The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 15, 1871, Image 1

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~-; ~,~~'' _ - = ate;
(NETIOCA C OUNPI;10,t0'111,1f
p. C. - :Van Gelder..
uliscripliou, (pot ypar) c•••)•2,0Q!.
;o. Ifo.l3Tris 1411)3 !allot ditios 11
•1 ,1,410, I $ l ,O O I $2.001 $/,50 I $5,00 $7,00 $12.00:
'2 tiquares. -( 2.001 LOU r-,
)„,-C„1 a(
-__.......„- .
eti•-, Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial, or
Local "0 cents per line.
transient advestising musybe, paid ror, in advance.
Jlastice Blanks, Constable' Blanks, Deeds, Tudg
co Notes, tlarriage Certificates, tc.;nn timid:
Office In Smith and &lien's Block, across ball
from Agitator Office up stairs, Decond food
Wellsboro Pa,' . Jan. 4,'1871-Iq.';:.
Jito. I. Mitchell,
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
irane4 Agent. Oflico over Kress'a Drug Store,
Wellabor.), Pe. , San. 1, 1871-jr,,
Iliont .. Stone.
Attorney and Counselor it Law, first 'door above
Converse a Osgood's store, on Main btreo.
Wellsboro, January 1, 1871 y
Seeley, Contes & Co.
lIANKSRS, Snoxviile, xioga, County, Pa.—
Receive money on deposit, discount noteS,
and sell drafts on New York City. Collect
ions promptly made.—Jan 1., 1871-y
Jno. W. Adams)
Attornoy and Counselor at Law•,Manafteld„ Tioga
county, Pa. Collections promptly attended
to. Jan. I, 1871—y
Wilson e
Attorneys and'Counselors at Law. Will attend
promptly to business entrusted to their care in
tho counties of Tioga and Potter ' Office on
the Avenuo. Jan. I, 1871 y,
S. F. W[Lsox.]
John W. Guernsey,
Attorney and Counselor at: Le.w. All I.sainess
outrustod to him will prpruitly attonded to.
Olfieo 2d door south of flattotes:Hotel, Tioga,
Tioga County, Pa.-Jan. 1871:
Win. B. Smith,
F,311....i0ni - tharity and Insurance Agent, Com
tauniestions sent to the above address linl. i-e•
cake prompt attention. Terms moderate,
lith; \‘ ille, Pa —Jan. 1, 1371. . .
Seymour k Horton)
kttornoys and Counselors at law, Tioga' Pa.
All baeiness entrusted to their care will media'
prompt attention.
C. 11. Saymoutt
Jan I. 1871 y
irm B. ARMSTRONG. . SAMUEL hiss.
Armstrong & Linn, ,
Jan 1, 1871—y.
W. D. Terbell &.Co.,
Wholesale Druggists, land dealers In Wall Paper,
erosen a Lamps, Windois. Glass, Perfumery,,
Po n ts, Oila, e.,&e. — lldrllll4l N. Y. Jun. l '7l.
D. - Bacon, M. 1.). 1
Physician and Surgeon,lst door emit of Laugher
Bache—Mein Street. Will,,atjeud ,promptly, to
ail calls. • 1871.
A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
Homoeopathist, OCtioe at bis Residence on the
Avenuo.—Jan. I, IS N.
lii, , orge Waper,
I i shop first door 'Milli of Robertsl4,Rail:
ey's llai dware Store. Cutting, Fitting - aid Re.
)airing done promptly and well.—Jan.l,lB7l.
ilazteWs Hotel,
iog , Toga County, Pa. flood stabling attach
-9.1, a nil an attentive hostler always In attend
ance. Ciao. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.—Jan. 1,1871.
Smith's Hotel,
Tiaga, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in
good condition to accommodate the traveling
public in a superior manner.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Farmers' Hotel:
B. 31 ON B OP, Proprietor. This house, formerly
ocoupked by E. Fellows, is conducted on tern
j porn:no prinoiplos. very accommodation
• for man and beast. Charges reteonable. ,
' January 1,1571
- ~ • - .
( k , , ' Union:KO& , -,..,„:„, .
.vm. 13: Van Horn, Proprietor, Wellsboro. Pa.
This.htmse is pleasantly located, and has all
the conveniences for man and beast. Charges
Yaoclerato,—Jan l'y 1871-Iy. . •
.I.9nse and Lot and'Nine Acmes of
Land for Sale.
CII ARLES WILLIAMS o ff ers for sale his'
house and lot on Main street, Wellsb tiro,
and six acres of land near the cemetery. n
quire of Joseph Williams, at the Wellsbore pun
dry. Jan 1,1871 tf
New Tobacco StorO !
ipliE subscriber bus 'fitted'ltp Ole Storeftrit
I door east Thomas liarden'adry gOodeetoie j i .
(”r the manufacture and salo of
CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common
.73IOKING BACC o,Atichigan.Fine Cut
CLI THAT 0, and all kinds
PL (Jo TOBACCO, PIPES, and thec:hoi-
cest Brand of CIGARS
son fur yourselveB.
tlial6boro, Jan. 1, IS7l—tf.
f•'ur the I:diof mid Cure of the Ed riuganyi Unfortunate;
1.1 n Principles of Philanthropy.
FS /LYS ON TUE y !MORS oB you' II the Fol
IVA' a A c.N. in Id to MAtllt lAPt /Ifni SoCIAL EVILA
with Sanitary aid for the rtillirte.l. ;Fent free, Iu Sealed
euvalopei. Addresm, HOWARD ASSOCIATION,
•day , 1571.) I y. Box P. oliiladelphia. Pa.
noarkilTl - 1 - ceeps ennstantly - ,an
1.-.:11C hand: Pere Drags and Medicines.
Chen&als, Paints and Oils, hatups
. ..4.iti,.nety, Yanked` Miiens Ace.
i'•• • i , ;Qtiqt4)3s CAIIEFULLY COM rell:tinEr.
i"1”.;:z, Jan. 1, 1571.-Iy.
- - ,
THE undersigns.' pr o pr, , et..r
tbis line Lakes this Toothr4
C.Jrming the Rubino that Abe Mem, Stage Juin ,
daily (Snnasys,Oeepted t ) betneen thr tiro , pip.
re' as follows: -•-
, , .
Leave); iVallsbaro at 8. a. .m.; aad arti!te, at'
MAnqlield at-1,0 30 a. tn. , , f ,
Leaves Mansfield at 2.30 p.:m , and arrives at
at sp" .'„Vo-Fatiisl;2s.
1911.—tt •:- 1101it1.
r it E subscriber Offers hia &rat for sitle,`sitell
ated in Copp - Ilitlow on ibo ?and, reading
(row. Covington to, Wellaboro. Snid .farta = pop,
tains 224 aeres,"abont 150 itnprovoA; With good
building, orchard, watOre4.:, The ac=
improved part of_ the . feria titeberedp--.
This farm will be sold ebeap . ,,e4 terms made .
roasonable. Inquite on the promises Of
Dee.l4, 18'70.-3m.
Notice.-- ••
ALE poraona indebjed, D, P. Roberts !al
Rook account or Noteskiorepiested to call
and sett° and save Coate, at -Merrick'a
Feb. 1, 111411-ttP • 80881118.
I t
) 10%00
(d. B. Nrr.cs
J. 0. HoRTON.
1 ~•
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,- • . •..:, -• r: ‘,..-,,,,,A-4 , 1,.4 -I cl . - , ;F:.'. , 0--.. ,4 -' , - ,- t, , 1 ,- -_.„.-• ''; ijlivemsomm o n .„-
!..4 , 4-,- -1 ,
i~; z
•• . THE: :OLD" •
- ,
11E arid:tura imO yeewplad,hy - ,lt;
- daYr. hait'been'thoroughly4setteditepair-3
'ed and oprinid by .
ffbo will be happy to aoroteraodate , the old
friends o f the honte at very reasoitable rates.
Jan 1 , •t_
- • • - _."4a7+
, iP• •?, +:
Tioga Marble Winks.
!TIRE undersigned is now, prepared to ass,:
1. outs all orders for Tomb Stone* andliony.
meats of, °l,f lr r'rr
i4`.itfitii'Ottiter.A*b q lifitittE,
of the latest style and approved wor k manship
and with diripatoh.'
Ile keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble'andmill be able,to,knit, a11,..wh0 may , fa.
vor him with their orders, on aaroasopagatorms ,
as can be obtained in the county .
Tioga „Tan..1,1871-tf.
Fall Bt. Winter Millinery
„Lon FANCY , !3,001J5.
M a u% Ja:.setectsfulnlyowanrneeorm
erg ' t
complete stock of
" a "an
1r - 4
Winter Goods.
Ispeoial attention is invited' . to her asiortnioat
COreeta, and Ready MadetWhite Goods,
Also,Zephyrs and Germantown
'Wools In Fancy shade.
Patterns in Zeph* and eterTthing pertaining
tothe trade.. .CID oLoyE's of the best brand.
Eats, Caps, Bonnets, RibbSons,.Floyets,
Laces, dr4.
The Wilcox t Gibbs Sewing Machine for sale,
or rent by tho week.
• 'Mrs. A. J,;.SOPIELD.
.Welishoto _bet. b, 1870. tf
FROM $36 TO $lOO
FROM $36 TO $lOO
Cba:ap to* barter, s a d bb p far cash at
111 BAKER i'SOl,ll3,
Westfield, Jan 4; 111;
ilyellsboro Upjop Graded
. ' '
And PrillOptitof figh School. ,
TT is the determination of the Directors to
make the odurse of, in • ,antion ;. as ,theroligh
and systematic eacan bo o , MLitt •the ;Staters
CoMmencing withtbe p m ry)depaitment, the
pupil, must master every is, ' a allotted work, bit
fops being admittofto th 7, qt tliigher.
4 , The better tejtolle're 0_ k.s,,k eisployed in ovary
departMent, the most approved methods of in
struction need, and the best of care exerefeed
over th"pupils in school and out.
The Etas, Scroot,, offers, those alivintages:
- The Priiieitiar ii 'ii" gii - idtiata - oft-tiinitieEestei
University, New York, a gentleman ofr large, ex
,perieneoin the,best oondActed Bdr:44;ot-A •
tiountry; who, Intel spout let",yetirik, n - Eafop ,
and speaks Ccrown. French and Battan... - li4 s
qualified to give superior instruction in History,
Fine Arl4 and the Ancient Languages. Instruc
tion in Hi ti lier Ma th c mat les, the Science*, Book
keeping and ifmic, will be equal to that of the
best aradelowq, , • • ,
The iluard hope 16 .soon be able to secure in
struction in Pcilating and Drawing, koy a lady
who •has had several years' instruction by the
best matters in Germany, and who bas practised
in the Gollerieti of Berlin, Dresden Munich and ' -
The best school is the cheapest school. The
Liojrd intend to obviate all objections to flat
class of popular schools, na far as possible. A
sufficient corps of teachers Will be employed,
.that.l9ll justice mal be dottigWeitip pupil.—
TiAtinh allAritircAhe'eld.horongh Um.
abroad itie4nititid. Board in
,privile' fa 4iilitm.fro $3"04.41***.
~ , T nittun, Common EoglishApeeterna, $5.
" Higher Eng "ab. Mathematics, d0.,58.
Beptether 7, 1870.
e •
•Ne •
itir RS. ShtITI , on Main Street, has Just
111 opened a very large - assaettnett of -
t :3 9 1N0T.: 1 a ©Ora
Which bile'l Selling a COST,
,uCl!as,, •
AM, tite,oyvirfrwt iXl,t}#tytace for
GA '8 .I ) . A T NT Mu VF.
;.- -
;udies tbatlave 6,4 e..lieed Mete Muffa wit! be
,storiitseci itt tbeir ebei.prit 63, beauty. and corn-
sll ‘,l which will t j o roll !Duck below former
ce+. A H work (lane otoptly.,, on.l't to: plciana.
„5i HS. :A MAINE ts MUNI.
IV el ll•ba no, Noll; 7: 1870—f
(Piest :1)qor ast of COII e House..)
fritF eubseriber, h n. 4 noll'o4o._ mark et for the
iecommodatten of oil in2Osifit ! ilf-7
Fittall• ENT:
I 1;44 .I)i4id for peek,
pelifiT'•,!: • ;
.11, , VAR ZPKIttAi ST79 iyll4i. 441
7 lievetutii-2, 070 •it
Adni ) i 5; 4" , • ./;:,1•7,... , "
P:Tundereigned, E s :.
iiie - of Abner -•; (} 60401, (1 . 0 ,eatiked, will
on the "premises of`melcriqatitte,. _about' 70
rode south o 1 I: Tublii,4,C4girlditln• In Law—
rence twp, et public vetioine; on , the 11th day of
gorch„at,t tha r o tiowip g ,d g e g ribett prAR,
arty Ilenadd north' by Sohn` idtlittilib: Sari
bY liaga`rlear aerial i;ltiilVireettrY golifer,
,eoutain lug one-half aote,-tuotettrlisC• 4Welling
~houee ,thercop. Terms 1U 14E.
W,elleWtr? Feb. 1,5, , AArn'r
DISSOLUTION.—Tho ;partnorshiptlierstri.d
`fere sr:klieg bets/oda-R. B. Watobrlindillp
rB. llaitiags is ,this day r dissolved ~I tYsrsoutball
consent. The affairs of, the firm will ,tio potted
*Viler of tbi into Ottaitri,ist The, isawjitfuld!
of Hastings & Cole, in,Wright 4 Bailees, smw
brick block. • • v it. - 13."1ii/IBBV' ,1 "'
Feb 8,1831 . 3 w JIAMN(IO,
.:- . 'v ,, :f:! . 1 7: 1-i t il - .4.u . ,.. f. ..',xi i iiii,,, , ii.=
Y .
(VI and ' after_ Algriplix,„ier,,, ,, fr, 1870, Trallaii
\J wllllcareflorolhfc, at the o lowlng houra,viz: - i
ni v
iii e t
5,45 11,, m., 014 ItiOltitillr(itanilafs ifxciiptel)!
-- t'4or 810110; Oa aleitlcAUdikerifeat. , z-ri A '.. \ ''4. i
6,06 A ..114 14 la at -- ligeßsaa•ati, pvirAi,AL:ol-1
' Rod:meter,' Sunday/ excepted) fcr Buffalo, Duve t
- ' kirk, arald 7 rilillii“ l' , -` 1 ","*.• - 1
6.-00ALIS1 WAY,TAES,OiIffOfIItWi.OI/1}21611-
1,, : - J.Y9,VS .1411 1 •;x1 , trak.. ',, tt0,,40'. - 1- '4..5.-',e_iioi_ l l- 1
itimero A
801 . 1 .4, 1 - Ilit , f i'.t, ''' V . .h.. V.,1 tt '' 1
i21 0 1 5 # • * l . n iticl 1 119 ATABIt'iIiiMMAWAr m
l i
; Homo_ r,.
0-, , ,t. ~-., , t .. 4 1 , ,, i t 4 31., , ,t i
240'A 21t i x ' ' 0410 14 ~, ,
°TOO 06 togi
fitIPAPI 1111M1..1 .
610ltiliff090 je t 4. 1 114- k '
glit 4 4: llatti no4‘gßAril e Alr i tari li t* llt 4
7," 5 Ait4D'AVitxolEs4 Ein i dit t iAititte,4 5
- P. 81.,,foxItorbDIRer,),I0r116tra 6 iitittll4;ivear."l
liCiala. - m,foziaitkag- siikri, a' 'dadt iicisOedo
ror Buffalo, nautlikarid , tneirteV - ;*" 4 ' 'il I
i ; ';,t.a..,.- , ,-; , ...ri t , :i( -,,,,i,...;.,1 s '.,!' i. =ii, ,4 '`..' IL 4 . -• ~..1,
Gionea Emir. • 14.. i
12i1 3 AAL,' , ,tritelit'iniiinkilkiali6fiini e&'etlited,
, connecting at Net. York , witbriftertionn trains
itand,ateatnerelor theltiest Bhtldd4 Q l l lceiij
4.4* lz id i flSECtit RAU EXPRESS; Monday 4 ex-
canted, connecting at New Jereaz militArittan
fpr ridlegs.,4ialtitno!,* alxityp r obinfplvi 7
2,0;1 P. M. oiCtisailOßA.TiOX trth
01AY 5 ,9Fcloted ) - , s " - TV. - ;:ifF
cotinticting - ante,' IStr *lib 'lllloo4On
a)440.1184, t nzocjied,
Press trail/ fa; } 904 14 -0,1 141 * - •4,
/2 , 4 1 .6 B: O S4tiMISIZSA
1 1 ,4 0 X: 141 4 1 141 c VO# 4 oo: ll 9',ikii”.
4.30P7, 1 4., WYJNottilk.ol, syikelat
tEg atlerkey ott:?;;gtxhvio,thitrit 11440
for Balticnoriiand 1; 4 1.: }-t
",, /11041A0E . ?WISED TIPROTICIII:=4 3
-Trade on tb elCTll)tkaliwa rind , ontecting
ran ilsairebently been vtiblisitedoutginaupeipreagr
ed On aPPlicatlen 6 0 theTICISStAgePAPIA I /09PPIAY
4 349i 0 1 PAR , .Agent ; -#.440
suisiburosivorning ) ATiogalt,
IFII r,0 , 0 r - er notice
1 1015feiNOT4411 MOW T./430A,,
. No; -N0... 49;24. - No.ooso‘iiNo.eve,94l.
N 0.10,11,35. No. 12, 12i1.2.. , No. --;14 1r ,;1,,/s,q. ~ N cp. . c „ ,11 6
0,20.. No. 13, „11,12. . , „
aoTqa iouminton
No. 1, 9,28.,,,,N0. 8, 4,55, No. 6, 0,01. No-7;4,16
No. 9, 7,20. No.ll, 10,18. No. 28,1,42, _. _
TR:VINO - FOX TSB IfOliTlll.. -, -; • •
lecorito * dation at • ° 12 rm.
ifortiarfaateat prala on zoadi 1166411,w
oo dud (tar Dec, 5,1870, ;train esveill ikYrfllo l ,
depart fr,ora Troy eel) fpllowe; ,• • 4
s .
' s
9'24 p. - 01.--DitliOmeeplDetilliiiii) for leolioCand"
, • Da ffalo fromXlmiree.. , -;i>4; 4. •
1014 a. in,—Daily (eteept Ban daye)for tialca l Dliffet—
I o,Oanandaigao, Itoebeater; ButpUtridge (mkt he
, 00 1 0E 0 4.
LEAVE 64),11111WA11D.L.. 1 ,
066 "A. in . .—Datly(piccent Sundays)! for italtiuibrits
Wasbington,Ptaladelphisilkoi: ;-: - zria%;Yr - •
7 07 P. m.,-Daily(except
Washington and Pltiladolphia.i,,.:'
• • .
1 • Gitu'lStipt.tiartlitilitirg; :vz • Gott4ll o staa..Aet.;:)
' iftiAllnore,llld4
. Arrivai,4l#‘l, .Departpre •Ntage,9.
• ..I 4tl •
't 1. f'&hi) . 111 1rOfellf pgt.. 0 .4 1 .1011 1
• t lilfallnlmrno 4epalk_apd
• •►
•,••t: ft- •
,‘:iiirlye 'as fsgroyen
"!.!••••vr - - 11 tr.2.!` ••,Welleb4ti garpfft,n_di• ~,,7 -
- • • - • -and 7 o'clock p. •-
WELLIMOR &;31AAtiPlkbalirepkrt Ain. tor, arrive 6 p m
FELlsirtmg& p_nunse nar.:-Dep o tlon4 filmr,-Ap. m.
.117 4 . 1 4 1 rivt 3 WPdaiVEltri.
Wrlt.enonoklinsnranone.--Depsct Mon .4 1 1 6 nr.,9*xn
WELLODoIIo & SVNY VORICi-Mdp.V TIMM 4,-.Flidny at 13
' p. mt, atr.Tnea._& "Friday at 77. m.
' .
sEttrigiditit siroit
4 / ::2
- 7T. 7 -- -
P/E O /i§,', -114M1M8i',
g',IVPN . i4 - 1 - ''';.lo4ill.xiligis
With -
__ moat ether articles usually kept id each
etitabliebtiteat, which is 414 for '
Repaiting`doac nosily, aad vomptly, and on
bort. zroTwat.l.! :FOLEY.
, } •
• Januaryl"7B7l—y:'• • . •
. .) i
. • a. „ , . „
To the Oititensofilfnsfied
' • ,
ATAKE plenum in announcing to the public
M I have..tin band 41:Iall'Actend apiendlitas.i
ser,tmene br .n -;1 4 r.- :••• _ ‘: ~'s ,'::. '.!.i ': c.: ..,: ah:
PAIII4JR . All 4 .c194101E
~.. ,‘
0 ,
srr o v 'Ai s
- f1 re 10 ,4 11 Y'''': .47, :ii i.J .$A le, .4,4 -1: m -..
both useful and Ctrnamenta!,,wltiab I am offering
to the public theisperillan - oier sold before. I
wilt sell tigootl, Cook ; tr,itls Wurnituit
651420. 1 t-1 Weeli la' aloalr',lN,Pj'abithitin'it p'o'p
ular °atilt/ ;f:illifiliti Vatd 't6 ilia 4be Iterie'-Stove
Mado'iikttjitt, ft,:t?fl,;l3tirt!if'y Voilktfilets the
-!0;:6 1
• f• ". , ''j i 'P ......_ , I-Lti
Light g:,. , : t ' t ot - saw,
.zi,. , , , , -- „„1,:„.;,._.‘..... , 4f , ..,k4 ,,, ,i , :••; - , - ;
thcfastoet ppttiogSsaki, th!FAvetrlikk The man
ufseturenfolthhali4oh'alteinge the world under
a forfeit,A sl,oo4baxtbaktbAkts the faa test cu t .
ti " 81 PI i rt de 't -11 a, :.1 0 fil 11 . -
Thanking my Mande' fol. their patronage; in
the past, and hopngitillicTmerit their favor, I
am as ever, grateful, '
-.. T1 , -.. ~, q .iy 7 , 1 ' 4, :r:.•• 'a vSOICIPP-
P, 8 —I 'challenge one and all of the Stov
dealers in this county to sell ai cheap as I do
;4» :CV. 4aflulsh 4 cuat exemptett.r, ~, ,:,,,,-. 0,11,1E4 c-:' - :,
' Mansfield, Nov. 2,1870.-3 m. . . '
• J . 7 .7 . 77 7777- 777 "
viAL,..mfri 4 t tp - 6',/ Po I al'
NY guilt:l,oly on band at the Elk Run Pluto
:M111,4 miltifr tassiaee, Petit -1 45400 per
'Zin.sota s 7,&73.41
*K-11 , 44,T21,19)V 1 A tqe t
Northoral Centraltßat.
' - '2wh“giiiling been estab
?fished in the Jewelry bus&
bees in •Wellebtitoklitta al
ways on sale, various
?Muds ana pri(es(
, t T. t
5P001L5,..,. RAZORS, ,
• - • t .
• 1-_i ;
w:. „
.ct trifiliVO4
1 1 .t- !totat
i 4 - , ';
i i l'ipi'f• ,;* . A1 . 0 - rtillti'4l6ll6liii - 4411:440.
, _0ii.i4....4.4,4 , wati1i.. 1 1 . .. , 41,%#.,t...1,0 .ir r .A,-..
),t , ,,..x-,,,.,41 , ,1„*,,i.4 .-F.,14; re ( 0. 1 "?'-' , .,?.:, , , ( 1(4 'o4' - t)
Circe' qa - driii4l4io . bei up, yender Ittati4- 1.- -'q
`littit 0 thOlitie tit tired to ' 4,64x?;, - .,i go
: B titrtreerfocetrartiow;ftiatOteitto Ott 4140 .
AVliiniiii; 111.1'441a WAtitieViaijttiiiiii‘ilttir,4
l'llillertirtuothittirr.olleilitttlk.lol9rotte;ai". i
(Night is the kiwit . ***4o o o. 41804 . ' ..
'yet, eh, t 9 ble , oo.ber,-tay.dithLettee mei°, • , :,. I
Xfflifil r ktit a llilig;oiliftatiej
. 1111 ' 1
o ..t i l h a f tir igt r i tl eff's4,olotkkoemil, i
e t 170 holtrlift ,f - ......:,,,
1 1 %
leefr a ipa• = 4 ; ,y,..t.11,4...., --- .1, 4 .4 .• .id.V",:-Li.
'' " i ttlifV l .4. PITUIP. 4 9 A S riart - ,.4w L.' :
Dark Awes the. weirt
44t,—nst 4 r r il.r Yly..
ittextiPplitiitilieitiVa'adike V iia? 4 ' 4 '
Ititght'hr,thettitaititce*Thir e ' ''''l
BbefintrfletisAWos 01,0041tiei Aditii,;! I
Sparkird the P`ritt. i tar, r, the' wieok tv high., '.. 1
4'4'2, il r.:4*- .0 - 4 - ~ ., • akt.,i, 0 i ,.. 1 :4. 1 ..1/ 342 tti ~, .11, 1 an . If I ,
liliAt ithi/11110; iikit!OtAVitY , ll . 64 ' l,. 7 , i , l' ' ' ' .t ~, , i, 1
INAi tll lo 4 oriliokitiA* 4 6140„ ; ; , ,
4 - 005igki6411.444a1.4444111 - 41
-liomillustWilnial - Aliti, tweaeleletocera:'ny i kh t i i
Lit t eptitithitillettiiiiVitilditioliite weep„.
Night is the time for thi4litliititije . 4 '7' .l,
' ' i
Volitetb 134 , illauttiteit :IlieiEire deep, . r I
Apron the cold U1.14A - 04411 itethey,lle. ' : .i
X .. ,. 1 19P14 h1i.,4 4 4 Ah/PP4 6 lkgte , r l OttAbi ireful, 1„ 1
-</dittlitUrktittili :whintAlte ohlenuitilleV4 Xj 1
Ihtuhttithirtittrie r thhiltVirrilidibilt,ittit 1
* 4166 0 ° 2 . l o6ifilkWArdo. 3
i 't
psi iiiiiiiiictiiiiebi' Pwlo . Mifinti ll 4vl l , - , tt lizi; 1
(Night je the, tini,e,,,iicil,l4 o . - V4 Ai0ut4.1440, ' ....1
Autsh_OftVitilriltibibilmketkiX*3ll.3olted A 1
Atlrl 41m.eld etgra.liledittalietrAtomes orilitilk.- I
,;(i , i4r.r.d.1.; 1:1,1 J 1;.1.1 4, -, lii; ?Anil#4: , l r.i; , :“.. .i. -v-;o.r
t- 4
trEi3i'd I t ;
, W 4 l:PUbiiSh belo i lv , a letterj front - I)ak
take; Afttinepotte . `palartiltelitlitthe
vialehii t ibe
2011,z: nllea west of Lake Sußerfer, and
onitillne of the Northeintlicritlol'all.
Thi - f(titicAnt:thi letter *as' a
roommate - otitems in Para last snm
tniaftlniot rif - voldrite'sruitialstriiitilik49t
n4lVefif t India rubber Aclikggim—
Poiliittr?,be and Iteme-are-the
whit ggw_
e, tu-
SPriq ,t#t:ilextninta awatapa
inadelndlainbker4ltlit t , h4prittwill
-hatidi.' 3.11141 erf#loo6riiii"lfeCOtk
litil:AP. . 01 4 441:4 1 ,4110
Jima tor .; lin Bel ts tlahingt4,l:tpt
marksand eotntirlsena'ais
and governments,
are te near:llia actual truh.
Dear /ifr:4 l ,4ol,4iii-YRtheali better im-.
_ 1 ,g 111 9 ttIPPt 1 e A rt1 A1 4 904 1 .4:1 - 414/P 1 94 94 1e,
affordid, me bill:kw. reeeptiowiet , ,yo:l6
of thell7thi , -II atilleice r eilliAry 410. 10
hear that ybuT.lo4,inieeikAol:4lol4/IS7
Mid gilVtrgEtrdit receiving a fair rerun.,
• -4 9at i A 11 1 51* Atitil4Y 0 ONtlfr444:4C --.
• ittldefitinitrA _' oitiliSkt-RTAP
, . ter it.
i - 01/4.444.4nitan!a5)10 .. ctutaut Ito
IselnTata n tittikerridOlif*Ettiytillitthit
1 kitiAP,4o4:ll4lo9ClPteitittitt?
dem `non dumps Initakott, 126ui= in.
t O tib r d r all tP 6 . ril ls *
” ins#Pit 944114YPtiff,4 6 4146h We;
I can sarnlyoleyAfrurn l / 4 -pereons--- -oils
vatiog 7 lidireic - Peiiehee in' the rubber
b al 'leis; ) witho't elfitgagol9l,lo.r.4ll.ldPe
flattery, that I consider lyzu bevaben7
°fitted the river 'A,Witzeto - nfl itFtribtf 7 •
tarieS 7 tti a far greater 6*Cenethan . e .. Onld
poshihly he bitight - iii;ol4,ilailiekor
mbiii - icientifib'ekt4iiiiions, 'fieruieil'by
an Agassiz or a "Efartt:s, For when we
cil,nalder the large stmAcif money' ttiat,
haVer been placed itt , ther)dlePegaL4ol%
Mein scientific mmeditlotie7,liihtftliel
. /iic'e'l'lnfil' i bonitiliiiiiii6rrile'' iiiii4iiiie
atiiautages gained by the naturally rich
though sadly inisgamma - rind benight
ed intinntry orprazil,. virrofittifialif§
i l i r l Ok,, i tra " s a r f i l d IlAii**3 - Iq9 l- ,,i ) .i
tutcLuir nd red dif f erent kinds of fish,
iltidthkit there are innumerabfelrinds
6, 1%0 8 aTIi r PA I T Yt 0!• , %,R1A.47,;.rt
ik not tape m e kin actual observer)
long-to decide which of the tyro word=
14°Ie'th e gff-Stk.,!?/ 0 . 8 ..,4, gl 9 1 :;.*Yer
(in develoilimliei niiglity 'natural le-.
'sources,") the " scietifle liiiepidition„7
' 4014 f:r94rild X l l.9otint ? i goeilmttypr
- desr ui e auspices &IVO governments,
'and an ImmippOtilyfi t *lO
, shies, ete.roillie illfintkrand kbalsum
, lug coming ofzaniAineribatilinentttit.
T h e , ll.MkefAail 15 ,AC40 .4544 Oliili
-114.61WIrgeff WM) farAiialted ..,gratiiyrAs
chivearald banhatidlt ,' r e .i rjriVolt
'4101 13 05.4.1. , !rii 04: 1 00* - ,44 „the
frua* - ch to• teit+hisilw,
chine, had to penetrate d v e4l9lll z to
sVidnilii,,ilbgiti 4 2 , Tjewisiiiii, kie in fug
with datigply-At xn, ti , atitikey,enA., i Filit
NOtkAl i ll i isOt, *Ro r iii*ityo
: toi us Korea ici, incsiAkiateauleuir
, that 1531,46'013101 ii1e1'4#04411#4430;
6 - 0 0: 4 4 4 **I t i i *ti , 4t 444x: i t* migi x
itii,..iii,eit 36 at "Aikezi,l tridemiilneCtiorn:
than• ileadrUpin =in !1- 1 -111 ; deliCeiVIATel
,Bilokt'slia l ee''of ill OSA*Aiifktilia
44' , 80 .TetrYogregi; atithe , ponservatfire,
1 i teople ofsßrailli pereeive,* '4, ittitie#
1 10 43 0-4 1 0:44* - 4.4.4§4bat ,11 64040,44:4,
I 14 ,tliii luvoliktorikrranir f!ifing yoo;the;
'inventor',,'* Way thW;T- and - se atit ri '' Ml '
a. , • 'i/ :± • , .i , '"'
Hiki , i-,l*isti you ic;eruhere tibia win
-steri- although—Vl ell--on- - the
W O '
the - ff. , ' ,
teiviiliaiti_fiClaQil ' '' &i . 57
itime of it, and your ultimata . tinpany
;would assist vaili.thAkeading•through
timtnettatimii , winter life of t h e s'e
Vali."' hen I pat wade my appear
ance, 4,9' 4 44, osifw ~, t4l,3kirri :fef a
larea m .evoi,,,.. et9 t x t ,i,
; tiers; an aal s e 'Mini tlidukh s' orii , tither,
iliiillyotbitalf . SOftlyAiiikpri,fl:oo`,
la I• TorvkPB44 , o l l. o o. 3 a4fikeen .indeeed
Ito open hie door, (at about 8 P. IWO on
(account or perceiving: tiSilittystack (dm
Ifire, and was shotat, and it was then
;thought; , nitirtfilly wounded, by an In-
A lan. HOW ev456 - 4 eikiiierAli6iFtlie 7 iiiiii .
;has quite 0 430 Y10444 lOW iitYknifiresitton
l's th1tt_41 4 9,40. Sit-,bas nen its last was-,
liaorei and Ahatinxightir agent of civil; -1
I ,2ationoteauritiellbbn 41oluritsilegiti
100.!31Vglitifft9PkItigi AlOWlMlOlalltbitti;
i i t the head of lake' ButeileolyitiFttila
rassintrof thirßed - river - mtlikeNmilk"
tiring this * tianiailkelitiliittiqkAlreadii
- ,thil roairtirlitiMifillar illtieTeihii
iitifiei l giiittillOAT 1411401 i -
Pmakteo.X4OrAluotrile cularials
natilvfligittoradtgrortill9o ' Itt
' ' 6 i 2 3, 1 114. cii ii:Cia. afell . ' . 1 1 1 6 -
balliMotana'Acunt are' being worieu
)tt, -alV4inteit ; sotilel Vdai 4ifidthiglit ;
'fii4Vitilkg, l o -- 1404 - 0 4 i 127 414.it44,1 - 4 . -
rivesillinulattocti* :-
poiMilpie#4ipofv ia , -*p ,
uli pg,fc*Aj, lllittftCsli(tgatit.
pa_ oppitalnutrimi file ; sail ScAr*silin
44 '0 84611 . f4l 4: v " t l if t* l t ‘ t ° g i rl?
' )004filetd**0.t.*04(4414-71444j
Ivan obonia,bl).epen on 1143ipurth 'if
sly neXt, • . f : --- ytt iT?,t 0 trvuilt!,
The country Moog the line /Wirt Du-
1, 1 ';
I fig,
~..,-__Ap 4.....
lefili!rtsiii2 &iiiiiiteoija t. iiK w
k 4 Vi l it(-}
'friWaip-taliAli4V,iiiitiNvift 4 'aiiii •
ii o i.!4 o t t iii t ikroili'iiiiWf'fi'aiiii6teettsalt
416 , 10._ . ;64, itikiiro i lieliiiii6Vairini
41110 or bilk ViorMilorythic , fr_ia wii, I 1
" Atl *** l olotilliWitelii.iti4iii ikilltill
411441 " ir rt i e i t quantSii - WOUtoilitittiski
410404/4utairtselt Ltitoext4;c4awfotri
-1-04444‘ WitazikAcktniff liPint h ArOi go i
atout kfE l rfriocirktttit iftifkte : NAWri
where, a refs unaatmousfy "A' if l
ft. t t it el
Prigthlt 49A 0 a PO* AIAP,S*I iPlvtiat!
i 1 044V thq l l, l ol 4 ll s 4ol l l,4l9htlmpswpi
Iff.PAD JAAI* - stir.YdiA; 0 tAt ifACtlq',
Aliflaq9Pl,l4Pefle`inihia Tagil ifft'lll3,9'
N ad ktTiV as ifk * U 9 T' Y.ll9:lVA th'e l
lii ii
iru k ss : .l here ''Viht.fie efillcmirif '_ it*
'4l3o4l33iiiiit iiiit i li - jkt itiiihilti ' 1, 1
_iolvii.whiiiiblob_citstail; woo .1011 1
160fiiiila tr,kuriliitausikvii6" tor i
fool titti l kor-rctieriiisig.4oA-liisiiiihl liiibi
i 0 to bsvplitlitilt. , -OaklillittAiPtlitabl,
na;_ . ,. on the boundary - line, - next snm-i
stitti*.lbe tplAirittioar6'adstient 165 m
litori2ottestibiniti4;m4 lands vili aloft,
*Otter utralsogy.oodicawltheall4k
1 10401101#1,01m4likikliritistkuptiets! t 1
1 0,04 0 :„. 9conktimolA i tiwomwtcifixe,
in ' , this v icinity ..that.the • crossing will!
hal, at pt l t esentAlkiOnt - Aeolded, as spec-!
41407 1 1141.v 4 ii1CP4 PPAill.inntllctrfts ,412 d i
-ftliviiirOd;eprapalilovrAnt , :to; gat hold ,
`ofthie'to*il site!' Bothers is toninkiduht
es't,Okilikt , hatleat'Plibi bfittlin' fiVell r'e 1
i s hi s lii! ./ pi.: 0,01 )11 ..iii,Jilu;ir.ql.i, _; : .i.:l, .
~ , , 1%.,-.irt I : ,ti l iuditi i' . llii JI: ii,:',i:lA .h• +
4' was agreeithljOdisa'prifilted :in 4 'the 1
winter hers, having
, beeritglieeirtio 'llo t -';
lOr ti A lilio *"*joitow - , ' o ri d l i i li
tat).;,44of - ii,l4(it ,144vPiWirrAim, i
igli'lmtvi-x , camovi..:Piereff Miff/04'i
tens Atere4o)thosaorthqEdlshittkStatO.
Ildkliviithec*oeti beffiwohtleriatb.q.ioi
A li A , Okfta*.sloY 6 4 l l4l-C‘P l- 1
green below 'zeico:, 4C . Prif4flY,,,Et,l since
ttl9P. MOIL/WA itkagilMoryi jrittmeath, I,
ski f ;And ihy i tom ingi Abu 400go7off
the pierkcnnitke - t: ` mi ) ofiiiikfpfizilipato 1
*Ptk..htg - 90 11 ,T,r0. 1 14 i ii igA i
43 ,95981ifrt 4 4 . 11# ii4 lol - #*4o ld Utivi t 1
Ag5.:4141 1 0. .Iw.ielvivsgbiid. Jaw:thaistill. , ,..-f
4)ditirtalifirage, , ,thilitheillsOmeterlitT4l,
atirolit tio'tir 17 degrees l igiove xiste;!: ith i
iltSlo pr no wind. itio.l,you call' intik+ '
919'; %EA 11 m,NtlifteA iP.1*.1 , 41 1 0.:0a111i ,
„, :T
luipisiumotiha;unitat;indneenlent de
settletWOotniti , g harePitiAtiolliepi:Skitnit#'
to, navigeldn 7O t ti , ; l lBltilgr(like"!'lliplii . -
`4 4 /iliki4hig i filteSgit A lsJ° l ,ifil.lism.l47
4 . e.r:44 ill, lloi 3 / 1 , - , ,i1P9 1 ,4 Pg , :Natinoooo l 3
of the country, iEttst,-; - they-artrasmear
in Eastern market-id-Duluth as at Obi
434iiiiindiiifilii vciisaP Inlegittlififitilir
eliktiditlikitilkiti iiiiir t trtdoo
twimia in - iii keiiiiii ft e2titittirtfila i',
fail 6 frir!!o. , ...'hilniarif 0 ",
t/41036 - , illittfi -- Tillifiellist 4fiti 4,i4
Peq_a 11 WI stain got but when one takes
axial) aStsrolitsursatiimirn• - ml,:eVof
ktiVai 'ft Vit*.# o Titiehr4s*,, Wil#10:
_ _, 11iiiii:404:. 1 ?4,441111.4'.1*.4k414;41 1 .#
, Thzurlpetivo , positrowurla:rdcotirb r inki
106)* AtoLTlk`iiVuilkitirtgitlie oticte
4i4)Pitlo44:falitilli,t4i'OseliPii i elli4ol4474
ern part, -.also some of. the ,eider Statesi
6'40 fiti:p*lo po' dpnbipt by, , Aotill
iiiiiii;*ll4l , nieriWit: iiiii.444:la9F
trade al:l4'i , ', mereo sv lib thilve . where
4 . 00144 Itild?#e, t:evinteroSd i'idiroads
* ll *9°449:*44**et:*fi*l::: , !
,1114s.Isfa splendid eoUntrr's - or..fartn.
inkl! sltliatdd so near - the lakes' '
that litide hi&6l'l4 to i rlild'idi s iiiiN
It la; Otleipated that quite, a tQWjtis
00100440 1 0,T10 - Ctik'l on Iced' titrbiel
(4 4 ,1iitYs310MrtAkK;44%Y i 1 ' i
r '';` " 4,l
t' ! ? , ''' , •'ll l ::<:!,', l ';''''.i i ;; B ,,zr , ' T'4.fif':'"e i
:, 3 ~::!, ~:, ‘ , ....2):t , , 1A4:7; .ic; ~ , I; 1 I ~.
[ ,:-.! . ' I.; '..:,. „4 •4,--,, , W I W I ? e ll git a rPAl ~,7,
~:,,:i:ttwocilthrf„, sxyr t at . - Pf i
Mr. Van Gelder --- do na'TAlitiVa
Z . j
1,4,..1"10,Apic map looks, head to
..the lu-
tank with nn,j , intentiOrt,of ;being shad I
frk , „intentropl: itiS
4 0P ie 3 0";,044 ,1 1§4)041444.:th%
It we do wronge ihat,iis AI the, ypiig
rdoviO4,ltlitgieralli i tte . i4ult
of-a' 1
kind of involuntary impulse, a thcitight=
' lessn ir,pritatioal results: :A young I
t. DPP ge into 'al!** likfOlf,=: 1
13010 ;01,Y , 4f, ' ,440,.‘. 1 1.q;.iik, ' 00E...t 40..4,
hinuu, oi, the.;*vening ; l of staying,hut.
fate. -' , llOlO lbw habit'orssodial r-iisitinit
ViattO due legulf**i:A. WON*:
tiono k otti tright.toAiwayi ifronithertie a
• SidAttglidt4s -. 4 611tiln•,11040 1 •00114iallf itiflX
aiisiiiAinti3 that' laV i 'aiva niit' l findie
ihomoill 'Young , .mon: area gregarions:
Iher MO; 'to aoS6olato!tOgethoti , f , il'hOX
. 4010 #2 010 0 *40t40;.110 * 4 ''
; alsoilrOotYV foid.thotieiliPine is plea-,
itiant enough, i thertire of , 010'11401e ion.'
itPiOl iii4,ilieW 4/44ek r :Y1401:14'9,W.:
e,ri;t4oif, 'moot qhimm_ant,use mon Cs L; and,
without thinkingvf retarltsi,they'soitle
tlTPß-o,loopPiaro9AePP44 tlfiitt i fo;l,' #qt , '
!in t:finklbodeo4, Of s`teg , ~ '1 13. _0 0 , , • uuSial.
kind. I They. must 'have excitement;
'l4ll „en; when It comes in their their mectY,
theitioinOtif.o4:diltikA4kalefilinkli i
i qubrsokioderatelytattirstmithoutinthel
linnwininAmofrtix-ItAr thtiy lire `laying;
Itiia*Witti** bgAti4liviAiit;:'oo'ilti'r
,theexict4nin'iliteirt,Sonialitues tiniy.;
Atlbrtilicaupe'ottieric of titelitonkity ,
'4tilik*Atifielf44Kil4lthii - failliO ,
laid io they:ileid, a at dree, against tin
1 ,11 - ottfir , judgment, not
1 k ,,. i .
e ! r
-the:. bac k gam m on :..
'l. oar
d, - si i.t
t . h
domtpes . and'eien iVittitnaiblet, OW
Ide onkl444oktkinsenetiti.' indeed,
pot3tionsa habit of
gambling is form
ma 5l Vei,l4_ , yiaip4iyet in l iffirjlre bleii.-
- ikideOliefidn'iiileAstighe ixthial* ebb tit-
Alca contracted la;:vSrY, early )i le:A
iing a belleijek , ln . the ogeneralfgoodnese;
a thil ik tiiiiiST- =say the orpitaltil. 00'4
frises, of human nature - 1 iiiintitiniiir*
;things 0 iiiiimilow. a I tit' isfok young
men, lOW Ohf I .. aintilOwii
n Mei .minds the seeds from which'
litriklaire MIKA )
94' lhaegiondesLeStillo,thkt, -
, p , . , ,
'*uttiklikdiniteelyrtAtiV,igo; the'
1 -with vihteh#7,l. -4 . 1 . v ., • . se patina.:
17441 , 00 w, i ~--.,., i i ,
, a , . I . do not
AIR WV' ,i711ig1121,014-,
ft 61:tglavits 101e10:nifeeiddebiliikko In?
ovett - eAtidtMtlittio) 4tvrti. hoptqrniii ,
iiiiwilkili aitisAtl.iiies/y. , ,n .s3ttiereihityn:
ibeett thogsvAsehcilhaVOastrive . tvieurnsilftly ,
'AgaltikilfieetAcei*Obi:PW'AttiikWir 1 . 1
cAilhilar i :i hinirsikatid,Avd 00 4 eatnestir'.
' ''N' s l?'- ' A ' is "' l f::#51 0114101-66* '"
!O* 14 1 11400* 1 14 iiiiiilAti;tl64 27:
let me acknow ledge right herelthalLlti
ittralbi, lideWthlisefdreameri who think
that Or earth is just ready to become
a *or* : , a • re,
r ''
' Eft4lie 4 TIM *Ed iOf (OVlt'i r7 :
evg*hiMite ole al Ili ittUreaVthit MO the
'iliosfielivingi uti=undiheitilefililb i ttivherii
tiAnd Antlilanalitoid I isitiCitthi3Ot*Vl
Ailret*tei'.oiresiristaii*...tliihtly tem* i
toftj, ~ l imt4com . *ieeil.l igri,*;hl444 l 4lU 1
AwN,li.grqw, m 90.1 ttl,t rgYr-rAgtqfftt9f t
PAIF 0 1 )rfhiP 4, **MAN :PLO) tilAr , -04 1 0' ;
1.9111 J,C4119, WA4,II:XE4P*IP [ Ptop 9t 19.0 i 1
Mtt4 / Vnt h ,gk,4 4 ;
3 - 1 4;90 4 44)19,44i; *Oh iiio44 s4 3Afft*
irrifaitirtir htiPrifiVri
#42 ~
,e gt,,, till^ R . Ale, r .
iit elhii. g ' to' cit . 00 4 : ' llo,##dill
liiihiVitii 010 ° rtiiiiii—sit*tyi
t ..
Wm itittlitliiii i 'norde ' At. '''ll'liii i itiettlil i i
liv ileitie6t4lP 444ePtilid iixiiiitiiiiSl
- pi aiteitteliinuitAidrk`tiriittittlielliailleti
41 tithe sviiiehtAkiykettidti , defitior Abbe i
iv_ erefietitfr4rodildildtiel'Aetititilrititiiish I
betkwatid ritaktV bliti fin•intelligent liti- 1
in gi,whbeit by , an d' ink nly f phyaiidat iciti..l
genizatinni.i..l 2: - .1;:ti i ::.::j ts!,' I
ts SoiWilit:the gm , t licpior4l , ll4.l It has i
grOV.V.44Pot shy ,the:grevtia • Off 4340 f
Jift'gflPi tikevilktiP ok;€4o l .l":ueeu.tl4o.4 A9l
ffErflvie ~ - lktftli twill, hSt, l l.q49k,eth.f9 l lo*l
7f l A-0 0* Piin9d , k!"4, A WV . kteil 4 Y9/ I Fg'il
aipitf ilie fairest *ifndigei,,s4,, :#40,01, *nil
''oo4-o;Vithe i Alkoiibili',VrOi r iiri
114° tiiirid'otliiiebetato)k.' — li gseeniei,
tiiii:iiihe i iiii` theliiikh'`'Wehadliliti tUif-i
fAlitilytAtibtitA lifilii; 3 ailit Viaiiit"iiiii I
Vheilef t Vitt grAitt 4 f i ci4giiiiiiiiihiliVeViiit. I
4itrlvltig i ite 'said tliti 1 it drudiverefieitebrf
tiver his Boni,/ Why. I t.ito go),Who *ma I
bill?: :.0 - : ~1 1 ,,,',-...A ~.,(I“i',,, ; . _ "i:i•, li
-Wiirk, - therefore v is•th e great seces IV
of., hurnani tyil n the maid at; welt ati the i
PhYsicalmotld..; Re thet,Would a pe.
Atka moral ,evils thati 'everywhere; n- ,
IfilAillate flochityy nauet, work. - iHe use!
i guaN pu;o:yery,eyeunee or hie hear4,t, D
49. T, 1 44 -./Tl 3 O ~Cyc'TY, iAti4 l l94 - , Pi Ake
NI, eq.:ly r Re. vv,11,1 411 t d Jo, eyery, fel:polka
influence of the kreet • ey.ll, Liieviter eeeh- `,
MR -A. 9.lroyv hi m A a t9,Vie pa,f l 4 that leads
, I ( Tn,J9,Pir gf49 8 , 131 :.PMA,td.4 1 / 1 j p. . i ;
•;AkEk witkil.4lViduals, so.w,lthcomo4..
AAOe B, , , sT her, - Xe 41W1-Yllfvf great Al!
1 1V3 , g's 46 1YRc4k: An ,Ytr,Ys cfThA9ot, ;
an inlueUfte,that builds hpJ . , an ,infn
ißfe that,Wlidd - li4 Ciovin . • an iatlii
snea- that" - 0440 make_
iiiie‘ety ; ;Mere
Wid,'iniiiNkthiihi:iike;akd cOnsefitieni
'hihrii haii.ii* , , ,.. iiiltraii'"itil t ipiiett.-thitt
*Chid "Aillitisp, t 'iltiiiiiiiiiiiie'ind'''Mate
Miser shield "Vlleikiiiii bin COS afiOneeeil
s'arliy4titaglni Wile; ittid ea* lii eVer •hiail
tifitille:'-iThey:are eVer'-ittfhlitik tor kik!,
'masterys - -As one-ifailS hilt ikiltinee; the
iltiber - OlkinEr-' ill fridiViri , ' AndAt *oal a
most seem ,that the , evil , intivenciei he.
'lr grows weary ;,netger , elumbers;, zie-
Ner relax_esaneffortJ ; The , good sortier- , .
41tues,seePaS te,eleap,,a,u(l_tikert, evil pre*
gressalkgains thejnesteXY-i 40 1 .4 Telliffle
414410441 1 ,t, ;till AogiletsYt , 1 4 4.40 1 P4 i1)3 1 :
lie, terribl erayagei. s ane contest is
renewed. z - i -.. ~ ,
- 1,..,....ity4: ii.f.5.,; . ..5t.w.* si , - - i sx , .! ....,._ .• 1 ,
A)I facts ,and:hist,t, ide,then,Atr . tYi
tii i iiiiii6iilio;ioMl4lfie:e Aci - iiitt#V syclitT
ty*ellaithiiio; zaasi 404037104
6 tist 6i-St tOiiii Nii iiiiiiiititea'liiiitati;
fiiktiiiii, and ititaitiai wiling. " it isihtit
fittite'tVaa .' iioyttitilk . Aiiki 1 itittf-aihitiil
Ithiebkiitincii infant' fro iti 'iiiitothiti.' ' t ithe
one*-11,1 - a , man'xif tood , t4..zidencleievlliii
Othei, I 'of. e;ll ,, tenden Ws ; , i The , briaii's
1 ffratiio tolittadeumlitu i.eoll;:und3 ad
-much. as in ,hhn. ilea to ratuedy !IL, The
o,t cr..knows aniihinghlt se11;
n interest but his own . AsJong-ae an
e't it does not touch harp ; he shrugs his
( 14
8 oulders.and is silept.f,,A.s iong as an
e i 11 adds i to his, pecuniary : hit(!rest, he
sc a nothiug,lit it, huk,goqd,; i4il4',ioieil.
h 'hae Oscerided,to 'Oa( 101i*: - de,SO 'Of
ihteid.Y:Mid 'tlegradatibii.'. trb i tii ' which
• Mato, - C'eveiietitheiiilifet hyr, - ',(iiiheinA'
iiinc'ittare tiitatiltio' *iiii`; Chil yco94,kty:;'
1 iiid 41giiiiii,:tilidiiiitioitiiiiitsfill*0:'
r, iiiBiiciii-bi . ri o'iaiiii iit:'''' Ph ili rillif iti u th
beistliolieil Oft ii iiiitiiig',& l rit s l4 'iiiith..
[ . tile lilt iitiiitiaiin s
eiii toiiiisstieasitiy
1; Thes;y6ungib4 , tiVith , 3 a •iihnif-atc'hi it.
'l pocket is fair game to him ) ,lllittifit&Mit"
1 eoniii in to Ihis' tilt.. , not *iiiird,' :ii , ithO l ut
ifi'dolnfeinetiotil Send Akin:lel t'olii fthiii
mbtheili a :beloved , :ehikkileeling'h64: l
!neath-the influenee.;Ofithdill4uld 'he!
!had furnished Shim;' apd.'wduld laugh!
li in her face .ift she vomplainedc - ..„:: :...
Than Iv God, therd.arh coniparatively l
i few. I n thil,worid of .sin 'who, kayo, sunk;
may be carol wnuatieed.,t',
1/44is ofh9.;rigAts of (Om t , .4057 WAY'
sine selfish and gr~s~in ,, nd 0,44PP:14;;
ichey nay 3
, kke "'aid and un4iling
leroaitylll ailO`th them '4 a Atiabfgeli; an 4
I land ti6iti ";,
iStat niaS , 'tliiihkl3l'6ll; fn t s' iiadie of
t humanity, that, sinfutaa
ctipt,JowgrOeflp tWeyNtrc ~ ci tlt " ri,o, b, ,
Can there be a cower depth l of infamy
i than that to which - •he'has4unh i who; jer
Ithe ;profit, Af -a !Yew centsp deals: out to a:
:bay intoxieating liquor, 11
t. RtispOdtftilly,yOurs';'
A , -,Feniale Rollin ;Washington::.. •
• -.t •
,t3,0E1 , 168 AT A LADIES' CiAltilla.Rol7l3E.
W h en? the 'eel u nAso ' is: a tiind in g ugliest'
, at thediserlteeful''seeiiies' in ) 01ingiethe;'
1'97 ' 43 , ' - eh wi iieareel4;• -feel ~ eiiiiirlaed that ,
aroittiethe leglelative halls erueier ?dais
!of infamy, whfeli'rttfla'ot I.Aolidoll'itve)d
Ibltish to.acknoWl ilke.: , ' WeknOW:iittri‘
) sliops , abOutid, to 'the`ierdizetieldtitie t irof
teen greesthen T&inliwthetnifiAls . 6ofl
lulants,frerinentlr alid excesslVerY',lJT O .
; II
told plata and •rtfowltolallfe, - Aiby rWiti o
=t3attreldeedto'tyridfy onfleglslatfoil, tate
upbreeded tb.drir by , theckbliiY eilli;
ti=the brit dY bofthi:' • In till . parts 'Of
he leapital mays the ifonnd gambling
tiens, and hundfreds•of 'hOugetotfre -heat
'tered ovecr-WaShfngton lwhose darkened
tilnflows , and nlYsterbitia de6rwayretelll
, a • ,u mulistak ably of their oharabtet, ;sat
1 f: t' , Bdelal.Rvittlwere paintedLonithem . •
IA atm orse:th an theae, are visortal'orle-.
.licilit gamblers. 41W ithlwa xittatter. of a
Otle'of , iiiiVTreasury bulldingotire,two.
eplendid houses devoted. to gal:1' 1 148 1 6f
l e h anee; 'w here no nnhu t:: fetn ilea , are ad -
%fitted.. : I, Wohl en '; oft 6liiirdeter , - 14, Wive,s;
miittiefs,l,yelinge-girla44 - 41edklftoi ,bias;
antramitibigroolavvoitipthe mizittiliable.:'
titis zibtindottV Thiatiatoiiikilkatotitat •
are afloat eoneerninefoldoyetthetielftim-i
akt+4 ft ~ourtemtb i at Met ii ollokeitwa.
1 1/10Utbst,hgt) , tkvleattenialtuqfintectelt
,4 IthAbe interior., Depaittuentiqicz4o,
baps from itialuejuiluatom?orti tCt atuk.
tpeet the fidelllslo WHloung,wifo4Jile
utiptelousiwore_dlreuted , to - 44 , )*. .1 MO'
Ihidred advedtbrertfrout`A.aahses;NdLd
tad been in4lViltigtitontitid Vtitiebingtenz
ince the war,„living7on - hta wits. 'The
;truth revealeil , thel'aiit Alit the wife
:11144klin l ible t d - Kfiefr a 'Eli eliiiittiegib`
'olii:Weeietaili l ititlidiit; ':iiii'dvitWit'adreitiv
1 Itiftuigsillittilitoieti , t the tot - tiiftiliii Ate 1
I),r - 4 lhilytioltdolier.\c,VatiOttirVtitOo4l
.pave followed but for the Inteikattee
of the Arkwarau. She Wat rescued by
4 - iiiiiti l ei ) ii
5 3 I;(04r: F iliiiiii),i '.,
..-- 4tiotliev „ . ;:
mi. 4 4.1.,4 -*o a w ';: , 1 1
PPW- Po. 1 . 1 41 t: '
_41 1 ,49P4 - ,
ii3Offict:Tar .4k 01o 4'
bpsNind 4. !
:ilsrlii:; , ll3
iiiarteST fr iiikii i ill
ilOsi:i *liii 1' 1 .
iiiii4 iiiii i;
- italliti'' } treeti I ;
!label tiptxteity '
ato bonne's tS,
oil, ifittimbato .
saiOt Putted'. '
'4hey gLveio: : :
I, liinki.kftvolititfoill)i,
' , .z;'4" ,, 4 ; s". ,-,• --: , "1 s''
-'''"l'"' ."7: - ' - -, '''' • f
C : - ''' :',- ' ' -'- -;;It ,-.:
1 :' 4 *41164 - 44.0 , `,1*i',iti0,.4;;,
1 Alykii4ef,fkomPri
149014404 4 10am'Aff heri
[V .. -4'.A4 8 . - iogßot:o4 l .4i - . ,
I . * i rfyir - gfr - lypiiip4if9ri
IR:s.4.4ifile . jotifil,og_loil
t 1 e:"diettigniAd n - ft' Ali ..1
ri.;- c • akf , - IV I`'
qiii 'Ai* 41A-1A: -,104/'
i iiti 461446.,g4 lAtiiid
i iiik . fiie'iltibibtinA•t. fe ' -.:
rtiitei 1 44064' WOW - i'l
, eliiiok h leetieile. ' , Flii 11-)
‘r. , .o6l,...lnkleielvedtrt
it It u illiiodlor's no' .
1 4 0 „theav palilpoiliand
I:l7, , pArtNlepto pavrietk:
,;*roliknOwli In .the
I 44,,V044, .the-' PILF4t, !,
4 40 1 410',04 1 . o,ribq OP il
:ft Wei* enacted there. i
*itti.-_,*pitOpi% xy, l o,
ttotti ,, loit i :0 1 a ft - i koi
i ibtokx wiof Wilt dreg-'
=r fegikiiiiiiiiiY#ll"iti**l
6 liiiiigiV - alkoir,e' t' Well.,
4f-ifii%':iii Melt' feekleth-i
.1114.•: , itiliniehiqif 4vitlol
, liferigintreithe , l , llboti
i 4) iliF tan atrasping 1
glliNkeke,--titelrleh theta,'
APlPA=iirith- Abe la.a.,(L
':IPIPI'PAR- . ; _:l.4attliti's pt 1
lank, upon ,t , Fle. N 144 1 1.1,;
Itiii:th,eß elot4eg, dh3Ett:-
i4ii - Osof
. aq depeney, In .
teintes with :the worst
' de: " '
Ahrow !Pick ev
. - IA - ,k 1t3.1344,4:
1 4,!KarY) 1 Y0d,
t4 ,f lt . P c ! Il i g!i f4i
Nitbiiiiin,'efize ,
lodtitidi4ii s tit'
dad Will 1100
Lai 0 *btie i4l , '
heads, shout a
nese AZ eve*
INTIO)e4, , t Pt.l3T.
1n:P..441P', PO
_abandon ,ot,th
t#, 6 4 11 lie= 4.
and. l'Ol`nige;'
ranged:to the o
aii • indiscritnin
icit;the'diniif - m)
t Not alone the
dbigraced • the
not only- - those'
whose brazen (
went: of their
and slau;hters I
respects. ility, ,i
these dens.
-. , - ,i 3
Wltti such
bow re ote fro
gin and: ()mot
rinci:, • - ,„
MOS() woii wlio have
lireaSuty T;Departirkerit;
the paint' upon
heilceitt The advertise
&grad atfb - n; , ibne *fires
f item poSition 3 ' ar
is rel e,:pattoneSses'et
condition. 'of sociekir o
, thrie the fato of Sod
a•.Pcipbt:„o/ tha:Ris.
iarriage ,Ceremony.
•A number of , eini since there dwelt in
thiaviliage a g:ntleman by' the name of
CharleaWhiti I g.i IT ever a hube
ingtwAs ovens ()eked with , good , h mor
mill , „v,Vagglqh , 'Sa o tit 1 , was that l ame
Whriting. If :- was up to , all sorts of In-
Recent tricks ,and his viotlins Were
nen6ered , by the ' illmOred, reall y of
viluirO yet res de herfz. It can e,to,pass
tbat' this wag ~ as Cieetesi Justice of the
Peace, Mkt' shantyrun
after his, installment
in: office,' ecimide ce oVeifFoin l owa
toiget united !tittle holY bonds of "pad
lock.? Whiting tells how he perforin
id the ceremony, as follows : ' - ''.
'Baiting beef' appdinted 49,_ the desi
rable I ,!liad t i
aW'9nitice.ot the Team,
I was accosted, on the 6th day of July,
by, a sleeklooking young man, ;auln
silvery tone 3 requested to proceed . 'a
neigh*lag Patel, aa howAheti toe ter
ci :
lata:tha 1 1) 0Y bquas, of. tuatrimoi
was y.—
Here was a "s quelcher." 't had never
done it9Ytbibig ; oe .. the filjui• , bad no
books nor forms; yet I was determined
to do things up strong, and in a legal
matineroso I' proceeded to the hotel,
bearing in , my arms one copy of the
Revised , Statutes, one ditto 'Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary, one copy' large
sized Bible, a small copy of the creed
and articles of Pahl ,of the Congrega
'titian! . 01ihre,b, one copy., of 'Pope's
:Essay:94l4aq, and a sectional part of
the Map where the , iet:im lived. Hay
ing placed a table in the Middle of the
rciorr,tind fleeted myself behind it, , I,
'in ttrumpet , tozies,' called the case.,With
Abet:the' Y4n ll B 'lnali 'and 'o' o _,Oany with
'great alacrity, : , stepped np before me.
'Having saiorn,thent on the Oath:Mary
to ana*er'Well and truly all the men
tbaria I'Avas about - to ask, I proceeded.
I told, the young man that, , being art'
entire'stranger;l should have to, ask ,
him to give bail for the costa. r ifaving •
heardrthiiso'very frequently in 'court,
'I thought: it indispeneable., ; fie arir
'sWered, if I meant the, Ad, for' perform-
Ong the ceremony, be would epdsit it
t liien'and there. 'AS I did ot, knew
lexactlYNiTh4l. did mean, I • agnani
'mously waived that portion of the cer
emony. '.I then' told ''bini it would' be
InecePsairY to give:hall to; eep the peice.-
This he said be was' willing, to' de,
Iwhen. , he 'arrived home, 'and I" then
Itrairedthnt paint also. , ,
1 - flaring established to my sotlifaation
;that they waritedsto , get' married, and
that they were old enough, to enter in
tbat'ble.ssed state,' proceed to tie iki.3
knot. I asked him if he was trilling to
take that woman'tn, be his wife. Ile•
said he was. 'I told him .that .I did ndt
irequire haste' in= the answer; that he
might reflet a few min uteo if he wished.
I told him She looked like l o tine girl,
and I had no doubeshe was' but if the
'sequel proved - that he I liad been taken
in, 1 did,not want to be held responsi
-4/le. I said be must love, onor, and
obey her as long as she lived
_; he . 14,135 t,
'not b "in p y" around the house,
n e a p nor :
"spit tobaceo Juice on the floor, all of
;which he promised-faithfully to heed. •
) "NOw," , l„SiOd L : "I',3eo,tglans , ! (her
EiEinie . was Oporgiana)i "you be 'what
Xf9lokbreY ,says.,: ICR). VW accept the
invitation to berme hie wife.; milt you
be lenient, towardabl4f#o4l apd•olles.
„ 1 .134,,,1fis Ortm3 vi
cBtllzto,u , never be Oil.'
PX,e.itOro Kiall faraitaTe at hia`bead for
WWight ollbases, and will yoti 4 • get three:
meals,a day
• withoatt.gpow,Whig ?". She
said s ee woul d .
. I Plied tnenA , •lfitbeY
believed, ,in t he, commandments, A and.
they ; said, they did 4, Having, read the
treed. all-. artiglecoof faith, rks aforesaid,
1 exclaimed ; " , Huinphreyy , itake I her,
he is yours ; 1 cannot withold my con
,ent." 4 'Georgia,na,lvbfa aa!e ,ii}, the
arms oiYinir ilumphreY, you can defy
the. C , Pfra aal4Pertligs the livorld.”%, , '.
i skAb -e9 l'P a i l a l lit Yet !Milk 44 •, "Essay.
Im.PlaP,'t kaeladtag !hat RatW4 4 6,ll 4, hfaa ,
wants but little here below, but ..wantal
1 Oat;littP,,i o ,nB:!.'t 4 ,41%.34:,,PT41,1 to: the
scenep :i• th l il Ysol? P4l l tl , ?.. ° oi l P l i it
"Go In peace Sin no in054,3 !7 ,, •
14 1 -„ ,
1149 :,;,„ L
,gftn friWPE! - ...APAP.44Y , 6
14ani 4 .i ty geßtAr,Pi L tP7l,loFllln
iikpitiik .bactelAi, i , ap ,
py e pair a fnal
I' 0 ” ' , 44 - 41,V. , ti.,.. , ',fol, ~..1.11 ,-,,, , o• •i
When`l Ito iadti= fri
t oil:T(4 1 W WiOimpreseoltWlth`theivtdg
pe - of pagojandA tely got tip
AgriooltimitiwoVerh; - tó
tbe effeet,thate Ito want did'utArabi b is
farm; his farm would aril ct him. Then
Horace ,went •tift 4 , 9ftn*lr4y,; Ncliere ;110
Ncl44l 6l 9of.thq# ll N
. ifYIPtE tleXice
titt•M'eftufkitqiigtrffi,; . t - V19r 4 7
6POii, he i ' d. ll ,o",,blfl
Orso saying:'" iiiitetk (164 1 01 . 4 i lils
farm, hie farm will 4—n him."—Tour.
—: .„.• ,
..4 ,7 ,
( It:
, 4-44 1 ;,..:111,ttst
11.3 , J,_,furbAbi, ~,
.tstoor-- ,-- q ,. .' -.
2,4k1a ' 1::}:), - ,11 . 111P ,:i.P- , Y0;:l.c.): - i : 1,,-:1 , ,I. •
:: 4 10 IrJob.:11, ollotir;z:, ape, -
, iiiii 44--• i t 11 , ' , !. F.-':;',1; ~ , i ,i,t11,./E; , 41 . 1 ) ,-,:, ,t, .
lefweitieiplleii -with:W*o4k sell Tip., to :
PP"...00.1‘ 1 44F 1 4.4ltcYlt s k-If 1 1),' 114 040 ,s 2
~., ;:-..- - . - . , rt , : i 40 .4 tt N:- PRI , , n ,, ;---- - ' , ,
. - , . „,-
!• , 14,tiFokietalttette,of illi the) lite .11,,k4 ottno ,
.415. loan lui l tasl co thls depeoatio„ -.
ooitloi—Smlo4.l44,en's illogic, 2d Floor
„i., in 'its.
, et t/' Chorclveolvannr:
, _ _
NO. yr. - .
•.: Ife,ittivit);:tfittiVayeed it iii(c vitt
ohs phatiesOf tififielitifor reiiiielitif, the
adherents _of which help
,tc• swell the
ranks of the great armiernon4hitteh
goers. But, after , all; it 18 not In this
Aliedion`"that 'WS' ate id lisok for the -
greatest obstacle ill the' Way , : ct f the
Chtexh's - stfeiseter in outownage. That '
obliteelO4 B ,.LO found,: irk a greater, or
lees dtfree, .within the _Church itaelf,
and ,p , sents . qpi,if
,ifp:p..,tcy04.314 aspeot.
It le Sala That 4- figures will not lie.”
- . 1. 6 4 osi theni look , atlcertni.w , statistics,
Mblelx will °DON nai OrhoPs; to got at
she real cause et the Church's ',present .
~c,orepsxatively feebler hold opou 1 h ,a
leoria at large-7.0t the mats Of-_the.peo
,li!Sta titter kph ef interest in her:sacred
,For such statistics Weeshall .
turn th'9o.Ovi;n BilinCh of the CfMroh. 1
7 ' i tlierear i e lifthiS "country about 'two
`Millienstiefitititi; women - and children,
who, In the table , of various religlerfs.
hellefs,lare classed . as Episcopalians.—
What: proportion of.,the 'children are
14 1 ,4o0,olemb,s_Xelef „the Church by vit.:
t9Vi , 9P I 9 I Y;BaPtISIII• it ill V no Means
easy; ; to ~ asgertsin. l: 4 ;9ne thing We ol-10kaiiAt least PPPi,l;x l flato : monet
ly,',-the , number of co mmunicants., ,It
is COMMonly estimated that there ifi
iCiiii . :7;iitle adult to every'four orfiv•iperi
Sena of the entire population ;—there
fore; 'counting pf3th sexes, we can safely
iectain those, above' the age of - fourteen
at' oue-half ef the whole' number. 'A
boy or girl fe4srteen years of age, if pro
perly instructed; is certainly old enough
for confirmation. - Hence; if the-provi
sions of our Branch of the Church were
truly accepted and, acted upon by all
nominally.conuected with our Commu
nions we walla , have no less than, a
gilllion ; Of communicants at the iresent
time.,, But what is the number? Two
hundred thousand, ctli , told I That Is,
theproportion of ac 4 iai communicants
to the number of a suitable age to be
communicants; is eicine to five!.
- 'What'' does ` this Mean? It means that t .,
fe r-fifths of our' people who are norni- i
n ity Episcopalians are so far Wanting
a real, living, moving faith in God's
ord, and in 818 Church as of divine
i Mutton, as wilfullytto ,ignore the
pl , in teaching of theformer and disre-
g rd the profferea,blessings of the lat
ter ! Is infidelity, again lifting *I head
unahashea,"epa "contemning the Court-.
rile of the host. High ?" On whom
ests the responsibility of the impend
ing "crisis iu the blistery of the Church ?
op those who are her open, avowed en
einies ; on these 'Who glory in the name
of Infidel, and are knoWn as scoffers
and-blasphemers ; or on such as profess
a , belief in the 'Bible es the Word' of.-
God, in Jesus Christ as the Saviour of
the world, in the ChtArch as of His foun
ding and meant to bringto us the Sal
yation, both temporal and eternal, Him
self.prought out for, us,—and yet, by
heir relation to all these, cast discredit
on ail revealed' religlen, and throW the
Whole weight of their influence into
the scales on; the ' side of a - superficial
ratiorialiim anal of , ultimate atheism ?
Sere la oiseSide of" the Obstacle we have
named: It, is not th'dse, we Use, repeat, that
are n'otorions 111 livers ; . net those who
are vulgar 'scoffers ; nor yet they who ,
weave the spider's web Of metaphysical
sophistries to entrap unsuspecting stu r
dents,—that most stand in the way Of'
the present legitimate wortc, and the ,
speedy universal triumph of " the glo
rious Gospel of the blessed God." On
the contrary, It is, the want Of evidence
, On <the . part , of the great . majority of
those already stifilciently ~ enlightened,
and not unfrentient attentlants,ou pub- ,
:lie worship, that , they actually, believe
what they appear to , reverence Merely
begat:4l3e of ita eetward, worldly respec 7
tabliity,,or aceept,Ete a matter of routine
and fashion I . . ,
The Gospel, with its divine grace, its
stiblime truths,: its awful sanctions, is
3 n s t what it was slate h, seventeen,
eighteen hundred years ago. It comes
I to us in and through's divinely organ-
Jzed and animated •Body, l just as it came '
,te sinners thetC. 'And there is no more
;reason 'in the , nature of things why it
; should not bring the American Repub
lic to the foot of the. Cross, than. the
;Roman Empire of fifteen to eighteen.
centuries,ago. The world has no more
lenittgrown the Church of Christ than it .
has outgrown the sun in the heavens.,
113ut if the Gospel is to conquer Ameri
'ea as it conquered the world of the Cps
:sari, le roust be through the self-same
ageiacies in very truth: And we appro.:.
hen d that, if the entire nominally
Christian world were to return • in good
faith to the • use of the same weapons •
wielded by the Apostles, Confessors mid
'Martyrs of the first three centuries of
Christianity, a future Gibbon would
scarcely need to. adduce five causes to
account l u ll a ratien& way for.the rapid
spread a d marveliins triumphs of the
9 tiurch . ( One—and than very obvious
one—would suffice; namely, the real,
vital, herstfelt consciousness of 'I4E
yatvrit of Christianity, and the conse
qtient submission 'to its claims, which
Avery consideration, alike, of temporal •
_Ud of eternal well-being, imperiously
Paraandfl• "
j Either Christianity is true, or ft 'is a
ilelnelon a moekery ! 'if the .former,'
then the Religiln which Is to tiSve PPP
common Humanity is a religion of mys
tery,,of faith; as well us of love and
PractiCal beneOenee.. And it lea whole,
an indivielbie mail. We 'must take It in
its entiretY; in its completeness, or'w,a
lutist, do without it - altogether; irr4
trae,'we may preach and practice Mo
rality : SO did Senece.Y'We •
pay con
stiuct and teach A philosophy •which le
to •be the•' Wonder -of the ages: so did
ilia°. -tWe may wear the livery 'of the
cotikofJheaVen—hut it may have been
Stolen 40, usedenly, to serve the devil
in it- 14 •OP Rellgicol9r Christ 18 not a
lie,- 7 1.1 the •:Bible ',is not a tissue of fa
illeillf God' le' net 'a mocker of 11,1 s
tlittd,:',lteiplese, iviretched children,—
ity t if thereiiiit'aodltiiallf=thisques
tfCtrof Salvatititi, in"atid by the way
Ordttinell,'ltilhemeit frunnenfous of all
questions pressing upon us for recogni;
tion, and demands im earnestness 'of
elplat and inirpese Corresponding to Its,
4)a supremere,nd nnspealtable imporr
vi i
tel ~. ce ,-, 1 - . , ~, 4 .ti Pict .Cis.l - ' ''. ,:,
CI W' eVer • I t 'M PY 9) 0 ovit l h ethei real.-
glens bodies, we are persuaded that, on
limit:tart 91:14Eini, ,calling , themselves
4 .oiiiirchiPePPlA'l 9 ',o_Pfe Ap grPat need of
, 1 ‘, •IXICIES 41 . 4' 1 11 N!9,14 0 ,P' , J5S. a eto 1v 3 44 11 , la :17 •
gauization is, which c l aims mn" pi t lep..
ante, our service:, our reverence, our .
love. If we once fully graiT the Until,