.4oss. I gat a .;. ,-,.r The stainless lilies, giqvettted %fe h ere w. In robes of moon ranilltdolhlyll4etllrops span. The scented grass stood tall on either side, And hid the page before me open'd tilde, Over which I pondered, wan and heavy-eyed. .• That m e mo. t vg hpreAtr i e tpaspetajolpiarrillpl At passioPrinirst i tilig Min - date !Ands retvel ed, And fervid pleadiog temple the heart to yield. Ah Litter trial! who shall count the cost. When love and honor in the scales are toBsed, 'Out balanced by imperious pride, ma hot? 1 plucked a waxen my late f 0,1 6 -1 tuith,tsviwaet".o • brief, Perish and shrivel into unbelief? "Type of the life of passion, innocence, Bborme the fullness of the recompense, When,frigid duty conquers soul and sense! "Within this fatiful page I fold tree down, Of whose wild words I dare not Make a crown, And sigh with longinf yiten•l should bur frown." I I i The Autumn winds LI by_tt% Autp4 n rain, Tearlike and twi t pe tivini the ttt e tykenlng pane; The gilt of life seems valueless and vain. bald the lily leaf within my hand, Brown as the ocean's salt autl bitter sand, Through all my weary heart I understand. Mary 1. Rifler—in Galaxy for . December. .;(1) THE INSANE: The following statistics of the Penn sylvania insane are well worthy of careful reeding : It is between the ages of 20 and 30 years, that we would guard most care fully against exeitement, for more per sons then beCome insane,stliaiwitrany other decade oVWi;:iCf)eir'‘'lr apt*ars, get more of the Wear and - teal:Of life; or do not stand it as well as weinen, for out, of 2,918 patients only 1,264 were of the fair sex. Widowers stand their grief better than widows-, for there were 159 of the latter and only 74 of the for mer. This is the more remarkable, as women patients were,, on the whole, , less numerous. Out of a total of 2,918, only 1,264 were women. The numbers of married and single persons were sur prisfugly near equal, 1,342 were mar ried and 1,343 were single, leaving a majority not sufficiently large to found an inference on. The, Woroasi's liuff ) . rage orators,: might , gtdit au ;Itragnjent' frdpa the'llierttitit a majiirrlY of the women were bousekeeaars, 618 of whom succumbed under the'r cares, while there were ply 14 te chers, and 25 seamstresses. Doctors mild point a , moral with the circumstances that the cause assigned for the largest number of cases # 1 141 5 i lll.,„healtl.. l Evidenc9 j. ,7% curroborets; ttonit,rttetnent sii of teif,iitia,f that Americans live too fait, and that the race is wearing out, might be found in the large number of inative-born Americans among the lunfortunate wrecks of humanity, of whom 2,318 were of native birth, vilitli`of excitable Hiberniane there were the small num ber of 270, of beer, -drinking tierumue 150 and of irea'rlY,:contetited, only 51'. Pei-,' haps the most surprising item, and the most contrary to received opinions, is the prepondereuce of out-door work ers. Out of 1,654 crazy . men, there were .540 :who had been farmers, and 469 who had been laborers; ; while of representatives of brain-raclang pro - fessions there were but 76 in kill, 19 of them physicians,- 25 teachers, 10 preach ers,'ls lawyers, and 2 editors. Not long since, says Paul_ Paralell, I paid a visit to one of the prominent lunatic asylums of our country, and was very much intereted in beholding the different forms o ' insanity ,tbere illustrated. litit.lhe ut)jects" which engaged my attention most were those whose wanderings were of a literary character, and I found many,, of this kind in thq,.inßtttutiou. Two gentle men there: 34006 M the keeper In formed me were the exponents of the, two different schools of poetry—the in tellectual and the emotional. Both . of them hat; pliptvedliterature, es tiiiirp fession for many years, but never hay tug been able to make anything out of it, grew desperate and got, insane.— They burled their professional rivalries the moment they' met upon the com mon ground of,\lunacy, and were now to be seen daily walking arm-in-'arm throughout the institution, composing poems and giving copies there c f(gratle to whomsoeveittelielleirthein: =-' ' ' One of them, who called himself the Great Psychologist, gave me the fol lowing, entitled "The Soulless Soul :" g lii Meandering lo 10, elimbingunhedged thro' the glimmeri g darknits4 - ' " - I t i. Bmindless Ilida tics e arching for cobwebs pear ly with =tuella e blue, Red-eyed, in dreaqls of infuriate fancy, glows Dow heatitud ;g I'g ;• e' • : "-•••:...- Vacancy reaches it v Itri.to i.loPace - I.Pri` ll9 there everem r ! t Helpless and speechless, roaring with scow. like the down of an eagle, Whore shall it go, 'ere it go where its diandsit ings hied it? Up to thefidePtha were tits circle of peaffirale realehollit •': r ti Cast it upbtliped. Thul aball it l'e‘er deathless and dead! • The other poet, who had a huge harp worked in zephyr upon the bark of his coat, handed me the following ballad about "The Mysteiinuti which he eubsequentty phblighed in a Philadelphia Sunday paper: . An elephaii 1444 throdgb iha' gird eti ;rail; And a daisy shrieked iu pain, ' And the purple face of tke mor4ing moon . Was dashed by the evening rain— While unto. the mountain flaw u maid As the thunder fleshed afar, And the cords of her patent harp ere swept By the mast of a man of-wail But the green graylocks - ofthotuail au f•ir r Were caught by "o.'iult4 Or.] tie r - Who was choked to death by the vessel's mast, And the moon began to laugh— Yet the daisy died, and the elephant Got sick at the thunder's roar, And the maid-she left to the - evetiitik train, And never was heard of wore' An Illinois postmaster gives notice us followiC:(: , KAMr tbiedate - cverybody must lickl4iir s - 01)licisage sttinrps,:fOr my tongue's' give out." A man in 'Waukegan, Wis , got drunk last week, chased- hie wife up a tree, threw his child ouVfl,he 4i(l4(M - 410 drowned himself in a well, • • • Badly calculated. Ought to have drowned him self - Bret t and done the chasing itrid tliti*Pait'attetiverd." A good stay is told about James Fisk, Jr., calling on Gen. Butler at Long Branch last - ; 44ritumor. ijAtler had never seen' , Piek? t* i aslk lii name, receiving the reply in - a loud voice : I am James Fish, Jr !" "Oh, you are, are you ?" remarked Butler, with charming indlfi'erence. Then turning to his wife.: "My dear, do you `want anything of the pedlar today?" The Prince beat a hasty" retreat, leav ing the General in full possession of the field. - "ry FY' An old bachelor editor thus, in his spite, comments kreeent moon li ght incident : "We left ouraanctutri at mid night hustpl4(litpißi Pi? our way. home waw a Sieungl'ilidy and gentleman holding a gate- on Its hinges. They wire evidently_ indignant at being kept (intso, . we, Saw ,them bits ia each otilOt IN/ ./ \ LORMORE BROS. & 1 WHOLESALE 141i.,14 Lo nu() k• arimositi" . ti •1•.:: - ;t,l' ‘y 2 • . sTEAmi:fioFFEEch.,spIR..-mittsi L 04114 4, ARGIL would 001 theatd 1.4 tafniibn of the Trado in the , enuntiep of thi Bouthdrn Tier of New York and NOrtbelio aylvania,—to- the large • and full • ansortmeotOf GROCERIES 86y-RONISI4 INS .constaptly on hand at their extentiva_Warebonao and Stbrer, bia:ia'i t ff;3 au9.011 0 11;5t1V04.4174 and offered tdi AliOn ttkauscratlibiral., "111" latiefaction tiealitintifilfgaigraniaadlL; Our Stettin Mills, for thri Boasting of Coffee and the Grinding of Coffee and apices, are of the ;oat recant int proved:construction, and not e gelled by..ani , In the nountry. ' - • EAR._ • • • We have a Mite di of-choice Teas: We buy direct from baliorifers in New -York for cash, and call ae cheap as any house In the trade. Sugars, Molasses At/ !Syrups' from the best litellaera, and meld latest and lowest New York quotations. FOilEplkl DRIED FRUIT, AND ALL KINDS OF ,NUTS, Fiehm"nrY & Pickled We buy from first hands in the East, and can afford d better artiol• at a Ulmer pries than any arm in Western New York. - • • WOODEN WARE, Cordage and Broaumi—,A full line of goods. LIQUORS. We call the attention of the Trade to our large stock of Wines add Liquors, which forpurityand fineness aro unsurpassed. ALES—Scot4b, Irish and Irry . - gliab, and of tho bait brands conatantly on hand. FOREIGN AND- -DOMESITO LIQUORB— We opegially invite purehapere to call .and ex. ermine our stook of Foreign and Liquor" before buying ebiewhere. . MEDICINAL WHISKEY— We put up - ft:44lla especial berdit of the Ask, a pure article or. Old Bourbon Whiskey for the Druggist Trade. Sole Agents in Elmira; Odle Urbana Wine Co. In brief, we invite a close scrutiny of otirgoods and their prices, the whole assortment being too numerous to mention in detail. ' LORMORE BROS. Sr CO., No. 37 ik 39 Oarroll St, Elmira, N, Y. Sept. 21, 1/370.-/y. • ." 'The singer SEWING MACHINE. VFIGITRES,, FACTS AND FANCIES. The h Singer manufacturing .company in 1889 sold 88,481 machines. These figures, and those given below, are from sworn returns (to which any one,oau have access) made to the receiver,_ appointed by the 'owners of valuable sewing machine patents, who license most of the compa nies of lesser importanee. In 1889 the' Singer Manufacturing Company Bold over the Leavitt S. M. Co., 88,010 machines. Sold over the Parham ", 85,840 " " Sold ever the /Etna 82,233 " Sold over the Empire " 78,081 " Sold over the Florence " , 73,120 " Sold over tho Weed " 87,094 1 ' _ Solo over the Howe " 41,781 " Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson, 7,915 ." 4 Sold over the Grover &. Baker, 51,593 " Sold over the Finkle & Lyon, 85,442 ," Sold over the Willcox A Gibbs, 89,580 '" Sold over the Anierican B. H., - 78,989 "- • It is a fact, and the figures show It, that the sales of 1869 far exceed those of our rivals in trade. • It is also a fact, that we sold , last year over FORTY THOUSAND morernachines than we did two years ago. It is also another fact, that these increased sales are owtng to the great and growlisg popularity of our" Now Family Sewing Machine. It is still another fact, thil ninety of every hundred machines made and sold by us aro.for_FAMILY use. ;But the stran gest faetot tale, that some dialers, kriowing it would her vain to attack the reputation of our cadnufacitiring machine* and who `are free to ad mit alt that can be sabein'their favor; thus hop. ing to'seoure the buyer's confidence, 'have the boldness to say that we have no family sewing machine,' whereas our new machine for that pur pose Is capable of a range and variety of exqui site sewing, Which amazes even thole who are familiar with - thelbest work of other fetidly ma chines. IMO Now %Lis mere fancy to suppose, in the face of the above figures and facts, that such sayings as the one sPoken of can have any weight. In stead of giving ear to such fancies, most people, ::141bioluying, (whatever may be claimed about Paris Exhibitione—or Fairs, where we seldom exhibit machines,) examine and judge for them selves, and because in doing. so .they find our New Family Sewing Maohine as saperlor to oth er family, sewing machines as.our manufacturing maohinos' are Ibr their purposes. The true world's lair, held in every city, hamlet and home, hae awarded us the pritalum of the high est sales. ; These wiaohines are left on IVO. We ask two pne to bity, unless perfectly satisfied that the machine is all It is represented. E. W. HOGABOOM, Gen'l Agent far Tioga county. Mansacild, Jan 4, 1871 y 343 , 8rktinstr3 - . ~ ' •A. B.BAEITMAN t - OPER/LT.6"R 1151:1 useuXistl AZ • i . • . 114110114 ' :- '. DENTIBT. Having bought Mr.- Vau .Itorne's I crest in -the partnership of Heitman A -Van rue, wo'd respectfully' request all persons fade ted to'tho ite firm io call and settle at once. * • Office opposite the Cone House, where , he will co tinue the Dental business in the niost ap proved proved and skilful manner, at the lowest possi ble rates. ! Call and sae specimens and testimo nies beforq going elsewhere. -,:, H 00041870 A. LEAST/HAN.. • Wellsboro /Hotel ! cft - . MAIN 6ll ! -*illE..4.VENUE, 1M 'l, 50L. BUNNEL,,PRopqt, ) • Thi is a pOpUlar Hotel lately )(opt by B. B. Holiday. ;Tho Proprietor wlll•spare nit Woe to mike It a Brat-class house. All the stages ar rive and depart from Mit twine. A good hostler in atteudetlee. iiir•Vvery taittobed. , Jan 1; - • ' • , . . ~ • bfice worth Reading I. , .. / i 4i.. . _ ''' 'tL persons indebted to hEAß,l44Litltlilt by book seeetrat eilil liefethiriY doll - from t le date l *blob .to . fettle Me ranee.,, Aft 4 ,blob eorkWill be,Made. --‘ OgAREI &DERBY. .. Jaw lini.4alt-tr • - I EMI .11 1 \- - - • i 1 C. B. KELLY .ii li HAS JUST OPENED LOTS OP LI I ' SEW PRIED - DRY (1001 t : i. • . FOR THE -MASSES. .. , . il fi I i IP - , ~,...). Dropdo‘and loop ~..„ lIROINII THE ' STOOK, • i 1 II we will try an I convince you, that we not ' oinpf have Il' 1 1--fGOOD GOODS, laLtihat-we are saillag thorn clear,dosru.,to.tho b'pttpris of the Intriet. roilroi havitiSltinfalititliU soitmoht of - t i ,; LI ,„ , -14A.DIES DRESS GOODS; l ' t 1 -- 10 All styles and prices. ...,_ Aiths, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, , 1, :, , ' - OROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, 1 . ~C, i YEA-i-AQWP,y - SgicASl ,_ . 1 ETC., ETC. _ . We do•uot propose to mention all the Items la Store, ro t s we roach prefer showing goods. : Psr T o charge for showing Goody: Call and see Jan. 4, 1871. ;FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. :c 01. 26 - ' l" \ ir Bra': It.' Icv nimbi% ever Young Vet' As. bookstore, bag Just received lots of Fall &Unary to which she invites the -attention of the ladies of Welisboro and vicinity - MBI3. E. E. KIMBALL. - . "Jaup4, 1871:1y Livery Stable! ' WATKINS & LOUDEN re• spestfully inform the pub ;.•-•.e.r..V.' Ho that they have established a Livery for Hire, At their Stable on Pearl St., oppoolte Wheeler's wagon ;hop. Slagle or double rigs furnlebed to order. ;They aim to keep good horses and wa gons, and intend to please. Prices resemble. WATKINS It LOUDEN. Jan. 4,1871-/y. Welisboro Bakery, IF J. BUR(*IN would say to the citizens of Wellabor° and vicinity that he b pre pared to supply them with BREAD, TIES AND CARES, of the beet quality. We also nerve motile end and Fro th OYSTERS to those who wish. Call at MO old Stevens' stand. J. J. BREHM - 'Nov. #3, 1870 fly. • `New Photograph Gallery—D. H. Naramore. Anotiun—b. E. Brewster. SPECIAL 9 MILE subscriber would re.epeotfully inform j. the public, that bco„ Row leeching tiROE ADDITIONS to his stock of MERCHANDISE, bought Since the great decline in prices, which enables biro to offer many , 1 ,• The ladles are invited to examine his stook o SHAWLS, buss Goons, Which contain many.niii Myles and fabrics not bailie introduced 4a this market. - ••' HOUSEKEEPERS would do well to .ezendue Affil itikiat ox TABLE LEtiIiENE, CARPETS, Oil Cloth, litattiugs, &C Wellaboro, Jan 4, WI. BACON -& :BAILEY, DEALIDES IN - Drugs, ~Medicines, GLASS, UTTY„PAINZ9, OILS, VABNISHRS,DY•STVITS. Alcohol, Pure Wines and, Lb:pon for Perfumery, Soaps, /imago, Toilet Article's, &O. `Physician s' prasariptlansaatoßandsd at all boars. , BL0081)1114}; 1 1 ,A. ;* Jan. 4, ,1871 i y.y Home Shot& Sewing Machine, / ss HIS Montane 'is the ladies 'faxoritc and • ' poeises all the advantages i'of..rd,he; ma oh es, and is furnished much late in price than other treddle snaohinst. Any one desiring a. maohiai will call on, or address EZRA POTTER. Ckrooked Onek, 7. (140/.1 44014 for' { , Jan. 4,1871-3* . 1 1 it A l iTfoßitcot 3 , 1 .4 • For Balo or Rent. GOOD dalry , _ farm in!Tioga totritahlp,Tl-_ os*,o4:kunty,Ta., about 24 miles west of the orough'of Tioga. about 100 acres improyed, and 46 . unimproved. Hasp* glcillorrk, - ,bafor, three dwelling houses, an apPlilind'PESll orch ard, Ando ther fruit trees. Terms easy. Also ad tehdwg on the weld, a: favar:aud 3imbef WWI from 40 to 200 eosin as desired, with 80 urea improved, with a good barn, a good house and apple °tabard. Good for a dalrgif farta., Jan 1, 101-If. g, 'Xi op, Pa. C. B. KELLEY. BM =I and THOMAS HARDEN'S r Drugs In any quantity and at low figures. I want it be distinctly understood that I siily Aloe than any other firm In the County; further, I do aim that no mau l ean underceir they resets* goods by the undsrgronad railroad. I „ . „ • • - • m • Gaiss, Putty Alcohol,'Turpentine ".* KEROSENE - OIL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, WINDOW. _C.UI TAINS.4_ FIXTURES. Ni"Ti4l l -tf - - 5 L'' '''' .4. 4 I ;- d Vii i ,iii ' t '''' ''' • 0 $.: A't4 ,40 d •••:- In faot I keep everything ua. anything in my line to give roe Jau. 4, 1871-Iy. EVERY ,YE 1'1 ; A r. C, _ll ......,,,.. 4 •:-.` ' I E.:), - If -. d. ,Cl. ` ,-. has jot secs! LADLE' !MEM We have in the Anent' Prints frotn!theihinip;iiiiti ' DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, NOTIONS, All wool & Union Clotho ,& Cassimeres A largo stuck of substantialeoods, suitable for Farmers and Medial:dos' wear at low raise, even less .tban.list Pall. - , GrocerT We have a full llue of Tea,-8u , Coffee, til3Taps, Baleratuctimveh2g Tobacci &c., a all of the beet brands. ~, L STRICTLY CASH DEM Deo. 6, 1870. Midi=l2Men!Mal Smith & Waite, Are ndw prepared to offer great inducemints to their patrons, as they have just filed their store with aziondiesa variety of . NEW FALL Of almost every grade, quality and price.. We only , the people to call an look,through our stook and lave us the time of enumerating the arUeleola Store, ' and then if they don't buy it won't be Gay fault, as our goods are Maippgd Down to the Lowed *otek. We takopleaaute.in saying to the Ladies •of Ticks, county, that we baYe endless variety of very (tearable pit;teras of S4I9EIESP BRA .600'r -•‘ . LINEN AND WHITE GOODS , 1 .tt.vprylrge auciFloke ut, and at very low prim. I , a‘) . 1413etikal We have a very large stock of Carpets, varying in quality and price. sou wishing anything In this line would do well tf at& andiosk tronhgh , our stook. TEAS. m u l t i r c r ap te e s r T ga a n C arrgtri i r. ; WE SELL CLOTHS AND CASSWERES . VERY, LOW. ' REKEMBIM TER /04oPixso nolo, CORNING, N. We ere *gents for the and are selling good grades , . - Corning, 'Oct. - 8, 1870. .44Lk.rnold zsg ;. FANtY AND HOOP MOCK, (near Erie Depot;) "CORNING, N. Y. V Thiele the largest Fancy iitore in.}Steuben County, and is now filled with an immense do of die lat4at novoliass for Pfeil - tiler 'ea son• great bursar's in Seamless GLOVES, and every other kind of Gloves. OMR WORSTED, - JSILIt -8i VELVET 'RIBBON, HAIR GOOODS, reed. and imitation, ' S*ITOHES,' EMBROIDERIES, BUTTONS, BUTTONS. If if; Finey 'Welty fOticelds CORSETS of kiiid, and in fact every thing kept usually found In a SarELT Liidles3roU iiiiiiiMituoney l in buying goods (gou cannot get in your viola ity) bygoing to the RANGY 132 WE of A •.B. "V" 1 13:4E; EII . IIIII VI, Depot) CpRUNG, N.Y. - • i. to t• r Coining; COO; 1470. t - ' • • and ed.leirieB , 9' BRANDIES, /Da mititoyttfgr klpit . o!iltli. , AMENT-14ERIOINgSi 'E STIIFFS, RFUMERt, * ANEW, NOTIONS, , CRS Ily fround in a Aria chalta-DdifiLtafif j elansithitit44,lll47.o . autin Dail. No obargo for *bowing 121:oode.; 4 Call'aocriot,,- - , • -.;•.., • • : . _ 'SO • •••;.:;:-•;z 3itr:.;aw. • 'Xi 7 . ? iFfki N Y-VWII t•if (,:.7 Its V, :-.•••;•1-,. • 4-P„ ?:F.111';.• • 'HO WANTS TO /31;trANY .p-. 4 ',,ic . I:3k — o . :07 -- ~-.;....?,..,.,---- , ..,,,,,,-,c,-, LI:BEAR IN MIND --- ti .14 l d an lanoeula stock of allibeilrund'itylot all : s , i , TO, .2 'SHAWLS, OAOSIMEREfe,. HOOP SHIRTS,. Department. CORNINU, N. Y., PM From a Calico wrapper, to the costly Silks. I - 11sine' s Y. 7" In - jC OI ae..811 4 4. - 4 71 4 :ft) o ' .„ L - - -A l /3.114T5, VARNISHES, ; 4 KtROWirE, Elill t. `: ~ 4 i lEll MEE MEE it ,~ ERN ,~ t t 3. ' .J, sL .• `~ ~. DOMESTIOS, F „ . 441,101 n ocak, moms: ME CHAS. C. MATH • RS. GOODS, Carpet,s SMITH. & WAITE STORE, FACTORY, GERMANTOWN YARN, SASHES AND BOWS, CHIGNONS, CURLS, LACES .41- -TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS,' BUTTONS. Charms 4 Chains. Hong T. Heimbold s Compound,ilPlo4l-4..Extract MI y- 7:1 Vatirfirh af lull,.,iroPefi . , .h:-.,::-.,i,t r....,,,,,...... crape f o t= -, i .„,:.,.....,,:.,,. -=-,,,:i . i L..-,--.-..-. , ;:.• , . =, - • • ,--., • - 'iltiousiii loititi-4y,lo42#xtift4nbirli and' Fluid ‘" 1 :' '..41;a4 'ittsti , doik Ciiii*9 Jll tee. '' . . . for - Liver Complaints, - Jaundice, Bit iota) 41ffections, Siok Nei-Vous Head 'ache,'!VoStivened,.etc:, Net ;table, C~ontdiniiig 9id:'AlercUrd,..4line (4•ate or Pereterioue !)rape.. "" Z: • • LEE OILS, It/W4LINEL.I , aretboinaiiet pleasant r purgatife, atipereeding °lifer oil, ealte, plague : 1 14146. N)1011 . 114 ; more acceptablet to ti eteinaeic. ;They give tone; eitii awe neither daatutea'nOr griping paibe; TheY' are compoied lof the Attest ingredients. After a few dos' use ti - f-.them, such an invigoration of the entire eye-- Item takes piece,as to appear taleaculous to the enerted, whether ariiirig from im pOdelma or 'disease. H. T. Heimbold's Cotn- Eluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar coated, from the fact that sugar coated pills do not dissolve, but pass through the atom soh without dissolving, consequently do not roduoil the.desired effect. The Cat..wb. Grape PiThilteing pleasant in • taste and cci,.)r do sot neeegaitate,theirbeing sugar coated. Price fifty contsper'bez. : • , 4 HENRY T. 110.111 1 1 OLDS itteHt = 00kOENTATE4 11 COOPOUND .11V11) EXTRACT B.4RS4P.A.RILLA _ will yadically'azierminato from tbe eyetem, Sy ii§rofain; Fever Sores; 11:110ere, Sore Eyes, Sot, Mouth ,, Sort) - Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diteasefilittit Rhtinnit'clankers, Rannit3 l from ttieliar;Whifeldwelliugs, Tumors, Cance rous Afiatillonit; Nodes, fttoketa,• Night tareato, Akiatidular Owellingiwitash; Totter, - . Ifaniori of - .lllthi4i; ebrobittitittamatisca; pyspepoint, and aildigeitkei that literti heen 'established hi the Oars. ' ' BEE ME • ; /MI , . • ' Being prepared expressly for the above com plaints, it s blood purifying properties are greater than ally other preparation of sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color, and restore} the patient tea state of health and purity.? or Purifying the blood, removing ill a. .. once eenititutionar diseases arising from an ' nrelstate of the blood, and the only reliable ' eottutl known remedy for the cure of pains Alrld welling_ of the bones, • ulcerations of the Arent ilia legs, blotches, simples on the face, '..eVysipelai and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautifying the complexion. Price, $1 SO yerlottje. ' , )1 - ... - ,fteary T. lletraltiold's gaSO4WTBATRP- -FLUID %TB Ap i B has eur)td every case of Diabetes in which it has been' given, ' irritation of the neck of the bladder and in flammation of the kidneys, ulcer ation of the kidneys and bladder retention of utine, diseases of the prostrate gland, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel, brickdust deposit, • end I:enema- or milky disobargeo; and, for enfee ;bled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms; India , position to exertion, loss of power, lose of mem ory, ditlimilty.of breathing, weak nerves, trom. horror of disease, wakefulnes, dimness of vision, pain in the back, hot hands, flushing or the body, dryness of the skin, eruption on the face, pallid countenance, universal lassitude of the muloulax **ow, sta. Deed fbir:Persotts from the ages of eighteen to ActentyOlve, and from 85 to 55, or the decline or change of life; after confinement or laborpains; - for bed-wetting in children. ME Helm i bold's Extract Buchu is diuretic and blood 'unifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation and excesses and im prudences in life, impurities of the blood, etc., 'superseding Capallhain affootiono for which it is used, and syphilitio affections—in these diseases Awed in :tonneotion with Helmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Ex tract Buohu is unequaled by any other remedy— as in ohlorosis or retention, irregularity, painful. netts or • suppression of customary evacuations, ulcerated or schirrus state of the uterus, lencorr. hcea or whites, sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indis cretion or habits of dissipation. it is prescribed extensively by the most eminent physicians and midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitu. d tions, of both sexes and all ages, (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms.) EMI .IVI. ~ , 7HU, THE 011ErAT DICfREPIC, H. T. Uelmbold's Extract BUORU OURE,II DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES; DISSIPATION, E. 7 C., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, and no expo sure. it causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstruc tions, preventing and during strictures of the lifetime, allaying pain and inflammation, so fre quent in this class of diseases, and expelling all poisonone matter. Thouliands, who have been the victims of in competetat persons, and who have paid heavy feta tote cured in a short time, have found they hadbeeh deceived, and that the poison' has, by the rise of tpowetfUl astringents,' been dried up in the system, to break out in a morn aggra. vatoCife,rm, and perhaps after marriage. ' 1714, liolinbold.'s Extract Buchn for all Wee-- doom/ &teasel of the winery organs. who ihexintbildng in male or female, from whatever oanaolgimating,• and no matter of bow long standtit . • Price, one dollar and fifty cents per beige. H. T. HELMBOLD 'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH • cannot be surpassed as a face leash, and will es found the only speoille remedy in every spool" of- cutaneous affection. It speedily eradicat, pimples; wrote, scarhntio dryness, indurations of the cutaneous membrane, eto., dispels redness and incipient inflammation, hives, rash, moth patches,: dryness of scalp or akin, frost bites, and all 'purposes for which salves or ointments eke Used; restores the skin to 416 state of purity and softness, and insures eontinned healthy ac tion to the Untie of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clearness and vivacity of complex ion so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the akin, R. T. Helmbold'a Rose Wash has long sus tained its principal claim to unbounded patron age, by possess'g qualities which render it a toilet appendage f the most superlative and ) con genial character combining in an elegant for mula those prom nent requisites, safety and effi cacy—the invariable accompaniments of its use —as a preserative and refresher of the complex ion. It Is an excellent lotion for diseases of a syphilitic nature, and as an injection for &sea • see of the urinary organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchn, Sarsaparilla and Oatawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as recommended, cannot be ;sur passed. Price, ono dollar per bottle. Roll and explicit direotione accompany the Evidence of the most responsible and rellable r character furnished on application, with hundreds of thousands of liv i ing witnesses, and upwardiof 30,000 unsolicited certificates and recommendatory lettere, many of which are from the highest sources, including eminent phyla , clans, clergymen, statesmen, etc. The proprie tor has never resorted to their publication in the newspapers. Ho does not do this, from the fact that his articles rank as standard prepara tions, and do not need to be propped up by car. titleates. . .km 4 T. Ifelmbold's Genuine Prepa rations delivered to any address, secure from observe lion. ; EstaOished upward of twenty poor.. Bold by druggists everywhere. Addreis letters fer fact= elation, in confidence, to Hairy T. Hehibeld, drugglet and-chemist. • Only depots : Henry T. Hembold'e drug and cheintoel warrhouse, No. , 694 Broadway, N. York, or to% H. T. Heimbold's medical depot, 104 South Tenth street, Philadel phia, Pa. —Beware of counterfeits. 4fik.for Henry 2', Riimbofd's I Ta • ke no other, I - Feb 8 in • 0 1 11014115114 E ORO HORD. OORNZNG,. , :N. ,Y. , • • ~., . . . • , ,„ . 111RUCI AND 114, WINES, PAINTS Lir AND' OIL ' S ' i .:1- 111ADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED IREDELL'S FLVID, EX , TRACT, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATiNT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL -PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASIf i LIAIE AND DYE COLORS, • AGENTS FOR MARVIN &. CO'S RE- FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequeeted to call and get quotations before going furtbQr DTI! W. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N.Y., Jan. 1,1871-y Furniture.! Furniture B. T. VAN HORN, H - AVING completed his new `Cabinet Ware balm on Main street, Welli born, has stock ed it with a largo and superior assorted stook of FURNITURE, Ohamber Suits, Walnut, Avii, Maple, to., &0., &0., from $l6O down, and as oneap as the same goods can be bo'l, 'in the cities, freight added. Parlor.Suita, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Rips or Hair Cloth • from $125 down. Ala°, SOFAS, LOUnGES, COUCHES, TETE- A-TETES, . with Upholstery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets, Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all \ kinds, Wholesale and Retails, I am . manafacturiog as usual, and intend to keep a full stook ofware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacioas and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stook of Furniture ever brought into the oonnty. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING it:I4I3LIIING, done to order at the P Jan. 1, 1871-tf Musical Instru THE subscriber informs the public that he has lonstantly on hand a large aesortment ORGANS, MELODEONS, AND Instruction , Hooks, for solo or rent Maletri.c•s; furnished to order OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN Itt EXCHANGE, and eorno of the same on band to be sold cheap. Ho will be found at his residence near Potters' Hotel hi Middlebury, Tioga county, Pa. Ads dross, ,t, A. B. A. BRIGGS, July 6, 1870.—tf. Crooked Creek, Pa. Ingham's Woolen Mills! bitIERFIELD, PA. THE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth Casaimerea, Flannels, &0., 4i v., for Wool. They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRES to suit cu4tomert.:. All work warranted a rep resented They invite particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, which are warranted in every respect. Partin las attention given to ROLL - CARDIN CLOTH -DRESSING INGHAM'S large stock Of Cassimeres, ' lto per cent less'than any competitors, aid warra4t tains re_p resented. INGHAM manufaoture- to . order, an kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dr sal defy competition. INGHAM have as good an as or IFull Cloths, Oassimeres„ ••• c., , , and give more for Wool ' in exchange • ban any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. 5 INGIFIAMS wholesale and retail At the Cow. at - moque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. 5 Our Clothe are wartauted, and sold bT the 41lowing persons: O.II:KELLEY, Wellsboro, Pa. - T. L. BALDWIN & 00. r ,Tioga, Pal J. 0. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. ; Outfield. Jan 1, 1871-tt 5 letory. B. T. AN BORN ents ! AND I do all g, and ent o BOOT AND SIM STORE. do RANDOLPH Aboodhave ,ptirchated . the Boot and Shoo Store Meters. Sm ut s Derby, sad prei,ose to contio ' , ue the bueiness— reducing th u priele on all gootit and 'selling Strictly VOA We keep a good aeforttneut of Hats -anti' taps, BOOTS, BALMORALS, UAIT1;11., BOOTEES, BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS warranted to fit any fooelrom No 0, to 18 in- quailco Our, stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH, KIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO ' ROCCO, &C., will be kept ap as heretofore. On'Findings we shall bo found at home a!• ways, and we shall endeavor to sell at prices satisfactory to the trade. We won't be uncizr sold. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. CUSTOM WORK Dono promptly and well. Repairing done on abort notico. Drop in and bo convinced. ' BUSH 4- HAND° LPH Dec. 14, 1870.—1 y TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGVA 001TNTY. Inevi building at my mannfactory,in Lawrence Title. a auperior PANNING .1111r1,L, whiChpossegees the followingadvantagosover a llotber I.lt separatesiya,oats,rat litter.audfou breed i r e:A oheesand cockle, from wheat. 2. It oleane flax seed,takes out yellow seed, aI:A ail other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleanettmothy - seed 4. Itdoesail olhoreeparatingrequircd of a mill This mill is built oft he beet and moat durable fito• her, in good styler:and is sold cheap tor cast., or pr., duce. I will tit a patent afeve, for separating oatafroul wheat ,to othermills,onreasonableterms. J H MATHER . hawranceville,Jan.l,lB7o—t f HARNESS SHOP. Mlle UNDERSIGNED would say to the citi. sane of Wellaboro-and vicinity -that he has recently moved over Truman Brothers Grocery Store with his Harness Shoj In fall operation on Crafton Street, betirean Main and Water sta., where he is prepared to =mu faoture all kinds of Double & Single Harnesses, In the begat style ; encrof the beet material REPAIRING DONE. On ehoit Hite and good. I employ the beat workmen and 'nee none but the beat material, and am therefore prepared to please all Who want anything in my line. Nov. 9,1;1870 WALKER & LATHROP. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, , NAILS, STO VES, TIE- .11 7 A-RE, ' WILTING, Sit si l anima , WATER: LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Oarriage and Harness Trimmings. HARNESSES, SADDLES, &c. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1871-y (homy and Provision Store, CORNING, N. Y. c:i. r). gsuz.ar_.e, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all Vindt , cf / , GROCERIBS, PROVISIONN ) Wines 9 Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FR U.ITS .A.ND TIE GE TA B LES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & ORO6 .: KERI 7 WARE. aHIL . DREgI - S CARRIAGES PERAMBULATORS, T9l'B, &c., &c A full and complete assorttnent of the above mentioned goods of the. beet viality always on hand • . Paktenlar attention paid to Fine Groceries Deal tk re and Consumers Will find it to their in tares to examine bfe Stock before huving. Coining, N. V., ,lei 4, 1871 THE GOLD MEDAL SEWING MACHINE I MHIS MACHINE has no superior, and is adapted to all kinds of work. It only needs a trial to be appreciated. It will hem, fell, seam, tuck, bind, quilt, braid; embroider, cord, gather and ruffle, and is the best and chea pest machine for family use ever offered to Cho public. The DOUBLE Locx ELASIIC STllull NecnuH is superior to all others, for the reason that it sews direct from the spools awl require' winding of thread. It is leatily a Nutted,ikaud not liable to get out of order. Pergolas wishing to pur.base a mat:bine, gho'd by l iall mane try this °I- before buying an)' of i er. Call on, or addroa: 1 . .R. HAIGHT, an 4,-11 y Lambs Creek, Pa. W. A. NEWCOMB lin ABE &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers