n I SONO - OF THE SKATERS. AwayttlreißliZ r is O'er fie ice-bound tide,• - O'er the glassy, sparkling way. Where the frost-king past,; . And his wierd spells cast_ • O'er melt wave an dam* ,jfilk l • frftliST W)"4:i • As we ewifily wheel . On the fleshing steel,., O'er the river's crystal floor, Our deafening about Rings its echoes out - By the white drills on the shore. • -.4-- • rt.ti (-\ i• • , •t„ t) • Let Binitts,roar From the mew l . clad shore, Lib glee atAbe summer's death, But we little heed, • As with increased speed We fly from his chilling hreith, Then away ,chop Ere'! 644 r-flak's," plaki On lb ilespifig vigor's .iteaet, Ere 4 eit:bg (its rut); iVithliirriacen ;train, Disturbs its long, tranquil reel! Ea "Liberal" Interpretation of The Bible. Sottn:i good stories have been toldip illustrations of.the,niistirdities to whi ch .the "'iberal construction" of Scriptititil, passages generally•letids, but we ha , .ke not seen 'anything mute sarcastic in, this line than the following observif dons by a puzzled Dutchman at' a so 3t. of service held by a "prOgressive" seiit out West". A Wisconsin paper Is rn spotieltile for putting It i luto print : Ope Whe (Loss pet, 4434 in ' imam+ elan fciibaptititu • wits libliling a prc tracted meeting, and 0t43 night preach ed on the subject of baptism. in titi , course of his remarks he said: Soute believe it is necessary to go INTO the water and come pp out of lt,cto be hatt tined. But filth ,he claimed to be fallacy, for the prepoiltiou INTO of the Scriptures should be rendered differ 4 etally as it does not mean - 1 . 2.vr0 at al! times. Moses, he said, we are tolt4 Went up INTO a high mountain, , ,etc,l Now we do not suppose that he Wane INTO the mountain, but upon it. Sq with going down into the water; 1 meatt,slnply, going down ' n eati "the a%) 'being" baptized in the ordinary way, by sprinkling. He carried out this idea fully and in;' due season and style closed his dis; course, when an invitation was :given; to any one who felt so disposed to rise and express -his thoughts.' Quite a u unlber cf.the i llrettorett rev: anik, Said thin MAO h ill) een present on this" occasion ; that they had Just heard, and .felt Weir souls greatly blessed. Finally, a corpulent gentleman, of Teutonic, extraction, a stranger to all, arose and broke a si lence that was almost painful, as fol lows: "3lr, .13reaeller. I , Jail so; glad I. gush . 1131.b110-1115iIle,' fOr I has bad' 'e'xidained to 1 : 13 .Y - LP:int somethings s. dat:f never CoP.lil believe before. Oh I ish so . glad dat INTO does not man INTO at all, but elitist close by or.near?to, for now I can believe mauish atingle vet I could uo understand before. NVe real, Mr. Breachor, dat Taniel vas cast INTO de ten of lions, and came Out alive! Now, I I ever could understand dat, for de wi t beasts would, eat him up right off; but, nos , it lab very clear to my mint. II vash Blitist close Iv or near to, and di(inot get INTO de den at all. Oh, I 4.1.1 an. 0.1.041 .--.......a- --- A.... ”Let.F. , _ .11,.....ia, we Teat dat de Hebrew ehildreti vash cast INTO de Shish furnace, and dat alwash look't like a peel; story, too, for I Wilke dey would have been burnt lip; but it ish all blain to any mint now, for dey were elitist cast close by, or near to de 111 . 18 h-furnace; Oh, I vas be glat .1' wash here to-night !" "And den, Mr. Breather, it ish said dat .I,oriah vash cast info, the' Whalesh pell4.- Now I never could unirstand dat; put it ish all plain to in mint now ; he vash not taken into tie.l whal esh pelley at ail, but shust eliunip on his pack and rode ashore. 0,1 II vash so glat I vash here to-night!" "And now, Mister Breather, if you 'will shust explain two ,more pashages of Seriptures,..l shall be 0, so drippy I vash hetolio-night! Olioof aerh isvere it sahib de wicked shall' be cast into a lake dtxt. 'Alma mit the 'and priiiistone alwaysh. 0, Mister Broacher, shall I be cast into dat lake if I am vicked, or sheet ()lase by, or near enouglit to 'l4) comfortable? I hopes you VIII say I 7 , shall be cast shust by, a good way off, and I will pe so glat I yeah here to night ! De oder bassage„le dat, ylell saish plessed are dey who obey the s e corn haakdments, dat de,y may have a right to de tree of life, and enter in through the into de city. 0, tell me I shall gets into de city, and not close py or near to, ehust neer enough to-see vat,. I:_have" lost4and, I shall pe so glair.' vash :lora' • to-night. "' - - . Ardr.—Wntnet with this witty and unanswerable retort in a sketch of a short trip through a portion of Ireland. The writer is conversing with his car driver : *) You are a Catholic,' Jimmy ?" Ye . s, yer henor,' - _ - " ittialrbu pray tO•the ylight Mary?' " I do, yer honor." " Well, there's up doubt h e was a good WOlllO.ll. The 113ible says so. But she may have been no better tban your mother or Wine." - " That'S true, yer honor. But then you'll allow there's a utlghtydify9rencii in their. ehlldreti.l,l4-Curn. The Madison _Democrat tells the fol lowing divorce : " A well known citizen of this place married . 11, a di vorced woman ; B ,got a divorce from A ; A then married C, who bad also been divorced ; C:si daughter, 1), then living_ ith C, got a divorce; - A's daugh ter's husband gota divorce and married D. AU of which can'be vouched for by more than one of our readers." The above muddles us a little• s but we presume It Is.o r 1 eerreet—reWls tousin. Mies Emrua Itigtre tried to light the morning fire with " Dariforth'e non, exploelVe_pp," with , the usual resuit,:-,- ehe liied'Until afternoon, and her mo ther, badly burned; may poJiiiibly re cover. • ' Col. James Fisk; .1r.,, was asked' to subscribe for the ersetion of a fence around a graveyar(in Vermont. 'No s ' said he, ' what's the use? 'Mote In side can't get out, and I guess nobody outid.de wants to get In.' A Detroit burglar, while in a hallway on a thieving emnditiron t 'being;iiot " What do you want 1," coolly replied, " Oh, nothing, znyeelf." A female lecturer said, " Get married, young myna, and he quick about It.— Don't wait for the millenium—for the girls to become angels. You'd look well ll beicktftpkAigel, would'atyou,you 1 .101 71- • T t" ~ " t : ' `~ -- e — s isam e.,,,ttr 1, arper a 'Magazine. Noticesi - of the'r,ress . . .. , No no dellghtful travels are printed la EJ°ll llll3 1104IiiiikoKtiiiitElleitipilir perpetually UARPRiniI MAGAZIME. . They. are read_ Alt) cquAl irler9tnitAmpist . An bi bw 4 °v' graffeltramile%stmmAso tray. in scionl papers, while sufficiently - prolountt -td dips the attention of the learpful,„ttre , yet admiral apapted to thi Opufatoddildrstanding, , and signed as much to diffuse correct informat concern)ng curreni,:asionlifioOPT°v=e r Y a ' coi4d Ito 'if tt . i.tif tbe'o'rgiib 'alb; iigoelety thelDiffuilion of Useful knowledge." 'l' be 111 4101411F4-4511141)ratqa is to give eorroaCkfuri tied atkirsatiobal ansusenie D t M 0410044. ms. of it)fs - 1)001/0.--1640 Erryianel ilinektead, It , is 060 of the workaots of •journalisui=tht editorial mategaiiimt -- cif lianesa's.---'he .11tpt.. dim .N. Y. ---' ' '''' The Iliodaillo*llPsikk 4 .'4 l `" l 4o4 l 3 l iiig;*•clittp- Pleto in all the ` departments of an AMOTIOSII r u m!, Taper, HARPSIee WERKLI has '1161144 for itself * right toile.fitlei "A lOnititil of Civil isation."—Nero Yor)... ,kvesiug Post, , , , ._ ..Itheritit's liAttitt'tirtitaini l& • 04114' itidek if thollistof flarpeettlYisehli,lklitee on 'super tine it:slandered papor, and is published wesily4 • The .4Szatt ireXolikent. .I.okgitßiliii:_litirt 'odlOaTe:Which iffe Harpers publisb, it, Is altnolit ld°0 1 ,:g0 1 eilkif4.7727tedlratieedir., Y 4 , I quifsplui ows --1071.,.„, i • . , 2:.. - ,::: ... I. : , .1,.. ~.-.t ef ..„,„,.- O. ....k4 i 114°ItrAll'AtWa44;ioiy:Ye.ary .-,-..: ',,'A, = $4, ti Iltrerlsatie.M.ts,l4 , ~.^ if ' -.: '` sk 0 i Ils.nsinsee: 'tefrittAzme I ' ol '-' = $4 --It - - = 4ei ... An Extra co p y ePeStfier the Weekly, Balm. •-- .411 be 5 ” 'ld o rmt:- - Ter Clul t . o 1 i 11l ■ -Myosins wittl; supplied yratie of every ... Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, inane remittance) or, Six Copies for $2O 80. without extra copy. \.SulrscrlytiOtil ,to, Eery Haw, and drayasine, to one address for one year, $lO,OO or, Igo of licitpoes Periodicals, to cps pfildr,es4 for one var.:V.oo. • , • i Rack noin6srs can be suppl ied at any time. A cbmplete Rot of Harpers Idegasitm, zrtri -Comprising 41'Volumee, in. nest cloth tinaihgli will be sect by expressi freight, at expanse of purchaser, for $2 26 per volume. Single eciumei, by mail.pcsipoitcs3 , oo: - Cloth cases for bind leg, 68 ovate; by reakpealpead. ' The postage on llettpsteeleleaKtx is 20 cent", a year, Kituaztes; 24 cents a year 11154 t he . Betas, 20 tette w,year,.wbieh mast lie laid' at' thesubscriberspest;office. ' Address HARPER BROTHERS, N. Y. FALL AND ,WINTER Ntw ,Goodst e. 8., KELLY SAS JUST [OPENED LOTS 01' NEW' " fRBSI[ DRY GOODS, FOR. TEN, MASSES. Drop fa and 'MOM TDB STIR, and tee will try and, convince you; that we not only have GOOD GOODS, but that we are nailing theta clear down to the botto - A of the market. W. haveW complete as sottntent of LADIES' DRESS GOODS; All styles and prices. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, TEA, COEEEE, SPICES, We do not propose to mention'all the items in store, as we much prefer showing goods. RAY- No charge for showing Goods. Call and see us. , Jun. , f, /871: - C: B. •KELTAIWZ FALL AND . , WII44TER. MILLINERY. MR& E. E. Kimball, over Young Ooh s. bookalOre, baa just received iota of i ; . , Fall &Winter Millineri to vrhieh ebe invitee tba attention la the ladlie• ofWelleboro and vicinity. • ' Jan, 4,101.1 y Livery Stable! a .1[177 ATKINS Et LOUDEN ow epeetfully inform the pub "?,v7abritt;•f lie that they hems establislied-at, Livery for Hire, At their Stable nn Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon Shop. Single or double rig's furnished to miter. (they aim to keep good horses and trlio gona,arid Intend to please. Prices reasonable: WATKINS 44 LOUDEN. Jan. 4,1871-Iy. Wellsboro Bakery. would eay to the citizens of Li • 'WeUsboro and vicinity that he le pre.: pared to supply them with i tREAD, PIES AND 'CAKES,_ ','. of t o best quality. We aleo'seive meats sad and Fresh OYSTERS to tholeitho wish. Call at the old Stevens' Mend. J. J. BERGIN: , Nov. 23, 1870-Iy. Now Photograph Gallery—D, If. Naraintire.- Auction--C. E. E. Brewster.. SPROUL NOTICH! 14 subscriber ,would recopectfally inform the public, that he is now receiving LARGE ADDITIONS to hie stock of MERCHANDISE, bought sinile the great deoline in prices, which enables him to offer many Great Bargains. The /adios are invited to examine his stock DOSS- GOODS, • : which contain many new styles and fabric& not before Introduced in this market. MU 'IOUS EPERS would do well to ex - amine his dock of TABLE LINNEBB, CARPETS; ' , Oil Cloth, Zdattings, • ' 4110 MAS EARDEBI. WelioborO, Jitn 4, 1871. BACON & BAILEY; DuAr.sts:o4- Drugs, *edie.hiost ph'e'lllll4Afilf GLASS, VARNISHES, DYE•STUPIT., „. Alcohol, Pure Wince and • Liquors, for Medlcfil kalppses. I Perfoinety,,Boipi, B r zifahei,V42llat tea, duo; 4 i r physletatie'preectiptiouicompound e tt a t 8L058817140, PA. " 1 / 4 frt. 4,1871 17. li rTI -=-c-- ETC" ETC. MRS. B. E. KIMBALL. NMI SHAWLS, and =I = ;3• i4{; / St T tti:i7 Raving ow nano a Hoge stools Os wso k ititovos . autl Hatdv:ol%; the "attife;ll4SieCtstkisti ilessauto` to annatrisitelbatl•lst7-litia'at a'll.6lif siotiot, ad=' :404 to.this.uonal stook of theolli-Aitobd-o): - tx , . le_1:11:. , • • • STREET; - Mittlir WELL • . • .• •• • , . . • . • „.,_ wool • , ••,../.4 , oom 'i i Op9llOßT.it gri,4"111:14.:010m1 of which he ounsassokta glefollooripit oittolito: ostVri .4 r iiIt t *% : 'VPM CI OPROWIMA t ; irOU Tc - •/1:44 1 /,40 }4 4 1 q1V$ 44 V-$3 -' : liUTIS;'STRA.O CARPEVISIVSXVOLEI „ t, , z l PtiliiPai'' lArts" effla t.:.... , ,t,1:j ie-, -,',. ',..'.,,i,:; . ;, 7 '. ~ ',',t; • ITT-5 ORB, ;11ATOTIETS, - O.II.ISELSi SHOVELS, SPADES, PORICS, : - ' BE NCIII.SCEEWS, WOOD iikiatila, , -6.44RIAGE ':801414 1 , BURRErBIESINS' " •''" 7..,;,-PIPEBOXV I 4:AILE , IREEII, , NLLIP--i . ;•• • • • Tie . - • , ,:: SPRINGS, noun 6110 ES, /10 B" & Low not GRINIMPNB HANGINGS, CIORN POPPERS, Eli SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS OOMBINED, ; Also, PISTOLS, . PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. f • PA'ITATT DARNIIOOII HANGINGS, la new.thing, and 'Made for use. These are but a fep of i the many articles composing the stock of Haidware. . I I invite the public to oall and examine for themaelves. I aim to keep tho heat quality of :goods in my line; and all work to order done promptly and well. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY MOET3i Always owhand or furnished to tirder;at , '• ,` • BO.I?4VATScfc BAILEY'S Hcprdtpare - Store, Weltaboro. :7 .• ' - Welleb - oro i Jan. 1,1871-tf. The Atlantlip:Cahiel T HO UGH --transmitting its freight with ego , "groat rapidity, bidding dellnee to time, die, teams, Ilerse i power and Steeps is neverthelen decidedly a WRT. 4I N •I and in that Line moot GROCERIES are to, be . fenhd,(anOnet or-later.) The '-- - • - PUBLIC will therefore take notice that V 4:,..1A4110,14 ~, iontinues to 'received - and tranizatt to Ms 44; DIAPATC HA'S of every thing uwjer.pfe heavens, in ;he liked GROCERIES & PROVISIONS With the most incredible dispatch. What is the - need of nientioning articles when the radio la &tutted that NVEBTTBIN6 that ever ought to be kept in a GROCERY & PROVISION STORE is kept here and for sale. The only thing the subseriberpromiset to do as an attraction , to customers besides keeping the best assortment of Goods In the town, is to try. to give every manilla! money's' worth. San. 4, 1811. L. A. GARDINER. Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING, N. Y. 40. =O. ISILL:, . ME • VirkOLEBALR .MID ftItTATL' DEAL a V all kinds of - . iiROCERIBN, PROVISIONS, Vilifies, Jiquors and ~~sar~r FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & • - DRIED pfarqs, CANNED . IRS A .10D VEGETABLES, 'MOD ,& W 440 LASS • • 4.3 , _)2l_ll_' OR ..WEMRsT WABL, F, ,(AlialitEN ) Si.CAßltatliCEt,''6Aß6 i • PERABIBACLATOREV4aIM.,&' full and' ooxoplettnsOorlOoniof ibto *born tiontil go od s ortho Awiya. . on bind. Partwor attention pild to Pins GrosatiOn ,Voidef and Oonnunifknin4ll4 firost tOntsitalns his Stoat b - Comb& kT, r r that 4, 18r3- • ELIMS MEE MM EN NEM . . . MEI tomer. I= -!.- 400e i l - gg 6 5' ;-..,,,,,,,,..;,,,,,,,,-....,..-..,... ir.1.1r.11 YSICW;" ITET , cr,ir kii-ri - 7.0.7-lite.% , .........% ',lop' .1'4'101,;aiii1.4.44.1 t`dii , gt . .; blipit. Wl'il:f l I 1 . 13', 4 1 ii”l' 71..;..; r,:. - .....i.. 1„i ti irr SadLi 0 No , Q, 1,... 4 , , L, - 4" , 42411 .., - ,v , „3 „ . ..i .t ., -- - f .i ., ~ t , Lk. _ .. .., ? 11 ,4 . ,,,,, ,,..i ..,.„., ~, ,, ,,.,!1 t? ; 1 14 6 ; -4 , f i 4 -,2.ir i-, i, sv(;;;,_ ~ i.q:-' , / , , , i35 ..7,* : taloa . .1 - ,04 c.....1.44...:AiN-1.;%.1c;:c il f . , -. 4 , . liL m , .. i - . r;tillirigli Lallilithige f.' tl/ . 1. t.t :f ! ,11:1 , 21 ir-14 ,, 1t1,- , -ii't• t .-Sr i t 3 O f : , VI s`ll tl .., . , .. Aplo 4, 4le ~ f i A r trAl r 't i 14a.:44; 5..-11trfo 17, k-szkrtiocp.`7 -- .4 was :. ; . .- _ - ~...,- : ~.i :, . . j...,,. - ,;,,t: ..-z“1:1 ~ p;oltiyitiatattitaittea:lllo44traci-itatiV4eZdV i iiiii i irtratitill itl. t ;' ' .l '' *214'4 t 4 , o vi: , o. a 7 , ',./.i4C..) -1"f , ;1; 1 . 4-Yrci.i.e e:;-.i- , " 6 , , ; ,--.' o,';', , ' ---:- 7 -4- ...... - .r'. ' "'. - i t . '. ' ' k. 7 •1- ttt' ' ,', LA ,„. „, .„... ..: ~;.„.„.., ii.„,..„ ~.,,,„„..„,, '3l -;'7l f' , 31' ,• '. .>,' .;.- ~ , :•" . 1. . las: e . e , " '' i i --- k. '.,' V k. , 5 , -.: ',, ' ~ •t- 1 14 , .1 .0 '- -.I- 1 - z..' i i : ... , :-:;.„.. „.:.„.„_.,_ -.,. .. r' • ',„, C.. 3 :3 oi,t- - - "..-. .' . !' s , ..", , 1;51 -4 , :%f't. .liY . .'.4 s 2 , -..:•?•'F' . - - ' ' 't - Z l. ',, , `•:`', 4.:, -.;•-_-.-..: i;:-.' - ,:; - : - ; , 5 1, 1i.4.!...... , f,...;.. , 9 g, , ~. , ,' 4, t ; . h.s.xr_t; t:11‘3741:2 - t . 4; - - . ;. :;. =4,..k.:< I, . .`r . .1'..1.5^: . r` !., „ Ml9.ll 3 .*Xiti gi: thellilialotrkints from the eheariestio the best. ‘ -, ,;:-zi,--e., , ,,:,- ,..,- ; ,-,-, .; . > -Del .0.!-.1..4-it.p..; ,, .:;,, ~.,E.!,t, " :4, 1 ,4 ;. - ~ . ,...a.•;!,1 '....,:;-, ,• % •• 4 i . :al, .7,i-aziogig§a,76oVk. g•-: ~.._,-.-.1;0,;„tv, i vOirvfc.%.,!,.. R , . - ,-,- , : :,:.,..hik.IMIL,I B ,-v- eciu: , -- 'l' ''' - 7111t$8, -, ' ‘,..= - 14411'00K : -,; - ,NATIONIFI . F ,*'”. ri , !ETATS, . - ':' A r It 'SIMS. 00/11 1 t4 ~. ,-,,,mi. A „.;...-.,,,,. a. L ...,, ~...4.1,..,,,,, ~.,,.....,:.,,,,-.7.,.. ~:,,. :, . , ...,.:,,.„ ~ o ~,,,,.:,-,,,.. ; - ,t, ~,,,.:.,,,,, if ..1. - t ~ _ , ~,,,f.,1., , , , , _ , „-. 7 rZI, 7 7. - , 1 ,7 / '-'; c . s ' , .:"..°..l.it'l. -:' . ..f „.•.t.l. ~.: 7-, .f 11' ri,'": ,:3 'i '.. ' '-•.. G . VI • '.4.7 - n 4 .1 1 -11.) i :145 ci7v.-...!..we , .% 1 :' - %%, - ' -• ''. All IWOollitc-11.P . A . a , I . ',:l-I` , .• -:;'-t,he '' 1116 414•0 ere. ~..,..:„.,,,....z.„.....„ ~ 4:1 A higo-iitoiltlitirOlititailti t ,-;.,! , ,,,rvp..,_ - ,1 ,- .. - )r itanworsiandlioiNtAlq 111444 at low n lait'Fill: ' ": '' .- ''' ': ' ; .- •., .....t• := :7 1_ r s.:. -.- ,;,:,,,.,--,......,-..---;• ....:,% ; 0., ~-."..... - l'i MEE BM • f. 7,1 • , • • 't fir tr. : s4t.tu kb -• •••.4 • itoragerf 4 r, -4v a A.: 4.1 11, y 11 -1 4 , '.' 4 ,14-V:4" • • .%:,LL! tf: ; ). NY:ol# l 'i.4 Vikltne 4.1 ~m,pigiskiliitta,iglievi'idiftb"- • ‘;, 804 andlito r Abs.ll4tektitexidt • - # CAgEtt NM t t;: - .7f 7i7. - 71 7 1 . r,• 7:.:1': : 2 ...... p , 2''.:r.i.. , Hll. - :',.f. '.l -,',*--;',-•;:, ~.. :. Dee. 1870. p ... '.: .•.-. . •-:i,' .T •,, - ' •, 0 ,.. I — ,„ T ,•”: i I . - J W -...f.; . ,:f-.1• i it r.i"..r. t „ 4 • , •. , .• :1, _ -7 ... T .. 1. . ..s,. ' .-A„ ' 1 i t i „ -• f1,,. ,-'‘ , I • ; . 1 • 1 ~.+...„ I ' IC ..-E,.-'-)-.„'4e..•,-, . 'l ~.I:.or'. l• ' f: ,1%f. : ,; ; -;;;"1"71;-7•-(:i ",,-,,.:...- '',.;.'„.,' -........•...:,•.„ .. 'r 7 ' t'3 '''' 1. ""r” '''' ** :V• .:1 3 . C.7:. 1 ::::v. -;'. ! . a;!'cai.tz ::A--(1.: ,'S f. ;, - :;,:t 4,; ' ':'. fs ' ' ' '''. " ' l' ' ''- Go To .4:::,:,. , , ,,,, ,; -;,... r ~ ,,...2 A, .met..,` C:i a Cr:Ll ' : i. ,. ....: I.; ~:: ' 1 ..,..- 4 ,•:+1'.....1 ..„' .: , .::1- .., %.., ; ... ' ' 11,; . ..+... 111 . 4 • NM al, .liPeirOlatOit44VOlfOlnit` N' lir' '' ''' BE '1,14% . :1 7 1 •.• s. ' " t ME W .. 1 E Have many in 01414Imes, lelis)issiliait LisUtiles' PM* and invite auto 001330 Mt -see them,. t Bars of all kladiare'mrsals cheaper tha last year; - and we. are prepared I to . :-.. -,,- , - give Spleadld be t relos la . •.• .1.44.....3u..4.-1 .. i , - ,• Oinlei, - ; Freneb Sable, Jersey and 4144;fitinli, l'in: White Fos and 4‘Folli)e,` . . *Alaska Fur Seal, (a new AblnOtol very . pretty) Glenulne Ilflulr 4* r ilte. , : . - J. We have di lieelakii. 414 ityies f aud•doiot eirik (lite torandersold• by iny,oris'in this ;stability. 'We have SO Jost tooSiisa.osiothar *go stook qt ",G oode ._ In D 8 8S GOODS-we hers all: , , • • •-•., . • • ~. . ~ .S . •:i. li=, 1-, , ,t , .....: 4.11040 W-0 91 66,., 44 . 10 1 - , . - -,- -..-, -- -' '' ''‘`f":"' `-',-, • -'" , - - , 1,1,44 ~., l al C ',. .-•. N, .. . . ... BAPEN:S.1101104,14101 . 41 SU 001%11113*CH SATINSTS'POPLINtria; ' ' ' SILK " OILtIN VOIILINSITMPREgIit - O.LOTHS, ' MERINO'S, BLACK SILKS; jAPAlrstr, ANDARION POPLINS ,-, , • . . ~, ,and one (=lntaglio . n of Goode and prkeswill ahow noxiolusively that they are,deoldedlY cheap - 1, , -, ~ •:. _ ...... In single and dont% . . . , WOOLRN AND PASLRY . SHAWLS,‘•- We have a complete sentiment, and at irrceeleiret than ever. ptir stook, of DOM.** _CO 11011 Goods, Woolen Clothe, Flannels, Blankeie, *o., is very iarge,..iimi will :be sold at:prirea that Cannot be • ' beat. W 8 have also a'ffill stook of . _ _ .. ,_ . _ .: • r ~ -•, Boots, Shoe s,Crockery : -,- -411d''' Groceries , , • . • ~ • :1-q;;;;;),, :. - 5; '';'.•:•-; .. .:,.. , ~, any . . , . To tgetieli we invite especialatteatioa, as we: Vollessuiroariiesiliagtlipai iitiodiloWst ikon 04, •• „ • other 6rm within i% miles : °moo one a& froza*:eititt,near, an 4 ao.triit toil - . , .._ • ~., N-. 1 - , : -,, ..-, • ~' tileaaeti to ehteirvor' goods, z`'-• ''': =-";,-.,'' •," - , 1 - .' ' • Corning, .T.,t_1e0..5,J '-1370. ''' • .-.: " - '''' l lTEWALts. itt OWEN„ Smith & 'Are now prepared to offer great induoentente to theirTatrone, ae they have just Als& their etore with•orkerdiepe, retiety of • , . NEW f,-FALL'GOO,DS, PIO , . . Of almost every grade, quality and price. 'We .only ask the potpie to call and look through our stook and save us the Ulna of enerneratlikg the ortieleein Store, and Moult' they don't bay it won't be our tanit, as our geode are ' ' Marked Down „to the Lowest Notch. -'We take pleitrareln - enyizig .o.Tioga toan4t., , that we have au , oodlowyorloty of very 44osIntble panerno of „ 'Wm 4' AN ": 4° ' • ; C 4." 'AO LINEN AND.WHITE 'GOODS A yorylar.gti.tifiip4eit, and at very low prices. BM Carpets • , .„ • WO have :a . very taiga kook of Carpets, :varying in-qtaallty and price. sous *shill anything in this lino would, do well . to call sad took Itoott. on; stock, We are MI Atantilkir rpri AQ, -1 3 :4 1 PlatiktaVreaffi° 1 Alr i t and aragallin; gaud gradas iii:447l.w. 4, macoultaaper thau at to tj WE SELL CLOTHS AND, codikOlitiVEiti: •LOW. Piol l l/116 1 STORS, con4tigG.. SMITH. & WAITE. Corning, Oct. 5, 1870. Arnold B. FANCY AND HOO No. 4, AROADE This is the largest Faucy More la - Stohen County, and is now filled with an tiaineuse atook'of delisted noveltioo for EMI • -. ,• a r ••: son,, (front itaigalna In, &Arnim IVDOLOVIRS' and 'every ' titer kind of (*loves. I a a • i , • , , ZEPKYR WOUTBD, P , GERMAMNInt YAWL_ edIA eG yziarw; 4n380N, - SASIOIO AND, 'BOWS, Mitt 40001:18, rent and imitation, OFOR`TONskOURLS. SWITOHESepfDRORSJiIip, -- , `, LADES , k TAIMMINGSs ipprfONS k PRTONS.I I ,t I .-' ' t c BUTTQNSl3trttetig. 4.. ~ 4 i i 1- 4 14 lit 1 .--1-4 'i it, 4. s , - I -141','s VI .. 4. 1 ! ~,14: t i 1 '', " ''' .--,., ' i Fancy. JOWB ewer ' Bracelets Charinsl ' Chains: P 1, .'-',".., -CORE4ETS of every . kind and In fact every alai keit tunisdly found Ina -s, ~ _ ___ _ _ , , „ - .i - I,`Z--' - 'l`i. Cil 41 :3---.v.,—, - , _.. - i - • --'y ii-'... - y_ • 'is 'ri .. , 10 • q.") , Al. Irn 0 , it • , 4 , . ;1 - ' 7 ' 1 Ladies you will !Noe 111.044 An-buyin fyynaukinnot get hi yi#lt vlolu- i „.., , >.t^ ''” :- • ',-.. , IV) II Cline t o Ow BIM goitz of • ~ -.• 17- ,gkir r , t ' • fbi / idnlllt# r 04, 2 ii zero r ' . it rsit; II to =NG N. Y. 1 9, , .., ffil ME ERE _ -I t - BO ME =.• ' it 44 lOW the* 4ew etopk recett , o : _ gORNING;. N..Y.1 • From a ,Valico wrapper, to costly Silks. .:7,'!"t , BM DE MEM r i . 48AW. . ME= !NMI Wa` ite, =I =MS Carpets ... ~E'~1~"l:E'~S - t : S _. itBE ERR= =MEE . ESE =BM =1 , I - , I* , r =I ME Per- . STORE, ACTOR Y, ifiNet N. Y. =I NONE ARE .aNINE • UN- ZiksV.. - 00NE :U.1 3 1 , IN- steeln-en graya wray" er, with la-simile of my Cheptical,liraohomsf. and signed R 11E.LXBOL.a . ) 7.4 7 • _ • 4 •4 4 At ~ri-f ••'3' , .-"„. A „, . • ~-A,•1(, . , •,...,,. .. - 3,1:-Jattt „cif.. -'11._2;:___...._,.."..7:•,-_,:::-',..: 0 •: -...1„.••,., , ,. ~ .. ...„„;.; .74,1," tl 11 ....- ';., - ' A . A , 1. . rii , t.t. •.•,f r , I ",.ti r,-;:ffl-r.v ,f.A41;,,•;,,,-i, ~--..4______., „ .,_.1 . .! . . v, ,-.!*4 1 ... t•se • o .7.. 'CA !.. • - • , . -- 1 s .4l;;lllP,(*k.ri'' letC.2.-•... , ?•!. 1.1 ',A.,,. A. .i. •,:. on:, olt ~•. A r.ei. •I. 12to y,, - ..v. ,- . - :, 1.,: 4 .7,., Z..'1.. i?`,..: 1. ~ ~ 1_ , ...g.il 1 ...,,,, .0..“1' , .: , P5..f ,1 - , ,, , , -,.., ; , , • --, , - C 1 1- . ) . !; ::. illOganistiNtatori a4b*.klaitidlitatem „ .) ' ' ) 1 .:, , ,;,,., I. -, .-• , .1)10 430 ~ ..4.1 , 11- : 1.,.4 . ....-: .A.A:,:i • t 4.:...„: L" 4 , , A Ilre) I , ..T.kaq - 6 I tf''l74:;'&f:l;' •: - ,v; . :,, , f.s.,:i • 7 ki ~ .., : s r.Se_S , 1..-lit;A'.. .. - ,ij- a ....' ...,: ... ‘l. .1.i.5...! • .d... - , . , . l i ',Sp:, ~,..'l,:, i'..;`,.. 1 .1 t,./ .1 f , • liflittia trellata"olle 11 -leaves . .. $ :.. =ll _. < , „ „ 4r 0/ 149 pkqezh . 1 ” et Ong, diffusive; aid $ll Olt loinewhilt tasia :*sh and anulo goBis mint ,- , =a os.B4:::,i'Slichu . - - Loaves 'aPO :gent4f : dime... 014, with - d,teeullai' ieiz dency. to the ' Urinary ,Orggni, • ,a ~They. Ore given in Complaints of :the, Urinary - Organs, such as Grauel,l - -Chronic Calarrhof the Bladder, Nor-. bid Irritation:Of the. Bladderand:Ure ,t4ra,,.Disease,filthe :Prostate eaQret . eyttiot of incon.tinence of Urine,, froqiie' Zola ITiOne thelarlS, - C4n. verne4 in its' evaeugpn. - The re . mody also been recommended - in-Ms- Otitetn -024-ArectiO4'finCrfi** HELM:BOLD'S -1 EXTRACT BDWHII is used byJ persons from . the ages of 18 to 25, and from 85 to 54„qr.in.the decline or, ehringe of life; . after Confinement, or labor pains; Bed ' Wetting in children. In affections peculiar to femulei, the ;Extract Buchu is unequaled Gy ,any other remedy, as in Chlorosis, or ~Ret enOn, fireguhrity, Painfulnes4,-Or Suppression of Customary Eoacua-. tions, Ulcerated or Schirrous State of the Uterus, Leucorrhaa, or Whites. DiAlEt. )).KR, K AN.II power of Dig strbents it Me Water and all rOduced, nzation. ELIIIBOLD'S EXTRACT B,UCITU has cured every case of Di abetes in which it has' been -irritation of the ,neck,of, the Bladder and Inflammation.ofllte Kidneys,.l7b ceralion of ,the Kidneys and Brad den Retention of Urine, Diseases. of the litostate G nd,,Stone,in ,the.A4lcler, -thdetitus *avel Brick-Dust, De posit, and Xtous i or_ likay Discharg. es,; and for enfeebled` and delicate, con stitutions, of both sexes; attended r with the following symptoms : Inelispohition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Armory, Difficulty! of Breathing, Weak Iferves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, :Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the face, Pallid - auntenanee,- Universal l Lassitude of the Muscular System., itc ) • HEEMBOLD'S EXTRA CT .BUCHU is Diuretic and ,Blood-Fu 7 raying, and 'cures all diseases ar ising l Pon; habits of dissipation, excesses and imprudences in, life, impurities of the Blood, i.e. superseding Copaiba in affe4ions for whieh'it is used, such as 9anortloa, (Meets of long standing, ',,Syphilitic A f fections--in` these des easss; used'fixqyknection with gelnv eold',§ Rote - Ftretsh.. ' . Sold by all a fDruggists and dealers everywhere. 'Beware of counterfeits. Ask ; or Ilelmbold's. Take no other. IWee-4.25 : per bottle, or 61 bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any a2dress. Describe sympionui in: all comMuni cations. Address R. T. lIELMBOLD * 49* iroadway, N. Y. 11 1 .001411$11i.ki,j4IJI);`,TORP MBE Y 11 , ' kAINTS 14 , Arfp' ~ • , ; ; • THADDEUS - DAVEDS'iI,OO,. ' OCENTEAT,ED' OINDIOIN t* EFL,- IItEDELL'S FLUID; EX-I BURfilwr:poco.tvi NE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, K.II. O 3SENE'L ASPS; , p#rEtiT MEDICINES , liOCII ENTER PERF.U*II,I7,.' MEM =EIS [MI ORNINO4 ~ , ~~ MEE =I =I TRACTS, AND FLAVORING EXTRACT'S, WALL ' pAtigaR,IyiNDOW GLASS, • • WiIITEWASH LIME & -. AND DYE COLORS, • . , AGENTS FOR MAR,VIN & ,CO's FINED OIL. • Suldat Whotomb Prim. Buyers arerequosted to coil and got quotations before going further OM W. D. TERRELL & ' O. Oorning, N. T., Jpn. 1, 1871./ Furniture ! Fu B. T. VAN HORN, 11AVING completed his new Cabinet Ware Imuse on Main street,Wellsboro, bas stock ed it with a large and superior assorted atook o FURNITURE. Slumber Suits, Walnut, Ash; Maple de., . do., do., from $l6O down; and as cheap as "the same goods can be bo't In the cities, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, - from $125 down. Also, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUOHES, TETE A-TOTES, with Upholstery to, snit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking (lasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds,- Wholesale Mad Retail. lam mannfaoturing as usual, and intend to keep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are epacim and neat, and now contain the largest; costliest and best etock of Furniture over brought into the • Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING A:BIOULDING, done to order at• the Factory. Jan, I 811,,tf...L. Musical liistt xHS subscriber informs the public that be has constantly on hancl a large assortment ORGANS, MELODEONS, Instruction. Books, for Belo or rent. 3Plimac•oss furnished to order. EISOLD INSTRUMENTO TAKEN IN ANGE, and some of the came on hand to bi sold eboapd• Be will be found otitis residence near Potter's Hotel in Middlebury, Tioga, county, Pa. Ad dress, A. B. A. BRIGGS, July 6, 1870.—tf. Crooked Creek, Pa. 'ghani's Woolen if' s fiRERVIELD, PA. r • • r T"' 'subscribers wilt pay Cash, Full-Clotb„ Calcimeres, Flannelly ,