lIOGA COUNTY AGITATOII. Local IV E ALA tICLI . 1, 1871. • ti , • Modioal—W. W. Webb. • Ntunio—MVs. V. I. Eastman Now 800k—V . 411)34p (o, The Legislature holAlts,se# arknot' ipthorizing Gnidoil School in Coudersport. WANTED.—A girl to do general house work. Apply at this office. . •,, INCORPORATED BORbErt3HS.—A II In corp orp tul harebells itaioga count.); are idquired by Loci to publiab annually a eitttement. of th e , reccipta and exßenditares of 6ftid boroughs. Let each (rip send in its report as early as praottea- Me.. , L RENCEVILLE A DVERTISER. — ThiS it , the title of a small taper just issued at Law renceville. It is a sprightly little sheet, and its general make-up is good. Success to it. An old gentleman from Allegbany eaunty, „Wind for the past eight years from eata ,act, was restored to .vision by Dr. lipllearhtf, at the Eye and Ear Institute,-Feb. 4.—El. Oda• Mr. Benjamin Austin wishes us to Bay that the projected sash and blind' faCtory is to become an accomplished fact. Be purposes to commence operations with 113) opening of \Ve learn that Mrs,,Dyl,ce Is now Ole F,le . editor end proprictor i s of the Pollee County Journal, Another step toward . wo . tnar , cuffrage. Mrs. Dyke pints a good •paper, advocates the right political doctrine, and when the right time comes will cast the right kind of a vote. Sue cr.,s to the Join-ma, RESULT OF .pic.F.Nsu.—The Buffalo Clty Fro Insuranco company are calling 11_ all their policies in Wellsboro, on account-of the re act licenses granted.' in thiirvillage. Prhei tlr his heard of the groat tiro at Tjoga origkna tngi Irvin a grogshop. Do you x i=tt the public schnols ?" Bagel an exchange. "It is the duty of every pareni• wa rmest en interest in the schools and their e l - .Irtn'tx studies, by visiting them occasionally.L Thor precnco would not only have a salutary Effect on the teachers and pupils, but tiould heigh ten their intcrfst, and they therefore become ben thtk.l. Let tile se4ols be visited frequently." NEW GOODS.—WiCkbtlfrl & Fares ne.v shanty is now in operation. Having just returned from, New York, they have, filled up u;th a nice, fresh stock of goods, whidtt are very .111. q go and soo how cheap goods min be after a fire. mar 1 3w The eitiZDE; of Stony yorli" are haul ed and piling a largo lot of saw logs—with no gr,lrs largo enough to float them away, or mill .:311" them. ' flint that all ttle strange?' . . ---- . - , Mr. S. IL Smith, of Bloss, who was f !tete' Just ice of bo Peace last fall, wins in an the other day li oking after ,liis" areden- By tho way, Mr. Smith maliaa a capital which accounts for hie re-election heipg upon him PEI soNAL.—ReV. Dr. Miner, of the ,e111.1;re Wt.) Baptist Church, arrived in this thl , a on Saturday last, aceonapanie'd bylie to ant (laughter. As the Dr,'s health is ireat- ia.paired, from hie arduous labors in the above or h, he trill probably remain for p. time, to be •ated by Dr. Shearer. We sitail expect a few mans tro • m the Dr. while bore, of which doe we will be given. CONCERT.—The Bell-Ringers gave a overt in.Sroith ,t; l3owen'a hall, on Saturday •Eninz lit, to a large house, and gave good li,fr.rtien. They will give ente'rtninments in n• c, , anty as follows Wednesday evening, 1.1r. , 11 at Knoxville ; Thursday. evening, 9th, tJ , ,Nola : Friday evening, 10th, at Elklanil; tirday evening, 11th, at Nelson ; Monday eve .rg,ll3th, at Lawrenceville. A. this is a gentlemanly ? troupe of "real mug so,," we record with pride their united opinion, .it they nowhere performed in', a- pleasanter dingo than this, or stopped at a better condua. 1 Hold than the Cone Botts°, SPORT BY FIELD AND FLOOD.--In , se cold torms of "Bitter St. Agnes Weather," hen.port with fur, fin and feather is out of sea n nn l " agin t tho lawd," we welcome the letter our 61 , 1 friend and ancient camp-mate, .Cept. E Niles, with pleasure. The Captain has en down to CTlrrituck Sound, N. C., elmoting 1.1 fowl ; and we publish his letter on oUr first no. It alit pay for perusal. IVRMAIC.—Their Lra n (Geo. Francis) ib to report at Smith & Bowon's ball on Fri e it,g, March 3d, will be in on time, Ibis ,in that can be depended on for oonneotioi n dfQconnoot lone ; 'Oen for on an and - 411 Billings kill elucidate "Milk" at the i,1.1“.1, on the evening of March 11. W i e he 1 , , ill not lack an audience. MI'SICA7. CONVENTION.--The citizens v.iwburg will hold a musical convention at at place, commencing Maroh oth, continuing r.,101 the week, and cloning w ith a concert on c( ning. Professor'D. 0. jevrett mu- •,1 aio..tor. All lovers of music aro cordially 'Rol to at ten.l. Board can be had at reduced the hotel of P. Bond. Terms : for the I roneert, 25 cent'' . ` . IN4I'I: \VINCI lACIFINE:—ItrIB7O m ohul.,eturiog ompany Fold over the ~ \siicr in whine company, 128,067 Ma; 1. , • . tho Finkle and I.yolitiompany,l2),- ' u , aohines r Ole Empire company, 124,- • ..%er the 0 :u.•., "1"3,027; over the Gold I, 11 ,, ,021, 4.1 the American Button note, mer thu Florence, 110,173; over the .t. UiLho . 1m,94;1; over the Weed, 92,831; r r Baiter, 70,431 ; over the 'Howe, 77 er the Wheeler Wilson, 44,625. • 1:. W. IlonAßoos4 Agent. Mansfield, Pa. II I. LI • I n t • It —4fProfesSOr Winters n came off as announced, On Tuns;.` of Taft w, ck, and w as nsuccess. It on ell eikut•itierc.l, instructive and entertain i•ottlie ; well op— it ottittes us— to the nye- C the popular linturcis aho make the plat• anti this anus to be the titian erd iet of the eutlienee. Mr. 'Winters will ttr his lecture reter . at tittles (luring the nest t.e.61, ut dittett ut points in the ettntatS., of, .!t t. ti mill Ito duly gi‘ en. On Tu(l.l,ty, t, ill loeture at Illosahurg. il.r,‘ is a gang of thieves running up and ;`, rtti tae Fria iailnat,l, between Binghamton licatrilm Mr, and their headquarters for the beer or flit, wcelis has been in Olis village. 'LI, don't moi e (hi it headylattorif.soon, they !! sit treated to a coat of 'tar and feathers and , ut of tosn."—Acidieoq Adv. be a prafty,way to treat thieves Rather" and send tkeras way to annoy it Places. 'lf that's 'the :way you-Addison, _ _ _ hu,iiiers, they had better be left where ' When thieves are caught here, they ACTINTS WANTED FOR tit -t to a place of safe keeping, and not ritysxcalivile of .11',11,,y Man ea Ifiromap. oft A DvicE To 1;0131 SEXES.-A' mural, thi.roughly rritntiG . o work on the fullnwirq highly important s l sects; Change of Life, Love, Courtship, Qualifications fora Dap.. py Marriage, Physiology 'ii filarriugq,,Ettirly re la tiens of llusbund soa,Wifth Dutics-anil'lscp6?- rieido 'et Wffe rind Mother, Care of Mother and Child, Mysteries of Reproduction, Moral and l'bysicnl Tennant/3;4 , in, nad Kindred topics from the highest authorities in Europe. Priqe $2,00. atys inimen's.o Freighypaid oninitilvs arid can vas sling book free. Fur Circulars and Teatime., libels • addressi„ PA 13,MLEE. ' - fit r.' I , lk•=s't 181 Rae° Cineinjuitt!, O. Orr.—SNEAK Tliorning of last week ' s stranger cajkla of Mr. S. Bailey, dttringitho toot. ~ .4 ) , ! nto. of Mr. and /Mrs. B , and, filing "4e lett child to guard the pretnise!4. A penny briber In, getting: the e , ,ast ir d — f..r , :arvey. \When . Mrs. returned. Ins minutes abFonee, she found things ` i lt , trod to their proper placts, with the ex • l a g, , ;(1 vkatell, t%biell the strater i "tlY tt•hrid—in an absent fit s pro ably - . , k ••ut fur hlin. 7 ' All who are interested iv newspapers 4'j who not?) should occasionally visit\ a ' tls - 4 6 ffiz.e. Those who can live - year afeer , `T enjoying their ..daily and k Weekly papers, - ;n'at over seeing for themselves the manner'of Jr produetion, aro insensihlo to the'last plc . AN hour in a printing establishment, do. to i nvestigating the mireelo of the press. never be called misspent. It cannot but re• tr/ a stonishment at the extent and perfeation t he manifold appliances needin the Manufac- - or the upwrpaper. - - - , jag, iti Wr_ighttopailfol- I.itifty 1 tMkgrtlda7 .a4in g' 11144 ,14#4 01 " 1 .44:41 1 0# 63 1/A0 ibli4firPA of " compulsory education." 11 1be - resointion was adoptod- 7 and so 'we suPposo ". the - kentry" .10 committed to the systetu. k t "i 4 Heigh Young - 'read 'ti . ,tert! ,. balyiutes paper on .'the object method in teaching:;- li6. was :racy _and Itibernian. "* .: - At , the meeting this week, the subject for- die `•eussion is, "Resolved, that it is the trao policy of. the United States to acquire the West Indies." Chief disputants, G. W. Merrick and Dr. Webb. J. 11. Ito stwfifir l Lead ktenri. Mina& pafser Napoleon t. Discussion begins at half liaitlef. en P. M. The public are invited to attend; the ladies especially. 11151 ` ;0 !il LEFT :OIL INTIMATIOit:/ iNltil..feil=: KE"E P Y.—.S9l ",:. t i ni i , !? .l ll ol4l l l3 4 n- A ,;4 11 . Pint , ' dug himself Mellen came to tilts borough, and set in to do the respeetable,'nOtie Say the VO'ritil-:= 'Uo Made himself conspienousiby, his,forwardness in the fatter line, putting derin his name ~for an X whore well-to-do'ohurch members thought the numeral onequite suffielent l ,tiohlibarall,t7 was, not to be igniSie t d` in 'any etitablishnient where money was an objetk aiiii l lift;:',lkfellen waillilieii ted, into one of . our, leading,ehtfrrehes 137 aoplarnof tion, without the tedious - formula of probation., Fairly within the boatiin of the ehtlinh', 3 litspiely began to evince itself in a rather demonstrative manner, by an exaggerated love of all the wid ows and spinsters of. the oorigiegaticitii - 4fifiiith' was unexceptionable Otis oharity i was ovinpedpy . the liberality with which 'he Sulleoliihecrhli name. Ills hope was best know) , :to : I?imseg. , ,,i: putibia ileVe for sisters of a ienelyeadition was his,best hold. So long as he strailni)pbieetri"be:'ll'free agent in the matrimonial line, this was not so serious., But when it transpired that his name was not Mellen, but,Konnetly, jttld that tliase a wa! a Mrs. keniaidi;'4lth fevilril iniall' iteinnedys, all of whom had a legal - - rightqC4iiitt inpport, .manly example and eminent piety—to say noth ing of his eloquent and somewhat extended pray ers—the feelingiieeame general that he, ought to return to the hcisti of hie" family. : o, ;le9iii3ll .. was this ‘ l3 en thifeh , that a betrirelft.e`e of So: Willi appointed to wait on him withal/ intimation that' his abaevee was - solicited within twenty-four hofiii. from the notifioation;l'Thia was moderato, when wo'eonsider that the'ooinnaittee'rnight'as - easily have notified him to leave in- twenty-four soinntett.' Mellen saw it, and left. i Weltiost, KC ti V edy 1 i s nip 0,84; ). ;the! be/loth ofrhii fa IV° hope if Mellone r comes within fifty miles of this place; h e wi at op. 4 - NEW 'iAND VALUABLE SEEDS GIVEN AwAY;:.—Wo have received from, N..P. - "Boyer4 Co., of, Parkesburg, Chester county, Pa.,k samples of imported Norway oats, ,Alsike s dotter, ,end ,Che's,ter county ;IlartiMOth corn. 'they gontraus...: lg. offer to . send sample packages free to all fardaz' ere who 'send stamps "to pay postage. hlesers. Boyer as Co. are the, largest ; itapOrtcre-af roughbred stock and Obeiee 'merit; hi the United States, anti as there is so( much bogus Norway oats: and other seeds eoN, every fennel-1h the ia untry a "ehanee to test their genuine seeds, free of charge. We hope all our farmer friends will avail themsolues of this undoes Offer.. i• •• • A Naw :Nnunna.—The Phrenological - Jane' nal March contains—Nonh Webster, the eminent bixicographer,---with a portrait; What: can I Do beat?.or thp,qualifiention fOr nologist; Progress of Religious, - Civlltzation,,olt, illustrate l- in the iniprOved condition of - the Race; Thimias de Witt Talmadge, the eminent divine; Drain Waves—anew - theory ; "the now king of Sphiu, with portiait; the Into ti with portmit; , our Doceisileitiicips, 4 1 116 , vent question; the Eood supply of Europe `and America, interesting facts; Japan, its present condition ;.Punighing Criminals, a reform-fd*: mended; now to rise in the world, or wherein lies Greatness-birtb or: Oxnard; loelerid , the Land of Fire and_lce; ; etc. -Moe .$3, a' year; 30 cents a'nurnber., S,ent, to, new' eub: scribers on trial six months for $l., Address:S. R. WELLS, Pablisher;New York. t• GI:4)1W SIL ADYN Tleon: e goo One ien w hy everybody t'hottld take this magazine is, bananas it is the bait ..No lady Of refinement, who is fond, of high totted literary reading,. and ittPerb; fash ion plates, &e, ean'all'ord to do without it, Dur ing the forty one yeara' of its existence it has grown better each succeeding year; The beet literary writers in the nation ere employed on thin magazine, and its- ruhacription FO Io If that every one Oa niforil to fake it: Send ter a specimen copy to L. A. Godey,pahlisher, adelphia, Pa. Terms-3 per annum. TUE LADY'S FRIEND FOIL MARCII.—A charm! ing country scene,"At theiMill," forms thersteel plate in this numbr. The Colored Fashions are brilliantsivi Stylish, and the woodcuts, givitig a great variety of the.lnteet fastioris,Onet bo: in- , valuable to the ladies. A plate oC costumes for girls and one for boys supply all that can be needed for children; and as patterns for each garment are supplie d easily and cheaply, noth• leg could be more convenient.- The music is ,filler-10coler's "Tired," set to : melodeon or or gan accompainment, no rea ding matter' of "The Lady's Friend!! maintains its bigis.abartte ter. Mies Douglas leada elf wid.h."The-Siory of a Day." fictrencei - Perey's 6 Bitter-Streer - licotto of her holiest poems Lthe `admirable story ,of Camilla"ls 'concluded. "Birdie," and "flow It IlappencrAre lively sketches ; and a transla._ tion froingEVao Pelkoi , arid "Some Remarkable Pictures;" aro eximedingly interesting. The taste for fancy work iiimply provided for; itlid ' the Editor's department is Ono of the most ,attract-: ive and valdable reaturos•of this,magaiing # l4n' excellent ntimbe3.:.l-P,iiet $2. Ltr:e -- ,year - (iiltioif; l a l io n cludoi a large Biel& eti gr aving.);,,iytitio",- end the "Saturdny Eppsi.tykrOtii,(abd ;iife o n , 1_ raving),S-1. P,ublished hy - Deacoit A retersok,' I hilndelphi 4. Single ,a itthberg fur Bale of Or the p riodicdi atcree. A Musical. Tar.a.r.—Onr musical do:well to eltarnine Pgl ERS' 'AIILITCAL MONTBLY; inegitztiespuldieheil Pules, tho Now-York Musio Publisher, a: three dollar a dear. It is issued on the 16th of every motitgi, and contains in each number thirtyledi4isigoitof,tl3P 3 / a tsst . .nart 'belt music, (ruin lull-Fize musk: plates. The March iinruber ciltains the following mus ic, (worth .11.,75 in sheet form:) God Bless thh Little Church itr•atnilde Corner, " D. S. War:n1)01, Katy Mae Song ana.Chbrus, 041:VV;Perato'y:i. My Dnur Ola Sunny TIOIIIV, W. S. Hays.' Mignonno, Sing and Chorus, G. W. Pereley. 110:1VCII 41:: er as an Angel. Trio and Chorus, -v. S. Buys. Jesus, I my cru,:, bar. Takftd: I will Ari,e am! ,go IA my Father. Sacred, „ _ Dressler Welcome home ;Goote May Bose (hiloP. --- J. Becht Belle Georgiijetquicluthp, L. Oranis Rippling lrities j - .0141012410 Murmdring Tti.nal Send thirty, oeots f. r a vatuple copy, and our word fur it, you %ill nevtir rtgret Adam's, J. I. otg, 599 I;road way, Now York. P. Q. ',Box, 5429. , t •,••Ak. , ,111 - 11111,111111{EltrAt CO. Ali upond, in their new store, on tlt r a l l' l t , it u ol fortaerl occupied by tho bank, all entire non , tdciek of ford, at a great va- , - riety of groeirio, tai uf , nhioh alo , p o rf oe tly fresh. - They take this 'ocen,ion to thank their c ip ito i riess far 4hoir pat;onage in the past, and .m reeetfittlyeolicit it for thy future . We'rciPeelfrilly rerincyt all "vrat•ll4 01w:cing themselves toy have uwolth d ao , :ounts on our hooka, to patio p t ,l merit an early as p.,asshro, to enable' lib to meet purcha.rt nude hater° the lire, - A. : 411311et1 REV :84 CO.- .-Tioga, Ilareh 1, la7l 3w : , firiAliTlON.—All persona are hereby n o tifi e d Vi that I shill pay no debts contracted by my Wile, Emily 1 71 ,rway; ognirl t inet nl~cr:(hn date; ITIENSt Ell WAY.. ' rtib,,2s, 1871 ml 3sy ' 44 Lots for Sale., Tolw N LOT:3 Itr sale in Tioga b orcugh, by . ll' E. 5,M1T11 & SON. March 1,1871 If ' - • z ~ t •.' MU:eaet. '" A i r Rs. F. 1. -- , EASTMAN "still coutinnor td giviilesso»'s in s fa i now prepara to furnisb,her pupils with instruction books and, new zontio ss cheaply:Lan bp' fdnnd ittleawhtird,' Lessons given. on tbo " Piano,' Organ, 4r, iortruments furbished Tor "Malice. Aloof isistrno . ; lions given in vocal nlusic. Having. for, many years been engaged - lei 'teaching, will "siiiinten. satlsfa . cilon to all, Marob. 1,1811.-tf - - - --•-• AfT= 14.4441944045ephi1ikdii. - iw:l VEGETAilitxrv ,A coo ap*,flnsotogi not burn the. hair- or - - , ritOre-- the head. - ae‘, the' ' Iv 4 A' . preparations `gradn'ally' restores the hair ?.. to ;. its original color -Ondi lustre, lifesqpplying!new Ali. ; It ‘cmilso:4,lmpiriant, groirth, t of s°4l'l4l)=o sou-. 0:1764 Nov. ,d'il,Zll.f. Ai 0' I , t nt i k Phyn. a. Orrice—Dpantpag out of tfueMn . ge 4 Drug Storo.—main.l,lB7/. Insurance ciitifillF9leeip, • -4,,t1 „ ItANDALNIIAND7 • IVIUTTIAt - taiik " • ...S. Z INSURANCE ICOMPANY ,„ onfoe, xe..ll2,B:4ltliSkyP,,hilaOricihlo . . ,-, I n co rpoiTte 2.3i186 0 7d lid 'Capital $500,00 - 0: ete over - $4,000,000 001 -31 Stock find Mutual, combining &warily with Profits. Suppose your aro already insured in a first-class: company, and. (rim -- cense" 01004 , boar, (any' after.tpayearlypartieneyibtlido . onet or °ounce .. pay I o.tigor.nn d .di gone and youtslmorlopwaStad.l , --Not b 6 .in "I "Ifand-I q.illAND,'!- ill Policies . are?ttair-PiitiP: 1 I F,}IIBA,Ei V“k. I , lidiVcompany whieirranktPamong the , 'Mast: popnlar antic.suchessfull life tlnsaranch nice, g cisanm aWdeiirtible,plans,cbethf with and without prolitc-r--.':o "' - 7 r ••• Trig -'- v4 *.g;Tib r e.egd.C4Ar, vitylotea,. i All policies are =ingoateslibl siffif 147 2 . 1 x144-P a the ordinary causes. Look to' your Lifo Insurance. Please enamine othe following Comparative Table - is some times alleged by Agents of Othe i tuiPanies that 1 1 1 4 4 -04fPany they represent is ?then ethers. Ait:jkll4:l) unhesitatingly assort oui belief in the sounddess and stability ,o(pli;oexectqiiethweids4 o sire to present the follOvititik'f4A the inepeotion .those disirinr,to , ' TfiVfollowing companies, Compare l the aupattl, prethintus charged by eaoh for `alt insurance on life at the age of 30. years, payable at death ••••••'-' - AnnasVpioniiitit • for life; ..s • Ore.; ' ' . - 48 . 3;21 - ZEte .. . 42,89 _ Home, • 23,00, ::; 1 ) Wasbitegton,... 22" - Ittilid-10-Hand' ]13,50,-182,60; • alticady insursidlitlie=apelicy '" ' 4, .FrAtirD-XN-11A D." - best Matual Company in the :Unite& Stated'. 11214fai'cb, 1. ) 1871.-Iy. • 4'. I •..1. • - • - ;. „ I IrrOWN.lcits ftir 3.alts;•ia Woltebbro: 1 of J-.Emnery Wellaboro, or Boxj 2622,1Villiampport Pa. Wollaboro, Feb. 22-4 t. MO THE DOUBTlNG.—Delow.xvill be found a low df the late testimonies registered at 'A. D. Eastman's office, after taking gas and bar ing decayed to oth reracapdt " I bad OA - teeth,' extradted, l undArttameikil was witnessidg:tipi optirationy ' 1 118teat1:-Of. being the-subject.' :Emu& ibutilinerit.i.. lied a 4plendict ,dream ,•„thdrtght, the"llttlb biranfewzro sin tag tOisAvu(aditte; `-(49..Br.;Betisiaktin.'• ' Dreamed I was gding up a long.bill; thought I fell down. ELIZA I. Oettp.' Took gad; had four tooth extractedj.,tirostral, od my grandpa Ikaalkuying ma'a, nick lame:•,doiL -- _ `!Statt l s ; breKtmea.' 'Had scan ' teeth. - eitracked',,,rrittiont , paink supposed I trai - allUtif, to' meA;friendiat a ! dka t Mtno,e,afterlenjeying a:Please:o ride';amthesars._ i • -., ,-: I '"-' - , Muse t. o tibfLU'rtfttoi,.! ' ' By' - once inhaling gas,` I; teeth . extracted, without paid. BATlumrMostaiko . 7 . -•',.tiidd my recommendattori t ',tltova,-;;;• ~ 1 Cs'.'"••:•`);` , " " '" '', '. g li:Akatra', .! `;•Ltave taken ohloroforki,t; unaided c•Oiei ivayi to.:bityji teLth extracted, butillad nothing soplea sant and harmless as the gas. -)- -, 1035, 1471 tf ~;4 0 ,4i., , i ' Mils. G 41 - . --- Bnowx.' li 1. , ,q- •,,,.„,-, r 4:h , ss IM. C=0.1.311-05W r r ,:ir.i.:• - _t: - ,"!••=-.- - i --....'';''';' :,1 • ' i - i il .;0- .-I,Fk- '• I j _ • ~„..;,, hati;VE LOW' WATAItA,I4,and,SWISIMATOILL : - Es, 44rifil, dclaivA.oalßpciftr:OLOOFß, SILVEIt-SPOONg, 5.- Pltited Spoofis . 1 4PA , F0 3 1'keillrab10, 1 ,Bultor Fruit Knivod; Cupri,,crp4pra and Valle 13asketsi, Napkin Rings; ttgain , Sit4liutur 'and Mustard - Spoon s; Fine ; 4:1 old and Agate ,Rings - ; Gold ,Poins , and Ponoils; -, Solld'Ool& 13l!4#1;.:Peavt.Friuloratidt Plated Du ttons; ; Muteli linardicand Chains; &e.;A large stock ofAa'ODAPioriSoaLAssEe fr aids Colored (I lastiosfall at redgocil prices.: •-• , - / • N. 11.—W ata les an d Ja nnlry nea tl);•lleptstredi March ‘ l, 101. . - Ai- It• EASTRIAN, _ ; OPERATIVE AND MfiCRANICAL • , ; .`DENTIST: • ; Office oppitpite Cone II ones, uperations neatly end carefully performed., Sat— isfactien guaranteed nt 4 11%06208010t Ppb 22,11871t1f .- - To: Brid:ge:,l3uiltleis,,; .; ~ THE noun ty - bridge . - across TiOga'_:iTipT NY 11 1'.1•3 tlia - roadj or - oast - Se' said `f'li'er the town Han of - Ilichtrilind aiid"rtoga,,,itill 'be' lel for tile rebnilifiag i,f thik'snm`e, roirioners of TiqgiviniintY, :plan fo ha l ex h ibi I ho the ti'," to the la . a. oat , spit best biditertat Ilittraday, /her 9ltfilny'of nest, nu dna 'o'clocleP.4l:• " —" • - Also, n bridga across aintilt; - • thei . -road..cmppea, - .sfild tireeklyitheAbsitistili, lank by . the llomraissionerf; fek the Wilding of the garde, tia-by plats to lb exbibited' on the promises, - to tbaloureat - ard an Friday,- the ;10tli day of-March' notiOttcitaps e z t oc k P. • M. W. WiltllßßßEE;',': • • •P: VA'N' Jog rtEXffOlllli; re'422, 1811 31''. • r '• • • ' Real k. CV Ell subsorther has for - stile-the rolli!miintO:W , I seri bed reil-estate Tillagerlots aft= nate on State street; in Wollsboro; the houid andAqt„ )" . rmerlY oe:upied by Charles Williams; ilk fierelot situated near the cemet,ery)Trind a firm of 30 acres, located near the ftikm 'tlf Car , tins Culver. For terms and particulars - oply to Also, Agent for the North Carolina Land Com. Corn, Tr, re " 2, 1871; liusio-Store • „, • OWopeuerl oqkv. agO7: N rininalerfoOla r ',wbero,yo7l4,,Attekt, ausl,frir_eale, •! •.I , l3teinwaq- and, : 0r oth131,4;10 • I . • • • - • Cntiipet Orions; arid a choice ee cotton of Sheet Mueic., New made. !every 1 14 01 30,,0 , e.: lietaotieUti Piano - and: Organ;'aniiAielSiosing will be given. Opportunity for practlaci itifor4e4 to, thoeo who tosty clesitelt ..-0 11:1V; TODD: :1T014.01Ttf0b.„1.451314,9. • H4rtie. ro' I'snbseiibor'offere for;stife, - imiltiO blikOti" T: prep ton yearoisof4go":2',P.Orfolifilyfourif an 4 true, :B,nqiitio Of W,41.'5T0411 • 'INLET Pa.-'BTEVENS; ' , boro, Feb, 115-0, . • •-•.; W. . • MEE EMI .- -. , =i itht,..9.1 4 1if5 , v , 4 4., • fi - . 2 1 4iollowing'leeturere have beei engaged fOr 'Aktcittrto: • OBOAGE :FRANCIS TRAIN:. 4 D th J i!ttleehuiifonarehy, sad Width the Ffenei evonh3g, Afer l gh ;;..14EZIVE4,_MI4Pret-Slo,64inti. zp:o Vito JOST! IaILLINc4I3- 4 ‘24llk7—Mareh. lfi. I - . )VALiP ARSONS, L.L. - . D.—" Richard '. l g,,Seri*ollialoitized. • ;•:!.:314 4:4 B Irfn ;:f; 110 cots for Chi tivtetaArto t fcty } ii;ti' IniO4*lfes WEPP? giVAlMitifli likroung oria . i ardor ortlifiiiirtifitiik4 V. taaciti, 4 `l • S Egkik tt 4 :_t NOTIOS )41 . - - - POV.ER/r Id BAD. but the trait kind of poverty la P otitis , Of the blood; tido :outwit& Ina aupoor indoodp rar It ta#Bl away bin strength, courage and energy. ; takinktio the blood with Its vital element, Iron, to taklngAho Peruvian Byron (a protoxide of fron t ) and 4 yoniwillteal rich and "re good aa anybody" Try it. - 4650 per Month. 'llhe beet soiling book .aver 4 priblished. AG/11UB who sell our new *arks': PLAIN BONN TALE AND MNINO4II4 t • COMMON ONNIMEFTV-1 •< I bate n*ootopetition. There never was a book Tithlithald like it. Any body can sell It. Every_ lbodinicitiAlditne agouti - - ariclubiti 4 mAkihe 4rollts4 04046304tdenioilibl Welliotdhlt *On delta% ok. 24 page Descriptive Circular sent I frett'iffil application. We want good live Agents; mei Who can fully appreciate the merits of the work, and the feet that it meets &universal want. Agents Who desire to d? od wallaisnako E money. Addrss , wsia.w ; a 00., e 48211* WitiNeif 3m. 0 • ,o • 1 .7. - . 4.04111 TVIUIVIALat a "'" 1- , timrral. nivzizneri., 4 , ffits1 31 ii 0 , ; .3 : : ::' , .. i ; L, 41 MUTUAL BENEFIT 311,::, IN$1.180;11110L, 1011itadoil by Special Act ' of the Legislature' of -lir., 1 erinitP3iVrellif <1 < a * ll 4 0.t r ggiln. APOIVX-XT lldi V ' ::0 . _' ' .4144 . 4 S ADT4OIhEAUALTR PM 0 .P 64k 'al p ~ lion. S. B. ChiASE, President. X. I A. TrhEn, Vice President. Auto (TOFF, Neoretary. Yi. - "..:"?. I PfAx—,-To secure a benefit of $2OOO at ,a99o,,retimborship fee,,rtayahie-ird-,,„---,„ "..vaittffe,ll I - -•c.5•;.„L:: ' " fl $101:01 1 -"Alitkgitl due, (afterLifist-ytiar, ,•-•-,--. - • -, --r io 3 .,, 44 ,1ir Om assessmetite, from 1 to $2 10, ao- ''dBfd :tio age. Persons insured from 10 to 80 ;(10 iige. it t; i 2 1 IS AV d, an active business man in every 'I6W - fulfill Ato work for the Good TempiarsAttp- 1 , 1 ' .41 ; pa* b Association. 0.-1 - *'' , JVNTtigx, - ,4-:, , - ! General Agee 'fa TfOga Co. 1' I 'ONO' Feb 8, 1871 tf . -. . • t , :-...,e1,,,, , To Bridge Builders. ripllF. county byl4go a ro#Willonr reek, near 1. Wm. , .W. BAN anti J t'Etiltio 's, in the township of Moirisilni a ry, will be let i !or the rebuilding pi_ th *II, b the county Cornmissibners, 'to e • oirdst'"a &test bidder, according ' l to plan exhibited on the premises, on :Thireday, the 18th day, .of-Pobroar yva4zh, at ip o'clock p.' M. N. W . WETEERBEE, • P: V. VAN NESS, 'ti`‘ tT.QB.MIRLEARD, 1 _Eab 8, : 1i3 71 250p:4.•-; I: l 7',lll:ymmissioners. ' " ' orma c 00. ?' 1 1 . '8 TIOQA CO. "51 trlMEnegt term will commence Monday, 27th of. March, 487-4pplArkctaogutton seion;te'OItABAIIV y RM4A.M4 ,Pcii)l44B7l Sw • • 'Principal, • -• Vietheapeat Place In the State Photographs! • AT ;'- - ITOOD'S GIL L ", T ijlll l .4 * 1 O CARDS for 60 cents. Largapieturetand, frames for $l. Old pictures copied, en larged and finished id the finest style. Now style frameS and everything kept in agel~Qry gear hand, or furnished to order. THE LoWEST .Pjuogs ANA) TEE , Titsz wo ß g_ - . N. T 2 y 4 riXoutrut pier Gariner's grocery store. • , Fesll - 4871 tf Wellsboro TIRE INSIIRANCt TuNsI M AIT'OE effected in the ME 4S 'IdtfrEUAL IN 6tritex Opp !Of Middle Pennsylvania. • VIE dIAILTITAD v ot4-Hartfod, Venn. v" , zn.:tvgp; ,10.7214414At0eN05ift1trk.1,..:,.- andiother,fe - _ .f flist '''uince w.- - E. B. YOUNG, Agent. - .:lyabbern iF i gt blfis7,l„ tf 141.1USICi!' `.' ' ci ' • THOSE intending to ~.pArehalf, Mtifilottlant; stramerits will do well to call upon or ad dress the undersigned at Knoxville, Pa. I will iseiLibe Pelebrated'vi 2`zr •.1..•.,:t: - *ill>3.•:;;QO - • ,- ' • G. efirgia and Brown [ ...- . ~. - =I - for less than you can buy one of equal quality of any,ontkelse, Call or write before purchasing 'elsewhere, I also furnish the " Estey Organs, lOLINft r , iFLUTBS, AOIioRD iNs. • I TARS, .4e., Ac. - , T. also ItCAP on hand the HOWE IMPROVED Sr,l ewing Machine whialf I will dell cheappr ,havusny otile first *elassllsehine. , v• ~ 0 0mAgents 'wanted. D. P. DOS 0 - l`Feri * Knoxville Pa. ' get, orou nce." 7 B 6.4'14 At a miotiqg of the Burgess and ()outwit of Tioga borough, y0h,13; IBM The lolloittlugPstf: dinette° was pasied-r„: .;_, ;';r - '3 ; Orturumtca,,No. 24. That all lots in Tioga bo rough fronting on Main street, between.Oburch and Bread streets, on the itist; side, !and Bush's c honee and Cowanesque street. on the west, - lade; and all lots fronting on Wellsborri between Main= street and Jacob 89liagfelin,Jr.'s southwest corner, tin' liti'nOith' i bldtis'aird - lii. W. afralse'ellonse and baynookshop.,en,...the,sontk, 'side Otainiall lots' tiroutlnr on'''Neue twee& Matti etreet and Able' Sly's house. on the, imeth:si4opin'd G. W. Hathaway's horse, ort,thi.2 southutide, shill be iniiluded*lnr *hit jihnllAtt 'teemed Fire Limits ; ard - no wooden Or Other' in ' ainablelbhilding or construction shall be erect. ed•within4noh limits, without a license or per &title& from the Burgess 0 c0u„,,. • sald;littrorigh. yirc•.,th, oturoffe _ 'fe 2Z 2ry IMNIMIFINOMMO• AGENT FOR 6..14,1).11%74313 rk3l;irVl:o*:•= - :1 1 .1436LY, PULPIT, & PHO .:T.OPRAP.EI: 13113L't • •Virtitilionilo - Vialers will find the list to embrac laricetirisertment of Bibles in the country •-•-lber4blitifie?' has no hesitation In pronouns itig thens*ibiis-salable than any Bibles plibly,3ll - far-the rirail biiiiitylitnithinding and sizes of type, var Yin iiiindetilrinini to $3O, for Family - Bible, larg • slial THE LIFE iF CHRIS T , , somely bound ; in Fratitlts4C r _ • - full gilt. ••:;.? ,„ , tt THE LIFE , OF JOHN BUNYAN, (Pilgrim's Progress) about 700 pages, also handsomel btiundpiii - ,Frendh and.-Tnskey Moreces, ; (4l 4- = = • - - .„.I4,4iIf:.:A'ESTAMENTS, TESTAMENT: Witixpeleki:Bible Dictionary 4 1 2 4 1,V i. t rebebn'ttAls tridgelt, ARt hese 801 ! wa , rlAh ap,z-Addross, -. 5q ;.! P. E. Agent, fat ..•-• !4"•"': • 'IIiVIKVA:4I. Timber lot for Sale. T frib li k4 try ,1 rale,t r t, kbliddlobirrs oln,Cii.; known as the igtra'S torens farm, containing ono bundred acr r os t :394r al4 lO 'orchard, two ( tataA .barns, 'Uliflrge farro,undes k atito ot good cultivation, best goal .Ittottitinncision Crookakerlch ,D ot ailjoinitieptin" ,1,1 o; uturiad:.a - nres, contaittiligM 40c,Virird woods, with quite a large c/iit t A4 ° • Artlis„ . , tVA .IllibiltYle, Wellebo • Itstfilqlrg sp3v)3Na. -1,41404* ire:b. 15,4117141 C. • • -1" k i kt .L.. ciw is the ttitlitte t lfOrp r, . a MBE H 64 il' BEE MEM ..11',1 * . At the Regulator, Ceri*ll4.44 VoteAti 'V' _ 1M • . . . k , • , ' 4 31 3Z , '-4 . ' , l i i . t•ViJt;-,a 11. , t J, t.,=.:.:*•l::imvsl-4.1-3 - : '.. i..-- , 4 . 1. -.,. .I. -,1-..j- i---1 ,:),.a. ) ...p ~-:•.):,- a) '.l-..i.1 1.,01::?;?, , i it' , 2j4 4.,, li , .es't.r;'3J, r.r.i.,14.:R., :,)-i , VI '-'t .1.)..44;ii- 1 +'. , ''''L i, ,il,-.'l. L'illo. Ili'i9l AB we Joh to ruatice , our t3tock Amok , .. aka ro6nikfoicetiiry±43lirlUietkiodfi,iwo ' ll4 :ii.' g ' yilifi'l i' . ). tlittlellits L .1 ,;.. ~..,, I," 1.1. llt - r .=4:,..,- .4 ; ,11:1Lf-..lf ttea,.l , i - EI I:vc, ' • ,•, . i . 1 ;,*.l if ,upi .t,, VI ) .(,;,,•,:;',4l*- 4 , -**4 4 41' .k '4. i 4 *4**v r444. - rkis•v — ii, ) [ € 1 • I 4-m ':.3;' ti V-4 pe - i`_.lV 0.;V:7•.: , ' .; 4 . .. PttiitltY...• , • - i,:2:1 i i-;,,,,i, i.i.i."[. -";'"'“': i' '''' k5) - 1 -..,7 41 - .. 3.14. -377 ,Z4il ,k 5,,,. ;."' 4 , : 3 iA ta'iii, •?,.a. al '.;•,',V1:17;,v.:1. I. - ___ 1!a - A. • , '..i ,,, t.. ,---- -i- 7 t - --- t • a k t e ita..Apiress,-.461 00 -dir'-iilt e - of , 9 • •• , M , ;Si. TIA - 1 g ...L,1. Cf rsa -5 1 - qrnia 1 : i 343'; PI It , 34: , . fil wpre - 1.. s • 5 ..1 f o t- hq',,i.;i., ~,-, 4„ li,. a *,,, l , ..r, i .. , •,. , „,,,, liok ji ßei iWeifla/h i -V,. t , ~.h._ , ••:$71..;..1... i ,: , - • 1 .. . i ';./ ft,'eY.i . -41 Z, 0. MEE \'l3iY ~ lER ME e ~I j --'e-7,:,...; „.ti DE ‘l,tl A t.-1":1-: .- . i L t“. iis 1111 '''.,3`.''•' ..ii',.., ,r! , ,,,:i 4,4.i-.',./.:-...i. 1..4 r:11. - -. K. LR ":; 4 •:;i1 !eil l V ;id' ' , ..`4 41 1 .11,-; !, ~.- ,I , ~,,; .. i 1 ;„.. _ f.. .:A. F,B , ll l ll . l4;l,l44Ni,l„lu_urry_,4opaTtmenti 'A , full "cuisoitmeutpf . . . Pri s - .1.-; , ..i •, - ,.;,t 3 'I:: 411, i i.:'l / it Giveeies,---il - oots, Shoes: di ft,„Cropkfr k., „., y .• .._,,,„ 4 ' ' ..';. i ';': i-• ' 1 , -. 1 .k'' 1 ' "•-:, t. ! ; ~ .. .i~_~... ..r. L; ' •!;!..0 - 4/ - ' i _i' i~; t.~s s Akira induce - Oicti iersoU in Tioga county to Ibuy . . no and save money. V ~--\ rli; • , $..„-"4J,..x..._.. _it S 3~ ~ • "c_ IY; 0 ' - is7o "- Viirniiifi; .`) SEEM= almoveLikeat • 7 • -4 (igl - , 1 ,!: 1 , ai[4I.4 . . , A.gyIA.:ASSPRTMIitiT" • • ..f -1) e , nan omestic:. Dry Goods .14ee FM • - - Fore% t, ,i~ 3,. . . . . LADIES 'DRESS GOODS, BEAVER "0.1 0 QUI: FOlLOLitiati. ll ; f tgig N AGI A PJ a ‘ ' K 1 " 114 . 21- "VEIVEI & 1 141 " 1 .1 VIIM E G S O t O i DS Glover, Hosiery, Knit (pods and Ho tioas,::, Grro6erier. Syrup,;te,mpi 9,- e:Teal 4 —cra kers', jour..m, ; _Soots r & Sli.oes, RObasil„OroelOry, Wooden Ware, ctro. etifr id C r'Sagar, e> Coee, Hato i36,Caps ,g Pleas() call ands good!. ir*igiabo%o r Jaz. eitipted on iCommiesion. Took our Stock over. You will" always and us ready and Vitiling --; I , • ‘.l 4 1 §61 : 114616 , .- ' ' THE GERMANS YIOTORIOIIB, And ppackp p:yo lalme4 thiongllka erthelese ramorailletiotaide onlb 'lack oe 00 . 4041 - 44iiidillikehtfor, and '1)1' gi t ckl ? ,,yo l y,A L ,tygptitioe no delay In going to Eli " P A I4 B NII: PI APER .o*'R ,-, il „A.ITs PORCELAIN the sinaifest locket, or up to ]ifs size. German and Medallion' beadiffrib_*Atonobed lititi , : A. ri A, 4,1: •, : 1 ~. ye . new 7 . lotnia(Atizp, Cabinetelie, _ -.I pepoliniiici made and int, upliiiitatairetyiellifin h. is heretofore been offered by any Photographer in this section of country. If is the only gallery; in Tiogn, Oeunty s. , retouching Its, :. acgattcas jsstlie yne plirihr ilyle...:', Lurie atiorniimt'of i FRAMES AND FRAME. MATERIALS. COPEIRIG AND FINISHING IN -- -- -- INK, WATER, CRAYON OR OIL COLORS, , .. '.: Y:ii . 4 ~.. ._- ..4 - . 4 1 4 , on o ,,alknhe,dersie TeleffAtfulti c l i n 4.174 P10w.2171111.1 alyliiirooii bre aeleytfnktbe lovrost, -doing .014117, - al gopfi,vierli, and - tarnikoaels'when the sitting is mode. All iork it aarranteed 'to , give eittiflotiekt to shout eitiii'ilenii. Mono who come first will be first served. Call and examine ipeoltoons before going elsewhere i - Ai Mansfieldt Jan4lafir 1 ......,-. \ R. c n A TT] iir r ov .„,,• :, • ._., ....,...).J,.„., ..,-;- z t...:..U.:-.. ~..; 1 4 a, vript 1 , - ': - .:,;.,i,: - -.." •', (Successor to D. P. ROBERTS) DEAABIi, IN - 1t01. 4 11i .‘ I . . .. • ' . , L t -t, , , , , , 7. , ;,_ . -?. , 3 , .... 7 :rly . , : il" - ,1., " 7 - li.t .i •- ---' - - at is., :' , - :,.; . ~. ' r i _ i.,. S ..21 , ,... 4,..: , .. : , ,r , : •. - u - a - ; :. t , q -''.i. •.; ii 1 -' ', ' ' ,1 -:-% . i .. . Y.,;,„,„' 4 ....Z.... ....„ , ..i . ,. -1... ... Ir, - A IIIO N, N5 .,, ,A1L 0 5,04 , R11 2. ,jA, ,0. r ..R .10,LTArHORSETIHMIS, AND HORSE NAILS, viirJ „L' ,, ,1(1 - ttAktA a‘i „Vi Oie.voir, wq,4.,,:r:,,i ~.,. , - r r .., ._ ,--- 4C:lsTilicoteamtersesP 4 1 4 c0c•'159 p fa ia •=', ~, ? • • ' " : 3 ki- Ati ll ii ' e n'iiitr - A eeo l oic O i f t initieriVAi $: ( iOr116 .1 : :' Lbtl;;:liilT 8, ATlJiklil 'lNditi ' - Alto, WRAPPrNG-R-AR-40 1 - - at - pianntbobnieriirrt • !---11 * --- • - ' 4°4 .K.. , ,: ,4 ;.•, - ,'N':, 4,1,12' 1 ::: - 2• Inif. ' 2 i- 7 r" ;,"-- "' ' .}?C ,!..,-, t .. ) . i 1, '', :', !ki .;'-.3 1 :;-. S "Z . !' '74 ti r el)t i tt i tt ' -1. 11 4:'''' ' ' P Oliff.Pl'LY ii, TIE - 13ED.i ;'- '•'-' ~,,..„....„6 „ ,„31 . 4 1. ,,1 .. i - ; 1 51i „.., :f i,, .4 . -.q., , - , , ..-;,. -1 ~, i f .;:., : -,,, -,,-,- ~, ~ ~,,,,,,, - .., efilitcheb, and Frieda itisibilii4blle. First deor above Co4ditoilso: :. ' Welltboro, Jan. 4, 1871-ty. -, ~,iz. . .v -J,;'..:: -1.) t' ' 4 i - r ~i. ‘'.,4"‘!'',-%-1-''':';' IWO ' IZiriCA -.1- trAt ME ffE2l Yrl l' 17 `RA"(II49,DLIIit3B OF 000 TY,... : 4; 1,1 til ti fl t i , Z4V .(c..::•;),;) -- _{,i. I . ~ 4 , Wi' , '3' 'il, - 7gi '1 V k _A.. ;: -;-• Which will be sold very cheep, rvis 4.3 rt 43&-Eillerh3r ‘1• SOlt 44 0 , 24 1 " • • , . A T; te;t-'. ,v 4 '1 t:f *"..',t - C..i r i.,j ' ,,i , /, - ;.lxiio 4t''; .' to 11 4 § gliq (41iT . 4 4 4'41010: -st ht ,c 4-1 ti c lii= i r 4.1.. J. Z. t.JJ _•!,,E. 1 . I - ,..litli'Jt);) ,17, 4 1 .E, I ,x_....9,:i.. ~.1 1. 4 .511 k,47. Ti; 4, - , 464-,:: ,2.; : - i.: i.., ME , i , .. ` : i':l t -:-..;l't iA :,,'.J;::) •'_l 4. A ~•Oa"i q -1, , Ait ..' 4s: ':6 -:- -L i ; =I MEE . F~ ~i~` `.; 4si ;:/: , "nv 00 85:- ME .I.;i MEI Mil . NEWEL Wrik4 MID J, R. BARKER. BIM 111 1 =Sill 11111 EMI =I W I= :.;..—, 7 1:4: * :•.Ic., I. • ._4:47.1.;., OM .4 INI =I NOE MIMI ME NE= !!!!E jk s~- • - , ' R:a.iAtLEY, i' 1 1 1 raw• lit a lt i O lu ke bi ar Oman n, i is . a • 110=e[eifeetto • fib it, Vend &Rye: - Itsoomminded by the .di . I sonny iind many theturids of put beat olti• Bead the testimony of otrysloians and patients ho have need Bosefielts lead Omens tilde to /faith . Book, or Xmas* f thinynm, 'which Wit iSatiallaj.en# ol /41 4 b3",r411 4 0 11 100 7011$1 it 4 , 4 ' "'sw— 0 . -. 1 0 Ol 4-sl° ~ - • '' ' 1 0 1 1 A - r4_,l ni;tit V- it*litlillik.) 10;-!: . •' cur ,VMBsyleistrrer#L - #Oll , , DUMB, o_rtnitri 1 4 14 07A ta. 1411 7- 1 , 1 1 „ . o '.. : : i ll it t bit & : 11 7 1 0.41 ,17 1 1 . 1 " • ,sr • Itilininig . gr. go -of—'' r , ke 0 , 00•0 4 toulaw . reataiscein FO ;e1 i...•. , ". ,• ieb Altspidly tub re ‘ l 44*-140000r_ . 46 4• 10409 / 0 lira that: 1, - 1 4 04 04 wm o z: - •• I bats care Nis . ..r.gadds i ou th . , oi l , ~ by , eitiolt--' vont g lizill g unilli "*" 4 .o BO It Am' IMaii/Hat giPtk .-f -- 14,q0,14•16 0 : 1 1 .,--4 :-'- I pcit . ,, ' . 000; a i m 6 Ilia tised',W tales . siiisi Swab,. ifißlithilis with. Badkatprit i As - a clean. fi llokti otiotlkiiP l o.4 4 °Yrar f 9l :l3.ll27; . ' ,' ,:: 1 siuntietia; autiadiii;:ipteroo sc i i irin'n:;.sis -, I have used wren bot otEostalette, and aza entirely cared of Rhea thin i send me tour bot dies as I wish it for my brother, sato has wont f!radon eyes. iiiias , Setjamin Bechtoi,,of L Ohio, !to, I have .etittered for twenty years *oh' •lin,, 'Menlo inntptlon over my whole ody v a sho tbneelooe I wirehaired rt, bag" or i Al pa to IlhiltrPet,l4 • perotot'oriteA F I I, 4 • Al - ./-i Of t 1 '''fi l t, lkeliehatilieeidtV Xii , , ifilliem Idi Co., and Watatleib r WalleUrot Philo Taller, Vega; H. Bacon Blonburg,a d Druggists generally. icarctr, 9, i870.-ly. 1 ~, 1 r t A_•,,,•,,,,1,",..,5,4 ..„...,,,..,:, ~,....., . Cao MENAL: ,~~~ ~~~1 El , ,!..• •..: ,• . „-, 'VEGETABLE SICiLIAN I . MA 4 ‘'.llkifilEffEWEß' ,;. iv...a, is tht'ohly, 'perfected allit - 4 tb? " , • 'et, eel n prepared preparatio of its kind ete'r tger to) the and has o competitor in -trnci-itt By its ''use_ GA is :seOn restored t? its origituil youthful cßlor; aT4d;• ; bril- Haney, wialbli isso ,much admired elk Pehohe Wliiise heir, is thin oifalling. out will, bylthe use of our Renewer,eoeiilkee ite'good • effects,,a, by its tonic and 141'mi:dating properties the hair . glands 'Moited end the hEi'?,r grew: thick and streng egain. In bases bf Badn#s it,,will 0:q443% i'lleivirolvtli'utileils the . follicics are destreyed.,, It is. cooling, , :and allays all itchihg and irritation of the scalp.- It does not stain . the skiti a .do dyes, but makes the celp white and clean. lisDRESStki; it is the hest acid most ipreParition in as effects ' * 1 RESTORES ;,33111411-1. "TO :0111011 ;COLOR, PROMOT ITS -4ROWTR! SPLENDID ti DRESSING, 03E. OTTLE IND • UP ; economical the wdrld, inuig ILIO so puto4,lcmger. fhaTid for our tieatise on the L'OfftS! hair, free 'to all, by maid.• Sold b 5 411 Druggists andDealeau in ~fedicis;d , Vele." one IP oUar novae., R. P. HALL & CO I , Propriekre. LABoutolaiN#fffftr4. L. • V z . 1.. , • ' 'Aug. 8, 0 70-Iy. A:chninistrator • FiTTEIIB OF ADMINIz, 1:t been panted. to the nn , tate of Wiiterman Vint • Jackson toyaship, all thee.' tartlmmodistel herring olalme against: lb° them, to ! L. 11.1 , Jaoksob;!Fobruar 7 1, 18 -4-* n 'ET. - & - Sszle, l' - ‘4 a • „ b .- .4 ... .. , CD 0. . -t ers4: a ~.,: loit,g,t- . 6 ~ ttl Q- 6,5 't••• lb' Co s i:4; ' 5. 14s r * X! 't i t , 1 ) 1-i 16 - 03 . {6 C4 ' 4.;" ... 0 4:4 a, g ' a g 0 S. • • ^d . , I. L. 4. .Z P• is x r:in , • •El 119 11:1 slO • = • : ....., A • 4 : 3 N A n t . '' t gt ..„° - 1 4 ..... • A C.) ,; 1 - N on i . .. i ll i N ,S 0 41 ,t 3 ~ • c 3 - co •ii in /4 0 ' , a !.; 73 0, , „ 44 c 4 is.. O l, MS al .111 1 t'' a R o -I al M cS a II •I 3 ' LI 10 II r• •P ~, ,Z 7 P. 4 171 og , . r•ii al at z 4 -:, 7c . 1.,. p 4 : o 0 , t C 3 Z 1 2 -0 c i 0" a A k :. A; 1 : ; 171 03 C.) t i a4,A MI A 0 i=ll g, fi. 0 til ~_. aq 4 > 9 z 0 c) __._ ~. a •••• c) A , pa 0, r.) 03 6 tft 0N g .. Cit 40 0 P "' g - °2 $3 IS 0 1.- ..... 8 -.z 0 0 CI A ~.4 N. c 0 eg A A 0 0 4 1.14 10 c s yr. •-4 0 1.•4 4) NI , . .., AU 't ta t 1. 4 , " ci ts N c. • 2 :: 'arca 'At. . 4 to ~: 6 g,... g 6poz'A - :. 2 I-4 •-• Vi i .-.. 0 4 A .. 6 . , '"''' 4 '; di el l a . 14 1 , 4 li; •"4 C. .. 8 1 E a 211 8 74 '4Z Pq / 1 1 4 C. 4 tq l P - I. 4i NE 4 '4 ARE2.III4ISURANCt /ft 4 JIWO. I. MITCIIEI.L, WELLSBORO' PA '" IBauee Pelioiea in tliat ass Oppspaniss at as - - - • 2 • as any RELIABLE 'COMPANY' • 'win- grant 'lnsitratioe I*7 - 11L/y. JN,O. is MITCHELL. . Eurol3eali War 1 r - ,, - b .„ 1 , • Great-nallooft.-Aoceinisione; MNN killed; WOutetti and' Children going crazy over the Rie9fmillf!e - qnsifiiviele' of, L ,IPIIVVIIIIIES.-- from Naraniore'i nopinotograptitGallaiy*Welli ,- boro. All the latest Stylbs , of , pliturtisiangt lie, German and Medallion hilidei(labinal 131'44 new Victoria Bice, and PoreelitintltitititrOi (plain or colored), and many Atbor, fityles too numerous to, mention. literesocopli !ions, and _views of Prliatteßiiiidences 'lid ' , et,roasonable prices,. Copying-old-pictures andiialarging thesiaine `to any else reqUired, angels ityothen deslisd : they 1 will be retouched ttfittlitklnk,or soloed lin ' oil I or. tratorinlors. . A t - good ,1111gliMent. of , drawee' "liOnatatltb# onltand.',9oll'an il *gamine sPeOluiens .herate, „. : I -, -2 : ; c-, :t - ). - ~ IT:.,'%:'llontl*lstaka thy, place,: over A.,11. - 'Ealtioliqef l / 4 ,Diatal . RFlcyg i r opyositeD6iii Hotili ISTAlleb4 , -.• ' 1 D. H. NARAMORII. 'A - I4X ale r I 1.3', s TRUMAN BROTHERS, GROOgitY & PROVISION BM s Notice. T RATION hav' g ritspod on dm oz ., deeeesedelatoi Indebted to saidea • payment, and them came will pies • • t EIREINT, Adm'r gs,v The Che GOODS ' 1 ' Marked the 1111 . . l, . To enumerate the artialea• an d give a diverip tiou of the ve*lety And' quality of good!, would he,l4bor ttuciro awat .f therorikie Nine all to • ~ , . • .. ad' OM for thelbsolves cull take * look Hied** ttio mammoth stook and• boasts** tkoiasolve that tlia,plaoo, Wilson and Van V,alkan I:4ota old etivd. , , , • .. _ s. , •' ,; _.-.....„, ENE f'!.4.1- ME BEN .1- leheiwebt place in :To** ~::.,...t. IZEIIII ME TO':Btrytpcijr , I= El f'' , I .., , , - - ... ,•,-.. -, -,.. . , . ; i. i 1... ,t. .. .• 1 , ~ I• . . i- - - • EMI MENEM I i!, Try Jour_ . .. ~. ,: t„, ' "i t 11111 Prices 11111 o ••.-. ,, bef re IN=l Ili Turchasing Ekewhere, STORE 1111 ijo,o Ask For Jay .21,,,)89'0. ap Cash Store. William Wilson • HAS lIIST . 11,pcgavim LOT'S OF MEW* ' AN D gAs, TO R .L Cash Prims. Dime IN grooll i 1 ; ' " AND LOW ' : Price Aro tho two gteit liiddeomento kity =1 ME .J4n. 4, 1.1111.47. El II =I MEE 111 OE= ME MIS MI II itall N lIMOMI IN L. P. TRUMAN, 'A. A. TRUMAN. OM Down Ell WILLIAM wiLsoti.