The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 22, 1871, Image 1

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P. C. Van . 43 e.
TERM OillialkliOrtigVAlll.4o
übscriptiou,(per year)
EN LINO or hitNtoN OR 1.1201,'1L <>n
IS it &Mali:
Stfre.... 1 In. I 3 Iris I 4 ins 311og I 6 Mos I 1 Tr
I Square, ... I $l,OO $2.001520 i VP.OO IVO° I IZoo
2 Squares,.
Titi f Col
tae ca
Orrir Special Notices 15 dents',iier line;
Local 20 tents per line. '
Transient itdeestising muss be paid toi tri ailittlics.
Justlco Blanks, Constable Blanks, Deeds,Jridg•
ment Notes, Marriage Certificates, &e., on band,
Offiee in Smith and Bowen's Block, acrose ball
trom Agitator Office up stairs, [second floor.]
Wencher° Pa, Jai:440871-Iy.
In°. I. Mitchell, -
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
surance Agent: Orme over Kress's Drug Store,.
Welisboro, Pa. Jan. 1, 1871—y
William A. Stone.
Attorney and Counsolor at Law, first door above
Converse 45 Osgood's store, on Main titreet.
Wollaboro, January 1, 1871 y
Seeley / Coates & Co.
BANKERS,, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.—
Receive money on depOsit, discount notes,
and soil drafts on New pork City. Collect
ions promptly mado.—lan 1, 1871-y
Jno. ¶. Adams,
A ttornoy and Counselbr at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
county, Yap' Collection* promptly attended
to. Jun. 1, 1871—y ,
Wilson & Niles,
A ttorneys and Counselors at Law. Wio attend
promptly to business entrusted to their care in
the counties of Tioga and Potter. ,01Epe'.on
the Avenue. Jan..l, 1871 y
S. . Wasos..]
John W. Cluernsoy,
attorney and Counselor at Law. All business
entrusted to him will bo promptly attended, to.
Office 2d door south of flazlett's Hotel, Tioga,
[toga County,,Pa. 7 —Jan. 1, 1871. ' ,
'yin. B. Smith,.
Poc,ioa, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Com
munications sent to the above address will re
ceive prompt attention. .Termk , moderate,
f:Rox.vilie, Pa.—.fah. 1,,1971. .
Seymour A: Horto
Attorimis end Counselors at la,
All bu iness entrusted to their c
prompt attention.
C. IL Si:l - noun
fan 1. 1971 y
Armstrong & Linn;
Jan 1,1871—y
W. D. Terbell & Co"
'VllMeade 'Druggists, and dealers In Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass; Perf9merY 4
Paints, Oils, &c., &c.—Corning, N. Y. Jan, I. '7l.
I Bacdu, M. D.,
Klysiciin and Surgeon,lst door emit of Laugher
Buzhe—Main Street. Will attend promptly' to
it calls. • Wellaboro.—Jan. 1, 18n1.
Homoeopathist, Office at his Residence on the
Avenue.—Jan. 1, 1871.
George Wagner,
tilor. Shop first door north of Roberts & Bail
ey's hardware Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
pairing done promptly it n 4 well.--4aa.1,1871,
Ilazlett'o Hotel,
Toga, Tioga County, Pa. t.ioed stablingattaoh
ed, and an attentive hostler always in attend
ance. (I 150. W. Hazlett, Pyop'r.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Smith's- Hotel,
flop, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in
good condition to accommodate the traveling
puldie in a superior manner.—Jan.t, 1871.
Formers' Hotel.
B. NI u,31101i, Proprietor. 4 This house, fornierly
occupied by E. - Pellovia, it? conducted on ton
perAnco principlos. Fiery accommodation
for man and beast. Charges reasonable.
January 1, 1.971
Union Hotel.
AV ,u. 13 Van Korn, Proprietor, Welislooro, P.
rats tiouso Is pleasantly looated, and had all
the eanvanionees for man anti beast. Charies
moderato,—Jan 1, 18 1-Iy..
House and Lot and Nine Aeres
Land for. Sale.
WILLIAMS offers for sale Ilia
C ,11) so and lot on Main etroot, Wolishora,
aridy acres of land near the cemetery. -Eu
.4lilfl; Jneeph NVilliame, at the Wolleboro foun
lry lan 1,187 t tt
New Tobacco Store
r it I; subscriber has fitted up the Storefirst
1 door vast Thomas liarden's dry goods store ?
t Ito manutsotura and ealo . .pf - 1-
5,.(a1l grades), Finley and Common
.V.II()VATO-TOII CC 0, Michigan Fine Cut
CHE WIN 0, and all kinds of
1 ) 1.1. 7 0 I'OBA CO 0, ,iPIPES, and thechoi•
cest Brand of CIGARS.
0411 and see for yourselves.
V,ll,born, Jan. 1, 1871--tf.
thu lieli..l tol Cute of the Erring and Unfortunate,
vu PrltiLipien of Christian Philanthropy
ON TH.F, ERRORS OF YOUTH, end the fol
of A v,al, in elat lOn to .1 iu IVW anti :lOWA L E: ItA
r, tth S ail fart he afflicted. Lela flee, iu se% lea
velapo. NOW R 1) A SSOCIA'CIQN,
%by 4, IS7O y. Hux P. 1'6th:000110 P
/. itORDEN keeps coustahtly
haw.): Pure Drugs ~triti
Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Law
I't:;'Stationary, Yankee Notions
P CA REFT3 LLY ComrouNto U.l
Jajt: 1,
, TUE .undersitined pe-,pl.4eter of
this lino takes this mothol'
fin ing the pablio that tho above Stage ion::
daily (Sandays'excepted,) between Oa
, •
, es as follows:
Leaves Wellatraro at urtivis at
Mansfield ht 10%15 a. m.
Leaves Blinifield 402.'30 0. - tn' :and itrtivei at
Well:dune at 5 p m. ra'r•FareA,2s.
Jan 1, 1871—tf -W. iii VAN IiOR9
Fa rm 'fo r al ti.' '
`l ,
'F R E subscriber offers his rut for sale, situ
atoll iu Copp Hollowon , the roacl Tioadrog
from Pofingtort to 'Wollebord: "Seld ,(sun, ,con,
tains 220 aoree, about 150 irripioVed,`ivth: good
huildind, orchard, and , well watered .'= MK 411-
int proved part of the ` farm is well' Ilinbere4.—
This farm will be sold chdaii, arid '4eitukti made
reasonable.' inquire on tho prenlised of -t•<, ..
DLc.l.l, 1870.-Im. , ' P
" ' • - -
ALE persons indebted to D. P. Roberta by
Book account - or Notes ere requested to call
'end settle- end save Costs, at G. W. • Mertiok's
8eb.1,1871.-tt •D. P. ROBERTS.
- • 1
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12,001 - 18,e im . ,:u ,
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,; mi t yirele - - -
I 100,00
"aT) , a
w; Tioga, Pa.
are will receive
3 I ?. 11011 TON
LATELY knornsurihe Townsend tale,
rea4 or 4tlinW011914011431,11P: oil.'
"Os Ettall 1 1 011.ther4io&b13' reletted, r
.0.4;4 40 1 3944 bi.;o
who .~illl '4.1 - happy to accommodate tb old
friends of the bon se At very reasonable rate
Ja 1,1871 y- . DANIEL MOVE E.
MUIR undersigned le new prepared t
I cute all orders for Tomb Stones and
manta of either
TAI,,, Aikl„pllt
of wok
and with dispatch.
116, keeps constantly on band both 'kin dou'of
Marble, and will be able to suit all whom y fo
yer him with their orders, on as reuso , nable erma
as can beobtSined in tliavotintry.'''
kitANk A"7”:
Fall .& Winter Millin
Mtg. SOFlRLD , resPeetfally -hrmenn
the public that sho is now reoeiv
complete stook of • '
Fall, acid Winter Good
Especial attention is invited to her assort6a
Corsets, and Itotidy Made-WhiteGokdei
Also, Zephyrs and Gerrnantew
Wools In Fancy shade.
Patterni in Zephyr and everything pertaining
to, the trade, „KID. GLOVES of the best band
1 , .
Hats Caps, BorknetN-Ribbons,Flovrs,,
-Laces 43r.c '
The Wilcox k, Oibbs,Bevving Maqhinp col Iklee
or rent by the Reek. '' ' ;
Mrs. A. Lt. 80FIEL .• :
Welleboro 00.5, 1870. tf -
t' OR•
AND F.mlYßoD*,
FROM $36 TO $lQO' .
FROM in TO slog
Cheap for barter, and cheap for caEh at
'• H. 4,4tII:OBON'S,
_ 4
Westfield, Jan 4, 1871,
ellsboto IliiioliGitaillid
Y . ' ,IS_CHOOL. 17'''
, ~., „
iei,./ C . ` V INTERS, A. M. SOFERINTE4D- ,
And Principal ofrifigh 'School.
' j-, "1 -,' : !. • i - --. - . -- --,-,-. -
lis the , determination of the Directors: to
I make the course of instruction as thoroigh
and systematic as can be found ,in the Statet,---
Commencing With the primari dePartment,the
pupil must wilier evety year's - allotted work, a
fore being admitted to r the next higher.
The beet of tenchersw ill be employed in every
disper twin!,
,tlitoo iitA, lififto,S, ed methods of in
struction r d- tlna , buit. of cure exerciled
over thnpopila in school and out. t
The HIM SelisiA offers These advatitagks:
The Principal is a graduate of the Roche er
University, Now Turk, a gentleman of largex
perlence in the best conducted' schools of he
country, iv ho has spent two years in Europe,
and speaks, GLi'llt Olt, el:filch and haliaii., lile ; is
qualified to ,givo idiPeriWitistriictiouin;l l 4oy,
Fine A,v, .111,1 thp Ancient Languayee.,l Instruc
tion in fifyhci• .IKotheinatic4, the Sciencee, Boctk
keeph'y and .11,,,ic %sill be equal to that of the
best ai adetnies. I i 1 ..
Tho Board 1.41...1 to soon be able to secure fri-,
aft notion in l'o!'tititn) and braising, by a laY ,
who has had s.Ci•el'al ycara' insnuction by t he
host ili•u•loin In iletuoin3, and who bas praotitd,
in the fiallid les (.1 liciliii, Dresden Munich a d.'
Florenea A .
The best school i, the cheapest school. The
Board intend to obvialo all objections to tliits
class of popular -schools, as fur as possible. %A,
uhicierkt corps of teachers gill ho employed,•
that full justice may be done tc every pupil'
Tuition is free to all with in,the old borough Iltu,"‘
Its., Popils•from abroad;i4eorivited. Boardln.
'piif li tn . fa iniliefi f iiiiiirsp itostipai. week 1
- -Tpiiiim; Commorf - EnillilhAptir term, $5. - t '
--.: • - lc 1,111044 Encilish.fdathematies, lie., ss. l .
, , .
• September 7, 1870. ,11 4 ,
New Millinery !
MILS. .1M I I 11, on Main Street ; has jupst
1,11, opined a very large assortment of
3 4 4LX074 6 . 4 000230
Which she is Selling at COST,
such as
&C , &C , ,
am the only agerik in tills plan© for
Ladies that hole not noticed these Muffs will
astonished at thei.echeiipties, beauty and co
all of which wilt • Le bold mueli below former pt.!.
es= All work done promptly, end tu please._
Wcilhboro, Nov. 7, 1870—tf .
(First Door East of Cone House.)
THE , iubsCillier has opeued a market for th
accouimodition.a altfn watt of
-'' "Filltsll , MEAT. 1.
.- ea phwil t bopaid Toy pork; Ikeef, mutton, bee
otidle;hidekauct sheep - pelts. s :- .': •'. `,-"•,..., I
f,el;4 disk„erySOctrday • .-: • ::: .. 3
. • .;, _^;: - , , Z . :: , -- - -1 11 KR.IAll EVEONELL,34 . . I
Nov4iii t liet 2 [ -1870 te. , •,', -,,-1
7 4dttpnigt . rator't3
TOE widefalgticas'-'iidualtifstratoi; .
late of!Ahner undo% 'd‘Chated-," will
sell; an , the . !promisee of ..tkaid e&tatc,"tatout ItY ;
rods south ot_f. W. Tubbs A In Law-1
ranee twp;ia - public vondue„ott the 110 day of
Miabl; at 1 P. It!, the folliictint des&lbeil prop-!,
arty : 13oanded north by John Middaug,ll P.asti
biThika Over, south. end West: by' italpb
,corattluitig.upe half:anrp, 10 , ;:rhr, lest, derellingi
~Toraka ess „ J 0 91311'
INVelllaboto'reb, 15; 3t. ' -Aduer
PartCerabip hereto
fore existing between B. B. Webb, ,nnd,.ll.
S. giptfpga is This, day, ilissphreetyl Ruins!
aeasent, t 'fie 44:Ta Sim settled
'by 'Whir of the late'Partnarii,if the* new stand
- briok T R. B. WEBS.
Feb 8, 1871 -r t Matfilti4!
Northern Contrit
'Mt AIZIS 1"0 - ii TUE NORTH.
Traltief 6 r eanandegnittleavo Eli - thrill:it Wows
Aceortiodation at
Ea - praise [fastest train on ......
Accommodation -5.1 t
; 1 . Oti and alive Dec.:8;1.870; trains will afti entilt
depart from Troy,as folloytek k - !- 3'i L•'-]
O2>. p. y (sic alSt Sundays) fur ljn Er
- -Buffalo"' Rai e lway from Elmira: •
10 14 a. ta.—Dally(eacept Sundaye)'forNlmira;
to, Oanandaiguaat t ochesteri fitisp,Srldgo a
,• Ca nudge., • • ,
1 , LEAVIV.SOUTIMAItIi.i. , ~-;i
955 A. in:-. 4 :o9lly(idietit •Eirqle.y6) - 1 /cll. palti
Walshinitoti,EblittdelphitiAc. '.
7 07 P. m.—DNilf - (elabit ffniValis}.iftbitillcittil
Washhigfon and YhiladolrMat , .-. , ~ , - :'t
ALFRED R. FISKE. ''' -•:.' • 11ED:f1.Y0,D1443
Gen , lBoptillatrittlottg,': '-'I GinelFasinl_kg't
- -. • ; . . , - .1 - '' - 'ti - ' ' • -,,,BOltimore
WZLLI3BOB 0 k ti)q. m., arrive 6
Conniiaiiiivr.=licp./lim..t TV:m.2
xitNitipx.wily,ll , ,s . : 9 l l r''.
Arc srignoir.---11dpat t Iv& 1 4 hrir.diiii .
. ,prrlveTu9sdayik .
4Eite wno"( "STONIFORIE—,II4: L irdag :
~ arr. ode. '& lerbiaj o'l2 nit
ON :And after_MONDAY, Deo. 6 ,. 1870,•
will iltrApemilmi . ctimfollow lug boors,'
. t , •,' GOISQ . esti., .-..• '
il .
(4.4 % 414 11 , 1t .g ...3./.,....
- 'BM 4i,lihn le n410'4'6414., ~
6;06 ki11,,; Nlfittillid l / 4 1131S . di0;(0;11i4 1 / 4
- k
• fApbeitieviliA9444 lrafoo
irk, and the meat.. „ ".- -- '
41,00 , 4012,111A16^ PREWIPPI for Reeheeteri
_.- ..- 4 4Y,IA ?F9YR14,41121"1 1 ii &A .- A tic; •
',,ig..25 A;1 11 .;', MA/.47144/#2BRDd9; 2 l.(l=2lt-,
'lltiffalo eh I)Unilith, ~ L; •,. , ; •- , V
12,0,5P.M; Ay kit - 41.04 . pilidaii'.; - x‘pi
1 :
- - - 00,iiell. 'tub. - - " -4 -
,-, • •
zoo A'. lit, ; V A.1,71 1 61011A •lt4 9 ; 1 1 4 ° 44 0 4 . cA `
'' ' m-1041'80 - 6 rEnd IlliffaliNvla'AVe „. '. •
;6,30 P":1.4; 1 - 1411142iikiliftilOrMileil4 ftiiiie
P VA , Dill ii*PieSti,,'llii(lkytel,icept
17;35 r.
the -ftbolleiter4 fOrlibtaib iind'th:
12.13 A. 51,, ,EXPREBB MAlltilliitideWobte
~..• , tor'43olll4l , l;•Mbliltirlearid the tehf. ll4,
~..•- . .1;...,, , ,L.L.i", - ..„.. , •. , -... , 11. '",,,•,• i'.."
•• - • .--.1, 1 • -, '- , - , - ,ll lifeirit/Eker:"? -1i . ' , " ,1
12,13 A. M., NIGHT
Pih9l, tindalii&c
• Is o.roineetingtiliie itikqwith.iftestoon
and oteamere fort o l a ir sagbushatties
4,41,A, , 4., OINCI
TLIPIX9II/01011.1ind eigieu ,
i s , l I„ cepte,dieptlit@ettnapt Jbleerjor_trip mitb mina
• fur Pill lads. lialtinioro and Wilebaittiti• •=:4-, , ,,/
2,ol.,g.A.;;Acwoiopygwki T,Al4,llfifer ' mita,
Etitidaya 'excep t ed. - --, ,
to ,ii.ut-',. i 1 " . . 44
Al Afi 41., pvigrrovor r e!tre... P t..,
• . - 0.04 mg:k ii chy,T t 4 p rig 01x5
• • pi-eah tratiffor Phil dellibia. '-;- --' •
12,15 1 1
,51 . ,d31/BQU,,IiilbiP,A., WAY, daily,
11,40 A. M., WAY PlitilillTdenuclaysoxcep
'.'3o P. `M., DriliS(Ui('
13yhit 11;,.iiiin4akiiCiM
744 U. M. Ltdi4elli#Sib, OILY, co
tog 'edict-id) , Oily %Via, ,zorplifizipro
' . for Iteltlinoreand 11'aelitiltot. - / 1 • i-: Ji
.• ..)...•••••); t-,..:___. ; ., , ,. .. I. , 1 '.l-•_•1.4—•:.
• ' • BAGGAGE OULIOKhD'Iilit01:1011.
- /lig. A ievitred and V•onitilete"PoeheiT inie'Pa
Paeeenger'Traine on the Erle-Railway and , con
1.1111433,bin recently Peen publl shed ,and cat ba p
ed on applicafießso • t beyfrclipt Agent ofthaoopi
WM ..1 1 , HAAR, •-,x •• 1 , :14., , D.; --I)llO.icER
• „a eAil,PfyvktAsentt•:',-..-. k '-lci e OP
r-t7-4 — rr - -
, .13loosburg & Corning, &Tiogn II
" Eij kr; i,: Nc:i„i, , f,k,,v 5..4 s . t 'eo lqwf ,titt.l,ll9.o}er
~ ,• . ~., , O,OINISINORTILbROWT.IOI3A. ;-•
,„ No., 2,,2.35, r:N0, , 11, 9,28. , No. 0; .5,34. 7 , NV* 'B,, 8,-2- 5
Dio;111, 11 , 35 . Nc.'-, 12 / 1 2., 2 ,.-.NP•t 447 _1% 50 1 ' II ,P • 16:
0,20. No 18,11,12. , , , . „ . I
,-!,'',. ..7.....1 449 1,N U,5Q1511 1 IN , QSI'4I4tIA. & i,, • T
:No. 1,, 9.•.28..„. No. -3; 4.59, . 'No. -5, .0,01:-••No::17, 1,15
No . 9, 7,20. O. 11, 10,18. No. 13,1,42,.x:;•. 7
L .1. 5UATT116.11...„8 '
Arrival and DepaOure of -Stage
• .
f rii% B iltirr ik ett ?;ll Ari"tes r v o c m r
• Wellebiiiro:ilJlMeif ak and
• 7sultiVo 4 . as :toil Aweiro • !to
-:-";*-19. q ui Fi3llo9to , PostiOtiltf , t .
Ws Lts Mino it:Tiopkt-jDolmri_ls , a 4 loi , a. , 5m., avriv 136
And 7
_p',clc,ck p. m
4" ,
r ~ - ~ • 1 r iS`t
4111' bas long been eetitt—
Ilietied in the Jewelry busies
nese in Welisboro, has pIT,
'ways on sale, variquis.
kind and I),rieol of, j
• R '
• tig i c . ,
c k . ‘,- • - 41/*.,Vi
*Ir i ,AOLI?
PINS, PENOI I LS,'OASEte,'boLD & . 1
f,kl,E pm:ire„,7II7MELEFI,'3
5PP0NP,.;At4 , 29 1 . 1, P, PLA
7PP WARki .;
,t, ,•
45Ec., &co, &c
With most other articles usually kept in su
'establiittinctit. low.for.
A -S
. ;
Repairing dono neatly, and promptly, and • •
FPT , PN",
I,January 18 7 1 /4- .
ton .. •• , „ • 1 14 . 4 41 . 9 :11,PP e
Jau. 2504,187 J •• r• ••• •
New Music Store.
NOW oprintd in Smith Befv4ntiliiis6k; eeei
and fl lor, a 111t1810 room where will be kept
on exbibition,and for:aaloi ,
atelaway and otherl:Pia. nnti , I
C46tiiet Orstre, a all a s olioloa sylactyka
Ai ust9.: 3 , "relefliao. wanth.
La3sonti • ' or _
'organ; "'
will tit 0 Oittkilttaft* forCpra'itioio ' , llffordedi
to those whoimay jtc, A:4 OD D.
Wollabo'fo,Veik. 1 ,
, t „t • • `"
TaV .4f4ieeriber4.ti(rf fa. palii i loti4fiukAlaekl
toirteteniSiedr .4 of age. 4 3 iireotiy'ecind an dii
true. Enquire of W. A. STONE Erq.
Wellslioro, Feb. 15-tf.
trivi FR..-„-if.).4nleg,-ir.,3 we - f - r-itTeil, i - , :t . ',3 - ,' - e,:i ','„;,
the site formerly occupied by the bank, an
3,54.4 AP ItglogqoS-11115lit; feddi pie, it.:grdat tra4
zloty of gro,ceries t k ali , Aofhich ,{ktp,), perfectly
fresh. They tiled fhil occasfon to thank their
customers for" their patronage i the peek and
freiiiii4tfdtlYstrliMf i ofi4 dui; tti l
itfa. + t ' 3 ' .) c ' ll ' ; ',
-laWilqvit oftullkiiiitietiliiitt, iiiiioni lilauittigt
'themselves to have urti6ttrlati hiriaittitiroh at
bosh?, tepstltp r pAyment, at, early as posesble, to
ea hltdatiternrtigAs made borer* the fire.
AA' s k id gff it ß i tsc%
Tics*, Much 1,101 1 0 * ('-' t _
r}i`f b
fx : p
•d for
, (T* 4s '
Attdiehoiletheihubisit)htlihileillit;'' . [
~ H
mo the do j eter;. - 4 1 0 '
- Atiall'ellitiaille tarry, yo.i6fillltgreei' :•-• -Lys
gaikleletsrAfrtanitothat4o 4o " !b r 18 I
10 ,14
.die ardre,.'xioideteltr4oni t t
' The iettlai,*:4giql44ga4 ',
'lne*Pl44t-Wii4l44akeWtii,.: fy)
If it 44V.'slAttpatualy,foolfilk ilay.r, ! t'll Q
, i ',
_,,111,11.7.v.,-,),/ ,, a- , ,,,)-0, - ,11,4.,.-,f, .;., q." 1 . -1: i -1. ~ IL A ,
'`'4lY,fint!PF.lnillsllifer;thiplrett the iloehtt.'ii I ' 1
; , .4Nliether,llidiatk, sun:utter tilltcriihelhle' ear;
43rit , hi rtitaithli4rthi4elttoeoeii 04, 4 e ',AI•, ,
..Ai?fil 14441A3if;Ve ' "ii114 tkrou g i, :a. • gl 88 : Cif,
• : ,
,i4,0r., , ~ „ ,; ~i , ••••,,,,:-;i1u ; , !-,.... • ; - 1 !
t;• '. , y
- , , • , , ".l " .;.'''' t ''''''
~ • , .. . I. . , $ '
; - 4 if' EL MTWA 6 1 , ,T OR 18 , / 01 1. -
1, ' c. o. 4 ,it•-:ari ti.4/01#6,61„, 4nttaiten fieri,
the Legislature met' and ,proceeded. to
iutilifeke'liith - 4tialiaiid r-3 eiler&linitas,
a _ c9 ; r ll9 u e l lcf,Mqd E'lnFeeP kiiinAdFt
Tile . !".10clit eptionif bill haspaided ;iii ,
Reuse" pck t pTivlxectato the Be a( -
whereritiiiliquidnihli! meet Wit " - ii' '
utithnely,-,eruipas , thatihodylltf-notii Hy
prepared furthelfpftqfpillf 'p,rptgiff.; 4 -°
T hi q*,4* lo ,i i i.4o.oi, o 2l ll . 4'044 ,4e Ali
gii3,4o,krAtigtlea lie th'e Legielattlare
Its numerops-tia . :thelilageep', l o,r4 pt,
and it wili he'ioery StsPo', y;415.ti:41,0pe
14, 11 i, 04',.:Iii,,,tifit::;:ect.t.teta*.0;,t6 - (he i ii*
ijority. Thie -is illre Lbill , ? ( . :if aii::y; , that
=Will Create a deal 16claietlkeitiTthe i ,tWn
'n iiiirif'cintee, - liimed;.the bahinee
of ,the eaten -Tirotaisee. le nbcl=-: ft oit
la h arp and Li.: dedisi ie!" ' VII e`oeinete,` )
; Knil . e,ee emtdpal change l from the Mast
appoitiOnmeat f and such an one - salt&
House witilieverl'igkee to; and u 1 cell'
M9E914'01 44 q.P11)..97144.0e4 iltrogh;
A i cep Di ifteelot vadat:sheep the chancea!
AVe:Vdr e.1*4.0.6114A.4441:re*1tt0
briglitifigfiletiltii - .•
i , - - • •- -
~,,„. .., _ _ • ..3 #I.ILIJ , LI .1 '• - , ''' -i .' ^EA
- lir. Strapg Allpirlifejiatihit -s t,h i p
Iliiiiiee i blifsf*iteh i lylll4l ‘f intr,odticesl
during On preSint,we.ek,..a.in_d_ .t .11 i f) n
comes the. Mg 4 stk i lTar. The " Pity, Creek bifi'''`will soon be before the Leg'
laleture; wlth a ittelbciiAtt.oo 4 it its
~.00 ,, 16 i and bencnnimg x.,lew,-.; an if!
. most devoutiy-to-be-desireA.
1 46 i.griiiii; idtire ealitil'iciiii) va ey
' , laxe , ha.ving.tome).egpilkitigriliziafitrit tY:
L#11* . :1:( , ) , % , lut ge
,104 1 1 ' . .0.4't ~ tiM4..c.ii*.yl,lle,r.nua -
4114:,-,yiliti:-.4v..13 ttled:7detertninatiOn.
'construet Iti,or) l tolg#4o;o.titillatii,, ,;,-ti
this being a, frpe' teiultry, 'they are
liberty to timil4,their own selection. .
The act! as ii' la,si iii_frikeir,eliliirglikg
1 2
thelimils_ot.Wellslioro r iEi.-ropieseti ed;
this sessipt(VVinglorbAsly signed e-.
, tition fellik r,frat m ikko . ,: i peettle: ito n
' ; 666 t44149.0ntihip praying 40 bi- e t
- fagolOn to - their country iyettidie;;)l4l 'iir
heat and dust,_ liiitle;*titel-lj t ikih 11
and, twee :Cif:ii'l&rge Mon4oly 1 i e
'-Welleti - orO, IS not col:TenloE to,their4 r' 7 :,
inei:'4iiet-Pliimidie,‘,llfe - ;',x0101h if
5,00 . -,44 ` 1iA4: - .4 l :9li. 74 ethiiiiiielviriieii- ,
Axed loVe,lvuold'itPottowell , to' - grapt
them a `divoree? ' 1 - 45itily'afik - fq ipfor l
, l t . i __ L ,,,'., r ,
. 4i. Wore y Passage at'arme occurred 1 n.
. i.. , . . j , ' .
the : fienatelesteidaY, between Benet ,re ,
mittite'.4l4.4!y:4lloe, upon the apper.:!,
tionmenfblit ; Mr: White charging the
FitentoiSrati 6 leaders Nyit4 i t gerrppftn delr-._
in g the distilete en'`lteen,re la De*-
. : 0 majority iit-the-west-1 4 .egyllit]
VllMMltgrOwitfifliViilliitig2iiiiiiliiit la,
a most yintlicjiye r pecsoppl r af§anit updn
thei344l,l4l4lreliftVianiq it(t 'su e far
it toilik;‘ i -tfittfliisiovi' and' personal e 7 i
#6,4otifoMeii,o44:l 3fi
fSPleiiii4,o l 'nanes nor _the betteradeiiit f
Democrats..: AbOsisf !Fa lot ; ~ t iebiiie- i i r
arguMentf and l lip:iii,Ve:',e r s,4r, i te; , t4t ','
iv 1 I I.,,ecton et. oyliii t er ' I feel Its. terrible r
.citlkopowhier-;awn ., head. ••Tida' itz - Vt e
first instance of the kliiii list
,i'l_ bale
_ __ ._
obseitied i - p - the: ,l ,4ev, , ,loers that I:
haim betiii here,' a nd , :for
„the ,orecilt, t i ,)f.:
! thiii'ipiltriiil9:4*4lol - 13.:f47, ienever iSAelr.
. egitiii: . ‘,.- , •.tr..h, { ', ;•: , .12!•-:
_:f 's: ; .
-, •;. GeneratHarrison' 411thic - ilif : _,War - trn_.
_ 64 _,i'P,,0 f .,_)4 13 * 144 0: - , B P - Kkqtf 4 .l..#Piiwei4 o- :
-; fii?. , L4P: , P l 394.ti ...Pr9f,taixteitt ,, leandidate - fck
Auditor Generiii•Lat?thri -I _ , Preeept ' - tit#4,..
:atidfl4-ii''lgefitteo4)f ii iyWir`,4444l l fr
i I:l9.cforal:PA., Outiwa 91' ifiie pike pland c
`l itiacilis pretensio'ns, Cary , fihto IV ;a`'-gi!ito 1
'military recoyd , ,lad, .tipri;O:ll 0 . 0,04 ) ~
iiiefelit..t'ii?ikoii*Q:awile,ei , ~ ~,, ,-, i
11(ri' , $tijittielV:$inedIey; iitniilci'clia-',
pliit i ) :l4,lti`e 'iuicit'diite„kri,snrveyor Gent.
_iiialliiiin the southerp part of- the§tatel o
belbg:kiitit(tio l . l l 4 . l .lo)fYiirisifitilei_olt 1
and also of the public pfgkent the city
and will be urgair.b'y'.,-the ,entire Philai.l
R E P{
- `u:,
~'. r
gr .....-;:..._:._ ;,-- i ,L . - i ,„.1Mi11',,W1',. i . f,4 VX-1:,....1
. !'"A" . 1 1 ' ' sl lTit.ifiti!P 4 l4.iiililbliPtir,:i e
418ANPIIIPX104 , yonArtoinfiplaidffite itii•l
Potatoes aratapties befitt4is46llt uu ,140 ' 4 "' ft : 1 : 4 - 1
Th4 l 6*-1610Y1i4ifelt*iekati.14{0."' 1 ', 1 :‘
; - ,lval
ahnitowsletay lab; on the eabbitgeiiiii;''''' • '
.1.,..i ,1,0; •_:-A .
4nd,, , tbe red, I . 94)iletffilliuuterilae groun , 1 ,,i,
itita lelres' wanderings grow aere,brk t f i v
And fewsPloatets synriaatinlif atonlid4o l i ' ;.= '
,A•ikiut au11 , ,, it, :: ~ I tt 5
The ntiftdriziriainthettputin6fate, i .••±,-,., /
Thece'enslitedeit# ''''-ffinlitli4forliffili
And:boilio)riltiiratilott 'ik t aii4444'iire \
, ivityatt,o,h? p,olighg9,,tihnAttneoltra44
.1 4 110 lilt iit tiiil'eattle-sbari is Meek;, 1 •:, , f'
_, , The,utonsterisqrialdvifikbtfiiithiliti fed.`,
EverythitiglabrOwn itis t eon‘i Wiiiygitien l '`
, Exeept 4 tdtilatoes,' - inlitigi: i nie re44' ' =
• . La:-ii: --,. ••7“; ••• ;,- •` , • ; , 5 ,:'1;
ll'he diorfst - iiityieWhatite l .l,oripai- -' I' '
iii . _,,,„- ~“ • :, ........,,t , ..., —i., i • f
ii..( 1 1 IT,'"-1. 1 AV PC , 4914, itutiatifis theinir; _ r „.•,
-.0,41 beam Joilumber t ter Worth° flies' ' l' lif. ' .
:.Aie lestraireothinitte;luidintlin'i*" f,
.rwlity,• , ; :: e -;,,,,,,
- - - "
,delpli,Nlifelegiition a lid surroundin/
`CiAiritles. The great object should be t
nominate ruslicif politicaLnotoi
riet,Y A *ho:4lllekirr3i,agtti
of , thtiqiiirtYilti.vve 1- 4 qei
feat thlil fall; oU UebOUiski:o'f!it *tic: l ol
atizirik i)frok ?reel
identlaf elecition of 1872:
• r 4
No careful obseriler *tit i;iitlh
there is a gdoti working Republican
4iittiCritiliti€oState, and !key .ehel4ct
see to it tha =tse piate' toriieds
oveito ihdie - iiihiiiitiereies‘or.thii De
mocrady - mita( there!icivi• works meet
lor4i4speritstibef- al
tr cro
_Wfriaq#ClA-CIS4PPOY CP)I #143.
EeOlVikVl44 l lBhee&6l);it i Obvp,Pfits
w4yo„Waslituton,, xilitit..! with-the
42d dol?ger; and
a racre,sirpdgi-#44Nny4; : "Rkit:4t-is
.. 1 1iD wheilniews teit
wind. ther,hafhtences *platting 44 , 01
hiiii W.WOhiitiktPoo,o4lt4Xolol/0'
o.' l ,... 4 i 4 :) l l l AgPe4MAPA:oo4ll3 l :: 4 4:. l .Larteits
nawa tiorl; 31 - . 10 _ln
,at phkee , ,hae
good rafting freshet for the
lasts - ton :dasra i i anrt } atpi - edtttia'd 's
°Li4vl {it too the
xr4f*:: ll'l l4 PX4Tallett.,eineeLthe,
tio s t, 66m : wilt ir , thi3greatidetothisf-tiftit
Mitt toxi*Otif i tikiiiNipoilittli''',ll:A
vib Let 5p,114.
The meet warbling of the sparrows
is - ivitwroodoth 1 , t' , i)
opal. a,.4•1,04.,04145tr
I,l4rrkftliiip4ll . ol l 4 ll, it
,C r 4l -1 1*90)144 6 1.4 , YVOOI
larit e bream iiariluttrAhlkhOmitig of
i ~ b IWI
1 61 Ir e TIP - AIOSAIT4 I O,4 Z*l pgt!"
4 iii
Pl' . c e .t.,,, , .. 5 PP)Pqr.-Mkrigli.ff t e/Opme,
Ulm; ype o nnocence iumidettillthoed.
I w hail h
ltnt - tt!Sp Kirlifl'4oll.ll6lg Pi be, t t.
`days, tar.i'rlf‘Pt?)! PPM) Wit 4 . 949t41 40 1 1 1
ift e eet b ft l iq•Al9Nstl9tilie• I llit
V ATlnusrt - 11119/Agtimminer
i 93s,,wil,i 91 1 477 1 41r,f,Atel 61,1:
ver sred old nin)44tfglikg),CHl Ali 4
ITT i 1 1 1 1. 1. 41g0 1 1 7 ,14 fleTiiiih l 49A i Itattf 3 r bf
`talit,, i tilll , .)it.,q 3 ,P,Koßt'Ao. tfaticl, off,lartt
PR 9 ,41A0111P li 4 ,olickralw.JP,44, l hllo ,
fi r1 99..' , . - TeikollClg,,R,l o o94oAtioAtimrte
4a ~, uP l ol l )l4,94lo 4 AstAMtingo)ol3 l it
~F , ` "(Pi, i t t4o#ATl;gQ4 , Pfl LOA WoridlY 1
Littgli . " a Perif.f' 4 'A ' 3 "ssn :wh9 toads
4 - .,4•1; --, 41 3 4,11110F,t I ~•,; )„ If , , 4;',Xr 7. ,
.31 +.(l li 3iiiis t(la :31, 7 0. , I. l' i t , titti , , ,
11) 0 It .f , .1.4, ~. .fl, s MIL .- Va? : - ,E 3 i?, - ,
i t
warm akin diatteiti.i.n wiall' ,OS ,
1 u „
few,Words to the young tnen, of wielis
'bore 'EticlNOLlWiiiiiitii Of t he : Minty, bni
rtile=V" i l t il h d iikiiiietitti‘Shef ',kid 'reiluta
*WWl eiy fiN
iViiat `liiiiiii4 l iiik i , 4n ' ii'
greatineasure;knan'i life. 1 Ikk tiroher',
who( as hadsoitiethitiir'to do hint alli=
ririaYlii , 4MOQ Middx. nie.that lie never
liktokil itekilifUnaltY , lit Acc*pingt dye
,tamp ,400,1,Kapit,aud ;making sub ttinv
1,413 , 4,9t i glem i g . he geoid, if:Mkit get
-o.oi, Po miulisPAPPll RIParlY, ; the 'trne •
ell fIPgAvY , ..,. lillie,of , coarse ; le the.
IP,A iL . I d . 4 PP„*.
.41 i,i. I, l n 4l( lWir ./itlq,ic bite
t ' aYivt• °R ; 7.9,4 1 Is inifPfMclicka, vial -
Aeitide',l, and colerrngs tpat i tus)FS OR
iiitiutkion ,`,llerid'iilkittey; is lvtiat - brp v :igs
the& 'Ott' illoiilikohfrietitly ‘,lO i , f te .--
- The 'nye 'of thtl'Plitiiiglii,' giien' to the
stiffer cti, TriVelVd; riniy4iirm' and 'tad
den t e hthirt for ' heirietnent, Id ay
beds- cceptablei6c6ffetingin't "e's:leht
sit, venyhtit mow* only lean , britik
the su stautial ecanfortginflife.t ' , Rep&
talon it is true may exist 'without )nci. ,
, P9.l', ari4. l oneney May! be poseessed with
-94 ,rlß)ltationt, but neither, can,, very
welfbe acquired without a duel- ApPre--.
Clikininf the val 49 or prpe- 1, 1 11 :idl ' E:'
hey ` s,aidoin");econies a rich
~ma ti ,I nor
4 0 3 the 'vielPoS Noylifien beep i cueel re
ilPectqineinber of /3001130; Wi4I3I:IO6WEI
tb Manhood. There are, it is ' true.,l ex...
cePtionsto altinist 'all general 'rules.--
No y ring 'man; however, whi'Pe'om
nien tiby improving , his morkientil to
e i
Some Bela purpose; often fails te'. se
-quire,} eputationik and that kind Ail in-ii
dus wiliC4; if rightly directed, br age
rfic.x9g 1 - 40421 also r9l;atatiOnti , if:
,lilt CT v4rY welk IA le o ( onmwiti§o4 l ,47,
oilj ,i , ? .'this i psT tfrfollY 4 . q4 1,12 0 'ow
i n l i l 6l 4 r t - 11 ' re PP.lori 1, 1 4 f t I i 4 PR) "s
`Of th i s friiii(flepents ußo j n the ~...igliii. El (
glidlMllt okihl's tiine , ii:r i iii)o , IR :mos , -
tioi3d. 1 Wu' iiii , ` - ‘3 ; nli -} rea(r;
,pirha I g
hundred times, that Old sayiny, l at
lisedl it+ 'bil,' a isbiriditiii e'ciHr in those Id
mg's Whenifthe'schocildicisfW 's lila 'the
etiples"--ligust ds thelk , Olk "is 'bent the
tree's 1 inclined. ll 9 Now that sayiiiis
old and hackneyed, H but it iS‘not et
l iWorn ut.. IticL true still, that jus wit
~i Iv nLs ice_isk-hetrit th A tree. isAnolin t
JP* A Mitlis boy's_ bOlit , la, early , illfe,
,eg , ikt, 0 nmiofs habits pf theught and
dation in after life. If, yon, l are;iple
! when' ioung, You will be very aptlo be
idle, andthriftless, 'and poor, , when
.0r9v94 - fo.,loaltilinod. , It ,i , ,qp', indulge in
falsesik; 3 !ottn.Youtb, ‘you.t.wili , probably
be im liable when groctn le be fieihi. l
It in yi)iitli Yea. Ake - dielionorab4e,Vph
L vim find, when, you , are acting for your
113elf oli the . worldisstsge,yotirWord W i lli,
not al , ivays be taken, eteept ivlth any
alio*, , iio,es for ydth P,soilli,4r'c4alloqr..,.
/ 1 " 3/0 *re_ dishtinest whf; ll , YOuag, .Nifou
will barmy be otherwise in after •lifek---:
If yo eokitraot, W 11110 1 4 :04, all fiod=
tile for intoxicating' liquors, you iii
very, . l ithOY Jo an kotcliiperate man ; §r,
It - tereerate, your vvhelb life will p l o,b-
ably tie ti . continual 13iugife and war
fire .agai4st that terrible longing for
etrougdrink. , 1 , , r r
, lioyoungman who contracts an ap
pfstlte,t intcoricating liquors, cari,*ell
fail to `spend e great deal of, time, n
149110 places where they are eel& 4.• It s ,
doubtless.truethat intoxicating Aim e
dofor the th'de being infuse intp ;the
and strength ; 'bill
/I°Te energy . -
forAi r.l l (i-W-.aiettentent there is a cor
respo dingdepressibu;, and If this 'al-,
items oti ie . e ont,thol, the'SYsieni i r4ns
downi and the man becomes, itilhe
end, I stless and incapable of exertion,
unles spurred up by-his intoxicating
t ire. I • ' , ,
' 'Letlus lOc:k,foi , a
mconent at , the idle
time, , ,You,,,wbo have got into the habit
of lounginiVabout groceries, billiard se
loons,l.restauranti and' taverns . ; "sire' ll
In those Waces.; and it. yen are *tier F
you itust I necessarily' spend money). 1 ,
Note Ey, Hole 'apd money aro' 8 9.4 11- i
dered but reputation also. Contrast
thearepulation of such a person With
the reputatitin of that young =miltliq#kl
is icieYer seen toongiPg In saciA piftc*ll, ,
ilOverlindulgea in intoxicating liquors,
never[ 'spends • his money'; uselessly:—
'Willett repulationWould you Chose fcr
yourOlt ?, :
Just,think for moment of the pr4b
able!aimelmt of money you htive slient
darini 'the iast lear.,,lor kutoT.i,eatili
drints aril - Ili:wit concomitants, in add
'than to the thile lost?. , Ton will% p 7
_ei,.0 32 *0.1:0 07n 1 h i1"; ,‘13 P1 e 4 .4 ' S O‘i:,,4i
careicii. The real. amount .w0u1a , 4111 4 :
prise YOU. `Think also - !of the amount
of tint
~y btf. : ficive squandered. Yo 6
will b 'very apt to place that estimate
too IoW ; and 'would be equally surprised
at Ate eel' aufount.' ' liow , put' together
~bothl ` the
_ - ` lo .#'ln'es 7 .'sliPat . and diet tilde,
10Eit,ra n,how _much is its Ten to one'
ago ' tnan YiP e° / 5 / 6 ' l 9 l°l ! ni , 3 ; 3 '°u;lfi'
13 ;90* :.krilito: l43 i,bk-1.4*, 1 4 . 1 0 a§ 4 _4 you
mail ifiettang Imo very bad habits, Yo
ruiner tin' rePri ta Mil: 'Well ,'; piltitegethj
et th..'ttl"A l tiii§,f thft' !c?s__• : -0f.i0.P 1 4 ,
siikd,uks Ole Of, reputation, and, tell A
how z -Much ; yea lhaydlos dining' • tul
:ptiet ear.`:" !the" amount' will,
, ntartlq
you , , ,it ycsil gre inclined to look upon it
seriously. , ; .“ I' .t '',' ; ,I ~ , i .
But, this4s-not all-itramouuts to. You!
have prebriblY a itiothet,‘;l
..perbi L lis,astios„ IWhilt dto they lose VI
i .it l' =lll64;ftniell de MTh', sn' ffer `on '`or,,r ,
; s . Y ,
8 :e0, 61 '4 g,, c i f44,3 4 Rl4 ,ll ekOik.le up in -t
Mires? t , , Nor is this ell, 3 Locik ate ~ ,4 -1
1 'Next'yOar *llCit l yie any better? If
1 betten`;fheii Wiars".9; l for these, thing ` ,d ot
not, remain stationary. ' And next, udi
-next, 'tttifzilexv - iindsWhat -then li.
kIi.PNV You, .4o u? t olooiato,thie w tz 4 -i
,tt.'f. a -least,r am , 110 tltoibe 'ruined I • how-,
ofei , it May , he'l*lth i #herel ~,,,. Tinhi fp
WhkiAi Nfig - ttioti do pot efiy,/t. i 1 ,
• a ;it'd , * lAI4 tabtta=. to atoi,ll:ls#;
,rat s` „, ,
j u ,,. Bt 1 , 114? 2 ,F 1 1 40 !01.1019'. rat
"'h re is another mattorllsoix`tosog-,
gest to you. It is this : Xe the liquor
: Y 1 I .
, i
- ` f •
it Nol ~/? .414 tra
„ ,
lip:.`il OM ~ ii f.. 9., . 4, ,f
I I VA I i e SaC I RY: 4 49,TP . 4 4/ . # 4 44 -4 4:4 /X ° 4.1044 1 tki I
Mi I qri ft if IP P CI WCIAI I4 ?X I M I TV ' :
... Yo
, ace
gini tir i f tle k 4 3 9114eA int? prftnst'l the
qiillei l dt filitOtiee'itatiA c j °Xi, lila
Vouriiii'iseatioililliation`,'" '46441 t o
ltigaitioik WdlitiVify 44(44114i tI t'Orppe 7
ritali ftibili a lifibli lihildt'iiiel f lei . 'really
-Yntir Itibuti V `F Hinsi•litiliniY li hid ci ,re
gard foryon;cateePt•a&farns , yo" aye
.inoney)tcepay tintufor•his=thisk .4) oth
er intoxicating drinks? Why - zeal ugly
1 .1103nd hum, assorned , when his wi nie
I butlnestt is-to get fro . '" :y0 yoUrrnciney r
' ):,.° / ifi tll AC9 , !!Pkilo4i; ) tilA.O, ii4d) bu
.aq.immenBe.amount of .evill• - . ~1 I
> >Let we suggest to you a greater' Plea- .
!O ut ,, e i l6 `Y : ''dmiof 3 l:k l36 o4 36 .RsAii ' l froui,
rnolAity„ tbattite pay itnut to;: those! lee
ches,s whe are not only drawing:oot of
O `PoclAets,yotir. lAcqieY; , I ?4C,F4t - Of
,yonr hparta w very besti affections of
ii i
the soul.. You have a _mother Or'il 'tors,
or per apa bt•th,..,.., Insteo of -14:00 out
jfkifti I ° B o\ Pijah, Air in Wit:citing • s li nor
land f i ' appendages, , suppose , the ten,
tIvIll!' ;4p ,, ,c,!?.l3PiiePgoi the: 6 ,4 6, ii l ,4:'
' , d,ctili' '4' 4 44 4;X:er petite a day that y ou hus
'spend, were laid 41.44'1 . 1301110 nette res-
en tfm you r itiOthek t 6i Ycint lnv,in ilii-i
, ter.' - - HOW '\
each ,1 6. , ,Vrobeekiing uld
(Nicked in yetir sonl. all - th'S' inn .'re z .
fined and phrelipritielples' 'that'll he
tOthencourse are' keptdown l atid ill ally
*3lnothersd 1,1, ,Think 'of the Joy ~ our
lnother would , feel , Whenjou'i refit lied
to„ your bottle /and , handed ' her ; 01110
,prpsept, ol;ssrae article ueceeearyl4 her
,comfort, a ii told her. you had- bought
that, for the money . , .you had. fornierly
laid out. tot hlluor or cigars. '„How '7na
ny,loNicig ;Presents you ;night hinalie to
your'sistcys ti - .? - d, hrothers, with the !mo
ney you ,nyv. , ,spendsofool i iehly !
Of the jo c yc i and
, shushine it would hring
'to 'that 'he, now sOmetlinee sol sad
an dark' ttota the an'xiek its ,
'feel l for an erring eon. 3(l ''' ,
- "ikrlis , need life "be made - ecrielirns so
, siad; When it 'might be so hap& ! I
f ; • ' ReSpeetfill&Y'yonis. _ .
' •Itlarch 16, 1871. J. I .
Wendell Phillips Still Lives.
He lectu,redto,a, very large Andiguce
in Steinway ,Ilall on the evening of
March 7th, and we .give a few, ob his
points: ' Theyi'are'sbarp enOugh--tind,
more 'pity, true as 1311111:1/ :
, In every great City on this great Con
tinent, 'the Mayor' and Aldermen are'
;nothing but a standincomittee ino
:urinated by it grogshops; and havemot
ibeetianythin .else' foruinany yettris. z -
And : thus it, f ilowathatdhere has inot,
been agreat city,on this corit4hentgov 7
. °Fried, for 20,pctiseoutive yearsdecent,ly,
so .far As theiprotection.,of ; life,; free
r etei3ch t and pr perty is concerned.; i So
-far asthi's theory of ours of ,self goviirn-,
inent;''ofiniveraiAuffrage; has vat:l-
pled hithg, a 'ertb ' ith the. Probleproblemof gov
"erning' teat iCut,' it hi a failure. . " I .
But the. Absorbing qiieStion Of be
next , generation willhe the labor il es
Hon, , In Europe • its aspect is politic I;
h ko• Ws have Fiesn • hay a
million of workingmen in Prussialhing
against half, a million of worithignten
in France. They did not hata each
other ; their ignorance" of each other
was made use !of to create unfriendli
ness: While the 'Frenchman had Wilt
Out of his iniaglhation p, denim.and
'illed it'a Gellman,, the :German had
hunt', out of 'hleiimaginatiou a monster
And called it a 1 .t7renchimati '; and ,both '
'Were 'mistakes', 'We see two forces '
thretvri together in Enrol)°, to, acoorn- -
plish this cellapse of divilizatidp,
Whieh,we , cal the German war, • and lit
Is thegreayst 'danger of the 19,th, Om
tory'. Men 43i It will take $1,0b0,00
to'restor° thetheauty of Pails, lint that
is hardlya Consideration. worth - men- . -
• tibilleg beside - the graver *aspects lot' the
question, Itlh as devoted l the Pruasians
to ti system of preparation for a stailitir
war that will . monopolize all the ener
gies of the State in that direction.-,
They take three adult years Cut of eve
ry man's life', merely to , mike hlin!ii
soldier., Fifteen tnillionsof I::enple'lialte
given three Years. • Fortyitire"tnilliMis'
ef wasted years, wherein IC man . 4ifis
neither ,plated nor -soWn; 4 to leave A
mortgage ou his billows. '
, ,
. This question is social here. • . Here it
is • the protest of labor against wealth -k
labor againr capital. lam , not • going
to enter in ny breadth upon. the eom-,
'Otani 'Of labor against capital, althO'
I agree With it. It . \ is a amnia that I
believe ~,otni. children will listen to And
wo'nder that their fathers ever doubted
it for a n+inent. Your, great grand
children w II sit _ in these seats and Il
'ten to 130 M orator telling the story of 0 •
Vanderbilt with as much wood 'as it
modern au ienceihears Agassiz d scribe
the habits ,f, a mastodon, ores w won' 7
der,now th ewe ever thought i right
e i
to keep af ]low creature is ho" doge;
,and so 70 years hence your desce dente
will listen .o the story of a Van erbilt
. ,
,or an Astor with incredulity., I do not
say, that ikese men are wrong; they are
' 'but hie greiwth of a'false social system',
Ti4; 4 Vol.iiiiiLTß6REn
V 0 camot afford to have a, laboring
,class .in th is country narrow minded
, can . tutfOrd;jti
i l
'have tiudii a class ; it den't,inatter. Bile
_looks dOw in. Lancashire rotting in Up
ignorance and does not care', , : ,11 *ixx,a,
)108 intelli ence enough', to ',W f. el d A
spade, or * attend a spindle, that is all
that is wanted. We want him to Wield
the ballot ' When the, Earl of SliatUa-i,
'.bury look . doWn into a cradle, he k nows
that the , iixild will neiver lifta hand,
against " i is 'fortunAlir; title, and if ka
does anyt 'lug, he . does if, for the simple,,
But wlyn i. .yot t lr.,Wall flOeet l
n intd'a cradle, it„:kilOwfkihat.
linnd *Jilin due tißie' wield:
try ' not: iarO.;" • -
ime come NV hetc)iott have , gOti
capitalists erqding apart per-1
t l - . 4 Cla ss ' of - lab'or eiMydin?l,
the thid''Or
nd - tbere la' a thif)ltilii`st
od over 700 'years* Alifclititiged.
labor clans; 4t-has toiled .00
'Melte d 6,
the - hallo
your cod
If .the
It Ivaa - at,
.hanged. 2%Tow' thabi , aiki);
ei a tbatVinakes hitr civil.
. Tt!era.4a •a , , thatiow . orth
of ipoun4; l `; AttaniV li:riddance
fattier was; btrodkpro c i?abgity
114' 1 1 . beti ie Wiped in
k worth . millien of. dbltarg
co 'thfit , ' hid Tityler 'Was OW
ity 'that; ibis soli , =will be:
fr y Out tn ad& 'OI,P
ligSx oath
ini t h e ipi ko ktih c ibt s w.: , l, , ,)o l'„t1
rapers print, with epithets of
ry:aars , nu
-the k.thas
that his
liftit: his
, tio , avid
- ,pratiatit
, •fathstir
1 disks:Ll.
w Mille
I Your
0 "1
I I I :
_. aiLLI. y.. 4 - i d ' '
iiidleffit4o, 0 - 54',4 6 , _roglawc,.. 4 ,k1q , ,
probation, e positioAnr the min of,
Penusyliiiinia • ` th rect *WA* ,of ell
're' r 'sml — ' iinsithasit l itiiatt` at-fitist, -wou , rte
°nowt'', toirigisrk the ,reatnf la ,r ;,..p!..
and I pay to-day, thanit, God,- theft:4A , -;
hers ef‘renritiAvii,4l4,44, o noistti.E
-': : ; X Giod,:that tabor s "rOtn tat. /4°XO
'to '-i' • ' tkiidi "haa'nigaiiitini for rifelati.
anc:, l l It 'ls
only the - twilight faud
strug i I
an: of a better'. fliture.? l , .
The itißoy Reiller,'B MVertiseme t., . .
"' 1 , --- , , i "
d rheifollowfukblib - Ws th e resnitei sel
ling ai eht sidrits'as a beverage.' Thosfi•
who'd lin the artiele, if honest *ith
'theme Iveti, twist admit itatrntli.--Win.'
A m Fisionary"Oftlid" Ainerican ati7
i f
day Sohool, Minion,•,whe has Peelitfori
several "
ears Shirting schoola in smith::
errijndlana, once stopped at the h i 'ouse,
of a inah.who,wns.about to start, 1 4 .)!
quor sh I.i, •After diaper, Woe heft 1 07,
dressed him ‘, as. fnlit:irs :-:!'!Afr.i. ycli,
Seem 'li ,e, fi, migity,,pieyei kind !aka
'gentlein n; kindj ain't 110 801111W,1 aftfl
I'd like" o git '*.iti4:,) x) . `a little plebe of
wri ti ii' for the 4 Certainly','" he rep)led;
!VI °an.' - Whitt do' You 'Wish Le! lia*e;
written/I , ." WhY," said lie- ' 4 Vi . xi Oil . *"
kid of startintt grecery, and I'd i liktp.
dolt right ; -My Pap - used "to:say ifi You
ant to'do anything, right Yon Mink he- .
in right I I --and+would pat like tn git ,
ou to giterilal unties for me, and Put it
n the rION spapere: I'll pay 'the :prin
tir,and all ''• Re wrote tharictice.i liTer
ve, it an the result b - elow : . -• 1
', -1,1 Reif e. --Friends rand - neighbor's,'
you are hereby notified that j expectin
a few weeks , to commence the business
of:making drunkards, paupers and beg
gaits. I will, furnish', you , with, linnet*
that will thfcite you to 'riot, robberyland
bloodshed, l'l will for,a small sun 'un
dertake, upon short notice and with the
greatest ekpeditionYto prepare the for`
We poor house; the prison " and the. gat
I =
lowa. wilt warrant' that my liqnbiyi
will deprive some of life r tree=
many of .-
son,property and: peace'. I will cause '
the rising generation to' grow;'up 'in
ignorance, and prove a nuisance-tel the
nation., If any one should ask *hat
inducement I have to try to bring such
Misery upon my neighborS, my holiest
repl3 is "greenbacks." All can see
that this is, a profitable business.' Spine
temperancemen, and even some pro
fessing Ch r tiaras, give It their counts.
Hance, and esideS I live in a land of
liberty, an intend to get license to
shorten me 's li Vele and ruin thelreduls.
So, come on ; ceineall ;:'I ' pled4 M
e y
self to do al I half° herein lirornided . ;
and farther, f or i the annoyance of good Christian. p, pin, twill agree to' keep'
,ciloell on f 3 Ru11a3 7 .” < ~
. I .
; When •J imet him. again; he ;said;
'jr., I'iutbo worst i whipped feller iziver
vou seed, , Tliikt 'id ver tisetri en t you put
, ii, the papers
,about my grocery,- pat
)pened my eyes.. I toil pail
,wbat'ti a'
i l
Pact, I never though how much , r harin
t might:do"; and I' 'phimb ashaMed
)f it, and' fist' "Made up my, 41nd "I'd
rather work for a qu rter a day fhad to
go into it." I , teld him I believed ihe
NOS an htmest ,maul and,aeedelf ohly
to see the awful :esibseqiinees of the
business to.,eause him- to change his
mind.. He replied, " I'm •mighty glad
you writ jist as you did," and repeated,
" I'd rather work, fox "a quarter a "day."
I' 1 1
_ Capes ,
1 i • -;
a lltike. , - ::, •
Autl all the more palatable beoause
It is truc, and can be vouched for, took
place a few Sundays since - at one'of the
prominent New Jersey ohurcbesc.' ift
seems that a worthy dieacon . had been'
very industrious in selling a• new church
book, • costing seventy-five cents.:At
tI.W services in question, the minister,
just before'disinissing the congregatiol3,'
rose slid said : "All those who hayl.
eicildren 'to baptiso will please preseiit
them next Sabbath." ' The deacoii;
who, by the way, 'wile a 'little deaf,
having an eye to selling the books, mid
supposing - his pastor was referring` to
them,. inuneittately lumped up'arid
shouted. , "And all you who- - haventi,
any, can get as many as you want
calling on mei at, seventy-five cents
each." , ~•
The preacher looked cross-eyed at the
brothers,,and the brothers looked at the
Clergyman ; the audience ptictobedJlie
audience in tile aide, the bubble grew
larger until it (karat into a louctzutfaiv,;
'ladiei - colOred up, crimsoned, - blushed,,
and thanked the Lord for'th low
of peopling the , earth. ' The e — was nb
benediction that morning - Worth speak
ing of.
• The, deacon; after he had fohnd out
his mistake, changed his pew from the,
frOut of the church to 'the third froni
the,rear;, and though he cannot hear
t! ) , 3 tiqrp,on, be, is consoled with the
thought that the young ladies
snielter at Win.
Fort. Wayne has a mau named Mart
tin, who, has jtist r been diverged from
his seventh wife, ant has tuarried,the
eighth. He says he,is just going to try
five limeti 4101'0, and then 'Hie don't
get one that suits , -him, he will liVe
bachelor the reel. ohis days., .He 1800
'Articular. eis S , id' other men have married , old• wives, , and find them!
pretty good, considering.: • ~
Mrs: tnbeillbg, Mi.:,
nois,!retitilfes no sflecial JAI
-tier tiehalf.","A feiv evenings siiiee sbe
follbw - eiV her'litishend 16,a Viliage sa-;
With - ho him!
engaged, with ,peveral others ; in , play
ing,earde, sheertiashed the table withi
,her ag, scattered the cards, piled
astonished T pleyers, and parried - off berl
legal "protector.".-•
The following rules 'tot' the govern-1
rhea t eh ihkre.n,.'Whiah' were first prgie.l
. .4,0 6 (00, :Mr. • Jacob -AhhOtt'al
bohae, have • been -_of::great• serti4:to
rOariy§}i6Ce4stiil . leaciiirif : "Wltion you:
ICCaecti t cordially.. When -you
refuse, refuse
klipi,;#,AoOlii j el t‘-'0
The .Courier-Tournaiof L.:11 614 N
says ' ,hoot--blaeks , were . passing
pp ''Svifereqnr • etreet , ciptemi Mar tV I 3IIIIIK,
54/ 660 one accosted: the =oilier 'with; l4 l
Mrikkv Jack- youti ,, tieihshathed r i:d'
Myself, ki iolc ifecas ittrh'6o
ehawEE'terthWietTir:: " r 0341:, 46 ' YOAC
ow trbo Sleek{ ,' ret;sited Ytiete: 'll3lle§s
this is good eirkotw„h_,i Nara ob.”
The Vicksburg-git • Itlie,period he- 1
Ai [ ig flfilrlll49,• for. , , *at !'words e l'i
IP_Kon4/Le.Y...-T vilayktv , ll
Koinpadotir siTtiist'ent
Slirratt, wears.e. andy,
niche and k•ignatee pF,(apF4y
H'is 'face Is die)* flops
. 40,
hlghvatitilleitY6l tiVit'-;#4l1 1 3iitlaikerlit
0411. y, rilXettlitittifiatticOn - lesVed.0 2 0 41
treman, and reads - liketfikogliNgtißoV
'He drops the final au:the present
participles. •
/ 41 :4 Ei 7 ' : 4 0 1
31Z4 - 7 . 1
--- ,
. .
•, : it ~ , ,i, , 4i , ' IVA III - - ; - _ - '1
,4:-...ii, .. - fii(i',"l;; ~;fff4.- - ;-46',..;-!::' -1 --
iirth i'i"filtlii:." , il . kit ''' i;:i Malin
• IlUk U - 1 - 6 ', II ~b r LIU4UI
.141 NI lit
tot Wan inipplkdi Keith Presets And)Traigi, i to l ora..
koo,1, 1 1 1 .41.0,N! 4 1 : A 0LW. 4 4t . k,10,44.-5 , 0 Anti
~ ."i..!4‘4l44idjiOni. ilif 01 lb* latii'4ol*ot tyto
„1 : : 3• 4 _) 11 411. 1 # 4° M, 4 M:M# 1 09 41 1494, ' I-
1 O• 1
a 1
1 41 0,4,01‘ , .‘8eititt Bowen% Biro* 24 Eloor
• ,1„1 ' -,• • , T.{ _I inqtr.4
• I ' ' Ch,urch' Coryinn,l•igt,
- -
,- .s., ..:' I,mrs
~ '- o ?o s ik,F.l •
,:, 4 4 ?. 1 :„• 1 7 ,1
- u•Tiai R6v. MIAs Whit leseY af° aB
- of . the •ii e 6 o uld ''Ciiugrekiti al
Church, at Waterbury,' , o6ith..'t lima a
come a candidate for , the: MIDI in
the Episcopal Ch,arch. :,cpfsoorfati n.
• The Rat.. It:A, #6ll d,,1014,es el- '
ate editor - of the al Egiore - ch#B n
- .Advoci,cite', hasToitiolally'lititiffed his
Presiding Eider that he has severed Ids
:conuecAort with the Methodist. Episco
pal Church, South,- by becomlaga can- -
'didate for Orderein the erotestaut,Eple•
copal Church.cht'frech Jour:
A ... , 1' . N.: :t
11 ; ,
We have said that the .chiet cause of
the feeble - hold the Church • ha thee -.
-mass of the people, hi to be liitihdf in
great part within. the Olihreli Ilitilf—at
least, what 'is ”corunioniPleoliell'upon
as The Church. One phase of. thliegreat
Lobstacle in the way of a iilgOthiiiii,buich
Illife and growth, has , been , briefly con
- aldered,-,-appearing iia Itdoestirfthe oh
Mous want of tr real, living, , 'inbving
faith in the Church's teachinger,ren the ,
part otthose who know • well •enough
What her teachings-are; who ‘wOhld be
very slow to, deny them liecso many
words, and yet act with 'respei3t - ito her
sacraments, her• manifold •tn-e din s -of
grace, as if there were:not ce)'elfaesylla
bla of truth in them i When •we look
facts like these in the face, fis dt•to be
wondered at, that the great multitude
—as yet truly like sheep withoutashep
herd—cannoteven moss the
'threshold of a church?' What should
they go for ? Is'nt the Poromiin i of the
life which now is and of that' which Is '
to come, worth as much to those who
have it offered to 'them every Sunday,
as to those who set.dem, If eier,''hear
the, sound of, the Gospel.? Is'nt eternal
' life,'—if there is any- meaning. : to the
words as great a boon, when held out
to one man, as .when held out to anoth
er? And if it is ofany sort of.nonse
quence, whether a .man belongs ,to the
Church of Christ, .or not; iwity.,don't
those who are supposed to know:Neatly
moreabou'this whele matter than the
great crow dof outsiders show •the lat
ter that they believe it , ;.3 of some mo
ment, by, setting the corresponding ex- '
ample? I Certainly it cannot; be that
they fear by, so doing they would - be
any less manly than nor ! , -,
One of the lutist essential steps to
ward the complete trinm ph of the
Church, is to root out this misappre
hension from the minds of not a few ~
who evice an outward respect ,for reli
gion, th, ,so ehow or other, • availing
one's sel cif h r full communion. and
means o grac , is not needful, after all,
,to our pr sent and ' eternal well;being.
Such ha e yet ito lean that . not • , only
the frees , noblest and best, but the on
lyreasoitable life,
_is to be found ins the
,1411 enjoyment of all her privileges' and
blessings.. In other words; :
that there is a God"Evho is net Willing
that we should' perish, and whi3o has
therefore instituted , the ~ C hurchy that
through her ministries the means of sal
vation Might I •brought within. qu r
,reach,—reason demands that we should
not trifle with our opportunities: And
this, not because of a ,eraven' fear, or a
selfish calculation,' but ' because it tells
us virtuis better than vice, right. bet
ter than rong, duty better than: cew
ardice, 1 'every age, all the world Ayer ; '
—that ft ehty to these is the jnost pea- '
sanable,thing imaginable, for the Jaw
thereof i inherent -in our, very being,
ei tv
and the etrayalthereof as synonymous -
with sel -ruin. God made •us that we
might Serve HIM ;Ind when, --because
of our infirmities; we need Ris Spirit *
to quieken us to a life otherwise-all im
possible of attainment, 7 -then .the :im
parting of His Spirit, through his own
appointed channels— however myeteri
ous—is in harmony with every princi
ple of sound Reason. , .! ~.•
And in 'view, of this '
—if we may. be'
pardoned for'twilat has'alrady become
a digressioi—we can and ratand how it
is that, in the-case of men like the late, -I
JUDGE . CONYNGHAM, the honest and!- '
hearty reception of the Chri s't ia e. 1
Church should bring with it a ripeness . '
And richness of character w h-I e h 'We
shall look for • in vain elsewhere. • Thies
Writes a former rector of his: "Before
b is admission to the Communion of the
Church, Judge Conyugham had -won
for himself a most enviable reputatioh,
as a man of the very highest moral
principle, and qf the.very nicest sense
of hotior A like confidence, too t ;was
placed' in the soundness of Ida judg
ment, and none could doubt the disin
terestedness of his benevolence. If I
am not mistaken, this high morality,
this unflinching integrity, this open
generosity, had secured to hire,
for some years, a sufficient foundation
on which to buildi his religious hopes.
The world certainty would have , said
'that when he added to all this an out=
ward and inward reverence for religlops
things, and a liberal soport, ofthe
ministry and the Churela, nothing more
could be asked of him, by Qod er,by
man: , , z,
"e received the truth with the do
eilit and huMble:initideduess of a lit ,
Ile c ild. He- counted ' all things but
loss for the excellency of the knowledge
l of J±tie Christ 'his Lord.' Spotless • as,
'to h man vieuc his previous , life,hr.d
`been, be became Conspicuous at ()deep
a man ruled by still higher principles :
warmed by a new affection;.Whose ar
dor could not conceal itself.. His roll
.gion gave tone to all his relationships
to h
is fellow men. With no
thin, with adignity infinitely abovethe
'cant which is so offensive, he made that
religion to be felt by all with whim! he
had. intercourse. Communing• wi t h.'
- God in Christ Jesus, his; very'countec
notice seemed to shine with the-radi
ance brought dawn from.the Mount of
God." , Another writer tells us: _nlif,t , .
died, as he bad !Ned, a faithful Chris,
tiara , his last words-being.' I knozuLth*
my. Rodeen . ter tiveth.Yt • •,=• ' '
,eW of course, are gifted by nature
ea ..Tildke ,Conyugham , was; few possess '
the 'ad itionat advantage of his high
Saila positien: But how o f
ilfo of the soul can' beautify iihd trans:
'ure the humblest Won earth What
olds it makes whether our motives and
chins arealike bounded hy the walla of
seine, or stretch forth Into infinitoglo-L,
'rtes; net yet z fully realized, but reflected
upon' nor etherrOise •4tirk. and ru,Oed s
paths! :. But knob is: only thehomo-'
geneousnegs,,but the.•oneness of Truth; k
' ° Al t. 4 1 9 P is an.i'lhing heYend - what
' we pan sae al tamib:K.4l l 3l.%Pre fine 11.
iginties to be
. a tiellatedn.w._,and eal
! lied , hereafte i 'litie tr4asOnableness cir
tlititi already , insli3tet-iiiidhf - detnes back
ixh Sickt.lßlitiisiita feet for 'us our own be
IN 3 1, Vul, or 41.10t1 imaginary, or whey
It er,/ ... ta t Veetirefff, la. • - -‘ ~' 1
Lskfiig at nuerrenlrks,Ufth6ivet*
litivregalded-as elitiPletiientary tr. those
. f "meek:llWe tleaVec what 4e - had'
s pur used to isay in this - article, ' for the
not . • It