_' ~ JOHN 1. MITCHELIJ, Attorney at Lax,, WELLSBORO, PA.'„ 1.11 nnottnees his retirement from the 4Ft - it - Toni solielte employment in 'his .profession. Of. up stairs tu TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. • Loc4l Items... , WEDNESDAY, FEB.. 16..1871, New AdvertifitsmOnta. I,l * ilevk Ageht—P. R, rc n I tie n min and Timb 1r let for s.da--Mra.II.M Stevens sale—Joe. Guile. Ronal for Sale—Tamil. M. Stevens. titate Ncrmal School--Chas. It. Verrill. hoot Notice—ltob't Campbell. • New Music Store-11- W. Todd. Thomas Harden is now selling his large stock of goods At reduced prices. HERMAIC.—Rev. T. K. Beecher, of lecturo before the liermaio4Seciety; in Smith & Bowen's hall, Wellsbora, on Thurs day evening, February 16. subject, "Nan and Music." " Pa, are cannibals people that live on other folks ?" "Yes, my dear." "Then, pa, Uncle George must be a cannibal, for ma says he is olways living on somebody." _ . DEDICATIoN.- - The First Christi an Union dwell ot. Charleston mitt be dedicated op T bureday, F.•hruary 23. Sermon by Rev. A. 0. Ilammond. All ministers of the Gospel are in \ ited4o partinipate in the exercises. Services to e. um m one° at II A: M., and to continue through he day. , The M. E. church of Lawreucat -, ille Las been repaired, and ivill be re-Oliened rriuT i ine ° orvico on Thursday, , Feb. 23. :-.Pieitehlrig :a 1413 A. M., by Rev. Jesse T. Peek, D. D., of ri,u•uoe; at 7 P. M., by Rev. ,I)oNArrioN.—The friends ckf Rev'. D. 1 , BA win !natio him a donation at tiro ht. E. horoll on Wednesday evening, Feb. 22 All me ins 1,1:1-ruivE.—Professor A. C. Wi M:, Principal of the Wellsboro — lligh School,. give his lecture on yorepeit, in s. s ...dmii il.;\% en's hall, Well,storo, Tuesday evening, Feb. 1 t. r the benefit of fr Wellsbore Baptist Church. 11'r 1 r..m ice our citiz .ns a rich r treat, 113 the sub t one of great interest. The lecturer has per, wily visited the ruins. Tickets, 25 cents. IS cents. little four-year old had been intent a.itAing the process of popping corn, on a ,t , to y day in the beginning of crinter.• Hop i ,hihg to turn to the window, she observed for +he uret time the falling snow. Amend end do- I, ;he ran to 4ier father and exclaimed, p,,pa, Jo look at tho funny rain; it's all aut white!" Can any •older'head w • r::-0 snow more graphicaliy ? Reti•. J. R. Karcher", Re.tor of,Saint I'l.ll's church, Wellsboro, was suddenly called .:r, y tact week• to attend the funeral of his ma, which will account for the omission of the • h41.11..01umn." The Rector is a - ready and ',ode eriter, and we ask our readers to a care i.erel-11 of his productions each, week. This ~ Lunn 701 be supplied again next week. P.NCY.—Mr. P.• E. Kniffen', of Mali,burg, has the agency of Tioga 'county for the :ale of Harding's Bibles, Testaments-,-Bible 11 r;,. , nary, Life of Christ, John Bunyan, (PH- Progress,) photograph albums, Sc. , ' Mr. It publications are atuong the best now .•-w,.1. and are furnished at a great reduction in t oes Persons wishing any (.f these boobs, will ircss the agent as above. See advertisement atother Pen4oNAL.—Mr. G. l'tl'; Foster,' for -I:,er ly of Niles Valley, in this county, and lately Wiecvn6ip, is noir elleadine a 6 l l oit friends in and about Wellskiro.- 1; o L,rl Lo itt.ty be induced to vettle heio. --fl' F. Fellow!, of Springfield, Missouri, son t Erastue Fidlons, of this village, dropped into ~N ice the other day, looking hale and hearty. Mr. F. doing n flourishing nieleantile business at hi- idnce ut re.idenee'in the Wert. His short .t,t in Ibis pla'e was greatly enbiv ea by his nu therous friends. 'lho inflow ing is the N 0-x 1.1.1. MI IA 12fileerc eho:ft•tt I,y Wido Atittico lodge, No, toi(;, f..r the, qunrter c , ,tninetteint; Fob. I : W C 'l', L. A, Johnson :\IV VT. Vio Sunderlin; W It M. Pa 3 be ; T. Era Phillips ; WF S, P J. Sertrahatigh; It' NI, E. ll... Stoddard; %V I) d, 'Martha Pride; 1 0, IV. Stoddard ; 0 G, Sid II;:I, H S, Alioe Johnson ; It II S, Laura !, t A S, Agnes Setialiatigh W C,- E. W cl u 6 PWC T, V. ne. A 1)1.-,-;Titucrt VE FIRE, ALMOST.—A since, as Daniel, of the Pennsylvania NN is about turning in, it - occurred to hint t. I,e ...malt ~n tivOiltl. g . tln InOThing, ho Vlll4 I,tllllLwl in that opinion, I.y finding the carpet 0.,,,r of the t , itting room quietly burning: fir Runge to get Eettled for the I it, I,ctore g(tting up a lively little fire, that ,•,, o tt a l m ost toe, itahly have svvept everything t.ie (own to the vorner of‘Main and Grafton We tnention.thi-, to bring in a thinly t d,out tire. It may ho the triotAiny of all kdoel.s to go up in lire, eventually, as in- MIN componiet. az;tittnie . but rcc that the thing nt emelnenee a ttli you—unless you are hea n,,ord,l in a sntc e.unpany. lIO3rEsTEADs.—We print mti titer column the littmetterol anti t 1.1 ilia tttivice, ilt•tt II who ate entitled to the of it s shy it t !,,ten to 11c,til thomselves it,Lr privitrv,t , lien A J : 4 tevens, who i 9 v!,nator vt the hill, and who resides at C 0 .1,11111, 1 ,, tiLkes interest in the e‘. -.ritdo.4 snit circulars in which ho of . 1cl• .1 a ...r.-iderstion) to ',ea te hinds for all u of h avail theni.vlves of the law,- 11 r ;.I,,, ent a is en d o v a el I. t..!elialior Ilarlittl, of L. a. 4 t, INt ill thi 10 , 11111 4,11 lioh..rahly, and Ile to.delto; to the with all who entrust him r tb Thozo who delre information on thi3 point, ow invited to evutdllt Gun. R. C. Coy, a. the Cone noose, Wellsboro. A VISIT TO OUR'.' - .!CIO/OI.:7--A fe,w of ~• ‘i h 4, feel ifileresteil in the present and fur ore \ \ 1,1 —I ertty of the pawn ;-, dropped ihto tbo pri'• )1i h purtru •lit of our graileti echool on Fri ~:, diernoon dot, ”tid tilt well raid for our al, We compared, in our mind, the present tt.e p ,: t and felt glad in our heart thatlhe .11m school hiid Improved in tho thirty years ...s.nleft its wolfs., We met the teach • m 1 scholArs of three sehools, united, _for the \• - •os of the afternoon. speaking and zing-, ; re the r.rderof, rho day Both were sell :0. under the directions ej, the several teach ,i.d we came away the li, tier for our visit, 111 . AINSItuRG.-011 the Lti tnrt. Harry Dewey, in oiling the machinely in al.! eueend story of N. Calkins's steam float tag mill, had hi , via e; fight in the . r.beek, and harciy es cape: ith h.s sei - eaias ?ere heard by - 11r ho stopped the mill. lie Wil3 ` , 1,1”.t.ti0.1 by hi: el,,t b n;.• 'lnd ono arm, anu ju-r,t.n the paint of being drawn between ttn 1,C1:1I. being .entaptetely ground up, and '1 hurt ‘•f his vcst and shift Dr. Maine sot his at which Nits broken, nod he is now well. "fhere• is pn unusual ~f sickness iihnut Lire On tz.urniay, the sth, the mercury EAU , •1 Z. n deriYa LetOW 7Cril :It this place. ItEttEATE.H. ' r ""'" - - •f , • , : • Al ..obje4, inhabit ,bt - tann..l ',umber a winter j•tflt like ilk lu tool made up nor wind, b.r the lung nfn •t sloighiog ‘.‘er body had propho.ied, be t•ttete—Viell, but Lecauze Mr. L:ifer body was plopher, unless propheciee, like - dreams, go by , :nntratic: , , but because Mr. E..thought a, little, grea3e," if allowed td .ranaip until it gut set ) , WOU Id 113.1h:daily 'fissist , Time to' out i.l' Wwn : but just asther fejloly w,s 3tt'lol4 to away went the snow, lea ring dr: kitnntiao enc.!' inged, YeFla•rd.iy beink "eandlenuis," we saw thy,st.atiter sags-s, %%hit tta. , tt tkleir ettleultt.• tit. , 119 Iq , GH this troditiotis:Ofillicit great' there, conclave; and attar deliberate thej reildero4, t uTliet that ,1110.• last half of the' wintet nould he ni.,st severe, bu-' cause the sun ehancoll'o find a rift in the clouds to Milne through, hc tween the 41st and 42nd par- . allchl of north latitude, bornewhore between .the meridians of Greenwich and the east end of Lon 'ton, counting westward. riineo ono of the oontlie• tions of sun or shadow must be favorable at some point in the belt, we suspeoLthe so pa bare-a' pre.ty I-ore thing in ,this question. . ; The Atha:neon Literary fiociety gavis - thelifBdl; anivtrenry the evening of tba-I3lst Pad lecture was by Itet. T. IC. Beecher; the subject, "Man as Revealed by )Music."/ It was so full of the queer ideas, ejose knovilodgo of bunion na,- go on, you are doing n good work.— visit the :cheol often. Nothere, mike ) , ,ur afternoon calla at the :school room, :loreLv encourage both teachers aptiTecholall*,--,r , And AI all aro ititoroste.l in education, let uf as.a ,ullt !al e Ituld and raise our eummon s.elmol,: , to .ot7in‘!rtr,l of rNeollenee C Li 1 - F:ii.roi? L ECTUR .olt ' IV, mal..;ntTrage awl the Why,' came evening, u 9 I.bnonneed, and to •r , t , a tcnti , eaudionec. Mrs. L. spoke, aithqut notcs, far neatly three hours ;ter tlito we have lititened to orie'v, thativ %%onion un tho rostrum, whose earacst, Iteurt, , oratory will not lose by compari son With the heat mato orators of •the day. We lave ne‘i,r " ran lo..tvy" on womanffragc.; leaning to the opinion, rather, that a lost of in tilbgetice, education, anLl capability for solf gov nment, that would reduce the present voting .rce at leasttnathird, was more needed than etten2ion of the ballot. But, in that can, there is no logical reason why the test of fitnefs `t.oal‘t not embrace our wives and mother?, e. 0,1 1 ). with the enfranchised negro, at least; sic to give the ballot to Patrick O'Shea, from Ili,: Logs of Connaught, and Pompey Rhett, how ti.e lice swamps 'of Carolina—neither of whom ear' read or write—at the an time that we' re late it to an earnest, largO hearted, largo brained 'roman, of culture, who Understands our country v "::? :l" ,Rc:^.~.~":, :r~ ~' .:. L .]s Y`:. a..*''6;::..`J`'-~—'U:.ia?"_ EMI ~~ ~~ ~~`} =I I= and government better—far better—than our average • Senatoriftlosi.ifeetp Iltiatgoag‘ back on republioanisaG—not to mention common justice and common sense.. • .! Ye are no aticklor for woman suffrage; but if. the time over comes ,when Mrs. Livermore—as i sho predicts—shall go to the polleand deposit her vote like any man, we alien be proud to vote with bar,—or fay bar. „And jukherefrewarit to suggest to th4peß- v _ ny-a-liners who answer calm reasoning wit hpart talk about ' , old girls, women is l hriekers," etc., that this sort of logic rather puts them on the feminine line_oF argumept: If tbay,have nothing more substantial with which to meet such rea soning as Ml4.•tivernatire's; -I tictii - isill bring her down from the tOtitrum., DIES TR - 13 C T V;E>:FIT,E. Tioga Tillage in Ashes. . . The busineeS Po'rtioirnf Sur-slater village, file= ga, is among the things that. ntere, : , Oalharit-1, day morning last, a little before one , o'clook,a, fire broke out in a whiskY"shdp; dinowit a; Hole in the,. Wall." ,It ; is reported—with what truth we are unable to say—thnt the fire origina te) from a kerosene lamp, overturned and bro ken in a free fight. : .Thpse l mate rep - pArljest,at the tiro, can testify tbat there was bujning hero- . sone in the room,wherti the:fire 4riginitte'd.ftrn-' fortunately, the wind was in 44 right • direction fortnischief, thdt buildings ivereei wood, anddry at that, and_the village, had no engine. Of course the fire spread With rapidity, and only ceased from lack of anything more to burn. In a very short time all the business .pkrt of.the was a glass vf - amok* ruins, with , thoexcaptfari of J. S t ritrelinls hardware store. proba ble tint an engin might have saved twenty-five times its'eost in as any minutes, at this fire; and it seems an malice untable oversight, that a village' mainly _composed -a woodeti• bitlldings should be without ono. The loss 'is heavy.;' bht much of it falls on different insurance compa nick, although several who lose heavily are unin sured.. Below wo app l endia3dst ofilosers, loises and insurance: E 9. G. W. llweatiand Mot.librlist o,h urch _ - .3,00 P 2,001, H. torti4n 4;_09-;•A•4 7ND - 14,40 W P. E. Smith h „I I ; 2,500 • 000 JAI) Jacks... 1000 000 ROI Cushings , • (1; W. ljazlett T. k, .traldwin & Co E. 'M. smiFh. ' C. C. Iktiller P. 8. 'ruffle. A. Iluniphrey Jr. Co Phdo TuJier ... .... R. E. Smith Son Joeeph.. Fish Eoytokis Ward A; Aleriardi Wickham 4; Farr B. C. Wickham... Foul Kreiss • "Episcopal Church Episcopal Rectory W. T. ...... E. Ml 4; tush Viku'•Osten Calkins ... G. Tha3 - er,. 3 _ Ilumphrey 11. Fuller -- Frank Adams..?. ScheifTelin saved his store and Iliviss's cabinet shop by a fpr,ce , pump„and ,a small ,nerptinti of hose, which he put in operation In. time to stay the fire in that direction.,; At Ztiltehell Creek, .betwee whieti ; place and Tioga a high hill intervenes, it was light enough in the h'onso,-frona small objects very teat!, for bailie mile below the eilla e, i ellatTed coals were scattered, and some were carried over a mile 4 • S- We have reeetved a nr letter from a new orresp deb t, who !Ifni:l34 troUblod about r4dlrottilanill.bn iittptt absorloi4 i thelpt . t.,dk'iniai....ll!l;6ll3l,iiy.`there ie n good deal luetloci nvacinfeeovp give hi! letter. poetry and all. " NAtivea, January, 157.1.—Editor j\g4l.lt:°T.,: Why don't yen foiray ahOttFtrie' ° way railroads are ttequiring, land nndpoliticul; poweria this country ? Are we to deyelop a ner , feral of soverament laid"-an landan 6141a - ray of railroads? It leeks like it. New York and. New Tetsey_aro already under railroad-rule, and the piessnro tho ben.re .. -.ery our own legislation . ; while' the way oui latids have been given away in the 'West is Joel an out rage. If a company of rich capittflirts want to build a railroad, letrt.ALLl22ilywn proper cost; don't build it for 'etu out of the people's property, and let 'em beep all the profits; besides diverting,tho legislation of a State to their own selfish interests. Is it right? Is it. repuldican ?" [We are not strong aiiconundrams «I send you some verses, which I made While-Pie r road was swindling the people out of a Statii, They are not geociiie poetry, though a heap _bet:, ter than,+mo of Mr. 'ronny's'on's 0, Fulloiv woiktnen, ye who wield 11) . ax, the the plane, „.,, „. Who 11rOn re yl4ur browa summer a heal,' or, pl* 7 ton's froskind Listen to a brother workman : Ye have, listanad - - ...:, 100 long - • - To tile 'demagogue, the preaAc;r, and an old vv'prl d poet's song. " Honor, and wealth shall wait- oridiia3 whose bee lan(l-7- Whoso bath 11 - A hi; 111:11 with btirvile hand;" And our boritag,* . ig away, An l our.rwcalth goes dt)wil to dre.ttniand, .and unr Siouor to Fools ! ire traded oh 1,111 Vrthri ,, ht for a narrow irom-cheat Had \so g,ot tho mess pottage—it :Vero some thing Ptin to ;ji But we eavu a Da, timber, Fq . .11 and ore, And wo'g,,t. ,inst hothifig--nothing that v.o (lid hot OIVII belote. And ire 't land nifli ft/Quill:, agape, as the (Imola Unties by With tild grated imouth ut i liro . mid his glaring bingle eye ; Anil • w•e half t we feel our =pirita,J.., p,— We have I,eeo playtog " thitathrri;:" raid," trig gin' at tho k t.t) t" • Alta the ctrit,, , Wl3 ., llllll ' Lli who were (.I acct ar.d p 1 1 ,1: s o th,t bov,e, r we prt, 1,10, it kit 11..iii,11 thu W e btnlittl .1 r" )•11 of • Aud grc,, w.u , race, or count r I dud we Eland- besid , tin chagrin and feutorEe To seethe - little juktrprss,--a ikr7 boi ; se" wa I.now ltia r.ui i, Clod, (103 (dr.Nei ti tide, • Ana th”t our , •h•h Jrnw Loss. _ . - I:;ApLqi."p, $1,200 $l,OOO MEM= -1;800 1,000 10,000 7,000 12000 8,000" 4,100 . I,OOOL - 4bo .. 8,000 3,000 '2,500 -1';500 2,500" riolle; 3,500 ' " uono . 5,000 3,000 , • 300 • ; ;‘,200 I,ooo' l nonA 11:=Z=11 1 5,000 unknown ,001) „ SOO , x,410'0 3,000 2,000 f 1 ...... • 800. ....2,000 . „ ~ 5,0.00 • .unittiOW ~,. 5,000 3;000 2,500 2,000 tviltnoWn , 3,,000 ° him& 1,200 120110 lEEE thing of F u.u'„ , tai i . . , _ - . :14 turn, anthiiiiii*h losoilliji to hailslstiffititfirt the speaker, that it is no weeder. the large audi ence presentAiftiftrul44oWaguitilitMA4l rer and the lecture. Mt.,Beeclaer tuts a queer way of doing things•scalietities, and this time 110 - 8111 pried 0 1 0 AthtnataMtby,„ifiajr l 9oll,je,litgigrfA benefit tothem free Of cost. Jibs Effie James did a piano solo creditably,' 'utl ' Mistier' It t yan and James sang a duett, that won tuerieed ap plause, •kllardlY‘Bee4 , 'add, ) . (I MO A 9. 1 1 14 145 At la sis rarAgepd,treat of,goeJ. rake in)ngth ~;-.1 k - 41)e ,Nortnal * Lilerao,Societybim'beettfor - bate sinceltknrst orgitnization in `A 14)11134' Me ' bership i)t - eowsiderahltitiiient." Aktidifienilh r-' ter members were Julies n."Boserd and J ames E. M'Cay, admitted to the bar at Wellehore; H. T.lAines, L. L. 8., who gradu d at,Ann Arbor; 0. IL Bird, M. D., who grad tad fin Philadel phia,el and is a successful pro 'ona in Duluth, Minnesota • 'H. W. Jones,. Al. S., and Hiss Sue Prestori, If, E., Prpfcesore ,pr Matkematies and Eto enti oW iti ' Minineld 'Herm er flab cMI I 'Giciiie' Doane, AtehAteot ` Mid Dringhtermili,t'sTliiiiidel phia 3 and Petit.' Virilgilt° `Mid 'Ter& Nitlik' Date% Civil Edgliamrs'. 4 Bellide th e /e; Mitny 4 Of t/fem' bbro'bedetne bil4essflA teobere,''Utid,A - `riieit't . i . successfully married: ' ' 4 ' Ileincliiiido:` 4 A cordt*".--iii"c hatlltil4 'ti Tp.*l'o7, - 3 since, an adopted sm,or Mr.(Rompton,tmet e a cruel death by falling from a haytnew on a'piteht.'l f or k. ~...:. , . ..... •,..,) ) „-...,.1: .....i.L.A. - ..>, 'Xitz IliopEr.-I;ARiAnd,M4Ps.7.ll4l.atut.a.z.valaa44 M premititn.to each Pubscrther,..Dcznerries. Moil; tidy stansle:uprivntedinlA fo,rgil.Y4 - 3fagasinei glar choice literature, its iitUPOriOrAnugo; .31S.Aergss 'amount of valuable information, its practiesland reliable fa'bions, and artistic illustrations, give it a just claim to its well.earned title,, "The Model Magazine of America.% ilrath can not do without Demoreat's Monthly. ;yearly, $3.00. Domorest also gives extraordinary Premiums to each subscriber s simoligmbieb. ie a ,s or pleidyk Jiromo Parler:Pibtslih7p'ricis-ssioo or: - . . and beautiful ongraving,"-T,be, ,Pkorl9o'. ) . YrPriti $lO,OO or, the splendid book Itome)l4rove ment, 600 pages, entitled, "How Viriite; Talk; Bchav°4 and 13°.3 N 1 PP19§7 1iP4n4,;i 1 . 1 4:9Y.th,11 1 40; gilt, prico,42§i . :,:or„,, a,:gOod'Steremope z an . A. 8411 °R gc. ) ,Akt:ol. l oß;ll l 4. in ninTne, 6 o Jrq4,illtncigni,o ‘ nr.kl.l l l4 PPlluqlo47 °O - r:P.§ B hP4 l : ll 3 l g ZI,PF*4 II t '401P 9 .1 81 . 1 d . , Children ,Tvo-4? I, Vrg igPit l 4 il9): 8 ) 7 4" , Patterns;, 1 1 . 1 i ,froix ntiruirou,si ; ether, Pibiniumst-phreft , nP.lv 6 iih:CMr.cil# o 49:AM dollars 'each 1:4 - 4* - 04:11.o. ens' quiloloyib9w, 8.49; iiaf= in ;D[utith y. Also SPlonclid PromtnAle• fer , labs: 4urnoy'a magnificent Chromo,'/Itawatlia'S Hooing,' after Jerome Thompson, size 15 x 25 'Aches, price sls.oo—for only trip subscribers, one Subscription for two yearei A Grover do Baker Sewing-machine, pride — s.ss.oo, is given for only twenty Subscribers, or for ton subscrib ers and!SZO.P.O.,nzire, IrtenVi.. JENN/Nb 0, 451 W 0P131 . , f/3s..„l3rge,dsvOi33,ew York: SPeelmc, IhroPi69•ar.p,sent posttfree,fol%.l§ zetints, •,U Tun Li*Lir'Cont.Orteti. Meoiziti2l . ai PCh ii ary arid'Orit as'a riorthein Itsliflustrationanre-atiperb:' - -Mi."BeirbterOo roaltriled Titerea pOtrar:' nearly y oath: tig'6' and under- who e - cdito = nihiiit has iieliteiva ari enviablei iuh - tt tidiirCulatioilyafiiibrincea; t it this nunther, : lliti.;w4ihdiarvaf4friini-ihn' firta - f Or, the publieberri -lie goes iiiir'tha - Book "Minn:: :tietiMag business, and will still -conduct and " Tan SCHOOL FESTIVAL," which is de voted; to Day and Sunday SchirdEptertainmente. THE ..afTLE CORPORAL MA.644140111. hereafter ~iitelktiblished by John E. Miller; - Chicago, Mr. , Eitlatell's former partner, and edited by hire. Em iiiiinntington,MplarilrArt ,wakir.prrnfore Assoe'iate Edi tbr. - ' ""." -nan6 . 3,000 MARIZIAGESw 7`,1 CROSS-7:RALKIN In Orceolavon tio,6tir, o r, Feb. 1871 ) ,.1a,thet AtoVri Jobo. Cairns, JUN Aaa Crops,of Votttoron.ii..l",c_to Mks Abbio Calkins of Jasper 7 0 : • S AI3iNB - 1-BROW-iiti 4triffionalralley" t Feb. Ist 1871, by the' Ref. ,4 l 3 ell'.."Fhlitatis'.'3ll'; L. E. Sibins to MISs ''Plefe4A!Pim"; qtll' ' '2(l, IS7I, by:',4•Wetmorer, Esq., at _Abe: - ,botom „of, the bridh's,ftitlier:;Alr:4,ol4 ;lain 1111!ry Setier . l . l:l4el4rl!otbk of ARIVETI I - , -HASTINGS=—At-Tteith Ist 4871 f, by the Rev. C. Ctis,Thuteket;' , l4r: ! -- 13dirf - p; net Barrett of Wayne N. Miss I:teeth-4e of Chatham .:Pfo - •' 0 - ""-""; lIURLBURT—Mr. Chas. llnrlbtrt, of Sullivan died in County Houk, Jan. 2.fithriged 54. ; NEVINS—HeIen Wevin3 otlllassburg, died 'ln Comity Bowe, Jan. 31st, aged 01. MMM=MM=II M./LtB.-4 4, -.We'• -have = reit it mills of J.•ll'.'• Af a thitr's tufititt axills are na l thittodfiy the ffirp34:a ggnoraltj to be the best in uso. Call at thispQico ,— Sept Z6,187p~ 3111. • - DENTISTRY.-- C. Ne Dartt,`, dentist Once in Wright k BAiley's:Blook,:where he tinned towake teeth with.lhe irkerobeiniin't ;chid] gives bktter "satisfaitleit `tlian'`itnp thing else in u.se:6[4l4 finEti'i Isto.—t'f, - • The New :Mum = N optin!Eyl. nut n, q scp,s. oc so4c s . and floor, - a 'Mils rd gi Wile re . W, Br hi • Voßti 04 osh ihition, and for Steinway and other Rjanos :'6ll6inct!Organs, and a choicokalepon of Sheet ittfee. INew music received •s , ry month.— 'Lesions:on Piano and Organ, r...1d in singing will be given. Opportunity for practice afforp 4 to th OF IV j 9 ay . wife • IY4TAIDD; l 4 Welcro,Peb. 15-3 mo. -•- - V. E.' KNIFFEN;' I. "' • AGENT-F.oll° • ' • 67 OF FAMILY; 'PtrLPlT,'`i MO- I -1106-it APR: BIBLES. iLzt , sl Whobisale - Eietitets will find - the list tOiiiabrap9, the largast.assorttnent of Sibles in thy i: Oniztt:y„.- , The plblishui• hils)lo'be'sltiitio ; : - ppiopolitle- : ing theta ed. Thh vationa'b,dltrolis ousy lea 05, And 'siz4ii in pries ftronk $2 tollp,:foilif:Zoll,x, : pibli4 : l4rge, quarto size. .:(14 T Ig"fei.7 .o 9a4.4ifes,t , heir , so In ely botirjd ! ; full gilt. t. 7.1.17;;;;•,, T Li E tiEJ,(lliffiBUNNIANip , Progress) about 70.0-I•Tagas; • rillo Ih t i n dscraf e ly bokkud, RI French and Turley Morocco, full gilt. '1../ilt(lE TESTAMENTS. TESTAMENTS with riCtee ' iWu Dictionary and - lyobster's una bridged. All those publications ,will be sold . vory,clee'op Address, . P. E. ANIFFEN, Feb. , 15,.'1871 - : • LL' , Agent - foil. Tioly,)',--"-=•••;' Pa. e\ rarni- and • pi ml)er- I 6t - for Shl6.?' c yI1 E unaersigned offera.fpr sale, her...faro:flu. Nliadloburyi.lo wash izt,Tioga, Co4„itno wilt no the Ezra Stevens, hitnik.. bontaining.otio. , hundred: act s, with _apple orchard, ,twocfromilAkirns,, one large frame homey - 0.811 in t and :'etbndition, farm under Ma t te ef geod,waltivatioti r i be/b.- T AIL ity of flat land on Crooked Creek;:ranroad ;de pot near. .A.lai).iatijoining4,timber. lof lof,two; hundred,. ogres, :Containing , . cargo' quantity fiat' heinluck n aucl,liard, woods,- with: quite:: a Llailto Of-p tie. a , I a..; . =I Addr c.ss W. 53:131C ..Eacy,,NfoliaborA .2a. AiIIAUBT-111.; STEVENS, 1761{0)01..1, E;11.1 45. -tf. . - - - 4- - Ad rftibis - frtitoi•Pp ' - ; 56.16,' • • •-:•.'• 1 H E .undersigned, itdminisirritet •61 . ; tie`TE6 , ' till* of Abtior G.- Goodell, deeelitsitd, will soli, orplhe premisos- - of said . 6tafes'-nbotit "70 rods sot4ti of W -Tubbs k =Co's lills,:- int Law renec tail), at r,Uhlie ventlue,i66 =O6 11th Atty . of March, . t 1 P.: Af.'tlin following destitiheil rirori ort.f : j °nailed:north by-Joblii Ilfiddatigb,' Tait I=3 , 'flogs% riyerpsoutit and West 14 talpb.:Noblei4 c.nt.iti4ig nno half nets, merit= Or lesS, - -= dwelling house thereon. Terms cash. JOS GUILE. - eII .A o o Feb. 15, 3t SCHOOL DIRF.CTOIN. ofil:telmar town ship meet at tho schoorfiZuse near tho Dultriar cheese factory, on Saturday, February 25; at ton o t eloolr.4 : Ailue.the:purposo-olleont, teatting tho.oeveral uzehoolit Lin 2thw L:Lsh p for tbo,FZreeent ,yeer ;And argoArforth& transaction _of ..*Ae h - ethefibUtistees Ato lady- dem& before, lhcm,. ,43 . ,0,rder0f The „ 1. • • , _ „ , 11.0.13,E,RT..0 A DIRSELD, ;Fab-k5, 071, ;:b. ,r . :Soorotary. ;f; , aroto,. :. ; I"re., hoWeell R: L'.lV - eb Ilaqings Is' this' tbay"insiVlVeit s .hi . ninlnaT consent. Thu tofiairE or tholrin will 'he ioftlea by either of the late partners, at the, now,otan i t 'of Hastings Wrtiht 4h l ßailey'elne trick block. It. 11:.WEBB. k'ob 8, 1871 3w. I.L.:S.,.IIASTINCII3, A.SII PAID F OR:- , , 7, Jan. 25, 1871-tf BEARS & DERBY. 011 Ari:. (Id( .D.EAT.H . S. -. IIY OM I iIERMAIC LECTEIattOVIISE. Mtn % et BOWEN'S 811.4, waptssostonatt, ef t ,. The following leotarers have beatotigaged for All,BOl tl 3 Purari i iii iiiiima * 4 3; 43 )14 tifiZ. the Prussian Monarchy, and U with the Frenolt .Heptibtio".— Friday evening; March 3, 1871. VEHDELIe/pAIMPS—ft beikpat AOC-A- A/W time fixed. „ ,t,408H BlLLlN4B—uldilk"! li.i`f; `..)1 time Akeo. lCAYßCHidt—Stibj4l l ;lidilitidia• no 601 01011 M Zit h 'f • • WM ' F 1N.41.9n44 1 & - 4" 31— "Rb 3 haiii, ley Sheriaiits77lte,tin2e fixed. Tickets Ai" the toil:feta° of the .Eoltiiti,.fo'r' re= served 'seats or single tickets, may be procured • l kontg hr. Co.'s bookstore, or at the door. By - oOti ti. the committee., M. F. ELLIOTT, Oh'n. , I , :k;A)ECIALI NOTIC3ES. )-1/0 - 4:11t, PEOPLE unacquainted with phyelological ebasolstry are not aware of th quantity of iron in the ,blßod r hot all skonld know the limportance of keeping 4 14%0 47 lab e l for tiq d u e a b n i l i t?? t V o eas m e a s at e d ° death p i ms c u e r d e M01'6 1 '1 , 1412 Syrup (a protoside otllVlollVienilit4.. ;Vital-elontent,and has cured m chronicle diseases. I. 1. a " • ANA reSfe, taxiliTatat thielc, an agart s ag nolia itiltillighlinged that sallow complexion into tho marble beauty You now see. This to emphatically the tan• guago of all who use flies° articles. • line head of hair and a valued complor.ton are the greattletattrap tion'a a woman can ppesertialkllqulrpit d bfa nolia Baku arejskivitatVl 441 u nothing•else win. The Balm„ . te the loom of youth. It makee a lady of thirty spiesr but twenty. Both articles are entirely harmless, and very pleasant Thitylahpupthits everyiadremesalsw ' ' . .. . . pgICI per Month. The beet selling book evoi,i+bliehed. AGENTS who sell our new o' ilit n . , . pIistWMOMEI MAIM). AMU MIMIOAL • it Al il 1 ' cionuriOti Ortaiit i ,'" € ' ;, 4 ''' "4 110 i: ; , ii 0 coropelltlip, - , yptollev9l,wigi a-book 'pp pied like It. Any body oan soil IL Every hail wfinkt e. itikr4Ao4oosltiintkiP-to 1 2 : fiii _sgoo to $660 per month soiling tics won. liinle book. 2re p ale k frffe Cirt,1 4 14 4 4f" free on vipplicati n A odli - Li mon_wo can fu y a peso at t e mer o t o work, and the fact that it meets a universal want: Agentsprho desire to do good as well as s . nittkt money. Address ~,1V14,141 & Co., 432 Broome Street, New York. ,`, 7,1 DO ' ll ,;'. ,I Office o f L 1 . gA Z,`.; ',' .1;4,40 North . Eighth St., Phila4st. ~..,„ . 1 ~ ~ a .o. iO. 1 Ale ii I, 1,..., 4 0 . 741 Itolabirts -.. ----- 1:. 4. _ , . - -• ;_ iri :••i_ .. i ... .._ .. ‘ "" ~., ..,•i-'' 0 ,.., ••= 1 ''..• 'I i_.• 1 I"' 1 EGETABLEv -- v ' - ' 4 ,„;.. z_ v 1 ..,.. I , It ri . -- • 4.. ti t 1.. 'A • celor and. dressing , that will . not . ‘hural flipi • likil f;' - tire the e ' head. 1 i l l I ' It , does i tick - ' - pol - a color " l?ine 4 anicall h tal A l l e PPifngM i dl . , eparations o. , It 1 gradua . kreitofts the • nat . . !:', t(i ;US orl& 4041 - 15pid lustrii;'-. , -3-1.1.- .., IP , R- 1 . .. - ty,',l_3i.pplyitig ew life and yigOr. 1-1 •,,, It ! causes ai luxuriant growth ,:,1,3 •-t otictft, fine hair. I! ' !Pig ttleskrAi Aldi , : - .0.0 4 145 article .i.; 1 :,ever I offercd. .. . ~ : ; ;, ; _ .. , „ i . ..:dean and Pure. No sediinefif. j. ' 1 1: ; ' ,,t ' old everywhere. - - - : • 0 , 1;2, , ..; '- ':..i ` .A.Sli FOR DOBBLINTS'. 1 F2l4'oy. 26, 1870.-Bm. . ".,: -.:t;': 13,1333 TEMPLARS • 3 fbl. , al AI , " A ' t;il LIFE INS. ASSOCIMON., Charteretd by Special Act of tho ;eightlater° o ; , 1 Itc9PPY.tvAPta..o , 0 - 1-I.AXILTEEL-„RE:R . EMTIREA. ViIIVA Tr. ATIIIfTTTNTI ON. Ran-Az- 7' 1 "TA,... -° 7 I6 r4 EI A 1 V • lion. S. B. Citte r g;Presidont. L. A. -TYLER, Vioe President. , Arno, GOFF, (Secretary. PLAN- 7 T,0, secure a benefit of $2OOO, at, . t ileathkmeifilidiship' fen [payable in' ad . = ' ivanee;]l Annual due, (after first year,) 2 10 •? 'Mortuary assessmeitsifrona r$F, T,Naci earding;to age. I,,Vrtpne:.lnofiretTzftiom 15 totAo ,yearrof ago. I V a "Tr •14 :aLWantii, at isativeNbaltiness.^manAn F's_v.ttry . taririsblp, to work for the Good Templare &tutu alaienefit Apocdatiolt.,,,,,Lgrtg,t)Z.NTLEYlE? Tioga; Feb 8,101 l To Bridge B.gildeT, firillEieounty bridge4retilf..ilsott ee ,ne r Win. W. Babb and John Wilson's, in the township of, Mprris,,in.,T4?,Op t eourgylllkke let, `fottlio retifiblirrg' of 116 by he'loblinty CommiSeioners, to the lowest andlititliadei, .Itoocirtiing to plan exhibited on the premises, on Thursday, tba:,lBo,kdayr:Af Pfsbruarh: ZB7l, ttV P, `014 i k11a1t8EE,..5,;:, 4 , . it: Vit Vigt3S, ; ' _ " . k'ci!:B ? 1871 2w ra. State-Normal School. MANSPIELtirIiD6A4'6,, , ' 1,1:1 'MBE:next term will commence Monday,. 2/41t Of March, 1871. Apply for catalogues on 'adailtilen, to CHAS. H. VERRILL, A.M., • : - ...7yeteBs 1871 Ow Principal. V;,,EAUF, -Tphiezubsoriber 4r0011jt1,104 1 10 reaidonce in •tlYrner, on edniinfair, •=llleVOli , l, 1871, the following property viz : lb Iblttritiedwe L l:prelpAilik PAPA kv.4lA,Ttpkt rAirc liftera. Sat to:onnaniezitte.-1 RAIL efma "aitiC=l WASHINGTON LARRISON. Olywor Feb 0. 1871-3 t. The Cihdatitlif :Pliiiiit"iii 411443tdte" !For Phot - Ogmits!e - - 't ,- ' -..,. _ti,..;.:;,., AT , iu ii' iiii . cyl - u f A '• - 41' ti i i i rn if 1 ''-'ulv viii-: 1 4-J1.411-kittIOLLA-.2;; fir CA f,...-,..1 . : - ItDS for &law:its. . Large pictures and 4,,W.±.frs,ainea for $l. ~ ."01d ptoturim cgpl;eV .1114ilort: dud finial:Veit catthe tfitisik 04 0 - t ill Atyldframos and eiPdrytettil; VW itta - galr lin' batid,ir ; furnish6d to order. •• • li , I , T -- rno LOWEST PRICES AND TTLE,-`;, t,. •.,,..-../„, St litfj , ,;•-';, v-,,F , •7 ~,, ~ ~..-,-.:. ! • ; , %, -;Roams over G, d y i risr oryatore. :.,,, ~ ''- ..--, :..i'd.s.l ;1871 tf 1 I iI . I,sollstoirro)Tai' FIRE INSURANCE. NBDHANCE I fs fflolotpilf b": 4 7) :V4RXEREVNEVTVALinfAVR4NCEpo., . of midato V ; HE HARTFORD, of Hartford, Conn. ;•v" 1 ',TRE GERMANIA, of Now York. first Y 0 fomardr. , ITN vvith‘Ny.,. • •irt p ' : 13,` VAgcsnl: 'Aim!! 0 , Febl,lB7l, tf . 1:1 t Vt.= T'.k 4 T"st it.r..otitititaiiis- 1 1timidal In-' Etru ante will do well to call upon or ad dress the undersigned at Knoxville, Pa. will 4olebrated „ -err; p 114 4. 4 7 LAKeorgia and Brown • -r:i . 41C,Ivyr, 1 Writ C3/1. Iliir ß fewth an you can IpX,opu-cf cgiflgualAt,t,pf, ;Any quo else. Call of wrttu`:Vererst,purOttetng. l ,eleim,ktere. I also fumieloho •••" 1 "' 'VICItMS/gisubisil AcicioßDmitat i ikroiP TARS, Ac., Ac. 44° .I " ° P.P n IPti n gAf . PONAJ E I 4PRovv P 'sew in g .111lichilie will- sell other: first , claeoa`chine. - • • - ( 41,4 _ Agents wanted. B. F. DOWD, 10148 m: Adm'r - ,'-' l = l I i gailifda riubscibar olferlAr.43o,lo; 40neLiluolbleralio o ten years ofago. Perfectly sound and true. Enquire of W. A. STONE Esq. 11. ' RIET M. STEVENS. Wel lore, Feb.ls-tf. ICESEI MIN JOB REXFORD,.. CrtunilishineW I. ~I ow - is the e 41941 ( I 1 r - ' ,f 4 f4 vsv e t .: *4.tAr t#x. Al‘ I. rci 'et UM VII 1 'I -'.~ 1 i MEE Win \ da IV C0)0,41144 5 ' . 1t.'411:',":‘,",',' 1,), i thc,J &o LaD. /Li A. • 0,e7 4114 , Ed . 6 4 ( 4 t y ... 4.110 • 1 \ \ 4 \y:l l l 2.ifo. wish to \i , educe our stock to make Iroom for" &tit IlpillgtGOode, *re tvr- , 11,, a;-. s l'l B ,lngfi 1 - floJi EMII ,I 7 C,‘i i t* , # I;:ui A.. ~ ~: c.a.. -.— - - Tic'lfact., im. a i ;- I i :, .1.. - k.k, a , L. Ir. 't ft .d. -- - • /Jeri • Hres G00u5,,,,,,,./ilerin.P.4l,. .... .iviv cia ,1 . hitiV 3 ' , A -V , lothoi ,:iiblii - Ito , P \ ' ' \ 1,- / ~,,•C ~ .. i 1...1.: , :. eir:ll 4. . C akings, Iti7avers, &.. , - . , . 1 1 Vi t 1 .i. v -K ii~. -•.c N I. ER 9 [ 1 7 ii LH El I c- i: . "'.3 ,- ' 4 '.2.1 !•• ; , , r, ~.t 4i i , .4:i k:ftl Sts 31 ; ,~ 21 , 11 E e,L , .' Mi 3 (1i:'" 3 'z I ' J„i ‘.o —Prices Reduced In every department.- A full , asac•rtrrferitof lift tian,estese • ~ j ~.` 9:~~ Oi.i3 1I.:)ii es r e El MEI =9 , ~ ',!A '.>.• ', .5. 1 ,-, + "", •:,-. 7 ;i..;;A ; -;;.., :. ..; - ';', I - ?, , c 1 t , .‘? .. -,-, •' t -4. I,' `.: ... 4 VI L', . 1 ~ ..-.; '..-+ ,I • ..•:: lit 'f• } : . . I'4 'l l ,-1 t, >7 i r., 2 7 AhVglinilitoo#_and r :lliPrioes that :mill i'irrduou'ioyary pinion in Tioga oounty to buy Goods of k__F.l_ f—.l. .ii_ . _ . ., L i ,i ukail4 GivOnonoy. - f ....' i •:._ 7—.0 7.d.712 : MEE , •Offi4ifffht '~"~brnf ... if,V , i,,-If .. ~..... . :,..1 . 41%; i ; pFIFVW„ gr.P,5;t4:346mr. eT,ll.tait C0r0ari.4342. i Jr' • mi. • .I.lCe- t i 11., go ti tf: Al . 9 , . Foreign and Domestic Dry (Goods 11,...4.,,, ; , ~1 , 4iliAt ill be sold very cheap. Dry , ~ u ~ ,' . il it s IAtS'ID ESS GOODS, . BEAVER CLOTH FOR CLOAKS. ----BEMONS,*LL KINDS, OLCITHS•AND OASSIMERES, LINEN GOODS, VELVETEENS & WHITE GOODS, --• .., i Toros, liosi,ryTlK le Goods 4nd Notions i , 4i , , 4 once_ r ceries. , i• , . , ~..,,,,,.. ,--.. , AO , Elfigv, ... ~ gap, . ~, , tueacgo, . tiyup, Moe, Saleratus, ' ColYee, ea, ' Ohiekers, Sal i t, Flhb Flour . i )flits 4. caps, Boots&Sijoes; Rabbets, Crockery, Wooden Wale, tire. .'IL " It 4 i 1.. ~t,i , '.. r. 1 ^. ^ LI t 3. Cash Paid for BUTTER, or shippe on Commission. Please call and look our Stock over. You will always find us ready and trillihg tO show ;odds. i t; ~, 11 ), 4. ) .i. 3--1 i • , I iv AoVitel!Etbioro, Jan1471314371.34y. BM EMS 1 :RON PAPER OR P.OROELAIN ~, . ' -- ' ..k. r...:, , ...`• , ,„ . iret, or tip to life size). F.:.,.- l Medallion heads from mie n size i Cabinet jiI*LS, , F::I r h tiU .- iirer'ilie4 i i;; - e style th i n has 0rt0„, , ,et. ; ~,,p0,,,, . ., . _,._,_,y .ttry. It is the only g liery in Tleits; -. .VlSitatri,tol44.l4wde In the true Berlin style. Large assor i tropnt-of., ; •'.. - ; .V.F.if.4._, 4 -•;,4.'••• ~ ' :.!..1 .` -'". l' - :- :,...• , r ~ , ,i..' ~. , - ;;;. , ..0.1.. j= ...,"- .. ..1:3; :: , /1,1 .:1., V,/1 / ; `i - ' ';'••s34Vitl . P.i:, , :i ',' C , 4‘ . ' , 3 • Se .,- ,, , . AilD s ;FRAME MATERIALS. COPYING AN,,,P,,„: , A Ril.POT*O Pi: INN, WATER, CRAYON °RI OIL COLollll3, sc t:', s :::: s l : 7. - ',-'" -.. „.. A- 11 ices aro as low se the lowest oin illltangtgraViVlA, l ggll 0, . g,, Ig(it w. i dto :mask?, sit is made. ', All f ..work,„giiikrrttn,tee A1t ... , thour . iit ch a ;''' TbatiArho come rit I V-.tici Atis MO d ki• i pod an d• • . alma i, before going elsewhere d, Jan. 11, 1871-Bm. F. hi. SPEND R, N. P. A., Artist and Proprietor. 1 ,,,5_ f ai_J___.1._"..... , :e., i. ~ g ti,,c4i. , ,,s .±, , .-4., , i , Jgriti negatives ~ ~; , y ~ ~~~; 4,0 n • 5,t so eirab o' specimens Mail el o . ._ It.;!.i,t- . Q --,„-- .- , . „ v, .7,,A -, ._:._T; . 4 E.,,. ~,,,,; 4. :, - ..,, -(ciyourisog , t0.4..?, - , IQBETITB) VEAlitft iN'''''' - • :...!sin;l.l, J. 5,.. ..t...•.. ~ L ,—LL ~.. ,4 -- )..j,'AO7 - 1 1- .4 a 1'.",: (../1 ;is 13 iii . - i Ti:',l, , I 2.. r.:.':.•:. . I ' i HARD .- REI A• .. ii 51 k .4„ 1,.. , ..111'39 *5•! f..;`,., 11l ! , AkigB,--., VALRRIA,GE )IOLTS,tIIORSE IErspEsr., ,, AND , 4IORI3iPNAIL , ' ... i ...- -I ).•• t : .,.., Ivii-t 1:: ,!1;.)1 4- . !; 1 ,‘,.?. -- . , 1 t . : -44 -Cjail ib reatit€4 . 63 P i )1 3L 7 4Z00103, " ,:i3 ~,,y is .l 6::, P.' .1:::.:P.. ',.:-,....... I .. , ,1.,1, .:,)...1..f.i , , .....- - i..“.. , 5. eral stock of Builders Materials. Lo.cas, B infivLATO.ILEBOLING ES, 404 ".. t :4.1 .11.7 41fPriNtlA - - P. 1 t AITIV.:tat tuarko t otarers prices. I, ..i . ,,. - i• - :, t• 0 •.-.1 - , .... ...,. • '.. :..., i Ci.) l . 1 4,,,L, ~,,..,z: 1......4 .. :::,... i',.:;re, o j.). -,,41).v J C BG` jiitelilfßl IX AirreilliED TOE -- 1 ' - -'- - §, ..,..--, ~ 4. sc ixPikii \, Age , t,;•: - .;iy..,! -- ,,..,,t;. 5 '?: rit. 1",5 3" pgr•Tel 0 ~ • .1— Pi .t. o 0...g0... Welleb ro, Jan. 4, 1871-I,y. , 4 .{ ;j, BEM 4,: - 4) • •11. L. , X ll ShoLESS OF 008r..1, ..e+ - 1 d i . .FLI., _CA MEM 4IP 7 EOM= 6, :6.na. „hs 11~~2 N< „✓ty 11.7.::::‘1;:c - ... HAS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF EIMIE -„reViliit'4 l ) l 4 tit'ille;...o-i :-:--1-- MEE - ...i11i a :!I il.lo • I If. W.+.3.e J 1.1,; `f .1 'if r. .~ ~, ... Yi' ~ J to . 414 a 'g 4;', .4,7 =I MEE .. o . • • , ~`,W••••;'; • f•ri. ri A 2 f ' , • , •.' 1 .• . • - : MN =I MM=M!I .~ _ _ . ivoifivv ::::1 - i' Goods -----. ' • , . 9 t, ot Crockery,. REHM 2;:b VEX': ) ii“LitiARKIPM)' .:-•--Ardtg "LEA ,• • :oolatmOd thret i gilinitrifiO4lfited , rita`tos. %ley the traok of ororjr,,tqa, aFitt; da4ghk,ti. ma: or :hero shOuldbe no delaylia eofrig to ' • , 411.1'1 6 FOR ES RI; .rd r SF., ); ) 'i;7.x.9l:it, ~.i. ...9 f. 1I- i a :a,. _/ , 1 ti MEE _~ ! ~-. 1 li~v~f~ i 1,7 UME EEO ; BEM 1, - , • .t MEI ME ~ 4 i..~~ . R. 0. BAILEY. 0 0 of Pby* 11 ~,-; hun , and y..: .7 - ...tatiants ' pandifornoiltoladastan --- ;3:crlikuilnigifos ibis yeas, 4 , aSitlatius wstributiOn; it . eihitbstaiition.. , ` tatetOt.44yi : Y , . _.-. • - .. , ht )troputfitug Amy lasigOilt , larittilra. "./.114.14"- Sandi ria 11451104. 4 00 Wei 1 ir in VII& thelatidtit W I t ! difierStastag taken OS '. ,Tbeatbst So a cars pOro, ~,ga l ititkleT4l4lll bit protini tiztiariti'list4 Mid 00 I 4E4 Are ittua...** Oiliest *III soon retaiat' ', r ',PIZ* fil t, i "*M a sib tadnths'lasaltilli'i bl'..:iillich ' YVVAL vailtosadalii is stiadictOfind IS szt e*counti tqtrt l SOßnitatiltf**M.,4* - tate*ii`: ~ ~ • ' -• oi:sp.ki c s of liristiotemitte;:tti4 - iiiijs he has ad Ilosadaliallicius of licrofUla - and fitetada- - It 13 Mlle with satisbuttory results. As a clean% t! tjto blood I know no batipr.satasay , I Sara el 6, Afaaddan, Mrir ft ereboro, Tenn., says iII ha a used seven bottles of !Om:latis h and am c ° entirely Cured of Rheutastialn Oiend me four bet Vas, as I e eh It for my brother, who ban scrota. II )is Fo ‘, ; ~. ; 1 l oiii i . 1 ' V k' i ? i o i 4) eelll 1 'dh pr. Infif 0 4,r Mi., h t ,... 8 ff eisl , 1y „Aft ail wale at e ptloh'o or ray _hole bony; a ehorttimeeln I archaeod a butt of Itosadalitand it effects/ aperfect cure. --- - osodalls Is sold by 11. E Williams & Co., and ~ Q. Ems, Waltham; , 441110 "I' oiler; Tfogai i t i l . Bacon Alqashorcan Dringisteirenarallfi NI! g) 8 1 .. 0. -: /ti. :. , :, : , . ILIALL `Nt I •4IETABLE SKIT, N I.a R 4 H[E • : -V 11 t:. • I 1 orfcovel NiffiViilfy si4ar4" . l'n kind over .offered to.the dna' 'hat '"Voniktitnif',:, in mer it. By its use GRAY •ItAIRD i& soon restotciii to, its, original , youthful `: color • and Haney; which is ii6"muell admired, by, alit, "Persons ••:.•, whose hair is thin or falling • ont *ill,' by 'tboyse of our Renewer,so, - fit aoar I 111 0 , s MINA )IiOR, 10TE iv. - • I '4l ORR CO) r i PRO' ,on see its goof flig ' effects, tuN )$3 1,65 toil& and ' , ~.„,„.- A T ,,, stimulating properties . the 1:IPt ‘ ,1 1 2:i 1 1! ha* I f4k.da 7Yi11. 1 4 013eited , 'Ana tlie 'befit' gi 4 o* 'thick - i ID - .A . , andstrong again. In eases ' ,4,' n i" or Baldness it witl6y,4o SPIJUDID a new growth unless the ~ iREENG ; follicles are'destroYed. ' It , oBy is cooling, and 1 allays all n i l i , itching an...irritation of : ruff .4 1 ,,,, u the scalp.' "i . doe's notatain '''iil.l4iiii , the akin eel do dyes, but _ND makes the scalp white and [ m t i vrrtiv clean. As a PRESSING i 4 1 4L1 LI it is the , best and_ most . economical preparation' in the.: world, .as its effects . it ludic, much longer. Send I ; ;1-4,,t 7 11 . • for oar' -Treatise on the , u 0 li IS. 6 ! hair free to all, by mail ''• Sold Ai 'al/ Druggists- and Ileafers in Medicine. 4r rrfuo . ozie ii4l.l,a i r keir Itutge4 , . R. P i. HALL - 4S;.t 00..„ Proprietors. `itAßOßAfidllt, NASHUA, N. g, Aug. i, 1870-Iy. - —"' ' Administrator': _Notice. , FTl!Eftt3 AtiM I INISTRA'iION haring I been granted to the undersigned on the es tate of Waterman_ Wlntyrei, -deceased, late of AgokootOownship, all those indebted to said 'es tate will make immediate• payment, and those having 'claims against the same, will present them to . L. D. SHRIVE, Auer. Jaokana r gekrpary ltirt fitte‘ • , ' • i';" O 0 L'••• ts /0 0 CD 'at V- CD CD CA 0 I—l 0 0 CD r- co o 2 Et E>=B . ig F'n'tg rz 0 8 2 7.5.5 ;4 1 k r t "m ii •.„ . 43 , a a po• F 1 . 43 ce>, 40.1 1:4 • _ • .41 cs" b," v u os tti 01r7 a6 l •-• R t-s 14 pi 1, 14 al 'a' 1- 4 as t iel •Ft C; c) pt ,_0 t.) .6 •id 40 41. 0 ae o d c.) ell at. R a s .to 0 it s 4 s P 3 4 .4 0- ° ' 44 Vs , 4%); CD 6 ‘ l2 aj 01 0 1.1. c.) , o Ps • J. 4 CD ' B § :;$ • A .9, g-4,mq b 4o N'.4 a p g • -9 , ‘ , gi g c.) • ca ' x. co 1E 0 t t„ i - p. r .az " • .g Pi c= a u t k irk - -"I .., - Rt.ANSURANCL; lIE ME JNO.I Ag't, WELLSBORO, PA, Issuoa Policies in tratelies C Jiapanlee at se ; - • :ALB COW; 1 Veep .4{ttiStilt - Om ANY =ME as ally IRE will grant Ipa. 4, 1871,.-:1y; 1 I.' uropeatf, Viiat Balloon Ageensionl • EN killed, Women and ;Children going In crazy over the Elegant Ethla andflnials of 'l' uonotoniza,- from Nutaineres now Photograph Gsilfiry Welk!. b u m 4All,the latest Stylca.of *torte, snob al 4:terrain s -and Medallion beads, Cabinet Shut, now -Viciorie-Bize, and Porcelain Pictures - (plain or ttoloicd)i • and many other Styles too numerous to "mentibn. Store:loco* end views of ;Prlehtaßesidenees [nada seaseriable. prices Copying - eld 'picture's and ii)iiljargtog 00 . ikma.:to disfe i ad'i'theiy . *MB* inecielied in t im% Ink or' !‘4g - ,isf , wetei oodg clors, .4,, asortment eminently o etehhid."Cellin &examine specimena : before going elsewhere. N. B dont mistake the place, over A. B. Eastman's Dental Rooms, opposite Cone Hons. Wellsboro. D. H. NI ~i7i~~G.*:..'~:~."+:,c±o:iruas~i3:.e~iA'l-,.Pa~~.:.x~:.(~""4a~-:.,~.,;wren;.~.:~=a'e~:,~xk:..;.cs'?as..a.-,_ _._ -- ,- Vi _lll 0 IA i. 401, if $ll. '`,,*/ 4:l:lEst aka oo sad curer &raft* • /lotions the a I /lotions of blood. :ommonded by the Medi tousapao *Cour boat oil& O i t-• 00 ...I CD 1-1 14 41) 42 =I „ .J v. l far:ti ME AMORE. . 4s:.SR N •.• A 1 L'L.ai • f f (11$441)e) lace To** BM 1043ttir,.rou‘ Mil I 1 I Try our :, + ; r it (.1' i ~r' 'Prices IN MEE \ before iPOChasing -,-Yise..o'lero, TRUMAN -BROTHERS, 9ROOBRY 8 PROVISION STOR I L i Doli't Ask For Credit. .14# sr, aro: The Cheap Cash .tStore. W 11136 HAS ` JUSTRECEIVED'LOTS .7rEffr GOOD AND HAS fflarke4 them Down LIM EE VERY LOW Cash Prices. I i „ • , . , To aim:mato tho artiohn and give a dlstrip tlotrOfthe varlity and quality ofgoods, would -belabor thrown away, I therefore Invite all' to DROP, IN . • nd 800 for thomoilies slid toko a look thronjb the mammoth stook !And' botivigoo' theaso/ver that GOOD GOODS `Low Prices MEI Asa Ui two ittatindacements iliOplitia4 , , 1 , ,± titi purger-oldistrnd. Jan.-4 .18 MI f MU ). ) =I L. P. TaIIMAS, A. A.. TfitiMAN. Cir Si Effil MI AIM • 0 I o'..'t ;I MEE MEM 111111 Z WILLIAM WILSON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers