ItgAI4I7I.B..VNOW. (The fellowint odiq, ppoegteed by the Lon don Bpeerat?r to be " the finest American poo ever written," has a sad history. It was faun among the personal effects of young woma , once virtuous, beautiful and well-to do, who died at the RinsiAnstiPommerelel of elif# Oh ! the snow, the beautiful snow, Filling the sky and earth below; Over the house tops, over the street, Over the beads of-the people you meet. Dancing, Flirting, Beautiful snow! it can 'do no wrong, Flying to kiss a fair lad?* cheek, Clinging to lips in a frolics'ome (teak, Beautiful snow froth the beaverl s Igh:,ve, Pare as an angel, gentle aka dote ! Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow, How the flakes gather and laugh as they go Whirling Hut haler* ruadiPplog- fun. It plays iq,its gitie every ;to . ne, inin4, • • 'Latighi ngi ,, _ Hurrying by; It lights on the fare and it sparkles the eye, And the - dogs, with a bark and a Loood, snap at the'erystais that eddy ar.uud— The town is alive and its heart iu a . gloss o To welcome, the coming of beautiful snow! How the wild crowd giet,titre}itig along, Hulling each ether with butuur and 'tong! Hot, the gay aledgev, like uitteurs, flash by, Bright fur u inutuent, tbeu lubt to the— Ringing, Swinging, Darkeibg 019 , go, Over the crust of the beautiful euow ; Buoy; so pure when it falls (*rum tho sky, Inle r t!arnpled in mud by,the-„crowd rush ^vlll*-441:•1. /2' To be trurataWttietrireked`bk tbs thou- sands °fleet, Till it bleirds with the filth in the 'horrible street. O'nee I was pure as tho snow—but I fell! Fell like the snow flakes fromleaven to hell ; Fed to be trampled as filth in the street; Fell to be sooffed; t to . he spit ou and beat; Pleading, Cursing, Dreading to die, Belling my soul to whoever would buy, Dialing in shame fur a morsel of breaj, Hating the living and fearing the dead; Merciful Sod! have I fallen so low? Ana yet I was once like the beautiful snow. .ohist 1 *ltlefstir e bee 66 sir; With an eye like crystal, a heart like its glow ; • Flattered and sought fok the charms of my taco! Father, Mother, Sletere, 0 :Myfelfigttaott ''ltbi'vetiee arifoto halt geeilihtv'eriirs4 will make a wide swoop lest I wautter too uigh ; For all that is tat or above me, I kuovr, There is nothi4 that's pure but the beautiful ECM Now strange it abauld be that 'the beautiful snow a . B,lAaf fall on a flutter with no w At; go I ticki'strange it should I;,e, when the night collies again, If the snow and the tee Itrikes my desperate brain, , • Fainting, Freezing, Dying alone, Too wicked for prayer, too weak fur H moan, To be heard iu the streets of the crazy town, Gone mad in the joy of the4now cowing down j t To be and to die in my terribli4thle, With a bed and a shroud of 'dile beautiful II EIONV r 14 - 7 : 111 ? Vlllll V aillataxviz.._ DOD Piatt has been interviewing some New York bootblacks that he found hanging around Saratoga hotels. The following is the result : - Where do you boys belong?" ' New York, sir.' ' Why, it must cost you more to get here than you make ?' ' Don't a gent, air.'.. `-How soo 1 ' Why, we just steal on the boats.' • But they catch you at it ?' • Aliers, after startin', and they cuss and kick - us around some, and then they make pack baggage. That's all.' ' And at Albany?' . _ 'Sometimes we steal lutes--tile freight trains, Ltiit : the4i4i gaiXiirls : io! hide on the express. They don't sto poften, so when they kick . us off, we gt, a good ish way. Then We get on ,the next train, and they kick us off,again, and the last place they,kick tuszoff is 'tiara toga. Then we put our fln ers up and give three cheers and a tige .' _ ' How do you live here?' ' We pat; uroparally;At- the Union and the ConitO* l l-,:',„ 'ii ' -,; ' Union and COngress!' ' Well, you see, we slip in quiet-like, at the back way, when they brings out the broken vittles. A' most too many keys, tbough.'s It'siettin crowded, and ;: tliey,4an'C lie it 4 \ *Joe . - nuafty Lloyd, here,any Way:. LOta'of bOya` * rind - in y from the country around, and from Al bany and - Troy.' I gazed at their thin, cuuning,.hun gry looking faces; 'anti felt sorry. Of course I had heard but half the story. ' And where do you sleep?' ' In stables and store boxes, anii?oingi t: tiirtelf-Arildet 4 the' : trees; W ben 'it - Ain't rain.' ,) And you black boots ; don't you also pick up things lying around loose?' • ' We're all good little boys,' said the speaker, putting his thumb to his nose, and giving the other a wink. ' %Ye b'- long to Sunday we (ko ; • when we lindeiriyarin'g, titre keep 'ft for:a re ward ; and when no reward is offered, we take it home to give to our Sunday school teacher for to missionaries—we do; don't we boys!' ITv course we do. We look out for the missionaries all the titne—shi ne,'em up—shine 'on up—only ten ceiite. boys, why, don't, y 4 go out West?- .. There's-e demand for' boys at the West; and a soeiety in New York p that sends them out free of expense.— Go there, and make men of yourselves.' ' Olt, go to,tlitinetW 4:k, 1 1.9-Y'd a bo y that tried that;Anni they put - him in a , cornfield and worked him like a mule, with nothln' to eat and no clothes. ,He stq)e &leather apron and put it in the seat' of his -breeches, and Was kielied thousands of miles before he got home. Can't fool me.' Good advlie liT4 l , 4 l lll tetPOW,ll away on this M0) 1 1;1413 f of a bad worfd. He had been up both those apple trees known as the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree, of Life. ,should have Pelt deeply grieved, but tbat I saw hundreds around me—children of a larger growth —no better, if more decent, than those little fellowa7-studvall 4r4vingt down the high rnild tot &Alton," And whe ther we roll there in carriages, or travel ragged and footsore In our shoes, mat ters little. When the journey's end is reugUed, WWI/ be laud tu distil:tautrib old Coupon from the little waif, that I chatted with. • - Tbil Y hlcjg,Dz "Arnie, in - .'*Oxilep o ili the fact that a man there mailed 'ta get out (Ojai', remarks that "vault chaps ha ". f! , _IW 44, frAbOrtY." pi LORI. E,B . ROSN, S cskix. fi k:l n , WHOLESAL ,1" 1 1 4 ROPRIETORS Olt - • l !SitAtta#FE - E. SPICE MIIIS IT °ABJURE ARO:. & C 0.,, would call the at. tentiQn of the Tra in — the counties of the , Bouthern Tier of New Yu k and Northern Penn. '-sylvsnier top 00'10ga' . and: ftdi jis or tirient of GROCERIESIPR VISIONS rpluitaiiiii oiiiiaud 6t tbeiri..4o4 Orehollee and Stores, No. 87 and 89 Carroll •Strec't N. Y., and offered for gale on the_ most liberal tiros, eatiefaction this'll cities intikiat4s44.'. 1 ' Our Steam Hills for the Boasting of Coffee and the drinding of Coffee and Spioes; are of the most recent fm- Iroved construction, and not excelled by any n the country. • a ' , TEA • ' s z 4 - c" . . , We have iiliall Stock ot:citelciireile:' Mahn' direct froaC.linPoiters'in"Ne* "York fo'riiiiiii, artAt dell as cheap ae any house in the trade. ,---' : . 1.. Sugars, iMolaeses yirtips from tbe best Refiners, and sold at latest and lowest New York quoMtiono.. .• - =7' FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, AND ALL KINT)rOF NUTS, ViShamali s Y •& 'Pickled We bnyffro'in filet hands 'in the' Emit; and can afield a better article at a !after -prigs than any Orm in Western Now York. WOODEN WARE, Cordage and .Brootas—A full Hue of goods. LIQUORS: We call the attention of the Trade to our large, ;took of Winer and Liquors, whichfor purityand fineness are unsuilfassad. - • •-. • IMPORTED ALES—Scotch, Irish and En glish, and of the best brands constantly on band. ,1 • ' _FOREIGN AND DOMESITC LIQUORS— We silentally Invite purchasers to call and ex amine our stock of " Foreign and Dements( I•iquors before buying elsewhere. MEDICINAL WHISKEY—We put up forth. especial beniit of the sick, a pure article- of Old Bourbon Whiskey for the Druggist Trade. Sole Agents In Elmira, of the Urbana Wine Co. In brief, we invite a close mutiny of ourgoods and their prices, the whole assortment being too numerous to mention in detail. LORMORE BROS. CO., No. 37 & 39 Oairoil St., Elmira, N. Y .Bept. 2i, 1870.-Iy. The Singer SEWING MACHINE. ,FiGunEs, FACTS AND FANCIES. The Singer manufacturing company in 1869 bold 88,781 machines. These figures, and those' given,below, are from alma rehabs (to which any one can have access) , utadb to the receiver, appointed by the. owners. of valuable sewing maohtne-patents,Who license most of the compa.. ales of lesser importance. In 1869 the Singer Manufacturing Company Bold over the Leavitt S. M. Co., 86,010 machines.: Bold over the Parham ". 85,640 " Bold'over the /Etna ' " 83,238 " Bold over the:l/tapir° " . 78,081 " sold over the Florence " . 78,120 " Bold over tiro Noe& . " 67,094 , dd Bolsover tha llowe . " 41,781 . " 4, ' Sold over the Wheeler A Wilson; 7,915 " ' Sold over the Grover & Baker, 51,593 - " ' Bold over the Finkle & Lyon, 85,442 " - 801d'oVer the 'Wilton. I Gibbs, 69,680 " Bello er the American B. E.; 78,989 • ' 4, " It i fact, and the ~... rag show it, that the sales o .• 889 far exceed'"..; on of our rivals in trade.- _ .. At also a feat, t , '. we sold last year over FOR ..; HOIJBAND 'y ore machines than Wa did two yea' •.: : o, It i': also' another feet, - th at th ese teeseei:-. ~..3 , d owtncto. the great I and growing popula , our 'Ne ' .Family Sewing Machine. It is still - another ' Met, that ninety of every hundred - machines •• n tide and Sold by us are for FAMILY use., Bat Ihe stran gest tact of all Is,•thaf some dealers, litowlig it trould'be vain to attack the reputation of our 1` inanticaeturiag machines,-aad who are ad mit all titat,cau be Aid la theit favor thus hop ing to snare the btiYies _ealitldenees .histre`the boldness to say that we have no family sewing machine, whereas our new machine for that pur pose is capable of a range and variety pf 'exqui site sewing, which mattes even those -,whe are familiar with the best work of other fathily', ma chines. Now it is mere fancy to Suppose, in the face of the above figures, and facts, that such sayloge Ps the one spoken of ;can have any weight. In stead of giving op to inch fancies, moat people, before buying, (yhatever may, be,claimed about Paris Exhibitions—or Fairs, where we seldom exhibit rastehinesp examine antLjudge for them selves2.aud because in doing so they find - ear New Faintly Sewing Machine HO superior to oth er family sewing machines as our manufaotnring machine.' are for their purposes. The true World's' Fair, held in every city, hamlet and home, has awarded us the premium of the high est sales., These machines are left on trial. We ask- no ono to buy, unless perfectly Bonded that• the machine is all it is represented. E. W. HOGABOOM, Gen'l Agent' for Ttoga county. Manalleld,'Jan 4, 1871 y Ele3atisistr3r. A. B. EASTMAN, • OPERATIVE AND ITECH4NICAL • 'hose.. DENTIST. Having borigbt Mr. Van Ilorne's interest, in the pptnerihip of Eastman & Van) Borne; wo'd respectfully request all persons indebted to the late firm to call and settle at once. ' Office oppesite the Cone house, where he will continue the Dental business in the stoat ap tiroved and skilful manner, at the lowest possi ble ratei. Call and see apeOmens•and testimo nies before going elsewhere. Deo. 1 , 1, 1870 • A. B. EASTMAN.' • . .1 Weilsboro Hotel, COR. MAIN ST. I TEE AVENUE, 51. WELLSBORO, PA. BUNNEL, PROPtii. Thi ie s populaw,ilotel lately kept by It. B. Uoliday.. o /'ho *4001144.0r wilt - spare no paltis to atak• it a flral-olaft loamll the - stages as_ rive and depart fromibis house A good bon* ittetteadance. ,1 Livery attached. JoP /07/-/Y • NOtiee j vorth Iteadii3 1 , , . „ 4V.4 v 1144 . I ,4.4tUbia A 4 0,4 ARS ,4 pptEy L. 3 y: - Popig>vn.**AlreOgroAilis fro cuk4l9 l 1 il'Ago4l A 9 iot 0. the MM. Mt.' 1 4 1 0 AltgrfiPARELAN . 4 2 / 1 PA. 48M-a SBAS * D*sBY. -~-~_ FatA. 'AN D ti: IN . HIV • Vi r r; pens a ; oJ•Yr,,-.; ridli i f "1. 7 4. C. tabir 4 5711 HAS... - JEW D_LOTEEOF ~T z:svz-‘,IF 'itztt r.F.:o cox taal :n i tlitElllnt *l5 Ott, rz • ,7:Ct . 2-1 ' iii4iiidilivi iEA . 1:11111rililigi$TOIC FEE and we will try wnd entivinee _you,' tbeL We not enlytilve "-- GtiOW: 6101004; .--' - 4 ' - -.. •:1 ' • ~„l: .:'.: -', '',, ' c ; bu thatWeare iing it cm a oat, down to the 'lotto* of tAo soafiet: =Vol,vo-o-o(4oplitcll7 iorfaiint6E.; '-- - - - R D ESS- GOODS:.;': -4• ' • • -- 411 ityiga pad Pricea; OAPs; BOOTS 41D, SHOES, • pxc., Mill We do aotpcopota Fo iaeciilofiall tbi store, si womuch sirsterikoWing EC I O4B. OrNo oliirgilor. skov!,ing_434"9 . Call *ad sap Jan. 14101. WINTEIC MILLINERY .• it& k itudiat; °Vet jrouslig a oo.ts JlLzbook ore; haidast reckeitaarou ROM' inter Millin - ery whiott she invites tbzi attention of o ladies Of Welleboro and vicinity. ".q •:f 83, 3, 1 3.1 /AL. 1 Jai, tlierfr S „, fir ATKINS &IQ ' - - NT Ipeetfulli inform the pub lie that they have es tablishil livery for Hire, theirt3tahie on 'Pearl lit; opposite •Wheeler's wagon shop.' 'Single or 'double rigs furnis'hed to ardor: They aim to keep good horses and wa. gonsladd intend to plosoo. Prises reatouablo. " • • WATEINEI -LOUDEN. Jan. 4,1871-Iy. • Wellsboro Bakery. A - J. BURGIN would say to the citizens of V • Welisboro and vicinity that •he is pre pared to supply them with 'BREAD, PIGS AND. .CASES, of the' beat quality. Wo also serve meals and and Fresh OYSTERS to Mosey/boyish. Call at the old Stevens' Mewl. 3. 3. BERGIN. Nov. 23, 1870-Iy. New Photograph Gallery—D. lioNaramore. Auetion—C. E. Brewster. SNICIAL NOTICIP IPHE subscriber would relopectially inform the public, that ho is now untying LARSE ADDITIONS to Ms stook of MERCHANDISE, bon& since the great .deoline in prices, which enables him to der many • Great Bargains. MEI The ladles are invited to examine Me 2tock o SHAWLS, BUSS - VIODS, which contain many now Styles and fabrics no before introduce4l - isCthis - inarket. HOUSEKEEPERS would do well to eisiuloo hhi stock of TABLE LINNENB, .OAIIPETB, Oil Cloth, Matting, tto. THOMAS - HARDEN'S DIE Wellabor°, Jan 4, 1871. •a BACON - & BAILEY, DEALIEIRS IPI Drugs, Medicines, Op:mica's, GLASS, MY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISLIES,- DYE STOVES. Alcohol, Pure Winei and'Llquors, for Medical Purposes. . Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Toilet Articles/ &Q. 41IPP hysicla as' p rescriptlono compounded at all howl. DLOSSiIIThe, PA, Jau. 4,1871 ly. 411111111p,k; HO 'Shuttle'SekMathilie. MIMS Machine is :the ladies favorite, and jil„, -- --pouessot all the advestaies, of other sna. (Adzes, abA-Irfurnisfied :snob len in price than otter treadle • sasobines. Any one desiring , a zustehitia will Fail oil, or address . - EZRA POTTER. - Crooked Creek, ',General A_gent for Jan. 4 ;1871- Sm. Tioga Co. . Eor We or Rent. A GOOD dairy funs in Tfoia totrsship, Ti= 21. opt:4lllth Vci n about inths Welt of the Dolma of Vlogis• about 100•41ireis improved, atul4 12 : L i nA lrovqd. Has on it " three- bitty, * l 4 house, in apple and peach orob. etd,, andotherftult trees, -- Terms easy. Algot& Oats bit the most, four Uri timber WWI froviio to 3100 toresas des/tot with 80 totes itoptoted i with, good burr touso old APlllemtallL Good fors 0 4 ark. 444 2 , . stmotm, Ttois, - *** • , Z> 3 •s:l 5 .. ' T B=M MI ilel lel . and El -i :::;, i' ' -, c ' i. 7 :r : - 1:. - —el s ' ~1:;.- - ..-1. , t .4 - - -.--.. t: ;•, .. ~~ Drugs and -Nledieines, WALL. IE".2I.3E'IEXt In any quintity and at low Azure'. I want it be distinctly understood that I sell cheaper than any other Sun in the County; farther. - -/ do tarps that no luau oau nadersell mo unless they receive goods by the underground railroad. Gaiss, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, OROSENE OIL, TOBACCO, CIGARS WINDOW CURTAINS & FIXTURES In fact I kelp everything usually /round In al Ant class Dug Stara, and invite al/ in want in Anything iu my Ilse to &ammo a oall. .No oblige for.showtuttioo4s.;„ Call'and'saa. Jau. 4, 1871-4. • . • iN or NTT' i >;w .1,~ _ its . Yo.: ][3,,'S l' a. a. ZICALTIEMID3ERLION bas just nosiest; ea hozaesse stock of all the blest styles of LADIEs , DREss GOODSI. We have in the line iZPrints (:14in the cheapest to the best. DRESS GOODS, ANNELS, "N WON% ' * ,f r• ..,___ . _ All who i" Union Cloths & Cassimeres. . A large stock of a atantial Goods, suitable for, Fanners and Mechanics' wear at low ' , -rates, even less than last Fall. 1 : , • 1 )\ Grace • Department. - --I 04: i . iiiiiia A eitietatps,CheNving Tobacco, he best 'Wanda. ' , . E f fWS-A:pi LN 1 CiA.Sill We have a fall litte . orlikailtar;e l, • and all cc • , 101'4-> Smith & Are now prepared to offer great indneenie just filed their et ore with au NEW FALL Of almost every grade, quality and price. We Jyppeop.. _ look through. our stock and save us the time of enumerating the.ardeles In Store, and then if they don't buy it won't be our fault, as our goods are Marked Down to the — LoWest Notch. We take xiliaatite in'i3iying to the Ladles - ofTiega county, that we have an 'endless reap prver7 closirsb.o - ' Wain 10 - • tk DIM 8 - Rat - - n 1 7 .1.( . 0 0* :, :1c . '. Iti : . oni a Caliiiiwilliiiir o • tcitlho'oostlyllillii.. , . • I . , .-- 7 -- . _ isErt -, :AND `MIT E . , -, - A Vliii? largi siesoinient, and at very low pricitis. • Carpets! Carpets! We hem) it very large stock of Carpete i varying:la quality mid price. Per. ton. vlistine aniftbing Ms line would do wen Udall and look trouitigh our stook. We are din Agents for the and are selling good grades • . _WE SELL cuyrus AND UMW-MERE& VERY. LOW. Corning, ci4it. 6, 1670. WAITE, A:rnetild ;ittc,.* •1,,,Y-11)zr 2,i- FANI ' • :4t;lze:,---...i'• N-: ;4r--------;77- .. . ' . ,------: - - - _ , AND HOOP SKIRT IVELFAOTORY, No. 4, ARCADE BLOCK, (near Erie Depot,) CORNINO, N. Y. This is the largest, Fancy Store in Stauben County, and is now Alla with an . immense stock of the latest novelties for Pail 4* Winter Season emit bargains in 18eatuWID GLOVS)S; and every other Wind ef Gloves. ZEPHYR WORSTED;. , • SILK YYJUITET RIBBON, s r e a p rI t 11,4aArlimilatiOlrt::; 8 " — tTi• %: 4,111 11,0IBERIBS„ . B- I t r• t. t ; : ' Fancy Jewelry, CORSETE; ofeliati: kind, and !nisei tiaildbi found in a V I A IV Y TOIE,IB. .f Ladies -intt,ititi(yo tenor het in your Welt* ity) by goipg toth* STOR Of 1 • ;- • ; • A. , 1 ' 3. HE/NE, teen the Depot] CORM% N. X* asurr Coning, Oat, 3,1870. „ -' t - -•-- 1 , - ~---- el - 1- - ......,, -. . - t„;-L' - i -4 , - ;.,,::.:,., DEALS IN PURE !ES & BRANDIES, UkroBll.ll. ) MitleP t itO , - 00/gEt NKELNOTIONS, Fi': - - 14/0 itiliTS 2 -4 3 in Asii WILL DRAB, IN RIND THAT BRAWLS, OASSIMERES, HOOP SKIRTS, CORNING}, N • • tatted States Tea Com pany , TgAS. - much cheaper than at retail B. 'n-1-1.-:oin,e' Bracelets, NIB ENE EMI EIMI P. R. WILLIAMS LINEN STOOK, BOOTS & SHOES. • CHAff. ,C. MA THERS. GERMANTOWN TARN, SAMS AND BOWS,. • 9,:13, TRWftl4 omm 11 & 08, zumxs, BITIVONIL Ell Charms = & Chains. - PAINTS, OILS, !`? V4RN I SHES, KEROSENE, LAMPS, &C, DOMESTICS, I I= BIICIIU. Brow Dlopessatory cF the Uuttod Btate's.] ksma Creaata--Buchu Leaves. .I)4BQP.ORTIES.,Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aro matic, their taste bitterish, and analo gous mint. MEDICAL PROPERTIES 4ND2 USES.--Bachu Leaves are gently stimulant, with 'a peculiar ten- Vency to the Urinary Organs, ' They are given in complaints of the Urinary 'Organs, such ag :Gravel, ,Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder; Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Ure thra,' Disease of the Prostate Gland, and retention of Incontinenceof Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dys rePsia, C i hronic Rheumatism, Cutan eous Affections, and .Dropsy. RE.t2tI.B9.Z.ZYS EXTRA CT BUGS - U .- is used by persons from the ages - of - 18 to" 25, and, from 85 to 55, or in the decline or change of bye; after Confinernent, or labor pains; Bed= Wetting in children. affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu as unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Re tention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacua tions,. Ulcerated or Schirrous State of the Uterus, Leucorehma, - or Whites. DISEASES Or THE BLAD DER, KIDNEY, GRAVEL, 1 4117 .D.ReArsic .I. sivELL. IN GS.—This medic 'ne increases the power of Digestion, a d excites the Abl. sorbents into healthyciion, by which the Watery or Calm eons ous depositions, and all Unnatural - largements are reduced, as well as pain and inflam mation. RELMBOLD'S EXTBA I 7: tCHU has cured every case of i abe in which it has been given. lrri , *on of the neck of the Bladder .and In %, mmation of the Kidneys, Ul - o the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention o Urine, Diseases of the Prolate n s Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, 44^av: Brick-. Dust, De *2l and o Milky Discharg es, and for enfeebled ~c id_elicate con stitutions, of both sexes, itended with the following symptoms: ndisposition to exertions boss of Power; Loss of lifsmory, Difieulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Ilorior of _Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision,,Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, 'Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the 'Skin .Erfiption or t/e face, Pallid ;Cbattenanee, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, f t c HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B UC.H U is Diuretic and BloodiPu rffying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, excesses and imprudences in life, impurities of the Blood, lee., superseding Copaiba in I t n ct o i r o r ns. for wh ich __ eets u sed , o itis a such as h 6 1 lon g sta nd in g, , I tnd Syphilitic A f fections--an these clts tasss used in connection with .Helm 'bold's Rose Wash. Sold by a 11,,, ruggists and dealers, everywhere: Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Belmbold's. Take no other. Price-4.25 per bottle, or 6rbottles for $6.50. Delivered to any aadress. Describe symptoms in all communi cations. Address H T. H.ELMBOLD, 494 Broadway, N. Y. "ONE ARE GENUINE UN VESS DONE UP IN steel-en graved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warehomse. and signed R. T. H.E.LDIBOLD. Jol, 48, prlOe•rly. iiiii4iiii:)iiilii:o•Oitii.l OE CORNING, N. Y. ITARUGS AND MEDICINES , PAINTS a" AND -AILS, MADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KELTU'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, : IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCK _ ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & 0041 RE- Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arerequested to sell and get quotations before going further 011111 W. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N.Y., Jan. 1,1871-• y urniture Furniture 1 HAVING completed his new Cabinet Ware house on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed' it with a large and superior assorted stock of Ohataber Suits, Walnut, Ash, filaple, so., &0., -&o., i from $l5O down, anla \as cheap as the same goody can be bo't in the cities, freight adcied. Parlor Suits; Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, with Upholstery to snit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops Looking Glasses, Brackets,' Pa per Racks, Rocking Gbairs, all kinds, ' Wholesale a'ssd Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spaciols and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county, Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING ft:MOULDING A done to order at the Fact*. Jan. I, .1571—ti Musical Instruments I ORGANS, MELOIEONS, KitrOLD INETRUAIENTE TAKEN IN lANGE, and some of the same on hand to be.aold cheap. • Be will be found atlas residence near Potters Hotel in Middlebury, Tioga county, pa. Ad dress, I A. B. A. BRIG9B, July 6,1810.-tf. Crooked • i - , ek, Pa. Ingham's Wool filliff subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth Oassimeres, Flannels, &0., &c., for Wool. They also manufacture as usual— TO ORR, OR ONE SHARES to suit customers. All work warranted as rep resented . ~They invite particular attention to Which are warranted in every respect. Partin tar attention given to ROLL p CARPING Il3t DAM'S large stock of Caseimeres, /to ~25 por cimt, less than any competitors, and warrant ed at represented. - INGRAM manufacture to order, and do all kindi of Roll-Carding and Cloth Drosaing, and defy competition. 1. INGHAMB bare Tie good an assortment of and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them - andsatisfy yonr. •elves. INGUAMS wholesaleand retail at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Rnoxville. Our Cloths aro warranted, and sold by tha following para.:ins : . V. B. ICElatirt, Wellaboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN A 00., %logo Pa. O..B'ENNETT, Covington, is. D'artloll, Itat , PAPER, WINDOW GLASS,, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, , FINED OIL B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE from 8125 down. Also, B. T. VAN 111)15.IV AND . , Instruction -Books, for sale or rent I:Dlistaceco es furnished to order irrIERFIELD, PA. their Water Proof CASSIMEAES, AND CLOTH DRESSING. Full Olotha, Oassimetess WICKHAM &MU' IM 1 Tioga, , Pa., Invite the attention" of the public to the coa l _ pieta and well selected stock of Fall Gootis More earnest - efforts then ever Ltfi,re Kill he put forth to Ipleaso and_ further ebtarge thtlr steadily inoreasiug trade. An attempt t Lta,s the • ARTICLES kept oultl be utelcra, but suffice ti to Eax,'tb e stuck tilbraces Goods to Suii CALL SEE FOR YLOURSELVES Jau 1, 1871 y TO THE FA IME TOGA COUN lAII now building at my manufactory ,in Lawrence ville.a euperior FANNING .ffl.lll,L, • whichpossessee the following ad{f utagerover a l lot Lei 1. It separates rye,oate,rat litter an , iculseede,..t.' e cbessand Cockle, from wheat. 1, 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yelicw seed, and a other !teeth], perfectly. It cleanstiiuottiy seed. 4. It does all otberseparatingregulred of a mill . This mill is built,ofthe best and racistenable tioi• ber,in good style,and is sold cheap for c sh, Or pr.:- duce. . , I I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oat frote wheat to other mills,ouressonableterms. " . • Lawrencoville,Jan.l,ll376-t f HARNESS SHOP. HE UNDERSIGNED would say to the citl• -eons of Wellsboro and vicinity that he has recently moved over Truman Brothers Grocery Store with his' In full operation on, Craftork Street, between Alain and Water sta., where he is prepared to manu facture all kinds of, Double & Singe' Harnesses; In the best style, and of the be&t material REPAIRING DONE On shoit notice and good. I employ the best workmen, and use none but the best materiel, and am therefore prepared to pleaee all who want anything in my line. Nov. 9, 1870 -- 1 WALKER & LATHROP, DEALERS VA HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STO VES, 2 1 /./V- WA R-t.', BELTING, SAWS,' CHUM, WATER LIME, tkaRIOULTURAL Carriago and. !Lumen TrimmaingL, lIARNESSES, SADDLES, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1871-y Grocery and Provision Store, V. Lai scir_ax_s, WHOLES - ALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of Gftoentos, PROVISIO I NN I Wines 9 l Liqii4i:ors and eigarg9 FOREIGN 4i DOMESTIC, GRLEN CANNED' FRUITS A.N.D WOOD & WILLOW WARE, OLAS & CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c:,,te -4 full and complete assorineent of the above metitioued goods of the boat quality always VD hand. Particular attention paid to Fino Grocer;, Dealers and Consumore will find it to thEil is Weal to examine his Stock before baring • Corning, N. Y., Jou. 4,. 1871 nilills 1 SEWING MACHINE ! THIS MACHINE has' no superior, and is 1.• adapted to all kinds of "work. It ciLly needs a trial to be appreciated. It will hots, fell, seam, tuck, bind; quilt, braid, embroider, cord, gather and ruffle, and is the best and vest machine for family nee ever offered to the public. The Dotott Loch . : ELASTIC STITCII is superior to all others, for the reason th it it sews direct from the opools and requireq 'winding of thread. It is easily adjuketl, not liable to get out of order. Persons wishing to purchase a machine, bo'd by all means try this one, before' buying art)" otboi. Call on, or address Jan 4,11 y whiCh they have just redeived I all classes of trade IVICKEIAn Harness Shop W. A. NEWCOMB CORM - NG- N. Y. DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CROCKERY ,WARE, THE GOLD MEDAL E. R. HAIGHT, Lambs Oreek,lPa• (k, RA II li ' 8 01' TY.