• NOTITITIN. . They are tot paled, though their feet Have wandered far in different ways; And though they never more may meet On winter eves or summer days. It matters not.theugh realma,divide, tiailiiitWeeil - theia l ;° Per still, defying wind and tide, Heart yearns to heart, and soul to soul. They are not patted—only those Are parted whom no love unites; Their absence breaks not i . )ur repose Who have uo shit% in our delights; They way he hy:9Ltr;aldktklifilitli As far frota ua to tple frin3 pole, Who lack tho sjiripathetce thrill Of tioatt to heart, and soul to tout AGRICULTURE. THE APPLE..- 7 ,EAM,Y /IEI HERS. tt 4 i jr. 1•i • Many are (let (11' outillanting fruit trees by the not o ti t ilk stiklia long 11)36 to wait fol. e. iir ;4; and t iis is a reasonable objection to verymanylfine varieties of the apple. Luckily, there are a few of gemd quality t hitt coo' well and bear very young, and `first among these we shall place Sops q( Wine.— Tree vigorous, upright, quiph grower, and very hardy; fruit red; Striped, and splashed ywith yellow ; flesh stal,ned r ith red—froth w hence its name; et\ape 'oblong. \'illie best atitt roost reliable early apple for this-region, and one of the most popular in nearly all sections of the country. Very mild subacid; quality good ; bears very,young,-and is one of the raosWlttrietiteiVal4s the market well, ittiffifilefieraliSiadMitled to he the ost Profitable early apple, as it certai ly is the most. satisfactory to the anti eur orchardist. Garretson's Early. ‘ This variety is but little known in this county ; not `nearly so well as it deserves. It is a fine, large, early applk - green, with a yellowish tinge when ripe ; quality good ; rather acid ; bearsthe second'or third year afti.r planting, and is arapid grower; destined to be one of the most profitable and popular. ' I Mr:oer. This is one of the surliest bearers; y i rculig tree.si it theflkrsery, fre;i quently thowhig r filth at fair years old. It Is apt to overbear, which' makes the fruit small and unsalable ; and .for this reason it is not popular with thoSe who plant mainly for market, although the fruit is of excellent quality. But for those who plant fur , iiompnse,pe \NI . ner is wdAtititt • l.10(10#Ast tot Aktflo : apples. 1 l i hone w'hii have time to thin the fruit, can raise large, fair apples; but where the matter is left to nature, a large number of apples must be made to compensate for lack of size, although a fair proportion of the crop—say half, in bulk—will usually be frnind fair and of good..size. ~FrAdt s a l little fiatteyisd, red, stifildtt finini4vittif = wit& green Mid yellow; flesh white, tine grained, and of good flavor. Spice Sweet. Another early bearer, • little known in this county. The tree is thrifty, fruit fair, and, to those who like a sweet . apple Nstittic4iley flavor, quality excellent. Ripens in October and November. A2nerican Sum?/ler Pcrternain. This apple has a high and well deserved rep utation for quality and early hearing, ,though the fruit is not handsome, being in color a dull greenish red, with more or less russet, ..:Itl.mghi n el2obje,c(iqii, Wit With us is, that the tree is a very slow tp•owar ; and wci think lifo. tnn %beast fol. waiting on 81 w growing and tardy bearing trees, bile better may be had. Four yetttif: ‘laist sPring we planted 6 a Clarretedit-l¢ iiy alid It Summer Pear-, main, a few rods apart, cultivated them both welViniditii-day, if both wereclug up by the ; MI& iaiiitt. i#tishetli eitmi f earth, tti4 tlariltscni 'Earfy' would prob ably weigh three times as much as the Peartualn., A large number of varieties is not desirahle for the amateur, much less for the orchardist Wlie - Oants for profit. And there are enough varieties that bear young and grow rapidly, to satisfy an.y reasonable man: If a map can plant but, fithit #: ree, ,r. . et • 1 1 il tettiiiiN ' Sops of Wine. If but two, let the sec ond be a Wagner. These two varieties will cover eight out of the twelve -mouths. Oov. Ashley has.written . Alletterf to the Tribyne in whieh lie strongly ad vises enilgrante fijorn the east , to settle in Montana ; It Is well written and we would like to priXt,'#itite4sll6 - ticiiice forbids; we make rciOirblotl:Ae lug extracts, however, believing them to be sound and truthful : "No more desirable country can be found for women who are dependent • upon theft own la or t for stippprt, tkom _ - I.flon t ant Wad nos ekeeperti3 Yea: Oily ) 1 coalman. Iforkli SA, *75 &men th ,%„ud ordinar/kieehen help from $4O to $5O a month. - Men command from $3 to $5 a day as Miners or common laborers, and mechanics from $5 to $B. ytkipalde lo cations in valleys _through which or near which the roadmittst nt, can now • he obtained by actuall , settlers under the homestead otpreemptionillt„tys, ITA(O,, not add ,' 4iiitt Al4"' eitrllW r i'llitilliNints - Are on the fqounti the hotter their op portunities for malting splendid loca tions. All the waterciowor : ifoefie,il for mill or inanithietorii s.j, pi a irpieii: P:tri.be had in every valley.. Moil taint is three times as large as the great :-itatte of New. York. About one-mm•th ,of thil Oil tnetise terrltor,OrkitSfAie;Ciais e d ti3'Cil&. bered lands. The greater portions of the table and bottom lands are prairie. \'o State or territory wosi of the Mississippi !siso well wulert:it by herg,e lakes and rivers as Montana. ;I'lle ell:. mate of Montana in Winter and sum ter is pure, dry, exhilarating and healthy. There is,i's,vcriniii tupelo llontautheinirionl id' ilte.:4lscasete , in= cadent to tliti.datnp and • irbangithie 'ulf- . Mate of,the Eastern States. Last Winter hoick masons laid brick and stone withoutitoviiiilt i th, , ta kltempt two or'three 4,0 iittioar M "Mid' it- rei , days in Mare 1. I believe outttott to have one of t le mosttettl thy cilinates on the globe. :d J TlAc i soQ9,c Mottjamt‘is a dark veg44ltraiddilaud , of great rich- ' nese and fertility. Experience has prov en Its great productiveness. At our Territorial Territorial• Fair for 1870 and 187,1 : t 4, premium for the'rille) of Muter. 1 , wheat was awarde - to - lt ejor Forbes in 1870, the yield being 82 bushels and as pounds. In 1871 the premium was giv eh for 87 bushels and somesiicunds. I do not remember the farmer's name. Horses, mules, cattle, and sheep not only subsist all inter without being fed or sheltered, bAkA9Rtitsit betiaiiiik be found than the cattle slaughtered in Montana in Winter. I have seen cattle slaughtered in February that had nev er been fed half a grain which werefße fat for tablfitiseitilliiiitates. ' ' Nine out of every tett of those Who .desire to immigrate fear the • Indians. •I wish to alll: Ak l . l thq.—liki.itlra property abillits fe'llx‘`Merilitila asi ru.' New-York City. In all portions -of Montana open,.to settlement, life and property are as safe as in 13Eanstui and ziebranka.".v.(l,3,ra 1% - ,•\ AJ, a Cii !lIIMEIMMIREME ~' RMORE BROS. & CO. • • . p•••'4••• 1 ., 11 ra "''''ViritriLl'AXl. 1' - '' J it 7 ifJ,.•l',:il I reiLail ~..4.: ,:. ),.::,, Tli k_ .'ll i v a :,,? ..: - ,i '., , '. 1 ,1;"..1.1r0A.Y1A4-ilN.f.rch:?: 1 ~i:1:-, : ::- 1:i 1u. , :, . 1 , 51 - ti,l;: - .1 :;44 ~:, mt c` , A. - .,7.5 z ,-.+ ' ' . 77- = C, 7 - 74: .7 7 711% AYH. 4.'r.onvoge, "T. J. toitirouv, L..cAyuwatt, ' ;* ~--..,,,:ir.'r ', .7!..:5;.;1421:1°,1affR1:{117.4:11,7PK.:::.; I I 7-1 .-e *.t. :i?; :T ...: l, , :,, tt , i t ::''• °ltt. 3 IIt:I i ST lalt Ai tifft. ~. l, IA i i -,,,....-., .1 . L0 . )3415RE BROS. ~CO., would,call the•at tention of the-Trade - 4u the eon - titles at-the Bouttiern Tier of and NoilEatra-tedn sylvtinia, to the large and full assortment of •,;;" *"2. GROcuiF i s sa4oyisioNS ‘• • ;.z. const4ntly Aland at theireiiensive Warehouse and Stores, .No.--37 aud,39. Carroll Street, and (littered' for' sale - otithe itiost liberal tell 16' satiefdettort , inall oases guaranteed: • 4 : '•• - Our.. Steam for the Roosting:9f 0 . 4 4 1,36 and the Grinding= e,,, Coffee! and 'Spieem, are of the meet,reeent Im proved ootstrubticiti, and: not eicelled by :any In the hotuttry, - - . . ' ,i" :" :• • 3 : 3 : Wets's° a fairitook of choice Tem, We boy ditect from tiporters In New York for calk; And sell no ober.p so any houst in the' trade. " . " • y ~~up from the beet- , Retineri, and geld' at latept add lowest Near .YorlF,qqatatipae.: FORIIION 44161:0 F11 . 1.111`, AND . ALi iUNDB OF.N'UT§, Eisloi«Dry 04 -. Pickled ';,.; We buy from first bands in , the East, and can afield a better article at alesser price than any firm inVestern Nacr York. WOODEN WAItE, Corditge and 33rootos—A , full Hue of goods. : LIQUORS. t• We call the attention Of the Trade to our large itock of Wine! and Ltqudis, - which for purityand, 13neneps are vtourpasied. • , IMPORTED - ALES—Scotch, Irish and ED g 1 1 ,114 and of the best brands gionstently on Ileac) 1 • . t • , . . . , FALEIGN'Ami pomusrxe LNLicltit We spatially invite puroba'sers to call' and ex- . amine ur stook, of Foreign and . Domesoto Liquors: before buying elsewhere. 1 ' ,\ I . :IfEDICINAL.WKISKET—w. ppt up folthe especial beollt 'of the 'sick, C . pu re artiola of 91d Bourbon W hiskey fcir.thelruggier Teacle. Sole Agents in Elmira, of the Urbana Wine co: In brief, we invite a close scrutiny ; of our goods and their prices, the whole assortment being tot> numerous to mentiondp -;:,: • • 40 - gisiajztp. 1 * „„, No. 31 datrolt fiti l Airnfrai Ni IT; ••••, -• ' Sept. . . • The , - -41.3p.grer. .• I .:: 1: StW : AN'I)'FAIsTOIEB: • . - 4 - - ~, The Singex4aiilmfaotarlng: c ompany . in 1889 sold 811„81 :Titese;figures, and those given below, ele Tiorit aworn rethink (to which any one ban kitivelavetie) - glade to the•rcceiver, appoint4d by 'the owners_ of 'valuable', sewing machine;patentivythil Ileense.Most of the cOropa tido of lesser Atapertanott. 7 : • I In 1889 the :Binger Maiiufeetering oonipany Bold ovei. the j.,eavitt, 4 9.11,„C04'86,010 machined,. Sold over theTarbam "-- $5,840 . " Bold over the - JEW*: ". ' 82,203 Bold oveithe :1* 78,081 Sold over the Iloreneo „, 78,120 ,Spld over tho , 67,094 ." Bole over the Hoare L 41,781 ;$ Bobtpver the Wheeler &;:fillson, 7,915 '; Sold overltie Grover.& .13aka6 51,598 " Sold over the Finkle - A. ,86,444 Bold over the Willecix &Gibbs, 89,680 Bold over the_ AnceiloanlB.4l.; 79,089 ‘,‘ It is a fact, an the figisAie. show h, that the sales of - (889 far exceed;:thoie_-. °Coif rivals in trade. It id also is fact, ihet re :sold last year over FORTY THOTTBANDJnore Machines than we did two years tigo,? . It also . atiother•fact, that theseitierbasejl sales are owtiig 4 the great and : peering >topularity, Vit. New -. Family St4ring Mashitte. .It la Mile another fact, that nt4ely 4 .of Every hundred Aneoltines „ made and 600 4itli are Ilia? forlaollMigilt4* jili trapi' goat:feet bf all is,--tititiome detimrs,"knowing it would belvain to attaok the' reputation of our manufactitring machines, and who are freo to ad mit all that can be said in their favor, thus hop ing to secure the buyer's_oontldence,„have the boldness ta.sitatat w6lhivd sitkfanilti ' , Sewing machine, Whereas our new machine for that pur pose le capable of a range and variety of exqui site sewing, which amazes even . those - who are familiar with the bestwork of other family ma ! gbinOtic 14cits' lt Is mere fancy to ,suppose, to the face.oi the above! figure andliall, that such sayings as the one spoken of can have any weight. In stead tit spoken car, to inch fancies, most.ppople, before buying; (Whitifiltritiiiy - i)ti claimed" about Rorie Exhibitions—or Fairs, whore we seldom exhibit machines,) examine and judge for them , Selves, and because in doing so they Bad our New Foully Sewing Machine as superior to elb . - er family sewing matdili3isitiOniatanbiliettirlog linaohinos ' l ate for their purposes. The, true Aitorld's Fair, low In every city, hamlet and home, hasfawarded us the premium of the high est sales. These machines atleiett on ; trial. We ask no one to bay, unless perfectly - satisfied that the machine is all it is represented. E. W. ROGABOOM, - 1 (len'l'Agent far Tiogs, county. Mansfie d, Jan 4, 1871 y -" - rielfA.titartr4T. st . '.:;::. • : A. 13;I:g4Tak.ArT; . , .., -,-- ._ __ -- - -.... ! pp,m,F fc ,ivE 4 10 stuenaihe.an li llilaaissn ;. "`'„DENTIST.'' . ' - —,.. re Having . ought' AW VAto lioniele 'lntest in the paitnekehip ef - d. .Ic , Van : Horne, we'd' i respeotfull recineetaD. Veiiiitne- . fin td - ti l e late Sin/ t call andiettityatntlie;` e4''-'" , ,',. I Wheel op elate tee COsie'lrettiktishere be'will umlaut:4lle Dental Ambits; qn'this.'suost:tipt 7 , provestand skilful manner , at the kfifiSt pose ble rates. i Call and tee alAseitoens and ' testhno nies before', going elsewhere.. . ' , Dee. 14,1870, __„,_., —, 4, D,EAtilliMAN._ -,-.: ,-, WpiiS11101! I` l liotel,- - . ca.t.E.63iviiwwini7A-4131415-ii t ALL \ nyut usßotßovAti. --- -,,...„..1„i5i„,,,,ci. ...!, ‘ s ••••.‘,............. I ST,* BITNY V4(4O 4 i I i I I . ''l, f• • I-J.O - Thi is a populisoilot4l2latsty! ktkt: ky, 13, ,1 1 .,, . Holiday, The Ttopristoot a tsiit.sjsare no psiPs.tc,'' mako it a 4rath,olitt.hotisC',4ll~ll4 itairek er r , , rive and depart NW thtsAitmssik,.' koS d knaller in attontinbi: , Viek•LPrilly'attaktietl,- - .s 4•~.2i . ~ . -,- ~. ~,..,- 7 • . . _ --:....-... Ift4a , 0 s4 6l 4k i lbi ee o:::::: : :to ß- EltEll- I D!R r ikp: i To k account will;ra thirty dnya fro*, date in which tp:is Abe :same, , Aftif which cost 4 kll jzalnada. •,:, • . 4 .,, ..i.u. ,- f:i• ,:‘ 1 - 3E . A.Bia & DEBBY. i jlip t #Alt. i4tlietit.'....zu i. ', , 4 cr . --,z: FE , s IMI TEAS. EMI ILE k ~~~l'~'.fi , FALL Ai) WINTRIt • C. B. KELLY HAS JUST OPENED LOTS OF pattorlwttooliosi • . }1 FOR 11119);MA.5°514. - tt4, i I= Drop in and look -Kt- Iri THRolltill .Tlll3 STOR, . lit I ‘ittwe will try ant convince you, that we ulet iitiii have • ° t . I 'GOOD .;:A it t t O_ODS \ . 4, i.- ut. that we are selling them clear down to the tatom of the market. We have a complete,ae okidentof \ • - . in I \ LAN:ES' DRESS GuODS 3 - I, i : 1 - ' All style', and pricea. , 1 HAILS ; . 0;14 , 6, - "Boedg - ANt• 'SHOT S ;ik, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, ETO. , ETC. • . We do net propose to mention ell the Items in itore, 4e we much prefer shOwing goods. "or No charge for showing OooJa. Call and ace ,118. ..I n ati; 4, 1871. A 1414 A - :& - NI) riNr IN Tnyte, MILLINERY.. B e . l i'ts- 1- over i rl -i Mooitnt, has 30sZ veeevedotof Fali & to wmott she invites the attention of the ladies of Welleboro end vicinity. r: 3, MRB. E. E. KIMBALL. Jan, 4,1871.1 y `'.. Livery Stable! - W ATKINS A LOUDEN ye . , # - -1. --k - speutfully inform the pub -_,--.: - -40,11....4%. , Ito that they have establlehed a Livery tior Mire, I.i Stable on Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon tamp. Single or double rigs furnished, to order. ; They aim to keep good horses and wa gons, and Intend to please. Prices reaeonable. WATKINS & LOUDEN. ' , 1871-ly. • Wellsboro Baker*. • trJ. 'BURGIN would say to the — citizens of • Wellsboro and • vloinity that be is pre fitted to supply them with BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, • of the boat quality. We also nerve meals and andPreih OYSTERS to thine who wish. Oall at the Old Steva? stand. J. S. BERGIN. Nov. 23, 1870-Iy. Nay Photograph tia1a i i,,,,,, 7 -p e .. , 444a,raxa0).9.. AriotiOn-0. E. BrAtiitaAat":',';', NOIIIOO ! 4 . • C - ilasTeuarotieer — Welrid: reregeotintly ltifortri I 7 1be public, that ha is now receiving LARGE ADDITIONS to his stock of MERCHANDISE, borsht eitice the great deoline in prices, which onibles him to offer many* . • *J. *rent Bargains. T!ls la ; thea are inviteCi - 0fp,03,14. 41F4.!!f0..9J 811 AWLS, • 0 -• I • , . 4 S r *PRESS.,':GOOKS,::: which contain many new styles ,a4(l,l4q:lcs not, before introduced in Obi Market'. HOUSEKEEPERS would do well to examine his stook of TABt t LTNNE 19 Y CARPE~T8, K. ._ Y. Ott plod!, Blattings, ab Welleboro, Jan 4, 1871-. BACON 8L tAILEY• = • Drugs; Medicines, qinnucOs, aLAS§I, lITTY,- PAINTS'," (LS; . VAitNISFIES, DYE STUYPS. Alcohol * Pate Wl4OO auct::Lhrotii;lor Perfumery, Soaps, Briasima; Toilet Artiolia,'A'a. *irPhysicfpneprorcripitonscorapoundqqai at! koar t a. BLOSSBURG, PA. 'au. 4, 187/ ly. Mal Rome Shuttle Sewing= Machine; • ,M,410:. Machine is the ladies favorite, and il. porseisse all t ths.., 174113 -4 of; them me,. 7 .4 Mititteily s sad it fu d trg ii rtc4inint -other:l:riddle nui in . A e girr3 liti . machine will oath tt,to n 4 1I 1 1 ; i t i -' l, • , 1 Crooked Crack, , , . --, Oeneral t stient for. ' : Jan:4, 187/.:4411.: - ''.. 1 --q - '''''''' ' "Ilegattol?) MEI For Salo orttaiif:> , ' , „:j ,--„ q. - A- r<100i) dairy farm ln Tioga township, TI ?-11401.4coulitY,2,4*.s atiQat 211 3 1116113i15it Hui,' `Boma Tioga. about 100 aortsiimprovad,' arid Alt improved. Has on it "three barns, , tlitif . dWelling houses, an apple and peach 1)4.4 7 _1 eta; euarathar fruit tralreatittrVlKtiikVl Otani the west, rni - niiBr 4;in 4 0Aq.200 acres aodosired, with 80 sores co:ftas. vitt a good barn, a goOde balite -altd: inlikOttlintrd. Good for a dairying farm. l l 4141 /, / 8 / 1 -tf, • • t —Q 1103EIMOtrit, Tiogs,P*. MEI C. B. KELLEY El and 111 Mil Tycil4ks ) • a t f Drugs andl Medioln , RE =1 1 . 1.:4 - - , ..1' 1 t,,0! , .••••. , , i, tr-p. TT . a :•:;:.) - , - ,.r, :k _ .—..,._ . In any quantity and at low figs. -..,r.q. ,i t ~,, .... ~..,-, . ... ~ ~I ...,:--: -..-.: want it be- uistinctlr_tilldersinetilltat J seli cheaper . than any other firm in the County; further, I do atiirrOlitit isb, `Mati l riatifinilereeil, Ink nnItSS; they receive goods by the underground railroad. :'' '' l '' 1 ';'-,. - -- ..;:.--•::._:, c,-, , ,1-.1,--..-....• -1--;-; ,_ , v-t: . • , t t'Y 10 girt_'. , J.t:f , ' -z:'. =, !.! ~I,' , I '., .'...\. .1 ~,,7,..1::. Altoh0 1 ; 4 .. 2 . l l l :tri el/title - 1 '' ''' 1 'V! .1 ' I .. ~ 3 ... ..ice .. Glass, • KEROSENE OIL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, WINDOW CUlVihiNS'it , FIXTUR S. ;-:: : , •1_" . 4 ". 4 ..."i,::: , •;._, ,'._ .1. - ;',,,.f.1•.:„ . : ?; ~,' ',. .f: ' i 13 t. i . i: ^ . '': . iii 7 ~.1 it ' . 1 r, ' " lit I t : In faot I keep everything nautili) , around in a lillt Wasik / pAir,gtOlSAtiiii twits ila Watt fa anything in may line to give ine a °all; No charge fort ebolitro. 17114 , 990u4'atia t pii .- 7 ,,1-...,.-:, r•Jan. oi t X B7 A{ _ _.. ... I 6 1 . -11-7 - ' 7 • 54 ' 'l ° ' . l ' ' ri ' 4 l:. 411 . : P) ':'•,t-?"-a'kil '-:..P q 4 li 0 or ,• ~... :".:;:---',) r , ;• , r; •-•-',..,T0 _______ ..__________ _____.: ____.___._-- - ------- ---- _ --- - _ ~ . • f r - i ...% i r ` . .•, EVERT- 4E4 - # IN rf 04A LINTY OO u 5 ,:-:-.;,,,,.- ~_:- 1,:: A WIA) WANTS TO • * -r; (1 1 0fIfir Alt al fj R Ei Ikir.I§I. I I I I77ENUFLESti , I E.1.111„11. has just reeetyed au Immense stock all the lrteet styles of • t Ee LADigs ,llusls CI. Ci. We have in the line of .Printe from the 40 bps, 2. • DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, NOTIONS, ' All wool& ,Unlon ClothivlitiVitsslmeres. A large stook of substantial Goods, suitable for Farrairis and Mechanics' wear at low rates, even less than lttst Grocery Department. e , ; t.V•L.I '` , 3l . We have a full line of Tea, sugar, Coffee, Byruiii,galeratua, Chewing Tobacco, &c., and all of the beat brands. CASH .• - S i a l • th V. ,-., ,1-.1• -. P e -'- . .'. , T , l' , colonic, D.ji.,.,:, i , ' , • s •l , Are netiV prepared to offertgreat inducemimta to tliek Ptitrorti,tai they have • { just filed their store with an eridless.varlety oF •., ATEW FALL , , . . ... , . „,.., : , •.•,,.,„ 0 .G 1 •Ips • __ • i Of almost every"gitid4, quality aiid - pkidik'- I WO , Ottly'Akilt4l44lolo i4;balfarid look through our stock and save us the time of tintirstatatiniilflio,ktthisiesin,Storth ' ' - ...; -_. .:.----,,,AOA!* if.Alle746o§lll4tlfo43.he.pur! fanit t -its't . stnisiitas er e - '' - • -4 1 / 4 ,F4,CCIPVMz:te - Alr Lowest AlRtelk• ME giartiiakiii‘sure iii*witag to tie „Ladies or Mitigaic,A4y, tLa +► ve eve an r-14idifts vartetivVvery desiraldetpaltirne of: Yr: t, • , tit, .4) 9 i; , ;!;...,,. .1. 1:.,. 1 ...,,,,:.3. it atuaramal i - 9 -tryt-( ,{,t LINEVANWWIIITE tit OODS A. very large assortment, and at 'frary low price! 110== iiii Carpets ! -c , crpetBl , Thf:Lii -.: , ii , li. r"1:.(i 1 • i C, ' ;: ,l , We have a very large %took of Crurpote, va4irig itf quality andp r co. Per tans wiklitripaithind hi this /Pio would do well to ; call andjook troabgliopr a ook. •i% ,•(--; ; . .. J ... i ~ ..r .:. , '•i 1 I We are still Agents for the TEAS' Unittedlititates Tea Cpmpany, and are selling' good grades , `'' much cheaper than* retail. NvE sELI I -43wrfrif34- - kiD CASSI4ERES LOW. „-st REMEMBEp.24I3I.PRpPLE6' 41014, CONNING, N. Y. Corning,-Ciete. = -, •, '."1 . 3M1 I Tlf virAlTp. Arnold B. 1--beine s i ) p 2„ 7)0 4.``''' • • AND ,11.00 P SKIRT MA' NUFAttORY, IttOCt, Y-.' NM r= . Tlnia ' " iiargest k:ftuoy..l.l3 tore In Sfeub.exteotinty, and is now filed an • • •-• • immense stock 'of theilatest'ltovoltill for - - . • ,-, . . Pai 1-* Great bargains in Seamless RID GLOVES, and , every •other kind of:Glove% ..'!„- ; :f:‘,,7 ,-:,', 4, - s r,;•.,--,,,..,- .1.;.':•:, . .., r ' • , ZEPHYR WORSTED, " r :.„. _ ~.., - GERMANTOWN - YARN, -- I I fig .p 1 , & Y: , : 1111131)0 i 4 I ,i lir ) s4auctiFAßiv, , ‘Bows,e , --; i s _ 0007 x .., eel ancri i ), 1 OHIGHONS,i ) 1 xs,', - . /-:':,;,': zth f 1 LlitittiAllt ~ s , R tiogi :i r . -,, NS, : $ I NS. t —:. i : BIITTONk ;3 1 7TT4NS.: '-," . ' . ' AJ ', ', -y.•lf H. • .'; 1 7 . A z:lti. j?,1,10.a" T,i.:1.12.> : 4 35 i , e,, ~sfigT - ~ , .....;= !,1 , , , ,,. ,;,-, , . . Fancy Jewelry, Bracelets• charms - It Chains , • .. . ~ ...,, - .../7:-•a-tt-..aer;:r.z:, , „ OORBETS pf.,.?x,97,A19.441, -f1 , z,151 in fact 111 ..ept usually found is a ~,z•... C,..._.,•....,, , J ; •,- n 2 ' . q Wif 11 ' t 7 4: ..; r .t) ~:. I, --'-- ..„.,-:,,,,,.,.,....„,...,,,,,,,,,,, i , Ladies you will savel,money in buyipt i goods (you' cannot get in your viola i„ r,,.. :ic.l. .. --1=1 ; . : - : --, Atyyty l .goilletolluiVANOTIEITORE of . ~ . .1•-•-1•*; : 11- ,n Sr ~....: T:.,,f1 . .f:1a . , - ( 1::15 . ; 4.41.-,.WELLTE, ; .; Condsg,N.T v Ost, 6, ISYS: • ' . "sear the Depot] CORNING, N. Y. Mil P DEALS , i t tlEE' ail-1141 . S . ” 1 , t 17'1 ' r‘ i i ioa x tolOtti44 ttlnqftiii)l4:l,> - ;• -, 101/fP;;• ;;.“`,;-..-;.-; ATE irq011101NtS; ~ .V,0,4,0;:. 1 _ ..,. ......... _.... . . _ ' ;-. -,s - t - .., , , ;EFIIMEELYiI r'4 1 VC '1 - K E RC)IIB g ANKEE -NOTIONS, • ----',-. iili P -8,..ii - ..-.0_t...i..-„,,..,--,.., - Putty, 1? - ', 1B 'Si WILL BEAR IN Biwa) 411 AT , . ".‘;i . • • SHAWLS, °MUSEUMS. HOOP SKIM, Prom a Cataio - vitappor, to tit° coat►y 61.1)t9 ! , IMMO ME ~. 1 .. , .l: ~'~ ~ `lnntrio• Season. BM =I=M=MI ~ ~~.. ,: ; L • • , a E . '3 Min , ". -3 I,A • ( MS EMI .t ~" .~~ ~=•i ,GOODS! DOMESTICS, LINEN STOCK, BOWS &SHOES. IMEI = =1 77'3 is i lEIE .:., , r774 - * - .),..0 .10 • t•o, z every tib RES T 11 1 • ••••• e I -I` • , METE PII . ' Q 'Y' . ..:.5..".t OE -. _, 0- 4 ; COMPoilent,Parts—.fluid Ear:fact -Rhubarb and Fluid 4"; 1 . , Ex Ira el -Clita'wl4,iyape Gomigain4,aL4n .Ce . . , _l, - ; Jolts Affe c tio n s, Sta . or .litet vow . , ; ache, tbaliveliess;:,efe:,' Pure/9: - Crep e; .01e Corgaining „no , Jifergym.Mane (ll,,s or Dekleripaq - - , =I . - -...Theati 'pills are theArionf doligtigully - pleireant ,Milt alive, supersedinretetor titagne hitt; le, lteeeptaVie to the eteinifeb . : -.r rifey give tone r eraeatue neither nausea nor griping palie. "they rtio eompotod the finest ingredients-. After e few dap? use 1 0.144 11 %1 a c itn,k4vigpretien , of-tli 4 entire eye tAttif tabee place, se to appear toiraeulous to the Yrtigk*tiri_rlners,atesiovitother tufting. \ trent Ivo `ptlidenee or 'disease. 11: T. lieliebeld'e Con pound Fluid Extract ',Cetti . whit , Rippe Pills, are not etiger Foaled, frew , titotttettbete,ugar coetod 601 s; do licit' paeo - 1 fir oils this tem - ilefl t iwittloW•diekaving, • bion tegaetalx:ao pet Viduee the deette4 effect. Ttitt.eatatv be Cape 1114 beinglilelleatit rip` taste ,end, ttot neitiseititir theti being "iingar•onata.• 'Pricy _ ' ' =1 El "'ii. >. . . -wfil radically externitnate frail the syetetu, Sy philis, Sardinia:, Fever Bores„plcers, Bore Byes, .fibre Lege,noie Mouth,, Sore Bead, Bronchitis, Skin Diseasee, a t Ahem, Cankers, noontime Ifrom t,he.F.iii, V, he Swellings, Tumors, Canoe. dims Affootions; Nodes, Rickets, Night Sweats, Glandidar Swellings, Rash, Tatter, Rumors of aillitids,_Chrottioathontatista; • Avarice sia;_and andisaases.,that t have been established in the • systera for yeari. . . , ; • i.' . - - - - ' --' •;•- .•• • ' ---•- '-- - ' -- 1 . . .•‘t!, 1 i., - . - . - • . . _ , :':?jiieleg prepared e4proorly' for the-above coin. plaints, ire blood purifying proper tie. ar e greate r .. than atty9thed preparation of 'sarsaparilla. It ,glvds the completion a clear and healthy color, and,reliterett,thet:plettett to a state of health and 4iiirityi Per purifying the blood, removing all chronic winetilutional diseases arising from an 'impure state of the bloods and the only reliable and effeettial knovin remedy for the Cure of pains ;and evieltinerof !the 'banes, ' ulcerations of the throat' nd legs, blotches, pimples on the face, erysipelas' and all mealy eruptions of the skin, -andteau.tifying the complexion. Price, $t 50 per bottle...• .• ~ '' - • , . . • . . Ilenry T. lielmbold's CONDE . .M.TH . ATED LUM EXTRACT RU CHE, THE G . EAT DIURETIC, ' has cured every ease of Diabetes in which it .has bath:, given, irritation of the nedk- of the Iladdei and Inflammation of the kidneys, ulcer ation of the kidneys and - bladder, retention of utine'diseatiei pf the prostrate gland, stone in the b ladder, calculus., gravel, briokdast deposit, and mnbons or milky discharges; and for enfee bled. and - delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the fonowing : symptoms: India pailtion to exertion, loss of power, loss of mem ory, dlifienhy_ot breathing , weak nerves, trem bling, horror of disease, wakefulnes, _dimness of vision, pain in / the back, hot hands, flushing 01 the body, dryness of the skin, eruption on the face, pallid countenance, universal lassitude of the.museular system, ete.-• - : Vied ;by persona from the ages of eighteen to twenty-live, and from 85 to 65, or the decline or change of life; after confinement or laborpains; , for. bed-If/thing fa children. ISM MEE j~~ ~ ~~~N'~.~ ,i ,7• • '• y 11231 IBM E 3 !f,75-- ME ~ `CldaWba Grape Pith. i. lIMEIMIEI ;HENRY Ta' . IIELISBOLD'S wow r 0" 1 N TD;TRAI COMPOUND PLUID•EXTRACT - SARSAPARILLA • 13 auttuAf' FilW-4161414". from bt , g ,tt dissipation and airossea and itu pf.ndenc life; impixitiss of tbo blond, etc:, irnparaeding Copaiba tD affections foi which it is livid. and ayphilitio affections—in Ono:diseases nsedlin 'coal:nation *lth Ifeinitiold's Rosa Wasb. LADIES. 111E1 Ls 113814 affections penult/4. to ladies, the Ex. tract 'Wahl' is Unequaled by any other remedy— as in ohloroals refection, irregularity, painful• news or suppression fg customary evacuations, ulberated or Mitiffilla state - of the uterus, leucorr been or Whites; sterility;and for all complaints incident'. to the set,,whether arising from India oretfon or habits of dissipation. It Is prescribed extensively by, the moat eminent physicians and midwivea for enfeebled and- delicate °menu:t -ibia/2 of. both sexes and Allinson, (attended with any a tlio above diseases or symptoms.) . „ . • H: T. nehrlhaws , Extract Ril.6 . 14 - p! CURES DISEASES ARISING FR 04 INPAV:pIiNCES, DISSIPATION, C., . 9 in all thiir stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no ineerivenience, and no expo- Joie: >Tf causes a frequent desire, and gives strength : to - urinate, thereby removing °Warne none, preiinting mia curing strictures of the urethra, Pliiiying pain and inflammation, so fro: (inept in;thia cleecof diseases, and expelling all poisonoup matter. • lhotsande, who_hayo been the victims of in-t competexit persons, and who have paid heavy teas to bc cured ist 'stilfert litekliave found they had beentdeeeivid;ind that the a poison' has, bythaluie of 'powerful ashingentS,' boon dried up in Slid vetem, to break Out in a more aggra. yatod.fo*, Biaperttips"after marriage. ...,Thie,lielmbold'i - Extraot Bache for all -afea gone aivd