The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 23, 1870, Image 3

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',9"1 4.'4 , Atv
r „,„
• «,„
on4Departure *of' Stage?„ 1,,-
• T " BaVeS. r.mtuhug over
_the eriusistrates from
4 4 Wellsboro, will depart and
arrive as follows from the
, ?!..`__=.l.7 Wel lobos's-Post Office
watlll3Bo & 'Mos.—Depart 5 &lb, a, m., arrive 134
and 7 o'clook p. m.
*lassoes L NlAlfsB7444laPOL:ifialf,..ol4,4tiliZfk.
ratssoso & Couuriu3roay.—Dep.lion at . &
arrive Monday &Thursday 12m.Thur. 2 p.m.
ORO &Jsmigißuonalil.-Tiaalt 1 7 011,*.Tbnr.fiam
tails rriveTuesdaya FFI.S p.m
caireao & STUNT FORX--Dep. Tues. & Friday at 3
v.m., arr. Tu ea. lc Friday at 12 in.
fIOGA tit / 01 IGIiAiIOR.
Local Items.
WF.DNESDAy, NOV. 28, 1870.
_ .
' New Advertisements.
Du 'ne Hair Renewer, /
Cott rs—ll. Baker it, Sort r i. --7
Bro's. A •
Pianos—J. W. Melntrish, ——, - _ _„......' .
Persons wishing fine watches, or Jew
,;q of any discription, should , call ori:ar. A.
Foley who has juat received a large varioly.
DR. D~7c GRAFF operated upon a
Toting woman and man for, cross-or, and upon a
gentleman for cataract, at ale Eye and Ear Nati
tate, yesterday.—El. 4dv,
ler, aged 17, son of George t ireibliic — oreffeirei:
Its, on Saturdailest, while in pie woods to 'leak
after some traps, set the breech of his gun on
tie ground, with the muzzle under his shoulder,
when the gun necidtintally went off, the whole
charge entering his %breast, which . caused 1148
death.on the following evening.
THANEscavpre BRi,v,iFp..-7There
will be ironies at the blethotlist oliarelii!in this
village,' Thursday forenoon, at l a cli o'clock. Dr.
Bueli will deliver theldisooarse.
There will also bo services at the Episcopal
Church at 114 o'clock,
Are thciAtiCei oi`lisiikesi to be clo9ed7 2, - -',O 4
THE FLOWERS FADE.—A twin chill,
,daughter of Rev. and hlrs.,john A, Bowman,
shout one year old; died in Lisle 'village' (nisi' day
int week. It was a ssveet., little thing, End its
death is the more to be regretted, since, t.leo,ves
the little boy alone. - , •
KrarnNa.—Persons desiring knit
dug done, will call on Mrs. Dunham, as she has
purchased a machine for doing that kind of work.
Residence on Pearkitreet, first door chat of Yap
brief cabinet works.,-"
Mr. D. H. Curtis, the .Agitator agent,
till make his annual tour through; the county
immediately after the November term- of court.
Let irery one be prepared to encourage him " on
his weary way," in gathering np the littic bite
due this office. lila contracts and receipts will
he valid with Ayr
LITTLE BITS.—Dr. Park man was
tilled twenty-OEle years ago today.
—Mr E. A. Flab,- the newly elected Sheriff,
tae told his residence in Mainsburg, and will re
move to this pleee_nieV. month. He will no doubt
make a thorOugh . , efficient and itopultir officer.
--Mr. Wrap putt, on Main street, is building
6 large addition to is residence, and otherwise
improving it.
-A llourtig will, Ireitneld", — iiiiWZatrifed
tf tire sliMit two weeks einee;. together with a
large quantity of grain'. itiguranock li
Mre. - Jernnin :rniith,• the fashionable, milliner,
Lo Main lstreet, has lota of rangy gbodi,
f ; for tho ladiec. -Drop . in and Feu them.
?Ihe cone.lit/use will he open forregnlarantl
,tatae,ent libardeieo'n Monday tho 2Sth
unit. .
—As the lu.ft term of court for the year 1870
kt• on Monday, the 28th-instant,we trust every
ittei.iiint indebted to this office will come pro
prod with the "Ppon du I c s," to " square up."
RATieraiier it takiia.Ottle grease tv. keep _the biz,
ca hint.
—.,(,.!%n G. t , :tXt.: will'deliver his great lecture
• 1, , .tc, " at the ' AI. E. church, on the tveuing
th,•:2.sth lust As the house " ivill be crammed
It,temet capacity, we T 00.," suggest that all
tn./ leave thitir hoops ai home on that (wen.
—The citizens of Wellsburo ivip soon enjoy
Chu th.•t have king thisired—a public hall; and
iluatt but that it will be greatly ap—
• aced The hall will he open to the public
t e..totle of Winks.
I.E . crunEE-i.:: fi4 i'ae"it.4oO tiekets for
to 11-rotate Courae retliain'ansoll They are
t,!.1(..r $5 a seatAuring the - ieotiroe of thirteen
1,, , 0,0.—r05t class lecturers. This i., very cheap,
ii.lll r. g: wily to. the advantage of all oar riisi •
Ird r• urrt 14 , 11 those near by, to pur'efintm these
t6,,,+ 'The teats are numbered au.l kept for
:ts rat rr: so a good seat-is iisaurcd at any time
tl,t• ..ven ng. Single rt-scrved seats win he 11)
l'he ,arson tickots RFC much the ehonp•
r,t- that? fin ty cents. Over Inb tiekets fur
rat r,at „ u hare alrcittly htett sold. They may
6spurciroed at the wait taco, where a plan of
tony he seen for choke of senttl.
I' 1... t t•oget the Iteture by J G. Saxe, Frit! ty
1 1111. neck.
• - •
Sl't•ClAf. WWI a tern)
hare List week, by lion. N. IL Stree
t.r the iriul of certnin:'eauses
Ctr•li ,rrr. ant trialae herforus either. of our LA.Vo
n..: law disquAltlies a Judge for the
'ft -.1 ..11lAteS in which he has been interested,
nits krily or :ea connect, and elan where
tht. part I. nearly related to the Judge,-
,a Cal tall) other Lntads
, Aell liked at our for, Ho
} 7 'v`ivJ with dignity.and-ease, and hat as air of
an-I trafartiality about him, which cum
I= Lin , na exemplar of the upright
tel hone.:t judge.
The fret ease called on Monday, was that of
tsths ‘e. guernsey. It involved no question of
Gut, and was disposed •of summarily by' the
i tlge, with a direction to' the jury of a verdict
LT . 114 defendant. There was a Sheriff sale of
ttt vender's equitable interest in a judgment
rpn contract fur sale of land, entered for the
tar. bass looney. Prior to the date of sale, the
.rud had Leen sold for taxes hy the County Trea•
O'er. KT..]
the time of the Sheriff'f• eale t and after
: 4 . l rtit purchased by the plaintiff. Tho Court
hid that the sale mt. the judgment fur purchase
was a recision of the . eqintract, and that
L i re , nvtry could he had to • the • action (which
./1 to retire rot lotilthee of the judgu.Lt wont,}) for the e*vi.t- of judgurent
•-' , l;•tied' by tbo e.tle 'op tLe vxe,:utjpri. 11'“
: , `,7 darer: , .9ora.t.swhat it oft anl I:rerlin3:slr
. tl .
thi4 State, nnfi in v ,, lvLs u pt in
!pt:. - .
Ite r • unFrr:u c,. Colt!Pa Snlythe
1 ! Wl were jur%
uj,tl COierl
\V Ei.i.sisoitt, iutr
trt 1,.1 / 4.. of 1 ( 3 . r
!ht, I . lli f
I,AVI, 1
1 r
• 11 ' , FIA,µ '4' S . l Mr. ,
"". " 1 1 • - 11,4„fills
" 3 J U. %V,llai} cr, s; -fit
T. _
thrtvibg 11:0 - hope the teetaittOrd
'•,l stye ILL 11, 0 • tingi , :rebruhirly, and ' do all
, ari 1.; reetaim the rakeii 0..1.e:0t eibe 3 Cling
' Nu; ;lie ram-: • • Frill 11a[ .
if 1, L •
pag:t t ~%%.)Kya
' ll tt,t C.hriatiati riejele tio4lbe tuinki • era of our
;Lurches; that we; do not cot engaged -in
tn"v l Christian Futtee? Good people, there
UlvYb to do thci n to preach and'atifella7
Le "s4l ß - gedlearesraoeves-easl A ration•lneretyv
t aeraN that ,11114e14047 10111PA110
a eol3triblttiOn to the yom iJvcur" ty
t~Money bonght " at, itiok
tin iiot purchase 'f the plearl oi great priec, ' !--,
and detests e aunteffeit, apd pugialiell 411 11# 4 111P t O
11) , at . ter k as he genuine. Never mind &beat
j""ht: ' 11 1 has bothieg to de with the atiblecti:
,t i f„ o ,: upO 1! 1 , in,tesuo 1)41'00'
194nden ne
en i k t b en i -- 4
n w . hiell tile editor jot ' is! pape
clines all hare a right to exercise thei th r own die
ts ion wl b, bl
• - e --; ••• , :f. ~, ~ . , / ;.;.tvr,-4 ,-. ., -; ,- : ,t.-•
lent I"- ' ' ' ' -''' "'in= ". - J. - •)• r: - :)
pile 1114 • 14 0449; 4 ...,.. tke RAt0#2..54,. .1 1 -4, - ~:,,
Obligation than a Chr,lecia 1- ; tifilyi: . :, 1 4,a,V-tiat-Paaa
now; but what of. the other.weelta, and months
of the year?' 4 0aii,taillint be:4' lol E - ;:twiiiiiourilge . ,
those who wish to reform, prto.saVe the young
from !ho' danseka. saki:449Mo thole temperate f
What, 1 4. 1 : 1 4:,1,4 { A. 1 0f5 : -Ik:Cle,Pikilt* atatlfr
pray ? Kre - yeti-vot;aiAltid4.l4rAinilutifi ir.O:und,:
and see ii at . reaaft} ;:, nii if • 'Rife, trid.r, .geod; • - arid•
happy i nre thti refoiniaS s ith'is.imi ii.A.A.:lrs'4 l ' B : 40,
were so wretched, and fallen ? To see how much
bappinesslit4 1 lliali,'`feililiiiW.' 7 inuph;E:misery
arerted,:eren•in.Our.own v illago;iiiid: 'O'lltit.,*?- : .--.:;
o ; --it isot War, '1)i:1f - 1:maces f-not. attire x an d:
'cou nterald ~ And - wrangling , and abuse:, of one's .
bgt, frioud4—bit philanthropy, a . IPilig ' , tii i!eo ,
Well,' a. ' • ::6 • . -i . - tit ‘-• r•
Men do a isp9sql dik i to ken at.' 10 in all,
things,tO- follow, in. the..fctoti4Ts of '!lie groat 4
eMplar';.ilij:tf.W4-nifrbeittc.:: 3 . tit,' , , polltions - aridire 1
roonstrances deciaotlio' liciee4Atie.stien-i' letins
- iii I stand , up• above this questi9nl.4o: P4v9 o *
temperance:loa firi.uei - andyzotitt ... entli as a crime,
ATTEMPT:' TO 131mAit JAI - L. 777 8e yeral
masks ago a Man Jiy"thtrnathe of Moore was coin
mitted to our ouupty jail,,eharg!d with forgers._ week tiefore,h oirept, hiOtitue Cori.:
vinced that it is not good for—man to be alone,
And so he litunebed out oifitliti seeolimatrimiiny,
With n'reipectable woman, lo . litiora hoiropresott
ted himself as a than of weliditijitid,
She wits a widoW of- a teldier, 'and drawing st
pension as such, whicklifout oF by hermarriege
. with Moore. ;; • Moore .represented.,lijiliirelf ; pa
"Co lo nor ;th e ta',:thu late - wet'. Ito
turned tint,-on
inlet' to, AAthere 'Wet no 9lio matsC'olonelaitali
in, the one to which 1;6'011'1i:6d ileferik,7-1 1 7.e
ca'n imagine the--" Colonel"_ roboarAi9g , b 0 lead ,
of Talor`tO th widdcf,'! otil4;lateautatatzavt- ,
lag, in the coal retreat.oll4l4.4:4l44gTAilsiil4
suppose, the preliminaries were.. nr
.ianged, with as occasional indWorii:trlho3lol,'
to his broad -Acres, his flusti.-.ooelq, 'and, 3.9130/?;.
bonds, -while they sat dreaming of the-future!
" Colonels" and r " Coltmciestes," who r tyere to'add
glory and Bober tbO nano on:tho fields - of bat-:
tie, andin gefitittii," In 'a `'ibbit trick!'
the twairt.are onerAnd.withip enothottAe.wq:
ow findsthitt: it lia-better, , ln' , platten)
meat, to ke..441 to V 0404
0 OriVi (toed that she is 0 sold,"- - th e quest i on.
with her is how .41
oat.. Tia.o " Colonel" comes hOme 'rather
;'Dome-you-so" Ome-yoti-so" of an eventutt:end'ohti- is' act'dlS--
pleasedthat she takes a• journey meatilaita - turn
her baoli : upon her• unmitigated-disgust fot ..hie
woo leg (in lice': of ouu lost 'iv yottlti tie
doubt) mid military lilies. •Iti .
the story runs,-the I' Colonel" takes the draftifor
', •„
her pension from tho post office; and draWa' the'
Money on it at the bank, representing the ea-
Artip;emeltit as her sigtiattrre.:,.! - Itstitid up soirte'of
ills ills about-town, (for he is.a /atm, -of-means,.
i t
it must-lie renietriheted--;tbizingh,llinesi - ri2ioo , yr
$15,000; lately inanifea,"4 - ofili:chtitiied 40be.
worth $36,000,) and i left.without 'again greeting : „
his Ine'wzielicle bride. ' A bush:it's - op Call f,
'iud4, oh how= -rude, that fate ishonlilqoalL
" C4l6tiel" Off, thtnat thotigt:., 114.'9 the
paid and grief of parting
• .Cin the way, the A 4 Ceplctibr':atlopfs- it:boyiand
at ilarrisbarg he is polittili'invite'd te — return" to
Wellaboro, with the compliments of A. S. Brew
ster, Esq., J. P., presented in a filest becoming
and impressive Leanne" Constable Valk
enburgand the Teller of -the ' -
-Di anwer, be appears berate ihts 'Mails - trate;
and is ala.ta bail, protesting his inisooonoolnid.
O f
his il, ty to vindicate himself. Of his history
siriee be ivetit to bard with Sheriff Potfeiy‘id
halle no account. down to Salpi(lay it.ll , :es.)i.- 51 :-
Then it came to
. .the. bnowletige of the fiheriff
that the " Coloner,hadsome.,outsitly bitsiKesa to,
attend to, and had• ambition - - to'4io fMee..- He
desired-to walk nut in. 4 the yeitilar • waY,i?"t),
made a . key of wow), hat it — hiol;elatid.,tui, Fgll
back upon therolds:yypy of sawing cant,.:, fg made
a caw of a ease knit, and fox.twoniglik'
worked with it faithfully at thit hail .of.tbeS'eelf
door, filling up the . orsevic6, ; •l3taitikiV;:tract:ll.2
seised through the day, — `lli - e'§iCeriff, - mciiiiiiee 4
wetsm the lOdkout, '60 - beard flout
Mating thaisa4.-taeir night, as the " Cokinej"
plied hietraltokisvatjklel the lagt,,ANy A ,,,Ec t o
fellow, it i$ will' pity that we think of LlDi Acre
nttphorp ttightk(r-trt3ol:.
,oht so cheaply.
Monday txening. the ShEritr,: yet at
home, though the Colonel" supposed him far
-away, was informed »that 'the :•iheor •had.giie&
ass ay,01,,1 that the. litlXloll3 " Colonel " expected
10 ' 131,1 itiiicu to Wellshoro that night. lle.peeteti
111:. valise, liFi.ended' to - the ' - tkylthht, fltoviiled
with a rope for his descent, made of his bed
clothes, find wag just abent, to step upod ther , idef,
as the Stierifl and •his party , bailed Itii- O:li, Wif4s!tiO.
" Ot.lord2l" was "Ohabletc; gqe the eetto , tek.,,te,
was riot alloyed to pias ; a dhe yet retoliqs. in ,
j a il, awaiting his trial. To rare the " Celantl",
unfit:ailing sawing, the Won len leg•hae been• am.:
pointed We have not learned who was the oFt- . ,
elating turgeeo. ' '
I :
~,, Metal, Repent at leisure before marrying-tn
, .. ..
bi oaßis itus.—A t et, Tegulitr rhea:Nig,
of :31orris Run 'Lodge, Nil.' 698, I. O. 4)1 - 1.`:,,,
held at their hall at Morriqmn, on the sth dust.,
the following preartri.llo and resolutions were pre
herilted and unanimously adoPted by the' findgei
3tihereas, Death for the drst time has visited
oureiree, and in a suilde r ni:and violeatlnanner,;
:mil without a - moment's Warning, femoVect front
our midst a worthy and filoved,r brother and a
good and true Odd Fellow i thus repeating in a
solemn and impressive manner, "That in the
trtidst of life wo are in death;" and whereas thia
Lodge, in regular iession arreembleill deeply feet!
lug the loss we Intro sustained, ithd wishing to
give exprestion to nur leeli'ngs on this Faibnvon4
du'adopt the following rehOlutionii: .1. .:
'Regotvcd, That in the'detith of dur well beloved
brother, James John, hi'r, Lodge' js, called to
mourn the 1054 of a' worthy, end I !i tt•ue 4 ....bild Fel
-100 ; one who by his daily )walk nst strict up—
riglaties.s showed that the teachings of our order
were not lust on him; line Who, over faithful to
the obligations ho had euterd iuto, was always
ready to fulfil them to the letter; and one who
'tied beloved by all, and in his dea'fb casts a,
deep gloom,, nut only over4the met/seers of_this:
I.4dge, Litt diter the team erfimunity; ~., . '
:fisqolr(tt, That we deeply'llyniprithisis'w_ith Pt
heyeaved and afflicted firrilly of Our'itie6iitte
In-tatter. in this their.sevCr( lesa. (qui We 7 .tiituler
t ,,:the t a i,ur most heartfelt' encouraietnent "atilt
support; assuring thetn thitt although theiilOss .
is great and irreparable, they are not left alone
arid destitute of friends; but ip 09r entirebro
therllood, every hcirt beats in , sympathyi- and
every hand is open to minister to thdir wants, to
'encourage and protect the , and to carry out, in'
a Strict sense, the comma il; of our order, "To
vital the sick r relieve Ali I clistressed, -bury the
dead an educate the orph n."__ ‘, . ~ •
Begoir ri, That a copy of this preamble find
thrall tee ilutions, signed I the..N..3;and Sacral
) i
taryi- ith the seat of the• Lodge affixed,:, be pit;
mated to the widow of our deceased brother. • '
Resolved, That as a token of retpeet for,
antmory of our deceased brother, the hall of this
Lodge be draped in tnourititig, and the members
Jyrear the usual hadge.of mottrning daring - thirty
, Resolved, That the Secretary - be requested to
Iran unit a ropy:if -fttelt life coedit) &trio k -st.tir2l:i"
infra Affvt4itre7rmittitt the --- Agitatrr, for pub oa-
J —A territiie accident oCCtit•-:'
rx ,, t" .Ore.ut
' by 114-1111.itte" , 01 Crity`"*fis
it, eutting_ (di It leg, .yrhen.,it eamo off
rolling ever iiiti),,cepPlet6.l.7,.. grnaping
tut, 1 .03.1.
i 4.111,,1 , leayys 4 ,ifiN,4nd
ow. vl,i lipisn turn ottyerActittip.
11,1 t,
"M' I 1.1 y Tr, Jr. , an :ige,,l gitj2e i , d!etb99•lll:l9
tfcl, c- large circle of . frteticitt - o pleura , .
On the 1101, Helena Garrisoli,Clartigt -
07artP 7 lri, -- tor - i6t"a - Cdtarl7ctoparta
r;;.-13 ititen , le,LunAt',l44nducted
El ler M it.ittke,ellll , - l All4iihti knew-h'er i toved
I.,'r,awl .39: LI I I- f or el, dgxl .4- t4el n "Th'f 84 ' " de l a
. fril.n , L z _ s
E++ltu+ing ore the eliteers, off tpe4'4,l") 3:40. c ,
/. 0 • 1 4i , •X. , 1 73 ' , ..- , q,'E -. , - ..hir-s,e.,pciltrituArtevj
1Y C T, ;, W y T, Stillyell;:r
C T.., 4videvilibt 11'm' -Compton
w. r"f3,l 7 .tra "P,berc we'll W 1`; J. - Wirfilinrt;
, Ilusrg , q , l"; W•C; s; Minnie
II ,Ut• r; '
• GOIE - T r r SI.:ADY'Et 1330 E.— ' rho tecemVer nom
bar i± rich in Znibelliziniienril aha oilitaths just
what evtryboLly_wantip in
plates arp sioat t ly instinaparable L tbo matter icktexi„
&Link, - useful end profitable to all: ftcrj
Lich this exoeltent magazine and - th6 Agitariif far
!fi 0+ A. 6 fP.O 11 2 the !WetV 6 : *
0 pp, Oarge Ootu!Tietxta titlt !fie
ahu dash imkat.iceoravtiop Fuels •Tiatie;
The December ntimber of tlemorest's , Monthly:
magazine gives Ma dcznoise/lo Den2oreit's roam 71
inoth builetin,plate . of fashion's; 'price '5O
as a supplement; with Mademoiselle Niieo4t4
favorite song, Spring and Ablifinb; And "a % blll
display of fashions, all for 25 cents, yost free.—
The premiums offered by this model magazine
;. ~!.` .
',il ,- .. 11!. I T Yl. ' , ..'2_ ~.. cAn". ,-
1111 - liifl
'lll h ' 1,?
_ .. )IIMOREST 'EI URI} X6lll 41 f r ,
apnricling as ever. • Provident fathers and . moth
ere, who wish to cultivate the mental appetites
their children "and provide far their amuse-
Misn't,-will find a rich feast for boys and, girls In
each successive 'lime of Young• America. Ad
&eke W. J. Damorest, 838 Broadway, N. York.
;.-• '
-:: 11114IbliViElc0/W1110 - iltirii4:Pkit.4):= 0.
Jalivett is happy to announce to !the eltileitsair
Toga and vicinity, that he is about to visit their
place once more, and will open a Musical Con-
Tentien in their place, on Monday ovening k liok.
28, to eSontityke.ttntilAtm ay, evening, Dersem- ;
her 10, Oath Orel; sessiatur e ta Wlitin 4 teli l lf"
'olds° with a3)011,QU% tijOSltl A Al' ',1'4 1 `4;
-.) ,Professor Jewett has on, been' 'known in bats
-hull many othei'afatest.W Obi OetliitritOriaffe
;co34lll conductors in the RoAntry,,, and all those,
•desiring to Improve in musicit'‘pdanoe, ahoald
,not Tail to avifir themselves of sp favorable an
oppottunity as is now offered them. The many
YoOro of Apollo 31co r mot , only. Al, con duel i or. me ?
Conventldrit,lita aissktierilsortf'orler`of Vtidnioit'
. .
Oodcessful mnlimid voulirsitsospAtle statee k hap
enabled the, Prolifs`sor lo rbdisesrble melted of Int'
struction td 41,315e9t sysiqm - iyA#llllo t 4ruktil 1
Exalt who have had' the o pportunity co learn II;
to be superior to aintirafterrilkualbalardexition
will be given the first week to elementary in
lititiotion, as taught only by Mr. Jewett. The
seelind week wilt be devoted to 'dellitatkllg kiA
system 4c4ioniandiiisilibmi6in-d inuakiatiastoom
idioms, which has preyed so, succpesfu t in many
Affprent States:* -c: A- t l : + i 1 '-- 11 . 1 ' ' 'a d I . l *-: 1
Moping to see- many of his, old friends from
different portions,bfithefebutit*Al4idibita*tek,
he is anticipating not °taxa pleasant hat a very
profitable time. - :11-'' p ut
concert will consist of. a great variety of
: sacred and secular music, brought out in a most
,artistio manner, which, together With the lecture
'"2 o ;xPligialfilktlßr ABM Jittrti PI9 O P P Ur i ;
''lffy Interestang to nil those faring to see a -
vancement in their own.aaniin ip...;.1 i
.Beelta furnished during the entire Convention,
• s s
[ free of charge.
l i cl4..,i_e ts for fu
ll co
u _rs l e, • two we L ks, $1
n 5O.
'' :Pee wi t ocooircer4.4o t.Se.r. , lO Al t " A ;4
t 4 4
-, . .-- /; 1L'.44, v..,3
oa t u.s
1.3.: I
1 •; -- •: I " SPECIAL NOTICE.—The subscriber
wo4ld rcapeotfully, r informiho pahlio„ that ho is
'it)* !recervisig4greek , .'idlialtiOns lo his stook of
aiietcbandize, bought since the groat deeline "in
`price f i which enablii hithltot offei- many"- , gtk; eb
, •,1' ladies are in,vltryg,,to cxamin..Q _ , ..1418 4024 of
i'llisawls and dress i''.dl/Wllleiilsolostiiiir4datiyglew
itidoil and f4bri9! D a t a 1 2,404PPP3).1 1 0.53gavh. PP+
market * , - 1.. _.., ~, r- .. - 7 ~.4 ~rb = ,- 7, 1
1 - I ;ll44okeopei•eioulieltis , e)t; . ! gak 011 .
itclek l ir- faV i l t n 96.Vqe . o ll; ° .g ili ti; I t'
1%. • R .
Ot oil: 5 T., , ,a0.0z ..1 .3....) Lx. o.a111.:S: - ii. wk..
NOTIC.C,--,13.113i050ti1k fidebtedlotiup
ski . ai if A`hltitlptirtlYWety y rp, , *.t,ta t arplequesttsit
=to oldie their accounts before the , rat lay dta
"Q- ber next . -
X. iiikiniil Co.
ctobed !
12 820 -2m
ildillitiLl 1 iJi.l.i iI6I ii
. , DENTISTRY. ^C. N. Dartt i 1
„otlice,in Wright & Battery:MeV where he con
:tint/es to make teeth with the new improvement
Whiel giv betterLisiAiiMistien -ilian anything
else - l
use. To be had at Dartt't only.—Aug. 42
~,, -- el I _ ,• ,• ~
' .. , ..ti t 2..... t ~,,-.0.,.., .: ) •-• .I.‘ ..,_
-B.: 1 , ~ '=.•;',ls .4 , 1..% trar:44 . 0.4 . 0ri'44.. no tAsivd,
I ',:,R . 4.iilitt4ll t-'141=91. 41 .Wit atitt.Ve OW
.taills.ofJ. U. Elathilr's make for sale. • These
- Mills are admittislb - VasfiEnArp t emalV toAbe
the best in use.'t airatthi ‘ aoinee.-Seg /8,18 1 /0,
3m. .
A l i 3
VTO d by tbißif*lsffeslilit;l,4fl)4.FL*JP.:44,g
cam of Jackson, to Miss Frances E. Ayers.
-• 'By tb,e;Spme, - 10,,,at*ponijimi t ",,%
Nnninghalu,_td-Mlisllebecca Hughes of tioga
P a. I ticrt• 7
, - . UsSa r jn
ate same in JAqksonli.ev. t), , at,4lla.lipuse of
I. Spencer, Mr. JameiSisslii:Tolilisllra Pane
all.rae ,,, k t s z en r,
- Oct: 16th, I
by G, D. Keeney Esq.,llMltteritgiMliuch, to Mrs.
Moni:1:1, Ames both o6,iddlpur,A.l l .„,,j
In:KeeneyvillinNov, kir same,„ Mr.
Judge Stileet,taMitallity.iAdalla,4o9.lilif.SitU.
tilebury.,ttlikl.ll3 l ,:zl,lll.l::4Qt.)tl
SPA U LDIXII.4-dl,43lt,qC4;:tiff.Afalaxstiliel.o' qn
the lith instant, by Itev,4lEatii IZ - veritt,_ Mr. S.
T. Spaulding, of Chatham, and Miss Lydia Plank,
110R%0N—SPIINTO ilD—inqio_gik on the 16th
.instittit; y yrialaEkolf4D. -w, -
ton, VA,F..quaind„,;Pdbi:ElNO•M....4.Seystieuri•• - daughter ,
of (f. 14....Spyittouro
m di likiiiy. :ll according i
pree z edents, however, and no indictment will be
prosen te.d uftettsii. tlatiart.lls" -
4 donsideratilin, we,,Rlerut "surprii,c," (haviug, had
no legal mitierj;)l - titlirrlitiv .
pendiu g :, t 0.2
1-ietoott P. Fields, aged i 49„vv.ll.. ir7
•"gOSTER—In Oshkosh, Wis. Nov. 9, of 7 llll t ,
liutis feirer; Mrs: , 44.1. 1. 4 C
Niles Valley j this,eßuntp 1 uge!' FokyrkFfr.f
N.:4;IJ I tiCI
vt , * F:it tnt inin _dslose fa i Inn ill
e‘bei•l ea. when avragaitrivottlaleaC aAndielutircptVa ad •
ve Ned for ther crererofiitiOns tttaiatrest "*hich,
when LAO,IIIIA T to
leatn ..lioweret;otitio failurto .
unit; of Wad Cherie, tg,cut e_cough , sicolyle,ll,nd Rqlmg:„
•44. u ^
i_L , l-1.5...:, ,iv . ~,1 r.-ilwazi
'What I ,ynn a . athairon made
. 111 , I.' - :,E, "Z .-•: - ‘ , .•;•,21,
my hAlr soft, Luxuriant' tiller:, and Ilagan's 11lignolla
Dalin ebangert that aallow conxptextavrintrrtbdinfrayble
heality you Loy. r « 4 . Thip is empliatirally ., :the lone r
coiigo or Gil qiiWpme-ii14,y91 . 14. 4) . , isp i t l i 1 IA
!hair and a refine'd Complexion are the greatest ati • 1
Alocis a woman can possess. The Sathairon and Meg ,
nolfa Balm ate just - what wlll.gfire ikinti to „you—and
noting else will. The Balm to ani bloom of youth.
It makes a lady of thirty appear hot twenty. Both
articles aro entirely harmless, and very pleasant
Thiy ebould be in every lady's peavesslon
tr .------ : ------ ...• - .41'.C .- . 1 5 , 74.w. 1- r.rc.' ,)
k..strstis - Otatits. We aliaiproicneg,tbat thorasst i ni7 ,
.1.3040, awl n nyleldingor tbil Olrixte6lthen r e who' have' ,
claims vs. the British Gbverntnentl are Dr. J. O. Ayer
& do., uf, iffelliAlaeskthe ttatinnfaftaltradi-,
ells. f,T4e t tit illiOnegpVito*iptiling.,' at t
u. rAle'rell dfor 7 -idetlielltbit ditstrivedArt ev ishs
pir fee shall be paid in lgold and in dollars to the last
cont.,They are etnbold nail, by the fact that. tinitlas%
tructidd of •t heft' ' 0104 y - the E I
elsewlieri...(for.ivlicre. , a e lief Die'ilfdlibl'iskrafenatto'd
tnttnpling upon Bombe! y6htstlifhairdneen paid in
full, and they now say that they shall he. They how
ever propose this corer r4tajte ;tlivvis,..Qapada and we
will rail it even, bedsit vf* iltil 001 fin obi route-
did there wititout.littty`:.Y.[Wallitoltdmfitalea 0
t., 8. ity , lB, 1870. f --
°lessors BUCILLITAU & Down of tits Amerie
Unirerakty,/ All in
_FV4tdorfeir.pureta ( -
orSaitcprAllaitp 011,111ecii td...' then
;g . new discovery. painless treatment, no
knife, no 'plasters, no caustic burning.
ok The most , remark.'
Q ablo effect CAtiCERS,! of this
4 ,47.an0 i
j .a rea to3 tm t e li nj.
oi 0 m
b ' f is, tt mi s e o p o ai ,
growthe, Al 1(4 t. ettinixol;:diattinlldko ,
appear and will not return. M 1 those. af
flicted can call on the Prole:sot , ' Iltichailan & DM
University; or address; NonlirPtne t trent, Phil
lkx4 = aCt 'Ocher frAtR • ;3 - . 4.,,t1 ! 31
Wiiiiseini;Fnittin'.oa.';' = Pr Mtn
men.—Please send me one dozen bottlesiOV 0 A
iait Mir tenintereivOtir tild.adokitr , gro to*itie
to Oe'py.f • 4 4yanottietta.41 1 vIne , qtaludiailefffltile ,
, thoresuiti from the use of the Renewer. atingoipmatl
tieventy,ygar,s . old,,and_hav)mg,worn a wig , 01 , 1 - IWO . ;
years, it'seemi Trig ifaclC,Zo'ttiosb Iwlio - liiatirkinivra
heZ so long so bald, and what little , hair she bad be.
perfec it 4
hatC grown'ont, d'ltngerotli; gIoiSST ratiOn,
oirlhood. Roping you ;May long , continue to pour
1916 "Ing'Mit.9" .hel/ !# t i f s o %P il i cte 44.:t ez 2i 4 l 4lll YOßTp
..tbfrai eta, of Now England, Dr. A: A. Ilayet.q4.l•
Dana ilaleneshOialalsatisf.t. Any; aftii , ..Mbitglv.4, l se
PreAation B pk#Rel 9 . I.l o l.Plat rPtttltlbn
FARMEWS,;' , a. x.;: - 117...••:' , J,' ',• ,
.. kiffic t o . " i"Arl'IT -
•11 : ' . 1-- e- -
• ~.i
, ,:1 r:: 1 ;:o 3,).# .1 i c
l ii a ii i -E, F
~.,4 ! 4 4 "4 " 4M.
. 7 —: 7". DY
7 ' .-1 Attie t - RYBO
~ ‘ . ~.; i r „. .... ... ~.
• FROM - :536 'TO 41.60' .
?e, 414./. ,;-7;4 $lOO
Cheap for barter, and - cheap for cash at
it. BAKER do SON'S,
TIISBOLUTIONF- • 4rargerrb_trotp-'
JI.J fore exiatintau r , w,„ na Pf 1111117
Priem:ft anditroWer • .t sublevel w
dissolved by mutual consent, on the let olOot.
last, 1870. ' HENRY PRIBEIRT.
" Nov. 23,1870-Bw. • CARL PRIBBET.
trE 'of GREENER'S new ' improved iron
frame and Patent Soft Pedal
P.1[4.1110 FORTE*,
will exhilittlen at the .
1 M
4 : ll°' prom
, rom 'ov. , untt Dee .18 . •
All inueie loving people are invited to call
and examine our instruments. .
Nov. 26 -go V J. W..ISIeINTOSIL
Office of J. B. .DOBBINS,
till 42_6 Worth Eidatith phila s li v ., ,„
1:2 0 11 - .; 1: 4 4 . . F . ij.:.= f - i rpl
A - polor and dressing . that will '
1 hot burn the hair or injure the
It does not produce a color
' ll l
itiraYalr,A4i.4o ,l 4?l"ol l / 2 ks
fits i
by isupplying new life and vigor.
It causes- a luxuriant growth
b ig 'l2loft, ' hair... - •
ti../.4lte best and safest article
" 0,44 • '
4:1 ~.0,..)
y,.) 1.) 1$ .yo z
4113. K)
: CO A1".).0.W...4,'5-s'y
il T i -4103 %VI a. i 4.1' ZSc.: lc'? Z..) J 7 S
l it 1 ' ' : " V4 , ' , ' FOrMaleStlatftl3Aile 1 %I's c - ;: - ,1a.,,,
r c .; ; ! ci"o66 ditiri,iiiiipitimitigi,tosnagipial...,
: 0 0:04,1gY,,RitY$ ) Pii , Pfttl*II!VsrPft,t1 t . ‘;
412 of oga. abottl, 3.q sores fiurroved
AO unimprovialtCHO bl t 4t • •thieti.bagps
ad dwelling houses, an apple and Fisch °rah
ilrd, Ind other fruit, trees. Terms easy... Also a
joinipg on the west, a farm and timber land
feotn;4o to 200 acres as desired, with 80 sore
. impr'pved, with a good barn, a good house and
applq orchard; Good fora dairying farm.
Nov. 17, 1870— f. 0. 11. SEYMOUR,
Tioga, Pa.
We " 124. 0
y .
. 1 Oro , nAke'
• .-.
- ,7: kitonid tO,the
• : •
, 4 to supply them with, ;
of the best quality. We also serve meals an.
and Fresh OYSTERS to those who wish. Call s
thq,old Stevens' stand. J. J. BERGIN.
Nov, 23, 1870-Iy.
NeW Photograph Gallery—D, H. Naramore.
Au i etion—C. E. Brewpter.,_
a 43 12... k. ,2 1 4141* u......:nr,
-- . a . luur _,
_,.. -...,..,ii..,...r..,}1, , .. .7 ~T ams'`, .7t
*T4Z TiVerl;#lftrig,t , ,CianVittor,of ti:.
a t 0. of Ult, l a Fri be h 4,10, iitr.: iiirlti . lttiii;''
.'en the Iftistivid- dllati".'.llitafoireniber,".".lBlll;;;;i,
TiraaP.Wolth,rl9k,'Nehtter 4,, p....,fit tt iffs,
be pit4o4,att the new,gall at l'iniita nun wilt 1
.be dedtkilWd‘i tbliPtime7NlTlMVl , BAltriti I
...Nei.; 16,1870 Secretary.
.....:_, 1
C. F. & 0. itlo' ore,
a 1 , 4 Wellsboro, Pa. Office and Stables on Water!
Street, in rear of ,Court House. hey will fur- I
nigh horses, single or double, wit Buggies., or
Carriages,,a4inotjeti,',..Lo_ng xperiehinin.:,
the bualtieittfinilleittikolirlif o" alttraitnitil I
with `iff"ffilikfef,KtileAn nityftarq *rip Zt`
ii l'
mantisfralialtinie. i Drivqpi. qui ha fitesif 4;
wpi iintsinie`ftittlriied that,- eft ,ha
Omit t ;
....i.Aaqitrtirn ......,,- 2 th n o p : i t ti ns o mp ,i
lfrt 9 49 , Ar t rir-m,lmr•'M
1 L l a u 173, = V / 1 5 .e i .!,• ~- , ‘ 4,1 4 , -._t -"*..*- \r • '
IN, g li Cil:tirkt i tegf4R-41 7 0 6 4 „ grYi ;
! I
jily il l t tlaftWrsiol4„.4eatwp •ly wi t .
1' i . Q , esta tie*orileofirtilla o o tint
vicitiitylthatbn lia3'lte-34111121,116.1:61fufalforAteti,
ly olcupied by H. C. King, over Eastman's den; ;
tel rooms, and is prepared to make
ilino+n to the art. Please call and examine spa
' •elmens. Nov 16, 1870 tf
- I , -= I
'WAVING returned to Wellsboro to spend the
,wintcr, Augld he happy to.recolya bar l old.
muidcilsraild-laui.othersqrhb.krNMs4 , wilhAd ,
P lado # o 4 e )V l ku.P d PrAPßi9 4 lo l 4 o * ll . `
Oct. 10 iszo-tr, - . it mr .
I XI g.>"; - .Vit to/e) m , lnat,. t 1, t
be ''.
0 Cl 3, ' •
, s 13 • d t,B, ~, , i ,5../,il 1,,g, ~,,.. ~
j I VIS:47Ok ti A il U f: C 4 " ..4/ ,',*) t I Y) 4 '. 1 .4 ' a
41 4 fk:.
"." e k eit'A‘cV-..4`;0.• %"I . SrA) Q 3
16 . 1
j •S e ' ,„Yt.‘ l .ll, 6, /3 t :•' . .!". : 4 4 •
- ••• g ily! '1 : ,41; IA 5 . .. 'i t -, ,kr i l t ° ,) Tra k , ,o 'lr
111 , fe D 'S Vki ) ,Vel , ): - 4.1 4- 4i4e)i[ kti s .
ill cr. • ,* T, • .s:1 -n9 _,4 •
liel:WW 1 111..: : Of) k tiV , e4 I,' giy.r. , T9 ,J;
-2,11:114c-,.,.43,,,,....,,.1: I „V , ,"0 . 1,4 .0, ,
1 9 1: :..%p41;lz . 1: 4 1 4 : 0 1 . 21 1. ;; ':'
lal t Cl igt4hA`C), t . 4 , 21. 1 1
4 it iEi p t Ilb """ 4 4
1 311.0. 4 gitlit v. , 5,1 1 4 trf . to• •;,'
14531 I.'•Ar‘ :7 4,9. .g,,gi 4r e .:it r
~ , _ co .
if , ro 0 c., cc ~44:74 1 -1. vim 7 4 : 3 3 ' ep. ,- ,1. 1 ",
es) 0 ta 1:i a , ci;,r-4 - 1 .4 > / i 3 ,,,
co 0 2 3 . 1 " 14 101 41 a> •-• aca rc?,
= ." = CIS (1) .
2 brl ul r:: r=i co oto ' co ^ PP co •
-... g )--$ ^ rz c , A z 0 cu 0
1 1_ 1 s q ',I *PI k 0
a) 2 • 1 GS " c
4 ' l2 l 51 Q 1 . ' C
4 4 4 )
2 5 ..5 121 /= 8 0 ..S ;. 0 4 0
0 da a r,. ::.. a 17, 124 •U
1: 1 4 P 4 P-1/ 1.11 1 1-4 14 fri PI E 4 4
140 000 BRICK
, T ire, be Ine.tevt . „ty --s t
4448 ' ne .
" • • r•
L , As\
iilletkpr,A9p,t k 2 , 1840—w. ,
A L4,1 "4?..NZA 1- 4 1, WEVI3, I ; . :k
• ' ittV/ t '
''l x
''' ?
I RS. E. E. Kimball, over Young & Co.'s
bookstore, has just received lots of '
Fill & Winter 'Millineilf
;18 i. 1: 117 h a it i ti eb s o hLi N , iv
a itv ic t r h ri e it a ie tt . e : Vk l. on I!4 , tet
a . • v • 'c,;
I • 4
•) } 1, 8.,N.\ Er, IMAA,LIt.'i
kr.A.1.41 , t 'AI
• Aetnet s er q x,ce .
• •, •
VOTICEis her Oby given that tho Rsocal4!
and Administrators named below, havaler
ttiair accounts in the Register's office for Tioga
county, and that the said accounts will be pre.
touted to the Orphans' Court for said county, at
Asession of said Court to be held at Wellsboro,
onOlonday, the 28th day of November, 1870, at
o clock P. M., for confirmation and allowance:
Account of A. S. Mirttonye, Executor of the
last will 4ndletitaraertt Catltine, ,
, latet,q
tha baYontrititeitglit eceitaed" '
, :i.2•Account of Perry - She ,
rotate of Asa Short, late of Chatham, deceased,
Account of Charles A. Taylor and Sarah Tay
lor, Administrators of the estate of Philip Tay
lor, late of Osceola, deceased.
Aceonnt of Isaac M. Clark, Executor of the
last will and testament of William Clark, late of
Braokileld, deoeased.
4149`64 . 4t onS7lllloofiiltwell, - 44Rizikstiatpir
T:of3he estate or afire& Velvet; late of Utiloa,',
AI, 'l l 4 12 1010 1 4.Reri,,:i
Wekliatinisf.ay.,2 jv ilkitt 4 r ,
. :gook...pie octave
roileseshlli. ode* made by
Treat do Linsley, which I wish tp.tinote!,..94 pia
'thCr for cash, a horse, or othei' Property. The
instrument is nearly new, and cost $195. 9b
'eet of sale:. no one in the h ..". -
* -- s . c.wwlefir Awrab mgowaAtf . f 4.4ll .% sls ,l: 4,-14, ,,M.44.1(4)tertc.'1,-."-A.gar
r ".
, ..
. .
'.,,•?..• L_ .t ' _ S ir -- -',,i. '...,,, J:.`,,i• •: , - , , ,,', , ..., - z',;., .
A...._:.• - ~.- , , - -111,xt) rt . _ . 4 ! -- - - al: , i e
. .
. .
/441 ,;:,. 41„,-;,,t, _,....i.,-..,,,,,„....,,..1 ..:„..1, 411 1,i-13 ,k, ' - i , t4 .- ? ; -, ' • • ..4..?.';2-f.''.,.- - 7V?..4-:::-• -.-... ---.•••• • ~, •
Are now , prepared to offer groat indihemontic til ,Ith l eirititivi i *4lley.ltivo.
- - .at- . 44.1„,,,. it ,„.,1141440451 .41.11 t 3. 4. 13 )1/ 1 3kan 6 00 1 fit*ijOil?,6 -1 :0!;,..-' ,: ; - :::: - '' .:
.::f,..r.- i ...-:-. . kl - 44: e,,14,,ti *if ~E. " :l; . ei./F- 1 ' - 1
~!-P:1•_.: . 2.,*•,',1, : Jii4;i:ii4 - •, ' 's .; '':tr - , ` ;- : • -•_'•
' :14 1.•.;, - .:"'''',::l-.,. - ` ...:-- ":• 7 1.'i-;-' ---•••.," ''''--':• - ! .- 1 . •';':2.., „::',
n , . -,' : , - - I ! , '
v'* - - 2 v:-' •-•'''''''; '-', - ---,-.. ''.", -..'_. '- r .... p - ',, •-:. : , .::-.2 , ,3-,i
' 4 , -....4i;.-'1"7,44 'l,' 4;444 ,, :, - ,1t. - ,, , $ ,„ ' _ '
~ - • ;
r-!_. i . • ~ . •*, , '. - --,, , f...;,,V..',.,:;, , , , "-,.1,T,,4!.-_,,1,•,..3 ..=:„,,,,:., ~-4,-„, -,-; ..,: :.„,,,,_.,
ht'lOff!t l ::if - _,!. - ,,,t ~,:.,:.,,,,,;,.41S,'.';, :
tleatmost.pittoKYLKalle, qtAlkty, pand„,prtee., , We: OulkeektinctOkpre,tiitiltVfk. li
Ifiriltaillidifibitioit;iihrilakei tis , tittf dine of oubutoratisiglho'itittiOniuliorii'r- ' 1 " .
.._,, and, then if t)try don't buy it yro9ft be our faulr;'cui tufe - gqol . o4rt,iz. - ;, ,- ; „: 4 „;-4- - -.. ,
.a. z". 4 V...; ; 33141 :1,; - u 4' t5..1 Zi4 ,1 1,, - “1: , ! , 411...iff:-].:-.
, ' 1 ... It•-•:79 '1:7 , 3 <V? ' , '
- Narked - Hortme to I flu e - L owest -;-Noteht ~. -- -
i -I_,t• t'lt..La V . 41;4%141 t 'axl.4.o i17)c.„3,T,..1.
i • ~,..,.,, -.-„ il.:9 Cr , ,` • .
Wejakeipt*,tiiiigitylnktorheLliadles of Tioga:county, tliatayo' . have an ~
-..2.7‘, ,c.,),,14 4W,-tifitKyliii!viri dorriniblo paltorno of
';','':s .. - 00::.V.r . t , , '
awala AQOM),
-7 ° . • * 1:: ;71
tLat:R :z 2- 4 0 61Pa041b83Trittlieri-tbtbo cont ; . 1` • •
PJ c`.7 tr:zl tr.+
. • .
v. , 11))1 ., •4 Ver3ilalgteitasortntent, and at very low prices.
• ....r;•;t6I—o•
4.1;i 40 7
tc ,
";,,"• 1 •1.4;-&4 4 ,M.Z.1'38
*law st. ZIA TTI7
We haykalatu, largeodockh d oi,Varpete4ivnrying 1145 1 444.-
7. 1 .""'• ••a cl i -tr
lAWMKeditgducttlxiggiuttattlixoplutzist49,mplito call and look t ut h 9ißitot3
1001, Sch...A. kst'k
124174.1 M i f,, t `
We are $ 0
tgl a mpro o , sarjaig, United States Teti bornpani, ,
end ares„saling goo cgradea , Am: • much cheaper than at retail.
y):+idevi 1.1,4 .`'
WE ' thtit bilizdffi JilltY'o.2l:o3t3lbi. 'PAVE'S -VERY LOW. ~:, 2 _
14 idi,...) W.A. 0;,..• • -...,:i'. N i .--- • :: V ;
ii.. 31.141811111111 THE PEOPLES' STORE, consirtd -N.3 - 7.;', '. ._ '-','.'
I . - , P- 3.-a -- : - .''/a. ,
,1., -• ,i l i -..• ( . ~
1 - 19 ~ , :. • . ..
, corni ii. , ,, det. 14 5 _. 70. . i 03 ..1 1 , .J,ati + + .1 1
SMITH & wArrE.
5,) , ,i); , :1- ,, ,.:t;1,1- ~ -2„...i.,,, , ,,,,t ,..; , .:
`....6 el: a alit Z. A'l a Pl'. e. '... I:. ,-. ;:.;:ri, --
Ar:iti f old 013 . I -- . e j.•
B. :
1 . • ., . i' '
F 1
~, 1... a ..f.2,:l 1, .., 1.1 i - .:-.Z ....„. 4 ,1:: - ...,,L.,... • - - ,_
~ , , ',, a i .1 - •.: ", ' ' t
,-"' , .
.., • • .
gittitit,lmixtro4,( 4,prie DePo ) CORTI.NG N. ' t;.
!if.' et.. • ,
This ie, ttrelitrept&aVcor Eitnie:l4 Stenben County, and is now filled with aki
immonse stock of the latest novelties for
„„,. „.„ „_..,
Pall. , -.: , 'W•inter . Season.
.7.--,L.: _...,,..,, .„....
vreat bargaiollo3ool le* KID G LOVES, and every other • hid of OloN.Ls.
,ZEPAIR*O4OOP;r: '.;:..-,':---- ...-„ ~, GERMANTOWN ARN, ..
1 .44 ..•‘ :SILK & - :_r_pfog,'Alt,ticiti,..: -, . - ~' SASTIES•AND B WS, ..
i'-'i HAIK'OODODS;;:•kifi/dild imitation, -- CHIGNONS, CUE S,' .
Flicy Jewelry, Bracelets, charms & Chains:
GORSETS•of every kknd; and in fact every thitig; kept tieuttlfSifdund:in - a
arzx , gt ";'74
C 63
"AN A 43 ,t-elea,:g-
f .
say° money in buying goods (you cannot get in your ylciu-
A•f:s• - fly going to the EANCY STORE of
, A, E. HEINE,
Y. - slro. - ‘ 4 ki liiearz4 Depot :.COR sfY
*V N 7
' _
e , •••
$ ,„..0....xt, _.• i .:' . ; . ~..., _,, ..„.,
,:. a;; . I - 1, ;;;;_...1 ,:is:-.*:::tui snout:lb' do lio ;
; 11:;.ii IT WO. „ .
J• '.! , ~ ;i: ..: .:.• ',
i • .i-., The „Regulgtor,„co i ruin , N. V.,
iik- i ' .7 . ,)63 r:27:::%' - -
• ' I _
. : ' llf or there they can find . a full asSortuoint of every desirable style of
'I :z , .. , 1 •
(drew ,Pall Goods !
I r
• )..
:,. 'i
. ~, - ,,-e.,, f•-• , r_,
".';' , lritillESEl' , G,OODS,ikve hav e Printa from the cheapest to the best.
'.io, 1 DELAI ES,,,,OOL'D ALPACAS, ; EMPRE4S CLOTH; 1. - , , ; - ;
' TURIN - S-4,..' ' .'''''..i '' -' ' - _ l ' • PLAID POPLIN, ALL QUALITY, •
' s: A . S i r - SILKS u 4. J , *43* '' .. '-, 1 , 1 • FRENCH &:, IRISH POPLINS, &c.
- , 4.,.. 1 1,,,, , ,'...i., ~-.•..7.;_,:.; ~ ..;-,z.! ~•:: ..!.- , .:-.0 :,—..,7‘.1 1 , • . , - , . - —.•- - .
'ill l ):le,‘'t4 l o4 . Biitilek : A.1.,PA.C.44:5Y 1' - tjAPITOL surpass any pothers ever
• i -/ ghown in the market, in colnr:*eliht;liniah 'and Durability. We have anialmost
.! x - , , _ _ ' ,-• . :en leis variety ;of ' r
7 ;4'' - • ---_ - . _ . ___ '
- :).Tiust what everybody wants, and at prices mnoli lebt tbart last( "eesson; Also a' MI line - of
• , SINGLE AND - ThIIBLE PAISLEY SHAWLS; at' aneedl pileei:',::ln ', •
. 11... t
' ''; :'.:. _; .-.., ~.., if
. 1::14 ; .;," r ::•: . ;,:j; ...: ',!:. : V-' 1
f ;kijakkie ti:42G CI
we have a much largetstock than usual, and-having bought these goods at the lowest mark, they
have re:dihlSieaktitii44 - Ifithd*ll, l sell them as low as merchants must pay who
hive to buy now, 'We are offering splendid-bargattis In every, department
•. . •
Dile - 1
Vtindt;' ; Grettifitit,.!•2oots, - Shoes, Crockery,
- -
age 7 1 4.pdlnvelik41 TM° and see.upi p.,e;lNOlrit not be undersold. DRY GOODS
4 tiro ice litgbei.;Yo'comi-enTly and save money.
~;%orning, Ctet.,4, • NEWELL •& OW EN.
0 , ~ MI 1 ..
fall IX Winer finery
, 1 .;iiiit t rAl i siOY GOODS. c '
RS. SOFIELD respectAilly alum:meow to
the public that she is now receiving
fplate stock et ,
..., . 1 1
Fall ft - d W O
inter csoils:l
s 0 1 "' , 6
. 1
, r
.. 1 '
Esiecial attention l a invited tolier'dasortine t
Of 1 - I' - ., - ; '-, '' ''' - - .7,-
- 1
Corsets, and R e ady, AtttO, White Good
Also,Zephyrs and Germobtown -
Wools 1112 Fancy shade.
,- =. i• .: . ~.- ed r
1 Patterns in Zephyr and everyi 4 ning pertaining
110 the trade. Icir GLOM:ER.I , tbe best brand.
~, i
- 4 latlkPaltht,Bcoiltle46.lltibbons;Flowerit
1 , . ~. ..T , 146„ 3, d re. ^
:f t 4 v l 5-,,E , ,, II z • . ... 4. • 85:17 .li ' += t
1 i t hi) 114102 A ibbaltinvllM Machine for Wa l e,
- tir tentby the 11430 ~.4 6 TV4' ~..."-‘l%-t,- *0 , 7 21, '. &
Z - Z , , ill Mrs. A. 3:110FIIITI1i . 1
WellabonrOctritrltitd :If --- f I
„ I , I
MRS. SMITH, ;cia- -Main Street, has j
opal:LC(l,a very large assortment of ,
, •
!ANDY IDItS 1 ':,:141115,...',
Which oh is Selling it-iobstr-
snob r ail
,'•tcousti,To,.t spLor $.
.5" ;:140zSglitgirs,Its
t Y, tier 4
all of whiob mill be sold much - below toriner prl
oes. All work dne promptly, and to please.
- Z•;" -- SY"... , i 4 •5'•!,', - • ,, •
New Goods!
Drop in and look
and we will try and convince you, that we no
only have
but, t,bat 7 ito atfk,eelltpg them' 41par,
,dlottn' to the
bottom of the market. We have a complete
lifirtment of
- •
AIL styles and pricey.
dOhEEI I ,,
1; • • •
. I
WO do nat : iiiipiiti to paention I
alt tha:
steel, as we mush ptafer showltig goods. 1 -
~,,,5,, , ,, , ,,, , ;, i ,, , .:-,„,,;_,.
2 , 1 1..,1;;1.Li:
OR. Tug
_, ~
~ 0 ~.~ ~ .~
1 , _
t..••• 11 tr
Lots of Nei Goods I
4 :341WE -
T. 11.4 ALDWIN
&See' Jet to6k °
r , ,- •
• - %•,i* SUOrt
4,A,muligt 40200,4002904
an,4l:Payei4s - -4
coL.QRuk §wo,
Antey_ saAwps t ,
anal a al a large assortment to select from.
f ICY.
tie' beat— It keeps up With elrer9tklng
' ra,fl4 c!s hay° thought fare, ,• 1 ,
too numerous to mention; bat will say that you
will seldom find So large an assortment, to seleot
from in a oountry_ store , and dear down to the
Viro also beep a large assortment of
in suits, and parte or suits. Should lie fail to
suit you with ready-made, we have Casehnero
nd - .
Boots and Shoes,.
„; ; all,.?tylas and sizes.
Leeks, Lutahea, Carpenters' Tanta.: _ _
Farmer:!, if you want tools 0,
. .
„..•_. :Line, Caw: a _Plaster, tDe.
Butter tubs,, Pails, Firkins, and Ashton qalt to
flavor with. All kindk. of Farm Produc want
ed. Prices can't be boat.- . •- - 1
~.. ... • `1
Tiogsk, Pa.. Oct.
'4l=o MEL
ER ! purifies the blood and cures Scrofula.
Sy p re, Sffirfliiiiifiea7 a ma liff, - Driffifieffre -
Women, and all Chronic affections of the blood,
Liver and Kidneys. Recommended ; by the bled!.
cal Faculty and many thousands of our best citi.
Zells. -
Road the testimony of PhysiciarL.l and patients
who have used Rosadalis; send for our Rosadallat
Guide to Licalth. Book, or Almanac for thlayear,
which we publish lot gratuitous distribution; it
will give you much salable inforlatlon.
Dr. it. W. Carr of Baltimore ea p I : •
I take pleasure in recommending your RotienAL•
is as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it
used in'two caees with happy results—one in a
case of •recondary syphilis, In which the patient
pronounced himself cured after having taken tire
bottles of your medicine; The other is a case.of
scrofula ofilong standing, which 'is rapidly itro
proving under its nee, and the indications are
that the patient will soon recover- I have WC.
fully exarnined the formula by which yoir
pony Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent
Compound of alterative ingredients.
Or. Sparks of tg lebolitsville, Ky., haye he has
need Romedelis in cases of F.crofula and &eolith'.
ry Syphilis with satisfatitory resultp.• A. a cleat•
er of the blood I know no better remedy.
Barone' 0, McFadden, Mnritersbore, Tenn ,saya
• I have need seven bottles of Rosadalls, d aim:
entirely cared of Rheumatism ; send me f r hot.
ties, ae I Wish it for my brother, who has Mitt.
lens sore eyes.
Benjamin Bechtel, of Lima,Ohio, writes, I have
suffered for twenty years - with an ins terate
eruption over my whole body; a ehort ti °slime
'purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and It dud
a perfect cure.
Roodalls is sold by it. Williams & Co., and
W. Kress, Wellsboro; Philo Toiler, 'Dom;
31. L. Bacon, Blossburg,and Druggists generally.
March 9,1870.—1 y.
IS :
TRY t .
BOW th skin J4s
OM inake's:Oe sc ti ~ll white and' .
Asa DR4aSiNO:
•• 1 is • - pe--b . dsr,--4-14:111-0-st,--1
... economical propl i ration in
. „*,. ) s n rl(l ) 118 1: 1 S Oire,43-' a
THlNtptiolFlongei. 'Send
tor z‘oilr Treanse oa the
LOCKS! 't e r . fro a by mail.
sald by all prugdi.ts - ancl,tealers in Afcclicine. I
p r ii e pi k etViothar!Per Uotti f.
R. P..HALL'' &. CO. - , Proprietors.
• iegOiIATORY, Nidatift, .
Aug:3, 1870143+..-: -
- &arm' foie -
;N Farmington, near the Lime Kiln, '3 miles
'from Nelson, containing 65 acres, 50 improv
ed, for $.1,300.7 , • , . ; -
. .
5ept.,28,1870-303 " Lawrenceville.
ANTED,--A good doh.
—Our etock.ut;...
irk with drop In.
Is the only perfected nd
sei tifi ca,ll'v prepa •ed
preparation of its kind
ever" offered to ail public,
and bas no competitor'
in v eril. By its use
GRAY HAIR is soon.
restored to •its original
liancy, which is so -much
atintired by all.. Persons
whose haiiTaiiiin or falling
l out Aril), by the use of our
Renewer,sebnisce its good..
effects ; as, by_ its tqn
properti+ the
'hair glands' will . be incitecl
arid tie liair groisi - thick
and stroligaiain:
of Baldness'it Will _areato
are'destroyed: .„
is ;cooling, arid allays ;all',
itching and iri4atidiil of_
.Ittios not siain
. -
farm of two bun-
The Subsferibfw
Nuotrzri te k peotbani fan thikattemoi
-43 1 t Q leparobsim,t9 nirmtlia & 4 exits .
6199 k of
ratitourANDies s
1 1 lust ritelved, inch
.: . , .::. .:,, , -1 1... -
..% • . ,
TON : MAritINGEli : PLAIN' AND .',.:.
eoioirii, - TABLE - 111410 N-
RED-ISPREADC- :, -' • -
Window Drapery, and an - endiaii tulaty of
A 597,8 ov ALL 8 1 7,v ,►iro
2„ • ,
DepaitMent will be found .„
fall 4,4_•1 complete,
including many now styles of ibis 0104 444.
uP, Odin the piece. AU, lovJtoit , to call'.
4 oovoiot• ikho an endless virfity of
vart alu k ap at
Weltsktoro, /sae 1, lEito.
Musical hatnat!l3Ut3
T .
11E subscriber . ton the-pub/10 th at /to
111 l
has constantly •n and a likrge aisortkaant
of / . ..., , __
Instruction Books,.
for late or rent.
- - -
EXCHANGE, and some of the am on hand to
be mold eheap, .
He be iound.atble realm nearP ttare'
Hotel in Dilddlebnry, Vega - county, Pa. Ad
dross • A. R. A. BRIGGS,
July 6,•1870.-tf. • . Croolco&Creek. Pa!
25 9 000
liinshels — of - LIME
for eat* by
Aug.'24,1870.-4t. 0 W. C. KRESS
The Cheap Cash Store.
William Wilson
HAS 31:18T . RECElyED Lore .or
GO 0 DS!
AND fiA3
Marked them Down
Cash Prices.
To enumerate the articles and give a (nearly
tiou of the variety and-qtrality - of -geode, would
69 lahor thrown away, I therefore inttte all to
and see for themselves and ta:
the mammoth stock' and - co
Lo* - Priites
Ave the two greet induaimele for people to buy
Remember the plazo, Wilson t Van When
burgh's old stand.
IN . ;
o a look though
vhaoo thoamolvos