The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 08, 1871, Image 1
NE TINA COUNTY AMAMI ii PUBLiSft ED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING DY P. C. Van Gelder.- iF,RDS UP . SDIRRIFTION INVARIABLY 1 ADVANCE.: $2,00. ti bleripliur,(por year) ' RATES OE ADVERTISING. cr:v Camel oP MINION OR LEM, MEE ONM SQUARE SO in. I 3lne I 4 Ins 31fos t Moe I 1 Yr $l,OO I $2,00 I $2,50 I $ 5 , 00 I $7, 00 I $12.0 - Judi es,•:_ 12.00 I 3 OOO l 4,00 I. E 112,00 I 18,00 2iiic ,, i ... CDT), 0115,00 IT'i.oo I'4; 00 3 0 . 00 I ~ 0 0. I 75.00 126,00 130,00 145,00 180,60 - 100,00 I= 4.4 r Special Notices 15 cants per line; Editorial or :26 cants per line. ,atoient adrestising mini' Le paid for in advance. r;:if-Jastice Blanks, Conslabta Blanks, Deeds, indg .rt '::Jtes,lllarriage Certificates; ic.,00 baud. 13111"....11ki-El-3 C.:OEMS. CiEO. 3IERRICK, .A.TTORNEI and COUNSELOR at LAM. Ciflce in Smith and Bowen's Binh, across hall from Agitator Office up stairs, [second floor.] Wellsboro Pa, Jqn. 4, Jno. 1. Mitchell, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In , suranco Agent. Office over iiress's Drug Store, Wellsboto, Pa. Jan.l, 1371-5 William A. Stone. Attorny and Counealor at Law, et door above t: , ,overse & Osgood's store, on Math street. 14ellsboro, Janu. ry 1, 1871 y Seeley, Coates & Co. • ANKERS, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.— Receive money on deposit, discount notes, and soli drafts on Now York City. Collect lons promptly mado.—Jan 1, 181'1-y MORGAN BERLE Y—Oecoola• DAVID COATS, }°, Kno VINE CRANDALL, Jno. W. Adams, Ltornoy and Counaelor at Law, Mans 13, Tioga ,unty, Pa. Collections prompt! attended Jan. I, 187 I—y Wilson 8 Nl#s, •Ut,i - rieys and Counselors at L a w. Will attend promptly to business entrusted to their care in the counties of ITioga and Potter. Office on ;he Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y F WiLsoN.l John W. Guernsey, ,tJrney and Counselor at Law. All business cbtru3ted to him will be promptly attended to. ,ince 2d dour south of Hazlett's Hutid, Tioga, )ga County, Pa.—Jan. 1, . Wm. B. Smith, ° Bounty and Insurance Agent. Corn= ani•:atious sent to the above address will re p,ompt attention. Terms Muderate, „ Ile, Pa —Jan. 1, IS7I. Seymour Horton, neys and eouosalora at Jaw, Tioga Pa. All I.oinass entrusted to their care will receive I,AI - int attention. C. II SEYMOUR J. C. I Jan I—'lB7l y ...Sf A. Alla/STROM/. Arinationg & Linn, VI."1:ORN S-AT-1, WILL.i AM TORT, P NWA I , tu 11171 y. W. D. Tetbell .„1.2.,..10 Druggists, and dealers in W ::tr.,sone Lamps,lVindow Wass, P—Corning, N. Y. B. Bacon, M. D., •„n uncl ;I:urgeon. Will attend all calls. Office on Grafton Street, Meat Market,'Wellsbcro.—Jan. 31. Ingham, rnoeopathitt, Office nt his Rosicionco on dm 'ivonue.--Jan. 1, IS7I. George Wagner, hop nrFt door north of Roberts & Bail s Hal dwaro 'Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re f .wring done promptly and well.—Jan.l, 1571. =I Hazlett's liotel, inga County, Pa. Good ..tribling attach : l, and an attontivo lidstler always in attend n co. t: co. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.—J an. 1, 1871. Smith's Hotel, za. Pa., E. M. itatt.b, Proprietor. flown in ::nod condition to accommodate tho traveling pablic in a supertor manner.--Jan. 1, 1871. Fanners' livid. 11- E. MONEOE, Proprietor. - This house, formerly ' occupied by E. Fellows, is conducted on tem por:mco principles. Every accommodation for man and beast. Charges reasonable. trolary I, MI Union Hotel. o. B Van Horn, Proprietor, We'labor°, Pa. Phi, house is ploasantly located, .and has all the convonionce9 For man and beast. Charges nl,dorate,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy. and Lot and Nine Acres 13 Land for Sale. IHAHLES WILLIAMS offers for tale his kuse and lot on Main street, Wellsbore, acres of land near the cometery. En- J. Williams, at the Wellsbore foun.- .I , r Jan 1,1371 tf New Tobacco Store ! s uhc.,,:rllJer hoe fitted up the Store first , T cant Thouw Harden's dry goods store, r tL u,natacture and =ale of 011.1 , 44e5), Fancy and _Common 1," ING 1' ICCO,Alichiganl'ineCtit `c' If 11'/N and all kinds of B ACC°, PIPES, and thechoi test Brand of CIGARS. Call and eee for yourselves. ,JOIIN , W. PURSEL 1,1,,,r0,‘1 , 111. 1, 1971 tf. liw,VAßli' SANITARY AID AS `IOeIATION, Ildi. 1.41111 elll e ,f the Erni": and Clufortunate 611 Pr fiscinlea of OM ittian Philanthropy F. , :3AY5 ON TiIR EItROIIS YoLTII, end the Fol Ag „ w rehtti..t. \t at , ' tot .111.1 St."! 4L EVILS trt r,.1 11. e mitt, l i :,-nt lien, It. sealed • I`p1• .11d,e.. 11.0 W 4 1.`: , 1 11 it.. X I' Pi. I kii4,14.,,1:1, Pa. Hatt; STORE 80/a/LIN 1..-11. 15 to . Ldleirlea, CtltC,.'ellV, ‘ltit . .1114 1)113..14(1MPE, Y .N 4 11.'ilr • I, It 71,1) WELLSBORO AND NIANSFBLD STAGE LINE. . 111Y..... 1 . --- 4- - THE und-rtignol r oprsetor of k`v • , ..--- this ling takes this toothed of in ', rrnttig the public that the above Stage runt. , 'y , s'undays excepted,) between the tr o 'pia ,:. as milers: I...ivr. ICenibnio at S a. in . ILA arrives at %finstield at It) 30 a tn. L•tares Mansfield at 2 'ill p. in , and arrives at Wellstiaro at f. , p m- )77 - k7 4- Fti ro $l,O O . Tan .1, 1871—tf W. 13. VAN BORN. 140,000 BRICK 1; R SALE, of the best material, by 1) FREDERIC MARORAFF, ''•—..... Jilin opposite the new Cemetery. tv boro, Sept. 23, 1870-3 m• Farm for Sale. Tilt; subscriber offers bie farm for sale, situ ated in Copp Bollow on the road loading trotn Covington to Wellaboro. Said farm eon. talus 226 acres, about 150 i4roved, with geed Luilding, orchard, and sell watered. The un- Improved part of the farm is well timbered.— This farm will be sold eheap; - and terms made reasonable. Inquire on the premises of BOWEL RENDR7KS. De,l, 14, 1810.-3 m. VOL. XVIII. THE OLD " PENSYLUNIL(4IOIISE LATELY ha - OWe `as the4tArniend House,: and fur a time 000epied by D. D. Soli-- 111 day, has been thoioughly relined, repair-, ed and opened by - DANIEL MONROE, who will be happy to accommOdato the' old friends of the house at very reasonable rates. Jan 1,1E71 y DANIEL MONROE. THE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Menu.. moats of either ITALIAN 'OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of thelatest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa. 'or him with their orders, on asroaec4abiep3l#l as can be obtained in the country.' '' FRANK ADAMS. 'Mop ,Jtin.l,lBll-4f. - Fall & Winter Millineryl AIRS. 80F1ELD respectfully announces to the publio that she is now receiving a complete stock of Fall. and Winter Goods. Especial attention is invited to her assortment Corsets, and Ready Made White Goods,' Also, Zephyrs and Germantown Wools in Fancy shade. Patterns in Zephyr and everything pertaining o tho trado. KID GLOVES of tho best brand. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, &c. [J. B. Nuts The Wilcox k Gibbs Sewing Machine for sale, or rent by the week. Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD Weilsboro Oct. 5,48 TO. tf = CHUBS! CHM! IMMO FA'RMER'S, MI ISM 11 Paper, rfumcry, an.l '7l, promptly in roar of , 1371. CLea;) for barter, and cheapfor cash at 'II. BARER d: SON'S, Westfield We:Afield, Jan 4, 1 1871. Wellsboi;o Uuion Graded A. C. WINTERS, A. M. SUPERINTEND- I T is the determination of the Directors to make the course of instruction as thorough and systematic as can be found in the , Elate Commencing with the primary department, the pupil must master every year's allotted work, be fore being admitted to the next higher. The best of teachers will be employed in ever department, the most approved methods of in struction used, and the best of care exercise over Ito pupils in school and out. The Rtou &troop offers these advantages: The Principal is al graduate of the Rochester Universiiy, New York, a gentleinan of large ex perience in the best conducted schools of the country, who has spent two years in Europe, and speaks German. French and Italian. Ile is qualified to give superior instruction in Hiiolory, !quo AI is and the :Ancient Language* Instruc. non in Higher Mathematics, the Scienreo, Book keeping and Music, will be equal to that of the best arademies. • The Board hope to soon be able to secure in strction in Painting and Dealcing, by a lady whd has bad several years' instruction by the best masters In Germany, and who has practised in tho Galleries of Berlin, Dresden Munich and Florence ? . The beet school is the elleopm.t sehcol. The Board intend to obviate all objecticns thit class of popular schools, as far us. possible A sufficient corps of teachers gill be employed, that full justice may, be done tc. evely puptL— Tuition is free to all within the old borough.lim. Its..v Pupils from abroad are incited. Board in private felonies from $3 to Si per iicek Tuition, Common English,iper term, 5.5:- " Higher English. Mathematics, So ,$B. By .ORDER CF BOARD. Septeml..r 7, 1870. tf MRS. SMITII, Maiu itrEet, has just opened a very large asscament of Ti,101? atamao 1111/MEM' I,OODS, -whieb to enin g .at • suetkas HATS, .1 ON N ET A N% • GOODS, LACES, FLt_M r.l, ttttitiONS, COLLAV: - 3, D'DRERCHTS, LCC I r am the ord . ., t.l ,n ;L, • PA.TEl`;'i LG.tlc.+ that o Hut riotiettl tt.u•. IJr rritt,h..heJ tt..ii cheolut,.e, .1 fort. all f will much i.zu,Er co.?. All ::.r1: duhe pr,u,013, IR:3 CARD' INE lborJ, 1%4,7.7, 1870—tf, N E ‘' II 11, BORDEN run E t,.nsciriber_lin3 opened n m.trb t t for Iho neeemtn.ol l ltion %vat, t nl Cash will be raid for pork, beef, 'Limon, beef cattle. hides end sheep peittir: Frezu fish every Saturday. lIEZEKIAII STOWELL. JR. November 2, 1570 tf .1.. 30. JEWELER, MANSFIELD, PA. TrEEPS 6mat4tly, ELGIN WALT HAM tiWISS WATCHES, Marine., Alarm and Calandak CLOCKS, SILVER SPOOriTS, Plated Fpoons and Forks; Table, Butter and Fruit Knives; Cups, Castors and Cake Baskets; Napkin Flints; Cteam Salt Sugar and Mustard Spoons; Fioe Gold and Agate Rings; Gold:. Pena and Pencils; Solid Gold Sete; Pearl Fancy and Plated Buttons; Watch Guards and Chains, Ac, A large stock of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices. N. B.—Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired. Dec. 21, 1870. ' 7 ------. ""--- - . . .. - . 111 \ \ _.. ' d (~\.... :; \ . - _ -- RE =ll = Tioga Itiarble Works. AND FANCY GOODS FOR DOCTORS, LAWYERS, MERCHANTS, AND EVERYBODY FROM $36 TO $lOO FROM $36 TO $lOO SCHOOL/ ENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS, And Principal of High ;S'chool New Millinery ! OM 11E % 1 F Al NRKE l', EDoor East of (bac ]Law.) VIiESII MEAT. MIMMI IMI ON and after MONDAY, Doe. 6, .1870, Trains will leaveOcirning, at tho following honro,Ttz 5;45 A. M., NIGHT EXPRESS (Mondays excepted) for Buffalo, Dunkirk and the west. 6,06 Alit„ NIGHT EXPRESS daily, (0,16 A M. for Rochester, Sundays excepted) far Buffalo, Dun ktrk, and the wont. 6.00 A. M., WAY FREIGHT for 'Rochester, Sun day. excepted. 1025 A. M., MAIL TRAIN, Sunday. excepted for - -Buffalo and Dunkirk. 12,05 P. M., WAY FRRIPTIT, Sundays excepted for liornellsrillo. 2,00 A.M., BALTIMORE RXP., Sunday's canopied, or Roche'orena Buffalo via Avon. ' 6,30 P. M., EMIGRANT TftAIN, daily, for Hui W 7,35 F. M., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, (7,45 P. M., for Realest,* for Buffalo and the west.' 12.13 A. 1,1„ EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk, and the uest. , ... , Gorsti :Ban., , ~ .. • -. , ... 12,13 d• bi•, NIKCY EXPEESE. Sundays axcepted, connecting at New York with afternoon truink and steamers for the Now England Cities. 4,45 A. M., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ox• copied, connecting at New Jersey with intna - , for Pkilade.lialtintore end Weeltington. 2,07 P. 11., ACCCIIIIIODITI,ON TRATN, for Elmira, Sundays excepted . - , , • - 11,26 A: M.; DAY EXPRESS, -Spndaye excepted, connecting at Jersey :01ty .with -midnight EX press train for philadelphia. , _ . 12,16 P Ms, BIIBQUEIIANSA W Y, daily, , 11 t,. 11,40 A.M., WAY EREIGIIT,Ein days excepted. 4.30 P. M., DIVISION MAIL, Sri days excepted. 7,44 H. M.. LIGHTNING EYPREHES, daily, connect. lag at Jersey City wlrh morning Express train for Balthaoriand Waebtagton. . - • ~ BAGGAGE 0 , H. asouni ;rano ' UGH. A'revised and complete"PocketTirne Tabfeed Pantitigar Trains on the Erie Rallwity and a ennebting Lines,,bas recently been pribliehed,ond can be precut ed on application to the Ticket Agent oftbe Qom-pony. WAI.R. BARR, Blosiburg & Corning, &Tioga R. CMOS will run al follows until further ponce No. 2, 2 36. No. 4, 9,28. No. 6, 6,64. No. 8, 8,22. No. 10, 11,85. No. 12, 12,12. No. 14,'6,60. No. rfs 6,20. No. 18, 11,12. No. 1, 928.,. No. 8, 4.56, No. 6, 8,01. No. 7, 1,16 7 No. 0, ,20. No 11, 10,18. No. 18,1,42. , Tralusforeanandagula leave Elmira pr follow e : Accotoodation at l ' 7 12 p Expreas(fastest train on road] Accoirtinudatio u On and after Dec. 5, 1870, trains will arrive and depart-fro la Troy, ae follows; LHAVR NORTHWARD. • • 024 p. m.—DAily (except Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo ,v is Erie 411 way from Elmira. 10'14 a. m,—Daily(ex4ept Sondaye)for , Eimira 10, Canandaigua, Bocheeter, Suep.Bridgeand the Canada's. LEAVII SOUTHWARD. 955 A. in.—Daily(e copt Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington , Phi adelphia,&c. 707 P. m.—Daily (e cept Su aye) for Baltimore Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R:FISKE. ED.S.YOUNO PRIESTS, fTlllntagos running over 1. the different routes from Wellsboro, will depart and arrive as follows from the _ 0 11 Welisboro Poit Office: Wvu.sriono & Ttooa.—Depsit 6 & 10, a. m., arrive 1 1 j and 7 o'clock p. m. WELLSBOF.O & Maitsrun.—Depart 8 ft. tn., arrive 6p. WELI.I3DOII 0 & COITDEIIBPOBT,—DeP. Mon. & 11)nr.2 p.m. arrive Monday &Thursday at lgm. _ Wmatmono &JERerrSnons.—Depart Blon.a Thar. m o rrlveTuesda3•.t • WELLSIIOII.O ' & STONY FORK—Dep. VIM 4 Friday at 3 JE %V ELRY STORES AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD OR SILVER CLOCKS, JEWEL RY, GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, RINGS,. PINS, PENCILS, CASES, GOLD & STEEL PENS, THIMBLES,• SPOONS, RAZORS, PLA.: TED WARE, With most ether articles usually kept in such establiiiiment, which is sold low for To the Citizens of Na»sfied AND VICINITY, j TAKE pleasure io announcing to the public j that I have on band a large and splendid as aortment at, PARLOR AND COOK srro v - s 1)04, useful and Ornamental, whieh I am offering to the publlc cheaper than ever sold before. I will Bell a goad 'No. S Cook Stove with Furniture for $2O. I keep in stock P. P. Peckham's pop ular Cook. This is said to bo the best Stove made. in the United States. - I also keep the • Lightning X Cut Saw, the fastest cutting Saw in the world. The man ufacturers of this Saw challenge the world under a forfeit of $5OO that that this is the fastest cut ting saw made. • Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past, and hoping still to merit their favor, I am as ever, grateful, G. B. KM. P. S.—l challenge ,one and all of the Stov dealers In this county to sell as cheap as I do Jaluish, not excepted. G. B. R. Mansfield, Nov. 2,1876.-3 m. Administrator's Notice. L ETTERS of Administration pendemie lite r having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Waterman Blantyre, late of Jack son township, Tioga Co , Pa., deceased, all per. 'having claims against said estate, and those Indebted to the same are notified to call for settlement on L. B. 8111VES, CABO LLNB , • Jan. 41871.-Bt.• Pendent, Lite. • ! .r -.... , '" ,,,,' ... "7 -- -, , ~(I,_ c 1 - L l i I , : ! , f . ~., I I. :: ~. • ,:. , ~. 1 1 . ',... j RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GOING WIST Gong Pass. Agent GOING NORTH FROM TIOGA. GOING SOUTH FROM TIOOA. L.U.MATTUOK,Sup4 Northern Central R.R. TRAINS FOR THE NORTH Gen'lSup t .urg, Gentlyatio.244, Ealtimore :kW Arrival and Departure of Stages. p. in., arr. Tufa. & Friday at 12 m WELLSBORO, PA. ANDREW FOLEY, who hag long been estab lished in the Jewelry busi ness in Wellaboro, bag al ways on sale, various kinds and prices of SEWINC MACHINES, &c., &e„ &c C A. S Ho f Rep. iring done neatly, and promptly, and on port NOTICE:. A. FOLEY, January 1, 187 —y. _iItiLHSBORO, TIOGA ~ tititigYi PA., _,i'lp*RY:iB, ifPii, L. D. 1117010E1L,, Genlenp't. t 11 MS a In AO 30 pm .616 pm ~,;,.., - ic`;i;ir . :!;64 . liiii,,ll:, WORLDLY, WISE. 111 =I;M=IIIIS ,It was the Boatman Equaled • , That sailed through the mists so white. And two little ladies sat at hie ktiee, With their two little head* so bright. And so they sailed and sailed, ill three, On the Golden coast o'the night: ,young Bonsai.° had a handsome face, 'And his great beard made /dm . And the two little maidens, in girlish grotto, They kept their eyelids down : The ono In her ellken veil of lace; And one in her nroolsey gown., For ono littlo maiden dwelt in Gle wood, , Like a wild flower kid from the day." ' Her namo was Jenny—they called her Tho Good,— ' ' - • ' • ~, • • I I And the nam o' the 'other Was iday; ' And her p ace Window} looked, on the flood . ,_ . .. , , .. Where . they 5 ently Called away. , : : Long time the balance even stoOd. With our Romalee, that day: ' • But what was one little 'ltolise is the wood To a palace so grand and'gay So he gave his heart to Sonny-The Good But hie hand ho gave to 1147,--Putricsm. MIS CELL A N-0.6 ?Jig_ [For thiVitiptittorq One Thousand Miles °vet _the Rocks of Tiogallointp • BY ANDREW SHERWOOD, 45.98r8TANT GEOLOGIST ON TM& OWO BITEVIi CHAPTER xix. THE AGE TO_ EH, [CondatiriOn.3 " Then' raise From the contlagrant 1211/81, purged aad Neie beavezig, new earth, agee - of ensilage date, Founded in righteonanesa.", _ In some remote and `misty.titne, far back in the bygone eternitY, the ,crea tive flat goes forth, and :dead matter comes into existence. But' the , end is not yet. Again the Almighty prieaks, and molluscous life appears,: character izing that period of vast "difration-Ah Silurian. But the end is xtetyet.: , Age roll by, when the AlreightY- egai4 speak; and the Devonian teattewarrn .with their ichthyic life. Itu r t - 'the end is not yet. The dynasty of the:llE4l'pm. es away, when the creative. fiat agaiti goes forth, and the earth green with luxuriant forests, whose 'remains note constitute " the stored-up fuel of a world." But the end is not yet. Count less eons go by—mayhap ten thousand centuries—when, at the Divine com mand, birds and reptiles make their ap .• pearance in creation. But the end is not yet. Moons wax and wane, until at length the Creator's voice is again heard, calling into existence the cattle and beasts of the earth. But ,the end is not yet. Once more the "Almighty speak s,usheri ng upon the stageresponsi ble, immortal man. But who, know ing the upward-progress in 'the life of the past, shall declare that this lit° be the end? Ifltis not, then .wbat la t o . be the next stei? All the creations of the past, of which each succeeding one was a step higher in the abate of being than the one preceding it, and whose remains are sealed up in the everlasting hills, darkly intimate to us of an Age to be, which is to have glorified man for its irkhabitant. This is the final ob. 1 ject and end which has been mutely prophesied in fishes and' creeping things, in bird and in beast, ever since life began. This is the terra:int dynas ty, toward which 'creation has ever been advancing. This is the pointt of union where creation "and the Creator will meet. And read in thislight i heW deeply significant is- the lastehapter but one of Revelation : ."Andi - sa - W new heaven, and ix nett/ earth ; fir the first heaven and, the Vat :e arth were passed away; and there Was no more sea." We learn in the books of stone, that the animal and vegetable worlds have been destroyed many times in the past; from which we conclude that all ' existing life may likewise become ex , find; and in this sense the welid—the zoic world—would be destroyed. But the material world may be eternal; and were it to be prepared for another cycle of life, it would, in this sense, be a " new earth"—fit, perhaps, for the a bode of glorified Man.:Heaven may be nearer by than We bail) thought.— "The gentle friend, who reached thegoi den valley years agone, died with rari . - titre in her wonder-stricken eyes,: and a' smile of ineffable ,JOy upon her _ though she already - felt mortal eyes. The mystic Aver y - rolling between us and the land of the beauti ful, may be a narrow river. In the verse quoted, -we read that' there is to be no more sea." With What a depth of meaning are those Worditranght, to him who hasptddied poiyi lea 'in the - rocks! Ever since the ,dry land appeared, the ocean has, been eat ing up the continents. Fire and water are the two great antagonistic' forces in nature; and what the one has built the other has torn down. But in he "new earth" there is to be " gio more sea." " And I, John; saw the holy city, new Jer Sa lem, coming down from God out of heaven, re -pared as a bride adorned for her husband." And I beard - a great voice out of h ven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is ith men, and le Will dwell with them, and shag be ilia people, and God biinself ahal i with them, and be their Gidd." "And Clod shall wipe away all tears from t eyes; and there shall be no more death, rtei l sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there, ba more pain : for the former :things are p away." In the rocks, the great burial-pine , all that ever lived in the past,. we nought but inanimate carcasses,—di individuals, dead species, dead gem and dead creations. But shall be, "Man, her last work, who seemed so fair, Such splendid purpose in hii eyed, Who rolled tho psalm to wintry skies And built him fames of fruitless prayer, Who trusted God was love indeed, And love creation's final law, Though Nature, red in tooth and'elaW, With ravine shrieked against-hie creed,— Who loved, who suffered countless ills, • Who battled for the true, the just,— Be blown about the desert dust, Or sealed within the-iron hills?" . • -. Al!, no.. Even his instinct te4es him - to 'antleipittei a - ilf,e _beyond the grave. The flayikalltdo; lho ' toiei or the heart withermatt. grows oldlad ie to dies,—but in the " ne w earth," alt the good, these thin shall havep ed away. Oh golden h after, on v? oso ,sun-lit mountain _ top po,shftdow shal4 over fall! : - • ' .; •'_: ,- - ...1 , I , "AS Be that eat anon the throne said, Be : :._ , . it= hold, I make an tkinge tiete.'‘A - ad He said unto 'Me, Write: for there !cords "And He said unto Me; I am Al .pha said Omega, the hegfneinkatid the' end What is done ?-Perfect is attained, , and'tbe kingdom of an has begun. The mighty goal reached, toward which creation has been jour neying for millions of years.,All, things have been made new, and the earth has commenced another cycle of life, gran der than any which have preceded it, and destined to endure - forever. God was the beginning—the beginning of vitality upon our planet; and in Him will be the end—the end which that strange procession of being, in which you arid I are some of the, passing fig- Urea, will one day reach. And " these words are true and faithful." , , Courteous reader, I must bid thee fare- Welh If I have beep. Ise for ate eta to kindle-irr the '.solil';Of ono-individual, that intense longing' . fo'knOw,iiiore about the natural sciences, 481 iu my own, I shall indeeikhenmplyypi• paid. Every one may do of further the saaredoause ofildien:4ol44 to hasten the time whenthe land of the lotting sun shall become thn.;Grletl Y n intellectual Schievenients. Ell Mansfield, Jan. 81,11.171.:, - ondei* of'-the 4ifiktor.,] - . 7 4TATAlf. The LegislatimiAavlnc.sittOtitaiial last Friday until'lthOlitylimm#44i-,ot thepresent weikr*.iit '--1 4: ) 3"t4i A. M., and at,ig-Mo2*.iii; oint:coni• vention to- npair.thifbldiifor;rthettS,l4 printing for tht(*ii#44 7 o4447Yeiin ding to the pov)itc;kitik, ,40011,8- &I. There were three bide flt;iii # 1 51. 1 frOM a F bilti de*/# 4 lt#t s ,#o.* , Ainipbtait, printer, Mr."Bingerlyi rfnisk*hteq,bid was, from MO t`tdre_ri ng to OintfnjiO,tl4 prbitintit ir per 04%144 hi* tl rate established by the Legislature; the other, from H. Buy, was 87i per cent. below the rated; and the PhiladelphiO bid was 79j per cent. leis, or, in, other words, offering to do the State printing fort-of one per cent:on the legal rates established. It looks ,a little queer that a finn can do the business for nothing, and stilt make money at lt ; but such is said to be the case. Suffice it to say, that some of the members were so ta'7 ken by surprise at the offers, that the subject was continued for one week, to allow them to book up. ' Tesday being private calendar day, Ho se bills up to No. 60 were passed to a thir d reading, which shows some ac . tivit on :the part of legislators: three ., weeks for 60 bills; and-if they run up to, 2,000, as they did last winter, some good arithmetician may figure up how long the session will continue. Wednesday session receives reports of committees,' and the introduction of original bills and resolutions ; Thurs. day is the day for public . calendar and billEr upoi - third rettOitik; and 'Friday's session being'generally devoted to mo tions to adjourn, &c.; This it the pres ent programme, but be ehanged at any time by a two third's vote. The Joint committee of the Senate and House have finally contractea witn a firm in Philadelphia for the publica tion of a "daily record," atsl4 per page, amounting to $9,000 for the sea- Mon ; consequently the reading people of the country can enlighten them selves by a careful review of the dei bates and some very eloquent and ela T borate speeclas of the members. The introduction of legislation for our county has thus far not been very tensive, and will not be under the prefi ent management of affairs ; there sea ming to be a determination to rarer all matters to our courts, so far as Ulna* be legally done; which in" my ogir~~on should be much more general, tidamito lessen much of this bratlee:dation. • The Democratic State: tonventioh meets here in Februaoi and the i;te pblican on the 10th of Sifareh, to fiend nate candidates for 'Auditor and Sur veyor General, the only - State 'officers to be nlected this year ; and whether we can)get up enthusiasm enough over these tWo offices to call out the full vote of the State remains to be determined. The House had up for consideMtion to-day, the bill providing for theikold lug of a constitutional convention but did not arrive at a vote, as there, is a el i great diversity of opinion amon the Members. The bill was 'lntroduce by Sohn B. Mann, of Potter,snd: Will pro bably pass in some shape dhring the session, if they can agree upon the time for the people to vote on itlehn*,Olal -ming that there should .he ii,special election in June, whilb °there' Claim that the general eieetiark,in codko=tii, is the proper and less eipatisive - timit._ , -We are having the -ht4Vlefit snovv storm here known for Many iesirs; the, Snow lying over a foot in depth,: and Still continuing, to fall.: The'eVergreen trees on the capitol, grounds areloaded down with their whits mantle, and in all directions the shovel and brookt,ore the order of the day; with to thermo meter down among the zeros, a dark and cloudy sky overhead; and a cutting northwest wind, for the pleaeore‘of the present. Railroading la considerably impeded, as we have bad no northern Mail for two days, and the snow-coVer ed Susquehanna looks like the broad sierras of the West. Paris has fallen ! The queen city, of the world, the arbiter _of fashion, the Ituelah of every •Frenchman, has lsuc cumbed to th force of arms, , and the Tuilleries and alace formerly occupied by a Napolec? and Linda Phillippe, b y and lastly the third - ..!Tapoleop,"ia now in possesSion of the Pruailaus, and their General riot in - the. rtalaces of kings. We d l ep a tear over the: down fall of this once proud city, and live in i hope URI its glory is not departed tor aver. Its defenders have made a. rec ord that will last as, long as time, ,and they receive the plaudits and_aympa titles of the civilized . world. Peace to their ruins. X.:-27. hoy I bo '. eir her any , sed : or see ad ; ra, S., of Quincy, Illinois, asserts that snakes do hiss, and mentions t‘ reptile known by some as a "hissing .adder," by others as " blowing adder," lind by others an "spread head.".-Hb sags they are a short, thick, SPOtted*fidlreri:rtig , - 1Y snake. When Opproashedi. they : tell, up and spread or , flatteuilkeirliead,tiod . lil neck (or that part of a body,jOin'ati, the head) about four Inches down,',vm fiat, and hiss -- loud enough - to be heard some four rods distant. , Milk Snake," Carpentaria, Califor nia, lanes that once Id-'4:4lo,eciunty, calittuia, : " I disooTOreil fqiirge Snake Ci~`~° jij „ About Hissing Snakes. Ma2=M2==2= . , 'i, ' 4 ,i : I '- i; l6 s!' tr' : l jj l 4 .. 7‘ , .... ,; „ • , ~-.: ' .., 7 • . , s -. -•-•...,, • , ' • . . . e::i 3`.~ ai `~1:1t IRE 7'-:...- '2 - .~. had caught a quailan herr nest; • but•as I got nearer, the quail got Away and flight, and theanake.rati.intde hole in the ground. A-TI returned ',lto; the spot after a little, And found the snake eating the quail's eggs. I piokediup stick to hit him, and the :snake. hiseed at me equalAto any goose. 'A' 'This was snake'--,-so called in California - covered iAwith black and white rings.” A , is 1... Facts,"- of 'Fremont county, logia, has seen and killed . in , Illinois, snakes that hiss, known as ":hissing adders." They grow from two to three feet long, and, like Abe capperhead,•"spread and flatten the head'When angry. , • "R. H. A.," Greensboro; N. Caroli na, writes: " } We have here, .in North Carolina, a snake called the 'spreading adder,' or spread adder.' There are two kinds:'the one, tha,,nidat danger, ode;, - and also the moat rare . black Ala um . nableo, at far fiS LOA forak an idea from historY, the Egyptian' viper; its bite liahnost sure .death.' oth; er reseniblie the inttlesntllke; Its. VenOin is equally as poisonous., and the snake mom dangerous, as it glies no .. warn , -Aff seen:4o4e it.#o4ol4ind *ad, augryby striking -aiming; it Espreads 08,headaboat font; times the_uskial sizei eettiegilek Ake', the., COhin .444,`,0nve11al which. It also resenibles, and `hisses' so . 1444 :like an - enraged '. gander,! :WO IC `would • reitriiie - * *.A . Y . 4P4 ' ears and also one welk versed in flooseolo, 0, 1 to-detect tilnilfilference.' "Another - Callfeplianwfites of i(stmke called by some the _'ltopher mid by others the bnllsnake--bro*n stril ped, with some apcti_ of 144 'brown; ife:sombling 0014ir t 4 Qiniamo4 striped `snake °Mew York, and barmltise t ,!` These snakes (130yemberk3d),are rowed In the ground now, rand will .not be, out Tor a month or so; unless -plowed or dug out. I often see theta from twO and a half to font. feet . long ; and they can put dawn a gopher or a Squirrel with little trouble when hungry. 'When teased, they will blow or hies—en du ,' lockable hiss; and it -19 - so common ere to heat; them, that we 'do not get :salted about it."-:-.Rurai N. Iroker. CHURCH AND STATE. There was a convention of Orthodox 'heologians in Philadelphia during the last week in January, held for the avowed purpose of dovetalling ; .a clause into the constitution, declaring !'God as the Ultimate source of all authority and power in civil government, and Christ as the rightful ruleinf nations". The Movement was not notably successful, although thirteen States were represen ted. The attendance was thin, and ,not enthusiastic, and the papers, relig ious and secular, are sharp in their criti cisms of the affair. ' The Independent, ablest of religions journals, has a strong article on the subject, from which `we extract a few sentences, regretting that our space does i nOt allow us to print the whole. It says : c j "God is not I t be praised by' joint resolution or worshiped in constitution al amendrnenti. , We may deceive our- CMITC3 into the belief that a constitu tional amendment is an acceptable t tribute to th Father. But God is not a 'proud bal lie-like bodio,' to be im posed upon y empty flattery of this sort. A nation means so many indi vidual men, women, and children, with every one of whom God keeps open a personal account. All the constitu tional amendments in the world could not have made the sins of Sodom less obnoxious. We cannot see that such an amendment would make any soul better. When bills of lading had long and pious preambles in regard to the protection of God, skippers did not swear-any less, 01311 p-owners were not more pious, and shippers were none the less rascally. It is quite probable that when the sanctimonious under writers used pious phrases ' they over. charged their patrons, who In turn :were just as liable to fall into arson or any other such mimosa they are to-day. A candid review of the -history of re ligious phrases doesnot impress us with ' their sanctifying influences. "For thetnld kings whose coins were religionAly stamped. with 'Deli Gratin) were, many of them, most irreligious rulers. 'By the grace of God' they ate up the substance of the poor, and `by the grace of God' they put to death the innocent. By the Grace of God Ferdi nand sent the Jews by tens and hun dreds of thousands of men and women and children, wandering in a hopeless exile, that this 'grace of God' might overflow his coffers with the doubloons of which they bad been plundered. By the grace of God Indians were killed, and negroes enjoyed the blessings of the Middle passage. By the grace of God the Inquisition grew and flourished.— In our own day, *e have seen one re public, that solemnly acknowledged, God in its Constitution, and the exam ple is not an attractive one. The 'Con federate States of America' adopted a religious Constitution, under which it stole the labor of stolen men and wom en, waged unrighteous war , starved ' helpless prisoners, and met the fate which its crimes deserved." The Liberal Christian; an able journal, speaking from a different standpoint, has the following : thegentlemen who are engaged in the effort to have the Orthodox Creed incorporated into the Constitu tion of the United. States, have really determined to push their enterprise, it will lead to such an examination o f grounds of dogmatic Orthodoxy, and of its, claims to authority, as they have never yet received. "Is it a conviction that' with the awakening of a general spirit of inquiry among the people the power of the Or thodox theology, over the masses will bebroken, that \ inspires the ambition which thus clutChes at political power as a means of sustaining the creed upon which great ecclesiastical organizations are based ? We think it would be bet ter for the votaries of all creeds to trust to moral agencies for the diffusion of their belief. The friends of this move ment will ultimately , learn that the principal effect of their enterprise will be to dinginish the popular respect for religion and everything connect e 4 with It. It will furnish a new sanitation nd reproach for: the use of the irrelig ious and Unbelieving. "If there is any general agitation of this subject it may lead to one good re sult—the closer union and cooperation of people of all who believe in mental and spiritual freedom. "We shall hate more to say about it hereafter. We have some great eccles iastical bodies in this country whose system of government is in direct an tagonism with the genius and princi ples of our national republican institu tions. but as long as they attend to their own affairs, and do not attack the rights of other people, their system is not a matter of great interest to those outside of their pale." We have only to add that the project is not new. We well recollect a, atrial-_ lar attetnprsom 36 years ago--a failure then, as it is likely to prove now. :But we remember the fierce , sectarians bit terness thatrit engendeied t ,the ibltter quarrels and heartburnings that IMMaiiiii X.o'i MMMEM=IMMMEE , • sued; and we never heard of anything food or ehristian like springing from it.. But,try it on ,by' all u T eans ; If the PeoPle•wish,it they ought to have ,it -they„dn not, they will, perhaps, eqUare the account ;1/13xFP'vr sectarlau,s ashave thehad taste .to at tempt thennion of ehurch 'and stater-. for that is 'What it 'ainounts to-=in la republic like this. ' " - • THE MASTER THIEF. SOWIN FXB E. The legend of the Master' Thief' Li no lees remarkable than that of Punchkin. In the ScandiriaVian tale, the thief, wishing to get posiession of a farmer's ox, carefully hangs himself, to a tree by the roadside. The , farmer,, passing by with his 'ox, le Indeed struck by the sight of - the dangling body," but thinks it none of his business, and does not Stop to, interfere. No sooner has he passed • than the thief lets himself down, and running swiftly along ; a by-path; hangs himself with equal .precaution to a second , tree. This time the farmer is astonished and puzzled ; but when • for the third tithe he meets, [the same nu , wonted spectacle, thining that three suicides in one mOrning'areloO much for easy credence, lie leaves his Os and - rune back to see whether the other two bodies are rainy *here he thought he saw, them. While he pii fret:fling hypo. theses of witchcraft by which to ex. plain the phenonienon, the thief gets a way with_the ox. l In the Hitopadesa the story, receives a finer point. "A Brahman, who had vowed a eacrifiee, went to the market to a goat. l — thieves saw s him, a d wanted get hold of the goat. Thy station d themselves at intervals on the hi h road. When the Brahman, who carried the goat on his baok, approached the first thief, the thief e[aid, ' Brahman, why do you carry a dog on your back ?' The Brahman replied, 'it is not a dog, it is a goat.' A little while after lie was accosted by the second thief, who said, ' Brahman why do you carry at dog on your back"?' '2l3e Brahman felt per plexed, put the goat down, examined it, and walked u. Boon after' he' was stopped -by th third thief, who said, t 4 Brahman, wh do you carry a dog on your back ?' Then the Brahman was frightened, threw down the goat,.and walked home to perform his ablutions. for having touched an unclean animal. The thieves took the goat, and-ate , it." The adroitneis of the Norse Kiel in "The Three Princesses of , Whiteiand," shows but poorly in convex's= with the keen psychalogical Insight and cy nical sarcasm of these Hindu sharpers. In the course of histrayels, this prince met three brothers fighting on a lonely mow. They had been fighting for a hundred years about the possession of a bat, i s cloak and a pair of boots, which would make the wearer invisible, and convey him instantly whithersot ver he might wish to go. The king consents to act as umpire, provided he may once try the virtue of the magic garments; but once clothed in them, of course he disappears, leaving the 'combatants to sit down and suck their thumbs. Now in the "Sea of Streams of Sto ry," written in the twelfth century, by Somadeva, of Cashmere, the Indian King Putraka, wandering in the Vynd hya mountains, similarly discomfits two brothers who are quarreling over a pair of shoes, which are like the san dals of Hermes, and a bowl which has the seine virtue of Aladdin's lamp.— " Why don't you run s race for them 4" suggests Putraka; and-as the two block heads start furiously !off, he quietly picks up the bowl, ties ou the shoes, ,and files away ! A Missouri "Chipleasantness," and how • it was Settled. The Block 'filt'er (Butler county,. Missouri) News hays: It is well known to the cltizeus o this community that for some three years past ,an old feud has existed between Henry Watson and his two sons and.the three Sinyard brothers. We are informed by neigh bors that when sober they would settle their difficulties and promise never to refer to it again ; but so soon as they would try to rebury the past in a glass of whisky they would commence to "talk it all over" in a calm, friendly manner, when a fight was sure to en sue, unless prevented by friends. • On the afternoon before Christmas they were all at Blodgett, having a "generat - good time," and, of course, talking over their' old difficulties. They left for home toward evening-Lthe Watson party first, laking with them e large jug of whisky, with which to make the following Christmas merry. On their way home they stopped at Elias Lanharh's to warm. They were there but a few moments when the Sinyard brothers redo up.' In a few moments the fight commenced. The,, first two engaged were Henry Watson and Andy Sinyard—the former armed with a revolver and the latter with a hatchet. 111 51 moment Jimmy Watson, son of Henry Watson, drew lila revol ver and began shooting at Audy Sin yard, who seemed tb be_ getting the best of his father with the hatchet. He was in turn attacked by Henry Sin yard 'with a' knife. At this. juncture the third Hinyerd brother and a young man by the name of Sprouce went to. , gether with knives. The fight then continued with mutual fury until from exhaustion and loss of blood they fell sweltering in their own blood. They were carried into the house and laid on the floor before the fireplace, and while the blood wag running in streams across the floor they were imprecating curses on each other. All six of the men were found to be seriously wounded. Henry Watson had received, in addition to a number of incised and contused wounds on the head, one large cut in the abdomen, from the effect of which he died a few hours ' , afterward. Andy Sinyard, was shot in the tram the ball coaling out near the navel; another - in the. shout. der.' Another of the Sinyards was shot through the region :of . the lungs, • and the third•one carries several severe wounds. 'Sprotice and-Jimmy Watson are pretty well hacked to pietes. rin the first four days following' the • accidentbnt little hope was entertained •• for the recovery, of . any - the party, but it i4now thought that two or three of the.number will recover. Since the jute bug bait been scie7 tificly examined: chignons retail it sev enteen cents apiece. , WOO" - , ---- ' - The 34 - g ta — iii,r ~,, 4 ',.. 'o66i't ltk- ..., is, .5 Nose, le well supplied with Presses and Types to ant. cute all kinds pf:,lpb Work with neatness and' dispatch. Large additions'of all the late Styles ot type/ have been added to this departtnent ? . , IMI =I 0.-6. Lactatlon—linith & Boweies Block 2d Floor It iwas the , writer's intention, when the idea of a " .church ,column" first .' sugiested Well to him,. to make his contributions Strictly im;p4rBcinat' I n their character= -80, ' upon second thought, considerations oilier. than the ' desire to keep self out of sight, seemed of sufficient weight to modify his orig inal purpose. Not that it is his aim even now to speak of his own life, as such, either in whole or in pare; but he r will make bold here and there to ap- pod to his own exberience, when its I facts are to the point, simiely because ifi the very nature of things he cannot do otherwise. While treatingl of mat ters which have to d& with the outWaid world only, it is easy enough to keep one's personalty In the, back-ground, or perhaps out of Sight altogether, and to talc as if not so much ' as a. ripple:of doubt had ever aifrept o'er the placid surface of the mind's repose, in its quest of truth ; as if no failure of hope had ever laid a heavy and on the chords of the heart, I already strung to their ut most tension by an unutterable yearn ing for inward peace and rest i---but when forced to look certain great ques tions in the face, whioh are to be judged of, in part - at least, In.l the light of the testimony afforded by' our own con sciousness, we Oe readily pardoned for letting it apliear that this mysterious?' inner world hits been brought within the scope of our view, and for speahing more or less fully out of - expe rience. Nor is this all. Eve. )wever lowly his lot, may AO him gelf as the representatic , O, of a reater or less number That which happens, to himself:.—espe daily if it falls within the ordln ry channel of his life—he thinks, aid justly thinks, must in some sort h pen to others also ; at all events, until forced by the most conclusive proof ito look upon his own experienoe- as an. tirely exceptional, he will claim the fel lowship and sympathy of kindred souls. The writer has been led to this train of reflection because, when as yet not so much as dreaming of ever assuming the relations which he UOW holds to the Christian Church- 7 when still, even the oretically, far from' the kingdom of Heaven—he knew hearts to feel as his has felt ; minds he knetNo reason as hie has reasoned :—may he not presume that there are those who will still keep hiin company,—for whom, as well as to whom he, can speak with the assurance of a gendrou l s and cordial recognition? In other words; it is by no means " church members" only, thathe would address. One of the startling phenome na of our own limes, is the large and, it may be added, ever growing propor tion, especially of men, who do not identify themselves with any religious communion, because they fail to hold any positive conviction as to the divine nature and authority of Christianity itself. Not that such persons are On the whole worse than their fellow meh of less . skeptical tendencies. They are so many Thoinasca by nature; and they are groping their way amid the dark ness, and "often the bewilderment, of their lot, because. they have never as yet been brought face to face - with such a presentation of the rationale of rell gloti, and such an embodiment of Chris tianity, as have served to satisfy alike their intellectual nature and their spir itual needs. Man has been rightly called the relj glous animal ; for his whole history, under every phase of progress and ens lightenment, proves him to bye emphat ically such. Nor are our fellow beings above described, who seldom, if ever; go to church anywhere, rear eseeptiono to the rule. • Even though they .naay not, in every respect, the compared to those Jews, before our Lord's Advent, who were waiting for'" the consolation of Israel," yet they are undoubtedly in a transition state—waiting for such a consolation as shall come to them, to the satisfying of their soul's profound est needs. This the writer knows to Iv so on the part of not a few ; for he was once of their number, and mingled fully and freely with those whose case has just been noticed. Some, who per haps would be slow to acknowledge their own want • of the offices of reli;• gion, still have a dim perception of its vital importance to the future well-be- - ing of their children, especially their daughters ; and while DO . More , era in ROMILDIBIII than in Mohamme danism, send them to its schools, that they may have the restraints and safe guards of some'sort of religion thrown around them. . Now, such persons may be summarily dismissed with the epithet of Rational ist, or Deist, or,lnfidel ;—but is it wise thus to deal with them ? Few men are infidels from choice. And Rational ism, Deism, or Infidelity, l (call it by what name we will,) is to be met, not by blind denunciation,..bufaiy showing, the utter Imp4ssibliity of a' people, or indeed of an individual, long living on such dry husks as it affords! It has no vitality of its own down in the deepest and Strongest elements of our nature,-- shuts its eyes to the Divine Light which has flashed on Humanity's path from the spheres above. It talks of matter and law, of 'science and philosophy, when the, anguished heart-cries out for strength to break the chains of sin, and for a merciful hand to raise it into new ness of life! 'Let us be just, then, to all such as are not yet "church members,"—yes, even to infidels to Christianity itself. An old writer's story of the peasant who killed his donkey because •he thought it had drunk up the moon,' which bad simply been reflected in al pail of wa ter, has its moral: The poor man was frightened lest his donkey should make sad Tkork of our world ; ' whereas, if he had but looked Up, he would have found the missing luminary shining as bright ly- as ever.. So 'it is thought by many that the Light of Christianity can only be saved from the jaws of infidelity by c , a similar treatment of every one who claims to have made an eild o the last_ shred of the Religion of Ch Ist-111E6c" poor Voltaire. But the cause of chris -11 tlan troth is always the enough to allow its defenders to be jos . Let it be conceded, then; that not al the un b elievers of Christendom, since the Re formation, have been bent on pulling. down the religious fabric merely for the sake of pulling it down. - Not a few `would doubtless have preferred to aid in 'building it .up. - Nay, Jsome, in a -sincere sud. 4:airiest , wity, have tried to build up., "But it Was on'othei than the true foundation; and they found their Self imposedlask worse ,than making brick with Out straw. 1 They counted on serfintereBt as the needed lever to lift Humanity out of the Slough of Corrup tion ;—but their lever crumbled to dust in their bands:l ._ :, 1: ~ ..:1_ , 1 .r•• , . . • ~ _ Church CoMinn. [For tie Agitator.] NO. 11. ' 1 • El