On rem:triable terms. Beitiolorsiblepare taken of Blares. All ',admits .and escape" at owners Ask.' -Season, March 1301,,t0 - NovembOr Ast, 1871. • MIX & NONTANTOp, F0r.5ia4,14,4 22.0•14firitn.. Administrator's '.Notice: T i been ADXIXIBIIIII3IO/1- MeV. granted on the estate of ,ltiOharil it • I doomed, late of Mega 'township, those. Indebted to said 'stele will 'slake untied to Pay ment, and those having elahns'egaltst the same, will present them to MOT le. HULL, • 4 • ' , WARRBNWELLI3,i Tloga, March 22, 1871 Sae Admits. European War I Great Billows. Aseerieton SN killed, Women and Ohildren going otisy over the Elegint Style andfinisA of SPECIMVIEIS tioti Witraittettee new Phistoiniph Galley WO. boro.i eAlt DuslatMlL Weir of i - pleiSinags engl as 9Mittktifoiballf.4_l l o,alltd/MIVW ;aT4' l6 tsitl 9 =ifreritro l it atone AS' 10 11 ONO, COA t ir Ina " ta. laT 7ll ?A' dialiair at Or *Droved in on of staMs sours. At good ,neestment of frames oonsbnitly pu band. Call and /*amine s pecimens before going elsewhate. X; D. dont mistake the place, ovsir 1.. 1 D. lAsinuties Dentpl4toonub opposite Cone Boizie Wellaboro. D. H. lIARAMOBA • L - Dissolution. mutt Pine blaltofiiie"eaLttlag under'the name k.k; ' , sof Bneh & Itandelph, ie this day diametral/ I'74Puii l A l 40/0411.11 , mit hoehl.lollp,4d4y * a heoepate, remain at the stead oeva -abbve *fiat. Aid the hail/Ilene *lll be helienet attidected 14 1 't r• r . . PDIIMBIt RANDOLPI4. hierob , ;/ 6 4b:Wri - • ' •- - , t' • ' r , tt. 4 1 1. t tit - „, - 1 - ,• ONAZokotof Imi tyaars old thla spriLtg, 0011,94 , f „ , j . Ak9ATilng -t, .t.l,3hat/H4ln• BlijacfaitatNielia bail° lOU tibli • 1 a anitlas at thaLliagisur.MatteoPilutralay ateeracoa ilf,acp4,BB l Atlniftom,tort itp flag ) 0 . - 'Cilaoltlar th e puTpase otlicitinir application/ or, abide:Cent and corispilfoii Of Etabool idfef year,andlag Jana 1871, after catch date - so snplv :41!F l it'lit 1 9# 1 0 11,1 ? 0 hoard. • > order *rine 11 " i • - "` G ' Pr,eiet: ; Attest ; 3,ollNai MITOBEILL 4 11 1491/, l rt, 1 ,8,7:44//. „ • „ • , ,•jg;and Seca PratiktOssw.The ' two bile imletteis fox AP,141 Oultigfr VaY . liridustito stid toia keopezi' 'Veld 'per tuella], s2 L oo,ller:psek;6ootiti'' " • •'. - ' is Aol4lll.obirob, 16; 1871.4*. . ' 4 : 4 3414{ViliTirifti FAITIO/111.1anaby g i ven; ihat t he • illiaiii , atoaas utliggsaaaatrailthold - ti 'Op ptaiid for them whq are amieralty Oak ammasata sadlilltda eatattiaanti ibfr s itto yip* V itt 1111,1ai ad ibriaietallly Id: iaoh , i aate mad* PAITIN t fog 0.0 4 1 11 101t001/00tlaaltilix• la, • tr.; a a 170;tialitiona alltokla Welioo 'to; **ilia Mei, 2tilt ‘lBtlidAiii•of 'Aril Tneztitommi dik at a AIM. each day.. - • , it 0 i J r: , bl* W. WBTHHAPEA:. • ,;i3 JCI V I3 7 II, V B A X I 7O I II 9 , : ` - • = ' " Vomudestoziais Attest :Taos.= Azlss, laik. • - . • =,*a!•34 #sy _ .„ , „ , MO 1320T.40.1111:14 the 001rfiert. T ' . 44 CON1111011S11.'": '1 .; NEW. , :Room. large end viattis,- y 4. tAletionnodatlens ,not 'Arvind by any rant ohm hotel in ,the iNoilhern The° Bine no higher than' el"second, thiidt a rati hotel : Loontion, canted Mehl and w r tatzottorillitoro. „,.., mai„, o o,94llttotitsoo4 * *,. alt ' Psopaf.i / :UR& Mtn. r , • . ; [ t I I%ritEOSCOPES • 1 , -) • ounol4os, " - IntemEp. 4. • • ; • & H. T. ANTHONY de Col,' `IS9I. , BROAD,WAY; 'NEW 'YORK; .; 'of tio*rado to Wks, eiiea. 422021ND1N1 Mho aboiroldodt, 'Of Aar min publication, many/imam and, importation: I • oni°, ;:T i ck J T 6 / 4 1 TO Ril l4, 1 A D 4P •:ft: ..: • i11'a00510043. " VNI 11 ". 11 ,11C U Mr AT OPT Irolsta; i; 1 • N . P#4 .. _M i t tg rli t il gS 44I pka r AND NawurAOTONMIS , ; 1 ?_itOTOOitArliCi Ltoh 1,1,8114 y. ' • 'Administtatrix's IM , : i IiTTEIII3 O' ADMINISTItMiN Wi l de estate of Stahel% IL Alford; dooksosodr osojilivlnablicairsotodito the Asi4ollol- 44 oltforsou ipdebol4 to old Wit*, sod thole ttio natio, aro notutea to call forsottismont on lobs W. Gostasicti of Pi , op, 0?,911.the aitsionigned at thtk same Mom 1300 WOO; Ohlo - 4164C4' -• lEZIECE *, -08 40 4 75 1 50 3 00 ) rA. 00' 00 00 2, 2 25 State }Tenni Sohid Fifth Dittric),..,-41kniaold, Mira Co., Pa.- 4iring Twin, .opasa, March litth, ,1872. , . I 00 to it 2 5.00. „ 4. 2 2 ,i 2 2 P2 T 2rP n°ll , „ ,A . M., KM MA Wane*: of Banos is* AK' of Tostobing, az* L, alaitig4WillcitiannosoP,ll34 •*- , r 3 ,• BURY W. JONES,- • Professor of iisdotirr ito*Nottimifillotopby;. JOEL!! if. 9,14)*Wf',42."84 PabfiltiOX 9.f 11m.; 'Vat Lasitises W5l InitkgaziAlcalaßat-RaYomp irittflr+l4kutdor.f.tMo#o4llo4aVii°tani ,• , i ;„ , it„Wipaq.l4f Pteirrol4, /i 4 in.#47 ot -oia44 #1414*1194:, • • 18 44 4 ? *PVT, P*OfsifPt- ir. 4 4; 1/ e n t al /dodo. _ ' ' • 011AALE* ON; Professor of Draw ing and MAIN AntractOr of PourasoOlo. ' llll6B . ANNA A. • Vatfklfr, 41siotani In listlkotastlos. L. • • - , M.r.8., Priv cip*l,pf 31c J. Mlealfrit& 11 r 1320 A N B. Bu-Preoeptiai. M 1613 14ZZIlt • AMINES, B. 11.,Aisistapt. • - •i• • STAtilt. ALPNIONIULTIOXIN, "'Van 'OXXTIVOR Onii nos *tam rerare4 deolarlog.intikitfo ' ' Bye piesit hat • r tbiayitiolistureitio ;ins a_ppropriatiOn u'Utio Made by- the Mite to 'No; Students a d Graduates: 1: 'Eaoh OttidetWever 40setillsw year.=9f gip, whO As Olin's Oiler' dediring hts intention 10 teach in the Caatnioa School of the "State, stuar receive the:mu ofinly. Opne• per souk towards 4441141A_ 4131 P9 400 # 91 end be/Ito:II/2V 2. lon oludenitfitartStvsnts,ms siesta "of, age, /who wee dieas/sd,ia she poi/Iraqi and natio/ *vacs of ittik• Vatted "Melee, or of Tentylvards, or whOstilistAtiless his Ns isadd' .eerriee4 sad 41toltbill alga an speentantse shore, ob re ceive the sum of ORA Dottatt per week. • Efichatudent o wtho, +goo graduating' Ash sign an agreement - to teach in the Oominoa So bootrof thfsittatestio furl pars,* etiall reojtve the nos of Fitly Domino: I A. Any Student to secure these benefits, must attend the School at least twelve consecutive weske. *A School Year must be at least four mouths pptLo*.tp AND ANPANBNII. AU the Diplomas are authorized and furnished by the State, wad exempt tivisnwho hold them from say, rther examination by authorities acting., under, , tha proeisiene ant Common. Bybee', laws. • • • • Zap 411314311f0r "Sigel nue of Sig Wi L tithtickildialf Board, Tuition, Room Rent, Rad, On o , sad Washing, MAO, (1014,59;0011% Or. 41-per week, airstallislabove,V NO if vaduktiais, • .That, (id , Wavka,), om tile="3& VW; u shove, six, Qui seets. all per Tustion nut/Jock Jlsat, to; those who, do slot Used Ass Nonni :Sandia& $lO per term, (14 Wage)lloets. of N gar, .week. Astra ion in intern:nada/ Mimic, including use of < meat, $1 pap ,week. , Prima skip, (24 Line%) $1.60. I Drawl y, 0 per terio.,.. g, $0 to $lO peg town. • Board an be obtained in private falitlielit at i 53.69 to $4 par,week. ••• M , }follow* ,OBABWI t t Matta admitted: at Oily time. All bills are to be paid promptly in advance to the Principal, who sets as agent for the Trustees. Students boarding in As Normal Building Attn. Leh sheets, pillow•eases and one comfortable,. - }or further information, or admission to Ithe Moo), addiess the giinolpal. , ; Mansfield; ifebsaarylatb; 18V1,-ds - - PhyMelan and Surgeon., 0rincg:4 1 4,144 . 0%it auto* Coles Sims Stot*,,insta, /Ott Lots d New Goods 1 COME TO T, L. BALDWIN It 0018 =EI and see, a nice stook of Goods for the FALL (t WINTER, S ; II 44M IIII 4 I g i *APPP I EN - . —all styles, colors and pattarna— AiR t 4.04,8,-,,PQMNA, BLA.OK AND r . &o. 104 1111 0 14 1 fi114W14 . 1, s u i t i nply g e assortment toisaleat from. OLOALKS READY-MAIMIdIiSTD CLOTH TO MAXI( MOE, ALL KINDS _ LININGS; SEINONS, TASSELS &o„ TO TRIM DRESSES !• : SACOtTEO. I ,* - 4 •,•• 47', sj, II A i YANKEE NOTIONS' tut't be beat. It keep up with everything the Ywahuesbeep thought of 1,10 far. , /LOOP SHIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, AP. ~~~~~~~~ too numerous to mention; but will say that You will seldom And so large an assortment to select from in a eonhtry store, and clear down to the. .44 sOaries . a . siortzient of " A • • ,;:. ItEADir-MADE CLOTHING/ in otitis; and ;tithe of init.. • Should we fail to suit you with ready-made, we have Caasizaito . A TAILOR TO CUT AND NIT. I Boots, and shoes, HATS AND OAPS, STRAW. 000D8, AND - GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS;,„A COMPLETE LINE OF ' OROOKERY, WOODEN WARE, , • HARD RARE, smut HARD i ‘WARE, NAILS, IRON; Looks . ; taroks', Carpenters' Tools: , A opiEßAt'sitiot:Or ' CFR° OERI E.Sit ME E. 'HOWL, SEWING MAGRINE: Pamirs if you wauttoolo to work wlthlroyin. • , SAL`', LIME, PLASTER, PORK ,PLIAIR Lime, Cayuga .Plaster, &o. Battertabs, Pails. Tlikins, and • Ashton Silt to flavor with. All kinds of Patin Prodiseewant od. Mout can't be beat. . Oot $7O. FE NOYIhY4INIA = TIOGA, PA. mph as ME —Our stock of— BOTTOM FIGURE. -- :--:r-- all styles sad dm. ME T. V. BALDWIN as 00. „ • - 1 1 010tV,V 7 , - _ . ” ';' e 01PIONIC. ' - • ri - e ., 5 4 - • I'l • ' •. , - I • , - Pars le 4 c Sr, .Cos • coRNiiG MERE ME '• - •"IftV • ; .1 1 .'f'c soritierlhorites all Id eibettet sly Spring Goode, to'oeititud .Z. 1$ tbstr Dew neck We Intend to keep a still larger a ortinent at DR tGOODS.aad Booti and Shoes ' • tha' hist iegeoti,'ettd ioine fin* grades than we have. kept for several years past. UM . , Ja1...4.A..47.11E - SlX..itlital. Thies goodi are so amok cheaper than for:sexual years put, that we bare felt warranted 11 pitttitik in a fall line of prices, and think we can salt any one. ,We have them in Taffeta and Gras Grain at-el; i 51,25, $1.373 $1,50, 4482, '51,76, $2," $3,15; 4240, $2,75,4 $3. ' , , -r , , =I COLORED Si tir, •-; Those goods aza also mush lower in p medians priosdsUits and Poplins, and a V A We Lave a ttreValase alsoitpent, in prlaes. t , We have L Voriltito stoch;!frim iholo $ 4 O 109 SO, $7, ! So $lO, $l2 and $lO MIEN ' DRAPERY TABLE LINE kA.PkIIVS, white and cot TOWELS,,,Bieckabuck,'Dice DRESS GOODS, i PRINTS, GINGRA u • EuLI ("LOVE'S.' A fulliStock of Black, White and Colored Gloves, in:our regular make (the Joeephene seamless) warranted equal to any in the market. 1 We invite attention to our new. stock of sin:Fred' and plain Japanese Sils, striped and plain .&enoh 'Mks, Black ilicifeta and Cron-Grain" ' Silks, .18lack Alpacas, Black Pure Mohairs in all .Nos., Black and White Plaidi, Black and White Stripes ) Fancy rlaids, Suit Goods as welt 4 an !,entire new stock of' DomeatiOs at the lowest . . caiii prices of . the season. / Maroh 1.5 t 1871. ,N4W A mita etalsounn woula esrotro " thst boo Mode! /onto rod 9 one Shawls. D I OLOTR: 01418IMERER, all of which are offered for Cash or Ready Pay ILt prices that ma nt4 fall ,trgireitildSfeetion. The public are cordially invited to *all and eza'mine and be con' - --flicid.that now-lithe time to buy *heap. The highest Market price Paid for all kmds of Produce. WoltAcivit, Feb. 22,101: lIIIM .s The Uin rges Establishment Northern Pa.! sirmi,ligigit . A , AVING faellitiee for buying and h idling large quantities of Goods enables bins to offer them at the lowest Jobbing pleas. In onr retail department Goods are sold at a small ad •ante ester wholesale prices. A large at. ok of . , STONII, 11101111 ISM IND MU LIMB, - GLASS, ALL sins, sums smappluni, TRIO, . PAINTS, •Au KINDS AND COLORB k VARNISHES AND ARNISH BRUSHES, A run. sTocic. . .. Transfer Orn.amentsi Sirpeing Pencils , and lirushe for:Carisiage and • , .. • , . - C u tter rnamentling: : o 1 7 -_ , • A tall line of all Awes of Goods appertaining to our business kept fit stook. ' I 1 1 W. 41 . Kens. Feb. 1,1871-Iy. MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a aosaplato assortmeht of- Shelf ilardwere, of whloh he ottotaaratil the Igilovqng tatto108; NAILS, 'SPIKES, CROWBARS,' OUT, BULL, HAND AND ]RUCS SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGE% CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES:AUGERS, BITTS.BITT STOOKS, RATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, PORICS, DENO SOREWS,,WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE 61 JARS, 1„ PIPE BOXES, AELE•TREES, ELT' TIOSPRINGS, HOBSE. ' SHOES, HOOP, BABA BAND IRON, GRINDSTON E HANGINGS, CORN. POPPERS. SAUSAGE ;COTTERS AND ormmis COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL POWDER AND OAPS; PATENT. BARNDOOR HANGINGS.- . • a sew thing; arid made foiure: These are but a few of the many articles imposing the Wok of Hardware. I Unite the publtete cell sad examine for themselves. I elta to by the beet atti4lty of goods in my 110,1 loid all work to order done promptly and well. • SASH, DOORS, BLINDS„ AT FAcyroity,pßzoss Willibotoißetiasletisly.• . , .; - • RODIRTO. N ffEl ME inIiZEM toe, sad wo shall keep a good fair 'assortment_ of the better qn rlial43lo MI El= • reguiss and °arra shim white dad colared, at yr, l ow amen Quilt. ;very dump./ 'Linos' eat prima upwards, as fine as needed. $1,76; $2,42,60, er pair. These prices kept in stook, and finer goods sold on. order. , • . . USLINS, in alt. grades. . • 8,, in all grades, very 'cheap. red borders,front $1 to ss,so•Pr ;' Damask, ordered,from 12s to $9 GENTS, B Ready-Made Clothing I c". wgoliEsAx, AND BEJAIA, 1 ',„ j,`,-,,i i) ?" - i {,y i-4 Eil ~,, .... ,:, Y =MI 4 1 Ka and PL 131, I Ica Quilts' Curtains" new styles for early spring trade. S iv., choicest patternrof the seas J. A. PARSONS &- IFO. RANGEMENTS I fly Inform his many, patrons and tho trading public, 12,prices of Ma wintor gtoot or ss Goods, Furs, OYS and YOUTHS ' , Stov liaving,on band a tL go stook of Tin, Stores and Hardware, the.und , ri%ned takte pleasure to announce that ho b aat 'a great outlay, adl ded to the usual stook of tho old stand on I I OE Jrtm4it of• kir atid / II i r. doz. 1 _7 I THOMAS HARDEN S !