To whom It Nay-Concern. ansottled w bills Will be left with Ferber parties for collection after theist of ,an 1871. TRUM4N 4:BOWEN. j ' iry bar 7, 1871 3w v . . UM COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 1870. Now Advertisematits. „ ts , Shoes—Bush and RandOlph. :atigry—A. B. Rastroan. , , ~ T t o for Frilo—Sitmuot ~t—ltev. J. I ngeriok. ; , 9 ,Nc—*E. C. Smith. v • vs rfb—.J. Emery. • ' 4 .11plication for Charter. • I ,_-- -- I 15.:$0LUTION.—Tbe co partnership of Van ID tiebler .t, Mitchell in the Publication of the .) 1 ~ , !nr and general iuting business will be 'toed on the first day f January, 1871, hy :1:;:i.l connnt. The busi ss will be continued - t:',j'. C. Vad Gelder after at date. j ;iperson indebted to is office are requested ,1, 1 1 up on or before t t time. C. VAN GELDER, JNO. I. MITCHELL. Ne.l4, 1870 2wir ' ~ ,_, . t LITTLE BITS.—A large lot of trinkets •,:• the holidays at Young'a, Co's . bookstore. , wedding cardk ball tickets and all kinds cork, call at the Agitator office. , - —The battle of Fredericksburg took pleile ibt years ago yesterday t _People who talk aboiPt. the private affairs of lien! at public places, should be careful who sits as, in front, and behind. _kotey and Santa Claus have gone into part ; ;,,,-,sthip. Foley sells the goods, and Santa Claus ry ) Mr. lir. B. Prince, desires all persons hu Trish to subscribe for the American Agricui -1---.litalityc hand in their motley to. A. Fo'ey at DANCES.—A dance is advertised 1 the evening of tho 23d, at 'tho Izank Walton 3eute, in Gaines. _deorge Hazlett has issued tickets for a dance hie hotel, in Tioga, on the evening of the 30th LECTURE: AT MANSFIELD.—M. F. Et Fa ~,ttliEq., will deliver a lecture at the State N r Se(1401, Mansfield, Friday evening, Decetu . ;Nubject, " Young Men.". It is only ne e..e:: 11-ary that the fact he known, to secure Mai a atithenee. jN' i :j "! SANTA CLAUS Iseetus to be making 0 : te3l. preparations with his fine things for the holidays. lie has deposited his go rds in every storo in town, so 118 to be fully pre (ii4;red to do a brisk inoiness on Christmati and Vrar , •-;,. meetizig of t. : 1 4 county Medical Society will be hell in Potter's 9dl, Mialleltry, on Wednesday, Dec. 21, at one A roll ditendanee is expected. ('ox' rsamturtts.-/-W bat is better tbAn of mind at a railway accident? AU -I‘tsco of body. f I —When are nottos like 901330 of the tales writ tho Ayitaior When they are declined. —When is it clock like a discontented work man Whoa it strike?. - Aim—There is a portrait of F. D. . Gunnell on exhibition at the bookstore, drawn by Procetsor C. 0. Thompsor?, ~of the State Nor ' wal . Scbool. Mr. Bunnell i a _Main of marked , 1 / eatu es, and they are well delineated by Mr. rhhu pson. Mr. Thompson is making sonto ii'r a y t n portraits very wet), and nt prices which trf•lL too low roi so much work. VENDUES.—Mr. ilitrittll Bilker, of llcAlancl, offers at voodoo on the 22d instant, at 10 A.M., a lot of young cattle, cows, colts, sheep gens, hay, tte. Time given with approved se oy. --Mr. Charles Yates will a .r. Char', tho span of I two colt:', pion, baracsr.., wagtips, "JUPITER."—Not th• planet, buttbe me that Scar Dunker "Jtibeter Vennet's florae." :Jupiter has left the county. Mr. lien act ha sold him to Fischer, of Corning, for the kith; ruin of $3,000. This is "some" for county prices. This horse has many ad alters in this, county. Ile comes of good stock, tel good stock comes of him. Jupiter is EL good tatured know, and he is certainly good looking NNe think ho deserves this passing notice. lEIII W t. LS BORO HOTEL: —This hotel has teen greatly improved since Mr. Bunnell took ~ o, n ;sion of it. It has been repainted outside, have bee': added, and many improvements 11,3(le inside. Mr. Bunnell gives! entire sutisfar.- , , L to :ill Lis guests, and those %%lib , wake their • ete there Alould feel grateful to the estimable Bunnell, for the air of comfort and soesal and domestic Fun hi no which her itt , {lloo leads to all about. We copy the following unique but txret , i‘o epitaph on a tombstone in nu Bain !drgh churcli,irard from a undazino published in • city in 1790: ' llere lie I, Martin Eldiubrude. !It' mercy on lily eoul, Loran bode, .1 , l would do were I Loran laude, And thou %yea Martin Eidiubrodo," —tier genial friend, Captain James 11. Shaw, i'miton, has gone to Elizabeth City, N. C., for ttas rraettec of his profession. The Captain, 1 %," is ono of the best hoys top of gronnti, and It he succeeds according to his merits, will ba representing North Carolina in Congress.— this is but the southern branch of the business, northern wing being located at Canton, whore James It. M'Cay, Esq., has taken possessiolt,and 15 making a very favorable itnpressioV.— Troy ( ;()Nq:.—We nave learned that Salim -] Van "Mel', of Lawrenceville, died a few days ig". Ile was among the oldest citizens of that `I 01" n, end ono H hunt Wo remember from our 6thlhoud. tie was a hard working man .all his ut e , and retainett his power of endurance to his .44 age_ lie was en intemperate man years ago ; (LM may hare been recently, we know not ; tut Le was a kind hearted old man, good natured ta the boys When we first knew him, and we are 41 11 , 0. ed to remember Lim as " Uncle Sam," who told es pleasant storks at the end of the long C. 0•5 rows, many pumpers agone- —Wo are also informed that Lowia-Cook, who "I'd in Ja . eltsou many years ago, and ATTIS well hul l; n to many of our readers, died r'cently in -Nttehigan. PcasoNAL.—George W. Sears is ex -1.,t2te.1 to return from his visit to Sou)li America very 5000. Vin Mt. the fullotving uutieri of our t4,lvn!utan foai% cotoinunication published in the N. York r"timt, giving an iv:count of the explorations ID that country by the CornetrUnivereity Expo thtiou " There is now in Para_tiXileer American from Pcanpylvania, who has invented a now kind of 'up to colltiet rubber milk and a machine for tmckigg it I have examined the machine, which is very simple, lint very effective, making excellent quality of rubber, with a ;;react .llPgpf time and labor. He is trying 'to get aid ft(ti\khe government. The invention, if used in the twiniifneture of rubber, will be of Very great ' , hie. and ,be deserves the aid and recognition he uked; but Inventors are not always rewarded." I.Arra naiiitErrxit.—" Bacchus" is a back— " cu'i" ; hat came back on the stage• unlit' e‘enini, tilsound & well. Tlre,whip sprang a leak, but she weathered the storms and caree'in lately over the wave:R . 2\Mß machine ig BUMP"' The expert of the corbmittee which labillre. mat • ter before the Assembly of krazil, says Ore. IV. Ceara has done more for that country, by this in rention, than all the scientific explorers from Itoteholt to Agassiz. ' \ 11. Smith, Esq,, and his fri s telly are well fettled at Elizabeth City, N. C., well pleased thus hi' with the climate and country They arc sow ing oat. there now. • \ Mr. D. 11. Curtis, the dgitato i r agent, \ ail! make hie annual tour through the county immediately after the Novembrr term of court. Lot eve r y one be prepared , to encourage him °ea his weary way, "in stithering up! the little bits due this once. Rio coritracts and receipts Will be valid with us. ' I HEItMAIC SOCIETY.—The second ter tainment in the Herniate clourse wasgiven hyi. Mrs: Anna T. Randall, at'. IheM.A.rukttrelkia.AW village,"Friday; evening filled, aid the midienee tense Intermit thrdughout. "irer "felectioni "wire all in good taste, and all read in her best style.-=: Even " Mead Muller," whieb we have all read so often, and always liked so well, seemed as.fresh,. and,enthanting as, the scene Itself in nature,-- ; When shall we over have enough of Whittier 7-- By and by he will go as the rest have gone, and we shall have no ono like him left. . She read a large number of selections, closing with " The' Creeds of the Bolls," and even now we soemein hear;them singing, when We look up, and across the waylvve see the carpenters at work maldiltall the clatter. For, all this, they made pretty music while they rang, and it isnot strange some echoe f s still vibrato on the - air. • • • There are different kinds of bells : ' - " Yet in these ears, till hearing dies, . Ono set, slow bell will seem to toll - The passing of the sweetest soul That ever looked with human eyes." There was no difficulty in hearing Mrs. Ran aall. Every one was highly pleased. The hour flew away and seemed but a few moments, when she closed and the audience dispersed. The next lecture will be Friday evening, Dec. 23, by Col. T. W. Iligginson. Subject: "The Aristocracy of the Dollar." COURT,—There was not livery full At tendance the second week of court. His Honor, H. G. White, presided. Tho case. of John Peters vs. R. E. Webb was brought upon a note given for whisky, which the defendant claiMed was watered, so that it was some 45 below proof. Tho judgment upon the note had been opened fora part of the amount, and the jury returned a verdict of $56 for the plaintiff. There was a conflict in the testimony; but it seemed pretty clear to us, that th - e whisky would not bear cold weather, how well so—e - ver. —it might 'answer the purpose` a morning "is sue.' The case of H. J. Tubbs vs'. Riramlii - sclia, In trespass, vi et eorntis, for cutting timber trees, con sumed most of the balance 'of the week, and in volved many intricate questions of law, arising upon the pleadings and a question of title by possession. Messrs. Sherwood,' Elliott, Wood and Dowd for the plaintiff; Wilson, Niles and Streeter for defendant. The trial WAS very tedi ous, it should seem, and was contested very sharply op both sides. The jury found for plain tiff4s,ss. . • In the ease ofq - luy Snorer vs. ;fob Willcox the jury found for tl?e defendant, 133; direction of the Court. this tuition was brought :iipod ati nn stamped bond, which the Court held 6414 noVhe given in Ovidene.:. A rulo Was granted to show cause why the ver: diet shall not be set aside for error in law—this to give the plaintiffs counsel opportunity to exam ine tho matter Inure fully. The court continued again through the week, making two full weeks at the pre eat term. STATE ROAD.—The Commissioner; ap pointed by Act of Assembly to lay nut nd 'make a State road-Trop this place to tho, MI rah . orgek , read, adiertise the job or making tint road, to be lat in whole or part.. Wo have repeatedly expressed ourselVeS in 'fLY ver of this enterprise, believing that it isono of great interest to our citizens and the people of the western part of the county. The tattle is a subject of paramount importance in laying out all public roads. Oar system, under whieh . three men, very inadequately paid, are expected to lay out a road about as fast as two men can chain it, is quite defective. The result is that many roads are very badly located, and a gritat amount of money and labor is wasted, by making them in places where , the people will riot permit them to remain, when it is] found that bet ter grade or ground can be obtained elsewhere,— Frequently, we see roads laid directly over high and abrupt hills. Generally, this is done to min forth to lines between farms, or to make some " Four Corners } ." Frequently, also, it is found to be as far over a bill as it would be to pass around it at a i . l inuch better grade The viewers forget what an old gentleman who was criticising this bad practice once said to us, that •‘ it is as far over n kettle bail, when standing tiii,;aS around it, When lying down." We hope the best route has been chosen thin, ease. No iariation should ba ?mule, e.4rtainfy, to accommodate any private interest, at the expense of the public. The steepest grade on '0.1;1 route is said to be eight feet rise in one hundred, and very few and short places so steep As this. D. BAcoN, Scc'y so 'ell nt vcntitte, taut ; at., , 10 m , I tkv,?, tiVrvr, colt. ENTERTAININ6 VlSlTORS.—i.ivefru gnily, that you may live happily ; shut not your heart against those who have a claim on your bovitality ; but remember that it they really es teem and love you, they will come. not to look at your table and furniture, but to enjoy your soci ety.—Er. Such was the counsel of an eminent statesman, who never swerved from duty rior I,iurizhed into any expense that he could not afford. We cote mend his advise to married women who think more of making a greet "show" of fine things, when such and such persons' come, than they do of entertaining their guests , socially.! Pleasant and elegant hospitality might be exer l eised, even in these days of high prices, 'without extrava gance, if people who givi* parties were, more care ful to provide entertainment fur moot: I lasts and social atnusencents ; and If those who go to par ties would go to enjoy the society, and not mere ly M eat the supper. Social rucetiogi ate neces sary to the happiness of neighborholAs ; neces sary to the refinement of manners and to moral improvement. Agreeable convarittion, enliven— ing music, ingenious ganaesAre a reni benefit, as well as a pleasure to the riarticipants. 'Fry it. ( A NEW WAY TO dOL LETT TA X ES. Handbills are S;lid to be posted about the streets of Williamsport, publictly advertising the names of POlllO three hundred persons in arrears for tax es. The Collector is said to threaten the delin quents, if their respective amounts are not paid 'en or,before the 10th instant, that their bodies will be dragged to prison. The Collector stfv , lirnt get his "back up" too high, so as to lac the clothes and hide off the poor creatures. Apply Mrs. Winston's soothing syrup, as it is a sure cure fur bail temper. COUNTN' POOR. the late Quarter Sessions. the Grand Jury "visited" the County Poor llouse,in a body, and made report to the Court on their intern. They expros4 th'em; selves highty ,pleftsdd with thO management of the institution by Mr. Thomas Robinson, the Superintendent. From ull alder Ire, hear the same report, and from our own observation wo fully coincide with them in this. The inmates seem wolf pleased With the treat- ment they receive, and most of them, if not all, express themselves much better satisfied with this method of providing ,for their necessities.— There are some fifty in all, young and old, and tbe — nuinber will probably be increased largely this winter. We cannot do too inuckto make the unfor tunates reasonably comfortable. This is indeed the only humane way to care fir the pour; and at the some time it is also the most economical.. We 4 ari; glad to know many who originally / opl;m•ttl the system, are now its strongest tarn.: rates. To know that these people, are se cared fel:, should by more than an equivalent'_for the taxes we have to Pay. - The farm is improving each year. The crops have' been 11 . arge the present year, and Mr. Rob inton seems to understand this part of his heel; RCSP as welt as the other. _,We nerd first clits . man in this place always A -atop' man either should not, or c Armee afford to lid there. The hes l t and most intelligent firmer i t the'eoutity: will there find ample use and he d for all his ekil and knowledge. We do not know whether. ,111 r. continue or not: if not, let tni have, wo can in his place. There is no Fehool in tho bulbul )g, now—the nutnltcr of children not being sodici i ent, it is said, to warr.ot the hiring of a teacher. Those largo enough, are sent to school io Charleston. It, is our first duty to see thittnono of these children grow up - in ignorance. AGRICULTURAL.—The, annual ing of the county Agricultural Society was held at the Court _House, Tuesday evening, December 8, S. F. Wilson, President, in the chair. suing year '\ E. T. Bentley, of Tioga, President; ' Enoch Blackwell, D. G. Esttvards and C. F. Veil, Vice Presidents. The 'Executive Committee is as follows : J. B. Niles, Chairman, William Campbell, John Dick. n=== The following officers wore elected fur the en neon, John McßiLiloy,l IX 11.7 A. le 0. Beach, Calvin Harothoad green)? .ftr,ll. Chaiimapio tiie - Cotnmktteo, made report of field crops entered at the late Fair, Corn, 1 nevi; T. B. Mitchell, Tioga, Brooks;Charleston, " C. L. Miller, Delmar, -Petatooo:. , llirata Brooks,iliere, 15 Wheat: J. M. Roo, 1 acre, winter w Oats: Hiram BrookP, I acre, 48 Imo Theso"wero all the entries of field crops made: The proof filed shows that there Wilt; no manure or fertilizer put on either of the first two pieces of corn:! Mr. Mittibell's: Wtis raised on the river bottom; and while it bi'n. goad' 'aro?, is not an escossively largo yield. Probably t so_crop.tkro!- out the c . ounty'will not average , more than 100 bushels, to the acre. ' • " ' The annual report of the Secret was read And adopted. It. shows ;1 $9O 2S in his hands. There are no I yet to be paid. .. , ";. I , t , Ou motion of Calvin Butler, the ecretary was directed to iv the Valais - co of money in hands to Samuel Dickinson, to apply on „ the ; indebted. nese of the Society to him. „ . lion. 11. W. Williams, lion. SI V 'Wilson' and John I. Stitchell were appointed a (committee to confer With the officers of the Wellrboro Driving Park Association, ail(' to preettre a letise alba grounds in accordance with the, original :agree— ment between the two societies. . ( One year's rent of the grounds (.5(1) is paid in advance. There is also duo from the Association some $2O for rent received tljo Privilege - of keeping a saloon on the grounds. The Society starte out with a good corps of officers. Prom our own experience in this busi— ness, we urge upon them the s necessity of curly action at the beginning of summer. We" have invariably detaYed advertising the premium list too long, It should he published' early in the papers, and then generally, with Z e. bills, down te4the time of the Pair. People Can'then seb Oat they desire to compete for; nod make the necessary preparations. We are indebted to .1. 11. Pott report of the proceedings. CONGDON—WItIGHT—At Nelson on the 25th ult., 'Rev. S. A Italvson, Mr. J. C. Copg % don of Minneapolis Wisi.Weill Wright of Nelson. it 11.0S1?,---PALME At blansf{old, Nov. - 15tb, by tho Rev. 0. P. ,1 Woos, Mr. W. ,P. Rose, to Miss Hattie Palmer boll of Sullivan. • , , ' • LAn,nnuaropepts a deaths .4)olbllled.,fron, and all obituary Aottees wf It (Jo atarged nit o rag'a' 10 septa ; fa. telt word 1 DIT.D.--Tn Delmar Aug. 214, Cartel! ag(l 73 YalPrsi . Office of J. B. DOBFNS, 4go "North Eighth St., l Philsida z Dobbins ;• S t i VEGETABLE.; R A color and tiressin not b4rn the;b4ir o head. -It doe's, not prod( mechanically, as the preparations do. It gradually ,restoreS:, - the Hair= toits original color- and lustre, by supplying new lifacid 4)gOr.' It causeas of soft, fine hair. - The' best ever offered, ; Cie4n and Pure, . ,N9.BgdiraPut. Sold everywhere.,: AK FOR Nov. 26, 1370.-Gni. DRY % 001).3;-j-1, 7 1ie tfr i i opened al Dry Goods and Yankee Notion• bingi'lfoitse, nest (far - east Of "!th eiat^ bre, Marliet . .strcet, Coining,lsl.ulll be able to tualte. usefq fric.ndg, and he hopes niany'neiv ones I bare now in !,tecit, dress goods, prints, easel mores, phawls, cloths, alllicadingldoLapEtiegctolbfr, hosiery and Yankee" notioni , , any of which can be hou*lit for cash; or on 30 days, as reasonable as'ear l i be bought in New York, with the addition of freight. ' 11. GOPF. October 19, 1870. tf FANNING- MILLS.—We have four milk , eq . . H. IVinther'o make for sale. These mills ar4 admitted by the farmers generally to'be the best in use. eq.ll at this Office.—Sept 2311879.• 3m. NoTlcE.—All persons! indebted-to the firm of A, 11umphr9y A; Co., Tipp, are reQuested to close their aeOunts before Sist, ay of pot cember next. A. Co Co October 12, 1870 2ml • 1, • DENTISTRY. =C. N Dartt; dentist office. in Wright & Bailey's Bock, where he con tinues to make reeili With the - tiCu , ,improi , entent which gives. hater satisfaCtion than any thhig else in use. To he had at Dartf.f.4 only.—Ano. 42 IS7o.—tf. A Cann.--Having sold ouy beet and shoe es- . tablisbinent to Ille:ssrs.fllu,sh dtatidoltill, - frp# l Niles Valley, we cheerfully - rectum:n(lnd there 'to' mut . old patrons and the public generally, as fair deniers and reliable men, arl ask' for. !kiwi a genet:ou4 patronage. Yersons' indebted to us, either by book account or notes, are requested to call at - the - Old stand and square up immediately. Oao. Denny, Dee. 7, 1870 Bw._ . - 0.. W. Buena. SVECIAL, NOTICES.. Be it tut ri;# hitr • Thornare 'r 441:tii ng glory or Ivortian. air o o - detects which cannot het roniedied by the, proper disposition, of the tresses. , 133nt ;when the hair , begins to jail out, or tern. iray. i .1 4 7 1 20g1: 038 1)?e, tir•with those in tho prime qf liro u lliere-igicanso `for, real regret. When this is tho case, Vivacitile Siliclun Ifajr..llen'clper will-ye, un 0, 1 to ho a first-class rettledy,,lfititedo4,l4,ri:Kafsqund medical medium, to anYihing else before the public.; IC actually restores gray hair to its, or iginal ao/nr, and in the: grektlnajority, or; iisos, causes it . to grow again 'When it' ' b'ecbtaing thin':' • It 18 rtot,lihe niany,:populas preparations ! a mere w ast t 'bult :discovery,:iiidotiscu• and' used by physicians of character. Address R. P. flail .t Co., Nashua, IN. IL , l'ortiry'a Weck/y !Pres:s,l4i/. 1, 1863. IrAUTION TO YUROEIASEIO39V O /1',A13 PARU,V,TAN 13113. UP (a. protecteld 41olitt lon tho, pro lox ido froi.,/' Beware of being decolvedhy any Of the prepararlOns of Peruvian Bark, cf Bark arid Iron which niay be offered to ion. Every bottfe of genuine has PERU.. Vial/ I .l yrup (not Pernvian Bark) blown in the glass.— gIANIME THE lIOTTLE BEFORE • - Lyon's Ktthairod 'diWhat:Didlts my hair soft, Luituriant ft,lat changed that sallow templeition in a fh.e'rnarbie yearify on now sea. This is emphatically ' flie'latn all - who use thestif itriteles. A fli4 head or hair, aiid a refined complexion' are the 'greatest attrac. times a womau Farr pqsaes ,Tlie'lfathitirtnitisfiti Magi riolla Balm aro just what wi 11 'give them to you—and nbthing else will.. The Balm is .Pao hit:9 l :q of 339, 1 4 11 - It makesa ladi or tblity, appeal but twenty.., g ? th articles' are entirely arid very pleasant They 'sbotticl hein every ladyfa P0,8,45009i olo,sots Loctuttatt .t.tostli of the -American tlniversity, aro making wonderful cures 460 ' Of Cancers, Tomonre and Ulcers by • • new discovery. lA' rainless treatmerit,itio• . knits, no ' , plasters; no ..6crimtia — ', e most••••-•.-* te 0:1" 6blo effect • CAIMEMS. o f this • , • treatment -- is, it scpa-, • . rates the chcmlcaal elements of ainveronB growths, so that they shrivel, ale and ' • • appear and will not return. All those at - - ad can calt on ttin,Pioreators Bnchatan 4 Doti), ivercity; oe address, - N0:,51. st.tect, hioson is to hn befit man ti 6 I 'CI 4 - I' k -c.- Ap pi ica 2ot P NOTICE is hereby given that the following application , for charter of incdrporation has been Med in my offine. and - will bo present. ed to the Court, of c:orombri ? l iens ff . Tioga coun ty, Newby, Jan! 1870 : Application of Samuel Ifsetter,i Dams Spencer', -Thos. Scisson and other*, for the "First Metho dist Episcopal Cher:44 , of Maple - J. li` j DONALDSON, Proth'y, Dec. 13, 1870.—Ifw:n I OS T on the 34 inst., somewhere beettteep the la residence cf the subsoriber in East Charles ton en.tbo Stotyy York - hollow road, two miles beyond 'Wollsboro—a ladies work basket with sundry things in it. Whoever will leave the same at Converse k Ofgbocl's Store, will confer a favor atabe suitably imarded. Deo. 14, IS7O-2t. .1 RIST. J. ING4,IIICH. " land George r, remiums "On fellows: 170 b's ears. 1501 52f " 1 " 1 bushels. eat, 35 bu's. als4. 24 lbs. rp for 1870 a balance of d premiums r. Esq., for a MARRIAGESI. Mr. Visber Me- that a will de ,i 3.1451; poisonous BINS'. ♦: ~ ;{ itt . -Sarataglag # . Who hid go lontglathlrincithoilearts pf "little folks'," propoed to cart - 4 tbo ' news at 1 LIGHTNING SPED • through tho country, notifying the inhabitants of lyellsborp and vicinity on his mission that ho . 1 "" hes deposited with P. R. WILLIAMS ' The largest stook of TO - VS' 14, 1101,111AYS, • • in the State. SANT/!CLAUS has ti,nieert9A„larger assort ment-this year than ever llefore, and as the add saying Is i "Ile that bloweth net' -hitt lortn horn,. - for him` , Ns horn shall apt ,be blo*n," has con-, - chided to lot the loud mouthed ME WM CANNON ROAR • =III tho good bowo into every:.hoesehold*the land, ,that the ohildred may prepaio thooisolites' with MngStoolclna for a-large, &apply; Of proßonta from •„, , %IYilliarote Bazar of Ton, which contains everething to pease fur the hot idaya. The following are a few of the articles . , '/ • onband; ALBU S„ BOXES, CARO' ASES, "WRITING DES)K.S, .SETS, TOILET SETS, CHINA. MVO& AND, .VASgS,gr z IPS .ANIY.SAIMERS, boas; 'kg and n. O l ons.a T oi- oih'er That baiitio• mended. - We wiil sell 30,per cora cheaper then aripth‘oi'estabilehraeht injOke,County.,- , =I aso bavo ho largest and test selected stock of • Drugs, Patent Medicines, AtcogoL, TURPENTINE, PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES, PERFUIII - -YANKEE NOTIONS,. , HAIR, .TOOTH, 'NAIL , . , . all of ictliChSiN ; • • „ .‘. WALL PtiPERI . 1 1 WINDOW CURTAINS, . • „11,. and FiI4PXO3, and a gerteist .804c,14.00,43r3et0 kitids,uottally kept In a , , fIRUG STORE, ori. which` will be E old tit astonishing low prices for t Wdadopt tho CAST! or READY-PAY system after this date, and we will positively sell all of o , l2 CA'sode at from 20 to . 40 per cent less than any caber establlshniont in this Bounty.' All -we ask Leto give us a trial and wo will co vine° yon that we mean what' wo j eay: • ' • OOME'IN!) COMB 'IN! No. 3 Union Block. De;:, 5, 1870,-3w. MEI OEM IBNIMIESIIII ME 2'.‘ FM fahuaJliaei - 6beatFfor Cash ‘• ,%) • CASH.. 1 1 • . 1. ■ . R. WILLIAMS, Welialioro,'Pa M2===!!!MMMEMMI EVERL:4,4SOL s -JN-74;AIOGil '` 'COUNTY '''' ' Dit° - y ,~•. t thesjuet received iii'iliemense - etock of all the West styles of ~ t :'W«'! • ' • - A _ • GO D !We hit;frO fur the: Hue of Tr.'Os from 'the cheapest to theJbest. DRESS GDODS, FLANNELS, ' NOTIONS; All wool & Unlori.Cloths & Cassimieress A large Pooh - of'snbstantial Goods, suitable for Farmers and Meobanies' wear at low rates, oven less than last Fall. Depart eat. We have a full Itne of Tea, Ehigar, Coffee, SyrupS;Baleratus, Chewing Tobacco, &c., and all of the best brand S. Dee, 5; :1870, I ME Set of Furs Cheap, ,o it The - egu lator,`Corning, N. Vs g 1= IN IMI E hive many noveltlia in Children's, Misses and Ladies' Furs, and invite all to come and , see them. 'Fuji Of altltindiriti,e - mtiph cheaper, than last year, and we are prepared to ftl _ . ': " ,-'±,:;',. . givOlatinaid'barguinti in - 'CO'nOy, Fiench SablO;3e,rapy - :,'•ano;-)Aaaka Mink rm. White Fox and Errnitie, • i yv.laskat , Fur;l3eal•'(a,•rkiwthifig . alid very pretty) Genuine Mink Sets, &c. ~,),-, , ... . , . ~,- , -.,:, :- , -,- -.•, - - .. We have all qualities and styles; and do rlOl.eipect to be undersold by any one in this vicinity. We base else just received al:tether large stock at Dry Goode. In DRESS GOODS we have all theneW styles, such as BADEN SUITINGS, ENGLISH AND FRENCH SATINETS POPLINETTS, SILK CHAIN POPLINS,: EMPRESS CLOTHS, MERINOS, BLACK SILKS, JAPANESE AND IRISH POPLINS, . _ nd one'examination of Clooda'and 'prince 4rill allow •conclusively that thoy aro decidedly cheap • In singlo and double WOOLEN ANII, We have a complete assortment, and at prices lower than ever Voolon Oloths,'ltannels, Plinkots, ho., is very inige, and ;will be soil at prices that canno ho beat. We haste also a full stock of fr I Crockery . - and Groceries, Boots, To whieliwe invite especial attention, as we beliovo we aro selling those goods lower, than other`firrn within 50 miles. Come one and all from far and near, and we will be pleased to show our goads, 'Coining,lc. Y. Dec". .5, 1870. Are now prepared to offer great indueepien . • just filed their store 'with an o Of almost every grade, qualify and price. Wl3 only ask the people to call an l ii ' look through our stock and save us tho Limo of' enumerating the artieles in Store, • and then if they don't buy it won't be our fault, as our goods are NEW FALL' We take pleasure in saying to the Ladies of Tioga county, that we have an endless variety of very desirable pa)terns of • , ~ i cPI iP [O.) 9 VaDag 63 9 g0,..&"t1 Car_r)ets! CaiilJ‘e-ts! We have a very large stock -of Carpets, varying in q - sons ,wishitig anything in this lino would do well to call and to, We ,are suit - Agentk 'for the!.`, TEAS United arid are selling:good grades ' - , • much I, WE SELL CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES ERY LOW Corning, 04.5, 1870. o FANCY AND HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, ;No. 4,. ARCADE (dear Erie Depot,} CORNING, N. Y. This is the largest Fancy Store in Steuben CountY; and is now filled with an immense atock of the latest 'novelties for 111 'rail *Winter Sett Ore* bargEtintl u i Se'anifessHlClD GLOVES, and every otherl DBE ZEPHYR WORST.P,D, SILK,II VELitya RIBBON, HAIR OOOODS, real and imitation, SWITOIIES, EMBROIDERIES, BUTTONS, BUTTONS. - • Fancy Jewelry, CORSETS of every kind, and in faeVevery thing kept usually found in a OSST Ladles you will save money in buying goods (you cannot get In your vicin • ity) by going to the EANOT STORE of Corning, N. Y., Oet, 5, 1870. 1 1 ?,, , ? '1"-, , `,: J ".. ~.•- r. ii ::.-;,.. + t IMO ViAtTl3 ; 1 29; - 11.1Y ANY MI r WILL BEAR. IN MINA THAT Grocery BM TERMS,-,STRICTLY CASH! IF. YOU WANT A NICE and , limk at thd new stock just received Doniekti`e Cotton goods, Shoes, Smith ST, CORNING, N. Y., Marked Down to the Lowest Notch. Prom a Calico wrapper, to the costly Silks LINEN AND WHITE GOODS A very large, assoitment, and at very low prices REMEMBER TUE PEOPLES' STORE; I CORNINO, N. - Y. ld Be •:z• o) z *, : I , NM Bracelets, cga/E/GT •: - ..: ---- ;4. , g'• .T., ~ ,' .. ~ - I -1:: -.- • .- ' 0 0,. 13 , . 9 SHAWLS, CASSIMERES, HOOP SKIRTS, GO TO PASLEY SHAWLS, Waite, s to their patrons, as they have .41e88 variety of, Ileirie' 'GERMANTOWN 't ARN, SASHES AND Bii WS, 011 I GNONS, CURLS, LACES & TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, BUTTONS. Charms & Chains. A. B. HEINE, [near the Depot] CORNING, N. Y DOMESTICS, LINEN, STOCK, BOOTS & SIIOES, CHAS. C. MATHERS. thir stook of NEWELL & OWE i nn ty and price: Pet k troubgh our stock. ' States Tea" Company, heaper than at retail-, SMITYI & WAITE. STORE, 'Mt. Hod of Gloves rVIVOR,g. Lots of New Goods 1 COME TO T. L. BALDWIN & On TIOGA, PA. and sae a race stock of Goods for the FALL tt WINTER, ILLEDEIIN a pe 0001:3 —all styles, .eolors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., cto. BEAUTIFHL Winter SHAWLS, and a largo assortment to Moot from. , CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL RINDS OF_ LI NINGS, FRINGES, TASSELS La., TO TRIM. DRESSES OR SACQUES. —chit atoak of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't be boat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS,. &C. _ maxitatinaz to. numerous to mention; but will say that you wi I seldom find so largo an assortment td•aolect from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE. Wo also keep d largo assortment of k, I EAIIi-MADE CLOTHING , in suits, and parts of suits. Should we fail to auit.yon with ready-made, wo have Cassimero and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT. ROots and Shoes, all styles and sizes HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODENJWARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, Locks, Latches, CarpontersyTools, A GENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES'.' E.LIIOWE SEWING MA.CIIINE. ratmors, if you wanttools to work pith drop In. SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, c, Buttor tubs, Pails. Firkins, and As ton Saint) flavor with. ' , All kinds of Fa m Produce want ed. Pricoa can't be boat. Tioga, Pa., (let. 12,1870 RC> ,Wa1..3104.431.1-0E any ?it'll': GREAT AM ERICAN-lIRALTLI lIESTOB. ER, purifies tho b ood nod cures Scrofula Syphilis, Skin biseases, Rheumatism, Diseases o Women, and all Cbrolill alleetions of the blood Liver and Jilidne3s. Ile,commended by tho Medi 'cal Faculty and many thousands of our best citi zoos. I Read the testimony of Physicians and patientit who have need Dominions; amid for our Rots:Wallas Guide to health BMA, or Almanac for this year, ;which we publish fa} gratuitous distribution; it 'mill give you much valable information. Dr. R. W. Corr of intlimnore, says: i I take pleasure in recommending yourdlosinsL mas a very powerful alterative. I haVe seen It used in two cases with happy results—one in a case of secondary syphilis, in 'which the patient pronounced himself cured alter having oken fire bottles of your medicine. The other is case of scrofula of longstanding,. which is ra idly im proving under its use, and the indiections are that the patient will soon recover- I live care fully examined the f.irroula by w,t ich your jvur Robadalits is made, and had it an eicellent CoMpound of alterative ingredients. , . Or. Spark's of Nicholasville, Ky., sa s ho has used Rosadalin in cases of ecrofula and Secondo l'y Syphilis with satisfastory results. As a clean. cc of the blood I know no better remedy. Samuel 0, Meradden,Murftershoro, Tenn.,caya I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis, and am: entholy cured of Itireumatictn; Bond me four bot tles, as I wish it fur my brother, aho has scroll'. lens sore eyes. Benjamin Beehtul, of lima,Ohlo, writes, I have suffered fur twenty years with an inveterate eruption over my whole body; a short titue Mime I purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and it effected a perfect mire. Rosodalisfs sold by P. R. Williams & Co., and W. C. Kress, Wolishoro; Philo Tuner,' Flogs; M. L. Biterm,Riussburg,and Ihnggistsgenerally. March 9, HALL 9 S VEGET4.BLE ,HAIR I RENEWER W k .,po k / ,fs . the only peribeted awl sci en tilica 11 y prepared preparation of its kind ever ofren o l to the, public, l and has no- eq4etitor in me7xl7.' Tiy Atli use .GRAY II"Al It -is soon restored to its, origin:ll youthful color and bril liancy, which is'. so much ) l iadmired by all. Persons whose hair is tllid or falling out will, by the "useor our Ifienewer,soon see its good effects, p, by its lonic and stimulating properties the hair glands will be incited ,4 and the> hair grow; thicic . 4 : andstrongagain. In cages of Balrincs it will create a new growth unless the follicles are deStioYed. It is cooling, and •allays all itching and irritation of the scalp. It does no t,Staia the skin as do dyes, but )1 makes the seal!, whiteand: clean. As a Dri,ESS NG lit is the best land most economical preioratin in, i the world, as ith e ects last, so much longer. end RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, PROMOTES ITS GROWTH! IS A SPLENDID DRESSING, TRY ONE BOTTLE AND THICKEN UP THE THIN LOCKS! for our Treatise on) i the hair, free to all, by mail. Sold by all Di ng9ists and Dealers in Medicine rrlen one Dollsr rer Bottle. R. - P.-HALL & CO., froprietors. LABORATORY, Nairn, N. H. Aug. 3, 1870-Iy. 140,000 F OR SA LU, of the best Kiln oppositti Weßebore . , Sept. 23,,t87 V. L. B LDWIN ,k, CO, BRICK material, by I C MARGRAFF, the now Cednetory FREDER 11 ' Fall & Winter M ' ,AND: FANCY GOO 8 • 'NIT& SOPIELD reepootfilly announces to ju. the publio that ehe le no receiving a complete etookttf ' . Fall and Winter Goods. Espooial attention is -invited to her i•ssortment L ot Lcorsets, and Ready Made White Goods, [ Also Zephyrs And Germalown 'Wools In Fanny shade P'atternsi Zeph and evething Pertaining to th e trade. n G LOVES o f KID GLOVES of the test brand: Flowers, Laces, Caps, Bonnets, Ribbons, FloWertil Laces, (to. The Wilcox Gibbs Sowing Machine for Bale, or rent by the Week. `Dire. A. J. BOFIELD. Wellaboro Oct. b,, • New Millinery • MRS. SMITH, on Main Street, bee pisti opened a very large assortment of a ZWIT 0015 to MILLINERY GOODS Which she is Selling at COST, such as HATS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS LACES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, - lI'DRERCHTS, &C., &C.,. .st. lam the only agent in this place for ',, - • v GAPS PATENT - 14.1.1F.;1 Ladies that have not noticed these MOTs will ho astonished at their cheapness, beauttandjam fort. "' 1 . all of whieh will be sold much below fOrmer pd. ces, MI work dotee•promptly, and to please. MRS. CAROLINE SMITH Wellaborlo, Nov:' 7, iB7o—tf. Musical Instruments ! Instruction Books, / for salo or root I=oletaacsm furnished to order. OLD INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, and some of the same on hand to be sold cheap. , Ile will bo found at his residence near Potters' Hotel in Middlebury, Tioga county, Pa. Ad dresg, A. 13. A. BftICIGS, July 0,18'10.4f. Crooked Creek, Pa. 25,000 Bushels of LIME for sale by Aug. 240870.-4 t The Pileap Cash Store. William Wilson HAS JUST REOEIVELO LOTS OF fA . E'fir GOODS! AND HAS Mar•]ked their Doivp TO VERY LOW Cask 1 Pricep. To enumerate the articles and giro a disorip-, tion of the variety and quality pf goods, would be labor thrown away, I therefore invite all to I DRIAP and see for tiMmseivim and take a look through the mammoth stock; and convince themselves that GOOII GOMIS Low Prices 1 Mo the two gtoat indttoordonto for people to buy. Remember the placo, Wilsort Van Vnlken burgh's old stand. Sept. 28,1870-1 y II llifery ME =I - NO TIE CM iblie that be o assortment DYJONS, w. C. KRESS MI AND • WILLIAM WILSON.