The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 01, 1871, Image 1

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P. 0. Van Gel:clel-';
beci !jou, (por yenr7
... 1 11 . n. Wins 4 Lig I a Alivi 16Mos IYr
Ere.... il,OO $2.00 $2,50 $5,00 $7, 0 0 $112.(10
_2.00 1 3,00 1 4,00 1 8,041,12,0o18;00
1070 I 1.5,0111 17,1301 220 . I 30,00 - 1 - 6'0,00
.1 - 1570(71 - 116 - , - oo I ao,oiii:6-0
If If t'
O»' Special Notices 15 cents per litre; Editorial or
L i I'm cents per Me:
uiricut advestiiiiig MUST be paid for in advance.
rw-Justice Blanks, Coustablis Blanks, Deeds, Judg
t NuteB, Mai flap certificates, ,t:o.,ori Laud,
U 411 s: EL'S S
Win in Smith and Bowen's Block, across hall
ic;ta Agitator Otfwe up stairP, [oecond r 1
Weilsbora l'a, Jan. 4, I fl B no7l—ly.
Jno. L Mifrkell,
4tcorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
*lranco Agent. Office over liress's Drug Store,
Wellsboro, Pa. Jan. 1, 1871—y
Miura A. Stone.
Attorney and Counselor at Lew, brat door above
Converse A gsgootl's store, on. Main street.
tl'cllsboro, January 1, ISTII y
Seehi, Coates & Co.
BAZIKER,S, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa,—
Reeeive money on deposit, discount notes,
and sell 'drafts on New York City. Collect
ions promptly made.—Jan 1, 1971-y
‘tottkitm S CELE V-04. , C001.1.
LT.triol COATS,i
.Jno. W. Adams)
ttsaucy end Counselor at Law,MansCeld, Tioga
r„anty, Pa. Collections promptly attended
~ Jan, 1, 1811-y
Wilson & Ntles,
ti , rneys and jeonnseters at Law. Will attend
ir.lniptly to business entrusted to their care in
cr:e. Naiades of Tioga and Potter. Office on
1,1 Av, nue. Jan. i , 1871 y
w0.0:r.) B.lin.cs.
John W. Guernsey,
r;rne) ..nd Counselor at Law. All bthinese
carnste4 to him will be promptly attended to.
01hoc 2d door south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tioga,
County, Pa .—Jan. 1, 1871.
Win. B. Si
13, , unty and Insurance Agent. Com.
in;,:ations sent to the •above address will re.
r.r , ,mpt attention. Terms roodoTato,
ola, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871.
!.:,pyinour S: Horton,
Trya:,.: and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa.
11 business ontrusted to their ear° will receive
•.•,rapt attention
II t' FY101:11
Jan 1. 1971 y
Armstrong SE Linn,
r L Ic7l--7
W. B. Terbell
Draggiets, and dealers in Wall Paper,
~;,,, e ue Lamps Window Glass, Porfumory,
Sto.A - o. 7 Corning, N. Y. Jay. 1 71.
D. iittettii ) M.
and Surgeon. Will attend promptly
111,1 ls. Calico on Crafton Street, in rear of
Mea t Market, Woliebere.:—Jan. I, 1811.
• A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
Jt: °path i 3 t , office at hi: Residence on the
i,entio.—Jan. 1, 1871,
oorge Wag tier,
i] .r.brat door north of Hoboes Bail
c.)'3 Hai ilware 3toro. Cutting s Fitting and Re.
(wring (lone promptly and well.-- T Jan.l, 1871,
Ilinzlett's Rotel,-
*liugu County, Pa. Gaud stabling attach
e', and an attentiva hastier always In attend
e 't) co. )V. Ilaslett, Prop'r.—Jan. 1,1871.
E. 31 Smith, Proprietor. House in
condition to accommodate the traveling
)Wl,l i n a superior manner —Jan. 1, 1871.
Farmers' Hotel.
lON ROE, Proprietor. 'f his house, formerly
:, - upled by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem
nce principles. Every accommodation
r w to and boast. Charges reasonable.
January 1, 1871
Union Hotel.
I; Van Ifiirn, Proprietor, Wellsboro. Pa.
.a•se pleasantly located, and has all
• ~,tnicuccs for man and heart. Charges
Liato,-lan 1, 1871-Iy.
~ ute and - Lot and Nine Acres of
• Land for Sale.
( t W LLIAMS offers for sale Ms
kjl,, are and lot on Main street, Wellsbore,
I z tl ~ 1 'and near the cedietery. En
1., illiatus, at the Wellsbore foun-
Jan 1, 1871 tf
Nc.-vi Tobacco Store
„,,,,r,Ler Los fitted up the Store first
nouvo Hardon's dry goods store,
• ,r”0 tare c,cd Bale of
II (all tics), Fancy and Conz mon
. 1 1 , 1 KING rf,lt teoo,Michigan Pine Cut
CHF: WI 0, and all kinds of
CC re, PIPES, and lheelloi-
t H,.,111,16( CIGARS
zeo 1(.1- ti ursolve...
r „ .I.ko 1, 1571 it
:1)C T ICJ N,
C. .1 th Citti, f enj rul
P?lnciple+ • tChi ti n Plulantlmopr
• t V a IP: VQUll,at,d the
• ,•• to rt I,ti.,n tr• Iftsr,ttre and Sum} i•:rn,
.„d bn tt, adh• - titi. .=eat (rea, hi seal, I
I Elc.:c P. Philadelphia, Pa,
'itiio. iIRUG, STORE T.
Lii.II.II3E.:NT ( 4:ticps conataLtly un
H ., 1 pu re Irtigs and Sledicir,;!.= , ,
1..' ~,,, ~ i,, I , .i/0. , and Oil s 1...1n1c , e.
• , 1;; 1, ery . V.11,1.ce 'Notions iic.
, r; I, i -71 -1)
Si.' AGE LINE.--
lii E undersigned, T.r.l.rsetur
-tits ltuc tat:et , this mati.:. - 1 .At
't MU that tha abore :Stage
s. "- 1, ./ • bt.tween tl,. t A.) pla •
t ; ;{-s _
‘VJA,,r., at S a, lit., tia,l arrive= at
it In ;a a in.
t7t.... at 2 3o p. w , and arricet• at
W. 13. VAN HORN'.
1 Is7l—ti
F.Arin for Sale.
~drys his farm for sale, situ
ate 4 in on the retail leading
t'lyingt.,n 15'ell4ore. Said farm con_
Q 6 a , re.a, ali,,ot 150 improved, with
imr, orcl,ard, and well watered. The un-,
!',ve,l part of the farm is well timbered : 7 1 i
h'u farm will be sold cheap, and terms wad
1,r,11,,4p Inquire on the premine of -
Li: persons indebted to D. P. Roberta by
Book account or Notes are requested to call
settle and save Costs, at G. W. Morriok's
b.l, 1 871,1 f D. P. ROBERTS.
. i ...~~..E2~00
-TEIIWthVA - N - it -- USE
LATELY known teethe Townsend
14 and for a‘itne oat:opted by D. D. 8011.
. (lay, has been thoionghly - redttedTrepalK
ed and opened by
who will be happy to aocommodate the old
friends of the house at very reasonable rates.
Tlop. ,Marbl4-,lllTorks.
WILE undersignrd is now prepared to exe.
I. cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Montt
monti of either
of the latest style and approved workmanship
a nd with dispatch.
He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
'Marble and will be able to suit allwhe.MaY fa
vor him with,their orders, on-parpastOitliletarms
as can obtal.nidja : tl4o•o6o-0( 1 1F4 - t
- ga - , A NIV,ADOSP •
Fall & Winter Millinery
SOFIELD respectfully announces to
tho public that sho is now receiving a
- complete stock of
Especial attention is invitd to her assortment
of '
Corsets, agd Ready MadeWhiteGoods,
' Zephyrs and Germantown
Wools in Fancy shade.
Patterns in Zephyr and everything pertaining
to the trade, KID GLOVES of the best brand.
Flats, CAps, Bontiets,Rlbbons, Flowers,
_Laces &c.
The Wilcox 4t } Gibbs Sewing Machine for sale,
or relit by the Ni.eek. " „ ' •
SalflErEt. LINN.
Wel !shore Uuion Graded
ITis the determination of the Directors to
make the course of instruction as thorough
and systematic as can he found in the State.—
Coinmencting with the ;rimary department, the
pupil must master ever year's allotted work, be
fore being admitted to iho next higher.
The best of teachers ill Le employed in every
department, the most approved methods of in
siruction used, and the', hest -of care exercised
over th"pupila in school and out.
The Mau Smoot,. Offers those advantages:
The PrirMipal is a gradttatir of the Rochester'
Univeraiiy, New York, o gentleman of large ex
perience in the best conducted schools of the
country, who has spent two years in Europe,
and speaks Germoo. Frtordas s o d h o u vo . H e is,
qualified to give superior instruction history,
r.Piar Arta and the A ori, of Loo l ittogea' lustfue.
lion in High . cr he Sc ie,iccr , Book.
keeping and 3ln*ic, will be equal to that of the
best arademiea.
Tho Board hope to roon he ehle,to eecura in
13truction in Painting and Drawihg, by a lady
who has ba3 teveral .rettre' ilistruetiou by the
best ina.ters In Germany, and who has practised
inthe Galleries of Berths, Dre Eden Munich and
The brsrhool i= the (hectpcil school. The
Beardrtend touhviate . °Woollens to tbit
class (? popular sphools, us far ne possible.
sufficient corps of teachers will be employed,
that full justice may be done to every pupil— .
Tuition free to all within the old borough lim-
its. Pupils from abroad are invited. Board in
private tamilies (tom $3 to $.l per week.
Tuition, Common .English, (per term, $5.
" Higher English. Mathematics, &e.,.c8.
Septetalaer 7, 1870. tf
• • .
Nei( M i ll i n ery I.
R SMI Fit, OA Mate Street, hes just
ldl opt , ntil a vet.) Itt7ge assortment of
Which she - Li tit COST,
ne -
I am the only agent in
La.JL. that have net noth:ed those Muffs will he
astunibhed at their cheapness, beauty and tom
all of which rill he sold much belts. I"ruter
dine promptly : and 1.. please.
Welibbor, NA.v. 7, 15,70-tf.
(Fir ,q 1 Door /just of Cane Hout , e.)
rrillE s . abseetber bas opmmid 4::WiiiW . t::l"foi fNC
accoMmodation or all in scni,t of
Citz.b will be paid for . pork, beef. 'wimp, Leef
cattle, hides and sheep pelts
Fresh fish every Saturday
November 2, 1870.dt
T HE undorisigLta, aaiaiOetrat , :r - of Ibe
tateof':Abner . 660411 - ; will
:ell, the premises (ap:LiA LtOrl 11.111 in
rods sbuth of I. W. Tubb Sc. Co's Milk in Law
rence twp, it public veutlue tut the litb day of
Marsh, at. t P. M. the failow tug det,ctilied prop
erty: Bounded north by John \lid.lntegh, E'as.t
by Tioga river, south and Wcs! by. Ralph Nobles,•
containing ono Wit aute, tUui.? dwelling
house, thereon. 'Perms cash ' 105'0 ti ILE
Wellshoro Feb 15, Bt. Adm'r •
, • -
DTSSOLITTIOg.—The partnership hereto•
fore existing betleen R. C._Webb and H.
Castings is this d dissolved by mutual
cenient. The affairs of the firm will be settled
. by either of the tato partners, at the new stand
of Battings .4. Cole, in Wright .4 Bailey's new
brick block. R. B. WEBB.
Pali 8,1871 8w B. O. RABTIBIGA,
. ' , .•,;,1 ;-• fi 1 , ,: n.:f.V ,.1.05i r - , 7 - . 41% -,- S 1•;r: `.`‘‘..., ': ; ,(1.1.; ~,, ...i...;,A, ~,, •••• ..`:F ..P -..T4 ,1„ t, , ,v .. " - .. , .
. ................---„,....
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. .1 t i, ' ,, -1 : 4•. . 43 \ ,: * ,
.: ii , :1, 4, 1,.. : :: :.,• ! ‘ . . 1i t -: 1:- i ! . , 1 , - : .:.. ;, :" 311
i . 0
.i . ,1 1 1 : 4; 11 , : 1 4. :1::: i ? . '''
......: 1 1 : , : ,,,, i i .... 41., :;: t5.: ;:' 1: :: , !:, :i.... ' iii: : : :: ''
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11 . 1 , 71,\ 1 1 1 ,, ,... : 1 : , :1 ) , ,, ,. , :: ,, , , ' , : . ; :. : :.. .: ‘
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' '
l ilOgn a Jdn,'l;lB7l—if ,
FalVatd Wilitet GOdg!
" Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD.
5, 1870. tf
FA 11, BIER' 8-,
FROM $36 TO $lOO
Cheap for tatter, and'ebeep for cash at
11. BAKER 4t_SON'B,,
Westfield, Jan 4, 1871.
And Principal of High School:—
:administrator's Sale
~... ~` i
••-,---,i-'.-••- . - , • . N • • . - .
Northern Cputral 13.11.' * .
trainvforCanandagulaleave Elmirnaefollor e
A.ccontodatiori at
Expreasjfasteet train on road) ` n 651 m
Hatt t lO Wpm
Accommodation ~6 1.5 p m
On and after Dde. .5, 1870 - , train a 7111 4 r e rive Eqxtlr
depart from Troy j 'ae foildwa; ' "
924 p. M.—Daily (except Sondays) for Elmira and
-,--, Buffalo ,y ia Et to Railway from Elmira, • • :
- 101.4. No. n . i4thtily (es cept 3unday . a)for El zilfixa ;Bug . fi.
1 jo;,Canaddahimi,Roolieetor, Aultp.Bridge RIO t ha
'gfi.i.yoa 6 :" . f- ''
,- t',, '. LEAVE .
, 5011113. WARD. • ' % ~
9613 A: M.—DailY(eXcept Sundays) for •Baittroore,
'..., Waabington,Pbiladelphia,dc. , •
.t of. P, - m3—Daily (except .13tkralaya) for Baltimore,,. - - ,l9:aahington and philfidelphin. ,
~ ; 4,
r ALEItEDR R . FISK E , Et, .B.youNG
91111 E Stages running over,
the difieretit routes from
We'labor°, will depart and
arrive as follows from the
Wellsbore Post Caret •
WELLsnono;& , Tiona.-11epart 6 & 10, a. m., arrive 134'
anti 7 .o'clock p. m. - - ' •
, WELLenono4t MA:nitro). 'DCliait 8 a. ta.s Urr,tTa B P•A
FAuf Po" in'
arriVO M cnany 601'hursdaYA-12)n,'
Witartiniiiiri..s.JEßSLY:lltOßS.—DepMlrt 6 1011.111itir.9it
, riVOTI)OB4I4I:Va Fit - b p•th
ET . O.NY ' Eons — bet?. Thee. ek Friday at 3
pi m Ida at 12 to. 3
Ji : -'. t- • • -' -
•,_ . ,
..(1 , 39t! - ;;:aU
• -t:V.. - vq):s Lyir,..1111._•,,b1
- ,t t
ekti jtud“atter-1111)NDAY;••Ded'. 6; 1874, firalis
iyV 719 I!ayoceptieg, et. the following houre,r_bi
. •1 : I - , OOI7IQ,WEST. i t_
5,45 A. DI., NI DDT VXPREBB (Motidaye excepted)'
_ o l4lo,Psullitrk itti-the.uteet. „-
CO 0 A': 51 . ;, /eXP)liißß.dally s fß,lb A . )1. for
Rocheeter, Buudaili exeepted) fcr Buffalo, Du ta
klrk, ma; the west./ ; ' •
6.00 A. AL, NA, X IPREIGht
-;claya excepted. „
10,25 - AIM.,:IIAII;TRAIpI, Butidaye excepted for
;Buffalo and Ditukltk: •• • '
12,05 P. M., WAY FRf•YIRTJ quilayel oxcepted,for
2,00 DALIIMOII.IIitkh ' ; exc pled,
• .1
krt Rochoete'raud Buffalofrltt Avow:
M., 'EMIGRANT TRAIN, daltA for the SYeB j:
735 v. 11„, DAY EXPRESSiSuudaye'dxcepted,
• _ P. M., foa. It octiee ter,ylor Buffalo and the.weat.u,
12.13 A t. .D.l„ EXPRESS !MAIL, .Sandays exeetited,
for Buffalo, Duuk,irkaud:the weal
EAST. . t
12,13 A. NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays eseitytad,
4onuoctiug„ at sew York with afternuuttlytdin
Ind stainers for the New.--Ergiatdpittes.
4,45!A. U.; CfNCINEXPI REPtiEBS. hfondaya exr
oePted, cOnneeting at New Jersey Alf 16 trains
for Philada, Baltimore and Walhington t „
4tandays excepted,'
11MO A. 11.1., DAP EEPRESS,`,lBnudays i excepied,'
enunecting at Jersey- city with midnight `Ex-
press train for Philadelphia.
12,1$ 1 1 Vii., BBBLIBEILIEFI'WAY,'dttiIy;
11,40 A. M. WAY FlCElGHT s tanudaye excepted.
4.30 k'• hi.s - VivistoN , MAJL; Bitidays'extepted.
7.44 IL 11.;LIGLITN/NG REPRESS, daily, ionneit:
kg at Jersey City wirh morning Express train
for Baltimore and Wasbtattoki.
r.evited and corapleto"Roaka t Time Tab
Passonger Tridia on tholtrie Rail way and connecting
Lines, lias recently been publislied,and can bo pre4ur•
ed on application to thoTicketAgent of tlisiV arapany
' Genii Pass .Agent "' '
Blostikttr_t& Coining, e*Tioga R. Et
Naiad will ron as follows 'until tinnier liotite
No. 2,:2 95. No. 4, 0,28. No. 0, 5,34. N0..8, 8;22.
No.lo, 11,35. No:!12, 12;12. Nb. 14, 5,50. No. lb
6,20. No.lB, 11,12: • -•.- • '
GOING SOLITII rito.ll.2lo'GA
No. 1, 0,28..„ NO. 3, , 1.55,,' Nd. 5, 0,01 }lo. 7,
No. 9, ?,20. No.ll, 10,18. N 0.1.8, 1,42.
-" Val .811A.TTliJOIC; Stipt;
Gen'llSiipt.llarritiburg, , (lonl,i' ma ae t ti nto
.Ag 1.13144.
Arriral and Departure ,of StAkep.
, , i
rho bas long been estab
[abed in ibe Jewelry bad
ess in labor°, has al r
r4s 'sale, Varietal
Inds and prices of
SEWING kileiliNESs
&c., &e„ ,&e7
With most othe , articles usually kept in such
establishment, w telt is sold low for, •
A 11fflo-
R °paid ng I , l'ml° neatly, and promptly, and ,on
linrt. NOME': A. FOLEY.' •
January 1; 1871—::
To. the Citizens . of Mansfied
• -
I . TAKE pliasure in tinnounning to flat public
that I have on hand a large and i , plandid as
sortment of
s r tiOAT ' UjIS,
both useful ant Ornatiterital,iThMh:t an; eke:tins
to the public eheapertaiiit:Overlialif befcrtd, -
will ePll a good No;-8 , ,Cook. iitdrointith
f o r V2O. I keep in stock PAckham,ll pppi.
ular Cook. This is said tol?e, th.e"..bnat. ,Stove
made in the Plaited Staten: I ittio kitsli the
- ,
Lightning X. .
~ Cut Saw ,,
• .
the fastest cutting Sawin tt(e Ttio mtih
ufacturers of this Sac challenge the world under
a forfeit of Wt . / that that this is the
ting sact made
Thanking n 4. frioncic for -- ,thei4atrope . go
the past, and h4ing EMI CO merit their favor, I
nn;!, as ever, graicful,
, Gt. B..RIVF-. -
P. 3 —I challenge One and all of the Stov
dealers in this Bounty to sail as cheap as I do.
J.W. - Jaquisb, hotv.captod:;;• -T5 )16.
Mansfield; Nov. 2, 1870.-,3An. , -,, -,1-;1;.%
ANY quantity on hand at the Elk lit Uri Mister
Mill, 4 milde from Gaines. Price ss'oo per
Jan. Mb, /871.--3 m
S.suaiea:a. :.._ . e ._,.s.:i~ ~rw: ~,«.~..,-..., .r:~• 3t ~ a:.axy~yy~ o.a .. _ - - rautidAil;s<:..,~.., mot•-r: ~. . r., .~.
~.J- W~7~: NN~.+f.:t V'C':~ L~n9:C::+liu.w». _ .. - __ - ,_,. _. _ ~ ~ _ _._
said Lineoln„--"seo ti r o. omen;
,see :the 'Omen)
' Here's the ditty,oleat ae stinshinei—thore's'obodienee,.
' ; 'mangled, dead;' • • , • - " -
So,at every'retement after; something whispered all
' the way, '
Honor's path may lead to'mididght, farther on it' la&
to day, •
, - Duty's hand is'oft a rongh ono,' and her path a thorny
fI , • ono,
Hdelhat4lan d and path •grows :smoother an' each act
done;. I , ; • ,
AtaCtlfinlgYlift nplacst actione and the JottiAtit_
Henica4 plat'adaillY - urgo . its bee 'to 'death" ;awl' my4iy 7 ,
natl. ' 4l ' o f"aTtYlliGtr l -1T 4 19;17, 1 f eathed
right's employ,_ • , _ ..-•
Loving heralds, ien'f' from heaven, :iutamotting
. te
• i ,
_ purer joy.
alai thee, Ood fo Nations, God of Justice, 'God of ;
WSW, 1
Eveti thotigh the
-vile assassin may, ln,wrath and wad-
„ •.
, smite:
Hot ye nalllhatte, gro:aning i neatia4presa•
ion's galling ; • '
Every bond, a adyoko, and fetter, 'I 'now ieever=at it
7 1.9 to
Abraham Lincoln. never -faltered, though lid 'felt 6i(
crimson slain . :-= =
'raid S.l/0131d 11E% cz,Nitit life
,sweet western
boils again,
And wliau malice,. hat r ea, treason,- verse iLan
vattrair sprang; "
And the vile assmslu:s-pletoi,_ op its hellish ,mlislon
Wtiticiu t iang.of.dying
=ow. vao.
- even,
On the, morning of January 81 we
left Elizabeth City, N. C., for 'the por•
pose of shooting sea fowl in,,Carrituek
Sound, and after hard day's ride °Ver.
bad roads—sandy, .muddy.end nada
roy—a distance , : of 88' mike; !.reaohed
Van Slyek'e, on.the Sound, at ;MO Et
M. This min, Van Slyck we found to
be very, much of a gentleman.; He was
ofliinally, from the State of New:York,
but has been, inn, thexieighberhoodof the
Sound since about AB6O and has made
himself p;ey.fgOly acquainted , with the
'habits oft, 0.3 birds. which congregate
there yeatly for reasons that will ap
pear, below. To accommodate sports!.
men, he has built a large houseVand
keeps .on hand and offers for:
th!9PI I !P: P°wder) r ahtiti 4 0 :;1 1 4. also
has guns to iena, an4-is..ready-•to' fur
ginde, dog andhatit et fah
added to the p.rine'ef hOard;l*.alka, the
expense $4 50 pbr a4y. g't henativeCal%
olinians, With Alme instincts • PeOtilkat,'o
Southerners;are 'not: pleinicirWith ;the'
idea that strangsis',o4l cione;andahoot
their' birds which feeling' 4?egafi
show itself 'first as, `follows,:" 'During
our day's over _ . the. country; from
Elizabeth City, as opportunity:offered,:
we Made inquiries about,the "
and were I ,surpflagd;:te'thear
ewers as, if l'hey, email gone , and the
hunters ha t iveleft
not pleasant!to if* eftek the iieifte, we
had taken atid'the expense we 'had-ifi
,eurred, an 4 1 was.iparticularly annoyl,Z
ed by the ,roythat' would light up Ails,
eountenan4e of - a rnan, as he stated,
4' the birds are all gone." ,
Almost at first sight ,of our,.'! hcist r P_
*el made knquiries, 'llnd. - were. told 'the'
birds had it i pt all gone,' hilt 'that,' on thii
other tiliso,l the shooting was good,tito!
not as geoili as iit had been.;' not that
there was any flick •rof- but , that
'the' birds wernAckW;," olii ;lilrds;' l , and
bad but little .of - I:he:innocence_ which
was theirs last.,NOVernber.AArdin:filie
Democratic '; LegiSialnrk_'nt
liiticrpagSed an.adti non.rea-z
idents from 6bootiug , 'iiiiverrdOpy,S;
This was
! hp liattlife! 004.14 dilitrAlway the
) •
- sVortamen,ho . , - w were •mballY,frOniew . ,'
Yqr -city, 9:l4 l ,l)4l4ibinirlese;;;
*tio,C4me 001y.for,-. Sport,. , did:`not
to be annoyed *UT ~], p _rbireentiCin's
'tbus•was d iven , 'o•!yvt,,a,elese' ot Men
who were spending a *Mai trtOuttt--of
Money in the state, who had organized
_themselves lb* a' cinb;
WA had•hiiiit fcir their awnAl*lff
a large " club
bought a large,9nantlty,pr,marsiklanili:
th at: th ey might Shoot the fowl -without
Weithasing upon theciaride:cif any one:
But the law hitilieni, afid;tlloyl IOW ()
this " all . rigiatP
with; 121 h
. 11141 . 4., who could shdcitior 1110 decnS*,'
and as the gOnka - *Onla
coulitelaiW,thikti'orlor,•:otnhoOting ,
it ; • and,efttr4rmorn; wci , coOd'itialpool
shag - that 4fteriqki)474444l4; 4 0,0, 4 k
of a kind thalSn Mirth thirolliia wOnid4
no n t„be l conolderfildbMahootlngiovel wdlii
'coy:ll'-I,:and myself retired this night,
to dream of duchs, geese and Swan ;
and while „I . will not - gnaw...9l: for him, I
Will confess it was useless for ale to
' I
J j W ' 4 12 E04 1
(1,, OM: ::11$
't •
.z.i , r'rip r ri . E - i x: thys.itivAß : gr l iti t a it .
C?.it Its IW:44a `ra4o
- ---
-r, • • , “.1.1 rxt
tt • • •••: •
. • ,
B? eaApp 11 , J ' 3,
• -
#a„outativenliag, of %lie White onto, rahi:lll 1d
- cdie gat Mete, +4 • t X.ll 1:4).14:
, t
'Thinking offhg , plopilyl. ttlee,bloodier thin had War!
1 been kno wn , ,
Suddenlyhn Naked thililble—froppof upon 1+ i , knece,,
"Fiftyildhtl. l 7 -1 .0 tfilkoPT'ter;!: to aidetolf tone. ii
•- • k
lately ope'd the - B - 1111(4U has been to that
_alexia; t, '
It Incise ben 'rink chapter, k4dly cent to dome gdoil,
Tu tide hchii of doubt and darkuesa k du-this dreadful
I, I lium of blood?' '
. Z
,1 ee ibo bands of vlle olipuepsicri—take the burden
e 1
r • - 11 :PPitkPli t Yqt.k . .11 ;
oppfefml„o3o : ffect forqe6 tavig: l tyci et fro/51
efkiy .
cloun 7 ohpptor l ; L,'7l ielteyjt ) ' 0 I Jaw haplifivestekil
P ° ‘ , . . 3 "i" • f . ..
weery.,a,ye ,
Ape grog/3108
:niavo friael/' l. • ' t, " "
', 'n'i fit,_
Then be'..tiabighlabcilif
• •1. , • 4 :
'NCRtt ff t4e.lat4 -litattitltilii ,
t very day
,{, 1.1
'talitiirig to makeslo_,Tery, ,trpplo,,ttisi Oat
•n. nr) •
6nd to blot our iatiy Fraadoca;'rendink her aptalkln
.1114Wra., a _7.1. •) ei
• ,
lhall thole tyients t " said the goad 'pan, f‘bci showed,
'Without debate, ' r — • - • •
'to blot out the poortaait'smalthood- did -
dowtk tho Ate?? , " it
foithilt-:9,0d forbid it— whatsoa'eo may co' it* to
. .
:0 1210 .,
That is right that ' flod i coiamaiide'me, 01 lot the
.._dare go free,"
vi ( •
.4t)that;nioniont ho - was startled—was it fp , a pistol's
No,'lscas something heavy falllog on;th o table at' 3iiB
back '
Thera a phial 811 ed with liquid, ,redder than: a 7niar.
tyr's flood,
Had ImMi.stia tiered waitsfai ipeinkled with the,
crimson flel4,
Staining evory thing artaund tatyla, Caitet,
e'en the very garments that tlionoblo
Min More:
[Correspotqle,noe of the Agittitor.]
NortroLK,(Va.,) Feb. 5; 18T41,
,-1!..11);:,,'-,!tf.;!..!1!..i.l. / t,.
'74/1 /Al ”-sr.. .r.'f • 41... ' - lit).:1;?18 , 7ro
4 fi" ,'l , - , % ..'ili - -., , ,i. c,t,-,,, -,-,:,.;.
'lir le 'Elli 1'5q 1 .14 1 9,P1,9 0 9P404 0 4 , 1thee
Yppi ..'.c.!a3 7 1 3 , 1 **; #0 cl: Rigfll , ,.FPk , A . ! ~ QI I 4 -
giiiile, , was. , on, hand.
nd eager Mr. the SPOrt; (as - Well as the
EtaiY - -- AAA! iliealith4 We:Went 'hi - the .
share Wen* fiLind tan 'Elly'Cli; - ' lolideil,
,clirt!.elv6i.tirittgitidti'Witir limmtiiiiticin,',
~and started-I'dr this' nitirsheCan i 'ilfil O titt) '
t offour bi fiVelnileartiiid"an giveWhife
l iii,a, small sail host; I•Worribit not n lit='
tiejest, the wind might bloW • when we
'el:tine-back ataight. . Currituck Sound
lajihallow,,,,nmeh•that we saw of-it not
, 40,Ying a depth of water greater than
- 4 9 F" t Yv °, --Q•:)f . ,cia,f9Pt,-;:,iip..t114 1 u0., 49480
q en Ca:Of this ~ahalleWrtess 4_,, , that ns
species, o'r isitimi grows in. It",ef,w,hleii.
- thetea; fowl are ilktiiiiiiiiiiii fond; and :
•they, gather' litiliS'lil' the fall ' or :fliO Year'
i in! n htribers!tod kiefit tadelieri he": Iltheia . ;
the'+eatiferlehlir 'and iiiV 'Tsigia, ljgfli,
the ffrwl keep 'tt igodd deeliiilliegOund
Whei# It Is moat free of itslaredif;tiddibe"
80i:toting; is pool. ;, i a wherithaVniitlio
-isveciid] and-the , wind•bloWlegakitie;'
they at er-abou the :Islands, - atria theti
hi' the Bp , tsMan a -beatfrchanetki Re la '
1 SiAjOsed-t , ,: , e , idlnu the , tall, Coirks- •
erassi ~ ,VIIIh. decoys AAA, the - t water neat
shOre..•,„r_n_kfoytunb,er, the birds, ,being
uirrisitY„-,A'Autilf,7Nin 40 oM.ol,lr,to..these,:,
! ileO.VB but klistital:9o.l4 tbein, and argi l '
dills led Ili 004 • !intake= But 14*;
' ...ter 1 1 4 ,... L 41 . 0 f 3 19 1 P41.44 0 , 1 440,4 ) 914g9M9P
'' ndu "• l4 144( 1. 8 ° 1 *, P9'4 14 ;110f1r.4q not ,
alight aMenikine decoys, bOt,sirriply,fiy,
to them',' io ' 4lhly
bev er giver ; them.
Instant,'see flint'they'are netwhat trig,
j)tirpOre to lie, anti fly off .`As sudde_my as,
Tobsitiiii ti - naerstand ''thie applies to
duAtti ouly,and the sportsman's time
is when- the duck hovers over the falie
; bird; and he ' Must shoot Owthe Wing.—
Tbcdecoy, used for•wild geese; is areal,'
li'v'e 'Wild goese. He is set upon I the
'Waterwith 4t string to ,hisleg.: : Thue,l'
it a sportsman goes out, a. !` geesing,l l,
he takes, a Small. flock, say 11$ ..s ix
1 getie, i whieh , he , uses as decoys.. In,
1 INOVerill!OrN4e yeung . geese spill alight
Without" inispielen a!nong i these decoy,
„geese, atid,l44hently
,cem wee en a fight
'tit once,' but not ko
,In Fehruary. They,
must be Shot ai thy, fly over.,
" ''AS We approached thelslander marsh
''where our guide (Jarvis) proposed to
',lend us, it was evident a storm was up
on us. The.air had been for some time
dimost black with. geese and; ducks,
specked however. with Books , of s wan- i
..-"t heSe -being. mostly. in' flocks ''..of -froth
-three Inone hundredi-,,;Thustorm - .Caine
- LIP& ns,asiwnwern being landed,: and'
from the southwest. • Our guide, by Irv.
:setting two oars in the soft ground ands
'hanging his. broad sail over them,' and
then placing. two ,small !boxes ;under!
this sail, provided us with a place where
trEl coil d sit - and be partially protected
froth therein. , By the time L. and r 4. 3 1-
self were wall located, each on•his. Vox;
and before Jarvlsk act , put out his de
toys, the, wind ~Phifted , to: the south ;-
hence more rain, and less cold, with
fog.- -I neyeriaw the fog-so dense ;• olio
cotild:see hut a short distance :-• .As the
.Wlnd 'shifted!, to the .south,:, the.;fowl, •
idl,keh had:, hefure , heen , flying_Thottly'
a'iiitheinly,, CP r mine-need fiying!,toward.
"trie 7 '..J3 - 614h. . Ws 2000 discovered that!
tile" Cll C 1 4 .7.- 4 , e, .7.0M 7 2 1 43 .. p. b......... , . •
- froth'. seeing ne,un til they:Were tegiVit:3B6:
to Make'ater l n antescape a shot. Had
. -
the fog - heap Jess dense, no , sbird , Weald ,
lia4knorns within gun shotf-of Us, with
that sail spread as it was. , On the otlier
tiand,• - ',we mould have been- .Compelled
to:.'pitt 'it taut, - of- their sight,- bide our
li elk- its. hest we could, and ourselves in
he o:Ouse graSe, which, ow -this marsh •
.41w,h,to!t4e,49Ightof ,ten feet; leaving
; Wig ,of ourselves or traps insight:
'bbt'thed depoli ducks. Waltadtio ;de
-coY,' 'geese :this . day. Discovering'. that
'the' fowl Were coming-upon , nit without
Seellignsi aitheugh the rain was falling
In, torren t s , with , no-, symptoms of the
cloudshrealting away, we, loaded. and
commenced hooting.-..S Of. , the . -three
gims - we had'with • .us, mine only was
loaded Wien 4 e
,stitheci.,gdve pie the first two shots,
-which resulted in my discharging both
!barrels • itt • a
: email flock of oprigtaits.
'Without' bilnglug, down a duck. By'
this time Jarvls was loaded, and bro't
dci*n-S.:earkvatback,,wourided, and his
. faithful do 'follow e d him ewe distance,
before," - gett iliglikini., L. had some diftl
'eultY,With hislrainrod on the start,but
8 00 u*ot -l Uder way,.ol o :Weather was
'so had-there' iiiere, no other_ sportsmen
on i,kiilslitnde;,"it.aii 13 yenta we .beard
no g uns - bat o ur own. With
,eac,h, mo-.
-went the e.T. / citementincreasedi It was
hang,",bing, bang, and, we could'nt, load
half-fast- enoUgh, ~Soinetirqesln. flock
'of (that, or. 4'. 13 ! 3 Wußid::find• Us- ail ,
~r,e:1 4 .Y1;*94 of pqm F§p , we would:all shoot;
thus It vatinstdess ,to try„keeping: any .
aceormt . Of rthe
~ .nntohet, either. of the
,1),artyAilled1;„;0: 1 ; 14 198 pfirkoiltned well: ,
0 6 .4 1 : 510441 X, 4 8.,1Y°910 14e sometime 'ln
. - hringiogin a t , annded, "due, . goose,
, 4iid" the ' ; Cons , 4Pgace .w"otd4.l. 13e i - that
• , 3
,gameWoOldan tximurdateim his hands;
• Stilt x'. 94 lite h
l' l•49ngfrit I in/Alli to;
tO,"deg could taxdqr,; . and rac i er
',Weii.*psaiiT4o. excited . „Pecasion
lly Aiick P o t ran wou
id . pass„. but it
an haftsted. `,rlei_ an near j Se geese pr
IoiiB. :PI 4 with FRGfo9e of SIVO
wire esrtridgeS;
(buck atint,),an4.loalia4 .
with - 'them ' as an Xiiiijin;ier) t, , .1, had
but - aShort'timls to wilt,hritif a small
"fiocknf siren lasSed.' By 4114 thaiieur
ghee, loaded iiS thei!Were in Ilitate'rri.::
ble tain,, • Were - - tiaPping,and bothering
' ll, ijogd4eld, lie 'Mind did - mit'shap, this
:time. • - Withfihe'fftst - 'hattel.'l' pissed;
but tiie - Senohd hnought', down a swan
-vf.o4oAd, INeier did Mortal Man' fee
' . so• Piond as 4.-'.- 1 , -laiddo4it -mr .. gun to ,
- 06,pi; hut iii.t, - ing.toilo -- iii; get I.l,aii:
J:xiu.sitrall - S:iioli , and riCarlY Piii4MYself", - 1
Iliellti gii:oti'-' , iiiiiik VO,Ofi,',' , foElitd.
• iit:Pine'liost, "With ligg'hiligniqhg,n, :
i9kiie. tvibich' is'• ruielessinCtito 44,
gdt wet 17-Cit;; Ai n t the dance 'etide'd With
-11:J0'4440g iii to`-'the heati'. --
In - the Mean tithe 451.1 - faith 402 'dog ' i"! 1 a s'
baiing! ids I time , with ; thel *minded
i3l#lllf. , , !!"kvitati poWerfut bird c • and eV.'
4,4ooiiii- yang - *as ro
_gil l : _ xi s i
:- ted - tech ' . l/lo!sie with the' itinakeWl i ng,./9i
irOgbt. 3411: ligikilisCouiO,Oili, less 'peki,
4latent 'dog. i i:Thia• fight 's,liiiig place'
iolitci distano6.44hinthe'shifirefitin§ool i
TO"iie :44tftfirtnt : ' - iiinii' tune . b ow, 'A ,
*:glila - "!id.: Jiik , 01 ) e 1: 400 ) 4 1 , '13 ,44 .
. tijif'deg*O).44 li'l rig 411p - tik.tio:44 - p+"" b 0
,did a 0!,13 Li oil' WI) eitlitY ite'bef ' - #4 (14
itie,!legiiiind . bill - -bidek' as jef,` 13 - 0, t' ilia,
.feathers , Wlti to tie EirioW'.!lT'did not see'
, 'the.hirdikikiighell;'hufifialniliOst - said i he
: . i'do . )i t heit,it l ,.Oind reported the !sight, at
:iv-pounde.q-, !lii , iv..:•!:;',:i - :. - ,..i. -..- ...:- ~.. ~:iLIL., :r .,
';.7lll`he isiiiibiling iiniitigh,'hilditi c ocir'SiiV
citement some ridiculous. things hap
ped. In one instance I put both
lo ds in one bar r el, which caused me to
- Lie y lose my ight shoulder and one
tide ceihy tiee,',upop
1 ;The tithe till rigotiapP lea 4 'one°
to Jarvis'; 'Whettier tie net it to '
can't say, 'There -- was no " let - itipn - tii
,tho • rairt, , afid , - one barrel lifter another
to- V.go?,off;!! then? the' 'sport
,la,g,geci.,).:Vinally,‘ when we had. but two
4rrehißtit of.the siis that could be fired;
L. arid. tri.V.l3s l toldt.lar vis t to , pask,:hip
, 4
an 4 , with the: birds we
bad kilied,,to t ,yan . obeys
reluctantly„ and on loading, and
countlug, we found we ; bad $0 ducks,
seven gibehe' and onf3W , e
'an. We
reached Van "Slyck , l:` the Wind again
shifteditO the 4veSe s und = ue we'passeitan
island, - Where Jaivislialil there was an
•abundance of ,suipe, he begged to stop,
„but , Wei,had hadtshootingenotigh'forone
.day, and ,, thought only of getting in
doors .and before, a fire. :A have since
Wengageti.haw he eolith' have expected,'
4 4 .0. ftf,Oris4 o, 4l l 4X, ,14? any, sea •fowl;
wa w ould cOme,,down,, en ,the same day,
to the fibooo g of snipe. AVe did no
I such th!ngl i t', l4 . 1 ). 4-c P9FlqlYea • b,,ft
'firs soon Possible;
t end tbereMainr,
the - da#, - troni three 'P. hi. , ivp
Spent iii drying ClOthei, 'and
, Airils
Weleaning-the•gutia; " that
be Teidy for the'lfithirdi.,' ni arrow
came; but theweither *as Ve6r tad;
we 1114 not ' leave • the hotel. Thitr day
v3in• dinner was one that L. and myself
*lll not soon forget, as our hostess, who
is au nkslish lady, tooke the trouble to
;roast ,and place 'before ua our , swan,
,which, stuffed as it was with reed birds
end nnail, in addition to' What is corn
notkly used in the seasoning of geese
and turkeys, was voted by us,as deli-
Next , day, February ad,Twe toolc
steamer at five A. M. for Norfolk.; and
thusends our ex.perience with the sea
fowl of Cprrituck Sound. , , N.
[For the Agitator.]
211 r. Van Gelder It' it -, 77'4;11` enangh
Or business men, for parents, for' bro
thersand sisters, and sons; for who
have the interests of_society Or huthao
ity;at-heart, to look this question fairly
in the face.. It is cowardice, rank mo
ral cowardice, to shirk it. It is utterly
' giving up • the idea of, human progress, )
to admit that there
,is no remedy. I
know It is said there are other vices as
- brid or worse.,l admit it. ladmit that•
stealing, inarr, - deliberate t preraedi.
Wed murder,"'are as bad; the hatter,"
perliapS,` worse. - And yet, after` all, 1
do not know but I am wrongin' admit
tingthitt they are as bad. Th.& prowl-.
lug • thief enters your stable at night
and takes your horse; your cellar, and
takes your pork. "The prowling Dem
on 'of intemperance enters your hith. ,
ed.() Peaceful and .happy family, and
takes'your, father, , your. hueband. It
pump's but of him all' hit; kindness and
I. l oi , e';' - takes from him his money, that
hitherto brought you the necessities
'at d - ,cainforts of life ;, it takes front your
horde its happiness and brightness, and
'leaves in their place misery and gloom ;
It take's; from him
,1444 manhood, and
leiives him adrunkard ;—and when you
in'a drunkard'sgrave
nor triflSFKy - that the raidnigtif
thistandincendiary, and assassin, are
'critel than Intemperance?
There was a young mart--your broth-'
. YO,,nt' son, it may ; not
erne biro, hecan be recognised in
inosteivery Community ; he,was a noble
specimen of humanity. Intemperance
laid his Poisonous , hand upon him, took
•frotilqiini his self respect and hie man
hoodPinade him a bloated, loathing
carcase, , and• at last liaid hire in his - dia.
reputable grave. Would not the cold
blooded' murderer, had he• stabbed him
to death in the, pride of his' manhood
and cansedyou to follow him to an hon
ored grave, in'an agony only exceeded
by the agony with which you watched
his downward progress,' have 'been a
benetakor; compared to the fiend who
gradually led him - on, crushed out his
manhood, and finally his •life? Who
would tiot rather know , that his sip,
with "an unspotted. , name, was in his
grave,f than see him stalking the streets
a diehoncired, bloated, sickening drunk
ard , •
I take hack my admission. Tkemnr
thiier Ithe body, only cannot compiqe
'with thij inurderer pf the belly, thain
telleet; land the i3Olll. I
But telt true AVellsboro any one
is rained` by the use of ard9"nt,
spirits'?- is: there nyttek inteipperane
heeeo' , IR,reply atlirmatiValY to both
these'quetions. In a - walk yesterdAY
free-the carnet of Main And Crafter)
streets !to the post office, ' met two
young men, boys; 'tamest, staggeringly
dre the post officer was button
hided by a gray ,headed •man, sicken
ingly and Sillily drunk,;; a man' who a
:few-years', ago was an. exetuplary. tertt
Peratieelnau„ Night before last,,mith
might wasnlade hideous .by, the, revels
of Awns--half dozen ;drunken boys en
:the•Stieet ; not oneof theni - of age
And otherwise fine young
then,' 'at least' as 'far as I know ri their
naniee ivh . o have' , Varents who love
them; arid:Would give almost any price
to be absured that their sons would es
cape that torrible fate that seems to
await their. .
A, can. point you to men—men, too, in
responsible positions—who ere , going:
down tO,lthe,drunktird'sgrave, ; while in '
- their wives and children arewee n
,tll l 6ii.: seemingly . inevitable
.4349,i Pircmeity has: been squandered,,
health ruined, reputation is gone, and
they have nothing' new to do but tO - lie
'down and die. , = The Demon ha's them
by tbo throat,- and Ali lib r Power than
Man Ingst interpose; if they are • saved.
',;The,,liOy' may easily• be' saved-lthe
ilaY fietided man hardly: • • - • -
. To-day I have seen ort.the street two
f iiien,.tf,angers to me, so ;11165XiCata
iiiitt,tY(l3r i could - not stand still. 'At al.
nosh 40: time of. day you may see'stan-,
ding in trent - of the, billiard saloon near
. the poet;ice'," and going in ,and ,out:
'young, men not of age, some living, in
tow,u arid "Oche' away.: fn that'saloon
are kept - , :,agai6t, 1 a ,W', intoxicating
drin:ks . ,, an - d they fire hotirly sold' co all
Whek efttLfoi Weal. At the bakery it is
itie . ',,tiafne,''and • at. the brewery, any a.,.. , .., ~, ,y,, ~
.43pi13)ytip,,,liiia money can get dittrikairtl-.
1 v,,,1f.(4 S; fe t has .suffident Capacity of lli:'
cjii d .ineaagre;,...Little'hoys have been
An:4 - dctli.ii:Atlt, and ~gone luta • school in
fofliiiesa -.Cinailition ;•-rand theLliquor to
i:l'itil, 14,1tagheerk furnished in direct'
T.A4.4.,,P n , 4St litl - W .• . 4.94:411a:, men Mho'
RIM tsp,,l,L, are liermitted, La.zgo,,,,unpult
iiikihfrhfe iliatically told to go on In
their terrible work of ruin; and they
Shall be protected. They have beenpro
Mr. Editor, if five years ago you had
,111,-.;. .94
' •
1:00*1 told that In Tioga county there
*thilithavithin five years; associations
Wedged, Y ti'worn, even, inntect'the
ItO s tes,i,serAing intkalcating..drinks
AA e. th all successful' prosecutions . ,
woldd veu have believed ? Would
you have believed .that tho Jury pax
Mould belfivaded, by' the Influence of
such associations? Ipanauch tbings be
in ,this Intelligent COMintMity
These ere truths' i that etinriot be gain-
Bayed: Yob, busineas men, 'yen, theo
retical teniperance nien, you, 'respects,-
ble Ciallioe, who say you ears for, none
tof "theSe thinge, , have you no Interest in
the-tenor' and` ilicosi!'etity of our beauti
ful village ?' ico interest In our Splendid
system of education latelyadopttd?--
no Interest to protectlhe rising ge 'Ora
tion? /Join terest, at least for your 'own
qblitiren:sonle of whom may fall, have
already fallen ? Have you- no interest
to take away the reproach castupan ;is
I.l' the fathers and mothers of the fat
region Surroundin g ,our borough, th t
y dread 'to have their sons go to
'Weilsboro,4 there are so many places. In
Ikhleh,they may be led into drunken
ness?: .
-NO Man in society can escape respoil
sibl iity." .Every man is indebted to ,so.
tie y for protection. Everyman is mo
ral y bound to do all he reasonably can
fo r the good of that community of
which he is a constituent member.—
Neglecting that duty to the cornMunity
at large, is ail much la moral creme as
positive wrong done by him to any in
dividual Member of it.
I know all about the• hackneyed •ex
cuses made use Otto escape responsi
bility:, The merchant says, ,"-Vmust
stand apparently indifferent;' fey If I
take an active •part, it will hurt my
trade." Well, then, ryou are willing,
for a little gaity, i to see the laws vicilated,
the reputation of our borough inpred,
the - prosperity of mir school jeoparded,,
and . your neighbors' children ruinSd I
Look at it. Are you such a man?
The physician excuses himself on the
same ground: He derives his Support
from all, the liquor seller as well'as the
flour dealer. Why should lie sacrifice,
his interest, " his living," he generally
says, for 'the good of his neighbors.—
Well, I 'sin somewhat inclined to think
he will lose a little 'more than, some
others. Do away all intemperance, and
there will not be so much need of the
physician. There is this advantage,
however, those who do employ him
Will be better able to pay. -
The lawyer excuses himself aiSo on
the same ground. " Do, away with the
use of intoxicating liquors, and one
half the litigation is our courts will
cease.", But experience"Stiows that, as
a general rule, 'those suits 'having their
foundation in intemperance are the
most, disagreeable and the least profita
ble of all suits in court. Word all Ilion
temperate, there would be less litiga;
tion, the profession would be more hon
orable, its moraletitics of a higher start
dat d ;' and_ while the number of the pro
feasion would gradnally decrease, and
the prdductive trades, perhaps, increase,
those who still remained in the; tirofes
slon, would lie - better paid, and not at
att AY r
• WrIS P a to those miserable annoy
ances Springing' froin intoxication.
• ,
I canvery' well see why Most men of
a quiet disposition do not like to enter
the lists against any great m9ral evil,
which t'S defended by the interests 'of a
large a ass of their fellow citizens; but
of tha in a future number.
YourA, &c." J. E.
(lor the Agitator.]
A Parable.
Death and Sleep, the angels oe Slum
ber and of Death, in - brotherly embrace,
`wandered through the earth. It was
_They laid themselves down
upon a hill, not far from the abode of
Men. A ; melancholy_ silence prevailed' s
around, and the vesper bells In the
distant village ceased.. Stiilandsilent,
as was their custom, the two beneficent
spirits of, the human race sat in sad em
brace ;—and already might approached.
. Then arose tbe angel of Slumber from
his mosgY coueb, and scattered with a.
light hand the invisible seeds of sleep.
The evening Winds bore them to the
4ulet dwcllings of, the weaey 7easant.
Now"iswaet sleep enlded In Lis arms
the *lubabi tan ts of the rural, ottages,
&Coin the , grapheaded sire, who leans
oti his staff, down to the little Infant in
'the 'Cradle. The sick forgot, his pains,
the mourner htenffilction, and the poor
his , cares'. ; All eyes were closed.
•" then, after coinpleting his task, this
beneficent spirit laid himself again at
dui side of his sterner brother,'
When the roornieg red 'appetirs,"
exeiaitued be with joyful ihnobehoe,
will alt the . world >praise the as their
friond /kaki
,kanefactor! O what joy,
unseeaand.quickly, to do good. How
happy are.we, the illy Whit! messengers
the„dOod Spirit!, How. betiutibilpur
otiiet ,1
So spoke the rriendiy angel of frilurn=
ber. The huge,' of Death looked at hini
n silent'melatichblY, cnci a tear ? such,
s else immortals weep, stood' in hie
grefull dark l eye. •
" i" said he, " that I,' you,
might reknae niyaelf in grateful the s.
The world`4ll me 'their' Enemy d
thei)estrofreriof their; peace l"
'• 0, my, brother,' .answered the -
e 1 of Sleep, 1" wiii,not - also; in the •
surrealun,ithe good recognize' in t a
(heir friend and grktettaily bless. lb
Aro. we no6 .Brothgr.4 u.rul , th e_• nlessen
gei•S' s 6lllO, Father ?" . • „
So spake he ; then glistened the , eye
'of the alVeC:Of Death, and the, broth
'erly spirits embraced each other tenr
derly.. '• H,, lit. W.
Wellibero, - Feb. '25, 1871,
' An enterprising and fair dealing bu
airless : Ulu is Augusta, Alnine,' was
lately at'the door of his grocery by
arthcinest*oking :Frenchma n, eu-eti
tirdistraiiger to hira,•Wlio asked,
.foria barrel otilenr.l " can : pixy ; kl,iW
ze cash down and xe balance' nextS,at
urdaY,,,eurev The 'lner,e,hant i :Without
hesitation turned to etie! .- ,of his I
and, ;with, a kindly the'
,woulfl 7 be,owner. of , the'Alariset''nk-itoi:',
sfo : "Nble , .:goodv , rnart:*ahtil to•get
trusted.fprin harrell of dour-,
,fiftlijdcriv,E,k,Oud Lthe - , feat next, Saturday'.
tAhitlii; goopl„as , gold il.6oen .
'4..frOlfibtiryck;sycign , out, 4a,)1,1 deliver
IL itt . gOVitiiiiptie at, 130.4 houtie l -Ptiftb_ 4 4;
befirlir saYely, Mid 'take it 'itOwn
next Saturday when he pays the bal
-1 ance; never refuse to trust an honest
' looking man for bread," 'tows's done,
the money paid, and the French gentle.
man departed, rejoicing in an abun
dance of flour and unlimited credit.
The. dikitator
Ie Well iu lied with Pt4loBo anal Types to sate
onto all kinds of Job Work with neatness and
L i ntz+ addittotti of all tlao late styles of We
• • have been added to WA department;
Location-130h BlA;ipn's 8100ic 4 ,2d floor
, •
1 .
-..TAaving further inquirly into t h e
cense ef the prevalent non-church-go-• •
ing ter next week's." column," we ask
the reader's attention to the newspaper
articie.on Lent, with which the above
named gentleman has favored the pub
lic. s Wei , refer to it as one of " the signs .
of the times." We deem it of value as
Oki:ming a growing consciousness on
the part of not a few in the variouePro
testant denorninatione, that those near' .
gee' which have borne tile teat of the
ages since the first establislitrient of the
Christian Church,—however• for a tune
they may halve been looked upon by a
portienof 'Cliristendom,—are not only
founded ,in reason, butare indeed India the health -and permanent
growth .of the ,Chilstian Life. We
trust, therefore, that such utterances
will 'serve both to skew one portion of
'the Protestant world the value of a true '
Catholicity in a religious communion,
and to confine another portion, no less
truly Protestant, in the good old paths.
Nay, we cannot but exprefla the hope
that the author of the, article in qUes•
lion will In thne see both the consisten- •
cy and the necessity of following the
example of other members of the same
fluidly, in forming such ecclesiastical .
connexions as will bring him, not mere. ,
ly touching the observancelof Lent, but
in regard to all the essential features
and usages of the• Primitive Church,
into full "agreement with the vast ma
jority. of nominal Christians through
out the world." We presume it is gen
erally known that both Miss Catharine
Beecher an d- Mrs. 'Harriet Beecher
Stowe and her daughters have entered
the communion . of the, BpleCepaJ
Church. .
The following is Mr. BeecheW testi
mony in behalf of Lent: "That there
should be a holy season in eachyear, is
,as reasonable and as profitable as that
'there should be a holy day 'in each
week. It would be unfortunate if Chris- ,
•Han bell Overs should fall into' dissent
and-confusion as to the day of the week
which' they reckon holy. Although
one day is as good as another, Yet the '
day that all or nearly fill agree to ob
serve, is better than any other, because
of the agreement, There is, powbr in -
consenting usage,
• "In like manner, a season of prayer
and religious quickening; which most
Chrifitiane observe, ,and all Christiana
need somewhere in the winter season,
Would be Ivory much increased in val-,
tie, if Christians throughout the world
could agree upon the same season. To'
have Sunda y dribbled along, through
the week would be a Joss. • To have
Lent ribbled along through winter—
and) spr ng, s is a loss. For our week of
prayer, writs corktinuation, according
to bane t received;A:is only out silent
&stir° y that the venerable usages of
Lent 'a
e verily pro fi table. ' It-w - e - r - r - 3
therefo e an act of graceful intelligence
for an y church to' accept the Lenten
season of the Christian year, and thus
come into agreement with the vast ma
jority of nominal Christians through
out the world." • - •
All this , evinces a' philorophiCal in
sight and an independence of thought
which cannot fii 'to command the n
& E. -
ape of every c ndid reader. We must
confess, howev r, that our feeling, in
reading Mr . Beecher's art l icle, has not
been one of unmingled satisfacticm.— -
We regret that, by indulging in certain
" criticisms," he has (no doubt uncon
sciOmly)lent his influence to the en
couragement of that superficial and ir
-reverent spirit already sufficiently min
t-lint in our own time. For, be' it un
derstood, we , do not ' deprecate his criti
elern because of the impression it may
make upon the .minds of intelligent
" Church people," but as calculated to
mislead, those who stand in need of in ,
struction much more than of criticism.
To shoW the reader the nature of what
we have taken exception to, we quote
still further : ' Lent - is not a ' rag of
Popery.' The histbry andtraditions of
Lent may be epee to criticism, and may
be amiably criticiSed, and yet Lent it
be observed with profit."
And then follows the criticism the
reverend writer has been moved to of
fer; "As an old schoolmaster, I object
'to mixing the rude Jewish calendarand
the exact 'Gregorian calendar in the
Christiarvor eccle lastical year.- This
Christian year, be ltrtanernbered, is la •
device of holy ins rublion, They who
observe its days nd seasoinii are led
Moog .and made f miller with ail the
prominent events'' ii-the life Of Jesus;
yet it seems odd to find hrlstimas and
1 E .e.44
Epiphany 'On 'ii xe d , aleeember
i t
25th and January ! fith,) bile tiood Fri
day ;find Easter slide backward and for,
'ward over a space of thittyLnne days,
according to the nioonsbine- in March:
This seems like saying that Jesus Sad
a' definite hirth-day and very luncertain
death, and'resurrection days." , -
Mr.:B l eed:lees difficulty is owing to
the fact that, in his ecclesiastical life,
he hafi 'not " come into agreement with
the vast.inajority of nominal Chrkatiane
throughout the World," and therikore
fails to &cern things from the truly
Catholic stand-point., The Chureprnan
sees nothing odd in fi nding " Christmea
and Epipherty. on
,t a red grites," while '
'6l.'pod Friday and Easter belong to the
Aiss o'f , movable Fasts and Festivals.-r
We doubt ivliether the fa - WTl:it be tic
'fact, alba mixing of twoditiebent cal
endars; e4ertroubies him. li , ot Waite
is i s sea•the' whole, more ignorant in the
ological 'or ecciesiastieabltnatters than
other folk. ;'But he iS aware that Christ
mas and Epiphany commemorate facts
in' the dialing -Work of Redemption,
10iiehiiinusnld 41.1sporisation, had 'no
*all ~sold .could have none • while
6424 PriAla e v and Jaeter had their typi
cal ,---
,counterpart running through the
Whole hiettSr# of type' and shadow, un
til heir' final ifoillltnent. Renee, on
, the'One Wind; the only point to be win
bidered, iti',lthe " device of -holy instrtto
tion',' was, pat the'larinen '4o'l l oo3a+.
`Heel shOnlili nti6,ui• Ireton: Wily new' OS
ibiWrinin4rOf thil.Chvistianyear:; .4)j?, t•to.•
other hittid, to tie Mind the.believer; not
only of , the Tads of the Crucifixion and
:the ittenrreCtitinv,hut Idea of .the Mat
anent id )the: , . type yearly. hefltedTorth ~ iii.
Abe . PllBOOllO, • ilatil , ':'the fullness of
tithe," it was eminently fitting that the
same principle of determining the time
of year of the memorial shehld still re
main in force: If an " exact" calendar
had been'ild' vital importance, or indeed
'of any relative importance whatever.
t ~ ...1 ,y;
- ;
; 0,
[for the Agitaior.)
NO. IV: '
f •
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