The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 30, 1870, Image 1

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.. - 0
i4i9 Gelder. I
Q tion,(por year)
Q Ins
I 0, 00 I $ 2 . 0 9 $ 2 , 5 0 16 6 , 00 I $7,00
2,00 i f 8,(k0 _I 4,00 I 8,00 112,00 118,00
-4 1 - 4 - :00 I 17,00 1722-Wil-Wl-60,00
3., I 15.00 [13,0(1 I 80,00 I p o o l 00,00 I 1,00,00
Notices 18 cents per line; Editorial or
t i lio cents per line.
?y beat adrestising MUST be paid or in advance.
VJunlco Blanks, Conatablo Blanks, Doode, Judg
, ote.s, Marriage Certiticatee,&c,on band.
ai Gelder & Mitchell,
Plain and Vanny Job Prlntes. All work
: t.mptly and neatly o . kected.—Jan. 1, 1870.
William A t . Stone.
~n s ey
and Counselor at Law, qat door abovo
arerfi3 Osgood's store, onMain street.
IVellaboro, June 22,1870 y.
Smith & Merrick,
oraeys Counselors at Lam. 'natant°,
huety and Pension Agency, Offlce on Math
! , rt4 t, W.;llaber. Pa, upposita Union Block.
10 I. IE7U.• W. 11. SifITA.
Seeley, Coates & Co.
Isi;,Eßs, Knoxville, Tioga, Courity, Pa.—
' it:eirs money on deposit, discount notes,
I:3 drafts on New York City. Collect
` promptly made.—Deo. 150869-Iy*
Jno. W. Adams)
and Counselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
\:.-nity, Pa. Collections promptly attended
Jan. 1, 1970.
JilOs I. MltCllOll,
f roly u4rl Counselor et 144 W, Claim, and Ifi
v3nee Agent. Office over Kress' Drug Store,
Opining Agitator Office, Wellsboro, Va.
A f, I sr°.
- 7 41.150 n do Niles )
Tncys and Counsolors Law. Will uttond
iNlGptly lo businoss entrusted , to their care In
n counties Tioga and Potter. Moo on
9 Avenue. Jan. I, 1870.
F. Wasox.) [J. B. Nikes.
John W. Guernsey/
.z.rney and Counselor !it, Law. All business
-4ttruitmi to him will be promptly attended to.
~10 2d door south of Hazlett's Hotel, 'fiege,
Pa.—Jan. 1, 1870.
_ _
WM. ii. Switit,
1, ,n, IS mnty and insurance Agent. _
aik:ations sent to the above address rill re
,bre prompt attention. Terme tu erato,
4,5 , cvi11e, P.l.—Jan, I, 187(1.
Seyniotir OorLou,
n.e.y.suud thltuisolors at law, Tiaga
gess encrusted to their care will receive
, eipt. attention
11. St..vuoua
W. D. Terbell & Co.,
Druggists, anti dealers in Will Paper
„er..rsone Lamps, Window Wass, Ptirfuinery
Oils, Scc., fie.—Coruing, N. Y. Ja j n. 1 In
11, DOOLI, M. D.,
and Surgeon. Will attend prowptly
Unit:cob ter, fttin Strout, in,fear of
4 -Le Mutt Ahrl-et 1Ve14.1, •ro —JUT' I, MO.
A. Ff. Ingimm, Ik.,
t, o(&,20 at, hib Roshience on the
•J 2, 1:•)70:
r f,r:t door tiortil liut,erts ik. Bail
.T 1 ilai,iivuru tore. Cutting, Fitting and Re
pr"niptly and pt.:M.—Jan.!, 1870
E. °play / •
e a iu ci,,,k3 and Jovolry, Silver and Plated
ive, Spectacles, Violin Strings, ,te.
.oi jewelry neatly iiipairecl. Ungrai, lug
la plain Englibb and Gorinan.—Mansfield,
, Jae, I,
l'et roleum House,
Ct.vsn, ProprietJr. A ricIALI
0..,1tzete,41 prinalplo of live door
t•vo, for the accomm o dation of ttle
I, 14/4.
Hazlett'g Hotel,
ga, ft,gti County, Pa. (loud stablitigattaelX
1! And •ti atleatt‘t3 hustler always in attend
ti" , ..' iv. 11:tzlott, Prol, r.---Jan. 1, tB7O
+'u Id hurotigb, Ttoga Cu., hi..ft,.{ q. 4111,
'r ii,idtur. A nee/ end equetootiioaa'builditig
41 5 t,l !be motlein improvemente. !Within
&Ire the best hunting and rushing
ruu.l, iII Northern rettn'a. Conveyances
, r , d.itied Tering moderate.—Jun. I, 1870,
- --
Stillifs Hotel,
b,. P tt.iin ta., E. M. b, • Yr4rieter. House in
Hi condition to a.evultilutAttte the traveling
-Ali , : to a t‘tiForior wanner —San. 1, 11870-.
Farmers' Hotel.
u N F., Proprietor. Phis bow°, formerly
' , upLed I y E Fellows; is conducted ou Mtn
uee principles. Every neeounnotlation
:,r man and boast. Charges reasonable.
1,479 -tf.
lAtion Hotel.
l ran Horn, Proprietor, Wellshoro. Pa.
hoLm is pleasantly located, and has all
cmveniences fur men and beast. Charges
derate,—May 4, 1870-Iy.
the Citizens of laiisfied
plel , llll in announciuu to the public
Thal I hale on hand a large owl splendid
talent "1
T y
u'erill and Ornamental, which T um ..tlrting
, P Publl r c heaper than over sold !.p.fore. -
.til a gouti No. 8 Cook St,ivo with Furniture
J.O. I keep In bt , lek P. P. Rickhltik'b p , q)
Con(;. iThls is said to be the best Stove
nth United States. I 960 - keep the
ghtning X -Cut saw,
14 zIef sotfitlg Saw in the world. he tnan
tliters,kr this Saw chillenge the v‘orht uti.ler
"-ff of 1501) that that this is the fuNiEtt eat-
.h^ ll l lily Wends for their patronage in
hot Mizttl4l to 'merit their favor, I
"rtr, grateful, '4.4
ell:Menge ono and all of the Flov
r• thl•OttOty to rell us chent. tot' I di.
. 1 1.1111.0), not excrpted: U. lb K.
tr , t4el4, Nov, 2, IVO
C. F. & IDe Moore,
P. OfOce and Sta))le4s on Water
in rear of Court &nee. - 'Thep will fur-
IA horses, single ordouble, with Buggies, or
tr riages, et shot. notice. Long experience in
Easiness enables the proprietors to announce
,uh confidence they can meet 407 reasonable do
:14 in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired
psomoge recarried to any part of the country.
lesnkful for past favors, they invlte continu
4f caltbm. Terms reasonable. ance
New Tobacco ge ore!
AR silbseriber has fitted up the Store first
..11.:'-door - taat !Thomas Barden's dry goods store,
fur tie nianufacture and sale of
Cl.GA4B,(ali grades), Fancy and Common
oirthrimaTOßACCO,Nichi g an Fine CO
CREWING, and all kinds pf
PLUG TOBACCO, PlPE;sl;anfitliedoi
':' neat Brand of C1G.614?,§. , ': _
Oaf' Call and see for yourselves.
We'labor° Jan. 1, 1870—tf.
6 Bloa 11 Yr
3 Alos
THE undersigned his fitted up the old Form.
dry building, near the Brewery, Wellsboro,
and is now prepared to turn out fine cal kip,
corhido, and .liarness leather in the bes man
, Hides: tanned on shares. Cash p id for
hldea - MARTIAL A. DU IF
Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1870.
BORDEN keeps constantly on
0: band: Pure Drugs and_ Medloines,,
• Chemicals, Paints and Oiiti•-Lairips,
1 .!: Stationery, Yankeo Notionsete.
11. H, BORDEN. "!
1870. FOR 1 SALE. 1870.
(formerly B. O. Wlekliam'e - Nurery)
• • A
60,000 Apple Trees,
10,000 Pear Trees.
. 1.
Al good supply of PLUM, PEACIIi, cngjul i .
The Pruit trees are composed of the choicest
varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and
in bearing.' Any one wishing to get a supply
will do well to epitand see my stook _Edifoit,lpur
chasing olsecvhdre.
_Of - Delivered at the depot,
Wollsboro, Madsfield, Larvrenceviqo and Sloss
burg, free °relieve. All orders promptly tilled.
Address, , T. B. STONE,
Tioga, Pa,
Tioga, Deo, 8, 1869-Iy*
GOOD House and barn, on a foruf 'tut
acres, within ton minutes walk of the
Court House, Wellsboro, is offered foraialu. In
quiro of Sohn 1. Mitchell, Esq.,,Welishoro. -
' Jan. 25, 1870-If.
soclNltioN, f •
Fm the I:41148ml Cure ortho Erring nnd Unfortun ate,
on l'rintivarn of Chi ill i4ll
ESSAYS oN ERRORS (11: YOVTU,aud tA;ti Ful
Ilea of Ago. In relation to 31Att11Atile.nuti E0C16.1. - ETILD
with Sanitary aid for the afflicted. 6ent free; In nettled
env..401,04. Address, IIOWAILD ABSGO.ATION, ,
. Ma.). I, Box P.Tiffladfflphia,
TIIE subscriber will keep on nand at all times
a full stock of
Hi CGS 11 S I
Patent Medicines,' \- 1
Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, KeroSeitie
4aynps, Wicks, !lye Colors, Iggsh,
L f ii4e qnd Brushe,s, Varnish'
Saph Brushes, • Window Glass -.
all sizes, Varnish of all
kinds, , Fancy Soaps,
Flair Oils,
rtOr and Teo4/1 Brushes, a fun. of
Yankee Not,ioni ; also a confplete'a,S
sartment of
Buyer: ere requested tv call and examinii pri
ces before purchasing elsewhere.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
q '
, k, .1. STI.CKLIN I .., ,
( ..,.
~.. ~,,
I-- , . c .,, Chairma4vr,'Turite* - ;alk -
li: f Putilititt-Ditilor -,4
~ • -.._. -- ."-- , - - , ..-_-,...-r , ,::_ : _f•-, - ., ,,. .
LI A LB R 00111 and F . AL',:sOlt - i:- op psisit if Daily* ,
0 Wagon Shol hlitits' Street, for tivre_ hit 11610?„
pared t.. turni,l3 Cullinet W
. are-4,11! '
any .kittd to
- - - ... '
those its %ono. ~, •-
Ordert promptly tilled awl satiafactionguaratt.,
teed. Pitney; Turtling done to order. . ...._. _
wellsboro. Jan I, I ti7ll ' J.STICKLI.N.'
G. B. KI1?F
CALL AND SEE (bat large stock of wall pa=
per, selling off at oat, at
Wellsboro f May 25,1870. •
For Saleii-
AHOUSE AND LOT--lot contains Ettore--;
on Nichols St. Also one 8 year old Ham
iltonian colt, 2 new buggies, one' Sulky 'and
harness. -- • 0. BAILEY.
Weber 19, 1370.—tf
New Tannery..
Tioga, Jan. 1,1870.-1 y
OILS iNil 111111SIIRS,
for the Million, b,t
March 16, 1670-(f.
House i f , Lot for Sale
For sale by
Maw!) 10, 18111-li.
Wholesale and Retail
and a full atnolt of
Pure Wines and Liquors.
Apr. 20, 1870
A largeonv.ortwent of
Engravirk done in any stylo.
c,,roir.g. Dec. 1.5, 1869..
Iy. No. 10, Market St,
E. 11. Harris?
for Bale by
Fob. 2, 187, 4 3. • P. R. WILLIAMS tt CO.
Armstrong & Linn,
WLY.LiA !IMPORT, PE1;710/i.
Aug. 4;18694-.
/ • 1 0 \
0, 0
RY, GOLD blir m- 7 yq . :l
,- , L
7. .71 '3
With most other artioletal ; • tln
establishment, syhichis so v
Repairing dole neatly, and promptly, and
short notion. ;
January 6,1870-1 y
State -kiiittlaf i Sitibeit'c
FALL TERM begins Sept. 7,11870.
WINTER TERtkpbogin 1.414 filttag e
SPRING TERM begin4linte .
For Catalogue:, or admission apply to
_ Cla r tg.flic . *DßlP4L,CA. 11114,4 h
Mapsfielti,-Jay 0,1870. •
limek n
c a u si p t i h e e ti T b o y em i s ) ent
Hot so
ity ) ;Af been thoroughly refitted, repair.
ed anedpen i
! _fy
who , litppy to accommodate tho old
We at very reasonable rates.
Alia-. 24 "lirf --- DA SITZT.
• r
.it 6,11
• •
Farm- -a
__.(l niiii . Ltilfteititt'
• , . •,-
.1 / 0 1 -1, - SXi 1t.4
• —o— t o ...,. .. •..f 1 - , i0,;_Zt,,21,)
FlNlLErtiiidel l ,Algnetl tam flit , *ale it: Jueissort.
_cownbilip t ilic Iluiniuond'e Creek, his Steam
saw Mill and !Farm. Said farm contains 85
"(twee, three diri l elling homes, ctore; & good barn.
The 'Mill -like poen built 2 years, contains a
i i i
.1,5 luiriepzfri engine circular Milk, Shingle
Muohino, Latii Mill and Edger, Mill 40 by 75
feecti bieides.h Icr house, and in good condition.
Goo 4 e'Weit alt plenty of stock for custom work.
...Ylo' fariirt t der good cultivation, about 50
aeli ikrvtiVAti, u ell Retort-AA al good bearing
,orittardil4(l-31esirable fur dairny purposes. The
property sholslf be seen to be appreciated. Fur
tertna .treidti .. 4 uess 0. 11A.MILTON,
Jiih; * B, Itli) I
tf. Box 888, Elmira, l N.Y.
PRE waders gned Is now 'pr
cute all or era for Tomb Bto
merits of elthe
of 0 4 - 4 0. A tilit-:itilo and approved
and_ with-dispaitch.
kceps constantly on hand
Marble B ud bo able to suitall
3 , ol3itn i ivith dieir orders, on titret
10 obtained in the country
Ttoga„Jan. 1870-tf.
; •
Oiisuratice I. Ins' ranee , .
:' f 4N fKND z •
• ,
Office. No. S.' , 4th iihiladelphla.
Zncorpoiated Feb'y ..3, 1867.
Ch - ai l ed Capital kGOO,OOO.
Assets over - - IS LOOO,OOO 00
Stook amd Mutual, eombinin!
Prate: 'Suppose you are alrea
firet•olsef corepaiandrfrOrd:a,
ever, (nay after ten yearly palm
.or.earm ot , . pea longer and clio—Y
gone and' your money wasted:
"Hand-INAIAND," all Policie
:This t eettipini which ranks t
poptiler fuccessfull Life
pati-idei t 4ratits policies on all
both wi h and without profits. I
•Tr.avelltig. Friveleges:u
poliefes are incoutestible
from any of fp, ordinary cause
• - Look tO:your,Life Insurance.
the following Comparative Tab
Hines alleged by Agents of othe
'Ol6-dotripany they represent is s
While welmheiitatingly assert
soundness and 'stability of all co
lira-to-;;resent the following for
those desiring :to Insure:
The following companies, Cot
pretaluins charged by each for
lifisilit,,t4tei age of 30 yea - re, payal
• „ • ' for life.
WrailelerS' - $16,84
}r ttible, 22,70
; - :' , Waratiitlgtoo, •• • 22,7 q
1146d-in-Hand, 16,60
ppt. iteadriasared take a
•,- •" 1 "RAND-IN-RA
thU boil Mutual
. 991.4parg,414
• - 'A.: L. MONROE, Ag
Office with Juti: I. Miteriell.
- Aug. 17, 1870.-Iy.
for sale O h eaper than at any of
In Tioga Obnoty. at
noose. and Lot and Nine Acres of
Land for Salle.
•VIIItiIiLSS -WILLIAMS offers for rale bie
slitemilind lot on Main;street, %Helm°,
and ilia aciee'ef land near ib;e cemetery. En -
qua, o uli
• W 1111 ' 4611,4A titltiVAob9/9Autt•
driy. - 1 ' •
. .
E , , '': 70 ,'
, initaiziaa
, .•
AND/017 , aZi
who §i as
,2plg stabli
lishe in the Jewelry busi
ness in Wellsbero, has al
ways on sale; varlol2B
kinds and prices of
G mAcantsi.
&c., &c„ &c.
Ci A S U.
t e,:?,t`l i,k4r
both kinds of
L i l who may fa.
Security with
y insured in a
fry - - .oattla , :whatiz'
eirt) yotr icit•
,our insurance ia.
Not so:lti
mong tho most
npurance Com
sdesirablo plans,
after oner yea
Please examine
o. It is some=
Companies that
fer than others.
.ur belief; in thd
in s pa n i es, wnske,T.
tho inspection ot
para ; t4 4 9.9Ruikl
lan triiurrinco`dh
'le at cleath.PU
Ten annual
• 42;80
policy with the
et, Wells6ro"."-
er ebtabliehment
lAMS ‘4, CO'S
4' a.
[The following poem appears in the Boston
Transcript. It was sent to a recent social meet
ing by Mr. Whittier, who is now a tbo Isles of
From these wild rocks I 1001E10-day
O'er leagues of dancing waves, and see
-The ittbajtis Altana strotoh away; •
And mark the spot where you must be.
I listen., and I seem to hear
The pleasant voices of old days,
The pines that shade the Isle of Deer,
The rippling river's song of praise:
DC)end4aend you lir el
ear e evening e
t a ell silent max iii
Could give if sitting by your side;
I thank you for sweet festal days,
For tender memories lingering long,
For joyful meetings, fOnd delays)
eitiwkf.f2tlehip woven strong. .
Not vainly has your work been done:
Forimany a heart elee cold and dim
Those sweet Jane days are shining on,
And words and watches sing their hymn.
i saill
„......„0 friends! whose lives atil ke ilAteliF„r l4l 9
'nese ample d ruff chtz4
o teach a - to smile 1 v, - ' '
And set to music all his years!
Maim room, 0 river of our home,
For other feet is ours—
And in the summers yet to come,
Lapse softly by the Feast of Flowers !
Hold in thy mirror, calm and deep,
Tho pleasant pictures thou has seen ; ,
;kap ;sp.
' Our memory, like the laurels, green.
TheWellshoro Graded and High School.
For a number of years the project of
such a school in Welisboro, as n tuned
at the head of this article, has
i i_Len g ar d ag At t t irr i gr n i c s o ha e d i
ü b s e i
o e been
arrived at until the hitter part. of 1869,
when It was proposed to enlarge the li
mits of, the bosegh, l precarethia
• let s .of fttifetAillaibb
land to the enlarged school district, put;
the whole superintendence of the school
under an experienced Principal, assts.
tedAy eampe4enkteachertl k anti. paal . ,i,e.4
ktraTieWif4W teAg4lt i artiketdif.-
eat primary, up through all the inter
I.l4 t Atu CI fe .44 04 ine l e . ., r k t
tions of the4ountry.
In pursuance- of this purpose, two
legislative acts were last winter pro-
Pnceil_ta.,..4o...passed.;. the one enlarging
NAM nai tv or thb borough to upwards of.
two miles square; the other authoriz
ing the Wellsboro Academy, upon the
establishment of such a school, to trans
fer allip flinska l bujkling t e and land, to
1 141441,1Skik4ANeelfO61 tit-At - 044a -r- ,7
'to the . .
This give's to the Isirict'tho large
- f2comtutallOuit :y:btiildinsB4 ih
1p r - -
! tie rsqa,
Atatioitotviik o.nixitto*
i:se 0 • 100ge..yiiii • '34.44' 41444
the most thorough4opairOsmbettdkita
tifOtqMAtii44o`Wgitikiii. - 04 1, 41* .
tem made requisite; so tlittCwethiiirki
now sufficient room to accommodate at
least seven teachers in separate depart
The most difficult part of the business
now remained to be accomplished—the
selection of the right hind of teachers.
i t%
the first place, what is preeminently
n t eessary in such a school, IS a compe
.o , T triii . o6:oltifeAber of persons
W 743;-'itcommenda , for that position,
a d from lIA number the Directors se
.l 944 ANII4A t,•_ ( ; , :Wl.PPß'' a .:g r M• l4 P t9 - 9f
:t- o Roe h cepa. Univipiiiit:Sr,loiojilbl4l/4
more than any other one recommended,.
the necessary requisites for the head of
a school such as the Directors and citi-
Zeus were determined this school should
be. He had studied the various school
systems of Europe, by personal inspec
tion, and had also devoted much time
while in Europe to the study of her
ttip va
...09,,,49,45age1v ~, h ad
,had, c onsiderable
liapWiti in enthusias
liF6n-rtlre subject' of graded schools,
and had entered upon the profession of
e.0 1 4P 4 49?X194,01:-APX9.I4 ) -;.9.14 40n9g's?
W ith •theztissistattey,of.ltr. : 4Yliterlii, 6
board of five wider teriehershasbeen .
secured, consisting of persons who had
been very successful in their profession,
and who combined, with all the neces
sary attainments, stoh mental qualifi
cations as never fail to secure success.
The Principal assistant, Mrs. Hart, has
had large experience in teaching in our
very ,best institutions, is peculiarly cal
gl L 4.45 a insplfelhe mit
,with ,affec4
lovo for study ; * and without intending
any' 1 disparagement Of other teachers,
i-W9.o#ll3Tx , .c I :I444OeAtIS:AmiX4 4144 .' .54. 1 4:
ifartityl be.el;telled. *l4 1:: n i 0, . :x.,;,3 P.
~„pmEml44ls. ebArißiatVi 4& - fild 27th
-of.,epterobet Iltatovikb.,2gB„,pppihi, an 4
three leachers besides the' Principal ;
and has since increased to 313 pupils,
and necessitated the employment of
two additional teachers ;—so that now
we have in Wellsboro a school in five
separate departments, with six teachers.
1 .1 . 44 , ; •
es and Dion-
w orkEttan Air
We wish now to speak of the method
of grading and the manner of conduct
ing our sphool. We have,
: first, the
primtfirtliPiertifelifi Mild). the pu-
VilthotifftiletititAtitillaitittkiesix years ;
antlitheluil3auilietpiehT33l3Vhild corn-
Imerketea2ro4ollMoEtes3 ile.b.APies eleven
lf.eaElkiriinMakAiEl‘ l l444MAP teen may
f,ftiOu4p ,o 49A‘ll .o ,Bn„4lo , a , t f le * ni equal to
any that. Cat be obtain — ell in our best in
stitutions. We have not space to give
the whole course. The mathematical
course must answer as a specimen of the
Ist year. Pupils write numbers to 100
—Roman notation to X. Count from 1
to 100, and backward,l6o to 1. Mental
exercises in four fundainental rules, to
titnotints tact reseeedinto.4.o4lo36.lnulti
^ pliers;aus divisors g„ . 4 1 a!1 ( M..
al year. Write •A. : 44)%oo4rlnibfiii3 4 -:tif l / 4
1000; ; R..oman to I.ti conXt,to - 1.00 by - 2A'
and 4s, "iinct,Stibiarlik the& frbra 100.—
Mental ex4taises• in the four fundarnen
tarrliVii,lt*unquntS not . lexceeding 20,
the millkilijiiirAnn,Vl visors being 2 and
3. Perfornvelath exeielses in the foiir
(Pailintitits`jl;ot exceeding 100,
Viii4lfeyfilafitpiAlOrs :being as above.
3d prat. Write numbers to
100,000; Itntritnif:Uti-M. •recUtitf:•:bye , U,/
4s and ss, to 100, subtract the
same from 100. Mental exercises in the
four fundamental rules, to amounts not
exceeding 50; slate exercises in the
same • to amounts not exceeding 100;
hipmultipliera and Maple *at AttaiteT*,
v..,4, ci,t-
, ~ . );1;7 . - , !e ni. -;•)i - i,:i. c,":
ing. 5; usliig :Walter:et -Tables , land;
4th y ear.;;Wtite numbers to - 1,00(>,000 ;
count te)oo,,byls, Bs,Ats And"thO'!aame ..fro_th atlY, ex
ercises in rarkidt,geml4lnntioncf num
bers in.the fottg rAles ;Walteh43
wettest iratelft44„gicitlyile robin-
son's RuditcT i nts, OlArithinetio. , Fs=
plain the pkipelples
.or'siiiery, ride, and
work mentally one-calf or the, prob
lems. lems.
Bth year. Write numberti Rl' trill - 16K
and review - and- complete "EOl3loson's
Rudiments; "E,Ccilvixig one-half 'of- the
Problems meXttatlY., Celivitititt, practiCe
in rapid• etu:cliipatige ,pr timbers:—
„ lton's Tfriples. :,,
th year'. ;
,'cif ; Reliirisou'a
etical A.ritlimego;4ol,viiiii:tit ; le,aat
One-half off theprokterzo vachtally. '
1 , 7th , year: , Revjew, arid ; complete, Roh
r inson'e t Arithmetic ;:leiving xrientaW
the prekblenwita above.., •: ',„..: 1 - ,-, . a •
Bth year. Twg.thirdaof Robiriton's
' gighet Arithrnet,lo`.and: two - a-thirda of
Elementary Algebra; eolylpglonedialf
the problem'? t irien ‘ tallY: -" ' ''' "
9th year. t COMplete'A:ilthmettcarid
elementary IlUdillglie'r Algebra.
.' 5
'' .-
_lothyear. Gteometry.„ z —,-- , .
year. Trigonometry and Survey-
This completes the regular.tnathema
tical course pbu,t„the ..pupil.may still
Pursue they 'higher branchetyr Suck as.
Calculus, Cidnic Beetions, tlsTavlgutioti,
In the other branches, the seine Cho
rouglineEs alid:szSteni are punned.
L ain ancient 4.10g,j.i4if,5,:t4:6
o c o ? ilySe
the one reTt.i . i4; C 4, (04. en
a first class college, and be can prepare
lahnself in tlaiatiehool to enter advanced
In the zoodernAringuages,• French,
, ~4erman auditalitirtil-the: cotirde .is in
::ceded to he; 'very thorough.? -The' pu
.pils are taught-TO Spersik andlinderstand
the lauguakei r 4 WhelitSplteii;and to read
its classic literattir r e. — . ' ' ,
In the natural' :sciences, '. a thorough
'courses given..iiirßotany, Naturall3hl
- ghemiary, 'Astronomy and
Geology. ; , vc,, „ -'. •
In what is,calledlEligherEnglish, the
course enit l atteeeißhetoribi LOgic, Mod
iewatediepatatid Ancient .11istory. '
The pupll;•IE will be Seen; coliitisences".
'at six yeani OClikitoivlite,',ltiid &train - -
ed in the prinbiples . of petiMatiShip, di
rectly and ipilirectijr;throngh the whOls .
:90urse, and grad tue,s„ll helms uleeha-,
uicul genus; ; . 4ilkoiovg4 - :PeFinl, i,tPi
bookkeepe . and clerk, ap.well up Au ac
ilOilitilike , :fiatActifirii-In ,Attli - AP other,
btaliche's ,o is popular education, • , -
The Collri 'ipokerk or above IS .the
regular cot mein' the pupil-who. 'enters,
at six and d " plates his - education -a t
this schoolupilii - ean''intetr any de
partment, u VAR "usa tisfOtory,Ok atni ti a
tion, and cappUrSite any, tif:tlib ',bran
ches taughl i Ati,,the X,Aigh Scheol t at their
option. P pilf! stye Splittea :t9, - Li 4ig . h;
,er-gy de, only. on , a,thorough examine
'' fdb ; and tvgliere.there is reason to, bo
lieve the pl'o'gress'of any pupil will war
rant it, ho may be • admitted to exami
nation, and if-Successful, advanced - to a ... . ‘,. ••:" .....- , - ---.., 4,i,..4. 3.............
completed Itis'ame in
,the lower. The .
government '4f' the 'school is Mild, but
firm. No' corporal pu r tiisbineilv, is re
sorted to ; buti.he pupil must . conform
gAq.4t..4 rules,- or leave the sohool.—
There can be no eXcuse for a wilful vio
lation of rules.' ,- . .
To one featuie of the pflimary depart
ment we Wish to call particular atten
tion, The pupils are all furnished with
slates and pencils. The frame of the
slate contalpe all theletferi 'of the al
phabet, intheir various forms, the Ara
bic and rtou . #in numerals; easy words,
and striouS'objecia,,Such its buildings
&c. ; and the pupil Is encouraged to
practice daily in :copying,' filem - oh his
The iniprevementjome of them
have tritide is surprising. Therdullness
of the school, if dullness can - be.said to
exist thereCfs 'freqUently.' rflieved i c y
gymnastic lexeicises and einging, and
if there is It happy set of children'any
where, it is in - the.` yellsboro ,Prhniery
school. ' -
This school is intended to'.be . the
nursery in which. " shall be trained
accomplished and successful teachers.
No one passibg through the whole
course, having any:faculty foi,teaching,
can fail a good teacher. TO those
who.are adilianced*l their studies, and'
to learn 'more" particularly the
practical method . of conducting and
governing a: Aichool, the Wellsborougla
school affords rare advantages ; and to
those who'eiitei the school for that pur
pose, every 'facility Will be afforded, not
only by inetruction, but in the permis
sion to spend all thehecessary_ time in
the differeb tdepartmeritts-;-each depart
men t being a model from which lie can
copy. We are Confident that. on this
system he 'can , aequire • more 'practical
knowledge of the true principles of tea
ching, than in months of mere theoret-
It!ktJMtruetion. •
"Anoiher i ..feature. of this school we
wish to refer to, . The pupil entering
ql'aeftchooliunderstands that he must be
an every das pupil ;•, prompt In his
hours and his lesSO,ns. This is absolute
ly essential `t4) - 34.Ogress,' The,reputa
tiou of the schbol.cannot afford•to have
tardy or triatinfpnpils';'heither can -ply
ren is who wish;tO edbeatellae,ir children
afford to permit/ it: The' result of this
rule may be seen in the punctuality of
attendaneO. !,'lie genial Overage of . at'-`
tendance in. Most schools.does not often
exceed 80' per 'deiit." thying the f
month, the attendance. at' the: li
School has, beent99 - pee cent:;-•tiz'e aver
age in all tkiift'nt4er Verkartnients; N tier
Peculiar.facilities Will be al:forded to
those who 'wish to, learn instrumental
music and painting.. Miss Todd; an ex
perienced•i te#llo'of - it,!qsfc' t , who line
for some tt' i nia;pag,oo - ght. :411! :Elul i-
I ra Female Oollegei' will give; lessons en
'the' piano, ',Sze: 'Mr's: WI ti te'rs; 'the' wife
of the Principal, will give lessons in
painting. 'She is an accomplished' ex , -
Vatiliilving,ool;isol:l3q, S',ears ifi . Italy .
400eilbany,,,,nAder, teachers ,qf the/
Ty/ Z
highest,youtation, - studyiug 'and copy
Ing the works of the. old InMters. e
particularly Inyite persiina who wish to'
place their daughters , :nrider a compe
tent instructonito examine her paint
Pupils coming .
from without th i e dis
trict, are charged 'a Moderaie / tuition
fee; and Air music and painting/ tuition
Is charged to:all, as those brancbea are
'dot comprised in the regular/course of
instruction., l' . - ' - /
We partioidar)y , irivite i)tiptlt!" from
abroad to attend int etb#ol;:jultion
and board are 11/iterate; ,our. village is
cnikoc. the tong tpl
.. tyiti,itt .Oisi . n! in renni
i'llVViibia itiejbiriiohOol; Nliot'' ifitaid,
shalbhot. be exeelled by`any ether of a
similar kind in the State: Ipieeto the
fulkappyoval of otir Cltiiens, end they
.cheerfully- submit tt • the' taxation 'ne.
cessary to sustaitt it. Besides the' Acad
emy fund, it is endowed with all the
taxable property of. the district. It
commences under a corps of teachers of
experience and talent, and has the cor
'dial' pied will of every intelligentsciti
zen of the town. A school endowed as
this is, cannot well fail to be a success
ful and permanent institution. S. E.
[For Agitator.]
One Thoitsautl,Mile's o ver the Reeks
.... ;4- ; , ' , _ ".eefrinen continent
Lies dark and wild, beat by perpetual . storini."
• - North of the .89th parallel, -, much of
the Surface iS covered with deposits of
'iiittid, graYel, and. boulders, which be 7
longto the OlaididEpech, asUbdivision
of the ‘ !tertiary Age.... These deposits
were,diatributed by' Means of :tee and
ocean.: currents. Some astronomers,
who derive their inferences from some
irregularity in the earth's orbit, suppose
this epoch of ice, one of the latest peri
bcfs'reco'gnlied in geology, to have oc
ended abent-980,000 . years ago, at a time
, Wherit
,our planet -reached its greatest
I,naximum distance from the sun.' But
other, causes proba.blyprodueed the pile
nomena of the Drift,-such,. for exam
ple, as ,a , different distribution of land
and water in the northern heMispheres.
- -The 'course of the Drift was fror.r
nolith to south. This is ascertained bY
the 'greovings and sefatehes found on
, - ~
exposed, ledges over- /Which. the bergs
and glaciers passed, and by 'comparing
the rocks of the boulders Withthe rocks
of the country. ' Thui3 we know that
the granitic boulders scattered over Ti
oga, county Were derived from the coon
trY'hordering the St. Lawrence river—
ub granite being found nearer than that.
Granite and boulders are found high
up "the ,mountain sides--:2,000 feet on
the-,Green Mountains, and *6,000 feet on
-MontitzWaihington. • Many of the riv
er-valleys which existed' at the time,
were abaci filled with sand, clay 'and
gravel, , so that thestreara, on i resumiti
its eburse, had to
. excavate its chatluel
atieVi . v. 'Buell was the case with the V
ega river,_
Which Was filled in many
places tb a depth of sixty. feet, and
which hiiS net ;yet cut down to the old
level at which it eau prior - to the Drift
period. ~A.t, many points along t h is
stream, a terrace rises from the flati op
either side, to a height of fifty or sixty
feet,•showing the depth to which the
'valley was tilled. "These' terraces were
connected with, each other at the . close
'of' the Drift, and-the depth of the elan
iiel whieh now exists , between them,
shOws the amount of material which
the river has removed while re-opening
Its 'ancient channel. Dining this pro
cess of excavation, large ,mounds .of
Dr_i ft. forty, or tifty feet high, have been
left standing in nib nu skis or -fine. aCG 1. ,
'completely, isolated frbm the main bo
dy. . Remarkable 'examples of this may
be seen near Lawrenee'vlito, trod above
liatuniond's,'on Crooked creek.
Some of the boulders found in +loge
county are composed of granite, which
were transported from localities 200
miles to,the north of us. They are al
ways small—none liakilug been seen by
' the author which would weigh over 800
pounds. A far greater number are coru
' posed of sandstone, derived from the
pre. existing strata of this county. Ma
ny of these are of enormous dimensions,
and'some were derived from strata at
the bottom of the valley-and taken on'
to the tops of our highest hills. ' in the
northeast Corner of Tioga township
there is a boulder of Catskill red sand
atone, about twelve feet square, lying,
oil title verj summit of the mountain.-'.
The nearest-stratum of rock similar to
the boulder„is at the foot of the' hill,
-a thousand feet below. How came this
'traveler so far from the' parent ledge?
W . h a shall tell its history ? Errtt
quakes have shaken it, and mayhaP
the storms of thirty thousand years
have roiled over it In all their gran deu.
t i.
Still it remains, a beautiful rnetuorial f
times long gone by, when icebergs went
careering over a submerged continent,
or glaciers descended from the line . of
'eternal frost. ,
- -- Two theories, the Icebrery and the
Glacier, haVe been advanced to account
for the Drift. The former supposes a
large part of the northern hemispheres
to have been beneath Os pea, and ap..
peals to the fact that fife icsbergs which
come down fi; i ont the Artie regions, in
nr day, have, frozen in their bottoms,'
thousands of tons of mud and gravel,
which, when they melt away in more
southern latitudes, are strewn over the
floor of the Atlantic valSo to the fact
that stones in the under surface of a
berg would serateh.the rocks over which
they chanced to mode. The- principal
difficulty in the iceberg theory, lies in
the feet that the submergence of the
northern part of AmeriCa would tend
to produce a warm instead of a cold ell-.
mate: The gladial theory 'Supposes the
continent to have stood at a higher lev
el than at present, and,. aboVe 'the line
. perpetual congelation. Agassiz and
others - are of the opinioii that a univer
sal glacier, a mile in thickness, covered
, the-whole northern part of this hemls
iiherei 'aid they, regard it as God's great
idaiv;' w4ich ground up the rocks Into
our, presCnt subsoil. !One great dillieul-
Ay enemintered by this theor , lies in
-the fact that the country ha not the
requisite slope, and the stir ace is too
ev • , to give such a-gloater a south
!wardinovement. Yet the evidence is,
, I think, conclusive, that, glaciers there
1 Vtet -- , though'probably local. I have
but little doubt that they once-descend
-1 e4L'roni .t he ,hills of Tioga, county,-
rilere,crooked creek enters the Tioga
I, : yalleY„ just west of Tioga, there up.
pears to be a- terminal mOraine,.made
by a'gla4er deSeending that stream.;—
Some of my readers have doubtleis n.-
ticed. the-spot, which resembleS, aceor I -
lug to Burns, .-..\
illucks dr'opt in Nntwe's careless baste."
Ttoga county also had its ice er_ ;
and lam of, opinion that the i 13:4g
and glacial theories should be reg re d
as parts of, one, and the same theo y.
Lying above the Drift, and of subse-
Anent origin, are beds which were form
ed, in part, at least, daring the Age of
Man. refer to peat, she% marl, and
the alluvium of river fiats: Shell triad
Was for Med from fresh water stiell6, In
pepda which have elute heelii
And i teliotne inari . hos; Is oxvilleut
of - Iloga County.
‘,„ c _
ainfeitilizer. Mr. WellS, of Jackson
township,' owns a. bed of this . marl,
which-is both. extensive; and -valuable.
Atn, deptli of six or eight, feet, beneath
the alluvium of the flats at Lamb's
Creek,. there is a bed of dark colored
clay, underlying many acres, find con
taining trunks of.trees, branches, leaves,
butternuts, &e. Above these remains
there are beds of sand and graVel, while
large pine stumps are standing on the
surface,—altogether representing a hoar
antiquity,, though not .dating beyond
the human period.
Thug we bave brought the earth'S his
tory fully Up, to our own times, and per
haps I ought to close here; but these
papers would be incomplete without a
chapter on the Age of Man, though that
subject does not strictly pertain to the
geology of Tioga county. So I will
write again, giving my views on the
origin and antiqulty`bf the human race.
[For tb9 Agitator.]
MANSFIELD, NOV. 14, 1870.
Mr Editor : On the 11th of last month
I left this place for a short tour Into the
State of Illinois: I was absent nearly
four weeks, and had some little. oppor
tunity t 4 see something which pertains
to the material prosperity of the coun
try through which I passed.
My destination was Illinois, where I
had lived nearly seven years, and of
course I had some little knowledge of
the region. I left"the State the spring
our great civil war commenced. Our
country has had since that time more
than four years of wal., Which in any
other country would -hay ruined near
ly all of fts material pAgsperity. But,
Judging from, NVl(at I saw lb Whiteside
county, Illinois, I was led to the oppo
site conclusion. At least there has been
a very marked change in the growth of
cities, villages, and the country, In a
The city of Sterling has trebled in its
population and its wealth. its location
is excellent. It is located on the north
bank of -Rock river, and I doubt whe
ther its water power is equalled In the
St: te. It has a very firm and safe dam
at the lower end of the rapids, and
might have another at the upper end,
about half 'a mile above, which would
be equally safe, and ailbrd as good fa
eilities•for business as are allbrded by
the power it has. Millions of dollars
might then be profitably invested in
buildings and the various machinery
which the bliSibess world'could suggest,
and the water'of Rock river be used as
the motive power for, constant profit
and prosperity.
But Sterling7hasbomethibg else to re
commend it besides its large business
advantages. Like every other city,
village or country which studies its per
ntrient prosperity, it has noble ideas of
its (educational interests. The people
in the Eeeond ward have recently built
onclof the fittest school buildings I ever
saw. It is three stories besides the'base
ment; and has four most elegant school
rooms on thelirst floor above the base;
ment; and the-same number on the sec
ond floor—equally elegant - and tasteful.
on iue tuiru fluor, bull' uC Um; 0i1a.041
divided into two School qooms, and the
other half is the chapel, or lecture rootn.
have not eau l anything 'Of ftlIC closets
for the scholars' cloaks, overcoats, & - e.,
Which are neat and convenient, and
sufficiently large for the school. The
whole building is comfortably warmed
by furnaCes in the basement. It ie cer
hunly a magnificent structure, and cost
the ward some $07,000. There are two
other wards the city, in each, of
which there are good school houses, but
they do not compare with the one we_
have described. They have been built
many years, and will doubtless give
place in a short time to larger and bet
ter ones. This the rapid growth of the
city will demand.
When I see such a willingness as this
to supply the mental wants of the chil
dren of anyplace, I know it must pros
per. It is hullding on a gobd founda
tion. it is proof of the surest and most
steadfast prosperity,
I paid. a short visit to the city of Mor
rlssun. I did not go Into their school
buidiug, but it most certainly speaks
well for the place from the outside. I
should judge it to be fully equal to the
school building in Troy, or Canton,
Bradford county, if not superior to ei
ther of them. That place, like Ster
ling', has had a very large, increase m
its population and business during the
last tel years, but it lacks Rock river
and the many advantages it afrords to
;urge it on wardlu Its business, career.
I ought not to forget Rock Falls,
which lies on the south bank of Rock
river, opposite Sterling. This i village'
Is not four years old, and yet it Is larger
than' Mansfield, 'and a place of more
business. There is one firm there who
are resolved to manufacture s‘ l ooo two
i ,
horse coruplauters this year, and corn
shell rs and other-'agricultural imple
ment in like numbers. It is marvel
ous how soon villages will, grow up in
the West, and Rock Falls Is one of the
number. Four years ago, where it
Stands there was nothing lint a naked
prtilrie— now a thriving villive, half a
mile long.
13h1, smile who look upon the slow
growth of our eastern towns, 'will be
curious to know what it is that builds
up such towns so soon. Why, it is the
-people—perhaps,somefrom eery town
in the Fast. The West gets , her popu
lation from the teeming millions of the
East, 'and thus much of her wealth.—
You will find there representatives
from all pails of the globe, and they are
generally lite ones. You will find the
country, villages and cities all astir
with life and. energy, and t is shows
Why'so,many coruplanters nil corn
shelters and other farming I plementi ,
.are needed. All their) plan A are sup
polled by a thriving farmi lg popula
tion, NV inch keep the mills, shops and
stores Alive with business.,
llot let me sad• a word about farming.'
I shall briefly criticise what I maw. I
am no farmer,. bul? believe I know what
belongs to good, tidy farming. Ido not
know :`much about doing the work in
any well conducted house, but when; I,
see a house poorly kept, I know some
thing is wrong in its management. If
I should see unwashed plates put upon
the table at each meal, I should think
there was but little good taste' in those
who had such labor to perforfn. And
when Usee a farmer feeding 'his calves
where they-have to stand knee deep in
their own filth, I judge that to be unti
dy farming. This I have seen in Illi-
Vols. And this same farmer allowed
Ids calves' to run where be had his hay
ricks,, and , trample all they could get
loOse into', the mild, and thus destroy
ixidra thitn they ate. Large heaps of
. -
corn would be left on the ground; - MP
protected from the hens and youngpige
,whielx tenoned at and, Whet% he
fed hie large stock of hogs; he would
throw his corn into the mndi as soon as
where there wan none. I told Mini
should choose b cleaner place for 132 y
hogs to eat, but my good friend replied,
" They will get. it all." But they would
have to eat about as much mud as corn,
and I doubt very much whether the
mud was very advantageoui in fatten
lug them. A hog should have neatness
and , cleanliness observed with )It, the
same as with ; a horse, so far as its food
is concerned. This would be economy
in the' farmer, and promote the health
and comfort of the animal—whether
'the East or West. Some men think
hogs can liVe and thrive in their own
filth, just as well as any way; hut in
this they greatly err. It no =ore
true of a hog then of any otherlootiOa.
§otne men waste a large percentage of
; their crop in the way they feed it. This
'is especially tra: of the way wa hays
mentioned, witi t h is far too common.
What madOt ais bode of precedhre
the more singular, was that the farther
to whom I allude was raised inSusque
henna county, where farmingis usually
done in a close, neat manner, and where
the thrift of the people is obtained by
saving what they raise. If there Is
any State which will pay better than
another for good, workmanlike husban
dry , that State is Illinois. Verniers
lose greatly there, by trying to cultivate
more land than they can till well. The
consequence is, they have a large crop
of weeds and a small crop Of corn. It
is so with other grains. They do not
work their land as-thoroughly as they
ought, to obtain thebest return for their
labor. This they have sadly
enced this year in their wheat 'crop, for
in Northern has not averaged
seven bushels to the acre. It is true
this has been an unfavorable year for
wheat, the spring months were so dry;
but corn, the great staple of the State,
Ls/excellent in quality and large in
When returning, I stepped at Di*wit,,
In Leo county, and had to wait Comte
two or three hours for the train.) Ail
travelers know this is a tedious ,way to
spend time. But a little way from the
depot stands a large, elegant building,
and I knew by the children playing
around it thatit was a school house;
and-having tinle, I thought I would
passlthrough it. The Professor kindly
showed me through the whole build
ing. It Is located on a hill, and cannot
be hid. It Is a very costly edifioe, and
speaks volumes for the - goodly city, in
which it is one of its lights. k,Nothing
speaks more favorably ifor' a plac.e than
good school houses and churches ; and
these you will find in most of the large
places in Illinois... In schools, Illinois
is far In advance of Pennsylvania—not
only in school property and - funds to
support thetn, but in the length of time
the schools are continued ; and I think
k e may add, in the qualifications of tea
chers, Lis well as wages paid to thew.
But I, must close this-raua l ble for this
time, promising that .1 will try to get
honne in auooaer letter. - 5.
ReV. Henry Ward .fieecher in one of
his recently published sermons on ,the
"Authority of Right over Wrong,"
preSents, in a very arcible manner ) and
In his inimitable aud peculiar style, the
tolowlug thoughts. on the right of sup
have - a good deal,,,f a certain sort of
pr ssing distilleries and grogihops:
kind feeling for Wicked men. lam sorry
for them. L'a'oking at them in one way,
I have.eympathy with them. I would
serve them IA I could. I would de all in
my power to make them bettor, But, on
the other hand, if they assume superi
oristy over me, and tell me to hold my
peace, '.I. have forty men's spirite of W-
I diguation roused up within me! The
idea that these very men that I know
are exhaling fi•oin Stygian morasses u
pestilentiaf miasma which is poisoning
kuy children, and my neighbor's chil
dren—the idea that they should arrogate
Isuperiority over me, and tell Mi 3 to hold
my peace, makes my blood_ boil! If a
man sh6ald. open a stye under the
Heights, the signatures of all the men in
the neighborhood would be, obtained,
declaring it a nuisance; and, it would
be abated quickly. kViien it is some
thing that smells in the nose, men Mi
deretaud rights and duties, and they say,
"No man has, any business to create a
nuisance in our midst;" and they re
sort to measures. for compelling the- of
fender to remove that by which he of
fends. Let a man start a mill for grind
ing arsenic, and let the air be filled
with particles ofthis deadly poison, and
let it be noticed that the people in the
neighborhood are beginning to sneeze.
aud grow pale, and let it bp discovered
that this mill is the cause, and do you
suppose he would be allowed to go on
grinding . 2' No. Men would shut up
his eatah dShment at once. And yet,
men would open 'those more infernal
mills of utter destruction—distilleries,
and wholesale and retail- i iiens, for
liquor ; and you can, mark the streams
of damnation that flow out froni • them ;
and yet nobody meddles with them.
One man is getting carbuncles; an
nether man is becoming red in the
eyes ; another man is growing irritable"
and losing hiS §elf-control; another
man I,a being ruined, both in body and
mind; multitudes of men begin to ex
hibit the signs of approaching destruct
ion 1 and the cause of this terrible -de
vastation may be traced to these places
'hero intoxicating 'drinks are manu
factured and sold. You would not let
a mau grind arsenic; but you will let
alnan make and Hell liquor, though
'arsenic Is a mercy compared with
liquor. I say that you have no right to
sutler to exist In the community, these
great centers o f • pe,4t i len 611 infiulnice
that reek and fill the moral atmospfieire
with their poison le those sections
of the West \Ober e chill and fever pre
walls, counties combine and drain the
s wamps from which it comes, And in
cities, and thickly settled places, you
have a right tosuPpress distilleries and
grog-shops. You have not only a right
to do it; but, as you love your country,
your city, your fellow-Men, your chil
dren, and your own selves, it Is your
duty to do it. It is your btisinesa to set
your -face against every demon that
posSesses man, - al d say,. "By the au
thority of Christ I dm:no:land thee to
come out !"--Ex.
Au Ohio youtl i f who desired to Wed
the object of his 'tiff:atom, had an in
terview-with he I paternal ancestor, in
which he stated hat, although he bad
no wealth worth speaking 'of, yet he
was "chuck full of days' works." He
got the girl. .