AGAPltrikritßE , the American Apple - Trade at Liver• :._ • •pool. , - The Pail Mail tiazette says the 'trade Vriteme, Atityareirki ly ,' i n zuru pro rt o s. , me few years "ago the quantity of fipples brought as helot -Into ,Liverpool' 'Was comparatively small, but at present it. 'Appears as though they ivere to forgi' one great featurgiu the business of the port. A Scotelirpep9tnerkileine that one of the I argetitimiioheriOf apples at Port Htiron, - Michigita, has been. in ' Liver pool for some time, and has Just return ed to hislionie after having contracted ear the delivery in Liverpool or 10,000 barrels'or the best Michigan apples. It Is said he will Clear abont five shillings sterling on eifehkuirrep Ope / Angular 'feat in con iiebeicni ixtitti 4114 Ov , midi- N t on to the tintniarceitif Li 'erpool la that large rin iiiiti,* 0 fie }}pies thus sent to LlVerpool are tranahiliped to the Mediterranean in exchange for other fruit.;' * -____ - _ ABOUT Glll4liNfel CUI.TURE--J. S., BEAN, I3owling fireen, Ky., as k will whether it is Possible to cultivate gin seng profitably. ..!/“7. ifei.i.K•tt replied: The common name ginseng is of Chi nese orgiu, and the rott . lots been for ages considered annivereal pattueett for all diseases among the, 'Chinese. The scientific name given tO the Rionseng by our later botanists Is ihkrlia quinquefo iia, or five-leaved Aralla ; hot in ,the old books it is called rft.-av-Itulnquefo -110. Pane AinT i lifilmel t to be de rived from two Greek — words,,•all, and cpkejs InWicine, and its Chinese rep utation seems to confirm and give strength to this idea of its origin. The Chinese are supposed to have first be tame acquainted with ginseng gathered , iti Tartary anti North China, but; the sup - ply being exhausted: or nearly so, anti,they having learned thst the' same plant was also tt o native of North Amer la, a trade von commenced and has been regulary carried on between the two countrie for many years. The price of the dried r tot has steadily increased frottit cent per Rollout up, to flyer ope della -rtuti tplorA. , • iT , i 4 4, i • ....i er3 q t ili'p? , 4 iilW price. vie nellevellitit the etilture 'of ginseng might be made a profitable business, and those . who 'are jo favor able localities for gathering the seed as well as roots should try the experiment. There is no danger of °filer stocking the market, for the Chinesii are a very nu meromenteritpika grftA, 1. the 41104 iit NIA tba. mr-1... etAfti NONG said it Is regarded as excellent for dyspepsia, and he had known instances where dyspeptics bad been cured by chewing the root. TO KEEP PUT BORERS.—Mr. RB I ED, Perth Amboy, N. .1., said that he keeps out borera by . gutting a ,little )aeket, l of taiie4tteolltig; ' lEt Or about diet &ilia... ' nit the tree. He digs the earth away from the crown, tiethe top of a strip of this patio! about the tree, ttllll hauls earth up around the base of the paper, and is not troubled with borers He takes it ()Tin the fall. Thus treated the borers have disappeared iroin 'l'o3 orchard al together. Mr. QUINN said It might keep the borers out of the crown Of the tree, but not out of the limbs where he pad often found them. _M_r.. FULLER said gunners are careful to hoe a hill of corn, to an orchard, that is worth about three dents, but too few of them ever think of hawing away the grasufrom it t rem. that is wdrtit *46 ;` 'if they vicnihitn4 - keep the grass away from the roots of the tree, they would have less trOuhle. THI3 CURE ! OF CATARRH:—'rake one partrxeu ''Atielv.., tr ellge , *---f--ealtpetre, and ar Crttliful 4!, nti r. Plus Is an effectual rein edy in all stoppages.of the'llead : catarrh, ete.. Af t Oiist, litjksTifred up, i the` )iose, , ,fl dozen' llines or snore a day, acCenling to the Severity of the affection. Persons frequently die from catarrh in the head, the disease becoming so bad that the nil/Neils, instead of discharging through the nose, as it should do, falls down the throat and lodges on the lufigs, produc ing 'many a sore throat, the cause of whioh is not stair..tes,, and- lertnina-, natietii i it; 11 at most dreaded of aft/Ilse/m.9, consump tion. WHAT is known on the map as the Indian Territory would make 70 States the size 'cif Rhodeliiliiiiil,'Or foiiiiiiitflize of Now York, and there is scarcely a quarter section that is not susceptible of etiltlvation. it is superior to Kansas, Nebraska, tiit'Atisfhii - Oksi,iiltock and fruit-growing &itititi:pc , llie r: litigate of • this favored region is delightful the lar ger portion of the year, and the grass remains grken all whiter. The soil is well atiapte i d to Zorn, wheat, oats,, cot; tots tobly ti co,i i ni the i - whole i iiiiiV ly pf gargeir-V 4 egek l it s. s ilitfriiit c 4 unt7 it is uhsurpasse antr•wf Id gritpAgro*- .itbundantly. .." A New Hampshire farmer is repo tej 'to have threshed, with a flail, two h sh. els of wheat for seed. These two 1 lab els Were sown In the same tier{, .1 nti . With the same conditions as seven' tsb el,l, of, • • pthill,P ( 4f, .thlr i i,led h'eo . ;,l: heS, wsre fiAt ii alb' yleYil one- thittl'More" Per bushel than t. h e machine threshed. There Is a very general opinion that Machine threshed , wheat is . -somewhat _lnjured for seed. If siteli injiiryprevails to anything like the extent indicated by this experiment, it he4. , onies a mat ter 05f mush Importance. .: „.,'i 'il t , ( ----r A writer to the Lotpdon Lane'', says: "A few years ago, when in China, he became acquainted with the fact that the natives, when suffering from facial neuralgia, applied bil 'id pepermint- to ifie seats of pain with a camel-hair pen cil. Since then, in his nwn practice, he N t etfl' e gtlnC l Y ,e PlP, l P,Xe4 PP. gIiuPPP - . eri4,ll l r p A Awl AllilLesiAel le,l aipt ,Jtilyi in.neuralgia; bu alsc; In goute-*ltli ' - re'-' markably good results. He has found_ the relief from TAW to be almost instan taneous." 7 "!: 1 4. - -tr Cl, t., A q a ~...1„ CURE. FOR T,A) ) 43, 4 ile dolltnal of Applied Chemistry says :—"Soak the feet well in warm water, then with a slutrphititturbent Milli (Ur tiA , ; , ni 661 i 'Of the.'ciiiigititketirefii i - ikini . ilflion'tliiiii l , and bind up the part with a piece (Ilia- eu or muslin thoroughly saturated with sperm ollopit t li i is mire oil 1 . which floa6ll (the f the piekle of herring r •naackerel. After three or four days, he{ dressing may be removed, and the . waiting cutlet& re moved by scraping ivlien the new skin will be found of a ft and healthy text ure, and less liable o the formation of a new corn than befc_ire ~..w iW e two th is re ceipt from 10111511ItkiVitich'irtve9nnot , well doubt, and.publish It for the benefit of many suffering readers." . The palmoccasioned from corns may h° gtrOgYiffifiTti4o,l.li4 r Afte; 4 . preparition: Infos ope ounc ephial, ask a druggiseto pat tsvo drachms of =rhino Acid and six drachms of, rose water4lVlth". l . ts Miiitivaiiikkb:4l4.4 night and .zi. ~ ! forthree dais; i the fiat ,every evening in warm w ater, and, wktki fs.l,ttlaMolOpiig, the corn wi ll be diiii•lVed. l - . _..,~ .. OR tuld -c Ti v 7\l4' '6 : ""sk . LtSA4E. kr , ,l z- t C ;fl "tr • fat i r tanitiTii:iill iiii. , l . Vo t fit p ' t— -v.-4 ~..1 ut:r .1 .1 io ..<1 ~,,. , ..—) ~ .. -. ----" Yy i t ~IS; t ,„i;,, ~..,_,. r otifffikftr,,Biosi-,&:.00„,. ,, ,„14 cal r it.ii at t." ten taba — tif tge Tradt'inctiii robitati4 at Abe fl'ontbart.Tieri otNet tYorii laud •Nbititheit Voiin aVtirania-, to . the Jarge nod fall Aisdfiiiiiitiit ' ..“. 1.. 61WaitifieStilittiViSfliN4 S ~ ..J......-, - :, E { ITV 1 iii ! ::e1.+•,.4i LC, f; ~:1 cpnatati tip on hand at their extensive Waxibouse a d Stoles; Ifii: 3V•zitid l ll4 Oireoll` {West, N: ir., a d 911m4 , fos, tato,. otttba,. 4 caoakAl.aeraktaittia, e tisT l e.e: i t , i , ol2l7 ; tt i l l e i ti t e i si : gli x it n i i a!lef u si i.l : l l 11:12..t c s i 1 . I °tit f Ote4iliii - I*4 l- k_ Ai. ilf, vu V. !..1. , ;.fy,tt Ef t.:' ; t;- f.v the' :..ltoltittbg.ot Oifficand,tb, .Brtetdl4 iof'. t , ffae and icat,,nra q t s fht k inoot,riNcV im p oved eoneir ß ettep ; aid ? „pot, e . elte4ly c luy ,. , 1 tbo eetbtiy.:ol'i ,„. 3 ` i i M . ' IrcAni. ...,:,...i: 2 -. ~...., .i. I We have a fall 100dr-of-choice Tear. - • Weiray direot frot lelpiltere In 19- rr-YothcorYinsh, and etilta,s cheap yte opyiltotieelo`,lllltriide,. "-- •,-. := 7- ,. t.-- -;, .:,.., rr...3 :,..- - i-' • - ; 4 ,,a , . ~, ~-..., - :.. .-,., ..„ - 11145#111 i- RA (1.1191tel!k Ar - :jsyrups. 1 - 2- ,c' '.:... 4k frpol'itil beet "Refit a'nd sold at Wear 114' biireitlie York qnotatione. : .. '- ii. ••••••.- 0 • Fb*ErnN I . . DitiED FitOIT, AND Alp i z - , KINDS :OF Nuirs . '- 1 ' - .) , i - ~.."- k iffit.r.o*:: 41k11, 1 :kke* ,;.',,: iWe byyjro in -Bret 1 fin 434 - the; gast;:enkl . :oak; aff o rd is,bette'rattic,l4 tit a.leepeitateethayi,any -8 as inciVeitern -Ns, York. -..” • -: . , ..--, ft t '.., •:-' ,---.• i .,- . -:. :,. :- -.. 1., 1 .•• (-; iWOODENIV 0111, tjorditge and - TBrOorna-41::, tiill lino of:0.0s, -,•'• • - - : - I i w. . - .titiVol.l:s • !We' call lbiati l entlou'oeili:T4de;to:Ourlirgit' stbi of Winer-arid Tlotorp, vibiob for Eitirll:y.ang fl i mesaare Utisurptpsed. j'. .- r. :: ,', . , ' IMPARTED ALts:4Stiot4il), Irish il ad Eh g str;Andlit !he gieet.branai oo:notafitlynn hand. OREtON ANDL Applyokg LIQI n -118— Wf specialVitnyttiOrpl4 tc al L. 44 4 ...Oz. a Ice ourztlitoo Y - ott Ils - of g dud. 'Do eitto L quoralbefore buying elsewhere. __... ._.... . MEDICINAL WHISKEY— We put up forth. e +. solid bentit of thealeir m p t ,pslre,artiolly of, pi# B hiskertorftb*Dtrutglst Trails. 4 Sole Agents in Elmira, of the UrbanaWineCo. n brief, we ipytte a s elowseTutiny of our good. a . 4 their pricet; thelihbid'enortment being too nameroue to mention in d ( stall. "LpRMORE IROS. & CO., sdept. 21, 1870.-ly. 7P - I` . f'Oi!r!R.PY SEWING MACHINE. 1 FIGURES / FACTS AND FANCIES. :Vim Singer mainire : otutlng 'company in 1889 aojd 88,v81 Oiebitiel."., These itguree; and those gl l y en below, aro from twerp retains (to which a one can basic, access) made to the reOlvere a pointed • - by the owners - of - valuable Olin/ m t chine patent's, who 'Weise most of the cetepleA ni aof lesperlmportanoe., :-. •i-' : ir, ... n 1889. the" Singer -Manufacturing Compan y qld Dyer thoteavit 5:91.00,, 86,010 matiblnefi' did o'flettbe Parboil : "', 88,840 _a, • , d over the Atna " • 82,233 , d ovetThe Ravin) ,u.:• 78,061 .-:.; «., q d over the Florence • " 79,120';'t" . .. I d over , tho Weed ". , . 87,9911 - 1," - '.-- , e over the Howe,'- , , ," - , .41 0 78 E. -"--' , ' d - overtheWinelerlVWllsOn, - .7,915: d - nter the Grover - A , 8ake4'61,693 crover the Finkle 4 -- Lyon, .119,442 d over the Wilcox .1, Gibbs . 89,680 , , " d over the American 8.41., 78,989 ~" L t is a fact, and the figures show lt;•tbanbe : ea es of IRAQ far Ar iaii_those—of- our—rivals-4n- tr de. It is also a fact, th at .we, sold tits,t,..,ycal o r F/iIIZZIDNOMAIip Morielittelninastbut w did two years ago. It is also another feet, IA t theagriareallalg, m 1,4441140, t lftt ovat i t d growithf - ipitiptilintr'elf Unr — iiiiir Family S ing Maohlwr,.,lt t is 'still, another jao,t, that n6ety of every,' &Indere:li' disalrlnes - bide-and so 4 4 4. us ars for4,FAVILE-14%,, AfllPapl#32iii; gebt .64 ;Aiatilh - illikiiiamegeitillipifillt w lila Ve - fain ta - littler , tfili - VON it on a our mgalijaaturiaylnaotlineerilluilhek arpO'reeAo.ak; mlrallitiat Cat lit at lia.'the r felor, Wins hop- ink to repave the buyer'-a-omilienoe, byre the bcldness to say,that we, have no famiAoseiring ip chini:4 whereat/Mir:tie* natiehlte:fiir that pur- V by capable 91,0 range and variety, of ,exqui-, , i i skeane whielradatei; illion ' those-wit who` *are 1 0, ! a it il a l i a p with the beat work of other family ma-_ li low it is mere fancy this appose , in the face of h above figures and facts, that i;uoh laying/3 as t One spohen of eari"have - any ',weight. Tn.; a aadCl givintettri.toitioletenoice, Meet people, b ore baying, (Whatever' ina t y' be 'eleithed about , t P t s'Exhibitione-Lor -ruirs, _where, ,i..ii seldom s e i l et , ?w,l l l a t i i! l c k e e u il ie e tt i 'l ll oit i i i :likVenit to w n; N w'll'arnilyliewing hitiohine' is stitimior to oh- h er family sewing machines as . onr raanufaotarlak Ul 014011 are' (91r - tbeir,4pipoires. • - Trio :.true, w 14's Fair, hold In, every...Sity, thaorle!.. ai4 1 h h ! 0 ,-- b sp a ul li a w o ar: oo eB" jr o 4 i: l t i le::e; tr m i l a n t in_:o l r % ::b i o: k ig: :l ! es sales. - - onc .to buy, uuless,,poyfeetly - -iitatiefled that the. m chine le all "It le represented. ,• _. , , ,E: iy. - ucio ;titanic i "_'- -- '- 'Niel Wgerit ter Thigi county. ansfield, Jan 4 1871 y - ' * * COR. MAIN T. TEE AVENUE, VELLSBORO, PA. • I .SOL.:,BITNNETi;,PR6P/Ft. ~ . . 1 , whi is epOptilar itotel4a tely kept by - II! B p : 11411day.o. /hi) Proprietor will spare no pairiktO' togke it ktrat-olass hoist: AU theltagee 0.-, rixe anddepatt from thilhoirsei Atirattdinistfer• In atten*Ut tia t! lar - Lileetyi artkoberli -:it .f,o .... 1.1 Tfi s .flriTi 1%,-.M; Pq`", e P r 4. - T -,11 .' , —::: , ; ,- .Y =.., B ~,,,-88,..,4"5rrii l'il.i4i i waikii i %l ogs county, Pa., about 21, miles Wadi of the B oirecw-TroxisTaliotikjWiTcitilil.lo3provsa; an 45 unissitrikir Affiel - ort It a ihree ti ' barn, .. er , aantillosiltht&6/114MIZresa,tiriae . 1° n g " ihe westi-oclarm ➢nd time. Ands Br IleMlialLtiOe 'ai* , srelticAilitiores Im wiP wma ` g o Wlarrisii gelliroriairiad ap bfaxeliard.-iterfriger lidaltybo t .f rn i; ; = A luti;:1871141 , ', .=,= II „O. LairtiktoUß, lie, 301WRa014 otrais tot vale hei hone - :and.. lot' onklEdati -'treat, i on -resieoliabl: • • •, • a‘gtod feheasoada smattered. to ans,one • • %OD ppatbuo ii =all iproperty. - Tema': :o Alilkdhalisas s o r ulhate: • 'tall at iir4" T. 0/1 00 Orri fielit - flitritansfatlnnietoott;• holtuctuiii.p.llMßl3,..loazil qw .., . eh 2 4 liaalaitaa .. •':71,v.,•,...:.,_L.::2. ~ 1 •_, t. _I _TO ME DI 1 El liE ME PALL AND '. Nl6O1 1 : . 9, -,, +.- „,... t. - V._ . _ it OAS JUST .02,101KEL 11148":291 / 1 146- R PRBSII DRY GOODS ,T, TIOR,THE MMES. 11 1 i 11 ,i 11 i k r i , t o i i i rti 1i 1 7 - 11 ' 1 1,' •°° i i ' Ili 'PR II T Eli I , 1 0 i t lii a ; _ iiiiir , iil ii r .. ),tc ; ) : l ; it‘ f. , ,.. . ; ,x.9 ' .: ; , T ii ; ,!4 ,itip ,,, ;:iii , j •----- ly havo . I . : , -.'_ci -:-.5;• -I 'GOOD 4400D5,, . T ., • Out that we arer th 12 . 1L0m o t l e po medial. e c etc al 'rum LADIES' DRESS GOODBi- : 1 ' All styles and prices. - , *ATS , OAPS , 1 . 4° 4 146 1 6 4 W 6th .i -•.''.. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, . 1 • , i TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, ---"-- .1 ET0.,1 ETC: ''' ,-,1 , , e - ' , , u t k-- - .‘“o , ;,-."' - :',. ': • i : Ni r 0 do not propoie to meillia 'ditto iteinilii . siore, as we much prefer Ili wing dodo. - . A - -;"-F -s !-''.ll Eili qi t'l'; •F AB'. No chergelarsli - oWlo i3oOdi. eall'aud 'is& taw. 4,1871. ALL&NP{ MILLINERY. i He. E. E. liisabali, oast Touts a Co.'s it . • book bas jalottlih4ttso _ .. I 6 i y ' all winter finer y , . t! which she invites the attention of the ladies of Weltsboro and ' , 'MRI3, E. E. KIMBALL. !Jan, 4,1871.1 y ; Livery Stable TH S 3 LOD, DEN= • eat Y_lnfoth theirb, lio that t ey have establishe a Livery ibr Hire, At their Stable on Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order. They aim to keep good horses and wa- One, and Intend to please. Prices reasonable. • WATKINS h LOUDEN. hm. 4,1871-Iy. viffelistm4'o tirJ. BURGIN would say to the, n 1616112 of • Wellsboo and vioinity that he is pre p rod to supply them with iiBREAD, PIES AND OAKES, . a • the best quality. We also serve meals and d Fresh OYSTERS to those who wish. Call at t o old Btlivens' stand. . , J. J. BERGIN. t NW,. 111 ) (18 7 b 1 YI! - 1. -- • •: -: l'—: 1, , ,k ', ` • I New Photograph Gallery—D. 11. Naramore. - ' lAuetion—O. B-. Brewster. t i BACON & BAILEY, DEALERS M Drugs, Medicines,; Chemicals, GLASS. UTTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS. ,‘ eg!(4:?Al rposes Perzumory,'Soape;trumbes, Toilet articles, ,to. 4-Playsletails' preocrlptions compounded lit Ition rt LoBollllllo, fi kk. ':Jan. 4, 1871 tjr; '74 ome Shuttle Sewing Machine.' c tillEl Machine is the ladles favorite, an possesses all the advantages of other ma , nes, and is tarnished much less inirice Mai '0 er It-addle machines. Any one If string a m chine will call oa, or address EZRA POTTER. Crooked Creek, General Agent for Tioga Co. ' Jan. 4,1871-8 m !WICKHAM & FAIR . Tioga, Pa., t, !Invite the atteetleti of the pu,l)lie lo..the coin and well': • i -Good* Witch they have just received bore earnest efforts than ever before wiU be forth to please and flirther enlarge their da di 1 y increasing trade. An attempt to name • MINS ARTICLES kott would be union, but office it to say, the at ok embraces Goods to- Agit %ail olaisis'of trade. '' ' :,/ !•: CALL kEE F.OR.lo)7,lllPityliS-Air 4 , • • _ _ _ WICKHAM & MAL , PP( ' ills) 1,1871 y 111 ~. ir• i ..0 . A ... " Q " , . f, - L.- :. z.,_ ...,,, t - 1 ; , Nie. , l :, tts. •:i.:J,..-;„i--,•4•, - .1 ~ , - By, -, , -,,:irl;-' , a !!• t t 4 ' • , r 1 - : s '.. ,' . ',.:: .. l'A ' i , :r . : , • ... k • , :i . ..1.1 :: . ; ,:,' y ; • , 1 ~. , . si i ttly.A 18 1 11.;it -' " 4'14;044 iiiiit'; ‘- ' „ . ~ , 1-ii.1"41,13f 0. „ I Notice wor.tleittOediAti tritiDeppnothilebtod„to,BßA:lti) &DERRY Jp o l e iiobtiat* lllllo l 4 ol l 44***Oi t ratinci-a l takir k e - -41 4 , •Apa ,y nd , - PIP e• 25 Inl* .g . .it0: ., ,, L. ii: • . - - i 'A -'.-_,..* L EN iii- L A {; -r = , : T T fffii !I . A ) • - 4 ''' '''''.4'rifikialir; ... - zi •- ' 4 ~.4 . 1 - 4 • ..,_ . 1 _A.L....A . "0 ... --4 A' v . .. ,_ , 4 „, „ t „.,......, tO" '4 l '' 4 g)1111411-1.414 i r"4.A. . 4_l • • -., 4,,.6 ,, - rir.,4,1-oil 1.7.• • - i ..,, . . , In any quantlt, and at low *gum. 1 - wait R ‘-VAttiiii:flia iltditiitakatthat li mak iat than any - other Sww la . ** Cattitt; farther; 'I o ici' •la *ii-liptotiv viutobiiseir4B tifftliglitiviods by the nadarranud reined. -'' . "''l. '''' ''.l IV ' Mr+ • livil , tt ', , IiV;RT ~ .1-' f. ,:".•,,,, ~....,..c3 . -,1 1 1 9..,. , ,f,t ,11-,,, ,, ,q. fr,••; !:.--,:. • ~. .., - .7 i l'o•, , • , •.f.;...,.. n 145:4- , ;,! I ••,.--• '...-,•)• 1 : I lii#-'i-; :f,OEA. t.'i (41:i.1..1A! , ,,. ' it , :l f) • ; , 1 . . 4 7 Arjr...r; '... - 7 7 "..:- , k , 41:1 , 111.,rit1t bliis - a.l ,14•• , •,!• ~., i • 1 . . Gla l W' - ' - - ' t i r tlty - 0' . Ale ot ''' u petittnai --,-- 0 ii.,t ,- ,', t.;:•,-,.),.1,,1z-olti et- ~11) _7 P t • . -C -.EROSENE OIL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, WilißOW-linekit 4 iliii-A4I2ETIREIe etc1.4. , -, , 39,71-; t. : . ,,'ic . .1 :7, - ir:z,,fzt:;:lq - ~.11 , - . .t ,i• ' f7S. . . . . . 7 „-, : likfaot L i kanpllteryliting panfijiy,fronnd in a Airasll44.,Ting 1341:0,..nmaviin a n I n want in thing. hnititiiii to lite , gel 4all. Mid:bar/in fa ittigthmitiiti , Cal ati!l'iji4 ij3 ; 1 . -- 4..,W.:: I: tjf...l..tile.J;`N - .,1_ .dt:.4 r't k I T4 , .4 g 0! , _ l'AAtrt-lifl .1471-IY. . ;-. ._ P ..t ILLIAI4B. i 14-ev.c”. , x_tz; t oLT -oZli e . : , -.5+ , , _ 1.•,-D %.1. -- - ,-.d ,1,:,,,9411,7' r C. SALELLET, .: I\Terskr Cit.cacs as-- , • v- -- v4,III4MNIL-- --4 415..._ , . 0 , 4.i , , •s ' a ',V' to p ,_ . 3 -,,,4. ‘ l , i. 1 • • .1 . MAS .441.1144/# • 41-)i:SORT4II,.*4:I;L4 i _ -" •- ' 1111( i vz,.1:,: • . - „ _ - .tp -, , ; Dry 3,, Go .d s 1,. • 4 , Which will be so of f ait: - :cheap. - 1 •,.- : N.., 7'd : '..., ' ~.!+;. i. ISEAVOR )01,1341( FOB ° " OA . 0160141V.AVD"OABSIME E IS,: -Y.40...WT:44N.5.A..wR1T_ .00 WIN TER Elt -4 • Gloves, Hostori, RElMl.ondeisdlicittaiistn• ."•1 1. , Rsi Cho i ce Gitris6et ..„ .a • .p, 2 , Tobaecb, ?Iticae !i :lealarat , l f_ '• 4 1 1 % ACrackers, fift; I PBI3-, Hats & Caps„i3oots 'dr Shoes, Rabbtrh, Cash Paid for BUTTER, cuisfitAKS i;loathiloY.f . - Piens call and look ourßtook aver . Yon will alWals:End-'iwi- *fitter 'aid -Willing goods. Wellaboro, Jan. 17, 1871.-Iy, , • c• jt (Suocessor to D. P. ROBRRTS)iatIIALBR • t• 1:f; 41, ;A; ; • -*- 1 TIN A 11 - Aft IRON, NAILS, vARRIAGE BOLTS, HORS" SII ES, AND IfORSE :chbortiteamte A general stook of Builders Material/. L ES;EXPITI;'LATOBEEI, BINGES, Ao.• Also. WRAPPING PAPE at nronfiteterefcrisesi: - "; - i , T.O. It tli;„ Bit dios übete Gene Ho e , - , fett%' - atiriza. 1`4•44-th."Acift, :ti 1 . CORNING, N. Y. s Are now proParedrto Orel; great induOunents to their patrons, as tb just died their Ore with an milers varlety,of , , 1 • Of almost every grade, quality and prl WovOnlyask the people tea look through our stook and save us the t a atte the ittielseAtiStsrl and then if they don't buy it won 4_o totrailt_l_ALder Suede are Marked Down to She - l'aioareate-, ME A tr:i. 1, ZA OA. OiyetliAo,Ry.ascire in saying to_the.l. Al um oantr4 0 51-4 40 -; T cp MvAilt . endless variety of vs: itiab - a Irirof . ' j - . - -a, - .)11•: •.?) ; • 1.1,',...3 7 ,.1 r i 4 " ,- ; i i'l ,- ;" '''.V '4: - . 1 7 ILIADIA % 9 Da% .. . ir w....2,:„1: i.c., It : ,..,__,„:..v,,.... ~., 1 . .4„5 ; le i 4 1111 , , , ,f ..:,:i'':-.; ( - 1 ' " I I . , ,a 1 , ..e.1 I !YR_ 1 , 3 3 • .:91.1 1 -, 11 ........ Ert .. Prom a Calico wrapper, talbe'eaStli Edna. • • ,' '- ' ' • - , z i ,tz 1 •i r . , C t i e . T I . •:,- a rp e . _ .4 i s - -cu.. - r.1.5.1.,.-d.; it , - 7,7p,0;it;:.;..: ~-,.,,. .3 . ^E,A •:.I:lL'i v ;:roit - . 0-11.4. f . ,-;',!, . 7 . We have a very large stook of Carps , varying in quality alattriee, sons wishing anything in this lino would tit *sato esildraltroktfaca#Wour !tool i. 1 :_sis3 - 5.' ^,:l 1.1,-.;n: ~.. ' . I • 1 O. ,tho• . We are still Agents for the 'Pr , .!‘ Q-- :- United States Tea Con :.and are selling goo , •des -. .1. .szi k,7?, •::g4nskhea,_,par,,,tilartAt . a ...., - i i, •I;:z,.a i - • ~,:.. q =, ......t.-, :i ',... ,, 1,1 . • - wE Fis 14 CLOTHS AND o Eiglil yukty• LOW. REMEMBER TUEPEoPtus 00,4-641otnici - Ni 1r •_, i ~,,,,,,,,• ..• . ,-- , , - .I . 4 . w ' 'A C 914 6 / 1 17-%' , - ( . - -Nt - • - Y k ,- , , -am Tv A/ I. 1 . 4 .91441 P /A, a , ~,,,, 1 ‘4:' 't, '"'“,• ,: , '" * V - 'X" -V;" 1 tl4ll 1 T .:: , . '17:: }l., • ~,., .. • I . • , • i -.., ' -•• : •-• , • -frhlois- thojatgoikttFaagy•••Atcwa-ln-Btenben County, and la now flped W i . Immune itOol - of th 4 latest povelthio for 1 i r 1., I :..:,. . '.. 1 , ~ t _ x ., ;la-,-I.1.• 4.- - =,., 1 1 .-Ar - ,4 —II; . "a 1.., • ~ _ „.. ". "i tnaltilter il;i HOW. //tint - / ~ ! ---- ' I'S r Lr'; f` , -, 7 .n . .i . ). ",, Ii:- .. • ' •-, PA, ' " Xe li t."..,cA:ti;YCirga" 2l- .. "t.... , (1(1. ,:i t ''.• ,; .!..•; , : zi: . ...! ! .1: ~t . Oler . -- .LOVlDEFfoi4iiiyif t if 'Oll4 'ilia 9t NEE ._.~ t . ---- at= 'YARN - , gAll iROWIk '''' i .;:nwitalitatrOiteptilitlK • ' , .41.ts ~,,..‘,.. ..... . . . N:941, , . I _ I .t.. • : ... 0 1 8! ' :{ fanfotAewelryi'lßracett l it,;4}) -- eition tii- -- ,1 if - rt. , :%'A:.. , '...,^ztr :LI 41 ti..i.).111q, lij::} • . Itif.l:, ' 'l':',2 IA i1:!,.,1 Pi, '4..f1. - . ....' ..„,,,,,,,,., 0 tli i l i , ,,1 . 1.. ,;,,,, . , , ..,,,,,, , , I. ' 4130.BS,ETikif evilry kinkand , kr fait oversilitugikePt uuugiltir found _:,, , .:...‘.i. ;):•: 4 1,1.1 .*lO,l :1, , _ , 1 ..,,y 4,,!, :. .-....),-.1.,-.---: , „.•, ~ ..:..,.. ' of „,:., ~:-. ,:'. - ; ,..,.. - 1 - ,,- . ., v ,; , , • 1, . ~, .-,,,... „4, ... _ L t, ..-- . . -' ';tl. it I ) •IL ' -I :. . ,'',..1:1 -L..v i:';', t:a":?:.. -i ! 4 kitk - .1-t . N.:-.-.1- %). k 7:1,' :-• j , -.'--'..;;;,j hltikknik YOU IVAII PA? M I agk s. 04 r i -AVA 1 0 , 1 nir ., 4 ; • 1 1 5 1 0, 1 1%. FLI(9 1 1 1 ; 4 1t. ~, • ,'.,.. u::.; ,: ? .:i. - .1.' .-. 1 w: , ..:. A 1 ittritgAti t 1 k i MIX - ITI FS :„. • ~.. ... - ~:77,,,?; . '4.:1 1 . t. 1.; F . 4 4 i *,- -; ~,- ,:.. f :. listi,4 crit,r:; . :4 ... W. 3 ‘'Si t.;;;;::: 1.. ~, , : ,f , `4 , , i i , t , d,CO-,,, tzil" , j4l6 , ..F_ . .419 filing, N. T., Qatil4lSTN _? , 41. ,tl D a ''': ,. 1 17 ; ' gnat tie 11:404100thrigiii , E :1 NA ft 1 I ers, iifr`te I r 1 (1, .C 1 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BUTTONS, ALL HINDS, LINEN GOODS, STOVI, JOBBING PROM litTann* Cart, and 1,1666 ressosabl• bara, Jai. 6,1671-Iy. ~ ~ -- ~'i r'~ f # ~ ,," 1-:';. 7 ...,,, , ,'',!„:..',,',.; , '",L4-.!...,'' LINEN AND %V ITE' - gOODE.i . .i--,,„:,r ,r :,:,-, .:•. ~-, - - A very large assortment,. igibia , votiyiliVr prices: Carpets Am FANCY AND. HOOP No. 4, ARCADE :it 1 Ft AJT)33- t 'Olt " L , ?' f , t il:i . i-:3 '+'• : ' i'42 . :: , . raj :7. 3 -- : II li•,. - t : , .1 ; A:(1 ,7, 4.•.-.11-- - .. li: 1-,;-='''..:' A 1 4 1 , 11{11 41BRANOISEP l alg IC 9 . r 6, •P . • ;'';• - - a 1(4( n" , , rr i b .1 01 - 4Att#J . .i4; "svurosr T 2.1 t irmlit y „ *Eyes * - • r , f# T KEE "NOT Mi t t 144.1.411 t. i i . . - -i.,..7.-.: - :',: , ti . .. .i.rti . ,:;'-',, , ,: i ... i', - .. ~-=: . 4 -.,... ::::. :3 7-i- Ici-, ' " - V - •,.' -:,. :1: 111 l i» - :VASNIE =NM ',l ). ' ~..;:d.' _v ! . E'l , '.?: Z . :; A' f.Y.11.- ME WIZNffZ! ITriiMaPr 9 W4.....„ - -,' • . 'I. cite; Mil 1, ~, i 3 +.~ =I ..Z a.. E.;• '~f :: :. t ~. S =I „..-..: oR 8 ~,i . ,,..,, ~.,...„ ~,., ME r.toToß N. Y 1 MEE= _MMI"!Tt :!! 1 , ! ix",44:7--; .."I::f:tt.j t' 4 4.,:? , -. 10..? .. -4 1. if ;fry' 1 11[ 0 entir.-4 ..e , i t, . t m 4ativiiiiiiikoitit Ivitilta ,, jo i tio ,-" iti ,:,,:,„„ At..< ,1 ..) - ..i.;.-•sre . ."':r`L-, , - . . - " 41.`, ! , ta.*DA t lgkrapOirilitve , - 1,- - ; '-',--' , ', 1 :,-• ', ,: '-'., " , -"- _- . 7,, ' ' . • Clo, 0441 1 4.44 V4TotY,Ville X.P.Mit . i nb.ub4lA '4od .0 1114 11 , 14.; ' 4.- ' , . Igiitimot Pomba orso .491ce., , , . . . - ~r a}~. '~ ~_i Ini tr ' lin Jr: MEE l o 7i il 4 B*cr3 62 rti tal Sterk ; i47 j4 6l7o 4:l 4 We j3 a(i ft , aae )311v01e.4: itits 4 o7! DillelMous Dritgee =- `; fac t , .. , ... ' i - These pinknrc.l69,-tocist. delightfully 4441*am:a ,pargatiye, aoperilding *stator oil, malt*, sassoe.' tic eta.. !Moro is nothing ;mOro"acieptable - to theltromaeb. - ..41My 'Stye tone, arid caure - neither 'nankin nor.griping pains._ ,'Thee are. composed tOutPrgt J rmd.l4—.4 l te t a fog! 4” *!, c so l thomomokm ttsoret on.uf tbaeatirssys.- -Om tike/ plebe , nito appear ntiibutima'to QC' ideak and enerratid; ifbilbir 'lifting' from im littidition iiellsoliiti;t It, l' - . - Hiliribold'aeortf 2 PpainUraaldigatract CatarcinV.qrape c Ptlta. am. itlP4ltf- 3 02.:*# 0 9 3 f.4 l fict thitlsl , _l9i llo4 . : ,4 dcf. - spt , ~ otin, kaml pass I '164 1 . stoat= Vit`'disiSitslnit=?Oneltiinintl ' do' not: . 'ddittkad lithiat.' , ' TlioVatiti a 6044 * IR eliabilr-plaiinawin :auto -and ado*. do nut T t IA 104.3410:41.98:40ger.0PP1 0 0. if fr icefirlit ic ..' i tim; 6 3ift, - •::-..,:.. ~::.• . - , • _.. -, ,I'. . =II BEE 881 BIM EZEII ! • t b '1 = MIRKY; T.' , IIELDIBOin't. • ; NHL 1 00NON.TR4TFA COMPOUIVD, I -ELIII.O.IEXTRACT,S4RBAPARILLA ; • [fllladiaallinitartainntaTidm . the •system, Sy. • flisidilorefulstpßover Sores,: Monro,, Sore, Ryes ; =','reAniiii:B4Nt . PlOliii. B 9feißcAdrs;BVilicaitiiar ,40 1 .ftleP,d3alt„Rheateu, ptukfre l Runnings, ' e .. :go ,Far A .Rcilitio Siteflings; Tifitiors; Canoe= 1 • RifeeifiehifiNedis.z'Riekeitii;= Night. Sit'eatii c liffidi*lisrallitigsrasibPrefter, Ifutners of 14Indsi,,1 and diseases that hayn-hgen , established iu the stern for years. 111 II =I >lletoes , '! rpe the ,abov e brc ipni 6814 proportion bre greater t stifa epthilitrat o*. of- -It • ffirPthe voMplanionva blear aid healthy color, a • d restores the patient to a state of health aad ,p tyi l Rep pnrifying .tba„ blood, removing all ronic oonstilisthmil,dileases — a - rising from an ipso itiite of • tiie - bio'od, end the only reliable diffeefuni known• foYthe cure of pains :a jolt the bones,., ulcerations of the 1 • icatand lip, blotches,. pimples on , the fice, erysipsias!ipd sokly.erupOona of theskin, biautitrag - llieeomPlenion. Price, $1 50 • • '- • • ••• - a" I T i I'M, ',` 8 1 , • CM I , tl :. ..: - -,. • ..., , I ,',llleivry_ii% Ileilibold?1 .00NCIENtBATED I I LE . ITD . 'EXTRAC . 0111r,THR ORSAt DIURETIC, has oared every case of:Diabetes. in WI ht,a been, • ,glitett, Irritation, of the' beck r:and hiltatilination'ofihe kidneys; afieli•bribe . ;kldheys and bladder, lethal ntittei,dlseitees.of ,the prostrate , gland); ei thekbladder, calculus,' graved, brlckduet 41 i a 4 f9p9gaJtor.mll)4 dis ch arg e s; and fo b 4 ":acid &float. - oonstitntione of both a tiiiided'irlth' the fallowing symptoms: ritiori to'exertion, loss of. power, foss 10 , ditilonity: of breathing; weak nerves ,b ing, horror of disease, wakefulnee, di ion, pain in the back, hot ,hands, flue /4.14.94, flrYcese,ef thu_.shin,s, eruptiori f ce; pallid countenance; untTe p al least to muscular liffloilrete.f , .. ,1, 1. - ') t , :' , ,.;-_ - ) Used by, persons from the ages of eig , twenty 41filandi c roriillVth Worilie de . change 4401 ; -aftercowfiniktent cr ittb , ffr be*Vellkli,g it ch*tren:...'; r:: ;-: - r..'r 't - 3" , !").:tt -.,: --1 ;.- Ft . .;.' 1,, ,i 1: 21'- 7 . ) , ) o ,ho* gre II . , 1 tail' . an Cliztiiiiit iiiicks , li'diiii. blood purifying, , and cures all diseases I mli ithil a ct f dl ei t a iß a t o t e a n nl i ei t t l e i r a b e t s , s T it Assedingpop_tibeiu,a4olion . slar wh a i sedaidtbypb.illtici affections—in these .a led in Connection with Holinhold's - ILO . 111 , • • fitiDIES, • - in r t 4f : : .4 t.fflottonap_eotiliar .0 ladles, it a2t - m t - is sineinama by any other r i,"1 9 ,, t , %intention, Irregularity, "a. % .___, ; '"FP lon - Of etistiimarY eve o OrawkoT On Px.s!atete . of the uterus ihea or whites , sterbl. and for all eo 1 oident to the se*, w er...1,-,i & bi bs *, o etlop,ot . „l4blttecAlissipatio, K t" teiltiVely bribe bulk eminent ps, 11 1: &rives for enfeebled and dolica - t one, of both, sexes and all ages, (atte y of "the' above diteaverlotrymptoros y bave a and iV! T...1 1 . 1 1 e hPb91! 198 . IE 3 Willy aan)tv ittitA SAS AR iSi .1,11 0.) IP !I , 1! f"I . :' , lll ~ 0 , MR* (1041TVA•9.....f1i5f . .F!..4•27°16 1 •, i • 04: ii •thittiiiit'al t i* iie,Woe . 4ittins, lit .. ii • •fik'dfit; do ingonient ,ftoe, and 6_, ItreittWeil: d''ftlittint‘ desire, ,a a ' ilig Wilitiiite,'JlMAN"rbtatiiiing on 7 Vikiiilkiei#4!:6ol4ti,iftiot , & Paying I) am tiattititatamatio ••.• fit: n'thii`islise Of diimaiii, ' and dip ". • fat einatter: - ''';' '', ' ''• ' 'NW iidii,*tio itdvit boon the tiiatim r • mpoont pomore,, And who , have pak .019..6ibir kkt(ted in a abort tiato,' 'hog fo 14:fliak aislitpod; am .1144 - ow !polf: 1.,, lariiiie: loweriiti Astringents/ be : • lithe iiiii 'to break (MLitt a mori ll the Itid ;erhato After marriage :17411 lifora 'Windt Itimha for OM aiitthieifititt 'of - the'Arinary 'Organ • flifittbitiiii iii thakitir 'Mask, 'from .11 'nee originating, , and no 'matter of h • 104. — A*4°l4 1 dortai and fifty c • • teic. , ME BE = Pug, stair. T. HELMBOLD'S IMPR . ROS E w.A;s7r tostanot be surpassed as a face took an. found the only specific remedy in every) of I la i ka99l;*- afraf 3ll °D* - - it' -- -a-VaadikY al p laiplia, spas; acOrhutti dryness, indur ,, 1 6-cutaneous membrane, etc., dispelsl 1 d-.-Inelpient itillarcimation, -hives, ra -I tones;: dryneaa ,of ',bap or akin, - fro ' Hied;dallirrpesotsoes for w wh alf c i li n to a •sa ive • Bo t r e ° o' d - softness,--vind insure a continued, he. t on to the tissue of itavessels, on which e agreubleclammemandvivacity of • i n iffOnd ‘ Ottipagbi-and - admired. But luable min remedy for existing defeol 1-e : 1 124L ned-it 2 s e tainb rincipaV li ola s izu lt" to e- u W n alt bo h nu llail de ~ 1 e, by possessing qualities Which re. ,I fietzgepkatage at 'the most superlative • i mitaraoter; combining•in 'au -ale •I nit& those promiaeut requisites, aafety easy—the invariable accompanlinents- • -=as a-preserative and-refresher of the • iOn. illonn_oxceltenriolou for dire: - ayphilitheriiiiiiiii;find it an injection sea of the uriunry organ., arising from 1 dissipation, used i&,corliteetiiniwithlbe Buchu, Sarsapaillial and Batifibn Gra , • irt such diseases hi iebonniien'ded, mien . ,passed. Price, Ode '4ltai• per - bottle. ' --• . . - - - . , -- th an ••• .. ,• ..., , - . - ii' Fall and explicit directions accom edicines4vAridAtitiCAP the'; mot re. nd reliable bliiraoter tarnished on ap ' Ith htuadreds of thousands of living .' .. , upward, o f 89,100 us olicita d a erliti 1 . .. . ~• . • • loOstetteri,ittany of whte . 1 +g.l gh : t lioure#C. tiolddlna ,' laiini 1 s ktilfiigyistesiiitatellion; :eta. Tb , 1 , iiiiia AO*: tarried' to' ‘ their palslll eiiiiiripatieri.• ' tri'doistiot' do. this, . . 1 1 - thattli artfolakratile 111 /.*Frilddrd iiiiiii" and dolaJtillea4 tc!,l4 propped' a loNieli. ME 3.r ~ , }~ • 1:13 Arenry 2: itelmbold's Genuin WWI rations slivered to any address, secure from _ 11 • . i Estab/Wscd ofiWitr , d-off oun ts; „yours. druggists everywhere. Address letter. . ogle% iwtouildence, to • Henry T. druggisl and ohomist.. =Only depots :--_- embola's drint 4iidr ithihnioal warrh : ; 94.Brondway A .N. YOrk, .or to 4. T. E l iti-, 11 1 4 1 P. OA iVli ?PIA:Pill!! street, -•:.; ~ .. - .• • - .... ; - art,`' VoisaYirieitr. Ark, o l ' moister, IMe no othr. -: 5", yea _. EMI I It. ' Mil I= IN f Mil B . " MEI L ''-).P., {~~`it l 'lli V-,l;ikee:li: , -tj - ' 5l- , • ... . .t.. , = ..f.,.: , ..., , .'1 , ..,,,,...(,!,.:. ;• _, r- , , , .--, -, - 1- 001t5X.K1a . ,..-N . -. 3(:,' , ._ 1 . ••,::::-.--:.•_:•_', •,-;•'::: L- - i,I. :- -. I, , . NM bELIGIVAND MEDICINES, PAIN JtND OTLEI;-- TiiiDDEUS DAVIDS'•INKS, ICEITO' CONCENTRATED, MEDICINES, IREDELL'S ELIIID, EX . TRACTS, 4 BUR,' ET 'S COCOAtNE, PLAVORIN FIXTR CTS, IMIOSENE LAMPS', PAT NT MfII)TOINES„ PERFUMERY AND FLAVORIN EXTRACTS, WALL - PAPER, INDOW GLASS, -• war'tp*,&sA,Liio.& AND'DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN &' OWE FINED OIL. Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequeste. tit call and get quotations before going turtbe Etet. I W. D. TERBE4 & ' , Coining, N. Y., Jazt. , l, 1871—y niture Ftirniture l _ Fu B. T. VAN HORN, 'RAVING completed his new Cabinet Ware- VI house on Main street, Wellaboro, has stoat. ea it with a large and superior assorted stock .of FURNITURE. Ilhamber Suits, Wahicit, Ask ‘ ' I, ~ from $l5O down, and ail oheal 11011.1111 as the same gooda can be lAA • in the cities.. freight added. ParlOr Suits, Wahalt, Cherry, a .Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth,; BU (eh It lof the ulcer otk of ' one is opu Bit, eufee- BOZOS, f mem t rem 'nets of from $125 down. SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE= with Lipboletery to suit Center Tables, Walnut or Marble To Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs; all kinds, Sag ot on the lade of Wholegale' and Retail.' 1,1 manufacturing a's usual, and intend to keep' a full, stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms aro spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest aptd best stook of Furniture ever brought into' the county. eon to ins or pains; Planing . and Matching, SCROLL SAWING MOULDING, done to order at lit Factory. ttis arising and im- Jan. 1, 1871-tf eto., L eh it is dieeasee ,o Waeh. lluSical uments ! the Ea medy— painful- tuition's, , lemon plaints tridis= ascribed tans and ,netitn- Tut mlth r- - act: ;e FROM MBE subscriber informs the public that 'b has constantly on band a large assortmia 120 ie or no , 0 Daps d gives lobstrno is of th e ~ so fro :Mogan ORGANS, MELODEONS of in InstructiOn Books, ,'heavy ad they .at haszt , , dried • aggra. for sale or rent. iniaalaClo famished to orde EMOLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN, ANOE, and some of the same on hind to be sold eheap. Oleo a. who• hatover Ir . long l ents per He will be found ab i bis residence near Potter. Hotel in MiddleburY, Tioga county, Pa. A. dress, A. B. A. BRIGGS, July 8, 1870.-4. Crooked Creek, Pa. VED !; will es spool ° , ,adicat Ingham's. Woolen Mills I 01211 0 redness moth -t bites, tments iiiIER,FIELD, 1 purity thy Ito depends ,c2pleat. MITA subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Clot ~ JIL Oasslmeres, Flannels, In., dro., for Wool.— Theyalso manufacture as usual— I , °waver Is of the , ng I patron ;der it a `'ad con , wit for effi— f its use otnplex• c os of a disea • abits of Ex tracts 'el Pills, t be ear- TO ORMR, OK ON ii,IIITITI to eultcuetotnera. All work war ,nted aere, resented They invite particular attention el thole Water Proof GASSXM-IUtI S; which are warranted in every respect. Patio Par attention given to .ROLL. CARDINGL • - AND r I [ CLOTH lIRESSIT. i , ~.._ - i 1 INGHAWEI large stook of Caseimer s, ao ~25 per °witless than any competitors, and mairan . ed is represented.. i ' • INGHAIIIa manufacture to ordiroind d• a I kindi of Roll-Carding and Cloth, Dressing, a d defy competition. . INGHAM& bays an good an assortme l nt .f any the .onsibie batten, Means, are trail tea and t phyd• proprliz • aUott. in rtim the prepara by oer. Full Cloth's, Gassimeresi Prep ca observe, and give mord for Wool In exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your. selves. Bold by ;forinfor : elmbold, 1: 'Dry T. use, No. lutbold's IPlilladel. MGHAMS wholesale and retail at the Co* aneeque Mille, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Olathe are warranted, and , aalsl try , tko, following pinions ; , i : 1 •O. 'IL' KELLEY, Wollaboio; ka. • , T. L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, PA. .. , J. o,43 B l c NETTECovialton, 4.. , Ilisrelti, AMA Jan 1 , , : 1 , 1 t; gni Z b 0 nt ME ac., &0., &0., A-TETES, Es , . VAN HORN. EEMI AND M=MM M!EME 800 ii ~t- i i- t t 1.-% •,!, f 1 , 1 7 , - ~, - .7 " l '' AND - SII.OF -'l . O , ...4.1,,, . . ... Air essra.AUSII & RAND $l,ll l Diu iiiiie Intreltareil' iba Kb( and Silo* Store of Aletete. Stark a& Air. 44: Dot by, and propose to coons. `Nue lins ". - bustnoss—reducin g t h e trice, on olltunis and #.lllng strict 13, FOR CASII, , We keep a good losOrtmet nt Hats - and. Capii, BOOTS; BALMORA LS, . AITE li s BOOTEES, BBOOAN Sj A Ni'l °ALM/18K 1 N warranted to fit any foot front' No. 0, toy I ' clasiv.e. ■ Our Stock,a FRENCH CALF, FRENCH Kip, up PER, BOLE,. COMMON CA IS, LININGS, BINDING, MO. •ROOOO, &0., will be kept up es be,rel oro re. 04lingo we,shall ,be (quad at borne ai• wan and we shell endeavor. to 5811 at prim aatiefietoiy to the trade. won't be undo apld. CIASH PAID" FOR HIDES. , • CUSTOM I WORRi Done promptli and well. Repairing, done on abort notice. Drop in and to et.DVitiCtd. BUSH - RA NDO 1:111, Deo:l4, 1)370.:-1y TO. ,THE. FARMERS 'OF TIOGA COUNTY. - ir All now buildhrg at my mauufactory,in Lawrentr• ji.. ville.a superior . . . • FANNING AILL,- whichpossesaes the followingadvantageeover a lilotb e r mills : 1.1 t separates rye, oats, rat litter.andfonlieeds , 1.4 eheisand cockle,from wheat. 2. It olearte flaw seed, takes out yellow seed, 41.3 ~b other seeds, perfectly: 8, It clean s timothy seed. _ 4. It does all otherseparatingrequired of a mill This mill is built ofthe beat and moat durable tio.• bar, in good itylti,artd is sold cheap for cavh. or pr, Arica. . : I will fit-a piton attie°, for separating- oft t F Ira, Wheat to otherioilltonreasonableterms. , J .11 MATIIBh - Lavrrendeville,Ja .1,1870.:11 ' I HARNESS SHOP. UNDBRSIONED itl'ould say to the chi• rens of Welhboro and vicinity that he has recently moved over Truman Brothers Grocery Store with his Harness Shipp In full orratiotLen Crafter' Street, between Main and Water sts,, here ibo is prepared to manu facture all kind of' I I Double 641 Single Harnesses ) In' the best style, and of the best material. REPAIRING DONE' On ahoit notice and good. I employ the beet workmen, and risd.none but thd best material, and am hand:ore prepared to please all who want anything in my line. ' W. A. NEWCOMB Nov. 9, 1870. WALKER & LATHROP, tritatinits - HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, Thy- WA RE, - BELT - ING, SAC S;plifLEl ~ 11 • . WATER LIME, AIRICTJLTURAL iMPLEMENV, Carriage and Harness Trimmings.• HARNESSES, SADDLES, kr. Corning, N.Y.,, Jao. 1, 1871-y Cirocory and Provision !pore, 1, CORNING, N. Y. Cf. .120. Sllllalr_a UTHOLESAL4 AND 'RETAIL DEALER TV in all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Citinors and Cigars,. FOREIGN & DoMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND VEG.ETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WA RE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &c A,full•and complete asscrtment of the above mentioned goode of the best quality alwaye to - hand. Particular attontion paid to „Fine Gria.erles Dealers and Consumers will tind it to thcit in teroat to examinehie Stock bdoro buying. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 4, 18;1 THE GOLD IVIED TlllB BI.ACIIINR has no superior, and I adapted to all kinds of Work. It 0r.13 needs a trial to, tie appieeisted. It will hem, fon, seam, tuck, bind, quilt, braid; embroider, cortt'garber and ruffle, midis the beet nd ebefl• pest msehino for family rise ever offered to the public:: - , The DOtißt.g LOCK . ELASIIC STIICH le superior to all others, for tbo reason that it sews direct from the spools and requires CO winding of thread. .I It is•ca.ny a dj u ited, alai not liable to get oni, of order. Persons svisbing to purchase q nthalix, ri d by all means try this ortc,:rbeforo bt9ir g U! other. Call on, or addrriii Jan 4, '7l y Lambe Creek, Pa. N Ed ilid WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers