The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 08, 1871, Image 1

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p. C. Van Gelder.
subscription, (11)er
LINES OF MINION oa rifo,lditia
t 3, 4 • 1 1,.. r \ 11n. I a Ins I 4 Ins I 3?;los CMos ri Yr
5.01 . 11 . 0. •••
•52.00 V 2,150 I $5,00 [ $7,00 $l2.
2,00 1 ^ 5,00 1 00 1- 0,00 1./2• 00 1 C 4210
..... - 15,00 174-0-1i2,401 sa,oo 1 so;oo
c.,i ..... 15.00 7
.2 . 7C,Tr1 39 1 ,6)1 0
, 1.3,C,1 1 0 00,00 I 100,00
Lir Special Notices lb cents per line; Ilditorlal or
(.o; s 1 '24 cents per line. • " .
Tisnsielit adrestising DIUST be paid NI; in mimeo'.
az-Justice Blanks,-Constable blanks, Deeds,Judg
ut Notes, Marriage Certificates, &c., on baud.
131Jr8INti 54
Office in Smith and Bowen's Bloak,aorkes ball
ti am Agitator Office up stairs, liecond"
Wellsboro Pa, Jan. 4.,1 flocB7l—ly.
Jiio. I. Mitchell,
Attorney and Counseloi. at Law, Claim, and In
6urance Agent. Office over Dress's Drug Store,
We((store, Pa. Jan. 1, 1871—y
William A. Stone. •
At\tornay and Lar, Bretdoor3aopsa
Converse di °wed's store; on Mel, street. '
IV°Bebop), Januory,l, 18i Iy. - ,
Seeley, Coates & Co.
3ANIZERS, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pal\-
ilecoira monoy on deposit, discount notes,
and soli drafts on New York City. ..Colleet
ions promptly made.—Jan 1, 1871-y,
DAVID Cogs, Knoxville,
Jno. W. Adorns)
Attorney and Counselor at Laeri,l4ansfleld, Tioga
county, Pa. Collections promptly attended
to. Jan. 1; 1.871—y
Wilson tt Niles,
Attorneys and Counselors at Law. W4ll atte d
promptly to business entrusted to their care u
the counties of Tioga and Potter. Office n
the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y
s, F .WlLso:kr.] [J. B. Nitta.
John W. Guernsey,
Attornoy and Counselor at Law. All business
entruged to him will be promptly attended to.
Oiled 7d door south of Ifazlett's Hotel, Tioga,
rw,:a County, Pa.--Jan". 1, IS7I.
Wm. B. Suilth,
Bounty and Insurance Agent. Cons suit to tho above address will re
•.;,ca prompt attention. 'fermi moderate,
Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871. - -
Seymour & Horton,
At.afieyl and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa.
tit beeiness entrusted to their care will receive
r. - Aapt attention ,
l,u 1.1871 y
Armstrong & Linn,
I , u 1, 1',‘71-y
SY. D. Ti'rbelt &, Co.,
I.)fugist3, anti dealers in Wall Paper,
Lamp, Window (I lae3, Perfumery,
Ace.-Corning, N. Y. Jan,l '7l.
1). Bacon ) M. 1).,
y 111 itrid Silt:goon. Will attend protnptly
calls. Office on Craften Street, in rear of
it, Meat Marl< et,Wellabcrb.—Jan. 1, 1871.
A. 111. Ingham, M. D.,
Office at his Residence on the
~ , , c litze.—Jan, I, MI,
George Wagoer,
:;hop first door north of Roberts & Bail- ,
y's URI dsvltro Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
g done promptly and isell.—Jan.l,lB7l.
Hazlett's Hotel), f i,,ga County, Pa. Good stablingattaoh
qi, ;trot an aliantiva hostler always in attend
.hcr. ao. Prop'r.--Jan. 1, 1871.
Smith's hotel,, M. Smith, Proprietor. Hour° in
condition to accommodate the traveling
in a superior manner.—Jan. 1, 1871.
I Farmers' hotel:
. MON/10 Proprietor. This house, formorly
~copied y E. Fellows, is conducted on tom
pe r • !ICC rinciplos. Every accommodation
fur man a .1 heart. Charges reasonable.
Januar . I, 071
' Lritlon Hotel:
B Van Horn, Proprietor, Wellabor°, Pa.
tail hot's° Is pleasantly located, and has all
the r ,uvuntences for man and boast. Charges
moderate,-- , Jau 1,1671—1 y.
(louse and Lot and Nine Acres of
Land for Sale.
nil UM ES WILLIAMS offers for sale his
kJ house and lot on Main street, Wellaboto,
I[ll :Ix Idles of land near the cemetery. En
quire ..1 .L.depli Williams, at the Wpllsboro foun
•try. Jilin 1,1871 tf
New Tobacco Store-1 .
T ,,,: ,0 1 )suf Thorhas fitted up the Store first
Thrquas Harden's dry goods store,
the manut ;cum) and Vale. of
I:1G Al? S, grades), Fancy and Common
110KlYG .ICCO,Michigan Fine Cut
LW": G, and all kinds of
PLIV TOBACCO, PIPES, and thechoi
ret Brand of CIGARS.
F.Vr•all and, for yourselves.
1, 1671 tr.
r tLrl4ll,.t rind Ulla or tl.a ErringmniUnfolitunitle,
~n Prin. ClirktiAn Philanthropy.
kV:3 OS THEERRORS OF YOUTH . , nod flit F.)
1,,f ,‘;!(1. ill 101111,11 L. NIAIIIIIACEaIIdCOLL F.VILP
itli Ili itili tiil the Felt 41 . 111c.t
kl 4, 1•.0-11. 11.,t P. Philadelphia, Fa.
it GA 11111_1i: STORE 1 .
. ,
Joi v oLisi „eps cont•tautly on
al.. huge 10 - . 41 Meakitiek,
P.iict3 and Oik, Lawpa,
,t;-i-,try V,. 1 , 1 ea NaiVolir''.l.o.
01, , 1.1. Y 1:tr111'.113:41.)F.1)
i..n I, IF.-T 1 --ly
Tr.1.1. 4 3t301t0. Ars:D M ANSFELD
-' , II'AGF.
TH E undyrsigne,l pciirsctor. r,f
this line takes this wet lie.l .;f
'thLg the ()Alio that. tile al,r,%tt r-tro 4 ,
vxeepte‘l,) betweet. the i n,. ),hi
.eave 4 Welistruro At 8 a, rn , and arrived at
at 10 30 a. tn.
t 2 30 p. ni , aria arrives at
" • ' :
!It p 11.). j'.',it-Faro 431,25.
L. I, IFl7l—tf • W. B. VAN HORN.
Farm for Sale:
subscriber offers his farm for sale, sitn
-1 del in Copp Hollow on the read leading
oa crivingto n to We!labor°. Said farm coo
!",'' 2 24 acres, about 150 improved, with good
' ll hog, or; bard, and well watered. The un
lf:;,rr.ret part of the farm 13 well timbered._
rhis farm will be sold cheap, and terms made
oitstinalle. Inquire on the premises of
bec.ll, 1870.-3 m.
A LE rc , rFons in4bted to D. P. Roberta by
4., Book account or Notes are requested to call
sattto and gave Costa,- at G. Mertick's
24,4 /87/.-tf D. P. ROBERTS.
la : 2''. - ,_ 0 174
~, --
1;t ix ADViNtl:'
e 44,
t)tplgtOniend Boise,
ail - a raft time sotSesuple'of liy b. D. lioli
-ufl day, has been tborougbly, refitted, repair
ed and opened by - - '
who will be happy to accommodate the old
fri peas oftllfifirtae at_lverypiaaoliAtaltqalea.
MITE undersigned is now prepared to axe
cutgall orders for, Tomb and Mona-
Manta of either ,
of thelatest style and approved workmanship
and with dispatch.
Ho keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa
vor him with their orders, on as reasonableterms
as can be obtained in the country.
T togafah ,
ce -
. ,
A 43, 11"
in er 4 rte.,
MRS. SOFIELD respectfully announces to
the publto ,that , she, ie uor ; - rep eN , It? g
complete, 2,tOCk of ;
Fall and Winter Gooda.
Especial tateritioxlls jii"l;Med to horMisternent
Corsets, and Ready Made White Goods,
Also, Zephyrs and Germantown
Wools in Fancylthade.
, .
Patterns in Zephyr and. aveirytbipg pertaining
o the trade.' KID GLOVES of the best brand.
Hats, Caps, BOnnets,Ribbops, Flowers,
The Wilcox it Gibbs Sewing 11raebiielastile,
or rent by the week ,
A. C. WI
And P
T is the determination of the: Directors to
I make the comae of instruction as. thorough
and systematic as can be found in the State.—
Commencing with, the primary `department, the
pupil must master every year's allotted work, be
fore being admitted to the nest higher.
The beat of teaohere will be employed in every
department,_the most approved methods of in
struction used, and the beet of care exercised
over th" pupils in school and out.-
The lieu Scnuon offers those advantages:
The Principal' is a graduate of the Rochester
Unihrsily, New York, a gentleman of large ex
perience in tho best conducted schools of the
country, who has epont two years - An Ruropei
and speaks Gerina'n..Fritte/: and Ration. Ale
qualified to give superior:instruction in History,
Fine Arts and the Ancient , Loprotges. Instrue
tied in Hlyhcr Mothenmtio, the. •S'el CQI, „pook.
keepi4 and .Ifloic, s ill bo' equal to "Ahitit of the
beet tvadernieq.
. .
The hope to soon be able to secure in
struction :it Painting and Drawing, by a lady
who has hat evoral years' instruction by the
best wafter? n Germany, nod who has practised
in the tlallei re, of Belli!), DITOCEI Munich and
.The Got school is the cheapc4 dchuol. The
Boat d it.b.nd to obviate all objections te this
class of schools, as far as possible. A
sufficient corps 4,5 teachers Will be employed,
that full justice may be done te every pupil.—
Tuition is free to all within the old borough lim
its. Pupils from abroad ate invited. Board 01
private lawilies Iron $3 to $4 per week.
Tuition,' Common English', (per term, $5.
" Higher English. Math( unities, c.,sB.
ATM. SMITH, on Main Street; has Just
opened a very tat ge assortment of
',t1107.? 00Blgo
• &C.,
am the eels tigenf in thi: place tor,
t t et ,
Ladte..; that h\avo not noth:ed the,.-e AI ulf,s wili he
astoniAed at their el.eavimts., brant3 And coin•
all of which will Lo sold much below former pri
ce. All work doou pl °tool.), . end to please.
. ,
' ' 11111:4.. CA litti..lf:E :.' SIIT11;
WelloJoro, N %7, 1570-If.
((First Boo:o. ; ,
East of ('ime Home.)
pllr. Fub s.e r i has opened a market for the
acemum ion of all inEAT want. nf
.:- • . :V it iS It Itli
Cash will be paid for pork, bed', mutton, beof
cattle, hides and ?beep pelts. : 1 "
Fresh fish every Saturday.
November 2, 1870 tf • , _
undersigned,. administrator of the Es
tate of Abner G. Goodell, deceased, will
sell, on the promises of said estate, about 70
rods south of I, W. Tubbs k. co's Mills, in Law
rence twp, at publiig veaduti;:on,,,tho 11th day of
AtArch, t 1 P. M. the following described prop
arty: Bounded north by John Middaugh, East'
by Tioga river, south and West by Ralph Nobles,
containing ono half acre, more or less, dwelling
house thereon. Terms each. JOS GUILE. (
Wellsboro Feb. 15, 3t. Adm'r
TAISSOLUTION.—The partnorship hereto-
J fore existing botween R. B. Webb and, H.
8. Haetinge is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The affairs of .the Min will be settled
by either of the late partners ' at the new stand
of Hastings & Cole ,- 'in Wrtg ht & Balloy's
brick blook. It. B. WEBB.
Feb 8 , 1871 ihr 111613TUNIO.
THE °XiiP.
Tloga Marble
lei. A. i;S - OFIELD.
Welltsbpro !Dot. pc!.
FROM $36 T&` . sl.oo
FROM $36 TO $lOO
Cheap for barter, and cheap for cat)) at
Westfiold, , Jan 4,.1871.
oro Uuion Graded
• F tu-RADEp SC flOoLs,
•incipal of High AS'ohool.
New Millinery !
S Bich she , is-BellinOtt
6 ueh as
Administrator's 'Sale
i -,tjt', ' VI
i .
- '
` 4 lt;UiVlAtTlitg TABLES. m
5,45 All., NIGHT EXPRESS , (M6iidiY3' excepted)!
for Ruffalo,Dankirh and,the most. o 1 1:11
0,106 A. Afi,'lNlG LI REPRESS; dilly, (8,15 A.M.for
liaohester,en ys excepted) fer, Buffalo * Buz-1.
kirk, and the est.
cell) A. AI., WAY f?r „iißchester, Sun
days excepted.
10,25 , Wi t '1 4 1 1 401110140 eft,TitError
• Iluffalvadd D . s.* t
12,05 r k tl.,Vi RElGlPP,aerurdyseXilapiettfoiri
• liorneflsvilio n , .
240 BAt'll OAR Sundays excepted,
or Rookeeterandlinffelo &ATOLL
6,30 P. Ai ?BlIGI)ANT TR tbs,Weit.
7,3fp,'"ii, ? RAY 'EXPit zi4 4 e 3 ctofevt,4W.;
3,2.13 A. M„ EXPRESS til4prit'
Dunkirk'l29 - th
4 1,
r "cot:ll:lifting at NV* York with afteirnroolitr no
and steamers for tha New England Cities:4 ,
4,45 A. M., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondaya.ol.-
ceptodpiopriectine et New Jersey- with Maui'
for Philada. Baltimore aptl)Yeeldogtou.t.f...l
2,O7.P.:II. A .ACCOMMODATIOZ:I TRAIN, lei -Nlatirk4
Sundays excepted.
1120, 8t.,: DAY **DADS& Acla44.Ta exPflit.VV
• } connecting aflersey City with rekirlight-f.x:,
. press train for ghtladew l ia,
fa pAtiluspluticrit'A *Air; (Li*, - 4
Iljalit) 01, WAY ntEtatitsutaaya
E CI z P i Al i DIVISION BlAlLdinridayi excepiek
7.*1 11. id.. E ypiiicag, daily, connect.
trig at. Jersey City wirh morning Expresattaii4
for Ealtifaufro and"Washilgteti; • """:
- 41 a I - ' ; '
.4(s'"A. revised and con'ajotefe"rottiettitne Table"of,
reeeengerVialneontheltrlellitt/itity - eit 'connecting'
Ltnee,has recently been publlehed,au d ea ki-be• precut
ed on application to the Ticket Agent ortheOompany
WJSC. It: BARR, .1,.-D. BIICHER. .
Gen'lPae3.Agentr.. .rt
EnotabirgJ& Corning
.;.TlSipswlllrun IND follows • ulil furthor 'Boll se
No. 2, 2 85. N0.4;9,28.: No 0 i 5i84. No: 8, 8,22.
N 0 . 40,11,35. Islo. 12, 12,12.; o. 14, 5,00: ',No.
0,20.; plo.
A1NCC , 130171 . 11 SRO3I . TIOGA.
1, 013...'N0.' , 3, 4,85'e q,or. • NO. 7, 1. 1,15
0, 7,20, No.' 11; 10,18. No., 18, /Al •
i. - i ' ,; Not thora Central , lLlL :• .- -:-
• t
" Trat neforOntialidagiialeivAiEliritnt asfolloW 8 : ..:
Accozpodation at - - " 712 pin
Exprosa[rastest trila on road] ; 11 66 a to
Mail 10 SO p In
6 lfi, p m
On turd aftor Dec. 5. 1879, I arrive and
depart from Troy, ai follows; -
924 p. (axcopt - Sundays) for Elmira and
Buffalo, via Erie Rai 'way from lmira. •
10 14 . a. ni!.=-Dally(oicipt Sand4a)fOr.Blo2lrasllnffti
lo,Caaandaigua,lioclester , Saap.Bridge and the
Canadas. •
965 A. m.—Dally(except Sunday") for Baltimore,
' Washlngton;Plolladelphia,&c.'
707 P. m.—Daily (except Sanjay') for' Baltimore,
Washington and Philadelphia.
Sen'iSup t.Harrlmburg, (fon'tliaa"'.A"g't
...Arrival and Ilepartnro- of Stagfs,
HE Stages 'riraplek 'over
the t .different routea from
Wellsbaro,- -will depart and
...xo• - . 7 -t-t - Y arrive as follows from the
- Wellsbero Peat Office:
WET. nano & Tioas.—Depart 6 & 10, a. nt., arrive 1%
- ; ; and 7 eclat& p,2
, •
; WELLsaosok 31stliiesf.!;,-;•Depat' m.s, arylia 8 pi'M
WELLEDlittE&OUoiittir Mob; .it4'hrtr.2 - p`.=iiii."
arrive Menday &Thursday tit 12 . mr: • f • • ' '
IVEttssoae&JrasaySlioatt.—Depart 810r1:1-Tblirj9a
arriveraesdayk • ' ••• .(
WELLIIDORO & STONE FORS—Dep. Tupi; 'Friday at.B
=_. , :. ! - 1 f. • ',.:, , : l 1 ~% :
• •'. ?,:::-..--, —i- ANDREW FOLLY,
,) who _ has long ,been °stab.
)7 . .0 2—5 ;" , . fished in the Jewelry bud.
k - ) -r, .c ., , „ness tn
,Wellehero, has. al-,
_,..,:oo...tyLwklaYd-os on d Pyle, i various
- - : :i,, i 1 - I , ' 3. 4: 1 - ''. ~.? ~.'
GOLD OR SHAVER L el...pcjcs, JEWEL- ,
111 - NS, ,cAsgs '
: s7r4y4L PENS, .TAPII*ES,
With most other articles usually kept in such
estafAishmcnt, which Is sold low for
R4pairing done deafly, and"pro , juptly, and on
h r t KOTTd.E.
Janumr' 1,-1871-yr
To the Citizens of Mansfied
ITAKE pleavure in
tbut , l htivo 41n;b4tid
sortmeuta J.
' : L
r - r_, „ ,C)
both - useful and Ornamental, whieb I Am offering
to the public cheoperJhan ever LOW before. 1
w ill.4lVa ; good •No:.8 - Ceok Stove.ciltb
for :20. keep i An atook,!, P.=Paelthata'a pop.
uttir Cook. F rbtelii:tialti a tp Stove,
made in the ,
the fastest cuttthg the wdil Thal
ufaoture4s of this Saw challenge the world under
a forfeit of WO that thatthis,ia th"=, fastest eat.:
ails saw mad.: ' ;.4 •••
Thanking my friends for-their-patronage in
the past, and hoping still to merit their favor, I
am as ever, grateful, ,„ -
•'- •- 1 "G. It.
P. S .—I challenge ono and all of the Stov
dealers in this fount y to sell as cheap as I .do
J. W. jeitaisli; not - excerited:. ' G. IL It'
Mansfield, Nov. 2, 1870,-9m.
PLC mt .
ANY quantity on hand at the Elk Itnit'Plaster
Mill, 4 miles fronl Gaines. PriFe ss'oo per
Jan. 211 tbs 1871.-Bin
a, ,A 31
1:04-. A
it:,-.;.„.% ,• ;`, <
I 1 •
`&'l'fiDga-Rr $
at., arr. Tues. & Priday atl2
&c., &c„ &c.
onouneing to the public
a large and splendid as-
--11,.:ti , '45 , 1 Ili .z.13: - .4,, - 4 . -I,i ;
i.qFiqialisith'ixili ';:f,f: - .Y.
i tiltt
,1: - ,ioliz; l';' if i
- ,• ~,e itiL , , 4 .„,, i 6 ,„. 4
~.,,,,i,-,• ,- L., ...t. . i t .
„ f P 0.8. 4 4,9 ArIVER4. -- ' •
...„ itt ••
..._: . 4 ::siiriS-iiiiij 1(1 itilAil. , , i,l!Jit e iV ,
I •!:130
Ai t -.E1 , 1 •••:•-21, 1 't 1.,,•-• bit, ~ ,, z ,,•.,,t : 4 ; ,0.:-,,, , I ,
1,1 ~ ,,Ai- C“. 1 :7; - '*M r Teicßia .: ..:1 - ; -,:.
..A t itkolog? ii irodod at lye :pro - for , ifjli .
idu'oln,tbe foltowing"eilitliplto fines,. hy • _thl, t•
'mint 'CA I I;" ti ' - # //:). , . 0 i , fh, , is j A i ),
ue I p
, air—"b i nhs, lc , o
.!, n e fk : -,
,tiktelytWito"ditifilleteg,'67#itie aii:iiqtar' .. -
Po l p, dii awe; to latiti 'along thol4 4'iliWit '''ollib l
tii6iti6itit to'thh'tioattSlitite.titeis'ortlabf binaWit'
- o , f. , .1, ' - , ii - •- ~. .1 , I" ) -,-- , 1 1 114 .1.1
:of itli thibitifirtirtt i rplifinigi'''' -'•'•'' "'" 1
%t in ••.. ~ ‘, •• ,
• , i That hang on MemorAi- ‘' -'--' - '' ,
i ts,ope of a diraold,fir t 4.1 ii4: -.
I '''Vhat liteniitti :Wi all l'• '''''' ILLI4' ' -is I
• , 1 , 701 ri4iltiedirliid 0 1 41 ki j k 4 4e l ar n : 'Wen V‘' .:; 4 ,
, v,,, • . V ••• : • ja.4' - 4.: •, , Al-: .4,
tat•itivith•lbe iiittlgtoa , , ,
4 4 * f tilt fit-th'i'vll4l6lii giibliii va ''''' 4 ';'''.l'• '-' '. '" ''
H I - Thitlisritatici c iliiiiitilASlCW''' 44 :" .1 •-'• •
i Ifot. - fhilho tniliewhith'llli‘s •‘' -' '' , l"'"'" ' ' '
1 . -; Thile laini - ilie fiiiiiotielloke;'''. s' "
i--4- tiVoittivotitltai:iottliAoitiabaWi'u . '
, ='Atidltiliiliiiietti*liitilifiiiiiiiiii, o '"' I ''''"l L.
14 r NOt fortbdiiiiii‘aratta t iailitif t at i4 t , ':s " 1 "
"eligag ha iirliclit; rid itairialirfilti / " 411 i ~
litortiestAnki; 'last liklaga, t { iiii4VVo)4ltAle;
i -" It iiiiiteth ; to ma r t:lia`Palit." A "" t °' l '' • j 'Y
• 1 , 1,-;: t ts, t 1.. , •1 l'i-i6 ~ ..-- i , ;';?,,t'ir.i• ff,e,o•iirli ocl.
''. I 1.0,al
gaaslalittla brother •_::1 , , - ••• »..,i Lii,,, - ,-, 1 : 1
~, t,l'iltbsiyas Oita-warts dark and-deit&n '''' •
/a..tlttellm/1 of tluttvlderpforest n - C' t 5" '":"'
allethAttipaacetasieirpf ' .--,f, • .1 . . , , - . is `'.t At kl
' Li katt.theljawillof the - 41diati;PA 1 .-‘ 4 . "'"'' i
;. Fre aa thamincti that MC*, a 1 ,;.•-i"t GlL'''.
We rove ,thers,ths beitatifhtinihtialtri,-'"'F' . 1
i 4 1 q• - -The antra ors of toirtattit'q • • bw; = , ' o 3t'i ,
~. 1 But hti•feet- ivthe tills tivitilrenrY,":"- - •" '''
, And Ono of•lhantninn• eves" i• ' :- "; '-'• l'''' , ..':
1 I made for my l ittle brother '•'•.:Cu'q -•_. l - -
dA - ted 4 of the Yell ' lesiiei . ,i 1 — L :'''''' '.' ' -
t - . 1. ) :1 : 1 A .:,•I'..i . 11 ; ;;Iz•1174. •'.:-• . ,f 3
' 13 . 15 'eNtkY• We pakartuS cd,i1f.??.,;,,..: ',O
. l , .117.zieck Ina mock amb co, -1.:h: • - -"' ••••;• •
: Aa•the - light;of imitiOrtal ;be* . ty • - 1.' ,-; . '• '!.•
.•Htlently covered his facit-' ' ••- '•• - . 'z -•'•
i And when tho arrows
. of a tanset “ ''' •'
• Lodged iri g tho•tree topihriAt . • •- '
••-, ;.• He fell, in hfisiini-ithohoautY,' •'. -•:'
,• ' •••""
I Asleep'bY the giitini oi'llillt.• : • • " ± • J ' ,
Therefore, of all the Oct**.; - ' ',,•
I That habg on InerborY's 'Will, - ' • • "' '
The'ollo of the dim old 'foi'eit'" --- • ' ' -'"
. . .
- SoSineth bCit' of all; '' --
' • ' •
.i 1; •., -• , .: ' !-.. ;•, ~.. • • ••,-: • - `.1,-;,,,,::
C E.:Lit/AWE()
..The following leiter, .receitte4*.ar. ,
M. , 8. 'Prince erthlp/14P:14
handeeto him,for
.Tan. 28;'1871.
difij'Dea). 'prernised _to .:give
you, at different times; somelacconni of
- the Onondaga , Indians, ameng:whotti
an laboring na MissiOnary;::„,l hSV,e,
laYed writing, till I should be able to
Nero more of their histoty, traditions,
cuatome, religious rites; and the efforts
of the Church to plant the Christian re
ligion among' this once:.PoWerful 'and'
wailikellation. •
' You are awaro,,that for several cen
turies there had existed Aeonfsderatien
or league of the Vlve:pratloni--,the Mo
hawks,. Qu01ti46.41,..01/01dziaiii(e*
, an 4 Cayugas:: Thee Five Naticbl,
sorhing all the ii ialler. and: vi;e a Ir. e-r
tribes of Indians, once possessed all the'
,territory doniprisfng= the eitate r zeitgei l vi
of this - p oWerfu I cO'n fed &aloe. i rill fa\- -
Hundreds of years tigoi•Ta-oun-ya
.wo-ha, the Deity who•preeided• over
the fislits' and streams, caniedoW,n (Auhti
hi s UWtU*ne s Dlnew in tha ritrimai =YAP
the 'lnhabitants of the= earth this
Was the manner in " ; which ho was re
ceived. Two ioun braves, of the Ou—
ondagas were listlesSlY gazing upon the
bluo waters of the , frLake:;of a 'Thew.-
sand Isles.” During their revery, they
spied - , - ; In:the distance, a single white
speek r -beautifully dancing over th e
bright waters.' As it approached,' it
_the semblance of a venerable
looking,man, seated in a white canoe
of curious viforkinaniftdp. ' - Like iv aYg-:
net iipoh theahile blue sea; so. -sat the
canoe_ of 'Pa- ounla-teat4it -upon the
" Lake Of -a ThonstiiiillsreS, l , 4 .
frail braniek `drifts &Via - 14 . '1.11e' itie'hirig
cataract, so colinied`this-taitteeaoenVer
• •
the 'rippling waters, Propelled' by 'the
strong :arm of the . god of thelriime..:—
Witit a single oar he silently-paddled
his light trimmed bark alongtheishcirei
as if scatting -a, commodious haven of
neat; -llosoon turned- the prow-of-his
fragile *eittelAntii• eattuiliAd-the
" double riivex,7,, made fast t,p the
western shorei, ? ,lM 00004 ; the hank,
gaz4d around, in ac
cents of "the wildest Otty.l - 01fg1P3j,,I0h 7
0 8 / I "'!447fee*l'll"!; IP*
ral pieaning).ol A! Osh•wakiliee'.is - Ml'
see ScinnyWrideoand I ii'ca-riothh*!!—?
This yvas,at the mouth 4 50414
river, w , hiol ,Ilveri,,thei Onondagas 'yet:
call,Osh-Vmh-kee.J. ' .
• As soon as Ta,-ounla-wat 7 htt• diScov
ered the two young brave's: he, told thipt,
who he
. ryas;.
tions how to fish; and to. eultivatd, the:
.toflrsv c 15 4 14 W 1, 1e41?`',
in - A:tail:theta to•aeeompany.hint, on his
1:111010013, • For several yearn he'. : 4ot•tiC;
ted the Onondaga;viii rnalfi l uSeft4aipi;,
how tp build ~wigwams,...platat: !fruit
oultivate . the soil: Tfe
6 *0 13* -.C i g *l:t11-9,n1 a more ca4KO Qd
servaildb":o of the great:and„
Good SPirit. 4:- E'
Pleased' with' thslinedessof his undsp 7.
takingCthiispirit man .now resolved to
lay #sidei.hlgqtillinn,
unarm life hbode among men. : •e ; csc
cordingly selected for,his residence a
beatitiful spn,t,upon, „the
,shore of Orton
dagi lake, and assumed in all respects
the habits and character of man. All
the illation. of Qn,ondagas2resOrted to.
him ;for ad,-vico.and,instrupti?p, - .Lghey i
iool4d, ( l oc k hN - t p 2 3 v! ,,pctr A pppprtr s y
being - ,atiVnetlos'Sessed,nigierkt, wisdom.
The Hia-wat-ha, or. Hia-wa-they
(signifying a - very wise man,) was gi^v~
en . ,tAl him. • • '
Age:r .. a i quiet residence of a few years
; at bile &ivy,' loratiOii,'thocouotyy became
greatly disturbed Wad,_ixiaimed:bi the
'sudden appfoaeh i)f'& feroefou& bah& of
warriors ...fro& the <north •of the great
lakei: l rtfifa Wai3'dOnbtiesetlipitivnaion
of the Frerieli'tiO4:lClii4reat)
thekt a d'v a 6' . e`Vd";•
slaughtek was rn#l7,- worno
the lititt ( lo 0 3 :0464 ',the,.civietthig_lil4o.l l
,of 11 5 ,1a4vat-lia,-;for Eadvicev-:..•11o.;tobj;
theni th'eall aim - nd ,qoUriell , 'iltialritiO
great iiiitifini_K* ll t l o l l24; ( ?*',44 l l4 .
and ivest.,Arrunediniely runners were
disp4tohtd'informing the lieiur Men * of
all ,th . A es t iji hnxikrix trActOba,t_ft_gr.4.l 3 4.
eounntivntdd ,bi,h4d on .the banks-sd
Onorithip lihii. , !- Arid few'daytOhiefli,-
braVipyid*aripkirntn AO .19,1#1*1031 .
liCegeFes t iVieldan, ,Ciyuggi--, jai& thiliziTi
* dag - met in bouneitit 41 - - the , ' banks- of
the 1 ycf,friite7W: *NA f#oo,oiiit
syra uifilll93 7 ? ,ittiliftV The - amembXsidi
chief() and braves kindled thy _ 6biinelit
Area, and for three clays awaited Meer«.
i i:' ..~.i'.Y I~A~
~~• .re. cifeE
qll-1 Ulf
)I c ' ELIA -t;y _lilt;
iivrf irtii 1 ,:•..
'-",. - "N s t
• 4
I ‘
' ‘1
)' 1 1, I
'i 141]
t......) ,
,2,•,-- --- 3
tiLli eA) ,i. 1.114 ..... 0 ,- . •
~_73 , ,:i : i , ;,,,,- ; ......,,;:.7
li . ---;
---- 7,7, - i - 7,7 7 . 7 : - ,. '..----,, i•' ,
m ~,! 1 , .-st L ,il
~,„i i j ~
~ '
I' '''' -
' . : .0 t. ilb',' , 4ii!.. , , r , '11 -4 VDE 1 13. - 'i B / 4 .,,,,,Th ~}4,41.,, , , )..,.,3„,i..„- -,,,,i1 ,1 , J,,., i:,—„...t i t , -.,,,,,,...,...., ~,,,-, --,,-
,„„.., t
-- to ~ ,,,, , ,,- :, , ,c4,,t,,!, r, ~ i, ,-,..c..,,,i,, m ,.,;,i. t ,..,.,.
..._ 3_ c_•—i tt: -qt .t.„.„-,4--.t,' , Li_ i .t,..i,.!•,.,t L::.. ~ i ,, 1 ~...... ~,: , ,,,t , .., ..,. ~
.iearlin* of illjamat-bsult i .31100414a5' ,
weroa , AihTMAllittd,,, who, foun4 ilize, elk'
1 * - 0 ,1- ).#! , tPr ,of .4,4„; wigwam', tAmt ,
' PWIPPA eNlll* 9f4 1 1 . 9, 1 4
'„'told Ulan that evil l.fyy i! . : li i ig, watt ir
1 ,4 0 1; / T.!' 4 f eL gr u il 1 r9 i V ) 9 (l / 1 1,0.,91; 0, 1
lON, , #f ** * 4 4l4 l 'l4, to tfteciiVoitiae.4 pot,
to 4ten t d thaeounell at Onondaga The'
Ififs"liOelstPld'iibri ti?1ik1. 1 , 1 e 6 , 111 141 )4,
y 64, 0 1 . 140 ghtgilMilki IQ ' ioA'ilkipti ,tlia 1
`deb ne11 , . ; midi. take i the , path b fora their ,
fibiaesc, , untepe \rfidivkPla,`, ; 031145 0 I
P re ; „... i1 4 : 1 - 1 42,0440 11 0 1 mc4eligt4iii,fg :
tik neaverd% consult .the . Great.? Eiplri ti
,4 1 4 went f o thP'l44dll,l l9 : l l l ' 0 0 -4 **,,
‘444ll96ii:9lPV4i,ztiftp-0t ilifilti
la , tit t'ino , df. d lium a log
in4dilerlitto* Wut ill' - air iii'labiia
itohetireit pli'le.'' Ait "li pretrabtelt
, ab . enke4 ( li'wi oturned ' tvitli! ti' estittlit&
oh Oilnianittig *lthtliT And belle; atid .
toI i f thavrtittiseligere ;het vioinildlittElfidl I
4 ,_
, l i mi, %tome tanote, , , , ,vm cared* to-,
'IFI, #9o?eill t iftsaetijiestftig i place; A alai
'iViaT,lttAY knelled nPen_thitil;NsVer , n7l;
Y .AI 3 ;°,OI, , ,MiI,P:OPIt; 410.. BA i Ari_o; ilxvlßl
i tgo aa,t3gpteri.;to.,accoumanz-lam, Auil s t.
aiv i ii rV4ttlif ‘ fI A ` ct ioo§tFF / 04a.t..
t4l k li i a( kraage
, - 0 OPANkllt,
AI Miff' thitisibfe tlil:wit-It ge,nOtal ,
, shoat% YO'Y 44Olintlitgliko' the as;
sefibliplidit''cirtiliiielit taiii itilifithilk
vt 'respe6t r "Wit a Jeltbwil 'its:) . tlisi ' "tale'
rtifdri.' l , l Alit •Ifilidefl audivite • 110914
up thaluttikto l Nvaidtliiierixiithibgtoutotl ,
a; ; lOuditoundWas heardOlike4 rushing;
,; L
n4O illigblY ;Wind: lAll, , ;well:whit.;
.taediat 4 42, , ,-..,t*Kulii,Upward,And 'a dark,
sP 6 t -Mttki 54i 8 FPWO.111:4101Y4ClepAAdtl ,
ing frO,liO,mci high awoug thq e10g45,,, : .74 :
ail& larger and} ifulFai, 4 nPar9di.9 3 P''
ea4h*ST 4 *al- AggPc.WilWl .wAt4- great
`Velo4yAn,..9 - i teli iiiiry : li Oat ! . T,4kar,
'AO alarm silze,d'eVerY breast jitlielit•-:
most'cOnfailbn''PrieValled'',throUghout .
the aiieilibled multitude,and' - all'hut '
• 's e ventifibld,llid-Wilt-lia4onglit safety?
_iii iighfC. o 'll6; gravely tnic6•Vertat `lda'
edge • • bead L- andeithorted WS cdaigli•-'
ter! hi- wait.; the approaching' idanger:.
wit'bhee; , iug-xpaignation. ;The Wise,
iria'd.,haa :, :darcalY3Seased_ .epteakiug,;'
- -V;vhen an im • ensabird„w i lth a long and
:pointed beak, with ;iv', i f d e eitended,
miuge,,Carne do - • ; . with a
• in i g lit y
"air4*-4411.9vu,5up. the .V.eantikal gill io
liiie 'earth; ':With : cli force; did the'
Monsterlali,"and so g •at Was the cent
niotien Of the - ali; thai ; hail' it struck
the; ground, the • whole :,."InblY were
;f•arcad . yielen9yhackseVar:
~ e d s . Hi a!
wat-ba,4one i remained unmo ed, and
pile:ls4ly wit 'a, sss ed the nitelaneh';`ty,eit:
tasteoPe of hia'ciltild's diesolritigii. iris
'4ltling`o;thild bail been killed befor a • is
- 43.jeKill a Maiveloits'maiiner,"itrid he .
'de4reier ha( perished `With her ; 1 Th e
discuty r ed wa riors cautiously ad Van ce'd •
to the lapop, ,and .calmly surveyed the
dismal, aceuei lt. was found,, upon 'ex•;';
amfuatlon; that the tacmateN ;bird; had_
•in Its descent ,complet4ilY_ ,hurted its
beak, head, and neck, up taite body, in
the ground . ; z It- WEIC.CoNtred :With 'a'
,beabilful plumage of snowy white, and
- ,OefPriiiri - fotVaie he ailioitneeq, } ,pu6ge'a'
pl.:011 . 1 er r ' 'NW tbil'lso,itliir ° bird; ' B iiiith . '
*blob liWkid4436:l4iid6tinirKi ; 'in it ficiii
, thiq ftuilderit,ithe . briviiee of file ceirfeldi'
'‘'eriiie'6iitious' kiVeratiiititid 6 !ohoice - Vc
Atiolalutnefi Olt thizywhit4i ILertin; itii 'tit*
Ulos't 'aPi?lnlTatii - rillitstr,Y — rast4viia,s:
'While upon the *ar bath). - , - ''.' --- -- - '
Tip On. the ioni r otral of'the 'clirra d s4;of
the menet& bird, the' body of
_the' girl
was foujid totio % completelY`ertishild.Ll
- At, this'' the bereaVed , aridiklitiColis"Olkte :
parent • gave=l hituself , up hilthe most
polguant'grief. , Rbllow moans and di's. ,
treeing SerrOW Old too plainly the bl t .
teirr i essttithis i t heart and he refused te r
be comforted. _ Ike beeatoo-kati object of
perfect despair; and th reVrh iriasel f doWlif ,
upon his' face' to .i.h e•eaith; dejectedarid.
, disebnsolate. The shattered fragments
I crushed ibody , oft the , girl were
,i4V rentirgithefed Ui.vhylltile; litidveic ,
c ii
,andiburied . *ith: all soletnnity.. ;Every ,
_one seemed to - participato Ali' , the afflio
tion ot Hialrat•ha'. _, , 13u 6 c toi 'comfort:,
eitne'toble soul': iThreie days audnights '
he layrostrata upon • the , - grou ad. - “In
isorrw udi.disappolutment • the oilers
end iwa,rrloraiissembleditt council; lint
nothing could be decided-upon; without;
the i";lviee 'twin.," ; Gradually he recov
ered from hits sttipory partook ;ofs food,,
and,then he , ,was conducted ;lilt° - the'
Tresenee.of tho council:• The calamity.
atiddangerSm the invasion of their;
' , terrible fdes from . the north were, dist. ,
cUSsed. V
'`<.lit-tbe third klay :of, the council, , the!
venerable Elia-mated:La arose, andaniidst,
;:tho ruic•st.profouu 0 silenee, gave - iris ad-,
Ace: ' , • 1 ;' is ~-,'.'-'; ~, • ;,. :,i - . .--,;;
" s .Frierlds:,4eltprothere :.. - Yori are
merribers of ,many nations. ,To,oppopo
thUe, northern hordes.of foes by tribes,-
silidly - and alone would, prove certain ;
deitruction. , We Must, form a. league •
' anti e t ?9# 7 Wrzw9.PC r.e.V ) . l ,Ati% enemy",
This must bP4 O Pei .PIPI, We *di be.eafe.'
... " You, gle ;;Naikat}v,hat, l ottlag_inrdeg
j ". 0„ 0 P 11 40, 0 `;F: of thfk,t,!; 4 lertt. , tn"!) whose
xodt 4l 4eeic, (4PRP l ll 4tßitilf4„9 4,ri . tY,..1}P.1.1
-w, ,lidokra,994BlPl4le,a4;97l3x:a.Talak9.llllnt
trY-• Pt l 4 ll ilie ,, ,ttii 3 . Al . 8 ..e n„...a4Cnt :40.canal4;
you j ar ~,e-w,FIKK,OAiI,9. mighty. iIA ItckY MO
'Oneidas, a.people who, reciluaykuk -.
dies Upon the 'Everlasting stone,! A, iii
'cantiot,bo•rupyed,,shali, be the ,a,ec9 c?
,1410;" bticap i pe`'Sriiii_atelseli i i.Coiin 0 - ,
An You,' OuonciapS' t , W f h# 4 - ave nr,.
habi tiititi': at` A 4 '; v,taicefie - ni6tfilifq - 1 ,
0 ,.
and 4 1 6 4 . l 'Bilffil'l:4#'.l l P t i iiii..4kiii.i, , lglik r
be tlie,' tkiN • l;s44l B -itA, B; hecau9q . Teg ire
g r e a t i i.g., it W d th n . 4Pe.Rtiv" l 4 - NS'n444 , .
in war 8 ., 4.44y0u l cayaffria, whose , hpb ;;
:nation ' 14 4 1' P',,jf ~ 4 9• 41 0 : , 1 -b r ,C#l! a 4.4 8 °
,lion2ol4'CieryWherW,' l'hitri t halpe.tbyt,A . .
'ilatiod ,b e ce 4 seb o lC- n fin V e, llf4 . • e f t .-0:00,
_in heritiiig;, lAnd 'you; iiie v ne i cm,Ek, pei;,•-
plc i'ilia. 11 5 4) in iiI 1 P ' 1 1 ; ' '1.2 ) 9 , ,q0/ 7 . 20 ,3' 1
and l'9; B 4'is head'4o.o),lN Aug 14e,44 ,4i
,fifthnation, beedUie *cn,litOars raW!,
better the art of raisiug cor,nafi
• d besot! ,
and hifildinicithiiii. '
,''' ._ ' "'P—
k' 4 1 Xoti"ilie I great'aiiii :'Pokerfol '' izi'a-';
tiona niiilii, indite alird' i liitVe4 q tie, UeXiipa!'
won iliterest; alid tiii' foe "0
41 1 able
to subdile you. - •
~ . 1, , _ 8 i, 8
i ' i• 11. - etilettf,'"thea `ari;:lkt:?, Ite t "c)Uts ..:, or,
Hia-ia . ; let ,iiiil4 'iiiiiF' deeii i 'iritscr
'our,ll6,a'rtii'. 1 i'tit7V iaidit iv , ;'` l ''-l! - `'
,long iiiebee '*ei . lbue,d', l ilitei iiiiiCiiit
oCiiiiiindiislk •Ss'olved' bir:t.fie . pii"tif,
ii,!oo' eiikell - tO),iy,eeti,t ' tiie; ' VioilfEi' Of 04
, i., , p,-18p *i « ,,,i;7 mill -Wei ,
. 3 14ira'444,411.,
45tirled7,iiirgreat '','',:t*lladil'l.#6 '4f :tts!,
tve , ,lstati44k],,'WAi':ti&Z4at'ki,3 ,,, :,
t as
itititre hlafircolictil: -. ' 1 ' 7 !. c.P ., i7 _ - ' '' I.
- ', - .4 f t elj A r t f i ti l o l 9 4 i iiii/A t e4 d t OP: -
~eikpyilA:-Wat- i k r a se, - filitliyie!diktilflo
rrianfiet '0216141 . 6'6ga th'ea i' - ' - 9 : - '
' l '” OileridS iiiid Ili:Others :'' 'I ilaireiloQt'
..i',Zd'iiikd' ti4siiisSloil l upiiii eartlf.'
' 14Se doile -iierSithiiiktiiihidli . Cati - iii;*
lAlictrietterzifoiir good; - Ager,oirkfirielti ,
A - § r.dlittgii sie htiiivil Upon daft Hee'
ithe 1444Vidoli P etzilliliiiVbiaVialeiiii
the league which ye have made. Let
~,,,y~.fsr t ~l
t,~ uE:,~: : .
:~~ =:~t
it .1 L
'evict! a1P,k • ,4 1 ,1 91',XP,POP,PAw 413 , , 4 P 49 17:
1 / 88, .'4049F,q 1 ,44V9t AXPVMa t O Oqii,,e,lftgl
beef °Re Mind' pe houng together
PPe PP9PN's l iE4sPifkr o .llMt, 4 l 4 B,tlY,9X4f:'
ypA PAO Aleaf is9a ' ll 4-W0714h,, „I*.
-ten, InyfrleP4S-1,4:T/19443;1#.011katteq*
.brrA gape rac i te,g9,. ; -Xhavq p,sgen,ttyc
;/.410 BYWAOPII.,I fir 4 reaciY•tr)
welliP% h. :444' • •1
00, Wise 1 ,441_1 , 400, 14 44Alleeeil•
there burst .4P9Ohe,esrs el , th.e,4 l e): o otor
i:?led,,rotAltith , dekthrtleheeiriPt §e, 1 44 04,9 f
,thiitiotip h o, voices. 1 .41 1 .1w490., 81 1 .. Y
seell/911 , fl*SlintAhSie 1PY1 1 .901 1 1t.,,1410PC!P
o 'heiMPLYAleiliili. 494 0 3 14,,4 1 9, 1 ;4 13 estal,
oeit imelt44€LßPlOrmotl4 Altp„:vpkAgia,
OP:3 l 3Pletf l Y.
r4 ) tgroße Aeste4o3' , .; 4.4
. 4 4'bfLeSee of the:W.OO9M Wer,qtturned:
team, t , he t sky to, the 'Miter of Ake
1 / 9 0A4aisa1.09,,whereigifytWfst3Nt yes,
ixign, seated in his oe .. %-,
`rt.oltiy It rose with the-wise man, moved
higher and higlfef; aboitli their heads
Lthl'ough4thaair;l t Vrtistlo i stiri.tlns
'clouds betiven4;. wh lie q tascin*-
Un t o mutdolecame! fainter/ and: fainter,;
tul#' l4 ° ol)44l moxe'PktiliklY ,4l # l4o,4l e 4
riweYl as the wo o Mani 1 1 1 4-t - Warhtk,,PA-,
10'0 the rnisterlque r.eglolV)lnhahlted
opiyi by t,hiA Avorites of, the, y,cfreat.
6 9. 2 .3
cch, is the hes:atm/1
,traiption i Rt,the,")
origin of, thy, greet league ; ,Of the. ri i ve
Wations,' . a. 4 handed down, from each
iieadchlett6 'lilt! 6ilobefsor „I',hnd 'Which
/ WY - 110 giVen by ; lia t 'F'ilre; the ltiet great'
`o4(et of theOhOticitigag;lnsts before' lila
ti +1„ , a 4
.The titidition.hed itgorigin,' I dotibt
:not, inlaot. l I take itto be this: • About
three hundred yeamagei one .of these
• Jesuit Missionaries, who have ta
ken -their,lives.irctheiribands,.and' bu
gild themselves, ,the ,forests ' among•
,our red brethren, was 49Pbtless,thisIli ,
a. 7 vi4trha. ..ASter,spending:yeurstimong
the Onondagas, he found it, Impossible
to Make Christians of the.lndianii, arid
tie concluded to' throw - a' side c 'his"divin e,
'Clinraeter and `settle' n among the
4 * inhabitants Of' the' forest;" 'll4 'otte of
'them ;*- Married sine' of their ''squaws,
'end hiirdeughter may have perished irr
'the mariner desorlbedi •by one of-the
gtt birds of,tbe 'air; Clip, this beau--
• tif ttraditionof its poetry and romance,
and I think the rest may, be set down
fOr truth; .that this Jesuit. may. have
fiPellt !many, years and slied,ani,o n
thern ; that he "instructed them in man
ueerul arts,iind when the Vreifeh:Gov.
;ernei'' of cLinitda - lirciaded' the ihdiAn
territory," this Jesuit gave'; ;tile"council
wise - advice; and `tp_at l ophis suggeis
p99, 7 thil great ledgne, of thelive na•
4. 1 90 8 Was'fornied.`' • , .
"Whosoever' shall Simko' thee
`Ol - .M` thy right: 'Cheek, tarn; the
at!fiCr-ality. And if any 'than' : will site
ilivCe MI6 Is:Wand take away thy coat;
'let' him have thy cloak , also.-. All' the
4i - o:lnge of Christ inculcate peace iind
&kid - will and love, evertAinto our eno.'
niieS;; but nowhere the -love or, tolera
f -
tlot of sin ; nowhere. the violation, of
! lUW i arld good order insociety. Between.
dla .•and- tnan, as individuais, there
,be peace:- ";If it be possible, as
irtioll 'as lieth you,k live peaceably
- 44 h ,ail. wen." And yet, with all this,
• fin teabliings are morelntoleriat of.,vree
andiviblatbin of last, mette u lii' - fiNor of
`maintaining good order, than these of
'the , Bible.' Christ himself Welit' into
the temple and by force • cast out the
Dabney' ' changers and those who deg_ e 4 '
. •
your childislife is in danger
`frond the murderous hand of your neigh-,
you would net hesitate to dave that
"child ; tits espouse of, , yourneighboilltt
'life, if : necessary, ,even if yon arrayed
agOnat,,,you ithe .enmity of, all, y u. : r
~.(i N pnytections„,• r e,
- ifM4s .giv.a up • hid
the of ease and peace and quiet, for the
, ; good, of scqipty,; when be
.must_ come
Out find tape a4lecio9o,eland - against an
;tri,(l, nr bo :counted an enemy, to, -good
orOer. HOW, many the seine quiet
'ai - a' peace loving, 'Men of our country
44:ung to - arms when our government,
' Witseo vibliititly,attaCked' a' Short tithe
age.; Doty called them; and they did'
trot besitate.i They were the •Better sot.
are're because they loved peace and act
ed from .ft _conscientious , seusei;of
ha In atoll ho. loves,peace•ano 'notl- e - itilliy•provqii:ed to anger," is alrnoiitsti l
ways among r 1143 nlost, effictsp,t
'sition, when provoked to auger by some
mararevit. The great: and good
AVer3ler w is a dulety'peac'e loving
Arai . nittu rally a - mitt ring Man ; yet when'
th#great evils:that he saw - around hint
arbuSed•his spiritl, he becatne one oftlie
'mote 'valitintAlghters , ,for the'right.—
Elam e .104ylbe Of • Luther, and
&he i r spirituftl_soldiers of the Ralf:wit:as—
t 043 _Who„ever thinha,ef Washkag
timi, hut-as a, man, of a
yi4 • when, the p•Als
that 1 0 - pielsed;hhs"epiiiktr3% i ealled ,Np 3
into We e fle , l4',' 'he hearkie the sue
his 'age; Or' of an'y
'dthek itge. " " ' -
, tWe Must not', therefore, east too tniie4
ieeitanre upon those who .hairtillithertee
i4toci4 in the'beck ground, anti; in
lativented:the.evil that seemed. to)threa
ten ;the, heat.: tilteres ts of _society. I.This,
;bliekWardness has not sprung frorunny.
gniall;will to the evii,,but from the ex-
Ireine"relii6Med in)ch - td'
Wiirk - thif'nitiY • distrith'
of their lives. - Thy hait
tiegn "-waiting in hope that sotheihing
ytild 'turn up , ", •twprodnee
V," 1 6 '
''Another - teti4otl !2st , l) . .y;;thOy. hatoz.not
acted; is;'thatiaeli-nne was , Vtiitink Tot'
litai3c*bUiar. _Ttsere‘bas'lmeli_,nb• con.
C:ert nf. action. ..Wealey t. ta4 . lie not
be . Cn s'econdstOn .ble wuric by a boat of
9:9 11 4.1 1 9t Lave beeP so
.di:gatuL Wa,sbington would hav,,,-1411,
, e'Aiiiha4 not pm! colintipupu,SititaiuCd
ithl oO ; 4s',Oration,i,s necessary A i
Now who in reality, would be the co-
l'? , ! . •I Si ,11 - k
I_ 4 011 h 1
, .
• .; -
.. .
_ .
I'. ' ' ',;" i ii:;: - .' .:1'..: ;Y.'' ..:;:';ii.• : • • -•,:‘,i :.'• 1 ';
• _
j if
'., t tf, , ii.,,r , i:i'
.\. 'ao"'
- 1 - :;1,17-...11,;:t
) i_tor s ; ' 4 . ' peo pledad' -i' i : 4 1 '
. PPP ft O,yun era oe
1 KilOtv'otheitTll6: WOO take Ito**
an Oittirti to: 1 'preSe -, thegretit' eVil;:;aria'
Pe -6 ' l U' We useof intexicating. * 4l64f .
mdrtainly all:those` wh6 are reallyy:wil
-1 *lli • nrs- prefelssedly Plirlitiane,,:Cer
1114,01YlittrOY.4:*hlithi:114;fiiik fo iitt,
440 i rd . ind . tfik
halt:tiiij iff,ltinf teaSibl '
WO' to stoPloPtf OW 441 t.'''Ali thete i re4
fleeting men Whci-would rejoice tciabe evi ,
Ay 11141:1 virtuous, prosperous &h a ppy ;
they r ef cotirSe, : wOnid t prcimiltlyltu n ft e
An iany reasonible'efibit. Thealen, wh o
i hateiseertAts vileffectirmitime'mem-,
he of their 411wri. - familyi , • , , ouldvtake
,any, amount of stock, i payable -in l(good
IwiltAll.O44OUXO I Otrottt-,6 ~.- .', !1J,..
' • Mtiett - th0t9.1.0.t a..49ther 944 138 2 , pietty
1211 ) 33 prelie li4 orne looaltties,,,and net
lwanting in W , 11000. , I..inwit,lgutt In
tfrequently eft id i' the itilinking . ola hi of
Community." I know - Berne of you
wti'' Y 'at - 0 ee,,". i !no'ittch man wilt
E , i
joi 1 ''any e it to clop intekliperalice;
tWhy On't thiiy .stoP -drinking them'
-selye ? Whyldon'tiheypull theheantil
, out o their o n. ;Oyes; t' before • they - at
teMptto-take • he motv out of theeye of
ttliiir.[ eiglitto ?'; -,,1'11i toll :yen:, why,
*Y. friend : iiii7l:Coo!f.d.aff ;,-, they haye
tried again and again, and can't dolt.
.gietne have joined temperer:idle organi
zations, in the vain, hope, that th aft
:would enable them e to . stop drinktug;
341 they, found their, appetite otronger
then.their pledge. , I. know some of
yon will. say, Ithey, were disl,rones in
joining such erganizatlons,,for spelt an
- avowed porpoie. , You.are mistaken: 7 -
'Where'ttiere - his • etre:such Who bps at
tachErdblmself Adidas:a* to a tempe
ranee society,l there ' are twenty who
have sineerelil joined for the supposed
assistance it Might render them in. the
attempt to reform.. I mean such as
pledge themselves to' abstinence, 'and
, afterward i.,;44late their pledge. . It re
quires an , inni rense. moral - effort for a
man who has Ostrong appetite - for in
toilibatitig liquor, to refralh from drink=
il* it when it is within his reach. I
ChaVe knoWn sornething, of this matter.
` l l. could give YOu names of men who ,
bErye tried,'agerin and again, and again,
butin vain, tio reform ; haye pledged
themselves in' letters written , in their
ow a hearts' blood, to reform, and failed.
:I. baYe . seen tr T en, otherwise of strong
minds, men Whom looolety respected,
and yet. pitiedy in the veriest agony tlf
soul weep, beause they could not re-_,
train. You, ' ho are ignorant of the
treMendons po ' er of the liquor, appe-
titer say they clan:leave off the Habit.—'
.Well ; they think so, too, if inttisica
4ine liquor t ti lire banished beyond their
rehab ; if • he octal habits of the people
- Minot teed -
lic.• drinking. They will,
thereft4e; be.‘ ith 'Us. - , •
- Two-thirds f
t least °all our social
L drinkers vvou l d unite, in any feasible
plau to stop the liquor evil,' if our. best
members of society, our_business men,
professional men, bankers, mechanics;'
tamers, all those who make up the
_bulk of respectable sooletY, would unite
as ene man tolatep the lawless selling
of.intoxicating .dritika,...,- There is• not
- - , t 1
any real difference .of opinicin2irL this
'atter._ Eve ' y man. would! be. glad to
'see his own fDaily. sober,. and tempo
'rad. ~ ..,10 oneiwOuld:delight to swirls
Ineigher a drUnkard, No one ; wishes
:to :bp h tell'hiniself. No one who has a
partici ' of true manhood, ,ever became
In (ox i
i ated without,an after pigret.
- Til WOkEiq, OF.cOuusE, Ann ALL
•WMIT fi.'
IST: 1 1 1 ,, you '4in ask how shall we unite
in -eine practicalplan to carry out our
objt .; I •••s ii ll
u t n el e l i you h . o ' Wet have \
tlurges an , o I. , w for time
being ar 4helcenservaters . of the well
n b - eirigpS,otkborough. Let us, one and
all, ask lbw:lilt!? see , that the. laws ,are
obeyed,. And When they faithfully do
-theirdirty,let us stand by : them and
- stiiitain then:4
,by word and by deed ;
not piiind by nd qUietlY hear theinvil-
Med, without one Word nf -- ditisent.-d
:The, lawless t iquor Beller will be free in
. the use of 'hard words, and Will seek te
enlist'on hit's tilde the thoughtless yoUng,
men, and oldi too, who do not see how
..they are gradually being ruined. 'Let
us ,by all means in our petver seek to
eniist all.on,Our side, and the work will
be accomPlish
winter the Ohio Legislature enacted
law'providin# that the wife or family
of ainsati.known to be a habitual drun
hard 'Could recover' damages from any
Vtiesellinganeh a man litluor, withaiit
i the.fortnal consent orthis said wife' or
Reciently, under thig' act, in
the Guernse County Court of Common
Pleas,, , Mrs. Frances Watt • recovered
s2,soo , daimages from one'Boyd lot. sell.
ing 1.1i3r latW husband intoxicating
drinks. Tii• husband was at one time
a promitren . physician and 'surgeon;
and ,h4d , repr seated his county in • the
Obto . , egisia ere. .Falling into intem
perate habits he lost ills practice, aquae,
dered is estate, and.°.finally died , from
the efiecta o lutoxicatien. , The w4l-,
utV'brotiglit quit, :zilleging,,tht,l39}ll,
.the tterendatit, continued during all
Allii time to 15 0 I and deliver to 'her late
huAtiaitleinto r kicating lielubr in quark-
Mies of I,
'iron cue flint to one quart,
causing-him to become an' habitual
drnnkard Ant hicapabla of attending to
any I kind . 1 busittess, , and "Claimed
$5,00 damage: - for ' which atm:Amt. she
q us udgui
on both sidee
diet for the p
at $2,500.
:NV c pre'.oA(l
London paplr contains an advertiser
merit of , a 'NI gitoriu*" which ,is de
claret!, to be " i small dumb plano,l , The
advantage ci imed for this
is, that by m ans of it, pupils sari learn,
_to play on sill instruments keyed like
tlip piano withoUt 'making' any noise.-
The man thati invented this may be re
garded its •a bnefactor of his race.: • If the
:girl Who-live , next doer to us, and who
plays . "The A altien' PraYermand"The
:Anvil Choru with '
- Variations". frein
eat ly, morn tO midn gbt, Will sell.. her
piano, we will give her a handsome dig
it4?!:cititP corn iiirtbdayEpreßnti andepeak
lo bel• other about getting anewbon
, , t ~ t p .
n'e(tli:',sl, 644441, frVatk,iback : btdrii More
111 Al) *Otis, 4t. theAe , ter.4 ,Oa -Ulan *h61:11
iihe'ealls fath r, besides getting;aolUmb
`plitito,lwlll.tradn her•pir lin* some .per-,
mailienl,l37,dainb girl: wboaa natural de
feeta pii,iye, it!entirely sing ; .bla a tiuglitertp faVoritetmpg, I llew.axel'?.
AVe cw)11, regard that .yenarable,parpntaa l
6 0 i9,t 1 ,WT , :t411 / 0 PVI : 114 # 11 J'icik zi4tu. , Mon..*
WAllatc9.,. l 9:lo,C r l Xer,s4TP;e . ./.44!).g0
to extremes in this buelnese.--= •hiladet
phia Dispatofi. \ ..
'll' ft 3
) ".;',',.. ',•c. ; 1 .. - t• A.,3 :1 ;'.:' ,
10 !
ed . . Respectfully yours.
J. E.
ent at, tbo,bauds of, the
argument by able counsel
the jury returned a ver-
Isintlft assessing-dtuna+s
edingly , gled to see tile
b The
• oltri•-•!
tain u ,, fr‘r;Pi ;•-•!
irlth l Proiso lad • ,
.001•Arad!(of, JoblWork 41t4 nistikeis
tr;! S! • 4011 PatIllf';' '
Aarge.sidditioui of all., the-late styletrottype '
• I liitll B t /49 - 0 _ 111 4 4 1ded.4 *if department.:
40ailon — SmIthAeBowspili BlbOk l 2d hoop
• CA2441011 C01,149Mt.
.2- f ;~.:,;:C~.:
~ ~
[Far title Agittitor.] ,_, , •
- -N0,., VI, • : .•1.. .-,:: _, . .
'or the whole "atitip34) chnpki d 014104 y',
.th 4 Writer entertains no ' Only a. lielt#Y i :
syMPathy, but a pre(optid respect. But )
41-94 813 does,not 'it/chide -those ( and''
th ir,namo is legion)' whose frivolowi,
or Sensual, or profligate likes, attest that'.*
Oeio unbelicf :IS of 'the heart and can= ` -
itiience r iatlier then' of tlie intellect.- - - .
l'A l the ease of thousands; the - indiffer
to religion Which characterizes
them, bae Its originnot in theological ,
'perpleatities n pra a , bitta neat iodlesi: '
l ineed; wh t icia,' when and pushed, seeks
to l i .„ lntrench itself behind' intellectual _
04 ellef. / • They are bent bit having " a
good time" in this World';' l and as their
Adekl of:such reaches but little beyond- •
.the pleasures.pertaining 01 the animal
nat i nrn, i the!, prectilcal,creed is,'" Let' , '
ueeat .find , _ drink, , for to ! morrow we I
die'.'t . Not,. that ther loctk fo.rward, to ...,
aiitithi/ation,: the chief Ailing to be re- '
gretted is thalthey do nof,look forward i
•to •anything. Tbe poet sPeakeof one
*he' never' imia i.: dozen • thoughts. in 4 .
all his life;" and " thought the visual ~
line which girt him round, t h e world's
extreme." The 'same May. be said of
many men, so far as their' spiritual nti.
tare is concerned. • "Men 'Made but a 4
little lower than the angels,' to be crown
ed with glory and honor?" - You might '
es well proclaith it to the ox; for that .
'which distinguishes them from the
brute creation is asleep. What they
can see and touch and taste, is what
they believe in,—the , present, 'in its
gross, material, sensuous aspects.' They
are not, philosophically confirmed in
fidels; but so little do they realize their '
dependence on, Mid duty toward God,
and their own higher nature, that, if ,
overtaken by sudden Calamity or den-
ger; their prayer, fr ' the fact of their
past spiritual slumbe '; rather than by
reason of any • Vim ght-oitt unbelief,
Would be like that o the Sailor, who
cried, " 0 God-,-if th re is a God, save
my soul—lf 1' have a mill" .
Such men seldom, if ever, go to
church. Thy feel less at hothe there!
than In the average barroom ; orbilliard
saloon, or at the card table. Not that
all of them necessarily frequent these
places; for "a. good time" is `synony
mous with pleasure, and the place
where; or the form in whi la, that is
sought, of course depends o thaindi
viduhl taste of 'the seeker. Xn on 4
thing they are very generally agreed :
they all have more or less to say (alas!
with too much reason, we must admit)
of the hypocrisy and cant, of m a n. y
church-goers;—but, this, if indeed they
need any further blinding, is simply to
much duet thrown into their own Oyu§
by the enemy of souls. Of all non
church-goers, this is perhaps the moat
hopeless class. `l , 7 et all things are pos
sible to the exce ding grace of God. ,
Let us return a to the honest doubter l l
—men, of who it'may with profound''
significance be said, that they "have•
attained to the dignity. of a doubt!"--
The writer haereferenee to those (and
he has known not a few euoh) who, en
gaged in single-handed and unequal
conflict with Life's cares and trials, are
sadly longing to be Christians, to enjoy
the light and consolation of the Chris
tian Faith, but find it difficult to do so
for want of sympathy 'and aid. ' Is it
not true that, not seldom, the more ear
nest and sincere and conscientious the
mart, the less hope is there of his find-'
ing the needed sympathy and aid ? The*
mind has its:douhiaodoubts that con
filet with, or at least 4uestion, the pre
scribed belief; the heart is filled with
misgivings—misgivings . that s, h °lc Is
those • whose experience hue' peril - 41
been less terrible in. its trialai the soul
as yet needs a hand to .guide,it where
.others are walking with the certainty
of perfect vislow:—and - so, for li I's
doubts, he receives Ithe • anathema'-of
those who thank God that are ' of
as other Men' are . ; for his ; ,misgiVin ii,
the reproach of.those more fortunate in
their lot in life; - for• his • painfully f it.
and honestly acknowledged lack f
faith, exclusion from even the coriam -
nion of Prayer,.unless he consents to e
prayed at rather than prayed for 1--
And is it any wonder that many such
stand aloof from all churches, until
they shall find ono- that, in 'the lan=
'guageof i her divine Head, invites them
to her, Jai:manse " the whole need not a
physician, but they _that are sick !" - v
! God forbid that we should , ir under
siaod•as making light of "th form of
Bound words," or " of the faith once for
all delivered to the saints." But there
can bp no questioniltbak what a certain
classi of sincere, honest, thoughtful
minds in our owe time pecially need,
is a inoracomprehensiv fellowship, a
more truly Catholic Co mullion, than
they have found in lose bodies to
Which their past, expe ience has been
confined. They have br ken with their
past Church-relations; ml yet it may
be that'their questionings do not touch
the essentials of the Christian Faith,
as embodied in the ancient creeds, but
Merely certain phases of modern doo
t r I n•e .or •interpretation, condemned
'alike by reason and by the consentient
voice of the ChurCh of the Ages.. At
any rate,'lt is not our function to judge
-Men• for their honesit, doubts ;—to their
liiwn, Master they :land or fall., The
writer would Biala: God that there is a
Chnrch whose aim is tiibring all, what
eiertheir shades of belief or disbelief,
at - least to give a eandid hearing to what
'abe has to say to them •, and to show
thena, in any event; that if there is no
other •basis of union, there' is atilt - the
ground of charity . and reverence and
goOd4orks; which no 'pretended facts
of science or questionings Of philoso
phy can overthrow !...
When informed, .several years- ago,
by a c'ergyman who had resided in 11-
i linois and W 'aeon Sill ~ that threp-fourt
of the 'people hi the Northwest did rfof
attend • public : worship, the - writer 'lO
I ,
.`risked ' isked him whether • they were
avo, ed' free-t pikers. i "NO," the re-
Tlywas ' 14 the -stili'deem it more re
see table nom natty i b s zi„ belong some
reit ions body, and 'so, they call, them
selv is tniv,ersa.liets. ll , , ',Now, whateVerl
the .9
the May be at issue between those:
- Who, eat themselves by this name, and
ither,various denominations about them;
there , is eettainlys_no, , reasati ;Why they
i t hOpld,ant thertiselvks'eff from' the life
_gmntritirdow ur-the , C h r i Ei tian
hilreh, if thify- indeed' bAleve 'what
Ap9sl,eS' ael d 'Marty r 8 rebelvedhs neees=
1 3 icre, to salVathin-:; if aitY cntightencd
Ohi•istiaii is Cottstrtined to cherish , the
hope of the ultimate salvation of all,