The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 21, 1871, Image 1
\ ... . \ . , , ~.., , . THE TIO4 COUNTY AGITATOR IS PUBLISHED EvcitT AEDNE9D.LY MORNING DE P. C. G-elder..o UM OF SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, ;—.:l.scrlptie,n, (per year) RATES OE AOVERTISINO. TEN Lists ov MINI4III OS LESS, SUEZ ONE 'fikt-111As1 1 In. I 3 Ins I 4 Ins 8/tfoslMos _gm ... 1 SA,OO 142,00 1 $2,50.1 $5,00 1..57,0 1 :115i 2,00 :•, 1 11.11e.e.,._._ 1_3,001_4,,00 1 8,00 1 12,001 18,00 \ .11 col__ 1 . 10,00 ii,o 17,00 I_22X - 1 . 30,001 60,00 C I ...:—ITTITifiT,6S) ati,uo 145,0 U 160,00 l .t:lci,oo pccialliptices 15 cents vex Itne; IMitoi,ial or 20 cauts.peralue. Tian9ient advestisitig 1188 T paid for in advatse. Blanks, Constullo Blanks, udg g t oteg, Marx fog eel tifictttes, &e., ou band. 1 11 - 1%.7 IEfNS CATCI3t4 13 - ITS ".0. 4t, MERRICIi, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR at LAIY. (Aloe in Smith and Bowen'a Block, across ball fr.-11u A.gitc.tot Office up stai J r, i.econd iloor.l WIlst;oro Pa, • AM 4, IS7l.—ly, ' .Jno.T. Mitchell, \ AttS rnoy an&Coutiselor at Law, Claim, and In surance Age \ nt. (Alice over Kreeeo Drug Store, WeHaber°, Pa. Jan.ll, 1871-y -- Stone, Attorney and Connsolor at Law, first door above C.,avorto 08good'.1 gore, on nen atreet: IV allsboro, January 1, 1871 y Sveley, Coates St Co. BANKER. S, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.— Re.;en • o money on deposit, discount notes, and a ell drafts on New York City. Collect -I.,ns promptly made.—Jan 1, IS7I-y _ Alehoen SEELEY—Osceola. ItAvin'COATS, 1 Knoxville, ' F: CRANDA LL, Jno. W. -Adults) awl Counselor at Law; Mansfield, Tioga , inty, Pa. Collections promptly attended t ,,, ;lon. I, 1971.7 y Ilson & Niles, • unselors at Law. Will attend siness entrusted to their Caro In f Tioga and Potter. Office on lan I, 1871 y I [J. D. Wass. Rai W. Gnerimey, 1.0 .racjE afJ C yr.)coptly to b Lb,l4 oduotios kvruitio: - I Wasom.f oey ltnd Counselor at Law. All business N:,vte,l to him will be promptly attended to. .0 2 , 1 door south of llazlett's Jlotel, Tioga, I, to County, Pa.—Tan. 1, 1871. Win. B.' Smith, ..,„n, E,,unty and Insurance Agent. Com , int hitiuns sent to the above adarese will re prompt attention. Terms moderate - , l'a.--Jan. 1, IS7I. Soymour xO2 toll, and Counselors at .law, Tioga Pa. bvice:m entrusted to their care will receive ,riaipt attention ' If (AI. 1. 1571 y = ilrmstrong & Linn, ' FTORNEYS-AT-EAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PENN'A I, H7l -y sir. D. Terbell & Co., Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, er .q2rre Lamps, Window Glees, Perfumery, ire, 0,12, ie., ,ke.—Corning, 13. Y. Jun, I'7l. D. Bacon, 31. D., • • •„L nad Surgeon. Will attend proinptly „i ea de. Office on Craton Street, in rear of Mc4t Market, Wellabcro.—Jan. 1, 1371. .t. M. Ligham, N. D., Office at Ilia Reaidonca on the 1, 1871. up, er, Shop first door north of Roberts & Bail da are Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re r;ng 3A - 1c promptly and w011.—Jan.1,1.871. liazletrs Hotel, County, Pa. Good stablingattaeh c I, ea attentive hostler always In attend “1.. e. Wee. W. Hazlett, Prop"r.—Jan. 1, 1871 SinMOS Hotel, E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in I c,,rhiition to accommodate the traveling , 6L in a, snperior manner.—Jan. 1, 1871. ronnwrs' Hotel. 'ION h 'E, Proprietor. Thia house, formerly upicd by E. Follows, is conducted on tem. cr.nco principles. Every accommodation r man and beast.' Charges reasonable.. I,lnnary 1, 18;1 Union Hotel. iz Van flora, Propriotor, Wellsboro, Pa. ri.uso is pleasantly located, and has all o • aiveniances for men and boast. Charges , 1,1871-Iy., i.„, and Lot and Nine Acres o Land for Sale. hI. F= WI'LLIAMS offers for sale hie !, a=e ata lot on Main street, Wellebore, 1 Ix .1, It. , of lona near the cemetery. En t,h iViDiauhQ, at the lyelleboro bun. Jan 1,1871 tf New Tobacco Stbre I • ah , oriber has fitted up tha Storb first r t Ilarden's dry goods store, i(lo.lmu and solo of (it ',.14,1c5 . ), Fancy and Common COO,Michigan Kne Cut t'fff; Wl', 4, and all kindB of i'f 'RAI; 0, PIPES, and the choi- B fund of CIGARS. for yourtolvez. JOHN' W. PURSEL I, 1371—tf. MI t) SANIT,II: ;:OCIATION, - 1 . .1,.t tht, VLfortivollte, Print titltti of chi-Ago -It Plifiarohropy. • 0 N4ift 1: it i; oit FOF YoUTTI, Anil the rof re: Itit.ti Itt virt (GT find SOCIAL Erns to t. aid 1,1 tho afthitt•tl. Stint tree, in er. a t e a Addr.k.. Holt - A A i , :t•:...telA7. I!‘ • P. PLiivielybia, Pa. MEE INC t STORE - - - F 9. ' t34 . 3RDLINI heti s ,:crlf.tantly on i n ( 1 0 i t , r7d t i a c ra i o r e: : '1 ;2 ) t 'i r: ,4 1 1: 1 , 7 ;l i n ' r t i ; 4 n a 1 , . , n rr) . 'IMP 1: 0.0 is'ot i oaa ctc. e r COM POTIND H. 11, BORDer: I \ Cl.Lsiiorlo AND MANSFELD 1 - ;TAGE LINE_ II F. orideraiglierl. propmtlr,of takes this mothed in ,t,ef p tblic thst tho ohnvo Stage rypa excel•to't.) between tho tee r, • 1: S a. rtt , clad a,rrivei at 0 ,11,1 31 Ip n rt tn. hi at 2 :In to , and airrivis at z - A - 4" . Fare i:1,00. W. D. VAN 11411 N. t 1 1.7"1 -Lt ( 40i,4)00 R Z3AT.I, of the beet FR EDERIC MARGRAPF,• K lin opposite the now Cemetery ,elleboro,S_dpt. 241870-3m° Farm for Sale. . 1 1 aF. ;uhfcriber offers his farm for sale, +dia 1, if ei i!opp Ilollow on the road leading . '“:cingt,,ll to WellAoro. Said farm con- acres, shout IA improved, with good , I ;'' 4 4, orchard, and well watered. Tbo un ;trel part of the farm is well timbered.-- Carus will be sold cheap, and terms made 1: "ble• Inquire on the premises of e • 1 4) /87 SAMUEL KENDRICKS. . . , . I _ , I . .. . , . _ . . . -., . • , - 1 ! • „i! - , !..,`". 74 - f,- , l‘" , 4.-----":,145r.:44-1.24:,,'at.,W,•'P'..?ki11.4:!-44A11.Wit).!:;401.44,1,! ,--"'". .!", -.7' "-',.) ,-.! ...... ; $ 1,- ,, ,,c, ' , '`A'7!; " St i '. *X....' ...1,..-- ~....,.....,,,,,,,.,.„.. .„... ..... „,„,,..,...... ~, •, „, „, ~ , ~,..,,., .., .., . ..,,' ~.,.• „.. ~, , ..., ~ , , . ~ . . .... ... , ~- . . , - , 0 vr ;,- ip — T '-•-• '.l , . ' • —•— - tizitlrp AA -1,. cr - ~, . -1 , , i,••• 2.- ~'--"-'l . - • ' u` , -- *- -- at '`', .. t.. . . „ - ‘, '-•, ... ..........,............- ............." . .............................." ......... ......^............ 00 ...... 1 ,:.N.lti-;:: .:.; • ..-„,•,:•sciii 1 .00 „it-4 4i z •1 is. r, •a. 1. - : .1. , .•-,., .. - 7',10'..r.: - ;„;41,z 1 ,Tet3 „I - W . l' q. 7 ! -'", * L - 1 ,-', ' : , i 1 . I- i*•,d t dt .,—.....- , s z** ~ I t ~".! i " :,, ,, ,,,t, u'i ' L : , - , . •. . - ,:, ~/. ....___ . , ~ 1 f', 4 ,t s>. " 3 ,... C .,-± , , ,, ," ......_. ~....1.:.- *,;.- , , , - „ ,_. ' ~. ~...'.''''-'',----- 'l ' ':. -1,-. ' -i" '' ' ''?;3 '1 :1 eV'. , '4, *;, , r.1:,4'.,c.r..t. 1, , :. , ,+‘ al: ) - ~ , . .,,,;; . ..: . . 4 ,i, - 1- A'.; (' r .- T_ li : itn : l i ... ; , , 3 l:::i it t 1 1 1 1 r ')' :: ' . , , .. , 7"+......... ~ tpt ~. , . - I --, ,,t ' -,',“ - i . - - ' -- - I •,-.. : .F > - pp-. ;..15 , ,,;. , 3>:l - 51 "., - 5 1 ci ti7,`,.`ti 5 ,t• ;Ir "I , '.- I . f ., ,:j 1 ~,, .1 . .• , I . • 11 L . '',. -• r *-' if , -'i i - t t i ti 4 : ) • -,... \ \ - ~ . • • •• - ' .. • • , . \ . '..; ''': H ' . - . ,„,..,.. , : ~,,. 1 „! .„. .. 1 . •••,, , 3 1 - 1 \ -.'\ . .. ... . • . • . • \ ~..,-. ..,..----- . \•:- . • ~- b : - 1 ~... •,,, ~ • l i., , , .... • , -- (•'-....---L 441 1 11 ' ~..._ ; , \ , i' - 1 , Ito( it ,-.---; •.z,•,- .•' :—. ~ 111 ..". X , . . . .• • ...,i) , „•:, , ,T .., ol '''t lii. S. i.. ! /7 ...... .„._. '- ,1 - ....aft' *• , !l • i !,. - . i . , t. . . 1 , i'. ' -'' „ ! . 1 • ' I. .......... ,‘ . • , , _ . • ''. !. t. ''',” i" t -, i , r '. Y - : L ~ f! • . , . ~. 1 , • .. _ , , • • ,_. • . . , . . , II [EU Zyr. is VOL. • • TH va• .QLTJ• • 7PEI I II\I SYLVA':Niti;i i:HOUSE" LATELY known as the 'Townsend Uouse, Alt and for a Unto occupied by D. B. Boll day, has 'loon thoroughly-refitted, repair ed A,poiaatt • NIEL 17:5 whickdit 13 - a\bappy to aecoturstaMe the old ` friends of the house at very reasonable rates. Jan 1,1871 y ' DANIEL MONBOE. MUIR undernigeed 9s maw prepared to axe. cute ail orders for Tomb Stone and Montt. menu of either ITALIAN , OR:RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmansbip and with dispatch. • Ile keeps constantly on band both kinds of Marble and will be able te snit all who may fa vor him with their orders, dn as reatan,abletertns as car/ be.obtalated in Abe • ''F,ROI(I 04 1 ibift-. t • _ a • Fall & Winter Millinery RS. SOFIELD respectfully announces to the public that ebo is now readying a stook of Fall and Winter-Goods. Especial attention is invited to her assortment of . Corsets-, and Rea / dy Made:White Goods, .Also, Zephyrs and Gertnayitown ,I,W O oIB in -Fancy shade. , Patterns in Zephyr and every,thing pertaining to the trade. RID GLOVES of the best brand. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, RlbUolis, mowers, Laces, &c. The Wilcox & Gibbs. Soling Machines forsale, or rent by the week. Mrs: A. J. SOFIELD. Wellsboro Oct .5, 1870. tf S. C. ilottroN NITERS! CUTTIIIIS! 8 1.1113 EL LIN'S. FOR• FARDIFS, DbOTORg, < LAWYFARS, MtROHANT:9 ) ,. ;•*' PRIESTS;' - AND EVERYBODY FROM $36 TO r $lOO • FROM $36 TO $lOO Cheap forbaDrtAarK,Bit t and ca§b at • H. Wit.etneiti . Wa4tflold, Jan 4, 671. Pa. Weilitioro Oil faift,ektieti A. C. IVii4TERB," A, M. .SUPERIDLTEL4D- EiT OF GRADED SCHOOLS, "bid Principal of High School. IT is the determination of the Directors to make the course of instruction as thorough and systematic as can be found 'in the State.— Commencing with the primary department, the pupil must master every year's allotted work, be. - faro being admitted _to the next higher. The best of; teachers will be employed in every .department, the most approved methods of in struction used, and the best of care exercised over din pupils in solaeol and out. The' Hutt; Smoot offers these advantages: The Principal is a graduate of the Rochester Univeraliy, New York, amend entannfiafge,ex perinea:in the best ilonSikd y'schhols ,the Country, who hoe spent ttif qycrs in' Europe, and speaks Getman, Itatejiii. lie is qualified to give superior in'sfractioiOn, P'itt'a Arts and the ilarie4t,JLongarighs. , :lastritet.4 Lion in Mathematic.); the Sci.aci's, Book= keeping and Music, will be equal to Glut of the beat academies. The Board hope to :eon be able to secure in struption in Paiaiiaa and &owing, by a lady who beff had Veveral years' instruction by the best masters lb Germany, and web has practised in th? Galleries of Berlin, Dresden Munich and Florence. • • The hest school is the cheapest school. The Board intend 'to obi-Nita all objections to this class of popular schools, as far as possible. A sufficient Corps of teachers will be employed, that full justice may be done tc every pupil.— Tuition is free to all within the old borough /Un its. Pupils from - abroad are invited. Board in private families from $3 to $4 per week. Tuition, Common English, (per term, Si. I " .11 igher English'. Mathematics, &c., $B. By Onnun or Brunt). September r, lb7o. tf New. , Millinery !'". MRS. SMITH, on Alain Street, bee just Ilk opened a very latrio assortment of 1 5 9 1iNe r ir 00) ( 445ag . MILLIN FIIT COILIA .1 I I_ Which she is Selling at COST, snob R 5 HATS, tONNETS, STRAW GOODS, LACES, FLOIV E ES, RIBBONS, COLLARS, lI'DKERCIFFS, ' - -&di, -' _ 1 am the only elent j&this plaec. GAY'F.I ATENPr - AtUFF - Ladies that havo not noticed theta Muffd — rrill be astonished at their eheepne?s, heanty and com fort. all of rchip,ll wil' ? r eld muth'below former pri ce?. All.zmork done promptly, sit" to please. CALOI.INE Virelizthtr- - ., Nov. 7, 1870-tr. • • ATD AS NE W ME Airr M AREET 7 • ( Fird.. Door East of Cone House.) • subsCriber batrotieneo - a tuarkidlor tho accoramolntion - Of all in U•alif of Sli MEAT. CaAl wilt, i.o paid fir poik, beef, reutton, beef cattle, bides and sheep pelts, Fresh 'fish every Saturday. LIEZERIA El STOWELL. JR. November 2A 1870 tf 3Ft.a C:0133133T 7 „ - • • MANSFIELD, PA. _TT EE'PS, constantly on hand, ELGIN WALT II:ELI AM' and SWISS WATCHES, Marine, Alarm ad Calendar CLOCKS, • Plated: Spoons and Forks; Tablo, Butter )and , Fruit' Anises; Cain; Castors:and Cake Bas ets; Napkin Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and bins aid> Spoons; pine Gold and Agate Rings; Gold ens and Pencil's; Solid Gold - Sets; Pearl Fancy, nd Plated Buttons; Watch Guards and Chntni,idio , , A large stock of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, ind Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices. N. /3.—Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired. DIM 21, 187.0. j Tioga Marble Works. AND FANCY GVODS._ ' SCHOOL JE l N r *ifo ll 9 `S I I , YER !SI)°°NS; MI ERIE RAILWAY. •-•64 and after,,MONDAY.,...Dee..A. • ..1.87,0, Trains vet)oralng, at the followiug houre,vis ; -, ri-e • Goma, WAIT. k • 01.371 • . WAS A U. NIGHT EXURBIA (Bitalffas*' ,o , ,o4l ) for Buffalo, Dunkirk and (ho gust , • • (5,05 A. NIGHT EXPREBB (0,10 A. M. for Rochester, Sundays excepted) fcr Buffalo, Dun• mid the West. 6.00 A: M., WAY FREIGHT for Roch'ester, 'Ban; • (lays excepted. 2111,b5:A AL-, MAIL TRAIN, Sp sclaye excepted, for, I /Raab and' Dutiklrk. ' 12,95-P.AL, WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted,for Hurpullavil to. 2,00 A.AI.BALTIMORE Alp., Bnoilsrp t uxupplet . 'Mon. ' , 5,30 P. Al., EMIGRANT TRAlN,dally;*for‘thol_WOV, 7,35 F: DAY EXPRESC T Rundiya ex - depieilla7;4ls' P. IVI4 fox Rochester;) for Butillio and the west: 12,13-A: Al„ EXPRESS 11 L, Siindaya excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk and. the west. • Goma .E.AST. ; . 12,13• A, as., Ni#3,llTXPltEjas, s, 4 wlays excepted, ;connecting at New Yoik with afternoon trulne • and steel:nen' for Mellen Enstead.Citios. 4,40 A. AL, pINOINNAT/-.EXPiIiSS, Mondays oz cepted connecting, at. Now Joraey wlth, trait! e, for Philaila.lialtimore and iVaeltington. 2,67 P. M., ACCOMMODATION Tp,Api, • Sunday!' excepted. 1146 t E. IL, DAY EXPRESS, BundaYs ixcepted, • .1 iconnetting at Jersey City with midnight Ex• . press train for Philadelphia. - ' 12,15 P ill4 - SIISQUEITANPA V7AY, daily, 11,40 A. M., WAY SREIGLIT I Oniadips excepted: 4.30 2d DIVISION Oki; finridaya incepted: 7.44 B. M.. LIGIITNING tag at Jersey City wirb, morning reprise train • :,for Baltimore arid Weabtagtori.- • • =- 1 • t BAG GAOltz COROKED revised and complete''PecltotTluie Table'iof. Paseenter Trains on the Erie hallway and connecting Lineeibite recently been publiebed,and Can be prOcnT• ed on application to the Ticket Agent oft he Cowpony PLO. DARR, L. -D WICKER,, Oen'l Pim:Agent:. " tidn'2s4ls., Oloesburg& Cornititi,&7 1 1ogi Et::// Mains will run' as follows until further notice • - • GOING NOILTEIIItOM T. 10041. • No. 2, 2,35. No. 4„ 9,28: No: 8,34.. No. 8, ,8,22., No. 10; 11,5. No. 12, 12,12: No. 14, 5,68. No. "1( 0,20. ,No.lB, 11,12. • 130INP - SOIIIII 1'11.031 TIOCIA; : No. 1, 0 28., No. 3, 4.55, 'No. 5, 0,01. No. 0)7,20. No. 11, 10,18. No. 13,1,42: i .11.311ATTlICK, E!upft: •Nortliorn Central R .B. TRAINS FOR TIIR NORTH. TraitieforCanandagniti leave Elmira ad follows : Accombdation at 7 1rgm ........_____ Express Unsteat train on rond.] ~, , , ..... ........ ...; 11 ben in_ Stall I 10 30 pto , . ' Acrommjdution , 6),:i m Qna,pd after f Dec. 6, 1876, trainer will aril Band • doliarl filo inVroy ,a! innnwni . - . _ • L PAVE NORTHWARD: 925 E 4 (oxoept Sundays) for Elmira and •Iltiffalo;sla Erio Railway from Elmira.. , 10 14 a. m.--Daily(ozcopt Sundays) for Elmira ,Euffit lo,Canandaigua, Rochester, Susp.,llridgeand the , Cunadata, • LEAVE, SOUTHWARD 5i 5 13 3. -- -PciPi(tmcolit Buptlaye), fcif Baltimore* Strasbington,Philudelpht,,to. , _ , - 707 (eicinit Stinilayo) for lialti4toto, Washlngt'on and Philadeli)bia.e .tiLFRED It,. FISKE:, ED.S.iIMIO, , , ' GenVals:Alet • B4lttmoresEpl, Arrival and Departure Uf:Stugps; , L- flinE Stages rtixiOni:ov . er, • ' tho di ff erent routes lion) Wellaboro, will depart arrive. as follows, from the ` /11 • •-- ' ; : • gellsboro Post Office: Wctosilose Troa.t.—D4part 5 .1 , Ib, 131 , • , ; 7,o'clock ion; i W.tLeo o i o it o n ,tikfiseii_sti.—Depits t , 8 t!. ,v50440 , 16 . &:teti546pAW.. 4 41ii;":140g. - Itrio di,W3:9,' e2in'.' • • " =till :11111. ac,!,!:. ./'riii42llCBdajtift Watter.ono & BTaNY Fiida"3 let 8' . _ p.,zo,:arr,. Tues. t' Fridast ;...,..: f. JEWELRY STORE! VV.tELSI3OII:O;;PIL ,", AWD/!ZPVI svtio bad 16nebeep: eeiab I POked. Wetilatibrcr,lbsts:4ll4: •iid3far. 'Ol2 tinie,";:• - "y0630:- pri4ei , - 7;44 ' 41 7 %744 tf . , . : ; 1 3 iMpKRICAN . wAT.o-ss OOLD OR SILVER_ PIAMSS;:O4 + O,44- 11, GOLD OILA,INS, KEYSOI4I4O . B; CASES,. Otstri; STEEL _ PENS, TIII31131;43; '.; 18P OONS, RAZORS, : 'T;PP,v,44t,' •:;, ' SEWINC . ' 'MACHINES! EEG &c., &c„ &c4.,--1/4' Wit :most ether articles usually kept in snob establishment, phickis aold)nt far C S ,ti• Repniring don© neatly, and promptly, and on Vrt Nntie'n. A. -FOLEY. January I r 1871-y - To the Citiz AN Ds 1 - 01 - lifTY; "_ •., •• . ~; i; : • ,• • •,, I 1i . ~ .g , TA rs,E plo;isure in annooncin to tho public I that i bayo on honril a liiiige ilea splendid as-' Sort wen! of PItRLOR 40 COOK s rill- oy r s both :,: - .411,1 hhd ori!e • axielltal; 'o,ffe;tllg‘ to the puhlie cheipei.thciii: over 40f41 berive.•.)l. will et** good..l4o.`.BloookStove rich-Paeolture Pot s 2ll ' Lke . eP in:'Siddit. P. P:Paelehenit'a poll- ttls r Corsi:: :This le said to - ; • et. Stove, made the 'United' fitittes. ' Iciliereep the Ligktijiitg:. ; . ; X,,- ,:: :;,cift:, : Sa.iv; tho fastett cutting Saw id - thiliworld,:, ! the man tifactiireig of this Satv",oha)l6o: the world under a forfejt of $5OO that that this is the: faitest tiog saw:made. , , • • Than tt . jt;ii !ley, • for iheii-iatro), the past,;andavolang still to merit their favor, I am as cree r gratoftit, :AVIA Xll of the it3t6, P. S I -I one an,d a. doalota in this county to sell as cheap sts'l do J . W. Jnquisb, not eltereptetr." G. B. K. Mansfield, Nov. 2, 100;:-2m. • • - - • ; balli Administratoi's ,Notice: .. ~ . . _............... . T../ tI7ERs of • Adtubaistratton, pent:lead life, . boviog 'been ,gfftV.ed to thO 'undipittgned on iho eetato 0 pira,tgrookoirolo,tyro,late of J A itoler eon towneltift, , Thiga 4 i l 4 Pcjileasasott; ati per. einiff. hay ing . clAima - agtitne.' iniid-::eiltate, , Anil. ttineo indobteUto`ttle.eting)!Atiii,)36ittiod to cum for eettleptont on 1441:11/11VBS, CAROLINE MoINTYRE, Adm'ro. Pendent, Lite: Jan. 4, 1811.-6t.* FEBRUARY - 21i 1871. j'll. t 1 ; ;;*.c ns of liansfied EBB • 'Pkitiqg'bo:Ttiobt. LOVE IN WINTER.v - , , t, 1 BY AUSTIN DOBSON. Bpkyv,etri the berried holly.bnah, The lEtlev.kbird whistled to the 'l'hruah , "W.Meh:way did bright•eyed Bella go? 'leo% lipeokle•breast, actors thel ancivr-L Are these hor dainty tracks I see,' That Wind toward the shiebtaiwyr , Tiff, ihrople peeked the heritil ,;"' "fie 'bred or looking, Yellow-tilt; Young Frank was there an .hour ago;- linif , :fri;tzen, waiting in the - int:Ng _ Htelliallow beard was whits, with kintiL' Toltuktitis a merry pairingAine 1 2 1 , 7 4'6f - would you 1" twittere‘in tho - ,WreuX,-; . ilhescare tho reckless ways of men. 4 I watched them bill and Soo atilSloti‘o" TheYthOughf the sign of Ifnientkut timed their loves as eptiitig'tfaq`g „ 4 T,w,pold'save this intonsiatenoy?!.' 'Ni,/y gossip," chirped the. Robin; "nay; I 11134 their unrefleotive way; 'besides I heard enough to show ,Theif Joys is plroof against the snow ,1 ho said, Ooh toait for Nal,r l Inca toys can warm a winter's tiny f"?.. —Good WoOdel : to c• . MISCIELLANE 0 : rAir`" i. „, • • SEEM • - [For the Agitiitet4 l `:i A WORD ABOUT LTOENBE., 21r.. , Van, Odder - T-1 want ,te 'i? i ceatli, a small apace in your paper Mks *ell to say a few things to the pubileorptem-. peranee, or rather intemperance;' in general; and about licenses 404 emperance, in our borough; ,in pallid, tier. I do not know that I .l ,, Waht'to " reason •on temperance ;" I: 10010 earne`to the conclusion that thegenerel public sentiment was nearly righted th 4 subject. I cannot say thael, 0,4 foutid,more than one man wee , Th ep talked with temperately, as Llnurcto man, did not candidly ackn?W:ledge that the Use of intoxicatirigdi a beverage was t i tr! evil ; not only an , evil to the great p blie, but an evii"lo:eaeh individual using it. That one' tiollltaiy exception, who thought the use of in toxleating drinks a great 'biesSing to . mankind ' lies now in a drinikard's grave not far from Wellsboro.- C,f, ~f., Col.. Kimball, whom most 431 lyon knew when he lived, spent aliiici4 bia 1 - ,whaielire in selling intwcicatingdrinks,, and Was an habitual drinkerlliimselfl I Yet have often heard hlrri sar,tliiftile was;" A horrid business," wittiout, One redeeming quality; that it seamark te hihusometimes that the curie of • • God, , rested on all who sold it ; and thatAhire I , was not one sound reason for its nee. i.l • have •heard many others who „st r :4;if, and used it say the same thing: ', ' ,;.:, The public mind, however, : geia. etc., elk/ sometimes, and men talk. Wry Astia gely on the • subject of .thesigiklile, .in and pse of ardent spirits. Whewthe• Mind Is Inflamed, it cannot reafionfrrl: lz;'rid when excited by oplipliyitipi . i and sieCially by inCempq,4o„ : )mogta t ` ,6, , i+, 4.1' At •the expense of an aygis4:e" Phq Eitil if its honest convictione.. ' o4o ' •thense of intoxicating beverages is de *feitll4d by-men when under their influ en* When they are not supposed to reasonv4e,l4,4s, when, iildeedoit ,iti ,Llpt , A-7 1, _ ,u woe speak, hut theepitit that is Nv i t 4 n th en i,k,. , ;1,1..1.,1.:. . i .:' ,.i ; 4na k .tt l ,o l ,taieitity. ige,' 137 " 4 .4 0 .t-Wii4l). posed tonepertectly-noni3st.'ln: Abe- ex.., 2:(7.4 2 5:0n of •they , oPlettra,',!brAlift,nitc of Ene . Vo 4B lo' ; r° 'l 2 l o lni s g l6 4tirtfe;t4too4llCilt., ainieit it:, :rolalt37:3iiteni whainakebAste 4•ii4alw, rieh'i2 *ill :Wu:Wilda - - . 411 1 hbtffi c f,. vrinchilaiittgi Wrniatilgtoeiuif . ,# . 4lo, 0 4 111 0 , wealth ; 1 94,-.o ll Wr,*; 010/ 4 M, : ,t,heluce, and ey,eaxclaverfeurictiorpel edge the V th ey EtIV: lielhAr illAhn)lAtrYT. They Who che4lliii fm,4orid4lo.„ s;vo'Pld' hot h6aitate to Condemn, in the most ernpl4totterms, all dishonesty. Men 'know} better then-they aoe; ' I hAieliii payind'a9ye, a luau ;who is,azettle4a tempiliac e,nliku ,- and, if t iatatake ylot, lially i n ()eke God by pretending to be a Chris len . ;.'--and yet he does not hesi tate bp use the niost•'foul dishopesW to " ~ . . acqui e riphes. ~ , ~ „ 0 ~. , .„ -''.P&l tlidans, too, sometinieiiekito.ibet. (Cr ,th n , they do. XpitY - IkligitiP/40 i t 410, . ih r heat' haei3 ',,dititgteni- ` who, Itcp ,• ip 4tultia,„ *AiWtteer the Ede and use of ardent spitibts,:notbecause he believes it right, . butbillcanse,ha.thinksba inniy-Aheleby , impraivehlfrpoliticitypoiPeWa Va t votes. IChandlei'itigalYl4lYoli: bailotb ettnuti an.; election] h ys.• should he-Jeopardize his chance of pro- Melln, o -' running a muck against liquor, it is wrong, he kaiin ' 'td het cOntt to hike but,J , hen, whim' tki . gi4.l ariki t•itiiii2, Aims at, beawilbpay, backininck-' ratiqquenee, voot ItLegnostopagnintiL: n t t Ylhasi lost by - his dereliction front the finth j icif: hOnestyr 4 , Vint a poll tiCian to grow better?' ',"Athen, , there are men who are, froMi ei_r,peculiax.xnake,-upialiwaysv* boilieldes of certain great Moral Aueti , l Veils ? ? They know ruit f9rsP. l2 :lP Ja46 from-the pettpfe, they time their position by the position Of the times. To the man who fftitei.e Purity, -they pronely-a Apure ltfa; to:teMperance men they tal4,lOirlhgtv;- otqlre ternPerance In all tbitige the man who deals in liquor, 'they t -scathingly of)the i folly.i•of hal Etatick reform efs ,• . ,if theit fit , clghbef roOttlo'theni thitt'letig en° dityrthei Yet,. ''fine.4 4 ** l ; 4' !: f: 5-0 4 11 ".. 4 , May'-his •'raining nOlstOfie,El)44 KR, in ea, ti t terik 'en 'thei, :echo - the sentiment, though the day znitYbe the sweetest . And. ` there- is another class—politi cians,, , they are., cailed 7 Rho_ i lleh slyly, 818 1166'6 414,,,Thelkoilf, , ,thro,wixig nut, their , he gently into this Wile rind and,drawittgln , tereh:rttotei • and , thereatrput,quicitly hagglktheini to be Catelu'OneleetiondaY. 'hey, - trelid softly, and walk iittierly, and lally, :p9 7c . litely, and .try, as much at inthonvlics,, at llve~ Pettbeably w,l ;041 1 3W - bet, with the., many ballot-casting liquor ,man: & I " • :1 04 . z * ::;A t ica 9 cry= see, Me; ,t,dikoe,tillat.tliot the bonest sentiment„of,th 4i] e..pepple i I with die tenPeraneCnoe:a,- tiny: have , l inneh to contend with, becautre meal° not act • up to their 'horieit' c ciitiviettens: ' fU dear sir, say all these things 1.0,.th0W that, the liquor laiternkeePer is nat llte Very Weitie Mari fli.:tPrOrtunity. The re. are ot. b ere about 'wharf. • 'They , ar4 l net respolighlii'llfir , all the eVitre:Sulting from the sale and use of Intoxicating drinks. They wolld not ask fora license, if all that part of commanlty—arid that part may be as. :604 d ,to ,t be tl2o•Whole—' *be: honotly , ' bel,i4Y4 that - tbe sale and uSe,, Ot ardent sp.ititals an evil, Would tieffip to tbeir belief. - .They wonld not,, sell, if men's appetitek lwere not so deo:Aped,' and their pOwei to resist evil so weakened, as in make the use of stimulants a• ne cessity of their lives,l yea, the ruling power of heir very existence. ; =- The 110631 liquor- sellers} are not the waist „ dishonest part of community,!— They gives good measnrs don't thumb thSyard stick, or have false Measures. Th4y have the same piicb for the pectr.. ignfirant Man that they ‘ hava the rich intelliont man. They diiitet cheat :in pike 6i'quatitity,y,theT:do - in qual - • 80; on "die wholeyyoattaiy. pitts dowuw theitavernkeeper, , who;'with a licensb,-, sello:lfitexicating drinks, asan - average, filan 7 7-ahout as,good as his .11 eares neighbor. =II lIE ME IMEJ I don't say this of the keep4o l ;e l : those'dens "pout tow* ,where liquor is 'sold In violation of law, and wheremen creP slyly in at badk dOorsr, on Sunday as *9l), as other days, to,. swill; doWn'' 'ilio4infaizeous beverages, out ot,whicir grow', po,!erty, COMO; delirluni; diseape ; and Oath• . Having said thus much-;;Iet ouiislidly the sitnageitA We:tio* re. ' have. kW analiiiVeklii, Well& bore,' three drug shope, - .laKhilllard4&:: looris', one bakery', one7o 4 leitqltilitink `store, e*d, perhaps, ene: or; tw6 other: 'places where intoxicatingr,drinkts are-' sold in violation. Jaw: ;In these places, and PrebithiSr, more, gam carried on, even on the Sah-' _bath. The one piece speak - of is the' drunkery, or beitery,` 4,9 . 18 called, kept ay Ur. Burgen. In one, probably n both the billiard saloons, the law is grossly violated daily. The same may be said of the drug stores. Now, it may be asked, why do you not latop this violation of law, by pros ecuting the offenders? I answer, the experiment has been tried, and h e grand jury have ignored the' bills sent np to them by the District" Attorney, andlput the costs on the prosecut6r, and that too In the face' of the most ample testimony. And this course of th grand jury has been justified by- men Ve.b6 Were looking forward to the day wheb they might need the votes of quor sellers; so that now, no man will prosecute, with suclx a prospect-before But the law, you say, reqUires your ,constable ,to return each viola ens of thellOW, and l that, too, under oath r and ~if such returns are made; the Court di rects the Diettlet Attf•rney - to send 'up 'indietilient's w'itiiinit'a proSeoutor. bur consiablels in intelligent man, and re 7 .turnS every court, iiditt,i:,.oatb, thati hiii knoWs icor no place Itaitabeikouglf Where Intoxidatint liquors ate sold entittaty to latv,'and that lio'hasnot.lieSii., Infer: imed t, by :any one that, there are swill , - 131ace i i is: is t, -- Yo*Ciin , see by 'wnitt 'is; saillabove i 'l that Mte bad got the liquerentir-faikteit:i. : (1 u tt ' # W OR. 4 1 !Ili Vlitf4o . 4l444iik : illd'nt oper e gre . 1 31)0D 5 fill- I thlk. Was a ehiss who liked ,liqiibr;wlin.,feit :ahoy? Oleakti*lo4;4o-944,terialiales‘ for a Tram. They ' had to! sendib , this dreg *ore for a bottlOJ, : ef '''t . `XeShefels: hest,'? and get, perhaps;the"iStY,Woirat - ';' or, gO _Wftbout. They were 'flatlet:W(l i . ' f .hewever,' that it was best to go without. 'lt;:alidlet thOught on the .whole that: 4VW'ob4d do no great harm to nave one oriWo.tespectable drinking. p 1 a ea, a', Wiletea:Man, who was respeetabia;Ar, fiebVitY,".eould go in with hia.reSpecta ..htedlleiids and drink in a ilepSOtablii Ititinile,Y4 *rid so they we,14,:1t,x2441:61*, 9euttiei 44in s t their moraielietawd,bet - fir'Stidgment. Some, I ~Buppralpilteftl eStly ,Illitight,it would bOegbed**o-..: ,:rinee 4A c ie,le"haVe 4 t"Wi' thoe _ii.i 'censetaverns ; and so, they. signed , foil liven li 43; . The once known' tbibPdiarketi t t , -, 0 , 0 ever, who arrayed thetaselvii 'on that- tilde, had either become. intern.' Verde Men, or directly or indirectly in terested in the success of .soMp'Orikei the hOuses. ~1.A... , - c. . i 'Petit l Ons were presented'iONit fok,' liceßS i etilte our taverns and:. two *ink, izig houses. Petitions: : weravi*niated -fir ealill'and all, and ,Secoryll4,:to`. t,,i4S iiiuntlqr • the Court the nnutherefUgui. flame on all was, 242; all:said:W. be Pei siding Vithin the borough._ r. - hiiiiikliot,„ ,- itountelY them; and daiiriol;iliarefotei, :4iii i y t4Eiithat is the ; The/ Iponents of license .. birkit4l4'll, telnons4Mices; . and procuteitlie)iernes ,of 90 ;male residents of the ;.berongh: over 21 Yeats of age, and the 'itaniCe:,4, l . )e: Pilt. l : l 11 74ep atO ~sillgte'Wereett, l oys.r 2 „years Of age, Malting linall 270 ; 1 to oirspt , against, 242 for lics4se t :of a nl'S.-' jority br,2l3'aßinst licenski'pur',„OeUrt; : ' fh 9 ,C q 6 iilance !with lawircontit all the_- rilytierl for find against-license,: whether , thole Or Ornate, The whOlehniiiiilit, Of remodstrahts was, .827 x ;,,,a1W ef':thetsCV -427; at least, were 'adults •'according. -tik' , 'the OW law. On the teetAiki.:o44` , w "et ailre,:t. . mina of 219 meta sere of , the : G ileh lt eliod4 hone of. which w . 8113 . 1 conntclithY,thei Court. :-...,. -, T h• I o„p eetitbins and.. tentionstrariped i I werep c * .;into t e hands' of thUlkdOs, ', un,Wednes,day 1 they held a meeting in, Judge iWilliatrirs office on Wedneaday i eveninW,d onThursday,,dudS, I.iVI . damp aPPPUileed the result of their,ex , amine lort , to b 242 for license and p. 2 7 ,, `agaltie ileqnse, and accordingfkir tedVa, fOnee to A. B. Gray_es,,, et:thEtl Cabe' onset and to Sol Bunnell andi 'lliiiiiel 44nroel of the , two' frolliiii:4l liOnses tijfnliinti a license to IY:l:,i t ',Vari: Horn,rrthe remonstrance of his wife. , . The appgeations for licenses:tO thii(flis, , 4 eating hoUASs were withqaWn . ,;. i! . i ~ , , • Pn Ifondny following, thoOtt#Userfor: remotititia4te obtaldie ii,44l§ 4;,stiow_ eause iyirr,the x licenses should.,iiot hi 'caticeild k having been grantedbytriiiiii : ,. "take. * 'Xike:laot was shown that ilia:* . giii i t eniOnstrants largely outniiiefierect 01C legatpetitioners; but the'aunt Ted [ fused to idalie the rule absolutit: 111,-eaneef:tikt licenses—though „44 . :1*, ting thelnicount, on the ground— , • - they had insrpower to revokit'ay.lle : 4l#6:' ,!iiiitih 7 enoti - granted, exceif ' 1 ki:. .. ' 4,iSeli ki set Yettia:iw -, the statute. ~t,,,a Li ~.',..1 2,1 -- ; i tzi alt 1 have Said I am n(4,1401141 , , any 'Nfzrong.moti l yes to the egii4;,4,pik.,_. ly'ComPlain of the earlynegleetortheit , , education:lid arithrnettel,V . , A`'.' 4 ''''' . ; j ':::', ,well; we _have three licensed ~lietela . in ,NVellsbero. I have not one. word ,to al i r agEtiiiiiti,the landlords. '' - I ilitiiifsi,ii: doubt of4heir ' I ability to ,keeP,a ; ,..4li, ern ;" and So far .as I have seen;: hdy; are alfgentlemen. Their licenses are -the result of accident. Had the present system of learning to count, now prao• tired in th el' ‘ rinieyy PePirtre t our: Graded echoer, been, in vogue twenty' or thirty Team ago, the accident weukt not have hapOened; brit 'it ',lls a slice 4 fact fora ak top ye,eive, and Jet 114 make; the beet' of it. tit 2 p The frikaids'of and the 'hotel.:l keepers say they will unite with putting down these illegal places, where menare &tide 'drunk and ruined. Per. hags :: they Will iio:tt. their. inter! est to get all the trade and inake,all the 'Money 'the.* can'outiof it. • Therels part of the trade it' le' their interest tko avold,the selling of liquor on the Sal); hath, to, roiner‘and ifl,telnperate.peg, eon' n;1 fq.(11.9,:1a*:4.11`04.0: -te wpect and the_present grogshops Which disgrace - our village are put down, We 'may consider lhatAight „SAW:nett.' eai inistake Providential, or rath erover. ruled •by the-Higher Power, - for good. 1 'l!have made this article longer thee Wtended, butt will avoid such an error in •my .neat, for must ask year iri,dUlgencepr 'two tbrep . more 'cair4 l3l4l3 4catiloi l! on.the same inabject.-1 Yours, respectfully,. •• - (Correspendence otthe Aiitstor4: , IXAanisimao,,tei). 6, 1871. ;Lest week's.sessions were mostly co 'o6-p',Jed in the: ,iiiiouositin :of the _ appor **tient bill and itto jitil; fok Palling a .eoni7ention,.to, revise :and amend . the Calstitution,' no `conclus ion being'ir- 1 iiir d at In either case. ' The °Mee of gtaie.iiinperintendent. of soldiers' or. .pilaus' schools 4 , 03c:dieted, and the. pies i rernor has nominated. the Hon. XL 'ol*terstiam ' the present State Super. intendentof Common Schools, for that position. Many of the children who Veip placed In these schools four years ago] have already arrived at the age of sixteen, and are consequently dischar= ged by the`tVrms of the act establish ing the schools; and it is estimated that in the course of two or, three years the sellols can be entirely dispensed , ith ; yet he record of their geod , dee& will redound to the honor of our _State: for all time to conle, 7 -a noble example, , worthy to have been imitated by every . loyal State. .A.ssuraing, the, guardian ship of these wards of our brave defers. dem, our State has clothed and , given ,thern that training and education that they 'were entitled to. from their pa rentis, and in, many Instances a better couoe than they would have received at t heti' parents' hands." The organiza; tioniof \ these schools was first proposed by Ala Excellency,, Qov. A. G., Curtin, in: his ' Annual message to , theLklalar urelin 1686, And - hi , the liberal appro priation of that, body - carried into effect the Same year., , Col. 111 , F, arland wee aPplilted Superintendent, and did Mlle to make the schools effective and :be i;i ficiaL w, Having served .th honor 1 1 ha.tlie field, and lost a leg in is coup tryla defense—and Ibeing a. horong - h scholar. withal—hediavoted his timeand kiner les with unceasing , ludo try, un til h - had marked their good t snits in ,a,lt:' , arts :of the iCommonwea the But tii;-.A* who pledged' himself care - feri ''" fir an a Rgellia6o66liik kluid n; 1,, , ,„„. , ..:? u -... ikb,..m num 41,, ,, ,, .....t.i.„-a.. i...- .144 y, ills natu e, and 'deeds eVer live green irpthe hearts of every widow and or ,44ltin of Pennsylvanial rlustly was be lerineti the soldier's friend; and worthi - iy,tlikl le acquire the title.. Long may J' Ii 7e to enjoy it. , . . , 4cinday evening session weir incu -pufq In receiving reports of eemmittees ttiiifthA reading of bills in place. Tues kaPs Session was private calendar day, .bapw;e4 little business was done there 14't;* the.question .carue • up oniconcur tilt* lif the Senate bill incorporating Ad" kneric n. Ste • t ( a atnehip Company Oft illidellailk'3 ,: 4hich :was finally .pas by : piVd:mnirlritf. 1 ' There see Med I _ _ deal of intereat 1 1 4Ptc 1 0, its the, eapitaliste 1 , 414,1 irk connection with some of our -leadiug 'railroad men, have , agreed to sOnie' first class steamers - and .oe 'taOs`tr a direct line to Europe Instead or depending upon the city of N. York. T1 1 4[1644 objectionable feature about it, - ::W#4` . that it .exernpted ithe .corporation It taxation for all time to come. ?-"A , b 11 was passed on "Wednesday ex 7 a i. ..= . s empt, ng all known as parse age's from taxation, valued ,at , ' . . ',OQ or less. This was originally a•lo.k. .I,lilil, only applying to Cumberland *ll a but upon Us': final passage - One ~4,.. ii ii nA riul 4 e 6icci f at a yrn 'fy te e tl r ai a t n kie o up t !e li or e av v ia ril l o p v ls, c:l buy t i l i rk infl o o l in u uta d d e : ! Jo i idi the con ties in the Common. "iy:olth. The e tire Session was taken l l i tip-in sits disdus ion, 'and nearly every , Me - Mber parti cipated in it before the :11r4Vote was taken ; and it waeof such an exhaustive character, and so exten tiveatiange, that the lore of the prime ,y,S,l. iges,was exhumed to shedlight up-. imi L thS subject. To a disinterested ob .-server; this was a very prbper time to ri ,oteltbe mental caliber of the dispa *MA, iand I- might as well-say - that it sank 'into Insignificance when cent -iiited 't6 some of our Tioga county ortv 'tn-rY;after a successful election, when tbeir.4lrits were jolly over the result, and hav i ing been assisted with a little `,41,111:e in-sip:nyder, f But let, this pass, .frii4e,,rnight offend my colleagues in the MAME) if this should come to, their ob sir4St(on.- I „ . . 'i'lg - b,e 1 Governor holds , another receri pob-c94 Thursday evening of this week, ncivilch all his frienda-and their wives•, 4141'0, to take-a drink—of lemim- Ladsf,; - .:Which being toe strong- for. my 'o?t,:mlciii,riefus to attend. Perhaps .t.4,Y;:art get ale g without—which I douht-+;but they , e My sympathy:- -TheTaihions of t Stinies are so much in Myance of wi t -they were when .1 ...—.4 , wini r y,oung, that Oat Mot feel, 'at4lf:lnle e;srlike.tist,d. to„w en we attcnded o eOrn • - hbefkin t gs and` ap tycoon!, with good old ,_ , ~: ,_,. t ,Pueaphin pie and cider for deisert,, and ,csitireodressea and white aprons the on-, fivAtdUrnmeuts of our sweetheurtS: ',3. ,g ;back Ihoie, good old da - y4" . 4nd . , eporte again, and, my. word for 14 , wa t ai , l; ( tm the better therefor. , -- • ~'• 1 . ;itt.';4oarnival of Death" is the latest !:tidiettiliement of the Hudson riverrtol l -, ' a ttidity i eld out to iniiike the traveling' iPuMfq ~ o nceept paiiage on their road,. 1 wilinti arries with celerity and dieptiteh , l 'icihatOSt unknown bourne from whenOit ,nO4iler returns." Pardon me, friend had rather ride on a rail. ) . i to iilth . od support at ends and Odell,. I,`t_ti‘i .Lange my borth'i on your pal* ateeplig coach for the. dark depths , :of dm catigry 'Hudson. fl , ow many,. alas, ,l - . . `tiny,'are a I 'shuffled off b li`Y; d ky; ..t.- 11 ) Medal :ist4e by aeilntki like this! and: yet thetenger, rushing crowd heed not the warning,- but follow in successive rounds to ell the decimated ranks.— Mil , . Peath eO/1208 la.all obapea ; but.when I BasaaWay. let It be Oil a .!' Bowery , bed of ease'' , and not by railroad.. , * "01 - p on ,the still air. of, night comes the chin 9.0 t belle ;I , lOw sweet, .110 W &s -molt, how melodious, for it plays 'Rome, siVec,it ' home,'` and echo answers Wick' 'Weir Platutive swells. At such times, how , "all - things' seem centered in the 'present; all elie is, forgotten, and we live in the'ecstacy of the moment, re gardlesti alike of the past and the' great future that is hourly breaking upon us and forcing us into the whirlpool of corning , trlals,bill and strife. - I have ever been a lover of the quiet etiliness of the night ; love to stand be neath' the erebed canopy of Illimitable space, and gazOin wonder and admira tion upon those far of worlds of light, that twinkle like fire files on a summer eve, pondering and doubting until the 'sense becomes confused andit am lost in cent.3%plation of the w o dro no 1 theme. Could we but know their his terY, origin t and the.purposes for which created ; could our circumscribed Intel lectS but fathom the great myStery that surrounds them, and in our reaches af ler knowledge, make plain to eur give er matures the first great cause of ani mate and inanimate worlds, how much of, doUbt, of wonder, dread and fear, would be romped. It may yet be. The reaches of sole oe are delving into the hitherto unk no n mysteries of the utii vir verse, and ere I ng this world may be come familiar with all its surioundingS. Relying and resting upOn that beacon of hope, I rest.Me In the lap of Mor pheus. - , X-27. -The belt of land around the globe, five bun. ,dredMiles north and five hundred miles south of the equator, abounds in trees producing the gum of India rubber. They can be tapped, it is sta ted, for twenty successive seasons, without inju ry; and the trees stand so oiose that they can . gather the eap - from eighty treys in one day, tech tree yielding, on an average, three table spoonsful deny., Forty-three thousand of these trees have been counted in a tract of country thirty miles long by eight wide. There are in America and EuroPe more than one hundred and fifty manufactories of India rubber oracles em ploying some five hundred operatives each, and consuming Fiero then ten million pounds' of the gum per year, and the business Is oonliidered to be still in its infancy. But to whatever extent it may increase, there will still be plenty of rubber 'to supply the demand.—Day. The above is strictly, true, with the slight exception that there is tiota belt a thousand miles in width where the India rubber tree is abundant. They occur in favorable localities within a lew degrees of the tropics, but the Am- Jrzon valley sends more India rubber to - market than the rest of the world. Her exportations of Indla.rubber, or borra cha, will hardly 'amount to less than 15,000,000 pounds for 1870, and much more for the present' year. And the quality averages bet* than that of rubber imported from East Indies. Few, trees yield se little as(three spoons ful per day. 4 -gcidti sized tree, say from one to twoleet:iii . diarupter; usu ally has from_ six to.i*elve cups attach ed to l lValindalithill,rduring,the,w4king 13 6XiOr,''each - Cap - be - ing - safe f or one to` three larg-c epuousful ; old, well worked trees yielding least, while a large, thrif ty, new worked tree may be, bled to the extent of a quart daily, Without percep tible injury. On the Maderia, in - tho republic of BOlivia,,they have a villain- MIS practice 'of n ever . "going" o'l a 'rubber' tree but once, the Seringero girdling it and taking all the .milk it will yield from a deep " bog," cut en-, tirely tround the tree, after which It is left to die. In Ecuador the natives cut deep b t eXes into the trees, near the roots, and lead the Milk - Into - 11614 Ili, the ,grotuk where it is left to ferment Until ;the watery portions evaporate, and it becomes .hard, when it IS 'packed for market, where it ranks as sernamby, or niggerhead, bringing about 8-6ths as much as borracha fina, or A 1. India rubber. Last . month , the prico of the latter ; was $1 05 and $l.lO per pound in New York, and but for the European war, would ,be still higher. A rubber walk,' or eatracla, of 100 to 150 trees, is by no, means uncomnion; and there are some walks near 'Breves, XfacaPa and Santarem, of more than 800 trees .1 ' - Mark Twain Lillis describes a speci men "old Mau" 'of Buffalo : . "John Wagner, the coldest man in -Buffalo-104 years old—recently walked a mile and a half in two weeks: He is t as - Ch erftti and as bright as any of thee() other old men that charge*ound'so in the n Avspapers, and in every way wire mark able. Last Noyember,he walked five blocks in a rain storm, Without any shatter but an umbrella, and east his yore - 114r 'drank remarking that he bad vot d for forty-seven President's, which wa not strictly correct. ' His second cro of :rich broWn hair arrived from lie , irc:rk yesterday; and -be . has •a he • sot of teeth corning—from Phila phi . : Lie is to be married next week to a giii 102-years old, who still takes in .washiug. They have .been engaged 80 years, but their:Parents persistently re fused their consent until three day§ ego. John Wagner is two yeurs older than the Rhode Island .veteran, and has nel taer taated. l a drop-LOU liquor in, i - unless you count whisky. ' •'' '. -r- , :., , Th .. , - .• 1 ' 'e quiet comicality Of asmal/ event , sametinies clings feryearsto•the mern".- 1 Oiy. 4ifundernonstratiVe' inekient :of this : kind .c.raa;related to. us as olltiWs: "Ate - old - Irish great aunt' f'tnine once stit,bY the fireplace, strait ing her. .dudeen .with , a terrific smack' and'an .occasional - scowl, as a stray rl glut of the pungent smoke booked 'tee fin her nose, mihile 1, a boy of fifteen, , at : op.! POsite, listenlng irt} lies queer talk, and leisurely Smoking - MY Cigar: The. Old,, lady ested' the' weekftit my mouth fur tiVely for awhile, - and' tben taking ' the -Pipe oat '''or her toothless' guniti, • anti, AnubtfullY'stretching:ont herhand;'She' 'saki, with a vOicelike a, grater,- 4 13Ititiy; ' g,i Ve; us'a blast '4,) -that l'-' 1 oreltietantly iktiiiv nti awl•m y: raga I la; ;(Nirorthli these 41iiyS eitht cents ) ) 'whiphi withlixi acore. 'ad a t ,' ell adopted:iv Itb very. leaky Whiffs, end vet; y.little comfort, as Abe - , taste • of. the tobacco :wils_.,tinusual.., After ,fally ,testing fits. flavor, acid holding the cigar, iii,s:pinparisen with her own clay favor- Ateitsbe'liatidedit back tome tritit :the l!titidvstdiagifet,',' : air a -thing' vt,illo4 t t , .li'tOite; arivd tt k .titliril '' ()kirk; hew ,E 4- :, lay ~4 : 2' birn ••clii job get' fOra - ointr' 1, --'' ' The Lafayette Courier announces that lie ?fighting editor has gone into winter quarters." .1 NO. 8. MIA RUBBER. 'X be Agitator \ - look & Job Noting House, Is well supplied with Presses and Typos to eft cute 'ail- kinds of Job Work with_neatntso luitt dispatch 'Large additions of all the lath stylei of type • have been added to this department. _ _ Loeation—Bmlth & Bowen's Block, 24 Floor • Church Colutim. [For the Agitator.) NO, 111. • • •Let us look at the startling phenom enon already noticed, a little farther.; for the tact that, in some sections of a noininally Christian land, but twenty live per cent. of the entire population attend religious worship,4s a plaenom;- enon which may weir startle all lovers of their country, to say nothing of ac tual believers Christianity as a cit. rectly revealed and 'authoritative reli gion. - Now, ex, nihiN nihi/fit—whioh, 'freely translated, means, " nott i g ex ists without a cause,” What, ten, is the cause of this extraordinary fact? The cause is manifold ; but whatever it may bp, it certainly is 'deseriing 'of our Most earnest attention ; for, if it is our bounden duty to carry the hope, both of the life which now is, and of that which is to come, to.those of other -races, colors and phases of civilization, there can be no . quesilon as to the obli gation resting upon American Chris= tianB, with respect to these virtual hea thens, so far as the'' visible Church is concerned, in our own midst. Surely it cannot be that all these goers are what we commonly call , infi dels. We shall indeed be 'slow to be- sieve thtt in any American community three-fourths of the inhabitants have ' consciously and deliberately repudiated the religion "of Christ. We have said that few men are infidel!, from choice. There is nothing lovely, or ennobling; or soul-satisfying, ilk, unbelief. True, human nature is badly depraved ; still, few have got so far in stolidness twit) longer to - feel " this fond desire, this longing after immortality;"-=few Oe actual Atheistsl—few look upon con science or the sense of moral account& Witty as wholly the creature of educa tion. The writer has known such—at least such was their profession ; but there is little danger that their number I will ever become very" considerable. ' And there is hope even of such. To . Barker, an Englishman, once not rio oar. as an Apostle of the boldest and -' seat kind of infidelity, in this con try, has, by the grace of God, of late ears become a clergyman of the Chur h of England. Perhaps the lecturer's xPe deuce was the same as that of some of his hearers. In bis once celebrated dis- _ mission ,With the Rev. Dr. Berg, in Phi .. ladelphia, the friends of both' dispn tants lcupied seats on the platform.— The co trdst between their respective t) t adhere is, in regard to all that is noble. and god ike in human character; did not tail t once to strike some of the auditor on that occasion', and left an impression not soon to be effaced. No,—this class may be rightly called'- exceptional. Wherever we go, in what ever age of the world, we find the ideas of God, of an hereafter, aud of moral accountability. Even heathen writers, like 'Cicero, have' recogul4ed hi this Universal consciousness of Mankind, the Voice of God. And'no ; iti no In our OWn ;titnehee,urged the. Ideas we hive named 1 more earnestly • and elo qu eti tl y than Thebdorn Parker—to whom the writer, in patislrig,, would un hesitatingly acknowledge his great ob ligatl'on. But how any one of evenav erage intelligence can hold these ideas, and fet, upon duedavestigation and re flectibri, fall to believe in Christianity as a supernatural and authoritative Re ligion, seems inexplicable. The Athe- ist is.far more logical , than the Deist; for, tb hold the idea of a Supreme Be ing, nd yet reject'revelation, 'involves heavier draft upon one's credulity than Ttoinanism itself. -But, as Manse' fordihly remarks, while referring to Theodore Parker and Francis Wi NOw man,.” Men -will concede much to phi losophy who will concede nothing to . Scripture. The sickly and sentimen tal Morality which talke , of the fent eldust God of - the. popular theology, whichis indignant at the faith of Abra ham, 'which shudders over the destruc tion; , 'of the Canaanites, which prides , itselfin'discovering'imperfectionsin the law of Moses, is content to Wiwi° that the God 'who could not sanction these things,.could yet create man with tia morality of a cannibal, tile religion o a fetialt= worshiper, -and ordain for him a tau), of development, through the pu- 2 rifying Stages which marked the (*vitt zatio4 of Egypt and Babylon and Im perial Rome: Verily, this unbelieving Reason , makes heavy demands on the - faith hf its,disciples.'! That thoughtful mind 4 should meet with clifficulties . in their quest of truth, and especially of religious truth, is not to ' be wondered at. But if there is in deed a God, if theip Is Indeed a futute I ITEMS. ife beyond the grave, if we are indeed responsible to'Clod for the use ti:' , e - make of our. present ex Istence,—a few hours the further consideration of the evidences of, revealed-religion, and the investigation of the character• of that Church which claims to be none other than the Church of the Apostles, as founded by Christ Himself,--surely this ought not to be deemed too on an outlay of time and' trouble the Part of any rational man or woman.-- It is to be remarked, however, that ve ry 'much depends on the temper in which such a task is entered upon.— The opinions of the average classlof un- ' believers are not often to be el+nged immediately or -directly by argument. 4their,waut of faith; of spiritual die ternminit, has resulted in most install ceS'frotn their general state of mind and heart, .I.t" is only; to he removed' by a change in their moral and spirltiial, condition, deeper than mere loglo can ' .. - • penetrate. " Ilint, "—perhaps is ready to protest,—" surety a - mart may be at least theoretically a Christian, and yet.' net necessarily be a church-goer. There are sol many sects, • that really one's mind becomes 'bewildered to -think of theta all, toeay nothing of d6cidingbe tWeen their .rival claims! And on the whole,A Wet hour at home is as pro fitable ilk! a dull end stupid h o tfr. 4 t 4 , Clinrch. l - „Where such is the frame of Mind* heart, it is simply 'an abuse .otlang -.' eto talk Of being theoreti&tr ly 4,,Chri tian, Either Christianity is whatit 9 AtiAl3,to,_ bge nor it' Is not. If the : further, . ali. ,Itillingt.vilth it is abso lutely Shocking tb toy 0 0110 'who fora moment soaks, at the'real beta% of such "ii ebbrao44l,‘ tpaatter, ' let • Us byour =actual 'seak'ch :Air , the truth, jiettlp the 411E:Alm-rand, then look ita goneoclußil oesktionestly iii •the Aide:: i ffl ',#' ,i ,',-.'• • •-•- • -Vehave hicia if sneiringly; i'anark ed that " religion is a dreadfully wa • manish thing!" Butlet those who pre tend to disregard, if not actually Oisbe .l El Mr