(/$5.7?~~i?S , • - lbei r 'epiailfEcriFd.o'li'glfaiiiii '-'- '2'.o')'ll:l3'; ntstanafaiirlilLeti 20, 1371. Now is ( die ninl i r of our illititent Ar ' fig - ukin atr, ili the duZilZtOer I igni P. i lit 4 row big with distant mutterings of the: ap preaching storm = , ,Thcembitteretl 4 eel 'lnggraWing oiit 'of the' lippWitte l tl eat bill grows' 'i:il rini'ker and stronger, • i and 1 Will Probably buimitn4 ifif , , i (_ An"- agree- 1 , s inetlf' to' illMigiiie; ' iiitiainati Lite alit:efl i - Atarenibly sive t' li a t - titit - LbATSl4ure 1 OtAtil pl&iteint onki al ittniero SAittra , 1.1 ap- r19,,.th..,Att-Ja.:...a.cvAtAttneik with.. t e. - - septennial - ile - iisits, Klittithl thgy fail,to .perfort* this part*, tif their rutty; the Governor will probably oonittitalt l ' there in an extra sest, i on, anti tilt:l: r iper-I baps the' Wit, (lap of summer , a r'-; bring the'fittibildrn and doughty' erient- - . bens to al . ?Fopm• swisp of . .thrlydrastiftt 4 t tiontit ;4141'gitt19'6FA ' 1 3:11 ti calendar -of , _bills - Already - exceed& one thtiusantt, , - , i swi th. a rapid in craaso mitt I 1 li'io ad4sion , ' of TueSday; ~k'lien ii - ,, , p 1 . - g6iyttriii,:.'aPPro- , '".priatb i lt`,"M'll' .'vqeli , i, lll,l ,' ,ii i 'l ' ).lf; the chtti,rrryln,:ikti....Btrang, and tAs/k ,•,r l'eee 'dente of .till.otlier MI 1i.,. natll; pasgad. to a third' lea a i nk.,; , Tt, I. , i , oii, 0 ktit foil for -, imblid•saloiti`_lt# i'rtpr4isciftrai,ti ti 3 t,i;t i 'last yeiti',`t . wii'll qinlii:d iln)iikinii ilUi ar?,,, _making it se yea iosteittl of five flu nitre(' tbottsaml, awl_ ut; Vast lamit , roinaked before, it scone tlan.licEbiabfr , itKisvimijii i. ~Ir made Q f tb e peaplr's `moot.y, t ILO to .: provide, fqr the. calm:2lllva .. , f t tl ialt i*Baili . ; .,of the_ rising generatlint tuf MIT.' gilt anA . rapidly i growing,lb . tatit4ianditit a' • , sum added to .the five ,iiiindred•Aluittl say d ,tylars for, the ell ucation. al ni: iviatiii , ,tetuineeef..;sOldlets! orphatis, mattelatiii3 . . total amount almost a-million niairtr . . • , ("Patter-of dollars ;. a' stint vastly-lit ex- i . Cleie iorany sum •or soma am ail ptiatO wby any other State in the lintel' ;,ant.t, mayme,hope that its- result; . 1 / 4 011 he- - (Note ! manifest, more and more; Oli' . .all coming•tigea,• until wit• can le's:elainit . ' \ • ith pride and satistitetion tit, t :this :is truly the "keystone" Of he t.. reat!fell • .eral aretto t • • • • t '' - - 1 The contemplated ‘- i ini - ,ao nA 1)ylom" • • of Danvillo again taps' tini. : 'rrensu67 to ' - the (Aloe of two 'lO n drOd 'and. fitty.thouT. sand dollitrA:•' \VIM •tliti'i'Ai oAi u n l , draft tlinu t iqnst alroady . ox ptAt tiled; Ji rip. : .• pears' that Alko : %yid iii M Itiel ';':(lfilee al- ready hogin to • Fhost- ' I hi.mgeti;es 'aboyg, the etlifiten of the gronnd ; and iK'rna3l' become ari•) itay.rn lin insane in ages yet aitll6o, fioW. try() the adage, that mdn trinS , with other people ) a money sera' with Mei r• . ..T(Ael;nrie Coi me that these 'charitable Inatitntlona' aro becoming too nunneVouß (air rand with ono or two rof 'or in° Le gislature to bountenane.e th'ese done frauds, they weld& snim beebme ',. beautifully less, or else ilepend'npon, the benevolence of private holt viiiiiale, like the Otrard endowment: -The 'great topic of : i.e., verAathin: for. 'the last feW days, iinai4n' in relation, to the remoVal of •kletir tor Suniner l from,, the chairrnmiship' of tlieCominittee of Foreign Itelations'; htft the 'group.* hue andlory has connoftem I he'Dernoc-, • • racy,, who are; all of a sudden,' very, ' much in loVe with the man 'ttPoii i W;hotu , in times past they havi4' henpeti mere , abuse than upon Itay ether Heine ino ; whiter we of Pennsylvania Shoold'.fiel the last to complain, front the liteahat, one of our most 11(311004 citizens' islse,-, / leeted to till his place. The result' will probably be, that upon a _sober Se6nd thought, everything' ill fall baele . into its original channel. 'A n d'i f none take it to heart more i than the lionilred'Sen,- atortrom Massachusetts; all will Yet be. well. The fact, will 'soOnbeenine'pat, ent, that thase who are undertaking" to, create diacord front this movement; aro •eitherpolitical opponents or no friends of the epublican party. - - :•• - i' . __ The ' centennial celebration and an- - Divers ry" of American intii4Kunience, fe iixet at Phlfattelpliin,..fer the year 1878, ti , , act of Congre4;, and 'Commis sioners are to be appointed by the Qov ernors o\f the illMrent States to make all needful regulattoniC thiti arrange.. ments therefor. Governer Cleary' has appointed non. B. A. Strang and Sena-;' for Olmstead - to represent the northern' half of the State, and' twe, other4 - for., the southern half, in connection With i himself or successor. 1t is,liitetniq to I make it one of the grandest national jubilees of ancient or Modern times; and our people cans rest assiired• that their interests will be faithfully eared ' for by our members of the CommisslOn. ' An industrial khibitionis to be Con nected therewith, at which all nations may compote: and the produets of s tig- I riculture anti art wily ho dlitplayetV to the wondering gaze of Utitold thotwatidit!` Lordet of the 'eaten and low nem repirb; Mane can there commingle' on ternisnf equality, and nn', earl !age of D i'V, s a throw its dust nom the tattered gar ments of the inelidieunt. Here all rife: free, and the flag' that rit'otiq'tii the •fnil-.1 lionarie will equally ontrit the temily , bore. , The laCest,excltentont in tort it wosito or a t I o h iltdiv4h.od by Dos iiiii;l(;),:i,4t, " Josh /linings," on " Milk ;"_}roil the quaint and trite gityinga of ow spiadcer 'Were enough to Weep the audience t'on vulsed - with laughter ditriiih , , 't hi; entire delivery. There is ilothiog profound. or metaphysterti in titeaddre,.S . ; tint ite appearance of the leeturer,.the hi:lnner of the delivery, and the itilliptiibliity of his bitrleilque-, will' in ali C it person latiOi anti - grouP fat in Naito of' hirthadf; -in faet, i is Iltift of tli(bSiC , (titftiic ft'octi the aubli le to tin' , ridiettlous, !lion fellaau tomaton of qitstoto tlio e‘itry ititY."fil‘rti 7 ity, that' it drives dull caro•UtviiS , ,opeus many of the long, Pent tip oit»iutels of our baecr twi yes, awl !eta in the rtitit-= shine that tartar and w ` lciest heart. MIA iti tiliull for ".Tosit,') and _ My worst wishis that lie 'l . l)4O)'S it z* , .. • much as I did. - //arritiblirg holititti (it 24 81111110 h, and : over 6,000 attenditittt,, mtexlit ,ftatr .of, the entire poiailittittit. Strittioas ef forts are t)eiot; Illatie to etreet a toillpTO-: snipe I,o,eee tt the. ,eital 4/11(!rittorp4 unit ini ners,.who are now on a Stripes, , t”i.t the intervention of the ,LegiSlattlre to in.:- yoked to compel the Ontpr atilS.e. But, would Whet be better,,fer, ,tits „laborer Who Is dissathilled with his :wages, AO • quit his employer. and seek -a • living elsewhere? • i am lit favor of perfect freedom of action In this 'latter; ;and ace I,eapitallst of laborer, shall - elSlin HA right to emploY whole 1 pleacio,, Or labor for whom I please. Tills' , «wad= nation of 'men to cOmpoi au inereksd of wages, is in injuriobs as it is 194)1410; Borne upon 'every, southern breeze, comes'to our cars the, wait of the whip ew and Orphan from the, savannas of georgia, the pine forests of the Caroli nas, and the everglades orFlorida,. the old Story of ratiOn. crultir / Outrage its n' d death ; the peaceful ,domieil- of quiet sleepers entered at lone midnight by masked bands of marauders and on• repentant rebels, and the inimitekruth= lessly dragged forth, to ipiii:courg&l,tin T . pOsbned, or eitiellY murdereizilp. • Th - is is, no fai-fetched Imagination of, thepolit- , coal brain, nor ler political,•dapitei, buts so true and ter ible that in our heart . ijf; i hearts we courtwish it )ivcrO,otherwhie:i HoWleng; Oh, "eivA4g i te there no. poWei ,in the government 'to • stretch , • . . . . ~ dilitroistiiii - 4. Op rittif-„iiiiiifitlifi'iliii Viitf? Shall ''', . the -Winiffer ; intiteaati d Won from his . home - an': ilrOide; .p ead in 'win! ;f! th .t 4.. .,.. ,:r0 :,"2 - w , tur laws and'; . ' •) , :-. - 1 , '',.:' w 7:•• ti "4 i fji . - 1 citizen? W , flf d 'f - -. 1, r:F,.., 1 . at. not yet w )th ,) • iwq; iNf':,. ir;t I 1 1 : rnetee„ba' .i.,_ twe -'. r \ be ii-._,tt:i._ speedy.an i d , l ndign. punisiwnweut,'and the ensign still remain „upon our ism my-A.4'4lw --latift--"tl44W-fnt-zt her (= • . i l tai i. kI f -the biaVe." X-27. . . ..... _ 7.i.„.......:.7.._ _ ..,2„,,... 4 ,_. w , 7 151. 4._ ~t _ ; 4, 4 ,-f, i r 1 , r, t• C t ,r-,... u. „1, WiLt . 4l4s , Viit j:eit, . it .V. I i " 1 :`:: 1- Ye .: Oil3 i 1 'l'l. Vf' "11 - iliii-s 17 1 ;ii ( V ; Trt felfi6oool-0 ') - ---- 4' , j , l' I :P.':e: ii rirtitiftit it cialtiii.' ll a' t -'' 1 1 •, l is , t '3'3.1 :if '" s v rt '..,,' . 1 4),:. 1 —.,, s z ' i 'i i l I , 1..?3 ,Pg .;' i l:t• T)fICA /it I 1 , '.) t 2.11Z1S IVY 4.3.- •: - i , '7 t 1 1 1 5.91 1 14 1 7 R4 4 8Y! ' s . f l i Fh ' . ' IL3 , cotoselj.kippealeil. tild3 Court of Appeals, asking' for a.,peisi, restiit:4 01 ,eaf4;t0) 11 4e , has - v. lll 44\xhtl'diYi• .PkotutOing• Tor ,a, `falay; what eoßtrOls j 9st ty,p .IsTais:, I la fiti• ti'iFitatt; The , old game el barrio:4(l'64 Is giitu r i(iii I the peoplesfiretNiiivtitt'dg' Itu;'finkaalled, withthe:hints.' • itoutha'.beiOld "fit 'ttiJ-44, • "• 'I" 't uphoa,l qs the f F tnesa, of, ; the ` ParitAt,th' nob f4r R 42 1;11 ; 4 . there , ;doubt .atiout 11e,ri4ptability for auarehy. o nll ll 4 ll g. Vh .3 ot MaY 4N!fir3' 'Potts' WY I N V,W near niorp„htoetjahed-1u Parts ,than; 'was ap,t)tctt i tturtug , tkoiqeptire siege.. 4., • , ; , .• , Shen/4 the Legislature and the ipeo,-, ,pie deeide,ln favor of a ConventlOi to amend :the. Constitution; b ore' • is t .one,. ' subject ,that 1 . receive speehil at tention.. N'Ve , mcalit the subject: o f and apecial , legiAlation: There" etin. be no tiObti t- nd ' of egielcrtlon has beednio - groat' 011`,' aa , (l' I lib( the !evil' la in ereaAlae: !hie facl I t,y; itli whhifilecial and special knw,snoonittet 'ea; hivii - 6 - this.increase, session,,alarge !nimbi:got' bills introdaced ,and, prissed,, into Jaws, n reference only tOpartlenlar ' counties, and not a few to indiViduals, only. , As a general thingAhese-laws aro, enacted :Without the knowledge of the people,of tho 'county to he atlijoted, .o Copt Rome.few.to be particularly he&.. ::tome of these -laws May be harmless, it Is true, and. not intended . , for any advantage that could not be ot;- tabled , by fair and open legislation ; and "smile may not- beOf general' int'ereet to the people of tha - eoinly.; But ;the peo ple should - blade the' opportunil* : crde-, aiding 0 6 4` o.l6)l).§oV:e ' S V./1 4 411 1 Pr: AbOyi are or are not such ,as they. abonld. . Faetleally they do this,..wilen hwye •kb° opportnnittYief iqg the merits of a proposed law!' right of petition or remonstrance should not he,dented or abrldgLd;;yet:if laws' are privately and • Secretly passed thro' the Legislature, Withdut the? knowledge of the people, petition p atidreineiistrance are aubStantially denied., are fie rinently' pipiSed 'System, for the express. purpose of pre vetiting theh, coming to the knowledge of these who would:be opposed totheir prissage,, ... If knots ,of politicians,. or rings, of speenlatorsoor individualh, can th u procure legislation, then, so far; is' the government the i people 'abrogated;' the government, solferOs 'nit rein/6W, can. We yill,VontUre to say there are not much less titan a dozen such bilis , Antrothiceli, :or to ,be introduced, this' session } having reference alone to Tiorta county, ,orparts , of 'thecounty,'et til in dividuals. We' do - not' i sttY these "hills, ought not to pass, or to have been'Pass-, ()di for we 'iolow 'little orlMthing ,of them ; but We dO'say that the people of Tiogit'countyaliaukt have a chance to say whether of trot, they wish theift - Pacsidel; They want no sharp practice, no snap judge - mats, no laws passed mt. cept - on duo consideration. We do , not mean,sneti, consideration' as some cap. ttous persons saylegislators :sometimes 130,t such consideration as they ~woult\ receive if laid , fairly before the Utile. , Now'how can the Convention fiiinish ti remedy for this evil? We answer : Let there be inserted in' the amended COntititittlima S'ection Or 'article 'forbid- ding any bill net:having a Oficial ,a - plicatiOn: WholO Slate, from, be.' ing elitPitaineif by the, Legislature, till said bill pr . the stibstanee ,of it ;shall have been published in onoi or more "nowspapers of the)county oricpunties to heiaffected, a sufficient length of time to give genotal Jnformatio4 ; the ex- 1 penee of such ; publicatlon twbepaid by' those asking its passage. .!'• Brothers of' the newspaper preta, .whitt•say you to such an amendment the Constitution ? . . i Since the above:lves in type, we have receiyeti,a hili,of which the following is ,a , copy, , and which has passed . the flonse; and ianow hefore the Senate , The bill is sojnanifestiyin the interest of the few and , against - the s interest of ,•i I , the grea mesa Of thepeople of our cat 41- ty, that wo earnestly entreatthe Ben to not to pass it, or tit ;leaPt not until tle people of-the cotinty ask its passage : EEC. T. Re it enacted to., ; _ .That : it ,shall not 'be lariful`from'and after the passage of this ,sot for the soperviiors of the tiovend .townsbips of Tioga county to Thvy for road and nihor purposes,' :or for the sehobl directors 'Of' thci sedorat town! ships, of said county . to levy for school or' Wild ing purposes, a groat rate of assessment on 'the valuation of the 'unseated. lands of said oounty , tri any year than shall ho looted by the county com missioners of said county for ,county. purposes for the same year. _. . - . Sac. 2. That the lou.upon tho valuation of the unseated in said county pf Tioga . for - the year tine thousand 'eight hundred and seventy . and one thousand eight hundred and sovOntilene, by the supervisors, oft - the several .townships. Of said County, for 'road and other purposes , and by; the'sehooldirechirs of the said several townships' efrthe said Vountrof 'Bogs for school or building purPosos, is hereby,roduoed,to five ,mills .on, I the, dollar on said Voluation; and it shall not he law,- rid for thelleasurtif of bald bounty of "Tioga to collect a greater rate of assessment fdr the"Prii poses aforesaid frn the owners of said unseated lends for thoseyeers.. . , , „flno. a . Thai the courts ; of the bald 'county 'of saoga shall not bay, Tower to direct the' levy Of a tax of wore thtui.one-holf per contain on • the assessod valuatiou• of thereat and personal prop= erty,of thelereral 1 toit nib;P Tiogii M for th e kayment of :. . d o e r bo azd a dl a c n o y un o t r y :an 'iof of the Bald several townships of sa id, county in any ono year. . f The Legislature has passe t i 'as act tin thorizlng the' Pargeks and Ciitilicii n{ Tioga*bikroCgli'to 'llMitf4 Also an act to exempt from taxation all,lhe ;real estate iri this" COmmCn ! Parson; ag.614 , 24 .he e *frereu religicustdenotei n nations, not exceeding $3,000 itl value,' 'of.e4orpt4tlionage. " 4 . t - ' i, y - , . ....._ ,-...,_-............- __ .77—TRCAPI'ART1401103NT.BILI,..-___ 2_., „ ..t. !: SiPy eXP! et elt. ' . -' • 1--ea9Cratio , . - --- i ;-;•• • 4, - . - ~' •il‘ tike.., auld -rn . ~,I) : --- 1 oniecrn- Yf :- ' .f. •:..ii':., ;••.- • n ,' •I . Afertionitiont ' I' iL I'l . 1.1 I : ::c : '' •'.f . : r : rr i ,,i ' - it' obody is d Is ','i„ ~. ~- - i'§. - ..',•,,: t, :•,., :' :: Ft 1 - -- 1 :.. ' t it doer: '• • r 'II i - - - ': ~;-,: : , iir „ - 17 y 1,,; t j , , g 117,:ii l ab i , that a• State, u 1 eilitifty R t i snittipaZ " , should .....- be FOl l O4 O OO b.Y..n.Pelll9.9ratiefiettate., . - E l ni this the Republicans have them-, ..,..• -,.. r , t, Selves to that*, 'Wrangles, dli4A,lfillim, and " lits, ,4 all the iesuAtiptiats s. -nnaa, .01 , ,..4,r,e.i..-... - ................ ..._ . ... nemLtin - muusn 0 ,stinney, tahaeN the filiiiWits4iltfeilile, i lititii iingteidi tti* lifisciiMEl 1 •1104 4 .4111elliiiii ill - kit 4 3; : A t ii, a liiiiiir hoiffiiiiftiWilee , tiir Eoli t) f i l?it,latl9 )_s ii ' il 14 1.i.. .1 ' 4 ,, ~sea Ill" l iletili i M9 , , * l WillAttillk i be . C P --‘'-'l :s4*i 0 1 4tg * # PP?? 'WA' ~_ 1 ; 1 4, , IIY-: ~, s Y _ 11 • -It( . 1 , ..),,f, Xic-OV4ItitTIR 4 tlienibilfAß ON ligt i ' ,,,, ' 1 PIO% Ahe;ideibikte '.. 0 A111 1 40 A 4114 $l l , 4utan -, ,g9XttheAnotandAnadetaM i lpfk :sKteechOrtim . sebleh weiaidtraot,thci Mil .10W1k1gYi- - % :.--joult yi;.lpc.ii.f , )lllv , i ,iii ;• _tit :04tdrireemtlels ' , MO til f addle Itheikrtetwitk cell 4 t l Agli t) it b.% 6 1 Y(Itl," tain,ariki-P4tr , Os trills ommonwealths in,ajoruy,, al three ,a t l+6lo tit ihel3eziate, Enireiii in `thh ittiiilie 'l)f'iteielettilal tires; ' nottrithstandlhg ttlat'rabet ithfitir; leant rel,yend An, penie . luetancee: j outrageoua :eon Lillie: tione, have peen *4O to "ecteoreplleh toe. (1 .1 the dialed& "f thd 6etotnittee bad in . igew-'-thatl of maktrig 41 duljeritrinlbothlhotlies lent- 1 0.1 , 4 irk norLty !,arty r -f MO. free ,to,.oanteeethe hilt inlgli, t: laye teen worse. The committee pe4ld as easily , "hai4tlopertlid ii bill glifair a yeinointitlO ruajarl tyief Alen in - the Senate and Wisely ttn thictleuge: ginth a f , hill ,Tiald hair° required, vory Little; mere gerrytnn&ring, /te Itope,blieens4 re q.°, there fcire"thittihful;*thht under the bill;. as rephrted, tive!-411iihoftett‘efeol'fblirteen of the thlrlytthree ,llenatere, 4 and, fertyreeveri , ,efithel one :Isutlidred Repr . elonSell t vie,, ivy 4 a r9 ifipm44 .l i tuo ff ic It le lane eildiaide that temperate are diejpalit& tie .oongodoisi little to-a pertyzin 'the nrojeritt in- the, Cotogioairealth o t and obatrolling. all •,,thei depart 11111t0, f f„tlr.S44 ( l :139',PPP,Ptr'; },,t 1 ci 1 : ; 4 Ttt A4O catnpaigu,l4,lB7l2il,wsli suhmit It Aft of, ,some importances that: the• Re-: ,publican , par ty.. Pay ing,an i Undoubted • major' ty ofi votes, in:: the :Stateilsh'ottld have a,correspondleg preporiderane I . a, the State. Legislature: - W hose , •fanl t..is, it it has not? , Whatever faults': our adversaries -may havo, lank of unity and •concentration of their forces to ear: eleoti on, ' - oau not ho' ii•a• ge di against them: "t'AndLif Andivßepubileaniia 44vbs'elleoted in 102 for , Preaidont,ithere hininite l d action ainoifg 'Repabli* ean - throughout the cotutry. I (every one-horse , polil,lolan who • bores _for a petty-60i tie _u nake'eessibilY, is hound_ to 'vent pleen On tile, party at targe t it is quite possible ti3attheeaudifiate wiio carries thnlitiriciu,ypto, will carrY tlie t eleotiOn as welli--,arid,w,hope will be the fault? The i !!loCal option!' ; ,has passed the House. It provides that "at the' nexthuntial municipal 'electhM iu eve ry and township in thia Coratoonwealth,and at the annual mu nicipal eleCtion : eVery third year there-, after, in every Such viard, borough and township, it shall be the duty of the inspectors and judges of, elections in said wards * I:K:troughs and ;townships to 4'oNPiY.o.Molcetaveither written or,print ed, from the legal ,voters of said wards, ,boroughs , and, townships, labelled on the outside license; and on , the Wilde ,forlieense orngainst ; • Sectlon second' regulated': the'rebeiV`; ceunting and' making returns oP tho Votes so talierii 80Ond:thirct pro- . vides that " wheneyei; hY . the returns of elections in any Wark ,borough or `toWn'shipafqesaid,, it shall appear that there ie a majority , agaixist license, it shalt not be lawfuLfor any license to is sue for the sale, of spirituous, malt, nous c or other intoxicating •liquOra,' in waral,_harraselb. time thereafter; until tit an 'eleciiori, l l as above'provided, • 'imijohti vote' in favor of license:" i On Ttiesday morning, F. W. Perkins,, prOpileta of the 'Atlantic line of van a and Florida StearhShiPs, was follfld dead•in his office, at No-pt 3 ear,' Street. Oyer his righl. ; ana Above the temple Was a Pist4'wound, Which had evidently, ;occasioned` death—if, indeed,' the fearful 'beiiting ho had received over the head had :not previously prodticed'insensibilitY:: The back part of hie head haclheen beaten to a pulp.'Tie akdt Was .fractured In twenty places, ea if he had Veen strick en doWn by Berne , heayy,histramen Land pounded until life was , extiact.' it Is probable that the pistol shot was fired * afterward by the assassins to make sure the butchery was eomplete. T 7N.' 0. Pic. COALAND : SALT .41 the House of. Representatives at Ni,r,ashington, on:the 10th Instant, some of .the, members appear to have been: seized with a sudden‘niarilalor repeal ing duties on salt and cOal, which soon became contagious, spreading in the di rection of tea, coffee, • m'alt ' , barley, to bacco, peaehl:prandy, etc. 'lt culmifia ted in placing coffee, tea, salt Arid eoal on the' free 'ltSt: ' A consummation at- I tained, iwobabo,'icriore through On-, vietlen that it was of no avail as regards tinY' alterAtlon of"" " t be present tariff, froin any desire to,tleker the rev- Cline • there wing quite as much probability that tb+-13enate -w i i 1 be struck. by, lightning dors° the action •• of Bait_ bill and Its a Democratic /menthe North. Carolina, Avh(i. 'were quite entlin sisal° pending the 'passage 'of the bill, 7 sabiequently got a' little 'sick; ae they reflected that thelr'brin States bad coal tnterests l that . afreated - . .A )21 , -ibutae corresiiimdent imp!. " The bituminous,coal of those States Is nearer tide water than that of •NOva Scotia, 'and Senator Sprague, who has used both; is the authority for the statement that the product ~of ,the Arlrginih mines Iti worth a dollar a ton more than the for •eign coal, white that of North Carolina is more valuable stin. Stops-have already horn taken to develop these mines and place their products In thelstow England markoi; but the action of the l a 'Have o-dity will 'prevent anything fiirther in ,that. 'motion , for• :tho .piriterit. 4 - The leaders el the De ocratio aide were'boaeting to-dayof theit splend a organisation, which commanded „t 1 e solid oto -of the ' Democratio delegations from these El tee, in direct opposition' to tho . interests of , th constituents, 4 and '•the -gentlemen then“ , . pe visa re only, hoping that,their friends at home maY'n t 'hear 'what they have been doing." ".• '' =cm 1 14iO - itepublicuri Sena* he,yQ held fiii6th - erkaticup; nocerto 00 i ts j4-,*i i e t 4 C i r - a '4l o Bl o/0 tAi,tg/i itet , 14/; . iit this seseltqn,s4 congrem for the suppression the:Ku-H.las outra-1 gee bythe Southi - • , The jury n the Case of Filkine, who' .aig ed for the express robbery! „ ar at Aglow, =nd also ter. he, ,attempted of, .he express rueseepger i hi t whichi i he n i • arty succeeded, liave ren-` dcred,aire t let of guilty_ of robbery, in!;, the fi lilt degree, andihe Court sentenced Ake'priteoner to twenty 3ieare , imprlson-' 'mentln , the Clinton , prlson. ; • k • -1i rxeioent i desi r ee.ft. te, be, stated i .10 14ecifitIdiY ,9P1) 08 0$ n , the! eettlenkent of. the. Alabama .cjei,ms, to tikking_4l4 =the ; ,quititiou .; of, sacquirlutr gi t l .2 3r :!Atisk tenitorY, $4lB culAtitieut •Ifo .99Poss.fi ftlioivittig t4at question to come before,theligkeennieelon; i 0; tuq- PART rob 15.`"" 1.- . :) . .! f r. ; ' ,. / ', ' ) ; IT.. is i, X , ;fi :I , .-- 1 C!: ; :. • 1 . " ; : 1( ' t i ~.:,„.: y , I . :, : - n,kkitillsetjuantly• a i finfetti the reserves, 4 - 64 - etelve - f aftriiiiiiv n tiiiii iitititi'Mattoitit ta-, - lirpi The , --,-,ii `'', Irkirirltit:ortithtiOlittit ikt#l:4lli4d , . , .. ~.,,, ~ . ~„ f,-. -: f : f- ... pitifs: strAns Arnheseador.to the new scivernnielit_ 'of Filittifig l . .A . P" O o.',lii i i?"t f ,,i.0.:47,-,,,. , { - "Tho l iiin t lifilek_ i t ini 0 ii4i t li4lAtit'e;4l - itio&nethfiltititele§litiv'e, tiiitis'o"elited i ti wi t -41 3 hoo t k A tt , i . 1, - ;., , i:1 -4,i k ".1. ! I, 1 .4 tit ij thii i , i6Viitil 'entii:! - §f i/ DeniiiiioPd. 13Widelit liiivik' ecilinized'the` French Iffil l itiblmt ~., t 0 , !.. 0:1;ii 1- -1,-,i 1:.„41 , i ;. d tic:Ciiiiitiot tiiliAbil,N4 '',lol(i i i j oidaY, tiresiditi oiiei' 4 M! tiiiiirti' '''' 44 '" 1 , 441shi3ntifoiliititoiiiii tiiiiiiiiii We Mont i rilartre liVilifiibriOil''' The J 61160 6 .1 'Con- , tintati r biltii# dti t r fie" viCiii i? - ', " 'crusting theirisiiiitOtfkiii'.‘ l ' f '' i ' c ' r " ''' i t!:l3f4intirk has inforiinjdVlifere that he ' fir criibiiriaiiiseit ih organizing politiCally land fohnittiCiehill jr 110 i RiAti'd ilWikVitices, 4rinfilgotiittitS 4 iketoithiliiiid 'iokibitiki6e of ihelninibitaritti;'and f Ee l re il'ilainititt,lon s thatOO Ail an` fe'priiniKittii QifiV,Oiliiiiciageti 'by ' 'the ' t OoiriP4ittilii'4 pi,e'itiiilionse inanufaoturers,iiiid that be •vtitita'ikban don Alsace and Loraine if the inlem bitkbi in e ciedsed one and a half mill fittibilittlithibEo fib ft.i,( NI, I' , 1 as that it ivill en the , Ifousi - on the emimente: Some from Virginia and - SENATOR, SUMNER'S ci DEPOSITION. .‘ 71 - rui : , Al ef°r li t , n .P n 39 ,0 ,0 NNI,C'YfM.. 4 4 ?NI Tea -4P111,,4108t.,Pg ,IPqn_ed that chinjes Spinney lone longer:R/04n , of the 'Committee. on‘For4;ri Re: lotions. ' look , , upon ithfa • Its inost unfortunate -ati this's - 41mo; 'when. 'kinity among 'Republiettiiii toe note !anti' lnflu ence 1r doUbly , deitUrithlek' etippiessioriga ireasOnablS' IfivCrfesEjnese at the South and " a Ohisd 'organization In 'view 'of the' . ' Presidential Caii t ipidgn. Atutsvii are serry tAre'onfilp3inblicon Coil temitoiltries yeadi; tityp' shies on `tho`assiiinptiori Olat It fight be= tween the Sena(er anti P esiilent Grant; thereby doing :nineh , to, ,widen be Wt.; fogpnce t ,whatoyor, it may be, and indu -91,41g Pf.okle .cepuuso. the cause- .of one 0 04P.0ther.7 ,- tick the innuenoe delight a par opponentsovhonre openly - ljnbileiit, In the forostieett of n ;'serlowi' diiretenee in our ranks., . -; While regretting the reiiibtal of &A stor Sumner from 'a ' Pcisition: he has held so longnid' ablY,'we are not pre pared to' lay Winne on the Pr sident at) d'his supporters. - , In NieW of the, lui portant questions,to he arraugediby the joint ff igh Commission, it is , almost imperative that Ahem should. be, ;cor diality, confidence, and unity of viewS . on rigio .1 al,questionfi, between the m- ecutive and the Chairman of the COM-, inittee on: .Foreign Ittfiations:n :Such unity.. it :is generally understood, I did not elciet.P We see no reason' t4'.i' deubt the 'ability of sqerieral - Catneren 'for, the 'position he r Volda;end *p adilse, all lie *iiiiiiitio. t4e 'Oit'c''os the 'joint `born tzi issioti is turned:gyvo., to We Public be- , 'fore condemriing eityr Mr. Sumner or ; the (,''resident. :„.-r)., . •„. We helleyp,th go* conatnittee k i with' Mr. G a mer ; on ,ChairOan, will . be found well np • to its , work; and in the, ,mean time let us all refuse to assist at family quarrels.; Below, we eve a few extraete front , points in tliti country; which give tOthe idea Of the divergent 116 1 ws.eelled faith by the, deli4iilOn of the lidatigh ehusetts Senator : , • The step was necessary, ttnd ,it wae, impossible to retain longer, without ad mitting !hat lie was the Administration; and that , if " only`idayo ilecoAdlPP4 to. itiwz a iposltion llrhioh ire ate' glad to know the President refuses to assumd-- Bridgeport ( Conti'.) Sciandard. ' , Tbla 'pisPemikitiritii 466; iiiii‘ith .etundingithat-Mrißutnibr's (amnia will protest' _against, it.-3-,-(9,yrecoffAipr , mi.i -; • - "" Those Repubilorins who. remember , that ;Stun ner's career in' Congress begari with his oppoei dion fugitive alavelaw; Upward' Of twenty years,ago, when Cameron was At Penniylvania pro-atelier/ Democrat, of the stria test, will • never forgive Shunt this blosi at their ohampion. —Harrisburg Patriot. The position is on& for which Mr. Sumner! is, especially Stied, both by education and expert once. But the place 14 ,also, one that it is desira ble should Stied by a man who Is is sympathy with the Adminiatiation.—Cin: Gas. ' There is a special reason for' 'getting' Caineron in and Sumner out,, , as the President propotes asking for an appropriation of a millionand . a 'half 'to aid in antaiing San Dominge.—Pitts. burg Post. • • Trilf; we think he rieiver in his•life out a , teritgure than he itoeslat present, and Icier in tary. President never IhOlirqdfilllg , eg kmom i e f, attitiid'e.-LLPNifq. Age. . F. President of tiitte4 Slates lis t . games the right and rittorepti to exercise the'potr, or of party organization to degrade a aenator, , it lithe State.not less than the individuatat the deoree of 'degrachitiori . ainied,—Clika,O, Times. - • • It means that ldr:-Bumner' has beeri'foreed. aside for a worse and weaker . man. It ; means the Cameron-Chandler olique have .become MaB - of the situation, and this every honest:Re. publican will regret-Otenv i etand Leader. • Wo spealciplainly e last of the`time plain Blies; king is, moat demanded,'and when it may prevent immense mischief. Under no, pretext shealdanY statesmen be allovieil to be sacrificed for oppe., 'sing a measure of this sort. It Was enough for the :President to throw his weight ;for a scheme on which his party, bad Rasped no judgateet.--` That ho,' or others for Atm, attempt to punish Benixtor of `hit=:. Limner's rank ;and, standing for daring to oppose a pet! schenka Of . ,the Excoutivs,,is not to be permitted - without se, 'datums* and protost.--L:Totede , . , While his great ability is eoneeded,it afforded no)juitification for 'the tobitinate - tirsdeaVor to, _farce his Republican associates in, the Se4attl,' and the Administration as well, into,oequies4nes: ivith his peetiliai vieivo-:-Dayuinjour e _„! We believe that the average opinion - 6? mini+ :ble Americans will be :that the: renieVal of 14fr Sumner was forced Eponrthe friends „of :the ' 'ministration, end most reluctantly, reasorted:to` , ; that it itnplies neither reprOich nor persecution, and that it simply means thatbO Icing is held responsible,for the maintenanee;of irleadly relations with foreign powers, the President does `not propose - to • allow hie holier? hi be diiided against itself.—N. Mat. .1 • .4 - 4 4 frOWANtiA."—This , high - bred , was sired Ah4a-ga (Thief; grand eire,'Rysdykle "Ifambletoidan;" dam, Vermont Black gawk; grand dam,. Messenger; ono white pastern, behind, bleak points, dark bay, 15,hands and 8 inches high, 4 - years old in Jnly. He Is one of the mast remarkable animals the country bas produced. 'He is beautiful, kind; •and blood Me t , action perfeot,, possessing great strength. lie is in close proximity to,twa of the molt no table Stallions in this' nottiOn: and "Ethan Allen," a mast fortunite'eroia. “K -, .TBRINS-,4100 to insure...ll26 at Onset' sonde% *hick *III not be refunded lanky event, and 17e . itbettriiveti . in foal. We have find stabling` and pante; en reasonable fermi. Best . posalbld clue , taken of More& All accidents and -.escapes ~ at' Ostlers -risk. season, Marchl2th, to November 1it,1871. ' " ; - Dirk A MONTANYBI Towanda; March 22d,1871.-8m Administrator's. Notice. NTTERS ADMINISTRATION..haiting 14 been granted on tho.foilyo -4-,4lohard Hull, deCeaied,' late' or Tina tow n ship, those indebted tb bald ostataltill mute immediate pay ment, and those havititoLahns against the same, presentlhem, to . MART S. NULL, ' WARIINN .. IVNLLS, isbn 10 6•' • Athlete' Notice. to,- cosionersi, f, SHE antotiribor tusitne business •in lraneail -J. 4v RI lomofor.thote:sbout , tho next, epd la proßardl to 3ooste,gensionovo,o4fino 'to intblito lands, undo*. Oki late truptolentent tqAct Lionnifteici not: thttgoki &minable: 'POt fultbir pgtinulnu, awl tom* of poof,,apply xro Ow. W. metrick,Wolisboro, Pa. - • WASHINOTON'LA - 1146 . 0 , 4;', ' MlXOttiillithAlilAtir.'3,; 0 1 b 12/111 - goqdfAeig9 *fitihirkit; brAlletticiilfriboo Vo cent loweirico thortiggers,,vgto `acconi.7l • w I ilesl for k& next 0 Jaye: Snell's (best in - market) boring maobt complete e for_ t Conch Panel planes, trirane. • 74 Ilestoarpiuterstinnorin petk. - -skt,too l thet 'But eesitintakere- , ti Jenningazi,biteEd9ttilterMres Per set , I . Barthciloniiiiidjustable bit brace BallbW°.(.. silvecplat theelliqqaree, . ", • " 0 (food hand saisv,..- - 4 Boatilles, /to percent dishountePA Beet drawing knife. . Bo , A No. 1 sat ospittx plumb 1 90 .4 0 e 11 3414,9 liPtt.ofikel9t ;Ofi Dlsten'a'satia' ; 'This abqtre arelpt,t7 a small,part of ,tbe i Boo dif• taint itudi'V'itiep:tfiii eobanice ifs,st I van Inaranteteltha-PiloaratuViiiitility a:reef:is „y the most milleal,"i 1•1', = • fer.buildera'(,tatttware, have"' on ;band 80 different Mode of lookf9 snob :foal riat ikbob locke;:marilde rtM,deld 1901te, teerA Coe dead Iciiike; Zit& rind inorticacatches,t upright • and horizontal • !im p ,and. .datid looks, ,Inrolturty and cottage ' `lecke. Itilght latabas itpd Tooke, with ..conibinatroli tsfo9k. I - Ifabb'eted !bolsi and latobee,for folding and sliding doors', all lade., The,celeitr,a,te,d,,flr,andfordi• store -door mike; 500,000 "otianges. ' 0ke5t,,10e19001,./L,lnf4si, Inaluding , Valee binailonoheprst ipAdq.• so c,r4n,e,mstar —noniptokibleo ,I+.l/ t doxop, xl knOb , kfalmknobk:brinipletii,' I 1 dozen knob loOke,.witti knobe, , btittei Ind screws complete for 12 doors, ,11 . 1 The new" l'ranch. enoiSed latch.„the,hest, latelZ.Avarconstitated, dozen, 1, 200 Common htutio latobee.-perlozon; " ; 80 I keep a complete assortment of the "National Butt,l',:siparfeat right , andqiit'lliatts." loa f s° jolot ei,,frergt, ;tore , tban;all,. Others put tokother.— elry. guar, 4cfviy,fliff ,(iti. the building! that idere teiroll'in'Ttogct February 9/h)t,voit l earfd. " A dollar' Isaired 'to dolltir bade ?' home and got the prices before you buy, odd 1 will do you good. , -RaMeMberi.all gbode at' fraiaMEN to PER CENT. bololo manufacturers' priret!. J. SCHEIFFELII March 22, ; 1821 tf • ~Wa European - owl , seenmi ctn. sN killed, ,- Women urety' over E/e§ent Style andifinlph of 2poutortrienz:,),_ ;from. Margirio re'szaw Photograph' Gallery Welle. borp., All.the 4100 Styles of pictures, suah as German and Medallion heads, qabixiet Size, new i i "Waterla Size; tiOPOrcelala Plata' '(Plain or colored), and many other.. StPoo to numerous to, mention, latemeocople views; a d, views of Private,Residerices .made at potion hie prices. Copying old *biros nrid enlargingtho Fame to any else toothed, a speolality,'when desired :i they will to retouched In.lndia ink, or colored , in oil or water colors. A good asortment of ‘ frames esinstantly on hand: Call and o.4ftinio" specimens before 'going el seirh ere. N. B. Abut mistake the place, 'itl Badman's Dental Rooms, .opposite Co , Wellaborot ' Dissolution. • /Mg Firm heretofore existiadiaide • af. Bash Ak:Rtindolph, it this , day by rapt* ooFktisnt. 'X'he boßbe, uttea nOtinte, Willriemaiiiiit the stand. °going) above Finn, until eetiltai Aiid thiibu be hereafter conducted by , s ." . MOHLER S ,RA/41 s ' l ' Minh, 15th; 1ff71".1-84tir'.• For Sale. celliol'iPf9"%•.! Igaol old L. ,tho, March; 16th 1871:" ' , We',shore School ax , lit School Dircotors of Wel!shore iwill bold .1 ;si racoons ..• ......,esosmo, (#..lause,j2nursday afternoon March 300.871, from ,two to four; o'- '63eoleforthe purpose of hearing 401000125' for abatement and correction of School tales fcirAhe Year ending June 1871, after which time no snob applications will be heard. • "- . By order of the Bo I rd. . ~, • R. B. WEBB rest. Attest: JOHN I. AU TO /I T / I , Bee , March lb, 1871:--8*. - , For vximiLsioi and 01imita Seed Potatoes. The , ALS two best Variotidi told cialture. Very 'FF.Q.,..au*vP...4P.4 good keepers. Prise p bushel, uq, per peek, gook; , Delquir; March, 15;18,11-4w. . ; C. E. BRE AMER. .. • . NOME le hereby given, that the Commis , Metiers of Tioga county will hold a Gen eral Appeal far those who are aggrieved by their asseesp2e,nts and militia enrollments for the year 1871,,as by not of Assembly in such ease made apd Provided, for assessments, oolleetion.of tax es, &0., at the Commissioners' office in Wellabo re, on the 2bth, 20th, 27th it 28th days of April next, commencing at 9 A.M. each day. M. • 1 . ,•• W. WVMI:MIZE, P.V. i VANNESS,' JOB REXFORD, Commissi ' 'Attest : 'Taos. Anpuzi, Clerk. - Mari& 1a.1871 'Bw ' ' THE BEST HOTEL in the COUNTY, , Ji ` 44 ' ' it OMB ROUSH." N 'i9. Rooms large and well vanilla -Itad. Accommodations not surpassed hy n any first class hotel in the ' 1 " Northam Tier." AILLS no higher than at ascend and third rate hotels.• Looation, corner of Main and Walnut stteets, yellsboro. A good table,good liquors, good order, and a good hostler. A. B. 4RAVEO, Prop. March 8,1871. .AdministMors' Notice. N Monilay,`the 27thday. of March, instant, O 11. be Sold,' on the farm of the late Butler Smith, in Covington, at public voodoo, :the fol lowing proporty, t to wit One, pair of horses. itro`WagOns, 36 yearling cattle, eleven calves, ;fortr 2 plgS; one liog', three hives of' bees, 65 ahl3k ens, about 20• tone of hay, .n 6 mower, plows, harnesses, whifiletreespantl munerons.other far- Wig implements; wheat, oats, buckwheatio ‘ oro, )p'ork; 'and honishold goods: .;•Terms.: purobases'• lath Men . '5.26 bash,;, .from,s24,tosso, a , credit • of 'three mo`ntlis will ho Ore?' ;over,$ 6 0 • Pradit,of. sin months. .In each'o' Bo pays erit to be secured by Adipnerit exemption note, oi other Security satisfactory to the Administrators, JAMES 8., FROST," ' JOHN H. WILSON, r March 8,1871'8w " ' • . "Ad inari4 STEREOSCO_P . ALBUMS, 3 I=l E. & 'H. T. ANTHONY ter, C 591 BEOMMAY, NEW YO3 Invite the attention of the Trade to that slvalulkortinent of the above goods, of t, publiofition, manufacture and importation Also, ,PHOTOWTP,RN SLIDES and I. f • , • . GRAPHOS Ist t t VIEWS OF , •Eci filiilidAT E. E.: ANTHONY_ 0 • • _ •; , ri 591 BROADWAY,' NEW If - OpPOiltB hietrOpOlitall_ZQtel, INPONINIIII AND yANFF4.9II:IIII/11 . 8 CF - - l'EtiiiiotAAPHidl i tAl , Eßl . Ls.. ' Maire 4 fotratrix's Notice. fi iainate r?'"itt/BitielfiliATiON lon the JIA estate of Option -O. deceased, late nf,Tioga, haul g been granted to the undersign ed, all,percepaindel)ted.te.said.ostate, and those agalbeethe same, are notified to call foriettlement Ori John W. Quernsey, l 4if Ti oga, or on the undersigned at the same place: • , RUTH ALFORD, - • !Tiogn,fhlatell'e, 1871 et " Admin'x. „DiVPAOLL.IIO /Main Lyman : are ipteriihy nOtill4-"that Nanqy Lyman, ,by her nett' friend, - ,tiarld• 'Hart, has 'applied to the (kiwi of OemiziMittrldia ItiOgis county for a diy • ffeesrciA tiithondli;oLidatrituony, and that Oki haariag i ?r,o4lapplifpat i premises itulte Dad M on day, Mai 290871 i, !hen to l akidarluilkulake if 'mug' yOis ham if you'itant proper. A Mutt 8, 1871 Or ; t( man -5 per ~. FAA 'o IS 60 14 16i 41). 2 8 76 '' 6-00 7 ,. 90 , oci a', 2 25 0 1 0 to 3 26 't 1 , 09 etkuP -( [looks ti 00 FIFTY 1111111 er - A.• B. re Rouse MORE. NAhA.! the name dieaelved .and ac ed hi the .111'ess will OLPiI. s sp l ring, r iLTLV hdrlttEhon. loam. =II S, i CRROMOB, FRAMES: " 1 exten. eir own OP Es. MI ?.11-fi:rq .. „ • 1 ,i:' .;• , i MP . YILI}A . , '• - lIRTY . ' , OR SA • ~( ;41' 05 acres ;- well Hai -,-.., .red .tt - :' - 'il'.- , ‘-bleltory;- basswo4: , 4 ' ,-.- 1.,*: . , rna , •-?-.- 1 .- I well watered. 411 1 i\Tci-,. 'f'' ; l' n r - . 1 .6... ~ , ,balori Nl,' T 11 . 1.4 -Z • l j f":;;'- ~,/-.): 'i ; . -rill. l', , 0 ground. - la elton' . I. ,'a We : . ire, on the-road fa ? ~ • I .f` , in o :toey,f , i'and also on the roe" , trent :ittnuel blektneen'a to William Magenta's Also, a lot of 'half an acre, corner of Mead , and Walnut streets, Xelleborel with a,ggo bouite Of ten roiXreid;litiltoiibcr; good or= der, and good barn and well of water, on the premises. Also, a lot of one acre, corner of Meade and ditueolnuttreets r meillitterttOtormktletitableritria • • ?f, 41i61 quantity of household furniture. Terme for the realstolla ,- ::tme:,tbitcl or ;mote, oaeh down, the, reelduele 0.1i9, - ,er!fiar aonuair , W.T4 AM OARICOLV, Mardi 2; - 127f '' Wellsboro, ?a.• ; PENNSYLVANIA" 'Normal 'School • Digrichmilfqn.ol444 , l 1 71 ( 0 04 , l'erto !Open* -Akirch .27th, - 1871. 11 ,4 I E r. -,,5 11 9#1 1 . 1 4?,t 0 F, 1 4.4.714 (10 Tcoi•tv., i CHARLES H. VERRILL;A. M. P 111N,IPAI, Prufo i ssor of'Solence and 'Art atTesOhing, -and Mental and Moral`Ptilithiaph' . HENRY' 'JONES, M. :8 ; r'Professer 1.4 Mathematics at.il Nataral'l; „ ' N„ ,CLAHAL A. pi; An- • (MIA ' Llingualcia ° Buslidh lit:swum : A - MISS PRANCES,. A. C9011.11AN,. ; Iristinclor °(:litodera Languaivis, Botany ; PlurOP o .liraPhY: • • , - ; ‘1 MISS SUSAN - R., liIiESTON,M: E ;Instruct or °Pleading and Elooutiou. ISAAC G. LACY:A' ' , Professor of InstruMental " ;• ...CHARLES 0 MPi3ON, :Profaiior of Crow ing and-Painting.. ti • • '...LBWlS'MEAD,anstraottir of , Penuatinehip;, 'ISS • ANNA , 114- K ELSEY,—.tAesistaut ';:har Mathiniaties: - • - " • - `VINE W. PRATT, ht. E.,- of Mod. el Sohool. • . , ' •MISR MYRA { 'HORTON, R. t ,'Prdceitress. 'MISS 11.!p., Assistant. ."''' • ' ''SfATE AFPIROFthAiIONS:''`. • time CENT;'0101011E YEN iveuK, 10004 by deoloritig,intedildn t.) teach. •,' , ' Ityr.is recent' eat of ihe'l:egielain tbe follow ing apProprlatioes: are spuds by the State to Normal Stadente and tiraduates: , 1' Each student overseventstak „wars of, ago, who shall elgwa paper declaring Wintention to teach in fhii Common School the State, shall receive the sum of Fifty Cents per heel; towards defraying the : expensee'ot tuition and 'boarding. -Earth student over seventeen gears of ,age, who wee disabled in the mititaiyantl naval sl•des of the United States, or of Permaylvani , or wlotte father lost,,his: life in said earth°, i and' who shall etgn, an - agreement ae above, shall re ceive them:int - of ONE DOLLAR per week. 8. Eaohiitudent, who, upon graduating, shall sign an agreement to teaoh in the . Common Schools of tbie Slate tree full years"' shall rceeive the SUM of FIFTY DOLLARS'. - ' 4. Any Student to secure these benefits, Mud attend the School at least twelve coneeoutive weeks, • , *A School Year must be at leant four months DIPLOMAS AND EXPENSES. All the DlPlomas aro authorizod and furnished by the State, and exempt those who hold therit from any further oxamtnation by authorities aoting under the provisions of our Common School laws. Expenses for School Year of 42 IVeeksi including Board, Tuition,Room Rent, Fuel, , Oil, 'and Washing, $188(less 50 cents, or $1 per week, as stated above,) and less $5O if graduating. , Expenses for 'Third Term, (14 Weeks,) com— mencing March 27th, 1871, including, as above, $62, (less bOets. or $1 per week.) Tuition and Rook Rent, for those who do not board in Normal Building, $lO per term, (14 Weeks,) lees 50ots. or V. per week. Instruction in Instrumented Music, including use. of ipstrument, $1 per week. Penmanship, (24 Lessons,) $1.50. • Braying, s.3' per term. , „ • . Painting, s6'to $ . 10. - per term. - • Board tan bo obtained in private families; at $3.50 to.s4 per week. NoEXTaa - OHAROEB. Students admitted at anytime. . • • . , All bills are to becpaid promptly in minuet) to the Principal, who acts as agent for the Trustees. Students boarding in the Normal Building furn- 1 ish sheets, Pillow-cases. and one comfortable. For further Informatigti, or . Omission' to the • School, address the priaelpall , '-' .• _ Mansfield, February 15th, 1871,6 t • W. W. WEBB, M. D., khysician and Surgeon.. Oman—Opening out of Ilasling3 do Cole' Drug StorO.—mar. 1,1871. Lots of New Goods ! COME TO T, L. BALDWIN tr. CO'S TIOGA, PA 1 i and aee a nice dock of Goode for the FAL & WINTER, such as nakmintio ummoz zoom —all atyies, colon and pattarne—; ALPACAS, POPLINS, BLACK AN ; COOKED SILKS, dc., 4). BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWL find 'a large arsoriMont to select from. CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLO TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OFI .LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS Aco,,r- TO TRIM- 'DRESSES .1 OR SACQUES. Y,t.N KEE NOTIONS —Our took of— can't be beat. It keeps up with everything Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIR CORSETS, &C.• MORIMMECii too numerous to mention; but will eay that • will seldom find so large an assortment to Be from in a country store, and clear down to' BOTTOM FIGURE. We'aladkbep alarge assortrikent of READY-MADE OLOTHIN 4 I • in 'Bnitti; and parts of suite. Should we fa 'I t eitit d 'yon with ready-made, we have Claes!. ei an A TAILOR TO OUT AND FIT Mil Boots and Shoes all styles and sizes. HATS. AND OAPS, 'STRAW 'GOO AND GENTS' FURNISHING • GOODS, A OOMPLETE LINE Oi ", ORPDXERY, WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, SHELF HARD WARN, NAILS, IRON, , Locks, Latches, Carpenters' Toole. A (MISSAL STOOK OF GROCERIES E. HOWE SEWING. MACHIN Farmere,ll you wanttools to work with dr pi SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PO IE, PL i t • -.Lime, Cayuga 11asti+ cea.. • Battoitatte,Paiiti. ittkino, and ahtonS . It flavor with.. Ail kinds of, Farm roduoe al . Priciproiaretttejseat,. • • i:.PAP:iitlif.4. x ,t - } :,:- N -.,- - • • =- 4. Viagi.,:- I ,'' 'r: ''2_l ! tl r 1 Vili l' F i ji . L VIIII t il l l i l- f \ 1 -I,S•ZOMW vi . (Af: .'-afil I ...r: 3 4 !.lj 1 R4,o l ks WITT- 4 P41 1 it ( *i 1 4 , Itli MI 1 ,1110:ry ~ 1 :41 It, rt 1 ,p,4 q - . 4 ,• , ! I, 1., 1 ‘ - .%LiNi/ . Ai • . I LI 4GI h'i'lEt;3! ;Jill , ..-4, ) ;•.;-,... oosw J 7 CT-I ".•s -.,, f :., . The'subintriber invitereall in nisellor-Eiktli /4p040" Poods.:to 0/1 1 .7 - and oi4uaitio. ;tbtir new t t-, d , i , IVe intend to - eep a tifillierier v ittioritnent . of DRY GOODS and itooti l and films than last Bongo ns , and aletireoectliter gi t •adep than we have hept.for several yt 8! & ps t t. S .-1,1'.1.V..1.,1r. ! k. Than *tapas are a much cheapr than foi sexeral pears past, that we have felt warraratd puttluq iu;:► full line ntprilsea, 044 , think w'f, eau suit 4,uy ups ? , Ne hallo •tligru iu Taffeta sad drtie'Okittri ater, 4 $117r51,50, $1,62; $1,75, $2, $2;25; 42.54: $2,75, $3 ;• , 1 .4 't, ` .4<'• diripapionion SILK/3 'a'n.4l POPLINS. MEI 11841; p i leo mue oer,in pr ee, au( leo filial► keep a grod assortment of lot% . is' " ' l ' • edluo4Nrjfil Bilks and Poplins, and a fair assortment of the better tialities.• We have a first-elaas assortment,- in „regular and extra sizes, white and colore!d, at very k w ,;• 0 prices. I(lereauti Quilts. very cheap: , -,•„' We have a very fine stock, from the lowestpiricen uptvorgla us e rine an no' $4,56, $6, $l, s6,' $ 11 ,0, , 512 and $lO per pr'ir. These price kept in . * sol on order. ' , • .R . A . PIRr" . 3ItISLMS, in all grade,' TABLE LEVENS, in all grades, - vertu NAPKINS;-white and colored borders, from $1 to TOTVELS, BuCkabuck, Dice W Damask, bardered,..fron, ' We invite attention to. our new stock, of striped and plain Japanese • • 'striped and plain Wrench Black Taffeta. and Gros-Grain Silks, Black Alpacas, Black Pure' Mohairs in all .Nos., Black and White Plaids, Black and White • Stripes, Fancy Plaids, Suit Goods as well as an entire new stock of Domestics at the lowest • cash prices of • • , the season: • THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform his many patrons 'And the tradtkg, _that ho hai made largo reductions in prices of his winter stock of • . . . • . .• . . . „ .. bLOTIIB,,CASSIMERES, alt of which are Offered for Cash or Beady Pay at prices that, can not fail to give eatisfaCtion. The public are cordially invited to call and examine and het cut I vistaed that now is the time to bidy cheap. The highest Market Price Wellaboro, Feb. 22, 1,871 The Largest Establishment in Northern Pa. ! H . AW , N° facilities for buying and handling largo quantities Jf fa ()ode enables him to offer them at the lowest Jobbing prices. In Our retail department tiot.de are sold at a small ad Vance over wholesale prices. ..c-jarge Stock of - ME Transfer Ornaments, Stripeing Pencils and Brushes for Carriage and Cutter Ornamenting. A full line of all classes of Goods appertaining to our business kept in (took SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS BENCII - SCREWS;WOOD SCREWS, 0 • RRIACE novrs, (MRS, SKEINS, WASHEREI.,, PIPX ,BOUS, AXLE-TitEE'., E,LLIT PIO SPRINGS HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BARABAND IRON, GRIN STONE HANGINGS, CORN 'POPPERS,,SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUF ERS COMBINED.. Also, PISTOLS, PUPA CARTRIDGES, POWDER ANDCAPS,, PATENT.iBARNDOOR HANGINGS a neir thing, and tnadeler nit. These aielnt a few of the many Artiolos aompooilii. the itc.eil ifardivere I inyitt , the' pubOo to call and examine for themselves . 0 I aim to keep the beet gnality eflieude my line; and `all work= to order done itroniptlf and 'wall , • SASH, DOORS; 13 LINDS 1 AT FACTORY PRICES winitorioieb::l l lB7l-1y.F;•• 1 1= , LIVILLIAM ROBERT& =III Parsonsiti&, , ,Co, s 8 • • 1,,•V d WRNING k: I 0 ';'1I I'l I : , 1 1"; IFK' ~,. ,; ~ i { i, i Mill Er v t , h) curtains. - DRESS •GOODS,iin ?led) styles for c' arty spring trade. PRINTS, GING HAMS lc., choicest jatterns of the season . • ____ • - _ .• .• = ! A, full stock of Black -, :White and anted Glore.s, • 7 in- our regular make (the Josaphene seamless) ivarranted equal - . to any in the market. ME March 15, 1871. NEW ARRANGEMENTS Shawls, Dress Goods, Furs, Ready-Made Clothing ! Paid for all kinds of Produce. W. 4 4 .. 3E.T...361.3MEEW,, otiligegtol,-: RHODH ISLAND AND WATER LIMB, GLASS, ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE THICK. F,'AINTS, AEL KINDS AND COLORS, 1 ,VARNISHES AND VANISH BRUSH 5, A FULL STOCK ' . Feb. 1, 1871-ly =3 Stoves`! Stoves ! =MI ~ t l~tt'~a= i ) -, J =EI i' ii' IS , !3= s /UM I • lIIM J. A. PARSONS & Co. GENTS, BOYS -und YOUTHS MC WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ilavi gon hand a large'stock of Tin, Stoves and Hardware, the undersigned takes pleasure to announce that he haa at a great outlay, ad ded to the usual stock of the old, stand on , • MAIN STREET. WELLSBORO, a complete assortment ..1 ohelt ; Hardware, of which ho enumerate the following artioles NAILS, SPIKES; CROWBARS, ,X CUT, MILL, HAND• AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAI , 11NGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS AXES, AUGERS, T • STOOKS, HATCHETS CHISELS, tfl• IiESE Er ED MEE I= 11/111 EN ~ . . S~=, 310 d. ;1:1,75, $2, $2,60, 'lock, told liner gi,o`dg 'cap, ' 5,5 Q pr•. Az', ' 12s 79 $9 pr. (1,2 THOMAS HARDEN 1 W. C. KRESS , -I'` ril El SiIEI WM =1