The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 15, 1871, Image 2
,s„ist worm' •;i %Or P. b. VAN UNlONAigiltor. .•.: _ :• c JI4 • . frfVZ CA;tI3.IE , •, u ; Wednesday. Eebruaig 15;-1671;---- . l Aa "*. trm.. uth enate F b. 1 gr 7 43 a eymq-,.. bad, w°° "" h :" 511, I.OfTI'AVO , R4 feukai k suffrligo,.":Thit;otpinu.hgcst,,t3pbahly .1411, • - • ' PaBseci,;, h o,chß ; wegt{PO4t'nf4.)roPrits - f.l tion _ i ; I n4llPtlioUtie4 rtfter,tkinaim,y - Athil'intel- 11 ted ti . itcliEtSl(Ani-tpaSenato bill , - ntiollah- Ing the test oath for persons! In thdt South nit Oistiutittflect by the - fourteenth Amendment, ‘KurriaiirilitM;4l;y years 118, nays 6J, .It new,j3- . okl thq,(r,KPoidentl for hi )1 • , , ~•( ~ , i',. ~; I,Jt .2,i , a.t 11 , •.. t .- . , ._. . 111 ti0,.....a.0i5e,, iii c l - IP)Tit4l)Prgis.-ftm niuriStiftiis i iiivom ellizens of fl'Aogiti,co, , agitlikit.l"l;f>ltill!fl,ifn?,flf.4. iptl4l4,94lltir out 4 , iwo,,,f, , ylogao k.lriAtlfor.tValtiliLy.. l . coin ing,,,, , 918- ire eaten by t2lir,l4Gran'g.l i i ,More,Afin qua l',. kruil %,; •,, t , ,, L .,, i ,;1 iii , 1 n , the, - anate, Mr.` 'A Ibrigliti-Intl iluced n - kil , ) :malt Ing - it 0 iiiiikk , ftry'riii-6k mu, ufiteturiT, "riterelicint; , di ifeiilitk l iii : coal 4JII - tiseklAfiir illunliiiii.tingliiu'lis4;i' l to sell'illi6lilitill; , iiiilii4g`iVsliittllliie:iklirElV been iiiit'ect ti, it' `r ell'illile'c'cial-611 fe j.' - '.' ~, ;• 2 ,ii.1.,,r;:, -, _1 „,,:.,; I `n, , . TlttiLoiiitivillh(Kylj the D'aifin . 6iiitte i hie 4ii . 'lak'i i iti:tt* and it:eannnf. uttojil t t.ietrrY i eyoa wi - th:gke, v i llai 'that Batt r e cently very neighloPrkPflfiltc:,thel6l.a.te ctipltal4. Autt itJejiy,the:Deinnerats, ,tft -tintesa , they set:llkalr hp lis o,: T im Qi• have ntr:right terfetenee, andi not , Ai&tiike't6' avert it..,\ f . I t 10, 4 1 4 !/.!ktit... l :.-Ai talpg, wep.risalD clothes since he rneei yeti ills Sun tou re . thi s , he pay 9, to prigii 4 l'Vt. lie is exeroleti lie eau:get : lll4ll.4 or' f‘)ot• hitt I et ery)')iiiiiiitii r k:fii lila' flint; is 1'1.11416i wrifing, liatir izt doubt:- friiii4 edlinsel 7 FiliotildiretS'neeee6 in getting lilm re-t Heti , to liank when the hemp THE'rq44 l . l 4. ll ,Al• • ThtS• oath" ivae. te . P6aled lus which makes legal voters of nine put of every ten' ex ; rebels: Who Iniv - e . heen hitherto laboring gnaw: JioljtiFal,disa bilities. it tritiy, qll right.. and we should like to be able to Eree ft ;, but-we can't seetn e to, just yet, If it work Its the friends of the repeal Ivwe, we shall be well pleased ;. but we have - grave &milts whether it ho good tOput ourselves into the hen& of the.; - iierny, on the ground that: wo ct "i take us anyhow-wideh seems to be the Ti ibune'B argninent. EI'IIILICAN STATE CONVENTION. A call has been issued,for iv Republi can State Convention, to Lo hell at Har risburg on the lOth day of- March next, to nominate candidates' ;fo'r 'Auditor- General and Syryeyor genertil,;and to take within upon theAiuestion of Con— stitutional Reform ; dud for the tran saction of-such other business as lay be brought before it. It is to be cam posed delegates from each Senat,orlal and . Representattve district, to the num- tier each has In the Legislature. Considerable interest is manifested; and no small amount of canvassing - and, conjecturing is going on 'as to who the coining Wien shall be. We would - Coln inc .for Auditor (leneral, Harry Allen, of Warren cemity. Mk . Allen Is id - 011011mi of superior ty, and liib war record can be referred to with pipe by the party to whicb!liv , belongs. lilould Mr. Alien he nomid noted; and the campaign vigorously . conducted, we verily believe that he will be elected_ by at least fifteen thou sand majority. CAUGHT AT LAST. The young vagabond who has been amu'ing himself for some time by stab bing young girls in the back, as they_ passed the streets of -Williams- , Win,' bus .been trapped by policemen dr4ed as woolen. He Ha.) ne .di4l it beeause.a neartlegs girl had Jilted hitn , ; Of course IW Insane or will he his lawyerii um heard from: -Put him' in his little bed—for about five y'earii.: FEARFUL RA ILROAD Acciouv,.. On the night of the nth instant, a fearful raihead aecident (weltered at New Hurnburg, on the fitids.ffl river railroad; by the breaking of an axle of an oil ear. The train was what Is call; ed an oil train, and when the disqtried: ear strnek the draw bridge at N w 11 env burg, it was thrown by (hi. - tiniber;4.on to:tlM up-traek, just iirtinot to be struck' by the Pacific express. 'file Was" horrible:; The oil ignited, and spread" death on,e'very side. The sleeping ears tot k lite,:tuAd.on the ('hiengo sleeping car it is reported that not one escaped. The locomotive was hurled into the riv er, killing the etlgineer . rfhe fireman jumped oft; When_ Al§,;s:tw a 6011109 n was inevitable—: !Phu bridge , took lire,. and in ten minutes fell into 'thouriVer, earrying‘ , the ..Cliteago can Twenty" bodies have- "beep , reeoVered, and more , will probably be•.foirnd. • We clip the follOWlng fiot'n-t -4.llinira Ad , ;_ . . ... . . . , 's The freight train, which caused the ncident, consisted of about 25 cars, nidet Or \iihiCh - carrled tanks filled with: ()IV Before ;leaving' ;Albany ) , every car. had• been , earefully,:inspNted: by the workmen, and no ,defect ,was discoverail.„ t phen the train reached . theAridge . over Wappltig'er' creek, near .Nowftlain burg; a - Midden ihettik 'pad. ed through,thet iintlie &train, almost throwing it, from the track. -al eikaminatien, it Ives found, a that the aslo . i. 4, e: ten car had broken, arid' the ear brealiingi Iciokti' fiord its :eforipllnge, CS.: reened on its aide, struck stgainst the frame work. of the britlge t ;andkty n tatak wreck. i , i , ." Upon the up,traek, almostat,thii setae Me. merit, and litifilre'riiilsfgriitl lir'iike 'tit - witrning could be gliten, the eitiresi train,' Which had left this city nt ,pight teedook k enretsrnshing,inlengpb, ,t the rate,,or h,irtj , miles an hour. Thet. engine etrunk the tiresiced'ear withlerillile terce 'setting il s fire to the oil, sehttering the inflammable mate rial and t q;burniogicregoleoltid the •ear io a ll : directiond . The force of thp collision inistanllY , threw the engine drer the bridge lath 'the creek. The ice was verry•thiek'ut the time, hut tree utitta ble to bear the I trPight.,nf, the lentnoptivo. ..Tho engineer, E.. 11, flitamons,,musthar a perished in stantly. g‘hillinder of he eniitie ithi6ll,ll into the creek: limatidietely bibbed the einfluo-were two baggage poi followed, by a sleeping For fell. of passengers„, 'The !amen from the, oil tank soon set fire to thole .op ts, *Mob, after , '0414 the wreck , - fe l l • tree 'lnto ' the creek a--bp prig mass. it is • sairflotne or the:pausengers lit thb i sleeping cars eimeeeded ,to leaping from, tilt ear, in time to savo - the mselies from deithy'harthe rest, numbering from 20 to 25 persons, wire - ditill Tied with the car over the bridge, and were either drowned or burned to death." wzt • •c„ , —• \ - lls FRENCH ELECTIHN;47 prb. ; ." - itt I te s returns of theVPnWiti l de te\ft monarchy trit '' II,: , Ir 1 r . ' .4 ' 1 i ittit IleatiluajorltyoV L,,,, 1A t i, ~,,, • „ I , '11 . 4 eon t„ w hile t to ref. _itt aajority averaging 6 per cent. in the 111 ilpr vluees. The Orleans ioterestLs be lieved-tO belitteilkltiletigimitt - tifeeiiiiii ; :trA Ti4c eieV i ipita passed oil' quietly. '"irlalers tilts beelfeleo s ted by an enormous 1 haV be. Bid `ulito.,.o, ( PtiA?lidlt.t. , ,Nijvkfi Norls•i one or. U 9 41-110•IPAlttl yggiell, to. ICA nyey bread- Au 1 4 Ana eOppllea,i contr Ab itlfted•by el ;ego ile ofl thealoitedlStatee3 , , , 4br-the . ie-‘ lief oft tlie:destittite and .atitferink p'cita.k pie u, Prance .and PrOAsla." I $ Bkft-Wt# n Onibballnvititt parliallkiliwe bad uhi I t4sti-1,60,0001000•brpeiq11L' . 11.143d t leilst` tire, ihontbs. , ofrshoft - rtitfhlisrthi the •pot:4- biti , e b'efore' . i.heiii ere iiiiofier liar: 1 704 i.-4iir l be - ''ktitlie'reit -=tint" what if tl4 e' phi:4)M he'no liiiirest, - (O: ~gAlier'?', ro‘iititi , ii 4 , l4:iiilitic,v - veli,!.(iii:()F,liktp V Al the P, le j o t ; ;; l : f)i ,i,9( - I , ,T anl V.k4 rhAlli the. - gi'R '1 4 :', b 4.4 4.1 Pe 0 89940i9uPt , RIP 2 1 4 , gittlidie . il by. . iheeitifiiy -or by ‘aziochi g9ll4°FAC'Yo AP kcd4%,i9omaltp3„lisvarnt. •fiCAYO. I I 3 ,./IY,:i rA,ll 4 .6f,.ll.ll.tbalicavysirtift. °di thAr_muspie; ,Pii We, twii ,countilea,' winit:,l,(the hint orop: , ihnuttbililitf fail,, 4hiciugh lack of , titis haffdlii64:-1; 1,) 1) - l'-' 3 i i L i Wrs litoleo , fieintiitcdtisthhloffliflifott'iiii ih4 fwlihirri,Y-ybitrS'i . da4 l ''ita Tiiiei7l'dVrice . I ti f ' iiti'' hi rfs in Itli attt4s I a d IV' 1 / 4 iai) t oS t al i)1 IT . iii± 66' t . rePetited ilt'tqe ViiiiketYltlif`o4-; thJ.i -3 1 ) 6rlitips not hifeke c TilsAikittr , iil, - :OU'shperitir elithNatioh"lS tapabls - of Ashinch tiatbarlsoi,in tive years, of as ... , : nihaii wholesale morder lhthvl,. as -9 ' o '9 !1 1 , 1 * ''' t i :''.'ll. l"e qf l Ffi'l n- P 4 IPCO ,i .P. • twell.A.:l %'..'fiew:J . lizliii.9i . ; . .s ksqls., 4014i1f, 1 the pfl , ,s i er4 i- WV, Sip li.l uro,pe .-, op ti ti Iti.teff I 1611 0 1 4..1i°u04 ' t:Q - klat'gelY ,laterfcre with . gib' 'i.t"ce).lo l 4.114 Pcossian harvests for; Villi 010 reault - Ran .only', l)ilf - Ictihin - k:-J-:- I, ." . ,if:`thickly4krodlated•totintriegi faiiiiing ' /5 . 40(i.yk: liringd ., pestAlehed in'dgtliiii . iit !tiliiiti.'il'estlientie liiiir , / fainftY'"iire;'-4 . ' 1)0 Ophilo'nj filiOliittile;irthn'teriti'do4 .gruasikiii'idir'lsi iiioh4ed iiiperi.',tigiiol , ld; seed tit-tie - m.l:d #O . ofsp;irn g: ;A:is,(s,lipiir -4cm t harbarlifli,':iliCh 1 . Not vii in the siege of Te A t6siilefl - . ie* worse hor rors iieriipliated oN. f ?ndurc , ,tha the , , eivilizatioh, 9f,tllc.,uipptsenth eeutury_ is delitluml_to,withess ,during •theinext, twelpcno t titio, tf ..tlils• Franco-Prussian War il i toiltp fought; ~oht., _to ".then bitter 'end.",„;Nor,• while !we pity and 'relleve• then/ as ;Iwo can, :need we' fOrget the' c a 1 *. T .i supercilionsAir lo`flallieriority' witit , wlitch the.-rejgardecl and etttleitied us_ Ia! olr blotatir •strdigle 'foT mitliatil existpnee r " FOrpliid, at ItiSt Sets 6.11 111 Loisfiirr," -1 1 I 'd Li. L C,: 1 1/I..Arfplei.eAre now 06,tiCiGi.Pr' , The 'men - fiere' very .I.lAdiSr and the. Swis4 t:4everninent inice fieh t ed the Preil'eli nuitior[ties Co send elething for their use. The C4 s eyrniitis'ecintinued hostiiitlee'on the 2d tind'B'd hvits. There axo 2op Woilifded; hoivitelat Neuenburg, Briden7 Tho Times co'ptainl a dispatch, from Berlin'Whieli says that previous ,to, the capitidation of Paris, 'the Goyerninent, of,England snggesied to the Powers the expediency t.44) A `g 0.41911113 4 ,,,p,ie terest oryeaet), and recd mended, _the granting of Xeni o ent terms to Fran Ge r faellitiitetki requisite negotiations, -the Powers' were asked, to give ,su ch inStrOetiOns tq iheir representatives in. the London Conference- as would P ll nab to,take#actioil on.the - svhole • 'r The Witf.'neWfk 'Week iSineagre, 'Ellinply c heCallSe 'tins war is, "tot' a. few days bnly," statid-Still.,, bolo si few . 'brle'i j incidents . an,d ex- . tracts Clipped 'fro th ;the, -which, may Serve tagle an idea of the siege, provionS .A. Paris • Correspondent Writ 4 to the itnperitirbability Of, the penple in the li'clinhai4led districts lissetnething, - 7;ycinderfnl ' - :to the ',last 'degree stoical: ' 'Of etinfee,' folks Who are .lifted_oii toithe'ficer bon*, Which ex their bed ".' .and which :are co pelted fOinfiratii tionisplitti - ',O north, .these of the bond q.rilai"et~t'do nOtteeth' '" and stiffer; hilt li no is "their lest nO,exagger ation.,, ' - A - 's6iiiiier .- Who Should he hop ihe'liciuteViirds;',SaY'frorn balloon, would'hot in The hatd - sVef - PitriS;',hesicOd " ' , The #espitall . .isfan, anitylapee,,!.?.nd Pull of *banded B4)1(11'061, I follow the broad line of the 4ouleVarS, - and, reach the spot' where,lllaishal icey was shot, 11 beek against the wall of ~the. , Con vent VstiliiCs, now deinollsheff,. • The Observatory is not Toq yards, from this hisforfealoolt.; People are seam pering tiem it; and some inward where i - am Sland h ig.'arresteq - ,6s , :ii,flap Inthe face, frond A concussion of - the anfOttowinq u pen 'an ex Pie- . sion. faliva Onirt: dis tance, 6fl;`'. the (peeple , not - appear frightened'; Only wonder.' We' vancing. Every one stretches opt his .neck. •A . a piteeaS; eight;a2f)oor if dead' Child.' She bas both thighs smashed, and the baby a big wound Over the nose. One eye 'is burst gut; and 'the - left cheek is laid 'hare; No deicriPtibncou id convey 'an idea of 1 the ilyeadfiii• • eapressien o'n the coniitenitneii oflliat crowd. - Many women and - children wen killed during the bombardment, and the _Parisians charge .; the , Prussians. ,with uuneeessary barbarity and wan. ton ; _einelly,.4m , firing .-on -hospitals, alirelies r qtc. , • • In I The iftieOleli ISh ibfiednp!ft a corj , 16 0nd94, ) 1 11i 6 SP see things 7 pfp l e,4 ,t,414404N1'.9 copf.eut-; ` ll 4. 49u P5l LI, 49 d ,iacf ursgsigi.fol wS , , "It would' be a good thing lei' the Soutlfenf won l 9 -81 44 theut, eurely-,---to epitivute s'a.- Ther more rand. 'ideas of what may, eomport with' the feminine pievrieties. 'ln onn *ego torsi of 'Californier the ladies who lioid thendselves ; of any, aceoutft eannoLbe persuaded to, walk on. the street ti rn, windy day. yih y 7 . A traifl of taking cold, , -ef injuring their eomPlexion; of getting their clothes dust*? ,Bless you, nal. They are' afraid,of showing their PAW Now, if, th ere , he any one thing, nay, any two Pings, of whiat, a Southern Well-born' laid , hi ISiciul. ' the,i'ain ihe aforeekid feet. And ,et, airing telhie ty hay :of A moOk,modeity, she is debarred the ptivi ege , of , letting the world at large ace 1 1, at, a, pe, and alsit r peijt thing a small foot, encased in a snug, I , ityllih gaiter; reallifi; :.Thinit of /tit sweet six loonslAr! Pceut,Y - Pizi ,ofaildff.fineak,ii, -45 yea ?ply baolt and forth on the 0411 u pond,,, ith old '' lio)liaii ' - playing - tcnghli' !frith' *.our l yni °yr' fiibl. iint*ltind' , l2Ot dliditnint to tole your 'Skirts' AL little, to the detriment of nobody--think of your Southern sisters staying at home on every "ipN,...vtt k • 1, ram over the water :there eninesi nn appeal for bread. _. Not4o aave a I,riet until athar,s'efit-salklitiOthered, to save a war-strleken people : from 1 0114 dtrifyiitTnn'! l reialii4ioe!be '..'dittl/4,, I 1 1J amt.% eleu • !Ft./ " .-.... . 1 . people, a 'melt appeals alwakfi, •--- , . "IP Wpi RDVISIT§IO I 4 . 4.1.4 14011ze4 t 110 Erg. WAR NEWS ISO ~-yy.~ royal, rtaafiag do, lest they shuu . , W 4 fh e i l l i.,-.AtO 'Wt i tib' 'ItT.t).L. S I. t::37 1 billov.:". - dr44lsielt fig43 . 1.13ay V t ~,.,, (- , o ~ k .t i t . , fri th , : i .:,. r..tiun." Veli r Y'. '' 1 4, ‘ ,. ' i •- 11 r - 1.1 ki . t, o ~ 1 .:..1 . ,q• q 4 ''. i S ' .10 _ i_r. -I .. 4.. V4:4- til : IS. : it ; .1,,,' •i t 1 tto I._, '. /•e/‘ destroyed the So 11 4 y:',-..orte istc ttve works together#ith 23 dwelling 111 - iiieki.''' ,i rciCal hiss — , titiii,o(iT.------c'?-"l''"is 1 0110011, 3State•Narufift,,t F(ftll,llßittrict,!--Kaatheld,,itriqa, /lc% . nt c , - , Rilriv.rett»lopeno Ware , ?7.t 4 ) , :/§XL . :.,?'tc• . - -I} irtivravoitoN,;,:. CRAREMaiThiNDRUILT.I; A:414 Parst4AL,' Protoaaonacifaiepqa.au4 • arid ' Mental and Moral Phßoaephy., 1.3 ,/ ILMENRIL"ei t . 10rfgA; . ldathematies and Natural .r0q..01/11- it ( Apr. ciiint Winging" ana ll i o 43/1 In ar- 1.4 lOSS - FRAiltt i t i d . tOti RA 'Pita 412 tamisgnetrubtar-or-31.6thirMlinngudges; Botiay jatiogTa4 ll 3 , 24; 1• i MISS SU SAN It. PIESTtliv, M. 4 ~, npfrtte t - for of Reading and Elocution. ISAAC G. HOYT; ProiiiiiOi of Tart:mental_ v , tr tiIIARLES 0. THOMPSON, Troferaor of lira rr ink and Painting. t , ..:...It§'PAE?I3PPYPetor. P 91 119.04 5 M M atbetnd 188 ANsit is.2I.SPS A,as slant in, ' ' ' r• VIN Fit PRATT;XiNI, Principal Itif Mod , .0 1 eiho4l. - ; t• • 1 .2d IWYRA HORTION, 8., k: 4 Freceptrear. 'MISS Lyz e zip l• M". 'MINES, B. P., Airletint: ' • • _ . ,i . BR-NTc , l 6 ;E:rf ll3 TiflifT l /11' L,sl i t tri 41ipix.CEIvr" OILMOOI9 PER WEIC.. a0C111:141,12!): deelaridgintOntion to toabif. BY, a recent aot of the Legislature, the fOlioir-; lug pippropriatioßa. are Ine4e ,q 4111,. 4'igrinal:giAt494to p•pa-..Ora4utittii:, 4Eita:stiatlit. , o4liiiitionifen - it6i4 egti, tithe Anil AViispel-itoolaking hit:lntention to 4 "• 0 4 tik° qcitnky, o l•49 ll „49‘Stf.lll 4 ftat a th 11, 1 1% . 1 1i ,r o p o iyo j'll,o thy,,r, icnte pot: iff Agytvf. 4 definyliirthtihieiensisenf i tiritfclr lend' If. ' `"2. inset'. studtinenvnii sioantee# 4sttrit ilthetaFiligel6/f o lifss fitep,igivirg-uncf glaq9l,,,gpifst of,tho Val to 4, 34tes, ,or,,of r koruiksilyanfu t -or - 1410/I,o:icifhercldie4fs I phallltigtfiatktgriiknerlit, 014Filko_44.AWifeilteels4 , 3.Piot' g.43de11ti.wi,P4` ,1 41 , " Ota l A _sign an' teaoh the ei4 . lnon ti opletif-thiir Shit AO Wiwi,* eh 3thePuß4f,Fon..-.1)9.,tt4ua4,iii.: Wt. Any Studer4ito 00091:0_,thme hatslits k fnust, ' - Attend pafioor tie lost tirelie oninni6iatlie ‘wg3l6,-.?. flit • • ; t'X ' , , S°4 g° l 7 Y. l9 E 6 31 1 1 1 q ,14.14 W; four• 149.r44! ;.- 'All the:Diplomas arcian thori zed and furtiiilied by ,the.f , tato, an4 10 .4M1 t . f°P ° M-t!°- ke d t4 ex`b srpm: ov ~ furtli- e i , examination „:y .a ut hi r iti e s ablfnig - undeit' 'tiro' piAirlsibial( •o t onii.hechidt6 - SoliboAtarscl- *LII ,_.1,,:,b.1r..,,, ~ _r 11 EXPe Wiet9d:qy ' 1;1:4 Cnal l'ofir ohil iv!vektitck.chidiPg. p94rii, ..T . mpoit, 'Room Rept ? _ Fuel, „Wt . , -ran WaVaiteg,slB6, (l o ve 50,d0n tit lit t-11 - per ' tieek. Ist 'tad tiba'srtil)iindieesls soT' if graduating:. , )11.! 1 ) Ex eilitetion'Thir4 , ar.ehi.:(l4 - I.lVokr,) eotu-t pane ng parch.27h 4 ni p bcpudi t a gl. n . ,abo l e,, $62; (16be '6oote. Or: Ver4iiik.r ' ,- -i lit it fcin":"onal Book Beinti-fai ihnir; iv he f do ''n'ot .beard in;Ntureal,;Building; $l O il)Or. toriu, (IC 11 1 ,1q7e5,) leep T ityite, or ) t; per i ireelb j ~ 'in eireCtion 14, Inetruvientat - ffuitc, 'ineftidini, use `of itiettumentisller *wk.- , ... - 1 =-1, -_; rennwns_hiP, (24,4 0980118 i) $1.50.: „ li. .1 t'- - Prerliag),o for't °4 l l ll:.f.l -' - ..;,'. : • 1 Painting, se o'. $l6, per term; :'-' , BOard eat ' , be obtained in - Privatm Amities, `at- $3.50 to $4 poi . week: . • i No Tocry4 put.unnt_i i ii 13tuden 4, admitted ; i any time. _ "All bind aid to bo 'paid promptry . in'advance to , thevPrinoipal; who noWas agent for thd True tees.= ..atudente b,oardipg in Abe .NernitAl ritkataitig turn. ieh glieete,p,ilinw-oases, and ono comfortable. 'Tor furthei r information; or adtibielon ' to ' the Soho okaddrees thii prineipaL 1 1 ' •• 4 ,-1 - .Mattefiold, Pebruaryilettb r ini,tit . ~. . .• . • ATTENTION FARMERS! • •, • A.:121Y 'Aura:ally 'on hand at tls6 Elk EMI Plaster Mill, 4 miles from Gaines. Price 45'9.p9T . ton: • • -17ERMILVE.A.'/' ERNA ifERI 3an...750,,1871.-3rlli " ' r,t:i.~~..1 A LE' persona indebted'to D. P. Roberta by 11: Book 'ataoant or Notca'afireanested tb`oall and Obsta; •at G. .W'. Idertiates oleo. rob. 1, 1971.-tt . T ATEMEN' Of , the f 'Pecel 4 o cind the Treasury of Tivct County ;f6r .the '' ItINIBIPTS. ' ' ' ' County 'Mk 'lBBl, ' " '546 '69 Bounty, ~ i “ . , , , 73 60 CoootYs..., . ;.1 8 .0 1 . 3 , „ t , :i .. ~ . 81:0 ~, "Beauty, .", i . 586 61 County, boanty,`Statepoor„ county' ', . • ' poor, 1889; . ? :' - •I 181928 48 County, . ';...' , 1870,; - . , • i;;., ,_ 22,2,Q4;40, ' BOunty " ' ' 11 320 50 SW, i it , 341'51 County ptioi; iii . 7 :s' '—, ' 1 " ' . --,' 1;101; 1 84: i ,Ti)vsnahlP•Poor, I,' t,-... - .ti, i . . , 3 •...142,77,4179. CountYtaFlB6B79,nriseated 4144448,877 74 • -p o i n t" ; li . . " 35,481 72 • •.'Ncir-- -- •" • ''; '-• "' '• '1,899 92 ; Coun ' ty, , ; ~ fl,.sotdiby Treasurer, 1,086; 08' .„. 1,1 .",laude redeemod. 484 87 I s ' i, , a by Sb ff 1 1 C toonwealt eoptsp art „95 60 ' 11 in' Ihsolds lidte,' •• I - ' 45 09 , II . Balloy's , note,_ ~. , ~ tki.., ..475.00 I' A Jtoldpson, money county, farol, 772-80 JUdgment, count) , va Blair et al 100 'OO . ' N Close's note, 'WI 06 ~ s Cqunty loans, 1870, -•-- 8,415 83 County tax seated lands reattetald, 1 8 95 County tax, land sold Commtere, 186 91 ~ E'N>D:LTZ.RI - E 8 . IVagei. ,t„ Van Risis -I; ; ' , ' - 1 396 36 L - T "1 282 , 8;i-- 1 5502 , 40 •• 3rl " to In iiiBl9tO'lliti i; ~. . " Iffie 6'o •N. H:=l3bSlth4 = " r t5OOO • ; t": : ; - • 0:00. . ; Spit 4 , , OD— 4190 00 "Cohaniiimioneiv ; clerk. - Thotp!i4Aikii find - 8.. A, iiittifri et al; Israel Stfinb, - 11. S. AttTPher, Juror', J B N illeoa 4,21, • _ • .grand . lien y *wreY•44 alt. Conslablee. Wu Ai . iniela a' rii,l r'• Justices. • , • ' 4 L: • t D Dintar4St 1 1'z - 110340 , 80 . Pkiliting. T. i-• . 0. ;,,„;,. • - A )4O YaTl,9Pla4r et, alt 1-4 $389,60 ' . Rifcti9,p9. t t: t • J'D Ottiklps, $913 91 al„i; ' • FAS(B. , 0 L ; ~",)1;%84 9 . 1 Diitiicf Atiortie.i 7 John'. I' " onWitct`Ctiii:• P D pkidikles eta , 'rat - tin: °ridged and bri'dge' bt alyit' - $245715 . _ A Reynrildastitl;' , •• .•• f, e,s . .Ifeto Bridget. isickara r , •=t z,. -$ BB 00. -• Bilais Allis,. s 142 00 Jaines " ' 50 00 P Dena; in Sullivan,' 349 00. ,Chaa Ryon, in ; 200 00— B Znlghi c in,Ward, ; , •481,80 Gaines, 820 00= $1,640 89 iolm - proveinetier. • 2,4 „ Oharlei ritOne, 00 00 , eoC9oleditii;' l • 1 4" I ' l " 1 20 Abilue Cart; . 26:00 etthr./0 9 ,E4M 1 FAis '•E-A•gginiihrey, . 20 00 ' :P/41,101Chill'ainf;'',;1 !''',! if IC ; Lottgieall,• • • r :26 „. • 'AWobd, „op 8P aet~s'7 '3"29 1)9 Charles' Tuttle; • , 100' 'O.O ' l '!'"' • B J-79 00 , . =1 R , 00 , „- 26 90 A , Gnedapeid, - "160 . '00 " - A .TobnitOnil • , i 415•09 Ai a 119,0113ietii, 1. i 26 D 0 . Deoiglaaa, 49, 09, H Sord; - , • ' ' . ""415 - 00'" " 2 ' ' 1 WsDliohlurni , riewbery. Close,- .00 - Thomat.O.wlit4 - - ACl° ' Joh ,Ror.seel Thriaplirey; ''t';';'43 00 E D Dingman, 93 20 George Wau, 82 49 W Babb, 16 00 PENNSYLVANIA. rxezfuis.w. - ..„ `' No~i~e: ' D_ A. lIIIRRRTa ElliCl Auditori $O3 4 18 :42 90 -89 410-1- $195-88 .1.5." ' t i i, Janie. Peter lt-Vike.4 99 \ ,0, ,4 4 -Hobart ' t r. f. i i. .E.- vxot"), Charles 0 : e -eict 4 Jobo Wil 1 i'; a . ) 4 1 , it 4 1 fAi ( , v •.. . 0 Itosi David lie let ' „/ • ---- - ~-.` , „ 4 i7„,..., - ; trooery. J F Donardsian' al - --.: -.....-.: - --Qierl-vj ' , Quarter Session,: -1.,•, -----.T.. Jobb F Do 6 i4s t , o .. $605 61., . . '8 1 a_.....„lfistrlk4riMiAtticitei. d , -.. t' T - ' M W w therbee,et al, $269 09 „.-:.4,-....:t.,-.1•4; ‘ ,,,, , Akv.- ..V.LniV...Air t i i i i ti, l 4,44l-t, :i . .; . .. 3,,,.......a1: ,. ..n.. -- .i.oLL'Ale.. “J i l i 2 4.1 11 1Mit t lalt. ,' .1 Ski 7 1 tli I , ld ':, S t )IPOP ' 'FiliSt ttl T C9 /1i1 1;41 "V: 41' F C 1:11- ` 4 'A ' ' ' , " / '' ' 41 ~3,l7 lPj "i t g l iß e fi nf ,# 7 , 4 1},q, PI '','ii it 1 ifri4Mlrlli .-• i , :.,:,. + ~ ii t f rßftetitr", et at, _ • ~, . . ~ _ 51,175 29, • " if i r 1 t nt' a ; , ~, qoa , CHI C ty. "" At di?i , i)i4treeelir; ' ! li . Sharer's Fees. ': J 'l3 1 / 2 =b ; tter of - al, ''' - - ! • { fi '-' ‘ 1 illoticeltefiLided. i,, 4 P e r tilkine eltidi I i'l '" ' 1 ' _ c . : 1 .t • i 3 ,i,l "jai . L. — ; , 4, 0 , 10 1, f i e. , i ) . ,:fialnalrPietlyir.l .i.,:: :,o'r i , i,t i,, ',, 1; ~, 5,27 t 25 .1 :.:1,-1•. , 7 _11K944 anj Vpal. pit t).,.. ( , t; -: ' ‘ A a• .. 1 4*-ithi,li Pitt t:i t 0:; •,...1 . , S,tV fiG, ~.,,,Lribil . - •, - ,fl TY e?TtnilllOnfrf 0 , t i ', ..; L. ~ ... 1 ' i i - n amtpo to .rf,r,oferty. .. ,i , <.Netii4i - BW l oa, ; _, - ' " „I„,c-: ,fl ed ... ... ir i •, 1 . , .. , J. , W I► blinial4P ri i " ' '' ' " A i soolcf Tedoherst 4iastittitei.. , ‘ , -' ,l 1 1- ';' 7 i ' • "B ,11ortott,etal;•-• •,` : • ~= , L,. P. -- e -- i ! , - . .lneidiMfaiii: 'CI ii 01 ; ~,:• , __i ..toOliParitikareUsairgey losened.c. ,•:•1, 7, ? 2,160 09; Iti-W Wetherbee, distributing remon. - , . , •.s.4trances against dividing county, 44-, - :62:46 • ___', -',ti •c, . • )f1 ~- , it ~. ~ 1 :.‘, : it , 85 _, It R ; 0 99.14 I'Pr tiPe. , l '- .4' ". • 4, '4; , 3 1., , :', 1 .16 `J Jonah ciroulattnA ratuoustranp , ~ 74(/ ,091 : M)9Writhe:Vie t .„ '-'• ‘‘` • • 'l6 04,' ,j o b ttatika;:,• 5,....•..,11,...,,i, • ~.: .i .' •,•.:1, I i:.., . 3 ts 1 98 „ 'PAT 'Yaw nem,: Li.' L:....i Pyr ...,, -. ..:T.1 •', ;:',.• • • ••.12 06 L *'' - vitY.lfFnegitxF9 4so4 ?'4l: , ,,litt, ding •, - ).i. ,I i 7:: paoyor,, - - A ~ ~.... , ~; .. _ 3 ,1161 14 eiiie•,stteltriCalidglug l'keikihitii's 1 lia dilip trill e•i'. -914,- ! i ,t.,1,2,,,0,1-:),(..„ 4 - 4 116: ' ::0 1 P rpilivarzt=g l s,lrzYra 1:3 lir. ;4 . ~ ::::-,2" 0 - 0 , ^: 6 r te ' Bilpeprfnui• t .: ca N;',/ , '.. - atzi We therberb, astesalit'lmoirtit ttutic'lld '0 , r `e, Witiletiteliiip 4. ll. 4 ?; - Ili'. i to• ..i, , ,ve-c,2 . 1 . o f ix `CtirrY_Bmell, fliyoxl a Vik, iteaton s fan ties,[i, 3, 6 ,00 Na liastingit, storage, &c., • ~, „.1 -- ;• ~ - „. 3 -Oil 0 bi, ittnaliifdr d'eed," ".. ' ' " ' ' ' .60- F 1) Lit a elli to atirilitlebargel, l• :.'• •• ' = 'it" '6 •06 .- la , fi apaa, o ptieffalles,r,Briulford,ca, ?....,-, , 3,12 1 liiiiier,garripburg TAegr,o, • , - 13 = t ,- ~ -f cf -.,1: 24 101' ,WI Is pri '4'' Van' 'lrtilliettbilrg c golids„ . 41 I 111 • 1011atil;exileile &ages; l'-- ''''' 7 ' li 95 'olidrie..s•Bleak, foiling creed, r A , ,i 1 , 1 6 , I fs , )1.8 Cook, ; repatringyra'r,y'a..4loe„, ,i , ,15. _OO, ' 04 , Diana; " 4e . 3 05, Mrs J I Jackson, Blair judgment, ' 100 00 'lt . ° Cox, stamp and diseount - co-dotrui---- 16 19 ':D to Deane, eaPTelB 03x7 ail,_ ' : .2 7;7J- ;1 '-, -1.705 1 T A -F Wing at e et al; repalring.offici, •8 75 R C 00 at Akan/nut 4, II f4raPFPF:PP - J9l l l l , ",- ;',3 3- : I (4 Young '& Moirlbli,:illicurli4oo ouildige, .214 ,60 i •R , O Oita; didechitit , aad stailsii-Oolooisl'''lo = 9l ',lt I) ,Ilacitney; nampaper, , •.' ' , -r:r 3:1 i ; ;_ .', it - :00 .. . =NE . • f- xotonsfrip • ' ' l , lO fl•B 3inftli et II; • .1% Q b4x,;1 1 21eaairier,. 00:41:uHotteei Officti and Bi - cithias:l l D ktfirr44ls.-ot alit i k , $ 4'86;68'. , , _Land Riturnedi -- • E Strait et al, A ;, - • . t 3 Repairing :Riper Ilanka. . Oharlei.lplos ct al, , • ~$2lB 36 .W4etkerlido •,; • • 'o6itaill Tr ourcr. Coommissllo on'eo bonds; $603 68 - +:, • ", • . f Ordeill:800 - 96 ".` ppor orders,i :98:034-- $1,694 67 • ';• 6.57afe, Wm:intro: , • i!; i , r Antotaa , i9glll,kpaid to the olio - Imq persona, for . -.; Cfottn(cflotte6ecisid , Parna,v2hd othir I totoriP ilifootfu frolft :AASscur di 1870,, gill Januarioi 1';1871, ty the ,Trettsuyer of ,Tioga Joiiu Wqr4n4ikf94r 9 0144. 73 11 ,- /oct. . : •: .$2..00 W T HiiMpbrey, dootoring.ipanper„, . . 4b 00. , King; ketiPing'Acitilfielevidper' "143 'l4' 13alitiOatterlAkeeping ClOirleetoti pauper 11-75 " A' M' It' 3 R §PRlleert.o lo mrqo l l feed . 28 .00- JaeobltfOrsman, dfeglag grave • „ 4 .00 gittids to*Tioga pauper Ift :02 R arid 14 Palmerlflixtureit poor house • • :14 1 00' . J Pbth aal,,rods,Tiogit.borct pauper_ . 50 99 .oonvaric&Ofigo,od, forcoal ' ' 8 62. 'W T Mathes, nerobantille )' 127• 07 .F H Sheffer, bringi ng pauper ; to Pllbuso 824 Samuel *Organ, for lumber , 5 76 , Miller Fox al al,iiieping peeper 58'75 B T Van Itorn,-turnituitt '' • • ' 22'04 Nelion P,aelor, doctoring : Delmar pauperti 'LA 00 W L Warriner, keeping_Belmar pauper . , 25, Jane...lol6C, Blass pauper 3 7151 Job tool; sheep tit Poor Haase • • • 'l9s' 00 • 11 Conway, removing-.pauper 1 00 8 Watkins, , • ; : 2- q4 ,c wilicoi;.*o6di • - 101 i ,Robarts &"Bitile",‘gooda ' s' • 91' 'e0 W T 4 Mathe7oggoeds • : , 03'1 Saari 7t, Derby ' , goods 0 65, t,sl•Austiii:_otiOt - , 55. 00i Jane.Johes,;BLsiiipidper'' ' '• 2 26' •GI•W Nitveloepstrit4 ; • ' .4 86; Webb !ds, liastpme, drugs_ .;; • • 4'2•5-; , Solar, Satte'rly; goods • 6 001 Joseph Mitchell,' teal ' . 52 15 W T Matjaers,:goods . ' • _ 188 61 Jaffa Jones, Bloat; pauper,. • - 6:00. !roles A Barker,•goods, 9 55 1 Willoox•A•Virhooldf,tootie '— • " " 16 60 Willciox,di Wheeler, goods =••u '• • 20'60 D:ltwln, bringing pauper to poor house 10 67 .T.+A "Robinson , on salarY . 50 00 L pildivinigo'ode`Tto g ii. paiiper , ." 26 60' W 0 eridlnibringlng pauper to poerlieitse lb 75 ' C B Kelley, goads • f 4 78, Ballard A' C0,",,,g00d5„ 1 -86 P R Wlllitties,•goods ' f 19'68 W' Krebs, fgoode -- . 40 if ,I, A Gardner,sopils,• • ;.•-: • • 27 ife_ Wrlght Palley, goods • _36-.00 Roberts tit Bailey , goifda' , ” _ 674 -Sears &•Averyt, repairing': - ' "- 80'00 Lounsbury & Kim6all , , repairibg .... 10 - 95 0 J Whooley,sepeiring : - - • ..?.; • ;John LoaTiertickeeplug:l6'4o ' .8 Wl3ltermabt.siquovirigpituper--: : 7 - - Ifls Yir: therbeepbilk 9.f: Work: 'E Boynt'oii, gebde,for pauper-- - • - N'Tdolciii,:helf year's littler) , • ;`2 50.00. ,E Kart, flair mid:teed • -• • - " 7'o 19 •W L; agiuer ,, keeph g l psuper . ;• i , ' 1 6 'MY 0 /11,804311,,,4?,a1,_., _ „ 3 20 Wilson it - Vaniltalicii,'S;tiki; 64' GU llaitlngs,gdode -; •• • - ' • ' ' •64 07' tilansonl'hompsoit, , atook . .•• :60 .00 Sears & AVery..repairipg,,- •21 95 Leroy Tabor,' , 13 60 Sa,mital Lndlowcoats• • ' 22 50 E;Lyon.digglng grave •, '173 09 A E Ntle8,1)111 - ot work for Tioga papieri. 4,60. .N R Geed'articia's bill . '' ' 2 00' Id 'Lisette; reniovin plittpiff ll' :1 - 7 8 , 00 JohirriLio,pkerky, ko9l9B,rcaper, t -48 ; 59 Janos jonei, Blopi peeper ; •( 8.00 J Everett, /vat qvhtg pauper' , ' '42'00. M t Sheffer,:reasoMag7pittilier • ' • 66 BeileY,.rowic.'• l 9l3Rauper : - IS-84 A Wasi;ramitving ;pauper. ' , - 6 00 , W A Walfr 7 ,lreiptikpittipeisiti,al4,llfin 445'.18' Jtibtt-11 Elliaff,,keeplngpaupor - •-•-• - 2046' 841:Cooper. expenses tto 25.00 Everett, removing paupers , : 4/ 0.9 'George BastingttVgoOdif - •"•• 1- ' l '6l 38 M M Canyon% unii of ;bull ••-•- c-AV 71400. S Ludlow„ _ t eats. r , ; , ;14 .8k „R Fellows, butler, , , 18 84 ,W 'year'S ' ' 50 00 'trobil Shaft;keeping pauper ••t • " 976 P'Voll,;b111for oofiin . to, •• if ,16 00 E Bart, , J R Barker; _ ' ' 144 78 0 'Cr Ititithbrs, good's', - - • 3,5 a5l BA/ Van•lforafflusiture . , .12 -OQ 10:Kress, gtsods Ag 60 . Toles & Barker, goods- • 44" 90 leather ' • " 6'96 L A - Gardneri goods' • ' 21'21 ,Webby Hastings, goods 8 76, .0 It Willooz, goods .38 99 Roberts &Bdiiey, goods . • 7 •. '46 68 Beth* Dr i b7..14908 „ ~‘ •.14 ,90 , - $97,087 5 =,J-si;ooi to;' $21784 , 28 $7OB 64 $123 00 $834 22 ' ' $49 :87 ME si94 76 ' '4slll 60 $4,841 94 ~_ ?It _ wtri4W t. & Rstiey, _ flour _ S t a &Ws, gOodi -:- ''' ' "'' '''' I "ill - 11 Jane IT, nee;Blois-tatiper'' ' " ' ' '''' ' , 7 '6O Dootari tWelion paupers 4 t : i- , i' ' , !21 00 Oenritil Nott, BlV4pd,pauppr ~,: ‘ :-: ~: ;34 00 Nli es; Ruttlid t pauper 4 kt 1 760 •JI A Oreeping peolifirelii "elsgbam' 155'05' Dilrvin reftioviag , paupers .. : , 1 , ,-.; : 45, 410 44 4 . 11 / 43 a1r1 4 4.444 1 2:4 0 0,X •,,.., .. •.0 ; ; • ; -,8, 2 4, C nails , k e eping paniT .‘ , _ , .. 1 aBB W Wetherlde;wbbit' 7 -- j - 52'1)0 M isiflbsii..teachtni-l'.- , `.- •---- , 1 fEt• 00' I.ll.2sl ktkoptitooda - t-.. , 1 ~..:!!. ,_ ~ ,1 ..,-. ...,, ~ 86y99 ,W , 1% liatbrT l $9043 . ~, , , ~, , „ ~ , , , 1.5930 ,L tit Gardner, goo& ; , 'lt D ' Bartle; wheat ' '•'' 4 '' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' 188-15 '0" 0 Nethert,,go oh -,,. .., ~:.` _, --: 1 , , •:t :, 2 •:-.3 ~ 78 ,WICI lire4s, g 0944, , .20 86 Roberts & Bailey, goOds' "' ' ' , ' ' . 11' 18 - .Title lofliiiißlties'pittlier ' • '' . • .` 800 ' Alfred' W Ivelilember ..i.'.". ' .. • • •., •• 3'35 Truman - 4 , ..PAwant IntPko l . • •3 ; ~ , )4- 22 , 0 .1401110,0 z. geoile ~ 1 162 A 0 Bloai 'pauper ''' '' '''' " 300 souse, . —Ay EMI 11111 ___, ._ , Webb 4 filithigs,gdoas : - , 1 ; •,'• 4 26 1 : 4 4 •ZIPIPIPs F141‘.94011 2511411 : ,I•• + ; _:: -1 00 W. L ifinfner, sipping ps t uper , ~ 10 6, It LoT0p15011; brdhkinAlthitl, ' ' ''' 'lO 25' Job Byizicindir, toolii, i i . ;.. ' • ' ',•• 2 00 11.7 Whrderi nvsixingl i•-; or ~. I•• 01 i,:%-,;, AL 25 aearii *' A l e n' if 7: 14148 f1: - .--, •, i r,...;: iv -1 ' ,f t 411 ' Joseph /alto/Ass , at " . - 18 88' Truman 4 Bowen, goods 20 37 Bean 6 Dab'', good. . 16 64 MEE ~~.~£r3i::;~~y;~+s~'a~a'-irk"-$~:3=,%~:~~~~ "3':i~ ti ,, ) ;00_ 99 ••-.F ~':: = .si;sifr gig, ~~z:~~ t 4704 3 : ) r cti Boid Cotl4: / ' 4 ' Illi" WS grail!, lir . I: 4l ,At' t iay, . kir i t aA ..1:1 ~.; i or , 4...... ~, dor 1 ..•., ....,..,, .„, ,„..i,- v re , .._. 4 .11 Yo , ft 4 lila: , P7eresursooo Webb A Hastings, goods T A Robinson, labor Ato :o ,l r- 41 -1 111162 .‘gOodsf -,- . , ,-:_,-,:‘ 0 C Manion), goods + TlVAiiMnu, 0#1,4440fT ( 1 (,- . -t 0 jl, -,'i $425 92 ••;I_, ? ‘1 72.; Total amount of expenditures for the Iti'lo, including county; Poor, and amount Slate fireasarer, is $38.i'48 - 341 t - . 1 • . 1 '•-; i 1 111 " , The following property was on hand MI; 'day, or January;ll3 - 7f - lin porinnpritery•fal the county - hones aridiftitza :- -•- -; - , -,...' - l c ; ,1 pairfofeaorseat, ' I. t......fif 1 .;;:, ...• 1 7 a11 1 03., 0 99. - 1,, i - 4, E., 7. ; ! „"2 , ,i; 12 fat cows ;"; ,3 two year old heifsra, 1 1;_i i 2 calves ~ ~ ~,,.f : , 18 sheep ' - 10 shdatir 14'. 1.5 shoats: .;;;:i....• i • .4 hogs n 136 bushels of-wheat- .. I. 's" 600 busbelsost.:o,ll.o4 , :, . ..,, :-.: : i :;l2 bushels Norway ; qats-, , • 03 bushels benne • i: . 75 bushels:ears of corn' , " 4 bushels seed corn J. - , ii) pair °Carla bolo '-, -'- j ~, a 14 pair mlfiseefsbniss- z.-- ~,z ',4 pair woom'athcies, , •• - ;1 pair slippers a , ~,,.• .. '.. 14 pair children's shoes 14 pair misses' 'hew ... 3 pair boyioltees, - 12 boys' hstif' - • '6 broomi -' l7 1 pair suspenders' , . 1 - ,28 yards white flannel ; • z ''22 yards ticking; c. ;,.' -• • Mk yards inualizt _:- c---;161 yards sheeting :i . ~ ~, , - -,ltit yards dealing: ; ~ ' -- ',1i04 yardi•eatisimere '- • - l' , • •-• - • 'l4 shakers I, . :..i . 1 4 M shingles . c.", ••:- 1 .` 1. ; , 7 ,,19 barrels pork .',ft:;4 . -;.-..., 1400 lbs beef .;;:7 - ..•.:7, ft,:tt,i, T 2-10 lbs lard 40 ,-. "' , t• •; , ? . ;raj. :;::8D lin' sausage "' c 20p lbs talloA„,i .„,.,, ~,,,,L ii- ,. .p Ma tea, ~,,, •• ' T O lbs inigaP 4- -- -- .50 lbs b - utter .•:'•f- .. i •-; _ .l ;;• q. %• •i) -, : iyib ibis sugar L,;ti:, _-i ii .;: • 1 tub apple butter • -' - f; .pail paint apd-laraah.:, - , .:. A ,: t -.4. V; barrel brag•,,, .-,..-,.,,._ ~ , : - 2 plough points ' .:-- P 0 lbs greate-' ,•• •-';;` 84 barrels Sour .7'7, - 24 barrels..feed - ; ,- .' 1$ barrels .szider .... 24 barrels pickles;, 5 lbs tobacco ...,. 0 , , ,: , ~,.... barreht. vinegar ' .4 30 gallons syrup t , , , 1. ).t.•: li barrels apPle Ido,lll, , * 1 ,2 barrels botind'afffer -•-: ••= l '.i ..114 barrels apples..' - .e . - - , - I -12 barrels onions tt,- d . Al jars canned fruit -, 1 ; fl ..4 barrel soft 5pap.,,.?. ; _.1,. , c ,l bars hard soap i ",, • t'.' s' - • lbs pepper t I.i :.-,; 4 lbs coffee ,•.>1 ounce nutmeg. , '3O gali kerosene • ; '1914 lbs dried' apples ' " •`••••ff. .. i v - . 29 lbs fine ant tqbt ane......., i..,• . f 1 i 2 ; ~,:. lb plug. tobaago,, - ; ,•„ - lbs sinolilig toini can' ---_ 85 bushels potatoes • ' - ' 46 biskele turnips • j ;$5 bpshels bests ,____ .__ __. , . 100 bushels Carrots - =- - ;-- • " - 14 barrele.krout, - , - , , F. \ aqi tons hay In barn -. ii , straw in barn 342 yards 42, lash sheeting , • . 7 • 3 grosslnitteni --, -` l ' •; - , ,•,..,' • -i.24 dozen,spools ._ ... _ f: : i/ bateallooke and *yen ', • I •'' 1 bottle ludfilitda.lalci. ; • * ' '4 bunetkeli liana threfd '''' l 3; popfiri btfaiti J - .- - AS adtt'ciaiiihnets; i• • j' l, - , •' • ; IA; gillostOltsoa . - ..., , E,., „ 1 woolen skirt ''e men's shirts ;i ;i 5' boys' 'Mottles - 1 -• '; .' , •..15. chemise ? , ~,Visigliti d ress . , , • „ , '' ' '4; y 404 deliflto '• '' • • ; * l 7:yarditfoilifief l ' • ' 1 .., /3 4 pAirxcitat's pants - 2,eoats '`l:demiii`dties 1 ;shiet , wadding • ,;-• .• 2 toffee- :--- . 1 -'' • ” ", -, 1 4 7. - r!°o' o '•' . ;-1 • t ' . . ' 3 - doable licks ' ' l 'Bo pair:skinks -' ' '... ", WI lbsWoolea Yarn / B!tons coal / 9 stabldfli?l' , $956,71, EIN floa r lt -91180 flo .$9 00 slia 90 '••• $2, 1 14ti 81 8 sets wittppletrees ktedioines 81o0F, lesthep . ; Tho:lBnpothstendentg the County If 'the County; COunitiotonera toped as fo "Ttoga Donut* in adositinr with the; t toatuatitps and boroughs, In keeping 41 lee Coinkty ,ljettee,: : lnetudiogioard,'. olcithiag,,M.,_frpxo the mc day ot,Jan: `to th'oplat'daY/orjailiety;lSTVialso lotting hillit'ef fellif; and . PtitiPeteLtirthal:ehtitie Musa; end la ding.the.expenape at etato , pugatko, No, th, , 4 of taping ate , Bl4BB==B2PaaPeiti, l inale,, b lomat! 81.,80;•46,40; 88;41; • • - To- Wlllll3 F1U1P.0143 - to aotulty house . - Paid.hoepitallor, }swing r Amy. 1 - 124 creeks' board at county house • - +Taking Mary Winfield to Corning Temporary_ jeUof keeplog.paupers .• • • 'ItRQCMITIELp•-=,-o,itailiera, 0, roUlos I 70,0t0; LI • • • !Pr Uhl ug: pauplitirtir obanty ore ". 412,2 7 week& board at county hou • OH4THAM-2 paaparo,,g, t: r.), tahlegseopsp to-.oouuti house ' 7 . . * Pitid:Olsonue," oapoiteetkr E Ebobbr•a' oit)onsei kboilinglit E Young ; 88-'svcope bspr4Atcovusty houae` :I • •", t 73:"11",,1%," ,•I\_•',„! , • ;=•'!" OIfARLESTQN-12 Toupin, _8 ma • iniderivr akeb; 82,47. - ; 46; 8;1', 9 ; To county hoarse' , Tomporoxy„reEef , 285 4 Yfaaki?•briard it county 0 3U •.1 • , -..1./OVlNClTOl;(hiSrorigit) pahl•hospital - fcrtkeeping a Cleavei 00.YINWI'017 - (town!p)-9patipers, fen*goi . .agea„ T 6 -1 1 .0 s',boardatcounty housl at pounty CLirki4C-2:-PaliPe,r, 2 males; age Tet • ; Rs'idlaipitar far heaping 3- Gunn" 104 1441, koar#l` at eaunty,hottea - • ; • -19 q "• 3 ; 0p40,0i i1311i1 1 40tL•'•.,6 fapaupers, ;, male, 4: f females; agesV 92'; 02,`,25, , 75; 1 p_ald tetepOrarrrelieV ' • 7 ' "Pell hospital for keeping EiVelloat ‘;;r130 Weeks' b?ard county . , • ' .ELICLANE-2 tiang)ore; 2 ambits; a: liald raimporary rend: • - • 88 . 4-7 wanke l ' board atom:wry hone , I ~, • , ...VAItbIII7GTON . -- pauper!, 2 92: _ male;' ageii 25, 1; - 10: '1 To' IsB 6 -7iweeka' boara at county•hous 1 ' . Pitt BROOK.'*-4 ( pauper mato ;.a : 11 042 7e0kerboar4"at coutitAtettie . 1 - JACKOON—A p patipers,' 2- trittleg i 2 _.- agee,lN 60, 60, 70,, . .. , :re temporary rend, " „ " 268 peeks' board - at tottuiiit'ouee • LAWRENOEVILLE-7 paupers, 4 females ; }} gea r 7, , 79, 46x 8 , 7,13, .1 1 0 84 . 84'Week? boad at county Aims( LAWRENCE-4 paupers, 2 males, iikeS; , 2r,4i 83; 81. I' -To' 200 weeks.' boar 4 at eouritql. b Ono • 'LlltilrYti-4'pariperty 8 tnales/ L fet „ • Xotpaid' temrrary relief , .0401i - 04Ra foeltieplu'i M Farr' 180 4-7'weeke board at cottuty. boi " ( 3101qt187-1 pauper, mato, aged It 50 , 62 wtuatp! Poard at county . Ipuso MIDItLBDUKT-41144ara, .1 I Ins*liMK,Pll l 4 PUMA maul ,T 9 pa 1,41 totoporicy . 1 • 6 yeeteboard'at caUntrboty• Nl3LOON=Lllrpitepoila, B:tialeikag AVPArac t ußfrotirilers •-•-. 12 5-7 wee boat 'at aanhtylo +.w..:f~.""...~s's~,i°.sti«t~K.iY4"",'~✓y,~c:- ~x'Sri'iS'"~`;,.",^_~~~y '_ ~~. v.r .?~..;.z;.~4:._ , -r'X:; ' :Aa~Lr: t. ...':?:.r w'!:s'.t_i.:=~_ri'.:; EMI EIMM=MI!! .:t • I, - zai;i • ,r 1 t:t ~€r, L: =I ENE =MEE ; -5; y '.sl'_'l 1.14 tt. at t-,1;11 lIMI =SI =lll is , BEll =EI =I ir.h. 'r! , " - --., A sr , ; " „,..N.,...„ ~,„, „_„.,,,,,,„,,,, T'' '', , ' ,ls . 1011 lott 41gDrAyit t tqin $172 90 • ' z 4 N'r 00 '''' C 12 - niii4t4ifeutaloa; k 0 '% %A 6.1 , ', , s i ir- - =.(ck . ' 41 " - i ' r 1- ' l, •?..-^ - c i - ' in IN' r e t 4 ,, S NI. ~ . f, 6 - , r ' $ l9 14 l' Ire—le '6aid-iLtoutnity - -,hbil6o 14 23 ..-.r._..01,N 1' 6 %3 32 1 1 832 30 b 41 44f 01' :.1311IPPEN-1 pauper; tnale, agetl , 9. , - To 14 1-7 weeks' board at county houso $23 58 ,4 • L y LLIVAN-3 Paupers, 3 males; ages, 77, 8, 57. ..T0;1459-Areeke-board'at-oeuntrlionse =-4259 , 89 TIOGiA (tojsuStilp)+4,9 beuper4; 311.'i unties, .2 ;females; ages, 8. 11, 55, 90,10, 5, 41,13, 11, 1,5, 1. To expenses removing pauper , _ - 4719 T° l °P,i'raTir iette,fr 247 t ee tunitiliConntitildneir- -P-°B 0 44 year paid • ; 8469 64 T OWL (borough)-1 pauper; •tiilos , --ttged 13. To aid temporary relief ' • ' • $5O 99 aid hospital for keepioit Hotchkiss 180 80 2 weeekse board at cotsotylioas&z- L' SO 63 •111141611-3 paupers, 2 inalea,-1 female; ,ages; 129140, ,„ ; ; To expenses removing paupers ; I $3l 97 tea 4 hospital for keeping IWDonalid 290' 95 68 6-7 weeks' board at comity ilMusit 11472 =3 1 ' ~. ' + '," $437' 61 • wale, ;aged 70. • To pad 140Voi‘o`ry - ,rolef , 17 4 . 7 wigki board pt counti , hOUSD W i ELLBBORO-5 pauperi, 4 - malee, I female; twee 92, 62, 35, 75, 85. - ' " • , To expeusearemovlng, puupere ...I . - •Si ,1:10 ;!•aid E Fellorve 117;00 /00 0-7 live4l4 . l)esixd*t_eounry - boUso' 168 02 = VOGA 001INTY- 1 -; ' i '-' •:'.--, =- -.-- . 'Po wild hooßrlkeoplng Margaret'l3utke $188 . 38 ..=',.,• .. , ,:.I=IEIIAPITI3,LATI9*. • 4%41 amount oxpended i e (see i:etutity- • • haute billa 0t.187.0, bataratiAtille44B,2oo'44 pod t . otdaoltraoolvadZythitieitattindetit t:'- C - 0 to pr./Dingo stack fitunl . tha%Tartice and:-1 1 :. paicll' A b„e;.':a; i:c.,l 1., :: I? ".,.13 -T., "i .12 . 1 . 4 60 1 ... ,T1rY,T.t...4 :,:,•,,!..: - : 41, - 1 .-2:il %JP, v. —_ ' BahlACO, j ' ; L''' l ' . '"' - ' 7 t ''''''' ' - sl42i 84' I' PEE i3y expanse of tyittilffti,rohargad' to*WnehiP6 - :, f4;1300 - 87 By tb, 4.P9'F'!:tY2.0.841i,t-94 1- 440rA- - 99' ing atloonnty,„bouse.:_,.. • „ „ ).: 8.11.31 By std h0PP8.414.4t ilarrisburg, and ,• oh rged.toitownships, ••, - 1,558 . 24 -By paid hospital for keeping M Burke, and ehargid tocounty , • 108 9 . 8_ By paying instirari'eeron bulldiUge; - 105 84 ••- $7,427 84 To Inventory e,,f,peitiona). proper t y lte tfiniperintendent, Au, 1, 1870, .as bilast statement published, $4,048 30 Deddet the following property,: lost b y • not being, token , pore of, before the • present Buperintindqut name ;to the . • • co my housp,,and charged in acct : 150 beads cabbage -- ,$7 50 100 bushels turnips sr 37.40 • . „25 bullets beet 5...... . .. - 7 60 'lO barrels krout ' - 50.00' 4 harrels'apPlii - 40- 00' • ' -• Al 5 briltlieliceniOns 18 75 5 bairele, soap 25 00 9i yard s muslin 3 38-180 63 . • , , Efalanno oldinventory,' ; • $3,858 67 Amount of property, on-rhand 1 ' 1871, as per inventory, \53,96 99 Dednot Valance after taking out *Am' egad property tia above stated,, 3,858 67 ib 00 A iOO 4 fpo 150 4138 B'oo 28 00 4LOO - 00 - 12,14 ~5 Q 0 ° 38 00 19 pQ. It.' 00 40'60 f 23 00 I /2 00 5 50 "'• , 7 70 1 Pfs ' I oo • 10 9 00 11'15 .18. - 30 • , 1 20 as 00 18 00 14 44 40 00 395 00 . . . '-- -- I An inorenao Of * $5B 32 Estimated improvement one farm and buildings,. 65 00 7 79 ,:56 Amount in,fat-or of farm, '6:c„ Thh price charged the townships for board at !the seunty hotifiti 3 OPen the estimate' of the cost tilt*sok ,foi.itaish paptier, is a small fraction less than re* dollar and sixty-seven cents per week, Mid neludis" everything expended upon the , paupers—feed, , clothing, 'medicine - , schooling, 4e.! There has been at, the county house during the. 3+14,96 paupers, and an overage of over 58 ' dnring: th i.tilielet year -f: itlargeo rambler of them, Ad. infirm :and 'sickly, , "end" needing a largo ii amou OA eare,,endittention'.- Theilestoif.keep.: ing ur insane' at .the' PetinkylVaula- Lunette Heap tal, at Harrisburg, is $3 per -week. This :does not include clothing, or other expenses; and.e find some of the charges are for damage done o the buildings and 'furniture. 'This is eliaiged to the townships in their accounts., . ex cept in the ease of Margaret Burke. The Com 'mitisieners have allowed temporary relief outside omi:triune, hangs; on consulting the Enporviaore 'ol'oo townships, and• the prim) generally paid - dealt riot exceed 75 cants per week. The Com missioners would say Oak the one mill county poor tkx htte nearly paid-up for the purchase of the county farm, and the erection of the build ings; :anthe ono mill tax for the present year, it expected will liquidate the,whole debt.— ,itail they would retrommtaid that i law be passed doing away with the township poor tax, and waking It a general comity poor tax instead; as" money; would be saved to the county, by doing sway pith contested suits between townships. Tbei county bowie Superintendent proves him 7 Self 'well'ittialifled for his position, and deserves ranch praise for, his management of the farm 3 1 and o 're of, the paupers. The Commissioners co - old at Well Spare snob a' an, and conoluded the"' mild make money for the county by rats tug hi salary. The, account of- this year's ex pimp, at the county house includes eometliiiig like one hundred dollarS which "Would have been lint tallest year's account. •-- The ) ,amount of $9,338 20, the balance in fa .vor, ofjthe county, Treasurer in his account, is made ay sheet Money, loans; on individual ;semi ritY, fer`the'lienefit of the county, and to be paid by the Treasurer out of moneys now due the .;itiontyi,, when collected. P. v;vaN . NESS, Commiestoner, in account.with ':-Tio)Ka conntyifor the year 1870 - BR. Tel county orders-- " OR. 8y 5 3 days' service -. . ~Ry 8 miles' travel,.. • 0 00 37 00 80 2•.75 2,•00 4'oo 1$ 00 •. b OD 8050 . I 9 00 /0 00 2 00 15' 60 4Z 00 9 00 'l2' 00 24 37 40 00 3 15 3 00 5 00 20 00 if ante and once , allowing npore et •,18TO, Lthe fol rlngltig int Inaln ,fipital at there ; ages $BB 00 104 40 209 91. 3 00 94 00 - Sin 31 ,aBOl, WETRERBEE, Commiesioner; in account with Tioga county for the year 1870: 'DR. Tolconnty orderss2B2 84 OR. 8y,92 days' servlee _ $276 00 ,Dyl, 14 miles' travel " 0 84-$282 841 JOB itgXFORD, Commissioner, in account with Tioga countyfor the year 1870 Oiti:Tozcorint,y orders.., $313 20 1V11y193 days' 061040...; $270 00 ^ ' • fo7o tatteartiovel' 34 20-$313 20 ').:TiditiOounty, se: We, the Comitassionete of said count do. do. certify that the foregoing is a correct statdin nt of the receipts and expeaditores therein satfol' . In testimony whereof, wo have hereunto sat godhends and 'waif:of office, this 25th day of Jan. :nary, 1871. P. V. VAN NEBB, JOB RrORD. 31. W.- WPIIERBEE, Oommissionere, $16•11. 'a 170 SO slso' 3 Beq;,`B j sb=oo IA-05: . WOO 281. 00- 114098 - - $420`91 ' •• es 9 fa , 6, Siff. sl'Bo 18 55 471 80 • , ~~ Tuouse ALLEN, Cleik Robert: C. Cpx, Tracieurer of Tioga Counts', in ac count with said County, from January 11, 1870, teiJitnuary 19, 1871'-' tal 35 ' DR. ' CO. !air 1862 uncol. $9O 29 Etat° , do 13 69 Relief ; do 11 74 Militia , do ,12 81 Bounty 1865 69 65 County " do 20 92 Stet° , do 32 68 Relief do — 5B 31 'Bounty 1867_ 73 60 ,County do •'t 25 6 9 ,Poor 4 do - '•'' 20 00 -Dirinty 1888 1830 88 Pointy do 261 24 Stator = do 23 85 do 67 20 lion s uty .1869 10 1 192 50 Conlty 9,568,82 Mato I 'do ' - 20910 poor do 642 98 (Yount) , p'r do 2,248 45 ,ceunty l 1870.: * 83,45128 28 Bounty do 22,805 45 • State ' do 1,67868 County p'r do 5,658 95 Tow'p p'r do 8,621 47 Co. tax un'd '68.9 8,677 74 Bounty do ." 15,431 72 Poor , do 1:1399 92 00:tax- on nia'd Bola 'lreaa'r 1,030 oa On felilabd ret'd 48487 Costs p'd by sletr 1,195,6 E Tr/echo's note' ' 45 00 II 0 Bailey's note 67600 Ite'd froze co. farm 772 60 Jud't OP Blair et al 100 00 N AMose'd noto 250 00 County leans 1870 8,416 63 - Tex'on lizul rede'd 18 98 x lumped Comm'sl66 94 055 5i Mateo, 1 1 ; $1,83 97 i t 85, 80, $2 00 171-84 278:27 s3'4 7"5 r 39 OA 9 ,217 .0¢ $290 81 'ee 71 59 's3o 00 it 143 27 $173 2 lea, 1 fe e $214 t 68 $B6 63 females; $57 50 346 53 • • • i 186,829 48 By I?iti Mae vr 4,338 20 ; $404,03 () males, 3 slli • females; - , . • $139,107 68 Wo, tire undersigned; Auditors of Tioga co uty, 11,1'04 audited'," settled and adjusted the abo+ o ac counts of Robert C. Cox, 'Freasurer of said coun ty, do certify that they aro correct, as above elated. Wit ness our bands, this 19th day of Jo nuaryilf7L • - lawn, STONE, S. D. PHILLIPS, }Auditors. DAL P. HURLEY, $346 63 ..± =I $45 90 slt9 41 22'1 65 Amount of coubty bounty loans, as per state. . 7 : m'eut of Auditors; published Jen., /870, • $182,953 88 Amount !fumed duriug 1870, 8,416 63 $442,98 $141,869 01 tt tofll°l"ldd ' s4 tfllofait b0t230, 21 Paid on Joel Parkhurst b bd, 3,617'47' Interest paid on bonds, 9,712 64 . $68,807 87 Deduct inters at paid at above, 9,712 64 , • $48,640. 83 hy county; Jint. /8, 18 7 1 ; 82 , 18 08 „ , - $141,869 ,01 $B6 88 ale, 2 fe ,wn. MI 60 100 98 $212.48 We, the undersigned, Auditors of ~ the- county . of 'Ti. .oga, baying audited had adjusted the "shore account, do'csirtifyi the setae to be correct, as to the • Indebted zett:orthe count*. :•• Witnesi our hands, the , litth day of annuary,lB7l. ISRAEL STONE, . B. D. PEfILLIPS 1 Aadi tors., ' • DA% P. 11IIIILEtf, f, 88,.74,, 4io .e 20 45 $224 45 II $298 42 .5172 42 $ $279 00306 36 "27 804306 36 CR. County tax 1862 :90 29 State do 1319 Relief do 11 74 Militia do 12 81 County 1805 . 30 93 State do - 32 68 Relief do --68,91 Bothity do 69 65 County 1867 _ 49 00 Poor • -do " 20 00 County 1888 209 89 Bounty do 793f7 State , , do , 28 43 Poor ' 67 go Abatements 228-93 County tax 1869 131 61 Bounty do 465 79 Com'n all'd ColPrs 336 67 Abatements do 2,9D7 33 County tax 1870 10,676 68 Bounty do -. /0 3 487 40 State - do 1,922 09 County p'r do 9,74240 Tow'p poor do 6,963 03 Comm'n county tax 72 00 do Bounty .:() 42 do ed. poor 24 06 do Tow'p p'r.; 33 65 do" State, 9 18 Abatements county 498 16 do bounty 606 98 Co. orders redoe'd 29,698 61 POor do 6,686 03 Co. bonds redo'd 43,334 78 Soldiers , do 1,689 08 In'et p'd co. bonds 9,712 54 P'd Joel Parkhurst 8,617 47' Bank noteDec'69 1000 00 Comm'n co. orders 690 06 do poor orders 98 03 do bonds redo! 008 08 Sin ro'pt Sop 1 19 8,^6481 Costs p'd Sheriff ' 21 14 Comm'n p'd B Ter , 1 27 64 8130,987 08 Th 61.4 1 1500 Establishment in Northern Pa t :51 $lB4 38 1! :1 I= fl , i. AVING fliolitioo for buying and handling largo quantities of tioodi cuabits hits to ofiq thetwafilan loWiseJobbing prices. In our retail departtneuL goods are Bold at a •tnall ad. vance over wholesale Prices.. A large stock of ' • : I ,—; • ' -STONE, HON I LINIi iND WATER Lit $143 1,/ t 29 28 • Transfer Ornaments, Stripeing Pencils and Brushes „for Carriage and Cutter Ornamenting,. ', ~ ~ , 8286 02 E A full, lipA of all classes of Ooode appertaining .4; our business kept in stock Feb. 1,187111 y , •,, , - • -w - ILLAA:2a - s -• •, D l3B//tg , § to infopin the 'people, of Tioga county, that ho will sell his entire stock of „ , . DRUGS, ATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUME. Bic:YANKEE NOTIONS, WALL PAPER, WINES AND LIQUORS, • • At Greatly- Reduced Prices, For CAS U. • Ile has a large stock,:and.clesirel to doge it out, at a small advance above New York pike: , 'lle also wishes to informal/a publicithat on arid after Monday, the 6th of February, 1871; there will be no-bcrekelipl, but he •vrilt.inakhlt an object for all to buy goods in his line huh, and pay cash: G yti him a trial and bee convinced. P. S. du thanking you for_past favors alai aoliel4ng your fukfirepatronagaile promises to sell cheaper than any other establishment in-the P t •y, Williams it, Co., or P.R. Williams, by book account or note, will plpase (mine. - February 1. 1871. • ___ ' • - 4541 38 $599 tO J. A. Parons Sr, Co's CLOSING The subscribers, i! Spfing Stock, - are no ress Goods, Shawls, Cloaki now Furs, skirts, Cassimeres, &c., ALSO, REMNANTS o \ l l ALL' KINDS OF G Profering to turn tho balance of our stock of Such Gooch into Caab, oven of saerifloe. Wo hare also made ruiluctions In the pricos of a number of styles of WINTER, LUOTS SHOE% to het during this solo . , I . ' .1)1 4 ( .We are also adding daily Bitrgaini in Ronsekeepin Goods, in Tiab, Linens. Towls.lowe l Inge, Napkins, Bayles , Table Covers; Bleached 'and Brown Bb'eetings t tad Sbirtings, 'fichißV Prints ) , Gingbams, &o. We are earlier than,usual this year with New Goods, but wo think they are cheaper now than they c a n b e l a t er In the I leasou, iti4 advise out customers to make the` purchasers-as earlytati they ban. Xt is very co Min that thoy,can be - ast draper. ' : : :' ,:', • . , • .• Feb. 1, 1871. • J. A. PA 'SONS & CO. "vv. c". - r WHOLESALE, AZiD RETAIL GLASS, ALL bind, SINGLE AND DOV/DE Taxi. PAINTS, ALL KINDS AND COLORS, VARNISHES AND VARNISIIIBRUSIIES, A FULL STOC Semi-Annual E AT CORNING, N. Y. order to reduce their 6 t 0 ,912; to a satisfactory auloulit, 'nuke. routu for w offering Gnat Bargains in Boots et Shoes, 'frette MI <cs / ods . Til W. C. KI.ESS SALE 1111 ODS, , 1 t