The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 07, 1870, Image 2
This gives the city the appearance of ,age, and,also makes it appear_ like the •cites East. Rockford is surrounded by one of the best rimming districts of the State. - The farms are well cultivated, and have good buildings upon theme- The farms are worth more, perliaos, than in Tiogn county, acre for acre-- Like all the other pieces in this State, the people have not* lost sight of the education of their children. This is an admirable feature in their system of governmeet. I visited cattier the schools in 116e1(ford, and was highly pleased with the way it teas conducted. They are i all on the graded systein, and the best of 'order is maintained by each tO cher; Tkese schools speak loudly for the Stt‘te: of Illinois. After spending a (lay and a half in Rockford, I left for Chicago, which is said to contain nearly one-third, of a million of people,. It claims to have at - least :300;000 . souls—almost a third as many as Now York ; and yet, -10 years ago Chi9ago .WaS a Mali village. But being one of the greatest railroad cen ters iii the world, beside having a large business on the lakes, it, harm become what it. is—the " busy lice" of the Ila- Lion. it is no-drone among the great (ilies of tlw republic. Its pt-ople not only pass Under Ihe liver in their great rush of business, but over it, as well as sai) Iu ships propelled by the wind or forced tee the powe'r of steam—nod per haps direetly over your head, at - the very time you Loy passing to or from your difily toil. walked ' tinder the river, and at the ante Bine (bete were the clatter of horses' feet, and the rattle of carriage wheels constantly sounding Or my ears, as I walked under ground from one side of the river to the other. Of course we did net have the light of the sun, or moon; a l we passed along under the sluggish waters of the -111i nois—but we had the light of ga 8, which was far better. There is a large amount of gas itt Chicago, as there is in all large places of businesi- It-seems to lie ,neeessary in the daily transac tions Of the place: Yon could not walk under tin; river without it., and most all salesmen think i t. neceltsar,y arti etc in selling their ( commodities. 1 It is very lavishly used everywhere in the day time as %veil as in the night. It seems as free as Water. This reminds ow of 11w visit I made to Lhe lake, Where the city gej.s its sup ply of water. This magnitient work I-4 proof that the city is capable of any thing within the possibilities. IL can tunnel under its ri verand lake, and use the latter for the comfort and conveni ence of every family-, it can sink a shaft in the middle of the lake, and make a large water course under the natural basin, from which twitunip the large ,sappy of Water needed for its 300,00 t ,) inhabitants. This is the great I(ixtiry the peopki are enjoyiug to-day. Ihicago is supplied with [lw best water Lake 'Michigan eau! allbrd. A nil you will fl i nt! It in the upper stories c as, well an in the cellars; indeed wherever the ( occupant, desiresi to have it. Thewiwk at the lake iS difficult to describe. The building for the engines, w MOO° tile pumping and forcing' of the water into the pipes, - which run through the idly like so many veins iu the human sYstem, is large and coin modiotts, and as firmly built. as'stene -snot the art of masonry eats make it.— In th 4 building there ate one double engine mid twit. single eves, and the orkinen are putting in a second don lde one, of 11111111 larger capaeity than the metithined. The en granc in operation,pumps I ,Oottgal lons of water every revolution of its halance wheel, and the two single ones, when operatieg, 1,200 gallons every IV% which would supply to the rity ca ch day :0,00 fi0,000,000 of gal .. ten, of water. But the engines are not all usually iri motion. - Some of them are kept in reserve, to meet ears of AC• ei.tent or emergency. •In Lhe city they have reservoirs to re ceive any surplus Water that. may be pumped, awl which also serVe as aids to fine(' the water to the height desired. At the lake, as a part of Lhe water works, there is a tower itiO feet 1'10).- Iti the center of this there is a column id east iron, like' a large engine boiler, ising In the venter of Ihe tower, I should judge, 100 feet,. Water i, forced into this from below the. surface of he eadfi ; and in v..-opottion to the height the water iscraised in the tower, so is the pressure on the pipes which convey the , water through the city. I ascended this tower by a spiral stairway, which gave me a Most magnificent view of the lake and city. I regretted that the day was cloudy and a little rainy, and that, ,the smoke in the horizon obscured the prospect. But. still I was amply paid kir the Itscent of 237 steps, which, be fore they were ascended, began to pro duce ninth weariness in my musiitilar syste it. Should any reader of this sketch visit Chicago, if lie would like one of the gPandest sights, let him climb the tower at the water-woelts. I spent two days at Festorla, its Ohio. This is a thriving village, in a county as hovel as the western prairie, but densely covered with oak, elm and lithe!: walnut, Where it has not been re moved by the strong hand of the farm er. 1 found the wheat and oat crop here ninth more abundant than in Il linois. The soil here is very deep and fertile. - 1'?also stopped at o Corry, l'a., which al host - optriyals the rapid growth of the Western,-towns and cities. Where this rapitlly growing place is now Inca c led, it few yiars ago it wasrdenstdy cov ered 'with forest. The land, for the most i art, on which it is I , lllit, lies too .low, aid looks marshy and wet. But it is iof the land which makes the place,,, but the houses, railroads and great mill , of business 'generally. It aboun sin oil and taverns. I think I never :aw a place of the size of ('orry which] had so many tavern signs. ' Phis 1 judge to be one of the bout "signs" of theiplace. i The oil is' not exception able, for the Downer retinery:furniskies us with our best kerosene. I liked the go-ahead spirit of Corry, and W9llici speak well of her business which adds to the real wealth and usefulness of the place. J. 8. P. We have received a report of the Mee ting of the Young Men's Christian As sociation State Con motion, held at Scranton on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of the last month. We feel a deep interest in the prosperity of these AF,sociations, forlieyyare accomplish fog great good in many parts of the Slate. We called attOtion to the/sub ject last year, and at that time fa;vored the organization of such t•ocieties fu this county. '4e officers of the Association vionid 41 3 pleased to have such a s&iety Organized in this plate. 'We slidult be glad if it eoubl be done, and hope that those kkiho feel au interest in such mat ters will take the neee:?sary steps to do so, at as early' a day as zaactieable.— 1 Them Otopta 'tie enough christian pep pie iuNid about' WeNsboro to make such - tin association useful in an emi nent degree. We have not spaet:Optiblisti the full report. The session ii %%flits very illlerest hit; .and profitable. To such az.hoeitt lions belongs the great . work of laying a larger, foundation for eh ristiau union, and for the breaking down of the bee- Lariat) barriers wliieb fp eat ly impede the progress and growth of those influ ences which shall finally bring all good and true men together on a common platform. • The following were the perm:l9ola officers of the Convention : President, Peter B. Simons' of Philadelphia; Vico Presidents, lien. James A. Beaver, of lieno fonto, Alfred Hand, of Scranton, and D tt via L. - stnall, of York ; Secretory, Francis A. Denig, of Pittsburg; Assistant Secretaries, Biles Pardo, of Carlisle, anti Frank K. French, of Brie, 'rho following is the annual report of the Execl4i ye Committee, submitted by Thomas l K. Krees, Chairman : " At the time of .holding the laid. Convention, there were in the State 28 Associations ; two of these have disbanded during the year. Forty one Associations have been organized during the year, and efforts are being made in a large num ber of towns with good prospects of effecting an organization. The reason fur congratulation, is not the number of Associations, so much as the spiritual improvement in our work manifested by all our organizations. There are now 69 Associ ations in our State. Reports bavo been received from 67 of thcm—two only having tailed to re port; 61 Associations report a membership of 8,562 ; !34 'report expended during the year, $31,- 864; 19 reported 15,442 volumes in libraries.— Other information of interest was, ctr.botliod in the report regarding the work. The following exhibit of the finances of the committee was made: Amount expended during tfle year, $l,- 457 69, expended as follows: Printing, $800; postage, .1300; expenses of the Witham:ill( rt. Convention, $ll7 8.1 ; sundry expenses, $239 ;5, The receipts from all sources was $1,116 72, r rying, a balance duo committee of $3ll 67. Iw ring the most of the year, it has been very, ie. cessary to employ an assistant and part of ho time two assistants; but most of the work) ias been done by the committee and volunteer assist ance. During the year the committee has circu lated 1,000,000 pages of printed matter, 15,600 printed letters and circulars, and over 1500 writ ten letters; have had 101111 local and editorial no tices of oar work inserted at our ropiest in the leading papers in every county in thy State." '- Able addresses were made by gentle men from different parts of the State, and on various subjects of inter4st to all. The next Convention_ will b 4 held .at Erie, Sept. 21, , 1871. 1 Ctie agitator. "VTEILT_OaIEICIFt.O , PA_ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1870 To our:. PAT.noNs.—All persons in debted to this Office for adverthdng, job•work, and subscription are cm -tit -say requ,st, fl to forward their respective amounts at ouco. Va 3 am com pelled to add largely in material to this office to keep up with our increasing business, and there fore large the necessity of Al in being prompt in paying up. The Agi(o tor Office will be removed to the large and commodious rooms Smith Bowen's now brick block before the first of Jan. 18.11.—Gt. Hon. John Cessna will contest the election 6f Mr. B. F. Myers, who holds the certificate of election in the 16th Congressional district of this state.— The majority was only 11, and, Mr. Cessna is confident that he ca l !) easily overcome it. Gen. Harry White, SpeaUer of the Stat4Senate, has ordered an election in the Ist Senatorial district, in which there is now a vacancy by the death of Senator Watt. The majority in 1869 was 176 ; at the late election on Sheriff it was 756. There will und - oubtedly be a good deal of exeitemen c, in the con test, as it must determine which party shall control the Senate. 'We h'o p e there will he no want, of effort on the Republican side. The district is large ly made up of wealthy and highly re spectable citizens, who should tale a great interest, in the etectton. We war rant every Democrat wilrvofe. The Diree,tors of thei Pennsylvania railroad have decided to co-operate with the -citizens of Philadelphia in estab lishing a line of steam ships between that city and Liverpool. The railroad will take $400,000 stuck—the minimum capital to be $700,000. We hope to see this project carried out. And this will make the necessity for the Pine Creek railroad all the greater, and will increase the interest of the Pe»ns3,lvania Central in its early com pletion. A line of ocean steamers should be connected with the Great Lakes and the West, Uy the shortest route, to compete with the New York lines. The State of Pen tasy van ia can not afford to let her eltif city remain an inland town: We shoUld ld.ok to ward future, when the Delaware shr 11 be navigable for the largest vessels, and Philadelphia be thus placed in ,direct communication with the countries be yond the sea. We hope the Legislature will aid this enterprise by a liberal charter for the company. The Jersey Shore Vidrite, speaking of the candidates named for Speaker, mentions Mr. Strang, of this county, and commends him for his support of the Pine Creek railroad bill ; and adds : "Were it not for his doubtful political conduct, wo would be glad to see him elected. But it is said that ho was a party , to the treachery in Tio ga county by which our candidate for Congress was defeated. We soo by: the returns that Mr. Strang received the entire Democratic vote in Tioga county, which appears to have been a con sideration for the treachery on Congressman.— Had Mr. Strang's election boon i 4 any doubt, there might have been some little excuse for sell ing out n candidate on ,the same ticket; but his election was certain, with hundreds of votes to ktpare. A man who will sell out the party once, will do so again if tho opportunity occurs, and hence we do not consider Mr. Strang a Bitfo man for Speaker." We can assure the Vidette that it must have been misinformed. Mr. Strang has always stood by the Repub lican party from its inception to the present day; and such a record speaks more for him than anything we could add. We should not notice this attack, did it ckrculate only in the region where Mr. Strang is personally and generally known ; but we think the riddle mis led, and hope to see a correction of itt error in thin matter. It was no fault of Mr, Strang, that his name was put upon the DemoCratie ticket. It was a part of the plan resor. ted to by the Democrats to break tip the Republican party in this county. They put‘on Mr. Strang's name without any authority from, or consultation With, him. He was known to be popular in Potter county, on account of his: sup port ef the Pine Creek railroad bifi, in which the people of that county are greatly interested. The Democracy counted upon disaffection in o t to r county, which they hoped would grow out of the claim of Lodi, members of the Assembly in this county. Potter clai med the right to , one member; and when finally their claim' was recognized by the nomination of J. S. Mann, the Democracy of this county knew that, their best hope for a yetgreater ill- Vison, in our ranks was gone. They were irery anxious for us to adhere to our elairanc two members, so that an ostensibly indoendent, but really De umeratie.eandidate, Could be taken up in Potter and put 'on their tielcet with Mr. Strong, merely to catch voters on Congress. W hilt earthly reason bnd Mr. Strang to bel,rity the party he has done so much < to build up, for the " reward" of a place upon tile Democratic ticket, :When his election was already as certain as the day of election' was to come? Mir. Strang did not even ask a nomination: he was very reluctant to be a.candtdate at all. There was but one - voice in the Republican party of this county, so far as his nomination was', concerned. It was conceded from the first moment that he consented to run, that he was, to be one of the nominees—and if there were but one, he should be the man.— Mr. Strang took an active interest in the election of Mr. Armstrong. He made speeches in his favor, and advo cated Republican principles with his usual vigor. What foundation there can be for this calumny we know_ hot, and - ealino,Lcon eel ve. .) As to Mr. Strang Lthing a candidate for Speaker, we Vaiture that he has ta ken no step to secure that office. He has been mentioned for it, however, by many leading Republican) 'papers, and; if he desires the place, there can be no' doubt- that he may have it. His abili ty, courtesy and fairness as a presiding officer, are conceded by all. He made one of the most popular speakers we ever had in the House. Here is' what the Franklin Repository volunteers in liiso favor, and the opinions of that paper carry Weight : " Conjecture is busy as to who will be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Republican majority of eight or nine makes it certain that whoever is chosen will belong to that party. Strang, of Tioga, the last able Spea ker, is mentioned in that connection. Ile was regarded as saucing the ablest, if not , the ablest Republican member — of-the House. Those who feared lo entrust him with' the power of the Spea kership were all, we doubt not, agreeably disap pointed. lie proved himself a Bplendid parlia mentarian, scrupulously fair in all his both pOlitioal parties, and true to his own party in making up the organisation of the 1101180.— The next House could not elect a better or fairer man, if he again seeks to be elected." Weld° not know that Mr. Strang in tends to make a fight on the Pine Creek bill the coming sessson. We have no doubt he will vote for it, if it shall come before the House during his term. He certainly would prove recreant if he should not; for he Was put forward by active Republicans because it was known that ho was a warm friend of that measure. He could not be other, and reflect the wishes of his constitu ents. And what is the.crime, pray?— The wholesale lying about that bill in dulged in by many papers which ought to be above such things, does not change the character of the bill itself. This measure embodies the same policy and principles already endorsed by the Leg islature by repeated Acts of Assembly, and is even more mild, and therefore less objectionable, than the bills which became laws wlthouti executive disap proval. It is the true policy. The rail road ,projected would be of great and lasting benefl tto the State; for it would open up and develop a large portion of her territory now tributary in great measure to the State of New York ; and besides this, it would pour the freight -of the Great Lakes intothe chief city of our State, in shorter time and at loss expense than it is now carried over lon ger and less-favorable routes to the city, of New York. So true ie this, that it is known-that the managers of the Erie railway' greatly , feared the' bill would become a law. ~mi ill,. Uti 11 t with out delay, at once put in competition with . the great roads ,of the Empire State. Therefore a great pressure was brought upon the Governor, and he ve toed the bill, although he had given as surances to the friends of the enterprise thathe would approve it. We suppose he was convinced of his error in some way ; for he afterward came out in a proclamation to the good people of the Commonwealth, in which he made this measure an issue, so .far as he could, at the late election. As he is, time being. Governor of the State, this may have been proper enough—so that, if he had erred in his change of opinion, the peo ple might correct-him at the ballot box. And if the representatives of the peo ple, elected itiview of all the premises, shall see fit to pass another bill, b y which the payment of the bonds and the interest of the Sinking Fund shall be fully secured, we have no doubt the Governor will cheerfully acquiesce, and sign the bill. At all events, we hops so. He could do no act which would add more honor to his military fame, and luster to his civic oenown, than to foster this greqpolicy, in obedience to the will of the I;eople.' And it seerni pretty generally conce ded that the c l lomplexion of the House is such as to secure the passage of the t bill. It takesinot a cent from the State Treasury : it merely transfers a fund, and places in its stead a first mortgage upon the road, which will be ample se curity for the final payment of the mo ney—every dollar, debt and interest.— Such a bill must receive the sanction of the honest men and statesmen of the Commonwealth ; andiwe are glad to feel assured that the peOple have taken the matter in their oWn hands, and elected a body of RepreitentatiVes who will act fearlessly and wisely upon this subject,. now beQotne of, the first impor tance to the State. When we set out in this article, we only intended to deny the imputation contained in the paragraph from the Viclette. We wish our friends over the mountain to understand that Mr. Strang is as,true to the party to-day as he ever has beem,---.„, The propositiartoamend the Consti tution of the fltate continues to excite general discussion throughout the State. To Col. A. K. M'Clure belongs the dis tinction of ; originating the movement. The Franklin Repository, published at Chambershurg, lately reprinted from its files the article published in that paper from the pen of Mr. M'Clure, who was then its editor, first calling at tention to this subject. it goes to the root of the matter, when it imputes the rise of the necessity for some change in the organic law, to the unhealthy state of our recent legislative history'. The evils existing are manifold, and incura ble under the present order of things. Chief among them all is the iniquity of local and special legislation. This prac tice has grownlo such an extent as to be oppressive upon the people, and they should demand its final and complete abolishment. Let it be Written in the Constitution, 011 at no local law shall be made upon any general subject. The people have the right to demand that' exercise of all the.wlsdom of their rep. resentativea together, upon all subjects of general interest, and should not sub mit to the dictation of anY one. And what 'esti -is the preient: system than the power of all-united in . one, on the discretion and will of one person 1 --for the time euprenie ? Not a year goer by, but infamous and unequal laws are thus enacted ;' and when so enacted, theY are presumed to represent the aggregate wisdom of all the peoples representa tives, and . thereby receive their Id ing force. Why did .the people 0 gi• - 'billy make the popular branch of ur Legislatiire so numerous t Was it tot' done to secure the exerciee of the Ws (loin and discretion of many, as a gr4a ter security for the enactment of good and wise laws, and to prevent the pass age of others the contrary ? One man is more liable to err than many ; and experience teaches us that one man is more likely to fall a victim to corrupt influences than many. It is easier to buy owl than many. Yet the law of legislative courtesy permits each mem ber to dictate - -the lawii he wieheS to pass,' having only a local application, by the terms of the bill, no matter whe ther the Iprinciple involved be genlral or local in its nature. And so uniVer sally has this custom preailed, that any member who objects to the passage of such laws, is at once in bad odor with the rest. He is meddling i with that which is none of his bosiness, and straightway war is made upon every Measure he originates, without regard to its wisdom or necessity, Another crying evil is the undue weight and influence which the great corporations have in all matters at nil affecting their interests. We owe eve rything to corporations. -7- They S have developed the country and made us what we are. Unity of interest, find ing expression and existence in bodies corporate, has brought, into use many latent powers for the increase of our material wealth, which without them could not have been husbanded so well. TO-day the great corporations of the State pay nearly all the taxes frota which our State Treasury is replenished from time to time. Yet they flourish and grow rich and pOwerful past all precedent in the growth of wealth and power in any country, however aristo eratie: ' A corporation has no soul, it is said, put it has a will, and that will is almolEit universally bent to the single purpose of its OWA2 aggrandizement. it is natural that this should be so in all corporations.which originate in a de sire to 'speculate; for the pecuniary in terest of one is that of all. Incidental ly, all such are beneficial to the coun try, and in the same manner that any person, is who adds to the wealth of the State. ; Yet the great corporations sur vive 'and grow rich and powerful off the profits paid in hyithe mass of the people;in the shape of tolls, fare, freight, interest and exchange. Wherever na tural resources are developed, this is drawing from thereservefundsin which all should be considsred interested.— The franchises by which the corpora. tions utilize this latent wealth, come from the people ; and the people should not part with them 1 past revocation, without securing commutation of their value for all the futur'e. Yet our courts hold that vested rights shall never be disturbed. The contract, once made, is irrevocable. We do not find fault with the doctrine so much : we only demand that adequate security shall be requirod for the faithria ........He.:‘,. or Luis great power, annually delegated' to the Leg islature by the people. A power of at torney embracing so' transcendent au thority is an important trust : Let it be sealed and delivered only upon ade quate security, filed and made a part of it, to sec re its faithful execution. The aended Constitution of Illinois requires the members of the Legisla ti ture to take the following oath : / ~ I halnot, knowingly or -intentionally, paid or contri cited anything, or made any promises in the main.° of a bribe to directly or indirectly in4ence ilny vote at the election at which I was chTsen to fill said office; and have not accepted, nor will I accept or receive, directly or indirect ly, money or other valuable thing, from any cor poration, company, or person, for any influence or vote I may give or withhold on any bill, reso lution or appropriation, or for any other official not." 1 It might be well to require the repe tition of this oath at the end of the ses sion, as, in its present form, it is pros pective in a very important part. Such an oath in expectation might deter even one capable of being bought with a r • price. But the most common, and therefore most iniquitous species of bribery, is the exchange of influence between mem bers to secure' the passage ] of la4vs in which they or their friends are interes ted. You help me, and I will help you, or influence somebody else .who has the power, to assist you." How shall this be guarded against? What test oath can be made to reach: such ca ses? It can be done only by raising the standard of moral qualification. It must rest with the people. They must make integrity the prime requisite, see king ; honest men only among the intel ligent for their agents. But the stream cannot rise higher than its fountain: the people -themselVes must be educa ted to a higher Moral standard. So long its they permit and,passivelysanc tion the corruption so common in Ame rican politics, so I leng must they ex pect to be themselves cheated and be trayed by the participators in their own crime. Can the people of New York ' share the infamy of the great frauds by which men are there elected to office, expect those elected by their Own ;complicity in crime to be upright, pure' and faithful in the discharge of official duty? The 'parepe teaches his child to be dishonest and fair, when he every day cheats and deftuds his -neighbor before his eyes. The child drinks in the nature reflected every day before it ; therefore, " like father, like son." A man liommits aprime in a neigh borhood where the;. state of morals is low upon the subject of it: The prose cutor permits the offender to go free, upon remuneration for his losses. The people stand by and permit this to be done. Is the defect 'in the law, or in the people? So long as the people wink at crime, so long must they expect it to prevail. GOOD APPOINTMENT.--Mr. S. A. Hilt. bold of this place, has been appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures for Tioga County. Tun llonsaux.—This is a monthly magazine " for youngest readers." I The December number can but please the little folks. It is fall of choice reading, and nicely embellished with illuatra tions.i Publishers are doing much for the young t in th ' e days ; and among the best publications is 74 Nursery. The matter is suitable for the youn est, yet it is of such a character as to please all be s and girls and do' hem much good. $1 50 a year. Address John L. Shorey, 36 Bromfield street, Boston. i . population of Lyeogning eounty is 47,888. 1111860 it was 87,899, show ing in increase in ten years of 10,289. AMBRIOAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Woneari.— be November number of this journal, published by J. W. M'lntyre, St. Louie, beside its usual vela able contents. has very full announcements of its plane and reduced terms,' with list of lessons for 1871. As the publisher offers to send this num ber free of charge, we advise Sunday schools Adopting a aeries of lessons for next year, to send" for a specimen copy. DRY Goona.—The undersigned has opened e. Dry Goods and Yankee Notions Tab bing House, net door east of tbo Bluing Broth er‘ra, Market street, Corning, N. Y., where he,will, be ablo to make himself useful to his old friends, and be-hopes many now ones. , I halle now in stock, dress goods, prints, mores, elonwle, clothe, all leading don:teak goodo,, hosiery and Yankee notions, any et whioh oaa be bought for cash, or on 30 days, as reasonable' as can be bought in Now York, with the addition of freight. , October 19, 1870. tf FOR SALE. AHouse and lot on' Pearl Street, 2d house . South of district school house. Enquire on the premises. VUNDII. /TIHE subscriber will sell at public auction, on his farm In Charleston, near the DookeW der school house, on Tuesda y, i December 20, at 10 A. M., a span of bay horses, a span of colts, eight choice mile& cows, one two year old heifer, a calf, four pigs, a sot of double harness, a Dem. oorat wagon, lumber wagon, pair of bob sleds, a drag, oultlv:tor, plow, rakes, forks, furniture; de. All Noma over ten dollars, one year's awed= it, with approved paper. 011A13. YATES , December 7;1870 2w CASH. Cheapest place in Tpwn ao TO BUY FOR _ CASE Try our Prices before Purchasing Elsewhere, TRUMAN BROTHERS GROCERY & PROVISI STORE! Don't AEk For Credit. July 27, 1870. IBS ITRS Life Iniuranc: Pond Under the improved and Original System l The payment of , TEN DOLLARS Will seonre a Polley of Two Thousand Dolls: ,• (larger sums In proportion,) and a smallpro payment is required only when a 'death, oti! in the class Mid division in whioh a polid registered. . In some essential points, such as medloal ex amination, pro rata payments, and absolute' pol toles, this Association )does not vary from,any of our oldest companieel; but in greater 13Implio ity, Roonomy. and Aeoommodation of Payments, it dial" Materially. AUTHORIZED cArtr4, $eso • 000H Eerpartioulars, semi to the Agent for Pamphlet. Gen. S. P. HRINTZELMAN, 11. S. A., Prest ISAAC ROSENFELD, Jr., Vice-President. Wm. 11. SKIT*, Ag't, Knoxville, H. P. SHOVE, Examining Surgeon. Oat. 12, 1870-tf. April 6, 1870.-Iy. IN DIVOROII.—To Ayers Amee : You , are hereby notified that Hannah Ames, by her next friend, Thomas Holliday, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and, th at said Court has appointed Monday, the 28th day of November, 1870 for the hearing of said ap. , ti l plioan in the premises; on whieb occasion you can at end:if you think proper. , , Oct , 1870 4w ' J. B. POTTER, Sheri/. 1 Notice. A'pimone indebted to Beau & Derby, boie accounts are due s are requested to call and *We without delay, or costa will be made. BEAR 6 & DERBY. October 26,1870 2m , H. Gorr: L. V. TRUMA A. A. TRUMA THE Mutuall GUARAN Life Associatio No. 98 ,ADWAY, N. BR OUT/ • y im IMI A. PARSONS & CO, • J. BOOTS Sr ST-10_ES. There has been a heavy decline in of most kinds of DRS` GOODS Our purebases being made NEW, daily, as needed, we are in position to give our customers the full benefit of the DECLINE. Call and see he strong inducements we are offering to our customers. GREAT BARGAINS IN OUR NEW LIST OF PRICES : i •-, 1 . laok American Bilks, worth $2 25, new $1 87. Black Lyon Bilks, worth $3 00, now $2 60. 14 . ' " $3 76, now $3 00. ' Blob Preset' Plaids, all wool, worth $1 and $1 25, now 2513. Oar entire stook 5.. and 6). double fold Plaids, rich solo's, now 500. • Oar entire stock of 31:, Ss. 6d. and 4s. single 6:ld rich Plaids, now 2a. ed. Doubts fold Alpaca Poplins, welt worth He. 6d. in gold, now 2s. 6d. Silk Alpassts cheaper than ever. Bilk Moltslra cheaper than ever. All other stylea of dress gosols equally cheap. We have an immense Stock, and are bring In; prices down all the time. I Our aiseertinent le larger than ever. and our prices are bared on late purchases, and cannot fall to salt anyone. We have just put in en entire new stook, bought at the lowest sates, and baSe now a better , .. and cheaper stook than at any time bsibre. j . . Wl9,'s;melso. 3Plarucieles. , Our,trads in the above goods warrants as in keeping au immense Mock, and itale'now 'filled with all kinds, at uncommon low rates. , / / Scarlet, Hine and Om TWilled. ss 41 ,. u White and Orange, pla . ‘,O • Aliso Pinkie °flail kinds, in snob sanely as will otdt any one. / [ , I . A There is aleo as l till further reduction in the prices of our Domestics, whioh was :not looked for this M. , We now sell all goods in that line at a reduotion,of five t ten per tent. less than the low prides of October last. Wowol l l fill a I , . Better good wide 100. shoe ng. • ..1 "- lie. , .. . .. " 121 e. f , , , , , 44 a lid, shirting. 1 • • 4111 " 124 c. 4 1 " fast colon 100. Pits. • , If Id flio. i "' !So. Feather Tioking. " low priced Bleached Muslin. " 200. Cotton Batting. • , , . " 26c a • , than at any time In eight jean. Call and sco us. , , Corning, Nov. 80, 1870. are now offering ruineually Great Bargains in all kinds of Y GO.O .43-XV7ZI I daring the past two 1 weeks. 7311117311335110 2P11300709 / / Shawls are very cheap. Beaver Cloths are very cheap. Fancy Cloakings are very cheap. S ti ba are cheaper than ever. orai Skirts are cheaper than over, F Skirts are cheaper than ever. DS, En PARSONS & CO. LORMORE BROS. & CO. • WHQIJESAI,I4I Ili GROCERS, ELMIRA, N. Y. • WM J. i.ciipiors}l . , T..4611)1011E, L. PROPRIETOII.S 00 STEAM COFFEE & SPICE Mil:l.S. LORMORE BROS. & CO., would call the at ten lion of the Trade in the counties of the f3outherti Tier of Note York and Northorn Petit, sylvania, to the large and fall fiNsotlllloll of GROCERIES 81 PROVISIONS oonstaltly on hand at their extensive Warehouse and St ' res No. 37 and 39 Carroll Street, N. V., and offered for sale on the most liberal terms, satisfaction in all oases guaranteed. • Our Steam • for the Roasting of Coffee and the Grinding of Coffee and Spices, are of tho most reoont im proved construction, and not oxcelled by any In the country. A ES. • We hav a fall took of choice Teas. We buy direct fro Irapotiters in New York for cash, and sell as oh pas any house in the trade. Sug s, 'Molasses & yrups from the best Refiners, and sold at latest arid lowest New York quotations. FOREIGN DRIED FRUIT, AND ALL RINDS OF NUTS, Fish—Dry & Pickled • I k • .. . We buy from firstbands in tbo Last, and can lifierd a better artiole at a lesser price than any firm in Western New York. WOODEN WARE, Oordago and Brooms-- A full lino of goods. LIQUORS. t, We call the attention of the Trade to our large stock of Wines and pquers, which for purity and fineness are unsurpassed. 'IMPORTED ALES—Se4cII, Irish and En glish, and of the best brands constantly on hand. FOREIGN AtD DOMESITC LIQUORS— We specially invitopurchasera to call and ex amino our stock of Foreign rind Loine2oto Liquors before buy ibg °lsere hero: MEDICINAL WIIIBKEY-= , We put up 'bribe especial benflt of the sick, a pare article of Old Bourbon W hiskey for the Druggist Trade. Sore Agents in Elmira, of the Urbana Wino C. In brief, we invite a close scrutiny of oin. gomin and their prices, the whole assortment being too numerous th mention in detail. LORMORE BROS. kv - CO:), No. 37 St 39 Carroll St., Elmira N V. Sept. .21, 1870'. y. TIOGA, PA:.,kDealer 1n r =1 AGRICULTURAL AND AtECHANICAL =I IMPLEETTS, Building Material, Iron Nails; Cutlery, Stoves, 'TIn-Ware, &e. MY STOCK OF STOVES embraces Forty different kinds, and I am prepared to guarantee Bottom Prices to (MA Buyers', I have also on band a largo stock of Electric X Cut Saws, - I and Moor's Doublo•Braeed Arch Frame Wood Sawa. These are the best saws in the world, and are fully warranted. The beet stook, of Oil and Kerosene LAN TERNS in the county. I have many articles not kept by other doal- 1 era which I would be glad to show, end givel prices that kill defy competition. 1 Aos. 31, 1870. J. SCIIIEFFELIN, Jr CUTTERS! CHUMS! FARMER'S, DOCTORS, LAWYERS, AND EVERYBODY FROM S3G TO $lO FROM $36 TO "$lOO Cheap for barter, and cheap for cash at 11. BARER A SOWS, ATRADE.—I. have an elegant Mx oetaca rosewood piano eased melodeon, made by Treat A Linsley, which I wish-to dispose of, ei ther for' ash, a - horse, or other property. The instrument is nearly new, and cost $lO5. Ob ject of sale: no--one in the house understands music. Address CHARLES - KINNEY, Nov 9, MD. Blossburg, F of all kinds, FOR MERCHANTS, PRIESTS, Vileitaeld Pa