VOLUME XIVIL t if tOOLLIIIED WIRDWUIDAT Kostrora a: • i N GELDER r. c, ra n °alder! OfSUrOpneireilowsili:ADvim;`,-, tp!r yeid) - - • $2,44 RATES OE 41,13yARTISANEli , ` ;ix oy Mon os j t soi l *pi 001##13*,, _ _ I llnd &Ins 4141 . 1815100 f °lto' 'IV: ► $l, OO ► $ __----- . . irc i I 2,00 1 0,00 1 4,00 800 1:12,0 0 .1` 100 tit 1.• 10,00 1 16,00) ,00 1 22,001 . 8404 f 126,00 180,00 46,0er 100 , 40 I gr Special Notices 15 cent's Dec line; Etl9°olll or • -4 Al cents per line. tonsleut adveptislog *l7,er j ps paid fo l lin f up r oice. - , wiustica Plauka, Cantpollo3lliniii, Deifdr 'teat sotes, Marriage Certillhatee, .ito. t ort he d. . et BUSINESS OARI,IS? Van Gelder - it Mitchell .• t . . , , ivok, Plain and PanoY Job Printers. - All work promptii and neatly executed.--Jan ; 1, 1870. i r. 0 ••• , • , William I. Stone. ActoFnel and Counselor at Law, first door above Converse dc Osgood's store, on Main street, Wellsboro, June 22,1870 y Smith & Merrick, Attorneys k Counselors at Law. Insurance, ' Bounty aud'Pousitin A-4)ll,o7e v CttaCe Attila Bunt, itosttellrtitou 131ticitS Jan. 1. WO. W. H. Burin. Gro.y. Seeley, - cioate' &' - , . C0., 0,1iE8.5, Knoxville, 'Logs, bounty, itiveire money on deposit, discount notes, ,rld sell drafts on New: Xorip OitY. Collect :oas promptly milde.::-Aleci.--15;-1809-1,y* d AdAP% and Counselor at Law,*ansaeld, Tioga Pa.. Colleotions promptly attended Jan , 1/ z Jib. L°ha) , . uturnay afici'Courisolor'at La*, Claim, atorl In fortified Agent. 011309 overliretie Drag Store; alumlng Agitator Office, Welleboro, Pa. luu. I, 1670.1 . .‘rl 0;1 Wlboil- k trt•inaeys and Counselors at Law. uttsad iromptiy to Ineikeilif eritinseed lii 3d6lrcare In the counties - of Tioga and POtter. OfiLio oti the Avenue. ,Jan. I, 1870.. s.F.Wasort.) Ness. Jelin W. Guernsey, .1 Liana); and Counselor at, Law. All businese catru4tal to Mtn willbe prothotty attended tn. )1h..0 24 4uor south of Itazlett'm hotel, Tthge, Clop t: slaty, Pa.—Jun. 1, 1670. Wm. li. Si .. - ro..t.u, IS i . , outy and lasuranre Ageut. COL a.uoioaliun tent to the above address will re,- ~tvo prompt attention. Tonna tno...ierate, liakcivillo, Pa.—Jan: I, 1870. • !y.tnuiir & Talon, :kiwi-clop+ and Counaelord i at law, 'Cloga All basil:me entreated to thou care will receive prompt attention _ H, S'nvitonit ff. U. Tatiell •k Co., Druggists, and doaleil in Wall Paper ii.erosoLa Lnuapa t Window iilaaa, Porfumor). eatnts, 0116,1 u., Q.-Corning, N. Y. inn. 1 '-t) D. Bacon, M. D., aza s ursour s. Will attend ptowytly to ell calk. OffLae Uraftou titteet, to rear of the Meat Slarkst, Wollibor4.—Jap. 1, 1870. • „I. 51. Itigham t itvi4.4.pacht.o, Office at hia Ikesidauca ~ . ..vectue.—Jan 1, 1870, tienrge Waguer, dtiop firet door north of 'Whom. I Bail 4y'i Hardware Storo. Cutting, rittirtg and Re alring promptly and w011.—J0n.1,1870, ~..1,, , r to Ct“ -' Wuro, Speut 1 e., and Jew ' .ivee iu pia t' a . Jett]. 1, _ --- . and,Teivolry, S.9VCr and Platen rtes, Violin Sirlugs, dro. Watch ry neatly repaired. Engraving and tierinan.—Manatleid, Petroleum House, n'ontiold, *Jet). Ctoste, Propriet.)r. A new Hotel conducted on the priuoiple of live Rad :o: lira, for tho ccoomuiedatitin of the public. Ire. 1,1670. • ifa2lett's , Hoteii 'I I"ga Ootinty, Pa, - Cloud stal>ii,g . attach ed, au,' au attentive hostler always in a Usti& sn vg, t.; es. W. Hazlett, Prop'r.—Jan. I, 1870. iliWs H9tel l. , - ' ' . i 6N. qest,Jl.l Borough, Tioiti Ca., Pa. T.. (1..1ii11, ~, ! Ilropriotor. A nov and oontmodioui building t-I , •t,tti all Ito modern improveintints.. Within i ' _ eN. , 'if IVO of the bait- hunting and fishing onma,i4 to 'Nollbern Pei tr a. Conveyances - tatiii4hed. Terms moderate.—Jan. 1, 1870. \ . StititlCS — Hotek. .•. ... ... ~, -t. J.., E. M. Smith, Proprlttor; I.lonse in e , i ck,n lit ion to apoomnindtite thsr tratfelittg , ;. 0,i% in' It . Auperior mannq.- 7 4tnt. )4V370. ---; - • ~ Eig Partners' -lluteL 8. MON KO E, Proprietor. This hoete, forMerly vo.uptea by is:. Fellows, is conducted ou tota -Isr -t.cc principles. Every _accommodation tor Ulan and beast. Ctiargec reap) Nl,ireh 30, 1870.—tt. nlllte. Union Motel. Vito Horn,' Proprietor, We!labor°, rhts aouse is (pleasantly located, and has all th, c ,fircnieuces for mad and beast. Charges t.,,o,tst‘),—Stay 4, itnotly• P X M. M. ;311A1t.13, PitorsawriAl r HERE delicious lee Cp.:A.0 . 1, Fr ‘ e,lit.l d COD.• V feetleuery, all kinde of truips in their ;lirh ut Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, sad Oyster! , to tltuil 54318011 cnl, 4 e hod at alt t , :orr,, , erved in the beet . etyltY Nest doer Ge er, Bobarlp s, Bailey's hardware Ettore, Mali .Strsrt Ct: , llibur., J.lll. I, I c 79, BACON IS/ IN liiug jedicine Chemicals ; PAINA'S. UIL i. YARNIbLIES, DYE S'CUEFS 4.ic:,11y1, Pure \Vines anti Llquore', for PurposeE. IlAistite,T. , llet Artit!oi t•! pte..-.ltpuaa colu t .vuudvil.t ESLOSSBURU, PA. Jai), 20, L 371.1. WALL PAN? AI 4:08T. at P, R. WILLIA,W6 CO',. . FOR 4 4.411 At frao Store, Dtrelling Ilousd •rid pramipea in J, Illusiburg. 'Flogs county, Pa, formerly ou. Ju,l ici by Nast & Auerbach, in the moat bull. near part of the town, are offered fur sale touch beta* their value. For price, ter s, ho., confer with' X F. Elliott, Beg ., of l i Ve labor°, or the sabiariber, n 0.11.1 S YMOUR. Aug. 17, 1980—tf. ..Tioge, Pa. V DIVOROB..-tTo Merles it. Webster: You I tird hereby notified that Ann Elliabeth %Val- Wtt by her next friend, John Baker, has applied to the Court , of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, Novem ber 2R, 1870, at the Court Rouse in Vire'labor°, at the time and phut* for hearing said applicant in the premises; on which occasion you can at. tend if you think proper. J.B. POTTER„ October 28,1870 4,w Oketiff. .1 1 , . , t , . I t , • '- • , , 1 [ . I t 1 , ' • , - 1 • . ' . - - - , . . • . ' , , , • .... :• ' il l 11 1 '. 1 4( , -.... , . . „ . • . .: .. . :, • . - A ~ • . „ . , - . ,', .' ,• - .1 • 7.1., . .. . ~ • ~ 1 • ; , . , . ~ ' . L , 47: `4:, .•.•;1, '.3 ..".igt. ~. ...il, 4';.•,,1 •-•-' •7, • i ''.-.' ' I Z, ''. :I ..... 43 •-: " '.vr . • -',-- 4 -. 1 .•. , '''-'' ',. - .-' ,-' . ----' '.' ;:.-, '' -'• '.- • -.',•:. --_ !`•'7. - -,".T.' '.'. r' , . .•? , ...-."•,-7...."-7, , ' ••"".• ,- .y., 1 , -. •. •-.•i• - :' , 7•, - -..••, - , - ..-. • ..,..;" ..•'z'" ,' =LI Qt. .4,4**, ~.,•11,,P47-.4.it " , 41'.:.",i-..t. 1, :,..', - ;,•?,:,•,,,"1.'.'....,•,›.'C, ';' ,- ,••.;'...T''.. , - , :, ' - '1. 1 ,•: , ... •:...:.... • -•1.11i - li- ' , t , • '..... ,- • - ..- ...-, -•. ••," ' , .‘" . -<- '—'- -... ",.. •- , .•• . '. ...T ..............,... _. .:." _:, ..,7_:,_:,.......2...,". ....,_ -7 , - ..a... , ...... , ......-•*,........ -........1.- .. : 114 1 W. 7-'". .461 .' .: - - - ,1 , - ::. r , ...... is ' - -J, :' : ' - 4 •i•: 1 ! 'l. . ~ . .• , ~ . . .. . . ,-. .. , , , „ ~ , , - , I 1 .. t ''', ' . - •OrtA` 4 4 - Vi4tit te . , . • ~__........... j.... . _ _ 1 _ ~ lit4o t$5,QO t7,0010/00 IMEI MEI OM J. C. Hotaux New Tobacco - Store , atibearlbor has Attod up the litoiellrst .1: door mot Thomas ItarUen's dry goods store, for the tualaufacture - and sale of • • 0104129,(all grades), Fancy and Croinmon ttifOKING TOBACCO,IWichigan ling Cut . 1 CHEWING, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and the choi- cot Brand of CIGAR,. Qall and gaol yitaraeltee. 1-• r U SEL lietisboro, Jan. 1, tf. g .1 New Tannery. TIER undersigned has fitted up the old Pou2.. dry building, near the Brewery, Weßebore, and Is now prepared to turn out fine calf, kip, cowhide, and haulm/sleuth er in the beat man. ner. ' Ridea tanned on akares, ;gash paid fot Wee. MARTIAL A. DURIP. Wellaboro, Jan. 1,1870. = TIOGA DRUG STORE 1 • I . 13011 DEN - keeps constantly on hand: Pure Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lame, Stationery, Yankee Notions .to. kRFICH;PTIONEI elltatrLlA - COVPOIINDED. , 11. IL BORDEN. - 'Tioga, Jan. 1, 1870.-Iy."' 1.70. FOR BALE. :1870•1 . . 1 1211 4 :: 13:11 TTON if j r:l ' } psi _i ( formerly. B. Thckham's Nursery) ,T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, fN TIOGA:— :60, 1 0/ Apple Trees L]r-5 siCT3 [ 4 41.10 1 ' 1 0 ; 0 0; Pktee r riVikatja A good supply o,f PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES 1. SHRUBBERY Then Fruit trees are composed of the oholoest yetieties k good, healthy, some of theur large and in' bea;dng, left I g ger 44evuply, will do well rid dall aAssie myfetook before pti.l gliasingelsewhere. jp I Delivered et Mit depot, Wellsboro, Mansfield, Lawrenceville and-Blofi burg, free of charge. All orders promptly filled. Address, T. 13. STONE, ' -,r '; j- Tioga, Pa, Tloga, Dec. 8, 1889-13 0 • PAINTS, OILS BRUIN, Far lbw at Match In. - - - -- t&tt' , J o Ia I ' f• I ti •oi 1 1 Sale. -i, \ +loot) lionE. and in on a lot of two acres:. wiftln .ten win es walk tif the re [lonia; iyt.llenoto, la offei d fur sale. In - a of i .lohn,l. Itlltonalli h'cq.',.‘Valleboro. jail ai, ln'io-ti 1 N SFJELD , PAilltr4 'lll For Baby try }larch :la, ' NV. C'•EILESEi', ‘ 1,• .. A ; LIQW.A R - TARY ID Ats:.• .! '" - • . ':;aef4.lloN" ' For he iteltat cen'ti C re. otti a tka .tratteatgAiik-a . 4 'act rriaciples of Obabt24a-RAdilluthr6lPY., ,p , ESSAY 8 ON TILE Or 11;ria Hecht relitiota tts Missinoismild ~octu,S't at with sauita.l7 aid fur etob affiCdtad; Eiat tree,to aeadadi ancilopis: Address, kIOW ASSOOIATIONVI. .hrity• 4,1870-1 y Boa P. phi Indelptita, Ps,. Wholesaie and * -Retail D RUG. 5T.0,RE1,.;:, FM ;, By LCSTS SPRING. saool)l4.' . . r['llll subscriber will keep on napititglittininl, 4 full :tool of 11 It II S I;' PAINTS, OILS), Paf,eni , Flavoring Ext racis t ,- Perfumery;Xptiien4, Lamps, Wiek'S,"lsge Colors/4 7 4* iiah time and Brushes, Scishlßrtiilies; 'TAndow prtisg . :4' all sizes Varnish of 344 1 W4'i kicias, Fancy Sotret,4,7, Hair Oils, 4 SPEC T/A `•-• [fair and Tooth /Brushes, a - pal;slogs-.t. Yankee No ;i also a. eo l li p 4 to'co / sortment of illoiiiiO3'opathie-liteiVelnesc . , - '.;-1 and a full stook' of fore WinetrilalkitAlPlPAB4 • CI yere aro.regnate4 idler It and 4;tzaplintepri sbe fora psi iaba eiti erailidiate ' A Apr: 2n, IST° • CORNING JEWELRY. STORE! A U. DUDLEY,; Watchmaker arid-Jew:atm hag. , .f E I. "iY , WARE,. CLOCKS AND. FANCY. QuODO.; tl:rigrnnir.qt . .loll6 g tisetr. A. 1.) DllLitEl';' • -N6'.lo,..,Witket Br , r , iiii I \ • P I • ° I - ,..t 0 it aii: ti rliet rar te . nr: i , L ii ; il maut i 2 nl , ~,... / ! e i li : i toi i ., - ' a ; n i : o l Rt)og 4 1 2 d-r 4 3 '` l , ~, , 0it:444, ko . S `j"tit „ If.tbbp,'MaiP ' § 4 ,rt ',''t'lf ItOIF,A° j t.. ctitisVe!kl)/Pri,, , . 1 , 1 2 - . i , 21# I /147 . \ par: , t . ~ _,:. ,_,,,.... 1 ..---_,,-Iraok 11. iv ib Fvtia t '-liiiiii,mnil ivl.r",A7. irdere PioPIPLES, . fll'AisVat,cifd.r...'4-1:4411 ~ teaa 1 Fa (19'7.911:, Pi -, T l3 ll, : )'". ..- `J -1 7 ellshor , :. , el's,,q . 1, c,‘ rl ::, i.:;r 1 1 '- -2-.4 1- — ' IE4 :H.-114 CELEBRATED' BAK INO7POWDEMS - for F,t , 2, tR7O ;P : .l4.., : iitLif.f.Mtli CO. I A LL "Alcn - Str tbktlargo - Mtiek - ?3f4iill - p tr , per. stein! 001 t i at WILLIAMS - A 'CO'S.' il'cll.Guru, FOr ADOUSE AND LOT-46Conntetne 1 84 re7 on Ninbols Bt. 'Aloe one it,ieer nIA Dim; Monism oolt, ...tew buutee;' one malty tin 4, harneee. • R. C. BAILEY; Ootober 19,1810,41 • WM. ii.uhrthhhh. Armstrong & Linn, ATTOBI r iaILL PERU' Aug; 4, 186 PU 4i 4t4j)' 4•4.,,tv L i k, 74;04 f at ANDREW FOLET, -klu , ' l 4eill-illl5 long been ostabt - 4141V‘ i r tikt ir h Jane . rc'talie n vtaya on sale, various 'l / 4 S kinds and ptiees of AMERICAN WATCHES: GOLD OR 149911Q- R17 . , GOLLOd PINS, PEI/ 8, D 'STEEL PENS,''' THIMBLES, SPOONS, . 1 0aGiV4 - 3 , ,fitittle. frit TED WARE, ? r , :t-a:)=:4:,•1*(i iltAl tv.T.il i 4. t, . . ! ...,- ' -,t,,. --2, , .'ttf.. SEIVIN C M i - 1 , r . 0 10,4 i s;i7 Iva t c,l With most othei ttrtio'les nauallj , sept In such ow OStal?11513 D3eni, sold low for 1){ C A S H. .:..a ` .`-I .t.tacit 31' ~1.-1..zn53.u..i Eill.:tP '...g. ,%.r.isstiriA Rppairinkiddiel - tisailytiiiiiiiouitp3o, 7 4l‘in short Noncr. , , it . .'"Foti'e , . j4"arY Aß3b .l 4 . 3ftda. bila D, 1 1,0 . ill, t ' 1 State Niit , fSeh 9iii 4'.1r7 MANSFIELD, PA. FALL TERN' -begins Sept. 7. 1870. WINTER TERM begins Deo.ll, 1870. !OR ING TERM begins Marol 27,1871 _ Fqr C . otalogne or admission apply to 011.35. it, VERRILL, rl. M., ll.fau:siittl./, July 41, 1970. Principal. MI. C. KRE:;!.-3 "PENNSYLVANIA HOUSg'( LATELY known Int! 0:1 ) .9 day,d f o ra timeodouptearbi` b. 4 1) . : Heat: Icon thoroughly refitted, repair_ id aid opened las t, by DANIEL MONROE, -A el •c , ; I al; will 4)g accoitim'citlikpa:, ifi4, l , 4rif '41 , F4 of the batilli at very reueouuSli ruVei. " Aug. 24, UM/. t ItIONROE, 11.*Iti /1:12 a , .. Propealy - 1 SALE.I FO SALE.L i tT i andoreignad offers for sale In Jackson/ 'township, en Hammond's Creek, bis Steapi old Allll alAdlarlu cortains ; ;A , ' sortie, three siw eitiniliouslkitory,y 4 Odtbsrti L 'The Mill bas•been " • Via k years, ooltams ,a 's6 horse Power engine circular Mill, ,Bhinge S faehtne, Lath ,/,tlALt,4O,l2p p, feet; besides bollerhogetittptkk, goo4,apndltin, 640;.4.1 power and plenty of stock for,cnstom wbrif. farm is under ' , good cultivation, about edies improved, well watered, ~a good heßr ag ofpbard, and desirable for dairi purposes:,', property should be teen to' hitlt)iprieda'tedl ;' Ter s. te. addrces: 1:: no ' 8, 1870-tf. Box 888, Elmira, N. ". 1 ' ; ! ISZ . i • Tioga Marble : ,Wisiv - `,1 1. , dl It/ill MILE undersignOd ,1,5, 1 n0vr preppicktil , 040 i.. 'iL cute all ordorA 16. Irony - Stonlitti and Mond tainito of eith,i ' .' ', . 2 i 2. f `411±.5 Sr2l:l, ric:V. - --- - ;)1 ALIAN OR 'RUTLAND,3MAtSL~;r of (he latest style and approved workmanship,, and with dispatch. He/keeps constantly on hand be th . ltfetde 1i Marble and will be ahle.te suit , alk,ioo . may.-4-1 1 mpishim with their orders, on as' reasonable - terms ttit Can be obtained in the country ? ,1 r , \ Toga Jan.1,1870-tf Insurance,, ~.....,.z.......,, ! insu an4el Gl' HAND IN .1- ND . I MUTUAL 111 E, " s--- INSURANCE CO PANY ~ .-. 4 .. 41.1-14, , -, Office, No. 112 S. 4th'ili#4ltitldilptilif t. - 1 Incorporated Febt§ l i:S lP , Isl:l7P's_ " t ; thared Capital $560 . OMNI Aisets over A . -toati Stock and Mull, ottpabirtjtyg gegtoftyadt6 Profits. Suppose . ea are Oreti f trychssurtti o inOkl Hutt-class Vito over, (say after ten( year4 . paynent) - jo,,tx do not' j or pannot pay Jobgei amnlits.!;'ychtir rAs goioe m id otoy*ie4. 14t 50 totla "lfaa“lo:llatWlOltNeßfi4:! FEITABLE This cothisiii4'wttch• 'popular and eucceelfull Life Ineuranto Dotoz papier, grants polielaa on all daelrabla plane, both psi h and without profite. Vl,, C l It RIBA,. Traveling Prlvelegesiunrearictel All polialia are inoontoatiblo after one yea Own any of tho ordinary °auger. . took to your LifetinenrittirrajAiXp r tnip the following, Comitaiinvt 'mak it fil,lsoble. times alleged by Agents of oth r Companies that the Comiit?.ny thel,t, represent isj safer than oßtete. 'While we anheittatingo rhhisrf otii~ belief t 't3lo soundnesi and atitilit**Sr an' *atilt *11;16 . :(10 sire to piesient"the't'Otiov4,ivettOi',theilti l oeMilif fit those desiring To lee:trot; "" • The following oompanies, Compare the druittif premiums oharged by . eaoh for an insurance on , life at tho age of 30 yett9ooll4ttleatlyN annuairlittalbra far lif e . payments. Travelerfe . .saa,gt ,ZEtna, .5;;..224713 A, '2 1,42,W • Etome,-,Zt 23 ~31 •z?, , yZ919. 0 -.-,li EquitglAP, • „ 22 ,T0 - 42. 9 Hand-in-Hailk -fe to 7 - 52 If not atteab 'rrltti'`te .1 • e:ifii4 D :ticitD,t4,...c the best Mutual Company in the United States. A. L. DlOliltoE, Agent, Welleboro. Pince #4.47; 1870 -4q. • •r. . WHITE_ , DEAD, LLINBEEp 9q,, a dd. ..' • , DEAD, ...,.,-, . PAINTER, 4 .4.ERTAXO...VP,ALkriNP.44 for sale otieiiiit tMad an e S A fp, t 1. ii ..- . . is : ~,,i , , i ‘ , 16 S • .. 4 n Tioga c r io n ty. it,' , V.fk •.,i7;;, l• ~.,...,,_ ~u , ..•:?t' • -1:: - 4•A1"),..1ii WilaLi 1. tAbils:,,V.,Vol:9;l. ..1 -., '..... 41 4 ,11 1., irs 7.?7,-.41,,:r.1 -4 1 - 3. - i;Nt;. -4 1 Mouse .‘And- titir kuid :Nine - -Aoies , iif „,,'” I „ Ir . . t • Cukaps intlaliliititcoffiri ?it rlsafe - :/his ' honeira - nd , int eittoMeiri i Street, Wellston:li and six acres of land near the emnetery. En quire of Joseph,Willianse t 'at thetWellsbisrcifottlab' dry. ~te. ,1.i...,.ct ~ ..,,,S - . 1., .. le-lion/9,714M :Sfi c• ' •••_•,..,‘ , tia (41 , r.r •u• 1 '_i _- • • • . , . ! DA V* - arA - 34:M9R- "WiPAN.. 14-A- , 23 1 , 8700 WELLSBORO, PA. ctti A g ;VI 04 la tt ••• 1,1 , tPi) lOU A Naltti'' sestuaL tnm, N g, A: ... . ~ et y tt ro of t_: 4 l l ;:tv it e i r e a n , of Thera comes a testival intim MhaxiiiiiiisliAs all aglow-- Aglow with.a mystical splendor r That rivals the brightnets of spring— i Aglow with a beauty more tender Than aught which fair Summer oordd bring. Borne 'spirit akin to the rainbow, Then borrows Its magical dyes And, raantlei the far-spreading landscape • 1 . 3 .P . 0.1 1 .?!4,b 61 7.49,Mtki .Tl4O frPAILlit ciettdziAildwed rtlarquimg-c1;r:; Smiles soft on a vieion eo gay, witylfreama that hi. fattaktyAiittisj.7 flowers, have not parilam.ka T ' . -ittiZekore a lumnioue mist on the'iarlaiirre, light, azure haze in the air, Miff angel., while heavenward soaring, Bad left their bright robes floating there; The breeze is so soft, so oareaslog, _...—tLaaenaa a mute token of love, And floats to the heart like a blood g • From some happy spirit above. - -. These days, so serene and chary:an: f ,41 ti Awaken, a, r ry_ileligh /• fjq i- --- ' :II AOA r njoy el,li 1 t I ... . Li oo 5 1 must i 4'l hWe 1 14, e-• Og a ,l ili Tha .qu o .Y,' oo quickly -they 11 end, And we watch them with a yearning affection, I . ld A ktilnOginillriktetSliffiteend. Oh! beautiful /than Bummer! el-"- , Th66 - -fiaiiitipt.iistiViiiiai-',ci A 11 .' 1 "'; -'," 1 alithlitiqbArld4illotrltati r are enriches With :ins and adorninehts to dour .mow fa egtollef• . ..4l-: to linger + antr:'W.r For our heart!, like the sweet haunts of Nature, )1 lc , ittlototopd grov4cmtrgircilifvolited cV I tSz tr% fVf: -trta .Ito-511.6 vro z-N.4t:tgot_ttlf to Altstlitsi toldil of Aliturosn wan :irikßittatodibritignittattAturld34o7opitlt cvr ai..kiVlSVlSigiellOilMikocartfirediffialtj . d.' Thy itoutistitelUlatup3irlthttnetnoties 4,1a2;0681 tliktivtaithrtglaiellitrifebit,ls 111: " . " " " 46#* 1,o i l i 0 f AT3taI l q " A.Artiottl s v, 7.tecfott r u• I s 7 • TVOII bac ‘,4, . Qco 1.4„ 40:• • r.ir.l is L4SI- orglizinttfuL gltudlng. [For thogloAtosa , . , „: ' T 1(4.4 MONTI& rtritiesii: " tf.. , ;,• , , „ ~., , •-3 , . • ', 7,z, ;,:- .tult•-1.!•* , .. (zit 2"ft.7.,• I F. , rs:',?' :. 1 , ' ' Any attempt to picture to those who/ have never seeti the Falls, "a reallelog idea,", would doubtless be an utter fytil. ure, oven if the description were calmly :.elaborately detailed. But/When one has been at the Falls, and/Subject to their influence, all well written de scriptions are usually interesting. We C . dt 7 4 4 ;1 . 1(... boNn.994.orAnintle,haiie ftti 9..t0kt..44 uponerVvre,Wirli• ibis stupendous cataract. / I) 7 l, th or,,l l irjti l l.." 4 ,F - Rit.et4 ' .'tSLAtiatiAAlP.PrWPlll.Callaiarneo high riallteso,friti,e 4--, tlAVaip4titWalls so much Itighei andil3clingii4fder ; the water' estimated at so gieat depth, and so on, 2.1)...w/EttgArgoleither more nor less than just what is before them—a vatO, roaring. plunge :oil iLwatei. :T6'&hire r theidia4t)fideVefeeption of form, color anc k. ) ACPAPIr.. , TkeY P. 1 4 - 1 00tWIP0)AfAie seene / through artistic eyes, picturing to themselves how it might be. Arti l 4%. 1 on canvas ; while to .others; : atilt, N'ceri.• .dlterent_Sensations are produced. Al , ter Alm oicul 6 i...>4r2t,beeornes cooled. 9--- imagination begins to play, - mid_ there _ls_.pn appreciation of all the mag.nitl-- eine° ancl grnipttrAvtilififithilAcena miner falls to protthitlittli - eittildent of nature. I did not so much see einiply the Fa lls;:is, teine : tlol,' feel'elca.t 'irdas"of diiaiitioie' 'Wh ile steadily gasing:zlat•cflaese‘:perriendioullii waves, Itrp:iiiiiiiitilancitilAiticli `with strange liensittionalutii , the length of years 7 -to Itile , tigel and ages that have rolled away -10/Qelt9,lF'3'. begant-P, 'n - P ° F)l4lq l ..itkleir mighty,.fieocl? t ',V4ile all the mighty .oiiilluji,C:s ji f.iiitd_eonvulsions of Euiope ,:ster,,e, z gfii n ng ,off while wars were:de idroying kingdoms and empires ;,,while • InquiSltions.iifidilirininiiitide r ,'Wari and titriltiOelliVere sweeping from the face of, tile! earth,titousAtnds and hundreds 'OT.Alim e .#4.ll3 l of:l3Rnian beings; and pgcs,and !ike .) ,,sihe'fiire an eye saw them, longbiifore even an Indian wandered lclwitid: Wolff 1 Ilyiltailihg . thunder, -- beitibliighWtilliii4eiegiiialifrik their eftife4fi9cititiiiiiiik4aitidhieefor one mO . 'irrientliais tliii*lfeiliti r aiiiik or a pause! Poi aleliliiiiViisirth4ndered,—neither lei:Able 4 lAtliiiii . Wei heard or were deaf, or absent,—in winter and summer, in atopnsAnd sunshine, in dark and light, they have been doing their mighty work! . i. hree often ly i ondered what must i ~,,,: ~ beyttriktkiNerikeneatione of all the people that haVe thronged these hanks;• , ,with,-411 :degrees of sensibility, tiorr9w and joy i -Tyouttg,and, old, who 'arid-col; ,iii? l- liiii hin . g'grrisittitinCe hush. I eWlieroielthii 1410.1ifidr uncoquettigh 'lYe r atirs4Thtflafir4l.!ould as remorselessly 1 0w.4.4,91v ilabe iki;+,( l ~,±oa,tltyl its fk,would Glit r ilijok a 'illilfevi) tbitt if OA' iiim iilePiii& ilatuYa eiperienees of all the i mp4s,,,w i ikieh,haye l beep.wrought Ivo , before this " Majesty of Waters,'.' CC? d, , ilePottfdiftsiard44, ihtfavaid. " al tatti 4 ? ! 3t ejualti) w l iqpr to Mi N garti it- 1 ~ ~,...., ;, ,4'•l - • I A second view is often more impres sive than (he first. The longer one tar- - riesithe More he enjoys and appred- ales. The impression is as indent/ enetamped up9o dit t' my memory, as If kiii&viitil tton iliptititiangua l ie ea n ascribe` - istiagara's magnificent • 4 /?...1P.R14,PFL1:, --. IL, :.i %..J..... :, .:. ,:-, 4 L1.)..1 :, 1 ,,, I : l 7Then Aire are tue:iitapids;;:miti3 their l(fitilWOttiiilviityiti . 40 4 ,tifirlipg add : u tiii4p4;:oVer .3 each iither--one wade devouring another, as they come crash :44o3oth., it:01%1411m g t, fearful hast; 'ittlifiefitiiit'thefelikvful plunge in the yawning chasm beneath, is a scene for the painter, truly imposing. In look ing at this part of the phenomenott, one feels a sense of irresistible, power, that 'would make his strength utterly insignificant. He would be as hell - delis as all other creatures. A fly, a leaf, or a blade of grass, would have as WWI .power W. 1141142.69 iiii..uitatrugglewobld be folly_l.:lEterflin:oialcrYinvoiild.•be. as if he werelimitin-. l l3utilruttel ithtbing ness before.taApre t Seneeci'-itgainit:Tatlidch the hand of matillnd not di bellited, is a Mud AP annihilation, or a sense of tlitiefkling. Courage, resistance, Ile.' flardl4o4ength, are words without any niltiliirig' i io a man who would step one fedt,li#R d where I stood: ~As4OTtliie roar of the Falls, it depend's, it',,Oliiii,ti k upon the wind and the state of thpAttrtosphere. I was told by, toy imider i filot sometimes every dolar and window for a mile around would trem ble, ind thq roaribellearcki War Ilffeen 16 Nr.434ol,Pri'th-OLePi'l,rAq'A.4iltlt6o.o,' 1 04 :49, 49141 01 .4 filloithi*k!IliaedelY ~ /cue* thercworelallsinitho? neighbor .o,oi..- 1.1 f...a. ;t:5:1 trln fdif .•,;:' , l,' ..!•.,1., ...j. t , t:. t ME :PORI OOO . , r , t, ~ 01 . hoodi (ea Vatathe,case,theifiret, tinle, ;I. visaed thilhi) antiqtdOititnee •thei Mar` has 13 1 6 0 61a 4A lt e ,t 01** 4 04 1 dt l i* taut. ; } 1 :, i) ii ‘ i . P * . ' :i ' ' 'f sip naafi‘othweitwat'elitiktileWmi.:' titrotitratlkaptuamsdr the fellatio 14 I.g i ve ditnie; A pr o li t o rs " rA l lo l ; j #9 4 . i#1 I !lcodg' or 641310 ; , Deer , o Is I t • feetLIII O A 1 1 Tir. I _7 ,N 1313 9 t Ong ia UPPIr 4 44 4 / 4 4 tiV.O bithilireo ti iAT e and',4o4 every ,hotir ; flirt) lliohsand eighty= ' fir inillibri; , eighty , nitteilthou. fend, olFht , tiundred and i fiftyrthtee Oar• rile lnt entY4OniliouYsl thl'ee million fivsi)tln didd mill thittY-six. th r dniii l liti six t t li iitd , illiti r foiirttaii eiie4; minute; of'o.el 4thimittiti'd, th f iv )1464144 0 d I fortY , :t TO eyei:y :tieqortd IV TtlalthOat ; se s t a bif the' riVer Wortid e*hatisc-it , self. rue, when the great lak 'es With their tint? tribitarles run dry; ; Niagitr,f w hi,bi•i t 6 i n t ! i e . ft' ft IA i' < ~ t • , tl'iiiWing-Nitigarti,laile ie ;pot' , long in 'dra ft ily tesictilg -to express A a ttai 'w ICA hiSees, Webthparlion% with fa I 'tollitir 'objecita.t , flt` seetits to lie 'snore; 'wheflaekinitipen tile bubbling out of jets . orWlifteirdtbehface ortfit; de sc,Atngi4kater,,lihe In/process of bloid Isom ti ' This tiiitei placing bepecialy upon the Canada side: The water at the center angrtqcoineirtcrthe plunge withilubroken-e rtticre-4 'in it a s i*ei . r i 24y ' ittt; dieleb2n (110110 col if ' didj sod " 6tf.ttlie eeCiet poWof 'that ept with :; .1 . ItkitendSlsilthditti a' tu e;= it plJti s Oilif- at *esithad a Ulu iit its, doe i t kilo° iiioje`dingerig;frofiiPbe• ine neattitf4oliti it itritrltlie,airtiAsis up FelC6. ii, laVd i ; qyllii / ,feis iiikiliel up , igiiiorritiliiliets.6ent4lf, tht,i kid 4114 Wst,s eihifel gat 4iaVoivit.:Yhe e„i(Otiltioil'of itiiie di -15 a ini4netsi IA ;suggativo, t 4 flats rapig 01;014 oi leitjeitiiistitth r e`iiitioll, linftl'Opeilitebilloiier blip,: ! ° ''' I' peither can one,.. by . any piocess of rellsonfilit ii* - 44" PtiL , Reuse of tiftail this catoralit.lt'isitelt . hi" , `the rapids ahbve, In ,th long titiscrending !ail, in tha Ihytiflat,d,' at;d t agoal,ied ' i nkr9flr tHS n . ih ithe.:'l'4444 $400,,an4 • PothaPS, e v =oil) than any Where tiissr- in' the, 8 iftei)ish isfiOttO, b o eneatti Vail 'bii. if` s , o l 44 ! tikSuitoillfil_o t n.ttridlget two ;miles : beloW. - This. sense 'oft lifd . grdwe more eVll#4 t aa 4l - 1461 1;ih 6- ' tiortkriiriaii P9Ple _to' L f l P)) / 44 4 :;Atalitit.,(tiliffili6e; 419 Ileoltn9t A eaUti,y takes‘precedenee , of all otiatosf-but stand at the foot of °Jane 0e , 6 r)Adsio 11 POP of4 6 l,eftge of' ) T_able Rosh, itud: tort/It:10o the lefts hunureil ytirds; go ddwn and ipt to the Very edge of the strianv, that,.,he i ving' i niade its P/6, ngetAii hissi , Pg,Past, in, wild airright and hruneasnrable speed, and •yon will havefit'veii bra ' heart indeed„ or a v eil .' >7' 11 0_1)14 orie,lfi99 00 not feel as if you were-looking