The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 11, 1871, Image 2

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'0; A 14ttigit,'EdIFor;
or 1 4#sti..
. 14 _,)-(4*lt •b`f, r a ,l?
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t ti 1 11 - IL railuarY '
W& ay.
accept Our , . thanks !for a coil of tke
Auditor General'sgepc!rt,. •
.—Professor•Cl. IF. A:fart-has - returned .
wit:111111a party , f,ront , ki4 - 019itille tour up; t
o.qn. : •We beile‘fei, a lea. -
" ding Point vOth,Profeesor,., is
- the
'l.!.'Xoylizikro(-‘tne*gitiO4i'l.biOrY ailvauced
" ' "'and supported by ProfeasOr A
`,Aitheittlter . ba's lie(; eaUsldered high
14104,110 in the. 44 e Lep tit) e,...,•c4 : 14:-WbAISI
, it wite.bereay to , doubt ( or •Aliapute we
look .vlth lotel - ttst - for ,Professor ,
t he_ % ., scratch..
Agassiz based , his Ifidu-
In the wean - time; what is tier , .
Who shad decide, When such
, doctori. as Agassiz and Dar Win
greeT ; „ .
_-• • NEW4A nit*. • '.""
. „.
The most Important • ehut i - S-16:the
`new tail* which: went into eireet , Jan-!
nary Ist, 'are Ole toliowaig-1
- 1i1.125 to 15 cents ;`, -eofee, , frliat frtot'eents; ;
new sugar, frothh43i _
'"'‘'•atioita Nall7;
sugar fr • On l i 5,464 celils,.'inti6:itiel • asstis,:
froiu'S: to • 5. cents;
$2; 11qUora,"froat ',50 $2 per prong
gallon ; ' Wool 'from Si1111 • ; e'cut: : .tp
and iCl'petits; steel railway ,burg, from,
. ,
'• • , 2,a• and 10 per cent. to . ll petits; pig icon,.
from $9 to v 7 ; cast and wrought scrap
~ ,:are. :each luereased S 1 per ten.' Filly
•.••• two articles, tuostly drugs, i are plaO6o
_, , .•ork.the free list, and-the tariff upon fd
: tynrtieles reduced. - . ' t •• . •
- .
On the 4th of;Mareli next, 0,6'1,66:tit!
`nt - of twenty-two U.-S. SenufdrAWlll ex
litre,: us fellows: Alabitnift`,"..V7Jilat:(l
'):Varner: Artian's:w, Alexanderii‘i',l!)Ou
', ;` tletaware, Sttplsti:qi:j:;.:ll
- 'lino's, Richard Yttlee Jualesß;
Howell; KAIISIA, E. U. Ross; Kentucky,
Tlitanas9. M'Cteery ; Louisiana,. Jno.
IL Harris ; Maine, Lot M. - Morrill;
Massachusetts, Henry Wilson; Michl
-gan, Jacob M.. Howard ; Minnesota,.
'William Windom ; Hiram
R. Revels; Nebraska, .lohn M. 'Thay
er ; New Jersey, A. (11. 1 Catlett ; North
Carolina, J. C. Abbott.; Oregon, O.V.
' ,Williams; South Carolina, Thomas J.
1 • Robertson ; Tennessee, Joseph S. Fow
ler ; , Virginia, John W, Job iisoik; West
• Virginia, W.P... Willey ; Mi9souri, T.
D. Jewett.
.. Of the twenty-twothat are to succeed
• these retiring Senators', in all pr9habll-
. ity the larger portion will be tepubli
• cans.
• -
We condense the more ) m port an OS.:
three of Govjleary's Message, which
will'he foixittl well worth the perual
by all who tate an interest in the wel-
fare of the Keystone State.,
All demands tipon thoTreat-ory,bave
been promptly met, butt there remain
ed a balance on November 30, 1870, of
$1,302,942 82, against the`,,haintYCe last
year of $1,400,862 49. But In th/ mean
time there has been a reduction n the
public debt of; $1,702,879 IA
The Governor is in favor of a revs
_ slim of the State Constitution, and re.
commends a constitutional convention
for that purpose.
The whole number of children ad-
Mitted to these schools, aggregate a to
tal of 5,053, of whdm there remained
at the close of the year 3,529. Of these,
2,137 are in graded,setools, 793 in pri
mary schools, and 599 in " Homes."—
The total expense has been, up to May
31, 1871, $514,126 '42. The Governor
speaks in favorable terms of this or
ganization, and recommends the appro
priation of the sum asked for to run the
schools in 1871, 1. e. $500,000. •
His remarks
,ou tbe . military of the
State, righta French citizens, immi—
gration, public climates, &beetles—ln
the SuNttclianna„ :,tath+tic.4 uhd- hind
departintnt, shop lo he carefully read
by all. The M Inge n, eon, preliensivt4'
and our want of loom rot bids our ',tin
ting; a in full.
A recent writer in the N. ,)rutlt 'Her
ald waxes witty anti tittretiStle m o w the
late celebration of the New tugland
Anniversary; a style of writing rather
too popular just now, whenever the
Pilgrim Pathers•can be rung in. -
The writer says, " Let us pause to *
*'remember how our liberal Puritan
.Fathers * hanged Quakers cud witches
in the same breath and upon the same
had) ) for uncongenial' religious belief
and prrctices. * * How from
Urn loins of these Pilgrim Fathers, as
sisted by intermarriage with thesquawt3
of the period, sprang that Irace of noble
republicans whose descendants till at
once th best pages of our country's
history j and most of the fat (dikes."
We fancy that the " witches, Qua
kers, pages of history," etc., might bp
made quite endurable to the Herald
than and others of that ilk, if it was'nt
for the " fat. offiCes." Ay, there's the
We dip the following from thenionth
ly report of the Department of Agri
culture, and commend it to the atten
tion of those who contemplate emigra
ting to the South :
" NEw InEntA 'PARISH, lAA. -eve
possess here the most fertile soil In
America that 18 not subject to inunda-
tiollealitl a climate llllHliribmsect for pro
moting vigorous„ eget:Ade groOttli.—
The live parishes, St. Mary's, Iberia,
St. Martin'S, Faye o and Vennilllon,)
formed of the old S •anish .parish of At
tamps; comprise t e richest lauds, the
most thorough nat I system of navi
gation, and the gre, test natural and
commercial advanta. es of any equal
surface In tine Wort . This fact Is com
paratively k n ; but' as it is
- *Busceptibloolf c ear an easy proof, ail
that is needed is an op ortunity of at.
fording the greatest . üblicity to the
same, to render A ttaka as the aim and
center of a prodigious :migration, and
the consequent prosper ty and happi
ness of our section. I a a a native of
Illinois, and my eyes ha e ranged over
the reputed choice spots' of the Un
ion, but no other can, ktl my opinion,
bear COMparlscin to Attakapas, justly
the garden .Of Louisiana.'"
Of two new grapes, the report speaks
as to toWs:
he Verdel grape is •now in ita
prime, The . ne •• seedling grape, Rio
Virgin. Is as plu, fresh and fine on
• year
the vine a: et' any time in the v uti,
will hang 'till Christmas. --The ‘Ai,iiite
T,V.,4 - ,#l 1AAt‘..,9ii.r. , 9449 ,4-14 ? - &-liS4 41,9x
"-Plump nriumur. ,. . - tip r grape troll isAilelk.
rlPenetl,. rind witle;•tualiitsg-AS
tiol: I this:(Washlogtoit)ki/ul not'
less the ..2(1,V0 alletts or_a,'. u t e,:uitili,
ri4tOl rin4ii it4gifil,tie 16 'ill
SOnle.of titel", 'll4,trOlts ~• t.
thnsagehartz ; .47g-1 . 44 .1
s .-...., i, - 6,‘ '.. 1.
papers, has-been papers, hanbeen the cllsagree.tnent. he".
tvieeit_lird.Bututter-and -thW—Preettleilf.-
They .had rung the ohatlgew oil' high
taxer; egro suffrage, slieens, item But- ,
c 7
ler, atictOtautlnfahtily reletiouse - • rttit. ,
the whole list was :worn pretty tit 1),,
1,0 7 1 ‘
'l l little "!oiipleasnalopfs',', at a 44.6,
ington waEi'iciitivit;ttigT4f.i e rail r,
iltil 1) •
alOs'4r,f4tri:*.ii l 99 r !,' l 4o..!l ° ,4llli c kt"
ririiiii' tilfrry'Sliar4lad,iwt tit, §tpi.l)o4 ) lri...
v; i firr .„ %iell all, With,..v . nrious illegref , a of ,
! 1 ;:i,,,r Pitc,g.vt\i9lsß4,,krtfttittm,:--, OW
qi4e,!pt'.l,inrvAtakepio,lll,lo,y!Jto2 .be l 6)1 4 4
„eihtysettletloye shell leokifer , a tirentY- ,
falliog.otl;,lui tile; freshness , or edr.orli: - .
ale, at4,44e,tl,return A.o,the , ist‘re e tYlin
iit4leh hi t i rnt l e.:: ,If Bed , Butler anti Staid;
*l l lO, eMt. , -, -4 . , ,,vi% L. 1.:,11 , T.....:.:Q_,
_ , .
- 'DemooratiO4elieateis Sentimee ,L
'9n W4 14 -4 1 W 14* IP' i, Ow, : .1,10 1 10
13taeeati1SigieT . (:curt et,,,kililedelillteto
ihe ISMl,4grAligingtiithefi).Atepatantf
'43f flit , tiaik,4ol4ookci.ll.-Y,, .o;tvlef.p! -04.
'ffiligrdiistriptieß r apcl-,iiipial yeti e - g _ fl it ,
' ^thailes lit'e"),.ilhattghipeliaeto k eo,t ear
'vleted'efiefity;iff i i n i t il,.e j ffkiso F Kesiets 19,131
Of Fkatleis Yea r , A, 9!zs-otioo,il4l,latk
ipiprfisoiliniSfit .0f.V . , - e yem .‘ 4 . l ; Ake ..:; . seri
ter& ','Pei)ffetiifi4,7 - 4, l o:; ll l l PRisfittill'ent,
to eontini)e Ontii mie, prig: ts. paiti, iin :
this 'ease theSu46 ,ietAaritet! -Oat', Hitt
defen'ilahtlieleg, ati.:eilieer ; te ; exectte - .
' t he' - iiiwe Whielie . he- hail _vietat.o4,' he,
'felt cal led• dpoii ic, „ipti!te the. sentehee
more sevelie thatO)ther,wrise-.he „wptild,
, have demi. • _ -,, ;, • . --.- 1 .1,--,
'.... :f:ia; Jalse, registijapou i
`etne‘Of tf.abd ":ati', tijapf,*n ale* i et Slid
telori the iii't6§‘, Aiipt;,viill - ', 91Ak,40 , 4a4 . 0 1
"': :TA.Ii }s t? Wii*li'''Bg-A,lffti, 4 .l)T•egill.krtv,
Akiil• YA * 'fih i ii, l ,43,f,,4•44?4: 941AIRPSIOVi
1:1:1eut 'for iii2 - 1 - 490,the1,„-- ----,,;z 7,•41. 3 , : , ; i -,,
- 'Wzini.'l).C4llll4, 4iii,z..9' l Noe;liss f ,iiieigiiV i
:i7otini." '* - One of $1 auka911.401?08991-1,
meat of six oi.t
Win.. J.. - Slee'per,, , ,fajso:,registratie4.
A.'llfie%f $4 . 00 ell() HA ito Ki4p,t,ktne.ut. :Of
Kim.' Manths."" —
Thomas Hardy, false, voting.) An
trnprisonnient of seven up?uths. ; :
A few htindr4 More celivipticals,p.h,(i
sentences beiuch character might:, .'.
'duce greater reepee(;f6r the
.1:4',4,,y ~q'
the balibt.-Harrisbiovrelcipapfi...
... - .
The Democrats signalized•itheilhad
vent to political power in the - 1 8enite
by loud professions of faithrulhiessl "to
the great doetfines of free government,"
of integrity, .of purpose, and detutri i inix-1
tion to ,practice. economy and effect
reform in, government. They • have,
,pledged their : word to be pureand-hon
est. Ap w 9 have no full confidence in
the prefigeS -
ixtre shall take the liberty of
• -'
Judging them by their actions, which
are more significant than words.—lfar t
risburj Telegraph,
° -
pu the evening, o f t ilie; fifth aslthe
8:20 train for' 'Beaton , was lleaving
_baby; to etoss'the Htidsiin Vey !midge,
a man sprang lute the }A'ineileau
r 11 ess Company ear, and shot the , ,
'press messenger; THOMAS A. FEALP 4 .Ng,
through the melt - , right eye and
in the tight 'ear. He tben took from
the messenger the key - s'of the safe 'And
robbed it of $2',259. On arriving at t' ast
Albany he jumped from, the 'ear and
made his escape. ' HALHNE's' woends
are very severe, and no' hopes are enter.
tabled of his Ivoovery.--"-Advertiger.'
--- 7 - - • * - -
Just now there seems to be much leis '
feeling concerning this' War than a few'
months ago. ISlany who were wart in
their friendship to Prussia at the out
set, hive changed base to a
, great ex-
Itent, td we think with reason: When
Louieapoleon made War one Prusida
for the advancement of his own selfish
designs", th?' sympathies'of th,e best and
wisest wer6, with the 'Prussians; 'But
when .Napoleon •was brought le.the
ground; like a perforated Viii-hag,""nnit
the:French nation, In the - Amine Of,'„lte-,
publicatimi, 4iied hOnoiaille.,terins' t of,
peace; the Prnsailin 'pretense , that,tinire ,
Was 'n'n restinindble government ;in
,France, was 604 piece of„mouarchi
cal' bosh, whicl a child might see thro'.•
To us, it seems-to be ,taking the shape
f kingly conquest,, so fashignable a
fie* generations ago, when kings and
kaisers, held to •
" T h e good old rule—the simple plan :
That he shall take who has the power, I
And he shall keep who can." ,
' efesarlsitt; as expounded by the .Na-'
i3oleonic branch of Caesarian humhugs,
has subsided like a Nicked' bladder ;l
and we. see no reason for proseciaine
this murderous and destructiVe 'war;
,save vengeanco.and conquest., If the,'
French Republic is not a = goverifinent,
de facto and de jure, what and- where
is the French government, and how are
the French to present anything in the
shape of a government • that the'Prua
sian powers' will recognize as compe
tent to make a binding treaty of
It looks very much as though said pow, 1
ers ' intend to dictate who and what
shall constitute -the French governl
ment, and then dictate terms,—a con
summation devoutly to be culled. -
The New York Nun , has the follow
lug :
" Ever since the surrender of Sedan, the only
doubt respecting the future, of France,-was whet
thor the' French people were in earnest. Thiti
doubt is now removed,.. they are in earnest. The
Germans are destined to be beaten; France vial
be saved, and the republic will be carried thro'- 7
out Europe. 0 e * The. Germans may cap.r
turn Paris, but they will fin there such a tril
umph Ai Napoleon found at oscow—a triumph'
of tire and ruin, whence the iotors will seek to
flee, but will not be able. esides, Paris ,is , no
longer Pratt* the day of such centralization
1 4
has passed away.' Thus Prece will redeem tier
self from the infamy of , th &tend Empire;;
and, in performing this grey act of, ezplation, •
the will establish anew her to the admira
tion and gratitude of mankind." '
• A consummation devoiltly t o b
Reinforcementssfo the German army,
are arriving rapidly in front of Paris.,
Up to the first of. January the besleg-,
ing troop s had been increased by at ,
least 150;000 effectiVe men, which makes
the line of citonmvallation include
about 460,000 men. - '
Everything is ready for a bombard
ment qn a most terrille
neorudy, from the, semi - elrolesviest of
Perla. • -
The Intensely cold-Weather' Chime
fearful ntertallty: among , the tiennan
wounded. Nearlrall the occuPanteof
60 carriages,lillied with - soldiers Wenn
ded at the assault upon Belfork on the
210 of December, wore frozen . , to death
before the tmiii .xesteliekt te (10t I
-+---- -Os
occorrqd - e6ve,a A' t 4 4 .4 14 1 11
be,iarli l governinput:Whethe4t prc.
- .A = TaisPitehlrian, yersaillei paysi Wit
theilichnViiidM4dt fYf the,rotts mi th,s,
east eillti(ntrariPeOn.fin &S i with Weil l
ieffeetthat only lOrt !Nogent : iiiiiViepllicis
kih, o 4 l .:4llnatt ftrie % q'4.l 4'141.1 SI bait t tr)
Pat-is adalcias , receiii , i3d'atilMitdpfifie
!th9vilitlnt,Onse ,f excitement )anibng ,tBO
, dens - 11d-t oln „ giiiiid ,
affSga.baicnailai , sl4Vlll4Otber.4ol l theria 4
yen! Oetbe 01ty,bitd .called u npom .cpe
or roolie . *id -insbitiallitit he M? way,
,to thiii , deefittiitthi4e6ol6:” , - ' ' j ' ' , -
• 1 i ,. ,.. , il. ,1 . 1 , It. ';`' t , i'f. 4: II ,
1 lAilvic.f#,frotil,cnha statal that- ow Ike
18 4 1 I l l ti M ° , 4°° JP8)P09 121 4.000 31 94reg'
',40 NI egiftdgiefi", armed iwith,, cptiliSepa r ,
qittati•nild'iitirtiefi' fin4iipli, a: dobiag,
Village five miles fronceStentlago de Cu
bX,VppositalStorOfortkess, ritt tbe•En kith'
,At ,rfl i04',.• 040 Y-forced fa email; dio. l
ta? InePCPg.iPflßier4 l ,- to retr e atss OA
killed klike i tie:cel l uillyding,,Awp tw,s%
itilki; , frlatetitui‘ let Were e bb;
tinteleepti the - ' , .AtifOU ttaii ISO.—
*Ctresntetiqd.belvilhigw:thsyleli - . i'' . 1
Pr.,P49#, .P.l4l3iXiikkiinitpartlyibilked nd
ARAVFP6'. Ps,;.F.PKIV / 911ttiol 0. -&-• :, I. - .ID
full'4l4,4l4443 , 'iiiaiitieotititi4inilifiti.Y: 4 ( :" 3 ::,
as , t ; is;l a iv. 41 7 , 0 - A iithoitio;*6 , i,r): ii 7 ..:.; ,
E oiide. l 2l4iihrlortsittiotow ; I vo 1: I * ,
ranee, 'iifl ti *-l y I tfjP i t s in c tti d oi li n g . : :' f il t l e l e lt l i tr .
'bled taletitlO s f fefibi s iltriailtitalk iiil7 2 .
•:tiYiftlitit 4110 may-got sonieldidat' np.
liave, ikaelliiiimletlge tof *4 itl,' , trans
pires in our halls of legislation': '''lltttli-,
- houses Organiseit ottibil'adliketan i t ; ttiii,
,HouseoffißepTelaintatiVeti at 12 IC ;'-- . 4ii11 '
ilketi3enata at Ilt3 IL- 7 W.4ll.lcrebby7.o
'BradfordoVras" , nhaiiiitillp4 iiiii.o illP 413'
woe; 411-412 am vitio tirtitiviNaboi
ifero)voiltinliedi Win ItOildbilbliVin%
Jimrityiibeing , Wet, Ptialreifit t - Miit4lB
liemoordtirbby'onelvltiethii ofipit
zation of that body to tlie'llinribbiltii i ,
by. the election'of WilliamA-: l Willaati;
as Speaker, and Jacob 'Ziegler- iliiilatiL l
! thor ofi Ziegler's '4l ariu al in tlie bitlcy',of
t daystof IDetnoorat3y, iCbter Clierki Whge
W , T. Fury,cof .carbon: county, :well
.known' In oarcountyl for lila tieregrinti;•
tious and erratic display , of DiatiOeraild
elOqUence during the-memnrablii;carki:: -
paign of 1808, • was:. choietY Askistant'
,Olorki - .2 , • ~:, kl-, .. , ....,.i .3 , t,,,., ..•, . 3,
alma organi;ed, both-. branclie fao=r
ceeded-At once to business; and , I - they
carryout their programme, the 'session
will be sharp, abort and effective. - .lib&
GOvernor's Message was read yesterday'
Afternoon, and though of, considerable
length, , t4ere: are...many things An !it
w. 9 11 14 of careful perusal and , undiV,l 2
ded _attention; and yet, what would
seein, strange, to, us, , not one word: about
the_ veto pf the Pineereek railroad bill;
nor, oven a ,refpirence totbe uncalled fet
proclamation to the (mama I of , Petin
sylvanlo, float broadcast, with,bonlbaS
tip fprto4olo4ting the past Bummer, It
is truly said, that, i,! men , change, but
principles never.;" and may we not;,
hope, that out. of the agitation of this'
question good may result to our section
of the State,
I.Whlle looking over 4,he ine l inbera Of
the House, many*papist bad become
familiar to be. lit' Year's'' past, are not
'found irk their Accustomed places, , hav-L
ing been succeeded by, new and untried
men • wheiher for, the; better or the
worse, timoalons will justify. - E. off.
bavis,,the old veteran of the 10th Pliil. ;
adelphis, district, is isucceeded by ano
thkr, And ths entire grie.delegation aro
new, men, both In the HQUI3O4 and , Ben-,
ate-:ionfing our doting, old Morrow .8.,
toi -rey to vyhile away,his winter eVe-
Ski • S A 4
rngs by, his i domestie, fireside, 'neglect
ed 'and forgotten. Quietsbe his repose.
I The moat important business to come
before this Legislature during its sea
sion„-w,ill -be the re-districting oft.the
State for legislative_ and, congressional
Representatives ; and , with the 3 .two
branches politically opposedi there Is
reason, to belleVe that no little difficulty
will attach to this prooeeding, although
the 'profession's of good Intentions and
i jinit, division', Bps- JOudly,- proclaimed:
I P b‘" piOtest:o4 ,- At their,lo.onces-,
o ni,iiii, badeved i .we-,,ebali„bave
,the 'lncise
,Oquilaiiio .ax,} l : l ,lPral,,eWorthr
:dlitriellpg that: has, oftr , takeP, , &WA
lint one contested , electten, i . .occArsiat,
'UM session, and that is frern 029,qicruntr
of Arnattrong' in ' , which , tile, Bitting
member,- a Democrit,, claims to have
been'eleeted by nine ncWority ; but the
prObabilities are that be will lose his
seat. ''.'
The floVernor and
,his wife give their
annual reception ; ;to, the members and
friends on Thursday .evening, the 12th
instant. All are invited to attend. No
ardent at the board.
The weather , has been 'quite severe`
here for some time, as the Susquehanna
:Isiniidged,with Ace from shoroto shore;
.furniahing . that,,artjole tabundance
s'ear's•amP.P7Yi varying from •
six. te i teri inches in thickness; a•thing
unheardof here in ,the.recollection of
the oldest inhabitant. • . The'cold , winds
,ihe north ~s weep dismally down ,
the valley,of the Susquehanna and the
wilds of ; the" blue ,Juniata.;?' but the
warrior's shout andruaiden'esong a have
long been Alps4e4 along their borders,
and their elniost forgotten history is as
a tale that is told. Loo_ /ilng over , the ,
broad fields,.dotted here and therewith
'the 'White mansions of their , ownerS:
and - the g,reWing and p,opulens
and villages se:attend all along,; , lister,
ing to , the shrietnf the lecornotice, the
m011)100 the 'cars, and the, hum of
dustiy'frosn the num.eroua manufacto-1
ries, and one can'hardlY belleve,that a;
oestuiY Sgo tilts Was all one wild wii~;
derness and ' uncultliated . waste.--i
"Time wings his .ceaseless ,course,"--;
and what the prOSpeat will, be a, hun r '...
dred years hence, none living can de
termine: The
,gr* will have ,grown
green over the grayes of all the
present, and, other tering and new scenes
will be trailipiring thienghOut,the en.,„
tire worldiwhether better' 'nnd Nviser,-
and for miblOTitirpeses, the futnie will
alone unfold. - boidd we ' hut_ catch a
glimpee'tif what lies hidden beynnii, in
Ihedark vale of yeais 6'64:M4),i:tow dif.
fereittrinight we i3liapc, 'our' conduct,
and What p - rophetic . lessonS for those
who are to'come after , is, Thight'we 'hot
/eave as landmarks for their gnidanee.*
. 4
A' correspondent makes a legitimate
hit against one of the follies of the time'
follows ;
~ , ,
fair : 11 6911 Yon 'draw the' atbnitiOn of
the paldetyler the PrettnitibrOof
,eltyi Aninuds to Schooltirlh , lege, sl•
'bantsixisiches of ; hichare.Lonly „cent*
Cied with„Ctittcin etcokings„;whilo -the htehiettlet the he.tiflit t decidedly, ,020*
comfortable there dold Mornings, they
havingv la addition to the: stoc kings,:
drawers j boots, and pants.-The fashion
seems tdinnrd to. A t ti 0141).114m1EL,e
AT IlEaTifitE tt06030.—.
.11ER31—° - deliver
OW . of Wel/
berm.° the maraud°, po
..ageositanty, and to Jawslireeteti,J-will esitleaW
public sale. to , the highest and bestblEidevoit
ekt k ozomogso An Wellsber4en , ilkotoligre
'tool, lit,24isWriii 1511, 6 at3 o'6ltiele, Pt ~
the following tioierlbed PrePer.7t XIV --- ' P '
"?' Met-airliattillerWilitifylittitobitthtniata
on the,nortit.bil!indaV Aftolillkittpittri, , t4 the
leilitt by' bandit Of JOhtilSteffer aid Eills'iderrill,
an tboisentlayt Hinds 4itothitiliilibeibir, and
11 -fikelWllo.2 , l4sk 7itillininletiltstativett:ltain
-1132 1 2 4 1 g5, 4's 4,1 seitte.ttittth I li-41, tit' in
it p re ii AOa 8 0 1%., i 'lobe sold bet e' roo
0r440t , ' tixow eimAiiiefiatiL.tryto it sou
‘14142 1 1 0 ,T , 114141 e ant at ALeiliblitig.lo 1
'A -- `tet.4,o4,4l.4igtit tmensiritooo
- tie' Vb,1114 NY/Rho:ism' ll* 14 the
Inerth;byttnthiefilfaitaikellaeoW bn lie -west
VilJekl l, ,TOrtitillOnitbalioutkreetes l' enal;
31 test n rapt „atlt I OnO htj ' ristlatito deep,
lisitlelottloAian htlute, tine trllll3 barn siod tout.
4 i
buildings thereon. To be sold as tliti`piiperty
RililiTX 8a41.4e11, Administritt r or taro cage
t i lselle . saltw,litiengini PR, a Perklitiret. for
t o m
bit tone °ret Sloour. - ,
..-:- A2.Bo.4liklittoilatidlin s ßie bid eiii' ip ;
i hOurittlet milt. oinstlt day.,-...t.4 'me i ' the
"et - 1 1 J'estliltelite44.9,wtttab, fianntettil bbs,
taitalweit bje w ker A Lathrop j otottoloki 800
Aim-mare ofttlidis, n6611'1'1.90 `initelaifiro ed,
SIAM iktritaintmoseriw.oltant ' Orkin% ern
llgl i g c ribllktrilissP4Atenilelese esd
• c
11l I.- 'b to ar thitrP 'lke lila
_. , lap ifffektirgiitat ,_ iiiir Ott
r t j g 4 11449 t "ad 1111
Ai , .. .;o 't .nor hy..k., w plipti,§y,,i ae
,IffetlinW, Anna' bY Adam ' a p6l* and. wet by
.010willtileattataint! Witt JO riiiieriPot less
frith 10We ,heittl& , Ateihesti, S l, iMselle; a
Itiiilrillt,trella thereon.. I ;ti,htis ittetbiATO
pirtyikf s.4ll l tereigood,iittit br. ellson,..Wbit
-149'-•.-fr ,i) (I HOT ..-
~,:i >0 6_ , lii?zi, :t+-=a ~,
..,ALSO A. 4Pt €R in lyre 4:teniblp ;
r'',' ,f' EP , ,_. ••= 1 ,
lliciundedWthq h,oft
,y it. Illeark, eat hy.the
Itid6w4iiffordP4estbyTriataiii ' it" 0r4,, ind
Seeth,,bl.ll;q3..rtonifotty , tontairtitig , l oo- aoF,
rnet‘e-grless,# ol 4l Bo lelPro.vadokitit a
berm, analog house - and a•few_cruit fre.ok th e e-`
on. To be'sold as the propiiii ,of, GeakgeW.
m 014.014 If • Andreilta.Joynlorefoi-tisthf Jaw.;
• 11 : 11 :2 / 1 / 4 4 eterV . .r ,- - ~." I I
-, - tbso , =4 lot s, 404 in -5410Sft Lig .ltaiiilit
JoinglltiltiPiesestdif of the Willim.. . . '
.ilftidielkfronLitialei ulalioitii •, 64
'lts , ?gag Iblitirob 4411000.1 , a tab ' • ;
Jtoontim ,
bitAind auma „'ecit '‘i elf 11 .17 6 5., * 49 , - ..'t# l4
rtlititis tio‘;. If' non tend O. B.
aisitS, girt - se ' - .rib w. Lk i
ALl3ll=ift.titATit,g JP)49W4OI I s s 'LP i
I .boundodlotillititie li hys'in '''dii orL. M. 0 18...
go* and 07nuoDirtt; on the oak bilatid if 0.
• &J. ,14.;Rolan v ykoi? thcomuthtbstiaildo , Wm.
''Bliss and'Hilja iryikpan i ,,a,vA l mt4)w • I , by
• bowls -of Jolt- etmoreand Yolin Scott; eo . alp.
Aug .90. sow, ;morn; or iessiv&iiitklnolinp , ye
/Dents' :4 1. -0 8 sektee AbOpropertrat 080 4 1().
ictrthen, snit ot „ ThevgPoll" - - ' '
i ,l• ALSO-4 lot' Otiiintt Itz Unio n_town •
ibeginning,stapostlind Mimes in.tho twit ant
Hoe; thence, east 86,6 perches, along said nr
-raiitlini, to a peat, being noorper of the. .16.
condribt on •iitid werient; Ateriolitiontt, de.'
gr_pes we5t,156.4 perches' along theilmitifaid
Whitcomb lot t p a pool ' , Elbe evitithesit a . per
thereof; thence west 86.6, perchet to,A„pos • or- 1
ser,dividitig thilitio'vellot front the' Rocha ji.
Moirts lotort the'jirdst; 'theticequlorik't .a.
greos oast, 166,4 p 0541440310 .. place. of .. .
pier; eifitalialag 84itteriskie Ages . AtnPr ' da.
:tam ri idgfiaitee, audit:l4ra' fraini barn,t,.•re
cut, . X() to,•sold.aa • the )propeitrif Ntitfey et.
terson, suA pf Jelin Jr yie l for nsa of 8. V; P ne.
ALSO—A, lot of land , lit Wolbiti,pro ; bo.' . id
southwest by Linsolit'itimet, - northwest by
;stole), northeast -by 1 1ohn !Chita; and' lion . • t
byp'ear street; being 260 feet on‘Linnoln at et
end 180 feet on Main street; with a frame ho e,
teethe steam ohaii ficttiry and a few fruit t es
Allettin. ;,To . be *Old nit this property 'Of 3 ob
li ' tialilin. suit of (1,.14.37111c0x.) , ,;„,,,,,
ALSO—A lot Of land in Sullivan • towns , p;
bounded on the north by lands of F ll. H:, i nt
and Allen ;Webster, on the west by land,s - of
li k in A 4 weY and FasinyiTannervon the south 'y
t e'publie highway, rand lends, of
,11.,14.,;De • ,
lictid , on the elistl4ll:llMenti, containing 6''
?morn orAettill-abotit k BO ,- aiiiiii ' Improi • ,
ith *log barn (And slog louse thereon. , To .
i la as the property of „Perry Tanner,..sult of
dely for Use' of. Rose &, Williams: .„ , I
... A 1,80.44 lot of land'in'Obutlitim . itiwnild •
b unded•on the:north by lands of'.HAtirkblatt
,s nand H. Wass, West by , William :11. Turista
s nth by Charles Tan., and gams b. 77 1-t,., _ .
reontaintng 60 acres, 46 acres liziproyesti. midi '
,frame bouve,Tranie.barn,‘- Color hods° •an
trees thereon. To be *Ades the ,propsity =of' 4
I`..Sootn,suit bfloel,Johnson s ; ~ t. •
1 4 ,
ALSO—A lot of land in "Delniar and silt p .
townships; lwinuded on 'the inirtit -pan id
°anion!! curistLeni .TAttilei trZSZI 015 and
Hiding, tatty Spat I lego,ktudic and 4 •
litutlng, sotithltY lends of ( eorge.„ illig
_Us d
John,Bildulturhireit bi lands rof okd ling.
lith,ap i esiriAtirlin I containing' 209 a ,
Metre or 'so, , about 80 wisely . imptoved, . h a
!fraute house; frame bra and apple, ; pro rd
thereon.' Tote' Sold as the prbperty Of A) " . r o t.
H. I.e.ndis„ spit of L, 4. Gardner:' , '- , ' /
ALSO,A lot. ,of la d a rn LGaines tontaldp;
botinded on tlpi north - 13i Peet, esigleellY MST,
-mad to It.' GI , White, beeemlier 17, 1840, co -
, turning 698 acres; cad bY warrants' Nos 24
and 2470, William Willink .warrantee ;:south
wirkant No. 2503, William Willtak w,assailie :
and west by the Potter bounty lino • oontaining
900, acres. To be sold as the propeit3r of Ohio.
Busher, suit of Wei. Radde. • ' '
. , 4., A. PLBH,
. .
'ICBM • '601)1Y HAL
• • •- •
' :. , )
' i
-- •
Tus:m.toglNE Alas ,no superior, 'and is
• "adiged . to. 'al), kinds of work.. It only
needeli trial to 'IA 'ap'preidated. It will hem,
fell o :seam/ Utak, birid,.quilt,: braid, embroider;
oord, , gather and rafile;iandis ) thebestand obea
put ros.oinefor e i`amlly.nonlyorAiSred to_ thy
pabll6. - ' t •
.i~ f .i ~~
The' Doi z.B LOOKEteirtio STITCH
fe ouperlor to all .othere,lde the 'reason that 'lt
beiff (Weak from the Spools; and requlree ,tto
L wlndbig otthre# 4, at le smell*, ppipteo,, and
- not littiolele get out of bider.
icing 'wishing to porehase a machine, shoNl
by all meant try this one, before, buying any
other. Call on, otaddrese
Zan .4.?,71
„ th ile
ac nee
?_tlortly) atllit
crol); I.,tr;f !Aron ti Zd r,
.Ml4 l llri 44 ~141444144vtarossitsy Asia
ssidies u : l tt s li ii ttiiithl Y tra g 4 l llll l l: 4 tril
*AUr treddle ,- inatehinio.. - IWy desititig; is'
Ainohinis As,-111 0411 on, or , addielurt •
; 7 4;Itair ,P.OTTER, . t l
ra..0.411. te7lo4a;
, A ~ t cr
E. B.
Lamba.Cifiek, Pa.
,t '
,0 e i sr
:. il i: 1 : ' ' '.***lllooll . ' • 1
~..g. . I.
-"" ''',. .i.: - .4 , ..1 1 1 ail spliatiesiipui; pi,
ICEPS , liiiiiciii44l‘44lll7A:Vl: ,
DAM aid 11W we:DMZ% Mail*
Alum awl CalsiAts °LOONS, :7- 1
,sitialiat opoorts , ,
c l i
, ... r ., Ad o. ,q ,v , :elllft;
Plated Spoons And - .NotkNdT .i.B.lllter quAl
Walt grittiii,r, tit i t i reall .ohi l asig
r ,
NapkisaingaV math titre ir a' - altar
aPoonel 7 44141,014 atid, , Agits: jts fret, d Peva
and Penoik f 4i•elliLltehl o Sate ;Tend Pi:nay, and
Plated Buitait Watch Guards and Chains, Ito,
A large stook of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, aadl
Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices. . I
N. 8.4- - WalatiesaridleirelrinatiAy'A niat.:-
Deo.44liisierx kloz.t:is . :-. - . 4. , ..,.. ..i. .
~ .
• ....,..4 T t'.:ll' 4, 1 . ,SS. Z. 21; '-',""if.: , '. l
i10..` ~.. •-• ,
eit.._ 2 2 2.• I- to
, r..) MAW , 0111 AD FPO act 00 el
i X "taz." 141 t a § 14434.
kb , ,c: ) g 4 1,k1 1 4',4 4 11 - 66.1' 7 4. P. -
...&Aid-,,~,, ~ 0 ow NF' vm .?
4 .
41 .ril-t ie
t tv: i„
~zr :. -7
z 1 u•: i"
4 `I
~..4-4-o,, : ta Lrotntito
v f , t izev5 . 13 .1.1 . ,,,:s
.4 i4:46ticit N I 4 4 731 1 ,
a ' 44 4 4 1 0nit .: f1 5 4111 411
lo s Vili. 1 4144 fi lii 2 i
„,0,.,,, PI 1:0 1 14 i
os A ici 77 4 1 , c:4 415 ..z : ce i 1
0 3 0: . ” 47,4 TI eS, O l c? f t ts id
0 t ca, a 8 tit 1. 0 4 521 .00
la §do r til IP I ' 1
. a
1; c ,, ; 0 ,_8 , , ~ a4O 1. ; .: , 0 .
sg, 8 ' a fa ' 4 . 8 044 g "4
1 b 13 4
CO 11,1 4 1-tt i la t 0 #. 4 .6 g . .kr
6 5 ~ k
~% p i ....f... is 1.1
pl so A WI •' 1 t i 01• •r
ca IQ p t A ,40 /xi
II ' l4 I A
14 4 a
a i g . 2 .0.474 . • I
...., 0) .2
0 ..t1..1 o ds Agi •-• ~ = ~
iV1t184714 7
P• 0 •t
4 4 glki:l* ''' 4 0 g al
- 1
La ir iiiii:*.v igt A iiiiipotvai
iu. hievii . liiirdhasid - Abi foot
060 , and Oho's' Store of Id Waal Saari
it perby luavrepots tor.aptitin•
lie the, lettneee..TpAße!pg I• 40
iiiioet on' all giitideland" k Mat strictly
•DI 1-41,3 "I.0.•1 ',, 1 ... I, ' '.. , 44. 1..iit..:1i1 .
, • We keep a:good assortment of
• 'S J"
1 ....~ 3
A;•-• .
it . r4#i,to eit,on7, fOot Ito* Zio., 0, to 48- is
,P.;:Yi-P"1.,.;•Z`1iA*13...; (.21
041VEti ; .FACENOR; :Mt
ttkit SOIX Gond •
, „, ON •
e ' , lt _.
t will bo keit up' at boititoresie.
i ~~ ~', S 5;
foil *tidings Yong; ,pt home at
ye; and.; we shall ' endeitior - to dell at piloee
iatlefaeton te, the trades. We won't be under=
Bold ,
If.f.• , 74:i1V
, 'n,
• ;
Done PonWt,ly. Rnpalrini 171 d
on shod notibe: Drof, In and op i nylnoe4.; .
1)(1 ' 0 . .14.; :1)379.-1Y;
, 11.;
.• • I
;to. A:' "EASlthithq,
. ,
)U.4;4'0411 1 1 Air. Yin, Ikon:see Intereit
the inittneitildp & Borne, no'd
reepeottully (request-ill persons Indebted 'to this
late firm to es./I . endgettlo, it once. I ' •
'*- clitai'oppeette the Otttie }10.1120 A mrhere he will
oontitine the Dental 'bushiest In the noel. ap
proved int 'With' manner,' nt thet lOtiest petit
plOritee. cell and see specimens and; teittutel ,
vies before"golnit eleenhere.'
'Deo.44; 100 - -" #.IAPTIIfAti.
',, .1.1
t J/
' t i : , • 1 WelllS
. : boroligotel' 1
, _
i,, , . I.,), 11 0-,... , . 4. :17 t 1 , 0;•:) , :. !1 .. ,
CO .* W 1)T• ili T88 , A4/4“TY
11 ...':-.%l'i. ', ..-Li— ...t. , , i ,
i t
---fitzfininaintOtaa...., I,llit--,
Jclt ;-,v...w . fr,:4,71,-..i...-084-i Asti ..i t>lott , lLlA , ; LA
v 1:- -,4 I CSOLE4jUNNELI pioiutt..,4w)...lf)
~.) 101 AOi bEttir:,PtVi if :al{; . ti(1) s to , or'
" .w i0v;.1; t 7 ~ i,
Thi hi 01).9pnla,rmitel : lately, kept .by, Bi B.
2611dairli ' Theloittiviator iiiii - spaty no lak*.t9,
taste it a fltatmlata haasoP , Alf thilatapy 'az:
tip, sad dapa r Op .-
thia bousia - Agaai battle:l-
in ottatttanoti# llleamatt#,ol44, 4I- .; ' -
' -
• ,7, • 0 •,. , f::.1-',1 i'_,'
tOit c 44,611.
. .
. 4 : '-„,.. ; ,,-;•-•,,, ,, ',.• z • L , - '', '5,, '''..,,;,, l';'Y' - ' ,,, , . ,_,_
. ,r;• r • -;,;:,„-• .
• • ' ‘ . .c, -- e p• -•• , ' . ..r•-• , ',,, ' li!'''lt of
kd '*,,: - ...N.,.., ''• I , , ~,f . • .1,,,,,•• r.,E . fh:, 1i•, , ,i, ~ I 1i f .,? ! 1 ri,4;#•_ .
1... ,- 2 ,r , r--..
~ , 1 ,1, 4 ., ; „ 1 -,; , 7 - '-(2-47 ' I SA qtf; v. , :l`!, -•, • •'.< •-...1; '!:;..'%-il , .• -
: - 1 , -, • [ ~,,,- ;ml. - _ . -,.* tizzl,..v- , ),-:
.1.„..L00 ~? 4, , , ii-i--q . , \I ,_,,,,,_,,,,, •
1 k . I‘ - ,, --.4._ - :: w;r -r--0-/ are now Wieling annanaiii"'l
- - e-1 , 1' ,1 AT 'if I,li
„ „Z ,
2 21
- I-3_
0:13 t`l• (44z,.,),:,5,17;
!. 1 5 4.Vis 4 n:A `x
.7:lti • .1'
4,- - - :,,, - Els
... ,‘,.,. ..,
. .. • ... .
~... . ,
~; •..,, •
.., ,
4'iiiiii.ileile been a heavy deelfee in prices of
. .
. ----- •
....,. ~. . ,
. 1 .-1 , -..-„, , ...--....i.. ,
- • •
.7 ..
:!:::., .-..x.r, --.0,..1. , •,--; tt.,,,. 3 ” 4 , ., .••-...•,••, ,• 7, 7
•,..7,-.,.., ~::,!::: I:frWiLt , :rl.f . :.'' .., " S' - • 1.. J - 1 ' : ;.: 1 -- ". ' • ,
~4 - 4 , 4: ~.,::),:..'2,.1:c.,/,,,151,:v.P.i, '4,,..0. ti::: , ! •, I a: , ,:t t '.l,t s ..i ; .../ 0. • . •'_, 1' . '
.. i wzry o z Apr , , 14; t ......„
~,..0 . „,6 „ -. .: .,
-leg l'eh-t
,- -
- . iSt
~, .. ..
ti s i• ,
71C.rf •
J - ;_ ,•:-;:ii4.c.,. - ..'s • : ,
. ,
' ''' *lkiteesl)4*u
Our pure 1 e NEW, daily; 'as needed, we are in. position
iri , i`. is. i
11.• - • r
Call and see the strong inducements we are offering to (A i r
'Black American Bilks,. wo4h $2 25, now $1.87.
Black Lyon, Bilks, worth VA 00, now $ 2 50 -
, 4 now 15 00.
Rhih Pijetioh Pleldi;all Wool; worth $1 *AA $1 25, now The.
Oar entke stook ss. and 6.. double fold Plaids, rich °alexia, now 500.
Oar entire stook of Bs., Bs. Od. and 41. single fold riot Plaids, now 2.. 6d. •
Double fold Alpaca Poplins, well worth Es. 611. in gold, now 2s. 6d.
Pak Alpseas cheaper than ever.
• Bilk Mohair' cheaper than ever.
All other style of dress goods equally cheap. We have
ing prices down all the thou. '
1 .., •
ate. 1,
e g.l, , •
. ,
r ,
Oniassortment is larger,than ever, and oar prices are based on late purchases, and casino
fall to duitettyone. . .
. ,
, i - • " isf•W:l
• .
; : ;. • I' ' IA 47i ), Z
Vire'gave j u st pat in an entire now hook, bought at tho loweet aatee, and bavo now a better
and cheaper Oink than at any time before.
• •
Oar trade li th e aboie goods warra n ts at us in keeping an Immense stock, and itiis now filled
with all kinds, at 1/11001=011 low rates.
Scarlet, Bind and Oray Twilled.
- 1
" " " I White and Orange, plain.
• •
Also Plaids of all kinds; in such variety as will snit any ono.
a. .
iii t ,
i, 1 ,
r •
N‘ , • y;
it Vc
fibers is also a still farther reduction in the prices' f our Domestics; which was snot looked
• far' this fall. ,
Weindir sell all foods in,that lin'e at a rsdaotion of five to ten per cent.' lost than the low
prlpOs of October last. -We now sell a • „
1 . I
Batter good wide 100. shooting.
if • " 110. ; q
11 " 12 , 10.
ge " lie. oldsing.
44 12b. "
" hit oolots 100. Prints .
es ,„ , •
' 210. rutin • '
1 3 • liiitxtlo42llNiallidilitain.
''•••• 200:VoitoW Bitting:
thaa -260: • - • • .
in:Orgit FaAfinsj` B o ue.
t% _lll it
. .
, . .• . .__ „-.-. !
:r - ii t •
..- . 1 - Bargains -',
• ~....,„.„..,„......„.... Au,,,,„... : . ! ~..,..,„,..„, ~,,r_ 7 .. --,,,
~.. . , A 4,,,
G :n , .
~ 4`- • ':
~„ ..: if 5
~.. . _ .~:
4 ,S.
.3 IT()
during the past tWO weeks
_. • .
-) i. .; ,
to give ur enstorpere‘the fill benefit , of the DECLINE..
•, • •
W 4111216 IFIWOM
i ~ 1
t ~
Shawls are vryr chi* •
Beaver-Cloths are very cheap.
Fancy Makings are very' cheap.
Arabs are cheaper than ever.
Balmoral Skirts are cheaper than ever,
Felt Skirts are cheaper than ever.
; 1
I ^ 4r.'
U '
Nor $O . l iB7O •
• t • d 11 . • i
in - allicia'ids of
. . A
S„ ~ S
i ~ S, i f '',
,s " '
•. I
,C 1 < '1
1 "
~ : ~,
ost kinds of
n immense stock, and -are bring
fitilo,ll BROS
• Co'
. „
- ' ' -
--, •
4 •
• • ,gßopßiparts..OF
T. OBMORR BROS. it CO., would call the at.
14 tentlon oftke - Trtidc; in, the counties of the
Soutkern'Tioiof NOW York and Northan2 Penn
sylvania,' to the largo and fall araorttnent Gf
constantly on band at their extensive Warehouse
and Stores, No, 37 and 3U Curial Street, N. E,
and offered ,for, sale on the most liberal tenat,
satisfaction in all Cases guaranteed.
Our. Steam Mills
. 1
for tho Boasting ofG co and tho Grinding of
Ooece end!" Silicon, 41 of the. most recent in/-
proved construction I d not -excelled by any
in the country.
We have a fail stock of -choice Teas.. We buy
direct from Imporiersio New -York for cash, and
sell is cheap as agi'y , house is the "trade :
Sugars, • Itiplasses & Syrups
. ,
(rein the beat 'flefinara, and 801 d AA la teEt anJ
(most 17criY1cErk.411o4itioiii: . „
Fisho•Dry & Pickled
We buy from ,flrst hands In the east, and can
afford a better artiole at a lesser price than any
firm in Western New York.
WOODEN WARE, Cordage and Brooms— f A
Pull line of goods.
We coil the ' attention of th e Trade to our large
stook of Wines and Liquors, yid:doh for purity and
fineness aro unsurpassed.
IMPORTED ALES—Scotch, Irish and En
glish, and of the best brands constantly on band.
We specially invitopurebasers to ear? and ex.
amino our stook of Foreign and Dometoto
Liquors before buying elsewhere.
MEDICINAL WHISKEY— We put up forth°
espebial benfit of the sick, a pure artield of Old
Bourbon W bisk4 for the Druggist Trade.
Bole Agents in Elmira, of the Urbana Wine Co.
brief, we invite a olose scrutiny of our good('
and their prices, the whole assortment being too
&mesons to mention in detail.
No. 37 & 39 Carroll St., Elmira, 111, Y,
sept.2l, 1870.-ly.
• Tie Singer manufacturing comport A in 1869
sold 86, 7 81 machines. These figures, Ind those
given below, are from sworn returns . o which
any one can hayaccess) made to the receiver,
appointed by t e ownersi of valuable Sowing
machine patents, who lieense most of the ebaspa •
nies of lesser itu ortanee. .. !
'ln 1869 the Singer Manufacturing Company
Sold over the Leavitt S. M. Co., 86 610 machines.
Sold over' the Parhnnt " 4;640 "
Sold over' the Atria is 82,233 "
Sold over the Empire " 75,081 " ,
SOld over the Florence • " 79,12.0 cc'
Sold over tho Wcpd 1 " 67,094 " •
Solo over the Howo " 41,781 - "
Sold over the Wheeler .2, Wilson, 7,915 . "
Sold over the Grover A Baker, 51,593 "
Sold over the Finkle lc Lyon, 85,442 • a
Sold over the Willcox & Gibbs. 89,580 "
Sold over the American B. IL, 78,989 "
It is a feel, ani the figures show it, thatsthe
sales of 186 D far exceed those of our rivals in
trade. It 'a also a fact, that we .sold last year
over FORY THOUSAND-wore machines than
w..) did two years ago, It is also another fact,
that theseinereased sales are owing to the great
and growing popularity of our New Family
Sewing Machine. it is still another fact, that
ninety of every hundred machines made and
sold by us are for FAMILY use. But the stran
gest fact of all is, that some deniers, knowing it
would be vain to attack the reputation of our
manufacturing machines, and who are free to ad
mit all that can be said in their' favor, thus hop
ing to secure the buyer's condonee, have the
boldness to say that we have I; 'family sewing
machine, whereas our now mactaue for that pur
pose is capable of a range and variety of exqui
sita sewing, which amazes even - those who aro
familiar with the Vest work of other 'family tea
chinks. • -
Now it is mere fancy to suppose, in the face of
the above (figures and facts, that such sayings as
the one spoken of can have any weight. in—
stead of giving ear to such fancies, most people,
before buying, (whatever may be claimed about
Paris Exhibitions—or Fairs, where we seldom
exhibit machines,) examine and judge for them—
selves, and because in e doing su they tind our
New Family Sewing Machine as enfierlor lo oth
er family sewing machines as our manufacturing
machinos are for their purposes. The true
world's Fair, held in every city, hamlet and
home, has awarded us the premiutin of the high
est sales.
Theso 'machines aro left on' trial. We ask no
one to buy, unless perfootly satisfied that the
machin r e is all it• is represented.
E. W. IlOGAl3OObf,
• Gen'l Agent for Tioga county.
Mansfield, Jan 4, 3871. y
Cheap for barter, and cheap for oash at
W(410014 6 Jan f, 1871. " • Pa.
iTAXPAR '' taxpayers of Mid
alebnry toinsblp are hereby notified' tbst
their taxes must be_handed to me on or before
the first of Pebruary next, or cost will be made
on the same. A. B. A. BR/068,
The singer
FROM $36 TO $lOO
FRO $36 TO $lOO