The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 21, 1871, Image 2

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    lieve, the truths represented and main
tained .by
,the Cliratbto
~Chttrett., an 4
yetareitnwilittlg to tate - the 6tiliaequiSti , ; -
ces logleakbArtvqly4,lluctl: Ali. igno
ring or denicilet theni - he - reiniiided
that all this betrays nollesa iv sliallcly7.,
uesifpfi ,t - pilid ttiatllti: bl igh f. Api Pt CknOrfq;
lifer IVlt'ii' expeetiPiti ilestiCs to Peifsh
litco he brute? But why, then,. IS ,1111-,
tnorta, ity,louged ; for,i , --.that it ;40-a y
prove another round • oGtixist enee snob
as this?, . Whoever sult s era his: gaze to
ba W. eit.on - this side of death, as -the
goal- (-ilia striving,' will-in his own ex
pe rip, e e :prow all, Ikv 4 tte ed it liiii;of the.
hardest Materialir. I.,et even_thts
tieltuilitiiTii lei - 4-41s 4frotis in Its e ffects
than the idea .that the aitine , lite ~ yrhieh
in the immortal state is to bring Cs un_-
alloyed: haritillteas; is to be F acri tl ced
here ton brief perlial of frivolity, if not
outright dissipation, at which many an
avowed „Materialist wool & • blush, 'be
eaus.e.of ttni,protligal waste of time; the
wanton abuse or noble powe - re!
g::.4t:'('..' ; Agi'lat'iy:r',
vAN IDELDsit, tailor.
Wellsboroulaii, .
Wednesday, February 22, 3.8'71.
THE ItOF. OF PROcirtisStOtc.--The Pa..
Senatellls pinrsed ' a - hill allOw i rig - wti 2
men over 24 yCar - 4, - of age to be voted for,
as School Dteect4s. This' step
'toward woman sull6gt.;,,,and is liitrin7
grda't reform.. '4lie complaint
about ignorance on the part of School
Directors, will not be so purnerous.when
this bill r goes into effect.
Boum:4ATx, Feb. 16.-At a caucus
held last night; and. corn posed of, a ma
jorityt.ot the delegates,' It was resolved
to esi'abliAt - a Provisional Republic,
with Theirs as President, avreas
mier, arrifthe Diftte De Dazes as Minis
ter of Foreign A flittrs. The other 51ip.;,
tt.ters are to be Simon, Piettrd. Buffet
and 'Burtoly - .' Ott the cot/elusion of a
peace the Conveption trill adjourn' to,
tipti will submit' to a plebekielte
the further hula of the guveritnitcat. , •
,oNunz , :, Feb. yi --In eommidenee of
ee vt a ili pre tt aiations made in the
of Prance for {wiling into kerviee the
militafy i lays lof 1371, llismarek will
eottscnt : to prolong the. arm itilee,ohly
five days.,` 'l'he Capitulation, of Ileihrt
has been signed, and the garrison „has,
•c; it ittir(t:.v n with its arnis and baggage,
'rho Paris'figeieo says :" I t is repor
ted that . the perrnau propositions for
peaceitin thus':
eessidn, , or A two
anti Lprrainc, anti the partition of the,
de pa amen t or j)ott bs ; au indemnity of
( i t e and a half: millions of' t balers ; the
Prtftsians to hoop all the materiel
war they have Ottptured.,Pnd the Fren,oh,
tleet and colonies to remain intact." •
The Centro!find Paeifti railroads aye
abltin Congress to let them off on nit
detnand'for preiient iiayinent of inter*
est on the bonds , issued for• their bene
fit. 'They argue thet, by a tair eouartke
tiou of the laws, this enn not„ he qeillart
(led, and also that the government has
finied in it, share of the contract. It
has not given them its entire transpor
:at hm to do, but has reaped much hen
clit flora the roads in sißedier and °boa
pel carriage: They do not ask a Subsi
dy, and they say that In a few years the
mail alone will much more thati pay
intetct Oil the bonds. 'l'hey only ask
rd-ief from present embarrassment, and
tw there seems to be afair show of equi
ty in their requests, and pantie ne Ulti
mata 14;3s to the governinent, we,hope
Congvelc..! will pass the resolution .they
ask for.
--A report has obtained currency
through the papers that tloz , subsidy
billb befr•re Congress call for over four
millions of dollars yearly. This is not
correct—at least . as regards the three
principal bills that are Most important ,
and most likely tesucceed. These bills
are : the. Gulf bill, Which asks, for $161:/;-.
nOu yearly ; theAustrallan bill,. calling
for $300,0000; and the Auer lean and Eu
. 6111, which only asks to carry
the mail at present rate's, 4it asks to
have the limit of twoyeare extended to
twenty. No company would - feel - safe
in starting aline of ocean mail steam
ers with the possibility of losing the
mail carrying. advantages at the end of
.two year;. England her
ocean mail steamers heavily ; and any
now who has seen, as we have, foreign
steamers cif the largest Watts daily corn._
ing to atiellor ern thequarantine ground
at the poli of New York, or the "Red
Cross Link," driving everything befori
it in the Mail and passenger btadnesa,
on the coast of South America, while
in both eases a large American steamer
w a a looked upon an an creeptimial
thing, will hardly object to the passage
of these bills.
—The Democratic papers are 4rougly
exercised concerning the in vestigationp
institoteiLl . iy the Semite Special Com
mittee. Some of ti e Rho% ietiders
—among them-Torok; of North (aro
liuri been 811111fuffitkA to appear
and give evidence; Turner to appear in
costume: If they iglu be got to tell the
truth, some Interesting developments'
may be loolCed for ; hot probably they
will swear to tell the tea th us the chiv
alry were wont to swear (0 flu pport the
Uonslitution—w it II a " mental reserva
This ailil(1111102117iwt, 'V 111 stoke Ilke
tho tolling of funereal hAs on the sails
of many-true !deers eif A inerlean
tiy, poet 9 uad poetel;;;el=.' Many 'Will
think of sumhuriied " Mona,('u : ith her
" dead-leaf, ,hair," a 9 Way reall I lie sad
:mnottneetnent., It 6 mot
,yery gene
rally knowU that both Adico and her
sister l'hcebe were Spirititali.46, and at
tached to each other by - a love ilia was
more than remiap tie. The Elmira Ad-,
vcrliser gracefully says :
" Ono day they saw the form of their little sic.
ter standing on a house setae distance away,
when else was in fact quietly sleeping above them.
She died soon after, and the sisters became oon
verts to the grange faith that afterward shed its
weird influence o 'er their lives. The lovo,of the
two lone sitters cias almus(wonderful. and a uni
versal pity will b felt for 113mbe in her, great
bereavement. Alien loved society, and be little
Sunday ten partieket their cosy Mime in Theta*
eth street, bad become quite a feature in N. York
literary 114." ,
TUE ERIE FOR 1870.—The Erie toad
11a6t year, says the Elmira Advertiser,
carried 000,275 passengers, and over
four million tuns \ or freight. They have
41051 7 442 engines, 'which cost over a mil
lion of dollars, The receipts front pas
e'engers amounts to 0,100,870 ; from
freight, $ 18,828,000 ; and the whole com
bined, $10,479,401, while the whole sex
pense lesves a balance of $BOO,OOO,
•ThereitlieaS4e, a iithtla - nieat:4iinafz 2
er of some 2100 tons, which took' out.
the ban Domingo Conimission, has uOt,
Ireen heard from, and serious .fears ata.
_entertained' foeher safety 84 Should
t •A •
he been reported twei : Nw',4lo f*P.
the usual course of
- Al! sorts of rumori'are'itiloat 'Concern:ts
,ing her. 'lt is said that; she yaw not
setiwoythY,apd that this fact wash n n
to englii-eO4-15-rithilliti,—*VO-Viel7e-iiiiida
to speak:What they ..knew, for fear of
losing ilheir places `Under government.
may be itippotied twkiioW • ntOro .of
liticiii than- Utaritlthe Matters,, The
Tennessee is nearly' neirt *one AA the
t idea • -' •
stanchest Is
,well r fonnil
haye.'. gone "ti?'' the 'bottetkii:ltli.lti,4 l i
nevei-Otetop froM that po4ailiit#t —.
And,'if :she islOt,.we see
. ho';:aseu for,
attachingldittne“ Jot foie, 04' #6.l'
pro,o,t that hW yelt,beeti adduced: The
following,list : of names is taken, from
the Day. H. J. Ramsdell was -former
1y engaged on this Paper, - and most of
I 'Our citizens 'will recollect him. • •-.
e-part Too board.eonsisted of Bon. Benj.
Wade, Dr. S. O. Bowe, Andrew
Corquitiiioacra ; Allan A.-Blitton;Seiiietaryi r.
C. C. Parry, botanist; 11. Mit "and' Suhn P.
`Foleiy,:phonographers; Professor.T. F. Crane,, of
Cornell_LTaivergity; Professor Blake, geologist;
Frederick Bouglass. Captain
Henry Wade; G. P. Adams,`of thti - World; 11. J.
If amsdell; of .the Tribune; Charles F. Hart; of
fhb Standard ; li. V. Boynton, of the Associate
,Pkest ; C.,C.:Fulton, of the Baltimore American;
Arthur It. Eibeilicrd, of the Washington' Repub-'
lead and the officers and orev.of the ; vessel.'
The. Press devotes nearly thiee col
umns to thohistary of a notorious vil
lain, Whose exploits ( in burglary, for ge-,
ry, swindllug,contideiree games, ,rob- -
bery, and almost eViefivarietY._oricourt
drelisiii, eclipse 'eVeu,the noted Stephen ,
Burrows.. This precious.,,,viliain has
operated under a multitude, of aliases,
but histhree favorite names, and those
by which he was best known, were " I.
J. Ferber," At Edward luniphreys"
and "JlH.Hardin." His , field of op
erations was large, including some lit
teen States, besides Canada. He is,
just at present, rusticating in the peni
tentiary at Charlestown, Mass., Long.
may he wave—at the grated Windqkvs
Of that institution. . _
A friiiirityttilist writes to u favoritO
gan,of Lis school that the work :•f4pirli,-
ualiSts have before them is:
. "To enthuse rill humanity with new relig
ious devotion to all truth, lead )yhere it inaY;'
and, if ego truth bo not known, to ha discover Y;
and if the way to discover -it ho also unknown,
then to the discovery of the way. a , o the die
covcry of the discovery of the discovery they
devote thetnselves; and thus will the hieroaphan
tie souls sail down the picturesque .sistus of pro 7
toplasni to the shore of the enemies."
It strikes' us that humanity has a
strong tendency to become "enthused"
with humbug. If our " hieropliantio
souls" could be induced •to " lead us
down" the " protoplastic". vistas of
common sense, we would twice our
chance on the " anagogies.", •
A tribune - Correspondent says' " our
troubles with England are' settled. It
has taken a month to acemnplish this
result." The public will be glad to
hear it—if it only were true.- Mit ills'
only anticipatory the High Commis
sion consists of toll fallible men. As
they all have a Most natural anxiety to
satisfy their respective constituencies;
as Way may be' supposed to have- au
timial prejudices; as each and every
one. of them has his record, to make,
with • which he Must go to the People of
his country; as a'nlistak'e---real or sup
posed—will cling to the maker thefeof
:for an unpleaSant length of time; and
, Atistly, as `it is quite possible that the
five English Commissioners may not
See the'vexed number of 290 in the same
-arithmetical light' as the'ilve Americani
Commissioners, we submit that it is
folfe`(o - wait - until the naueli-desired-but
hx-no-meane-certain-resultris reached
and offtcially announced..•
.'r • .
1103 IE Antr i tIANISM.
W.. J. Stillman, who was -for four
years,Cousul at • Rome,. l Was written a
letter to the Tribune, from which we
extract alew points. fle says:
," Its traditions were as old as its anthoritY,
and the system of repression and espionage quite
worthy of St. Petersburg. Not to speak of
vague and general complaints, 13Qnow that spies
were p)aoed at the doors of the places of Protes.
taut rorebip, to See if any Romans went in, and
that:ono Mend* mine, a surgeon In the French
hospital, was arrested for having , waited on' his
wife, (an English woman,) and carried at night
to fthe prison of the Holy Office, (the euphonic
for the inquisition,) where ho was menaced with
essere puniShment if ho not only did not abstain
from courteales to Protestantism, but compel his
wife to leave the Angliciin Communion and en
ter the Romani
and be finally escaped from them
by an appeal to Frenekt protection as, an em
ploye: -
V . The system of terrorism was such that libel.
ral ltomans dared meet only in public, and never
permitted a stranger to approach them in con
versation. I never dared enter the house of a
Roman friend, for fear hf bringing on him•ti do.
miciliary visit.
•' Masons know very welt the hihtory of two
brethren, hanged and buried in the highway, for
no other oirense than Laing Masons. When, the
lodge, which meets in Rome in' spite of all, wish
ed to send an address of condolence to the Grand
'Lodge at, Washington, on the occasion of Lin
coln's death, they were obliged to transmit ,the
document through four messengers, the last not
affiliated, an groat was their danger if discovered
to be . Masons.
" Worse than this—worse than anything we
can couceive—was the system of debauchery
kept up by the priesthood. It was a prOverb
among the Romans that 'if one would go to a
house of ill-fame he must go by day—at night
the priests had all the places;' andanother, that
' all married women were seduCed by the priests'
The amoure and profligaay of Antonolli were'as
well known as those of the late French Emperor;
and no Ono who has,lived in Rome long, can be
unaware that the immorality of thatcity (ex
cept among the obstinate Liberals, wb rejected
all prerogatives of the church, ; as s oh,) was
greater than any city in Europe, oxeept Vienna
and Naples, and worse in its tyie-than, that of
the,latter city. . * , a
".Not helm a politician, and haying no occa
sion for the'lluffragesof thdse whose love of free
donwis purely egotistic, or whose sympathy with
it is tin election 'mask, I am not ashained, like
the Monde( a dark Muse, to give you my name,
(only wishing 'tor the sake of Italy that it were
heavier And better known,) and remain, in the
•itrongest sympathy with your devotion to human
freedom 'everywhere, in Now York as well as, in
Rome or, Dublin. - W. 3. 11 - itu..NA.n., ll ,
"'Plitipaeld, N. J., jot. 0, 1871." - -
Tll6 above letter t lls IN wain stoty,
But what 'decent Anierican can reflect,
. -
without a 'tingling sense .Of shame, on
the monster meetings that have been
Feld ili . r
exir principal cities to assure the
Pope - ,syrrditby and material aid ;
While, pp tlielnattec,of Italian liberty,
we , have heen dutub,,, fir "-oared [-you"
verYHite a mouse.. `-Ahd • this i after. all
our talk About the ," refugeof oppressed
nations, l ! • f` vanguard o f , freedom,"
iiiorlorri'hope of liberty," etc. o; for
the sake Of eoneistency—for the sake of
decency—let us blow our national horn
on a lower key, until we have, the ruO
ral courage and honesty to el:amp - a
r •
nation struggling froni under centuries
of- ierarichal okpresslon , and nib3rule,
Bat th, people are not in .fault. The
following extract from I%fr. Sill!Mater=
me wtion Flo ens in Anterloaz-it 'FINI/14•_ IQ. we
prophetic and every day' more owl 01 ,, fin-' 4 1,4 0
Stillman, if: you Jo not got rid - oft hfWisrlitii
clam, yeurVantry,will, he rained t - kas than
nlo 09,3eellittbat
liar A.,•0 611 tki 0 '14 6 44 6 r:0PP414-:*ith the
zoip an ivradA4ine4iofeeetidaA tticlearruitne cc
-040; opoilkof ItrA 'O4 rifili ,, .an'tt--41;,,W.
etirtiate .ointted,T. 4‘,4
`" - '"'"'St4te''Nornial -7 80httOli" -;;; '
Fifth Ditirict,—/IranifieN, Tioga Co.,
Spring Terin Opens March 27th, 1871.
—CHARLES 11. :VERltilito A. -.-..,,PRiztotrat.,.
Picifeinchoot Seletici• and" Art Ar tie m :l:eaehing„tikd
bleital and Motal Yhilbsopsy •-• • • •
1114NRY W. Jprigs, •At. • Rrofessor,
Mathematics, apt Natural,
JOANCLAItIi, A: B. VeOtitiotor Of Ali
rainiii aged and E kiln nun': ''z . 1
MISS FRANCES A. 000HRAN,i Pltossi.
riesit, Ittatructor of Modern Languages,
tixof G‘eogiapby:
MISS SWAN R. - PRBI3t4N, M. R., Itistruct—
or, o fß Eloaution. „ = • ~ =
I.S An G. )19Y , T;.Pflripa9r,1 tlvti!ttti.99l4ll
Alttelo." „
rBAALBS O:THOMPSON,;Profeisor ofl rj,i74
ing4tud Painting.. , . .
LEwis MEAD,lnstructor,of Pentztaoohip..-
Et/$5 'ANNA It. KELSEY, 4 :Asklitallt fn
Mathethailor. •
VINES. PRATTdd. E., Pttoolpal of Mod
el School, •
MISS' YB MoltfiCilt; B. lr t „
'FIFTY CSNTB on tiOit PER WSiK secured by_
declaring intention Ii teach. • " •
By a recent act of the LegislatUre, the follow
ing appropriations are made ,hy tho
_State to
Normal Students and Graduates:
1., Each Student over sL:enteeii years of' - 'aglp,'
who shall sign a paper •declaring his intention to'
leech in the Common Sehoel'of the dilate, shall
reCeive:the,sum of F(Ay Center, per week towards,
defraylnitho Ckperiees of tuition and boarding.'
2. Each-student nver seveateen years' • of 'age,
who was d isabled in the m il itary and naval service
of the United States, or of, Pennsylvania, or
whose father taat Aie iije in . - said service, and
who shall sign an agreement as above, shill
ceive th 6 sum. of 'tosis. DOIA;Aft 'per week.
3.•Eachlittiden t, hoi , oupp_l3., Ur4du at shall
sign on, agreementto I teach, ; ia: t h e. gOIDat 'u
Schools Of this State too:fiiii yscirs,* shall rese e.
the sum:offEntiry Doit,istOL 4
4. Any Student to enure these benefits, -mist.
attend the ,§chool at least twelve consecutive
*A Sobobl,Year must bold least four- mouths.
. .
Ail the DlP:croak aYe auti3orlied and furnished
by the State, and exempt those who hold them
from any further. examination. by authorities
acting under the . provisions of our Common
School laws: '
Expenies for:Sohool Year of 44 }Vick.; including
,Boarde Tuition, Room 011,, and
- Washing, $lB6, (less 50 cents, or $1 .per, week,
as Mated above,) and leis $5O If graduating.
.E.epenseefor Third Term, (14 sheiks,) coat
men cing . March 27th, 1871, Winding; as above;
$62, (lessiOets. or $l. per. week.) ,
• MOW nd Book Rent, for thosti'Who do not
board idlslotuial'Buildliagi $lO rier terro, l (14
Weeka,)iless,-.600t5. otsl per,-week.
In*tructip~i „in Bletromental ,ditific, including
use of instnimerit, $1 per week .
Pinmasiship, (24 Lessons,)' $1,60.
Drawing, $3 per terra.' °
i?ointing $6 to $lO per term.
Board can be obtained in private families at
$3.50 to's4 per week. -' •- ' -
No Exrita. CHARGES. Students admitted at
any time.,
All bills are to be paid promptly In advance to
the Principal, who aots 'as agent for the Trustees.
Students boarding in 4114 Normal Building furn-.
lob sheets, pillow- cages; and one comfortable.
For further,information, or admission ,to - the
' •
School, address thrcprincipal.
- Mansfield; February Itith; 1871.-8 t -
ANY qUantity on band at the Elk Run Plaiter
Mill, 4 miles from. Giines. Price s6'o4 per
Jan. 25M;13871.:-Im.
t Notice. -
A .
vg parsons tudebted to D. P.-Roberts by
Book account or Notes call
add' settle and save Costs, 'at G. W. llferrick's
Fob. 1, 1871.—tt
0/ erec,—Avc..e .? 1,... , ..----...--. ,- .0. -- trj:
the:7V•eaeury'of .7Voga Coto* for the
e_year MO :
' - ----,RECEIPTS
-.___ • -
County-tax 1887,
.. ,
Bounty, - a
• County; 1888,"
Bounty, i ) a
County, bounty, State poor, county
poor, 1889, 18,928 48
County, 1870, ''-- '. 22,204 40'
Bounty, • " - • % '11,320' 69
State, ; St . 841 61
, .
Coanty poor, " 1,791 64
`Toartatip% poor, " 2,724 79
County tax, 1888-9, unseated lands, 8,877 74
, Bounty;,.; -. " ' "1 , % 15,431 72,
Po6r, * ,`', .” : l i sos 92
• 'Counti,` l= " r sold by Tre'asprer,l,o3B 08
I • "••%I: I L. '`,. Nandi leaden/ed.; - 484 El
• ' - - CriEritTrotath%ooltsV-030Therlff,1,196.- 60.
II ruzi.l.nscho's note / . i -1, . 46 - , 00
-:If , o:Matey% note; 4 ' " 4 ' 575 , 00.
T.A Robinson, money dimity farm, 772 .80'
Judgment, county 'vs Blair of al ~ 100 00
N Close's note, 260 00
County loans, 1870, 8;416 83
County tax• seated landereueemed, 18 96
County taSt land Hold Coarniers, 168 94
Commissioners' Wages.
Job Rexford, .; $3lB 20.
P. V. Van Ness,
~ 306 36
M. W. Wetberbed, ' 1 282 '59112 40
• Memiseioners' Couniet.
HenryrAlleil,: , :: • 415 00 ' ti
W. 1143mIth, , 50 00
Wilson Niles, , GO
John I. Mitchell; ''"' 75'00- 1 4490 00
_ • ' 'Conunissioriere Clerk. ' ' ;-
ThematrAllen and others, ---$1,001'50
Auditeri. - ' •
S. Po; Phillips et al, $B3 76
Israel Stone, 42- 91
H.S. Atelier, . , 89 00 77 -- $195 66
traverse .liirort.
J B Wilcox et a),
Grand Jurors.
Henry ?:foivrey et al,
Thomas P Wingate,
Witt t , t - Inseho et al,
• Jtaticee.
Oleaveland etal; •
D Dunbck, et alp
P C Van Gelder et al, ,
J L Calkins
Commonwealth Opel.,
L'ltitk et a); `
District 'Attorney:
John I Mitchell,
Bounty on Wild Come.
P D .11odgkha al al, • $l2 60
r im in:9 and Bridge' irietni.
B Ba4oult,ttl,
Repairing Pridger,
A Vte3tuOlds et al, - , ,
s S'Pac hard,. . ,$3B op .
• Silas Allis, ' • • ' 112 Oir . ;
James Lion; ; 1- I_,6b 0 0r. ;
P Doud, in Sullivan, -; .3_45. 00 , :f ;
Chas`ZiyJon, in Elhlal4) • ,4 0 0,
B Ward;, 4sl 39
Silas in 'Gaines; • 1 Idt; 01:L11;54019
.I)ciinags to intOrciiihniotte.
Charles 'Stone, • • $5O 'OO -
A COoledgo,.„l ,DA
Abians Carl, • , 2§ 00
Charlei Edalaid; - 35' 00
14 A ,Humphrey, • 20 80
Philo Churchill, BA ;oo
S IC 'Longwell,- 49 1
Wood,'lBo 80
JCi IlsColltn,- • • 25'00
Charles 4,ubbik AGO OD, ,
G B 01,104,, „ „26,00.
" 23"'00'
, A mg r vi t yp !; El . ' 25 00 '
.A 0004000.13,_ . -; .15000
A 'jobb 04
A S Eassolton, '25 00
A Dia/ease, ' • '45 00
J B Ford. '• ; - 45 00
W DitOl ll 4PP? , ..,g5O 04
Nawb43 , Close, ;0 00
Thomas Oirietc; j ib 00
• ,'• 20 -10
R . L ., 4 , 11- P.„. II IPPP/areYi ; ; 14
minsmuuh, , 4332 P
George IP 42
WW Babb, • ; la
z 4,;
James Peters, - 39 90
...110est Pasbeer, .4 99.,_ - r
John Wilson,
E MIPTP.Y P. 4 01 , - -
ditinacirie 'Feet.
ETTF Dbrialdicon;l .f
1 . IZanarn, if!aaitaattaqt!
41; • " "
Sheriff I reef,
' J't 13 fiittei- 'at l i
ifdnei Refuncie'd
tki t ; •
AIL' a ne e a )
- '
, • al, s :
;„. Dagwer
itelson 14wop,e, , ,
1 .. f dopying:l!efords., , :;
' - Te'ach'ers' ineiitutes.
E: liortori et*, „ sin
4001Parkburatimoney loaned,
lit. W=ll'eoet ,Vdistriblittng temon.l 4, f
cr ii
stri t ipea sin t,diTiding county,Ato., ..22,fip
.-•- , it
' 4 u
~ , 1,1 86
H 8 Coo •for Tape; - lb
j Jones circulating remonstrances, - • • 1 0 00
dI W W berbeo, 18-84
3 obiltesford,, 44 , 'lB 98
P V Vein `Nets, 12 00
P V Vanuels, expenses, .to., binding
, mit : pauper, - • 360
11 L• Doane, acknowledging Treasurer's
" bond, '1 . 14 00
CiS Moore, livery bill, ' 2 00
Roberts it Bailey, goods, a 87
51 W Weiberbe ~ascesssn't Moysis Run, ° 13 00
Van Neill, " '"" '" • ' $ 4 21 90
Curry ea , o roulattg remonstrances, • 6 00'
N E111111 , 010.,.41 ,0 738 0 ,4c., - ...7 r.;...,.. , :d ; 7:: •:-3:00
BrOCtq,,stamps Or d0cci,,,,5,,,;, , :,;!; •••,1,;•,•t.' .60
- .P I:l!.l36nieU;exptess Miargie, - , -- , ,00
II firalllii; fillealreneeißtaidhirited;, - ; t`l'•: . 8 12
sMitler,,Hatriebltt ',t eglpb;" . `` >.C 3 ';lk': - ...''''' V(141
, Wilion* Van V,alkenburg, gods, . • ;-; , '•4l
M Buliaid, eiPraiiiiiiirges, 1 95
Marla! Black, piling wood,' ' 8 76
II El Cook, xeptiting-P;o'ry's fikice, • • , -18 00
D L,Deane„ " • . 7" .i , • ~- 305
141;J I Jatkion, 'Blair jsdlinient, ' ' 100:00
.11 , 0 C ox, staeop•and distoount '46 loan, 'lB 19
D L Deane, express charges, A ~ 1 • 1 - 06
T P ',Wingate et al, repairing office, 8 15
ditcotint and stamp oo loan, BB 02
Yottng72 Merriok, 'flouting oo build'gi, 214 50
It 0 ',Cox, discount and stamp co lean, • • 10 91
'H'D Hackney, newspaper,' . • - ~, ' 800
David Melee at al,
B Smith et •
• Lange Said County. •
R-0 Cox, Treasurer, - , -$lBO , OO
- Court House, Officeir - and Grounde..- -
Dfiturrooli et al,
E Stratt,et, al,
Repairing Rive!. Banks
Charlie Tolee et al,
Tolizylyp Appeals,
M W Weiltarbee of al,
Commission on co bonds, $603 68
ft " orders, 890 98
ri poor orders, 98 03— $1,692 67
' • State Treasurer.
IV IV Irvin, • , .
$2,7b4 SI
Amount of bills paid, to the following persons, for
County ,Efoulc and Farm, and other .bills town
*hip,' &L.,' from January' 1;1870, to, jenuary
1, 1871,•by the Treastirer of Tioga County : •
" • •
John Wortithdihe. repairing,"
ow S9'oo
W T Htitatibrby, doottiring pauper N 15 00
i.J'alKi 9 g,*eeping Westfield pauper.., 148.14
'BelaySatterly,keeping,Charleston pauper 11,75
AM do R' Spencer, flour and, fied 00,
Jacob Morsman;digging grave ' • 4 00'
T L Baldwin, goods to Tioga pauper 13 92
R and E Palmer, fixtures poor house 14 00_
J Fish et al, goods Tioga boro pauper 50 9.2
'Jane Jones, Blois paupei • ' '6 't&
I Conversa•42. Osgood, for coal • &
W T Matters, inerehandise,
I' II Sheffer, brinittitaajgr._ to P ROA., • - 8 -n
r al, keeping pauper IS
B T Van Horn, furniture , • 22 04
- ,
Nelson Packer, doctoring Delmar paupers *4 00
,W L Warriner, keeping Delmar pauper 8 25
Jane Jones, Blois pauper .' • •-, . • 875
•Job Look, oho)* for Poor House 195 00
U Conway, rethoving pauper . 1 00
8 Watkins, lirery. - • 2 00
C L Willcox, 'goods - 101 52
Roberts A Bailey„goods . • , 91 80
W•T Mather's, goods* —. , ....1.9 03
Sears A Derby, geode • 6 55
1.1 Austin,- oow • , 55 00
Jane Jones, Bloss pauper ' 2 25
G W Navel, repairing 4 85
Webb A Hastings, - drugs , 4 25
SelaY Satterly, Reeds I : ' : 6 00
Joseph Mitchell,,loal - , , " . ' 52 25.
Will Mathemgoods ~., _ _ •, : , 183 81,
Jane Joiths, - Slosi Paiiikisr • . . ' ss 0121'
"Pelee 46 Blair; Odds- - -.` '''' ": '• '' . "- 6 - 55
Willeox-ik:Wil,slaslPo62 . ) .•" : ` 16 6.0'
Willdok 11 Wheeler,goodc, - .; . , ~ ;0 isc)
- D Awiti"; t)iiiiilng patiperith pe'ei,lthuie 16 07
T Allebinsoni on salary ' • • '5O 00
T L Baldwin, geode. Tiogapauper - 26-60'
W C Griffin i bringing pepper ro poor housq,ls 75 -
C B Kelley, gOidli _, 473
Biallard Jr"Oo, &side '' . `r 186
P R Williams, goods .. l'9 68
W 0 Riese,. goods - ... , , 40 15
,L A Gardner, goods' . 27 96
Wright & Bailey; goods :' 85 00
Roberts A Bailey, goods " 674
Sears A Avery, repairing . 30 00
Lounsbuiy'tc' Kimball; repttiring 10 95
0 J Wheeler; repairing '. ". • 9 85'
Jobn 14oeketty, *toping pauper
_, . ' : 16-40
El W Sherman. removing pauper - , ,`ll 65
hi W;Wetherlide, bill' of work , • fi 00 E
Boyntin; geed' for pauper ' ' ' - 's7' ,
N Pooker,-holf year's 'salary , • ' l 5O 00
B Hart, flour and teed - ; i • 2 . , 1 ,76 -1,9
W L Wartirier, keeping'poupor
~., 6. 00
031 fteelej, coal - "‘' ' 320
Wilson A. Vau.Valkenburg, goods . •. • •42
OH Hastings, goods - - , 43.4 -41 f
Alanoon Thompson, stook ' . 50 00
Sears .6 Avery, :repairing ` . • :',,,,, ' 21 95
Leroy Tabor, furniture , . ; • , :13 50-
Samuel Ltidlow, date . ' .22 80
J E Lyon,'digeing grave 3 00
A E Niles; bill. of work for 'Bogs paupers 4 50
N R Gee, Tostiee'e Bill - • I - l' - -2 00
W M Insepo, removing paime,,, , & 00
John Lookerby, keephrg pauper. -,;. . 43 58,
Jane Jonii,Bloas pauper -- ' ' 300
J H Everett, ?entering petit iir --- 7. - 42 - 00
E M-Streger; rooming pauper • 'll 68
0 Bailey, removing pauper - , - .. 684
A Wass, ?Studying pt‘uper _ '5 00 -
W A Weir; keeping paupers 1n asylum 445 18
John 11 Shaff, keeping pauper : • • *. :,: -' 20 25
IT /I CooPCTI expenses fto• , , 25 00
J H Everatt,`?eintiving paup ers ' ' ' 21 00
George /fruiting., goods' '. , - ' ) '< -- 01- 86'
MM. Converse, use oUbull , • i 16,00
8 Ludlow, oats,; p l 4 r.
E Fellowe, butter ' 'lB 4
73 60
61 35
688 81
$97,087 61
$2,734 28
8708 84
$123 00
$BB4 2k
$49 87
1,13,840 60
$3BO 60
$913 91
W W Webb, half .year's salary ;_ '5O 0O
John H Bhaff, keeping pauper .. 9 76
HVell, bill tei coffin &o . 18 0
B Hart, flour. — • . • -46 56'
J R Barker, goods ; . let 7&
C C "Mothers, goods , . - 1 30 61.
B T Van Horn, farnitnio ' • " - 12 00'
WO-Kress, goods • 88 80"
Toles & Barker, , goods 44.90'
.1" Riberele, leatheA ,„ 595
Gardney,'goodi '”. • 21 22
Webb I Hastings, 06118 B 75
L Willoos,lo4B . •- ps , B9
P.obeits 45 08
Bears & Derby, shoes , .14 90
-Wright & Bailey, flour,. '-. • 3 42'00
! W,TiMatberili.gocida . - • .412'27
Jane.Tones,_Bloes paper , 7 00
DootOring 'Nelson paupers , , 21 . 00
Conrad Holt, Riklana permit , 80'00
Xfpdike, Rutlso,d,pouper ' 750
,J A Weir, keeping paupers in - asylum , 3.15,5 95
remostag psnpoirs ' ',LS '4O
John Gray, blooksthttiel , '
' 8 28
C Bailey„, keopjng pauper, - , 888
1.1 W Wothollies,s,riTat • . _ 02 00-
Id Borden: teaching ' ' '3 00 `i
J R Barket,goode: ' 98 99'
W T Mithers,=goodS. • " 11 4 4 0
L A glardner, geeds r . 19. 88
RD Dartli,;wheat — , ' ' . 1130 80,
Oldstbors s iOdds ' ' ' ' 1 3 1 78'
• 211ga
Roberto &Dgloy i,goods , 4 3
7 .
wpm _ -3 0
Alftd Itivit,lumber ' s r B y'
Truman & Bowen, lumber •• • Ib'29
0 L W,illoox, goods 7 ,62
Jane jow l :32los pate '3 00
ft 1,7134 91
sJ24 75
$257 76
_54,841 94
Webb a tlaitlegs, - goods •
I) 0 Edwards, rernovlnk paw*,
W L Warriner, keeping pauper -
Lounsbury, blackWth!ng
lob 'Etinorida, -
C J Wheeler, repairing.
Bears.* &yen, rppatripg
Joseph Mitebell, coal
Truman 4 - 86iren;loode -
shits &DOW podo
Road, pew:
David Heise of al,
J F "1442 - cg2
Jubn F !;141
M W WettciAireet, ist; ' ''SVe 00
Thomie%Allen;.• -•
aed,Coai,- . .
A:pa Smith et al, , •
Townthip Lines
Inqueett, &c.
Land Returned
WRAC tress, goads • 19 00
1 4 r s
,ojter; waking cider 27 OD
A 0104410i8oPds 21 83
T62olring 4 00 1
Young 4 getTilruranoe 191 6
1 ,100d3 $4l
ilMillocoicifitbitC 4 .:
"4.511400 6 0 1 % OIAT
I:4VltObinicms D 'Pl ar Y
J Alrefr, Pa asylum
26 40- $1,440 62
$5BB 50
f 0,200 44
~olal Gant - dt - iiiendlinnit for thi - 20,4
48/o,4poludipg paun4y, pppr, anti anipmiqpal. l ,
B'o4;Thikaitt , ri 4_00406 'I.
1 tMa 92
$75 80
-Theloilewing property Wu on band illO firs
Jay' of January. 1374 as perinventory, taken a
:the county house and farm`. • -
pair of horses -- 7 11400 00
udieh cows .; 860 00
2 fat cowl -L ' "- so 00
,• • 3 two year old heifers ' 120 DO
• 2 calves • 20 00
18 sheep 86 00
'4O shoats ' SO Otl
6 shoats • - • - .; 50 00
• 4 hogs s. • : I : • 80 0
136 bushels of wheat • „ , 288
. :000 bushels of oats - 300 .0
12 bushels Norway - oats 9 0
13 bushels beans - " •• 29 2
, ,•75 bushels:ears of corn i • 37 6
t 4 bushels seed corn • - • 3'o
:9 pair coarsoloots .• • 36-0
t' ,• 4 pair misses! shoes . 8 00
: 4 pair women's chugs , 7 00
pair slippers' . 100
'„.1;4 pair *Widnes shoes ' " 7'oo
• 7 11,4 pair missa l - • ' = 'l9 ob
l 8 pay boys' shoos 4 0,
boys' Hilts 4 7 = 2 160
brooms 2 o'o.
pair - snspendus • t 25
yards white Satinet . llB4O
22 yards ticking . ' ' '• "
• 58 9 0
. 111 yards muslin '
= - 1,02 yards sheeting
25/ yards darning
05i• yards'capaimere --
14 shakers
. 10 barrels pork
800 lbs beef
210 lb a lard
89 lbs sausage
209 lbs tallow;
lbs tea
50 lbs butter
';" IP' $1;115 slit
MO P 9
81,216 58
$l9 00
SOH 213
$OO 00
$l5O 00
lbs sugar, •s-, v• - •
_ 1 tub upplotutter - `- 1030
i pall Pairit.and brush „ 4 - ply
-"- I barrel bran - - 2 00
• • 2 plough /IP9
/8 fowls. - id; 38
• 200 lbs grease - 810
sllbarrata /lour „. • , 28;00.
Xi .barrela 4 00,
w 8 builds bidir • 00 00
o.lartedirplokiori '•• 2- , •• - •-12' 60'
59 lbs tobacco - • - • • ' 1,5 00
43barIele,yinegar 36 00
80 jrallorlif Syrup
," . 19 50
/i - barrels lipple'eauto" " 15 00
' 2 barrola boiled eider - : • '4O 00
1.14: barrels 'apples 23 00
'l2 Pane% butous , „ 12100
11 jail canned fruit '"' ' 51 60
1 barrelisoft soap ;-- • ; - 7175
18 barchard coat _ , • - ~1126
• ' 4 lba pepper , 00
. 4 lbs•Ooffec;: ; • - • 1 00
1 ortnokuntineg , • • , 10
3 04 16 1 0 1r.rtitAlla • • .9, 00
1014"lba 4r/esl,sprqes • • • - /105
''"'l3 20
, 1 lb•plag tobacco : = ,
/-‘;` 4 lbs•amokiltobacco • ' • 120
• B5O busbels po *toes, • ' . 425 06
5,1.45 bushelitn / 00
$5 bbets• • •' • • • 1 44'
100 bushels carrots ,••• ' 4 00
13 barrels kropt I 1 50 ,
831 tons bay In' barn ' , 33, 00
• straw in barn • • • - 6,5 00
ail, yards. 42 luch.abeating • 7 79
• 3 gross_battoni3 „ 165
. dq5,,0i . 51;06 111 • • - •11 00'
2 bOxotiloblui and 'eyes - - • 80
I+ : • ' 37
- 4 t t rtnoAtist ) litkca-,tltreadl• .• • 00
paplinirof, Obis . • ~ ; ; 1 . 30
16 oci'tt6n4boota 1 00
'll p'illcisr,cascur • ; • ;.. , • ,2. 7 5 ,
—-1 iroolcir•skirt ;,• • : 200
'• urea's oo
bcOte`olatlies 15 00
:5, chemist> '• .• , ; 5 'OO
' dress - • ; • - . • 150
-.;; - 4 yardi delainO •80
-. • yards calico '' " • 10
. 3 Pair- men's pints - • 900
ccate l „ • .10 00
•11damin arias 2 00
1 :sheet wadding ,15
21towels. • • 50
• • 21 single ticks •I. .• -4 2 00
8 double ticks : . • - 900
;30 pair , . 2'oo
• •
5743 29
$lB 50
$l9O 10
$430 63
$9 06
$lB3 90
The Superintendent-of the Counti House and
the County Commissioners roport as followe
Tioga county in account with the following
townships and boroughs, inkeeping; paupers at
the County House, 'including board, medicine,'
clothing, .to., from the lit day ot 'January4lB7o,
to the let day. of , J'anuttry, 1871; also-the fol
lowing bilis of Teraporary relief,, and bringing
paupers to the County Houle and' also' inoiu.
ding the expense's at State - Lunatic •Rospital 'at
Rathbun, pid tha cost of taking ,ttieza:Oere :
•BLO90:-8 pasporad, male, : foga* ; Ara.
-435 # 80 9 46; 80,
takingspiuptirs to county kettle 'BB3 00
Paid. nospital forlareping P , Amy 'O4 40
_l2B weeks' t . •pard,ut ocunty.bonsw 2 Q9 91
Takinglifary"Winfleld Coming {3 00
Tomporair relief ktroPlig paupers : 1 94 00
. . . ..
„ v . . .. I “ .., $47,4 it(
BR4:SOKEIELE-.8 paupers, !kraals.; 4cs, 0;
70, 50. , - r
To taking paiipers to county hOnee ' ' $l5 75
102 2 7 beaks' board at county beds° 170 80'
9 , 9 0 , 35 ,
CHdTHAH-2 paupers, 2 males; ages, , 89,
To to tog pauper to county house "I $5 00
Pal .431obutes: **pauses ..: • . 114 05
Hlt Opopeeisokpenles_.. , ' .;25 00
Paid lOspiter keepiug'3l E Young 2Bl $O,
' 894etiks' boiard'itt ceurily house 114`,110 -
. : , •-.‘ - ---..::-...
- ''l iii . e , :l '... -, , ' cl ~.. ;^ - $42091
CHARLEITON-42.,patlers, - iirnales;- 9 lb;
mates; ages, 82, 4 7,.49, 4, 7 , 9,7; "4, j 9 •".9, 9.
To taking pauper to oeunty, hoUse ,
... ,1 $l, 00
- Tempotary•lbiliii"' " 'lB 55
• .285 4 7 *aisle' board at county house' 471 so
cOVINGTON (borongb)— •
To paid hospital for keeping'GCleaier Lsss b 4
own'p) 2 pompers,2 4l a 1 es, 1
' female; ages, 74,'26.
To 110 B-7 mobil board at (minty house '
CLYEIR.--2 patipeis, 2 males; ages;
To removingpanper -,!:
F Paid hospital fotkeeping '
• 104 weeks board at county bones'
ages, 92, 62;36, 76,18, - I
relief .
- • !: 4
PsA& h its! ter_ keeping F Tai ellows
-3 • - la° 2-7 , esker bo'aia at .zronty house,
4 IELICLAitIM-2,paupers, 2 males; ag ,
-fie temporary pipet'
;86 *setts' bdaid at ciottuty house
PARMINGTON=B paupers, 2 mall
male;. ages, 26,1, 10.
T 0,128 6.7 Weeks',
PALL BROOl{-4 pauper, male ; 'agC
To 52 weeks" beard at eor m ty hoiMe
JACSIBOI4,--4 Parlys, 2 males, 2 . 1
ages, 86, 60, 58; 70.
To temporary ridief
208, weeks' beard at county house
, •
14AW)111 , 10ETILLE-L7 paupers' 4
females - f Wes, 45; 8, 1,1'8,1
To 84 84 'weeksl'Ateord at courtly Muse
.. -- LAWAENCE-4 paupers, 2 Inalts,l
ages, 27,4,.83, 61. •
To 208 weeks' board of county honse
.LIBBRTI-4 paupers, $ males,l feme
, 77, 79, 28„99.• - •' • •' ' -
To paid temporary relief
Paid hoapi4al le; *sniped Parr
4 ' 3 8
,4 1 44-Wa9 ff i rbl a ff, el-:"110F419-Ffir$
41ORR18-1 Fame, fa_als, ase#
To, Web& band., at cloudy two
T _ _
. .
MIDDWiIittRY-8 = players, 1 m ' .
' ' males ; vie' aged 28, others amino
To paid temporal,' TAW '.
308 weeks board attmpaty hours
1 26
1 AP
16 ap
10 25
556 2
..1103LS011--8 paßpors, 8 males; age
- ea.' " -
To expenses rauurring paupers •
,§4 !pike .bos t rO at county hop
04a1vos, -
3 leis iiiiiklotioOs
Mediates •
Stook of leatberJ
iPt,NAktk.ll ;_f_
or. itt.
- RUTLAND—b paupers, 2 males, 3 females;
aßes.34, 3, 50, 10,1, --,,
To paid temporary relief - %. - 7,,...4 , -- - . • :,•'J,s'-. $l9 15
88 4 7 weeks' boarilit acing! lieUso, 144 23
:-....,...; , .
„ 4 ,„..,,,,,, •,,7 4 ~Irz, ' ----
f-g 0 : - . , , , i..jA ''Z; t '.*' ''!,!,:,- i -:'.., ~ :';'. 4163 38
Atrik l4 4 4l to l 4 o ii;', tnitli. l 'aiti_4 l 9:`: - ‘
,TOIII 0; wiielia'_Viartill emirity'bosisi ; $23 5.8
f 43FYILLIYAN43:PatipaM, 3 udlea; 'ages, 71, 8,
57:- -- ' s -
To; 561reaka board at county bowie $259 89
_ T OGA (lowns . lo2)=l.2,puume,_lo,_molss,,,/,
• ' females; eg os,B. 11, 65, 40,10, 5.44,13, 11,
- -, 7. 5, 1 .
To *pewee removing pauper
atuporary relief
. ....
1 141
783 08
41 instill? board at opunty . house ' ,411•- 48
- v . $450 5
1700 A (borough)— I !pauper, male, aged 1: .
To paid temporary relie4 $5O 9 for loiePing . llptolikiss 'l6O 8
52 winks' 6aard itt-c*ity-bouse ,- . -66 8
- - . ' - $298 4
UNION-3 paupers, .3'malds; 1 female; ages,
j2B, 40, 28. ' '
To axpenses removing paupers 831 97
!aid hospital for keeping M'Donald 290 95
- 08 0-7 weeks' board at county house 114 72
$437 64
. .
,(torrnabip)-1 pauper, • tnalo,
itgod 76. '
To 'laid temporary relief . • $143 14
17 4.7 ;rocks board at county house 29 28
$172 42
WELLSTfOROI I -5 paupers,,44ll4 es, 1 femalo;
• nes 92 1 ea, as, Ts, 85.
To exotics removing paupers $1 00
Paid hospital for keeping E Bellows 117 00
1:00 6.7 weeks' board at contty.lionse 108 02
To paid heopil keeping Margaret Berke $16,8.38
Total amount expended,.' (see r county
house bills of 1810, before mentlo'd, $8,200 44
Deduct cab received by Superintendent
fol. produce sold from the • thrni, and
800 1 0
27 10
-3 1 1 05
7 0
15 0
By Waperiseof beeping pattpeyptit.oonn
,AYouse,hitaiged. townships, $4,696 97
By-ttliP . Plitt4 rollefite•pniipeis not
Jog Att'ecitinWhotise .. - •: • -
By paid' hospital 'at,,ltartitiburg, and
charged to townships, - • 1,556 24
By paid hospital for keaping 454 Burke, •
aud.ohirged to.county I ' 169 88
s:ty paying insurance on buildings, 196 84
' ' $7,427 84
To fuventory'of personal property by
late SupSrintendent, Jan. 1, 1670, as •
by last statement published, $4,048 30
peduottbd following - property,. lost by
• not being Luken care of, before the • ,
present Superintendent came to the
county house, And charged in sat :
150 beads cabbage ' : ,• - ' $7 50
100 bushels turnips - '37 50' , ,
,25, bushels beets * 7 50
10 barrels krout ' - ' .5000 _
4 barrels apple sauce " 40 00
15 bushels onions T., 18 75 •
6 barrels Soap ' ' 25 00
91:yards muslin._, 3_30-189 63
. . . .
Balance of-old Inventory, $3;858 67
tozionnt of property on .hand.'laa„.l -
1871; as Per Inventory, - - kola os
Deduct balance after takingout dam
•agisdproperty as above elated, 3,858 67
, . .
, -An increase of ' '
Estimated improvement on the farm and
. .
Amount in favor of farm, &0.,
'The price charged the townships for board at
the county house, upon the estimate of the; cost
pelt Week for each pauper, it a small fraetion less,
than one dollar and sixty-seven cents her week,
arid includes everything expended upon the
paupers—feed, clothing, medicine; schooling,
&o. There has been at the county house during
the year, 96 paupers, and an average o f over 58
during the whole year;a large number of them
old. infirm arid sic kly, and needing a large
amount of 'care and attention. - The cost of keep
ing our insane at the Pennsylvania Lunatic
Hospital, at Harrisburg, is $3 per week. This
does not include clothing, or other expenses;
and we and some of the charges are for damage
done-tothe .buildings and furniture. This is
charged . to the townships in their Roam% ex
cept in the catmint Margaret Burke. - The Com
missioners have allowed temporary relief outside
the ;minty house, on consulting the Supervisors
of the townships, and the .prioe generally paid
dam not, etceed 745 cents per
,week. The Com
p» share of
OliOCl*lty farm , the erection of the build
ing.; at the one mill tax for the present year,
it is etpeeted will liquidate the whole debt.—
- And t woultrecommend that a law be passed
doing 'away,- with, the township poor tax, and
Making it ale:nerd oonnty poor tit.* instead, as
money would be saved to the county, by doing
away with contested snits between townships.
Thal:malty house Superintendent proves him
self well qualified for his position; and deserves
ranch praise for his management of the farm
and care of the paupers. The Commissioners
could not well spare such a man, and. concluded
they would make money for the county by rats
log hit salary. The account of this year's ex
penses at the'county house includes something
like one huidred„dollare which shad d have been
put in last year's account. • •
-The elitount of $4,338 20; the balance in fa
eirelithe county Tieasnrer in his account, is
made by short money loans, on individual sou.
rity, for the benefit of the eounty, bepaid
by the Treasurer out of moneys now due the
county; when collected.
3 DO
5 00
0 00
$ . 3,9.6 99
V. I VAN NESS, Commiestoner. in accourit.alth
Tioga county for the year 1870 -
DR. To conuty triers
OR. By 99 dap' servico...
' By 456 miles' travel,
M.' W. WETHERBEE, Commissioner, in account
wyt Tioga County for the year 1870:
DR. To County orders $282 84
OR.* 92 days' 'style. '$Tlll 00
, By y 1.4 miles' travel 0 81-4282 84
• '
JOB REXFORD, Commissioner, in account with
Vela County for, the year 1870 :
1:1B. To county orders' $Bl3 20
()R. By 93 days' service $279 00
B$ 670 miles' travel -- ' • 84 204313 20
' i TlCia l eollllty. ut We, the , Commissioners of said
county; do certify that thS foregoing is a correct
ogrement of the reeeipts and expenditures therein
Sot forth. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto
Mt 'our bands end aoi r of °Mei this 2504.ditY of Ja n•
nary, - 1871 . , ;- .VAN NE139,,
pima. ALLIN, Clerk.
_Robert p. cox, Treasurer of Tioya County, in ao
coUnt with said County, from January 11, 1870,
to javiita ry 19, 1871:
Co. tax 1862 uncol. 00 29
State do 13 60
Relief do 11 74
Militia • do 12 81
Bounty ' 1865 69 66
County • do 8092
State do • • 82 58
Relief do 88 81
Bounty 1867 78 50
County do 95 69
Poor do . 20 00
Bounty 1868 1680 88
County do 281 24
state do 28 85
Poor do 67 20
Bounty 1869 10,192 50
Conxty . 0, 888 82
State ' o 209 10
Poor • do 842 98
Conuty p'r do 2,243 46
County ", 1870 33,451 23
Bounty do 22,305 46
State do 1,678 68
County p'r do 5,558 98
Cow'D p ' r do 8,621 47
o. tax nn'd '6&41 8,677 74
Bounty do 15,431 72
Poor do . 1,590 92
Co tax p'd on ti'd
sold by Treaa'r 1,036 08
On s'd land ret'd 484 87
Costa ti'd by Sh'ff 1,105 60
Jumbo's note 45 00
H C Bailey's note , . 67600
Re'd ban co. Rim • 77260
Jud't OP 'Blair et al 100 00 1
N Closo's note 260 00 1
County loans iB7O 8,416 88,
Tax on land rede'd 18 95'
Tax land i'd Comia'a 166 94
491 85
1.83 97
174 84
170 27
$34 75
39 00
217 08
, 290 81
$3O 00
143 27
8214 88
, 71.
886 68
$57 50
846 53
t 186,620 48
By bal due Tar 4,838 20
$404 03
$139,967 68
We, the undersigned, Matters of %loge county,
having aUdited; settlfd and adjusted the above ae
'oeutits of ;Robert 0. Cox, Treasurer of said county, do
certify that they are correct, as above stated. 'Silt
nese our hands, this 19th day of January, 1871,
S. D. PHILLIPS, Auditors.
$l4l 72
$348 53
$B5 90
$179 41.
° .P 7 414
Amount of county bounty loans, to per state
ment o(Anditorr, robllebed jan., 1870, $132,958 38
Amount leaned during 187 p,
. 0,41 e. ca
Amoutt , 4 bcp4 redfiej, 08.554 7 e 1141,84
Soldiers' sonds do, 1 1 8 48 60
Paid on ,74451Futkburst bend, 8,017 44
Intere veld on Donde, , 9,712 5$
t r r 1
1 , 80 08
Deductlate:rest paid as above,
$lO2 60
109 98
884 b 88
Bal.dne by county, ZAP. /11. 18112 05,L74 as
$2lB 48
. •
We, the ndeirsed. Asdltore of the count of %l
ogs, having ap dlted and &Misted the abovo account.
do coati& the same to he comma, as to the tndebteP
Mgt of the county. Witness our hinda,the lath daY
of 4antlSTY.'lB7l.• t9it4El. SWIM,
.D. PWILI4PB, 1 Aaditors.
DWI, P.- lIVALtri.
$l5 00
P 2 9 0 4 6
U 2 44
$306 86
... $27 00
County tax 1862 $9029
State do 13 19
Relief do 11 74
l!dilltla do 12 81
County 1865 30 93
,Mate' do 82 58
[ Boller do 68 91
Bounty do 69'65
County 1867 49 00
'Poor do 20 00
County 1868 209 89
Bounty do 793 77
State do 23 43
Poor do 67 20
Abatements 228 96
County tax 1869 131 64
Bounty do L 46679
Com% all'd Ooll're 836 57
Abatements do - 2,997 63
County tax 1970 10,670 68
Bounty do ' 10,457 40
State do 1,822 99
County p'r do 8,742 46
IToviop poor do 6,963 08
Comm'n county tax 72 00
do 'Bounty 20 42
do Co, poor 24 96
do Tow'p p'r 88 66
do State - 918
Abatements county 498 16
do bounty 506 98
Co. orders redee'd 29,698 61
Poor do 6,636 03
Co. bonds rede'd 48,564 78
Soldiers do 1,583 OS
In'it p'd co. bonds 9,712 54
P'd,ToelParklittrit 8,617 47
Bank noteDeq'69 -1.000 00
Comm'n co, orders. 890 96
do poor
_orders 98 03
do bondif redo'd 608'68
S l''r WO Sop '7O 2,76482
Costsp'd Sheriff ' 21 14
Comm'n p'd S Tr'F 27 64
$139,967 CB
9,712 64
=CM ,369 0
SUBSCILIBER, ,wotild reipectfully inform hio:nr‘ny : pitteons awl the' trading - public!,
ho has unidolarge(rodxiolions In pric e s of his tauffit clock of
.., ... .
'L"''Sita,i4i,i; -I Dress Goods, F
" Ready Lade C'loth"ng
$7 fio
40 BO
4 . ,
: CLOTHS, pASSIMEHES; all Of vitticb-are o ff ered for Cosh or Ready. Pay at prices that can
.Dot rail to give satisfaction, The public are corOally invited to ail and ocotillo° and be cq
visaed Ibut'uotv is the time to buy cheap. The 'high et Market Pt ice i
Paid for all kinds of P
W elibboro, Feb. 22, 1871.
The Largest Establishtnent
$286 02
772 00
t rAvINQ faoilitiosjor buying and handling largo qutintities of Go ,
.L 1 them at the lowest Jobbing prices: rtk our retail .department Quo
vance over wholesale prices. A largo stock of
87,427 &A
Transfer Ornaments, kripeing Pencils
and Brushes for Carriage and
Cutter Ornamentaing.
A full line of all classes tif Goode appertaining to our
,bueinese kept in etock.
Feb. 1, 1871-Iy.
$5B 32
541 38
$599 70
a new thing, and made for wm „...... Ti i! .., aro but a law "ofthe many artialla aoroposini the stoCk
E . aarrx - O the public to call .04 e..eallne fo r thamoOlroa. r .uu a aaep lOU
.I.72,7Jastg x- art r y of goods in my line; and all work to order done promptly and well.
• •
Wellsboro,Feb. 1,1871-Iy. , WILLIAIti ROBERTS.
21 86-8306 86
The subeeribers, in order to Witco their stock to a satisfecttay amount, to make room for a
.ring Stock, aro now offering Great Bargains in
Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaking s
Furs, Skirts, Cassimeres, &c.,
Prefering to turn tho lialanee of our stook of Such Goods into Cash, oven at a sacrifice
We h
ve also made reductions in the prices of a number. of styles of WINTER LOOTS and
to last during this sale •
also adding dally ; B:rgaine 4n , Housekeeping goods in Table Linens, Towls, Towel
a king, Doylas, Tablo sovers, Bleaehed and Brown and Shirtings, Ticking,
tugboats. .do 'We are earlier than usual this year with New Goods,. .I)ut we thinik they
4 er now than thoy can be later in the season, and advise our customers to make thenthen le eas early as they can. It tamely certain that they oast be no cheaper.
i .
1 -1
info, Ni
are oh
' I
.-,N-EW. ,- :::ARRA-N6EMENTS-11
GENTS, BOYS and Younts
Mt. 11.30151110,
`-.Bt6V6g - T
. A. Parsons & Co's
• r
1 Semi-Annual
- •
Boots Shoes,
Oren, Goods !
in Northern Pa. !
Having on hand a large stock of Tin, Stores
and Hardware, the undersigned takes pleasure
to announce that ho has' at a great outlay, :id-
Aedt to the usual stock of the old stand ot,
a..aoraplete assortment 9f Shelf Hardware,
Of whit% he enumerate the following articles
. I-
Ica bIM;o (Ala.
id at a scia)kath