110 GA COUNTY AGITATOR,. I.4Cioal WEDNESDAY, MARCiErii;'lB7l. Pia-Ms—M. B. Prince. In Vivoree—E. A. PIA. .. \reliable Property—Wm. ,C4foll.' Adm'rB Notice—Ruth- Bore Statement—J. 0. W. Bailey. Cone house—A. B. Graves. Ad Notioo --Frost it T. L. BALDWIN Cd. will sell goods that paf.qied through the h4o flte,.v.ery, veryAeltr, , ts,T the next thirty anye.. Don't Ids° rip 151,0161;9 'ejuo.l toirgains It is said clergymen cost the United states $12,000,000 annually; criminals, $40,000,- 000 annually; lawyers, • $80,000„000 annually; i n toxieating drinks, $70),000,000 annually. MAPLE SUCIAIL—A Jorge cake of new maple Bugar, of excellent quality, has . been re• ceived at this office. We totidor our thanks 'to the donor, whoever he or abe may be,' • • • PERSONAL.—Mr. J. D. ,Hotchklss, of •the Davenport Orphans' Asylum, Bath, N. Y., put .in an appearance in this office on Wednesday last. Ile reports tho schrl as being in a flour ishin.. condition. AuC ion bills, posters, programmes, bill heads, cards, letter heads, circulars, and in foot almost everything pertaining to printing, 'ilobe at:this of6oo on short notion. - t Volt SAFErrir.--par hprough % autborl. 1 ies should by till means appoint a'night police to servo in-this village. Sinco 'whisky is in the ascendancy, and strangers aro flooding in, wo should in some way bo protected. Dr. T. S. UP DE GRAFF qperftted on a gentle Man from Owego, yesterday, foiViti firial pupil, who — Tiad beon blind for the pest Te 9 years. , The *ration affordod him good vision. Run VS. APPLES.—lterui3 believes in t e mperanco,principles—deoidodly. . Temperance in a/c -things is to be commended. But let thoso w hoicmbine theology with nb:stirieneo,',remein. her that the human race has gimp rietiFer . . - to ruin through eating apples than drinking !Ann., , The practice of stopping horses and waot o on street crossings, and standing there long - enough to carry on a conversation, is a nui: !ane3: at least no it is Noted by pOdestriane who arc obliged to walk around in the mud, 'or wait until the intereStiog conversation la completed. IlEstosED r 4-Rev. C. A. Stone, ji.as resigned his pastorate with the Welisboro and Cast Charleston Baptist Churches-4o take effeot April 'first, next. The former ehuroh , ho has p,srve I nne year, and the• latter four soda half years. Ito retires from these churches with the entire confidence of both, having served - them faithfully and well. We hope his services may be retnined in this Assealittion,' is- we have no good men to spare. Ho has our host wishes fiir his future success, iii whatever of labor his lot may be cast. Ed.t, , , Ayitator.:—l pee is n late ten by "J. E." and appearing i...a late numliei of your paper, that he condemns the grantl jury for ign,,ring certain hills against trppling,;&o:-- And well he may; for there novel' was moropos e Foul' brought Lefore any body of men than tlwro was Men. I ono of that grand jury, and consider' that I ewe it to tnjself and my posterity to in form the public that, in spite of all my efforts, I found myself among the minority. th.ping that the time is not,far distant when the grand jury shall be constituted of two i or wore respectable citizens, together with a Justice of the Peace, who shall have the casting vote, end end that they shall have the poper of ignoring or finding a bill in each and 0%14 vicinity rams ever any difficulty' ocetirs, I ltibCribe myself S:c. - 15. tl. EDIYARDIS.• • INTOXICATING . news papers all over tho country ire now urging the necessity of some law to prohibit tho saisr.of hover as a beverage. The potiticina'foi, prohibi tion which have been sent. to' the Legislature this. inter are everwhelming 19 . 31 unprecedented in number and strength of signatures. The lo cal-option bill is urged by at least one hundred thousand petitioners, whose memorials aro nciw on filo in both Houses. NC measure was ever more strongly supported by the w ill of the peo ple, expressed directly and emp ttically to their servants at Harrisburg. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The 21fatrimoni 111 News, London, Publithus the following in re gard to "popping the linatrimoniel question,' inetend of the old fashioned isay of a tedione conrtship " . 1 % clergyman, tall, dark, handsome, aged about :io,'whoso present income is i 159, would like to eoirtspond with a lovable lady, from .20 1 to yearn of ago, with some'reeans in her own tight," Ihe elerstyman morrieb, and in a fow short ; wtelot gots - off the following: „ " Whereas my pet, thy pretty toy, My wife, my Lizzie J., Has left my bed and my employ, With other mon to stay, - I therefore take this to'forewarn You not to trust her with a strat4, For I will never pay her corn, Unless . eompolled_by law:" Pttr TRAIN (G ( F.) that should have connected at Smith /t 4 Bowen's hall on Friday ..'ening, March 3, did not got in on time, and toe stoticnce, abich bad gathered on a most in element night, e'nt home disappointed. The . lecturer sent a tel, gram during the day saying he could not get het o in time, but tbe notice came tn late for anything beyond seriding a disap pointed audience to their hornet!. The committee regret this; so do we. We aanted to hear about British bastiliti and opu lent oppres.trs ; about Canadian - invasion, and head Centers; of the United (and disunited) the next 'Milt:Elan Presidency.— W e were euri-wis about the genealogy of.the 13V.- I mairm, - and the kingly lino of O'Toole. We never denied that Ding O'Toole was a direct de-, h:enliant of ?doses, or his subjects the lineal de scendants of the men who assisted at tho Bed Sea affair. But we wanted to hoar him explain, hew it happened that the latter did'nt ruin - the expedition by getting into a free fight among themselves dining the crossing. We understand ill, t G..F. is to coma yet—at . an earl y, but, ne ye( uncertain ' day.' Nthcn - AO time iffixed, due no iern will bo gi i ven.. _ k • , EWING INIACTIINFS.—Of si ate labor savinl machines ittlyetitcsli durir(g the vast fifteen years, Wei': linoW• of ttenettutt,will prove a greater blessing ttitho world than 'the' , fOl5lll mnehine. ,;The Weary' drudgery :Of Mg by hand, in time, .throu g h the Introduction of These tnachineS, 'will ho almost entirely tlis! lensed with. Within4ho la.t three or four years, hey hare been ruarittfaCture by thousands, and ttst to all parta of the - Worldq anti we Ter* , bA here there is not a town in the United States, of lay size, which sloes not contain more or lots of thew in operation:- As with all other useftalami insular inventioneilherw are a 4reatninny:dfl ferent kinds of sewing_ micitines in niall"'" few goad and many Indifferent. ones. There are at least half a dozen different kinds sold by agents in this place, anti.; scarcely a day Patties but we hear of sales of one or another of these machines. A good * sewing mischine—such for instance as the one mannfactured'by the Singer m anufacturing "company—is really worth bay t ug, and in a laige family will Soon pay for it- WI. The editor of this pape during the Just tiro months-, has had one of the Singer improved ineehines in use In his-family { and ha finds diet it not only does its work rapidly, but does' 'it neater and Letter than, it can possibly be done by h and. It hems, gatheri, fells, tucks, braids and stitches beautifully; And our "better ba;lf," after examining several' of the other leading ; machines, assures ua she prefers the Sieger tuaohine to,any other for fatality me. Any ono can learn to 'run this machine, in a few hours. Apply to 'E, W. ilogaboom, Mansfield, who it that-general agent far this county, and who will cheerfully -era all viho' will call upon him any information concern= jug them that may be,deeired., , • , . , Opt S,c,itoon , Acitiri e i r t—WeiWltrPtEkl tug' op Atte) on yzidajr, aftertitronOVillie 0.4* quest that We would look them over and4oty what we thought of-the pencil-printing on-them. Wo think very highly ot. it, tViyo pt-AhPlifl - 6 4 -3 mens were by, children seven or eight years of age, and they were all creditable to scholars ttOd irteaoher. We intended to mention a fey, names rotielblara : but when all are so skillful, distinct. tions would be invidious, LENT.—The true -Lent, is thus desori bed bi the R4 , 4;4 . 119,4 pqi3Viileickok y, A ,;,.; Is thig_All'est,Jo keep . Li,' The larder-lease MEI NO, ttirri fasi'to dole ' • • ; • •' ' ' 'y sheaf of wheat, • • • ? : " And meet," • Untt'i • It is to fast from etrife e • From oid debate,' ' And hate,! To circumcise thy life. UNION ACIADEIIiti e dearpld home of our school-boy days is in ashes. Our " Alma Mater" is no more. The tall pines which ,we BIM planted, • ts l 4: t rhitth have, grown with our:krowlh; tin& have' fltinlebedtilib col shade for so many genergiontilOrAndents, are seared and dead. The old chapel, filled with the sacred: memeras of the past; the rooms where many a hard lesson has been •oonned, and 711041 holy aid -ondering frie ntlehlis have been feirad; where liatirtlfba're:beinfunitedbY hii that no - tigiit but de l eth cotild sever,—are all a shapeless beep of-rules. We can never again meet within its 4.;1;14;:0ratea, 7 01 1 ...,1 2 , r R i3 . i , a -.4 The fire *sir discovered - ab_out four o'elook.PA M., in the cupola of the main building. The students were all gatiteredin the chapel, for the Toeing ex4roisepii,-;:tlioi day. lha Atli opened only the 'ddy Dres . hti ' d ituitlieen built for getting tea, most of the pupils boarding themie:ives. Dry hemlock-wood - was used. There Wei a strong west wind, and the prevailing cpin. ion is that the fire originated ,hy a spark him the'wetit chimney falling into the decayed wood of the cupola. Wher first discovered, the dope was quit© `small'; :hut therellyeT:etio -ladders, ,O 0 means of reaching the,top, Or the- building,' and, in a brief time the flame was too great to be sup. piettied. T4on began itt-,efkropt,theorOrk fif„Q3qyr -ing•the fern iture-aiieoierytblitg4tiSirata.c' Almost everything was removed, oven to doors , and windows. p0m0,,• daringifelkiwe 'Oeffebixed the idea of trying to save, the, north ;building,. and contrary to tho expeotationi of nearly every one, thpy +met:ceded; • Better, work .1 never,-,fif9T . ,. done p.l, ti•firo..: This buildinglYrav 'only st, front', tbo main 'tine:. _ ..it - teetnie imponiilki for the Mop to endure the heat; 'but covering there— solid's fth water, thof stoostalmost in thesvery, damp,' and fought,tho raging eletneuf 9(10! A 9 -.. danger` was over. Among so many Who behaved scs nobly, it may, not: ho imptoper to mention !Mule :IM. S. Insclui4 ..1.,„ 11. Sanford, Nelson IL Stephebs, E; R.i.Dunhatry Li Irischo; -Ad Carpen. ter, J. U. Seolcy, Aaron Knor,'Williain Costley, ! John CI. White, M. Knox, W. Corpenter,lVm. ichoir, IL. Stoddard, S. - 11fiesiri,'W..Gilbert - arid D. .I 1 W. lie nolili!.. ! . ,migkt mention . many morel just, ad wor by Perhaps, bat.; thidda already: a r good roll of honor. ~.,,;,.:,' s , :.: ,-i,i . • .s, , •: ' Mr. Ilorton , our worthy, . - otiiity Sdperintend ant, was thopyine s r of their buildings. lie had $3,000 flauriiticii..ila load riiitit agaii6s4:66oW At the 'time ofthe,fire he was ilu , . 11 u llinahip li visiting Selioolii.; klarge \i i iilbasiirWCfoughsak'al n : ready pe44, T. i ~,e i l , (..i,ty,aritridnitl l ling,,- . ,..: Mattyt ,think however that it will,holarrshetten.torhulla: nearer Knoxville.. What will be •dorie, ,, ietitaine N. L. REYNOLDS. pet to bo seen ' DED 4 icAilitys.:=-=On'Thutiaiy ihiS 1 '2 4 3 1 4:1 inst., the Firs,t Christian Chyrob og. Chigleaten, wde'dotlicated. 'The Rev. A. G. Hammond of hicintgomery Co., Ni Y., assisted by - Elders Transuo, Clark, and Steno, conducted the services. - The sermon by dlit-Himmond was eloquent, appropriate 'and forqible. The ebeir, led:by Mr. ti. V. Webb,:did then• pirt so well as to attract attention and re ceive special praise. The ;entire indebtedness of the church was liquidated on the spot. ,without special effort, by• voluntary and I cheerful subscriptions,' The money"to purchase the carpets" and chandeliers_ was raised by.,ettheoripliiiii :under intiangeiseitt" of the ladice.'2For a beautiful - bible the 'obninh: is indebted io.l"l4lii Young The' ear ly and entire success of erecting and famishing' the church:hes set/prised its most sanguine: friends'. •• '' - The house, Iliough ,not large is a model 4- , . neatness, taste, nod proportion, .and, •as- , is meet. and proper,tetti3r inside than out. Carpenter, and joiner workby Curtis Culver, ebiof,nuther: ,of the work on the Methodist - chpreh We 115.,.• boro. :Paintingand.oiling of inside:work Wivell; It proper to state lh - at the carlY.;iind" succestifulllierupletion of our neat, little- ohu,ich, ly - dee to the euergy and.perttevertince of one-min. 1.. B ~To tK," OF•Tfi'M "cintrucire cat:i7Bti , l l7 lir, in church • Jos; Baker, an Englit•htnan, once notorious no no Apostle of the boldest and coarsest kind of infidelity, in-this-,country ? !poi by the „ grActt God; of hue•yenig'-bicernein: utit:cforgyn of the Church idEngland." Now' ? as this same Joseph Barker is an old and intimaie acquaintance of mine, I propose to give a short ontlino of his eccentric course, as I know it. - Tlnew J. B. as the editor and principal wri ter of 1. several periodicals,; ; among_ them, "The Evan/At:lke! Reform," "Christian Investigator," "The - Oeeple," etc. : lie Was also,,&be,?anttior of numer ua tracts, plibiPhleia . ;"4i'd "Wier' 'teriirke. knew him as a Methodist minister, and re member his expulsion ,for, ,instibordinallon and heresy; Afte that ho made .arrangements with John Smith,kViu. Tro t for, :Th o aS Beide*, •Jo b Rog era, 'had 'other !,,'- to , foriw 7 AAihoriil. evangelical church of which J. 12. was to bo the leador,'lbe writer oink offered a ohmic() as member. This plan progred.4lintest-- whetz'_ It burst by J. 11. 'dbefiting'hitnOlf 'apPoaed' to` hiMd ministi:3. 2 .Lholf a tirig 'qProved the writer two manths bcforn tho Paula opinion. Then lie took, charge— without hire—of a oon gregnuon um Tyr; an in s t , ipii4 (ion tvhicb . the.bhidted 4,4 y iireaching lan'ti4trines, and he noxt tool; to printing, the trUititrians furnishing, bim a sttspi ; prq/ ,and niateriql. Ina heck-. ho EprCrui eonster nationinincing his fricti,!s by denying the infalli bility ?litho now tenamtot end the miraculous concepr.o,a. 1%-t I kneri'.t.l3.',,nicimNe=preafhedlor It r ara, antl_j ; 'knew him na n bitter deraittnefall who preaoh ed for biro, as."hlind loaders of the blind." Ik ne ttirqn - s;nipermo pint, I sotnrin4 on Iten4 untiertiheitufspices,oilltiq Ndwc - iistro ely- I knew him eel nn nhaoluto nonresistant, Prcaching .titnt gokurnments using Nran,,isera• nueliriSti:in and wrozik—anti ~,:knacr ,hius ',again! as a Mu, and Onndiaate'-its AL" *- ihe of Oldham; during it,• c, vast N. k•lietikai ha deelri ,• • a 110 i. • Olt/ • • I knew .1 13. wheti we cro both p0pT,,0119,, ga‘c laa what I bonerti f 'i , ) . l l ;iV l2 :,bimrt-ii,lk ' rut 4. atiitiing, and I %Villa witL Mini alien ho refund to tithe pith a rrWthy,, - Aricl , :etoiciept _mattpi9ll(ls• the rich mail eicoits - ap - en`his4eicirs' pcie'r and needy. Saying ," in isSiell is to the poor; 1 g •0 eri• y permitted to come.'! Five „cars alter this I, was ottliel l to farro'the plettettro . )‘el,c'tinro4l:4pl politics, becease I lacked the sixpence, adruies ion fee. _ I kni,v/ him when ho earne to this country, traveled through and othor,dnites, rhdrned to England, publiptild glottritig=aii-; 1 count of this conn try mild its institutiam4 tietati* tho;.bett4 thousands to emigrate to this country, boug.fik.,a...., place' bear Salem Ohio, *beta he remained 'ifojesks himself, became on nut and outs atheist, bold the (I istl4l4oll. n t back to England, declaring himself disgusted with MS country . , and its' institatkine; jOined- t thn , Priuiltlve tb'ent as a preacher of anttiFersary , and stbor t. tonneidcioitetini into a good fat chnich gOi ) errinvent-legala it the -Vrilrof sinia , elktitheetitheV EOgliett people'; anA WI a ohntah lag that "Ile hal, 1;106 ;if: member of the OfUlroll-..9 214111;1C"M'A':',1; - • " roO.' = And cleave From fat of veala and cheep? ladt to:qtilt the, dish' Of flesh, yet still- , , TO'llll •I t tt The pial.tet;:bigli i ttltplish ?., 1., Is it to taste an e hour , ••1 1 - Or rag'd to go, 1 • i Or show A downoaste look and aoure ? e ts , To 'show a bath ine r-rent, " • _To starve thy.sin, N o t: ta t .: !'rd ; .:•1 And that's to keel) tip' Lent. 1- ik!Pin ' v - o : noitti: h'4tl' /11 St., Pitiladt. .* V 4 r ' k • ' ±-11, Daitrit4 tt lr l ' '. ' I - -„ T . 71 7 -, ' :• 'A 4 pq . ~.' --. _ f------.-_-14--,149 . A color ithd - -dreising thati"wilrl not burn the hair or irkjure the It - ` OO machaaidally. , air the \pubkOherits!`= preparations do.' Itlt gradually restor t os the hair to its 'original colortana - lustre, - by Supplying new kife , and 'vigor. of 8 ? f t Ak4. 9 4l'A';:•-:',;%;":::,", , „":1r i "t3e4Eit, and' safep4 - 7artielcv • • over offered. 4%,3r Cl4 o*.:4#4l l kP• Sold- . evOryittore'.' A§11( Qv.26,lBfietfiritt 4 w: t :.l , 10,1. a MO! iv"— irtio 0 y• : IiOWLOSTi HOW aliSTOBot, ED, ,-.Just published hy,,DR. LEWIS.: 2511 pages. Third Edition. .THE MEDICAL 00M. PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on the radicalcure of Siermatorrhosa, or Seminal Weak nose,o.l Involuntary Seminal V' ; Impotency, Mental and Physical Imps+ ~ pediments to Marriage, oto., and the Venerea and Sypisilitio Maladies, willplain.alld elear Airecllostarckf l he i , ' spite dy o are of IlikAdtbliVitylotiftiini ioortol't eftiff - Gloats a i Strietcrekcisd an , diemiek:of--9p., /kir!, such SoilyVY,..Scrofala, Illoers,Hollii,Alliitohai and Pimplos.oriihtifiCaitid bildY.Ato`tiiituleitrid; H P iIe PaY I,4°4,F IP, 1 4 ° P.P.4:1 b A:tIfY*1 1 3411'14, or sexual '°*tfi" - P•iff k u-'9•.,.:3 s, a ~ .-iy.s .01 , , , , „The oe14)/1"tidltutlier,pn tide afan44l33ctrek A i Psh , 4 1061 7 , t 0 14 010. 64 . ; I tc#:.ni - faktz.i.,*,:f. 1 'thiacessfill'air •9110 e,,„ 1vd:4,4 i 4E9ruit,l g oons queued, ifaidll.,alAll,l44;`platlejra . ~ figpAti Pol i rilfg bui:a # I6 iVb..CCII# '4 * Sl B .) • P i. lc!tle.r.,l: tai` ~ ,, a oa. . .f.featge,,;. , by ; maan# - '0 Alf 10 Alli . sufferer,Yo'niattOr'ifillat..blii;bliti:d4l. lii. ritag ' din' be effectually cared,' cheatify, prtiabill, ? iii ,' I radically. - 1 Orahie Book should be in the hands of ov jyy youth, and every man in the i ,land. Sent under seal, in a plaiu env:plops. Price 50 cents. i Address, DR. LEWIS,-Nov 1' Beach St, Now York. Mar4l2bB • cv:-• %I t glio lothninaiti nolaqtnnsle; ititseati;tkii natl . be'Ana Lesianp Piano • i fi te.;0 4 :;;k2 : 110004/ 1 1, instrument inafiod= for Ktfottie• 'APO initrui lions giviw;in VOcit Itleying • fne;inaiti yearn been Otigakcid in touching, will 'guarncen' littsfaotion to all. March. 1, 187.1.-tf .fIAII,TION4=AII persons 7 Wiiilireby notified 41 Cf fili 4m t,hat . l i lib E all pay no debte Go' ntheted by my y rway, against me, after Ibis date. Feb 25, 1871 ' iikt- . 4 . 44 1 -9# Y - - " TOWN Lon'fiiriAdei Tioglibisidtgli, by' -.• ,•- EION. Marlh 1,1871' tf,. 4 : t , • , • 'AG IiTTEI. WANT D. PG OR , ADVICE To',l2ioTll giRXER.=ii? chaste r and •ihoreirthlY,'Yelentiflo''wiirli.'iin the following highly iteportanttiniljeliti; 'Oliiinge""Ot Life, LO , o; - Conitshipi Quplifidatietiti t hir Haii: py Marriage,' Philolo#Y' of lifarrinke;tgviy,ro Js e tions t of Hasbatidnierl9ffei; Diatfes i•fenee ofiVifeittAlliothei,`Care of Child, Mysteries of Reproduothiiii - Afil fia'Aiid Ph aiesl tfisesesieekfir; and Rindredteisibli'froiti, I}b lalgheat intheritieS in Euttipe. - P00042 4 00'. hfeii CO Men se: Pieight paid' oti,b onliir an krriffliii; books free. , For Cirenlats and Teatime"- iiiikieLaddress, PARMLEE & CO., 1-st. 181 Race Bt., 01noinnatti, 0. - 110surance Iftigurance BAND ANHAND, • s MUTUAL- Eagsp, , : altii„ ; NSURANCEiCOMPANV Ciffl ce, No: 11'2 t.-4:th-St.';:Phital6lphia. 'Tild 9 riibtato Feyymi ,Assets • • tip MI Ste*te d• _ fesArAts4,itl , knppo*yptt alreait'inetrel .!tlist.eless conlienT, atilicinit„ any, , Canse 'what- ever, (ial aff.k. tearli p Men 4' yon do not 'Or cannot pity to tiger li4cl, die—Your, intiliOn - oe Ie gone and your mono/ "Weida. Not' BO in the ''!Hand-IN-HAND," nil Policies are NoN-Pon ,t„PEITAILLV,. This:company which ranks at#ong the most lepular and ancoessfull Life s iminrance Compa -hies; grants policies on all desirable plans, both ,with ajd without proßts. Traveling ve ege All 0°1109,34 ' 4 A incerkgesiAlEcaftat,':firtietiyear. 'from any of,,t4e,ordittaq itttses.- aolt to yonr-Lite \ lnStrrtlitEti. • . - 101kaa ihtathitai the following Comparative, .71`e.ble:.. Jl,t tim°s 4 1 48 6 A: kt 4.8 0 .4.4.)ef P.thar o.orapaakea that itke cotaPaßY. rePSeen.“sll,ofo thametttenla ve,. 4 /b_eeitetJeglY.fiesert:4l4.beliefin tba: sound gess ft ett staliiiity,effill.eompalaie,estlee,dex. tare to•prpsest; the tegovring. foT.tha inneehstof, those cletstpng 4 - npure: si4s The *olloir ing Companies, tempare tha,atmpel premitttospllarged,hypaah joseranee life at theAfSik qr. ail Years, payable : at rAinnfttllorettifuta Terininituil I - fo'r ilfe• ilityttentsi, $16 . 034 - 1 Lr:-.488:212i E;C'Z i , 22517r Hotel ~ • l;•'`;••':'•" )9. 4.9.•i•? * rgtita Hatldlin:lradd;.: 16 6cr. - 732 If ncit already- instfted take eipolioy with the' -_,„_ 6,IIAND.IN-HAND." ih'4l44. Mutual Company in the United &atom brareh, 1,1871.—1 y, O oifottr_ In Ver lireiliiiiiiii.V..,Brii ii re U N•l9t2: :. -• C,1,3. Emery Wellaborg, of w, ~ V. _Emory, Bolt-, 21122, WilliamspoliTti:: - It =`, - •' *, `l , _ Wellibore,F4b. 22-41. • ~,,, .:, , . ~.., -, ..., . w al , . . 1,. .. 1 1,, ...... 4. .I.p ~ . ".3.1 0 P MS ;li . GPLIZILIeeX t If . ;V. ' t : •• ' . '`,' ' ' • • V v i..a , r :` , 410, 1 ..I , oiii, d j E 1 :•., ;. ....e 1 ..-, : ‘,..• iN* ti:.l - 1:1 , !.1.". , : - .1. , t . ...fizb- 1, , 11-I.'. ~ ..11 / 5 1' ,5 :5. 5 ;41:.1;..57-'sl:›l ; i ' 1.! i' '' 1 i , '-; - 1-, ' 564 .1v: .5 ; ~..; 514, t ;I, .; •-t.', ii bd.) I , P-, - • lklf.F.Pfiannalattly.on-handoEGGINI P ( 4 .1% • i ' • . MALT IlAhLtind SWLSSWATO.II. •VP3S.A 1043; Marino, Alarm tt:CalettibrOLOOKßy. 5 'SPOONS,-li7-4 ,`2 frigid Spoor an d VOirrgi;74ilde„, B u ttes- ank TAU ni Y,eFO Napkin Ittnk,n - i,ercpnoo,Ctiiit 04 1 1 ;rittl. 'Bpoone,‘ rip s 4oldlo,n i d.„ foi.gsfq . .o . )4 pc, ea~ 'and PohiSit,i; L BbiW 00...t3i,7,..gRax.,1LF. d Platod Xttittons 1 1,14114:vtuuMnf 9, of, A larg 4 it '66: - 9 r,st! f9_4. colcor ‘ od N. 8.4 7 1 / 4 Tatotien , tridtddVAlT3o-litintly , Marqh 1 1871. • 3.- A. B. EASIatAN, . , '• • OPERATIVE AND 14.011ANIOAL sfiar 0:41. ~t 1" 4 .1.13 Office dpielftiiti,oxii-Etotiseihinltilidii;;;Soil operatipatilielellfettileiirefeltyltittaftliiit -Feb 22 . ,• 187`,Vtr"' >ll,, "g=am J•l 3 / I ' , • . 4 ••.• • 72, } . : • -•t •:•.,,,1E,..2 , _ tt5,t•,1 ,;•;,1..-.-,1,•• ! .....:- ' .t:± j''' ( --176113ilttpt4lig 1 e are ,! rrafi :.couniy:l4.l4ges. berate xthe'lgi?goc3l , 4r , i , J1L...: inhale,. the. fox& z.eressaatt aahl-riettr. ittiar : titt toenle(karlitehappdTiqi&irsogsPwill:bill let for he t rebuilding of - the same, by the Com+-1 s!,,tteloderkof.,Tfoge..loneq, ti,st,4l,,thnApjatitto ,• • lie cab ibtteit ifit the iiretialsee,, tii- tbe• towest and 1 beet bidder,. on : TTt3dy the - Oili gity of March [ t . • . , ~... st ...., ~....t ~.. f 7 Jl'7. *eat _at otie 'o'clo r. .-- - . a i All 4 a ; bridge aer t of Mill creek, - sthere , the, I ,reati. ei , otielf)4l4 Oro ,$o tlkOlOwnpb4i l ,44tittl 7 laud, siiliiiiklet, bY 2 ' igfro`plinfittottaite ? „ley situnilirig;cir.: l l4 3 ,l44o. - 0„1.ii.,10..h te - fie. 0141 eir, on tho k frilAtibvel_o'lliVoßesciudoojoaa p a; 1• tsif - Pri f1i .1 .41 1 ,MW 4 rerkvt; Ittspf, v4tiii , P t . if:,':... - : 'M. • .,W, BFE, 4 . ": , - t -1tt2t.:•.1...,::: ! - Iti . ' '' ,l , :tiOkßE,XtrlN94-.:- • Nt41 0°..4 1 r 7 •,-,0-t fl . ..' -. -'• - ' :Lail for NOTICE. HERMAk LECTURE CO AT MUTH & BOWERS HALL S WXLI6I3 EWALT gatio'following Motorail beve l bead aciaxed for ,dbia coursa, GEORGE FHANOIS TRAIN- 11 Down with he Pitman Monarchy, and Up with the French, • epublio' \ - • H•4' 'tVEI4I2f4.PYW V I P 4--1 ) 11 1 18 1 ; 4 14 V il rA tie tittle - - JOSH BILLINGS-"Hlik"-Mareh 17. PARSONS, L. L. D.-"! Naha/ Brina -I, Sheildae-'-ißitti4ol7, Pridsq ;Tickets for the-hetilW of thOtOuree,:for,ro lyived seattsv,etytke3i4ohete, may4e 4 p,To_qtßedi Young,i flo : ?,,trksOke, or et the d00r. ; ., 1 114T i order of tliimotoutfttoe., i M. ELLIOTT, SPECIAL kNOTICESt A HOUSEIHOLD:Iti YID Y. N. faculty should. be lo without genie erne' lons remedy fax the cure el al *gene. se anise: ally ptevaleal, as ceuplisi colds, spre Arent, wboo Leg consb and croup—quails remedy, UoV e lb can be rated upon as safe,snrs an/ certain. - . Dr' ar's Balton► of W(ld Chary combines 'the tieellanilunt. ",SCISO per Month. The beet selling book 4 iyeirpublishedr AGENTS who teal our new ',144IN•110OLEI TALE 414P,TWCASI ./ .4 g r a*N ir - ui COMMON tt • t liiyikke competition., TkOre never was a book 'pitilfsbeditko it:' "AO 110tir Din Mil BO* , itevir.zreaking Pr - dm - 000 to $B3O per month selling this won %WO book. 24 page Descriptive Circular sent fiae'ors application. We want good live Agents; men who can fully appreciate the nierits of the work, and the fact that4u . scete a univerwki wagt Agenta who desiftifsMfilliti is,snat , money,. Addreis • WoLts A Co., 482 Broome Street, New York. Bm. o 15.•,:, , , , _ - 77 ..—„,.. AA MID' - ,~TElVlPtititig"" '3 :VW i MUTUAL BENEFIT i' LIPH -- INit,',.;1110111 1 110N-. - _ ...,..,. Otitttetred betpitolliAptlf,- th t Login!attire of bard:: 1 . ti - . .- mrsi artia,,, - , MI if 7 : ' . . - C.KAiI I errirrEIM I VITY P V ' :. 15 , 7.? . FEMALES Et ' Q ' wi-ipei ----- iir , trilii k yr 1. . , °anomie : i . Hon. 8. B. Cases, President. " i L. A. Trtun, Vice President. =;}r_ 71; Azno Goal', &oratory. 7 1:: . ..44.,AN—To secure kbenekofs2ooo(t --„, ~...- A3alb,tnembership Werp‘yabliin A+ -;'',._ yanie,l , ; Annual due, (Mier Brat year,) 2 10 .. 4 .lklorl.nary assessments, from $1 to $2 10, ac ,goOtag to age. Persona insured fromllkate 110; „pail of age. V4sinted, an active badness man in every .107745113 p, to work for the .440, jtharip t .,rt ,4 . . - BAn?fit Association. < - B. T. L p General Agent for Tioga Co. - .. . 1: ' , r • ;Toga, Feb 8, 1871 tf , - ~ .4.-0,1, . ..:-., id/ 1.,,:,1 Pa. Stao4o . rfalriSchool.o, GAICO. ; THE next Wilt* ntanciAlonday, sni of March, 1871. Apply for catalogues on iltdmiselon, to CHAS. H. FERRTLL, A.M., Feb 187/ 6w •) , %'')--i A'n l A . 'A' Prildlpalal; The Phet9eistlPlee:Oittn the State: - 1'2%1:U1 r , lli • F or-) tiotoottphs! ; AT e • I I' AV 11l soili,,,ti)titYL ( i)eit scAedegto l6 , ' frames*); $1- . ,91d pieta:es, eoplod, htikidland finished' !is the Miele' ff4;', itylotrilines and everything kept in a gallery blind; Or furnished to order. I „Tilt LOWEST PRICES AND THE - „, 3 ; BEST WORK. . • S`di?2; l l - '141 4 1 4 . - frobitts over Gardner's grocery stoa.' , i-..9.Eta ' 4 ' l Pii,s 1 1871 tf Washer°, Pa. 1 IVI ti Skip !, TIIO,SE intending to purchase ,hißstoOlln. sttuments wUI do well to call tiOdit-neattL , dress tbe undersigned at Knoxville, Pa. I will 101 theoe l ebrs t l d r•• .&•',1.1.V.) • eorgiajtmtllkqwn e. 7 • PlariloP -c , fortess than you can'lnii - y o e Ohiqtalqu liW r of any one else. Call or write before purchasing elsewhere. I also furnish the' ' 4 ;;,.;•' Estey Organs /. „...I,k;:t.i• 44.1. v:ILt „.:1 1 XCLINS, FLUTES, ACCORDEINS,.4OI: TARS, Am., Ao. ' 4 , I also keep o p a rt a HO lIIIMPROVAD i 4.1 ., 'l,, • 4 . '0 tia 'a - ',Mat cheaper than any tither first diselktgoAincts.-:/ i.r si,ii . - 4),;...; 7 jAtirAgents wanted DOWA. - - Feb.l, 1871-3 m. =' - Y - -• • I - Etitik'ville; Fa; "F; .... P. E Itllar.ltErC'_° E. AOEN,T FOR 1 ..;.v.;to-. tiODING'S EPITICiNg Titii": F.4!x*ll47„plTlAr IT- & PRO-, ~, C 1.,.?,,, ;' , "1"11iglelale Dealers will find the list to embrace ASO lirgest assortment of Bibles in .1.11m,,-,e(mntry. =Tfie publisher has no hesitation in prozionne. ifietliem more salable than any Bibles publish id:- Othe various editions embrace all the vaH: lititilltYles of binding andsizekof.i,type, varying liiiiitcs from $2 to s3qso 00214:19,ble;Arkto 414arWelze. THIS LIFE OF CHRIST, 700::pagew,- Una- AtA51,14 bound in French and Turkey Morocco, ; f lip:gilt. `,.r t T li LIFE OF JOHN BUNYAN, (Pilgrim's 4 41 :Pro 'as) about ~..- 700 pages, also handsomely, li4t*„'in Fran oh lind 4 2.4rlV-Alcritrisir Olgt; c-CLAII,GE TESTAliiiiltd: TV:STA:M*Ii' I Viltlxiddes, Bible Dictionary and Webster's una- Aailieil• AP i th„ O , B P: :1401.cAtigta, 1 !004.1 13 ,101. 0 4 , teti) , clump. 4:lturesilr 21!-' ';•--: :Z' :'.! .1,;: .; 1.(., 4. z.l ..., . :...p... I P. E. Kiiirnni, Pit 15, 1871. Agent for Vega 09.4 a - , .2 . .. - , .. _::—. 2 ..,, , : ....; • :::".".: " N.rm and Timber lot for Sale. frllll undersignediEe'rifoilils,AWfaiiiiin..: di p .. Illlddlebury Township,,Tioga t qop, icpoyfn As, iheltgra Stevens farm, oontaillingimil''hindreiF acres,iwith,a,ppip.oreharr. f twp,,,,ftame barns, one large friniel-frOniMPali-iti' gobil condition, liffieuhderAtittotagodvalkitiOku,,b.“totual• Wait dpl,llll4ltro - n - eroked Cr tiVialliclid o''' -Vet tore r. Also adjoining timber lg . ! 'tilindirid , acres, nonfaining- Jolt* littu ..heMl4lr, and ba'idtvrckd), JiwitAtitcgs 'anhAint of p'ne. '''''''Address W. A. STONE ER:, Wellebc 1.! its HARRIET M. 13TE . ! . "Wellaboro, Fab. 1,0,.1871-g., ......,.. , i 0, Redif*ittir,„ Bali;= u 4 . #i 'n1)20411415 r th.t he fillaN .. scribed rdaleitafe. frtY v . 11411ty; a 'n State street, in WelhboraTftlat a lt`fi j anApt; formerly 000npled by Charles W! t alf,abre lot eituated,neagtbe oematerv,and l a ', f 4 o € 80 aqi,lio4t4dOiatth i 4rat) due , ell, Nverx vorterme and-parnemaissipty` o .. , Also; Agent for the North Carolina Land Com. ' Pl!ig:' t _.. t -1' ..V; +.4 `J" - v' f-fR Cr) f , 1,..4i . - A-: ,WALVEIi SHERWOOD, - l'sfo 122, MI tf Welleboro,•Pa. 0,4, 4 ,., '---..". 1 Diew, Niisio - store,.. ~. . .ILT -' " 1-.2 ... ' , Liss v. l% ::'," io:„lsiit - 0 ~.i. v. ,t.)/9,1 4 . . 1.“1.:,:,.. i ' 0 opened in Smith & Bowen'abl6ol6 l, sio= , :.,..,ond floor, a music room where will be kept 14 'On'athibition, and for sale, -'• EttOlllAM Tyi 1 113 P oopt i q -N. .)-4 Cabinet owe.. , a . , . . • sit& in of Shoe Music. New =lido reheived every' month.— ,Imesson i s on Piano and Organ, and -in Singing 1 .4.111 be:44 , 09,, i Apan‘tunilif cor_ l ptaotioe.4llo4,d , icilltorho'maYireilli it. /L Ff: TODD. , lora sboro,Feb.l3-Bmo. ' • f , •,-, 14 .-- I Horgtikrkzl34l6l2, %arlaAfe mai subscriber offeriettg,fitaiiii Y.,tl- hers° ten years ey , ,' ; 7 1 10044 'WIWI' I Engelre - -4- *4 r tptig; • ,:i I`.' : , 4 IiAItRIBT M. fiT ' 4 ''''' "' - g f i _. _ ' 4 5 , 'Wellsboro, Petr.ls-U. ' - liclt-IP s4_, , ate t AVE just opened, in their' new store, on en 0 be site oectwagppir Aftviii.bast,..,p. i x , il(tY pf groceries, wil of will& ate perfectly . Ire,h,, i They taltjt ~.7...,4)4Wt their b - en for dip! ,pa • ) "100 ww 4 t, an-a 411P0o fully aol U ( fthealitstii: '.4',i, , f ~,k . ,,91 espectfully request all Persons knowing ange t Ira i rlite gir t 31 ....., _ft , , ."Vili Om tO tr o tryhe i =1 drift*/ NY & CO.• -, - fh#lPlcibillit . AWILiiIP A i ?...1:1 te..Ti 1•.0 •,. . • a. ..~{~ i ,. ; t .. t : i ' ,;-.~ . ii 7 MEM KUM . ~~,~ . S f l 5,.,. Ea ;:}- ~. we 1 - 7/ k;;3!--1it OE 1 ''''s' ..- ~r t o 2 ' c L • r "'",,"'""- ::, , - UNE l. : 3 0fq0: I r) q: l i i 1. 1 ' •;• , , +•,:' 4.11,1,5,..f: ,t, ~-..., .!/ ' t Ii• t ~, ,,1 g ' . It i t i ill 1 11 il ' 1 ti VI I 1 1 . t Li 1,.. 4 t 1 II I I, , 1 ME it - l'e •iri,?4.1...,:.) 4 '..h-ik".,ii. . r. l dY.i~-~ - yi a~. .;_:11••', ..• - •,._;;,i,... v , I • 7 , 4,-.: a ME : - - II MI jfi iii is. I ~ S ~~ ' 1.t,"" . ME IT. , :J,.v:l. v T 5; , ,,, D -1.: i. I 144,5" N 4 , !Pl. t _ , ; •- --5 .-4 1 ;1';•; 1 1:- ,t • ;4 1. '', '.11• • , .i i liM r B A lili 'ills --I ''t : . •= 5 i,.• , : , , N -- ;.-e.4 . 7`4 , : v Ite,::l,' k - 4 • . ,' We i ClirCocoass--illatist Clrxigeilleidit. ~ . --,,, ,,-,-....... , _„:.T.-:., , ,,, , ,,. , ,- , . , ;,,, : .... , „ , ,.„ , 4,4,th.q../. or, trii v . is, ' ..V.,.`:,:: - .. , ,,, ND ',oA•ig , Thig it a k , ' •- • '1,.: .0.,; - 1- -.11:c- f-ts: ...: • • a ... 1 ' Per 41 ,9 , 3 . 2c if , 166 1: f ii : ' , - 4 tiiktMil l'il T ifflF . f -::.., v,, , , • •• „. 4....:41 4 x.v 4,- 7 -4... : , i..,-IkkAilut.,, k ltyLl3AlBB9RT T. .if 4 r ,.. 1i E . t.... -.1 ILI .:., -., ....j Foreign 3 .:--!'-=:* -%- .a nd Domestic Dry _Goods, 1-:::•,:-:. —7 ' '''''•'l," YES ' DRESS GOODS, BetATkßf 7 iftgaft, IT 631 • •;;AIU , ,1 4 18,0..A.15ri; Wil t PI i v .. Which will 11l be sold vorlycheap.,_ ; 5...14 t-.1.,..,•A1 4.• 0 LOTItS: AND " :-OA '' 4'. 'L t IWO CODS 4 "41' 4 '. V 4 - VE t tvrttiNg—it _ , i• - •' -- .1.1,J-, n .... 7.: : . i. . i 741 ores, Hosiery, Knit Goods and taiiiiiir; , i Choice Groceries. ,t Sago, , --4 , - ' 1r 41r; 4 .-l ia lbac , 83iiiip p ; -- - Rfifit, - - - Saleiatiiii, - -,-. CotresP , .-& weal,,A ,I Alert, Salt .4- , l' 1, Vlslo Ploar Vi '., ).- .3 / .1 r 4 tj -.• : .. ~. . •••• -. 4 ... ,_ i. ..,,,,-. ~ 4 •-. . Hata 4 Caps, Boota,& Shoea, Rni?bers, Crockery, Wooden Ware, &c. ,f. , -,...., 1 ,,,, ~ 4, i ../ - 0 ,,, .3. ~ A. 1.. v ., L 4 " —‘ " i . " ' ".. '''-' - ' • H -'- d a s h a id'' or , Btl3 '2'll.lV or shipped on Commission. ~ Please call and look our Stook over. Yon will always find us readgianii*ll,ll niiiii allow rg °9ll %Ta - f 1 4.•;:11 1 , ,:1 i1;:.2%.; ;tom. 1114 - .1 tz.lll. =2 Y I ! Y ' * 'WWI bord ,'ltiii. 47;48'llilj . iy;i-t" - -ii , i .i. l isAva s igii xis riv.a.psalim. f _ THE GERMANS VICTORIOtiIi 'ld ace proolahnsitt4ioughautth.liAlted Eltikik t ney., erthelese death, with , ilefithrsilal Uri Is iinihis trWl litAititehitiValkilafightei 3 OstAPA ihe old.follf*ter Illtiolk , A.ll4*ltut.Sta , s o 314, th atiOtourilitrifealarla Wig to ' - - ' or' Akar* CO6Eillearrir FOR ~J •'...! • ~,.5,. Off 1 r ' 1 RT I "' : '. t / 31 .I I kNILON P APER OR PORCELAIN .t 1 C t ' i _... 1 1 he Mita est rocket, or up to life sise. - - A z r 4 . 44, a, German and Medallio n 'iati44lolon6lK *,13 • m. - 4 .,,, , „4.7,..„.".; h -new VI Writs, size, Ca 1 e liiiizei ,, *‘ :ir ,rp ri 41 vt f, 'and 1 ifillief doe/ ma e and pit 'hp in e a r ityle than has heretofore been offered by any Pi(opgrapher in this section of country. It is the only gallery in Tioga County retono l dnr.fts lieglitivintili ikti traiklittritittlabWX.ixgoltasortmcnt of -.:.•,f ...! .; '-. 14 - . :.:-.:-. .;:,... ~, . ..4 ,:-r 1 : FRAMES' AND FRAME MATERIALS. O h PIING, AND:: FINISHING / 1 INK, WATER, CRAYON Ckt OIL COLORS, . ' i 5 ~, . - 0 4 , :=-, ll* a ll l , lo . l . 4 .?rsk".ASUOrkt Mfklithist. 04411/41 Frio ltrili - ; l le" /01 .1 41. if eluitliz ailicoalto4 an, :lenns ish when she sitting Is mad .* /A Ines adiranteet to Va `satisfied= uitllmit extra charge. Those who come firsit•alli e first, served. Call and examine specimens before going elsewhere lifanstiekinituNlWlllL.lllk. oim r .111aPENCERi N. P. A:, Artist, and 'propfletor. --- --zefw i..VENME itlia • 'ak.Q. i s:i_`;'..;) - :; -- 4 - ...: 7r--- -- -...____._,_______,.,..... • . R. C. B I _.,tl:-. E1 ‘7 5( ,.,..:a.3,..,.i z 9 :i. V 0 to f..1.,1 R. 4, , tx,:ziefirit (If ~ . , ; 41i,:ik14 ,I :64.'1-, 1 _ . L - 1-I_ -, L l ,_::-_2l'. I (Bnoeessor to D. P. ROBERTEI) DbAlann. /Xi 'i ... a 7 .1: - ' ;,,, :.:4 - ,: - , ; . -- ~ ,s lovEtt 'V % llii ft ~A t : ..,,,:il , • .IR L ON, !JAIL& OAMNNII:1 3 11111 SHOES, AND HORSE NAILS, Intlx4-le.iti v a . . ~ (~.,.. . i3l, EtoXitOr 9 ilLycrale f o . _ t. v v ~ i t.7,,41 at. bits ,tatili -,,rt* .; lo Ea.a.e.taii,.4 . ..,,... - 1. general stook of Band Itaterlalv LOOKS, VirlirtatlErlittn9UMGEl3,44ll) l ." 41 10 • WR Pnicitit-RARRA at w ttaitteturera.prioas._ ......--- - --., FY:''' ViZ 4 - iti? _Jr\,.4iK _ t A ', , c, 1,44, 2 k fl ap ip Zilt ' 4-iiiiiearsi ' r-e, - -1 pi t... 1, ta'n.s.•'.". 3,3110 ' w aIX X • 0 , ,ikF. V .t,f<" ~ 4 .t WAr t %.'911.4111 ii , VPViI-i'l 4, AX a1,2414.t.. r lfr i, —1 iva .r , tt' I'M cr - ` 4 I"7* /''• . la 4 7'` .: 3. .. 0. - • , „,,,..„. ~ ;,...., ...,_ -.1,21.1, _4,4 i• 4 , , •4 , .• • , it'- 4.az - aCilllbAttit OVID. reasonable. Tint deer 4104V-Cosfelbuiii! tftc - ' , l "' iif '" ; ' . 1 /" liq lit-igra Welleboro, Jan. 4,181111 y. , ,N `,*- -. ,- r. t •Vila 1 g''' . ?'' ..11. ' 'U. B.C. RAftitrATl ~.t e., .' ~. 2 o - 10.4. " 4 , , .1.: , 1914 .I,'k 4 - (e` k. ;•'i Li „ , ,4. 1 ...t.v,r.: , ..,,,.Z..i.., '''' , . ..e . t.... f t.,. 4. 4,4 , ,,, f0„...,s ..' -, .t . ; , .., , ,!.477 6 . 1 - Ai. 1 . 1.: 714 '4;,- -1 .--' ;--':e.7 3 i. , 4 - • -1 .-- ,' ' ".,i - , , ~ .,._ ' , ..\ , t , , t i_a• ` .. 7, , 0,,, ~..,'. i . ;- 'S -.. It”. '' '.'''-- .4N - rfl. ''''`-* '.• • ,41 ,- `-', 4 If itt, AV I A # A4Ai:d 4 i::;:I 4 : 4 ?7 4 '"q l. ", f r .;• . • ‘ iP,SATIte,t, ' :,..4 . A;ValgtVitg -- :: _ - ..;;:, - , , ,:, : :W , e -t .i.',Arcrf, - 5r..:...:."0.•:,4p,....a.p.tt5,. 9 .0, •:: ~i, ' 0...40.:, .e...-r..-...4/1,, , . 4 . ". 7 41..;LAU:14-4.r. §i , '• , 4,..rV„.7, - . 1 " . ' '''''' . . tr the, Regulator, C or. Vai*-4 "7 , v -^ ; • ; wai: w 4: 4-4 , tY: wieh lt t94444tge Qumitqclsottp m tuigake!, rdiircefor eidfl Springoagmbiiwe. *llO (4euTiorou - ;J;:.7. , ',,.;, - .•,;.ft%--z..t;l) i ti l. l)-1?:-.114 7;7'42:4" 141 t OCi srl. I i ir Empress n o t $.1114* - 10. i s , • • Cleat s-, BeforeirtslArie'''' t s • `Etta 71 C- ::,:i 7.,!1.;.:.=. 01' ‘ .110.. 51.1. 1 .4i'f?,Cilia:of, t-- BEEBE ''.i.. R. lee— .:E t`i~i~ E..~tf , -, ii ', -).,?!.L'A • e ,if4. - r- - .:,-,...tt,... - i •:•: , .... ~. -, .4 , k 7.•; , „ .4..^..4. ts/ f . .V,.. '4 .=. >l. '..-',.:: —4 , ,•5. ,- ,44 .t. :,,,i• vP `;:z1 112 q/' ', a Aln.••• • • .;, ,tt . 3••• ii .• : ~ . i i gncep„A3ol3c4l4,lp sOory,departmtint. ' A .fult , absort r 1? - 2t , / ; ',.i 1 i - . 4101 ia /40n1 1. eStit G°°aS§: EEO 6,,1,1 tt s cr • t ° •, 21 • Boots, Slit 4 es gs• CVO ry. 4 1, ME , t .. -1 .. _• I A ; koj . ripOil , ,p4.ls.es May wilt induce tioraon tu_Ttogal county to buy goo& or • , us and Savo money. -- - - 3.1 r ENE r' -N """ *.tY..rgtib; •1870.. - NW ' ',rink., q 2Sift rm)kil , .. A. , "ti ' . . _ A- . iffl- 4 , 44 tti - _ _ s t ,;e ;thi r t . 1 .• V, i • ,'',l/-',l (If ii * } , :"-••_ : “;:i l ii '4_ l ; -:•'' ,1 .:11 - . f •(f, ' 7 7 i I ;-fl i F ii. , ,,f of.is:;7,il „ i. Hr. rr • }^ r , r. ! ~,•i',--ir-.-,1.1-:--,?:•;1.,:i I, t .. , i i : I y . i~ . ~ ~ .. y j y ITMMIE=I E -I 0- 01=11111 }~ ,~~ ME .I.x 04-.4 . I • L.•, t. :i ii , 'it..;',';!lt -4 : 4 .;..1-.":03.1:,60P -i.'''T'.).l , f , r', ~•i3l',lu::J t.i.,2',- . 4.41; 11,!i _.,.:a~~,.:. ND BEE Ell {3. tr 7 '4ll '-r •- . 3 : - M=EllitMl3 - 1 I!MOMMI9 a ?," .0 4,2', ;..- , - ,( A :.'-'' :1 %rf e' , ,:l li ' 1 , 421 , ;-1 onto! Blin T., UNE ' ~ t, i S i 'd ~i ~ ~Y: F.I~G ME , '1 , ..- j f , ,; ‘‘;': a', , :;)1-., 4 + . ro.tsgois," ssiittgliVAl wAiTE,GOODS; lIIMI J. R. BARKER. b '- t - 1' .?, ta ':t .- .) t ea , T e ugri ti ot ia a l ttl o ftr a o l u a r ti lot t l ents . blob we p 011 for, gratattotut dlatribratlon; I t aillittra xouladOb rata ti inlbtanitfoa , . DI.AI.W fiatiofjblittiloo; 'rays : ' ' , xiiisrpiessui - nogiassoislistirouiluguit i ' us Yeri.POW - 411iiiitie. : i -hard. ram IC ttt flrfook If (autaty vaults—on. to a prJ)l9oottreltlti; is. wbbit titcpstioat, • e lk,. tUosSud, 4 010 stbitb& 7 oll takin,gli* (Inn , 11140 AN 'MAUI/ RllB'loB Id ' #l,pttritbar ;Itrload tuafonraa *rook ! if loll Ica ßhe"ili bt 6 W s °. r or az .0.. .00zeithdry at m: , ork i o , ty and rtaay ttonsatll"of our bast cit/- 1 sltat olds to Malth Book, or almanac for Ibis year, odic!o 00 , . adt,' , "lnt °thane's' nit of. Tonto al loft ataltdinsi ; andel!' Is rapidly int• 1/ 4 149*/#1 , 1r89• In litt failloallona aro • ti t 1. • 4 1 41 , 0409 1 / 1 /19 1 4 C=o./ 0 I have 4 11 P 1 F in _ .. -, Yt - luta.' the Arraila- . br *blob oar B PPmratatua tal ' , and Mid Wan; 440 osi uoistatt tiisiits;• . 7,:• ~-. : '' - . ko of tobokaiiieviti v . iiinbio link fsll,, . . ~,, t.. - : uusulioronas sus sus I r. w' ' u minartr traria -'AM aof • r"o the itl ,i , 9a . nobtator Aped,' . - I Alaimo,' Gill/ I?' ens Ifurftars_bini, Tenn.,' ya 0 1l I t I bare wad ratan bottler of nosaaalle, and ant anttraly cured of Ithanmattant ; mad a s t our b os UM Prk Or it t r EBY.,briAbfr. Who bas sotoita t lanarbro era " _. ' - I 1 liaaliuntn bt I, of Lim, Ohio, writs., I hare tutored for t daily, vista with -an Inveterate graviton *tor y"trbol• 60441 short tintndn4 rporcbasal a °tittle! flora and It alfoottd a parfotitmiti: I) i iptv f,Li . l i 'l' li , i nowapaii solld 7" P.,111 iirtylvdr4,llo.,: ji t Vf.tr. Itresti,l9Bl4 °rot'. Pbt/o Taller, TtO t' IL L. Bacon, Blopabnrg , and Drogglataganar y. • ) March 9,18704-1 . r ' t I= ERE I , ..„ c;,m,:.. , ,olirs 9 • 1 ' : Lt: !.>" L. 4 S 1 - 1 ~. ,• ... vEGETkiiiiE sielLsA,N 0 ~,,,, AIR R N ' ER A' ' ~,.. t.:,..„......„,„ ...,.....„,.. 1 't d 'il 4 pekk. t 6 / 6:41 perfe &and . ~- -it'ail. v eme c tkOflally' prepared ' az ..?4iit da prepMJtion of ite kind T -- i r ---..-- I/ER[OHBR 9!:i.99;4141.?.i'P;fub1i9., lip es - no competitor - Pa., irA, va4ri4. -,. By itc:me, IF it T tA - HAW it. 'OP* t i ~1 - ' • resior d 't i c, — its original.' .31,..ti . ..! „- i youth ul ,nolcr. : and kn . =:. ~ :-.1 1.1: ,,, , ••-i T 3 Haney, winch' is"so - much ~, ,'i= t ' "NTON ' aft' d..toy a11..-Feraena OK JAL -COLOR, IIII ONS OR 4 i ff) 1 ;2 1 11 :0 "NI O,:NE BOTTLE' THICKEN • ~`~i ,ti MIME =EMU . i it is _le jest. ,tinu i inos! UP , eepilemteal pre p arat i on , .•, ''''', 1. il the wo Id,' es .ite ! l effeetii ty • lest 8q tkehlenger. Send, 14 "'" o,.ouri;Trentise an the: T . 11 i l , n , 3i.ul n i a c hair, free to all, by mail. i 1!4 :all Druggists asuilikt#ra in Aiedicine., -', Pile. mice Do: il Per ettle, , litr R. P. HALL & 0., iti6prietore. ''. ÜBOII,II.TOY, mond, ii: us 44ugi8,1874-Iy., . , =MIMI NM °_ ~~ Mr ISE -- _ :1 , ' f Adiiiiiniatra or , 13,Notice. 'T BiTERB OF ADM N'lBl l llAlollitaiing ix,. boa granted to th undersigned o the es tate 4 Waterman liin lyrai Accessed lats.(); Jackson townlhip, all t eye indebted to said es :tale 11l make immed to poyment, No these isil &win : °labia ,against the seine,' Willi litiesent thorns, - , .. .B. SHRUM Admit , . , rlaOlion, February 1; 1871 Ow' ' L. , a , J IJO k. aq . 4$ 6 cc. CD f t oi 1 R itiE ...,, ; 1 .11 ceT'i+7 E4W c 7 ik.7. 7 g , t'''', 4.12 5.4.1-',l 131 6* 41' .9 , 10 2 :,.:,-: : : :,,_ , O .=.• • ; I.v • - •- • • lit -•: p F' - ~.. • : ... : 4.... • Ad ..., i M' 4 01..ri.' l a .. 17. - i it Q •14..:1 ~....-4), . 1 4,,,,,,, pail P." P; 1 . 3 1. j :a f ` 0k,,, , Z 3 . ri. ' .1.. 04 ed 11.. c ; ~,..9 (3 gl 1:14 1411 t.) UI r _ r , . 4 42 ~- c. c ., cs' - •CS Ft k .0 .0 p e , cD u o w .C.) - o • a 0 1 :,. ~ 4 1. , ., a 4 . 1 1 3 .. 0e 1. 4t r , , ,q, p l 2 all ' 1,..11- a 0.4 II 1 ;, . a) •,... _:O3 , ;e3 . . . g 1;1 ~ a t r -- rig, ki t - -Ai MOM • • • Mi, s WELL BE lesnei Poliolei in • t !„... r‘7otf - -iiCol7lor. • i'' `' '', " ill ail ' . 1 i 1 !. „ ;: ZELIAI3 . 'F., , • 00) .., 1 : * lllant Ingunnoe. Jai: 4, Y 187 k.-Iy.•, SN,4); I.; Uri'PßEl,at. gi =I i 6714 :!'gri# ( FernTY. tt, 1. April , , ,• • Euro se ..n , . l - - - '' , . ~... W ar• ~,,, , ••Jz.,,, iiire i tit„H : i „ .n_,Akoens . ogo,,, 1 inEt' , killeit . ' ;Warden' and,tuidrilitCliiiiiir ci..ii,e iio,er'thietltisflgigt:*.. a.'.4410 04 :of, . , N' - rauitiyWoille from NraWiereig se* 2 " 7 ben). 1,11b6 fitaii,* "or ktiilW;Mli..ll4, German and Medallion oeliti . _ 61048120;iiiew s tgra Victoria, Sleep MATO* iiitillitiiires:lPW.wy, • colored) end, :Mirk" *et Ai ttitylee too , rintilte` to men ioni - i'letiitiasee id view., and - view* of PritratOlesidenata- t -at-remanable-prieee: ' Copying old plotnicspai, i ittlaftrik Anke , 'tei . ,: "14 kilisrennlred;in tr titne tai , 4 1 ! will be ietonehed in ' inkrot ' -*a • p iii Or wet.* noloriv,: - A goo ,- aircittainit' oligarchs* *ingtentlpernicand.lo*llolo 1 .1 . 610160 0 ' ..0 0, 4 10, 1 **, . -for ..itolutoiiewtrolforr,q .. v - Ini P., '; , , , ,....0";•,;; -:;,, iy"-',liiii-Bi ;dolt' ,liattflalie 06 131 10104filiilif 41.VE:, ;RiiiithWe. SielititS6oo,3, 401 to 00#0-41a0 Wellsbnro.ai:)l3l T:."4.1 • .•Ei Lt,/ , • ' ;;t•stta.slllz4i . - , 1. Me.- 1 - - - , D. 11. c t7Atithitii* ' IBM 4 1 4;) ' OiLrfartEl• -,- 7 _ 4- - Whose heir in thinerfalling otdivill, by the use of our Renew l er,soontietkite good' i tads, Ina,:lytatoniclid atimitltingitiratieitiektha hair gl ands will be incited and 'th; ',heir irOW thick ' andetr nghglin. In Oases of Baldness it will create 0 , ;,-....t - 1. aiiew igrowth , u nl esss the ' follicles are destroyed. lt i 9 'caOlipfg, dna. - allays all itching i 'and' 'irritation of the scab. Itdoes not stain f i, the skin. as- do dyes, bu - makes the scalp white an clean. , i IAencDIZESSIN t f br - id C) Ig 9 .4 P 1 .5 • 64 ,1)4 . cs,ra, e. g tg i m-gll - 4 ,1 1, .da Q 4. 0 mg A.' 4.4 " 4 , - co • • P 2 A 0 I "Es .e. 1 0. 4) sti 40.0 , 1 . .tgb 21 4 4 D: - 8 • f ii , .t.' Ito at, -FT4 4 1 4 , bb Go 1 4 1 " , 4 4C TO § § 01; 761 44 ,S 4 .2 Co ID 0 a r 01, r. 15-2, :A URANCE. Ag't, BORO, , PA. BEM eStapitntel at as - tetitio; •t.. ha Ell M -.-. Cheaped - plikee4i'll6 ?.; • z " i; ,;,. • ; - =ME BIM! "; - C rl MN =MEN ; )11 . j ~ . Zia; l ) 7li ~ ~.. ~ J EA r-1 r t• t - , r - - ''P :0 rices lIE MEM Min ' IMM ,_ h sin !Ei uro g ; sew ere - , - I ' OMAN:BROTHERS, Ed =MEE IMO l'=• GROO.ERY & t Don't Aek For Credit. ~a' `1 i ! 1 tuly:27, 1870. }- The; Cheap". , Cash . Stae • William Wilson ME OAS, JUST -4110/11171D -LOTS 'OF '.• I - • I, Aril) 1 „, . 1 ur: , o 11.5.-.1 MEI d ;I 11140k!d , th • , TO VERY LOW. Cask Prices. / / i t ' • . _ i) ''To e t o lattfatbAbo aftiolas . and alio a diserip. lion of hal vatietyind. quality of good., Would .I.e lab* eironrciaaray, T therofare - Invite. all to' . . I • : DROP "IN 111 nd moo for themselves , and takka look through the roaratnoth , stook naf,,oonuAnon thuintolvos that = El GOODS • , SE 1 5 ". • , Low )Prices .:, , .1, t, •, dra-tha fire stet% 4 ,2 _ , ,1111iiinalli l theta IMO . , et :vt ,- , 0 7 27crigi./444M:Wn4q$,''t e!'"A 7 . - =I t;'i; -1 ,4 trrY ez on =I =RI IMEI ill MEI BM MEM ' before' , !MI ■® I= STORE 1 I= IMO TRUMAN, tA. Ai. 1 TRUMAN. AND U m Down 1 MIMI =I ANV =1 IBM ~;= . -, =II 111 MS I. ,' 1 lIM