The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 08, 1871, Image 2

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    E 1
It'. nit
tit t •
CIRCUtATION 1 , 900 .
• P. , 01 VAN (ALDER, VAtor.
The -. Cherolled'hief, - i;e‘vis Down
\'49assitititellf-not VS*
pale faces,
,l.a*kbr fult blOO4, e 4 ['plans,
of the Spotted, sort. Reason,: be=
'papas Downing went [Hick #7l - 1,
au blood, wua civilized, and was eneou.
raging others t 6 become so, und was in
i favor of,the territorial government;
t 'P
- Dr Spearss preaelietl4 farp7
• - , • • - •
,vrell.sertnon to his collgrmalioala t the
elty 13rookly,0„iind announced; that,
iu beeinaing cJiturof. the - Independent,
he took the position. with= the 'undev
_ttanaing'thittit was,for lire; L,Aintt
64 tlie•ingier,•while nit sectarian or de
zioniiiintlonal iii' it ciniraeter
-Abe-friend and advocate of a ijtire
I, I , •
gelical Christianity' as onntained ; the
' -saered '8(1'1 . 11'40) . es; standing 4 kith', all
- Christians; orwhatever iiatoe . (irieet
eir the foundation of &Lill and
right(•ousiiebs, Wldeit Ilittl4` t. 14114 One
,jll Christ
. _
The lower house in the bliettgan' Legisiatur4
has instructed the comtnittee or. education to in.'!
quire. Tutu this extedieticy of t. uni nding the
rebbol law„iiis to make it obligatory, during,ti
certain portion of tfie.yeur, for et'ildriri keeri
. tato ago to atter.ii:sellool.."Thrit is a inote . iii the
i right direction. cotopvlepry., education le the
Wu° dOotriue. Every child etroald he compelled,
to gO to subliiol.:• l -7'elegris`pil.
'W - e•eictdorsti 'the tibOVe tordially:Oti
every rirfle - etitig illaff'vhll oMooimideTtt
tlon. In- Net every 'toliti"
lazy boy to, e, 600; atia eyeiy
teacher.who &on veld ,to relactaqt
study, ls alreatly aet‘tig, op t u punel -
pie of eotopulnory Ei
urentd will, ; howevr, leg-al4ve, fi y#teip
and sU regulake, as to ,
Iqllig far better rebult4. .‘yt. need spine
such Jaw in •.,
-The dtuly C'hronicle .publii,lies triable
of census returns, from' which-- we
tract •ttie summing tip'. Steiesi
iquineand-New'ltan - ipOlire, bride tall+
en off in population ;-also ome Territo
ry,iiew Mexico.
The total ) pobnlatiOn of the StaTes and
Territories, l
ariki tlid."Distriet ; of
ia , is stated to be '38,00,180 r being 4
gain of 2:.1,6,p.r cent. on tite:nop_nlation
as given by,the census of:1800.- ,
The population•of the United - States
.in 1860 was 31,443,32 t; the numerical
gain in the'past ten years !is. therefore
7,094,859. The poputittleit of the
red States in 1850 'wa's 23:101,870, - and
the numerical gain inthe'ten yearS fair
lowing was 8,251,445. ‘•:
ALXII4,M,t CL.MIS Oa: molly.
A new phase of the Alabama queetiou bee pre
setae"' Itself. We have a dispatch, lrom Waoh.
iogton, stating that u communication has been
receifoii by our Ool;erenient frurn Mr Thointon,
the British Minister, containing the announce
: tutu" that ho has received instructions to re open
the subject of the AlaLaum claims, and will sub
mit 4 proposition for their I, mita. by
the British Government. There are n:,
lere as to this new basis for a settlement, but No
ore informed thee the Brills!' piotiosition In
solves the ulakiug. of curtain COI/Ct.:P-1 ions on the
part of our Government in refereneo to the posi
tion it ilea boretiibiro t Tsbp.oph.
Tbis. "new bileis" will be likely to
Inept with otijeWona that will postpone
any settlement for some time. lint we
-ean Charge interest at teti per
cent., and "curry it over."
The salt litigation, which has been
carried on ilditorlally between the
bune and the World, has elfcited one
valuable fact—if proof prove's anything,
IC is, that Anielican rock salt is not
only equal but superior, to the foreign
article for preserving uieat.S.
We had thought differently ; and we
know• that those who pack beet and
pork fur use in a wuru climate and on
lung voyages, have always, thought it
necessary to use the best of iintiorted
rock Salt. Rut officers-hi the Aineri 7
can navy, who tested thei-t'O articles
side by side,'ln all climatisWhere Ships
usually go, and on iq)Srtiges -of two to
three years, found the American salt
invariably superior in its preServatiVe
qualitlekt ; and it Is much the cheapest,
It hardly seems credible, but we are
forced to believe that they have got a
live Prince iu the sung iittle city of Eir
ndra. What seems still more It:real!
hie, is the fact that he " goes about his
daily labors with an earnestness like
that of Peterthe Great, when he was
in one of the Dutch towns, learning -to
build ships !" That areal Prince sho'd
be found in a small inland •Ainericaii
City, is snfticiently startling ; but that
a legitimate Privet should ," go sheutO
any useful occupatioir‘thatever, issubir
a tax on human edulity, that,' hut for
our unflinching fai ‘ th in the Adrthliser
man, we should lean to the opinion,lhat
' there must be some mistake', about
The :says. , he r bus .in his
veins the blood of one of the royal hou
ses of Europe.' joss
, now
are a little down at the beet; bankrupt,
as regards thrones, indeed," (now you
hurt our feelings,) " hut they ure none
the less of royal blood." 'Which - is a
werry cornfortiti 7 thing to have, iis;Saisu
Weller remarked. TIR. article 'contin
ues :
" IVith utierrtng flatlity, can this hututpla roan
trace his descent trout wen wk., ivore erowns.iind
trickled rceptors. That he iany cret c.ano into
the portion of his nricest:ir., is. , zirtuit:ly dotiot.
We bave al way:, bad oetwa , ;iim to flo..
lice lhatt the " thrvile." was a
little doubtful. with there ineog; Prin
ces ;
_but we trust 1:: his ease the " King
may come to his own ugaiu"--whatev
er that may be. The article co►►c luxes
" But that he is a'Worthy 'citizen and' entitled
to the respect of . all, no ono will question who
knows hinsoar of him," "
Yow you 'talk. If he is s, 6titifpe
man, Amtnican in .feeling, ready mild
willing teoo his share of the woridle
work, we welcome him as,a man ; and
shall not lay, the sine of hie ancestors to
his charge, though ttley lived 'by- tax
tug, robbin g and cverridinktin oppress
edpeople, fok a, thotyytiid,yeara..,
'Princes are not to rare as the Elmira
man seems to suppose.: We have about
one hundred of them in this little vil
lage, " going about their daily lahorsit
as . like`"P,tet the Great " as anything
you'ever each of theft
one father . and one Jnotber,, and 'carry
ing the thing back genealogically,to the
time of Autos the Red, you will find
that any one of,thern.lifis had more an
-Cestors than there are",ipbablisni444,n
the continent of Europe„, add most.Pf
necessity be a lineal descendant of one
or more "royal holo•cb." Talk' 1,..4 this
view or the inattv. bit..3thpAnpre,_
freely, thinking4*4hliii t tticelelithaii
too may be a priu4e,tl,lllo944lir 11.91104
Is "dust now ali w 11:kV) ellfl,ulA
and a tritlC" - 51141 4. 14' 1 tiiibti
things. I
, illie lo I pm-hard winter of the north is
` — aUs,
on an the cost of Hying is at least
'` ti
tWie67o.§•ltitfeh - ,now; - sdi\ -it =_was daring:.
lila scram suiunierAtiontlis , ,hitkelt of
this added:cost .i4:flanwititer clothipg,
and not a-little' of itigoes to the , account
irifftiel.' It initYliceiri utirealliiiiable;' but
:it , id true,' that a - th'e alit)' betliePt li P i sin
NeWYYtirli city as cheaply' 119 " ile ANA iS;
- lioro ;iirldit'y mimoi• e
is? ' &Veil' ,‘" Wood: 11as, 11 4e; id eiisai4, b(li,
r •c .- ` 7 '. , i,_, .. I. because S. ~ -
eiPensiVO: Pleastint, On .1i id
evening it 4 feeli a Of
warnitillitid:pont,fort , : tO: get, ,the b aze
curling and crackling up the chimney ;
and then, aWeli kePt'ionins with a bright
wood fire. ip it is' su, very
Ail, that : is the inagie of a lire place.--;
.A,stoye ; way, . Will:p..l'p, the room 7T i ‘1" ell;
eyen, i?etter : bat a . ,hright, ertipkiing,
batd l Lire, ; warAnTs,,,the,,heakt. ,If
•we,mtist pay a, fe,w
• e;ctia
,dollars fur a
Juxuryi we would As, soon invest in; an
oPell , firePlacCand a few cords of:mei!
seasou,d, maple or black.. bitch, aEi ,a ay
thing we canthink of just now: .;-,
• - And is'ot it a little , euric l tua that, the
son - them natiOns, *biro:m.4r esupposed
to have: iitt/e - ' need ' of wriihl • fireside's,
have 4n sy nonyins•fiSi mar hearty • Sax•
ii'woids,' " Home" and Flreside:?"
least' . not in the. sense we tnie t then).—
Tlie.neitieit'afipioaeb - in 'Portugn , seto
(i - tionie, -) .! la a‘ecaa'
the langliage, ad la tlie feeligg "Floriibi
t‘ip - et .borne, '_ ' is not a popular song
.among 'Latin races. •
.". • '
-"Yes ;: -if you' have a 'Square rod 'Of
ground fit'yoUr'disposid, Plant
r tree If you own a farm dOnitfaii
a. - good oa it.:
J lt you
have an old, Worn-,out orqhard
,tigtil,frpit r i' and the,itrees ~afe not too
,uenr a natural death by I nmlect,ix,in,
note them heavily, serape off the, rough
bark, , d• " shanghai".. , theinri.;
- graft'the tops over. And, in any case,
plant a new orchard; because ; it will
gjay. , you wish to sell, there is no
'One featuie that will weigh more to
your th
set's, than a:thilay, bearing orchard of
selects fruit.
Au irnpr,oyetuent in liousepr barn,_ts
lau apir of lumber; carpenters and ma
-1 tmAs,:..aliti maybe. made at any time
.when one has the - funds, to spare. But
an‘the work of years ; and a
good Orchard Is also the result of some
knowledge anclintelligent labor; labor
Which' must' be-kept up so long as fine,
fair time IS desired - 1 . -knowledge or the
Varieties best adapted to a particular lc
cality, and also of the insects that are
so destinative to apple trees, and which
have increased so fearftillly 'during the
past ten years. * And - dui these particu
lars, we have, no hesitation in saying
'that nine otit of every ten owners t of
orchards are twlly deficient. Many
consider the'proper name of an apple--
I. e. the name by which it• is known
among nurserymen-as. a thing of no
consequenCe whatever. Some look
calmly on while
. the borer is steadily
killing their young trees; others plant
their trees very well, but leave them
afterward to take care of themselves. --L
Still others have
‘ two or three varieties
Which Suceedd finely, And wOuldlike
to plant' More . of
_the'lli, btit, mit
ihg the names, have no mode 'of mak
ing a , nurseryman
,understand .what
they want. , ,
_ -And because these are' matters that
the writer of this has - taken-the trouble
to study pretty carefully, for the last fif
teen years, and for tiiiit we think we
can give - some valuable 'hints on varies
ties, insects, etc., we purPose to write a
few -plain articles on the orchard s . We
`fiad'Supposedfthat,ariY - mati . \bibiighl tip
on ,ti farm knew enough' of orcharding
to pnta.young tree
_decently : but we
saw, mau-_-. a farmer,• too--planting a
you °raker& on ;land within -half) a
mile dr the court house, and-the-way he
was doing it wad i painfal to 'Witness.=-
Tirei;litidug a hole in - the • sOtt, - abOut
the size of a half bushel, then he 'Jain;
med and twisted the roots Into
lirext . eatrie'the diit andied- 7 -thrown in
on the roots in large chunks,-,-and.lasf
iy, hp finished the job by stamping and
- treading the ground as solidly as possi
ble owthe abused-roots. Wilds was some
three years ago; We wish that orchard
'frequently, have watched its progress;
and'wotild not give as much for those
-trees to-day as they cost at the nursery.
All the best mbreeryinen 'issue mita
logueS lwhich 'contain excellent direc-
. .
tionsTOr tree' planting, and these/can
be had by sending"'for, ,therri ; so 'We
shall not; dwell on that pOiat. ; 130 no
nurseryman can tell you just What ,va
i.ieties will succeed best iu your pari f ic.
pica locality. That is a question only
to, be settled by observation and, expe
rience. IsTor , :will the nurseryman ad
vise you to,,plant a few of tlie.most pro
fitable varieties„ while he has tens of
thousands of other varieties fast out
growing salable age.' Nor 'have we yet
seen a treatise which gavo,a Vroperlac
&mot of the apple tree borer, with' 'the
proper mode of deStroying him. Next
Week We ;wilt give 'a 'list of varieties
that we know : to be valuable in this
county, and also such as bear young.—
For Ny l e take it that people de not like
to wait twelve or fifteen years iafter
planting before tasting the fruit of their
labors. • Mid we will describe tree and
fruit briefly,-as to color, size, quality,
and growth or thriftiness of tree.. ,;
The report of the surrender of Paris is
now fully confirmed. ' • The terms
read as though the capitulation.ef Paris
were meant as a basis of peace, and as
though the people of all. France , I would
endorse and accept theta- and .throw
down their arms."Lt remainato be seen
whether the Paris authorities have rep
resented the wishes of France in this
matter. The news from Bordeaux- OP;
dioates great discontent in that quarter.
,The 'terms are very liberal toward Prus
sia, and- oorrespbndingl y y immulating
to the'French. . •
A Ve l malles dispatch says that Bour;•
baki le withdrawing to Besancon by the
read on the left batik of the river Doubs,
A portion of the"Glerman Army or the
South is in puronit: Bourbak I's loss in
'the attack on Vou . Werder's army _was
- fully:ten thousao
There is great strilbring (among the
French, and their sick and wounded
R •n ~~ i •-err
•yi y 3 t':HT=: '~S .~'. t iq. , 5i:.~ t<n o~~+:tiu'A::,a'~c.~'.w'~i~'~~~;~3U~~r'~,.:fi~'~2b~
. A
haveoeeWifbandoned by ther•-:01 tee t ing
artp..Tho remainder - off- - ? 1•4
i ea
-4tonki,,pl rt* Oar4f4
Onow oe
p* I 44434AV:14 Alimithttrii
40 lit I : 4%0/
• By the tirtiges Faris
is taxed 53,00140*Anes. The-eleetion
z l for:ll)ellikercol,the-Fivocl-P..41004e111 ,
Assembly is fixed for the Bth of Febrt:,.
ary. Portions of Oen. Bourbaki's
. ttre crossing the frontier into Baden and
full coutrol:of.thotDarthmelies ,aud the
--Bospborus.:!llher:Prl nee . iot, , itouniania
.threitteus:to resign, iforthe reason:-rbtkt
•iii.sloihjects-havo too mach :liberty: i
qTlicomulber cer , Vreilch - l ialsopetsiin
Gerth any- on Jdatiarywas 11 ;1C41:-.oft.V
:cars - addi.383,885. ,
dispatch on-- Jan. :Sl', pub;
fished in The Lei - Won -Mace, that
date says the negotiations of the
.I.3oriapartists eOllll -Ilismarch
haven takeniamituportant turn.. . ,
late!: dispatch, however, :reports
that cobsternationliaa been ,caused
WI iheligainihn brthe news of the prop 7
(mitten to conyolp
,the i Colytitucut ) As
setably of Fiance. „
Chleagoean .take the a k atte e.. 0tl
Aftlee de" beate.' The. Chicago; Repub. )
,lleaneflys ,
coaple..of bo)dhave.l instituted, a
new style of soliciting badness, whieh bus been
"known to work to a chavni - in the, calif "of several
epoiinoY- young men. Thellt Moilas;opeiandi ii
he fait. eveaturea beve i elkeriolitealcalle4
,the`iion'as Joiraat, whlCb. they„peddle,, about hi
stores and atlas: Zilealraper - rol: the
they-eay j *elf ;
"But Lhavelto responds spo9ll9', sfb?
doos'ut, know that the only hope for him 131 a
'' Ne fdtinilpl Thor; take Itieiyont Mena,'
they answer..;fliet I have *Handy friencl,'.grins
...the lively young man. ',Then ; (ver,y polity ) . yon
;Who the papa, add ffnil'ydw a ' Lady friend:
iltntingh said.i ( 4 ladY friend forlittYitiits is
,dirtlehdap - ieven 14;thesttight times; and:limoi•
ney,bands over'. ho.abinplaster Jr'. just no time
at all: ,Be gels to'itionumbet te:whiehhisblesige
friends d Mei, and finite therbz de such
- ,eommodity as.tio'bielsoright - f0r...;11e .esolaims,
Bold !' and-retires ladiaguet. This story
to us from one;ili b.coni of Many
'lf -it is tius:iillittols' itn/Y• one fault
=about , The spank_ of the blondes, vis.:Aliat they
M 1 84..1 , to=ohargetOßlPPl4 apiece."--
. v - , •
0.. F LETTEIi'S Remaipin,9. ,U
-'" for in' the' ?slit 00ce","
"rdi, January'3l., 1871%
Franklin Austin; 'Nettle d Avery,s*Mrs."A. B.
Allen; Butlerc.Oharlesitrown,..idrs. Ellen
Bush, ; Wm.,-Bprden, klye Ba con , . Andre*
'Breilgsti; T. Brown ? S. B. lirdwn;,;W: M.
Benson,leremiah 'Campbell, 0. 13:Caitlin°, alti.
P:Y.‘Ohristian, B. M. Bawarde, 2, Mrs. Sarah
_English, 3, Miss Anna England, Miss Josephine
Edson, George Franols, - Alice M. Green, Sa.nau'l
Heron, M. B. Hotchkiss, Rev. W. W. Milt,
Emma Hall, 4, Edward "Kennedy, Della Kim
ball, „Flora Kimball, Abram, Kimball,- Albert
Mitchell, )3. Munson, Mrs. H. J. Miller, David
'M'Kit'Stenbeit .11:12/.
Perhani, 2, William 0. -- Pelten;Alies Arlininda
Rood, T. A. Shaw, M. B.- Seeley, John Sabin,
F. B. Stree,ter,„litebAspa - Serantqp,,A. Stuart,
Adam Saint - Aden' Yohn Trout, L. A, Webster,
Mary Ervin, H. Williston, Jr., Winnie Willson,
Anna 1 1 2-Willscin.4; -"' ' • ' '
Ia calling foi aki of the above letters, please
eay advertised:" .0. W. MERRICK, P. :M I •
Feb B,lBlf. , ,
ANY quantity on hand at the Elk Run Plaster
Mill, 4 miles from Gained. Price o'oo per
Jan. 25th, 1871.-Sin • . .
- -
UTANTED.—A widow woman to wait upon,
V•V and do housework for a family of two
persmis, to, whom liberal wages will be paid,—
One with a, little girl might apply. Address P.
D. Boi 29, or'apPly to P. M., Elkland;Pa.
" I Feb. 1,•1871-2w.-
ALE persons indebted to D. P. Roberta by
Paole account orioles are requeated to call
`and settle and save Coats, at G. W: Merrick's
Feb. 1, 1871.-tf
Of the
_Receipts and Expendituree of
the Treason/AP 2Yoga County for the
oni 1870
County 'tax 1887,
Beauty, "
County; • 1888,
Bounty, • "
County, bounty, State poor, county
poor, - 1869, • • 18.928 48
County, - 1870; 22,204, 40'
Bounty, " ~ • ,
_11,820 59
State. - • , 845'51
County poor, " " 1,79154
Towriship,pobr, " • . 2,724 !TV
v ,i, .Coupti tax, 1868-9, anseatO 1if1d3.8; 6 77. 7 4
Bounty; • ."„ - 15,48172.
, 1,899 92
County, Treatfirer,l,oB6 08
• - randi rodeorded. 484437' .
Commonwealth tioetsp ' d Iyfilieriff,l,l9s
dliraraligebe't iota, "1-.' 45 00
H• C. Bailey'exinte, • , • • 545 00
T A Robinson, money county fOrm, 772 60
Judgment, county vs of al ; 100 00
N Close!s note, , 250 00
COantYloans, MO, , 8,415 6 3
' CdUrity tai fiesta lands reacemea, 18 95
:COnity,tax,lead told commis're, .166 94
- ' • Opmmissipart4' Wagee. •
'Job' ' ' • z 4g18 . 20'
P. V. Tan' ' 308 . 36
M. W. Weikerttte, - . 292 84—:— $902 40
- ' '6nimiesioncre. Couiiacd.
ilenr.if '415 00 " 1
- 60 00 ' 4
' Wilson & Niles;'6o.oo • '
John , VMitohell; ' •75 00—.— 4199 : 00
• Themae Allan and
• 13.1).Philltlia,et :$93 26
Liiaal Stone, ,- :42.90,
.13. Araliar;.: 69 , 419565
verse furore:
• . .
B ; Willco; at al,
• arqndJuror3.`
Henry Illowray et al,
TEiOtilas P
Wm' M liiseho'eti al, - -
$ E Clem'Gland et al;
• • := •
1), Dunbar eta), . x „,n,13401) ,
0, Van (fielder @t al;
J L Calkins
Catitittonteea/th Cane.
•C L Kirk et el, "' • "
Did" rict dttoiney.
Joan'r Mfioke . )l, • "'' •
&Wray' on Wild 'Cafe.
D Ondlikleaat al, . • $l2 60
Viewing Bridges anckitridge Vitye.
H 13aker_et al,' `' • .„ •
- • ' • Repairing .Bridges..
' A leynalda et al, • • . •
• ' =
_s a Tacliaia," - ' , - 00
Silas Allis, ' " 112 00
James Lyon, '•` — 1 50 00
- P Mud, in inllivatt,. 346 00
• Ottal HyotiOn Ellilaad,l 2013:00.
13 Knight, in Ward, -. • •481 89
4ilaa,Alll6, 1a °slues, 00- 7 $1,646
, I mp rovements.
Charles. Plana, : • $ 5O . 00 •
A Caoladge, . 20 - 00 .
Abram Carl; , .25 00,
Charles, Edward,.. 65.00
A Htiniphrey,," ) ' 1 20 00 •••'
- -30 00 '
' .1• • t.f' 26 biy; • •
A Wood ; f,; -
;•J SM'Collin,-; tz : - r • ;20'00
• ,CharlerTlibba; - , ;100 ; 00 ;,
B:o 7 nOtt, ; J 5 - 00
~1 1 '010!,; - 23,:00,
- 11
A. itimin ! ! - • , - .,25 , 00'-:`
• -At OrqdsPeido, ll5O 00 '
'A Jahr:titan, , 9.5 . 00 .
8 Hassaltor!, 23'00
A Doxiglasa o .'• 45 00
Ford o , , 40 00
W Ditabbuin; SO 00 • -
Nawbitylelarse,- - • , '2O 00
thomas.Owlalt, : 10.00
z . john Dlaakerallf • 2 t , 0 2 n
- 1 63` , 20%
TV , satir7 , •!•_;f-: 7( 8342
, 26 00
$4B ,69
73 50
588 61
$97,087 51
-$ . 1,601.60
87 . 08 84
$123 00
$834 22
, $99 'B7
$BBO 80
4,913 91
$1,164 91
Si 94
$257, 16
$4,841 94
- 'qMi 4 -?‘"M=it f e. 4 .4 - Z..":0-` l 4%'
"'"? ~„:
James Peters, At, '35 90 -, •
ltobert Casbeeto, 40 40
über,lco CcAYrc
=44 -mlr'
4ef p AVji gei4
Das 41 ae et's,/ '-f••"" 58
J,F llptrelilson — at al • $425 92
of Quarter Setaions.
_ ,Jolm.E.Danultlstm .„.$0.05
D/e/r;4ls/Asy Asp/Amide. do.
A sT4)EII9
"2/?4dtitii":i Jail: 1"
- -.l','ex4honotaq's fess.
J -F Doitildecois, $75 '3O
J II Potter et el. fit,l7s 29
Eastern PEnitentii rr
Atil:413111 cq; ‘ '4955 72
J B Vottoy of s'BB9 99
Refiinderi: • - • • • ' :•`
of al, • $1,2t6'i58
• .
e = - Poetayc
Thomas - Allen; ,%
iNood and Void;
rAekBPllO4 • , - CO .00
rJa . ry CuripktesioAer•
et /Pi , . $ 5B ,28
7.• ; D 0 may,.1 9. ..1) - ro, k er! g ,"_ •
~kfelgort Swope,
*Coning RecOr:cle,
Teachers' Institute;
E Horton
s, Trteidertlnl.
3001 Pirkbiiteti money loaned, " sibEl' 09
M. Waimea% Aletriketthil.gergitgt
Isyarise i l: . ,ctgOnat 41 , 11 , ooayittypbf. .22, be
. .. ,
R 8 C o ok' for tape,' - . -•— 'l6
J. Jones, oirctilatig remonstrances, • .10 00
0 , 1•19 . Bretherbee,„ " - :16 64
Job Itexfoi4; - 13.9$
P V Van est, - " - ' -12 00
P. VAV - iiii essioupensee,, binding , ' _
• 90.4.8 11 las' ' - • , .•
~ .• • .-A AD
D L Dean , aciinoiledging Treasurer's
bond, •"- - 14 00
0 F Moore, livei,ibilli • - • „ . 2 00
Roberts Ac Batley, geode, • 3 87
M W Watberbke,„assesima't Morris Run, 18 00
P, V VanVess, " • f• 21 90
Carry Basil; oiiiiiiliN ieMonstiences,,, 6 (0
1911BiAiting$,SiOniga, A 0:,... .? - ' l '. - *- 7 ., . • ;'8 09
.1110.001,, killoP#„for. ( 1 0011 , - , •...Z , -,• , , 09
'D, Xinnuell, expreie abargee, ~ ' • 2 05
M Orating, - Sheriff's fees,ilitadfeid c 6 - - -.• 8 12
iMiller;liarrialuilltiPelegralib,: ' .': 1,• '. 900
Wilton ds,. Vim Valkeulmrgegoods,. , :.-• 41
M Bullard, expreskobargee, . 195
Vharles Blaols; Pilbio'irOod, --- ' - • 818
H 0 ectOk, repairing Priery'ibthoe, •!•,16•00
DI. Diinei.h• IO! 1 -f ' " 'P ,' - 305
244 a I Jaoeor,443lair j udgment, ~, 100 .00
B ,11,0ox;,ittin_ip ald'dlsp dint eo - lone, ' ' - 16 19
DIA Diiini, , exprescoharkei,- 1 , - ' 1•7•-21-0,,
Ti P , Wintater end, relisiripg"Otace, • _,B 76
B 0 pia; disioupt and stamp, co loan, 83 02
`Toting tt`Meirl6lF, bit:Whig co bulhkge, .214' 50
R' 0 Cos; dilionit'and stamp 'co loan, , • 10 91
.11 D.Haokney, newspaper; • . •• - 8 .00
, $743 23
..f •.
Townshap Lines.
Duvid'Heise etnl, $lB - 50
'• • - Inquests, - thc.'
H B Smith et al, • • •
• Idtadt add Coitniv
R 0 Cox, Treasurer,' ' $lBO 00
Cohr4 House, office• .and
D Sturroek et"a1;• _ . : 9488 03
Lund Returned:— . • •
;E Strait et al,- •`: „ • ,• $9 00
Repairipg River 'Janke..
Charles T.leb et al,
Township Appeal'
W Wethorbee et al, , • , $lB3 90
County Tr'ealiurer.
t i coretnissiori on co bonds , $BO3 - 88 '
• g; ft - orders, 890 98
• poor orders; 98 03— $1,692.67
State Treasurer..
W $2,764 31
Amount of tills paid to the following persons, for
County House and ' arm, and other bills ,
ship, &v., from January 1, 1870, to January
1, 1871, by the Treaotirer of Tioga County :
. _
John Wortendike. repairing, flo' $2 00
iB T Butup),.irel,dootoring : pauper 15 09
Jas keepingVestileld pauper 143 14
Beller Batterly,keeping.Oharleston pauper 11 75
AMAJ It Speneer,,flour and feed - 28 00
Jacob Morsman, digging grave 4 00
T L Baldwin, goods to Ttoga pauper 13 92
R and P. Palmer; fixtures , poor house ' 14 - 00
.1 Fish et al, goods Tioga hero pauper 60 99
Tnnn .TrtratT, 11`...rr.•
Converse'.- 04Oorfa'r coal • 862
W T Mothers, -merchandise • . ..,127 07
PH Sheffer, bringing pauper to P House 824
Samuel Morgan, for lumber 5 76
Miller Poz et al, keeping pauper • 58 .75
B T VanX o rn,"-fiuniture.
' , 22•04
Nelson Paoksr, doctoring Drunker paupers OO
W L Wairiner, Weeping Deimar pauper 8 25'
Jane Jones, Blosi pauper 3 75'.
Job Look, sheep for Poor ionic 195 00
M Conway, removin& pauper 1 pol
S Watkins, livery " 2 00
C L Willcox; goods • • 101 52
-Roberts .4 Bailey; goods 91 60
,W T Mothers, goods . 19 03
Sears & 'Berby, goads , 6 55
N Austin; cow • - . 66 00
Jane Jones, Illoss-pan per, ' . , . 2-26
G.W. Navel, repairing 4 85
`Webb it - Hastings, drugs ' ' ' 4 25 .
SelarEalterly; goods . - ' • 600
Joseph Mitobelb,9o4ll . : '.. , '. 52 25
W 1'141046ra, goods 1 . , - 183. 61
Jibe Jotieti,Elost paper.' 3 00
i TolesA:.-Barket;goodli'• - - • ' -, r '- 9 55
Wilcox 4 Wheeler,,goods• . , • .10 60
Vifilloax 4 Filiaeler„, goods ' ' ' •" ' 20'50 •
D I:Mil, firirliNg pauper to peer, house ":1'6..157
MA Robinson., brutality • .= -,. : • .50 00
.T L' . Baldwin' s ,goods_Tioga pauper ~ -26 60t
;W C Griftia,bringlng pauper° poor hqui3o 13 '75 ;
B 0 Kelley, goods " -
," ' • ' .4 - 71 -
-Bqllard &Co, goods ... .1-86
:ER Willjams; goods, , r • . 19 68 -
, . ,
.W,O Kress, .goods : . 4O 15
'L A Gardner, &oda" . ' ' 27 96
Wright it• Bailey, gqeds - ' .- 85 00'
Roberts & Bailey, gbods • • . '6 74
Sears ,t; Avery, repairing , .SO ,00 L'oun'sbury 4 Kimball, repairing "10 os
O'J'Wheeler,Xephiring' iii• 85
John Lookerby, keeping pauper ' 16 - 40'
8 W Sherman. removing pauper • -11 65
M,W ,Wetlierbee, bill of work COO
E Boynton; goods for peeper . - '57 50
N Paoker, half, year's-salary : - .. ..40 .00
-A Hart, flout and feed , - . 70 19
W L l O/Tarriner,,kbeplug pauper 8 00,
V M Seeley, coil .. ', '-'3 20
Wilton A Van Valkenburg, goods . , 62
Gill Hastings, goods - : : 84.07
Alaneon Thqmpeon, stook , 60 'OO
Beerier. Avery, repairing • ' . ' 21 95
Leroy Tabor 'filiniture' - :' 18 60
Samuel Lndlonv, opts •,• :- , , ,• 22 50 ,
J E Lyon, digging grave 3 00
A 12 Niles, bill a -work for Tioga paupers 4 50
Nlt DeeiJustioe'm bill ;., . . 2: 00' .
„W. /11, Lush°, removing pauper- .:, , - ,• • 1 - 0 0'
Johi4OokerbY, kieping,palipee ''' ', '43 '5B
Jane Jones, Bloss pariper- , • • • • • --1 00
J H Everett, removing pauper: . . 4200
II M Sheffer, removing :pauper. - 11.86
0 Bailey, removing Pepper, . 1 'B4
A Wails, removing pauper • - ----. 600
W.. 4 Weir, keepingpaupers in asylum - 445 18
John II Shea ) keeping pauper - ', -20 25'
Hll Cooper. expenses do, - ,25 00
J H'Everett, removing pau pers ' 21 001
-George Hastings, goods - - - • . 61 88
M Id Converse, use of bull .. 16 00
8 Ludlow, .eare . , ,14 85
E Felloirs,luiter -" ' ' , - 'l3 14
W W Webb;half year's salary - --• ;50 00
John H Shaft; keeping pauper, , . .. 0. 75
C P Veil, bill for coffin do 16 00
E Hart, flour ' , - - 45 50
r.l R Barker, goods - • . 144 78
.0 0 Mather', geode, .. , 35 61
. .
B T Van torn, furniture ' 12 00
'W C'Kress, goods ' 36 60
Toles & Barker, goods ' - 44.90
Jltiberole, leather , - 6 95
L ,y, Gardner, goods, • 21 22
Webb4.Hastings,"goods 8 76
0 L'Willaei, goods 38-39
- .Roberti 4 Bailey,- goods . . 45 68
Sears 41. Verby, shack ; , • 14 00'
Wright 4 . Bailoy, flout . 42 00
W T - Matliers, goods . ' 212 27
Jane Joni% Bless pauper -- - 700
Doctoring-Nelson paupers' , 31 oo
Conrad Nott, Elkland pauper, 90 00
ETpdike; Rutland pauper • • f - 50
J A Weir, keeping'patipers in aislum• : 355 95
D,lrvin; removing pkupers • 15.40
John Elroy, blaeksmithing 8 28
0 Bailey, keeping pauper ' 868
M W Wetherbee; wheat ---- --- . b 2 00
M Borden. te,aehink , - ":-.,' :- 300
J 11 Barker, goods' ___ 98 99
*CT: Matkers,,gooda : • , 169 30
L:A thirdner, goad! 'l9 83
R D - Battle, - wheat " .. - - 180 85
0 0-Mithers; goodi ' , • .. -, - 3.78
,WV,Areas, good. ,-. ~. -.: •- , - ~20 66
RobarttAßailey, goods:. „ , ' , 'l7 IS
Jane 36110;1119,61iusier : -'
' ~
;"•„ --: - "3 00
.AlflaillOl,linnber'i- , • -.- • , ' -.3 -36
Tnausiztlo`.Boireityoer -,. i'; , . ' - -4_, : -
0 LWilleSF...gotuls: •. , S -, 7i, . ; . 7 . 52
:diribJcines,llli4prniPet , -' 300
-Webb' itj ILietltigeigeode'''-- , • • ' 7'26
- VG .B.lwardei•rimovingliatmer . . ~I;90
-W L Warriner, Iceopl4 psytki6l--f- - ,TA , 16 50
R Lounsbury, bliekimithirig ''‘ \ - ) - ' 'lo - 25
Job Symonds, tools ;) '''•: 1 ; , ' -'=- N 43 A =• .-L 2 00
041Wheelar,Aopairing: -„_ ~ , ,:._ , 6.26
. f/riarn'it Avery, mailing '' ''' ' 514
'ldsilitt IliteliellPeotit-'' , '' - -: " :'•,-!,% 7 5347
TnunstkitowerriAmde'; 7 • : . .1-- :fto 67
Sun a Poly, good's 16'64
W . 4 01414: - 1. Wroll a 19 00
Jobn OA ''" lioksmithing ' 12 90
Jlt 134 ` 'oitifio,ds ..,:, 40. 44
, W 0#: iniitbing cider , '::-:',f , /' 27 Of,,
ir IA Oh ifieods
4 _
~,,. I #lo4 ,ilKiiiiring
,'",.. ,-; 41 Bt.
- i_A , .
- ,. --, :if 15.'4 Q
r= p ing .st etifoli, insurance • ''.;.- 1 ::', ~, 21iL dr
1 , elibki jloli i ngs, goods . ' , i? z . '4o A
T A ItOillikon, labor ad ' 'Lass Alt
C L Willcox, goods 8 ITO
C C Metbere, goods , . 541
;It - Ar'ROblh'Soni'on salary — - ..:-...'-,550 be
B_JVr.own,juplbor. . 10 00
- 1 70t,0 - fr,
7 .40"_849,9 4-4
Total" adbourit of bkpenditures - fOr the year
1870, incliadintoonotir.pi:o4s en - 4., aruouot paid
State Treasurer, is $38.706 M. .
The following :pruperti;ivies on hand the first
day of January, 1871,-as per invauttay taken at
the county bons° and farm ; -
1 pair Of'hUi•see
7 miteh•covis '
2 fat cotve
3 tee year old heifers
2 cases • • ,
18 sheep " _
10 6hoato
4 bogs". — ,
1301i - 95We - of 'wheat
-":6oolblisliehi of - oats
12 bushels,kierway.pats
13 busbels.beans
75 busbels;ears of corn
4 bushels seed corn
9 pair coarse boots
' - 4 pair misses`' shoe's •
4 pair women's shoes
1 pair slippers:
14 pair children's shoes
14 pair misses' shoes k
8 pair begs' Shins
2 Wye' kati— ' • •
8 brooms
1 pair suspenders,
28 yards white flannel,
22 Yard! gelling v , .
111 yards muslin ,
• 10} yards sheeting
28i yards dewing "' •
881 yard! easabrieri)
14 shakers - .
11 Al phingtes
10 bands pork
210 lbalard ;
80 , 1bs•saitsage
209 lbs tallow
5 lbs tea "
_BO lbistegt&
r 501 W-butter
' `4o lbs sugar" 1" - •
1 tub applebutter),
1 pail paint and bruib
1 barrel-,bran.— -
plough points
18 fowls
200 lbs grease
31 barrels &nit
21 barrels feed
18 barrels Older"- ;
21 barrels pickles
50 lbs tobacco
41 barrels
3Q gallonfsirup
' barrels'apple sauce
- 2 barrels boiled 'cider
111 barrels_apples
12 barrels 011i0118,_
11 jars Canned frpit
1 barrel soft soap
18 bars hard soap
. 4 lbs pepper
4 lbs coffee
'1 ounce nutmeg
80 gals keroseno_
, • 1011 lbs dried apples
20 lbs Sue cut tobacco
' Ilb plug tobacco
• - 4 lbs smoking tobacco
:..850 bushelslotatoes
45 bushels turnips ,
35 baobab beefs
100 bushels carrots
l 3 bands krout
331 tons hay in barn
straw in barn
- 341 yards 42 inch sheeting
' . 3 gross buttons
21 dozen spools
2 bomb Woks and eyes
1 bottle indelible ink'
4 bunches linen thread
3 papers of pins
15 cotton sheets
11 pillow wises '
• 1 woolen skirt "
ö men's shirts
5 boys' clothes
5 chemise
nigh. dress
• " 4 yards delaine
7 yards calico
3 pair men's pants
2 coati
1 demin dress
1 Bheet, wadding
2 towels
-S1 otugt.
• 3 double ticks
30 pairseeks
191 lbs yarn
' 8 tone coal
9 a:helves
S sets wbippletrees
_ , Medicines,
13tock - of leather
-- =S7 Zb
$3O 0?
's9o 09
$177 10
$196 10
The Superintendent of the County House and
the County Ocimniiiiionere report as follows :
.Tloga county in account • with the following
townships and boroughs, in keeping paupers at
the County House, hioluding board, medicine,
clothing, do., frotn the let day of jantiary, 1870,
to the-lst:day of January, 1871; also the fel
lowing bills of temporary . relief, ,tild brie ing
paupers toile County House; Alla 2 alio .in hr.
'ding the expenses at State LunatiO ilttpl; L x at
Harrisburg, and tbcccoat of taking them ' ere :
BLOBS-6-6.paupera; 1 male , 6 females ;1-ts.
-,-_, .. 63, 60, 46, 80, 86, 21: - . - 'I -.
To taking paupers to cantity house' ' ". $63, 00
~ 'Paid hospital:for' keeping P Amy -- 1041'40
::126nreeks! board titnennty house 209. 91
•1. , Taking Mary Winfield to Corning 3 00
Temporary relief keeping PinPors 94 00
; .
$4741 31
, • . , ,
. SII,OOItREILD-;-3 paupers, 3 males; ages, 0,
• 70, 40..
To taking paupers to county Imise $l5 75
102 2'7 weeks' board countybowie 170 '6O
..... , $196 35
A •
OHATHAM-2 Paupers, 2 maleB ; ages, 89,
) taking pauper to county bowie $5 00
Paid 131oeum's expenses 14 05
.31 1B Cooper's expenses 25 00
Paid hospital keeping M B Young 261 90
69 weeks
_' board at county:house 114 96
• t.
- . - - '''
, ' : $420 91
CECAULEBTOI7-12 -panpera, 8 mates, B fe
ll. ritideof ages 82, 47, 45, 9,7, 9,7, 4, 9,13, 9.
T taking pauper to county house sl 00
Temporary read' 18 55
285 4-7 Weeks', board at county house 471 80
-To paid hospitalfor keeping Cleaver 055 54
. 903 1 :INGTONjtowt0p)—; paup4r4, 2 . maise, 1
female; . ages, 74, 3a. .
-T o 110 34 wtiekebbard , tit county honse $lB3 97
likL2 paupers , 2 males; ages, 55, 80.
To removing pauper ' $2 00
r Paid hospital foriteeping J Gunn 174 34
, 104 weeks hoard at county house 178 27
DELIA - AR-5 paupers, 1 tale; 4 females;
ages, 92, 82, 35, 75,18. • . . , .
To paid temporary relief $34 75
Paid hospital for keeping 11 Fellows 39 00
130 2-7 . weeks' board at county 'haute' 217 06
,$290 81
ELKLAND-2 paupers, 2 males; ages, 71, 59.
To paid temporary relief - • $3O 00
- 80 4-7 weeks' board at county house 143 27
$173 27
RIIIII,IGTON--3 paupers, 2 males, 1 fe
'male ; ages 25, 1, 10.
18 6 - -7 weeks' board at °untdy Muse $214 68
. LL B11.6011—:1 pauper ,male; age, 1
.2 weeks'boar(tat count bouse $BO 03
OKSON-4 paupers, 2 males, 2 females;
I gee, 85;69, 56, 70.. • •
To 1
' • . .$404 03
WRENCEVILLE.--7 paupers,' 4 .males, 3
emales ; ages, 7, 79, 45, 3, 1,13, 10..
To - 'B l 4 6.7 welts' board at county house $l4l 72
LAWRENCE-4 paupers, 2 males, 2 females;
ages, 27,4, 83, 61.
To 208 weehs' hoard' at County bowel $346 63
LIBERTY.L-4au-pers, 3 males, 1 fomale;:ages,
77,79, 20;
To paid lerapohry rglt4f 830 90
Paid hospital for heating M Farr $179 41
136.4-7 weakeloaritat county'house 227 65
520RR18--1- pauper, male, agiol 77.
To 52 weeks' board at enot7 lynaza , $B6 64
,21ITiD1:1111'.12i t Y-8 pupate, male, 2 fe-
Miliii,;,one - agef 20; o th ers nalmovin.
To . pall t emporary • slo2` J5O
.06 week? boar& ateeimtrhouse• 109 98
$212 18
:liv,raspx- 7 4_pp 9 pe t t B‘,ntalee ; ages, 88,-74,
TO'experites"itinidiiii paupers -- -;” 'sls'oo
125 5-7 weeks' board at county hones: 2114 7 15
. -; • - • • . •
$224 45
~5°ai 21~:w r~v::ina'c:ia s`i~s~ w'w r~.3','~. :rT~N`•:i~~~~a:..r.
uiporary relief 01 60
18 weeks' board at county house 348 53
To paid borpital for keeitlas-TWatets $172 90
ItUTLAND — kPilureFa.c. 4lo '"Vilf 3 females;
I`9,l3.al44eufp.orareat t 19+15
,c 1 Nooks,' Oar atiOliAlYjiouse 144 23
,j3jIIIPPEN-1 pauper, mule, aged 9.
To 14 1-7 weeks' board at county house $23 56
• 'SUIAIVAI.I-'—ft paUpera,'B Mixlesi ages, 77, 8 ,
To 156 weeks' board at county house $259 89
,T40:1074(0 , YA44 1 .077-4 , 4;RP,Par.8.1 zka,/0.5.. 2
temales - ; ages; 8. 11; 55; 40;10;5.44,1'3, - 11,
*•=. " ;
To expo:met, remoilag pa )e
Temporary relief
247 weeks' bound at county bouie.
. 4459 54
TI - OGlA.(bororit) 1 pauper, male, aged 13.
To paid temporary rollef 5U 90
Paid hospital fur keeping Hotchkiss 160 80
• 52 weeekebbard at county house sd 83
.. .
UNION-3 pauper*, 2. taalea, 1 tetualu; aigee,
28,40, 23, • ' . _
To expellee* removing paupers :: _ $3l 97
Paid itaapital,farltapplog /111.'14.uald . 200 ,95
68 OJT weeks' board at eattuty:hou*a 114 i 2
• $437 64
'WESTFIELD ' ,. (inivtiablp)-1- I:lauptri.t.tnale - ,
aged 76.
To paid temporary reliir -
. 17 4 7 track§ board'at county
. • '-
W BLLSBORO-5 paupers, 4 males, 12.fetarle ;
ages 92, 82, 85, 75, 85.
To expenses removing paupers $1 00
Paid hospitallorkeeplog E Follows 117 00
400 6-7 !stake-board at county house- , 108 02
. ,
-•'TIOGA .COUNTY— - . r
To paid beoi'l keeping Margatet Burke sl 6 + B 38
. „
Total amount expended„ ()lea county
house bills of 1870.•bofore montio l d, $3,200 44
Deduct cash received by Superintendent
for produce sold from tho farm, and
paid- Treasurer,
By expense of keeping patipers at coun- ,
ty housd. ehatgek townships, $4,696 07
By temorttrirelietto anpers not liv
BY paid hospital' at H
charged to towashiPl4,
By paid hospital for he,
and ohar L _
By paying ins
• , . _ . - . • ...
$7,427 84
To inventori.otpersoal• property by •
late Superintendent, , an, /, 1870, as •
by.last statement published, $1,048 30
Deduct the, following property, lost by
not being taken care of, before the
present Superintendent came to the
county house, and charged in acc't :
150 heads cabbage $7 50
100 bushels turnips , - 37 50
5 50
4 - 60 -
1 00
9 00.
11 16
. 13 20
' 1 20
s 426 00
19 00
' 14 44
40 00
12 80
335 00
• ' 7 79
0 00
25 bushels beets 7 50
10 barrels krout 1 50 00
4 barrels apple sauce, 40 00
• 'Whole onions I 18 75
s,bariels peep ' ' 25 00
9.6-yards `muslin 1 3 38-189 83
Balance of old Inventory, $3,858 67
Amount of property on band Jan. 1,
1871, as per inventory, $3,916 99
Dodnct balauoe after tilting out, dam
aged property as above stated,
An increase of i
Estimated improvement on the farm and
Amount in favor of farm, c.,
The price charged the townships for board a
the county house, upon the esqmate of the cos_
pit week for each pauper,is a entail fraction less
than one dollar and sixty-seven cents per week,
and includes everything expended upon the
paupers—food, clothing, medicine, schooling,
dm There has been at the county house during
the year, 98 paupers, and an average of over 58
during the whole year • a large number of them
old, infirm "and and needing a large
amount of care and attention. The cost of keep
ing our insane at the Pennsylvania • Lunatic
Hospital, at Harrisburg, ia.s3 . . per week. This
does not include clothing, or- other' expenses;
and we find some of the charges are for damage
done to the buildings - and furniture. This is
charged to the townships in their accounts, ex
cept in the case of Margaret Burke. The Com
missioners have allowed temporary relief outside
the county house, on consulting the Supervisors
of the townships, and the price generally paid
does not exceed 75 cents per week. The Com
missioners would say. that :the one mill county
p_oortex has nearly paid up for the purchase of
M b 'go!: faym, and the Steelton of the build
itigif and the one mill tax for the present year,
it is expected will liquidate the whole debt.-+
And they would recommend that a law be passed
doing away with the township . poor tax, and
making it a general county poor tax instead, as
money would be saved to the county, by doing
away with contested suits between townships. ' 1
The county house Superintendent proves himf
self well qualified for his position, and deserves
much, praise for his management of the farra
and care of the paupers. The Commissioners
oeuld not well spare such a man, and concluded
they would make money for the county by rally
ing his salary.- The account of this year's ex.
;penses at the county house includes something
like one hundred dollars which should ha ve been
:put in last year's account.
' The amount of $4,338 20, the balance in fa
vor of the county Treasurer in his account, is
made by short money loans, on individual secu
rity, for:thef benefit of the county, and to be paid
by the •Treasitret :out of money's now due the
county, when collected.
2 00
15 00
2 76
2 00
4 00
15 00
5 00
1 50
_ SO
9 00
10 00
2 00
42 00
1 9 00
1 12 00
1 4 37
40 00
3 15
8 00
5 00
10 00
$3,916 09
P. V. VAN NESS. Commissioner. InJittount with
Tioga county for tho year 1870: -
DR. To county orders.—
OR. By 93 days' service • $279 00
By 450 miles' travel, 271 80-$3OO 30
'M. W.'WEVIERBEE, Oommissloner, In account
with Tioga county for the year 1870:
DR. T 6 county 'orders ' $282 84
CR. By 92 days' servieo $270 00 - '
By 114 miles' travel 6,84—5282 84
JOB REXFORD, Commissioner, in aciount with
'Bogs county for the year 1870 :
DR. To county orders $BlB 20
OR. By 93 days' service $279 00
By 670 piles! travel 84 20-4313 20
'Tic& Courtly, se: We, the Commlasfolisre of said
county, d 6 certify that the forogditg is a correct
staterecnt , Of the receipts and expenditures therein
sot forth. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto
set our hands and seals of otlice, this 26th day of Jan
nary, 1871 . ' P. V. VAN
Robert C. Cox, Treasurer of Tioya County, in ac
count with said County, from January 11, 1870,
to January 19, 1871 :
DR. • ,
CO. tax 1862 uncol. $9O 29
State do 13 69
Relief do 11 74
Militia do 12 81
Bounty 1865 69 65
County do 86 1/2
State do 82 58
Relief do 68 81
Bounty 1667 73 60
County do 96 69,
Poor do 20 00
Bounty 1888 1880 881
County do 261 24
State do 28 85
Poor do 67 20
Bounty 1809 10,192 60,
Cout.ty do' 0,668 82 '
.State - do 209 10
Poor do 642 98
County p'r do 2,243 45
County 1870 33,45123 '
Bounty do 22,906 45
State , , , do , 1,678 68
County p'r do ' 6,668 95
Tow'p p'r do 8,521 47
Co. tax un'd '68.9 8,677 74
Bounty do 16,431 72
Poor do 1.899 92
Op tax p'd on nn'd
sold by Treaier 1,036 08
On s'd land ret'd 484 87
Costs p'd by Sh'tf 1,195 00
II Inacho's note • 45 00
110 Bailey's note 676 00
Re'd Iran co'. lltrm ' 772 60
Jud't OP Blair et al 100 00
N Clcse's note 260 00
County loans 1870 8,416 63
Tax on land rede'd Is 95
Tax land s'd Comm's 166 91
sin 35
MD 61
$135,029 48
By bit! lue T'r* 4,838 20
$139,987 88
We, the undeceigned, Anditoia of Tioge county,,
having audited, settled and adjusted the above ac•
ccunts of Robert C,Cox, Treasurer of said county, do
certify that they are correct, as above stated. Wit
ness our hands, this 19th day of Jannary,lB7l.
D: MUM, Auditors.
Amount of county bounty loans, as per state
ment of Auditors published Jan., 1870, $132,053 88
Amount loaned daring 1870, 8,415 03
X 442 96
$141,869 01
Amount of 740 bonds rodeo'd, $4.3,664 78
Soldiers' bonds do,' 1,688 08 '
Paid on Joel Parkhunt-bond, 3,617,47_ - _
Interest paid on bonds, 9,712 64
• 1,68,86 T 87
Deduct interest paid as above, 9,712 64
- 08.640 33
. •
.1161.dne by,conty, Jar!. 190.871, 92,743 68 „
$141;399 01
' We, the Undersigned, Auditors of the' county of .11-
oga, having audited and adjusted the above account,
decertify Mourne - tot,* correct, u to the Indebted.
neda 'of lhecetutty,' Witness our bands, tho 10th day
of Jannaty.lB7l. ISRAEL STONE,.
B. D. PItILLIPS; 4t4ditora.
`, •
ril4burg, Lit.d
lug M Burke,
ed to coun
co o;
County tax 1862 $9O 29
(State do 13 19
Relief do 11 74
Militia do 12 81
County 1865 30 93
State - do 82 68
Relief do 68 81
Bounty do 69 65
County 1867 49 00
Poor do - 20 00
County 1608 209 89
Bounty do • 7g377
State do '3 43
Poor do 7 20
Abatemente 18 95
County tax 1869 1 1 64
Bounty do 4 679
Com'n all'd Coll're 996 67
Abatements do 2,907 63
County tax 1870 10,676 88
Bounty do 10,457 46
State do 1,322 99
County p'r do . 3,742 40
Tow'p poor do 6,963 03
Comm'n county tax 72 00
do Bounty 20 42
do Co. poor 24 05
do Tow'p p'r ° 83 85
do State 0 13
'Abatements county 498 16
do bounty 500 03
Co. orders redeo'd 29,698 61
Poor do 6,535 03
Co. bonds rede'd 43,664 78
Soldiers do 1,583 08
In'et p'd co. bonds 9,712 64
P'dJoetParkhurst 3,617 47
Bank note Dec'69 1.009 00
Comm'n co. orders 800 96
do poor orders 98 03
do bonds redo'd 603 68
S T'r re'pt Sep 10 2,764 31
I °wasp's! Sheriff 21 14
Comm'n p'd S Tr'r 27 64
The Largest Establishment korthern Pa.l
$lB3 38
3 . •
10 rii
411 48
facilitiei for
them at the lowest Job
vance aver wholesale prices.
$298 42
$143 14
29 23
Transfer'Ornaments, Stri ding' Pencils
audit:trashes for Careage unlit
A full Hue of all classes of Goods appertaining to our busi4ss kept in stock.
Feb. 1, 1871-ly
. 772 60
$7,427 84
811 31
D ESIRES to inform'
1,556 24
168 38
185 84
He hairs largo stock, and desires to close it out, at a small advance above New-York prices
no also Wishes to inform the public,ithat on and after Monday, the 6th of Febrndry, 1871,
there will be no books kept, but ho will make it auPobject for all to buy goods in his line of
and pay cash. Give him a trial, and be convinced. P. S. In thanking you for past favors ani
soliciting your, future patronage, he promises to sell cheaper than any other establishment in Lila
county. All those indebted to P. 11„ Williams Jr, Co., or P. R. Williams, by book account or
note, will please settle the same. February 1. 1871.
3,858 6
$5B 32
541 38
$599 70
J. Parson & Co's
The subscribers, in order to reduce their stock to a satisfaotory amount, to ion c room f u r a
Spring Stock, are now offering Great Bargains in
Dress goods, Shawls, Cloaking,.s,
Furs, Skirts,
Preforing to turn the balance of our stock of Such Goods into Gash. ortu - at a stctifize
Wo haiL also made reductions in tbo prices of a number of styles of WINTER BOOTS ~ E d
SHOES, to last during this solo
We are also 'adding daily Bargains in Housekeeping Goods, in Table Linens. 7 "h‘.
Inge, .Napkins, Doyitts, Table Covers Bleached and Brevid Shootings and Sbirtitigs, liekingfp
Prints,oingbarns, he. We aro earlier than usual this ye'cr with New Goods, but we think Ibec
are oheapernow than they can be later in the season, arid advise out - customers to make iba
purchasers as early as they can. It is very, certain_ tbatilbey can be no cheaper.
Feb. 1, 1871.
I .
W. CI. X-L1F4130191139
Fuying and handling !Argo quantities of Cluutta trail,hr Afin to , tier
.ing prices. In our retail (Nina trutot l tios. I; ;at uld a - u tio:411
. A largo stork of
;the people of Tioga County that be tr i ill selL his entire s,to
At Greatly Redueed ° Priers, for CASH.
Roots 4. Shoes,
New ogtiods
i ' s-
J. A. P